HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-04-23, Page 8____ -- --------- __ ______ __ —.,-- — __,_,____,__W___ , __ ___ � . . � : . �, . __ ­_ -__­_____­_ __ ­­­-, I . —.-- ___ __ - - ­ - ­­ -_ .1-1 --.-. �­ _­.. - � . I . - . - I . I I . . . I _ I . - � I � . . : - . � _ - _�­­ - --- --- . � ­ I ­­ __ I M ___ - - _­__ __ __ ­_ -­ -­­ - - � __ ­ . . � : I . ; L I i - . I . . � . � . 4 . I . I -------- ­ ------ - I ... ­­­­_ --i __ I . � . . � � ; . � . . I I I I I - I � ; I i .., I - . . I . i I i i I . . . � I I I � I ."%, , � I,, . . . I . . . I I � . I � � . I . � I i I ; : - I .. � . . I - � � i . ., — . I - - '. —_ , i � - I I . .� I — �. —.—, - — - . 11 . -_ ; � — -1 —_ - " — . , , — — _ -_ t . � __ �11 ­_ 1-1- . � I . . - I . � I , I i � . � I - I I . -1 __1 I � . . I . � - I . . I . - �, I . � -1 . . . ­ I - .. - I I ­ - - I I . . . I . � I I - I � I . . .. . . I , a . . . - . — I . — . I 1 ; I - I I . __ � . 1 0 - 1 . ! . � � W I . I I . . I . . # i � i * . I . . � � � . I . . - . � .. i . I . . . . . .. � - . . . I - I I I : . ; . I I . - � I . I . , - � . � APAIL 23, 1R86 , . - � � TH19 HURON EXPOSITORX _______­._­ . I 11 I � . __ I — __ - I I T I , . SEEDS ! ley, X. Cluff, J. Beattie, D. D -Wilson. The carried by EA a 0"EDS, , motion was consequently . � a vote of 7 to 4. � Accounts to the � I I - . EDWARD CASH - I aniount of $206 were passed, when the council adjourned to meet at the call of . Has in $tock the following Grains and Seeds of : , ", the, Mayor. --- . * I , I . — I first quality: Red and tklsika Clover, Timothy ' � C0,31PLUNIENTA,RY SOCIAL. - A7 very and Orebard Gmss; Small and Marrowfat P I I ) - . asa an appy g erin - oo ace P - Bar ley, Wheal. and Oats. - I in the basement of the First reab. - � . - I&DWARD. CASH2 torian church, Seaforth, last Friday . � evening. The teachers of the Sabbath __ 'GODERtCH STREET, SEAFORTH. school in connection -with this chilreh - — I are in the habit of holding an event of � �__:�L_­_ � . I this kind annually.. This ,year it took . TU 11r,0 4 , OEM ' X1100* t# . e I # the form of a parting complimentary social for Miss Logan, who has been. - cl�l connected ,with 'thei school for many i years, first as a scholar and latterly as a . I I � . I DI I U "I'll, . . I ac er, an w o is a ou, o eave ea - I - � forth, to take' up her residence 'in an- �, - other ,,Province.- About eight - - Fitom DmcaT.i.-Mrr. George Lee, .o'clock I tea vias served and1the con"Pany., con- , who forrile n the Huron . ,. - sisting of the teachers and dbout one- Road, MclCillop, and son of Nfr, Win. . , I - * hundred invited friends, sat -'down . Lee, of this tawn, writes from E,zA crado, to a- sumptu . ous and elegantly spread. Dakota., tinder date of April 1,31th, . as tabl e,at one end of which D. D. Wilson, follows: "After a very beautifulwill- E,sq., superintendent,. presided, the . . ter we find spring is here in earnest,, o [ ]�, er end being occupied. by the assist - ' and seeding is the order of the day. > I . a-At-supprintendent, R. Lumsden� " Esq. V - . � We haxe not had a shower of rain since Befare leaving'the table Alr. Wilson last 0&ttober, and only about a foot of rose and in a few words referred to the � snow- all winter. We have but very regret' f6t by the school at the retire. -. little mud, and feel sorry for you when ment of Miss Logan,- and to the willing � . we read of the country roads being al- and able service she had rendered both - most impassable, far we remember ,well . ,in the school and church, contributing what that means." Mr. Lee's many old in no, sinall deo-Tee to the usefulness and . friends herea.bonts will be pleased to prosperity of' -'both. Miss Logan was - learn tha,t he is prospering in his west- then presented with a handsome @o1d . . - e.rn home. I chain and locket, the gift of the teachers. � - i PER.AOXAL.-The Goderich Sival of After this 'Rev. A. D. McDonald ad - . . - � 0 last week says: Rev. Mr. Me Oy'. of dressed all present in a ,suitable and Egmoadville,, preached in Knox. ehurch happy manner. The rest of the evening - ion Sunday evening. His sermon was on was spent in readings, music and short ­ -the text, "Blessed are they who hun- addresses by the several teachers pres- . ger and thirst after righteousness., for ent. Miss Logan expeat4 to leave for they sh4l be filled. " The preacher gave St. John, New Brunswick, next week, - an excellent discourse, in which he drew and the good wishes of her many friends in striking language the close analogy. go with her. - + between physical hunger and thirst and . T. E. JosLix, of the Postoffice Store, spiritual, The sermon left a very good - I . Seaforth, has now a full Stock of Gents'Furnish- impression 'on the congregation. In hi S M ings of every description The latest styles in . . - f � reading of the scriptures Mr. McCoy set I Gents' Hats and Caps, and as fine a selection as a goo d exam, ple. He read the story of can be had in any store in the County. He has also samples of baqe ball, lacrosse and tennis - Joseph and his brethren in a manner suits. Call and see him, you will be sure to find' I which showed he believed there were him cheerful, attentive and obliging, and ready , I some things in -that record which de- and willing to give you full valte foZ your money. r . , . served emphasis. For men whose, busi- I . New StrawHats in this week. Call and see them. T. E. Josi,m, the Postoffice Store, Seaforth. 957 4. mess it is to read in public, clergymen I . 1. - BEms FOR SALE. -A limited quantity � ; as a rulej make a poor showhig as na- ' of the celebrated Heddon strain of bees, in Jones" � taral and pleasing readers. Some of hives. For honey gathering and storing they those who are -good-speakers, too, are ' are unsurpassed. Apply at Broadfoot & Box ' the greatest offenders against sense, rule factory. I. LmNosmoTu, Seaforth. 95874 � . . . r and taste when reading the scriptures - SITUATIONWA-INTED.-A young lad 'of I I or a hymn in ublic. I p 17 would like to got emplo);inerit with -a fari-a6r, in the vicinity of SeafortIA'. ,Apply.,at-- Tuiz Ex- ,�, � + . : I TEAGnEms' LxSTITUTE.-The- semi"an- � POSITOR OFFICE. I., . 958-2 ' . I . - THE Ladies Aid Society of the Metho- � mual Institute Meeting of the teachers of ,dist church,'will give a social in the basement, � , West Huron will be held in the Pub lie on Friday, April 30th. The evening's entertain- I - . �: School, Exeter, on Friday and Saturday, ment will consist of tea, music, and literature. I . May 21st and 22nd, 1886, beginning each Tea served at 7:30 o'clock. Admission 15 cents. I � day at nine o'clock. - In addition *to the � � ' 31. A. Cour,TER, Secretary. . 958-1 FAP-mE Rs, don't -fail to examine* the . � . local talant of the county, Win. Hous- I : ton, Esq., M. A,, Paxliam entary Libra- � London Light Binder, on exhibition at. Air. D. , ' . -a ce part in the proceedings, 1 � ria , will ta� Ho,,,n,s Seaforth. Warranty with every ma- chine. H. MCINTOan, Agent, Seaforth. 08 . : : and will lecture on Friday evening on � NOTICE. -Parties wishing"good so*und I I " The School and the State," le cture to � � ; potatoes for table use, can be supplied by apply- . commence at eight o'clock. All the, ing to THOMAs DARNvi.N., Also a good piece � � . I teachers of ,the division are 65cpected to of land, containing about three-quarters of all acre, to rent. - Terms on application. . � o r be present, unless they send a written � � - statement before the meetinff to the In- , 0 * LOCAL BRIEFS. -Mr. Noble Cluff has . spector, of their inability to attend, with I 7 -based f 'o p= r in Mr. J. R.-ANTilliams, of rl reasons for the saine, and trustees and . I Gorrie, the residence on North Main - � others intere-ited in ,education are cordi- � . ' - � street near the pump factory, for $700. ; : . ally invited. .Che following is the pro- . � 112 Messrs. Broadfoot & Box have placed on I . giamm e which has boen arrang6d for . the road a handsome new furniture van I I I I the meeting: Good English, W. Hous- from the carriage works of Mr' John' I ton, M. A.; Spelling reform - i � 0 .7 W- J,1011s Dorsey. -The contract fortbe erection . 7 ton, M. A.; Mensuration of surfaces and . of Mr. Wilson's stable has been award d Z . solids, for 4th and 5th classes, G. Baird, � - I to Alessrs. Tyerman & Sparlin(y and Mr. . i sr.; Drawing, Inspector Tom ; School . I 0 k. - Gutteridge, the former taking tl e � � hygiene, J. A.. Rollins, M. D.; Uti;liza- I I wood -work and the latter the masonl'y . ; : tion of time in teaching arithmetic, A. a,nd brick -work. -A valuable cow b-,- . , � . Embury; Composition, P. McEachren; longing to Mr. R. McLennan, was ki , I the simple rules of adthmetic,,'Geo. Moir-,, on the railway track a little west of e ; $ Errors- iri, the use of lanatiage, A -S. . 0 .1 � ' station, by the five o'clock train on Mon- � . Case ; Theory of music with class,. Miss ; - day evening. The �_animal had strayed . r Ralse . ; Drill, Sergeant Robinson. . � ' on to the' track aiid was struck by tile � � — 0 - enoine.-The street committee have had 0 t � I . Cau.Ncir. DoiN_-Gs.-At the council Z . the nind scraped off Main street, and it � - � . meeting 6n Moudai evening the Street ; 0 * now presents a highly respectable appear- r � Committee were a,ut-horized to procur6 I ance. -We were glad to see Mr. John c ; : 200 trues to have them planted on the . - McMillan in town on Tuesday. Although. I i r � . streets where most required to fill not strong yet he is �ecoveriffg nicely ' I - . : spaces. It wa-s, decided that the water- from his recent illness. -Mr. Hugh Robb . . � works'engincer be instructed to have . 7 g � j.r., has purchased the ol.d Adams home - I . ; i- 1 the street watering tank put in a proper stead property on Goderich street fr in 0 � I . I state of repair at once. Mr. D, D. Wil- . I . Mr. D. D. Wilson, for the slim of $500. . . son g,ave notice that at the next meeting t I . I I 0 . There a.re two lot§. -Mr. - John Beat -tie . I . - . of council he will introduce a by-law . has been appointed clerk of the Seafofth - � . � . ,ulatinc, the water stipply from the . reg In n I Divisio Court, to fill tie -vacanc y Z ; � � - wa�tenvorks. Mr. Fairley also gave 7 � . - caused by- the dea.th. of the late L. . � notiee that he will introduce a by-law . A Aleyer, Esq. We congratulate Mr. I - i Aw the reottlatiGn of obstructions on the' tl Beattie on his appointment, and we hope � x street and to amend � side-walks'Ora Mah � . he will be sp - . ared to occupy the position -, exi.Aim, by-la,ws -relating to the same. � , 'ForbeFs . to as ripe an oLd age as his predecessor, I I I r 11r. A asked for permission to as we are sure he will perform the im- � � to � remove a portion of his livery stable I portant duties pertaining to it with as � : � the back of his lot and erect a new , great'credit t6 himselT and satisfaction In I I , structure between. A committee, a -p- . , to the general public. -Mr. C. M. Diin- � I - I painted to, investigatethe application, . lop has engaged with Messrs. Scott- I � t reported that the said changes would be - . Brothers as travelling agent for-th-ir e 7 , ; I a violatiali of the Fire Limits By-law musical instruments. Mr. Dunlop is a ' � � � nillesstbebuildingso changed bebrick reliable,. courteous g6tlemam, and this � � -er � : veneered. The report was left o,v enterprising firm hav� been fortunate in I -itil the next meeting of council. A- - , ut securing his services. -Mr. James Stew- - . I I I .petition, -asking to have Main street art, one - of our most energetic agricul. . � watered as usual, was presented. The ; tural implement agents, delivered to 9, ition was referred to the Fire and ; peti i , farmers here on Tuesday last, -one car- � I IVELter Co mmittee to be reported on at load L of the celebrated steel* binders k � . the next lneeting,,, and in the meantim, e manufactured at Brantford. -411r. Ed- - . � - thecorlimittee were instructed tollave ward --!Carswell, the " Canadian Gough " - - C� - the work done. A communication was -1 will visit Seaforth on May 10th and. de2 I e . �� read from Rev. P. J. �%hea, asking the � n I )) liver his famous lecture on " Laughing. . �� council to pay the passave of an Irish . C> -The Song iind Gospel nieet � ing at the� � etnigrant nam ed Donag,hue and his wife : . I Young Alen's Christian Association� . � wid ane child back- to - Ireland again,'as , . I rooibs next Sunday evening promises to � . they axe in iudigrent circainstan'ces and � � be of, special interest, The singing will . - � - beitu, sickly and unable to work are i 1_� be -accompanied by stringed and other I I � ; - r likely to rem ain. a burden UpOu the e � - -I instrun ents. The meeting begins at 0 � � . town. Tile, matter was -referred 'to a I 8 -15. -Mr. W. Craig, ' cat- a well-known . . ; . Committee, consisting of the. Mayor I ) tle doalar of Clinton, has skipped out, - � : . Reeve and Deputy Reeve, to be enquir- . I . - . leaving a aood many to mourn his de-: 11 I . � ; ed - . =an, and -to report at next nieeting'.- I I 1 parti,ire. Hi - : liabili ties - a are variously 11 . - A . � wiking the council to ini- estini.,ated at from $15,000 to $20,000, - � : -ul ren . prove at - der more efficient, a drain and it is said lie secured nion 0�y wberever ; I oil thu stredt running past, the residences � I he could' act it by nlezi,"i of - forged s � of Dr. flauaver, T. E. Joslyn and : - notes'. --:.Uh'e' Josie Alills Comedy Com- I � others, was referred to the Street Com'_ ptny played here every eN�ening during . I niittci,, to be reported on at the next the present week to fair audiences. The � � . � iiieuthi,g. A petition from - A. 8 lia. w, . company is ,% good one, 'and gave the - v,king to have & sidewalk erected to his � I b"t satisfaction to. ,tllo,qe 1who heard PhUl I I , , W,tS ',11.40 referred to'the Street . 1, tbeni.-'Messrs. Laidla"8, & iFairley,.of ("mi'latittev. A eorrimunication froni the ; "(p the well-known Gentmi g1-6cery, have I tt)IN-11 11-tilil, a�-king for a -mit of ,,:-'too I I Z:� �� L r plita handsome new dcliver�y �va n on - 11"o t, I Wis 1%, .I,re( tee. � to I to the Fillance comalit , I tl,i(,. i,-oad.-The annual !tea in, connection I - 111(),;. St'-pli(IM; I t for Riel"C11,N1 � . I acc011il . with tile ant] i Versaryi sery : ices of the I � � I Ilt-witt",­ b1ard ,,('kt another airing, wid : -n 11.) , � � .- Methodist SO)bath, SC -11001 will be given r aid ovt.r 11, : -,V;l� furthor .1, utit next Colin- T � to tile Ineillbers of �the �cl s lool this 611 llw(�tin_­. Vernii",ion -was (,ranted ' 0 t% 11�fi(I,LY) Ovenill1r, and at half -past seven i I -11 r. I). D. Wii.-5oli to) o,!evpy a portion Of. � o'clock a musicall and literary entertain- . � i . Maili �,t,vvt while orer'in- hi,; -n(nw ; . 1. . _� I ment will be given by tlie, ,,;hildren. I I-) -1 slal)T,.. I' I . . It Nvaq "illoved )-N .11, Wilsol , .' I . I ' - ! 1'1`(`L� 111(etillcrs itr(! '11111'a3's very interest - I � I I '1110 ,;�.­ql(le(I by Thos. '�4iiith, that the � in.,_,, 4nd no d'oubt th,,� olle t-il'- . is evenin- I ­ � M kv.n., 1""vve, awl caiall ,,,ill ors "'41nith, t . 1. ! will. T,x, larc",elv attell(Jeol. Oil Sabbatill I ") i \Vi',,,1', a-1 flawkshAw be a committee ! . , speei[ll scrillons IV. ill be preached by the I - . i to (11, Ift " n It'll) (trial to tll(� ("'ovornmeat Rev.1 Mr. Salto", of (4oderid I i to attivilf, the Scott Act so as to permit i'usuai hours,-�\J&ili street was watered I I � t,L\'1­,'lI kvvpers to sell beer all'd- wine . , for tl - � c'first tinic tl)is season -on Wed - 1111der li-f-11se of the municipalit)_." I ne.iflay � last, the 2h;t Aprll. 'The fall .1 There voted for the motion Win. Haw4- I wlied in this vicinity liever looked bet- -011tw, It.* Wilson, J. Dorsey, G. 1'�,'. . , Haliderson, ter A this time of the ��ear -than it . T. �Smitli, A, Stewart and I do�s this' season, and fron, present ap- t . � the Mayor; against the motion,, J. Fai'r- 'I I ; pearances we may fairly anticipate. a . . V J I I I . . I- . t . I . � : . . . , - : � I �, I � I � - T ; i .1 I - I I . I I I I - I . I ! � 1. I I i . � f I . i , � � i � . � � I 1-� 5 i I ; I I I S � : . . � . r I . . I . . : . . I i I i - - _. � I t I ­ I �:, . . : I I I , � __ . . i . t I � . Is . " !_ I � . - I I I I : . i I i b I . I ! ; i i � - i ; . i i ; ! . ! : : ! . I � I � i . I . I : ; i : . I . I I � I � 7 . p r i i I . . I . . - � " � bountiful crop� An , unusually larg( 13readth was sown last fall. -We ar4 .glad to learn that Mrs. ' John Cowan, o. MoKillop, who has been seriously ill fol some time)- is now ieco - vering.-Mro Geo. Mitchell, of Paris, a former resi. dent of Seaforth, is� at present here on i visit to her sister,'Mrs. P. Logan. -Mr . . . ounter as remove o e real dence* of Mrs. Thompson, at the. head o: John street. -The officers of the Sal vation Army and 'some of the privab members intend going to Toronto to at tend' . the greT(r opening of the , nev . Temple, the inauguration services o which commence Saturday and continu4 until Friday next week. -At a meetinj of the Seaforth . C'r`icket Club, held oi Wednesday evening last, the followinj o cers were .e ecte : i o mes .president; John S. Roberts, lst vice W - ' 0. Reid, 2nd vice; Robert - Wilson, secretairy-treasurer; George Baird, cap tain. There will. be another meeting'or Monday evening next at the Commercia . hotel at 7:30 o'clock. -Mrs. Dr. Real ,and Miss Green are just now canvasing the town for a book entitled " Th( Hea�rthstone or Life at home," by Laura C. Holl o*way, author of I I Ladies of th( White House," and other works. Thh one is highly recommended by several eminent and competent ho e the ladies in quest . ion- will succeed in tooking numerous ord ' era in town. - I Affs. Rev. A. D. McDonald is this week in London attending the tenth annual meeting of the Women's Foreign Mis- sionary Society, as a delegate from the Seaforth branch. -Rev. Father Chiniquy will lecture in the -Egmondville church next Monday. evening at half -past seven. -_ .0 -_ . I Brucefleld. PURCHASED. -At the show here on Wednesday, Mr. John Tough, of -Stan- ley, purchased from McKay & Sons, of Tuckersmith, the fine yearling bull, * I I Hillside Duke," which tooi t9e third . - prize, paying for it the sum of *$125. He is from the well known McLean bull which was purchased some time ago from the Messrs. Snell,.of Hullett. DOTS. -Mr. Peter McGregor has 're- turned from Florida where he spent the winter. He had a very enjoyable time but likes the old home better than ever. 7 -Mr. Hugh McCartney has erected an addition to the cheese factory in which he will carry on the creamery business. Our enterprising townsman is always abreast with the times and is bound to please his patrons in some way. -The agricultural implement men did a good business here on show day, -There was �a good - deal of . " squealing " on show day about 25 cents being charged for admission to the grounds, most of . .. them, -however, I paid the- quarter and saw the show although some baulked * Folks should remembei that'a show can ' t money. The gttte receipts amounted to $51.14. . � . � - . I Rensall. . - . . _BRIEFs.-The weather being.so e.x- ceedingly fine and the season so far ad- vanced for the time of,year, our country and village friends are both busily en- gaged in tilling the soil, the former in the'way of ploughing and -the latter in gardening. -Mr. R. McIntyre, our en.er- getic and enterprisin g- grocer, is having his dwelling raised several feet higher, which will add to its appearance. -Mr. Maudson of,Tuckersmith left this week -for Ardoch, Dakota. We wish him suc- �ess.-Mr. S. Whiddon, shoe-maker,has recently purchased the shop and dwell- ing which he has occupied since he came here, and we believe intends shortly raising the buildings several feet higher, and otherwise improvifig the same. This done he .will have a nice property and well situated. - Messrs., McDonell & Waugh, Hardware merchants, have re- cently added _ very much to the appear- ance and -convenience of their shop by putting in. some 300 boxes or drawers-, for small shelf hardware. -Mr. W. Con- lin and family, who have resided here for several years, left this week for La - chute, Quebec. -Mr. J. Caldwell, sr., of this place, has purchas�d the dwelling lately owned .and occupied by W. C 011-. 1111. --Building operations arebeing rapid- . ly pushed forward4u nearly. every quar- ter of our thriving village, . � . - . . I Blyth.' . . ' BRIEFS. -The band played ,out on Tuesday evening. . It is doing well I under Mr. Gidley- If �they- keep on im- proying they will succeed in gaining ikll the prizes ai -the band tournaments this summer. -Councillors McKinnon and Hamilton were inspecting the streets *on Tue�day. The contract for building and . . repairing sidewalks, &c., was let on Wednesday.-The� 'Women's Foreign Missionary - Society met on Tuesday afternoon in the basement of the Pres- byterian church.-Wiss Annie Shane has given up her situation as assistant mil- liner in Anderson & Elder's store, and Annie. Walker has taken her place. - Mrs. A. W. Belfry is visiting in Clinton at present.�D. B. McKinnon is doing an.extensive business "in millinery this season, and has the assistance of three milliners. -R. Walker, who has been in . the employ of Frank - Metcalfe for some ' ' time past, left on Saturday evening. He has secured a situation in Clinton. - Bicycles are all the rage now. John , Kelly, jr., purchased a fine wheel from Joseph Codville, - of Woodstock. John S. McKinnon bo'u lit a Spesial British , Challenge from 73m. Payne, of London. There are seven in town now and more to follow. We understand a club will soon be formed. . � . . . - # — - � . Grey. . I AN�OTHEr, PIONEER GO -NE. -Another . pLon � cer . , in, the -person of Mrs. Alex. Stewaxt, passed: - over the river to hew long home on 1171ednesday, the 14th inst. She was called away suddenly and uD- expectedly,, being apparently in good health on the morning of her�death, and while performing her" household duties 0 fell to the floor and died in a few min-' utes. , She was an estimable woman, and was beloved and esteemed by all ,wTio knew her. Mrs. Stewart was born in F ineastle, .Perthshire, ,Scotlana, in the year 1800. - She was married.to Alex. .Stewart, of Bla,ir-Athol, and emigrated to Canada iii 1834, settling first near 0 White Lake, in the township of AlcNab, county of, Renfrew. The family con- sisted of three sons and two daughters. One of the sons died dn infancy, leaving two sons and two daughters, Nyho grew tip to mailhood and womanhood. Mr. Stewart removed with his wife and family to Western Ontario in June, 1852, and settled', for a few months in hip, and then for a few months in Burford township, county of Brant, which they left in the fatl of 1853, and set,tled on the Sth con -cession . ! � I . I I : I I r � i . . � I . - � - ! I . . I I . : . i : . I - . I i I � I i I i � ; �. : I I I 1. . ! � I I . . I I . . . i � I . ; . i ; � I : . . i I . � I � I i � : . I - . I .. - . � _. ­ -1 11 I- - ____ e was an - - I .1 .::T with their spring seeding.-Tbe 1- r% I of thq township of Grey when it was all who knew -him. ]Re was a zealous through tuWARD McFAut � I H mostly solid bush. There ilie-family worker in the church an took a promi- laud is getting very, dry and ,stiff and . V L. resided ever since. The two daughters nent part in the choir. Hoe could not would be the better of a shower of rain. I � were married, and died several years . swim. He had been in the .employ. of -Mr. F. Hess has a very fine display of . - - ' I ago, leaving families to mourn their Isaac Rogerson for ,years. Maggie new buggies. � . . Is -Now Ready For The � . — , . I loss. The sons, Daniel and Alexander, Clegg, well known to nearly everyone in I .� , i1r., still survive, as does also'the aged Brussels, was the' elde3t daughter of Scott Act Matters. * father, who will sadly miss his partner Joseph Clegg, a well known resident of On Monday last Mr. J. Pd: Fisher, of , I o so many years. rs. art was the township of 'Morris, and was about Auburn', appeared before Mr.,SCott, Early Spring Trade, the last surviving member of the family 17 years of age. She was an intelligent Police. Magistrate, to -answer to two - . . of Donald Stewart, of Perthshire. The - young woman and stood high.in the c" arges of violation of the Scott Act, - . - . d aga t him by Inspector' Yates. I family consisted of two sons -and four estimation of a vtry large circle of la ese ins . dau'ghters, of whom Mrs. Stewart was . friends. The grief of the relatives over Th being the first Scott Act cases * With a Big Stock of * - � e - . thesecond eld6st. They all lived to a the sad and unlooked for casualty may be that had come before Mr. Scott, h pre . � � ripe old age, and the last three have better imagined than describe.d.-On faced the proceedings with some remarks � di d within one year. . the evening of the same day a large bearing -upon the matter of his office. Cottons, Shirti � ngs, � . $ - number of young men seoured boats and He said that the opinion ad been ex- ... I . : Brussels. o rch the. river for the press,ed and was entertained by not -a Denims, Oottonades, � . bodies, but although a diligent search few throughout the county, that such I REVURNED.-Dr. McKelvey returned was made until a late hour all efforts offices as the one to which he had been ' last week from New York, where he has were unavailing. On the following day appointed were made not so. much to Linens, Cotton Yarns been perfecting himself in the different a number of boats were again manned hear and determine cases as to make � .1 I . branches of his profession. He speaks by earnest seekers. The were spread convictions, but such was a mistaken very highly of the course of instruction . ' � Y across the. stream attac aed to a rope impression, the appointments being in- 'Tickings, Carpet Warp-s,&C. and is well satisfied with' his trip. He held on either side. of - the river which tended to prevent the defeat and (relay I . ' . - has again commenced practice in let the boats down abreast 'at a very of justice, and so far as be was concern- - - . Brussel . a. . slow rate so that ihe bed of the stream ed, he proposed to the 'best of his ability ' - Also several lines of Choice Goo& I I UNFOP.TuNATE. -Last week Charles right across could be dragged by gra�p- to mete out the strictest justice to all Mitchell, a farmer, living near Sun- pling irons. OD: Friday morDirlg while parties, and defendants appearing before ' . shine, Nyas taken to Goderich gaol -by thus engaged another very serious acci- him might feel'assured that they would lately received and opened up. All. I - Constable Scott, assisted by John Som- dent iiearJy occurred, Mr. Dickson, not be robbed of any of those securities Over Embroideries, Skirting Embroid. � erville, .as 'a dangerous lunatic. Re- son of Mr. Robert Dicks�n, who was in with which the British constitution has . . ligious - excitement is said to be the I one of the boats, fell into) the water and hedged around the property rights and eries, Skirting Embroideries s and . cause... .. � as Mr. Alex Robertson, who occupied persons of citizens of the realm. � The ti, . NOTES OF THE DROWNING ACCIDENT. the boat with him was a38isting him in belief was also held that it was right, Ribbons, Hosiery and Gloves, DT,us -No tracei has yet been found 'of'the again, the.craft upset and all the occu- not only so throw - obstacles in the way bodies although groat numbers have pants were precipitated into the swift of the due administration of the law, Goods and Silks, Rich . Alantle Goodg, been searching Jor them ever since the running stream. Mr. obertsom was but that parties would not hesitate to &c. . accident. On Sunday afternoon fully a unable to swim and losir g hold of the make use of threats of violence -and use . � thousand people were present, assisting boat was carried by the i mrrent out of actual violence'againstthe officials intrust - and witnessing the search. The river ,the reach of his com t an ons. He sank ed with that'duty. This country was All Are CordiaRy Invited. - has been dragged time and again, the beneath the ______ - -, ut was ultimately- looking forward confidently to a gre6it I . - jams drawn Zt, and everything done, rescued from the shore w.th very great future, and he contended that the hope I . - but without success. Miss Clegg's difficulty and in a milch,exhausted of ,such a future lay largely in a 'bold, ' I . . satchel wa�s found on Sunday afternoon condition. He had a -very Darrow vigorous and decisive administration of about a mile down the river from where escaP@. V I I . I . .such laws as the citizens of the country the accident happened, and a one and - I may see, for the time being, to be for its EN McFAUL, two dollar bill that had- been in it, were - Kippen. . moral and material advantage, and sure- -_ � also fou . nd, but on the opposite side of DOTS. -By the end of the prosent ly Canada was- not ihe place we thought - I the river from where the satchel was week many of , the farmers of this it if anarchy and misrule could bid defi- THE CASH DRY GOODS AND MIL found. A cuff with a cuff -button were vicinity will have finished their spring ance to law and order; it was hoped LINERY HOUSE, . . . . als?found onMondaynear where the �seeding.-Mr. McLella , .the- genial that every honest, loyal . citizen would, . accident occurred, and it is recognized as i . - hant, has returned to town, in the interests- of the common good, ' grain mere belonging. to young Baines. The excife- . and will now be in the niarket for the lend assistance to the officers in the ad- SEAFORTH, - ONTI. - . ment still keeps up, and, people from all � purchase of potatoes for a iipment. -Mr. ministration of this law as the did with. . � ! y - parts are daily visiting'the scene of the � Wm. Kyle is getting up % large number regard to other laws. He further said — accident and assisting in the sdarch. iof first-class buggies and carriages, that the court for the hearing of such work in Formosa, China., and would, had . The greatest sympathy is felt by all for which will shortly be completed and cases being an open court the public she lived, have gone back to that cotm- the irelatives and friends of the deceased. ,ready for inspection and use. -Mr. could not be excluded, but he reminded try when Mr.. Junor's medical studia . ' 'Robert Mellis left for Manitoba on all.w'ho attended, whether for pastime had been completed. Her remains were . SETTLED. -The Land Improvement too FU'nd dispute bet s � Tuesday morning. -The anyfriendsof -or otherwise, that it was a court, and as brought home, and the funeral � k Morris has been settled at last. When Mr. Thomas Mellis will be pleased to such entitled to all due respect, and he. place last Saturday from her fatheris the money came from the Government 'Flearn that he is able to be out again warned all those who might think differ- residence, St. Marys. i 7 in the first place, Morris represented ,and we hope soon to se� him fully re- ently, that he would .exercise all the -Mr. T. Ballantyne, M. P. P., left 8 'th which he was invested by Stratford last week on his annual busi, , that Br�ssels bad no claim and got pos- , tored to his wonted ealtb.-Weis- Power wl session of tbemoney. The council of Miller, the merchant, is rushing things virtue of the office to maintain the dig- nesstrip to Britain. He will repp-esent � , � the cheese industry of Canada, now a Brussels waited on the Morris council, .as usual, and the success ' his tailoring nity of the court. very important one, at the Indian d asking for payment of the . ir share, but department is the talk of the town. Mr, CAMPiorl ,O�Jppeared for Mr. Fisher an I , _�st&' Colonial exhibition. ' Morris would only pay $23. This � � P i I hild stated that he would place no 0 - -The other day a son of AIr. Jobn I Brussels refused to accept. They tb , . I cle in the.way of justice being done, so e I * Usborne,' Jefferson, of Fallarton, fell off a horse appoihted Win. C16gg, of Wingham, a - far as was consistent with the interests ,.� JOTTING.5. ---We ai�A, gla� to learn that. of his clients. power into the wheels, and his foot being their arbitrator, and asked Morris to �Mr. A., Bolton is on the irriend, but re- The examination was then proceede(I caught, was so badly mangled that am - appoint their's, but the letter, through 'ri gret to hear th-At Mr., Ge rge Kerslake with, Mr. Yates conducting the prosecu- tation of -the greater part of it has negligence, was never brought before the is sufferin N-oln a rel�pse of infl�am- tion personally; -a number of witne�ses tueen necessary. council, and some say it was never re- Ifiation.-I. E. Stone apkl family have -Mr. Roy, teller in the bank of . . _ wem examined in boih cases, lint some ceived., Nothing more was done that � moved into Lumley, havi-, ig rented the of those r . � Montreal, Stratford, left .the city a few . year, and the council of 1884 appointed , 0 equired as witnesses being ab - W J. R. Holmes as their arbitrator, �esidence formerly, occu )ied by Mr. sent, the examination .was postponed days ago under suspicious circumstances. ' ana served Goo. Forsyth, then Reeve of ' omas Pollard, now own �d by F. Cole. until yesterday afternoon, the case being His books were found correct, but about On Monday while Miss B., Pybus was in progress as we go to press. $2,500 are missing. A female book agent., . Morris, with a notice of such �ppoint- ,eturning home from Lum ey, and when On Tuesday several cases against resi- a 69 grass widow," is said to .be the com- ment personally, and asked them to ap- ' . I point another. This notice was also �ust in front of No. 10 sch:)ol, her horse dents of Goderich came up, and a por- panion of his flight. I . ) -Mr. W. Bugg, who purchased the like all others, suppressed and never �ecame exhansted and fell down. Aid tion of the morning was occupied in the Was immediately rendered by the school examination.. In the afternoon, in order Royal hotel property in Alitchell, and , produced at the council board.. Mr. �hildren, the harness re oved and the to set at rest doubts which had arisen has lately been making extensive Im- . Forsyth evidently thinking that the horse helped up to its feet and led into as to his being properly sworn in, Mr. provenients about the premises, . loft. council of Brussels would tire, but -they the shade, where it soon iecovered its Scott declined to act until the matter town quietly a few days ago, leavig then.appealed to the Lieute,nant-Gover- strength and was able to proceed.-Iu could -be looked into and settled, which his property to be distributed among hb. nor in - Council to settle the dispute, �everal places about here ive notice that we understand has now been done.- creditors. - . which was doae by an Order- in -Council, the once popular poplar is ow becomin� New Era. . -Mr. A. Burritt, of Alitchell, receiv- dated November llj 1885, settling very unpopular and is beft g slaughtere - - ed a shipment of yarn from England lut- � Brussels' claim at $267,62. Still Morris without mer . cy.-Mr, Geoiige Kydd hag I Wine and Beer. week, on. which he paid 8350 for 1reight council refused to settle. Reeve Roger, taken time by the forelock, and has al- . A well informed Toronto corrpapon- and duty, and he says even,with such a and F. S. -Scott waited on the inew I . council of Morris this ear for payment, ready got the brick ba43ement of his dent says : There is a growing conviction handicap, he can lay the yarn down here ' y stable built, -Mr. J. Hu k* � has, sold I amorigst temperance people here -how 22 cents a pound less than if he bought thinking,that they wo!ild settle, as Mr. his 50 -acre farm on the 38�11111coucession I well founded I know not -that the Scott in Canada. I Forsyth had ceposed being Reeve, but to Mr. Win. Earl for $3,0,00.-Airmers I Act will be amendea this session at -A young man named Win. Forest, the council of Morris refused to pay i . �i' are all busy seeding. . i � Ottawa so as to allow wine and beer to formerly a bartender in Mitchell, is now more than'�150; The matter was then I I � i 0 --- i- be sold' not merely in counties where it confined in Stratford jail awaiting trial placed in Mr. Wade's hands for col- I I I 3 lection, and a writ served on the Reeve . Manchest - may be adopted hereafter, but also in I On a charge of having maliciously as - of Morris last week had tfie desired ef- BRIEF.S.-Business is b oming in the those where it is now in force. Such an sau e an woun e one I o , a � amendment would, of course, put an end Stratford hotel -keeper. Of course whis- 'feet, and this week they ,,�paid over the village at present, and our artizans have to all attempts to carry the � in new ky was at the bottoin of it all. , , z . sum of $267.62 to Brusseli, It is to be been increased by about a dozen trades- counties, and to enforce it in t �t a which -Theamount of revenu � e derived front, ' - I hoped that there .will n Ot be as much men and apprentices. -Tliere will be have already adopted it. AAE91t' I spirits the sale of stamps at the Nklitchell Post - trouble i� effecting a settlement of the service in the English chi;irch on Good would be -sold under cover of a wine and office for'tbe year ending June 30th last, amount to be received this year. ' The Friday evening. -Pickard'4 branch store ' . COUDCil of Brussels should see that'they company makes a move this week. - beer license without any difficulty, and, was $3,689.37. The salary paid the _ . to make matters still w rse, in Ontario postmaster was $960, with S. 160 for rent do not get possession of. the money .John Pierce is now very; sick. -Win. . "' 0 i no wine or beer license can be granted and fuel. The revenue in Fullarton was. until their claim is settled, as they Scott, who has served his time with Jas. under the Crooks Act in a Scott Act $102.08; salary paid, $76. Russeidale, should get about as much again this Young, intends leaving for the States county, Before any could be granted revenue, $54.50 ; salary, $23.50. Staffs, year.� - Tile council of Morris are begin- this week. -Mr. Munro wia-� down to the the Legislature would have to amend the revenue, .$147.23 ; salary, $37. Dublin, ning to realize that they have been the- Forest city on business tbi's'week Crooks Act, and that could ot be done.� revenue, $676 ; salar ,$230. .Monkton, -- dupes of 'the late Reeve for some time, AccIDE NT. -On Sunday I last a's Mrs. y as they could, have settled'tbe claim in Alfred Knight, Miss Knigh� and a little before next session. MeanAiJe the der revenue, $245.64; salary, $100.. the first place for � about '-$100, which boy were leaving the 'resbyterian cision of the courts in the McCarthy Act -The Mitchell - Recorder. - says ; Mr. - was the amou . nt received from Grey church after service, their orse became case prevents the Dominion Government A. C. Hennicke, formerly . of this plar-e. unmanageable, left the road, overturned from issuing li6enses, and, therefore the but now of Buffalo., is at present here NT. -On Thurs- the buggy, and hurled its o.-cupants into amendment of the Scott Act would leave visiting his friends and recuperating his day evening of last week the people of the ditch. They were all more or less the liquor question in a worse mu e health. Mr. Hennicke left here six the village and vicinity were sho&ed at severely injured, but Mrs, Knight re- than ever before. Such treatment of the years ago, at the breakin� up of the old the report of a boating accident on the ceived a very heavy fall. She has been Scott Act in Parliament would only pre- Stiles and Tucker CarriaTe Works, atd - In , � cipitate' hat seems to be coining in any took a situation with the ffalo Spri)ig Maitland river, a -short distance below ,sick and weak all winter, and thought . w . � Brussels. , The news was brought to that a drive to church would refresh case��a I general probibitioir campaign- and Gear Co., and lie is now the superlh- 7 No further attempt would be made to tendent of their imme ' town by bi. M. Cardiff. The facts of her, but unhappily misfortune came. secure local option, and the fight would rise works, turniag the case, as far. as they cotild be obtain- She is now under medic treatment, outon anaverage4O carriagesa day. . . and there is doubt as to her recov_ at once begin all along the hie and over M ri. Hennicke is a skilful master Wi- ed, are as follows :-A contingent of the ry, though no bones were broken. the whole Dominion. ­Alrea4y the tem . chanic. . . Savage Hallelujah * Band, led by F. e * . . i perance workers here are laying their I The- Salvation Army held a tlii4 Woodhull, has been *holding revival i plans, and before long the rallying cry days' jubilation in Stratford last week) services in the Methodist church at Belgrave. 1. w- I be heard. . I I Sunshine,',in the township of Mprris. CHEA.PEP. THAN, EvER.-New PriDtff, - 11 I Staff -Capt. Glover and Special Vin , " I . Allen being to the front. Monday wu , With a view of having a little recrea- Ginghams, Shirtings, Cottonades, Dress Goods ! tion - on the day named a company of Satins, Alantle Silks, fine Scotch Tweeds ana Perth Items. I the principal day, when the city was bv- ' Worsted8 in all the new shades; Suits made to -St. Marys has a building boom in . ed with soldiers and officers fr6in young peo�le, made up of Misses Lang, 'order, first-class in every respect. Boots, Shoes, I s'e . . Cook, and White of the Band, Miss Hats, Caps, Gloves, Ties, &c., in the latest styles. progress. Several large handsome brick thegsurrounding stations, At the jii�l- May Rogerson, Mi�s Maggie Clegg, F. Top prices paid for produce. Goods sold 10 per . residences are about to be erected. lee on Monday night the -barracks wa i - Woodhull,'H. Baines ana­John� Clegg, ,,nt. less for cash. We are bound to reduce the -A mission band has been organized well filled at ten cents per head. "BILoa drove to Brussels and bad two boats largest and best assorted stock north of Clinton. in connection with the First Presbyterian Jenny," a soldier, from Clinton, beau - brought up on A waggon with the inten- A. TAYLon. - 957 . i church, St. Marys. I tifully sang some songs of her ou'll - . NOTES. -The families of Cleo- and osing, and read a portion t of . �ion of -going home by the river, which C50 -Dr. Hodge is expected to return to comp . raiA - I is swollen just now to a large size. Baines have the utmost sympathy of the, Mitchell � within a few we�ks. He is at scripture with her fingers on After dinner the young folks had a whole neighborhood in their sudden sad present in New York. i letters. . I : I ramble around town' and about 3:45 'bereavement, and it makes it more sad -The Royal Templars have organized -A ewe belonging to Mr., Thomm- as the bbdies cannot be found, the water, a strong Council in Stratford, with a Hammond, of the�, 14th concession of , I ort distance below in the river being so deep and, the cur_ ' Elma, dropped a , � . the bridge, for ,Sunshine. The firp.k lady as Vice -Chancellor, and a lady as pair of lambs on thir rent strong. -Alex Stewart, the hotel One is a large perfectly . keeper, was quite unexpectedly present- formed lamb, the other is somewhat op boat contained Henry Baines, who was Treasurer. I Ifth of April. well acquainted with the river, Aliss ' * -Mrs. Jas. Bell, , of Staffa, who has ' ed with a ten pound boy on Monday by . a curiosity, the left fore -foot and the 7 . Lang, Miss Cook,'and Miss Clegg. The Iris wife, who has bad poor health for been in 'very poor health.for a year or . second was filled by John Clegg, Miss more; died on Wednesday night last right hind leg from the gambrel down i . t I i Rogerson, Miss White 'and F. Wood- several years. Both are doing well and 1 week. are wanting, the stumps Are sound at ' Sandy is feeling jolly. � the ends and covered over the ends ivith 1 hull. All went well until the first boat � I __.- I -Some people in St. Marys have a u and wool and apparantly seem quite had travelled a little over a mile, and law case about a cow, which threatens ski was about fifteen rods in a:dvance of the Zurich. to cost ten- times more than the animal, natural to its lambsbip. Other thall other boat, when it struck against a LoCALITIES.-'Alessra. F., Hess and J. I body and bones, was worth when living. this the animal is well formed, and not - tree lying in the water and almost in- Deichert will have an auction Sale of � -The Stratford Beacon learns that withstanding the odd formation Of its- ! V " understandings," it ambles around stantly upset and the occupants were the village lots they recently purchased : � thrown into the'rapid current. The ,from Mr. J. S . the widow of Rev. A - Hue De Bourck, nd claims its share of'J the 1110flier's at - y nell on Saturday next.- . formerly of Stratford, died on the a . clung to the boat for a little while but Mr. Eby, from Wallace arrived here a , 4th inst., at Quebec, a-ged eigb " -three tention, is lively and doing well. . ty 0 � Baines and Miss Clegg were swept few days arro to work for Mr. G. Heltz- i years. ; -On Friday, 9th inst., Mr. Joshu& . away, the former floating on - the water man who iZ.ls the contract for a large � -The first annual meeting of the Brink, who was one of a small band of � (I for a little distance but -Maggie soon number of b�ouses and barns, and will - St�atford Mutual Plate Glass Associa- settlers who first broke- the silence Of the - . I . sailk. Miss Cook held on to the boat, employ dur * g the season a large force , tion was held the other night, when it mighty wilderness that flourisbed wheTO which was being borne rapidly toward of men.-Atir. P. Hanch has returned " was shown that the association has St. Alarys now stands, passed to his restj the southern bank of the river, and suc- from his trip to Milverton. -Rev. Mr. . been a success in every particular. at the residence of his daughter, Mrs, in reaching the shore and- by her Maurer has returned from Wallace -On Sti-nday morning the confection- Adam Mitchell, of that w ald rescued her companion, Miss Laug, wbere he was attending a' meeting of , ery shop of Mr. Jas. Winter,"Was bur- ripe old age of 86 years and 6 niontlis- 0 l from .a' -watery grave. The peo-ple in conference and his many f riends will be i glarized, and about $25 worth of cigars, Deceased was born in the cou'rity of Ox - the other boat, in terrible consternation, pleased to learn that � " be is to remain candies, etc., carried off. 0 ford on October 5, 1799, and came to St - pulled to the shore and hastened to the here another year. -Mr. H. Soldan, of ! -The wife of Rev. K. T. Junor, died Marys in 1842. In 1863 he removed to, relief of their companions. The acci- the 14th concession of Hay, left for ' a few days ago in New York, at the Iowa and remained there until last falb dent was witnessed by Messrs. Toll and Michigan a few days ago and intends I early age of 31 years. The deceased when he retur�ffed to St. Marys to die. Alackay who were working in the bush remaining there during the summer. -, lady was the only daughter of Mr. John ff e remained remarkably active up to near by. Henry Baines was a steady It is intended to have service in the , Moore, of St.. Marys. Hei constitution within a short time. of his death aulf going young man, about 26 or 28 years several churches here Good Friday. -A 1 has never been strong, but still slie ably possessed a wonderfully retentive inen" of age, unmarried, and was respected by number of our farmers are nearly supported her husband in his missionary ory. .. , . . - i � . � - . I . - ! 4 . . � � . � . . I I � I . . I . I . � � - I . I : ! . - — I � I I . i . I � � � . . . � — I r , - __ . . I — ___ — ­ — __ ­ I . — . I I — — . — , � � — . , , , _. — ,. _ — � . , __ — __ _ — ___ - — ___ �_ — . — I — I . .11TEF,NTH YFBAR. . �Vrcx - � N-U_M�3FBR 959. , . . � . � -1 = � . . I � - . 1W "OODSVI -, F , -,G I � I . I � _ � IT U -AT TIU111- ­ - 11 p 01 a s h -Store, 0hea U . I � � ­ � .� S:E3_A_:P<Z)_P�&-tT_ � � . - - - f : — t, . \ . , 11 � just opened out New Dreis Goods, , � . I I 61W Ginglianis, New Prints. New Shirt- I . . i.p. -New Cottons, New Tweeds.- NeW . I I . � -y ,lubroideries, New Laces, New Corsets, � � - � I . . � NOW C,lov,es, New Hose. � ,We have a . large stock of Men's, . Youths 1, Boysi and Children's :.soft and Stiff � Felt . Hats I I - I - � Toclar at les; than half whole'A'ale cost. Can and take a look through them. I - Also, Boy's' -Cloth Suits away 'below - . . - ,wholemle prices at the � . ; � I Cbeap Cash Store , UU av - . . . . -OF- . .. � I - H ' an dl Company- offm I ,f . - . Cardno'a Block, Seaforth. . - - i I — F --------- 7- - __ - . � , i I A Chat With Premier Mowat. . � Fmin'the Chicago Canadian-Awerican. . F I I The Hon. Oliver Alowat, premier of � I ,I the Ontario Government, inade a short ! L � s14 in! Chicago last week, on his way to ! � L � Colorado, whitber lie went in the interest � I L E ! . of his wife's declining health. He war, I � � looking in robust health, and appeared I� to be in the best of spirits, especially Iwhen discussing the political prospeefs of his party in both the federal and pro - E' vincial elections. He told a repre-senta- I i : tive of this paper that it had been. fully � i : L settled, he believed, to bring on the -Do- � i Sir ; iniaion ele-.tions this fall, but that 8-, I ; ; r i John Macdoiiald3s health was very hail, F P � which inight necessitate his absence from � i r the country for aconsi,clerable period, in ; I I wbich event it was possible that the con- , I i � test inight., have to be postponed until � next'year. He spoke of the Ontario - boundary award and observed that illere lad been two-Bes i sions,of the Dominion 4 houe since it was made, and that so far 110 ps a been taken to -ratify it. lie 1 4 - wa evidently .of tile opinion that the � d0lay would not benefit Sir John in ontado. , . 4 � I In one respect the high tariff question I I I . WID1116. Cease to be an issue in that coun- � try. The.public debt bad he said, been i I . � 80 greatly increased since 'the Conserva- . . ! . tivis came into office, that, hereafter, no I � - ; � 1114tter which party was in power., a 2 . . Uriff would have to be imposed sufficient- �! i ly strong to meet thie demands of revenue j Which,would I amou nt to a - -onsiderable ' - degme of protection. He --thought that A 1hi 1 ln� issue in the approaching tlec- I I ti(m Would be " the - ini I smanagemeut -of I theNorthwest Territories, by which the rebelliOn was brought on and from which rormY v0limteers and priv- ate C-lti7 .ens W iheir lives ; the f4ilure of the Cxov- erment to secure a renewal of the fisb- '47 clauses of .the Washington treaty ; I tVe Wit're Of the Government to ratify - 1ht 'Imperial boundary settlement; I the f'U"re Of the Government to negotiate a 00nimercial treaty with the United .gt4tes; the corruption of the federal -%Jkiet, and many other issues., 11 He referred to the liquor law. of� Oniatlio, sta retaarked t -hat hotel and - sal000 - ][ie"'" fees had been raiied, and Owt t1leprovisio., bariyon, In resPectof ,closing all , even,11 ael�en o'clock on Saturday I - P until six 0),clock 'on 1-lon - - . day xor"-4""�`agonora observed -through - Out the lly I , province, and -particularly- in T 0 ,where the Sabbath was very 0��11�, 1-11Z Cousequence.. . I - - -�_*_ - . Ue Collectors appointed to aolicit . :!��,� itions iA Ottawa for the relief of � � g%Mftd"'1o88 in Ireland are -meeting with 41 10 00 0�m 811ceess- One subscription of I o11g OMM was given Tuesday. � --Mr. V66UFJ�o the or,oadi I Me, general managerof t4a ,an * an Pacific railway, has writ- , 11"Portant letter to the Toronto ..4,council regarding i; m . 'he %lanade f ront, I provements on *e cord and intimating that . PanY were taking steps to ac- T"re -a right , �_Xe Of WaY into the city� shoe "ars- X-allarky & Co.:, �Oot a -ad MM 11"llufacturers, of Alontreal, ha" e a' Judicial assigum , * #Ateliaent.s1lows � ent. The aad � � � liabilities of $160,000, 1 4 , asset's of about $69 000 exclusive of ilielaim � .) � I X Olinearl� a Mfllion acresof ' . Ic . I � land -Credi"'1'01 Wh h is transferred to tile I tors. � � ______�.__,_ I I � I �4__One daY last w I e, . eck a horse cel, go- "Zie0il-pleas too!, place bet',wee'rna horses . d b . )� Brother Y "3ealnan. La,ir,d all ,S) Of Brus d Beatty The "Wil sels, for a purseof $25., � 'A-'$- Lrair' "as froln NValion to Brus. . ;�,V d's hors .4 � Drak o wisridden by Rd - or e alid the other horse driven � e & sulky The former followed the Sulky I - _ I the Until after they Ceraete � had -passed . r#4 b ry, Wheu be -pulled out "lee ') takin a -ad - I the lead a-nd won the InNsou'lly h distance in about five Vklid the e %iuuteit. t'Ine made was fourteen I I