HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-02-05, Page 41886. VB EXPO ITO Y. lau" THE HURO OR FFBUARY after a few prelim- Ei, BUTTERCK & Cos comes in. It will. be'seen that thev had hae pleasure ih Welcoming o our rLks highest importance.. A' ood in- d to the Riel' uelltion,- and express- this a a former resident of Huron, who chair nd iary re- any -lion k wn to have been in. that neighbor- marks called upon Rev. Messrs. Hartley, Reliable Paper Patterns f or all i-inds of antple material* from which to choose is the GoderiA Star. In h lapt issue it p�ople think, and 'With reason, that the hope.that w that the rebel tley, bp tTaggart principal act whereabouts of Bluevale, Sabine, of Walton, and Misses" Boys, and - there ill such a thing an driving the had been suppres d aud'the looc�,,.although his ex AO 'old Children's -their commisioner or engineer, as there -says The ieduction of the size of His wife is' here�� 'Rogers of Collingwood, for addresses. m"ter of this pla4e recently chariot of legislation ti�edlessly fast, and participants in It properly' punished,' are unknown. at Garments, for sae by HOFFMAw Bpos-., I Excellent music was supplied by r due three year old fill. w Mr. T were over . thirty Applications. 'Only " County C&in6ilo-is onl be present, and naturally feels very anxi- the I Seafarth. y ques- thatitisbetter to aliowlthe plants ercy would xterideid to he half- choir, Professor Coutts presiding at th 4Golquhoun, of Hibbert, for SM. three- of 'these, however, came prominent- tion J ist now-, bat'. there 'a no doubt, ready in the ground to itake firm root reeds and Indiano.yet in cuisiodX. The one i o learn something definite concern * : . n drecentor'McAllistor leading f un irItends keeping h( and bear. fruit than to subject them to 1 nvase of this am.e dinent consists, of ing I !in, and for that purpose his com. organ,an lolquho ly before the coneil. These were Messrs. "We think -thit the ooun y's interests NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.. t This interesting gathering was brou breeding purpose.. L all Annual pulling up with the view' of (o'ure in an. l4tt6mpt to force a, vote Mun ated with parties in the west, bill git e We'll !Hardy,* of Exeter, Menzies of Clinton, L "would b eq�ally at nded to 'a seeing how fast they. are growing.. The Apon the issue &.4 to whether or not the has t received an answer. to a clo se by votes of, thanks to the Is eX W The ft-ure between the parenthesis after in 46at r Cou cil number -bills promised in the speech were those (xecution of Riel was justifiable, pa li adies, speakers and choir. It each !iaa denotes the page of, the pa and' A' sley of Wigha he two esent,.-'Aid the'� r a- r.'R. 116ekey, of Wingham, has I per on which 1- - S L our pected before long that the chr th -ertisem.entw b,@f d Little?g grist mills ijiTee ch �sf e of -the 4- gntlenien first named, -had ap e' for the formation of an advisory board mentary procedure not p1lowing any pur, age I ated -in a "one-half its present- rep sentation." Auction Sate—j- E. 3tc J connection with the� Agricultural f arther amendments to and will take immediate posses- fairs will be a mcabi� settled auda pall- Clure. (5) I be made. Mri, wat uleasant surprise at wE Auction Sale—Renry Ta,8 siilar.capaci before while members of An elective' Senate And a reduced In- The mill will be overhauled, tor called. parties th ,lor. (5) ty nCollege, for the auditing of the publi ff iora�ble gentlem ever in -this Farm for sale—B. y. Efflott. (5), th e council, andbad given good satisfac. County Council -ar*e bqth r forms which - c J'raser o ered the - lion an sion egg: —The Rev. Kenneth McDonald, lu had ook pit el up under n te Auction Sate of Horses—John.1 Rattenberry, (5) accounts of the Province,, for increasing I . motion somewhat similar to the one 6 tt ?a roc of Belmont, who was formally placed in Friday evening, J anuary 22nd, i Bull. for 9ale—johril McLean. (5) tion, and yet they we'rie both passed over are'llound to come sooner or later, and* the usefulness and effi�liency of Me- I iioved, but omitting all refereDee to the Mr. Little his purchased a rm., in notwithstanding the terribly PA Hair, for Sale-j-FxroRITOR OFP16J. 'by -present - appearances we should say chanies' Institutes,for- the amendment execution, but as this was not what Mr. Turnberry, and will take to farming. charge of the Presbyterian ll urx--h', As)l. Ir about sixty< of Oil -'o to accept n bers ndfriendsof Trinity,e] otice—A. Q, VaulEg and a;,lf'untried man selected. '-It ia'true field, the 14th ult., is a son -state of the weathe mond'q gobs. (5) the law relating to deceased persons' White was after, -he declined —The anniversary * services of h f John Farra in Grey for Sale—Georg. Avery, -Mr. Menzies only served in it will not be very lo)3g before both are em. the capacity French haff- Wirigham -Presbyterian church will be McDoual, of Glengarry. , The latte Farm for H" estates, and for regulating the extent of i J. Mr. White is himself a : k ossession ,of ibe residnce" 01 asthigs. (5) - - February 7th, when ent eman u Man too p INotice—C, Prouty. (6) of , road commissioner one, -or perhaps accomplished. the liability of employelis for injuries treed, and it might' be supposed tha held on Sunday, I i a Higliland Scotch [11 McClelland -and after getting cov, Satholic. He reared his family in h I TAst Huron Farine s'rnstituu. (5) two years, but be gave the beat of satris- suffered by their workmen. such a resolution would - come with a Rev, J. A. Murray, of London, will con bly settled Rev. Alf. ParkeproceetOi Notice—E. R. 0. Clarkson. (5) own faith, and they all a(lbere. to it ex- On Friday the speec 'ss, Wood I'Vanted—John. A Lame De I.Ce. )I �.vas taken into 1, etter grace from some other. quarter. duci the services both morning and read all address to Ml - Ma tic. 5) faction to the council while so employed. cept Kenneth, now the Rev. Kenneth Important Decision Ke ithome '&Co. (5) The Goderich Star flie ;o the rescue consideration by the Hollse, the. mover On Tuesday evening the debate oil tile ever ing. The anniversary tea meeting. compabied by a bew Mr. Hardy again, has acted in that M --Donald. The reverend gentleman New Arrivals—Edard XcFau (8) 0 will be held on the following evening. - of the address in reply !thereto being address turned set of silverware. Tile follo of its friend, Mr. John u -due, and ih Ontirely 'on the Riel pac#y ever since the system Was adopt- Mr. Hawley of Lennox,! an'd the see- question. Mr. M11owat expiDied the tac- — Last week a young man of the was educated in Toronto ullivt'rsitY and ca to address XPOS its issue -of lastmeek say mee of Algoma West. t1cs of the Opposition, w ibb. consisted nami)-of Bentick, of' RASA Wawanosb, Knox college. He was converted from ed, and during all that tim e we are not onder Mr. Con DEAR the- ine The11eform journals ol this county -the faith of his fathers when 2,5 years of are that a complaint was ever made Mr. Hawley is not new on the floor of simply in all at-tein'pt to was hauling logo to the N ikerb urn nd adherents of TriMt chnrch, desire to aw I Wag L the House, although he hits been absent - Age, and has Since then beell La, zea 7 been BOLSTER.UP THE CAUSE have gr�atfy' agitaed over a cir- mill . He had unloaded and ar you a slight acknowledginent of the blih e '111f i a Lj to his fell() n n -ent exemplary ie iber of in which you areeld, a�id to xpress our against him, and on the whole we are a w t es for some 'their friends at ttawa, and argued n his chains, when the log he had consist -n- o: u s tie Conserva iv time, and has seen some cai tiring devotion 5, 1886. di charg6d his g and rolled back oil the top of "un to you for your SEAFURTH, FRIDAY", Feb. bound to believe that he 8 -of the tow hi of Morri by Mr. John paign n . in his constituency since he s oigly that the! unloldge his the Presbyterian church. He- was or. ns I ex6cution of Riel was dained 11 interests of the church. ,jjxce you took r it 'in three places. I waa of the organ You have $boNrn by your UUMA r -A Ile ca to the min try i 1865, and A Police Magi duties faithfully, efliciently, and -with* Pil Pres F(gnt of the -local associa- lastoccupied his Parlianientary -chair. A a matter hig for,comment or leg, breaking tion�. The doeftnient was a straight ap- Elected to succeed the lat� Mr. Roe, he a -tion on the - p of the' Legislature, Messrs E Livingstone and J. for, two years nii.88i0n.Lry ammg the kindness and untiring dqvotio�a�zealeus I skill, and as an. old member of the counT Roman Catholics. the cause of Christ. While we know thal We understand tba't AMI James Scott, peal to zvote for -,party in -tile municipal was unseated oil 'ac6ount of soire ir-, r imoved, as it Wa entirely,out'of.,their a er have received the contra;ct for ny earthly praise, 3 t -would have' been',' a graceful C —The annual meeting of the Wilevale rear is1higher tbxn a -ou the wcon elections 'of 'tile t�)wnslllp, mild Mr. Pur'. regularities connected with his electiori, jurisdiction. The Attorney -General ex- bu ing the Blyth Woollen Mi 1, their fleel-, our privilege to offer i barrister, of Clinton, has been. appoit- act to ha ing $1,095. Several other gilt to__ ing ieces of silver, r verecognized big -services. by ue is roundly iab ised by the -Grit -or- and a second contest was necessary to pressed his full �comlrlianpe with- the ten e be cheese and butter factory broil �1nd: lieg of Von to be long' spa�'ed to �id us i ed Police- M-ai.,ttrate for the County of giving him the appointment.' Mr. Ains-. gans for i6tteniptinj to bring 'par 0 I- confirm him in his ti e I 5 c pool ion a en by iir. -`Bla�e at the Lon- tenders were made, ranging from $995 gether between -00 dild 300 of and,,vhen our praises are nded be Huron, M-. Scott has be6n solicitor for ley may be, -and we ties into a firiiiiicipal contest.-' The constituency he represen s, which in don banquet viz. I that a 14rge mass of to $1,300. The contractors propose to patrons. The special object of the meet- no doubt low may We- have is, a oin the iingelic throng� Mill 0 e. de the Scott Act Association in this county; principle is .6ert days gone by sent such men as Bidwell evidence had been suppressed or with- piroceed at once with the work of erect- ing being the making of final arrange- ainw-ing thepraises of Chribt oprSaviour. t, I y r. I - - i very good man. We hope lie will prove. but Mr. Purdues reply to hi assailanU ana ii-erry t'o look after its interests in h Id by the Golverilment- at Ottawa, in ilig e building. ments for the building of tile proposed on behalf of the cngregation. and allhough a young man,aild compara-- himself more than worthy of the con -e cust Inar -through the Winuhh'm 11ines �Rn'd Sea- Parliament and fight the ll�ttles of their the absence of which it was impossible — Mr. C. Avery of the London Road new faoory. After th o Y read! . !PRIOL7oft, J -d B . ut it is a very 4.w . at he fias sev- country. Mr. Hawley is; an easy and to for well-grounded opinion on has vehted a rather ingenious con,�ri- ence re forth EXPOSIT611 -Wh Sil' In -. replied tivelly lexperienced, he i no doubt, ing and a opting of reports and election r. C� M-Leclelland Jx g osed ih I bm. 'cers, sche mes -for If niany pa s of the7subject. The discus. van(e for holding fence r0s in posi-I maike a Just judge. Iii got couner to 'responsible and 'im portant position., And eral good precedents on tile other,side of careful speaker, and devoted himse rt ;ion of all the old of -H raia- Alf of his sister, Anil although taki 'the house. He re inds . them ofjhe lar . gelytoexposing the now well-worn sion was participated in by Messrs. and has taken out a, patent for the same. ing the necessary fun(Is required for the expressed. wishes of tile ec 8 I The surprise inade a very nice speech., was a dan ariment eat in the Signal 'of Deicember 21,. clai a of Sir John as a �reat constif u- Meredith, Fraser Robillird, young, The fence is built straight, and ss it, building purposes wer on idere( gerus expe app ev ia ',the Scott Act Assoc lation., ening -,v" spent v�ry plea rifly just one a ank follows # the �Iuotation- tional lawyer. Mr. Conince, in follow- aj id others upon both sides, I% noteworthy ic, redings, recitations d and a for the conicil to pass over a . true and 1883. [Flere only requires a few moments to ad dopted was to borrow tile reqa1site Taus laxgelumber of the -ratepayers as shown' t the Fastener it will prove very use- al"Ount and apply the yearly dividends ried man., and take one who ie, practi- which apeared in Mr. Purdile's letter.] ing, caught immediately'�he ear of the ft ature being an attempt by Mr. Mere- tU tbe we sma? bdurs. by petitin,the Governilielailt have assurn- And lie says plainly that', at , meeting Hbuse. Confining himself almost ell- dith to fix upon.thesuo Rr-ters of the fill in the erection of fences. of 12 per cent. now paid to stock holder,, LoCALITIF-i, —Tb eimay aeGUSillb cally, untried. But councils sometimes p of. ,tbe� sha'reliolde.r of the 'Blu,evale tirely to the allusions made -in thespeech, Government the o4ium of syrripathizing The Goderich -township council to Paying off the (leot incurred, whichit ed a. very grave respznsibility, and on*, of Mr. Walter Alli�on will be 0 do strange things, and this as municipal is expected it will do in five years. A well all cheese fhctor*y in il 84 t4ey raised the from tile throne ti, the Boundary Award, with tile rebellion�a charge which was bavc fixed the salaries of their 1 that he ia -slowly improv" the consequence of which they'may learn yet 'the former appoititment alluded to, may watchword, and drove. every Cbriser- he delivered -aidanii-nated address point- Adgoroui4 and uninimously repudiated. officers for the current year as follows : number of tenders had been received Thor. Nixon has i%ntea part Of'. If,, however, the r presentatives clas- ed in that category. vative'from the Board o irectors..' H W4ite's amendment was Clerk, $110; treasurer, $85; assessor, from contractors for' the jb� that of My. be 8 f c ing out among other thhigs, tile great Ili the en(i Mr. �ilding occupied bl him to some bu North and 0" might have cited �also ill 3 r 70; co ector, $75, and auditors $5 Welsb, of Belgrave, for $1,729, beingby f q 11th R�ron a 8- cent con. injustice -chants fro - re sati which has been done to tile set- lost by 4 vote of 45 to 33, Messrs. Balfour -8 Mr. Wrn. Wakefield was ap- $200 the lowest, the contract was ni Mitel.) a store, bul test in McKillop for -t ie reeveship, tiers in the lately -di%pu ted 1 territory by and Neelon v with the Opposition. each nearly Red, we no reason to mplai 9 not Pa. g expenses as the inerd 'Enf when the work of the i g d amendient, was immediately p here can 1d all the b Po bircement of the Scott Act. Grit wird-pullers the long delay in grant u them a title A secon ointed assessor by the casting vote of awarded to him. The public, in soine way or other hae us Arty all the WRY th r0ll`h�' It is to their delay for Which Sir moved by Mr. F aser, disclaiming any the reeve and J. A. Ford and J. H., r. Thornas'Jackson, sr., werellaut to be done, and tl),e,y sell b Was, p c eap� A report by way . of Ottawa -says Mr. al in -Times Po pinion in the Holilies, auditors. c de fi o the but, fair to say the and Ex' siToR John Macdonald and the Conservative authority to ex ess an o tailor and clothier, of Clinton, has re. Mowat will enforce - :e S' literary society heI4 - in T Police Magisrate, more, w believe than -th cott Act aer repudiate tile" $ign4l as not having party are wholly responsible. Mr.- Coil- ml,tter of the re -ellion, but holding out —Mr. Alex. Forsyth, 4th line, Morris, tired from business after having been increasing ill uuinb�rs, and thei all. He should have done it long ago. spoken for their paty, but we fail- mee is riot' one of those who 6ontend that a ope that mercy might be: shown the has leased his farm, for a term of years, actively engaged therein for over3thirty enterta,ininents are more v will be realized, As a -res disappoint- It is stated further that he will first, ed to 6b-sery -it journal in the new territory is a barren waste, and linqu6nts now n prison, which was to' a man from Minto township.- Mr. ye e that an dc aro, We are pleased to learn that he rowds coMe f< ilia a Scott Act Bureau." This- the county took excel,,tion to the it may safely be predicted� that under carried i by a vote of 47 to 31, Mes rs. ov -11jems as there is i men ent lestab nsue, and the Gov6rnm Y esting so that large ri6royth will rein e, with his family to i,; able to retire %nd enjoy the fruits of dist I . once to att s -niade s an tbe good talnt will gef the blame. But, h d they ffice -for some worthy follower, Signal' . litteranbes a the 6vie they ap- big able trusteeship the interests of hi Bidfour* and Neelon s labors. The business passes; into A bureau is. not 'necessary. Let Mr. this time casting where he has -an excellent 'j.i' :peared. We condemn 101r. Purdues� constituents w*not be allo%Ved to their voter, with tile nment. The to the appointment that �, asked for so Mowat app, 6over farm; He djes not purpose saying farre- Lands of his two eldest sons,.'Will an(i went - Toledo to atle-nd the funeri oint wide. awake license' in" circular, but doiibly- do we condemn suffer r eredith's reply was main- ad dress was then p,).ssed well to Morris f 'rever, but expects to Tolm, who arnalgamate the two biis� of her nepliew, Wahier Hartford,. universally li�y the friends 4 ibe Act, as spectors and order theni.to,work- as dili- -nd will conduct it lluder tile - week. —The largest jui those juurnals� who are n1w protesting ly an atlenipt to show that congratu- OTES. return -in the course of a few years. e nesses, a procei ntly against well as by the representaives of the violators of the Scott Act "he new fa t have bf Y t ces Iiis session are had heavy crops in the west last year. firm name of Jackson Brothers. It is -me passed, through . BeIg _only becausetbey on beaten at lations indulged in b the' Governmen for some ti 8 they do in Crooks Act counties Against people, they woul(f have done their duty their own game. through the- medium of His Honor's of Alr. Ferguson, o� East Kent, and Mr. 'he Ashfield township council have scarcely necessary for us to say that the on Thursiday last to Bramlon's cen-l( bries who have not violated the -law. and -w�ould, at the same tilde, have freed As to the extract from the Signal., we 'speech were not well-fout1ided, an at- Cournee, of West Igom4. Mi. Fergu.� deci( ed to pay their officers as follows: new firm start at once with the confl- 4 to pay th last tribuie- �of -respect to So sa ery lerk, $120 ; treasurer, $80; assessor den e and esteem. of the public. Both Q W. LwvvreDe, died SID; SUAA s the Toronto Mail. It is v teiript which resulted unfq'rtunately to sori succeeds th late Mr. . McCraney C C themse.lvea from responsiblilliy. The referredto it in ourreply to Mr. Pur ib with its advice as himself, as it left hirn open to a coni. wile, dieo sud I and collector, - each, $80 ; auditors, are energetic, pushing., live yA)un 'a family Of 9 to e eliforce- den about a year ago, g bugi- oil T due, and neither'be nor I is . apologist, plete exposure by the AttorneyoGeneral, and is very populai in his costi h '$10, and deputy returning officers, dark- horse" that t rrlm,nt-bae 'ment of the Scott Act, now th at it sup-' tuency eac ness men, who have already etablished small childien in a fond fatber's brought to the front,. May,. therefor be the Star, have ybt had ti e courage to who folio , wed hini. The Opposition which 'returaed':Ii " b acclamation. -each. $10. Win. Kilpatrick has been irreproachable reputation, an wh a synpathy of the LIM an -They have th4 -poses the duty falls upon the Local'Gov- thef mearis of briing them in even attempt to*' refute tt. e statei leader's speech was, in fact, one of de- Mr. Conniee, tile �seconTer of the ad has big I ore kicks i ruents l - appointed assessor for the current year have the vim. and energy necessary to neigh borhood. —A. Way ernmen. it was not so ready with its fence, not one of attack. He excused, dr go, ls�of Irish extiaction,'was an ex- and Jamp-s Brown collector Messrs. keep their well-established busines to store lilled up now, nd - t pr"enl than credit. : 1 - we then made.- With regard to -the apologized, and extenuated, and 'made tebsive �:colltract on the Canadian RobertA,, Carrick and MorganDalton the front. at xtive appearan un oAl advice and admonition, boWeveir, when Bluevae cheese' "'factory .business, we as good a showing on behalf of Sir John Pacifte Railwa a d is a man in whom were, appointed auditors. the responsibility of the enforcement of Y1 —It is now the geeral impression the increase of bud-ness in ther: bt. Pearso a 100 usy U Two Important App6mt en-ts have beard of it for.the fii st time --from. and" his (Xovernment as was. possible native ability in e than compensates n has purchased litnes he als is b M the Act rested with tbe'Do million Gov-- that the `Wigbam salt well has proved stock now to enable him toPurcha-s the Star, and in view of the existing under the circumstances, when he W for the wapt of a, superior education. acre farm, lot 23, concession 5, Gi The most im- portant item, i. of business erriment. We have no"means of - kn' a failure. . After going down. fifteen balance re ow- quired to All up for -the sl transacted by the County Counci facts it is a very1iiinprobab e -story. 7 It on hand the task of explaining away the Mr. Hawley, Lenn)x, Mr. Drury, East from Adar.n. Pollardi paying $3,500 �or hundred feet, a pump was procured-Varld I at the what the inten Lyon, East Algoma, ame. Tbi pumping -bas been for some trae.—There has bqen more dry 1119 successive defeats of his leader in the Sfincole, and Alr. the S s will make the Pearion tions of Mr. Mowat's going on is not at adl li.kell'v' -that a people who do esdheats, streams bill- boundary and, have all been elect Dd during the recess family the -�ossessors of 500 acres.— wood brouglit in tb-is winter here, meeting last Week wern the appointment Government are in this matter. We do I I I - time, the brine being tested as it eatnq� nspector f Solith Hur with- liquor license questions. Mr. NILeredith but all three have a t for their respectiv' Chas, Dobson sold his 100 acre farm, lot �an be shipped as it is impossible t, of a Scho6l I or not permit politics to interfere e from the well. For a time it woiild in- C - On, know, however, that if the undertake cars, and London is- �tbout filled up I Y laimed for the Opposition the credit of constituencies befo e.' It is a notewothy 19 oncession. 3, Grey, to John Me- dicate a cb-ttain per Rentage -of Salt, but, and the appoinmeri-tof a coun their municipal appointments, as in- c COm- t e' enforeemen of the' Art the work having Iasi "ssion su'aaested two of the fact that the five bye -elections which Carthey, whose farm adjoins Mr. Dob- wood.—'Alr. 'Daniel 'Bark- ley-, wbe h TAISSIoner age it -to; suervise the erection and stariced by the fact that T arriberry &I- instead of keeping -up this pier cent be - r, o er our y will not be done in the perfunctory man- measures mentioned in the speech, and a have been -held sin(e the last -meeting of son's for $4,200. Air. Dobson has gone en in inuip If 'L eg would get weaker, thns iildicatig that repairs of county bridges, and look after though largely Reform, has a Conser�va- self-satisfied smile passed over the faces the House have 01 resulted favorably to Kansas on a prospecting tour. returned oil Friday b'st. He` says: rier A was under the Doniinion (4overn- there was not salt in sufficient quanity. ! —The union Sunday School conven- l -c is other pithlic works aud improvements. tive 'Reeve and Clerk, an , for aught of his followers as he did so. flis allu- foi the Government. a cold eiy.—Jos.. to marrent any. further investment, It thipping several c. As cattle. ment. We are perfectly safe in prbdict sion to the on. Mr. FrAser appears, to have ti011 lf�or the.. county of Huron will be has been tical For the first position there were f our we know, other 0onservative municipal tbought all alon:01, by prac C, VOLU' TEE deriLble benefit from t'� ugliam, if not outside the that they - will not permit their SERVICES OF THE Its derived &onsi he reld'in Winihain on Tuesday and Wod- mers shoul(l sell wbile 'they applicant s, but only two. ot 'the ,in came ing officers, would introduce politics into d6 ing the late rebellion, referred to in ea-voyae wh men, that Wi _Presbyterhan tea mteting -i!us I England, salt trata, *as just on the extreme cacials t6 deliberately - ;violate the. ich ok him to' nesday, February 23rd and- 24th. :The before the Council.. These were -Mr. 1, ere ce ided. materially in fi ession� Nvi in tile tened and proved A:succesa m ever' the directorae of a cheese f' etory wh complimentary terms b' His -Ronor was wl ere his rut laay's s *11 be held spirit and, letter of thelawbyiss Y edge, and that this is mst- likely the Turnbull, of Clinton, and Mr. Tom, ulng it coiald not ma'ttI,r in his happiest mood, and' the aniend- th, victor before the Privy Council in Methodist and th6 second day's in the spect. Tbe.procced,� anilquilted to. Of dru; a picayin I e in a po- Y case, is evidebeed by the result 'Of ts', licenses to 'ex-botel-keepers ment which he proposed to the address thi liquor license qiestion. reh $$4, hquiilatin- the 44b� on 99is I . I . Tile honor- resbyterian chu' Sunday Scbpol the IT Strathro,Y. Mr. Tom received the. ap- litical sense wh ; er the officers were pumping. About $2,000 have been ex- in full. -Two s1eigh-leads of and liquor deaers as was done byh e- speaking'of the -patriotism and valor of ab e gentleman speaks with all his ac- workers from all parts of th t y-, orm. Y d this amount is gain, as to the permanent forces and of the vol -un- cu tomed vigor, an will be 'present and take paret 191 pointment by a, majority of three; votes, 'Dominion , offieials in Conservative or Ref looks better all �:n he people from Belgrave drove to I pt for the this county, nor th virtually a dead 'loss, qxc Ust Friday evningi And spe "the recent Coll teers from the other Provinces, was he as done for sorne sessions past. proceedings. I We are still-- of the opinion that Mr will they pay their inspectors salaries for test. in McKillop for valuable experience The. work gained. hours with the Rev 4 F. Parke i tl- osi- t is not usua Turnbull was beat. enti e o tb the Reeveshi' .-the Star must have - heartily concurred in by the Attorney- The prospects are for a short session, to see live snakes *in ens openly winking at infrab,tioins P General. The tone of the Opposition notwithstandin e wint r (al though some people was prosecuted at the exp e f the rectory. of the law, tbe fact that the Oldbat lmagiue� at' tion and that he should have b town. e,n p- been misinfoime for we know Of leader throughout, it must be said, was onZ time they do,) but a few days 0, and laughing �nd jeering at those who e address is b ing prolonged. The pointed. Re has been, a resident of i many of the oldest and sta nehest Re- —After a lingering illness of several mild and even conciliate , and if the aci ual work of legi lation is not likely whex the theripometer wa's down ar ae honesty.trying to enforce it. ry months, Mr,,, Archibald Kennedy, the match game -of We the county for many years,, mid' has -won formers in thle to�vnship who voted for deliberations of the ses'sionsare carried� to be large, even t e number of private Zero, a water snake, nearly three eet FooTBALL.—1 ar plad they e gilty of, these or any such well-known and -popular hotel -keeper, ball between* -a &ub Of th-1 e aa,( on in the spiritin which they have been bills being somewhat less than long, was killed oil the farin of Mr. for himself one of the highest. positions the -present eevi -iough he is one of R usual. w �on Satul 0 ill be tim e enough. for the' opened, the change will be an -agreeable There seems to be ia gener It of Clinton, pas ed ever to the silent from No. 7, was he.is in 'other re- IN - I al desire to John Avery., London read, Stanley. in the prefessiGn, and lail to in the leadin Censer tives in'tb majority The result was a 0al in fa -y -or of I 9 -va e luni- lulge in its caustic cri,ti one. lr. Mowt, whose labors during gea through as q6io4ly as possible, and had drwled out of a crack in some ice early on Tuesday morning of spects eminently quahfied for the office, In the meanti e it c cipality, a!nd tile Deputy R eve, who is the recess do not seem. to hAve impaired as there is still ;could not get back again. One last week, at the age of 55 year�. ' His boys.. Tbe clu W;�v cam-pose(l. m all better employ another session before aud an it is scant encauragenie�t for teach- a Conservative, w�as­ no' hii health or vigor, neatly punctured the Ulf natural life of 'the present Le is- was killbd the same day over in Tucker- ailment wasancer in the throat, and of school boys. 4 mina ed by one s' 9 it& ammitilition by turning it s guris upon ef reten ions 6 the 0 Smith. although everyth--�Ing pos!,ible was done DxAvu.—Nme are �orry this ppositioii to credit latire comes to an end, there is not the We( era to persevere and attain to emine R orm Councillor. and secor'ded by an nee its own friends. t 46 'h of I for his relief, it was a foregone conclu- record the aeat %ro Tjohn- inT, In their conduct to-. or havingsuggested tile measures spoken Sallie temptation ol tpake a record as —On Wednesday evening of last en 11 ihvs be seen' in their profesaion if -*Yb 6ffices of thi other. It wi is -%6rds the, Scott Act it will find ai.11pl hat the of -by Mr. Meredith,by pointing'out that there will be next 8�ssion. week the Bible class of Knox church, 81011, from the first that he could not re� which took placen. iiTuesa last. e ory is even more im- lewve e -suialt (Zoderich, visited the residence of Mr. j. cover. He was a resident of the courity. a a huaband al th-re. kind areopen to. them their claim. s are Star's McKillop st' sirnil6w ones were to be found in the Uronfo, Februar 3ro, 1886. scope for adverse criticism. As to the EuLglish statute book,- and by declaring for many years, being at one t the youngest -of whom is passed Qve'r for non-residents, whose probable than its Bluevae one. % iller, their former teacher, and ime eim F. If the Mail's staement that Mr.. Mowat- should ih*at it did -not seem to him to',require a gaged in farming and also being em- three weeks ol:d- Mir. Campbell bA. claiinis a -re., to say the most, tiot sqperi6r., Star cannot do b�tter': than -this for its les ted him With an address, and a Huro rJ r the late A. Bay, when that altice-re �Oyrftp have enfor d the Scott Act '1013g, ago," great effort of intelle Notes. �'e handsome fruit ployed unde Atby f! the conimuni4 jet to � Mention a dish, and Miss pcotege it had better leave him, to couple of statutes already in "existence. of Benmiller' had Mar Miller with a beautiful jewel For,, althouh Mr. Tom is -a inative of it il gentlema his Sad bereavlem i y Y a little bit of imp�rtlnent W. Han n Was County Suvyor, DLllr- oved own to 0OTS.— the conty., he has not -tau'ght in flo'under out'of th -which he The Attorney -General- cleared tbE misfo case.' Mr. Miller was an arduos ingthe oil boom, hL Mr. `Wm. 13roadbent, iti-nature for wbich there is uoexcuse. e iless, Ili away the Anne get a finger nearly Petrolia, -but not making a JU&y the Pa8t two weeko, bat b4�en tat coulity, nor has he been a, re -finds hims6l.f.as beat he can. excuses and palliations with which Mr. bitten off trying to iieparate a couple of worker for the - class, and Miss Miller of it It knows very well that the. McCarthy s keep- Meredith had surrounded the action of figliting dogs. Nvas the organist conducting th trike, he returned tohis county friends around Harl6ck, ha retarm e singing. for in . yeairs, and a the time � his Act, lWhic ing hotel at Holmesville for -some time, his home I -n OMPI. was passed by its friends, e ard to the --.MLrs. oad —Last week, Mr. Robert Martin, of finally Settling doWn 'I the Northwest, acc , Cl ppGlotineat he resided in S-trathfoy. took fi wee. moticed tf defeat of various matters hitherto in idispute be- Hullett,.is seriously ill with d se o' II, mother. —Evr sin" t.he islii WE last k tb ' Federol Premier in reg Glew, of I the Huron R n Uto. Ir. M.owat the power to e4- isea f the London ro' d sold his splendid stal- and by hu We believe tha when app�iutment 3 of tile Conservative JGLO�erriment in Ell' He was on particulary good terms with I e nU ersf teaM0 force the So g- tween the Province and t e and her, recovery. is hardly lion Prince of lVales, to Mr. Job commence. larL h; Dominion, the heart, n ot Act, and that it is onl the farming com kav�e been busily ipmployed �(Ira this kind are to be made,!other things Y 16rid.. Since then Mr. -('Tlad'stone' has -ill all of Which the bitter hostility dis- exlected. Litti of Hullett m unity being warm- -s si played by Mr. Meredith's chief had been --Mr. A. McGre6r, of Tuckersmith, tool-, from this horse has sold at very hearted and generous, and his hougeWaA Fat; plac� to be wqea I a few Week ice it was 6clared "legal been called on to 'form - a G overnment the mt arns! i thwarted. Contrary to expectation, the ne� r Kippian, is having the material lad high r. Little will, ',no the favorite resort of manyf this class. of i being equal, the preference sholl,14. be b the Privy Coancil� and th ti�y bank b Y at it is -not -i he has not yet complet his gures, and re to be ur farnierr. di given ta our own m Thi hould 'be bu task He leaves a. Wife and t-Aro sons and a built by 0 Opposition would not allo* the address do, m for the erection of a new brick doll do well by his purchase. Ur. yet repealed by the' Dominion Parlia- What the policy of the new Govern- to be passed at this stage, but 'left it to resence e of the London road, last week doubly considered, when 89 I in this. in- MeAt, and tha consequently Mr. Mowat daughter, (thelatter being Mrs. Black' -the com ing season. W-1 I atance, the advantage in.. palification ment ,will be has not yet been announced. bB further discussed on Monday, Mr. - -On ionday of last week, the wife bou . t two geldin' colts, one and two all,) to mourn his 'loss. He was. L1CrU`R'X--Re`- N -11. Ball could u A have enforced the Scott Act Morris moving the' om Mr. buried by the Foresteits on Thurs liver a lecture in the Hu Anct experience is all iIX r of adjournment of the of Mr. George Hunt, .Stapleton, while years old, got by this horse, fr -c , on es 1 ay, prox.0 h ej long ago " even bad he been ever so OUR TORONTO'LEITTER. - debate. in e discharge of her ordinary house- J. Bud ansai, of Grey, for the in� the proce#61031, ur ity of. e Council, sum of the Town Band lead Men -of the War aw ]low they Fou ktoine man. A Major Mr. Morris'speech was mainly devot. ho duties, fell d dislocated her $300. which was very -large. g; anxious to do so. We m ay also state, isre mething I tiow-eyer, 1.ave seen fit to aird all ed to a dTfence of his action wl as arni. —11s Mr. and Mrs. McPhail "and This is expecte. to be PAO 'li'ql(l the inspectors which Mr, Mowat Th6 third* session' of the filth Legisla. - commissione ien, and as the proceedig iire to go tobe, theiii cons deratias, and h1ve selected x reprbsenting the Dominion '--Alr. Warren Wlender, of Clinton, (laughter, of Porter*s Hill, were return- —Mr Mrs. port of th Sabbath [School, it is h � )into —if he does appoint ture of the Province of C ntario was . and ydox c�le V( —en- I -Government, he n6gotiateil certain lost the end of the second finger on the ing from Bayfield Fridaynight 22ndult the nGn-resident who '-as ihe least-. any, duly and 46TInally ed on Thurs- treaties with he ndians, the terms of right band a fe a ago 'by. having it in tile storm they got stuck fas' brated their! silver wedding at Carltell there will be a gooll tu-m-ou. I e"- force the Scott Actas effect ope� t I w day ually as the tin asnow West, near Toronto, the other evening. perience, and who, has latt who remain away wia� nntloubtedly� ed* the least inspectors under the, Crooks'Act tired day, 28th January I lalt, in premce of which have recently been attacked by taken off with a bolt cutter. drift. Mrs. McPhail had to go on. her Among tbe.guests wao Father Shea, wke a treat. see eminence in his prof.. -s Hon. Win. McDougall. The'lio orable --Wm. McCutichbon,! well-known in band and knees a considerable distance had solemnized the marxiage twenty-five RT. But, al aw the usual host of..civil and ecclesiastical ScmooT, Rim —Tb e f ollewing the enforcement of that I the most gentleman also entered a plea foria, more 'Grey township, intends makinu t ge; help. When help arrived it was we a ion of the suortersof the Act, wi home ill Listo his o though conderrin I he A ardent U not dignitaries and the customary- nrray of 'liberal treatment of the aboriginal popu- Wei, where he has the impossible to get tile sleigh out that years before. The symbolic metal was staudbg of the pupils of H Council, because we believe they did an represented in - various and beantiful for the month f January and it will 9 9 roes an, ha- fashion and beality-L There I g a grow* lation, and contended at SoffleL len th in agency for Abell's agricultur I imple- night, They got the d Mr. y cause for- complaint, in a istiustice to Mr. Turnb x1l, Mr. TOM is in L V Rn tendency to smile at the state behalf of the Indian title to' lanis cover- mei ts. and 'bliss McPhail safely"too I a neighbor's. forinsin the presents. senior—lat Phoebe llen, 2na J� cere- Fourth take more than the'il-timed 'Sneers of I Steven* Ao Way responsible for that, In so far ed by L these treaties. Mr. Morris "may --Ivlr. Jas. JackWn, of East Wa- If the frost had bben seveie they w —The Canadian Granite Company, has p& for- ould iiiie the -Allail to convined the public that the monies which custom cribed lot Mary Flannery, '2nd Mi Y have been right in his contentions, but wanosh, has let the contract for building have had a terrible ti lately. established- in as he ia concerned he gamied the position d me: ; as it was, Ottawa, have their this occasion, and the -and- Emily Tasker, tie, 3rd Jh , - feeling is wi e- he should address himself o works in full operation now. The do not faithfully and impartialy per�" n -this point hndsome brick residence to Messrs. they were aliliost:exhausted. - -honoraly., and whie we believe his op- 'Thiril orm thei.(i ty. sprevA ., that the. troops of cavalry and to. the Domi r Y —Two sons of Wilt. Pollard, of ite is taken from the Kingston beds; -lot Martha, �'Leiper, %2nd R nion, and riot to the On del'Xill & H6w, ol, of BI tb. the gran 11 companies of infatry, the -Garrett, 3rd Alex. Reid. Second ponent better entitled to it than he,none -c nns and tario, Government, as it is a 'atter quite --Mr. Andrew" Key and for richness of color � and high finiab In $,of the. Babylon 6th concession of Gre- who have been 41 Wm. Leiper- 2nd ar Staples' n , Stanley, h Y r. Fraser fol- Li as let the contract for i re getting could blame hll for doing the best he the gold 'lace, which usher* the ses- foreign. to the latter. M � far excels thi�, Nov's Scotia or Aberden n D kota aout a year, w, Joseph Garrett, tie", i 3rd Agnes sion, detract frorn.irather, tl an add to, lowed, con6ning his attention principali. the erection f a -new house to' a n well. Rufus is working a farm es and could--, for Miore than ths, Around. the real dignity of -the Legial 6ture. The ly -to the Mr. R. Heywood, of Clint' g other stone -are cut and p eparcd for nd Lancelt Task�i tie. Firt f rorp. Caming' stone. B ides granite, marble brick all we can learn concerning him, we be- few. years ago when Tur. on. -- bleolonj ing to Thosh, Maunders, and Henry —Jst Agnes Reid t -Ind Andielia, --On Wednesday last Mrs. S. Bow- an joining farm. After 'paying' 11 A E-xpo�nTou Provincial Parliam6rit. is entrusted with woop. Limxsis QuE sT16N, a building, monumental r ental �ornam and 3rd E. Rogerson. hev.e the council have n-lacte a,good choice, firt -agitated for We n r of many important matters -higher uthori-by other purposes. first- jui '&Tfort has a and capital, and abolitip or re- on which there is no 6; in deii, of Goderich, hail one of her fingers tei bts they have 500 bushels of oats, The company has T-4ylor, -rd A. I affecting closely he Ho�se. Consider Flannery, -ad I aad thatt' he will the positio 11 the welfare and bappi- t mloutated owihg t� the effects of in- 4 00 ishels of wheat, and three yoke of ablifidant enterprise n, Avith c6 sructiorl of the" Senae 'there -was ness of the commutifty, and lean easily i 'r som -been ext�acted by Mr. flammatory r'lleumatIsin from which sh edttle son. o time e The boysl had very� little money can be relied upon for the beit of work to the, rl�t a, single paer he Canada and not a afford to stand -on own merits and Mer Y, PRAgMiTATRM.�—On Tuesday ev ,age its onservatik-c o'rcrans has been suffering when they -started, and we are pleased credit to him -elf, and advant edi and- the C in their line. imprtilit inerest's over which lie has -lean for fictitious aid u oil a pomp last Mr. Alex. Reid � was mi%do ti Politician, so fa ;��s we know-, that not from t e - support. which 'Mr --'lvlr. v p - they are doing s' -�—Thc sale of 50 acres of tilliber land -cipient f a handsonie pre I sent i �f the late John RA4'ish has been to li�ii o, well. They thi, and. pageantry sufficiently. nreal and Beth a - �een app-ilited, and now- at lie lias aided with it. -however 9 iun is alleged to' have given the pointed assessor for the township of say 11 Aunder's farm. is a goodone, nd ituate in Sout th Dum fries f a mile or two -P mdllain, froi out of haino' iy with th Donlini n -s contention that th" runierry ai shape of . wteb been appointed -we si ncerel y for- same qlaestIrIt has 'become a- e tim S. power o b A sal&r� of $62-50. Messrs. they are well satisfied with! the country. east of O'lenmor i belonging" to -the members awl adlaerebb3of r 8, 4b THE SPEECH FAam THE tnRoNLr,, licensin, lay With the Fedcra.�. hs agaiiist J. Burgess and A Y6ser have been ap- Adaill Pollard will go out thete in the Bonham estate, too -k plap-eat Henning's 0� Rullett. The pre.,36tation wa7s mi him -as long nd as successful a care'C r cts. PrOMInent plan.k. in.-libe platfbral of the ivas read with, the! dignity which is the Pr % incial Government. 1'�Ir. Beth- poir ted'auditors. botel; in that villacre f' ago. his pred.ocessor. a ew d as a token of tile esteeT i Which t'i -Gover'ldr Robill- u-ne wal certainly �a good la�wyer, nd A-Vood beer-- are quite -" ts Liberal Pa,rtY 'of Canada, and is� natura,to LieutewLnt I n cre lo and cipient is liclil 1) - y � the ipembers The secoud appointmen4i son, and which, if ruiner -be his views, though very far . fiom beilly John Hai coMflon ill Tlic'annual moeting of the Asbfieid The la d was sold in tell-, 1.13 ab -host dorsed not only'..b the members of :ris 4ad one lately, aiid and Walwanosh Branch Agricultural So- brought altoether �.s, e y in tones 05, be' ig all colgreatifw, an4 in the recol-mit L ve saws he had 40 � cords 'of. hard. ciety vas held in Afartin's Hotel, Dun- averacre of .8.42.10 per acre. Parcel I bi,�servicsasleaiferof disappointingi as the true, will not acin . echo - - a similar biDdiug "upon the Refotm pary or t th first. It will be titat party midiviclualy, but by inany occasion through th galleries of the Ontario � Governilid6t, when the was ))ought h�y C. Bonh-.am e are ell led to woo -1 cut up in one day. Pretty' good gannob, oil the 14th ult., parcels 2, chure'll and abbat1l'-'school' The seen by the report of the )r0cccdin(,s C servatives as well. -In like manner Leoslaive Chambef. - As tt' matter of much weigbt. From extracts quoted f6llowin'g officers w e- elected for- the 3 C) J "3 work. which we publish el erer 'Win. Robson, and parcel .5 entation was made ell-alf of VA! md 4 b�. sewhe that the d' the abo-. r A by E(Iwrd Whyte. The'sale, is 1oo1j:cil when, later on, we, advocate' fact, his boner's lease of power, br by M . #raser, it seems pretty clear that John cN�il, of Grey, ensidr, President,' C. Girvin 1) vajority g year. gregation, by Mr. � *Taylor, at coun.cil, by a large M resolved to �ion of the C� pir�d, and what -Kr. Bethune argued wa� that the kicli ed in the head b ! the young st%llion Vice -1 'resident, Will. Durnin; Treas- upon- as being a rather of office, has �lr'eady ex 0,110y Council a Ol the good one. accompanied by a only the* difficulty of reconciling con- ri-aht to,�robibtt only lay with tbe o -m- belonctincr to Lachlan Mr. fc- urer, T. W. Roberts ; See etary, Wm.. r of St. Paul) llnuesot"l, de,�s, rea(l by Mr. dor away with the qystem 4y.f -selectiarr st b-%titutiorl of au --elective coirim.ission bi;ders S -Ir John from inion. be,recent decis . ion of the Privy Neil'-s'forcbead was badly bruised, ha('T McAr liur-; Directors, J., Malloll(,b flictinn, claims road con-unis.sion representing a s dicate of capitalists, Rei replied as f ollows 6 yll ers from aipong tI.1 Ave were met by lefo and ridicule on 111 n aming his successor. Wh ever that the beast been shod"Oleath would no Hugh Joseph Henry was in Otta bound to thank yoIllit -for this ban Council las declared thi-s- to ba the case, iselve8, which .121a's been in vog successor maybe, it is Wa JaSt,%Nreek for the purpose gile for s�ev- N i- JION6ver, a unlikely that he while eql�aally -affirming the rig�ht of the doubt have resulted fr'oin the k; k. �f 0 present, especially because -1 .1 abange is ke - rrb NV m. -McK.night, Thomas Ander- of closing negotiations for the pur6base Will fill the office with a4ter accept- eral yeaxs, , -n d to, 'rierson ews gre rovin4 to iieerise. ' It isa cobsiderable —.The Clinton Nib Era of laet week son.1 olin McLean, W. P. of a Coal mine ownied by )NIr. cL60(1 ot - merited it on: my part. I proves to M 6 Practical' coming i the ri of the people, nce thn- has Mr. Robinson, who has drop fropi Mr. Fraser to Mr. SJI. White, says A tremendous snow slide took Moses -McBrien. Auditors," eVer it e man who, Woud be directly. responsible- ��d y of ell ; `- it prominent Illen proven himself a' . (xordon A r- M6 in the- ortlivest Territories. model I ieutenant- -W1 Im appeclav In taking o -�Aye, the good ty f -Gr his action.l p o to the QouD 1 but appaxently the -0 positidn harl no plac a in the moulitairlp'- a sh -rt distance derson,- Janles Whyard. Tile consideration' penly ad ocate sfiefi a 'scheme, and Governor. The speech, -was rather choice for th latter gentl is aid to be in the enian was pu onday evening 6 of last week a -vicinity of s1:?5o.,.000. Thi is th bad fully wa� 's c coal ne On X�y luind to receive ixothing for oil' iak- the cil acted even amou. s of bQth sides of pers ns lost their liver. very successful tea meeting was held i mine that 1r Hector CtLi r is course we thl t fron L Denver, Colorado, -the other da, —01 I M, th c tin the pr" Ion tha - " usual, and it i�, nc disparage- up to r�ply to the foriner. Mr..A'NThite by which several wisely, but it is in menT rnVient to g the names- o �arties given as the Pr�,sbyterian church, VNAltoll. After received from c Vices, but since it ba;s come in thl.V their subsequent pro- .'politics thi,, to Mr. Alo-was' G.ovei hi:d clia�ge of an niendmebt which was Anion,, c propbsition is becoming say that the measures whi Government and h it fore- rn ula 0 Cam do -nothing but a-ccept ce8d%iII9-9- where the inexplicable pat probalyintededto place the Goe '- being killed, appear that of ."David partaking -of an excellent supper Rev. sold to Stewart f r a larg uni o� 136P -ere neither manly or of the en n embarrassing position. It re- Patl on The latest convert �hat e shadowed Nv C im tin Fears are, entertain'ed that J. Rom, B. A., Of Brussels, took the money. fIY' At Id e e n cl M ie h it I r f( 5) Am it ge a or .0 Sire diy :,I io, th ,In u a a b re I