HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-06-25, Page 2THE HURON EXPOSITOR. !TUNE 425, 1.886, a a 134 tJ 4 • . HAPPY ORPH.A. SCOTT. . . and Eunice, who couldn't by any poisi- bility earn their own living ! I can tell , bars • if she had said' Yes,',and gone • with,Maroae Hopkins? '," Who can tell?" responded Mrs. g i Barnes; ' It s a mystery all the wav through, and at the very end We don t know a mite more than we did at the beginning, only it does stand to reason, sOntehow, that more light - to walk by than is given for any particular daywe sha'n't be called upon to act by ; but, Eunice, think as I will, there is one thing no one under heaven could per suede me out of, and that's the belief that Orpha Scott is one of the happiest -souls . on high -happier, a sight, than she would have been had she said tYes,' and gone with Marcus. You see, Orpha, cultivated happiness down here, under all sorts of discouraging cirumstances ; • • and if such a soil as she found growing around 'Squire Scott's homestead coul grow happiness, you may be pretty cer- tain regarding the quality of the article grown on the fields bf heaven. I -tell , you, Eunice, it ain't of much use to talk - about being made happy down here or • anywhere else. In my *ay of thinking, happiness is a thing that has got to be- gin so far inside of that we can see, or know, or even feel the beginiiing of it, and it has got to•gtow, and , to keep on growing; until it has took in about everything In creation, and beyond it, if there is anything -outside of what God' has ; and that, Eunice, I am never going to believe -no, not as long as InY nanie is Belinda Barnes. • _ ITO Wif•UILETER, NUS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. GO - . . . . A. GREAT BARGAIN.- Will be sold cheap 140 Ames of good land, heavily timbered, hr lefty Hemlock and Cedar, never _ 'PI Alexander L. BY SARAH: 17. enrroHalat, - (Concludeiffroin last weeio . " It wan a kind of nine days' wonder, hat marrsage. - Mrs. •Efopkini didn't ke the couattry very well. She was ,ell enough, I, _do s,'pose, but her ways rasn't our ways, a,nd her clothes always timed up the Whole.. meeting -house, hey was so citified, Whenever she did ome to 'Squire Hopkins'. And would On believe it ? that Marcus kept a- - omite to. Squire Scott's, and making elieve he took a mighty sight of inter- Ain the case of paralysis, and the blind irl, and the feeble girl, and in the farm, nd everything under the sun but just a Orpha, who was growing thinner and thiter anti aWeeter every day, a striving ,ight and day with her great wicked- .ess.. He'd go there and talk to 'ern all, nd she'd just glide in and go out again, lid never give a sign that he svaa the uly man. „in, all the world tother, ; and thy he hadn't been man enough -to wait Dr her and not do as he'd done, is aore'n I've ever beeo able to fathom. never saw the man, with his great, telancholy brown eyes, and his straight .ose and fine mouth, without wanting to ut out his eyes, 'cause they hadn't seen rhat I saw. "I needn't 'a' wished it, though, for tie day the news come, and it ran over he hills and tiarouel the town, and I stried it myself over the bars to Squire cott'a, lest somebody should get ahead f me --Marcus Hopkins was dead. He'd eeta, took off very sudden by lung fever; ) sudden that the first news WiS the nrst news.; a.nd they fetched him home bury him in the old burying ground n the hill ever yonder. "1 hadn't heard a word about Mrs cott's bein' worse, but she was, and then 1 went in I found the whole of an, the 'Squire and Orpha and Eunice ad Lois, a hangin' over her, expecting very breath "ud he the Iast one. " ‘ She's dying,' said the doctor, 1), --ho rent in right behind me. *There was 0. rief enough in that house. I couldn't say werd, but presently che doctor spite, MI, says he, ' I came from 'Squire flop- ins, and he's_ clear overcome with the sd news of Marcus' death.' "I looked at Orpha. She was.slowlY loving a great feather fa.n above net oor mother's face with her eyes fixed on ae face when the doctor spoke, but the *eat minute she had fallen forward on he bed in a dead faint. "I helped the doctor carry her out She's had too ranch care and too much amble for one -woman,' said the good laat, without the least idea, that care nd trouble couldn't come nigh love ith such a Woman • as Orpha Scott • She laved her -mother more'n most iris,' says I; 'and she's took care of er so long that it's no wonder-! But h`pha was COIllire t4),. quid Mrs. Scott ras gone, and the boys and Submit had ame home, se I bustled around to help, ed -in three days the two fUneralia was El over. They was held the same day, ne right after the other, and Orpha was t both of them. Hew she kept up I ever could understand, but she did in a• aty that was -real touching, a -going round her poor mother, and fixing her air, and puttia' on her cap, just as she sed to put it on when she was alive, ad seeing to everything ; for, somehow, ularnit wasn't of the least use, and the oys' wives didn't seem to know what to o, poor doves i " Well Mrs. Marcus looked well in , • er new mourning, and her crape was le heavy kind that as new then, andY le staid oVer one Sunday; but Orpha man to ineetin'-she was home, si -I s bed, and I was with her; for from the dilute I saw Marcus with her at the ars I had kind bf stuck by- her, and 7ied, in my rough fashion to smooth OWn her road a mite. Mrs. Scott and farens Hopkins had been in their graves ri• me days then, and Orphes grief for er mother had been too real arskr too aterai to have anybody gainsay it, and he whole town was sayin over in every °use : 'Orpha Scott won't last long. he's been such a devoted daughter,' ad not one of 'ern knew that Orpha was he only true mourner at the second aneral. . . "Says Orpha, to me, that afternoon 1 I want to thank you, Belinda, for all ou've done for me, that nobody but you mild do, and, now they're all safe at ieeting, levant you to help me go up to he burying around. Will you ? -The doector had been in, and said he mustn't get up, but laws me' what oes any doctor alive know about such romen ? She had to go, and I kne..v it, nd I helped her dress and got her up Le hill and into the place, and down by .er mother's grave, before I knew what had donesaid she . Then, when she , maid ga home, I said, 'Ain't you. aoing a stop a mina by Marcus' last reseting- lace?: ,Sim said, ' yes, she was,' and he knelt down on -the fresh earth and )oked at the -grave as though the eyes f her love could see down into it' and hen she lifted up her gaze to the blue ky averhead, and., says she. •` Oh ! I am a glad, so thankful, to have the sin off ay soul ! Anybody may love an angel,' ays she, and I thought there was some loubt about -Marcus Hopkins being an agel„ but I didn't teil her . so, and we vent home, and nobody knew for ever 0 long that we went to the bur) in ;round that day -and Orpha wasn't the . east mite worse for going. " I had been macrried to your uncle bout five years then, but I never even old him Orphes secret, 'cause it didn't eem mine to tell. I knew all about the vild flbwers in the spring, and the cloy- :rs, and the daisies, and even down to ihe everlastin' in the fall, that was drop- Ded on Marcus's grave as if by ebanCe, mid nobody to notice it but just me. I dways observed that there was more of ;he same kind carefully put down just sack of Mrs. Scott's headstone. , "Ten years Came and went. It seems t long spell to talk about, but it didn't ;eero loug to Orpha Scott, for she had ler father to tend through the most dis- • - ressing kind. of sickness. He Was that pe.evish that nobody could be patient with him but Capita. Ei!en Eunice would give out. Nowadaye folks call the sickness softerdna of the brain, but e I can tell you it don't soften nobody's life. . " Well, 'Squire Scott died, and Sub- Mit and the bays and all the grandcliil- dren came home to the funeral, and after it was over they had the readinhof the will, and in, it 'Squire Scott had left- just like him -all the property worth . .- speaking of to the boys, and there was Orpha, who- had given up her youth, and her beauty, and her love, and all her hopes of a home of her own, to take dare of her mother and father, and this Was the end. of it and there was,blindLois- you, when 'twas noised abroad -and the very air seems to tie of such things- there didn't anybody bless 'Squire Scott one jot. . . „ "What was to be done? - - , "The children looked around one at another, and it was Orpha who spoke first. It was always'Orpha first a,nd last in that family, and what she said was that she would give up her share to Eunice and Lois ; and then the boys, Silas and Medad and Enos, they were good boys, and they said : 'We will leave everything to Orpha and the girls as long as theylive.' Submit, she want- eclher own little pittance to buy new furnitare for ler new house: "In a few days life began anew in the 'Scott homestead, and it really did seem as though the time had come .for a few better days for the girls. • " For five years they did have a pre t . f I t' y peaceLUL itne, and then Eunice passe, away,. and it did seem as though Orphas heart was broke she mourned so for the . , . little girl who had loved her more than . -. • anything in tile whole world. " They lived on, blind Lois and Orpha• and every year it seemed as though them two was growing fitter and fitter for the next world. Why, there wasn't a. good work in the church nor anywhere else that Orpha could put her hand to that she didn't clo it, and do it a thousand- fold better 'n any of the rest of us, and the secret good things that she did are past all telling. ' " We, your ' uncle and myselfa we moved away to Hudson for a, spell. We was gone five years, and when we got back the same sweet and -peaceful lire- was goin' on in the Scott house. There Wasn't nothin' to mar it much until one year Orpha had got on to be pretty near sixty-five, her brothers and sisters wrote that they were corning home to spend Christmas with her. Soniehow she didn't like it. She fixed on Thanksgiv- - mg as the time for them to come, but n , an so ey arra ge 1 they could 't d they n d 't between them that the family ga.therin' e on rpha's birthday. 'Twas should b 0 going to be her sixty-fifth. She didn't look a day over fifty, with the loveliest kind of light .in her soft eyes. It was, for all the world, just as though she'd come to earth with some great mankind,speec good news for all -that -* h wasn't fit to tell, and her complexion was as fine as a five -years -old. child. y'•• our'n, Eunice, isn't anywhere near so fine, nor so fair neither ; and then, such clustering curls, each one a ' wealth of * as white as snow,you never saw. If Orpha - 1 ' was 1 eve y at twenty, she was • graciouss y beautiful at sixty-five." " Why Aunt Belinda you were quite - , !. . 2 - i e with IsIiss Scott aveaen't ou 9" in ov . ' . Y • questioned, Eunice, who painted no long- or theTtwilight had come downf. er, • " Don't interrupt me ntsw," Said Mrs. B ii. " ' e - nda. I m nearly to the end, and Orpha was fit for an angel to fall in love yvith. - . - " She went to work witha will to - make ready for the home -coming of the fatnilY• It had increased by that time to - he twenty-three, and rooms that hadn't been Used for years, 'cept at funerals, had to be got ready. She painted one room with her own hands, and papered another, and, by the time everything was spick and span, she was about tired out. When it earn° to the last week, she did have help in the kit- chen to cook and bake. It was a lovely da in the wine ont ter, the hey was all ' -. expected over, and everything was in order. 'Lizbeth Syman had been help in and she wanted to run over home and slick up, and promised to get back in time to help get tea. After she was. gone, Orpha fixed Lois all up right, and, then there was 'most an hour to spa,re afore the time forjern to c_ome. In it Orpha. said she could he down a spell and get a little rest, so She went into her mother's bedroom and shut to the door, a-tellin' Lois to call her when 'twas time " Lois, she sat there knittin'. Lois - was alluz a-knittin' • 'twas the onlythin ' g she could do. Then the house was so ' still, and the fire warm ; and afore she knew it, Lois had dropped off, and sat a - d• in ' in her cha'no ir d , when the folks began to come. They had _ arranged it all between 'emeto new furnish Orpha's room. So -they had. it all fixed right for carpet alai_ furniture arid every single thing-, an4 it all matched, and the whole of 'em maliaged to meet and go together to the house. I saw 'em coin- ing, and I ran akross the bars and cut in the back way, just as they was going up the front walk-, and I met 'em right in the hall. '4 L, hhd h. oisse earte noise, and she sprang up to call Orpha, and then it was all hurly-burly and talk and kisses, and , ' Where's Aunt Orpha ? Where is Aunt Orpha !' " Finally, ELS 80.011 as she could get • in. a word, Lois told how she had gone to he down, and she forgot to wake her uct So I ran right into the room, calling, 'Orpha ! Orpha ! wake up ! They've a, all got here . . a "Folks talk about supreme moments. I can tell you that was one -the most solemn moment of my lifetirne ; for Orpha Scott was dead. Y es, dead, and lying there, with .wide-open eyes that had, for all the world, the look in them as though they saw right into Pa szlise, ancl was that wrapt iip in it that earth- ly birthdays hadn't any power over them. It was868 just awful to see them, brothers and sisters and children, all huddling into the room, and gazing at the beautiful woman who had been called from her little birthday festival up to the Feast of the Lamb,. "1 broke down when poor Lois touch- ed, with her tender little fingers, the dead face, and moaned over her, and would not be believe She was dead. , " ' She was ,ep tired, she said, she wanted to lie dOwn and rest," she moan- ed. ' Dear Orpha ! my sister !' she gasped, and Lois' grief broke forth with a pathos that I couldn't bear, I had to go out It seemed to me, some how, that it was there, in the great everywhere of the air, somehow, that gun. I Orpha,'s new birthday had be It ha a seemed to me ever since that there must be an awful amount of joy laid up- in heaven for such women, that give up everything that goes to make .a woman happy down here for love of father and mother and brother and sister -though I don't deny, none of the time, I don't,. that Orpha Scott wasn't the happiest,•• yes, the Very happiest, woman I ever knew, even in this world." • . Alt B. • s. at nes paused. , "Aunt Belinda," ventured Eunice, " How would it have been, do you think, if Miss Scott hadn't said ' No ' at the 1 e maple, some failing stream through Three -miles from Amabel, County T : E OL 165 STABLISHED Gibson Allanford station, township of 0I Bruce. ' Apply to box 284, Stratford:, or Ex. POSITOR OffiCe. 893-tf . , . . • Begs to announce to the public that h bu.,•,, menced to operate the ACRE FARM FOR SALE For sale 150 Lot 10 and half of 18, in the lst Con- cession of Turn'berry, about two miles from Wingham, and one and one-half miles from Blue- vale. Ninety acres upder , cultiv9tion, well fenced and drained, with good buddIngs and other convenienCes, will be Old cheap. Apply to ALEX. ROSS, Bluevale P. 0. 924tf f 1 -).R -u -G •-•,- . STORE, N WILSO-'S, WROXETER WOOLLEN FACTO - RY And that he will be pre i r ' 1 a ed to give good val ' FULL CLOTHS, , a A GOOD FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot ii_ 18, Concession 6, Ha.y,cdntaining 100 acres, of which about t30 are cleared; fenced and under- dmined and partly free from stumps, the bal- ance is hardwood bush. There are good build- ings and snriall orchard and plenty of good water This is a goad farm and will be sold on reason- able terms. For particulars apply to. JOHN GORBY, on the premises, or Hensall P. O. , . 952 FOR HELLEBORE • and PARIS GREEN, • , ; • . Pure Drugs and Medicines. TWEEDS, UNION TWEEDS: FLANNELS, PLAIDINGS, WINCEY8, And Varieties in STOCKING Y A R RI am 8 • . FOR Sale., in the township of . ARM -For sale 11 Hibbert, 150 acres being, lots 29, and the ' west half of 28, in.the 8th concession, it .is free from stumps and in a high state of cultivation, - 1 . TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, COMBS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, You the largest assortment and Custom Carding, Spinning and PflJjjjg Promptly Attended to, with a log house and good outbuildings. There is an everlasting spring creek running through the farm. It will be sold together or sepamtely (t3ohneeasi.34; t reirentios or further particulars address r. on the premises or to Seaforth PoettitiePe.- WM. EBERHART, Proprietor. 953-tf SPONGES, or anything in the di ug line. can see the best value far ' your moue 1:' yo Y• I • , • Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Receipts accurately compounded with the Purest Drugs obtainable, and at moderate prices at . • . • Parties from a distance wi II, as far as hie have their ROLLS HOME WITH THEM, he has put the Mill into Go W ' - an - od orking rata and eniploys none but Efficient Workmen, - Ali Work is W . . 1-1, ARM FOR SALE. -The SUbscriber offers for arranted. x sale his splendid farm of 100 acres'being Lot 44, Concession 2, Tuckersmith. Good new story and half frame house, 2 acresfree splendid LumsDEN • ' 8, wiLsoN,s REMEMBER THE WROXETER Mill, v. orchttd, good buiklings, 85 acres from r stumps, 15 acres in fall wheat: The whole uuder good ..,eultivation, and well underdrained, live spring on the farm and has good wells. Close - , i ' , . , ALEX. L. GIBSON, • Proprietor, . A Princess in Washington: - A Washington correspondent of the New York World *rites : • •• • Society has had recently a notable addition in the shape of an Indian princess of the Zuni tribe. This is Princess Wawa. She is the guest of the wife of Colonel Stevenson, of the Geo -being - logical Survey. Princess Wawa goes about everyvvhere at all of the recep- tions and teas of Washington wearing her native dress. The princess has .a very large round heavy face. Her black, thick, long hair is parted_ upon the side and conibed with statesmanlike carelessness across - her broad, brown brow. . The princess' dress is made of gay red blanket stuff, trimmed with beads. From underneath her shert skirts are seen stout ankles and small feet, covered with buckskin legginos - t, and moccasins. The general style of the princess is massive Her broad face, her stern fea- • - tures and the peculiar parting of her• hair give her a masculine look among the pale faced society ladies. One prominent society lady the other day who Saw the princess for the first time was charmed because the princess gave •her a sweet smileaand a low' bow .with- out the - formality of an introduction.. ,, • She said th a friend, " I always knew that ese n tan c te tains were re- th I d• h" f ' markable for their taste." She was quite disgusted when she found that the " chieftain " was a Member of the other sex. The princess held a regular levee at the house of the ha,ndsome.4Mrs. David Porter Heap, the other day. Mrs. Heap, who is one of the ,most at tractiVe ladies in Washington, suddenly found herself deserted on account of the rival charms of the Indian princess. The ladies crowded about the Princess ' NVawa, and amesed themselves endless- ly by tryinaeto converse with her by signs and broken English. The prin- cess can speak but Very little English. The princess is an eccentric child of nature. Although she is moving at present in the highest circles of Wash- ington, and is the pet 'guest of Mrs. Stevenson, she yet has lapses from the conventionalities of life and goes back to the freer action of life an the plains. During the late heavy snow fall the princess heard the Stevensons talking about the hea,vy load of 8110W on tli. roof of their house. It waa just begin- ning to thaw, and they were fearful that the water would get through the roof Some way or other throneh their signs she seemed to 'understand. A few mo- ments afterwarde she disappeared and could not be found. A little later a heavy rush on the roof aad then a fall of •• ' snow in front of the house indicated where the princess was. -811e was found po e - lard a, wor c ear- up on the ridee 1 I t k 1 ing off the roof. The work was full of - ebut th - ' • would peril, -. e princess hot come down*until she had completed it. to churches .and schools. Three and one-half miles from the town of Clinten, 5 from Seaforth. be sold on reasonable terms. HUGH Mc - SCOt.VS Block Main Street, Seaforth. • 3 Illito . . 6 .Will DONALD, the �r Clinton P. 0. • 101.00 on premises, 930tf . ARMS FOR SALE. -That valuable farm Il•T North half of Lot 29, Concession 6, Morris, on which there i8 a good frame barn and outbuildings, frame house, gdod bearing orchard, g ood wells, ite. Also that viduable 'farm being 6, Morris, onf• , S p EcIAL ANNOUNCEIVIENT. . • _ WILL BUY YOU AN ad ' outh half of Lot 28, Concession Which there is a good new frame house and good frafue barn. Both of those farms are adjoining the village of Brussels, and dre in every respect first-class farms. Terms easy, and which will be - ma e nown on app ica ion o E. E. WADE, or d k l' t' t PETER THOMSON, BrusselS P. O. 963 . • CHARLESWORTH & BROWNELL, American Soh Silver . A ar It. T C H 1 MIARM IN MORRIS FOR SALE. ---:A Vel*S' Valli. 12 able farm for Sale, being south 'half of Lot 6, Coneession 3, Morns, colitaining 100 free facres ; there are a.bout 80 acreseleared and rom stumps. The soil is a tine day loam and well fenced and watered. There is a good bank barn With stables underneath and a good frame house, the buildings nearly yew; and therefirst- . . WHOLESALE & RETAII- GROCERS, .0ne Door North of Seaforth l'oA Office. -AT- , s •Purvis eic Milks' are class oi•chard. There is a good bush with plenty of railtini er. e arm is one nule rom school, • b Th f ' 1 1 five miles from Wingham,_and two and a half e station. Good gravel roads lead- fromfrom BelgravF ' the place: The arm will be sold' inheap. Apply on the preiniies or Belgrave P.O., c g_ WM, HANNAH. 957 . ; ' . Owing to our large and increasing trade, we found our late premises far too small, and were compelled through the pressure of business to move to a much larger store. ; .•- - We are more than thankful for the past liberal patronage, and trust by fair increase business. JEWELLERY STORE i . . OPPOSfTE THE • ,, , TIARM IN HULLETT FOh SALE. -For sale, r Lot 6, Concession 14; Hullett, containing- 158 acres about 100 acres cleared, free from and honest dealing to still our Teas jobbed by the Caddie and half Chest, at wholesale priees. . New Crop Teas in store and arriving, consisting of Young Hyson, Gunpowder, , BlackS. 1 Commercial Hotel . stumps, underdrained, well fenced and in a high state of cultivation. The balance is well timber-, ed with hardwood, cedar and black ash. There and geed frame opandtbuild- is a good stone housesplendid oreh abun- ings. There is a Japans and. t) New Season Fruits in abundance, 190 boxes Morrand's New Valentia Raisins, London Layers, Black Basket, New Currants, Figs, and as usual a large stock of Sugars, Syrup and Molasses. REPAIRING NEVLY DONE . .. ,ard, dance of living water. It iS within four miles of the flourishing village of Blyth, and good gravel roads leading to all - the surrounding towns. it is convenient to schools, churches,. P.°8t°ffi so Lot 7 oh the mice Conces- ce, Fine Coffees -Green, Roasted and Ground. Pure Spices in full variety. A full stock of Canned Fruits and LVegetables Salt Water Fish, Whitefish and Trout. . me to none in the market Fullof General Groceries, second '. . A new and complete stock of Crockery and Glassware just to hand a,nd will Agents Mfor the Light Running New Home Sewing a,chine. _ ,.ii sion, containing 15‘ acres. ,The two farms u i be sold together or separately on terms to suit purchasers. GEO. i% ATT, Harlock. 944 e opened out this b d t N. B. -Farmers wholesale prices in week will please remember the job Teas and- General' GrocerieS at quantities. For Wali Paper, FARM FOR SALE. -For giale, Lot 25, Conces- sion 5,31c1Cillop,- containing 100 acres, near- ly all cleared, well fenced and -underdrained,,and in a flrst-class state of cultivation. There is a *stone house, bank barn afid other necessary buildings all in first-class Condition. Also an . orchard of bearing trees, and the river Maitland through a corner of the farm but there is riOntsvaste . OHARLESWORTH - ONE & BROWNELL. DOOR NORTH OF ST'',AFORTH POST OFFICE. '' Window Shades, Carpet F'elt; land. It is flrst-elass farm either for a "stock orgrain, and is within two miles of the town of Seaforth on the nOrthern gravel road. Apply on the prmises or to Seaforth P. O. HUG'II J. GRIEVE. • 911-tf • -„- - \ E GOODS - •• ! )EW STYLES i -- . Building Papers, &o., FOR SALE. -For sale in the thriving village of Hensall at a, great bor min, that valuable . -GO TO - iroperty situated on the wett side of Brooke Istreet, consisting of a good new frame dwelling 18x26 • feet, arid well finislikl throughout, with good well and stable on -tli premises. Reason for selling is that the undersigned intends leaving the village about the end of the year. Possession can be giVtal at an time Witthi11 a weeks notice. FO - SPRING AND SUMMER 5 '01 ; AT a PAPST / SEAFORTH. Terms of Sale. -Very liberal. For full parties- lars apply to D. MOWBRAY, Mason and Con- Ilesall P. 0. 905 tractorn , . • ARM IN MOR RIS FOlt SALE. -For Sale, -4 _ r North -half Lot 22, Concession 7, Morris, containing 100 alcres, ahout 70 of which are clear- ed, an part13 c eared from s and in a good sta tumps, u ell fenced te of cultivation. The v.,00d land contains considerable cedar. There is a C A,VIPBT.:41-iii . 0 oz- BRIGIIT'S / , The largest variety and the - lowest prices in the County, good frame house and - bank barn with stabling , underneath and other necessary outbuildings, a S A °PAT' g-ood orchard and plenty of spring wai er. It is within three quarters of a Mile from school, and only three miles from the flourishing villag-e of -T-1 Also Baby Carriages from $3 ilp at Understood the Male Sex. "I'm sorry you two ladies are going all that distance alone," I said to some friends going East sortie time ago. " If we see any one on the train I know, I'll put you in his charge." " Don't ; I'd rather not," one of them answered. • "Why ?/1 " Because you always get more atten- • tion from strangers. We are all riglit. If we have any chaperon, he'll be bored to death and be disagreeable all the way, if we have none, every man on the train will be at our service and be only too -t glad to attend to us." - " That's queet. I never thought of that "My dear boy, men are always in search of adventure, and a formi. in- troduction or an intimate acquaintance makes it a duty,and dutylis alvi-ays disa- greeable." " Well, I suppose you are right." " Do you see that gentleman there ? He's been quietly looking around to see what pretty women are on • the train• Before we get to Port Costa he'll be ask- ing my sister if he can do anything for hershe's prettier than.I am ; but 1,vhat he's willing to do for her, he'll do for me _ to keep me sweet." " I don't think you'll get left your- self." " Between you mid me and the win- dow, Ldon't think I shall." And I left them with their aahange- merits all made as to how they were going to treat every. man on the car.- San _Francisco Chronicle. , •- Brussels. This firm will be sold cheap. Apply on the premises or Brussels P. O. - 920tf SIMON FORSYTHE, Proprietor. - . • - - e- ra OOD FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 1, Uoncesslon 8, Tuckersmith, containing -100 l31 ' They have just. their Establishment opened up a complete assortment of New Choice Suitings at in Seaforth, where Gents' can procure a complete outfit from - - 9 - Papsts Bookstore. acres, about 80 of which are cleared, free from stumps, underdrained; in a high state of cultiva- tion and well fenced. There is a comfortable log house and a large bank barn with stabling underneath. Also a young orchard and good the crown of the head • to the sole of the foot. . 'have S ave 20 Per Cent, well. The land is all dry and of the best quality. It is conveniently situated to Seaforth and Hippen stations, WIth good gravel roads leading to each place. For further particulars address the Proprietor, Egmondville . P. 0. or apply at thrietore Egmondville mills. JAMES 'KYLE,04-tfPro- Call and see our considerable pains ;1 very thing desirable. new Suitings nothing like them in town. We gone to ' to procure choice Pantings, and our customers will find the i 1 f ''- I836 -SEMI -CENTENNIAL -1886, YEAR OF THE i . Gore District Fire Ins. Co, * fa OOD FARM FOR SALE. -In order to Come and see our new Hats they beat eVerything. A full Stock of White Conducted both on Cash and Mutual Plans. close 10 --the affairs of the estate of the late W. G• Hingston, the executors offer the following vary valuable lands for sale. First -North half of Lett°, Concession 5, township of Morris, and Fancy Shirts, also Underwear, Gloves, &c., &c. HON. JAMES YOUNG, M. I'. P., - President ADA3I WARNOCK, Esq., - Vice -President R. S. STRONG, Esq., - Managing Director con - tawny,. 90 acres. On this lot is erected a good frainebbarn with stone foundation, good orchard, well and pump. Nearl3r all cleared, and is on cAmpBELL 0 a BRIGHT. 1111-1M 0-OrtM Enters upon its FIFTIETH YEAR much stronge the gravel road closely adjoining. the village of and more than any Previa: Brussels. TIPS farm is a valuable is well fenced and in a good staone,te of cultivation.' For prices and terms apply to Tilos.liEetx, Brus- sels P. O., HENRY JENNINGS, Victoria Square P.O., orCountyJAMES SMITH, Maple Lodge P. 0., Middlesex . , Announceraent - e Extraordinary ! prosperous at period, having e218,896 of Assets and practicalli NO LIABILITY, except a re -insurance, resen't of $30,000. There .are e20,000 deposited %vitt. the Ontario Government, and over $90,000 ha in mortgages, debentyres and cash, immediate13 available to meet losses. - rrw0 HUNDRED ACRE FAP.M FOR SALE. - For sale Lot No. 11 on the 14th and 15th conces'sions of Grey, conta'ining 200 acres, 150 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultiva- tion. The remainder is good hardwood bush. There is a never failing creek running through , The Bankrupt Stock running off for the past two months still further-replen- .. , ished with new mad_ seasonable goods at prices unapproachable in the regular 1 . Mutual policy holders in the Gore save 20 Pei cent. with undoubted security. For furth rpar ticulars apply to the HEAD OFFICE, GALT, Or th JAMES WATSON Agent for Sea ortt .. s . - , - and\ icinity. 961 the farm. There is a good frame barn 40 by GO feet, good log house and good bearing, orchard. itis six niiles from Brussels, and three from Walton with good gravel road leading to each place. 'There ' Li I - • is a sc. oo on the next Lot. Price, e7,700. This is an excellent stock and grain farm and is offered very cheap. For fiiither particulars apply to the Proprietor on the prein- course of businesse and will be continued till all is cleared out, so those in I Wa nt of genuine bargaius cannot possibly invest their money to better advantage. Therefore, we woalal kindly ask the favor of a call, and. be convinced that this is a - :A_ 1.1 .1 -A\T 1 i IT V 1_ 1 .1 ____0F____ ROYAL MAIL S EAMSHIPS, - t ises or to Walton P. 0.-ADA3I D013GLAS. 966A. GENUINE CLEARING SALE, as the goods must be sold to allow of extensive STRONG, Seaforth, Agent. - .. -There is a boy in Chelsea, that should be punished'. Last Sunday even- ing he crawled under the sofa, and when his bia sister and her best yentas man were sitting togethertp g as close as possible, rigged a slipknot around their feet. When the old gentleman came into the par lor to fetch his pen and ink theY thought they would occupy separate ' seats. The young ma.n fell over the centre table, and Mary sat down upon the floor, with a two -hundred to the h •• square Inc concussion that dislocated her adjustable bangs. The old gentle- man thought that Adolphus was drunk 3 and hit him with his cane several thries before he could get himself loose and fall out of the window. The match was de. clared off. iPLENDID .700 ACRE FARI‘i FOR SALE INGREAT s THE TOWNSHIP OF 0 REY.-Sealed offers alterations in the ILLEDITCTIO.N IN PASSAGE BATA , addressed to the underSigned, will be received up to Jtily 1st, purchase of that first-class farm, being composed of Lots 11 and 12 in the ilith Concession of the township'of Grey, County of Huron, comprising 200 acres, of which about 115 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the balance being well tim- bercd. There is on the premises a good frame barn 60x50 feet and a hewed lo,,.;- clapboard house and outbuildings I ences are in good rep ur bA tine orchard of young trees just coming into cam"- A Lrood well and a never fail* , - • o• ,-, . , 111f, spring creek. Although this Is a most_ desirable prop- erty, intending purchasets can view the property d obtain any further information rr ,premises. . Ep H SUCCESSORS ' TO THOMAS ' - 1 S 1 KIDD & SON. . a---- Cabin rates from Halifax to Liverpool and Pow donderry, $59, e'63, and $73, according to position ef stateroom. Children under 123 -ears, half late; under 1, free. Servants ..in Cabin, $50. Inter' <;.:.3r • C: V 41, -Of mediate, -„ .), Steerage, ,13. ... rom Li erpoe ondonderry to Halifax: Cabin, $63, *.;-78.75 nod *11; Inte• St - 14.50rmediate , „ P43:5, eerage, turn Tickets from Halifax to Londonderry 01 Liverpool and hack to Halifax : Cabin, $100, Po and 1i3, Intermediate, $70; Steerage, $26. --- Money Loaned and Real Estate Bougbi and Sold as Usual. with rer:ard to it on application to the tenant on the premises Possession wll be given on Oetober 16th, 1886: The highest or any offer not necessarily accept- ed. Address offers to ROBERT THOMPSON, Roseville P. 0., Ont. Roseville, Ont., November 0, 1885. 937-tf P. S. -TWENTY-FIVE HALF CHESTS FIRST - CLASS NEW FRESH TEA TO BE SOLD AT HALF PRICE. in sU R A N C Es I represent several of the nest nisaranee Cool • • • panics in the uorld. VfrOffice-Market Street, Seaforth. - 862 A. MON Ram 25, 1886. trdteh°11paitgige:rh,e°.r" Sure, an' isn't it enough for you striving to na An going to kiss her, and the ev Irisnyviehasetnwbahersiiayk.nSaalyywsehtiheereSeci,;" of ancu_t tlAetry lover,os of omi fne-aphreeiardr jasaiitcanurgvw• ale r eri itzshd:Shi possessed in a wonderful couples in one hour the otl marked to a friend that it fasi wAogrkir.: re zeeNntoltyvdeirsyco,'%:ei friend ; only four knots an, h ly reason why wemen tome 1„..Teinrgyedraicall ,niwenho. :filo:jar: sinyeetyxg1Pybuieuriosamitneeyal aleofientdaehildge dlth, according sueoehreldi ft aini otn: itlgiwayei I something more to eat, pul -A little five year ohi el stagrovoedbigslicedeatofb h-happy afate4 A theaNnIrd.emer. --eiselle X. recta' of her old school friends w/e married a short time back. along well together ?" " Ha .fwaaiitdhoshuet, 'd'oaurbety.ou IBiauptpyw2e. great deal." " Already! what ?" Paul pretends ala is he who cares the most for sure it is 1 that care moat fM -An impecunious young cently requested a private with one of the wealthiest In pool. As soon as the dee the young lawyer said 'emu is a burden to me unless you my marriage with your come to ask yourconsent." man, who did not have lawyers, replied, "To whi daughters do you refer, "Sir, I refer to which ever e me to have," was the candid - -One day Billy and 8 playing in a mud hole, and "Now, Sammy, let's play barnyard. You be the pig a and wailer, and I'll be, th beller like everything.' 84 down on their hands and Sammy lie went into the di lowed while Billy bellowed I thunder. By-and-by •San= muddy -you never saw siA little fellow -and he sa you'll be the pig, and let i But Billy said-" I ain't a pig, except for dinner, and 'nuff for you to heller when s ee -s Yer2' Ashort tune ago some cruising on a part of the Iris served that about the same 1 day a boat, containing two woman, landed its passeng shore, and after a short tin with them. Inquiring the these daily. excursions, 14 said one gentleman, " what come here every da Y ?Is like it 1" Oh, your honors, at all," was Pat's reply; your honors, the wife and me soon to Austraiy, and so VA ing the say -sickness, that used to it when we start." de you find yourself improvir sure, your honors, the wifeh day, but she's getting on p how." So with good wishe gentlemen, the worthy coup to qualify themselves for the tive voyage, by "practisinl sickness." The Inspiration (A' When Abraham Lincoln, war, told his wife that it ws to visit the hospitals and could to alleviate the suffei wounded and the dying, she, pulsively " I can not, and I Will not " Very well," said her hu you can not, you can tiol will not robs your can effect." But you know," Mrs. sponded, "how weak and ale sight of suffering makes me be mortifying for the Presialt visit a hospital and faint awl "Not so mortifying as said the gentleman, with a. I you faint, you can recover possible, and jump up and t The crisis has proved to in that, nothing is impossible in unselfish endurance." Mrs. Lincohi, like rnest was cool and ready in an but limp and unnerved al preme moment had passed.' of Mood did not particula her, but a hurt or a woun her very heart, as she expres in consequence, this hos-0 seemed more than she cot endure. But she said no t husband, having determined out alone. The next mornisi conversation related above coin accidentally met his was about to pass to her can " Where are you going ?" A To Armoury Square Hoi replied. "To faint away" he int" "To do the best I tan,' sponded. 'That's the talk," said " That is alleany of us- can are those who are strong en their best, and then have ficient to leave the result longs." There is no doubt that I. Possessed a supersensitive gaaization, and that this, wr as it was by subsequent es• last the cause of her mental as well •as- her death. time she was easily excited. ed, and it must have taken courage and love of her ki was ever credited with to en Overcome this horror of pha mg. But i3he. did overcome bravely. soon as I had epoken poor fellow," this lady to " my heart stopped thitta throat, and beat quite nor natural place. When I there was anything I could he smiled and whispered., eour.' I asked permission eeme lemonade, and it w After I had. given Min f4; he whispered, 1 Oh, that Le -.Some way this settled the