HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-08-06, Page 3public theft he ha.,
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Carriages from •
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$73, according to pooa
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$13. From Liverpool en
: Cabin, $63, $78.7a ant'
$35; Steerage $13. Ra`
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„ $70; Steerage, $26.
Real Estate BOUM-
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AUGITST 6, 1886.
Betsy Baker.
[Contributed to Tan Execorroasi
From noise and bustle far away,
'Tod wotk my time employing ;
How happily did I pass each day,
Content and health enjoying.
The birds did sing and so did!,
As I trudg'd o'er each acre,
I never knew what lwaito sigh,
• Till! saw Betsy Baker.
At church I met her dress'd so neat,
One Sunday in hot weather?
With love I found my heart did beat,
As we sung psalms together,
So piously she hung her head,
The while her voice did shake her,
thought if ever I did wed,
'Twould be with Betsy. Baker.
Now from her side! could not budge,
I'm sure I thought no basin on't,
My elbow then she gave a nudge,
And bid me mind the sarmomt.
When church was over out she walk'd,
But! did overtake her,
Determines that I wouldn't be baulk'd,
I spoke to Betsy Baker,
Her manners were genteel and cool,
I found on conversation,
She had just return'd from boarding echoed
And finished her education.
But love made me speak out quite free,
Says I, I have many an acre,
Will you give me your company,
shant, said Betsy Baker.
All entreatments she did slight,
And n was forced to leave her,
I got no sleep for all that night,
For love brought on a fever.
The doctor came, and smelt his cane,
With along face like a Quaker,
Says he, young man, where is your pain,
Says I, it's Betsy Baker.
Because I was not bad enough,
Ile bolased and he pill'd me,
And if I had taken all his stuff,
I am sure he would have kill'd me.
So I will put an end to strife,
Betwixt him and the undertaker,
And whatolo you think, did save my life,
Why, I thought of Betsy Baker.
then again to Betsy went,
With love once more to attack her,
The Meanwhile she had got acquaint
With a rampant mad play -actor.
If she would have him, he did say,
A lady he would make her,
So he gammoned her to run away,
And I lost Betsy Baker.
I fretted very much to find,
My hopes of love were so undone,
My mother said nwould ease my mind
If [went up to London._
But though I strive another way,
My thoughts never forsake her,
dream all night, and think all day
Of cruel Betsy Baker.
dressed him in a broad Scotch accent—
"Cum ye doon here to the front bench,
and that for four reas'ons : first, yell be
nearer me; second, yell be nearer the
boord ; third, ye'll be nearer the fire;
and fourth (after a pause), yell be near-
er the door." This had more effect than
an hour's lecture. There was no more.
misdemeanor for the rest of the session.
—Patrick was a true son of Erin, al-
ways happy and always ready for a joke.
One day a farmer in passing him Shouted
good-humoredly—" Bad luck to you,
Patrick l" "Good luck to .you, sir !'
was the immediate response; and may
nayther of us be right !'
—A young lady, on being asked .what
calling she wished her sweetheart to
follow, unblushingly replied that she
wished him to be a husbandman.
Oh. I do so dote on the sea," she
gurgled. "If you only had a yacht,
Augusta dear !"' I have no yacht,
Whilhelmina„" he sighed, "but I can
give you a little smack." And then it
sounded as if a cork had flown out of a
—"Now," said the irate mother to
her family of one 'boy and four girls,
who had. been misbehaving themselves,
I am going to whip you all," and she
seized on Jiminie to receive the first in-
stalment of the chastisement, "Mother,"
said Jimmie; " ladies first always."
—A barrister, in" replying to his an-
tagonist in court,- said he had a keen
rapier with which to pierce all fools and
knaves:; whereupon his opponent
"moved the Court" that the rapier be
taken from him, lest he should commit'
—" Really," continued. Angelina to
her dearest friend, "I am getting wor-
ried about John. Before we were mar-
ried, a year ago, he used to pick me up
In his arms as if I weighed ten pounds
instead of 136, and now he says it tires
him to hold the baby."
—" John," said a miserly old fellow
to his son, "can't you stop walking
about? You will wear you shoes out.
John sits down. "Well, what are you
sitting down for? Do you want to wear
out your pants?"
—A gentleman passing along the
street, recently saw two children, ap-
parently five and six years old, playing
in the gutter. The elder wore -trousers,
while the younger still clung to infantile
dresses. Stopping, he addressed the
boy in trousers—" Are you both boys ?"
" No," was the answer; "I'm one, and
and Johnny's going t6 be one next
• —Johnnie Stirling, refusing to go to
school one day, his mother was threat-
ening him with a thrashing, when her
own mother, interfering, said—" Hoot,
hoot, fat wye o' speaking to the laddie
is that? Come awa', Johnnie, and gang
to your, schoolie, and I'll gin ye a fine
scone and sugar on't." "Na, na, gran-
nie, when my mither canna do't, ye
needna try me."
The boy at the head of the class
will state what were the dark ages of
the world." Boy. hesitates. "Next.
Master Jones, can you tell me what the
dark ages were ?" ' "The ages before
speatacles were invented, sir." " Go to
- your seat now, and attend in my pri-
vate study after the class is dismissed."
• —Bland electicin canvasser during the
late elections—" My good woman, I
understand your husband is not at home,
but perhaps you may be able to- tell me
whether he intends to support Mr.
'Keith?" Good woman—" My certie T. I
wonder to hear ye He's been oot o'
wark for sax weeks, and canna support
his ain wife and weans !"
--" Wife—" This small parcel from
mother is dated three days ago. If that
is the best the Parcels Post can do, we
had better return to the old Parcels De-
livery." Husband, who has carried the
parcel in his great coat pocket two days
--" Don't be unjust, my dear; the sys-
tem is new yet, and probably not in per-
fect working order. Give 'em time, my
dear, give 'em time ?"
—They say (apocryphally) that a very
pretty but not highly intellectual West-
ern girl met W. D. Howells for the first
time not long ago, and becoming quite
interested in his talks asked him for his
autograph. Mr. Howells assented
iugly, and wrote a very witty verse to a
very pretty girl. "Oh, Mr. Howells,"
ahe exclaimed, gii ly-girliously, "haw
sweet! Is it original ?" " Oh, yes," he
replied, smiling benignantly. "You
don't say Well, I should -think you
would write something for the news-
papers or magazines. I've seen lots of
worse things than this in print.",.
—Professor Duncan was, thirty years
ago, a marked character in St. Andrews.
One day the worthy professor was in-
terrupted by a shout of laughter from
the back benches of his class -room.
Naming the culprit, with a very mean-
ing look and a stamp of his foot, he ad-
He Had the Best of It.
The New York World relates this lit-
tle incident: "A neatlydressed colored
man entered the gallery of the Stock
Exchange yesterday to look at the ses-
sion of the brokers below. He leaned
over the railing quietly, and made no
disturbance; but some of the brokers,
seeing him, thought it would be funny
to insult their visitor by letting him
understand that they knew he was
black. So a score or mere of them, not
having anything better to do, began to
sing jubilee songs and mimic the planta-
tion dances. Their performance was
very poor,. but it seemed to amuse the
colored man in the gallery, who stood at
his post without any apparent discom-
fiture, and when the brokers were tired
of singingand dancing, he gravely put
his hand n his pocket and drew forth a
ten -cent piece, which he threw to the
brokers as one would pitch a penny to a
hand -organ man.' Then he left, with
the laugh decidedly, on his side."
The Lovely Girl Graduates.
"Mamie," said a grammar -school girl
to a member of the graduating class,
"have you finished your essay ?"
"0, yes," gushed Mamie; 'and it is
too lovely for anything—a princess slip
of white surah, the back cut off a little
below the waist line, and full breadths
of silk gathered in so as to hang grace-
fully over the tournure, and three bias
ruffles on the--" •
"Why, what are you talking about ?"
Interrupted her friend. "I mean, have
you finished writing your essay, you
know ?"
"Er—no," said Mamie, her enthus-
iasm rapidly diminishing; "but I have
begun it, and I wish the awful thing
was in Halifax !"
"What's the subject ?"
"'The Curse of Slang."
"Gracious! Isn't that a difficult sub-
ject to write up?"
" Difficult ! Well, I should giggle !
have to hump myself to -get it finish-
ed in time for the commencement, and I
have a good notion to let it slide. I
might shut up the Professor's optic by
pleading illness, but I am not that sort
of a hairpin. But come, waltz up into
my room and look at my stunning
graduating harness. It'll paralyze
" Yes,' she said. 'Come here with
me. Put down your broom.'
"She led him, to the edge of the side- .
walk, and there oil
that he might be b
she had seen Him.
where she had f
wonderful truths—told him of the mission
halls; and that they were free, and that
he should go too. .
"One Of the great facts which seem to
strike the French poor Is that the Gos-
pel which we bring to them is free—that
they have nothing to pay.
This poor woman does not seem to
be an exception. At the Ternes we
have a class of women, all gray-haired,
who are _trying to learn to read, that
they may get at,these truths for them-
red a simple prayer
ought to see God as
Then she told him
Ind out about this
Sentenced to be Shot.
Farmer Owen's son had been found
asleep when doing sentinel duty, and
was sentenced to be shot. A telegram
had been received by his father saying
that the sentence would be carried out
in twenty-four hours. Mr. Allan, the
minister, called to comfort the -sorrow-
ing family. During his visit a letter ar-
rived. Blossom, the farmer's little
daughter, opened -the door and received
it. It is from him," was all she said,
as she handed it to the minister, who
opened it and read as follows : '
"Dear Father,—W hen this reaches
you I shall be in eternity. I am going
to write you all about it. You know I
promised Jimmie Carr's mother I would
look after her boy; and when he fell
sick I did all I could for him. He was
pot strong when ordered back into the
ranks, and the day before that night I
carried all his luggage, besides my own,
on our march. If I had not lent him an
arm now and then, he would have drop-
ped by the way. I was tited out when
we went into camp, and then it was
Jimmy's turn to be sentry, and I would
take his 'place; but I was too tired,
father. I could not have ft•ept awake
though a pun had been pointed at my
head; but I did not know it until—well
—until it was too late.
"They tell me to -day that I have a
short reprieve time to write to you,'
our good colonel says. Forgive him,
father, he only does his duty • he would
gladly save me if he could. And do not
lay my death up against Jimmie: The
poor boy is broken-hearted, and does
nothing but beg and entreat them to let
him die in my stead.
"I can't bear to think of mother and
Blossom. To -night I shall see the cows
all coming home from pasture, and
precious little Blossom standing wait-
ing for me; but—I—shall never—never
come. God bless you all. Forgive your
poor Bennie."
Late that night a little figure glided
down'the footpath toward the railway
station. The guard, as he reached down
to lift her into the carriage, wondered
at the tear -stained face that was up-
turned toward the dim lantern he held
in his hand. .
A few questions and ready answers
told him- all, and no father could have
cared more tenderly for his only child
than he for little Blossom. She was on
her way to Washington to ask President
Lincoln for her brother's life, and had
brought Bennie's letter with her. Next
morning they reached New York, and
the guard hurried her on to Washing-
ton. Every minute, now, might be the
means of saving her brother's life.
The President had but just seated
himself to his evening's task, when the
door softly opened, and Blossom, with
downcast eyes and folded hands, stood
before him.
" Well, my child," he said in his
pleasant, cheerful tones, "what do you
want ?"
"Bennie's life, please, sir," faltered
" Bennie! 'Who is Bennie ?"
"My brother, sir. They are going to
shoot him for sleeping at his post."
"Oh, yes; I remember. It was ,a
"fatal sleep. You see, child, it was a
time of special danger. Thousands of
lives might havebeen lost by his negli-
gence." •
"So my father said," replied Blossom
gravely. "But poor Bennie was so
tired, sir, and Jimmie so weak. He did
the -work of two, sir, and it was
Jimmie's night, not his; but Jimmie
was too tired, and Bennie never thought
about himself, that he was tired too.
"What is this you say, child? Come
here; I do not understand."'
Blossom went to him. He put his
hand on her shoulder, and turned up
the pale, anxious face toward his. How
tall he seemed ! And he was President
of the United States, too. A dim
thought of this kind passed for a mo-
ment through Blossom's mind • but she
told her simple, straightforward story,
• and handed Bennie's letter to Mr. Lin-
coln to read.
He read it carefully; then, taking up
his pen, wrote a few hasty lines and
rang his bell. Blossom heard this order,
given: "Send this despatch at once."
The President then turned to the girl,
and said: "Go home, my child, and
tell your father, who can approve his
,country's sentence, even when it takes
the life of a child like that, that Abra-
ham Lincoln thinks that life far too pre-
cious to be lost. Go back, or—wait
until to -morrow; Bennie will need a
change after he has so bravely faced
death; lie shall go with you."
"God bless you, sir !" said Blossom.
Two days after this interview the
young soldier came to the White House
with his little sister. He was called
into his private room, and a strap was
fastened on his shoulder. Mr. Lincoln
then said: "The soldier that could car-
ry a sick comrade!s baggage, and die for
the act so uncomplainingly, deserves
well of his country.
Then Bennie and Blossom took their
way to their green mountain -home. A
crowd gathered at the railway station to
welcome them back; and as Farmer
Owen's hand graspedthat of his boy,
tears flowed down his cheeks, and he
was heard to say, fervently, "The Lord
be praised."—Evangelical Churchman.
—At the Marlborough House assembly
on Wednesday. evening, silver thistles
worn by many ladies in the hair were
understood to be a quiet Gladstone
badge, while some dames of Salisbury
habitations wore, yet not ostentatiously,
hairpins headed with a primrose set in
pearls. -
—An Atlanta Georgia, dispatch says:
Prof. E. Leon the other day performed
what is said to be the most marvellous
rope -walking feat on record. He crossed
the grand chasm at Tallulah Falls on an
inch and a half rope, 1,500 feet long and
suspended from cliff to cliff at a height
of 1,200 feet above the rapids. Four
thousand people witnessed the feat.
What is Happening pi Paris.
From one of the stations ot the McAll
Mission in Paris are reported the follow-
ing incidents:
"Our excellent lady Bible -reader of
the district was asked to go up to`the
very highest house on the hill (Butte
Montmarte), to see a poor, workman of
middle age, who was very ill. She
went, and was followed by our devoted
missionary, Monsieur Sagami, who has
long devoted a part of his time to visit-
ing the people of that station. There
they found the poor man. He had been
for some time a regular attendant on the
meetings, but had been lured away by
skeptical companions, and had not en-
tered our mission hall for four or five
"Our,friends found him hopelessly
ill, and in a state of inward trouble.
There, as he tossed on his poor couch,
the truths he had heard, but scarcely
understood, in1 the meetings, returned to
'his thoughts; and he longed to be there
again, and learn more. He seemed to
be, still in a dark state spiritually,
though with a great affection for thet
memory of our mission room. A good
woman, his neighbor, one of the converts
of our station, tried to help and en-
lighten him. By degrees they were en-
abled to lead him on to a clear view of
his need as a sinner, and to a simple
trust in Christ. His last days were ir-
radiated by an immortal hope. Ile was
a poor, lonely man unmarried and -soli-
tary; but peace and joy took possession
-of his spirit.
"Almost at thalast moment, after he
had 'ceased to articulate, our Bible -
reader brought to him a small bunch of
spring flowers (primroses) from our lit-
tle garden at Auteuil. When it—was
said, from Mr. McAll's garden,' a
bright smile Came over his features.
Almost immediately afterward he was
"In some of the halls, the rule is that
they can only have a Bible by attending
one hundred meetings, day or evening;
in others, the number required is less. I
know a woman who earned hers by one
hundred attendances. flow she ap-
preciated it! How she rejoiced in it!
A lady calling upon her one day, after
her work was done, found her just after
she had come in from the factory, pre-
paring her dinner of fried potatoes, and
about to sit down at the table. There
was nothing on the table but some bread
and a jug of water, yet against the jug
leaned her open Bible. She turned to
the lady smiling, and said, You see, we
sit down to dinner together, my, Bible
'and I: it is the only time we have.'
"I shall never, forget the eagerness
and perseverance of one poor woman in -
learning to read, that she might find out
these truths for herself. She was a
street -sweeper, as was her husband also.
Neither of them could read, and they
were both over sixty. It is a hard way
to earn one's living, to be up at two,
three or four o'clock in the morning, ac-
cording to the season, in all weathers,
fair and foul, summer and winter, in
heat and cold; and this poor woman
had contracted intermittent fever.
Every other day when—she came in,
about•ten o'clock, she had to go to bed;
and yet, despite all this, he deter-
mined to learn to read. She must
know more about what was written in
the Book; so on off nights, when she
had no fever, she went to school. She
studied at home, she wrote copies; every
spare moment was- devoted to learning,
and she succeeded. She can read her
Bible. Every night you will find her
and her old man,' when work is over,
sitting down together, while she reads
to him, and offers a prayer.
"Nor does she stop -there, but finds
opportunities for Christ's work outside.
One dark, cold morning, before the sun
had risen, when no one was abroad in
the great city of Paris—no one but the
sweepers—she heard a companion swear.
Don't do that, God will be angry with
you,' she said.
Do you believe in God?' he re-
plied, almost with a sneer.
A BIG CHANCE.—The pick of 400 acres of
land in the townships of Stanley and Hay
for sale. Time, at 6 per cent. JOHN RE1TH,
Proprietor, Blake P.-0. 967x12
IV -ANTED, a good smart girl for dining roma,
V V also one for kitchen work. Wages $7.00
per month. Apply at once to JOHN PAYNE,
Royal Hotel, Stratford. 971
-N/I-ONEY.—Five Hundred Thousand Dollars
OH_ to -loan either in small or large sums on
both property, at lowest rates of interest and
easy terms. Apply to WM. B. McLEAN, Hensall,
Ont. .941
DULL FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned will
..1) keep during the eeason at his place near
Seaforth, a Durham Grade Bull,to which a limit-
ed number of Cows will be admitted. Terms.—
One dollar payable at the time Of service. JOHN
BEATTIE. 956t1
CEDAR POST8 FOR SALE.—For sale, on Lot
20, concession 7, Morris, two miles from the
gravel read, a lot of first class cedar posts. Price
86 per 100 posts. Time will be given until Jan-
uary 1st, 1887, if desired. 971x4
HEIFER LOST.—Strayed from Lot 23, Town
line, Stanley, on the 13th July, a red and
white three year old heifer, giving milk. Any
information that will lead to the recovery of this
animal will be suitably rewooded. Address,
THOS. SHERRITT, Blake P. 0, 971-4
• MO THRESHERS.—For sale, a Leonard
Engine and Clinton Separator Threshing
Machine, both nearly new and in first class work-
ing order. Will be sold for half price, apply to
the undersigned. JAS. McDOWELL, Winthrop
P. 0. _ 971-t.f.
n9STRAY CATTLE.—Strayed from Lot 5, eon-
!' cession 5,11. R. S., Tuckersmith, about the
middle of May, two 2 year old heifers. One red
with a little white, the other Frey. Both had 'a
piece cut off the end of the sight ear-. Any in-
formation leading to the recovery of these ani-
mals will be suitably rewarded. ANDREW.
ARCHIBALD, Egmondville P. 0. 971x4
A GENTS WANTED.—At St. Marys, Strat-
Ile ford, Mitchell, Seaforth, Clinton, Goderich,
Centralia, Blyth, Wingham, Brussels, Listowel,
Lucknow and Kincardine, to canvass the sale of
Twine Binders, Single Reapers, Mowers, Sulky
Rakes, Drills and Seeders, etc. Apply to WM. B.
MeLEAN, Hensel', or to the North American
Manufacturing Company, London. 941
SALE.—Being the stand formerly owned
by Cameron, at Cranbrook, in the township cif
Grey, containing a half acre with a good frame
blacksmith shop and carriage and paint shop,
also a frame stable and a good Frame
House with all necessary out buildings,'
also a good garden with choice fruit trees and
small fruits &c. The stand is a first class one
and offers a good opportunity for a good me-
chanic. -Will be sold on the most favorable
terms t� a good man. For further particulars
apply to JOHN RODDICK, BRUSSELS P. 0., or
to A. HUNTER, Clerk Division Court, Brussels.
Four Reasons Why
Pleasant Worm Syrup
Make the best roof covering in the world
Fire and Storm Proof, Light and Lasting,
Efficient and Handsome.
If you are building or have some risofing to do, examine the MONTROSS
SHINGLES before purchasing any other.
I. Because it never fails to remove worms from
the system.
II. Because of its perfect harmlessness to the
constitution of the smallest or most delicate
III. Because of its economy, as a bottle in the
house will save many.a doctor's viait.
IV. Special. Because when administering
medicine to young children pleasantness of taste
should be of an importance, second only to
the efficacy of the preparation, and this syrup is
so made that no child will rf use to take- it, so
agreeable and aromatic is its Woo
Try it and take no other.
J. S. Roberts,
Cardno's Block, Main Street, Seaforth.
SIg-n of the Big Mortar.
1886. CENTRAL GROCERY. 1886.
The Proprietors of the Central still lead in keeping up the standard of excel-
lence in the quality of GROCERIES, our aim being to procure the best in
the market and avoid all inferior and falselt so-called cheap trash. We believe
that a good article is always the cheapest.
TEAS.—As usual we hold full lines in Green, Black and Japans, ranging
from 35 cents to 75 cents per lb.
Yellow and Raw. Also full lines in
0- EJ1•TR A P 0- 1R, 00 E 1R., I
which will always be found unsurpassed in quality.
Having doubled the capacity by adding tile
latest improved, machinery are better prepared
than ever to turn out first-class work at the
shortest notice. ,
In want of first-class Goods will find the
.Store in the Mills,
Where they will have the
SUGARS In Granulated, Demarara,
Largest and Best Assorted Stock
DI signed leas a number of fine building Lets
on Goderich and James Streets for sale, at low
prices. For particulars apply to D. D. -WILSON.
FARiIN GREY FOR SALE —For sale, 100
acikres being Lot 15 on the 13th concession
of Grey, within half a mile of stores, postoffice,
churches and school, and five miles from Brus-
sels and Ethel, sixty acres cleared and in a good
state of cultivation, a good orchard and never
failing spring on the place arid good timber. Ap-
ply to ISAAC CURRY, on the premises or Cran-
brook P. 0. 964x4-t.f.
FARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, part of Lots 29
and 30, Concession 1, McKillop, containing
50 acres, all cleared, well fenced and in a good
state of cultivation. Buildings fair, There is a
good orchard and plena% of water. This farm is
within two lots of the Corporation of Seaforth.
It will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply
on the premises or to Seaforth P. 0. DAVID
DORRENCE, Proprietor. 062
Flower, Feed and Provisions always in -Store.
Our stock in this department is simply immense and is one of the best assorted
in the west. Just opened out another large lot of
direct from the Old Country, all rickw stiles and patterns' and prices low.
FARM FOR SALE.—One hundred acres being
the south -half of Lot 9, in the 9th Conces-
sion of Morris, County of Huron. It is well situ-
ated, and good for grain or pasture being well
watered. It will be sold cheap as the owner is
giving up farming. There is excellent pasture -
and water for ten head of cattle, which will be
taken in at reasonable rate. For particulars ap-
ply to CHAS. McCLELLAND, Belgrave. 922x8tf
GLASSWARE in endless variety, FRUIT JARS all sizes. An ex-
amination of our stock respectfully solicited. Orders by telephone promptly at-
tended to. Butter and eggs taken in ex -change.
Fresh Arrival of New Spring Goods.
FAM FOR SALM—Being Lots 37 and 38,
concession 1, in the township of Morris,'
County of Huron, containing one hundred acres,
sixty acres cleared, balance in bush, good- frame
house and two new barns, young -orchard, two
spring wells, half a mile from Bluevale station,
and convenient to four other railway stations.
Terms to suit purchaser. For further particu-
lars apply to DAVID PATTON, Blvevale P.O.
As all my stock of Boots and Shoes is fresh from the manufacturers, you may
expect good value for your money. I ignore blowing; you will find me truthful.
Give me a call and judge for yourselves.
To Choose from in any Mill in the iDominion.
infinid you see the new Halifax Tweeds made
by " VanEennond's Patent?"
CUSTOM WORK in all its Branches a Specialty.
OOTThe highest price paid for Wool in Cash or ,
A. G. VanEgmond's Sons.
Division Court Notice.
-The Office of the Second
Division Court, County of Huron, will be found
open every lawful day at the residence of John
Beattie, Goderich Street west, from 10 o'clock a.
m. until 4 o'clock p. m., and even -thing will be
done that is possible in the interest of Suitors.
Telephone communication in the office.
Any amount of Money to Loan on good prop-
erty, farm or town, at the very lowest rates of
interest, and terms of payment made to suit
Custom Work Warranted. Repairing Promptly Attended to
E. LATIMER, Main Street, Seaforth.;
on reasonable terms, east half of Lot 5,
south boundary of Stanley, containing 50 acres,
more or icor in good state of cultivation, with
fair buildings and fencing and bearing orchard
and plenty of good water. One and a half miles
from Kippen station, convenient to school,
church, and post office. For further particulars
apply to WM. SCOTT, Brucefield, P.O.
B. Laurence's
Axis Cut
FARMS FOR SALE.—On hundred and fifty
acres of good land for sale in McKillop,
within three-quarters of a mile of saw and grist -
mill, stores, and postoffice, school, Presbyterian
and, Methodist churches. Eighty acres are
cleared on the 100 acres, and 45 acres cleared on
the fifty acres, and will be sold separately or to-
gether to suit purchaser. Good buildings on
both places and never failing water, and in a
good state of cultivation. Apply to JOHN C.
MORRISONoon the premises, or address Win-
throp P. O. 963
The frauds that have been perpetrated on the spectacle wearing public by most dealers and
pedlars giving assumed and fancy names to ordinary glass, speaks for the ignorance of the public
generally in the all important subject of the preservation of the sight. There are only two articles
from which spectacle lenses can be maunfactured, viz., Pebble and Glass. Call glass by any other
name it still remains glass. Pebble, on the other hand, is from Nature's own manufactory. It is
natural crystal, found generally in freestone foundation, and is harder than the ruby and emerald,
and nearly as hard as the diamond. The pebble is nothing more nor less than a transparent stone,
cut by the aid of diamond dust, and the greatest amount of power is placed immediately over the
centre of the grain found in all pebble. It will give to the spectacle wearer a coolness, freshness
and a pleasant feeling that the ordinary spectacle lenses cannot by any possibility impart. All
Spectacles and Eye Glasses are stamped B. L. A. C. P,, and can only be purchased from
-LIAM FOR SALE.—The estate of the late
_U John Lawmen, 68 acres of good land, on the
north side ol Lot 4, Maitland block, Base Line,
Hullett. There are on the premises, good frame
house and barn, about 3 acres of orchard, well
watered. It is situated 1 mile from Manchester,
9 miles from Clinton and 7 miles from Blyth.
utors, Auburn, Also wanted about fl or 10 acres
of land in Hullett or Colborne with small houso
and fruit trees. 903-8
cone\ ACRE FARM FOT SALE.—A first-class
anelJan Farm for Sale in the township of Turn -
berry, in the County of Huron, being Lots No.
64 and 55 in the 1st Concession, containing 200
acres, 150 cleared and in a good state of culti-
vation. There is a first-class orchard, a good
frame house and a bank barn 80 by 48 feet with
stone stable under it. The farm is situated one-
half mile from the gravel road leading from
Wroxeter to Brussels, 5 miles from Wroxeter and
six from Brussels. Terms easy. For particulars
apply to J. COWAN, Wroxeter, or to ROBERT
MOFFAT, Proprietor, onthe premises. 961
MT_ :E CO TT 1\T
Also on )band a stock of Lazarus, Morris & Co., Black & Co., and Montreal Optical Company's
Spectacles. Common Spectacles from 10c. per pair up.
Asks the readers to
note the following prices of Goods, and invites inspection of
any or all of them:
14, on the 16th Concession, containing 100
acres, south part of Lot 15, on the 16th Conces-
sion, containing 45 acres; Lot 14 is partly clear- e
ed, the balance well timbered, a never failing
creek crosses the lot, it is well adapted for farm-
ing or grazing lot, 15 acres is mostly cleared and
under good Oultivation, the bakince is well tim-
_bered with black ash. It is well drained. Will sell
altogether or in parts to suit the purchaser. For
further particulars apply to the Proprietor on
the premises, or by letter to Cranbrook P. 0.
Union Dress Goods, Sc. 8c. 10e. 121e. 15c.; all Wool Dress Goods, 20c. 25c. 30c. 40c.; in Serges,
Jerseys, Nun's Veilings, &c.; All Wool Cashmeres, 35c. 40c. 50e. 430C. 75c and upwards; Dress
Goods in the newest styles and colorings; Prints, Sc. 6e. 7e. Sc. 10e. 121e. 15c.; Cotton Shirtings, 9c.
10c. 12/e. and upwards; Ginghams in good variety; All Wool Tweeds, 370. 45c. 50c. and up to the
finest Scotch and west of EnglandTweeds ; Double Fold Worsted Coatings, $1.121 31.371 $1.60 81.90,
and up to the finest French Serges and English Worsteds. Suits made to order, fits guaranteed.
Hats, soft and stiff, 50c. 65e. 75c 90e. and up to the finest Felts tc ne found in the market. Carpet
from 10c. upwards, up to good all Wool Tapestrys, Brussels, &"
Readymade Clothing Department.
Children from 4 to 10 years of age, $1,50 per suit and upward; Boys' all wool Tweed 'Suits from 10
to 14 years of age, $3.75 and upward; Youths' from 14 to 18 years, Tweed Suits, $4 and upward;
Mens' Tweed Suits, $1.75 and upward;. Mena' Tweed Coatse31.50 and upward; Hens' Tweed Pants,
$1.45 and upward; Mens' Tweed Vests, O1 and upward; Boys' Tweed Vests, 45c. and upward.
Boys' and Mans' Clothing got up on the latest styles properly trimmed and made.
Although some of the above mentioned prices quoted seem ridiculously low, buyers will be
supprised at the quality of the Goods we can sell hem at advertised figures.'
Buying direct from British and Canadian Manufactures, we are prepared to meet the keenest
competition. ,
Wool, Butter and Eggs, taken in trade.
Engineer. Orders by mail promptly at
tended to. DSCPI1ELL, Mitchell. . MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH.
SALE.—For sale, the front half of Lot 15,
on the 14th concession of Grey, containing 150
acres, about 80 acres cleared, nearly free from
stumps, partly under -drained and in a good state
of cultivation. The balance is well timbered.
There is a good frame house, barn and other
out -buildings; there is a large orchard of the
choicest bearing trees, and plenty of water. It
is within one mile and a quarter of the village of
Cranbrook and about six miles from Brussels.
For further particulars- apply on the premises or
to Cranbrook P. 0.—PETER SINCLAIR.
0 in the 6th Concession of Morris, County of
Huron, 100 acres, 90 of which are in a first-class
state of cultivation, well fenced and in excellent
order. Splendid orchard, plenty water in two
wells, large frame barn with stone stabling
underneath; hewed leg house; one-quarter of
a mile from school; well situated, being on a
good road one and one-half miles from Brussels,
and 15 miles from Seatorth. This farm is *ell
adapted for,either grain or stock, as there are
60 acres seeded to grass. A more desirable farm
is seldom offered. Apply to JOHN BROAD.
FOOT, Brussels P. 0. 962
FARM FOR SALE. --Being Lot 20, on the 17th
of Grey, containing one hundred
aeries, Of which about 50 are cleared and well
fenced and in a good state of cultivation, 26 acres
of good hardwood bush, the renuiindeocedar and
ash. There is a spring creek running through
the lot. There is a good frame house with fair
out buildings, good young orchard and two good
wells, conveBient to school and churches. It is
eight miles -to Brussels and five to Ethel with
good roads leading to each place. This is an ex-
cellent stock and grain farm and will be sold
cheap. For further particulars apply to the
proprietor on the premises, or to Moncrief P. 0.
la -"ARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, the south half of
„U Lot 25, coecession 8, Morrie, containing 100
acres, about 85 of whieh are cleared, nearly all
free from stumps, well fenced and in a good
state of cultivation. There are 10 acres of hard-
wood and five of cedar and black ash. There is
a good house, laree bank barn and other out
buildings, a large orchard and good spring water.
It is within five mike of Brussels and 21- of Wal-
ton and a good gravel road leading toeachplaee.
This is one of the best farms in the township and
there is no bad or waste land on it. It will be
sold chead as the proprietor wants to give up
farming. Address, Brussels P. 0., or apply on
the prernises.—WM. JOHNSTON, Proprietor.
ASPLENDID CHANCE.—For Sale, cheap, Lot
43, concession 4, Stanley, containing 70
acres, of which 65 are cleared, free from stumps,
partly under -drained, well fenced and s board
fence along the front. The bush is good hard-
wood. There is a frame house with good stone
cellar, also large frame barn, stable and other
out buildings. The buildings are all nearly new.
There is a good orchard and a spring creek run-
ning through the place. It is within five miles
of Clinton and convenient to school. The build-
ings are all insured for -three years In advance,
Possession given 1st September if desired. This
farm will be sold for $2,900 and on very easy
terms of payment, and afforrls an excellent op-
portunity to get a good farm cheap. Apply to
ROBERT NOTT, London Road, Tuckersmith, or
Clinton P. 0. 970x4
j_ dersigned has now on Lot 21, Concession 2,
L. R. 8., Tuckersmith, and will keep for the
improvement of Stock, Two THOROUGHBRED Sur -
TOOK BOARS. The oldest, "Granger," was far-
rowed on April 3rd, 1882, -was bred by Mr. Wm.
Elliott, Milton, County of Halton. His sire and,
his dam were both Imported. The second
"King Tom," was farrowed in April, 1884. He
was bred by Messrs. A. Frank & Sons, of the
county of Peel, and both his sire and his dam
were also imported. They are as good pigs as
were ever offered for service in Huron as can be
proven by, the extended pedigrees which are
registered in the Canadian Herd Book. Terms
$1, with the privilege of returning if necessary.