HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-05-14, Page 71$8 R aased largely ie aalwatee at the Ivo** eta offer a large &sit • for the inspect:1We* ;lit Nails. he best White Barbed Wire Fen • kset a -els in great our order for a sap r BINDER TWIN% a Leave your order te best. n Bros.: K. MERCHANTS, Seaforth .5 MILLS, Proprietor oe these wet tar mills, has been add* hinery, and is new he4he r• an article of FLOUR, by any mill 13* le the party waits for k ir wheat, chopping.dost ipped for six mite per resh oat meal always Or and exchanged for elk ;ran always on hand ilrel rket prices, also any nem : Ordera promptly attaae. -e not yet.given these milli iir interest to do so. be Mills." ElEN eNEVIL. 1\1E1:ZS LISTA RATING Binder eaperi • or ake, INSPECTeeke THO SLIe BY iFORTH, FOR THE attiring Co.• (Litnited)r R, ONTARIO. -atson has done buena,* he reputation of the Mt c• hines offered to -day 1. ace superior. See the g Binder, ,e Reaper, Hummer Mower, `.SOre Daisy Rake. ✓ American Plows, env& r and Drill. Come and et A. WILSON SEAFORTH, ON ITNEY'S HOUSE, OUR LINES OF 4 EATERS ROYAL ; Base Burner in four is* tersand with Ovens. Square Base Burner 21114 1. fait to see it. e e of all kincia of Coal Cooks, t to show them. all, and get Barpialk GAINS IN 'EBY, TINWARE,0 AND CANADIAL ; LWAYS ON HAND neaene--- 1--10T4 • ONTO. BRIGHA cifp's!Ifotei,SeafortIO -RIETORS. Ceti •000.St essituated 3' gait n, has recently been Meer/ ;.tighout, and is now OOP' mfortabIe hotels in the _attention paid to gild kAy 14, 1886. 111 • .1 THE HURON Exrio§iToR. Erasing Cattle Brands. ` The plan is simple 'enough. 4 piece af - blanket was taken and *rung out after being dipped in water. A eom- aion frying pan was then heated nearly red hot. The wet blanket was applied .0;eer the brand and the red hot pan Famed hard against it. The steam generated, scalded the hair clean off, and the job was done. In a few months the hair would grow again, and a new brand was put on. The same plan is adopted by horse thieves. Then again the fellows had a kind .of branding iron with whieh they could change a num- ber of brands. I once- heard a Texan beast of a man in Presidio county, Texas, who started hi 50 years ago with Only two cows and a branding iron, and. is to -day worth $100,000. I told. him I knew half a dozen men in New Mexico wha started in with nothing but the branding iron, and are to -day worth $206,000. The branding iron has laid the foundation of many respectable for- tunes. -Cor. Globe -Democrat. • W. Stacey, of Kirkton, has been fined $6, for assaulting a xnan named. Money, at Kirkton, -On Friday last week as Mrs. Harris was preeeeding along Huron street, St. Marys, accompanied by her two little children, an infuriated cow suddenly rushed' upon the group, knocked the children down, Jumped wildly over them and rolled them around in a threatening manner. The animal seemed terribly excited, and it required the efforts of three or four men to rescue the children from her. The youngsters fortunately escaped unhurt. -The resources of this country are il- lustrated by a little fact brought to our attention by a package of raisins receiv- ed by mail from the Santa Anna Valley, which is now just fifteen years old, if the day, when the first grapevine was planted may be regarded as its birth- day. From this small valley 150 car- loads of raisins, certainly as fine as any we have ever seea, have been shipped east this year, and quite as many oranges and lemons. • -An exchange says that the Rev. Dr. Maclaren, of the Central Presbyterian Church in St. Paul, awoke and saw a • burglar creeping into the room with a revolver in his band. The Doctor reach- ed over the side of his bed, picked up a small stick, and, pointing it directly at the intruder, said: "Now, if you don't get out of here I'll shoot you dead. I would hate to shoot you on Sunday and disturb the quiet of the day, but if you don't start you are a dead man." The burglar turned on his heel, ran through the house, and escaped. -Says the Brussels Post: For the past 26 years R. Leatherdale has been collecting curiosities in the way of old ' coins, birds' eggs, sands of different countries ores, precious stones, &c. In the neatly fitted tip case are over 500 different coins, brass, silver, gold, and paper. Quarter mite is the smallest coin, and they run up to an English cart wheel. There is a 25 cent gold piece, and over $100 in. Confederate bills. Two Roman coins dated back before the Christian era. • Another bears the date 1001 A. D. Mr. Leatherdale has had a large number of offers for his collection, but he does not want to sell. The case is valued at over $600. An hour can be spent very pleasautly in exa.miningthese old keepsakes, but you want Mr. Leath- erdale along for interpreter. Holloway's Ointment and Pills. Though it is impossible, in this climate of changing temperature, to prevent ill health alto- gether, yet its form and frequency may be much mitigated by the early adoption of remedial' measures. When hoarseness, cough, thick breathing, and the attending slight fever indie cate irritation of the throat or thest, Holla.way's Ointment should be rubbed upon these parts without delay, and his Pills taken in appropriate doses,to promote its curative action. No catarrhs or sore throats can resist these remedies. Print- ed directions envelope every package of Hollo- way's medicaments, which are suited to ell ages and conditions, and to every ordinary disease to which humanity is liable. 912.52w. imitation es • IOW Is sometimes called the sincere form of flattery. This may account for the number of imitations of the original and only positive corn cure- Putnam's Painlese Corn Extractor, All such fail to possess equal merit, so when purchasing get the g,enuine Putnam's. Safe, sure and painless. All druggists 952.52w. -ea* Fever, colic, unnatural appetite, fretfulness, weakness and vonvulsions, are some of the effects of worms in children ; destroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. 852.52m. Use Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap for prickly heat, nettle ra.sh, scaly eruption, itch, and ail diseas- ed conditions of the skin. 851.52m, - The hectic flush, pale, hollow cheeks and pre- carious appetite, indicate worms. Freeman's Worm Powders will quickly and effectually re- move them. 857.62m. - • 'National Pills are sugar-coated, rnild but thor- ough,iand are the best stomach and liver. p II in use, 857.52m. A Pleasing Duty. " I feel it my duty to sa,v," *rites John Bore ton, of Desert, P. Q. " that Burdock Blood Bit- tern cured my wife of liver coniplaint. from which she had been a chronic sufferer. Her dis- tressing, painful symptoms soon gave way, and I ean highly recommend the medicine to all suffer- ing as she did." 857.52,2w. A Double Benefit. Harry Ricardo, of Toionto, certifies to the benefits received from the use of Hagyard's Yel- lew Oil as a cure for rheumatism and deafness, his affliction with these combined troubles being severe one. 857.52.2w. • One Dollar Against Five Hundred. Isaac Brown, of Bothwell, Ont., was afflicted with chronic humor in the blood. He says one dollar battle of Burdock Blood Bitters was worth more than 8500 paid for other medicines. It is a reliable blood purifier. 85,7.62.2w. A Severe Trial. Those who endure the torturing pangs of neu- ralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago and simi m - lar painful complaints are severely 'tried, but there is a speedy relief in Hagyard's Yellow oil asthotsands who have used it joyfully testify. Itbanishes pain and lameless quickly. 857.52. 2w. --411- *O. To Break Up A cold or cough or its ill 'results there is no better remedy than Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. 867.52.2w. A Modern Miracle. In a recent letter from It. W. Dowson of Delo- raine, Ontario, he states that he has recovered from the worst for of dyspepsia, after suffering for fifteen years; and when a council of doctors pronounced hira incurable he tried Burdock Blood Bitters, stx bottles of which restored his health. 857.52.1,v. Horsemen Attention! Whenyour horse is galled, scratched or cut, or has an ugly sore, bathe twice daily, andapplye MeGregor & Park's Carbolic Cerate. It is un- doubtedly the finest healing a.nd cleansing appli- nation for it. Be sure you getMcGregor& Parke's. '111111nNek %mew Sold for'25c. per bdx at Lunniden &Wilson's drug store, Seaforth. 912.52W. NO • or • Fluid Lightning All sufferers from that terrible torment,Neural. gia, can be made happy hi one moment by a sin. • gle application of Fluid Lightning briskly rubbed on painful parts, andetaithout using any disgust- ing xnedieme day after day 'with little or no re- sult. Fluid Lightning also tures as effectually toothache, Jumbago, rheumatism, headache and is only 25 cents per bottle at Lumsden & Wilson's drug store, Seaforth. 912.52*. 04111 Cholera Preventive. In order to withstand cholera and such like epidemics, a perfect purity of blood, and theipro- per action of the stomach ate required. To in- sure that end, In the cheapest, most available and complete quarter, use AteGregor's Speedy Cure for dyspepset and impure blood. There is no purer,. safer or; more tellable remedy in exist- ence for mdieestibn, dyspepsia, costiveness, etc. Ask your neighbor or any person who has used it. Sold by LuniSclen & Wilsoh, Seaforth. Trial bottle given free. Consumption Cured. An old physician,retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India mis- sionary the torn -110a of a simple vegetable reniedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consump- tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical Cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervou )Om - plaints, after having tested its wonderful cura tive powers in thousands of cases, has felt it hie duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of chargo, to all who desire it, this recipe -On Gerinan, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, namim this, paper, W. A. NOYES, 149 Pewee's Block Ro-chester, N. Y. 938-25 eow salm••••••••• .11111,1MMNININNIIMMINNINII • ter PERRY DAVIS' `55k4 PAIN -KILLER ; IS RECOMMENDED BY Physicians, Ministers, Missionaries, _Managers of Factories, Work -shops, Plantations, Nurses in riospitals, -in short, everybody everywhere who has ever given it a trial. TAKEN INTERNALLY MIXED WITH A WINE GLASS OF HOT MILK AND SUGAR, IT WILL BE FOUND A NEVER FAILING CURE FOR SUDDEN COLDS, CHILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SUM- MER AND 130WEL COMPLAINTS, SORE THROAT , &c. APPLIED EXTERIi. LLY, EXPERIENCE HAS PROVEN IT THE MOST EFFECTIVE ANT) BEST LL'IMENT ON EARTII;IN REMOVING THE. PAIN ARIS IN Cr FROM SPRAINS, BRUISES, ?ISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTHAC-HE, rajRNS, FrtosT BITES, &c., &c. `25cts. per Bottle. ar Beware of Imitations. -elf summOnap • CAkPBELL'S: ATHARTIC COMPOUN is effective in small doses, acts without griping, does not oc- casion. nausea, and will not create irri- tation and congestion as do many of the usual Cathartics ad- ministered in the form of Pills. &c. Ladies' and Chil- dren having the most -sensitive sto- machs take this medicine without trou- ble or complaint. CAMPBELL'S CATHA.RTIC COMPOUND is especially adapted for the cure of LIVER,UOMPLAINTS AND BILIOUS DIS- ORDERS. FOR ACID STOMACH AND Loss OF PETITE. FOR SICK HEADACHE AND DYSPEPSIA. FOR CONSTIPATION OR COSTIVENESS. FOR ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STATE OF THE STO- MACH. This medicine being in liquid form, the dose can be easily regulated to meet the requirements of different per - sous, thus- making it equally well adapted to the use of the little child as to- the adult. Put up in three ounce bottles, and sold by all dealers in family medicines. Price Retail, 25 Cents. ..•••=••••[••,,..vmarIVITI•1/••••11111= CAMPBELL'S ONIC ELIXI This' agreeable yet potent prepara- tion is especially adapted for the relief and cure of that class Of disorders attendmit upon a low or reduced state of the system, and usually accompanied by Pallor, Weakness and Palpitation of the Heart. Prompt results follow- its use in eases of Sudden Ex-. haustion arising from Loss of Blood, Acute or Chrome Diseases, and in the - weakness that invariably accompanies the recovery from Wasting Fevers. No remedy will give raere speedy relief in Dyspepsia; or Thdigesdon, its action on the stomach being that- of a gentle. and harmless tonic, exciting the organs of digestion to action, and thus affording i mined late and perm anen t relief The carminative properties of the different aromatics. wide!' the Elixir contains render it useful in Flatulent Dyspepsia. It -is a valuable. remedy .for Atonic Dyspepsia, which is at to occur : nersons of a gouty character. For impoverished Blood, Loss of A ppeti te, Despondency, and in all eases where an effective and certain .stinua lant is required, the Elixir will be found i n val uab e. In Fevers of a Malarial Type, and th e 'various evil resul ts' following expo- sure to the cold or wet weather, it will prove a valuable restorative, as. the combieation of Cinchona Calisaya, and Serpentaria are universally recogn i zed 'CB specifics for the above-named disor- ders. Sold by all Dealers in Family Medicines. Price, $1 per Bottle, or Six Bottles for $5. Davis & Lawrence Co. (Limited) SOLE AGENTS, •, MONTREAL, P.Q. ..1.1M1111••••••=1•MIDINMI=.1.1a11111N111MMIMMINMIIMIEMMININI Almelmenlemmnelseeelelinia 7 London, Huron and Bruce, (3101NG NORTH-- Express. Mail. London, depart.. 7.55a.n. 4.50P.H. • Exeter 9.14 6.10 . Hensall. .. 9.24 6.28 Kippen 9.29 6.29 Brucefield . 9.36 6.88 Clinton 9.55 7.00 . Londesboro 10.15 • 7.20 ' Blyth. 10.24 7.30 Belgrave... .... 10.89 , 7.46 Wingham, arrive 10.55 8.05 Goma SOuTH- Express. Mail. Wingham,depart 7.03e,m. 3.06 P.m. Belgrave •7.17 3.29 Blyth 7.37 3.44 Londesboro 7.41 3.53 - Clinton 8.03 4.13 _ Brucefield 8.22 • 4.32 Kippen. 8.31 4.44 • Hensall 8.88 4.46 Exeter. 8.61 4.69 London, arrive 10.10 6.00 • Wellington, Grey and Bruce. GOING NORTH- MOM. Express. Mixed. Ethel 1.. . 2.34 P. m. 9.20 P.M. 9.46 P.M. Brussels • . •2.49 • 9.35 10.26 Bluevaie ' 3.05 9.61 10.55 Wingleaan.. 3.20 10.02 12.15 Gone; Sourn- Mixed Accom. Express. Winghani 7.45 P.M. 11.10 A. M. 6.00 A.M. Bluevale 8.12 11.25 7.00 Brussels .. 8.60 11:45 7.16 Ethel .,... .... 9.20 12.00 7.27 Train leaving Wingham at 8 p for Kincar- dine, runs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. , • Grand Trunk Railway, • Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as follows: GOING WEST- •SEAFORTH. Ekpress.... .... 2.40 r. M. Express ...... .... 8.58 P. M. Mixed Train.. .1. 8 15 A. m. GOING EAST - Express.... : . 7.45 A. N. Express...........1.46 P. M. Mixed Train.. .. . 5.30P. M. CLINTON. 3.05 P. M. 9.15r. M. 9.48 A. M. 7.25 A. M. 1.05 P. re 4.46 r. AUCTIONEERS. T P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the . County of Huron. Sales attended in al parts of the County. All orders left at 11 BB EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly attended to. A DELGATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for the 1-1,„ County of Hurop. Sales of all description promptly attended to on reasonable terms. Ad- dress Brussels P. 0., or apply on Lot 4, Con- cession 12, Grey. r, 77 MUSICAL. • RS. M. DUNLOP, Teacher of Music, Piano or Organ. Advanced pupils fitted for graduating at less than one-half the expense of foreign teaching. Terms moderate. Resi- dence on George Street, Second Door East of Main Street, Seaforth. 879 THE i BIO MILLS, • SEAFu The above mills have now been thoroughly re- built upon the complete „ HUNGARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. The Mill and Storeheuse Buildings have been greatly -enlarged, and ' new machinery applied throughout. . THE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS, _AND_ Flour Dressing. Machines From the best Manufacturing Firms have been put in, and everything necessary a,dded to enable her to tum out flour ; SEbOND ITO NONE In the Dominion. The facilities for receiving grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping have also deen extensively improved. Grain can now be taken from farmers' wagons, weighed, and loaded into cars at the rate of 700 bushels per houreby the work of two men. A LARGE FEED STONE CUSTOM CHOPPING Has been .put in, and the necessary machinery for handling chop and coarse grains. A good shed has been erected, so that wagons can be unloaded and reloaded under cover. WHEAT EXCHANGES Promptly attended to, and ! FIRST-CLASS ROLLER FLOUR GUARANTEED. ab-sirom Humi;• Chopped satisfactorily and without delay. ROLLER FLOUR, • BRAN, SHORTS, • And all kinds of CHOPPED FEED Constantly on hand. Highest Market Price Paid in Cash for any Quantity of Wheat. APPLE BARRELS .•-AND- FINE COARSE AND LAND SALT FOR SALE. Only first-class and obliging men *ill be kept to attend customers. The liberal patronge of farmers and general trade respectfully solicited. A. W. OGILVIE & CO., PROPRIETORS. T. 0. KEMP, Manager. • Division Court Notice. The Office of the Second Division Court, County of Huron, will be found open every lawful day at the residence of John Beattie; Goderich Street west, from 10 o'clock a. m. until 4 o'clock p. m., and everything will be doria that is possible in the interest of Suitors. Telephone communication in the office., Any amount of Money to Loan on good prop- erty, farm or town,,at -the very lowest rates of interest, and terms of payment made to suit borrowers.: JOHN BEATTIE, Clerk. 960tf CREDITORS' NOTICE. In the Executorship of LUDWIG G. ME-YER, late of the Towneof Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Esquire, who died on the leth day of Ma1ele:1886, and whose will was proved on the 31st day of March, 1886, by Henry W. C. Meyer, of the Toevn of Wingham, in- the said County, _Barrister at'liaw, and Louise Wilhemine Meyer, of the said Town of Seaforth, Spinster, the Executorsttherein named. All persons having any claims against the estate of the said- Ludwig G. Meyer, are on or before the 10th dayeef July, 1886, to send by post, prepaid, to the said Louise Wilhernine Meyer, at Seaforth P. 0., their christian and surnames, addresses and de- scriptions with full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and nature of se- curities, (if any), held by them, and in default thereof, they will be peremptorily excluded from participating in the estate, and after which last mentioned date the said Executors' will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which they then have notice. Dated this 7th day of May, 1886., H. W. C. MEYER, Executors. L. W. MEYER, f p. S. -All out -standing fees due from Suitors in the Second Division Court, Huron, may be paid to F. Hohnested, Esq., Seaforth. • 960-4 THE BRANTFORD LIGHT STEEL BINDER. •-attettit ir== • ; f I- • - ai aro' OPT s. • ;11 !.:eirluifete; Qr.)1TEREq.: • • • ne el -Seen? • eate-4, 1; ear,' ..... 4 - . !! • ... .!!! 7.‘ - ....... • -r!:• neeee eeneelteefinenrineee, raereeferee... STEEL SHAFTING, STEEL DRIVE WHEEL, STEELIHARVESTERIFRAME, STEEL FINGER BAR, • STEEL KNOTTER PINION, STEEL BREAST -PLATE,. • ranil • f. life •• STEEL KNIVES, STEEL SPRINGS, STEEL EXTENSIONS. 1\41EJ --VC7- ST -1H" Embodies all the latest improvements of the age, and is acknowledged to be the best ;Binder on the continent. Materials, the best procurable -workmanship, unexcelled; has never been beaten in any trial; is sure to please., Don't confound The New Brantford Light Steel Binder" with the ordinary wood -frame machine of other makers, as it is an 'entirely different machine, If far greater intrinsic merit, and of much greater value. Seeeand_examine it, and you will buy no other. For sale by ; JOHN MANSON, Brucefield. - J. E. NAEGEL, Auburn. J. COCKWl LL, Crediton JOHN CLEGHORN, Wingham. BOLTON & MeCARTHY, St. 3Iarys. J. & R. A. JONES, Mitzhell. ISAAC FISHER, Goderich. J. S. JOHNSON, Johnson's Mills. GEORGE KIRKBY, Walton. JAMES STEWART, Seaforth C. H. °IRVIN, Goderiche . J. H. ELLIOTT, Porter's Hill. EDWARD CHRISTIE, Exeter. - S. A. MOFFATT Varna, G?neral Agent. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL The Latest Development in Threshers. SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY • TIlE subseriber begs leave to thank his numer- ous customers for the liberal patronage ex- tended to him since commencing business Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build would do well to give him a call, as he will continue to keep on hated a large stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, SASHES, -DOORS, BLINDS & MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, &e. elle feels confident ef giving satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage, as none but tirst-class workmen are employed. Particular attention paid to Custom Planing. 201 JOHN H. .k3R0ADFO0T THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Paid up Capital, • $6,000,000. Rest, J -• 2,100,000. PRESIDENT, HON. WM. MCMASTER, - SEAFORTH, BRANCH. The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues to receive depoeits, on which interest is allowed on the most favorable terms. Drafts on tUl the principal towns and cities'in Canada, on Great Britain, and on the United States, bought and sold. Office -First door SOUTH of the Commercia Hotel. A. H. IRELAND, Manager. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor • 639 1 Kippen for Plows AND FARM IMPLEMENTS. ALWAYS ADVANCING. Again full Of business, and would remind all farmers and I customers in need that he has a larger stock than ever. Consisting of Sulky plows, gangiplows, general purpose plows, sod plows, cultivators, B. Bell's make, land rollers. All which are madefrom the best manufactierers, and sold at bottom prices. Plow Castings in Abuudance. Gang plow castings in stock for W. II. Verity's Plow Works, Exeter. South Bend plows, B. Bell's Si. George, Mitchell plows Toronto plows, Teem!' ater plows, Hogan plows, geatorth ; Goder- ich plows, Massey No. 13. PLOW REPAIRING in all its branches. Partiee wanting new mould boards or plow beams for the Massey No. 13, or the Exeter Plow works, or Hogan's plow works, • Seaforth, wiLl see the same at nty shop. Special attention paid to the repairing of iron plows. Now is the time. Fetch along your plows and harrows for repairing. T. Mellis can supply all your wants in the plow line, and spares no pains to meet the wants of the farmers. Castings oft hand for the Noxen seed drills. THOS. MELLIS, Kippen. 953-8 DUNN'S BAKINO OWDE THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND The Seaforth, Brussels WroxeterD Stage Line. This old and reliable Stage Line which runs daily between Seaforth, Brussels, Wroxeter and Gorrie, leaves Seaforth on the arrival of the Mail train from the east, and connects with the trains running. east and west on the Grand Trunk Railway at Brussels, and also connects with the train for Tees*ater at Wroxeter. Comfortable coveredcarriagesand careful, at- f entive drivers always on the road. Fares Reasonable. S. WALSH, Proprietor. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAEORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REOUIRED Thoroughly tested and strongly Warranted. - " ADVANCE." ' .f. 1.._.:-:-.:31:r-.......,:t.Zt •;-•,-7.:-;.:S.i.-a...,4--'''':'1-(1.:-'1'.i-C„,- -. ,. ._,. ;,...__. , ,.,.„..,. 21.1.4 -nil.,...,-:: 1 .7 an, "CHALLENGE." Manuf'd,as adapted forCanadian Market Only by McPHERSON & FINGAL, ONT. . The pioneer Separator Manufacturers of Can- ada. -Write TOr circular. 956-8eow Hardware! Bought for cash direct from the manu- facturers, the advantage of which we will give to our customers, by selling them goods at lowest pries. • -OUr im- mense stock is very complete, compris- ing the following seasonable lines !; Spaces and Shovels, best Eng- lish, American & Canadian makes. Draining Tools of all kinds, Field Hoes, Garden Hoes and Rakes, Two and Four Point Steel Fencing Wire, Buckthorn's Steel Fencing Wire, 1 Plain Galvanized Wire, for straight rail fences. Builders' Hardware, Best Montreal Steel and Iron Nails. Lock, Glass unit utty. To those building, we can offer special low figures. Binding Twine, the best made at low- est possible prices. nobs, Hinges, Paints, Oil, Red & Wilson Halalware and Iron Importers, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. Removed I Removed I G -EJ 0_ WI 1\T G-, I SEAFORTH, The 01 Established Butcher has removed to. new - premises immediately opposite his Old St.rd,Main Street, Seaforth, where he will be pleased to meet all his old patrons and as many new onesas may see fit to favor him with thrir patronag . IMTRethember the place, between Henderson's Harness Shop, and McIntyre's Shoe Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 898 GEORGE EWtNG. LEGAL. 11C. HAYS, Solicitor, &e. Private Money to . lend at lowest rates of interest. Office - Corner of Square and West Street, Goderich. 774 T AL BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Office- s) ROOM formerly occupied by Carroll & Dickson, Bayer's Block, over Johnson's Hard- ware Store, Main Street, Seaforth. Goderich Agents-Cemeame, Hot.tt'& CAmEROW, 870 GARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solici- tors, &c., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. GARROW, WM. PROUDFOOT. 686 flAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, kj Solicitors in Chancery, Sre., Goderich, Ont. M. C. CAMERON, Q. C., PUMP HOLT, M. G. CAMERON. 506 TOFTUS E. DANCEY, late with Cameron, I Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister'So- licitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan. Ben- son's Old Office, Cardrio's Block, Seaforth. 786 ANNING & SCOTT', Barristene Solicitors, Convey -an eers, &e. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. II - MANNING, JAMES Scorr. 781 FHOLMESTED, successor to the late firm of McCaughey & Holmested, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. Preserve Your Sight, By wearing the- only • FRANK LAZARUS, (Late of the firm of Lazarus & Morris) Renowned Spectacles (1, Eye Glasses. These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been used for the past 35 years,and havegiven in every instance unbounded satisfaction. They are THE BEST IN TIIE WORLD. They never tire, and last many years without change. For Sale by DRUGGIST, MEDICAL HALL, SEAFORTH • -FRANK LAZARUS, , lilANUFACTURER, 28 Maryland Road, Harrow Road, London, Eng. (tate Lazarns & Morrisellartford, Conn.) eWallo conneetion with any other firm in the Dominion of Canada. 943 This great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries ot Lire.- These famous Pilhapurify the Blood, and act most powerfnlly, yet soothingly, on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, giving tone, energy and vigor to these great Main Springs of Life. They are con- fidently recommended as a never failing remedy In all eases where the constitution, from what- ever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficadous in all ailments incidental to females of all ages; and as a Gen- eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed. • HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT Its Searching and Healing Properties are known throughout the World. For the cure of Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as sat into meat. cnres Sore Throats. Bronchitis, Colvin!' and Colds. For Glandular Swellings and Piles it acts like h charm. In Gout and Rheumatism, it never fails to afford relief. Manufactured only at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 78 New Oxford Street (late 533 Oxford Street) London; and sold at is. 1d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., 115., 225., and 33s. each Box and Pot. fm Beware of Am- erican counterfeits,-Pnrehasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious 921-52 HENSALL FURNITURE STORE. CLEARING SALE. QIE M01\TTI--1_ We intend making some changes in our furni- ture store, and with that object in view we wish to reduce our stock, and are offering great bar- gains as inducements to customers. Never mind the hard times ; come along anyway. There are good times coming. 959x4 G. INGRAM & SON. HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment 0OMP..A.a\T"11 This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at lowest Rates of Interest. Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE. -Corner of Market Square and North Street, Goderich. • HORACE HORTON, Maaraoss. 922 Goderich, August 5tb,1885. SEAFORTH FurnitureWarerooms. If you want solid.comfort call at M. R o be rtson's, And buy one of those Celebrated Self Adjustable Easy Chairs, represented by the above cut. 11 can also supply Invalid Chairs and Carriages. He also sells the most comfortable and durable S 131R, 1.1\TG- 33MID That is made. His stock of CABINET FURNITURE livery large and Complete. Intending purchas- ers would do well to give him a call before pur- chasing elsewhere. Warerooms one Door South of Telegraph Office, Main Street, Seaforth. M. ROBERTSON! MONEY TO LOAN. eur ONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 per 111 • cent. Interest payable half yearly, or 61 - per cent. yearly, with the privilege to:, borrower of repaying part of thq principal money a any time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister, Seaforth. 850 DENTISTRY. -\771A_TSC) ITIENTIST, Faculty Gold Medallist and College Gold Medallist,Toronto School of Dentistry.... Roonis over Johnsons' Hardware, Main Street, !Seaforth. 911 J"- 1- 4 D. S., At' R. C. and D. S., of . Ontario. Latest improve- ments in every line. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office, -In Cady's Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. Residence, -The Poplars, John Street. 941 MEDICAL. DRS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brueefield, Licen- tiates Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. At Seaforth every Satur- day afternoon. Office, -Royal Hotel. 930. • T G. SCOTT, M. D., &c., Physician, Surgeon, J. and Aecoucher, Seaforth, Ont. Officie and residence South side of Goderich street, Second Door east of the Presbyterian Church. 842 RW. BRUCE SMITH, M. D, C. M., Member . of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, &c., Seaforth, Ontario. Offiee and residence eame as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 848 DR. MACKID, (late of Lucknow) Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Offle,e, Fear's drugstore. Residence, Jolla Street, first door east of English Church Parsonage, Seaforth, Ontario. 894 EVE, EAR AND THROAT. .--;DR. GEO. S. RYERSON, L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S. E., Lecturer- on the Eye, Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toron- to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear In- firmary. lc Clinical Assistant Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, Moorfields, and Central Throat and Ear Hospital. 317 Church Street, Toronto. • VETERINARY. 1--\ R. J. WILSON, V. S., Honored graduate of Toronto Veterinary College, Registered Member of the Veterinary Medical Association Of Ontario. Having had several years experienoe ean be found prepared to treat all diseases of the domesticated animals on the latest and most im- proved principles. Treatment of delicate foals end teeth dressing a specialty. Residence: Royal Hotel, Seaforth. 953 C_iEAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY. --Corner of and Goderich Streets, next door to the Free. lean Church, Seaforth, Ont. All dis- ease,- eenes, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do- nrest. -1 animals, successfully treated at the Ian... or elsewhere, on the shortest notice. Chargy- ixlerate. -JAMES W. ELDER, Veter- inary Surgeon. P. S. -A large stack of Veterin- ary'...Iledicines kept constantly on hand DR. WOODRUFF, Permanently located in London, No. 185, Queen% Avenue, a few Doors east of Postoffice. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, Bad Sight and the Preservation of Vision, diseases of the .Ear, Impaired Hearing and discharges from the! Ear, diseases of the Throat. Chronic Infinepena- tion being a frequent cause of Deafness; dis- eases of the Nose ; Catarrh being it common cause of impaired hearing. 943x26 i .4 f5.4 F-1 e 14 I ! .1 7-7 14. T ! 7-1 f