HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-06-25, Page 7I3reede Obred Trott( rttion, BONNE, apravement of Su at the - -taw tit tel Stable FoRTH. wa,. sired by tailion Robert Bonner e, d. Robert Deneee ,ert Bonner wag ire Abdanah, g. 1 sire imported at d mare. Robert Readeen if Long Island Elva( -1* ncl Silly Miller, Young Bashaw at out ef First Con . lay Flag of T ru :ender. Sane' ' e amported Meese eht-er of imp. So 01 it. Robert Bonn ass Maltah, Abdallah by : Robert Bonners Jet dg, she by Amerleute* ,a. Kentucky thoroteetheeee nd Black Hawk. He - day without bandlint, been fitted for re r handling trotted 27 last fall. Ho t of his weight in the t: middle of the stud see* over the Allisteft half tide 16 hands I inch afaa t beautiful mahogany foal ; payable* terrel the balance oath,* hares tried must be retsnis Tie or tbeY will be dew toals • CNEY, Proprietor. MERS WARNING_ Binder, Reaper, ' or Rake,' INSPECTED TB* vLD BY _ WilSO FORTH, FOR THE luring Co., (Lim' 1,, ONTARIO. atson has clone busiousia se reputation of the iss achines offered to -day las La superior. See the n Binder, a Reaper, HUMMer Mower, Son Daisy Rake. American Plows, stain. and Drill. Come and ma 4. WILSON, SEAFORTH, Lkia -Aar • rHITNEYS F, HOUSE, OUR LINES OF EATERS, ROYAL Base Burner in four*ereand with Ovens. al Peninsula ;quare Base Burner ask fait to see it. lase: all kinds of -Coal Cooks, e to show them. alt; anal get Bargiiii‘ GAINS IN ERY. TINWARE,0 AND CANADIAN ]WAYS ON HAND An 25, 1886. Vaultobs, and Northwest Note& carrently rumored that the Hon. Joseph R4yal, M. P., has been appoint - .ed Indian Commissioner for the North- vest - Important News Items. cookstown.—Mrs. Cionpb-eit had been troubled ler !lumber of year"! With indigestion and eon- ation, and was induded to try McGregOes eup Speedy Cure and found it all that was needed, slid would. recommend its uSe to any person sintilarl•y troubled. This invaluable remedy is sold in every part of Canada at 50c. and $1 per bottle. Sold at Lumsden & Wilson's .drug store, Seaforth. 964.82w. -A fruit dealer in Winnipeg sent for 24 --boxes of strawberries, which cost go, The freight was $4.15 and the auty $5,05. -Eight families of Scotch crofters, numbering in all 42 persons, arrived at Winnipeg the other day on their way to Regina, near is place they will settIe along with their fellow -country- Dien - Salt Rheum. Cured.. tfisOregor & Parkes Carbolic Cerate has been tried and found to be the only positive cure for mit rheum, pimples blotches on the face or tends, cuts, burns, bruises, or any sore that • -nothing else will heal. Try tIcGregor & Parke's carbolic Cerate 2.Sic per box at Lumsden & wns drug. store, Seaforth. 964.52w. --It is estimated that the area sown in wheat in. Manitoba this year is 450,000 acres. Four years ago it was 94,000: An average of 25 bushels to the acre, which resent appearances would seem to war- nt„ would give 11,230,000 bushels as the total crop for this year. •MaGregor's Lang Compound. Rave you abaci cough, a chronic hoarseness,•a + feelling of tightness in the chest, weak lungs, or sey elinilar complaint? If so, buy at once a - bottle of McGregors Lung Compound. " If will ,cure.yolL" It contains entirely new specifics, of which one dose is more effectual than a whole bottle ot theold-time remedies. It is put up in toe and $1 bottles. Sold by Lumsden & .areggists, Seaforth. Try it, and you will never baae reason to complete. 964.53w. -The continuous dry weather is tell- ing somewhat on the grain in the vicini- ty of Gladstone, more especially on light soiI; the heavier stands it much better, still the grain on the whole looks well. A good many farmers have started break- ing and slimmer fallowing. A good deal •of both will be done this year. Invisible but Instantaneous. An pains or aches will be instantly removed 'by a few dps of Fluid Lightning applied over -the affected parts. No time lost; no nauseous medicines needed; no poulticing or using greasy liniment & It will not blister or discolor the •skin. Sold at 25c per bottle by Lumsden & Wil- son, druggists, Seaforth. Sufferers front neural- gia assure us that they never fear it when their house contains a bottle of Fluid Lightning -961..52w. -The ratepayers of the municipality of Saskatchewan have voted a bonus of 410,000 to assist in the establishment of a, flouring mill and woollen mill in Rapid ,City. Geo. McCulloch & Co. will com- mence the erection of the mills at once, and will utilize the water power afford- ed by the Saskateh wan river. She was Saved From days of agony and discomfort, not by great interpositions, but by the use of the only sure - popcorn cure-Putnam's Painless Corn Extrac- 'tor. Tender, painful corns -are removed by its use in a few days, without discomfort. Many ;substitutes in the market make it necessary that ;only Putnant's should be asked for and taken. Sure, safe, harmless 952.52w. -Colonel Scheetz, representing the Horne Cattle Company, of St: Louis, has arrived at Wood Mountain with a large party to establish headquarters, and make arra,ngements , for their ranch, :which is located in the immediate vicini- ty of that post. They have en rotate from Helena 7;000 head of cattle, to be followed in a short time by an additional 10,000. They propose to bring in a total of 26,000 head'. They have secur- ed a lease of 700,000 aeres for twenty- one years. They express themselves highly pleased with the country as a .grazing district. " a zgliE HT.JRON EXPOSITOR. -ter- News Notes. -Mr. A. Andersen, of St. Marys, took first prize iu the sword dance and second in the highland fling at the 'Caledonian games held at Strathroy on Tuesday. Mr: A. 'Doupe,- -of Kirkton, took third prize for running long jump; third for running hop, step and jump, and second forertaming high lamp. Marvellous. One dose of Dr. Chase's Live Cure will cure sick headache, dizziness, and sour stomach. One to two bottles are warranted to cure liver com- plaint, indigestion and biliousness. Sold by I. V. Fear, agent for Seaforth. 966.52w. -A citizen of Arrowsmith,Illicnis,has &navel strawberry bed. He took a bar- rel and knocked the bottoni out of it, then filled it with earth and e,et it in the .ground about six inches. He then bored it full of holes, and in each orifice put a strawberry plant. The berries grow very nicely, and it presents a unique spectacle. ING STALL LISLE,' at Two Years ason at his owner's Seaforthe "ars old, stands 16 hs ar.d laa dark 141 sired by King Rea°,TM _ lexancler's Abaellabt bi onian. First dant b - Chief, by Marrilerina egle, 4th dam by Blecatsm .pedigree and perfor bora insure payable who - 1TELY, Propriet°r* TO LOAN. ES BOUCI AND ONTARIO ving Society have an ell y to tend on real of interest with the er of repaying a P° apneas of interest. Meesrea DENT & 11, who are the re for the Society. • June 19, 1885. For two years my wife suffered front lung and heart disease t h rough rheumatism. She was greatly ema- ciated and too weak to do anything for herself; she was given up by five doctors, they all passed their opin- ion that she could not live. She commenced using Dr. -Mei Medi - :fine in Dacember, 1884, and after taking six bottle she was so much ilaproved that she could look after her household duties. J. M. ROD -DICK, Z6l..52,2w. Engineer, C. P. 0.., East Toronto. Petralea is putting down $10,000 worth. of block pavement. -Mr Sidney Bradshaw, a young bank, elerk in St Marys'brought action at the county court in London, on Monday last Week, against the Grand Trunk Railway Company to recover $133, the value of personal effects which were taken from his trunk at the St Marys town station, burglarized on the night of October 23, 188.1 The station in question is on the branch line to London, and was built for the convenience of the townspeople, the regular station being on the main about a mile and a half from town. 11r. Bradshaw had purchased a ticket from Montreal to St. Marys, and had his baggage checked. accordingly. He stepped off at Toronto, however, and) the trunk came on, ha following in a day ae It was put off on the plat- form, and no one calling for it, in the coarse of an haur and a half, was put on the next train passing through the town sta.tion, where it was left. This, the baggag,eanaster at the regular station said, waa customary. The frank was put ia the town station, where no one reinalue over night, -and was taken out by a burglar and broken open. The plaintiff contended that the trunk should not have been carried past the regular depot to the town station, and also that the latter was not a safe or proper place la winch to put baggage, particularly ts there was no watchman. The jury took- a different view and brought in a verdict for defendants. Mr. E. Sydney- Smith for plaintiff; Mr. Woods, - Q. C. (Stratford) for defendant.. s • Advice to MotherEL- Are you distutbed and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething. It, value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mother; there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu lates the stomach and bowels, cures wind co ic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation,- and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to_the taste and bathe pre- scription of one of the oldest and best female • physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask fen "Ma. WINSLOW'S SOOTIIING SYRUP," and take no other kind.9116.1y..- -A pretty Story, if one could believe it, is told by the _Paris correspondent of a Vienna paper. A short time ,ago a matinee musicale was given by the Duch - ess'Lamotte, and among the guests was the charming bride elect of President Cleveland, then in Paris completing her trousseau. The young lady was the object of many marks of distinction, the high aristocracy surrounded her, and there was much talk of her position. One lady, the daughter-in-law of the Thichesse de Persigny, condoled with Miss Folsom because she would have no title as the wife of a Republican Presi- dent. All would be well, only you will have no title," said she; you will only be .called Mrs. Cleveland." "But that name is only for strangers," was the answer of the fair American; "the President has for intimacy conferred upon me a very particular title.' Every- body looked up curiously, and blushing deeply, Miss Folsom added, " He calls me -his darling. Can a wife desire a better title ?" The hostess embraced her amiable guest, remarking, "You are right, a,nd you appear tome as if you would keep the title to the end of your life." Beavers as Builders. I donot think, says Colonel T. W. Higginson, that dams made by beavers show as much ingenuity as their canals. It is much easier and safer for them to carry their food and building material by water than land. So sometimes they cut a canal across the bend of a stream to shorten the distance. Some- times, again, it is cut through mud, until they reach firm ground for their burrows. These canals are usually about three feet wide and three deep, and they are sometimes five hundred feet long. Any engineerwill tell you that it needs a good deal of skill and in- genuity to decide where to lay out such a canal as that, and then to cut it regu- larly, so that the water shall flow smoothly through. And the most re- markable thing of all is that they know how to combine the principles of the canal and the dam, so that when they come to an obstruction, such as a rock in the bed of their stream, they iminedi- ately make a dam to secure the neces- sary flow of Water. Successive gener- ations evidently work for many years upon these canals, and I can hardly think of anything else done by an ani- mal that shows so much contrivance, The home or lodge is always separate from, the dam. Sometimes a cord of wooci is used in building one house. There is an entrance under water like that of the- musquash, and sometimes two. These openings are very neatly made. The heavers drag their branches and pieces of bark into the water, and then take them into the dining -room by the hidden entrance. Indeed, I believe the house is all dining -room, but it is al- ways very neatly swept. There are not often more than eight or ten beavers, old and young, in a single house. Be- sides the houses, they like to have bur- rows in the banks, and spend part of their time in each. The young beavers live at home for almost two years before they go to housekeeping for themselves. They are queer little things, and their cry is like that of a young child. Mr. Morgan once saw a beaver in an Indian's house, and it was lapping milk out of a saucer like a kitten, and an Indian baby was pulling its fur. Then there was a little cry, and Mr. `Morgan thought it was •the Indian baby, till he found it was the baby beaver. It has always been an interesting question for naturalists how the beaver learns to build. Does he learn it by observing bis parents, or would he know how to do it if_ he were brought up alone? Buffon, a great naturalist, thought that it was all learned by ob- servation. So Cunir, another great naturalist, took a very young beaver and brought him up by hand; apart from all his kind. They gave him branches of willow; he cut the branches and yiled them in one corner of his cage. Ihen they gave him earth, which he made into lumps with his fore -feet, and piled them with the branches into a solid mass. This shows it was instinct that taught the beaver to build. Itcan do no harm to try Freeman's Worm Powders when your child is ailing,' feverish or fretful. 857.52m. Quinine and -Chills. - Quinine is the popular remedy for chill fever,' but it does not always cure. Esquire Pelton, of Grass Lake, Michigan, took in all 600grains. of quinine for chronic chills and malarial fever. After that and various other remedies had fail- ed, five bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters cured him. 857.52.2w. A Fair Proposition. There could be no offer more fair than that of the proprietors of Hagyard's Yellow Oil, who have long offered to refund every cent expended for that zemedy, if it fails to give satisfaction on fair trial. 857.5E2w. Declared Incurable. , E. C. McGovern, of Syracuse, N. Y., who is a well-known resident of that place, was -declared irmumble by his ph3-sicial1the disease being a complication of kidney and liver complaint. In two days he found relief in Burdock 1319od Bit- ters, arid in one month he entirely recovered. 857.52.2w. A Growing Evil. Scrofula, or king's evil, as an enlargement of the glands of the nevi: is termed, may be caned a growing evil in more than one sense. Mrs. Henry Dobbs, of Berridale, was cured of enlarged glands of the neck and sore throat by the internal and external arse of If agyard's 'Yellow Oil. 857.. High Praise. Mrs, John Neelands, writing from the Metho- dist parsonage, Adelaide, ./iitaria, says: I have used Hagyaad's Pectoral Balsam in our family for years-. For heavy colds, epre throats and distressing coughs no other medicine so soon relieves." „a57.52.2w. Consumption Cured. • An old physician,retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India mis- sionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consump- tion, Bronchitis Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for ,r`ervous Debility and all Neri-ou acina, plaints, after having tested its wonderful cum tive powers in thousands of cases, has felt it hif- duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of chargo, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, namins this paper, W. 'A. NOYES, 149 Power's Block Rochester, N. Y. 988-25 eow Be on Your Guard. - Don't allow a eciold in the head to slowly and • surely develop itself into catarrh when you can • be cured for 25 Cents. A few applications will cure incipient catarrh. One to two boxes will mire ordinary catarrh. One to five boxes. will cure chronic catarrh. Dr. Chase's catarrh cure. Sold by all dealers at 25 cents per box. 966.1y Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap is a delightful toilet luxury as well as a good curative for skin dis- eases. 857.52in. National Pills will not gripe or sicken, yet are a thorough cathartic. 857.52m. ' A Complicated Case. Harry Ricardo, of Meaford,. Ont., testifies that he suffered from rheumatic gout and chronic trouble of the stomach and liver, which Burdock Blood Bitters effectually cured, after all other tried remedies had failed. 857.52.2w. As sweet as honey is Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, yet sure to destroy and expel worms. 857.52m. Catarrh -a New Treatment. Perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been achieved in -modern medicine has been attained,by the 'Dixon Treatment for Catarrh: Out of 2;000 patients treated during the past six months, fully ninety per cent, have been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the less startling when it is remembered that no five per cent. of patients presentirfU themselves to the regular practitioner are benefitted, whije the patent medicines and other advertised cures never record a euro at all. Starting with the claim now generally believed by the most scien- tific men that the disease is due to the presence of living parasites in the tissue, Mr. Dixon at once adapted his cure to their extermination- ehis accomplished, he claims the Catarrh is prac- tically cured, and the.permauency is unquestion- td, as cures effected by him four years ago are cures still. No one else has ever attempted to cure Catarrh in this manner, and no other treats' ment has ever cured Catarrh. The application of the remedy is simple, and can be done at home, and the present season ef the year is the most favorableefor a speedy and permanent cure, the majority df cases being cured at one treat- ment. Sufferers should correspond with Messrs. ;A. H. DIXON & SON, 306 King Street, Wed, Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for their treatise on Catarrh. -Montreal Star, November 17. 1882 882-62 assaseeera SEAFORTH PUMP WORKS. In returning thanks to my many customers for their patronage since commencing business in Scaforth, I would add that in order to supply the dernand for • PUMPS,: CISTERNS &c. that I have put in Steam Power and more new machinery, and can now do try work quicker and better, and as I use none but the best ma- terial I can get and do as gOodwork as I know how, I hope to -merit a continuance of your pat- ronage. CUSTOM PLANING A -ND BAND SAWING A SPECIALITY. N. CLUFF. • P. S. -I would be pleased to receipt all the ace counts of the =past and previous years. Must: have Money. 966-t.f. KEEP COOL! THE Subscriber is now prepared to deliver ICE in any quantity. KEEP WARM! • Any quantity of WOOD, hard or soft, long or short, split Or unsplitt Also any quantity o Cedar Posts and Cedar Blocks for flooring, &c., as chea p as plank, all of whieh I will sell and de liver at reasonable charges. 1-7' TELEPHONE NO. 29. R. COMMON. THE SEAFORTH_ WOOLLEN MILLS. Having doubled the capacity by adding the latest improved machinery are better prepared. than ever to turn out first-class work at the shortest notice. --- FARMERS and OTHERS In want of -first-class Goods will find the EXACT PLACE TO GET THEM; BY CALLING AT THE Store in the Mills, Where they will have the Largest and Best Assorted Stock To Choose from in any Mill in the. Dominion. 10”Did you see the neW Italifax Tweeds made by " VanEgniond's Patent?" CUSTOM WORK in all its Branches a Specialty. "- 'The highest price paid for Wool in Cash or Trade. A, G, VgnEgniond's Sons. w., N. WATSON, General Insurance Agent And Dea • er in Sewing Machines. Sole and Exclusive Dealer for the aymond andWhite SEWING MACHINES, The best Manufectured, ranging in prices from $25 to $75. Special Bargains during the Holiday Season. These Machines have been in use in this Sec- tion for the last twelve years, and during that time have given the best of satisfaction. They are guaranteed by the manufacturers' for five years. For Simplicity, Durability, Fine Finish and large range of e ork are unexcelled by any others in the market. Also dealer in. Knitting Machines, Needles, Oils and all kinds of Sewing Machine- supplies. All Kinds of Machines Repaired, Charges Moderate. W_ INT • W.,..A.11'S 01\T, I MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. liardware Bought for cash direct from 1...he manuP facturers, the adVantage of whIt. will give to OTIE customers, by seh:ng them goods at lowest prices. Our im- mense stock is very complete, compris ing the following seasonable lines: Spades and Shovels, best Eng- lish, American & Canadian makes. Draining ToOls of all kinds, Field H6es, Garden Hoes and Rak s, Two and Four Point Steel Fencing Wire, Buckthorn's Steel Fencing Wire, Plain Galvaniz-ed Wire, for straight rail fences. Builders' Hardware. Best Montreal Steel and Iron Nails. Locks Knobs, Hinges, Paints, Oil, Glass andiPutty.. • To those building, we can offer special low figures. Binding Twine, the best •made at low- est possible prices. Reid & Wilson, Hardware and MAIN -ST., ••• Iron Importers, SEAFORTH. CAMPBELL'S. C. ATHARTIC OCYMPOUN is effective in small doses, aets without griping, does not oc- caSion nausea, and will not create irri- tation and congestion as do many of the usual cathartics ad- miistered in the form of Pills. &c. Ladies and Chil- dren having the most sensitive sto- machs take this Medicine without trou- ble or complaint. CAMPBELL'S CATHARTIC COMPOUND is especially adapted for the cure of Liven COMPLAINTS AND BILIOUS DIS- . ORDERS. FOR ACID STOMACH AND Loss OP AP- PETITE. FOR SICK HEADACHE AND DYSPEPSIA. FOR CONSTIPATION OR COSTIVENESS. FOR ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STATE OP THE STO- MACII., This medicine being in .liquid form, the dose can be easily rep.ailated to meet the requirements of differen t per- . sons, thus making it equally Nvell adapted to the use of the little child as to the, adult. Put uP, in three ounce bottles, and sold by all dealers, in family medicines. .Price Retail, 25 Cents. .MM•nmv•PIMmor•ww.nne.- orm ,aas...emsm•mye grow PERRY DAVIS' `'Xikl PAIN -KILLER IS RECOMMENDED BY Physicians, Ministers, Missionaries, 31-andgers of Factories, llrork-shops,- Plantations, Nurses in Hospitals, -in short, everybody everywhere who has ever given it a trial. TAKEN' INTERNALLY •MIXED 'WITH WINE GLASS OF HOT MILK AND SUGAR, IT WILf BE Fonew • A NEVER ;AILING - CURE FOR - SUDDEN COLDS, CHILLS, CON- - GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF ClIZCULATION, CRAMPS, rAixs IN THE STOMACH, SUM- MER AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SORE THROAT . &c. APPLIED EXTERN -ALLY, EXPERIENCE HAS PROVEN IT THE MOST EFFECTIVE AN1)•0e,S1' LINIMENT ON EA IFNI AN- EE3IOVING TILE FEOM SPRAINS, BRUISES, IIIIEUMA- NEUEALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TO'. /TII.VC1IE, "-T1NS, FlZOST BITES, &e., &c: 2:3cts, per Botae. rear- Bewaiae of imitations. .•••••••• IL • ...re- *a. totoinirulalmma.,..••••110...mmaraNcammom..• C..A_MID:,-P-11-ti_J7C-4 Treheaisbl +% ag e yet potent pre- li(ei. ..pd.p4patreadtiofnoi..ist ielespre,:ilittelflyanri. 4 - cure of that class of disorders attendant upon a low or reduced state of the sy-.- tem, and u,.ually ac- Comnanied by P:.bor, N1' calm ess and Pal. pitation of the 11e..rt. Pr',,mi.t resnits %till follow its use in ca -es of Sudden Exhatv,tion aru‘ing from Loss of Li ,n=1, A ,ute or Chronic Di -eases, and in the werii:Ile-s ti:::t invariably accompanies the recia'cry from Wa.tine: Fever,. No remuly will give mote sfeed.) re;ief in . . I)y-p,,:psitt or Ind.gestimi. For Inn,toe:•- ,.6 i.:.bed Blobd, I.,:,:.,; ci Appetite. I ies- (3 ".7' poncienav, and in ail cases wie.re n cJ ' . 0-,, - aEE tin;EcTIV. aad caiera a: . aro ' wai saimet.ax-r is recrdirt.!, e, 4, the ELIXIR wa! Ls .a.s> •("' . A'3 foand i a VA i..:..-- 42'3 °et., - 1-E. • • - . • '4, 3 0 CS('" Sala by all DcaZers zn ,llea:ielize.f. . - DAVIS &LAWEINCE 00. (Limited) /NMI\ SOLE -AGENTS, MONTREAL, '. Q. --r.x.mmr_r.aarras-r1 OHRYSTAL & BLACK" PitAOTIOAL BOILER MAREAS. THE Subscribers have bought the Tools arid Boiler business lately carried on by the Goderich Foundry and. Manufacturing Company," and having had an experience of over eight years In that shop, are now prepared to carry on the trade in all its branches. Any work entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. First-class work guaranteed. All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, also Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Work, &c., at reason- als Iv Salt Pans made and old—ones repaired on • le rates. thNe t.lrtest notice, and at prices that defy com- petition. CCM LEGAL. " 10,11 C. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Private Money to J. lend at lowebt rates of interest. °film -- Corner of Square and West. Street, Goderich. 774 T M. BEST, Barrister; Oolicitor, dzo. (mea- d Rooms formerly occupied by cfmoll Dickson, Meyer's Block, over Johriatai's Hard- ware Store, Main Street, Seaforth. Goderich Agents—CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON. 870 QARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solici- tors &c., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. GAREOW, PRot;Droos. 686 rfAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, is.s Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. M. C. CAMERON, Q. C., Pnuar Hovr, M. G. CAMERON. 606 TiOFTUS E. DANCEY, late with Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer, &e. Money to loan. Ben- son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 ANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors ??Lfle—usoB,eaJLemrEsBticcokl,T.Clinton, 'Ontario. tali. 31 Conveyancers'&c Solicitors for the Bank, of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Still Ahe d Of -All. CHRYSTAL & BLACK. H. S. SMITH c Co., CATERERS, And dealers in American and Canadian Confec- tionery. Ice Cream and Water Ices,Vegetables, Oranges, Lemons and all kindsbf Fruits. Pamilies, Hotels, Picnic Parties and others wishing Ice Cream in bulk, can be supplied at reasonable rates. Tobaccos and Cigars of the beat brands kept constantly on hand. Every attention paid to customers. Happy to serve you. Remember the place, First Door North o Reid & Wilson's Hardware Store, Main Street Seaforth, H. L. SMITH & Co. 959 THE BIG MILLS,. SEAFt..4RTH. The above mills have now been thoroughly re. built upon the complete HUNGARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have been greatly enlarged, and new machinery applied throughout. THE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS —AND— Flour Dressing Machines From the best Manufacturing Firms have been put in, and everything necessary added to enable her to turn out flour SECOND TO NONE In the Dominion. The facilities for receiving grain front farmers and for elevating and shipping have also deen extensively improved. Grain can now be taken from farmers' wagons, weighed, and loaded into cars at the rate of 700 bushels per hour, by the work of two men. A LARGE FEED STONE —FOR -- CUSTOM CHOPPING Has been put in, and the necessary machinery for handling chop and coarse grains. A good shed has been erected, so that wagons can be unloaded and reloaded under cover. • WHEAT EXCHANGES Promptly attended to, and FIRST-CLASS ROLLER FLOUR GUARANTEED. CITSTOM EEEflJ Chopped satisfactorily and without delay. ROLLER FLOUR, BRAN,. SHORTS, And all kinds of • CHOPPED FEED •Constantly oil hand. Highest Market Price Paid in Cash for any Quantity of Wheat. APPLE BARRELS FINE, COARSE AND LAND SALT FOR SALE. Only first-class and obliging men will be kept to attend customers. The liberal patronge of farmers and general trade respectfully solicited. A. W. OCII.VIE & CO , PROPRIETORS. T. 0. KEMP, Manager. ,Removed I Removed 1 G- =-Ncry- 1 I\T'G-, SEAFORTH, The Old Established Butcher has removed te new premises immediately opposite his Old Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, where he will be pleased to meet ell his old patrons and as niany new ones as may see fit to favor° him with their patronage. /Remember the place, between Henderson's Harness pop, and McIntyre's Shoe Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 89$ - GEORGE EWING. The 8eaforth, Brussels AND Wroxeter Stage Line. Thisold and reliable Stage Line which runs daily between Seaforth, Brussels, Wroxeter and Gorrie, leaves Seaforth on the arrival of the Mail train from the east, and connects with the trains running -east and west on the Grand Trunk' Railway at Brussels, and also connects with the train for Teeswater at Wroxeter. Comfortable covered carriages and careful, at- entive delvers always on the road. Fares Reasonable. S. VVALSH, Proprietor., FHOLMESTED, successor to the late firm of .McCaughey & Hohnested, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Comsnerce. Money to lend. Fanns for sales Office in Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforall MONEY TO LOAN. -1% TONEY TO LOAN., --Straight loans at 6 per Ili cent. Interest payable half yearly, or 13i per cent. yearly, with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at any time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister, Seaforth. 850' DENTISTRY. 77VIAMS01V, T\ENTIST, Faculty Gold Medallist and College Gold Medallist,Toronto School of Dentistry. Rooms over Johnsons' Hardware, Main Street, Seaforth. 911 "VT_ • M.' M :le -4'4.V4.-- .4 T"D. S., M. R. C. and Es. S., of Ontario. Latest improve - /lie 3* -3 ments in every line. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office'—In Cady's Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. Residence,—The Poplars, John Street, 941 MEDICAL. W3I. HANOVER, M. D. C. M., Graduate of McGill University, Phfsician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, •Seaforth, Ont. Office and re- sidence—North side Goderich street, first brick house east of the 3lethodist church. 961 DRS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brucefleld, Licen- tiates Royal College- of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. At Seaforth every Satur- day afternoon. Office,—Royal Hotel. 930. T G. SCOTT, M. D., &c., Physician, Surgeon, eJ. and -Accoucher, Seaforth, Ont. Office and residence South side of Goderich street, Second Door cast of the Presbyterian Church. 842 RW. BRUCE smrru, M.. D C. 351., Member , of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, &c., Seaforth, Ontario. Offiee and residence . same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 848 DR. 31,ACKID, (late of Lucknow) Graduate of Toronto University', and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office, Fear's drug store. Residence, Jolla Street, first door east of English Church Parsonage, Seaforth, Ontario. 894 - EYE, EAR AND THROAT. DR. GEO. S. li,YERSON, L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S. E., Lecturer on the Eye, Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toron- to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear In- firmary. Late Clinical Assistant Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, Moorfields, and Central Throat and Ear Hospital. 317 Church Street, Toronto. VETERINARY. DR. J. WILSON, V. S. Honored graduate of Toronto Veterinary College' Registered Member of the Veterinary MedicalAssociation of Ontario. Ilavieg had several years' experience can be found prePared to treat all diseases of the domesticated animals on the latest and most im- proved principles. Treatment "of delicate foals tied teeth dressing a 'specialty. Residence: Royal Hotel, Seaforth. 953 EAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY, -Corner of 0 Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next door to the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. AII dis- eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any Of the do- mesticated animals, successfully treated at the Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest notice. Charges moderate. JAM -ES W.. ELDER, Vete,r- i•nary Surgeon. P. S. -A large stock of Veterin- ary Medieiries.kept constantly on hand,, DR. WOODRUFF, Permanently located in London, No. 185,Queen's Avenue, a few Dome eeet of Postoffice. Special atter/twit given to diseases of the Eye, Bad Sight and the Preservation'of 'Vision, diseases ef the Ear, Impaired Hearing and discharges from the Ear, diseases of the Throat. Chronic Inflamma- tion being a frequent cause of Deafness; dis- eases of the Nose ; Catarrh being a common cause of impaired hearing. 943x26 AUCTIONEERS. -r P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the . County of Huron. Sales . attended in al parts of the County. . All orders left at Tim Exeosrroe. Office will be promptly attended to. A DELGATTY, Licensed Afictioneer for the Isla County of Huron. Sales of all description promptly attended to -..on reasonable terms. Ad- dress Brussels I'. 0.,.: or apply on Lot 4, Con. cession 12, Grey.: 77 M USICAL. . 3.s. 0. m. DNLOP, Teacher of Music, AT-iU l Piano or Orean. Advanced pupils fitted for araduating at less than -one-half the expense of fe'oreign teaching. Terms moderate. Resi- dence on George Street, Seeond Door East of Main Street. Seaforth. 879 Preserve Your Sight. By wearing the only FRANK LAZARUS (Late of the firm of Lazarus & Morris) - Reno to ned Spectacles & Eye Glasses, E CARMAN BANK rsECOMMUCF' 1 These Speetaeles and Eye ("Slaws have been used for the past 35 yearseuid have gi ven in every intrtnee anbolunled satkfttetion. They are THE OFFICE, TORONTO. BE6T r im woken. They never tire, and last many years without change-. For Sale by HEAD Paid up Capital, Rest, 2,100,000. PftErIDENT, HON. WM. MCMASTE.R. SEAFORTH BRANCH, The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues to receive deposits, on which interest is aliowe4 on the most favorable terms. Drafts on all the principal -toying and citis in Canada. on. Great Britain, arid on the U ited States, bought and sold. ' Office -First door Sousu of the Commercia Hotel. A. 11. IRELAND, Manager. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor' 639 • DRUGGIST, MEDICAL HALL, SEAFORTH ;: •-barin. In Gout and Rheumatism, it FRANK LAZARUS MANUFACTURER, FARMERS, IT WILL PAY YOU —TO CALL AT TILE --- HURON. FOUNDRY, —NEAR THE— HIGH SCHOOL,* SEAFORTH, And see our stock of ID If 0 -CCT S Which have been made especially for this wants,. I have greatly improved my Gang Plow for this season, and feel satisfied in saying that it is the best in the market. Our LAND ROLLERS Are large and heavy, running light and doing good work. Our GRAIN CRUSHERS Are made from Hard iron, and will last longer than any other mad:eine made. Having special tools for recutting Rollers, we can guarantee satisfaction. Special attention given to ie - pairing Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, Reapers, Mowers, Threshing Machines, and all kinds of machinery repaired on short notice and at reasonable rates. To Contractors and Others. Bridge Bolts and Castings at lowest rates. Quotations furnished on application, ilarAlso Agent for the Implements of L. D. Sawyer, Hamilton. A full line of repairs con- stantly on hand. THOMAS HENDRY. HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment 0401N/11='_A_1\T-Y1 This Companyis Loaning Money on. Farm Security at lowest Rates of Interest. Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent:Interest Allowed on. Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE. -.-Corner of Market Square and North Street, Goderich. HORACE HORTON, MANAGER. 922 Goderich, August 5th,1885. SEAFORTH FurnitureWarerooms. If you want solid comfort call tit M. Robertson's, And buy one of those Celebrated Self Adjustable Easy Chairs, represented' by the above eut. H ean also supply Invalid Chairs and Carriages. He aleo Fells the meet comfortable and durable 1\T G . That is made. Ills stock of CABINET FURNITURE Is very large and Complete. Inteeding porches - ere uould do wellto give him .a call laifore per - chasing elsewhere. Warerooms one Door South of Telegraph Office, Main Street, Seaforth. M. ROBERTSON. This great Household Medicine t-t-tnks amongst the leading necessaries 01 Lite. These famous Pills purify the blood, and act most powerfnily, yet aoothiegly, on the Liver, .Storeach, Kidneys and Bowels, giving tone, energy and vigor to these great Mail, Springs of Life. They are -con- fidently recommended as a never tailing remedy in all eases whera .the onetitution, from what- ever came, has beeome impaired or weakened. They are woaderfully efficokious in all ailment incidental to .females of all ages; and as a Oen- eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed. t % OWAYS OINTMENT krrn It a•hing- and Healing Properties are .,thont the Worlds For the cure of Bail . • nett Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and an infallible remedy. If effectually ra; ;ni ti.e neck and Cheat, as sat into meat, NI.. • -re Throats. Bronchitis, -Conghs -and Co:. • ''or Glandulatt Swellings and l'iles it acts 28 al. ryland Road, Harrow Road, London, Eng. (I. te Lazarus & Morris, Hartford, Conn.) /0/No connection with any other firm in the Dominion of Cana& . 943 er fail:, to fATord r.htf slattufa.etured only at Professor Ifolloway'e Establishment, 78 NAvi Oxford Street (late 5e3 OxfOrd Street) Lorld&I ; and sold at Is. 10,, 2s.9d. 4s, 6d., 115.,225., and 33s. each Box arid Pot. iaa, Beware Cf. Atn- erican eounterfeits,-Pnrebasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the tuldrees is not 533 'Oxford Street, London, they are spurious 9121-52 -st?,