HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-06-11, Page 7Af led Ia,rgely ware a the p offer a. 1 .arge r the inspection best Whit rbed t. e jrje I a in great v ir order for a BINDER TWINg Leave your oil best. 11 Bros., RCHANTS, ;e a forth M L 1.8 eprietor of these WO mills, has been ad era; and is now . article of FLOUR, 'od by any mill In the party waits for IL wheat, chopping dew ed for six cents per h oat meal always_ sa id exchanged for Wits alwae-a on hand ilia e prices-, also any gags 0rders promptly atlas& tot yet giventhesemillet interest to do so. les Bell's 'gills." a MeNEVIE &ERB- rARNING Reaper,, Dr Rake; INSPECTED Ma LY BY Wilson pRTH, FOR THE ring Co. (Limit asTARIco.. n has done bushiest* reputation of the iser es offered -to -day see unerior. See the inder, eaper, urnaner Mowert n Daisy Rake. merican Plowsand d Drill. Come and ow WILSON, SEAFORTHs ON ITNEY HOUSE, LINES OF ATERS OYAL e Burner in four and with Ovens. Peninsuiar e Ease Burner teaks to see it. all kinds of oal Coolt show theni. and get Bargiair TS IN Y. TINWARE, D &WAD AYS ON HAND 0 LOAN. s Bomar! HMO' ONTARIO eesie Society have an unow' lend on real interest with th repaying a Po wits of interest. re. DENT & dee are the auth the Society. . -_,--ssoeseseeener 11,_1886. , News Notes. . _la some parts of Mexico precious woods are so plentiful that the natives il of rosewood logs. h u _ di nh ieg sti seveserest snow storm of the sea- son visited Edmonton on the 13th May. now fell to the depth of over a foot, but it did not lie long. -It requires the annual slaughter of 100,000 elephantato keep the world sup. edwith ivory. - England alone uses up ahaprbduct of 30,000 elephants,or 1,200, me pounds. . . __Ztaps are being taken in Berlin, Iumier the patronage of the Crown princess of Germany, to found a home for English and American governesses in that country. - -The Ohio Legislature has appropriated 05,000 for monuments and tablets on the battlefield of Gettysburg. ' A commission will have charge of the purchase and placing of the tablets. The Last Year, 1886. After the above year is ended there need be no person suffering from rheumatism, neuralgia, toothache, headache, lumbago, or any acute pan, if they only purchase a bottle of Fluid tightaingy as it cures instantly. Pain cannot stay Where it is used. The name is Fluid Light - ten . Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, drug;gists, orth. 964.52w. • :•-•-The whole congregation of a free church in Scotland,who were thinking of calling a certain minister to their pulpit,. hired a special train and went down en muse toDundeeto hear him preach. -Floating bricks are made of a very lihtsilicious earth, clay being sometimes ded to bind the material -together. They can be made so light that they will Boston water, while their streegth equals e ordinary bricks. . . --During the last year the pawnbrokers business in Berlin has increasecl more than eleven per cent More than sixty per cent, of the people who habitually resort te the pawnshops are workingmen and small traders. Mineral Poison. - Nothing but pure extracts from plants aud roots are used in preparing McGregor;s Lung compound, the modern and now popular reme- dy for colds, coughs, bronchitis, croup, asthma, and all affections of the throat, lungs and chest. a mineral poisons and dangerous substances are avoided, which renders it safe for children or adults. Sold at 50c and Si per bottle by Lions - des & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth. 964.52w , -Mr. Duncan Stewart,of North East - hope, started for the Northwest on Fri- day. He will spend part of the season in the neighborhood of Selkirk, and will watch the intereats of an extensive lum- bering firm in which a. number of Strat- ford gentlemen are interested. • -Quite a number of improvements are going on in farm buildings on the 3rd concession, Fullarton, among which are the following: iMessrs. Wm. Hodge, Jas. McGee and Jas. Potter are now raising tneir barns and putting stab, ling underneath. Mr. Joseph Agar raised a. new b tn a few days ago. ,,;McGregor Parke's Carbolic erate. sore, cut, burn, bruise, corn, En, pimple, blotches, rough f so, there is hut one cure, namely, 3IcGrego & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. If you try it, it will convince you. It costs by 25c at Lmnsden & IN iison's drug store, Seaforth. 964.52wt -it sounds ca1y to talk of quarrying oil, but that is the way it is obtained. in Alsace. The oil saturates a porous sa,m1.- quarried in blocks. up, put in kettles, and ut. This oil is not of Mating purposes, but is t. Of course it contains Have you an ol bunion, salt rhe hands or faa-4? stone, which These are broke the oil is tried value for illurn a good lubrican no gas. McGreg r's Speedy Cure. When we 'say only perfect cure indigestion and i plain facts of whic testify who have by s1QeWe 1CGregor's Speedy Cure is the or dyspepsia, liver complaints, Imre blood, we are telling hundreds upon hundreds can ecu restored to perfect health 11-ould therefore advise you strongly. if you ar ki subject of any of the above troubles, to give 3 eGregor's Speedy Cure a, trial and be corivince4. It is sold in 60c and $1 bot- -1 Wilson's drug store, Seaforth. • of a novel character the postoffice the other ties at Lumsden 164,52w. -An epistl passed theoug r.a.yThenove11iy consisted in the material upon which it i,vasfwritten, which was a gentleman's linen `cuff. There was noth- ing unusual in simply a dun, c language: "P1 your wash bi The cuff was a stamp. -Portia Whit is Needed By every man and woman if they desire to sepure comfort in this world is a, corn sheller. Putnam's Corn Extractor shells corns in two or three days .and without discomfort or pain. A hundred imitations prove the merit of Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor, Which is always sure, safe and painless. See signature of Poison & Co. on each bottle. Sold by medicine dealers. 952.52w. 1 -Over a million, -pounds is still spent yearly in pil r mages to Mecca and ir • Medina. Man of these Mohammedan pilgrims travel immense distances. Thus, nearly 6,000 ofn]. It eAre from the Soudan I. and neighboring parts of Africa, 7,000 are Moors, 1,400 Persians, 19,000 Malays and Indians, said Some 25,000 Turks or Egyptians. These are the figures for the year 1885, when there were no fewer than aao pilgrimto these two famous shrines. - It can do no liann to try Freeman's Worm Powders. when your child is ailing, feverish or the contents, which were cinched in the following ease call around and pay 1. Your Laundryman." orned with a two cent d Oregonian. fretful. 857.52m. a, Scotcli town, where area, large Established and a small Free chttch. on -apposite aides of the same street, the beadles of the same were comparing notes. Said the Free chnrch beadle: "D'ye ken what yon muckle, great ding dong bell o' yours aye minds Me of? It's aye sayin' 'Cauld kail het again !mild kale het again r The other replied: "Ay, ay, but do ye no ken what your wee tink-tinklin' bell's aye ehtverin' ? "Na -what is't ?' ' "Clection 1 election !election ! " Cure fair Sore Throat. A prompt and efficient remedy for sore throat as well as croup, asthma, pain in the side, ear- ache, deafness and many other common and painful complaints;, ie found in Hagyard's Yellow Gil 857.52.2w. --In 1823 the for a single letter for any distance 6 cents; over 30 rates of postage were, of one piece of paper Lot exceeding 30 miles, iles and not exceeding %miles, 10 cent; over 80 and not ex- ceeding 150 miles, 12,1, cents; over 150 and not exceeding 40o miles, 1R cents; over 400 miles, 25 cents. Letters composed ef two pieces I of paper ware charged double those rides ; three pieces were charged triple Tates, and more than three pieces qu LdrupIe postage. As sweet as homy is Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm o destroy and expel worms. Id of a Boston doctor, not know upon what a„ crowded church the deacon with contribution box made his difficult way up the aisle and held that receptacle for the cash of the charitable suggestively before the young man. Syrup, yet sure 857,52nn --A story is though I do authority. In 7'117 "1 am very sorry, sir," the doctor a, aid, to the infinite scandal and astonishmtn,t of all -about but the woman wit0 a pink feather in her bonnet has taken my purist, and I can't have her arrested until after service, so you'll have to wait. -Providence Journal. Off Work. "1 was off work for two years suffering from kidney disease, and could get no relief, until ad- vised by a friend to try Burdock Blood Bitters. I waa mired by two bottles, and consider it a miraculous cure." The above is the substance of a communication from Wm. Tier, of St. Marys, Ont. 857.62.2w. -" While practicing law a number of years ago," said Judge Tourgee, "1 had a peculiar will case. An old who was a slaveholder, dying, bequeathed her colored man, John, and her dusky maid, Jane, who sustained to each other the relation of husband and wife, to the trustees of the church, to be used as far as possible for the glory of God.' I was curious to know what course was taken, and upon investigation found that, after meditation and prayer,the pious trustees' sold their living legacy at auction, and with -the proceeds sent a missionary to China." -Exchange. Why Is It 9 Why do so many limp and hobble about on sticks and crutches, suffering from rheumatism, stiff joints, and cords, lame back, sprains and other aches, and pains and lameness, when Hag - yard's Yellow Oil, an unfailing relief, can be purchased at the trifling cost of twenty-five cents. 857.52.2w. -A Lady who has rendered great service to the Temperance reform by her pen, writes friend of mine who is at present visiting us has just return- ed :from the Highlands; while there she resided a month With a large whis- ky distiller, wlid pays £25,000 per annum duty. The first evening at dinner she remarked with much as- tonishment that the host and hostess and their family' partook only of water, and asked in much surprise the reason, saying, 'Surely you are not Teetotalers,' to whieh the gentleman replied,' indeed we are; I make it but fools drink it. Danger Ahead. There is dauger ahead from neglected colds. A tight cough and iritated throat are the warn- ing signs of lurking danger to the lungs. Hag - yard's Pectoral Balsam cures colds, sore throat, stubborn coughs, and all bronchial and lung troubles. 857.52.2w. -On the morning of May 5th a poor, broken down tramp entered the printing office of the Christian Un' n and offered a pawn ticket on a_pair of He only asked the small p cents, as he said he was wanted something to eat. shoes for sale. ice of fifteen hungry and Now, fifteen cents is quite a sum for a printer to have in the middle of the week, and one old gentleman, the "father qf the shop," told him he thought he had 'struck the wrong place, and at the same time gave him a severe talking for going around the way he was when he was well able to work. So, after talk' While, and finding • that - buy the ticket, the old ge a motion that we each chi to make the required sum fast, and when that was the boy around to the res for it, but when they go door of the shop ther tramp waiting for him als one, handing the other th remarked "that he could ticket," and also that Beecher was inside, and pretty tough sermon. Consumption 4 ured. An old physician,retired froi practice, having had placed in his hands by ni East India mis- g -to him a obody would tleman niade in so much for his break - one we sent urant to pay outside the • was another , and the first pawn ticket, not sell the Henry Ward gave him a_ Give the Hens Sulphur. There IS no remedy and assistant so easily and cheaply obtained, so harm- less to the fowls, and so satisfactory in it,-; results as sulphur. It being in the sym.`em of animals, to a small degree there i8 a greater affinity for it than there ptherwise would be. It can be adrainiset'red to the fowls by having it m a small .box so that they can help themselves, 02* by mixing it with their food once a wee* or as often as there are indications of vermin. Penetrating, as it does to every ',art of the system, 1-1 a parasites are quick y and surely de - to be stroyed; also gapes are .8a. id need it more pre- vented in chickens. Fown.' ethers than most animals, their fe. kner cent. con- taining between four and five of sulphur. Their eggs also have all' small quantity, which is noticed by the dis- coloring of a silver spoon when it e,on.'es in contact with a boiled egg. I I sionary the formula of a simple for the speedy and permanent c Con, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asth and Lung affections, also a po cure for Nervous Debility and a plaints, after having tested its tive powers in thousands of cas dutyoto make it known to his Actuated by this motive and a human suffering, I will send f all who desire it, this recipe, in or. English, with full directio egetable remedy re of Consump- a and all throat itive and radical - 1 Nervoo Jom- wonderfnl alma 8, has felt it his uffering fellows. desire to relieve ee of chargo, to German, French s for preparing_ and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, namins this paper, W. A. NOYES, 149 Power's Block Rochester, N. Y -Mr. and Mrs. Edw London, England, membe Dr. Gibson's church, of th over to this country abo ago. While in Washingto noticed a pin of the bla kind in her pillow at t deavoring to extricate it her thumb. Shortly a f Chicago it began to pain h of blood poisoning at the Friday morning. A Heavy Bur Mr. Geo. Russell, of Aurora, a great sufferei from a running description, which baffled the b life was a burden. He was cu Blood Bitters, to his great joy of his friends. 857.52.2w. -Duaing high tide T thousands of bushels of fr washed upon the shore be and Seabright, New Jerse quickly spread, and men children with baskets and eagerly to the sands to se prizes cast up by the se sons brought farm wago scoops and shovels readily filled the vehicles. The fish had een playing near shore in huge sho Is, and were caught by the tide. Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap is a delightful toilet luxury as well as a good cur tive for skin dis- eases. 857.52m. -At the meeting of the American Baptist Union on the 29th of May, at Asbury Park, New Jersey, the sec- retary read the report of the Board of managers, which showed .that a deficiency of nearly $150,000 was found in tbe.accounts of John II. Dean, of New York, who for many years was counsel for the board. In a letter to the President Mr. Dean stated that the difference was due to his having spec- ulated in stocks without success. In Bad Humor. A year ago my heed was covered with sores, and the eruption covered my face also, and spread even until the backs of hands were sore. I became weak and ill. Finding no cure I tried Burdock Blood Bitters. Two bottles perfectly cured me. Statement of Miss Minnie Stevenson, Cocagne, N. B. 857.52.2w. -Princess Louise is interesting her- self practically in the welfare of women and men whose lots, in the matter of worldly riches, are less happy than, her own. The latest object of her interest and patronage is a mOvement for es- tablishing a colony in Ka,ffraria, Smith Africa, and the first batch of, emigrants will be leaving England shortly. Her Royal highness still manages, however, to find time to dabble in art, and she is seldom without some pretty piece of work growing under her pencil. Her numerous nephews and nieces, too, find in her a most affectionate aunt. National Pills will not gripe or sicken, yet are a thorough cathartic. 857.52m. 938-25 eow Thorne, of s of the Rev. t city, ca,me t two weeks Mrs. Thorne k, mourning e hotel. En - she pricked er reaching r a,ndshe died rand Pacific 11 en. nt., says he was ore of the worst st skill, and his ed by Burdock nd the surprise ursday night sh fish were ween Elberon . The news women and pails rushed ure the scaly Some per - s, and with . Holloway's Ointment and Pills - Coughs, Influenza. -The soothin prperties of the medicaments render them well worthy of trial in all diseases of the respiratory organs. In common colds and influenza the Pills, taken internally, and the Ointment rubbed over the chest and throat, are exceedingly efficacious. When influenza is epidemic, this treatment is the easiest; safest and surest. Holloway's Pills purify the blood, remove all obstacles to its free circulation through the lungs, relieve the over -- gorged air tubes, and render respirations free, without reducing the strength, irritating the nerves, or depressing the spirits; such are the ready means of escaping from suffering when afflicted with colds, coughs, bronchitis, aad other chest complaints, by which the health of so many is seriously and permanently injured in most countries. 964.52w. CAMPBELL'S - CATHARTIC COM PO II N .F.--iCOMPOWS • is effective in small doses, acts without griping, does not oc- casion nausea, and will not create irri- tation and congestion as do many of the usual cathartics ad- ministered in the form of Pills. &c. Ladies and Chil- - dren having the most sensitive sto- machs take this medicine without trou- ble or complaint. CAMPBELL'S CATHARTIC COMPOUND is especially adapted for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS AND BILIOUS DIS- ORDERS. - FOR ACID STOMACH AND LOSS OF AP- PETITE. FOR SICK HEADACHE AND DYSPEPSIA. FOR CONSTIPATION OR COSTIVENESS. FOR .ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STATE OF THE STO- MACH. This medicine being in liquid form, the dose can be easily regulated to -meet the requirements df different per- sons, thus making it equally well adapted to the use of the little child as to the adult. Pat sip in three ounce bottles, and sold by all dealers in family medicines. Price Retail, 25 Cents. • 11 ,•••••MO 40011.0•••••••••••11 PERRY DAVIS' "SA PAIN -KILLER IS RECOmMEN,DED BY • Physicians, Ministers, Misszonaries, Managers of Factories, Work -shops, 'Plantations, Nurses in Hospitals, -in short, everybody everywhere who has ever given it a trial. • TAKEN INTERNALLY MIXED WITH A WINE GLASS OF HOT MILK AND SLIGAROT WILL BE FOUND A NEVER FAILING •_ CURE FOR SUDDEN COLDS, CHILLS; CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SUM- MER, AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SORE THROAT &c. arrei ED EXTERNALLY, EXPERIENCE IIAS PROVEN IT THE MOST EFFECTIVE AND BEST LINIMENT ON EARTH 1N REMOVING THE PAIN .AnIsING FROM SPRAINS, BRUISES, RIIEU:NLA- 'ISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTHACHE,. '- ir\s, FROST BITES, &c., &c. 25cts. Per Bottle. -11P-ir Beware of -Imitations. -ea H=Tal_J'S '.4%0 0 This ble agr yet potent pre- parati lon s especially adapted for the relief and wr-- cure of that class of disorders :attendant upon a low or reduced state of the sy stern, and usually ac- companied by P allor, Weakn ess and Pale pitat4on of the Heart. Prompt results Will follow its use in cases of Sudden Exhaustion arisirig from Loss of Blood, Acute or Chronic Diseases, and in the weakness that invariably accompanies the recovery from Wasting Fevers. No remedy will gi ve more speedy relief in Dyspepsia or I nil igeSrion. For I mpover- ished Blood, Loss of Appetite, Des- . est pondeney, and in all cases where • an EFFECT I VE and CERTAIN ILID STiln L A NT is required, nee .16 the ELIXIR will be Oci• found INVALLe AV • A EL E. 4)4 O 011' Sola by all Dealers in 1Ttiicines.. DAVIS ez LAWRENCE 00. (Limited) SOLE AGENTS, MONTREAL, P. Q. . 3••••••ale..... -4 CHRYSTAL & BLACK' PRACTICAL BOILER MAKERS, THE Subscribers have bought the Tools and Boiler business lately carried on by the Goderich Foundry and Manufacturing Company, and having had an experience of over eight years in that shop, are now prepared to carry on the trade in all its branches. Any work entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. First-class work guaranteed. • All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, also Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Work, &c., at reason- able rates. New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired on the shortest notice, and at prices that defy com- petition. • CHRYSTAL' & BLACK. 1 11122111 London, ,Huron and Bruce. Express. Mail. London, deparit 7.55A.M. 4.50r.M. Exeter • e 9.14 6.10 Hensall. 1 9.24 6.28 KIPPon.: • • • i • • • • • 9.29 6.29 Brucefleid . 9.36 6.88 Clinton. . a 9.65 7.00 Londesboro 10.15 7.20 Blyth. _ '•• 10.24 7.80 Belgrave . 10.39 7.45 Winghani, arrive 1055 8.05 Goma Sotrrn- Express. Mail. Wingham, depart 7.03A.m. 3.05r.m. Belgrave ' 7.17 -8.29 Blyth •• 7.37 3.44 Londesboro ..A it••• 7.41 3.53 Clinton 8.03 4.13 Brucefield • 8.22 4.32 Kippen.. .. .4... .... .... 8.81 4.44 Hensall , 8.38 4.46 Exeter J 8.51 4.69 London, arrive 10.10 6.00 GOING NORTH- I 'Wellington, Grey and Bruce. GOING NORTH- Accom. Express. Mixed. • Ethel I 2,84 P. M. 9.20 P.M. 9.45 P.M. Brussels a 2.49 9.35 10.26 Bluevale 3.06 9.61 10.66 yvinghatn.. .. 3.20 10.02 12.16 Gormb .§0IITA- Mixed Accom. Express. Wingh:am • • • • „ 7.46 P.M. 11.10 it. e. 6.00 A.M. Binevait; .. .. 8.12 11.26 7.00 Brussels. ,.• • • . 8.60 11.45 7.16 Ethel.... .. e •,. • 9•20 12.00 7.27 Train leaving liriegham at Sp tr.. for Kincar- dine, runs on Mopdays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. .......L.e._.....-. Grandlirrunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as follows: GOING WEST- SRAFORTH. CLINTON. Express.... .. . .... 2,40 P. M. 8.05 P. M. Express 8.68 P. M. 9.16 P. M. MixedTrain... a 8 15 A. m. 9.48 a. zi. GOING EAST - Express..... . .... 7.45 A. M. 7.25 A. M. Express 1.45 P. M. 1.06 P a Mixed Train .. .... 6.30 P. M. 4.46 F. al Still A4ead Of All. H. S. SMITH & Co CA1TERER S5 And dealers in American and Canadian Confec- tionery, Ice Cream and Water Ices,Vegetables, Oranges, Lemons and all kinds of Fruits. Families, Hotels, Picnic Parties and others wishing Ice Cream in bulk, can be supplied at reasonable rates., Tobaccos and Cigars of the best brands kept constantly on hand. Every attention paid to customers. Happy to serve you. Remember the place, First Door North o Reid & Wilson's Hardware Store, Main Street H. L. SMITH & Co. • Seaforth, 959 I THE CANADIAN I BANK OF COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Paid up Capital, - - $6,000,000. Rest - 2,100,000. PRESIDENT HON. WM. MCMAST-ER. SEAFORTH BRANCH. The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues to receive deposits, on which interest is allowed on the most favorable terms. • Drafts on all the principal towns and cities in Canada, on Great Britain, and on the United States, bought and sold. • Office -First door SOUTH of the Commercia Hotel. A. H. IRELAND, Manager. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor 639 THE BIC- MILLS, SEAR...111TH. The above mills have now been thoroughly re- built upon the coipplete HUNGARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have been greatly enlarged, and new machinery applied throughout. THE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS -AND- Flour Dressing Machines From the best Manufacturing Firms have been put in, and everything necessary added to enable her to turn out flour SECOND TO NONE In the Dominion. The facilities for receiving grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping have also deen extensively improved. Grain can now be taken from farmers' wagons, weighed, and loaded into cars at the rate of 700 bushels per hour, by the work of two men. A LARGE FEED STONE _ CUSTOM CHOPPING Has been put ih, and the necessary machinery for handling chop and coarse grains. A good shed has been erected, so that wagons can be unloaded and reloaded under cover. WHEAT EXCHANGES Promptly attended to, and FIRST-CLASS ROLLER FLOUR GUARANTEED. C-CTSTOM M-1MM73 Chopped satisfactorily and without delay. ROLLER FLOUR BRAN, SHORTS, And all kinds of OHO PPED FEED Constantly on hand. Highest Market Price Paid in Cash for any Quantity of Wheat. APPLE BARRELS -AND- FINE, COARSE AND LAND SALT FOR SALE. •Gonly first-class and obliging men will be kept te attend customers. The liberal patronge of farmers and general trade respectfully solicited A. W. OCILVIE & CO., 1 PROPRIETORS: T. 0. KEMr, Manager. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY THE subsc. ber begs leave to thank his numer- ous cust4mers for the, liberal patronage ex- tended to hi since corrimencing business Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with continuance ef the same. Parties intending to build would do well to give him a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a large stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, SASHES, DOORS, • BLINDS & MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, &c. He feels cohfident ef giving satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage, as none but first-class workmen are employed. Particular attention paid to Custom Planing. 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT, Kippen for Plows AND FARM IMPLEMENTe. ALWAYS ADVANCING. T. MMT-Ji-JiSy Again full of bUsiness,and would remind all mi fanners and custo ers n need that he has a' larger stock than ever. Consisting of Sulky plows, gang plows, general purpose_ plows, sod plows, cultivators, B. Bell's make, land rollers. All which are made from the best manufacturers, and sold at bottom prices. Plow Casting's in Abuudance. Gang plow castings in stock for W. H. Verity's Plow Works, Exeter. South Bend plows, B. Bell's St. George, Mitchell plows, Toronto plows, Teeswater plows, Hogan plows, Seaforth; Goder- ich plows, Massey No. 13. PLOW REPAIRING in all its branches. Parties wanting new mould boards or plow beams for the Massey No. 13, or the Exeter plow works, or Hogan's plow works, Seaforth, will see the same at my shop. Special attention paid to the repairing of iron plows. Now is the time. Fetch along your plows and harrows for repairing. T. Mellis can supply all your wants in the plow line, and spares no pains to meet the wants of the farmers. Castings on hand for the Noxen seed drills. THOS. MELLIS, Kippen. 953-8 CI3 ere C") Xre 3H1 JO NNIS Hardware! Bought for cash direct from the manu- facturers, the advantage of which we will give to our customers, by selling them goods at lowest prices. Our im- mense stock is very complete, compris ing the following seasonable lines: Spades and Shovels, best Eng- lish, American & Canadian mikes. Draining Tools of all kinds Field Hoes, Garden Hoes and Rakes, Two and Four Point Steel Fencing Wire, Buckthorn's Steel Fencing Wire, PlainGalvanized Wire, for straight rail fences. Builders' -Hardware, Best Montreal Steel and Iron •Nails. Locks, Knobs, Hinges, Paints, Oil, Glass and Putty. To those building, we can offer special low figures. Binding Twine, th best pde at low- est possible prices. Reid & Wilson, Hardware and Iron Importers, MAIN -ST., - SEAFORTII. Removedi Removed I "N?C7- 1 1\T 0-, SEAFORTH, • The Old Established Butcher has removed to new premises immediately opposite his Old Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, where he will be pleased to meet all his old patrons and asmany new ones as may see fit to favor him with their patronage. afff'Remember the place, between Henderson's Harness Shop, and McIntyre's Shoe Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 898 GEORGE EWtNG. The Seaforth, Brussels AND Wroxeter Stage Line. This old and reliable Stage Line which runs daily between Seaforth, Brussels, Wroxeter and Gerrie, leaves Seaforth on the arrival of the, Mail train from the east, and connects with the, trains running east and west on the Grand Trunk Railway at Brussels, and also connects with the train for Teeswater at Wroxeter. Comfortable covered carriages and earefu/, at- . entive drivers always on the road. Fares Reasonable. S. WALSH, Proprietor. HENSALL FURNITURE STORE CLEARING SALE. C41•1- MCDN'1111_ We intend making some changes in our furni- ture store, and with that object in view we wish to reduce our stock, and are offering great bar- gains as inducements to customers. Never mind the hard times; I come along anyway. There are good times coming. 959x4 G. INGRAM &. SON. Division Court Notice. • The Office of the Second Division Court, County of Huron, will be found open every lawful day at the residence of John Beattie, Goderich Street west, from 10 o'clock a. m. until 4 o'clock p. m., and everything will be done that is possible in the interest of Suitors. Telephone communication in the office. Any amount of Money to Loan on good prop- erty, farm or town, at the very lowest rates of interest, and terms of payment made to suit borrowers. JOHN BEATTIE, Clerk. LEGAL. .0-1111Y:t'ionetlirls'fo. ilirettte. MIOnfir to fljCorner of Square and West Street, Goderich. 174 T 31. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &c, Office Rooms formerly occupied by Carroll & Dickson, Meyer's Block, over Johnson's Hard- ware Store, Main Street, Seaforth. Goderich Agents -CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON. 87C fl.ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solici- tors, &c., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. °ARROW, Whf. PROUDFOOT. CAMBI:10N, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ort. M. C. CAMERON, Q. C., PHILIP HOLT, M. G. CAMERON. 606 TOFTUS E. DANCEY, late with Camero 4Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, S licitor, Conveyancer, Ork. Money to loan. Be son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 7 D- 6 ANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitor, Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. MAsuenze, JAMES SCOTT. 781 HOLMESTED, successor to the late firm 01 . McCaughey & Hohnested, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. MONEY TO LOAN. ]jfONEY TO LOAN.-Stmight loans at 6 per cent. Interest payable half yearly, or si per cent. yearly, with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at at time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barriste , Seaforth. 860 EAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY. -Corner di 0 Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next door to thle Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All di eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the dd. mesticated animals, successfully treated at th Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest notic�. Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Vete inary Surgeon. P. S. -A large stock of Veter ary Medicines kept constantly on hand DR. WOODRUFF, Permanently located in London, No,„186, Queen Avenue, a few Doors east of Posto'ffite., Special attention given to diseaseesof the Eye, Bad Sighit and the Preservation of Vision, diseases of the Ear, Impaired Hearing aud discharges -from thb Ear, diseases of the Throat. Chronic Infiammak tion being a frequent cause of Deafness; di eases of the Nose ; Catarrh being a commo cause of impaired hearing. 943x26 AUCTIONEERS. JT. P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for th . County of Huron. Sales attended In al parts of the County. . All orders left at Te Exeosrroa Office will be promptly attended to. A DELGATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for th _Lie County of Huron. Sales of all descriptio promptly attended to on reasonable terms. Ad dress Brussels P. 0., or apply on Lot 4, Con cession 12, Grey. 77 MUSICAL. jB2. C. M. DUNLOP, Teacher of Music 1 Piano or Organ. Advanced pupils fitte for graduating at less than one-half the expens of foreign tea.eliin,g. Terms moderate. • Reel dence on George Street, Second Door East o Maim Street, Seaforth. 879 Preserve Your Sight, By wearing tho only FRANK LAZARUS, (Late of the firm of Lazarus & Morris) Renowned Spectacles & Eye Glasses, These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been used for the past 35 years,and havegiven in every instance unbounded satisfa,etion. They are me BEST IliTTHE WORLD. They never tire, and last many years without change. For Sale by DRUGGIST, MEDICAL HALL, SEAFORTH FRANK LAZARUS, MANUFACTURER, 28 Maryland Road, Harrow Road, London, Eng. (Late Lazarus & Morris, Hartford, Conn.) tirNo connection with any other firm in the Dominion of Canad}.. 943 HURONAND BRUCE Loan and Investment 002/11='..A..1\T"2-., This Company is Loaning Money °it Farm Security at lowest Rates of Interest. Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on • Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE. -Corner of Market Square and North Street, Goderich. HORACE HORTON, MANAGER: 922 Goderieh, August 5th,1885. SEAFORTH FurnitureWarerooms. eamom..ar If you want solid comfert call at M. Ro be rtson s, And buy one of those Celebrated Self Adjustable Easy Chairs, represented by the above cut. can also supply Invalid Chairs and Carriages. He also sells the mast comfortable and durable SY'R.1,1\TG- 13M13 That is made. His stock of CABIN -ET FURNITURE Is very large and Complete. Intending purchas- ers would do well to give him argil before pur- chasing elsewhere. Wareroorns one Door South of Telegraph Office, Main Street, Seaforth. M. ROBERTSON. This great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life. These famous Pills purify the Blood, and net most powerfully, yet soothingly, on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, giving tone, energy and vigor to these great Main Springs of Life. They are con- fideetly recommended as a never failing remedy in all eases where the constitution, from what- ever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to females of all ages; and as a Gen- eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed,. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT] 7 Its Searching and Healing Properties are known throughout the World. For the mere of Bad Legs, Bad BreaSts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as sat into meat. cnres Sore Throats. Bronchitis, Corighs and Colds. For Glandular Swellings and Piles it acta like a charm. In Gout and Rheumatism, it never fails to afford relief, rzfanufectured only at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 78 .New Oxford Street (late 533 Oxford Street) London; and sold at Is. lid., 2s. 9d. 4s. 6d., 115., 225. and 33s. eaeh Box and Pot. isee Beware of Am: eriean counterfeits,-Pnrchasees should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 633, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious 921-52 HARKNESS HAIR BALM Restores grey hair to its na- tural color, re- moves Dandruff, stops the halt from falling out, increases it growth, and «- not soil the skin. As a hair dr sing, it has no superior. Guar anteedharmless. imr Prepared by Harkness & Co. - London, Ont. 7 all Druggistf an itont Medic:in( ealerS. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE BEAFORTH, ON7ARIO. NO WITNESSES. REOUIP DENTISTRY. W..A..TSOTOT., DENTIST, Faculty Gold Medallist and Colle e Gold Medallist,Toronto School of Dentistry. Rooms over Johnsons' Hardware, Main Stree , Seaforth. 911 _ _ , WeT Pi m .A_Tz .."..7., . -„ TD. S., M. R. C. and 10. S., 1 I „ Ontario. Latest improv - Illi,.... i merits in every line. Satisfaction sr 111•• • guaranteed. Office, -In Cady s Block, opposite Commercial Ifotel, Seaforth. Residence, -The Poplars, John Street. 941 MEDICAL. wm. HANOVER, M. D. C. M., Graduate fd McGill University, Physician, Surge° and Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and r • sidence-North side Godeich street, first brie house east of the Mthodist church. 961 DRS. ELLIOTT & GU/7N, Brucefleld, Lice • tiates Royal College- of Physicians an. Surgeons, Edinburgh. At Seaforth every Satu • day afternoon. Office, -Royal Hotel. 930. T G. SCOTT, M. D., &c., Physician, Surgeo 0 . and Accoucher, Seaforth, Ont. Office an' residence South side of Goderich street, Secon , Door east of the Presbyterian Church. 842 °D W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D , C. M., Memb:r nh, of the College of Physicians and Surgeon , &c., Seaforth, Ontario. Offiee and residers Ge same as occupied' by Dr. Vercoe. 848 JJR. MACKID, (late of Lucknow) Graduate 1 Toronto University, and Member of .e College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontari , Office, Fear's drug store. Residence,John Stree first door east of English Church Parson: • Seaforth, Ontario. 894 EVE, EAR AND THROA DR. GEO. S. RYERSON, L. R. G. P., L. R. C. S. E., Lecturer on the Ey , Ear and -Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toroz • to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear I • flrmary. Late Clinical Assistant Royal Londo i Ophthalmic Hospital, Moorfields, and Centr 1 Throat and Ear Hospital. 317 Church Street, Toronto. _ - VETERINARY. TAR. J. WILSON, V. S., Honored graduate 41 JJ Toronto Veterinary College, Registere. Member of the Veterinary Medical Associatio of Ontario. Having had several years experien GE can be found prepared to treat all diseases of t GE domesticated animals on the latest and most in proved principles. Treatment of delicate foa t and teeth dressing a specialty. Residene4 Royal Hotel, Seaforth. 953 EAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY. -Corner di 0 Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next door to thle Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All di eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the dd. mesticated animals, successfully treated at th Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest notic�. Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Vete inary Surgeon. P. S. -A large stock of Veter ary Medicines kept constantly on hand DR. WOODRUFF, Permanently located in London, No,„186, Queen Avenue, a few Doors east of Posto'ffite., Special attention given to diseaseesof the Eye, Bad Sighit and the Preservation of Vision, diseases of the Ear, Impaired Hearing aud discharges -from thb Ear, diseases of the Throat. Chronic Infiammak tion being a frequent cause of Deafness; di eases of the Nose ; Catarrh being a commo cause of impaired hearing. 943x26 AUCTIONEERS. JT. P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for th . County of Huron. Sales attended In al parts of the County. . All orders left at Te Exeosrroa Office will be promptly attended to. A DELGATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for th _Lie County of Huron. Sales of all descriptio promptly attended to on reasonable terms. Ad dress Brussels P. 0., or apply on Lot 4, Con cession 12, Grey. 77 MUSICAL. jB2. C. M. DUNLOP, Teacher of Music 1 Piano or Organ. Advanced pupils fitte for graduating at less than one-half the expens of foreign tea.eliin,g. Terms moderate. • Reel dence on George Street, Second Door East o Maim Street, Seaforth. 879 Preserve Your Sight, By wearing tho only FRANK LAZARUS, (Late of the firm of Lazarus & Morris) Renowned Spectacles & Eye Glasses, These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been used for the past 35 years,and havegiven in every instance unbounded satisfa,etion. They are me BEST IliTTHE WORLD. They never tire, and last many years without change. For Sale by DRUGGIST, MEDICAL HALL, SEAFORTH FRANK LAZARUS, MANUFACTURER, 28 Maryland Road, Harrow Road, London, Eng. (Late Lazarus & Morris, Hartford, Conn.) tirNo connection with any other firm in the Dominion of Canad}.. 943 HURONAND BRUCE Loan and Investment 002/11='..A..1\T"2-., This Company is Loaning Money °it Farm Security at lowest Rates of Interest. Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on • Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE. -Corner of Market Square and North Street, Goderich. HORACE HORTON, MANAGER: 922 Goderieh, August 5th,1885. SEAFORTH FurnitureWarerooms. eamom..ar If you want solid comfert call at M. Ro be rtson s, And buy one of those Celebrated Self Adjustable Easy Chairs, represented by the above cut. can also supply Invalid Chairs and Carriages. He also sells the mast comfortable and durable SY'R.1,1\TG- 13M13 That is made. His stock of CABIN -ET FURNITURE Is very large and Complete. Intending purchas- ers would do well to give him argil before pur- chasing elsewhere. Wareroorns one Door South of Telegraph Office, Main Street, Seaforth. M. ROBERTSON. This great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life. These famous Pills purify the Blood, and net most powerfully, yet soothingly, on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, giving tone, energy and vigor to these great Main Springs of Life. They are con- fideetly recommended as a never failing remedy in all eases where the constitution, from what- ever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to females of all ages; and as a Gen- eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed,. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT] 7 Its Searching and Healing Properties are known throughout the World. For the mere of Bad Legs, Bad BreaSts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as sat into meat. cnres Sore Throats. Bronchitis, Corighs and Colds. For Glandular Swellings and Piles it acta like a charm. In Gout and Rheumatism, it never fails to afford relief, rzfanufectured only at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 78 .New Oxford Street (late 533 Oxford Street) London; and sold at Is. lid., 2s. 9d. 4s. 6d., 115., 225. and 33s. eaeh Box and Pot. isee Beware of Am: eriean counterfeits,-Pnrchasees should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 633, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious 921-52 HARKNESS HAIR BALM Restores grey hair to its na- tural color, re- moves Dandruff, stops the halt from falling out, increases it growth, and «- not soil the skin. As a hair dr sing, it has no superior. Guar anteedharmless. imr Prepared by Harkness & Co. - London, Ont. 7 all Druggistf an itont Medic:in( ealerS. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE BEAFORTH, ON7ARIO. NO WITNESSES. REOUIP