HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-07-30, Page 2.•
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(Continued from lad week.)
It was a few minutes past eight when
Jean and wee Mary stood on the door-
steps of Mrs. Mackenaie's house in the
Cromwell road.
" What a big house I" remarked Mary.
"Let me pull the bell; which shall I
pull, the visitors' or the servants'?"
" Servants, " answered the mother.
The sound ofher voice was so strange
and harsh that the child started and
looked wistfully up into her face.
" Surely, Mary, you know we are not
visitors, there is nothing between the
bell that announces visitors and the bell
allotted to servants; we are poor out-
casts." She said this so bitterly that
Mary again gazed at her mother. " You
are pale and tired, Mummie ; you
work so hard." Mary pulled the ser-
vants' bell.
Jean Logan's heart beat so hard that
she had to press her hand against it.
The door was opened by a well fed flunky
in blue livery.
"Mrs. Mackenzie?" gasped Jean
" WaIle in," said the flunky. "You
are the dressmaker? It is a wet night.
And is this year little girl?"
Jean nodded her head, and was ush.-
ered into a deserted servant's room ; a
roaring fire was blazing, and ,on the
table were the remains of an ample feast.
" His servants are better cared for than
I am," thought Jean Logan."
A smart maid asked her to walk up
" May I bring my little girl with me?"
asked Jean.
"I am sure mistress will not object -
she's fond of children ; your little daugh-
ter seems very well behaved-"
Jean hacl an impression of being sud-
denly transported. into some fairy-like
abode, all blue and silver, with flying
cupids on the ceiling., A sharp agony
smote her as her eyes swept eagerly
round. the MOITI, and she felt she was in
the shrine of a woman that was wor-
shipped . a rush of tumultuous em tions
ll, when her eyes rested on the ovely
passed through her, jealousy str ngest
of a
woman atanding in the midst of all this
refined luxury. Jean gazed at her with
_ eager eyes, instinctively feeling that this
was a being made for love. Keenly she
herself felt the 'witchery and charm of
- the lady, with her bright haloof timber
hair; those violet eyes had a sad expres-
sion, as if they, too, had known sorrow;
the rich full lips had a baby pout, simp-
ly bewitching; tall and graceful, she
was attired in a soft mousey -gray
peignoir with white lace; Jean. saw
with too painful clearness the gulf that,
separated them. She, the worn, anx-
ious dressmaker in her demure, plain,
black merino, what was she beside that
refined, high -bred. lady? Yes, she un-
derstood it all now! .
" Oh, what a dear, dear little girl !"
exclaimed Mrs. Mackenzie in the sweet-
est a silvery voices, and bending down
she said:
"Won't you give me a kiss, little one.
I should so much like to have one."
Mary put up her face seriously to be
" What a mass of goldenhair, like a
shower of gold," continued Mrs. Mac-
kenzie, stroking down the thick mane
with her jeweled hand.
"What is your name, dear ?"
"Mary Bessie =Logan," answered the
child, solemnly.
"Arid is she your little daughter ?"
asked Mrs. Mackenzie, turning toward
Jean, who, pale and trembling, was
leaning against the wall with the box in
her hand. .
"Yes, Mary is my child."
The sonud of her own voice frighten:
ed he; ; her throat was parched, her
lips dry. .
_ Mrs. Mackenzie looked at her sympa-
thetically. "Are you a widow ?"
" My wee lassie has never known a
"Oh, how sad ! But to be the
mother of so sweet a daughter must be
a great comfort and soften many sor-
rows; what greater happiness can there
be than to be a mother ?" She was
caressing Mary's golden hair and rosy
face. "It makes up for nearly every-
thing." She gave a deep sigh. "1
have had A terrible grief -I have lost
my own darling baby -it died ten
months ago." Her eyes filled with
tears, and for a few seconds she was
unable to apeak.
Jean Loatin seddenly felt a wild
throb of exultation. True, this beauti-
ful creature was honored, worshipped,
bore the sainted name of wife; yet it
was she, the poor dress -maker, wo was
the mother of the living child. ! This,
at all events, was a triumph. -,
"...Perhaps your little baby is up in the-.
blue sky !" remarked Mary in a solemn
" Yes," sobbed Mrs. -Mackenzie, kiss-
ing Mary, "she was beckoned away by
the angels: She was a lovely wee
bairnie with such pretty, coddling ways,"
and Mrs. Mackenzie wept again at the
Jean's heart again. gave a big thump,
for there, on the mantelpiece, was a
cabinet -sized photograph of Malcolm
Mackenzie. •Yes, there he was, the
man she had so paseionately leved, the
man who had betrayed and ruined her.
She could see he was altered in many
wa,ys, these ten years -there were
deeper lines itethe face. A benteebing
sensation was creeping over her, she
feared she was about to faint; a mist
seemed to rise before her eyes ; she
turned away her head; she could not
bear the sight of.this photograph. The
burning sense of the greater wrong that
had been done her sent the blood rush-
ing to her face; her ears tingled.
Would she revenge herself by revealing
who the father of her child was, and so
end the happiness and confidence that
_existed between husband and wife? She
looked at the young mother, who was
kissing the child of her own husband
and weeping Over the loss of her own ----
her tongue was tied.
"I must really cry no,more this even-
ing," exclaimed Mrs. Mackenzie, drying
her_eyes. '' It is a,11 the fault -of your
charming child; she brought back
forcibly the feeling of my 'own loss. I
must net took sad, for this is the second
anniversary of my wedding day, and I
have promised my husband to go with
him to an evening party and to look as
nice aa I can."
Every word that fell from Mrs. Mac-
keazie's lips cut into Jean's heart like a
silver blade. There, was a , bitter smile
on her month as she took from the box
the splendid golden satin dress:on which
she had lavished so much pains., She
unfoided and shook it. "Oh, how ex-
quisited how beautiful !" exclaimed Mrs.
Mackenzie, clapping her hands to-
gether with almost childish delight.
"How it shines! and those beads -how
effective !"
"It is Mummie's work," remarked
Mary, opening wide her blue eyes.
• "Yes, your mother is very clever,"
a,nswered Mrs. Mackenzie, -putting the
child into a big armchair, and giving her
a box of bonbons. "Eat these sweets,
dear, while I am being dressed."
Jean's head. was on fire, while the
Nest of her body was ice. Like a mere
automaten she helped Mrs. Mackenzie
to dress. Was she really herself, or
only a disembodied spirit -assisting at
the funeral of all her happiness? How
•she managed to lace up that satin body
she could not tell. She felt like a
somnambulist as she moved slowly
round Mrs. Mackenzie; her Mary -his:
child !-watching the proceedings with
interest. She heard her child's voice,
like one in a dream, saying:
"Oh, you look like a sunbeam, shin-
ing all over !"
"That is a pretty speech. . I hope,
little Mary, that I shall always be that
to my husband."
Her husband! And she nothing but
a poor waif, having to work night_and
day to keep body and soul together.
She had loved him passionately,had
trusted him, and he had ruined her.
He was now honored, wealthy. Social-
ly his name stood high; why should she be
trampled upon ! All these burning
thought* rushed wildly through her
fevered brain. She had sacrificed all
for his sake, and this was the outcome
-remorse for her own wrongdoing and
a deadly hatred of the man who had
tempted her. And now what irony of
fate, making, a dress for his rich young
wife! "1 never had such a superb gar-
ment, it is really rnagnificent !' remark-
ed Mrs. Mackenzie. "It does you
much credit, and it could not have been
an easy job. My husband designed it,
and he is hard to please. 1 am sure he
will be delighted," and, looking at Jean
Logan, she continued. "You are thin
and pale. I am afraid, as your little
Mary says, you work too much."
Jean sighed, but made no answer.
"Certainly life is sometimes very
hard, but whatever your trouble may
be, you must be proud to have so charm-
ing a -little girl; it is compensation for
a great deal, and -she will soon be able
to help you; won't you Mary ?"
Yes, I can hem and sew buttons on,"
answered the child, whose mouth was
full of sweets.
Mrs. Mackenzie went to her jewel
case and took out a diamond necklet,
which she clasped round her throat.
"How you twinkle, just like a fairy
queen !" remarked Mary, gazing at her
with marked admiration.
Mrs. Mackenzie looked up at Jean
Logan, evidently expecting her eto say
"Oh, bow white and ill you are, poor
thing! You must have a glass of port
and a piece of cake. I am so sorry not
to have thought of thiaibefore. Bring
up some port," she said to the servant.
"Now sit down here, Mrs. Logan,"
leading her to a couch in a dark corner
of the room, "and rest yourself."
The servant brought up some refresh-
ments; Mrs. Mackenzie filled up the
glass and put it to Jean's lips, who swal-
lowed it eagerly..
" Nov this will revive you, Mrs.
Logan. Keep quiet here; I must call
up my husband."
Another thud of Jean's leait, as Mrs.
Mackenzie said this.
" Malcolm, Malcolm, come and see
me! Come and see the daffodil dress!"
she called out from the top of the stair-
" Coming, my darling," was the an-
swer in a burly, pleasant voice.
The sound of that voice sent a thrill
through Jean's 'whole being; the past
rose vividly before her; that voice had
spoken words of Jove to her, words that
had changed the whole tenor -of her life.
He was coming !- The suspense was al-
most beyond. bearing ; it was torturing.
At last she heard the door open, and as
through fog she saw the broad shoul-
dered form of-MalcolnakackeeAe mov-
ing toward his wife ; she saw him kiss
her; there was love and happiness in
his face; she heard him say, just as ,he
had often said toher before :
" Oh ! really, Wanda, you are a living
picture, pesitively luminously beautiful;
a vision of loveliness, I am indeed
proud of you, my darling; I never saw
you look as you do to -night." He
walked round her, stroking down the
satin folds. "What a feast of colors!
It -suits you admirably. Yes, indeed, I
must paint you in this -daffodil satin;
you're a perfect picture." He kissed
her again. "11 have got something for
you, taking out of a leather case a
diamond butterfly, which he fastened in
the thick tresses of her amber hair.
" This is in memory of our second mar-
riage anniversary, my sweet Wanda."
"You spoil me, Malcolm," she an-
swered, looking affectionately at hini
"you are a fairy prince. But now, in-
deed you have gazed at me long enough ;
I want you to look at this dear little
girl. Come here, Mary," she called to.
the child, who had been standing close
to her mother in a dark part of the
Mary advanced shyly and slowly to-
ward Mrs. Mackenzie.
" Oh, this is indeed a lovely child !
Wnat hair! Hite golden corn; and such
deep blue eyes !" remarked Mr. Mac-
kenzie, putting his band under the
child's chin. "But how did you come
here, my bairnie ? What is your
"Mary Bessie Logan," answered the
child, looking up wistfully into Mr.plac-
kenzie's face.
" Mary Bessie Logan," gazed out Mr.
Mackenzie, in such a startled tone that
his wife exclaimed :
"Why, Malcolm, why do you appear
so disturbed?" -
" Who is this child ?-who brought
het here, Wanda? It is too amazing."
"She is The daughter of Mrs. Logan,
the dressmaker, who has just been help-
ing me to dress."
" Mrs. Logan ?-how extraordinary!
Where is she?" looking ca,gerly round
the room. At last he became rigid; a
dark flush came over his face; as his
eyes met Jean Logan's he stared blank-
ly at her.
, She rose slowly from her seat, tremla
ling so violently that she had to support
herself by holding the thick window cur-
tain behind her. She returned his
stare; there was scorn, not terror, in
her eyes.
"What does this mean, Mcdcolm ?
You look bewildered. Have you ever
seen Mrs. Logan or this child before?"
Mrs. Mackenzie went up to him and laid
her hand upon his shoulder; he was
like a man that had been suddenly pet-
Little Mary ran across to her mother;
she was fyightened, and she clutched her
(To be continued.)
Be .Thoraugh.
A prominent judge, living near Cin-
cinnati, who wished • to have a rough
fence built, sent for a carpenter, and
said to him :
"1 want this fence -mended to keep
out the cattle. There are some un -
planed boards -use them. • It _ is out of
sight from the house, so you need not
take time to make it a neat job. I will
only pay you a dollar a,nd a half."
However, afterwards the judge, com-
ing to look at the work, found that the
boards were planed and the fence finished
with exceeding neatness. Supposing
the young man had done it in order to
make a costly fob of it, he said angrily:
"1 told you this fence was to be cov-
ered with vines. • I do not care how it
"1 do," said the carpenter.
"How much do ypu charge ?" asked
the- j udge.
"A dollar and a half," said the man,
shouldering his tools.
"Why did you spend all that labor on
the job, if not for money?"
-" For the job, sir."
"Nobody would have seen the poor
work on it.
"But I shoeld have known _it was
there; I'll take only- a dollar and a half."
And he took Wand went away.
Ten years after the judge had a con-
tract to give for the building of certain
magnificent public buildings. There
were many ap-plicants among master -
builders, but one face attracted his atten-
tion. It was that of the man who had
built the fence. -
"1 knew," said the judge, afterward
telling the story, "we should- have only
good, genuine work from him. I gave
him. -the contract, and it made a rich
man of him." -Presbyterian Messenger.
• • a-
• The Man Under the Bed.
Every night hundreds of people, in
fear 'and trembling, with sticks ie their
hinds, look below the bed for that
"Man," Poor Pussie gets many a knock
when her glaring- eyes shine bright
through the darkness, and the stick is
brought thundering down on her sensi-
tive back. If Pussie gives a fright to
her good mistress, she pays her back
when she springs out and leaves her
mark on the good woman's nose, while
her lord and_ master, unfeeling wretch
that he is, growls-" Serves you right;
what in all the world do you expect to
find ?"
But if women -especially women who
have nerves-oftenest look for the hid-
den,foe, they are not the only searchers, for
there is a story told'ef a worthy Scotch
laird, who "caught his man," and who
brought all his household to his room
with his shouts and laughter. There
they saW, the laird pulling out a man by
the heels, and heard him cry:
". Come oot. I've found ye noo. My
certy, I've looked every nicht for twenty
years, and this is the first sicht I hae
got o' ye." Then the laird gave the
"Man"the reward he had laid up for
twenty -years.
There is a story told of a lady who
somehow. saw that a man had got below
her bed. She was up in years. Her
maids slept quite at another end of the
house. She knew that to screa,m out
was to bring .death on herself.. So She
sat down and calmly read aloud, then
.prayed, and then went to bed. And
then the man, conscience -struck, left the
house, and years after said that her
coolness had reformed him; that her
brave and noble condilet had made him
ashamed to rob or hurt any one in that
But there are very few people living
who could copy that old lady's coolness.
Most women would have screamed, or
looked below every bed in the house at
a reasonable hour, with the maids armed
with pokers in their company. Among
the many stories of men found in 'hiding
below the bed there neverseems to have
been one who was -not armed to the
teeth. And he always was found out
and punished as he deserved: Nor is it
to be wondered at. For creepingender
a bed is no easy task. It takes learning.
And one wonders how any man- armed
to the teeth ever managed it. He must
have felt his position dreadfully.
. In the West there is a story of two
servants left in charge of - a large man-
sion near Glasgow. The cook bad gone
first up to bed, and when the house-
maid followed she saw the heel of a
man's boot where "nae buit should
be,". and remembering the warning she
had got, shealeteentined to "do" the
owner. It would never have done to
have told the cook, but she was ex-
ceedingly anxious to tell Aleck,- the
" What a time ye're comin' to your
bed," grumbled her " neebur."
"Deed ye may say it," answered the
housemaid"Sic dirty wark as I lute
had.: I hae fair spoiled a' my goon." ,
• " be shaking it here an' makin'.
a stour'" said the cook.
"1 hae mair sense," answered the girl
as she opened.the window, and shook
her dress outside. "Plague tak' it,"
she cried, ". there's my goon ower the
Mercy on us -the woman's daft,"
cried the cook. " Ye'll get -it free the
mistress. My word, you're in for 't."
"Ay, but I'll fetch it up," said her
neebour, as she flew down the stairs,
and then on to the gardener's leaving
the poor cook quite easy -in her mind,
little dreaming of " armed to the reeth"
so near her.
"The gardener_ was in the room be-
fore the "goon"was, and that man was
pulled out and got his deserts.
-The 'other morning at the Tombs,
before one of our most courteous police
justices, a war of words.waxed hot and
furious between two distingpished law-
yers of that locality. " Sir, ' said one,
in a vigorous aside, "you are a con-
founded diar." " Sir " responded the
other, " you are -au. infernal fool."
"Gentlemen, gentlemen," entreated the
courteous Judge, " you -will kindly ad-
dress your observations to the court."
-N. Y. Sun.
Doctor,' said a man to his physician'
who had just- presented 'a bill .of fifty
dollars for treattnent during a recent ill-
ness ; I have not much ready money.
Will you take this out in trade ?" Oh,
yes,' cheerfully answered the doctor.
'1 think we can arrange that; but what
is your business?' ' I am a cornet play-
er,' Was the startlingreply.
A GREAT BARGAIN.- Will be sold cheap
140 mites of good land, heavily timbered,
chiefly maple, some Hemlock and (Jed, never
failing stream through it. Three miles from
Allanford statcon, township of Amabel, County
of Bruce. Apply to box 284, Stratford, or Ex-
Posrroa Office. 89341
Lot 19, and half of 18, in the ist Con-
cession of Turnberry, about two miles from
Wingham, and one and one-half miles from Blue -
vale. Ninety acres under cultivation, well
fenced and drained, with good buildings and
other conveniences, will be -sold cheap. Apply
to ALEX. ROSS, Bluevale P. O. 924t1
-A GOOD FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot
18, Concession 6, Hay,containing 100 acres,
of which about 60 are cleared, fenced and under -
drained and partly free from stumps, the bal-
ance is hardwood bush. There are good build-
ings and small orchard and plenty of good water
This is a good farm and will be sold on reason-
able terms. For particulars apply to JOHN
GORBY, on the premises, or Mensall P. O.
VARM FOR Sale. -For sale in the township of
I' Hibbert, 150 acres being lots 29, and the
west half of 28, in the 8th concession, it is free
from stumps and in a high state of cultivation,
with a log house and good outbuildings. There
is an everlasting sparing creek running through
the farm. It will be sold together or separately
on easy terms. For further particulars address
the proprietor on the premises or to Seaforth
Pbstoflice. WM. EBERHART, Proprietor. 953-tf
TIARM FOR SALE. -The Subscriber offers for
sale his splendid farm of 100 acres, being
Lot 44, Concession 2, Tuckersinith. Good new
story and half frame house, 2 acres Splendid
orchard, good buildings, 85 acres free from
stumps, 15 acres' in fall wheat. The whole under
good cultivation, ,and well underdrained, live
spring on the farm and has good wells. Close
to churches •and schools. Three and one-thalf
miles from the town of Clinton, 5 from SeafOrth.
Will be sold on reasonable terms. HUGH Mc -
DONALD, on the premises, or Clinton P. 0.
FARMS FOR SALE. -That valuable farm
being North half of Lot 29, Concession 6,
Morris, on which there is a good frame barn and
outbuildings, frame house, good bearing orchard,
good welli, &e. Also that valuable farm being
South half of Lot 28, Concession 5, Morris, on
which there is a good new frame house and good
frame barn. Both of those farms are adjoining
the village of Brussels, and are in every respect
first-class farms. Terms easy, and which will be
made known on application to E. E. WADE, or
PETER THOMSON, Brussels P. 0. 963
able farm for Sale, being south half of Lot
6, Concession 3, Morris, containing 100 acres;
thernare about 80 acres cleared and free from
stumps: The soil is a fine clay loam and well
fenced and watered. There is a good bank barn
with stables underneath and a good frame house,
the buildings are nearly new, and there is a first-
class orchard. There is a good bush with plenty
of rail timber. The farm is one inile from school,
five miles feoni Wingham, and two and a half
from Belgrave station. Good gravel roads lead-
ing from the place. The Farm will be sold
cheap. Apply on the premises or Belgrave
WM. HANNAII. - "957
Lot 6, Concession 14, Mullett, containing
158 acres about 100 acres cleared, free from
stumps, underdrained, well fenced and in a high
state of cultivation. The balance is well timber-
ed with hardwood, cedar and black ash.' There
is a good stone house and good frame outbuild-
ings. There is a splendid oreha,rd, and abun-
dance of living water. It is within four miles
of the flourishingvillage of Blyth, and good
gravel roads leading to all the surrounding
towns. It is convenient to schools, churches,
Postoffice, &c , also Lot 7, on the same Conces-
sion, containing 157 acres. The two farms will
be sold together or separately on terms to suit
purchasers. GEO. WATT, Harlock. 944
FArtm FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 25, Conces-
sion 5,McKillop, containing 100 acres, near-
ly all cleared, well fenced and underdrained, and
in a first-class state of cultivation. There is a
stone house, bank barn and other necessary
buildings all in first-class condition. Also an
orchard of bearing trees, and the river Maitland
runs through a corner of the farm but there is
no waste land. It is a first-classnfarm either for
stock or grain, and is within two miles of the
town of Seaforth on the northern gravel road.
Apply on the premises or to Seaforth P. O.
-FOR SALE. -For sale in the thriving village
of lIensall at a.:great bargain, that Valuable
property situated on the west side of Brooke
street, consisting of a good new frame dwelling
18x26 feet, and well finished throughout, with
good well and stable on the premises. Reason
for selling is that the undersigned intends leaving
the village about the end of the year. Possession
can be given atanytime within a weeks notice.
Terms Of Sale. -Very liberal. For full pa.rtich-
lars apply to D. MOWBRAY, Mason and Con-
tractor, Mensall P. 0. 905
North -half Lot 22, Concession 7, Morris,
containing 100 acres, about 70 of which are clear-
ed, and partly cleared from stumps, well fenced
and in a good state .of cultivation. The wood I
land contains considerable cedar. There is a
good _frainct house and bank barn with stabling
underneath and other necessary outbuildings, a
good orchard and plent, of spring water. It is
within three quarters of a mile from school, and
only three miles from the flourishing village of
Brussels. This farm will be sold cheap. Apply
on the premises or Brussels P. O.
920tf SIMON FORSYTHE, Proprietor.
GOOD FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 1,
Concession 8, Tuckersmith, containing 100
acres, about 80 of which are cleared, free from
stumps, underdrained, in a Ngh state of cultiva-
tion -and well fenced. There is a comfortable
log house and a large bank barn with sta,bling
underneath. Also a young orchard and good
well. The land is all dry and of the best quality.
It is conveniently situated to Seaforth and
Kippen stations, with good gravel roads leading
to each place. For further particulars 'address
the Proprietor, Egmondville P. O.'or -apply at
the Egmondville mills. JAMES KYLE, Pro-
prietor. 904-tf
GOOD FARM FOR SALE. -In order to close
the affairs of the estate of the late W. G.
Hingston, the executors offer the following vary
valuable lands for sale. First -North half ef
Lot 30, Concession 5, township of Morris, con-
taining 90 acres. On this lot is erected a good
frame barn with stone foundation, good orchard,
well and pump. Nearly all cleared, and is on
the gravel road closely adjoining the village of
Brussels. This farm is a valuable one, is well
fenced and in a good state of cultivation.
For prices and terms apply to Tims.KELLY, Brus-
sels P. 0., HENRY JENNINGS, Victoria Square P.O.,
or JAMES SMITH, Maple Lodge P. 0., Middlesex
County. '868
For sale, Lot No 11, on the 14th and 15th
concessions of Grey, containing 200 acres, 150 of
which are cleared and in a good state of cultiva-
tion. The remainder is good hardwood bush.
There is a never failing creek running through
the farm. There is agood frame barn 40 by ,60
feet, good log house and good bearin„-,, orchard.
It is six miles from Brussels, and three from
- Walton, with -good gravel road leading to each
place. There is a school on the next Lot. Price,
S7,700. This is an excellent stock and grain
farm and is offered very cheap. For further
particulars apply to the Proprietor on the prem-
ises or to Walton P. 0.1-ADA3J DOUGLAS.
addressed to the undersigned, will be reeeived
up to July 1st, A. D. 1850, for the purchase of
that first-class farm, being composed of Lots • 11
and 12 in the 16th Concession of the township of
Grey, County of Huron, comprising 200 acres, of
which about 115 acres are cicared and in a good
state of cultivation, .the balance being well tim-
bered. There is•on the premises a good frame
barn 60x50 feet and a hewed log clapboard house
and outbuildings Fences are in good repair.
A tine orchard of young trees just coining into
bearing. A good well and a never failing spring
creek. Although this is a most desirable prop-
erty, intending purchasers can view the firoperty
and obtain any further information with regard
to it on application to the tenant on the premises.
Possession wit be given on .October 10th,_1886.
The highest or any offer not necessarily accept-
ed. Address offers to ROBERT THOMPSON,
Roseville P. O., Ont. Roseville, Ont:, November
0, 1885. • 937,tf
Goods, Millinery Clothing, Gents'
Furnishings, &c.,
Montreal Dry Goods House,
Gents' Furnishing Establishment, Seaforth,
By dissolution of partnership, having assumed full control of the above named
establishments, takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to the
public and patrons of these establishtnents for favors extended to the firm of Dun-
can & Duncan during past years, and begs to state that the business will still be
carried on under the old name of
And would 'further beg to state that he will not only aim to keep up the integrity
of these old establishments, but being alive to the fact that keen competition de-
mands that small profits and quick returns be the order of the day, has instigated
Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Gents' Fur-
nishings, &c.,
With the objects in view not only of cultivating an increase of patronage, but of
giving bargains such as the most careful purchaser will at once become convinced
that there is no time like the present to secure cheap goods of a superior quality,
and at figures away down in the neighborhood of wholesale cost price. Please
bear in mind this is not merely an advertising sale, but a genuine bona fide clear-
ing sale, for the purpose of making -room for importations -of Fall and Winter
goods. Inspection cordially invited. Remember the old stand,
Black and Colored Silks.
In this line we carry a very large stock, and will be able to suit the most par-
ticular, both for quality and prices. Black Silk from 50c to $2.50 per yard. Black
and Colored Merveilleaux-all the newest shades of the present season -at whole-
sale prices. Summer Silk in great variety from 22c to 75c. Our stock is large;
no trouble to show it. Black and Colored Cashmere. Fancy and Self Colored
Dress Goods from 5c per yard up. All Dress Goods marked down. Dress Trim-
mings in Stripes, Satins, Brocade, Yak Laces in black and colors; Oriental Laces
and. Spanish Laces, Mantle Cloths, Ottoman Cord Silk, Satins and Merveilleaux,
Cashmere and Brocade. Collars in linen and lace in endless variety. Swiss Em-
broideey-Our stock is large and the work is all new in designs. Imported this
season -Embroidery from 2c per yard up. Neck Frilling in great variety.
PRINTS. -We always carry one of the largest stocks in this line in the
couuty, and customers can depend on getting the choicest patterns and the newest
goods in the trade. •
GINGHAMS.-Full stock of Scotch and Canadian, new patterns.
SATINS -In all the new shades of Cream, Pink, Blue, Navy, Brown and
Black. Full stock of all description of Trimmings and small wares.
Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Table Linens in white and unbleached, from 20c
per yard up. lowels and Towelling, Tickine°s, Bed Spreads from 90c up. Cre-
tonnes, Damask, Fringes and Trimmings to match. - Cottons -bleached and
factory, Muslin of all kinds, Shirtings, Denims, Duck, Cottonade, Moleskins,
Striped Linens, Flannels -scarlet, white and grey. Gloves and Hosiery in end-
less variety. Lace Curtains, Table Oil Cloth, Floor Oil Cloth. Carpets in hemp,
union, wool and Tapestry. Stair carpets.
The balance of our stock of Millinery will
e cleared out at 'less than wholesale prices.
- Oak Hall Clothing Establishment,
A large stock of Readymade Clothing, which must be sold off even at a tre-
mendous reduction. Onr large stock of Tweeds in Scotch, Irish and Canadian
will also be sold. at very low figures. Hats, Caps, Shirts, Summer Underwear,
Collars, Cuffs, Ties, &c., away down.
Come and price geode. Inspection -cordially invited.
- Far Good Butter always in demand at Duncan & Dun-.
can's Grocery Department, for which trade checks will be
issued at highest cash value, good for any department in
the Montreal or Oak Hall Establishments.
Tremendous Unreserved Clearing Sale
Entire Balance .of the Bankrupt Stock
Thomas Kidd SQ Son, Seaforth-.
Finding it compulsory to effect a speedy clearance to close out this business,
owing to having too much on hand, the goods must and will be cleared out now
The stock is new and fresh, and a great chance is in store for the public, of which
all are cordially invited to participate.
I!7' Parties making purahases from 520 to 8100, can be accommodated by
giving their note at three months, FREE OF INTEREST.
Rutter and Eggs also Taken as Cash for Goods.
JULY 30, 1886.
Alexander L. Gibson
Begs to announce to the public that he has sti.Q.
ruenced to operate the
And that he will be prepared to give good vie
And Varieties in f
a:odintupgtli ySPAinntte
ilindgedalit 171111
p 14
Custom C
Parties from a -distance will, as far as possible,
have their ROLLS HOME WITH THE3f, utile
he has put the Mil' into Good Working Ores,
and employs none but Efficient Workmen,
All Work is Warranted
American Solid Silver
Purvis 8c Milks'
Commercial Hotel.
Agents for the Light Running New
Home Sewing Machine.
For Wall Paper,
Window Shades,
Carpet Felt,
Building Papers, &c.,
--aGC). TO -
The largest variety and the
lowest prices in the County.
Also Baby Carriages from
$3 up at
Papst's Bookstore.
_ALL I.s..A.1•1- 1..41,1\TE
A. STRONG, Seaforth, Agent.
Cabin rates from Halifax to Liverpool and Lon-
denderry, 550, 8631 and 573, according to position
ef stateroom. Children under 121 -ears, half fate;
under 1, free. Servants in Cabin, 550. Inter-
mediate, 835; Steerage, 513. From Liverpool or
Londonderry to Halifax: Cabin, 563, 873.7 and
594,50; intermediate, 825; Steerage, -813. Re-
turn Tickets from Halifax to Londonderry Dr
Liverpool and back to Halifax: Cabin,,1100, fse
and 5143; Intermediate, 570; Steerage, Va.
Money Loaned and Real Estate Bought
and Sold as Usual.
I represent several of the bast insurance 0001
panies in the world.
Vs -Office -Market Street, Seaforth.,
862 A. STRON
1111E subscriber begs leave to thank his numea _
ous customers for the liberal patrenage ex-
tended to him since commencing business
Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with
a contimiance of the same.
Parties intending: to build would dowell to givi
him a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a
large stock of alI kinds of
He feels confident of giving satisfaction
those who may favor him with their part:nage
as none but first-class workmen are employed-
Paiticular attention paid to -Custom nianine.
in un " " r • 1111,1nljeor. nl'Ite813111 :bia;g1'nY t:alg d:ttlehtilbue.n: the
ahs.11,1dell N0'.1:-nis:( arta- said,:511:Se°r,r:euls,1::,.1 toi‘11-13' 01 t4:1
siraetag tahteetahyase; ;
as" oenn g vleitileor ri;dleriai:Ilnkelotwddeethr) hded3.: teour ed'e ,attur iv; hiexeid death
ha :kn: a
Bwhatein' tffih:ecelehreaacisdkaidadiallui;:hhtte,:aail,,
olwas glori us play;
do:Trwill;-faured Meg, /
Then 11:1i,edti:adb:i.dn:ri lay.
If thou wilt wed my daughter Meg, - .tn,
,,,,11:110k,kyetneosr.flitaeli,tgrehjuNo:u'atn,Sretoatt, art waking yct '.•1
But Om
ii rd seek the wuclay t.haiehntt: se k
dt ila., hhtlia:,)c:ibi?.ey, lad,7
to seity thseneiiifedr,ec 3:::::::fticehaseco:to:ibtirar:kikt,::
sh°1antt:etilffea?r,' heicaii_eftlo,r Wat
ill-faured bir.nidia"
"'gintle dame, tl
tame out,and lit
rrt-1°I.na Ilanll-e fair by thy st"
net th3:0eituosnga.di
And it shall linger gratefully upon
0 slowly passed the
Iluttell to me thy name, I prav, tor 1 4
Datil :leer:en:me ;
'' Mack ! my name 1 maunna WI-,
" But be dthour et oat hzdh.ea'a' ite e in y 1 a e e s
tell," quo she;
I trow,
The wnddy it was ready a‘et, and
gallows' -tree."
"See, Wat, I've brought my daughter,
thou zna.y'st choose ance main"
4‘ And wile am a" quo' meg, "Mai
A sinile cam' e'er Wat Harden's fate
bargain made;
life to wed."
But thou'rt a braver man -to dee th
beam thro' the eell :
"0, I would wed thee, gentle maid, i
mica tell:
To music o' thy gentle words I tint i
e'en -
But thou hist never tint the heart fo
I ween."A woman lo'es for pity, whiles, a
Wed thee -
A woman lo'es whateler she saree,
luve frac inc."
- She Wanted Some
A verdant housewife, fresh
rural home, -came •• to the eit
chase various household neceas
glanced timidly about her,
evidently eonfused by the
shops which took the placed
accommodation store. The
'bucketshopnear by, with
sign over the door: " Stoc
and Oil." She read the worill
Ptoiaceb.uv some oil," s
te' r‘Te‘hdlwante proprietor gave her
cent -margin smile, and wink
telegraph operator to get ttom
1 -1 -want to buy h great
The bucket -shop man w
ihniossafe would hold all ti
" 1 can buy .50,000 barrels
madam," he said.
" Or ten thousand ba,rrele-
" I don't want as much as tl
" Or even a thousand bar
charges for carrying it will be,
" Oh," she exclaimed.'
don't live very far froT. her
train stops just behyoneldour fa
el inityiselmet„ up a gallon r
homShe was shown the corm
without unnecessary courtesy
The Energy that Su<
ins risfeec:
acteristies of the boy will
prove those of ' the man ae
characteristics of young 'life
encouraged and educated 'in
possible manner.' The fella
strongly illuetrates this truth
Said Judge P-: About t
ago I stepped into a hookstor
nati iri search of some books t
ed. While there a little
over 12 years of age, came in
ed for a geography.
" Plenty LI them," was the
duolythittedy.?„ost ?
ba':::kIO:ndoeiNdvdnill°1oll'itaerkh'now they wert
tilnieolindeeoytou?ir-inbendtt:log:e as. igd
a ti
wait a little while for the
"could you let me haves, ger
I've got sixty-one cents,
How eager his bright little
ed for an anewer, and how la
shrink within his ragged el
the man, not very
-could not. The disappointe
low looked up at me with
attempt to smile, and left
fateeelloci:-e,,d and overtook him,
prietti.nd what now ?" at
oytoouo, lainkde,:eezabi:
" Try another place, sir,m,
0 yes, if
I 1 4: ;Idre S
itig tome ether books. I
:11:oiireff-terent stores t
him, and each time he was r
" Will you try again ?"
the gentleman just whathe
how much he had.
We entered the fifth st
little fellow walked up manf
asked the proprietor.
" You want the book 1
"Yes, very much." 1
"Why -de you want it so'
"To study, sir. I can't
the boys have got one, and
and study when can a
where he ueed to go."
13.nd want to learn
ahead of me. iksides,
geography, and you may -
"" Weil, my lad, te
will de: I will let you
mainder of the money whe3
I will let you have one that
new for fifty -cents."
the other, only not new?"
" Are the leaves all in
"Yes, just like the new]
Will have eleven cents left
It will do just as wel