HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-04-16, Page 7OYSTERS ! ()YUEN; I Seaforth Restaurant, e ,Now that the season for Oysters has opened,1 would notify the Public that 1 can serve them with Oysters either in Shell, Cans or Bulk -none but the best Baltimore brand kept. French Bon Bons and the best American arm Canadian Confectionery always on hand. The hest brands of Tobaccos -and Cigars also in Stock. , - Call and exabeine for' yourselves. Happy to serve you.- Remember the place, next Door to Reid and_Wilson'S Hardware Stere, o 1 iI _ • - .PROPRIETOR. 411111111•111MMENIMINIII ed largely in ware at the p offer a Iarge 'the inepecu Naii !best White be1 Wire Fen * in great varie r order for a ,UNDER, Twin !Leave your 0 est. Bro lERCHANTS, 0-a folit IL.L Zeir- aietor a these rails, has been ail ea and is now be iticie or FLOUR, hy any mill ii the le party evalU for heat, chapping_ du for six cents oat meat always cs exchanged •ferio*. always on band sal E,rices, also any qua. ders promptly atteed. - vet elven these taut terest to do so. Ws Mins," MeNEVIN. .ERS NING ader y Reaper, Rake, NSPECTED TO ison, 1TH, ,?‘ R TBE ng Ca. (Limite4 TARO. r:hs done businest'*. utation of the fesa s offered to -day are crier. nee the der, aper, mer Mower, Daisr-Rake. dean PIows„ and Wily dB. Come and set ILSON, w;.a.FonTH, O - TNEY OUSE, LINES OF ATERS. YAL Durner in four 4 with Ovens. sular [ Base Burner Ins44 see it. I kinds of aI Coo1(11 law them. d get Bargain' SIN TI WAREt& • CANADIAlt ON' HAND - LICENSES TOR OFR NTArac‘ r-REountop APrciri 16, 1886. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 7 SChod gepOrt,s. gatiasam. Smoot. - Standing for month of March Fourth Class -Hattie Sutherland. Third Class, sr.-lst Frederiek Beech, 2n1 Charles Gilchrist, 3rd threes Bonthron, 4th Esther Moore, nth Willie ironthron, 6th Maggie Smil- Third Class, jr.-lst Minnie Cox - worth, 2nd Jessie Thompson, 3rd Etta Torrances4th Bella Murray, 5th Amy yurdock, 6th Thomas Carroll. Second class-lst Andrew Bell, 2nd Willie Gilchrist, 3rd Georgina Murray, 4th Duncan McEwen, 5th Alfred Carroll, 6th Willie •Blair. Part Second -it -Mille Elder, 2nd Blanche Petty, 3rd Vahel Reynolds, 4th Edith Workman, Sth Edith Bonthron, 6th Emma Childs. Fart First-Narnes of those who attend- ed every -day during the month: Mary part, Adelia Carroll, Walter Cox - North, Gordon Manus, Dan Bell, Garnet Smallecoinb, Nancy Childs and Mary Bl air. llanLoon. -Fourth, sr.-ist David Bald, 2ad James Reid, 3rd Joseph Stevens. Fourth, jr.-lst John Watt, 211d Minnie Knox3rd Mary Flannery. Third Class-lst Martha Leiper'2nd Alex. Reid, 3rd Rob -i. Watt. Second Claes-Ist Agues Crosby, 2nd Lancelot Tasker, rd V,Tna. Leiper„ First sr.- 1st Herhert Allen, 2rid Agnes Reid, 3rd Eldridge Rodgerson. First, jr. -1st Re- becca Stevens, 2nd Wallace Allen, 3rd Albert Rapsolia Laannue.v.-Fifth- Class-lst Maggie lilorrisort, 2nd Mary McNab, id Edith, Morrison. Fourth Senior-ist Peter Gardiner, 2nd Annie Gardiner, 3rd Louisa Morrison. Fourth J unior-lst Sarah McNab, t2nd Minnie McEwen 3rd Katie McNamara.. 'Third. Senior-Ist Andrew Coates, ind John Driscoll, 3rd, Jamea Morrison. Third Junior -1st Amelia Morrison, 2nd Dora Kenny, 3rd Annie McKim. Second Class-Ist Eze- kiel Stewart and Susie Dennison; equal, 2nd Ed. Morrison"3rd James McEwen. Second Part -ht Aggie Archibald and Hugh Fulton, equal, 2nd Ed. Dennison, 3rd Thos. McLoughlin. First Class-et:1st Alex. Dennison, 2nd Nettie° Gardiner, 3rd Richard Hall. Tablet Class-lst Sarah Driscoil, 2nd George McKim, 3rd Albert Morrison. No. 5, TURNBERRY. -Fourth Class, Senior -Marks obtainable, 1,361 -Janet Carruthers, 1;177 ; Agnes Hastings, 1,029. Fourth Junior -Marks obtain- able, 1,257 --John Gilmour, 827; An- drew- Carruthers, 806; Maggie Gilmour, 740. Third Class -Marks obtainable, 1,00 -Eliza Hastings, 878; Gordon Tucker, 728 Elizabeth Ratz, 696. Sec- ond dass-Marks obtainable, 1,198 - David Weir, 1,106 ; David Hastings, 1,024; Chas. Elliott, 951. . 1 No. 6, Tumansiarrii.-Senior Fourth Class, -1t Jennie Broadfoot, 2nd Mary Martin, 3rd Fanny Tovrisend, 4th Lydia, Landsborough. Junior Fourth Class -1st Mary Townsend., 2nd Amos Townsend, 3rd Bella Caruochan. Third Class-lst George Robb, 2nd Maggie Broad,foot, 3rd Nettie Crich, 4th Har- riet Routledge. Second -Class-lst Lizzie Dale, 2ad Robert Landsborough, 3rd Minnie Routledge, 4th Everett Crich. " No. 6, McKie -Lola -Fifth Class-lst Maggie Smith, 2nd Dorothea Boyd, 3rd Jane Boyd. Fourth Class--lst Lizzie Hillen„ 2nd Lucy Ilillen, 3rd Wm. Murdie. Senior Third Class-Ist Wm. McIntosh, '2nd Edward Homey,. 3rd. George Littel. Junior Third Class-lst Hugh McIntosh, 2nd John Boyd, ard Sarah Parish. Second Class -1st Min- nie McGregor, 2ad Bella Murdie, 3rd Mary McIntosh. Part II. Class--lst Thomas Simpson, 2nd Edwin Harney, 3rd Samuel Parish. First Class -1st Martha Shannon, 2nd Thomas Homey, No.1 TUC u:Esimrrit.-5th Class -Eliza Wood, Ellie Bell, Daniel Bell,W. Wood. 4th Class -S. Buchanan, A. _Buchanan, Maggie Ross, Guy Caldwell. 3rd Class -Mary Wood, Walter Fairbairn, Annie Darliug, James Tremeer. 2nd Class - Maggie Bell, Geo. Tremeer'Bertie In- gram, Maggie Blichanan. ist Class - Wm. Fairbaira, Mabel Caldwell, Tessie Robb, Wm. Caldwell. The names appear in order of merit. " No. 5 HULLETT AND EAST WAWANOSH. -James Dyer, 334;. Dixon Stalker, 335; Wm. Caswell, 322; Janet Dobie, 309; Wesley Farrow, 259 ; Ellen Stalker, 255; Wm. Irungblut, 208n E. Erratt, 183%; John Linclall, 187, Chas. Beadle, 177, Susan Wolper, 157. Treasure Exposed by a Squirrel. Bradley, the prospector, who discover-. ed the new milling camp in Esmeralda, formerly known as Lake District, but uow changed to Hawthorne, gives the following account of how he found the rich gold -bearing vein on which the La Pante. and other claims are located, through the, merest chance. The La Yenta lode is what is known as a "blind ledge," there being no surface croppbags, to indicate the existence of a mineiell bear- ing vein at the point where it is locat- In passing along the side of the hill, Bradley's attention was attracted by a mass of decomposed quartz mingled with dirt that had been scratched out by ground -squirrels in digging holes in the ,Aide of the hill, which was fairly honey- combed with them. He collected some of the quartz, crushed it in a mortar and horned it out, getting a fine prospect in gold. This led him to search for the vein whence the decomposed quartz had been excavated, which. he found by fal- lowing the squirrel holes, which extend- ed close to the rim of the. vein, or gold - bearing ledge, one claim on which has been disposed of for $35,000. Had it not been for the excavations of the whiskered little rodents the gold -bearing vein that is attracting so many pros- peetors and mining men to Esmeralda, might have remained hidden for count- lesa" centuries. - Virginia (Montana) Chronicle, • • A Hard Swim. Two old topers -from Carstairs, were coming home ‘,‘ canty " one bright moou- light night from the weekly market at Lanark. They stopped short on the bridge over the Mouse, part of which was in deep shadow, as if puzzled at something, and then gradually and care- fully approaching the line that sepatat- ed the light and shadow, and holding each other, they peered anxiously down- wards. After a few minutes consider- ation, one of them turned to the other, With the air of having made a great dis- covery, and said-aI say, auld man, (hic) they've cut the brig in twa "So they hae !” replied the other with a look of deapair. "Hoo, in the name o' for- tune, wull we ever get owre ?" "Oo mann iist soom across, replied the other. Immediately divesting thernselvek of their garments, the first ready took a header -on to the hard road, ploughing up the ground With his no*se. Pulling himself together a bit, he wavedtohis friend, as if from a great depth beneath. "Tale care, auld man; tak' care, bliss me, there's awfte little water in the Moose the nicht l" 011 Bees as Storm -Warners. A German, who has studiously watch- ed every movement of the honey -bees, asserts that they are excellent storm - warners. He says that on tho approach of thunder -storms, bees,otherwise gentle and harmless, become very irritable, and willatonce attack anyone, even their usual attendant, approaching their hives. A succession of instances are • given which the barometer and hygrometer foretold a storm, the bees remaining quiet, and no storm occurred; or the in- struments gave no intimation of a storm, but the bees for hours before were itri- table, and it came.• • Don't Dawdle. Don't live a single hour of your, life without doing exactly what is to be done in it, and going straight through it from beginning to end. Work, play, study, whatever it is, take hold at once and - finish up squarely and cleanly. Then de the next thing, without letting any.moments drop between: It is won- derfu1. to see how many hours those prompt people contrive to make in a day. It is as if they picked up the mo- ments that the dawdlers lest -Christian at Work. , • Holloway's Ointment and Pills. ,Diseases of the most formidable and chronic characters have been cured.by Holloway's reme- dies. Ulcerations which have proved themselves incurable by any other known means have heal- ed kindly under the purifying aud regenerating influence of this excellent Ointment. Sprains, - stiff joints, contracted muscles and glandular swellings can be most safely and effectually healed by Holloway's Ointment and _Pills which can do no harm under any circumstances, Neithet of these medicaments has anything dele- teripus in its composition ; both are essentially purifying and strengthening in their nature. The combined power of these noble remedies en- ables them successfully to cope with most de- scriptions of impurities, and to mire, or at least relieve, nabst varieties of diseases. 912.52w. • • The Moon's Influence Upon the weather is accepted by some as real, by others it is disputed. The moon never at- tracts corns from the tender, aching spot. Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor removes the most painful corns in three days. The great remedy makes no sore spots, don't go fooling around a man's foot, but gets to business it once and effects a cure. Don't bet imposed upon by substituteand imitations. Get Putnam's, and no other. 952.52w. A Successful Result. Master Frank Hendry, writing from Seaforth, says: "1 purchased one bottle of Burdock 13I004 Bitters to purify my blood. It did purify it, and now I have excellent health." As a blood puri- fying tonic and system reaulator the result of taking B. B. B. is always successful. 867.52.2w. • A Valuable Feature. One of the most valuable features of Hagyard's Yellow Oil is that unlike ordinary liniments it can be safely and effectually taken internally as .well as applied in cases of pains, inflammation, sore throat, rheumatism, and all painful com- plaints and injuries. 857.62.2w. Compelled to Yield. Mrs. Salter, of Franktown, Ontario, was for four years afflicted with a fever sore that baffled all treatment, until she tried Burdock Blood Bitters. Four bottles cured her. • All chronic sores and humors of the blood must yield to B. B.B. 857.62.2w. Jabk Frost Conquered. Although during the cold 'season Jack Front gets in his work lively, yet Hagyard's Yellow Oil beats him every time, curing chilblains, frost bites, and all their painful effects. It also cures croup, sore throat, rheumatism, and 'nest pain- ful affections. . 857.52.2w. • *taw The Lost Restored. Ira McNeill, of Poplar Hill, Ont., states that his brother aged 12 was afflicted with a terrible cold, from the effects of which he lost his voice. Hagyard's Peetorai Balsam ;cured the .cold and restored his voice in the most perfect manner. He says it cannot be exceeded as areinedy for coughs.and colds. 857.52,2w. • . To •ViTitom It May Concern. Geo. W. Platt, of Pieter', says he ean confi- dently. recommend Burdock Blood Bitters to any who suffer from loss of appetite, constipation . and general debility, that remedy having cured him-, after severe illness from the same com- plaints. 857.52.2w. - :age • ese ; • - McGregor & Parke, of Hamilton, Ont., are the manufacturers, Of the greatest healing aud purifying compound known for sores, burns, cuts, scalds, salt rheum, frost bites, etc. • It is called McGregor & , Parke's Car-. belie Cerate. Be sure and get the genuine Me - Gregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate sold by. Lums- den & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth, at 25 cents a box. 912.52w. ate • tie 'Hamilton Happenings. There. N now being manufactured here an arti- cle for instantly rex:licking pain of any acute ON*. terualnature, and it iseertainly the most perfect cure for neuralgia, headache,. toothache, and the like that has ever been tried. It is called Fluid Lightning from the rapid manner in which it acts, and is manufactured by McGregor- & Parke, Sold in Seaforth by Lunisd.en & druggists. 012.52w. • • "What Say You to a Piece- of' Roast Beef and .MustEird?" • -Well, there is mach to be said. • The question being asked of the banqueterat. the -average boarding house, calls up reminiscences of close contiguity to the horns, and beefsteak three cuts south thereof. He, of course, will pass, unless it occurs to him that he needs a hinge for his trunk. Should there be any suffering, the effects of an indulgence in such sinuous fare; use McGregor's Speedy Cuie,• a sure and effectual remedy for dyspepsia, constipation, and all -affections of the stomach and liver. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth. Trial. bottles free. 912.52w. Dr. Low's Pleasant 'Worm Syrup. -An agree- able, sane and effectiml remedy' to reinove ;all ' kinds or worms, 857.51m. 171:5s211 For rough 'conditions o ianipooing the bead,. pimples, eruption and .skin diseases, use Prof. Low's Sulphi n. " • . - Freeman's Worm Powders deetroy and remove worms without injury to adult or infant. SW.. • Obstraetione of the stomach, -Liver and bowels are promptly removed by National Pills. . eon-. aam. 400. Ur PERRY DAVIS' PAIN -KILLER IS RECOMMENDED BY. Physicians, Ministers, Missionaries, Managers of Factories, Work -shops, Plantations, Nurses in Hospitals, • -in short,evrybody-everywhere • who has ever given. it a trial. TAKEN INTERNALLY MIXED WITII A WINE GLASS OF HOT MILK AND • SUGAR, 1T WILL BE FOUND A NEVER FAILING CURE yon SUDDEN COLDS; CHILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SUM- MER AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SORE THROAT' . &o. APPLIED EXTERNALLY, EXPERIENCE TIAS PROVEN IT Tnn MOST • EFFECTIvE AND BEST -LINIMENT ON EARTU IN REMOVING THE PAIN 'ARISING FRO2I SPRAINS, BRUISES, 1 RTIEUMA- :ISM,. NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, 'TOOTHACHE, 13URNS, 'FROST BITES, &c., &c. 25cts. per' Bottle. Beware of imitations. "aa •••••••••••••••••••ffx•IN*4. •INWEL naromsoommairs•Malkimmilk. molmor•••••=144- CA1VIPBELL'S ATHARITIP. COMIPOUN is 'effective in small doses, acts without griping, does not- oc-. casion nausea, and will not create irri- tation and congestion as do many of the usual cathartics ad- ministered in the form of Pills: .tc. Ladies and Chil- dren having the most sensitive sto- • machs take this medicine without trou- ble or complaint.. CAMPBELL'S CATHARTIC COMPOUND Ps especially adapted for the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS AND BILIOUS DIS- ORDERS. FOR ACID STOMACIi AND Loss OF AP- PETITE. FOR SICK HEADACHE AND DYSPEPSIA. Fon CONSTIPATION OR COSTIVENESS. FOR. ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING FROM A DISORDERED 'STATE OF THE STO- MACH. This medicine being in liquid form; thedose can be easily regulated to meet the requirements of differentper- sons, thus making it equally well adapted to the use of the little child as to the adult. Put up in three ounce bottles, and sold by all dealers in family medicines. Price Retail, 25 Cents. Consumption Cured. • An old physiciareretired from practice, having had placed in his bands .by an East India mis- sionary the formula of a simple vegetable reniedy for the speedand permanent cure of Consump- tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervou enna plaids, after having- tested its Wonderful ctira tive powers in thousands of cases, has felt it ;hie duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French - or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing With stamp, naroine this paper, NV,- A. N0YES„;149 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. • 08-24 eon+ • . . MEMIIIM474- •••••••••• 4•44.44.........•••••=m1•111 anntonicanaLansaltommMill CAPAPBELL'S ONIC ELIXI MINIMINOM•4.4:0: Tilis agreeable yet potent prepara- tion is i.specially adapted for the relief ,and cure of that class of disorders en dal t upon a low or reduced state .of tite system. and usually accompanied • by Pallor, WeaknesS- and Palpitation of the Prompt results will follow its use in cases of Sudden Ex- haustion arising,- from Loss o Mood, Acute or Clil'oniC Diseases, and in the weakness that invariably accompanies the reeovery front Wasting Fevers. No remedy' will give more speedy relief in Dyspepsia or lndigestioo, its action on • the stomaoh being that of a gentle and harmless Ionic, ex -citing, the organs of digestion to action, and thus affordifig immediate and permanent relief The .Ca saline ti vet 'properties of the different aromatics which the Elixir coutains render ituseful in Flatulent Dyspepsia. It is a valuable renithly for Atonie- Dyspepsia, which is apt to occur in- DerSons of a gouty character. For 1mpoverishe.d Blood, Loss of A ppetite, 1 )espon d ency, and in all eases NYliere an effective and certaie stimu- lant\ is—required. Ilio NVill 1)e - fon 1 i n val un he. Jit Feveni Of. a Malarial Type, 1-e,0 the various evil resulk following expo. sure to Ole cold or wet -weather, it, witi prava. a• ralanlihe avelorativ(', as .11)0 COaibination of Cinchona. Gill:my:1 and "•;e1^1Millirin.. aro universally recognized as Specifics for the abovantimed disor- . Sold by (al Dealers. in Minn y calcines. pr irt; $1 ))er Vvtile, or Nix Bottles ti5. Davis & Lawrenco Co. (Limited) So.am AGENTS,. MONTREAL, P.Q. .444..amor44444•4..i..asrpoir-441.-.4.4.---....-nalier44,4441•1.41744.4torrayitil.....4.14,41u.)..4•14.• ••• • AUCTIONEERS. - T P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the e.) County of Huron. Sales attended in al parts of the County. All orders left at Tin EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly attended to. A DELGATTY, Licensed -Auctioneer for the County of Huron.. Sales of all description promptly attended to on reasonableterms. ' Ad- dress Brussels P. 0., or apply on Lot 4, Con- cession 12, Grey. 77 • MUSICAL. RS. C. 'M. DUNLOP, Teacher of Music, JYI Piano or Organ. --Advanced pupils fitted for graduating, at less than one-half the expense . of foreign eteaehing. Terms moderate. Resi- dence on George Street, Second ,Door East of Main Street Seaforth. 1 879 THE BRANTFORD LIGHT STEEL BINDER. • • ., ,resa-en asei pet , ...`tnnee rtiTiViPir';'• .0 41; \.11 • • . - 4121) - oe: ) „anantaayeannee-e...a - '"4",'•41,..r, • ; • .41;trir70.•sttrol,.. , eneeenear ainenae r aenea -;- ral 1:1111. 911:1.:7,11,..,._1 0".04,0"..• • - -. , • , - J. Warm *** ** !!!!! STEEL SHAFTING, STEEL DRIVE WHEEL, STEEL HARVESTER FRAME, • STEEL FINGER BAR, • STEEL KNOTTER PINION, STEEL BREAST -PLATE, 318 81---MA.M" ---- Embodies all the latest improvements of the age, and iaanknowledged to be the best workmanship; unexcelled e has never been, beaten in anytrial; is sure to please. ' Don't c the ordinary wood-fi rame machine of other makers, as it s an entirely different machine, See andeexamine it, and you will buy no other. For sale by . inalfee. • - a J. Sr R. A. JONES, Mitahell. JAMES STEWART,. Seaforth. , ISAAC FISHER, Goderich. • C. H. GIRVIN, Goderieh. J. S. JOHNSON, Johnson's Mills. • J. H. ELLIOTT, Porter's Hill. GEORGE KIRKBY, Walton. EDWARD_CHRISTIE, Exeter. STEEL KNIVES, STEEL SPRINGS, STEEL EXTENSIONS. 4P cf) red - CD CD CD ?"1 0,) • CD r -4 - Binder on the continent. Materials, the best proeur e onfound " ThaNew Brantford Light Steel Binder with of far greater intrinsic merit, and of much greater valeie. JOHN MANSON, Brucefield. • J. E. NAEGEL, Anbarn. J. COCK WILL, Crediton JOHN CLEGLIORN, Wingham, ineLTON & MeCARTHY, St. Marys. S: A. MOFFATT, Varna, General Agent. Here You Are Right at the Place. - • . You heard those ladies saying they saw such nice goads, just come in and see. Look at the array of rich and beautiful goods for Mantles, Dolnutne, &c. Ottoman Cords, Sicilian Cords, Satin Broches, Stripe Broches, Merveilleux, Gros Grains, &c. -over 20 pieces te select from, with a host of Mantle Ornaments, six boxes Chenille Trimmings, andas many more of Fringes. Mantles cut free, or made in the best 'style upstairs at RANTON BROS., EXETER. N EW Piles of them, soft•finish, and so cheap. The ladies eay, "Ain't they lonely ?' NEW-SHIRTIINIGS Guaranteed fast colors. Having tested them, - we know.whereof we speak. NEW CORSETS. Over 300 pairs to select from. Ease, comfort, and a graceful figure secured. A good thing- -what? Why these Elastic Corset_ Laces. Just try them and SCO. NEW DRESS GOOD*. Prettier shades than ever before. . Don't buy till you have seen them: Dress -making and Mantle -making, under the management of MISS WOODS, what's well and favorably known all around Exeter, and we need to say nothing more. Grey Cottoes 4c per yard and up. 'White -Cot- tons at 5o and up.. Cottonades, Tickings, Ginghains, &c., all new in. New Tweeds very Cheap. Hats, Collars, Tien, and a, full range of Gents' Furnishings new in at RANTON BROS., EXETER, And ail are invited to call and inspect and compare prices. POWDER THE BK i1ILLS, SEAFt... The above mills. have now been ,horoughly re- ' built, upon the complete HUNCIARIAN RiLL 6HOCESS . • The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have been greatly enlarged, and new machinery applied LEGAL. RC. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. -Private Money to , lend at lowest rates of interest. Office - Corner of Square and West StreecOoderich. 774 T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, inc.Office- , efi Rooms formerly occupie_d by Carroll & , Diason, Meyer's Block, over Johnson's Hard- . ware Store, Main Street, Seaforth. .Goderich Agents -CAMBIUM, HOLT el CAMERON. • 870 * _ ahroughout. 1 . CIARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solici- THE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS " ! tors &e Goderich Ontario. J. T. GARROW W.M. PROU,D1,00. T. • • 686 " —AND Flour Dressing Machines From the best Manufacturing Firms have been put in, and everything necessary added to enable. her to turn out -flour SECOND TO ONE In the Dominion. The facilities for receiving grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping have also deen extensively improved. Grain can now be taken from farmers' wagons, weighed, and loaded into cars at the rate of 700 bushels per hour, by the work of two men., A LARGE FEED STONE • —FOR— . CUSTOM CHOPPING Has been put in, and the necessary machinery for handling chop and coarse grains. A good shed has.been ereetted, so that wagons can beunloaded and reloaded under over. WHEAT EXCHANGES Proinfitly attendedto, and FIRST-CLASS ROLLER FLOUR GUARANTEED. c-cfsziom • Chopped satisfactorily and without delay. ROLLER FLOUR, • BRAN, SHORTS, And all kinds of CHOP,:; -.D FEED riAltERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, ka Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. M. C. CAMERON, Q. C., PHILIP HOLT, M. G. CAMERON. 506 OFTUS E. DANCEY, late with Cameron, Ilolt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister'So- licitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan. Ben- son's Old °thee, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 ANNIaS•G & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, Convee-anc.ers, &e. Solicitors for the Bank of eJohnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. ,Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. II. Meelenee, JAMES SCOTT. 781 F. HOLMESTED, successor to the late firm 61 eleCapghee- & Holinested, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farms for sale. Office in ScotVs Block, Main Street, Seaforth, Constently.on hand. This great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life. These famous Highest Market Price Paid in Pills purify the Blood, and- act most- powerfnlly, vet soothingly on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys Cash for any Quantity .of .. ' aid Bowels, giving tone, energy and vigor to 'Wheat. • the.se great Main Springs of Life. They are con- lidently recommended as a never failing remedy • th - • APP., BARRELS —AND-- CiAila AND LAM) SALT F 0 11 SALE! Only first-class and obliging men will be kept .to attend customers. The liberal patronge of farmers and general trade respectfully solicited. A. W. Waif & CO , PROPRIETORS. T. O. KEMP, Manager. Kippen for Plows • AND FARM IMPLEMENTS. ALW AYS A DVANC I N G. Again full of busihess, and would remind all farmers and customers in need that he has a larger stock than ever. Consisting of Sulky plows, gang plows, general- purpose plowsesod plows, cultie-atore„B. Bell's make, land rollers. All whieh are made frourthe best manufacturers, and sold at bottom.prices. Plow Castings in • Abundance. • Gang, plow castings in stock for W. II. Verity's Plow Works, Exeter. South Bend plows, 13. Bell's St. George, Mitchell plows'Toronto plows, Teesa ater plows, Hogan plows, Seaforth; Goder- ich plows, Massey No. 13. • PLOW REPAIRING in all its branehes. Parties wanting new mould boards or plow beams for .the Massey No. 13, or the Exeter plow works, or Hogan's plow works, Seaforth, will see the same at my shop. Special attention paid to the repairing of iron plows. Now is the time. Fetch along your plows and harrows for repairing. T. Mellis can supply all your wants in the plow line, and spares no pains to meet the wants of the farmers. Castings on hand for the Noxen seed drills. THOS.---MELLIS, Kippen. 953-a THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND The Seaforth,grussels AND - Wroxeter Stagp G -M 0_ -VCT 1\T • SEAFORTH Removed I Removed11 s The Old Established Butcher has removed to new ,premises inmuxliately ofmoeite his Old Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, where he will be ' pleased to meet all his old patrons and as many new ones as may see fit to. favor him with their patronage. inne'Remember thb place, between Henderson's! Harness Shop, and McIntyre's Shoe Store, Main 4 Street, Seaforth. • 898 GEORGE EWING. Line 1 This old and reliable Stage Line which rues daily between Seaforth, Brassels Wroxeter arid Gorrie, leaves Seaforth o» the aryl% al of the I Mail train from the east, ami e nnects with the trains running cast and westan t e Grand Trunk Railway at Brus,eels, and else coi fleets with the train for Teeswater at Wraxeter. Cernforta.ble covered carriages and careful, at - entire drivers always on the r d. Farce Reasonable. $.-WALSH: Prqprietor. c in a11 ca.1)ses eie e onstitution fr , om Wni at - ever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious tn all ailments incidental to females of all ages; and as a Gen- eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed. IHRLOWAYS OINTMENT Its Searching and Healing Properties are known throughout the World. For the cure of Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as sat into meat. cores Sore • Throats. Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds. For Glandular Swellings and Piles it acts like a charms In Gout and Rheumatism, it neer fails to afford relief. Manufactured only at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 78 New Oxford Street (late 533 Oxford Street) London; and eold at Is. 2s. ed., 4s. 6d., 115.' 225., and 33e. each Box and Pot. anete Beware ofAm- erican counterfeita-Pnrchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the addrees is not 533, Oxford Street, tendon, they are spurious 921-52 MONEY WANTED. - Robert Willis, The People's Shoemaker, Sea - forth, wishes to notify all those. indebted to him to PAY UP AT ONCE, as he cannot carry on business without money, any rnore_than he ean live without food. Remember, pay up at once, and ease your conscience. All accounts not paid by March lst, will be • put into court for collection. R. WILLIS, Seaforth. frcv ‘71371., "7:0,„....4::_vs.:Te7:141.ff-LE. ,2,,if:5-i;:_ile-P:it:1) '''*4- all' DESCRii_ PRea Paeee 7 -1.1f. --;--z1 t-tc?ri.-2 .1.1,:- A--- lileqkt-el? VI? a 1,.. . _ - -• a' 1. • e veser ter f.-- 1*If--1./LirOR 1166. -,7,-.f._ y.., _,z. s..,.. 0Z...1......1 ..._ _, ........ .-.• 1. — --4:-• -----'.. ' — 1.Will Ir mail, d VIZ El.; ta,r1la, tp.xli 4. and to civtostvirsot . last vi.Taraltinalt. or i..riaa it. If rouaa4 aboutt130 Vugfi, IMO Illb-d-a:i.di-. pri,..-::, :.ecura:e ‘I.:,ti•liditap.: and vaidar.,:ts Iditectirm9 lor pl-tutln.:, ,.j1 vt.r;, tit -t 4r VEGETABLE And FLOIVI-.1.11 S.EEMS. MMUS, eta analeabIe to all, e.-ipecially t) Maritet GaractierA, Send for it. 1 - a 01yoitu.n..,odsor, oatario. D 2 M 2 FERRY VI C3 it) Llichgtar. HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment Ca1/11=1.A.1\T-Y-_ This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at lowest Rates of Interest. Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH." 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on • Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE. -Corner of Market Square and North Street, Goderich. HORACE HORTON, MANAGER. Goderich, August 5th,1885. • 922 SEA FORTH Furniture Warerooms. If you want solid emnfort eaIl s.t M. Robertson's, And buy eine of those Celebrated Self Adjustable Easy Chairearepresented by the above cut. He can also supply Invalid Chairs- and Carriages. He also sells the most comfortable and durable SPR,TINTC4- That is made. His stock of CABINET FURNITURE Is very large and Complete. Intendina"peirchas- ers would do well to give him a call before pur- chasing elsewhere. Wriaeroonis one Door South of Telegraph Mee, Main Street, Seafortia. M. ROBERTSON. MONEY TO LOAN. ATI ONEY TO LOAN.-Strahrht loans at 6 per In_ cent. Interest payable half yearly, or el per cent yearly, with the privilege to borrow& of repaying part of the peineipal money at an time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister, Seaforth. 850 DENTISTRY. WTSQN TIENTIST , Faculty Gold Medallist and Collega Gold Medallist,Toronto Sehtiol of Dentistry. Rooms over Johnsons' Hardware, Main Street, Seaforth. 911 T D. S., M. R. C. and D, S., of • J 1. Ontario, Latest improve- ments in every line. Satisfactio* ' guaranteed. Office , — fa Cady' Block, opposite Cominercial Hotel, Seaforth. Residence, ---The Poplars, John Street. 941 MEDICAL, nuorr & ,GUNS, Brneeileld, Licen- JJ Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. ,At Seaforth every Satur- day afternoon. Office, -Royal Betel. 930. T G.: SCOTT, M. D., Ste., Phyeician, Surgeon, ej and Aceoucher, Seaforth, Ont. Office and residence South side of Goderich street, Second Door east of the Presbyterian Church. • 842 11W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D C, M., Member „ of the Cbllege of Physicians and Surgeons, &c., Seaforth,. Ontario. (Mee and residence same as oceumed by Dr. N:erctin. 1 848 TAR. MACKID, (late of Luennow) Graduateof Torontb University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario - Office, Fear's drugstore. Residence, John Street, first door east of English Church Parsonage, Seaforth, Ontario. 894 EYE, EAR AND THROAT. 1DB. GEO, S. RYERSON, L. kt. C. P., L. R. C. S. E., Lecturer on the Eye, Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toron- to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eee and Ear fa- firmary. Late Clinical Assistant Roe -al London Ophthalmic Hospital, Moorfields. and Central Throat and Ear Hospital. , 317 Church Street,- Toronto. _a t V,ETERINART. TAR. J. WILSON, V. S., Honoree graduate of 1.) Toronto Veterinary Coll -a -ea Registered Member of the Veterinary Meditai Aesociation of Ontario. Having had several yeare perienee can he found prepared to treat all dhemees of the domesticated animals on the latent end most im- proved principles. Treatment +-O delicate foale and teeth dressing a sperialty.- Reeidenee: Royal Hotel, Seaforth. 053 CjEAFORTLI HORSE IN'FIRMARY.---Corner of 0 Jarvis and GoderichStreete next door to the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth", Ont. All dis- eases of Homers, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do- mesticated animals, successfulle treated at the Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest notice. Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Vetere iaary Surgeon. P. S. -A large stock of Veterin- ary 31edieirms 'kept constantly on hand DR. WOODRUFF, - Permanently le e ed itt Londe)), No. 1e5, Queen's Avenue, a few ieeors east of PonerKee. Special attention given to diseases of the liee, Bad Sight and the Pa rvation of Vision, diseases of the Ear, rearing aud diseharaes from the Ear, diseases I the Throat. Chronic Inflamma- tion being a frequent cause of Deafness; dis- eases of the Nose"Catarrh 1,eireet a rommos cause of impaired hearing. 943x26