HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-07-30, Page 1,
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[(I viait to Bal-
a summons from '
that place.—Our
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-Brussels is going
[ay on July 29th,-
Listowers band
ithhas returned
:ino with him a
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usual.—Dr. Mc-
iskoka on a -trip.
a busy decorating
Int and paper.
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of the Women's
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It was address-
ef Toronto. She
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and Mrs. Brown
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n.—A very able
Rev, A. McLean
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made a very good
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are aching to OK'
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4 -filch will pleY
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the millers of the
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{McLEAN BROS. Publishers.
$1.50 a Year, in Advance.
Extra Granulated, Standard Granu-
lated, Bright Yellow, Dark Yellow,
Porto Rieo and Demerara. Raw Sugars
if you want the
Biggest $ Worth
By the BARREL,
Star Grocery.
Gooseberries, and *Cherries
For Preserving, at lowest prices. Also
1 a
We are still selling all our Teas at
Greatly Reduced Prices;
20e, 25e, 30c, 35e, 42e and 50c. Our
25e Japan, 40e Mack„ 420 Mixed, and
42e Gree -n, are giving great satisfaction.
Another big lot of Raisins at 5e per
pound. -
George Good,
Star Grocery,
Cheap Oash Store,
Dress Goods,
Mantle Ornaments,
Silk Gloves,
Dress Muslins,
Hoop Skirt,
Dress Clasps,
Mantle Silks,
Cotton Hose,
1qw 0-001DS,
toe numerous to menden.. Call and see
hem, at the
Cheap Cash St ore
Hoffman cE Company,
Cardne's Block, Seaforth.
Our Monthly Fashion Sheet just to
hand, and those wanting one will please
ca.11 and get one before the supply runs
DEAR EDITOR, —Before the comple-
tion of the Canadian Pacific Railway
Port Arthur was one of the busiest and
most promising towns in Western Can-
ada. NOtwithstanding many changes
and the fact that the activity of trade by
reason of railway building has been ex-
tending further westward, it has man-
aged to hold its own. The discovery of
rich gold and silver -producing ores has
contributed to the advantage and pros-
perity of the port:
Adjacent to the silver mines, which
are only some twenty-five miles from the
town, is a stretch of good agricultural
country, known as the Whitefish Lake
Valley. It is, I should say, about the
size of the county of Middlesex, in On-
tario, and very productive. Mr. Keefer,
a barrister and prominent townsman,
formerly of Toronto, and who has taken
a lively interest in the development of
the mines, informs me that there are
now in warking order five mines, each
employing from twenty-five to one hun-
dred hanos.Three mills have also been
built, for the smelting and reduction of
the ores. The most satisfactory results
have been obtained, one car -load net-
ting the handsome sum of $4,000. Low
grade ores are now ' all treated at the
Another silver mine, the Ita,bbit
Mountain Mine, situated in the White-
fish Valley district, is being developed
and will be worked with profit. A ship-
meot to New York of ten tones of ore
yielded 164 ounces to the ton, and an-
other ton of selected ore gave 640
ourices. The silver is found in what is
known as the Hurenian formation of
rock. A specimen case of the various
ores peculiar to the neighborhood has
been sent to the Indian and Colonial
Exhibition, and, I learn, elicits decided
Gold mining/ on a limited scale, is
being -prosecuted at Lake Shebandowan,
some one hundred miles to the south-
west. Here, on the authority of Mr.
Goreham, gold is found in whit was
once a river bed and in sufficient quan-
tity to pay for the working. A railway
is projected which shall connect the
mines and the Whitefish Valley with
Port Arthur. It is expected that rails
will be laid as far as the valley and the
silver mines by the end of the summer.
This will prove an additional source of
profit to the town. To the north is a
lake into which run several small.
streams. There is some talk of connect-
ing these and forming one powerful
stream capable of driving the largest
mills. A 500 -barrel grist mill is not un-
likely to be one of the first factories.
There are not a few good business
houses at Port Arthur % One of the old-
est and largest of these is the firm of
Thos. Marks & Co. During the early
history of the town their sales reached
huhdreds of thousands of dollars per an-
num, I have heard. They still do a very
large trade. The long line of docks and
storehouses opposite their commodious
block are filled with merchandise. One
warehouse alone, as pointed out to me
by the senior member of the firm, will
hold 40,000 barrels of flour. This firm
has some six steamboats plying the lakes
and rivers. Another large concern is
that of J. M. Meikles, who does a busi-
awes of about $50,000 annually. Bank-
ing accommodation is supplied by the
Ontario Bank and the private banking
firm of Ray, Street & Co. The press is
represented by two daily and several
weekly journals, one of which, a late
coiner, is devoted to mining.
One of 'the centres of business for the •
Canada Pacific Railway is Fort William,
situated on the Kaministiqua, distant
from Port Arthur about seven ndles.
Near the old fort the railway company
has built a large elevator having a ca-
pacity of $1,250,000 bushels.
There is no village or town of any im-
portance between Port Arthur and North
Bay, but the traveller is struck with the
grandeur of the scenery in many places.
The mountainous islands of Lake Supe-
rior and the picturesqueness of numer-
ous nooks and corners brought to view
by the hundreds of indentations made
by the head waters of the lake are strik-
ing, especially at sunset. Here and
there, too, fertile spots are met with,
but the road runs through a land not yet
"flowing with milk and honey," and ex
cept for the timber is of little value to
the pioneer. Some day, after other por-
tions are settled, these regions may- be
made productive as pasture, and, per-
haps, mineral lands, but the time is not
e, North Bay, my next stopping place,
commands a fine view af Lake Nipissing
and its numerous islands. Two years
ago it was merelyforest. There are now
several first-class itorea, besides quite a
few smaller shops, and a population ofe
between 800 and 900 inhabitants. It is
also surrounded by a very good agricul-
tural country, and I am informed that
cereal and root crops yield- abundantly.
The Government of Ontario has granted
$3,000 to make a road to these lands,
and other $3,000 to build a registry
office. Messrs. T. & W. Murray, of
Pembroke, with their charisteristic ener-
gy, have erected a very handsome busi-
ness block- and one of the largest hotels
hereabouts, which has just been opened.
Ffteen months since its site was covered
by the "forest primeval." North Bay
also contains the repair shops of the
Canada Pacific Railway. Connection
with the North Pacific Junction will
soon take place, and the line will be
open for traffic thus effecting a saving
of some 200 miles between here and
So much has been said and written
about the great overland route that any-
thing I might add would not count for
inuch. Still I niust say this. As a fret
quent traveller over inost of the best
roads on this continent I have found the
Canada Pacific Railway a really first-
class, well -constructed, well-nianage
and comfortable road on which to travel,
and in the words of Dominie Sampson it
is simply "prodigious."
T. G. A.
a liberator of his country; but we live
in an age of commercialism, when every-
thing has its price. As Emerson says,
"Things are in the saddle, and ride
mankind." For a long time there was
Charles Stewart Parnell. an ostentatious profession of virtue in
13Y V
both the English parties, and some
people thought that the shrewd Parnell
Any one who hears Mr. Parnell for had miscalculated. These were people
the first time will be inclined to wonder who were not shrewd. The Tories, in
how it is that such a man has retained their endeavor to eject Mr. Gladstone
so strong a hold over the Irish people, from office, found it convenient to make
and has overcome the prejudices enter- use of the Irish vote, and their not too
tained -in England .and the opposition modest leader, Churchill, sought to in -
manifested by both' parties in England gradate himself with the Irish members.
to his schemes for .Irish legislative in- Votes of censure followed each other in
dependence. The Irish are a warm and quick succession, all framed by Tories
impulsive people; Mr. Parnell is cold, and supported by Irish. At last the un-
reserved and phlegmatic. The majority natural combination succeeded, and in
of the Irish are Catholics; Mr. Parnell June, 1885, the Gladstone Ministry fell. -
is a Protescanteand he used once some Then followed a Salisbury Ministry,
very strong language about "Papist -which took the great step of abandoning
rats." The Irish are given to rhetoric coercion for the sake of the Irish vote.
and poetry; Mr. Parnell is dry, hard As a quid pro quo, that vote was in the
and unimpassioned in his style of speak- November elections -given to the Tory -
ing. The Irish are supposed to love party. Every one knows how that
flattery and " blarney ; Mr. Parnell party, owing to the singular and un pre -
has never flattered his countrymen in cedented balance of parties, was defeat -
the way that every English politician ed in January. rhen the Liberals, who
thinks it necessary to flatter the Eng• had been denouncing the Tory-Parnellite
lish people. I once put this question to alliance came in by fhe aid of the Irish
an Irish Nationalist member of Parlia- vote. As an illustration of the ludicrous
ment : "How is it that your people conversion of an English politician with -
follow Parnell with such unswerving de- out policy . or principle to Home Rule,
votion ?" His reply was, in substance, let me say that Sir William Harcourt in
this: "The Irish have had a great December. declined to help in turning
number of the impulsive, -rhetorical out the Tories, whom, he said, he would.
leaders whom Englishmen think are the leave to ‘ stew in their Parnellite
fitting and natural exponents of Irish juice ;" this gentleman is now Chancel -
sentiment. These have done, on the tor of the Exchequer in a Home Rule
whole, but little for them. At last 'Cabinet. A sudden conversion, certain -
came forward a plain,clear-headed man, ly! And there h -ave been many more
no orator .like O'Connell, no poet like as sudden. I believe the great masses
Thomas Davis, no enthusiast like Smith of the people of. England who support.
O'Brien; but one who knew exactly Home Rule at the present time are
what. he wanted, and meant to get it. honest; but so far as most of the poli -
And the Irish people, who had so often ticians are concerned, Mr. Parnell's
been .disappointed at the small results cynical estimate of their virtue was not
obtained by their brilliant rhetoricians, very wide of the mark.
determined to rally round this plain, Mr. Parnell has never once appealed
blunt rnan,' in the belief that he was to the English people in favor of Horne
more than a match for the English poli- Rule for Ireland. Early in his..political
ticians on their own grOunds." This career he saw that the old methods of
was the explanation of my Nationalist Irish agitation were useless,- and he had
friend; and how fully this trust in the not the warmth and feeling which int -
Parnell leadership has been justified by pels Davitt to appeal to the generous in -
facts all the world knows. stincts of Englishmen. Parnell deter -
Mr. Parnellia certainly no orator. I mined to strike straight at the English
have heard him many tines, and I must political system in its vulnerable point,
confess that his speeches never afforded and to turn Parliament into a chaos go
me the slightest pleasure, although the long as the detnands of the •Irish were
strong will and clear mind of the speaker not conceded. This is the central fea-
were revealed fully in what he said. ture of his method, and it has been corn -
The labored Manner -of the speaker, the pletely successful. 1 well remember
hard tones of his voice, the entire ab- when Parnell's obstructive policy began,
sence of fancy or imagination, the gen- some nine or ten years ago. I recollect
eral impression of gaucherie, were not being in the House of Commons one
very attractive. Only once do I .remem- . night in 1877, when hours were spent
ber any speech of his which seemed pene- in the fruitless attempt to put Mr. Big-
trated by feeling—that, viz., in which gar on a committee. People laughed, and
he expressed his deep regret at the mur- said that Parliament would notsta.nd that
der of Lord Frederick Cavendish. Then, kind of thing long. -Another night Mr.
indeed, he spoke like a man with a heart Biggar read from blue books for five
as well as a head. But Mr. Parnell's mortal hours to at audience comprising
speeches read well, and the more im- the Speaker and one of the clerks, sim-
portant are really prepared with careply to kill time. The very useful and
A reporter who once reproduced a speech justifiable obstruction offered to the
of Parnell's in shorthand said that when South African bill was the first _ hnpor-
he was taking it down it seemed a very .tant work of the new party. Soon laugh -
lame performance e but when he carneter gave way to contempt, and I well re -
afterward to read over his notes, he member how prominent Liberal mem-
found that the speech had a real artistic bers, who now listen for every word that
unity, and that its literary form was ex- falls from Parnell's lips, used to speak
cellent. I cannot help, however, in of him with scorn. But irritation speedi-
reading these dry, business -like state- ly followed, and the foolish and fatal
ments, sighing -occasionally for a burst ejection of 35 Irish members from the
of passion from an O'Connell, or a state- House of Commons, in January, 1881,
ly and splendid period from a Grattan. marked the hatred felt for the Irish
Every one is sufficiently informed on members by both English parties. But
the Irish movement to know that within thoee parties played into Mr. Parnell's
the ranks of the Land and National hands. No,hing could have better suit-
-Leagues there have been two parties, ed his purpose than the insane bungling
the respective chiefs of which have of unhappy Mr. Forster and Parnell's
been Parnell and Davitt. While Mr. arrest in 1881. I said at the time that
Parnell has been for peasant proprietor- the fate of English rule in Ireland was
ship, Mr. Davitt has been for land sealed, and soit has proved. Dublin
nationalization. Mr. . Davitt was the Castle and all its works were at last
main author of the famous No -rent hopelessly discredited, and Lord Spen-
manifesto of 1881 ; and I believe that cer s adhesion to Home Rule proves that
he, Brennan and Egan had much.diffi- his own honest and well -meant adminis-
culty in securing Mr. Parnell's adhesion tration was a failure, even while English
to that policy. Naturally the antagon- Liberal caucuses were passing resolutions
ism between Parnell and .Davitt has extolling it to the skies.
often been strongly marked, and was Mr. Parnell, therefore, systematically
probably at times imbittered by all man- demoralized Parliament, reduced it to
ner of intestinal quarrels within the impotence and anarchy, so irritating it
ranks of the Irish party, the members that it struck out • wildly, injuring itself
of which do not dwell always in broth- much more than it injured him, and,
. erly unity by any manse But Mr. moreover, making it assist in the sup-
Davitt recently declared to me in the pression of Irish liberty at the very time
strongest terms his implicit Confidencee. when it was legislating in the interests
in Mr. Parnell'shonesty as a leader, of the Irish people. Looked at purely
and his own determination to do and as political strategy, it was masterly and
say nothing that would defeat or thwart admirable. Whether it was very noble
Mr. Parnell's plans until Home Rule or high-minded I will not say. Suffice
was secured. Davitt did; not believe in it -for us that it has-been successful, and
the electoral .policy by which the Irish in warfare success is everything. Mr.
vote in Britain was cast almost Parnell's predecessors, Messrs. Butt and
solidly for the Tory party at the last _Shaw, might have gone on moving their
election. Mr. Devitt hates the Tories, excellently -worded resolutions till the.
and never hesitates to say so. At the Day of Judgment, but they would have
same time he believed that Mr. Parnell accomplished nothing. Mr. Parnell has
had the Irish cause really at heart, and, struck at the heart of the English Gov -
from a -tactical point of view, the latter ernment,t he has taken, advantage of
has certainly been justified. Both Mr. English party necessities, and: he has
Davitt and Mr. Parnell are agreed in a speedily succeeded where O'Connell
very high regard for Mr. Gladstone. failed.
Mr. Parnell said in conversation a short I have not portrayed a very attractive
time age', " Gladstone's Irish policy has personality, but it is a fact that Mr.
always been heroic." But, with this Parnell is not attractive. His habits are
one illustrious exception, Mr. Parnell peculiar. At times he absents himself
has a contempt for English public.men, entirely from his friends, and they do
and for both English parties, which is not often know where to find him. He
not unjustified by thefacts. When Mr. is not .a man of any literary taste, and
Parnell. determined to seize the reins of has no talent for conversation. But he
Irish leadership from the weak and has the qualities essential to success as a
flabby hands of Mr. Shaw, he set out on political leader. In order to accomplish
his eareer by assuming that English. his task, he set himself to master so
politics were in the main corrupt,' and thoroughly the system of Parliamentary
that English politicians were quite will- procedure that he became a .greater
ine to do a good stroke of business for authority on it than the Speaker .hine-
themselves. The Irish vote was to be a self. He had, besides, the faculty for
_purchasable commodity, which should picking out the right lieutenants. His
go to the highest bidder. Such was Mr. determination ie dogged and persistent,
Parnell's cynical design. He believed his Will is iron. Without haste and
that the talk about the exceeding high -t without rest, he goes straight to his ob-
mindedness of English statesmen was ject. Like St. Paul, he might say:
mere claptrap, and that either side "This one thing I do." Sluggish he
would solicit his aid when it was needed. may be by nature,. but he is full of en -
He desired, on the whole, thatthe Lib- ergy when the time for action comes, as
erals should be his friends, but he did witness the way he put down mutiny in
net greatly care, and would have the camp in Tipperary and at Galway,
traded with Charchill or with Chamber- going at once to the spot, and meeting
lain indifferently. This is not, cer- the rebels face to face, met by hisses and
tainly, a very exalted frame of mind for
applause, his purpose achieved. He is,
indeed, a man born to rule. "English
people' will be surprised," said Mr.
Davitt to me, "when Parnell - comes to
rule Ireland, what a strict conservative
government he will establish." I be-
lieve it is true. What will be his future?
Who can say? He is only forty years
of age, and has consequently, in all pro-
bability, a long career before him. Will
he continue to be master of the situation,
or will a stronger than he rise?ii.Some
think that Healy, a man of far greater
intellectual power than Parnell, and
with quite ae rnuch strength of chara.c
ter, will try to oust the leader from his
place. This is what every Irish move-
ment has ended in—dissension; will the
present be an exception to the rule? It
is impossible to say. But this much is
certain: that when Home Rule is once
conceded, Mr. Parnell's greatest trou-
bles will begin. Meanwhile, let it be
said that he has done a great work for
Ireland. And one day, when the pas-
sions of the present time are forgotten,
it will perhaps be admitted by Eng-
lishmen that, whether intending it or
not, he has done not a little for England
The Ayr Plow Company has closed
down for a month.
—There has been one case of smallpox
at Leith and one at Wiarton as reported.
—The Canadian Pacific railway have
commenced the building of another gi-
gantio elevator. in Montreal.
—Galt Public School Board adver-
tised lately for four female, teachers.
They received 45 applications. -
—A carload of canned meats • and
fruits has been shipped to England by
the Aylmer Canning Company.
—On the marsh farm of II. Walker &
Sops, in. Colchester, Essex county, a
gang of 70 men handled 1,100 acres of
hay in 24 days.
—The Ridgetown Public School Board
has engaged Mr. W. II. Bingham, of
Corneville, as head master, at a salary
of $500.
—M -r. Charles Stewart, of West Gara-
fraxa, had a valuable horse killed by
lightning kit Saturday morning. The
animal was in the pasture field at the
—Jas. Black, of Aberfoyle, slept over
night in 'Jones' temperance house, Pus-
linch, with Mike McCaig. In the morn-
ing Mike was gone and -so was Black's
—A respectable farmer, named John
Schwartz, in the township of Culross,
near Formosa, committed suicide by
hanging himself last Saturday. Reasons
• —Mr. E. Pengelly, of Walkerton, has
a rose bush in his garden that shows two
roses in bloom, one a beautiful clear
white color, and the other a deep red.
—James T. Rosser, of Ailsa Craig,
was carelessly handling a revolver, not
knowing it to be loaded, when it went
off, breaking the centre finger of his
right hand.
—Daniel Cumming, of Mount Forest,
has been fined $50 and costs of the
court, by Police Magistrate Lowes, for
an offence against the second part of the
Canada Tentperance Act.
t—The Wimbledon meeting closed
Saturday. The Prinee of Wales gave
the prizes to the successful marksmen
and bestowed gracious words on the
Canadian prize -winners.
—During the Week ending 17th July,
the carriers of Toronto delivered a total
of 175,481 letters._ Of these 4,874 were
registered. Total newspapers delivered
—Martin Driscoll, of Guelph, while
playing, accidentally fell on a needle,
which had been in the grass. It ran
into his back, and three doctors had to
be summoned before it was extracted.
—Mr. Geo. Innes, of Lawrenee, Kan-
sas, a son-in-law of the late Donald
Matheson, of Embro, has been asked to
be a candidate for the Governorship of
Kansas, in the interests of the Demo-
cratic party.
—The temperance people of Halton
are beginning to prosecute false wit-
nesses in Scott Act cases for perjury.
Two have already decamped. The anti -
perjury crusade will probably become
—The death occurred Monday morn-
ing, _at the age of 72 years,.of Mr. Jas.
Fair, one of the oldest residents of
Brantford. The deceased came to that
city from Ireland when quite a small
boy, and had resided there ever since.
—The Allan steamship Grecian, from
Montreal, arrived at Glasgow on Wed-
nesday, 21st inst., and landed her live
stock shipment of 362 oxeri. and 675
iheep in good order, with the exception
of four sheep which died on the passage.
- —On Thursday eveninoalast week, as
four members of the Salvation Army
were passing along St. Lawrence street,
Montreal, a stone was thrown, which,
instead of strikinge them, went through
a large $100 pane of glass in a clothier's
—The Indians of Walpole Island,
whose names had been put without their
consent on the preliminary franchise
list have unanimously asked leave to
withdraw them. Walpole Island is the
Hon. David Mills' constituency.
—A very destructive fire occurred on
Friday about noon at Glencoe. The
Burns Presbyterian church. Clanaham's
sash and door factory, and a couple of
houses were burned to the ground. The
loss is estimated at from $12,000 to $15,-
000, mostly covered by insurance.
—As Conductor Frank Abbott was
returning to his home in St. Thomas
early Wednesday morning, 21st inst.,
he discovered his mother's house to be
on fire. He ran to her rescue, and both
mother and son experienced 'a narrow
escape from suffocation. --
-The large quantities of mackerel
that have been taken along the coast of
Prince Edward Island this season have
set fishermen of that Province to think-
ing how they can better carry on tha
business of fish catching. The fact of
sullen frowns; leaving amid enthusiastic American vessels being obliged to keep
outside the three-mile limit has given
the island fishermen a better opportuni-
ty to secure large hauls. A number of
large seine boats have been ordered from
Gloucesterwhich will be used in the
fisheries by the islanders.
—The Grand Trunk car -ferry Great
Western, which is being overhauled at
Windsor, will be out in October. Four
new steel boilers are being put into her.
They almost rival in size those of the
steamer Greyhound, and were built at
—Captain Zetland, of the 'steamer
Ontario, was fined $5 and costs for
blowing the whistle of the steamer at
the wharf at Sarnia a few nights since.
The captain said he blew the pesky
thing in order to collect the members of
the Mounted Police, who were scattered
about the town.
—Dr. Bucke, Medical Superintendent
of the London Asylum, has returned
from his trip to Great Britain. On his
way'back he spent a few days with
Walt Whitman, and reports the good
gray poet," though w erik on his legs,
better in other physical respects than for
some time past. _
—Miss Louisa M. Wright, M. E. L.,
daughter of Professor Wright, formerly
of the Hamilton Ladies' College, has
been appointed Preceptress of Music in
the University of Southern California,
located at Los Angelos. Prof. Wright
has been compelled by many infirmities
to desist from active life.
—While working in an Ailsa Craig
pump factory recently, Angus McLean
fell through a defective piece of flooring
from the upper storey to the floor below
with a fearful crash, breaking one of
his legs completely off. It was a wood-
en one, and he is making himself a new
—Edward Cummings, a visitor to
Toronto from Michigan, made the ac-
quaintance of a pleasant -spoken young
man, who, after the usual formalities,
stated that he had $50 freightage to pay
an his goods, and would his friend help
him out of his difficulty, at the same
dine presenting a check for $165. The
trick was successful.
—Rev. Thomas Brock died at Mount
Forest on Saturday, 17th inst. He was
a member of the Methodist Conference,
and was taken ill at the hotel soon
after his arrival in Woodstock, at the
meeting of the conference. He had been
sinkina ever since. He was stationed at
Paris at the time of his death.
and other Indian leaders, as well as Mr.
Paterson, M. P. Hon. A. Hardy, and.
Mr. J. W. Bc:w1by. By invitation,
Messrs. Henry and Hawkinswere al-
lowed to speak for the Tories. Just be-
fore the close of the proceedings the
following resolution was -unanimously
adopted: "Whereas the policy of the
Reform party is in our opinion one of
justice to all classes and particularly to
the Indians, and the Reform speakers
upon this occasion have satisfactorily
explained. such policy, therefore be it
resolved that we do hereby tender a
hearty vote of thanks to such Reform
speakers and pledge them our confidence
and support."
—The records of the market superin-
tendent at Winnipeg show the amount
of business done during June: Hay, 450
double and 66 single loads; straw, 14;
wood, 417; potatoes, 417 bushels; oats,
3,240 bushels; wheat, 240 bushels; bar-
ley, 480 bushels; beef cattle, 208,875
lbs.; mutton 2,020 lbs.; pork, 33,990
Ms.; eggs, 2,445 dozen; butter, 3,407
lbs.; poultry, 1,200; cows, 68 ; vegeta-
bles 108 loads.
—Some excitement has been occasion-
ed by silver discoveries near Port
Arthur. The mines are located 38 miles
. westward. The richness of the silver is
described is remarkable, and some folks
are comparing it with Silver Islet. It
would not be wise for a whole township
to emigrate thither on the strength of
this, however.
—With the assistance of a young man
who was passing, a Guelph wife dragged
in off the street what was supposed to
be her drunken husband the other night
and laid him out in her room. How-
ever, bringing in a light she made the
startling discovery that it was another
man altogether. Her husband hap-
-pened to come home sober that evening.
—Two men of Gananoque were charg-
ed the other day with an infraction of
the Scott Act. A number of witnesses
testified to drinking something under
the name of raspberry viriegar, but none
of them would say that if was an intoxi-
cating liquor. The liquor in question is
made at a vinegar factory in Belleville.
The cases were dismissed without costs.
—A man named Martin, who had
charge of a recent demonstration on the
Six Nations' Reserve, near Brantford,
after he had got the crowd inside, start-
ed with the gate receipts for Hagers-
ville, and boarded the express going east.
By means of the telegraph, however, he
was stopped by a constable at Clifton,
brought back to Hagersville, and put in
safe keeping.
—The Qrillia Packet says; Numbers
of the salmon trout fry (now developed
into fish of almost a pound weight) put
into Lakes Simcoe and Couchiching
about two years ago by the Government
Fish Hatchery Officer, Mr. Willmot, are
being caught in gill nets and hawked about
for sale. ` We again ask the oft repeated
question"' When is an overseer of fish-
eries going to be appointed ?"
' —Adeline Every, an Ottawa servant
girl, who was arrested on the charge of
robbing Wm. McCaffrey's house, _has
made a confession, in which she states
that two men caane to Mr. McCaffrey's
when she was left alone in charge of the
house. She showed them where the
money was kept, and they took it. The
prisoners are at present in jail awaiting
their trial. The amount taken was over
—The deaths in June in the chief
towns and cities in Canada were: Mon-
treal 564, Toronto 193, Quebec 191,
Hamilton 59, Halifax 60, Winnipeg 26,
Ottawa 90, St. John, New Brunswick,
48, London 36, St. Thomas 16, Char-
lottetown 10, Guelph 9, Belleville 11,
Three Rivers 27, Chatham 12, Sher-
brooke 0, Peterboro 15, Sorel 22, Fred-
erickton 12, St. Hyacinthe 18, Galt 8,
Hull 29.
—Samuel Zimmerman, of Bosanquet,
Lambton county, spent several weeks in
Dakota lately looking for land. He re-
turned home on Saturday, and his im-
pressions of that much -lauded territory
are not calculated to encourage anyone
else to visit it. He says he would not
exchange 40 acres in Lambton for a
thousand in Dakota, and would not
thank anyone for the gift of a homestead
—A great gathering of Indians took
place on Wednesday last week in the
beautiful grove of Chief David Hall,
near the Council House on the Indian
Reserve at Onondaga. Nearly 4,000 per-
sons were present, the Indian popula-
tion of Haldimand and the Mississauguas
being present in full force, as well as the
Tuscarora Indians. The demonstration
was given under the auspices of the Lib-
eral party on the reserve, and speeches
in favor of the Liberal policy were de-
livered by Chiefs Josiah Hill, Clinch
—Rev. Wm. Patterson, a recent gradu-
ate of Knox College; was a few days ago
inducted to the pastorate of Cooke's
church, Toronto, which has been vacant
since, the resignation of Rev. John Kirk-
patrick about a year ago. At the social
in the evening Rev. Dr. Gregg, who has
occupied the pulpit during the vacancy,
was presented by the congregation with
a handsome gold watch and chain, suita-
bly inscribed. •
—Mr. John Conrad, of Oregon, has
leased in the Northwest Territory 200,-
000 acres of land from the Dominion
Government, upon which he Will drive
this season 10,000 head of cattle and .200
head of Oregon -bred mares. The lease
is made for a period of 21 years, at two
cents per acre. -The land is located
along the soutslope of the Cypress
Hills, and is pronounced one of the most
desirable locations for a stock rattche in
the Northwest.
—As much objection has been taken'
to algebra in the intermediate examina-
tion, Mr. Irving, of the Colleoiate In-
stitute, of Kingston, in order t(i'secure a
consensus of opinion regarding the paper,
issued circulars to various examiners,
and already had received responses from
seventy gentlemen, all of whom agree
with him that the algebra questions are
too ,difficult altogether. The replies
which Mr. Irving received will be laid
before the Minister of Education.
—Tuesday night last week the only
son of Mr. Wm. Uglow, of North Dor-
chester, aged 22, went with others to
catch some horses, and in the chase Mr.
Uglaw became warm. In order to cool
himself, he stripped and waded into the
River Thames, at a point where the
water is very cold and deep. It is sup-
posed he took cramps, for he immediate-
ly sank from -sight. His comrades en-
deavored to find him, but without suc-
cess. The body was found a couple of
days afterwards.
—A 10 year old lad named David
Young was arrested the other day near
Tilson burg on a charge of throwing a
stone at the sleeping car " Kalamazoo"
on the special Samgerfest train on the
20th inst. The boy was arraigned be-
fore Police Magistrate McLean at Tilson-
burg, who suspended sentence, releasing
him on his father's entering into bonds of
$50. The father is in destitute circum-
stances, and on that account the Magis-
trate exercised leniency. The lad could
have been sent to prison for life. The
stone struck a lady passenger in the
coach, but she was not seriously in-
—A few days ago, while Jas. Park,
2nd line of Plympton, was drawing hay
something went wrong with the reach,
and while Mr. Park was under the
wagon attempting to repair it the horses
started, drawing the front wheels for-
ward and a:lowing the load to fall on
the unfortunate man, pinning him to the
ground in a recumbent position. Two
men, who were assisting him, succeeded
in extricating him, and after carrying
him to the house summoned medical aid.
It was found that he was seriously in-
jured in the spine and chest. His re-
covery was at first considered doubtful,
but with careful nursing he is now im-
—On Friday afternoon Mr. Bell, a
member of the London Township Coun-
cil, who resides near St. Johns, pur-
chased a self -binder in that city, and,
loading it on his wason drove home.
When some distance from London and
at a narrow and dangerous portion of
the highway where it approaches the
bridge his horses became unmanageable
and ran away. The wagon, was wreathed
and the self -binder strewed along the
road. A portion of it fell on Mr. Bells,"
son, a boyof 14, and fractured his skulN
Mr. Bell himself was also injured, but
not so seriously. Saturday the boy was
in a dying condition.
—The other day Mr. Rufus Reid, a
young man living about two miles from
Georgetown, was buried in a well:twenty
feet below the surface of the ground. It
appears that the young man was down
in the well trying to repair something
that had gone out of order, when the
stone work caved in and buried him
deep down in the earth. It was hot
lonebbefore the well was surrounded by
sturdy farmers who set to work to dig
the unfortunate man out, he all the.
while straining every nerve to keep the
stones and earth at breathing dittance
from him. One of the men shouted :
"Are you there, Rufus?" The an
Ewer came firmly, "Yes." "How long
can you stand it'!" 4‘.1 can stand it
about three hours, but dig away with all
your might." It is simply wonderful
that this victim of what might have
been a terrible accident hanging for
two hours, with seven feet of water be-
neath him and a mass of stone and earth
crushing around him, came out but lit-
tle the worse for his unutterable ex-
perience. Ouly a few slight Aerate hes
and bruises could be found on him. -