HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-02-05, Page 7y 1886. ttthlit it have Plelity well, then /ook, BROS. inter Ono. P.S, Shawls, C. to make room eds. (Tax)Ds, r TWEEDS, PRINTSe&e., erybody o0T88 r8eIres. CrS Cottonadese hid Clothing * Ties, Cellars, ariees„ and you end see BROS., Cowie. ALL. ar of these wens• , has been adding ad is maw better e of OUR, - any min in the- • art- waits for it a (-hopping donoe r six cents per meat always. ea - Aumged for oldie iys on hand an&' :a. also any queen proluptly attend- gi ren these millw& -- st te do go. Rs- :axvitr. OEt rNEY Lies -e leej, cES ice in four sizese th Ovens. e sular ee Burner made,. its idof Cooks, them. - get Bargain& IN AWAREI&C 'CANADIAN xN HAND ictionee.r for thee "-I attended in a niers left at 'Tiff tly attended te. rtetioneer for the ;a of all description rab! e terms. Ad on Lot 4, Con* _ 77 eaeher of MutiC reed pupilfitt� -half tha expehlts moderate. Beet rd Door Emit tit fart FEBRUARY 5 188 4/111111;1111101MIMMISIMMIEMIMMINP THE HURON EXP SITOR. Piano Keys. Ornamental' covers for serve to keep out the dus one who can play at all kn vantage of a well -dusted tia prejudicial this said dust is llandamne piece i of embroid to he, seen on keys. A see some one was made of whi plush.. On the satin was wo in. geometrical pattern in and. in the middle, in black silks, a music screll. The spaces were marked out in t (or dark blue) silk, and a fe put between them. The border of one and a half inch in white plush, all round. covers, not so difficult to with nearly as handsome e plush of a color to carrespon with the piano back and the drawing -room. Along spray of flowers ar fruit crewelailk, such as a black ored pluele and a spray o ma keys , and every ws the ad- o, and how the notes. ry are noras ially hand - satin and ked a flow - old thread, and white lines and e fine black notes were hole had •a 8 in width;i Other. key make, and eets are all or contrast he colorslin is a pretty worked in ✓ dark eol- Virginian creeper leaves. Bramble lea, es, berries, and fruit have a beautiful e eet on the. pale blue or green plush. If neatness and gettintness are preferr d to more elaborate embroidery, repea the black notes on white satin wrth biLek velvet. Those ladies who would F ke a motto better than any other desig , will find many suitable -for the purpos . Quilted satin is ri-eit and handsome al after the quilting is once don dainty n ork. Moat of the only laid along the top of th are the exact size of theni. A however, easily be sawn ;lion and fan over to protect the keys'. Feathers tacked el are wane and ft -looking, e the colera and shades OT co or are pro- perly arranged. For a choolstoom pianeforte., patchwork pre erly lined would have the same effect a the more fanciful draning-room eleg ncies ; or even colored flannel lightly et dded-one layer only of wedding -m y be made ornamental by means of a, litt e embroid- eey in ft ether and other lane -New Yerk Graphic. d requires, ; but little covers are keys, and trip could, r one side dge of the sely dewn peciallS, if stitches. A Mean Way of S king. -Nat so often do we hear iow, as in days gone by, "I had nothi • g to tart with but any hands, and got • long. My children will heve the same Q portunity. They can shift for'themselves as I did." Not so often., yet the idea is aot obtolete by auy means. Occasionally the brute appears: " tal this over with my wife, and see wha she says about it." Life insurance sc bolters are familiar xvith that. But ho v unfair - how wrong it is. It is one 0 the very few things that a wife shoi Id not be consulted about until after th policy is received. Thee he should pr sent it to her aa one of the -manifestati love and tho ugh tfu 'nese. will be immediate. On the c ns of his is reward ther hand, consultation planes the wife at a disad- vantege. intuitively she gra ps the sit- uation; sees how itwould be should he be taken front her, -hands ti d so far as self-help is concerned by litt e pleading eyes and mouths : yet in .1 er natural modesty she hesitates to irrg the inter, mice leat he might miounders :and. She . sees, she knows what his du y is: 'why should not he?.It isamfair, gentlemen . Take the insurance, and onsult her afterwards.-" Tancred " in Baltimore Underwrighten • Our ForeSts. The undulating and _mai( stie mead- OWS 'Which reached from the veet bank of the Missouri River to the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, when camas and Nebraska were first opened tc settlement in 1854, contained. in. all the 'r millions of acres not a single -forest The soil, good and fat in food for al plant•life, responded to. the labor of the home- building pioneers with abt ndent and generous crops. But the shade and beauty of trees were everywl ere absent, and so -just as the doming vinter tells the provident . man to lay i fuel -our conditions impelled us to p ant trees, stimulated es to evolve laws cncouratAing forestry and conserving tin ber lands, and, finally, to originate am establish Arbor Day,, to make it , an universary for flatting out orchards and orests, and to consecrate it by statutor enactment a legal holiday, and award p -mimes to those who best celebrate it by putting out the most trees in its obte.vance. It has worked well in Nebrash a, and we have growing in that te to -day more than 700,000_ acres of tees which have been nlanted by huma handle - J. Sterling Morton, m (heti ig for De- cember. A Lapse into Arne inanene. Fashion feeds on ridicule. The more fun that is made oflAngl -mania the more it rages. In ao pattim lar is there a, sign of abatement. But have just seen one maiden Who rela sed into Americanese, hnd it wa positively refreshing. - She- was one of these bole low -backed, cleanitut- girls who wear tailor-made costu :nes so neatly that their forgivenelis for disloyalty to is easy. She was welkin Avenue with a springy gait keied one on Fifth. suggestive of turf under her feet inst net of hard stones. She wanted an 01 mibus. A eeld, distraught stare at the driver and -a slight flinging upward of t e hand, in- volving no motion above the wrist, brought the vehicle to a sto, in a quite proper meanter. Then she bi de adieu to her companion, a dandy. " Good mawning," .he st " Had aw daylightful saunter, a w a .sure you--- chawining, weeny." By this time she was st,pping into the stage, and the ehappie as convey- ing his hat front the back f his little' head to the front of his nar 'ow breast, for the fashionable bow. he driver reasoned. that she aught to be inside. He slammed the doer, 'she it with a kiek at the strap, and etartec his horees. 'But the belle was outside. 1 he lurch of the stage upset her beckwa„ el, and she chucked down mi the paveineut with awful violence. " Drat the fool 1." she exclaimed in Most excellent Auterican acpent, " like to stag the wooden hea' off him - -New Vark Correspondent. • Mme. de Iturbi le. • Closely allied to the ill-fated Maximi - tient hut ilot deetined to slit re his fate, was the powerful family of 1 lite -hide. Augustin .1 turbide„ now 22' ;ears cad, is the may heir to the throne -of Mgli1e0, the Aztec -and Spanishrote lty having long since- disappeared in tle havoc of revolutions. Mine. de Ite rbide, the mother of Agustin, thirty yn rs agetwas a beautiful girl living in CeoegetaWn, near Washington.' She was a Miss Green and married Iturbide, who had charge of Mexican Affairs at the Capital. She was in Washingtonthe other day on her way to Mexico. The traces of her for- mer beauty had not disappeared,although her hair is nearly white. She appeared well preserved and hearty, and likely to attain a great old age. "1 love Mexico," she said, "and am a thorough Mexican now. I do not like to. discuss the brief • reign of Maximilian and his death. The United States, in my opinion would never have permitted Maximilian to re- main long as the • Emperor of Mexioh. Mr. Seward refused_ to give him any support, morally or otherwise, and he yielded to the force of circumstances. But I am interested now in the material development of oqr country. Already the street -cars in the City of Mexico are much better than those in Washington. We have no society in the City of Mexico. There are the upper and lower classes. The former visit jut whenever they choose, but no one thinks of making the call that many consider themselves com- pelled to make. It is rather an the will dictates there, not as duty compels. A Dist.. Teuished- Man's Advice .to Young' Men. Bardette, the Burlington " Hawkeye " man, lectured in Shaftsbury • Hall, To- ronto-, on Tuesday evening, 19th -inst. He was brought to.. Toronto by the• _Press CIO of the citttand.as it was his first appearance in -- Toronto great in- terest was felt in the ,far:farned -humor- ist. His sabj•eettwas "Advice to young men." Among other things he. told the boys, as he ehose to call them, not to be the second. edition Of any man, but be.., independent in actiare.cheek will not al- f ways hald the frout.:seats because it is not better- than merit, than •. honesty. Where one man is.to-day looking for a pebble thousands are looking for a dia- mond. - If a young man is a diamond • soineone is looking for him: All cannot ' be leaders so be content with What you can be,. ' a tolerably good' professional iman: is" -a, out as geed at a tolerably good egg. Be, honest.: -.But a young men says. it does not .pay to be honest in these days whee every -person distrusts every other per -on. Neither it does if you are going to ie honest for pay, but be hon- est becau e you would :aeons to toinsh -anything tainted with dishonor. Be hoaest fr m principle. • De, hot go in . debt. W ien you do you begin a life of slavery. Be good-natured, , bring sun- light out lof the shadows, deawbright- out o. everything you clome in con- tact' with» de .not tell your -roubles, no one- .want - - to hear them. , You meet . your best friend on the str et and tell him all y.o r tttals, he says .. es, yes, too bad, too 'bid, say, are you oing to the rink to-ni•rht? News- Notes. -A ma s hates and ' his 1 kes deter- mine his charaoter a man s affinities 1 determine what he is and wh he is. 'jaws and talons ? Such as drink and live riotously,, and wonder why their faces are so blotchy and their pockets so bare, would leave ciff wondering if they had two grains of wisdom. They might as well ask an elem tree for pears as to look to loose baits for health and wealth.. ?Those ho go to the public -house for hil.ppine s climb a tree to find fish. GRATEFUL COMFORTING. EPP'S' C00.0A. BRE KFAST. "By a thorough Ice Madge of the natural laws' which govern the ope tions of digestion and nu- trition, and by a care ul application of the fine properties of Well sele Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakf t tables with a delicately flavored beverage whi h may save us many doc- tors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a onstitution may be gradu- ally built tiP until strOng enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle mala- dies are floating around ns ready to attack whereverrithere is a weak point. We may escape many a f tal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified Avith pure blood and a poperly nourish- ed frame."-Cwil Service Gazette., Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets by grocers, labelled thus-" Ames Errs & Co., Hoinceopathic Chemi ts, London, England." Role agentfor Calif/Lila, C. f. ()ohm, Montreal. 884-62 Consumption Cured. An old physieia,n,r tired from practice, having had placed in his 1 ands by an East India mis- sionary the torment 41 a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and ermanent cure of Consump- tion, Dm:militia Ca moll, Aethma and all throat and Long affectionH. also e positive and. radical cure for Nervous De Rife- and all Nervou eon - plaints after havii tezted its wonderful cunt tire powers in thou ands of cases, has felt it ha duty to make it kn W11 to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this ntotive and a desire to relieve -The adherents of the MO -mons cem- menced a new crusede in Berlin ' on Saturda,y,-July 11. There It as .a large number - f . neo-ple-men, n omen, and childnrefretent. • The mee in.gs are to bacentin 'eel every Sunday. 'Germany, Mere esp eially the cities, fa n • no chse new does vance .ma,- iak in gl or 6 material ay Saints about Salt Lake City, and n t the Book -M of oyne n, • which will win the sect ceeverts, f they obtain any at all, in apoor,- ex' ensive' and -' unbelieving eity . like Berli , .-tondon Standatd. . -- . -Sm.eie destroys . some •�f the moste cherished °pular. .delusions. Catgut is derived from sheep; German silver was not invented in Germany,- and it Con-- tains no silver.; Cleopatra's' needle was not erectedl.by. herr .i her honor; Pourpey's pillar had. n . intoned coin = nection with .that personage; sealing - welt does not contain -,a particle of wax; the tuberose- is not arose, but a poly- anth ; the strawberry is not Q. berry; Turkish baths did not originate hi Tur- key, and are not baths at hit; whale- bone is not bone, and contains not any of its properties-. •-A-desp tch from Los Angelon :Cali- fotnia,, on ti e 23rd Janeary, says : , The rain on Su day, Monday. apd Tuesday was aupple. -ented''by a Cloud burst in San Fenian o valley on the last named - clay, and th Los Angeles river! almoet without Wa sing became a *Ong -tor- rent and . Qom . flooded lthe Southern central parof the town, The water also eo-vere 2,000 acres ototchardt and Vineyardet is -d rose two feet higher than the flood o February, . 1884. Over 50' houses wet. washed away -or completely. wrecked.. t'very bridge .aoross the Los Angeles Ri -er- was washed away, also several hu dred - feet of track of the Southern ... icific . and local roadS. For three days he City was cut off from tele- graphic ei d railroad communication with the re.t of the world. • • Mrs. Kate y te, an I Theresa Whitney were erowned w iie being taken from parti- ally wreck d houscss It is thought 4 retunber o other lives were loste A large quai tity of live stock perishede The daana ' e to property in the .city and I ' country, i $500,000. Wl. at Spurgeon Says. • Rev. C. H. Spurgeon says to the boys : Water is the.strongest drink.. It drive§ mills, it's thhdrink Of , HOU& and horses; an& Samson never drank. anything else. Let young men' be teetotallers, if only for economy's . sake._ The beer Money win Seoe build a• house.- If what went into the mash -tub weiit into the knead- ing -trough, famines Would be; 'better fed laid better taught. If what is Spent in , waste were only saved against a rainy day, meal:houses would never- be built. The lean who spends his money With the ' puttlean'and thinks the landlord's bow end" How do yeeetior my good • fel- . few S" mean true inspect, is a perfect eimpleton. We don't light fires for the . herring's "comfort, but • to roast him. :. tic*. do .not keep .:pot-hoesee for labor- ers,' good; - if they do, they certainly , 'hiss their aim. ' Whya then, should ' 'people drink, "for the, good of • the lemse Yu • If I spend.thoney for the good of any honee, let -it be my own, and- not the landloid's., Its is a .bad well into - which you must : Pet. water ; and the , _ beer! house is a bed friend. 'because it ' takes yeur all ad 'leaves you nothing hnit headaches. . He Who calls the- his friendt who let Iiim Sit and drink by • the hour together, is ignorant, very ig- norant. Why,. red limit; and • tigers, ' and eagles, and nultUres; are all crea- tures oirprey, and Why do so many put themselves' within the, power. of their .h very favora,ble ground fo • trines, except such as will ar tertalisni,, socialism, • money - pleasure. ,and it will be ti prosperity -.of the Latter unman Of cit.! end iterepi Pewees liolloWay.'s ! Safely Winter should lost want SyStent been to regions internal the blood ly nerves-eel:ram to eXi 3 sc. dr les VS Sol 93O ! taking the oui ral ebi sol drt tea aric are giv tateng improvenient, mead extant for plaint, Wilson's f ree. 1 i 1 Every Oil will olds, 6a1 I !. I M4 Mr .crirahs, tj entliiig ; .[fon. ier pa e.h. greet T i 1 .1. ( 3n or rf0 I , Among er t :A i juries. 1 1 1. 1 ,.- 1 4. eLottie "3fy arduous Skil( Rlood well , i Destroy children. expel t. ir. D: utilise, l'ordiettle t hr _ tleil immuring, who English, using. have make health of broken the Ocbasion. digestion, -three confer 'the tence. • cGregor for ds and ssing, preparations, only fl by 52w. he discovery photegi:eph, nied'caf remedy da, tohtha.che, remedy- 1 at ggista ev. J1 j rs iee' .has ided,with McGregoes it for liver Is 912.5:.w.. • _ will stop, asthma, Indere , i ' the suddenly ing. tes : ieewinthy, Or I benefit." you e, bil eloele all irregularitieof s. 85. . ilow fail system heat Bitters as ad LoWor tmicker and Soap, Netiolial . liVOP r . , .1. win 41;11U desire it; th s recine, with I ill direetions Sent , re- mail namirq t is paper, Block Flo 1 ester, N. treG 1.11 talitigu, uty in German, French for preparing by addressing with NV. A. NOYES, 149 Y. 938-25 eow and Pills. the severities of sining,-involids effort to regerm their confinement indoors, sleep, the entire and the spirits have remedies are eqnal rubbed over the liver, aided by the his Pills, will rectify bile, and purify the Odell Will speedi- brace up thefaling muscles, and restore that great charm of Cerate is inn aluehl rheum, cute, burns, and purifying on with other use - to be as good. Carbolic. Cerde. druggists, Seaforth. . le,CIP.----,---- Ointment rted Seen; ely,-When yiekie to the genial a (let - mimed ; when' hrough appetite, a -id disturbed has been w akened, downlEolloways .4 he ()lament of the sa mach and acheinistr tion of regu ate the sanat rry actions renewe vigor, the flaccid ailing eh e rfulness, 912.52, . , 1 0-08---------- & Par a's Carbolic wounds, :ores, salt festers as a healing Do' not e imposed recommended • ..tleGiegor & parke4s Liunsden ' WilSon, I • of the instaetaneoue has been . work by a perfect for all unite aches , her:unease:re is c. Bed Fluid 25 cents a bottle by Seaforth -912.52w. process of quiekly followed in and nistantane- and pains, as neu- etc. This vein- Lightning, and is lanusden et; Wilson, 0.-Fdlis, Dutton, certifies: "For sonic wife has icen troubled with dyspepsia, tried on thing atter another recoil'. but li tle or no effect till advised to 4 pcedy r Cure a trial. . Since the first b. ttle I have not•iced a decided and can With -confidence mom - to be 0 e of, if not the best medicine d vspepsi t." This invaluable medicine complaiet indigestion kionev com- purely Ye ectable. Sold at Lumsden.a: drugstore., Seaforth. Trial bottles given , . Usef to Know.' one shoul ; know that Hagyard's Yellow give prou pt :relief ; .applied externally any pait ; and taken internally cures cr up, sore throat and most in - compla itts. 857.52.2w. -. iDang=, in the Air. . t chilling.- .rinds, the damp atmosphere (booked perspiration, colds are Hagyard , Pectoral Belson cures colds, aethina and bronchitis, and all coMplaints towards co isumption. 857.62.2w. I An Ek. ellent Report. JOseph 0. oodridge, of Brooklyn, N. Y., ''11 cannot ex-presamyeelf in: sufficiently term • of Burdock Blood Bitters have use for the past two yearawith 85 52.2w. i. 41)-41p. To .0. r Readers.: . . • Suffer •frOir headache, dizziness, back- ousness i r humors ,of the blood, try plOod Bi tors. It ie a guarantee cure the idoial, liver and kid- .52.2w. ' - A Gs OCr Record.. Arc many hous-and tittles 01 SW aim -lay in Canada, d to giv satisfeeti 1isne colds; and allpainf 857.52.2e . • of Hegyard's not onci has in It cum;Jo 'on - il complabitt and • . 404)- We as Ever. Howard rites frosi beeam- greatly c i rofession • (duties, supered ache and 1,ilionsne4s. with he most b ever." 85752.v. - i 1 Buffalo, N. Y. : ebilitated through from eansea, Tried Burdock -nefieial effect. Am the war Use . Fre Rinds of .......--- as or th nean's w rrms. oe--,----- 'yrup will ii any- i ;thing pil diseases, -.seep- Worm 864.52m. ot ' fl, use blood, y may destroy the Poe -dere, they - • - n Wm tli remove worms and mm rer inediehnr. 857. rash, all skin 857.52m. ringworm erup- Prof. Lows Sul - regulate stole- . Pills terrify :Ind bowe ...MORINM.CNIMMIF•11.1•MFMOOVIIMM.41•TRIMMEM100111,1•••• the a 857.52m. M-2DICAL. , • RS. ELLIOTT! Metes Royal Surgeods, Edinburan dee. afternoon, .0ffiee,-Itoya1 i . N, Paucefield, Li & GUNme College of Physicians and At Seaforth every Siam, - Hotel. 930, ! cDONALD, W. g.S..,-alSurgeon, end resfdence, that ehieon,-Auburn.. 1. ; M. D., C. M., l'hysi. At:cote:herr, &c. Office lately occupied by Dr. Hut- • . 78e ! G. ,,SCOTT, T i 9 and reside')c"e Boor ea r- . • - AL Acconehe South side t of the Prerbyterian D.,- &c., , Seal° • of Go , Physician'Surgeon, tilt Ofit. Office! and 'tench street, Second Church. 842 Wi te of Me., Se None as . . L'RUCE the Collets° foith, Ontario. occupied 5 OITH, 21.1. of Me -sedans be Dr. 'cc D , C. M., Member and. Surgeons, Ifiee and residence !coo • -- 848 Tell. _Li Tetoato College Office in first door Seaforth, MACKID, (la .. University, Of Physicia Cady's Rio east of Ontario.. te of Lueknow) itrel ns and , nit 11 'English N. IS S. RYERSON, S. E., he ...Studied t re Mercer al Assistant. 1, Moortields, .. Strret„TorOnto. • Gradeate of Mereber of. the urgeous of Ontario. ide»ce John Street, .Chureh Parsonage, 504 . THR OAT. Lecturer on the! Eye, College, Toron- Eye and Ear In- Rotal London and Centre! . , , 1,,. Eat to, firmary.' Ophtha Throat - 317 i !DR. l• it. C. and and R E A GEO. P., L. IL -C. Throat, Tri Surgeon to Late Clini siie Hospit ' nd E,ar •Hos4ital. Church • 1 Rush to the C reat Clearing Sale OF CHRIS MAS GOODS AT THE SEAFO • TH TEA STORE. The finest quality,of White Granite Glassware, Fancy Goods and Chestnuts G In the grocery department we can't be st can be had at almost Any price and qualit ster, Finnan Haddie, Mackerel, and all ki the cheapest. Our stock of Teas compris best grades. Green Tens from 25c to 75e, tea dust in stock. Also the Himalayan T per pound. It has stood the critical test and is worth 75c. Also Labrador Herring with heads off ; White Fish and Trout in stock. Dairy Salt and salt by the hal • el. lated Cornmeal, Rolled Oats and Wheat, oats, wheat, &e. Oats taken in exchange Poultry,Butter and Eggs. All are cordia over the town. f nd China Tea Sets sold very -cheap, and our stock of fts, will defy competition, owing to their very low prices. a8sed. Currants, Raisins, Prunes, Sugars and Coffees , o suit both rich and -poor, Also Canned Salmon, Lob ds of fruits, which are of first'quality, and -as cheap as Green, Black, Japan, uncelored Japan, anare of the Bleck 25e to The, Japan 2.5e to 50; Green and Japan a direct from India, in green, black and mixed, at 55e, 1 the Government analyist, who has pronounced it pure, i i half barrels and barrels, Lake Superior Herrings split, al/ barrels. Canadian and American Coal Oil always in Also Oatmeal? Granulated Oatmeal, Cornmeal and gram - our, and all kinds of feed, suoli as bran, shorts, middlings fer oatmeal at mill rates. The highest price paid for ly! invited to inspect tie stock. Goods delivered free all A. G, AULT, Seaforth. THE BIG MILLS, Aurora Quick Train Watch. SE/AO'ORTH. The above mills have now been thoroughly re- built upon the complete HIM:ARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. - The -Mill and Storehouse Buildings bar been' greatly enlarged, and new machinery epplied. throughout.- 1:11E LATEST- IMPROVED ROLLS, • -sAND-- Flour Dresting Machines From the best Manufacturing Firms have been put in, and everything necessary added to liable her to turn out flour rt3 EC 0 N Ei TO PiON In the Dominion. lihe facilities for re grain from farmers and for elevating and s have also deen extenstvely improved. Gr now be taken from farmers' wagons, es and loaded into carsi at the rate of 700 per hour, by the work of two men. eta - A LARGE' PEED ST CUSTOM °PHOPPI Has been put in, and the necessary niathin handling chop and coarse grains. A good shed has been ert'ected, so that 1 can be unloaded and reloaded under cover WHEAT- ELXCH-AN ' - Promptly attended to, and MST -UM ROLLER F GUARANTEED. OT_TSTOIVI Chopped satisfactorily and without del ROLLER FLOUR, BRAN, SHO And all kinds of - •CHOPPED FEF Constahtly on hand. Highest Market Price Pa' Cash for any Quantity Wheat. E6ng ipping 'ice lt id hels 4G ry for .agons Es The Best Yet. SOLD ONLY BY M. R: COUNTER SEAFORTH, ONT. This Company manufactures a complete line of full plate watches, from ordinary to the finest grades, for all classes of watch wearers. They are all made with quick train, and are es- pecially adapted for railroad and all ordinary and severe service. All made dust proof, have the perfect safety pinion, which prevents damage to parts in case of mainspring breakage, and John son's patent attachment to regulate pins, which, prevents hairspring from catching, an important improvement controlled by this Company The stem-winding parts are made strong and durable guaranteed as safe, more convenient and servicei able thanthe key wind 0113. The extra fine grade are made in stem wind only. Every watch i warranted by special certificate, which the pur chaser receives from the Company's Agent. Th number of Jewels in each watch (winch is en graved thereon) indicates the quality; pur chasers observing this are sure to receive th quality they cell for. The larger number o Jewels in the better ,grades also represents th finish, fine adjustment, and care in manufacture which produces more aceurate time and longe service. The qualities are divided as follows - ORDINARY.-e•Two.,grades are made of thi quality, engraved: 'Aurora Watch Co., Jewels." " Aurm a Watch Co., 11 Jewels!' • MEDIUM. -Four giades of this quality are eu n • made -two in Gilt Finish, engraved: "Aurora ; Watch Co.; 11 Jewels, Extra." Aurora, Watch ' Co.; 15 Jewels," and two in Nickel, finely finish- edeengraved "Aurora Watch Co), 11 Jewels.' " Aurora Watch Co. 16 Jewels." ]D FINE.--Xwo grades of this quelity,-ene 11 Fine Gilt Finish and one in Nickel,- engraved 4 • " Atiror Watch Co., 15 Jewels, adjusted" , EXTRA FINE, -Two grades of this quality,- ' one in Firte Gilt and mile in Fine Nickel, engraa, ed : -t‘ Amore Watch Co., 15 Ruby ' Jewels, ad - TR jested, -Aurora, Illinois." Remember Coduter's,, Seaforth, is the onle place in inc County where these westehes can be had. • M. R. COUNTER, d in Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller. f • ' APPLE BARREL . . INE, COARSE' AND LAB LT Fork SALE. Only first-class and 6bliging men will b kept 16 attend customers. The liberal patro ge of armers and general trade respectfully solie ted. - • 1 A. W. OCILVIE & CO PROPRIE1 RS. - THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND 1 , . i ri. 0. KEMP, Mainager. VETERINARY. . 1 • TT C.,DOAN, Veterinary Surgeon, Gr 11 or Ontario Veterinary College, T Ontario. Calls promptly attended to ni day. Veterinary meliehres kept constan hand. Office, Huron Hotel, Zurich, Ont. dude ronto, eht on ly On; 000 ; i f CEAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY. -Co rof 0 Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next doo to the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Opt. .1 11 diso eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of he.,flo-, mestieated animals, successfully treated et tho Infirmary, or elsewhete, oh the' shortest roicee • Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, Ve 'ere Waxy Surgeon. P. S.S-A large stock of 'V terinS ary Medicines kept constantly on hand 11-• IMPORTANT INFORMATI N -As As we ha-ve aimed bur attention parti ularly to the wanufacturing of the following imple- ments ,_ the farming community rimy clep nd. on getting universal satigfaction, %illicit is euaram-1 teed : Pitts' Hmeepower, from 2 to 6 iorse's, power: -Straweutters, reversible gear, vete latest' improvements; Chopping Mills or Grain Grind- ers, latest- improved pattern, will grind m 15 to 30 bushels per hour ; also Root Cutters Pulp- ers and Land Rollers at lowest prices hed !aver - able terms at the BRUSSELS FOUND -CORRESPONDENCE BY MAIL PROM T1,) ATTENDED TO. MONEY WANTED. Robert f The -People's Shoemaker, Sea - forth, wishes to notify all those indebted to him. to PAY UP AT ONCE, at he cannot carry on bnsiness without money, any more than he can- live without -food, Remember, pay ep at once, and ease your conscience. R. WILLIS, 8eaforth, 1 WM. R. WiLSO PROkIETOR. 9 MONEY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES BOUGH rpHE GUELPH AND 0.NTARI0 INVE5T- 1_ • MENT and Saving Society have an unlimit- ed amount of money to lend on real estate, at the very lowest rates Of interest with the privi- .1ege to the borrower of ,repaying a portion of tlie principal with payments of interest.. C. harges vereatory. Apply to Messrs. DENT et H eD(SE, Barristers, Mitchell, who are the autl orized Agents and Solicitors for the Soeiety. 0e5-t.f bated Nov. 5; 18e5. • 0Y2TERS ! OYSTERS 1 Seaforth Restaurant, WOODRUFF, Permanentlb- located in London, No. 163, Queen's Avenue, a few Doors east of Postonice. Speeial - attentop elven to diseases of the Eye; Bad Sight and the Preservation of Vision, diseases of the Ear, Impa•hed Heath ees and dieeharges from the Ear, diseases of the Throat. Chronic Inflamma- tion being a frequent cense of Deafness ; eases of the Nose ; Catarrh being a common cause of impaired hearing. 943e26 I T. HOT, 11 TORONTO. 04 A tZ P (Formerly of Sharp's Hotel, Seaforth,) ,PIZOPRIETORS. (WM Hotel, hi ch is si thated directly opposite, le the Union Station, has recently been refitt,d and refurnished throughout, and is now one of the best and most comfortable hotele in the city `.-'EverY possible attention paid to gueo her el melees moderate. • D. ' %J. CAMPBELL, pROVINqiiiiIt LAND SURVEYOR and Civ Enginiler. Orders by mail promptly 4 tended to. ID. S. CASIP1ILLL, Mitch Now that the season for *Oysters has op ened.1 would notify the Palle that can SerVe them MAR,P1-t;A- Cip with Oysters 4: ither in Shell, Cans or Belk -none - - but the best Baltitnore brand kept. . Prenah BOTI BOSS and -the hest American aim ISSUED AT : Canadian Confeetimiery always on hand. The best brands of Tobeeces and Cigaralb° in Stock. E N E Call and eeamine for your:telt-ea Hapet to Ti HUROXPOSITOR OFFICE serve poi. Remember the place, neet, Door to 'Reid and Wilson's Hardware Store, L.. SM.T2T1-1_ PROPRIETOR. SIDAF ()RTE., ONTARIO. wiTriEssEA .1tEOUIRE MONEY TO LOAN. l'ONEY TO LOAN, -Straight loans at 6 per In cent. Interestmayable half yearly, or 61 per cent. yearly, with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at any time. Apply to F. 1,10LMESTED, Barrister, Seaforth. 850 DENTISTRY. . W_A..'"I'S 01NT, TAENTIST, Faculty Gold Medallist and College GoIdMedallist,Toronto School of Dentistry. Rooms over Johnsons' Hardware, -Main Street, Beef orth. 911. TD. S., M. R. C. and S., of 4 1 . Ontario. Latest improve- ments in every line. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office, -In Ca.dy's ,Block, opposite Commercial' Hotel, Seaforth. Residence, -The Poplars, John Street, - 941 RemoVed I Rem8ved 1 G-6 0_ „MN57- • SEAFORTH "11 The Old Established Butcher has removed ta new premises immediately opposite his Old Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, where he will be pleased to meet all his old patrons and as many new ones as may see lit to favor him with their patronage. Remember the place, between Henderson's Harness Shop, and McIntyre's Shoe Store, MBAS Street, Seaforth. 898 • GEORGE EWING. E . CANADIAN BANK CF COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, TORO TO. • Paid up Capital, Rest, ,000,000. 100,000. PRESIDENT, HON. WM. MGALSTER. SEAFORTH BRANCH. • The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continueto receive deposits, on which interest is. allowed On the most favorable terms. - Drafts on ell the principal towns andcities in Canada, on Great Britain, and on the United States, bought and sold. Office -First door SOUTH of the hommercia Hotel. A. IL IRELAND, Maneeer. F. H0L3lEgTED, Solicitor 6E9 7-• This great -Household Medicine ranks amongst the ;leading necessaries of Life. •These ':famous Pills purity the Blood, and act most powerfnlly, yet soothingly, On : the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, giving tone, energy • and vigor. to these great Main Springs of Life. They are eon- fidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all eases where the constitution, from what- ever da -use, has become impaired or -weakened. They arewonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to females of ell ages ; and as a Gen- eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed. HOLLOWAYS OINTMENT Its Searching and Healing Properties arc known throughout the World. For the cure of Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and 'Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as sat into meat, cures Sore Throats. Bronchitis, Conghs and 'Colds. For Glandular Swellings and Piles it acts likea charm. In Gout and Rheumatism, it never fails to- afford relief.- Manufactured only at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 78 New Oxford Street (late 533 Oxford Street) London; teed soldr et is. 14d., 2s. 9d., 48. 6d., 115., 226., and 33s. each Box and Pot. 1M_, Beware of Am- erican counterfeits,--Pnrchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the addrees is not 533, Oeford Street, London, they are spurious 921-52 SEAFORTH PLANING MILL *ZASH, ritY.:R AND BLIND FACTI1HY THE subscriber begs leave to thanlc his nunien ousenetentlere for the liberal patrenage ex - fended to hinr since commencing business Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a continuance of the same. • Parties intending to build would do well to give him a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a large stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, • SASHES, DOORS, ,• BLINDS & MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LAW", &c. Ile feels confident ef giving satiflfaction to Mae eilo may favor him mith their patronage, as none but firsteclass workmen are employed. Pa. ticular attention paid to Custom 'Planing. 201 JOHN II. IMO DFOOT, London, Huron and Bruce.: COMO NORTH- Express. Mail. Freight. London, depart., 7.55A.1t. 4.50 P.m, 8.05 A. M. Exeter 0.13 6.08 9.35 Herisa.11.. .. 9,24 6.23 10,00 Kippen.. 9.29 6.29 10.09 Brucefield.. 9.36 6.38 10,25 .. 9.55 7.06 11.30 Londesboro 10.11 7.23 12.00 Myth .. 10.20 7.32 12.20 r. n. Belgrave.... 10.3o 7.47 12.50 Wingliam, arrive 10.50 8.05 • 1.20 - Germ SOCTH-- Express. Mail. Freight. se -Yang -ham, depart 7.20 A.m. 3.10 p.n.10.20 A.m. Belgrave..... 7.38 :3.30 1L23 Myth .. 7.54 3.46 13.47 3.55 12.00 4.16 12.45 e. M. 4.35 1.10 4.43- 1.25 4.48 1.40 4.59 2.35 . 6.00 5.30 Le»desboro e.02 Clinton ........8.25 Drueefield ------8.42 Kippen 8.51 Hiresall 8.58 Exeter..,.... 9.13 London, arrive10.30 • Wellington, Grey and Bruce. Goixo NORTH- . Aecom. Express. Mixed. Ethel ' 2.3.5 r. et-. 9,15 e.m. 9.15P.M. -.13ressels 2.49 . 9.29 - 10.00 Tlinevitle,. 3.05 9.45 10.35 Whigham : . 1.. 3.20 '9.56 11.25 GOING SOUTS- Amon. Accom. 3Iixed --Winghtun.... .. 7.00 A. -.M. 1L25 A.'.m. 7.50.P.,st. Blue -vale ... ,. 7.10 11.35 8.12 Brussels ' 7:25 - 11.55 8.50 Ethel.... .. .... 7.37 12.10. 9.15 Train leaving Witigharn at 8 p ,.11.. for Kincar- dine, rit»s on Moridaye, Wednesdays and Fridays only. . . , Grand Trunk Railway. - Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations an follows: C 01N G Wenr- _ SEAPORTS. Expre-is...- .. 2,40 P. )1. Expre-4i; . . , .. . . ... 8,58 p. Mixed Train.. .. 8 ISA. Nt. Goixo EAST -,- Express.... .... ....' 7.45 A. M. Exprees 1.45 P. m. Mixed Traiii, . ....; 5.301'. m. l:LINTOS. 2.03 P. 11. 9.15 P. M. 9.48 A. M. 7.25 A. M. . 1.05 r 11 4,15 r. Tip C. HAYS, Solicitor, ne. Private Money to _rth, lend at loweet rates of interest. Office - Corner of Square and West Street, Goderieh. 774 1 . LEGAL T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Omee- fi Booms formerly occupied by Carroll & Dickson, Meyer's Block, over Johnson's _Hard- ware Store, Main Street, Seaforth. Gederich .AgentS---CAMBRON, HOLT -& CAMERON. 870 ri ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solici- tors, Goderieh, Ontario. J. T. GassoW, W. PROMWOOT. 1186 CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, Goderich, Ont. M. C. CAN.880x, Q. C., Enure HOLT, M. G. CAMERON. 506 orrus E. DA.NCEY, late .with Cameron, j I Holt & Cameron Goderich, Barrister So - Helton Conveyancer, Money to loan. 'Ben- son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario: A. H. maexima, JAMES Scow. 781 "V HOLMESTED, successor to the late firm of JL'. McCaughey & Ilohnested, Banister, So- licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farms for sale. Office in Seott's _ Block, Main Street, Seaforth. IMPORTANT NOTICES, jOUSE IN EGMONDVILLE TO RENT. -To IA rent, that comfortable and commodious dwelling 'Anise in Egmondville, recently oecu- pied by Mr. A. Mustard. A good stable and all necessary conveniences in connection. Apply to THOMAS HILL.. 944 BULLS. -The undersign- ed keep during the present season on Lot 27, Concession 8, Hibbert, the -well-known Thoroughbred Bull, "Lord Wilton," which has proved hirnself a good and sure stock getter. Also the fine young Bull, "Sir George Gwynne," sired by " 60th Duke of Oxford" (46265); im- ported by Richard Gibson, "Merton. The deem erf this bull and the grand dam on the sire' e -side of " Sir George Gwynnit" was 4' Grand Duchess 27th," the sister of which was sold for an1,4/25. The grand dam on the other side Wee also im- ported, showing this bell to be of as good blood as can be found in the country. Teres. ---For 'Lord Wilton," 82 to insure; for "Sir Gem* Gwynne." 0, payable 14 January. DAlilD HILL, Proprietor. 944x4 VARM FOR SALE IN MICHIGAN. -The _12 Subscriber offers for sale his faim of 160 -acres, situated in the township of nem, Sanikie County, Ifiehigan, This farm„ admitted by those who have examined it, is the making el: - one of the finest in the township. The soil isu. day loam, and is well adapted to either grazing or grain purposes. It is about 8 miles from the thriving villages of 3farlette and Brown City, both on the Pont Huron and ,Saginaw Reilroad. There is on this place a young orchard; about 50 acres cleared, about 6 acres of wbieb is in wheat, and 20 acres in grass. There were over 80 tons of Ha3.- grown on the plaee this season. No 'buildings of any moment. Good schools convenient•• --which are :also used as places ,or - worship, Sufficient green timber for all prac- tical purposes, the rest of the farm is principally an old burning; have also 3325 owing to me, which 1 have bound myself to accept in Clearing on this farm. For further particulars apply to the proprietor, J. A. REDMOND„ •Gagethwn O., Tuscola. County, Michigan, or A. W. RED - MOND, Marlette P. O. 944x8 . EXECUTORS' NOTICE. In the Matter of the estate of the Ige AndreW The creditors' of „Andrew Hain-, late of the, Town of Seaforth, in the Comity of Burone de- ceased, who died on or before the 4-th day of August, A. D. 1863, are hereby notified to send by poet, prepaid, an or before the 15th day of February next, to the nndersigned .Beatly,Chad- wick, Blackstock and Galt. of the City of Tor- onto, in the County of York, at Number 58, Wellington Street East, Solicitors for John Hannah, the Exeeutor uuder the Will of the said Andrew Bally, their christian and surnames, • addresses and descriptions, and the roll particu- lars of their claims and accounts, and the nature of their seenritye(if any.) Aed this notiee being given under the provisicns of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chap. 107, See. S4, the said Executor will not be liable for the said estate and assets, or any part thereof to any person of whose claims notice shall not have been received at the time of distribution. Dated this 24th dayof December, A. D., 1885. BEATTY, CHADWICK, BLACKSTOCK and GALT, Solicitors for the Executor. 942-7 HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment 01VIPA_M\T-117-_ This Comiiany is Loaning .71/2Ionoy on F14,1111 fieenrity at lowest liates of Interest. Mortgages Purchased. SAVINCS 13A1'K BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and . time left. - OFFICE. -Corner of Market Square and North ;Street, Goderieh, 110RACE HORTON, Me N OkB InGoder!Pli, Aust 51,11,1885, 022 . SEt.AFOWtH Furnit u re Warerooms. If you want solid comfort call at -R o be rtson's, And bey one of those Celebrated Self Adjusta.ble Easy Chain!, repreeeeted by the above :cut. Be can also eupplY Invalid .Chairs and Carriages. _ lie' also sells the :west comfortable and durable RIG -33M13 That is insole. His stock of CABINET FURNITURE Is very large and Complete. Intending purchas- ers would do wea to give him a call before pur- chasing el.ewhere: Warerooms one Door South of Telegraph 011ice, Main Street, Seaforth. " M. ROBERTSON.