HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-03-26, Page 71888.
largely in aly
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party waits for it.
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.!4ir six cents- per
St meal always on
:At...hanged for oat&
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I get Bargains,
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:fat received direct,
Fite a heat, suitable
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tea. bushel.
MARCH 26 1886.
- News Notes.
-Mrs. NV. H. Vanderbilt lately paid
out $350 to supply seven boys in New
York with artificial legs.
-Manufacturers of cotton f a,brics in
Maine are organizing for mutual protec-
tion. They represent an aggregated sum
of $12,000,000 capital.
-Prince Henry of Battenburg, the
husband of the Princess Beate is not
to be made a Captain of th irst Life
Gnsads, as reported.
-Mr. W. - E. Forste ( once Chief
Secretary for Ireland, and\ who was sups
posed to be dying, is now r pidly regain-
ing strength.'
-There is an epidemic of diphtheria
in the neighborhood of Welland, and
two of the township schools have been
closed by order of the Board of Health.
-Petitions, to whicbit is said up-
wards of 11,000women have affixed
their signatures, have been received,
praying for the passing of Mr. Charlton's
seduction bill.
-The Atlantic and. Pacific railway is
ilow selling first-class tickets from San
Francisco to Chicago for $16, and to
New York for $31. These are the low-
est ever known.
-John Gaunt, the founder of the
Philadelphia Age, and at one time in-
spector of customs in Philadelphia, has
been arrested as a vagrant in. Jackson,
-A friendly native, who has arrived
at Rangoon, has informed the authori-
ties that 12,000 rellels at Yemeten in-
tended to march on Mandalay. The
British reinforcement S are pushing for-
ward in the direction of Mandalay_
-The meeting of the Way and Means
Committee at Washington on Saturday,
13th inst., was devoted to the hearing of
gentlemen interested in the Wool indus-
try. There was a general dernand for
the restoration of the tariff of 1867.
-Beavers on Fail creek, near Wel-
lington, Kansas, have cut down 100'
trees this winter, SOITIO of them 18
inches in diameter, floated some of the
logs nearly a mile down the stream, and
built a complete dam across the creek.
-Miss Belle Finch, of Covert, a few
miles north of Ithaca, New York, has
been in a semi-aonscions state for the
past 80 days, and his taken no neurish-
ment whatever during that period. She
ia said te be suffering from: a nervous
-Two men employed in the construc-
tion of the Union Pacific railway bridge
died at Omaha on Thursday, 12th inst.,
of " caisson fever," contracted' while
working- in the Inidge caissons. Another
man hasbeen taken down with the dis-
ease and will die.
-Edward Cribb, , of Elms', Perth
county, was instantly killed by a falling
liib fram a tree, an Wednesday of last
week. He was found a short time after
the accident, but life was extinct. He
leaves a wife and five small children to
mourn his loss. • •
-Masked rabbers gained . access on
Friday night, nth inst., to an express
car on a Chicago and'Rock Island train
between Joliet and Morris, Illinois, mur-
dered the express messenger, and rifled
the safe of money packages to the value
of about $25,000, successfully escaping
with their booty. '
-A peculiar end 'fatal disease has
broken out among the horned Cattle in
the township of Pitt,Sburg, near Kings-
ton. The animals seized with -the dis-
ease run at the eyes and nose, swell up,
and die, apparently in great pain, with-
in three or few days.' Several valuable
cattle have been lost.
-Bradford, York county, England,'
has a mad dog scare. In January, a
cur ran mad 01mi eh the streets and bit
twenty people. One of these died on
Friday. 12th inst., in terrible agony
with all the symptoms of hydrophobia.
The other nineteen have consequently
been. thrown into a state of fearful ap-
prehension lest they may be attacked by•
the disease.
- Prince Alexander, of Oldenburgh,
has started at his own expense a hospi-
tal in St. Petersburg for the treatment
of persons suffering from the bites of
animals afflicted with rabies. The in -
institution is to; he conducted on the
principles discovered by Pasteur. Pas=
teur has offered to instruct Russian doc-
tors in his metholl.
-The Trades Council at Los Angelos,
California, has issued a circular caning
on citizens to aid in peacefully removing
the Chinese. A large number of employ-
ers in consequence are dischaging their
Chinese hands. About nine hundred
Chinamen have arrived at that place
from the surrounding districts since the
agitation began.
- The British Government has piaecd
gunboat s at the service of Mr. Tike in
his work of relieving the distress mong
.the inhabitants of the Islands along the
western Irish coast. Indescribable dis-
tress ha -s been developed- among the
people inhabiting the Arran Island,
who, besides having hardly anything
but moss and sea, grass to eat, are with-
out fire, and often without clothing and
-Oa going into his stable the other
morning to feed his horses, Mr. Robert
IVIeGregor, of Brantford, was surprised
to hear the cry of an infant. Upon
making a search, he found . a child, ap-
parently about two or three days old,
wrapped up in a bundle of clothing„and
lying in one of the mangers. He took
the child into his house and gave it into
the eharge of his daughter, who keeps
house for him.
-An American exchange says: On-
ontiyish, a full-blooded Indian graduated,
recently in a class of 46 at the Buffalo
Medical College. He; is the first of his
race to take honors in a course of medi-
cine in this country. His uncle, Or-
onhyatekha (Burning Sky), was gradu-
ated at Oxford, England, and is now a
successful practitioner at London'Ont.
Onontiyoh is of pure Mohawk blood
and his name signifies i" Beautiful Moun-
-The Peterborough Lock Works
Company has on view its proposed ex-
hibit at the Colonial Exhibition. The
shipment consists of some twelve cases
of goods, including 76 different styles of
locks, th varieties of knobs, door bells,
window sash lifts, etc. The exposed
parts of the locks are shown in all
bright nickel and brass, statue bronze,
bronze with dark background and bur-
nished raised lilieree design.
-An important customs seizure was
made at Brampton on Friday, 12th inst.
A schoel teacher, of Churehville, named
A. McPhail, has for a. number Of years
been peddling tewelry among the coun-
try friends after ,sebool hours and (hir-
ing his holidays, and it is said that his
sales have been exceptionally large.
Chief Hurst got wind of his frequent
trips to Buffalo, -and thought it worth
looking into, and after three weeks of
patient and quiet work sprung • the
mine. McPhail was arreatecl and
brought before the customs authorities
in Toronto, and his goods, arnouting to
nearly $1i000, confiscated,
-Of Lady Macdonald at the Gover-
nor -General's recePtien recently, the
Ottawa correspondent of L'Electeur, of
Quebec, gives a bit of gossip which no
other newspaper manseemsto have got
hold of. It is that "one of the events
of the evening was the appearance of
Lady Macdonald, wearing a diamond
necklace recently presented to her by
Sir George Stephen. On dit that the
ornament cost £3,000, or $15,000, in
London. It certainly seems worth this
amount. Lady Macdonald also evore a
brooch made of the last spike driven on
the completion of the Canadian Pacific
-Railway last fall. The brooch is .dotted
with brilliants."
-The London Standard says it is sup-
posed Gladstone's tieheine for the gbv-
ernment of Ireland propases the estab-
lishment of a Burgh Chamber Parlia-
ment at Dublin, and embodies the prin-
ciple of minority representation. Ireland
will continue to send members to West-
minster, not in proportion to her popu-
lation, but in proportion to her contribu-
tions to the Imperial. lrevenue. Under
this scheme there would probably be 305
Irish members of Parliament, the; polioe
would be disarmed, and are to be under
the -control of the Government of Dub-.
lin. Provision is' made for the use of
imperial forceswhen needed for the
security of life andproperty. The
Government at 'Dublin will not have
power to impose duties on British goods,
to treat with foreign powers, to employ
revenues of the conntry for the endow-
ment of any religious body or to pass
measures impairing th validity of con-
Holloway's Pills '
Prevision. -As autumn treads on winter, slen
der, delicate and lade -faced youths becoine list-
less, languid, and debilitated, unless an altem-
tive, combined -with some tonic, be administered
to quicken their enfeebled 'organs. This precise
requirement is supplied in these noted Pills,
. which can and will accomOsh all that is wanted
provided the printed instructions surrounding -
them meet with sea upulcius attention. Hollo-
way's Pills are especially adapted to supply the
medical wants of youth, •because his medicine
acts gently, though surely,: as a purifier„ regula-
tor, alterative, tonic, and mild aperient. A very
few doses of these Pills will convince any dis-.
couraged invalid that his cure lies in his own
hands, and a little perseverance only is demand-
ed for its completion. 912.e2w.
A Good Corn Sheller 25 Cents.
A inarvel of cheapnessof efficacy, and �f
promptitude, is contained in a bottle of that
famous remedy, Putnam's Painless earn Extrac-
tor. It goes right to the 'root of the trouble,
there acts quickly but SO painlessly that nothing
is known of its operation uetil the corn is shelled.
Beware of substitutes offered for Putnam's Pain-
less Corn Extractor -safe, sure and painless.
Sold at druggists. 952.52w.
Don't be Deceived.
Beware of any druggist %%rho will try to induce
you to take anything in ; place of McGregor &
Parke's Carbolic. Cerate. It is a marvel of heal-
ing for sores, cuts, burns, de. No family should
be without it. It has no equal. Get McGregor
&Parke's, and have; no other. Only 25 cents per
box at Lumsden & Wilson's drugstore, Seaforth..
° 912.52w.
jan unparalleled sensatioe is being created all
over Ontario by the wonderful and unequalled
manner in which neuralgia" toothache, rheuma-
tism, baekache, :headache, is removed by but one
application of Fluid Lightning-, No offensive,
diSgusting drugs need to be taken for days.
WI is an instant cute. " Try a 25 cent bottle
from Lumscien . & Wilson druessists -Seaforth.
McGregor, s.Speedy Cure.
; •
It is- popularly admitted every where that Me
thleg-or's Speedy Cure is the sal*, most rellablp
arid by far the cheapest reMedy for constipatidn, .
timer complaint, indigestion, impure blood, loss
of appetite, and all similar troubles: It is pot
neeeestery to take a great qeantity before any re-
sult is prbduced. A few doses will eonvinee you
of its merits.. Trial bottle given free at Lumsden
& Wilsons drugstore, Seaforth. 912.82w.
=Will Take Odthlto the Fact.
• Edward Cousins, of Rankin, declares he was at
one time nearly dead from the effects of a terri-
ble cold and cough. Ile ;tried many. remedies
but Hagyard's Pectoral Balsfun was what cured
'him. He speaks in highest praise of it in other
cases, and adds that he. is willing to take oath to
hft .statements 857.0..2w.
An Obstinate Case..
" In the spring Of '83 I was nearly dead, as
everybody around an neighborhood'knows. My
trpuble was caused by obstinate constipation.
One bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters cured inc en-
tirely." This statement is Made by Walter Stin-
son, of Gorge, Ontario. 857.52.2w.
Rapid Work.
"For two years I Was troubled with dyspepsia
-could neither labor nor find relief. Less than .
one bottle of B. B. B. relieved. me -73 bottes cured
inc." So Says Jahn A. Rappell, of Farmersville.
Burdock Blood Bitters cures dyspepsia, liver and
, kidney complaints, and all impurities of the sys-
- tem. 857.52.2W,• • ,
ate • sue •
An Old Time!Fay. °rite. •
There is no other remedy that has stood the
tat of time so long as has Hagyard's Yellow Oil
for rheumatism, neuralgia, !lame back, pains in
the ehest; colds,. croup. • sere throat, deafness,
and most painfaaffections.! 857.52.2w.
sea - I
- • . •
A Complete Breakdown.
'For ten years," says Jennie M. Harrett, of
Wallaceburg, Ontario, "I did not sec a Well day
-Was all broken down withdyspepsia, liver coin -
plaint, catarrh' and _debility. Three doctors
abandoned .hope for: me, when Burdoek :Blood
Bitters came to my rescueis the beat medi-
cine I have ever taken. I say thisfor the benefit
of suffering as I did." 857.52.2w.
....... •
, • i
.rSu e Cure for Rheumatism. ._
, .
if the system IS -properly elea.nsedby some
enedieifie that acts upon the bowels, kidneys and
skin, such as Bnrdock Blood Bitters, and the
sufferer will use Hagyard's Yellow Oil according
to directions; there are few cases of rheuinatism
haivever bad, but will yield promptly, to Ole'
treatm•ent. 857.52.2w. ,
i ; ' .•40-407 • '
; -
Rev. J. G. Fallis,Dutton, Certifies : "For some
years my wife his been troubled with dyepepsia,
and has •tried One thing a-fter in -either recoin-
mended,with but little or ne effect till advised to •
give McGregor's, Speedy Owe a- trial. Since
taking the first bottle I have noticed a decided
improvement; and eaa with contidenee recom- •
mead it to be one: of, if not the best medicine
extint for dyspepsia," -• This'invaluable niticlicine
for liver complaint, indigestion, kidneyascom-
plaint, is purely vegetable: :Sold •at Lunieden &
Wilson'”IrtigAtore, Seaforth - Trial bottles given
free. 912.52w.
. 1 . •
- .
Ilreeman's -,.Worui 'Powders require n� other
puigative. They ai e safe tied au re to rem Gee all :
N MT eties of %cornea a57.52m. .
• . .
7\4ational Pills act -promptly upon the liver,
Purgative are mild
regalate the bowels,
and tho mash. a.57.,
"Consurciptio Cured. ,
- An old physician,retired from practice, having
had plaeed in his, hands 11 an East India miss
siottary the formula of :a eirni le vegetable -remedy
for the speedy and permanent cure.of ConSump .
tion, BronehitissCatarrh, Asthma andall throat
and Lung affections, also a positive and radical
Cure forsNervous 1)ebilit3,- and all Nervou .xsn-
• plaints, eater having tested Its wonderful curs,
tive powers in thousande of claseS,.bas felt it hiE
ind aa a
-a.ii 1.
duty to make it known to his suffering
Aotunted by this motive and a desire to relieve
human suffering, I will send free of chargo, to
all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French
or English, with full directions for preparing
and Using. Sent by mail by addressing with
stainp, namins this paper, W. A. NOYES, 149
Powe 's Block Rochester, N. Y.- 938-25eow
Mc4tregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate is invalu-
able 14r wounds, sores, salt rheum, cuts, burns,
scald and festers, as 'a healing and purifying
dressoig. .Do not be imposed on. with other use-
less preparations, recommended to be as good.
Use only McGregor & Parka's Carbolic Cerate.
Sold blsy Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth.
912.52 v.
Pro . Low's Sulphur Soap is highly recommend-
ed fo the cure of eruption, chafes, chapped
hands pimples, tan, etc. 857.52m.
The discovery of the -instantaneous process of
taklngj photographs has been quickly followed in
the n edical world by a perfeet and instantane-
ous re iedy for all -acute aches and pains, as neu-
ralgia, toothache, rheumatism, eto. This valu-
able remedy is called Fluid" Lightning, and is -
•sold at 25 etents a bottle by Lumsden & Wilson,.
drugglats, fiettforth. 912.52w.
Dr. Low's Worm Syrup has removed tapeworm
from 15 to 30 feet in length. It also dectroys 'all
kinds 61 worms. 857.52m.
RS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brucefleld, Licen-
tiates Royal College of Physicians and
SurgeonsNdinburgh. At Seaforth every Satur-
day afternoon.- Office, -Royal Hotel. 930.
T G. SCOTT, M. D., &c., Physician, Surgeon,
„ and Accoucher, Seaforth, Ont. Office and
residence South side of Goderich street, Second
Door east of the Presbyterian Church. 842
Tin W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D , Q. /tr., Member
JR). of the College of Physicians and Surgeons,
&es Seaforth, Ontszio. Office and residence
same as °camped by Dr. Vercoe. 848
DR. MACKID, (late of Lucknow) Graduate of
Toronto University, and Member of the
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
Office, Fear's drug store. Residence, John Street,
first door east et English Church. Parsonage,
Seaforth, Ontario. 894
L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S. E., Lecturer on the Eye,
Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toron-
to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear In-
firmary. Late Clinical Assistant Rciyal London
Ophthalmic Hospital, Moorfields, and Central
Throat and Ear Hospital.
317 Church -Street, Toronto.
DR. J. WILSON, V. S., Honored graduate of
Toronto Veterinary College, Registered
Member of the -Veterinary Medical Association
of Ontario. Having had several years experience
can be found prepared to,treat all diseases of the
domesticated atanials on the latest and most im-
proved principles. Treatment of delicate foals
and teeth dressing a. specialty. Residence:
Royal Hotel, Seaforth. 953
0 Jarvis and Goderieh Streets, next door to the
Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All dis-
eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do-
mesticated animals, successfully treated at the
Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest notice.
Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Veter-
inary Surgeon. P. S. -A large stock of Veterin-
ary Medicines kept constantly on hand
The above -mills have now been thoroughly re-
built upon the complete
-The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have been
greatly enlarged, and new mathinery applied
-AND -
Flour Dressing Machines
From the beat Manufacturing Firms have been
put in, and, everything necessary added to enable
her to turn out floor
In the Dominion. The facilities for receiving
grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping
have also deen extensively improved. Grain can
now be 'taken from farmers' wagons, weighed,
and loaded into cars at tlie rate of 700 bushels
per hour, by the work of two men.
Has been put in, and the necessary machinery for
handling chop and -coarse grains:
A good shed has been erected, so that wagons
can be unloaded and reloaded under cover.
Promptly attended to, and
Chopped satisfactorily and without delay.
And all kinds of
constantly on hand.
Highest -Market Price Paid in
- Cash for any Quantity of
Only first-class and obliging men will be kept
to attend customers. The liberal patronge of
farmers and general trade respectfully solicited.
T. O. 4.EMP, Manager.
The8e.aforth, Brussels
Wroxeter Stage Line.
This 61d ainiereliable Stage Line which runs
daily betWilint Seaforthellrussels, Wroxeter and
Gorriealeatses ."Seaforth on the arrival of the
Mali train fthnethe east, and connecta with the
trains rtlaning east- and west on the 0 rand Trunk
Railway at Brussels, and also connects with the
train fok TeesaVater at Wroxeter.
Comfortable. covered carriages and careful, at-
ehtivedrivers always ouathe road.
Fares Reasonable.
S. VVALSH, Proprietor.
Seaforth Restaurant.
NOW that the season for Oysters has opened, I
would notify -the Public that I can serve them
with Oysters either in Shell, Cans orBizlk-none
but the best Baltimore brand kept.
French Bon Bons and the best American ano
Canadian Confectionery always on hand. Tho.
best brands of Tobaccos and Cigars also in Stock.
Call and examine for yourselves. Happy to
serve you. Remember the place, next Door to
Reid and Wilson's Hardware Store,
Main Street, Seaforth,
The recent warm -wave is a reminder
that sprint, will soon be on, and that a
change of Suiting will be in order.
Gentlemen leaving their measure at
C. Stewart's,
Can rely on getting a first-class suit
made up in the latest style.
Up stairs, opposite the Mechanics' In-
stitute Rooms, Main Street, Seaforth.
Here You Are
Right at the Place.
You heard those ladies saying they saw such
nice goods, just come in and see. Look at the
array of rich and beautiful goods for Mantles,
Dolmans, &c. OttomanIeords, Sicilian Cords,
Satin -Brochea, Stripe 11reches, Merveilleux, Gros
Grains, &e.sa-over 20 plebes to select from, with
a host of alantle,Ornaments; six boxes Chenille
Trimmings, ahd aS many more cif Fring-es.
(5t. Julien Restaurant.
As the Oyster Season is coming in I am prepared
to supply parties wishing Oysters in the Can,
Shell or Bulk Oysters, served on the premises in
every style.
Just arrived a choice lot of American Choc°.
late and Cream Candy.
All other varieties kept contently on hand,
Oranges, Lemons and Fruits of all varieties in
You can get at the St. Julien Imported and Do-
mestic Cigars which cannot ibe surpassed in the
Pipes and Tobaccos of evelry variety remember
She place opposite Main and Market Street.
JAS. BURGES,S, Proprietor.
• HOLMESTFD, successor to the late firm of
el;2 . al'aCaughe. & Hohnested, Barrister, So-
licitor, Conveyan er and Notary. Solicitor for
the Canadian J3ai k of Commerce. Money to lend.
Panne for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main
RC. HAYS, Sclicitor, &c. Private Money to
. 'lend at lowest rates of interest. Office -
Corner of Square and West Street, Goderieh. 774
_ a.. .
T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, arc. Conke-
d Rooms formerly occupied by Carroll &
Dickson, Meyer's Block, over Johnson's Hard-
ware Store, Mai 1 Street, Seaforth. Goderich
Agents-Caw:nu:a liOLT a CAMERON. 870
QARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Sol:ki-
tors, &C., GCderich, Ontario. J. T. GARROW,
M. C.
(11M_E_RONin n, 11 LT es CAMERON, Barristers,
las Solicitors aneery, &a., Goderieh, OntCAMERON, Q, C., PLUMP Hones M. G.
T40171.7S E. D aNCEY, late with Cameron,
Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister'So-
licitor, e nveyanc,er, &e. Money to loan. Ben-
son's Old Office, rdno's Block, Seaforth. 786
"..1_NISCOTT, I3arristers, Solicitors,
I:LisIC•eGvaa;;c rs, &c. Solicitors for the Bank
of -Johnston, Tisd e & Gale. Money to loan.
Office -Beaver 13 ock, Clinton, Ontario. A. H.
Mosansef, JAMES 'COTT. 781
Wishes to notify all parties intending to build
this season, that he will keep on hand a liberal
supply of the best BEACIIVILLE LIME, at his
Lime House, at the following places:
EXETER. -Open all -the time, and parties want-
ing Lime in this vicinity should not bey until
they see him, as he will sell as eheap or cheaper
than any person else.
HENSALL.-The Lime house will be open after
the 15th April, on Tuesday and Friday of each
week, from 8 a. ni., until 5 p. m.
C,ENTRALIA.-The Lime ; House will be open
after the 15th of April, on Monday and Thursday
of each week, from 8 a. in, until 6 p. m.
Aurora Quick Train Watch.
The Best Yet
This Cenipany manufactures a complete line
oil full plate watches, from ordinary to the
finest g..usies, for ell classes of watch wearers.
They are all made with quick train, and are es-
pecially adapted for railroad and all ordinary and
„severe service. All madedust proof, have the
perfect safety pinion., whieh prevents damage to
parts in ease of maimapring breakage, and John-
son's patent attachment to regulate pins, which
prevents -hairspring from Catching, an haportant
improvement controlled by this Company Tbe
stem-winding parts are mede strong and durable,
guaranteed as safe, more convenient and service-
able than the key winders. The extra fine grades
are made in stem wind only. Every watch is
warranted by special certificate, which the pur-
chaser receives from the Company's Agent. The
number of Jewels in each watch (which is en-
graved thereon) indicates the quality; pur-
chasets observing this are SOTO to receive the
quality they call for. Tbe larger number of
Jewels in the better gradas also represents the
finish, fine adjustment, and care in malmfacture,
which produces more acettaate time and longer
service. The qualities ass divided as follows:
ORDINARY. -Two gracs are made of this
quality, engraved: 'A rem Watch Co., 7
J ewels." a` Athena Watch po., 11 Jewels."
MEDIUM. -Four grades of this quality are
made, -two in Gilt „Finish, engraved: "Aurora
Watch Co., 11 Jewels, Ext4.” "Aurora, Watch
.Co., 15 Jewels," and two id Nickel, finely finish -
ad, engraved: "Aurora Watch Co., 11 Jewels."
"Aurora Watch Co. 16 JeWels." .
FINE. -Two grades of this euality,-ene in
Fine Gilt Finish and one in Nickel, engraved:
"Aurora Watch Co., 15 Jewels, adjusted."
EXTRA FINE. --Two grades of this quality, -
one in Fine Gilt and otie in Fine Nicitel, engrav-
ed : "Ale ore, :Wet& Co., 15 Ruby Jewels, ad-
justed, Aurora, Illinois."
Remember. Counter's, Seaforth, is the only
plaCe in tne County where these Watches can be
i :
Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller. 1
- I
Mantles eut free, or made -in the best style 4t9
upstairs at
This agreeable - yet.potent prepara-
tion is especially adaN.ed for the, relief
1 • .
Pills of them, soft finish, and so cheap. The
ladies say, "Ain't they lovely ?"
Oud ranteed fast colors. Having tested them,
we toow whereof we speak.
FEW psinestion, it8 aCtioil On.
, or Indie
ad ncitre of that ehtss `of disorders
al tendant upon a low Or reduced state
(1E eliesystent. and usti4lly accompanied
by Pallor, We,akness land Palpitatioe
of the Heart,. Prompt results will
.follow its use in cases of Sudden
aun stioarising from. Joss of Blood,
Acute or Chrimic Disl'ases, and in the
weakness that hive:11;11'1)1y accompanies
the recovery from Wasting .Fevers. No
remedy will give Inore speedy relief iti
the stomach beingrIliat of a gentle and
.harmless ionic!, excitiog the oreans of
dievet ion to ael ion, and thus ailording
iminisHate and pernienentrelief The
eermineete erepert het of the different '
aromaiirs tvhich 11pe F.lixtr contains
renderit. usefel in 1:11 (11(1)1. 1)yspepsia.
.1 t is a veil:able reinedy for -Atonic
Dyspepsia, which is Ant to occtir in
inettenis of a, gouty elieracter. .
FOP Jillp()VefiShe(1, Blood, Loss of
.tppet.ite, I )espondencir,and in nileases
Nfllt:re till (-fit'CI iV0- P.iiii certain stimu-
lant is reenirftl, the" 12,ixir still int
in Fevers ef a
the Vitl iiiil:i e.il restlit4 fullo,,viligexi,,),
sure to tile (*Will or \\I- Wi'ttlitt-r, it wilt
prove -a vnlunhie re:Ora:ire, nsi the
comhin:ilitm of (.inehonn, Cii:;nyn and
to tieiveliseilv 3'('(c 117.1(1
il9 ;:ld eificr; ;tit' the above-mneed diser
der.. .
s . . .
k.,,01,./ by cit. Deit'er4 in Frtnrify ifeelvititcs.:
i; 't, :,...!1 per 1' 'Me,' Ur
i1/41.4 1;,,i:Its3 1 l I. k:::).
Davis & Lawronct) co. -(Limited)
soia; A.GE ;Ts, : !
,MLoN REAL, P.Q. .
Over 100 pairs to select from.- Eaae, comfort,
and a graceful figure secured. A good- tiling-,
what S Why those Elastic Corset Laces. Just
try them and see.
Prettier shades than ever before. Doret huy
till you have seen them. Dress -making and
Mantle -making, under the management of MISS
WOODS, who is well and favorably known all
around Exeter, and we need to say nothing
more. . .
(hey Cottons 40 per yard and up. White Cot-
tons] at 5e and up.. Cottonades, Tiekings,
hams, &c., all new in. New Tweeds very
cheap. Hats, Collars, Ties, and a full range of
Gen s' Fuvnishings new in at
And all are !invited to call and inspect
and compare prices. • .
• l-piEDirItf1',
,.,.,.ith' 1DFcR/Pr--170;-i
- .,
c- ----- , ,, 5,...,, a .‘.4 c
OR ' 4
-.., - '
win e tnailiql t'l E.F.. it) all n.1 I.ii -"ills. an 1 v., en,ional.rs o'
last ear without or,seri‘lit, 1: t'..!: ';" n, dl •' j301,17, -,
MO I lustratiouB, I Heel', p,,,i.rr.i- ,:,-,ci ,I.Vo•is sn l
directions foi:_ pit...attn.-4 tilt-rie.i-t: ..1 t r .V1-:GETA::1,Z.
pstd I.PLOWE.2t talgt:ON. 131:1141ts, c -is. niviinead.
to , especially to Markt.t Gardener -4. Sond 11,r it.
D.M.FERFIY & C0,0 Dezrott, atetn2,an.
:messes , priatio,
• FY -4.1441
arialtType, and
4.3. 3 •••••••••-..e. • - ,
Pi.rmatiently located in London, No. 15, Queen's
Asenne, a few Mors eer t ofiPostoffire Speeiat
asteetion iiven to diseases of the Eye, Bad Sight
and the Preservation of Vision, d seases of the
Ear, impaired iitarine tale lieeharges Peels; the
Ler, fliseaSes of the_ Throat. Chronic Iiithennia-
don being a frequentmuse of Deafness diss
eassi of the Nose ; Cetera being a eohnnon
cense of impaired hearing. 9126
.1 Engineer. Orders hy mail promptly at
tended to. D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell
Stieet, Seaforth.
Loan and investment
0 0 Aill:D.AisT-Y1
This Company is Loaning Money on
Farni Security at lowest Bates
of Interest.
Mortgages Purchased.
3, 4 and 5 per Cent, Interest Allowed on
Deposits, according to amount and
time left.
OFFICE. -Corner of Market Square
and North Street, Goderich.
Goderieh, August 5th,1885. 922
This great Ho sehold Medicine ranks. amongst
the leading nec 'ssaries of ,Life. These famous
Pills purify the lood, and act most powerfailly,
yet soothingly, n the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys
and BOwels, gi mg tone, energy and vigor to
these great Mai 1 Springs of Life. They are con-
fidently recomn ended as a never failing remedy
in all eases whe u the constitution, from what-
ever cause, has become impaired or weakened.
They are wonde fully efficacious in all ailment*
incidental to fel rales of all ages; and as a Gen-
eral Family Me icine are unsurpassed.
, Its Searching; and Healing -Properties are
known throughout the World. For the cure of
Bad Lege, Bad •Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and
Ulcers, :it is an infallible remedy. If effeetually
rubbed b11 the neck and -chest, as sat into meat,
cnres Sore Throats. Bronchitis, Conghs and
Colds. '1For Glandular Swellings and Piles 14 acts
like a charm. In Gout and Rheumatism,. it
never fells to ;Ward relief. :Manufactured only
at Professor Bo loway's Establishment, 78 New
Oxford Street (late 533 Oxford. Street) London;
and sold et sa. 1141„ 2s. 9d., is. 6d., 115., 225.,
-sled :33e, ;each Bcx and Pot, ; 40, Beware of Am-
erican Cpunterftits,-Pnrchasers should look to
the. Labal on the Pots and Boxes. If the addtess
is not 533, Oxford -Street, London, they are
spurion 921 -5 -
The Pe pie's Shoemaker, Sea-
l° th, w shes to notify all those
indebtedto him to PAY UP
A ON E, as he cannot carry
on bnsi ness without money, any
more than he can live without
food. 4emember, 'pay up at
on e, and ease your conscience.
4.1.1 accounts not paid by
M.rch fist, will be put into
cot rt for eollection.
R. WILLIS, Seaforth.
If you want solid comfort call at
M. Robertson's,
And buy one of those Celebrated Self Adjustable
Eaey Chairs, represented by the above eut. Re
can also supply
invalid Chairs and Carriages.
Ile also sells the most comfortable and durable •
That is made. His stock of
Is very large and Complete. Thteading purchas-
ers would do well to give him a call before pur-
chasing elsewhere. Warerooms one Door South
of Telegraph Office, Main Street, Seaforth,
Pon. ROS -.E17.17,1-,4-074.
ri-TE subscriber begs leave to thank his numer-
al_ ouslcustorners for the liberal patrenage ex-
tended te him since commencing business -
Seaforth; and trusts that he may be favored with
a continuance of the same.
Partiea intending to build would dowellth give
him a c4, as he will continue to keep on hand a
largo stock of all kinds of
ilo fee s confident of givinabsatisfaction to
those wh :may.favor him -aithatheir patronage.
as none but first-class workmen are employed.
Pat tieUlar attention paid to Custom Planing,
Lon on, Huron and Bruce.
GoiNo N Express. Mail. Freight.
London, depart.. 7.-65a.m. 4.60r.M. 4105 A. m.
Exeter 9.13 6.08 9.35
9.24 6.23 10.00
Kippen, , . 9.29 6,29 10.09
9.36 6.38 10.25
.. .. 9.65 7.05 11.30
Londeshoro .. 10.11 7.2.3 12.00 ,
Myth 10.20 7.32 12.20 r.
10.35 7.47 12.50
Winghrpn, arrive 10.60 8.05 1.20
CO-1Na Sobau- Express. Mail. Freight.
asainghem, depart 7.20 A.M. 3J0 P.31,10.20
7,38 3:30 11.23
7.54 3.46 11.47
Londesboro .. 8.02 3.55 12.00 s
ClintoM, , 8.25 4.16 12.45 r.
- BrucelleId .. 8.42 4.35 1.10
- Kippen 8.51 4.43 1.25
Bement.. 8.a8 4,48 1.40
Exeter a. 9.13 4.59 2.25
"MONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 per
ce It. Interest payable half yearly, or 61r
per cent. yearly, with the privilege to borrower
of repaying part of the principal money at any
time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister
Seaforth. 850,11
TAENTIST, Faculty Gold Medallist and Colleke
Gol MedallistjToronto School of Dentistry.
Rooms o er John -ns' hardware, Main Street,
Seaforth, 911
ti Tir lzt
p. 8., M. It. C. and El. S., of
n ento in every line. Satisfaction
Block, o osite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth.
Residenet..,-Thc Poplars, John Street. 941
1IE foIi.ONTO.
Paid up Capital, ; - , $6,000,000.
lest, - - - 2,100,000.
Ws.S.. :N1.0 TASTER.
The Sea orth Brani•li of th- Bank continues to
7(n:dye tin Oti iiitemst is allowed on
the most fiivr,ra1le
Drafts o ail the ptineipal tee ns and cities in
Canada. on Great Iritain, and on the United
01 the Commercia
Slltaoottineelsc.,e__ii o tt adnodosrelsdo. uTii
London' arrive 10.20 6.00 5.30
Wellington, Grey and Bruce.
1 ,
Ethel_ ta ..1...
Brussels,- ....
Wing -haul.,
Wingha i ....
Eineval ., ,..
Ethel.. . ...)
ACC4331. Express. Mixed.
.. 2.35 r. M. 9.15 roe, 9.15.x.
.. 2.49 9.29 10.00
3.05 9.45 10.35
_ 3.20 9.56 11.25
Aceorn. Aetom. Mixed
7.00 &.i 11.25 A. If. 7.50 P.M.
.. 7.10 11.35 8.12
7.25 11.55 8.60
7.37 12.10 9,16
Train leaving Wingliam at 8 p m. for Xthetitt-
dine, runs on Mondays:, Wednesdays and Fridays
Grand Trunk Railway.
Trains )cave Seaforth and Clinton atations al
Express4... .... 2.40 P. M. 3,05 r,
. Express J 8.58 P. M. 9.15 it
Mixed ., 8 15 A. M. 9.48 A.
.... 7.45 A. 14, 7,26 A. X.
Express ...... ..-.... 1.45 P. M. 1.05 P
MiX‘d T ain_ 5.30 P. m. 4.45 r.
RemOved I Removed I
G-EJp1\1- G-,
The Old lInteher has removed to
/use 4 immediately opposite his Old
Stand, Ms atreet, Seafortb, where he will be
plea.eed te tt all his old patrons and as many
new onee a I isey eee fit to fss or with their
; .1.1;114er the place, between Henderson's
Harness .1 p, and MaInterds ahoe State Main
; A. If. I tIILAND Manager.
street scale!' rth
F. um 13TEP, solicitor 803 GEORGE EWMG.