HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-02-12, Page 7comma* pad want it to have rdenty 11, thenlook: 0 • inter Goods, Shawls, ,rn make room is - GOODS, TWEEDS, rRINTS, &es sera -body eorne eve. (.`ettonades, id Clothing tOE Ties, Collars, "rices, and you fld see ROS., Goode. or of these weli. a has been adding ind is now better le of _OUR; any mill in the arty waits for it. ts chopping done six cents per meal always tchariged for ode. -as on hand and Ts, alai any coin.. a promptly attend- s gie en these militia est te do so. Be. teNEVIR TN TERS. AL neer in four 8104 aith Ovens. minsulat i3ase Burav wadi, iee its kinds of a Cooks an- them. id get Barge'. TINWARE, CANADIAN SiaS IIAnk MRS. 'Auctioneer for the ales attended in st_ orders eft. at Tat aptly attended to Auctioneerfor tbF- iana of all desert !scalable term. plyon Lot 4, Teacher of aff anced pup& Iva.a.. one -hall the us trioderate. aletrei -Door East FEBRUARY 12, 1886. AMOY THE •HURON 411110S TOR. News Notes. . I -A Nihilist plot discovered in St. Petersburg resulted in the arrest of 23 gupposed conspirators. The Duke of Edinburgh has lbeen appointed Commander -in -Chief of the Mediterranean station. , • I -Three Socialists were executed in Warsaw the other day and two ipaore were- sent to Siberia for twenty yeaxs" servitude. -A family of Negroes in Texas have been poisoned by eating the flesh !of a stolen hog that had been dosed 'with strychnine. . -a-Six houses on Holloway Road, Lon- don, collapsed the other day. live pasears-by were instantly killed and a number of others injured. -The breaking of levees near Stock- ton,. California, inundated lands capsing about IN00,000 damages. Thirty-five thousand acres of land, of which 13,000 acres were in wheat, were covered with • • , 1 water. -Mayor Smith, of Philadelphia, has decided to call attention in his prods -- 'nation to a law of 1794, which prohibits carrying on business on Sunday: -Warrants have been issued for the arreSt df gurat Halstead, editor of the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, and Jos. J. McDowell, business manager of the Enquirer, on a charge of publishing lot- tery advertisements. -There were two premiers of provin- ces, one premier of the Dominion and two ex -premiers of provinces iu the Privy Council rooms, Ottawa, at the same time, one day lately. -The annual convention of the Young: Men's Christian Association of Ontario and Quebec, will be held in Hamilton, on February 18, 19, 20, and 21. About 1,000 delegates are expected. t -It is estimated_ that fully 1,500 head. of cattle lie dead on the prairie within a radius of 75 miles of Fort El- liott, Texas. The prairie dogs are nearly all dead. Several persons were badly frozen. The lowest recorded by the Mercury was 10' below zero. • -The terms of -the treaty of peace be- tween France and Madagascar have been agreed upon. France waives all claims to. a protectorate over the -island or in- demnity. Madtigasear agrees to : ac- cept 52,000,000 for release which is to cover aP foreign claims against Mada- gascar. -A despatch from Austin, Texas, eays : Tuesday. afternoon, 26th 'ult., about 4 o'clock, from out of a clear sky a shower of very fine dust began falling. There was no wind at the_time. The shower increased toward nightfall and continued through half the night. The dust had a, peculiar effect on the lungs and throat, causing irritation and hoarseness in some instances. A simi- lar phenomena was witnessed here eight years ago. -On Friday night, 29th ult., St. Paul had the worst fire in its history. The fire occurred in the business part of the city, and involved a loss of $225,000. -The German Minister of War has ordered that a number of dogs be train- ed for nee as night sentinels. This idea was suggested by an incident of the war in the Soudan, in wh-ich the experiment of substituting dogs as gnai ds. was sacs tessfully tried. -Mrs. Bayard, wife of the Secre- tary of State, died at her residence in. Washington on Sunday, morn- ing,. 31st -ult. The immediate cause - of death was congestion of the brain, brought on by the she& of her (laugh; ter's sudden death two weeks before. -Artifieial eggs with real alliuminouS whites and yolks ma& of ground carrot and saffron, are said to be menufentar- ahle at a half a. colt a piece Lyn so- called inventor in New York. -There are complaints of shipments -of poiaoned oranges from Florida. The oranges were frozen on the trees diering the last cold snap, and externally appear to be wholesome, but they blister the tongue and lips, aud are injurious to the mucous membrane. -The Barren realer flouring mill at Amherstburg, haviig recently burned down, a committed of the town council has concluded to advertise for a person who will rebuild the mill in considera- tion of being gitsen the mill site and ex- emption from taxes f or ten years. -A mutiny occureed Monday among the lads on the refermatory ship Clar- ence, lying in the -Mersey river. The lads, armed with belaying pins and fire- - • drove the officers into the cabin, and then lowered the boats and drifted away with the • tide. They ultimately surrendered to the police. Two officers and eighteen boys -Were wounded. -Detectives sBrown . and Crawford of London, went to Glencoe on Satur- day to arrest Pnibert Donnelly, of Biddulph fame, and. Peter Ryan on charges of disturbing Salvation Anne services. Doncily was out and the de- tectives waited for his return. As Don- nelly entered the door Brown grabbed • him in the Queen's name. Donnelly jesinped back through the door and ran round the house. Brown drew a re- volver, coserrianded him to stop and then fired. Donnelly, however, man- aged to make good his escape. -The man who regards himself, as a m whine calculated to de a certain amount of work in the Offline of the year, with no more restthan is given to a bit of mechanism, is sure to reap the fruits of his folly. It may comeingreat weariness of life which leads to smeide or impaired strength, -which is a. bitter caricature of his former feverish energy, or in the total collapse of the whole sys- tem -perhaps the most melancholy fate Of all in this world. -" I dean' go much on mettoes an sicb " said -Brother (kirdner as he opened were lined With citizamis and visitors. The streets along the l' le'of march were hancisomely decorate arches at all the prili were brilliantly illumi parencie0. The parae is from ice blocks fro river; and blocks fumi towns *the Northwe -Lasman employed by Mrs Monday nigh at 65 East Lamed etre the boiled remains of tub. In her fright the woman threw the boiled body to the floo : It was picked up by ' Mrs. Allen, who lived in the amine building, and curiously examined by herself and husban . The little arms and legs and body were quite distinct, but the head had been flattened by the pressure of the rubber rollers. It bad evidently been in the wash boiler all day, as it was thor ngly boiled and shriveled up. After -the curiosity of the woman had been satisfied the little body was thrown into the s Wer. A detective visited the house last dvening and in- vestigated the circuins vices, but came away satisfied that the -re was nothing criminal in the case. 1 -A remarkably deli ate operation was performed Tuesday, 26th ult., on the eye of a man named F ne, at St. Mary's hospital, Detroit, by Ir. Eugene Smith, of that city,: Mr. Frq.ne had his right eye burned with inolteii iron a•short time ago, and the upper and lower lids had grown fast to the: eyeball, interfer ing with its Movement Dr. Smith cut the lids loose from the ball, and taking a piece of the mucou membrane from , the eye of a rabbit transplanted it to the 'eye of the man. In a few- weeks the membrane will growover the entire raw portion of the lid, arid the man's eye, in time, will become as good as over. The operation was performed before the class of the Detroit School of Medicine. The doctor told the class thr it was the sec- ond operation of the chid he had ever performed, though he like operation with t Wolf, of Glasgow, Sc probably the first oce like operation. It wil that Dr. Smith. performed a similar operation a year ago, but then on the outside of the eye, and he used a piece of skin cut from -the pa --Rev. Abbott E. Ki the Third Presbyteriani having the largest membership of any church socially in the city, delivered a sermon last Sunday eight, in which he made an extraordinary attack upon the administration of justice and the immor- alities` of Chicago. 1" Our wives," he said " are not safe fro n the hands of the •thief in the pri i broad daylight; gare of every night. Burg] ous business with lit' Our police courts are: tions a burning disgr community ; many in open league with ti decisions are bought, who have been entru, duty of enforcing the Eland with the criminal classes ; their ermine robes are _covered with the filth of corruptioa, and it is well ninth an im- possibility for one to g meet. The majority' are on the Market to the highest bidder, and legislation on any matter is control- led by the price which you can pay to these caricatures Of rulers. Our County Board is notoriously corrupt: Of the taxes with which the community is bur- dened one-third at least goes into the pockets of our corruptinen." The speakei. predicted for Chicagorithe fate of ancient Babylon. . • , lwith triumphal cipal points, and ted with trans - just completed ithe Mississippi lied by cities and t. a German wo- Charles Smith, t, Detroit, found baby in her blue ad assisted at a ii celebrated Dr. tland, who was ist to perform a be remembered Lent's arm. tredge, pastor of hureh, Chicago, eipal streets in ting is an event rs ply their nefari- le fear of arrest. with a few excep- ce to any civilized f the justices are e criminals; their and sold, ad men ted with the high law. Ere hand in in an honest king - of our aldermen tire powers in thousands of oaks, has felt it hi duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I willisend free of charge, to all who desire it, thiarecipe, in Gerniaa, Frew* or English, with full directions for *et:sting and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stampailamint this paper, W. A. NOYES, 149 Power's Block Rochester, N. Y. 938-25 cow In a Dangerous Condition.' Any man; weinan or child is in a dangerous' condition when neglecting a constipated state of the bowels.. There can be - no perfect health without a regular action of this function. Bur- dock Blood Bitters cure constipation by im- • parting a healthy tone to all the secretions. 857.62.2w. . Don't be Deceived. Bewarauf any druggist who will try to induce you to take anything in palter -of McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. It is a marvel of heal- ing for sores, cuts, burns, etc. No family should be withotit it, It hae no equal. Get McGregor. eds Parke's, and have no other. Only 25 cents per box at Lumsden & Wilson's drugstore, Seaforth. 912.52w. ' • Destruction Of the Black • Walnut. Ohio is said to hate "been -almost en- tirely stripped ;of walnut lumber for •manufacturing purposes, and about • the remaining walnut forests- in In- diana. are in Bartholoinew and jennings counties..' This aboutexhausts the• black walnut producing distrietsef theNorth, and the world has Only to look, to the fprests of Kentueky and Tennessee for the supply of this .htereasingly valuable timber. Fortunately we have other varie- ties•that may supaly its place, measur- ably, but it is evident that black walnut Must soon become one of our rarest of wooda.-Chicago .Tribune. . • . Holloway's Pills comfort and bring more unhappieess than is The stomach and its troplea cause more-die- comfort • only supposed; The thousand ills that settle may be prevented! or dislodged by the judicious use of these purifying Pills, which act as a sure, gentle anti -acid aperient, without an- noying the nerves -of the most susceptible or irri- tating the most delicate 1 organization. Hollo- way's Pills will bestow comfort and confer relief . on every headachy, .dyspeetie, and sickly suffer- er, whose tortures maae him- a binder- to him- self and a bugbear to hie friends. These Pills ham long been the popular remedy for a weak stomach, for a disordered liver, or -a paralysed digestion, which, yield without difficulty to their regulating, purifying, and tonic qualities, 912.52w. A Bad _Breakdown. It is a common thing new -a -days to hear one complain of feeling all broken down with a faint, weary, restless languor, with strength and rime- ' tite nearly gopa miO no well defined cause. This is general debility which guide& Blood Bitters promptly relieves, and mast invariably cures. 857.52.2w, -•110-111-4 '-••• A Sensation. . An unparalleled seasation is being created all over Ontario by the wonderful and unequalled manner in.which neuralgia, toothache, rheuma- tism, backache, headache, is removed by but one application of Fluid Lightning. No offensive, disausting drugs need to be taken for days. Itis an instant cure. Try a 25 cent Nettle 9fr1o2n5i2wLt.imsden & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth.. ail 0 ess Destroy the worms or they may destroy the children. Use Freeman's Worm Powders, they expel all kinds of worms. 857.521n. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup will remove worms arid cause, (pricker than any other medicine. 857. 52m. 1 tions, and all skin diseases, use Prof. Low's Sul - For nettle rash,. itching piles, ringworm..erup- phur Soap. 857.52m. _ Natioil Pills purify the blood, -regulate stom- ach, live and -bowels. 857.52m. 1. • MIEDICAL. TARS. LLIOTT.1 & GUNN, Brucefield, Licen- tiates Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons,SEdinburgb. At Seaforth every Satur- day afternoon. Oflice,-Royal Hotel. 930. • G. S. McDONALD, MI D., C. M., Physt- . eian, Surgeon, Accoucheur, &e. Office and residence, that lately occupied by Dr. Hut- chison, Auburn. 781 Searching .for ,Proof. , There is no trouble an ascertaining from any druggist the, true virtueslif• laagyard's Yellow - Oil, for painful Mid inflammatory troubles, rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, . frost bitesa buena bruises, aprains, Santa acted cords,. ,stiff ' joints, aches, veins and soreness. 867.52.2w. • • • No Blunderbus. There is no blundering in the darks -in the action of BurdoelaBlOod -Bitters Upon the system'. the meeting Of the Lime Kiln Clete It scittteung hot gnu • prescription, no cure-all': but it acts direetly upon:the' four ear - once knowed •fe luau whet carried dined poiots • of .health----------------- ver the motto of A penny saved is a. penny aimed,' in all his pockets, an' no pussou eber found him wid t dollor in a/eh to his name. He was an on de save and minks on de airm Deem' you git de ideah inter yer heads diet a motto or a maxim am gwine ter feed an' clothe ye an' whoop up rent and doctor bins. It's mo' in de man dan in do maxim. I kin n show ye f •Ity pussoe in my neybur- hood who sot on de fence all summer an'keep (kir eyes on de maxim a Ind ue- tre/ain de road to ek-ealth.' I kin show ye fo'ty me` who -1.atig up de motto of 'Providence will pnrvide and sat down ,fer providence to do so. If de wife aims a dollar dat's providence. --A despatch from St: Paul' last Mon day, says : The most magnificent Stree pageant ever seen in the north we wit nessed here to -day. It was preliminara to the formai dedication of the ice palac u. to the winter earnival. There were 4,00( luniformed members of toboggan, snow' shoe, and skating clubs in line witl ..torchee:aud transparencies. The line, T G. SCOTT, at, D., &c. Physician Surgeon, eta and Accoucher, Scaloith, Out. 'Office.and residence South side of Godench street, Second Door east of the Presbyterian Church. 842 W. BRUCE -SMITH, M. D , C. M., Member _Lae of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, &c., Seaforth, Orttario. Office and residence same as oecupie4 r, Dr. Vercoe. 848 B,. MACKID;• late of Lucknow) Graduate of , Toronto Un varsity, and Member of the Collage of Physict ns and Surgeoris ef Ontario. .first door cast o Engage-- Church Parsonage, Office in Cedy'aliflock. Residence, jean- Street, Seaforth, Ontario. l 894 EST, EAR 1:NND THROAT. DR. GEO. S. RYERSON, Ruh to the Gr at Clering Sale 1 OF CHRISTMAS GOODS AT THE SEAFORTH TE4_ STORE. The finest quality of White Granite and Glassware, Fancy Goods and Christmas Gifts, In the grocery department we -can't be sumo. can be had at almost any, price stud quality., ster, Finnan Haddie, Mackerel, and all kinds the cheapest. Our stock of Teas comprise Or best grades. Green Teas from 25c to 75e, Bla tea dust in stock. Also the Himalayan Tea, per pound. It has stood the critical test of and is worth 76c. Also Labrador Herrings in with heads off; White Fish and Trout in half stock. Dairy Salt and salt by the bar. el. Al lated Cornmeal, Rolled Oats and Wheat, Mott oats, wheat, &c. Oats taken in exchange -for Poultry, Butter and Eggs. All are cordially i over the town. L. It. C. P., L. R. C., S. E., Lecturer on the Eye, Ear and Throat, Trinity alectigal College, and Surgeon to the alereer Eye and Ear In- firmary.' Late Clinical Assistant Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, Moorfields, and Centatil Throat and Ear Hospital. 317 Church Street, Toronto. . AUCTION SALES:. . UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Li IMPLEMENTS. -Mr. J. P. Brine has- been instructed by Mr. E. McClure, to. sell by Public Auction on Lot 31, ConcessionS, McKillop, on Wednesday, February 17th, 1886,at 12 caclock !mon, sharp; the following valuable property, viz.: Two • mares in foal to •` Pride of •File," I. horse nine years .old, a horse rising five 1 filly aisiag three, 1 spring colt, 4 coaviesupposed to .be in cialf to a thoroughbred. bull; 3 heifers rising 'threes supposed 'to be in calf; 3 heifers rising stwo„1 farrow cow; 1 steer rising twoa3 -spring calves, 3 sheep, 8 pigs. Implements. -One patent .arm wagers, nearly' new; 1 iron axle -wagon; 1 donole buggy, 1 pair of bob -sleighs, 1 Champion reaper, nearly new;. 1 mower, 1 hay rake, 1 seed drill, Chilled plow, 1 general purpose plow. 1 gang plow, 1 set of ,iron harrows, 1 fanning Mill, 1 pair of scales, 1 hay rack; 1 set of double team harnese, 1 set cif double light team harness, 1 set of plow harness, 1. pair of horse blankets, 1 sugar 'kettle, amt. a lot of ether small articles. The whole positively be sold without re- serve, as the proprietor has rehted his term. Terms.-aAil sums :of ea and under, cask; over - that amount 10. months' credit will be saven'on turnithing approval endorsed notes. A discount of 5 cents on the dollar will be allowed for cash on -credit ambunts; JOHN E. MeCLURE, Pro- prietor; J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. 947-2 , GREAT AUCTION SALE OF IMPORTED HEAVY DRAUGHT AND. ROADSTER HORSES.-Mr.sloha. Rattenberry has instructed Mr. James- Cike„ to sell- by Public Aution, at Brucefiela, on 'Friday, February 26th, 1880, at 12 o'clock noon, sharp, the following valuable animals: .• One Imported Clydesdale mitre,. "Spark,". sired by Dsfiance ; dam by Heathers Jot*, in feal tot -Rover. One Imported Clydes- dale mare, " Bella," aired by Renfrewshire Jock; dam by Highlander, supposed ..to be in -foal to McAlpin. One Stallion -rising three years 'old; "Young Count Careless," sired by Count Care- less; dam, Spark. One Stallioir rising three years old, "Doutaas,a sired by Count Careless; dam, Bella. - One Imported Shire Stallion, " coln,".. rising five years old, sired by Lincoln ; dam Ttipsy by Honest Toni. One Roadster Stallion, "Revenge," sired by Royal Revenae ; dam by 'Dan Webster. One driving mare -rising- four years old, sired by Revenge; one filly rising two years old, sired by Revenge;•one filly rising one year old,. sired 1-v Lincoln ; one draiight foal 5 months old, tired by Lincoln ; dam, Pella. Two niikh cows, supposed to be in calf; one farrow cow, tea! heifers rising two years old; one spring calf. The _above animals can be seen at any time previous to the sale at Mr. Rattenbernas place at Brucefield, ' .Clydesdale Stallion Regis- tered. Teems. of Sale, -Twelve' niontha credit will be given on 'furnishing approved joint notes. JAMES OKE, Auctionaer ; JOHN RATTEN- DER Ry, Proprietor. . 947-3 China Tea Sets sold tidy cheap, and our stock of will defy competition, Owing to their very low prices. ed. Currants, Raisins, Prunes, Sugars and Coffees uit both rich and poor, Also Canned Salmon, Lob - )f fruits, which are of first quality, and as cheap as en, Bleck, Japan, unc-noied Japan, and are of the k 25c to 75c, Japan 250 to 50; Green and Japan irect from India, in green, black and mixed, at 55c e Government analyist, who has pronounced it pure, elf barrels and barrels, Lake Superior Herrings split, barrels. Canadian and American Coal Oil always in o Oatmeal, Granulated Oatmeal, Cornmeal and granu- , and all kinds of feed, iruch as bran, shorts, middlings oatmeal at mill ratess The highest price paid for sited to inspect the stack. Goods delivered free all A G. AULT, Seaforth. THE BIG MILL SEAFORTH. The above mills hate' now been thoroughly built upon the complete the bowels, and the -blonde and works its em -es it; natural manner 'through nature 6 channel. . 8a7.52.2w. A Seasonable Item. irarina, the brealting of :winter, when the air is chilly and the weather damp; such com- plaints as rheumatism, ueuralgia, lumbago, sore throat,- croup„ and other painful effects of 807, dee cold,, are prevalent. It is then that Hag- , vfmrs Yellow _Oil is found truis valuable as a hotiseholti remedy. 857.5.2u. A Wise Choice.. In selecting a remedy for coughs and colds the wise sehoiee IS. to take one that loosens the tough mucus clinging to the air pasatiges. Such itatim- erly is I fagya rd's Pectoral Ilabiam, which prompt-. l, breaks -up hard . colds and their troublesome. et,!eets. - - - -=-- Conarn-ription Cured. An old phy.sician,retired from practice, having 'had placed in 'his hands .by an East India, mis- sionary the formula Of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and pennene it cure of Consump- time 1rom-alit:4, Catarrh, Aathma and 'all throat and Lung affections, also a Positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervou Sem- plaints, after hating tested its wonderful emu HUNCARIAN ROLLER PROCES The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have b n gtaatly enlarged, and new machinery app d throughout. THE LATEST IMPROVED ROL S -AND- Flour Dressing Machin s From the best Manufacturing Firms have b n put in, and everything necessary added to en le her to turn out flour' SECOND TO NONE In the Dominion. The facilities -for reeea grain from farmers and for elevating and ship have also deen extensivelyamproved. Grain now be taken frail.' farmers' wagons, weig and loaded into ears at the rate of 700 bus per hour, by the work of two men. ^tREAT CLEARING OUT PUBLIC AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS,* &c. -Mr. .J.- P. Brine has been instructed by. Mr. Henry Taylor, to sell by Public Auction, 'on Lot 7, Concession. 8, iitillett, a mile and a half north ad Kinburn, on Tharsday, February •15th, 1886, at 10 O'clock a. in.; the following valuable prop- erty, via.: Farm Stock. -One breeding mare 9 years old,' in foal to imported-" Welcome :" 1 horse 8 years old a mare 6 years old, 2 fillies coming one, boa; by Imported ' horses ; 1 mare 5 years old, 1 farrow' cow, 7 mileb cows in calf to a thoroughbred hull, 1 heifer 3 years old 'in calf, 2 fat heifers, 4 steers coming three, 2 steers com- ing two, 2 heifets, coming two, 3 calves coming one, also a lot of Well 'bred fowls, including some thoroughbred Leallorns. lei -plea emits. -Three lumber wagons, 2 Pair bobsleighs. 1 double car- riage with pole and. shafts, 1 Portland cutter, 1 Champion reaper, I Massey mower, 1 superior broadcast seeder, 1 pair scales to weigh 1,100 lbs., 1 large straw cutter, fanning mill, 1 light hon plow, Gray's make: 1 general purpose Hogan plow, 1 South Bend Chilled plow, 1 gang plow, lsset iron harrows, -3 'set wooden harrows, 1 hilnd roller, 1 turnip stuffier, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 Icing ladder, 2. 'wagon racks,. 1 gravel box, 2 Fui4ar kettles, 1 grindstone, 1 reaping knife grinder, a: number of sap buckets, 2 grain cradles, 1 iron crowbar, '1 iniik can, 1 churn, a lot of milk dithes, 1 act double team harness, 1 °set plow harness, 1 set single harness, I. riding sadsile, wh i tfiet tees mid riet kyoke&together wi t h seethes, i fone shovels, ehai is, and bests of small ar.tieles. Also 40 cedatsposts ; Houaehold Nurniture.-One bedroom set, 2 -glass erpboarire three set bed springs, 3 bt`dsteads, 2 'wash stands:, 2 tables, 1 cook stove, 1 stitlot stove aid a pipe's, and a lot of kitchen furniture. ' The whole will pesitively be sold witheut reser' e, as the proprietor has sold his farui and is going to. Kansas. Terms of Sale. All sums of :s5 and under, cash; °ter that arnonnt 12 montha' credit will be given on_ fur- nishing epproted endorsed notes. A discount of 5 per cent. will be allowed for cash on credit amounts. HENRY TAYLOR. Proprietor; J. P. BRINE, Aactiopeer. N. 13. -Dinner will be ser- ved at 12 o'clock. , 947-2 A LARGE FEED ST() -FOR-- CUSTOM CHOPPIN Has been put in, and the necessary machinery handling chop and coarse grains. . A good stied has been erected, so that win can be unloaded and reloaded under cover. WHEAT EXCHANG Promptly attended to, and FIRST-CLASS ROLLER FLO GUAFANTEEDS. 0-0-szieam TimE Chopped satisfaktorily and without delay. ROLLER FLOUR, ' E§RAN, SHOR And all kinds of CHOPPED FEE Constantly on hand. Highest Market Price Paid[ Cash for any Quantity of Wbeat. APPLE BARRELS -AN])- FINE, COARSE AND LAND S FOR SALE. an d, Is or ns Only first-class and obliging men will be pt to attend customers. The liberal patrong of farmers and general Made respectfully solicit _ A. W. OCILVIF. & CO, PROPRIETO S. T. 0. KEMP, Manager. VETERINARY. Aurora Quick Train Watch. JJC. DOAN, Veteanary Surgeon, Grad ate • of • Ontario Veterinary College, Tor. to, - Ontario, Calla promptly attended to nighj or day. Veterinary melkines kept constantlll on hand. Office, Huron Hotel, Zurich, Out. 9 EAFORTH HO1iSE1 INFIRMAB,Y.-Corn 0 Jarvis aad Gederith Streets, next door Presbyterian 'Church,. Seaforth, Ont. Al. eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of th inesticated animals, successfully treated at Infirmary, Or elsewhere, tin the shortest. n Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, V inary Surgeon. P. S. -A large stock of Vet ary Medicines kept constantly On hand • r of the is. do - the Ce- in - The yest Yet. SOLD 6NLY- BY , M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH, ONT. This Company manufactures a complete line of full plate watches, from ordinary to the finest grades, for all classes of watch wearers. They are all made with quick train, and are es- pecially adapted for railroad and all ordinary and severe service. All made dust proof, have the perfect safety pinion, which prevents damage to parts in case of mainspring breakage, and John- son's patent attachment to regulate pins, which prevents hairspring from catching-, an insportant improvement controlled by this Company. The stein -winding parts are made strong and durable, guaranteed as safe, more convenient and service- able than the key winders. The extra fine grades are made in stem 'wind, only. Every watch is warranted by special certificate, which the pur- chaser receives from the Company's Agent. The number of Jewels in each watch (which is en- graved thereon) dedicates the quality; pur- chaseM observing thiS are sure to receive the quality they call for. - The larger number of Jewels in the better grades also represents the finish, fine adjustment, and care in manufacture, which produces mere accurate time and longer service. The qualities are divided as follows : ORDLNARY.-Two grades are Made of this quality, engraved : "Aurora Watch Co., 7 Jewels." " Auroi it Watch Co., 11 Jewels." MEDIUM. -Four grades of this quality are made, -two in Gilt Finish, engraved : "Aurora Wateh Co., 11 Jewels, Extra." " Aurora Watch Co:, 15 Jewels," and two in Nickel, finely finish- ed, engraved : Aurora. Watch Co., 11 Jewels." "Aurora Watch 'Co., 15 Jewels." FINE. -Two grades of this quality,-ene in Fine Gilt Finish and one in Nickel, engraved : EXTRA EINE.-Two grades of this quality,- ! one irk Fine Gilt and care in Fine Nichel, engrav- " Aurora Watch, ICnoin. adjusted." - al : "Auore Watch Co., 16 Ruby Jewels, ad- justed, Aurora Remember Counters, Seaforth, is the only place in tne County -where these watches can be had. • M. R. I.COUNTER, • Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller. IMPORTANT INFORMATIO -FOR-- -P -A. MR, M . As we have turnedmur attention- particu 1 th to the anufacturhe of e following in meets, tilt farming co nmunity may depend getting universal sati4faction, which is gual teed: Pitts' Hoisepdwer, from 2 to 6 he pourer s Strawcutters, reversible gear, very Is. improvements; Chopping Mills or Grain Or: ers, latest improved pattern, will grind from to 30 bushels per hour; also Root Cutters; P ers and Land Rollers at lowest prices and • Is. able tonna at the BRUSSELS FOUND CORRESPONDENCE BY MAIL PROMPT • . ATTENDED TO. WM. R. WILSON PROPRIETOR. ny on an - se's est nd 15 lp- 'Or- • Y 635 3, MONEY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES BOUG DUNN KIN DE THE COCK'S BEST FRIEND MONEY WANTED. Bobeg Willis, The Peoples Shoemaker, Sea - forth, wishea to notify all those indebted to him to PAY UP AT ONCE, s he calmest carry on business Without money, any more than hi au live without food. Remember, pay up at once, and easle your conscience. All accomits het paid by March 1st, will be put into court for col- lection. R. W LLIS, Seaforth. DR. WOODRUFF Permanently located. in London, No. 185, Queen's Asainue, a few Doors,,esst of Pia:taffies. Special attenaon given to diteases of the Eye, Bad Sight and the Piesertatioli of Vision, diseases of the Ear, Impelled Hearilas aud .discharges Iron: the Ear, diseases of the Throat. Chronic Inflamma- tion being a frequeqt cause of Deafness; dis- easesof °the Nose s Catarrh being a common cause of impaired hearing. 943x26 • 1 - MITE GUELPH AND, ONTARIO INV T- 1 MENT and Saving Society have an un ed amount of money to, lend on real cats.-' the -very lowest rates Of interest with the I nvi- -- lege to the borrower of repaying a pot -ti of the principal with payments of interest. Ch rges eery low. Apply to Messrs. DENT & HO SE, Barristers, Mitchell, who are the autho zed ; Agents and SOlicitors for the Society. 935 '.f ! Dated Nov. 5, 1885, • ST. JAMS' HOTEL, TOnOUTO. - SHARP BRIGHAM, (Form erly o.t p'sifoiel,Seaforth,) PROPRIETORS. ratl IS Hotel, Which is situatcal directly opposite _L Cite 'Union Steal n has recently been refitted OYSTERS I OYSTERS! Seaforth Bestaurat Now that the SCISS011 for Oysters has °pee e would notify. the Public that I can 'serve h with Oysters either in Shell, Cans or Bulk - the best Baltimore brand kept. French Bon Bons and the beat- American Canadian Confectionery ahvays on hand, best brands of Tobaccos and Cigars also in S Cali and examine for yonrselves. Jlapj serve you. Rainember the place, McN.t, Do -Reid and Wilson's Hardware Store, PROPRIETOR. , and refurnished tbroingliont, and is now one of the best and most comfortable hotels in the city Every possible attention paid to gueoliere Charges moderate. • sa 1 I : D. • S. CAMPBELL, ROVINCIALLAigi.'s SURVEYOR and Civ Engineer. (haters by mail promptly at °Ile 'raided to D. R. CAMPBELL 'A14(41111 ; - • • a ONEY TO LOAN. ONEY •LOAN. --Straight loans at 6 per cent. tenet payable half yearly, or r cent. year y, with the privilege to borrower I repaying part of the. principal money atany me. Apply; to F. LIOLMMTED, Barrister, eaforth. 850A4 DENTISTRY. W.A..111801\T, ENTIST,taculty Gold Medallist and College Gold Me Ilist,Toronto School of Dentistry. oms over lohnsons' Hardware, Main Street, eaforth. 911 -T-D. S., M. B,. C. and D. S., of 4 I . Ontario. Latest improve- ments in every line. Satisfaction guaranteed.. Office, -In Cady's leek, opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. esidence,- he Poplars, John Street. 941, emoved ! Removed! , 1 OW 1 1\T G-, EAFORTF11 The Old Established Butcher has removed to ow premise' immediately opposite his Old i tand, Maan treet, Seaforth, where he will be leased to me t all his old patrons and as many new ones as n ay see fit to favor, him with their i.tronage. . MI -Bement er the place, between Henderson's iliarness Shop, and 3IcIntyre's Shoe Store, Main treet, Seaforth. - . 898 GEORGE EWING. •••THE AHAB:IP:4 BMA OF COMMERCE. ,i - • HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. aid. up Capital, . - $6,000,000. est, - 2,100,000. PRESIDENT,, HON. WM. MCMASTER. SEIFORTH BRANCH. The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues to eceiv.e deposits, on which interest is allowed on the most favorable terms. 11 Drafts on all the principal towns and cities in Canada, on (neat Britain, and on the United States, bought and Sold. Office -First door &tem of the Commercia Hotel. A. H. IRELAND, Manager. F. HOL7sIESTED, isnlieltor 639 r: This great aeliatalted atiancane ranee amongst the 2leading necessaries of Life. These famous Pills purify t le Blood, and act most powerfully, yet soothingly, on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, giving tone, energy and vigor to these great 3 am Springs of ,Life. They are con- fidently reco amended as a never failing remedy in all cases a here the censtitution, from what- ever .cause, .1 as become impaired or weakened. They are woi derfully efficacious in all ailments incidental tetfemales of all ages; and as a Gen- re.' Family rat ieme are unsurpassed. [101.1.0WAYS OINTMENT Its Searching and Healing Prepertie,s arc known throughout the Woied. For the cure of Britt Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. - H. effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as sat 'into meat. cures Sore 'Throats. Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds:. For glandular Swellings and Piles it acts like a charm.. In Gout and Rheumatism-, it lever fails tO afford relief. Manufactured only at -Professor 'Holloway's ' Establishment, 78 New Oxford Street Cate 583 Oxford Street) London; and sold u4 is. lad., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d„ 115., 22.5., and 23s. cad Box and Pot. ins Beware of Am- erican count rfeits,-Pnrchasers should look to the Label oni the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533; I Oxford Street, London, they are spurious O1-52 SEAFORTH PLANINGr MILL Wit ArD BLIND FACTORY LE4AL. ino C. HAYS, Selicitot, &c. Private Money to .Dth, lend at lowest rates of interest. (Mice - Corner of Square and West Street, Goderich. 774 - •••-••." T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Ire. Office- '). Booms formerly occupied by Carroll & Dickson, Meyer's Block, over Johnson's Hard- ware Store, Main Street, SeafOrth. Goderich Agents--CamenotrI 1101/r & CAMERON. 870 I-4 ARROW & SOUDFOOT, Barristers, Solici- tors, ataaGodi erieh, Ontario. J. T. Gaintow, wm. ritotivyour. 686 CAMERON, HOLT' & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors in Chataary, &c., Goderich, Ont. M. a CAMERON, IQ. C, PRIMP HOLT, M. O. CAMERON. 1 '506 TJOFTUS E. D4NCE4a, late ;with Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister'So- licitor, Conveyancer, -&e. Money to loan. Bea - son's Old Office, Carr:WeirBlock, Seaforth. 786 1tJFANNING & SCOTI, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, & , Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Office -Beaver Bleck Clinton, Ontario. A. II. liAniniG, elates scorr. I 781 ronE subseriberbegs leare to thank his limner - a oue customers for the liberal patronage ex- tended to him since commenein,r business Seaforth, and trusts that he may be - favored with i a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build would dowell to give him a call, as he will continue to keep en hand a >large stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER; ' SASHES, DOORS, - " BLINDS & MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LAT, &c. He feels confident of giving satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage, aanone but first-class workmen DMA employed,. Paiticular attention paid to Custom Planing. 201 • .JOHN IL gROADFOOT. London, Huron and Brill ce, Gorse NOR11- Express. Mail. Ilreight. London, d 'part... 7.55A.M. 4.60 am. 6.05 A. M. Exeter... .... .. 9.13 6.08 , 9.35 - Hensall.. . ------0.24 6.23. 10.00 Kippen .. . .. .. 9.29 6.29 10.09, Brueefield.. .. .. 9.36 - 6.38 10;25 Clinton.. .. .. .. 9.55 7.05 11.30 tondesbore _ .. .. 10.11. 7.23 12.00 Blyth....1.. .... 30.20 7.32 12.20 P. ti. Belgrave. .. .7_ .. 10.35 . 7.47 12.50 aWingliam, arrive 10.50 - 3.08 1.20 emu. SOCT - EXP11.:1-7S. Mail. Freight. I Wingham, depart 7.20 A.M. 3.10e.n. 1).20 -..8.11. Belerave. .. .. .. 7 :3.30n .so 1 .23 j Myth.... .. .... 7.51 3.46 .47 " Londesbo o • .. .. 8.02 3.55, 12.00 8.25 4.16 12.45 it. ti. 13Clninictoeliueld ..... ... 8.42 4.35 . 1.10 .. 8.51 4.43 1.25' 1HkiePills)ealill... .. .. .. ' 8.58 4.48 1.40 Exeter.. .... - ... _ 9.13 4.59 2.35 Leaden, a rive .. 10.30 6.00 5.30 Wellin: 0,01N4 NOItT Ethel Brussels Blum ale Whighani oersG Son'T • Wing -hell] Bluevale . Brussels, Ethel Train lea', dine, rites only. Ta Ii riVIA RR1AG r" I I ICFNPPc-3, Traie.o,a, C'rra a as • ,40 ock. y to I IA-IT:El. AT (Joust WirST • fl ITOLMESTED, sue essor to tile late flit -in of .1 McCaughey & Bjobnested, Barrister, Conveyancer and Notary' Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of COmmerce. M-oney to lend. Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. . • 1 • IMPORTANT NOTICES. OUSE IN EGMONDVILLE TO RENT. --To ;rent, that comfortable and commodious dwe ling house in Egmondville, recent/y occu- pied by Mr. A. Mustard. A good stable and all necessary conveniences in 'Connection, Apply to THOMAf3 HILL. 944 ° ry1HOROUGHBRED BULLS.--eThe ntrdersign- J_ ed will keep during the present season on Lot 27, Concession 8, Hibbert, the well-knoWn Thoroughbred Bull, "Lord Wilton," which has proved 'himself a good and sure stock getter. Also the fine young Bull, "Wr George Gwynne," sired by "50th Puke of Oxford" (46265); im- ported by Richard Gibson, Merton. The dam of this bull and the gried dam on the sire's side of "Sir George Gwynne" wa,s Grand Duchess 27th," the sister of whiCh" was sold for 13113025. The grand dam on the other side was also ina- ported, showing this brill to be ef as good blood as can be found in the country. Terra -For "Lord Wilton," 82 to insure ; for "Sir George nwynne," en, payable 1st January. DAVID H1LL, Proprietors 944x4 McGregor's Speedy Cure. It is popularly admitted every where that Mc- Gregor's Speedy Cure 14 the safest, most reliable and by far the cheapest remedy for constipation, liver complaint, indigestion, impure blood,. loss of appetite ' and all similar troubles It is not necessary to take a great quantity before any re- mit is produced. A fee closet will convince you of its merits. Trial bottle given free at Launsclen & Wilson'adrugstore, Seaforth. 912.alav. ton, Grey ..and Bruce. AceoM.. Express. -Mixed. 9.35 1°. M. 9.15 pas. 9.15 P.M. 1 2.49 *9.29 10.60 3.05 9.45 10.35 .! . 3.20 9.56 11.25 ° Acme, Aceom. Mixed . ...• 7.00 A.M. 11.25 A. M. 7.50 ; . 7.10 11.35 8,12 • i 7.25 11.55 8.50 . 7.37 12,10 _ 9.15 ing Winginen at 8 p ir.. for Mace's-. Mondays, Wcdnesdays and Fridays I EXECUTORS' NOTICE. In theifiatter of tie estate of the late Andrew Hally. The creditors' of. Andrew Hally, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron., de- ceased, who died on before the 4th day of August, A. D. 1885, ar4 hereby notified to send by post, prepaid, on 1. before the 15th day of February next, to the mdersigned,BeatteaChad. wick, Blackstock and Galt, of the City ofTor- t onto, in the County of York, at Number 58, Wellington Street F st, Solicitors for John Hannah, the Executor under the Will of the said Andrew Hay, their luistian and surnames, addresses and deseriprons, and the full particu- lars of their claims and accounts, and the nature of their security, (if any.) And this notice being given under the previsions of the Revised_ Statutes of Ontario, Chap. 107, -Ste. 34, the said Executor will not be liable for the said estate and assets, or any part thereof to any person of whose claims notice shall not haxe been net en at the time of distribution. Dated this 24th dayof December, A. D., 1885. BEATTY, CHADWICK, BLACKSTOCK and GALT, Solicitors for tile Executor. - 942-7 d Trunk Railway. Seaforth and Clinton stations a Sv IW EXPOSITeri OFFICE .APORTII. r Expreas.. . -2.40 si. Expreas.'„ S.58 r. SEAPORIE{, ONTARIO'. 1 GMixed Tra • • • • • • • 6 15 A. ‘1" OIXO EAST••.-- Express 7.45 A. M. . - . 1.45 r. u. NO wiTricssgs REOULED mixod Train_ .. 5.30 r. m. HURON AND BRUCE Loon .and ./InVestinent COM This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at lowest Rates of interest. Pfortgages Rurchasect: 7 , SAVINGS BINK BRAISCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFYICE.-Coraer of Market Square and North Street, 1Goderich. HORACE HORTON, Mansona. Goderich., August 54,1885, 922 SEAORTH Fu rn itu re Warerooms. If vou want solid comfort call at M. Ropertsen's, Ants,d buy cue of •tbnees Alebral ed Self Adjustable Easy Cladine-reprateuted by the above tut. Vie van also ripply • 1 • Invalid Chair4 and Carriages , 31( OIF the (ginifereablea.ld duraale SBEI 173MID 31.:+t '•frif-h of GABiZ-4ET FURNITURE CLINTON. 9 3 Ap::. Is ery large and Complete. Li tending_purc has 9.15 p. ,i. 1. (f r1;;als'171.711;t( i)01•Xitfi;.1") reeirioi ilTofooir, es opuz trri; 1:4055 )1m d leneen, Ogee, Msan Street, ataforth. IN, ROBERTSON. K. Ct.