HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-05-28, Page 7!PT r1iased largely Hardware at the nw offer a lar )ck for the 'lesiva i Cut Nails. the beat NV * r.Barbed 'wet. -els grea 4 our order for ST -BINDER T.. !ea. Leave your the best, e.E MERcHAisTra, Se afor ILL Proprietor of thee& ,ular mills-, has been jahinery, and is now et an article of Y FLOURY KeeRed by any mill In alio the party waits *le for wheat, chopping toPped for six cents Fresh oat meat alwayir ; and exchanged for atte -bran always on hand* arket prices, also any Tuba d. Orders promptly atteitt we not yet giventheseedife teir interest to de so. be ir "Belles Mills." HN IVIMEITIlt. NI. RS WA. RIN111\1 Binder, Reaper,. r or Rake, VE INSPECTED TA Raiz BY Wilson NFORTK, FOR THE iduring Oo (Ling IcR, ONTARIO. Yatson has done eusluessit the reputation of the Cia •iachines offered to -day file no superior. See the g Binder, e Reaper, Hummer Mower, tsort Daisy. Rake. American Plows, wet ed Drill.. Come and .A. WILSON,. SEAFORTII, 011 TNE OUSE, OUR LINE'S OF EATER ROYAL Base Burner in four ers and with ()veva 1 Peninsular quare Base Burner ail to see it. e of all kinds of Coal Coo e ta show them - all, and get Bar IN TIOVAP E, , AND CANAD VAYS" ON /fAND TO LOAN. ESBOUG ND ONTARIO IN ng Soeiet,y have an u t� lend on real of interest with the, of repaying a Poilittt enente of interest. Messrs. DENT & who are the au or the Society. 0 ea--; 2.1 1886. 411MININI[1111111111111•11 , TBE ,ON EXPOSITOR. • Ole McAll Missiori The report for thelast year of the evangelistic mi*on in France eommonly known as the WAR Mission would, in its summary of the work done, probably surprise that wise editor who not long 41111 apparent total ignorance of the subject; sneered at the movement as a feeble effort that might better be exerted - at home.. Beginning in Et very humble way, fourteen year ago, this non-sectar- em raissionainconneeted with the French protestants churches directly, yet in- directly their greatest URI, has gone on putting before the poorer and middle classes of Paris,a simple and direct pres-• entation of Christian truth, with con- stantly increasing interest and good results. Last year nearly four thousand meetings for adults were held in Paris, with an aggregate attendance of over four hundred. thousand. It is an inter- esting fact that. the meetings were at- tended by many Catholics, as well as by free -thinkers and non-Christians. The attendance at the Sunday -schools is about 50,000, and over 68,000 attend the day schools of the Mission. Other feat- ures of the work are adult Bible classes, raeetings for young women,sewing meet- ings for poor women, domiciliary visits, - and tract distribution. Branches of the work are prosperously established in Marseilles, Lyons, Bordeaux, Boulogne, Toulouse, Nice, Cannes, and nearly a score of other towns. M. St. Hilaire,of the French Institute, writes te Mr. McAll : "Nearly fifteen years have elapsed siribe God permitted you to found this excellent work, which carries in it the future and the salvation of France for this world and the next. In the suburbs of Paris where the an- archists are ever recniting their ranks, the regular attendance of workingmen s increases rather than diminishes, and it is perhaps in the most miserable dis- tricts of our rich city that your work has awakened the warmest sympathy." In the last year new mission halls have been opened,a Gospel Temperance Union has been got under 4ay1 arid in many directions the work has been _extended and perfected. The general character of its methods is well defined in a letter from the Rev. AF. Beard. He says: "If the McAll Mission had done no more than to come close to the people, and to those most needy, as an object lesson to churches which have been the subject of repression and persecution, it would have justified its life. It becomes incidentally also a grand training school for the future evangelism of France in its direct, simple and I sincere pregenta- tion of the Gospel. It meets the (pew - tions of the papacy and infidelity, not controversially, but by constant insist• ence of Gospel truths, so that thou0ands listen with sympathy whom controversy coulci never reach." I • News Notes. The damage to preperty at Kansas City by the late tornado, is placed at $150,000. -Pittsburg eviisherwomen are com- bining for six hours work for a day, and $1 the ply. • I . -Six hundred and fifty-six persons were killed or injured in the Madrid tornado on Wednesday evening, the 12th inst. --The Czar of Russia has offered Dr. Schweninger, Prince Bismarck's physi- cian'$6,000 to reduce his sixteen stone to a healthy weii;ht. --The Panama Canal Company has re- ceived one-third of the desired. loan of $120,000,000 asked for some time ago. It is thought the w rk will . now be pushed rapidly. -A slight sh ek of earthquake was felt on the 13th rest. t Gairloeh. Head, on the Frith of lyde. No damage was done. • -Washington opinion is that a bill will be passed by Congress authorizing President Cleveland to close the ports to Canadian fishermen. - I -The loss by the late storm in nine of the counties of •OW •is estimated at $2,000,000. --Jeff Davis is lying in a. very critical state from over-exertion during his re- cent tour. --John Connell wa awarded $5,000 damages at Toledo, Saturday, against the Michigan. Central Railroad for the loss of a foot in, a smaSh-up. -Louis N. Wood, of Utica, N. Y., has obtained a $?.,300 verdict from the owner of a St. Bernard dog, which bit him badly. -The government has forwarded two million rounds of ball ammunition to -Floods are general thoughout the United Kingdom. Heavy damage is re- ported. Large iarts of low lands are submerged. -Abont midnight on Friday night another destructive cyclone swept through the Western States, extending from Indiana, to Kansas. Scores of people were killled and injured, and an immense amahnt of property was de - strayed. --Beach, the Australian smiler, hae arrived in London. He will stay in England one year. He does not intend to compete ia any race in America, although he may pay that country a visit. -Dispatches from various points in Illinois, Iowa, Northern Indiana and Western Michigan, report quite a heavy frost en Monday morning, which did greet damage to small fruits. In some places the cold wave was very severe, and fanners are anxious about the cern which is not yet up. -It is stated that about 140,000 bids. of flour are now stored at Minneapolis,. aad some 80,000 bbls. at Duluth, against 50,000 bbls., and 10,000 last year re- spectively. The foreign trade is re- ported to be very dull, and the do- mestic trade to be of a hand-to-mouth character. -Gen. Wood; formerly manager of the theaters which bore his name in New York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Cincinnati and St, Louis, died Saturday, May 15th. lie was worth over $100,000 several timee in his life, and died penni- less.l -An American paper says: A public scandal hes • arieen at Ottawa, Canada, ever the fact that a civil service ern- ployee, whose wife is also employed in a certain department with her, husband, and who is the recipient of a very much larger salary, and who has been for setae years suspected of close intimate friendship with the minister, who is much her senior, had a quarrel with his better half in the corridor of the de- partment. The husband made some charge about his wife being in the minis- ter's rearreand the result was that blows went fast and furious between the two. LOndon, Huron , and Bruce. GO/NO NORTS-4. 1 Eipress. Melt. London, depart '.. 7.55a.m. ,4.50e.M. Exeter 9.14 610 Hensall.. . 9.24 0.28 KiPPena' ' ......... ... , . 9.29 6.29 Brumfield ... . .. 9.36 6.38 Clinton.. . ......., .. .... nee 7.00 • LondesTeero. .. 10.16 7.20 Blyth.... ........ ........ 10.24 7.80 ' Belgrave • 10.89 7.45 Wingham, anive 10.55 8.05 GOING SOUTU- Express. Mail. Wingham, depart 7.03e.M. 8.06 P.m. Belgrave .. 7.17 3.29 Blyth. . 3.44 LondesVorO. ' . * - . ' 7," • 8.68 Clinton • a 8.03 • 4.13 Brucefield . 8.22 4.32 Kippen.. .. . . 8.81 4.44 Hensel' • .. 8.88 4.46 Exeter. ........ . . ........ 8.51 4.69 London, arrive • 10.10 '6,00 - Wellington, Grey and Bruce. Gonne Norten- Accom. Express. Mixed. Ethel., 2.34 P. m. 9.20 P.M. 0.46P.M. '- Brussels . . 0.49 9.35 10.26 Bluevale. . 3.05 9,51 10.55 Winghare., .. 3.20 1'0.02. • 12.15 GOING SOUTH- Mixed Accom. Express. Wingham.... .. 7.46 P.M. 11.10 A. M. 6.00 A.M. Bluevale .. .. 8.12 11.26 7.00 Brussels . 8.50. 11.46 7.15 Ethel. ... .. ., .. 9.20 12.00 7.27 Train leaving Wingham at 8 P m. for Kincar- dine, runs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. • -Grand Trunk Railway, Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as follows: • GOING WEST- SEAPORTH. Express.... .... .... 2.40 P. M. Express...a ....' 8.58 P. M. Mixed Train.. .... .. 8 15 A. M. GOING EAST - I Express.... .... .... 7.45 A. M. Express ...... .... 1.45 P. et Mixed Train.. . .... 5.30 P. M. Cenerox. 3.05 r. m., 9.16 re M. 9.48 a. m. 7.25 A. M. 1.05p 4.45 P. M Holloway's Ointmeni and Pills. Autumnal Remedies.-Totvards the fall of the year countless causes are at work to lower the tone of the nervous system, !which will be follow- ed by ill -health unless proper means be employ- ed to avert that evil. Holloway's far-famed pre- paratious supply a faultless remedy for both ex- ternal and internal complaints connected with changes of season. AH affections of the skin, roughness, blotches, pimples, superficial and deeper -seated inflamtuation, erysipelas, rheu- matic pains, and gouty pangs alike succumb to the exalted virtues of Holloway's Ointment and Pills; which will effect a lhappy revolution in the patient's condition, though the symptoms of his disorder are legion, and have obstinately withstood the best efforts of science to subdue them. 912.52w. 1 'Putnam's Com Extractor Is the best remedy for corns extant. It nets quickly, makes no sore spots and effects a radical cure. A hundred imitations prove its value. Take neither substitutes offered as good nor the close imitations of the genuine too often offered. 952.52w. McGregor & Parke, of Hamilton, Ont., are the manufacturers of the greatest healing and purifying compound known for sores, burns, cuts, scalds, salt rheum, frost bites, etc. It is called McG-regor & Parke's Car- bolic Cerate. Be sure and get the genuine Mc- Gregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate sold by Lums- den & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth, at 25 cents a box. 912.52w. Hamilton Happenings. There is now being manufactured here an arti- cle for instantly removing pain of any acute ex-. ternal mature, and it is certainly the most perfect cure for neuralgia, headache, toothache, and the like that has ever been tried. It is called Fluid Lightning from the rapid manner in which it acts, and is manufactured by McGregor & Parke, Sold in Seaforth by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists. 912.52w.,• . "What Say You to a Piece of Roast Beef' and Mustard r - Well, there is much to be said. The question being asked of the banqueter at the average boarding house, calls up reminiscences of close contiguity to the horns, and beefsteak three cuts south thereof. He, of course, will pass, unless it occurs to him that he needs a hinge for Ills trunk. Should there be any,suffering, the effects of an indulgence in such sinuous fare, use McGregor's Speedy Cute, a sure and effectual remedy for dyspepsia, constipation, and all affections of the stomach and liver. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth. Trial bottle e free. 912.52*. ; 'Worth Remembering. There is probably no better relaxieg remedy for stiff joints, contracted cords, and painful congestion, than lIagyard's Yellow Oil. It cured Mrs. John Siddell, of Orton,. Ont., who was afflicted for years with contraction of the bron- chial pipes and tightness ol the chest. It is the great remedy for internal or external pain. 857.52.2w. , The Great Source. Of consumption and many wasting forms of dis- ease, is scrofula lurking in the system. The true specific for this condition is found in Burdock Blood Bitters; that Medicine purifies the blood and builds up the enfeebled frame. 857.52.2w. ; --410-111• A Useful Hint. • It may be useful for the reader to know that the popular preparation knowe as Hagyard's Yellow .011 has proved a sovereign remedy for deafness, many certified cures being on record. Hagyard's Yellow Otil also cures aches, pains ahd lameness, and may be used internally as well as outwardly. 857.52.2w. Never Drug The stomach with neuseating and weakening ex= pectorants and opiates ; Hagyard's Pectoral Bal- sam is pleasant and reliable in its effects, and safe in all throat and lung complaints that, if neglected, end ie. consumption. 857.52.2w. A Fortunate Escape. Mrs. Cyrus Kilborne, Beamsville, Ont., had what was supposed to Ite a cancer on her nose. She was. about to submit to a cancer doctor's treatment, when she concluded to try Burdock BloodBitters, internally- and externally, a few - bottles of which entirely cured her. 857.52.2w. , . • • A Secret for the Ladies. The great secret cif beauty is pure blood. Eruptions and all blotches that disfigure the face maybe quickb• cured by Burdock Blood Bitters. Annie Heath, of Portland, certifies that she was cured by this remedy, after saffering for two years. 857.52.2e . Fever, calk, unnatural appetiteefretfulness, weakness and convulsions, are some of the effects of Worms in children; destroy ehe worms with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. 852.52nie • Use Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap for prickly heat, nettle rash, scaly- eruption, itch, and all diseas- cd conditions of the skin. 857.52m. The hectic flush, pale, hollow cheeks and pre- carious appetite, indicate worms. Frecinan's Worm Powders will quickly and effectually re- move them. 857.52m. Natiolial Pine; are sugattcoated, mild but thor- ough, and are the best stomach and liver pill in use., 857.52m. Consumption Cured. An oM physician,retired 'from practice, having had placed in his bands by an East India mis- sionary the formula of. a simple vegetable remedy for the epeedy and permanent cure of Consump- tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung affections also a positive and radical cure forNervous Debility and all Nervou•'eom- plitilita after having tested its wonderful cunt tivepowers in thousands of cases, has felt it ha duty to make it known to his suffering felloivs. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering,! will send free of chargo, to allwho desire it, this recipe, in German, French or Englislai with full ;directions` for preparing and tieing. Sent by mall by addressing with stamp, namine this paper, W. A. NOTES, 149 Power's Block Rochester, N. Y. 938-25 eow HE BRANTFORD LIGHT STEEL BINDER • ,7017 • •••• f_t:,;;;,„ et- e'etel ..1111111111 1101 Nat , . mice a_aaearee-avee-er 4talea_ _iota* -ee_;a71t`te'e ittet - ,e-eer BRANTFORD •LIGHT STEEL BINDER nee Fee,. 1.. STEEL SHAFTING, STEEL DRIVE "WHEEL, . STEEL,HARVESTER FRAME, - eee• teeepeeetlieteinteetti .... .. ........... Ireetteeeetaas ' . 4:4,1/444,u14. -I -1:1111 .fflignr11112111.-Era--;TH . . 4,-44 ••.'111 3 3301410.147A--,4,-41 - 1 ... 4...I-hi:I 4”411• 144-731Wrir ° fitillii111111111 111141.E4 • ••=:. STEEL FINGER 13 STEEL KNOWER STEEL BREAST -P It, PINION, TE, 1-1=4^1_M" , EMbodies all the latest improvements of the age, and is acknowle ged to be the best Binder on the continent Materials, the best procurabie Workmanship, unexcelled; has never been beaten in any trial; is sue to please. Don't confoend "The New Brantford Light Steel Binder" with the ordinary wood -frame machine of other makers, as it is an entirely iiffcrcnt machine, of far greater intrinsic merit, and of -much greater value. Seeand examine it, and you will buy ho oilier. For sale by _ • STEEL KNIVES, STEEL SPRIT:GS, STEEL EXTENSIONS. xapuTj Took jr..1• e• -(- J. & R. A. JO -NES, Dlitehell. ISAAC FISHER, Goderich. J. -S. JOHNSON, Johnson's Mills. GEORGE KIRKBY, Walton. JAMES STEWART; Seaforth C. H. GIRVIN, Goderieh. J, H. ELLIOTT, P Aerie Hill. EDWARD CHRIST E, Exeter. S. A. MOFFATT, JOHN MANSON, Brucefield. J. E. NAEGEL, Auburn. J. COCIeWl LL, Crediton JOHN CLEGHORN, Wingham. BOLTON & McCARTHY, St. Marys. arna, General Agent. PERRY DAVIS' "iiit • Id RECOMMENDED BY Physicians, Ministers, • Missionaries, Managers of Factories, Work -shops, Plantations, Nurses in Hospitals, short, everybody everywhere who has ever given it a trial. TAKEN INTERNALLY MIXED. WITH A WINE GLASS OF HOT MILX AND 1SUGAR, IT WILL BE FOUND A NEVER FAILING .1• CURE FOR SUDDEN COLDS, CHILLS, CON - 'GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STUMACII, SUM- MER' AND BOWEL COMPLAINI'S, ' SORE TIIROAT . &o. _ APPLIED EXTERWALT..1-, EXPEIIIENCE ITAS l'IlOVEN IT TIIE 310ST • 1.:F14;CTIVE AND BEST LIN I 3t ENT. ().N• . iteacret IN 11.13MOVING THE paix ' ARISING FI:03E SPRAINS, 1.111UISF,S, RTIEUMA.- .21SM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED • F.XCE, Too-ri [ACHE, • tire RNS, FROST BITES, &c., &c. 23cts. per Bottle. • Beware of Imitations. --al 151INV,./../tM411.111, ....•••••• alY1111•1.41i4•1.111arii•MIAIMINIMMAIL.110.6011.4•11111•4114 locommmorma....weramb..4.4. oria•••••=mmo..m.,a4ne..,...• ,CAMPBELL'S ATHARTIC ,COMPQUN is effective in small doses, acts without griping, does not oc- casion nausea, and will not create irri- tation and enpgestifirt as do many :ef-lhe usual cathartica ad: ministered in • the form of l'ills, &e. Ladies and Chil- dren • having the niost sensitive. sto- machs take this medicine NV ithourtrou- ble or •complaint. CAMPBELL'S CATHARTIC COMPOUND • is especially adapted for the cure of Liva a COMPLAINTS AND BILIOUS DIS- ORDERS. • FOR ACID STOMACH AND Loss. OF AP- PETITE. FOR SICK HEADACHE ANT) DYSPEPSIA. FOR -CONSTIPATION OTI COSTIVENESS. FOR -ALL COMPLAINTS A -RISING FROM A DISORDERED STATE OF THE STO- ai.A.cn: • • This medicine being in liquid form, the dose Can be easily regulated to meet -the requirements of different per - Sens, ; thus making it equally well - adapted to the use of the little child as to the adult. Put up in three ounce .bottles, and sold. by all dealers in faniily medicines. Price Retail, 25 Cents. rliT.1•••,1. • ••Pft•T••••••••• P.41.14•06 • .""."./M•••••••••1 01..LOINVOIMMILAMIMMalrnet t.i.a • • • .ohf Kippen FARM ALWAYS 111.. 1/1 for Plowsl • AND PLEMENTG. A.DVANCING. Again -full of busin ea and would remind all fanner s and customc s in need that he has a largee stock than e r. • Consisting of Sulky plows, gang plows, general purpose plows, sod plows, eultivators, Bi 13elPs make, land rollers. All which are made fr m the best manufa-cturers, and sold at bottom pr cos. Plow Castin s- in Abuudance. Gang plow castings ii Plow Works, .Exeter Bell'e St. George, Mit Tees % ater plows, Hog ich plows, Massey No. .PLOW in all its branches. boards or plow beams the Exeter plow work Seaforth, will see the s attention paid to the Now is the time. Fe harrows for repairin your wants in the plowline, and spares no pains to meet the wants of t c farmers. Castings on hand for the Noxell seed drills. stock for W. 11. Verity's South Bend plows, B. hell plows, Toronto plows, n plows, Seaforth; Goder- 13. EPAIRING arties wanting new mould or the Massey No. 13, or , or Hogan's plow works, .e at my shop: Special repairing of • iron plows. eh along your plows and . T. Mellis can supply all IP THOS. TELLIS, Kippen. 953-8 St, Julien %estaurant, OYSTERS I OYSTERS! As the Oyster Season i corning ie I tun prepared to supply parties wish ng Oysters in the Can; Shell or Bulk Oysters, erved on the premises in every style. , Just arrived a choice lot of American Choco- late and Cream Candy. All other varieties --kept contently on hand, Oranges, Lemons and Fruits of all varieties in season. CIGARS! CIGARS! You can get at the St. Julien Imported and Do. !nestle Cigars which cal itot be surpassed in the Dominion. Pipes and Tobaccos of every variety remember • the place opposite Maie and Market Street. • JAS. BURGESS, Proprietor. T H E CANADIAN WA! COMMERCF, TogAri OFFIcE, TORONTO. es,4 44 4 eetea I et_ • > • - 1-: 3hi iO NflS Hardware Bought for cash direct from the manu- facturers, the advantage of which we will ' give to our oustomers, by selling them goods at lowest prices. Our im- mense stock is very complete, cornpris_ ing the -following seasonable lines :; Spades and Shovels, best Eng- lish, American (t-, Canadian makes. ; Draining Tools of all kinds, • Field Hos, Garden Hoes and Rakes, " Two and Four Point Steel Fencing Wire, Buckthorn's Steel • Fencing Wire, Plain Galvanized, Wire, for straight rail fences. Builders' Hardware, I3cet Montreal Steel and Iron Nails. Lonoxe, Knobs, Hinges, Paints, Oil, Glass and Putty. ! To those buildieg, we can offer special low figures. • Binding Twine, the best,made at low- est poesible prices. ' Reid & Wilson, Hardware and Iron Importers, Paid up Capital, • $6,000,000. •aiiii-N.satt - SEAFORTH. Rest, - 2,100,000. Removed I Removed PRESIDENT, HON -WM. MCMASTER. SEAPORTH BRANCH. The Seaforth liranch of this Bank continues to receive deposits, on which interest is allowed on the most favorable terms. Drafts on all the principal towns and cities in Canada, on Great Britain, and on tbe United States, bought Dad sold. Office -First door Bourn of the •Conamereia I Hotel. . A. H. IRELAND, Manager F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor • 639 G -a 0_ W, i 1\T SEAFORTH, • The Old Established Butcher, has removed. to new premises immediately opposite his Old -Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, where he will be pleased to meet all his old patrons and as many new ones as may see fit to favor hine with their patronage. • ant -Remember the place, between Henderson's Harness Shop, and eichityre's Shoe Store, Main , 0 . The SeJforth Brussels street'semorth- 898 %• agreeable yet poten t pre- AND patation is especially • adapted for the relief and - Wroxeter Stage Line. cure of that class of disorders ; attendant upon a low or reduced • state of the sy ;.tem, and usually ac- companied b y P allot, Weakness and Pal- pitation of the Hata. Prompt results will follow its use in ca -,es of Sudden Exhaustion 'nrisine from Loss of Bleat!, Acute or Chronic Diz.eaesi and in the weal:ne“ that invariably • accompanies theteenvery fr;An Waging Fevers. . No remedy will give mule sneeriy,telief in • Dyspepsia or I t. on. Pot mnover- ee ef Appetite, etee- pondency, and in all case; where CU Olt, -on EFFECT VC and ; •13:1 NT is required, •elb • he ELIXIR wi.I bt tee) foendAzittz.e tee 45,ee cte - • 0 •S:ola by a.11 Dealers in DAVIS • & LAW ItENCE CO. (Limited) SOLE AGENTS, MONTREAL, P. Q. 24-44",W.614.421441214:35111004 .44. - THE lEND • 0, S. CAMP:ELL, et ROVINCIAL LAND 8 RVEYOR and Civ . Engineer. Orders y mail promptly at tended to. D. S. CAMP ELL, Mitclesll. This old and telia1,4 Stage Line which runs daily between Seaforth, Brussels, Wroxeter and Gerrie, leaves SeaforOi on the arrival of the Mall train from the east, and connects with the trains running <last and west on the Grand Trunk Railway at Bruesels, thiel also connects with the train for Teeewiter atlWroxeter. Comfortable dovere carriages and careful, at. entive drivers elwase on the road. Fares Reasontble. S. WAL9H, Proprietor. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL GEORGE EWING. CREDITORS' NOTICE. In the Executorship of ,LieDWIG G. MEYER, late -of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of. HuroneEequire„ Who died on the 14th day of March, 18b0, and whose will was peeved on the Sist day of March, 1886, by Henry W. C. Meyer, of the Town of Wingham, in the said County, Barrister it Law. and Louise Wilhemine Meyer, of the said Town of Seaforth, Spinster, the Executers' therein namedAll persons having any claims against the estate of the said Ludwig O. Meyer, are on or before the 10th day of July, . lee6, to send by poet, prepaid, to the said Louise Wilhemine Meyer, at . Seaforth P. 0., their ehristian and surnames, addresses and de- scriptions with full particulars of their claines, o stetenient of .their accou»te and nature of se- einities, (if any), held by them, and in default thereof, they will be peremptorily excluded from , participating in the estate, and after which last mentioned date the ataitftExecntors' will proceed to distribute the said. estate, having regard only to the claims of which they then heve notiee. Dated this 7th day of May, 3886. II. W. C. MEYER, ) L. W. ALEYEB, ' Execut"'' P. S. -All out -standing fee.s due from Suitors in the Second Divisieni Court, Huron, may be paid to F. Holrnested, Esq., Seaforth. 960-4 SASH COCA AND BLIND FAG.TORY , • , I ,I 1 rfttIE subscriber beg,s leave to thank his numer. i I i ous customer e for the liberal petrenage ex. ' i tended to him since commencing business 1 I .‘ Seaforth, and frests t et he may be favored with 1 a continuance of the ,ame. , I Parties intendirig t build would do well to givE • him a cali, as he *III o-ntinue to keep on hand a : :, large stock of all kin s of DRY PINE Lth IBER,• i 1 • SASHES, .DOORS, i• . . BLINDS & MOULDINGS, - S INGLES, LATH, &c. He feels confident4 ef giving satisfaction to those who may favorehiin with their patronage, ; as none but first-clase workmen are employed. Pa, tieular attentioh paid to Custom Planing. " 201 .JOHisT H. BROALTOOT, • Division Court Notice. The Office of the Second Dividon Court, County of IInron, will be found open every lawful day at the reeidence of John Beattie, ceoderich Street week from 10 o'clock a. in. until 4 o'cloch p. m., and everything will be done that is possible in the interest of Suitors. Telephone communication in the office. • Any amount of Money to Loan on good prop- erty, farm or town, at the very lowest rates of interest, and terms of payment made to suit borrowers. .JOHN BEATTIE, Clerk. '960tf LEGAL, itits C. HAYS, Solicitor, &e. Private Money it, lend at lowest rates of interest Office Corner of Square and West Street, Goderich. 7 BEAT, Barrister, Solicitor, ec. ee Rooms formerly occupied by Carrollei Dickson, Meyer's Bloek, over Johnson's Her ware Store, Main Street, Sea -forth. Godericle Agents-Ceenteara HOLT & CAMERON. 870 GARROW & PROUDFOOTy Banisters, Solid tors, &c., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. Genetow Wm. Intouneooe. 686 flAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, lee' Solicitors in Chancery, &e., Goderich, Ont M. C. CAMERON, Q. C., PHILIP HOLT, M. G. 506 CAMERON. T OFTUS E. DANCEY, late with Cameron) Holt & e..ameron, Goderich, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer, &e. Money to Ioant Ben. son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 MAINCINonTeay a&neeSrsCOTT. , alrgersrsiorSiliecitorsi ef Johnston, Tisdale Si Gale. Money to loan Office -Beaver Block, Clinton*, Ontario. A. 11 LtANNINO, JAMES SCOTT., • 781 To HOLMESTED, successor to the late finn ) 12 0 McCaughey & Holmested, Barrister, - a licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor llo Wm Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to len. Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Mai Street, Seaforth. . • MONEY TO LOAN. ONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 p cent. Interest payable half yearly, or 6 per cent. yearly, with the .privilege to barrow& of repaying part of the principal money at an time. • Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister, Seaforth. •850 T P: BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for 0:- si County of Huron. Sales attended in al pails of the County. All orders left at Tie EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly attended to. • DENTISTRY. ..._ •-vr.A.,rr-801\T DENTIST, Fatuity Gold Medallist and -College Gold Medallist,Toronto School of Dentistry. Rooms over Johnsons' Hardware, Main Street, Seaforth. 911 MUSICAL, .___ _.._ - -- MR11..„Co. or Organ. 0 Drglzns.,L.ApavaTneacecidi epr u,o)fusMitutstieed for graduating at less than one-half the expense of foreign teaehing. Terms moderate. Rese donee on George Street, Second Door East of Main Street. Seaforth. • 879 -VAT- ti- Ti M .D. S., M. R. *C. and I): S.,o1 i'" , 414; -1-4. Ontario. Latest improve. hi •.4.. Menai in every line. Satisfaetiop guarceiteed. Office, -In Cadyt Block, opposite Ccneunerhial Hotel, Seaforth, Residence, -The Poplars).John Street. 941 , MEDICAL. TXTM. HANOVER, M. .1). 0: 31„Graduate el VY McGill University, Physician,. Surgeou and Acccaucheut, Seaforth, Ont. Office and ra sidence-North side Goderich street, first bricis house east of the Methodietchurch. 96! DRS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brucefield, Licen- tiates Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. At Seaforth every Saw - day afternoon. Office, -Royal Hotel. 930. 1 T G. SCOT1, M. D., &a, Physician) Surgeon, J. and Accoucher, Saaforth, Ont. Office and residence South side of Goderich streetaSeeend Doer east.of the Presbyterian Church. 842 Tip W. BRUCE SMITH,M. 15 , C. Ma Membe lie of the College of Physicians and Surgeon; &c., Seaforth, Ontario. • Office and residen• • same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 848 _ --- D. MACKID, (late of Lucknow) Graduate RatToronto University,. and Member of th College of Physicians and Surgeons of Onta • Office, Fear's drugstore. Residence, John Stree •• first door east of Enetiali Church Parson; :- Seaforth, Ontario.•• 89i EYE, EAR AND. THROAT DR. GEO. S. RYERSON, L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S. E., Lecturer on the Eye Ear and Throat, Trinity•Medical College, Toron to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear In firmary. Late Clinical Assistant Royal Londe f; Ophthalmic Hospital, Moorfields; and Centre Throat and Ear*Hospital. 317 Church Street, Toronto. . .. _ VETERINARY. DR. J. WILSON, V. S. Honored 'graduate of Toronto Veterinary College Registere a member of the Veterinary 3fedied Aesoelatio of Ontario. Having had several yeare experiene can be found prepared to treat all (Escalate of th • domesticated ILI] ilnahl on the hit* and meet in: iroved principles. Treatment of delicate foal and teeth amazing a specialty. Residence Royal Hotel, Seaforth. • . • 958 ClEAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY. -Corner o 0 Jarvis and GoderichStreets, nextdixa to th Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont All dis eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do me.sticated animals, successfully treated at th• fnfirmary, or elsewhere, onthe shortest notice Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Veter [nary Surgeon. P. S. -A large stock of Veterin areeMedicines kept constantly on hand DR. WOODRUFF, Permanently located in London, Na. 185,Queen'. Avenue, a few Doors eclat of Postoffice. Specie atter& on given to dieeasee of the Eye, Bad Sigh and the Preservation of Vision, &sews ef th a Ear, Impaired Hearing end discharges' from th. Ear, diecases of the Throat. Chreme Intiamma tion being a feequent cause of Deafness; dis eases of tho Nemo ; Catarrh being a comma cause of impaired hearing.• 913x26 • AUCTIONEERS. T P: BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for 0:- si County of Huron. Sales attended in al pails of the County. All orders left at Tie EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly attended to. ._ . A DELGATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for th ., 11.. County of Huron. Sales of all description promptly attended to on reasonable terms. Ad. dress Brossels P. 0., or apply on Lot 4, Con- cession 12, Grey. 77 MUSICAL, .___ _.._ - -- MR11..„Co. or Organ. 0 Drglzns.,L.ApavaTneacecidi epr u,o)fusMitutstieed for graduating at less than one-half the expense of foreign teaehing. Terms moderate. Rese donee on George Street, Second Door East of Main Street. Seaforth. • 879 Preserve Your Siht, g . By wearing the oniy FRANK LAZARUS, (Late of the firm of Lazarus & Marris) Renowned Spectacles 4. Eye Classes. These Speetaties and Eye Glasses have been , used for the past 35 yearaand havegiven in every ; instant.° unhoneded satiefattion. They are TIM BEST IN TIIX WOULD. never tire, and hat • • eare without change l'or Sale by ±.4 H 1.-A-Tie)a DRUGGIST, MEDICAL HALL, PEAFORTH FRANK LAZARS, MANUFACTURER, I 28 Maryland Road, Harrow Road, LOGIIon, Eng. (Late Lazarus & Morris, Hattferd, Conn.) ,ffO'No connection with any other firtn in the Daminion of Canada. • 943 HURONAND BRUCE Loan and Investment Thi Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at lowest Rates of Interest Mortgages Purchased. • SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed en Deposits, according to amount and time left; OFFICE. -Corner of Market Square and North Street, Goderich. HORACE 'HORTON, MANAGER, Goderieh, August 5th,1885. 922 SEAFORTH FurnitureWareroornsA If you Want olid comfort call at M. Robertson's, And buy'one of those Celebrated Self Adjustable Easy Chairs, represented by the above out. H can also supply Initalid Chairs and Carriages. He also sells the mostkcomfortableaed durable SPRI1\TG- 3E3M1.3 That is made. His stock of CABINET FURNITURE Is very large and Complete. Intending purchas- ers would do well to give him a call before pur- chasing elsewhere. Vitareroorns one Door South of Telegraph Office, Main Street, Seaforth. M. ROBERTSON. This great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life. These famous Pills purify the Blood, and act most powerfnlly, yet soothingly, on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, giving tone, energy and eigor to these great -Main Springs of Life. They are -con- fidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, froin what- ever came, has become inipaire.d or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailmenta incidental to females of all ages; and at a Gen- eral Family Medicine are nnsurpassed. *LIAM OINTMENT 'Its Searching and Healing Properties are known throughout the World. For the cure of Bad Lege, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and illeene it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as sat into meat. cnres Sore Throats. Bronchitis, Conghs and Colds For Glandular Swellings and Piles it acts like a charm. In Gout and Rheumatism., it never fails to afford relief. efanufactured only at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 78 New Oxford Street (late 538 Oxford Street) London; and sold at is. ltd:, 2s. 9d., 4s. (Id., 115., 226., and 33s. each Box and Pot. ttea, Beware of Am- erican counterfeits,-Pnrchasere should look. to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious 921-52 HARKNESS NAIR BALM Restores grey hair to its na- tural color, re- movesDandruff, stops the hail front falling out, increases its wi not soil The skin. sang, it has no growth.iand superior. Guar anteedhanniess. As a hair dr • . . Prepared by Harkness ea Co. -- London, Ont. 'sal hv- 'I Druggtett Lead t Mcciketai MA AGE 4.SES Issma, LI THE itUROg UP1TOR' tifFICT. SEAFOrt.*TH, WITNESSER RECIUIRED .s