HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-01-29, Page 66
Laugh,land Grow Fat.
A story is gaing the rotinds of an estis
ma.bIe yostrig !gentleman who is some-
thing of a practical joker. Not long
ago he discohered, whilelpromenading
on North Pearl street, the driver of a
closed brougham dozing away upon the
box. Our frierid, leaving his companion,
silently opened the door of the carriage,
and,cloaing it with a loud snap, address -
an imaginary personwithin, and
politely dothug his hat, promised to call
soon. The driver had meanwhile
straightened up,andglaneiag hastily over
his shoulder, perccivecl thc wag smilina
art his rnistres , as he thought, and when
that gentleman looked up at him and
tittered them rd "home" hetook up the
nine and spe dily drove off. No one but
the ladyandt ecoachman vil1 ever know
what transpir d after she crossed the
threshold of t e family as nsion.
The wife of a certain uburban was
that nuisance among good cooks—a per-
petual borrow r. (inc day it was a cup-
ful of sugar; he next a box of blueing,
the clothes wringer, and ao on. And
she wasn't h f as pod at returning as
she was at borrowing. One day in the
rardst of her eooking not an egg was to
ba found. Over she went to one of her
neighbors, a n ideas- of small means, and
borrowed two or three eggs she happen-
ed to have in -lie house. i Several weeks
elapsed, when one forenoon she appear-
ed in the widow's kitchen with three
eggs in a paper bag. 'Mood morning,
Mrs. S., I have come to return some-
thing you Iethave Oe 'ether clay. I
Irad boiled eggs for breakfast this morn-
ing, and these are three I had left over.
Eggs are eggs you know." 1
Two German school boy were talking
about the complications with Spain. `‘I
aan glad to see our Kaiser seized the
-Carolina Islands." "I ain't." "Why
Ira, Karl. Art thou not h lover of thy
country ?" "That's all very well, but
Jfiere are 600 islands in the group, and
if they became German property we will
have to learn the names of: the last one
el them by heart. I am down on that
kind of a foreign policy." I .
There had been a slight disturhance
in the hennery, and Mal Chanticleer
was heard to remark: '.Who's boss
here, anyway!? It seems to me that if
anyone represents the standing com-
mittee, I do." ' "To be sure," replied
Mother Cluck, "but we represent the
laying and the setting committee. We
lay down laws, and we iiet examples
for you to fol ow, and if it wasn't for
that where would you get your stand -
"The lsdia4s are making consider-
able trouble bit West," !remarked a
passenger on a Bridge car to his neigh -
or. "So 1 s e," was the brief reply.
"Welt, sir, 1 z.a.ve a first-class scheme
for Wiping out the red rascals" "With
a aponge ?" asked the other,with a sneer.
"No, sir, I would convert -r---" "Pooh!
that's no- good. It wan't Welk." "Hold
en a minute I I would !convert the
eatire Western reservatiott into a cucum-
ber patch and turn the red men loose."
"I should thiik that wiuid increase
the number Of Indians," piped out a
little man with weak eyes, who sat
opposite. "How so?" asked the as-
tonished schemer. "It would double
'am up," said the little man, with a
smile. "Ail but here f" yelled -the
bra,keman, and the council of War broke
-op, sine die. 1'
HOW II Got a Wife.
Among the arrivals at the North -
western depof yesterday -4;v e a strange.
looking couple, the min wearing a
buffalo -skin coat and the woman a loag
sack made 4:4 the same material, a
dress trimmed, with it, mil shoes lined
with it. He was perhaps forty years of
age, but she did not appear to be more
than twenty five After le king around
awhile he confided in a porter and ask-
ed to be shown to a decent hotel where
he could stop a few days.
"The fact is" he ebseived, "We are
on our wedding tour, and while I'm not
a bonanza exactly, I've got enough to
see this town with, and I'm going to do
After the porter had named over half
a dozen hotels, and made himself other-
wise agreeable, the traveller insisted on
introducing him to his wife When the
porter was presented to Mrs. John Fel-
lows the proud husband said:
"There now, Jennie, I told you I'd
introduce you. in society, but this is only
• a beginning."
The porter -showed siigns of wanting
to get away, but Mr. Fell ws clung to
"You don't know how we came to be
married de you ? No, I'll bet you don't.
Well, DOW, ill tell you. We're from
Eagle City, Idaho ; right fr m the mines
yeu might say. I
've been iere a year,
but Mrs. Fellows, here, ui1e only about
six montha ago. I remember mighty
well the day she hoofed 4 in, don't I,
Jennie ? Wen, I should smile. There
was a gang of them, and when they
came over the mountain the snow was
mor'n neck deep and it was cold enough
to put frost on the windows of tophet.
Well, as .1 waS saying, there were lots of
fellowe coming in who didn't have no
business in that hard coUntry, and one
of them in this batch I felt kinder sorry
for. He was , a slight little chap not
mor'n up -to my shoulders, and there
was a kind of a good look about his eyes
and mouth somehow. So when I saw
he didn't have no grub, and no aust,and
not inueh muscle, and no Iiquer, I took
mercy on hina, and told h m if he'd be
my partner we'd eo it to 'ether, and I
would see that he got feed enough.
Well, sir, he Swollered that bait—hook,
line and all, and we worked together
three or four months. I've seen richer
claims than mine, but it yields enough
to keep one from grun bliz
more'n most of them do
g, and -that's
Well, aa
was saymg, -lay partner made himseh
useful in a good many .Ways. He was
a mighty good cook—the best cook I
ever saw, and he wasn't no slouch either
with a Pick and shovel. One day this
fall he got kiader sick and I took care of
him, and finally, when he got worse I
thought I'd tuat go to the camp and geti
a doctor. Ile didn't want no doctor,
but I g-ot onc. When the doctor came
hi I hung aroundawhile„ and then I
went eat OD an errand. As I entered
the cabin agaizi the by a -a crYing, and
the doctor takes me off on ne side, and,
• says lie :
"Your pard is a woman.
"Git out, says 1.
"It's a fact," says he. "She just told
me so.
'Well, that broke me up worse than a
dynamite explosion. I v as ashamed,
and I said: “Take her avly,doo. ; she's
yourtia, but he says : "No, 'sir ; she's
sick, an
made u
you must take care of her.
I thought it all over and I
my mind I would. The doe.
and I •ursed her for four weeks, and
when she got so she could sit apaanind
you, I'dnever said a word th her yet --
1 says,s lemn like: "What's yer name,
please !'l and she looked on the floor and
says: "Jennie." "Good enough," says
I. "Je nie, will you be my wife ?" and
she says, "You bet." That settled it.
We had the parson come up the next
day,[and we made up this here outfit fot
a wOd.cling tour, and that's what 'we're
• doing now."—Chicago Ferald. _
Helping the Needy. .
The Montreal Witness of Saturday,
• 16th inst., 'says : A -raw day was Thurs-
• day of this week. Going along oue of
our streets was a little party—a man,
'woman and child, the latter about four
jtears old. Had they been dressed for the
season, perhaps they would not have been
noticed. But the warnan was thinly
clad and the man was without an over-
• oat, while his small cut -away coat was
not long enough in the sleeves to hide
the wrists reddened by the cold. The
party were evidently looking for some-
thing. They entered one store after an-
other, apparently without finding what
they songht. • A young lady, who was
passing aw in the man's face despera-
tion andI in the woman's terrible sorrow
and anx ety. She watched them a mo-
• ment, besitated, and finally went into a
store after them. The man evaded her
• question, but at length admitted his
presence in the city without a friend.
Ile was looking for something to do,
wanted work, anything that would find
6 place for his wife. He shrank from
the word refuge, and his wife would not
go to a "home." Ile had been induced
in August last to leaVe England for
Philadelphia, promised a Situation as a
paddler. He found ne work when he
got there except laboring work on the
docks. This he did until he was injured
and rendered, unfit. He was then
promised work in Hamilton, Ontario.
When he reached that city he coulol get
none, and thus had to faceanother dis-
appointment. A -brother in Troy, who
is a laborer, sent him ten dollarseall he
could spare, to help him to join him,
but he reached Toronto without means,
sold his overcoat, his wife part d with
her shad, and everything had b en sold
except the little boy's. thing —they
' could not bear to take any o these.
The lady gave the man a doll r, and
directed him to her brother. • T e man
and the ittle family weren provi i ed for
that nig t, and on Friday au effort was
made thtough Alderman Stroud to get
the St. George's Society to se d him
away. Alderman Stroud said at the
.Society could not send the man to the
United states, but generously handed
from his own parse $4 toward, th man's
.expenses. Mr. Sto-negraves, of •the
ezitrai Vermont, generously off red as-
astance, and from Messrs. Mil er and
fressider of the Star, and memoers of
the, Witness staff, Mr. Thom s, real
estate agent, Mr. J. J. Lanning, of the
.Grand Trunk, and same young ladies,
the little party were enabled o leave
for Troy on Friday afternoon me ee com-
fortably clad and happier tha they
have beenefor many a day. "God bless
you, sir, and thank all them as has
helped -us," said the poor fellow, and
the tear d started in his eyes as he turned
away, remarking, "Surely it ws God
as 'eard my prayer and sent the young
lady to 'elp me."
The Care sr Horse.
The Honorable J. E. Russell, secre-
tary of the Massachusetts 'board of agri-
.culture, has been lecturing in Worces-
ter on the horse. • The fact that the
horse has no power to store bile indi-
cates the great rapidity of his d gestion
and power of assimilation. F r such
reasons he should be fed as fre uently
as convenient, and I consider, if a rule
can be applied, that a horse sh Wd be
allowed not more than 2 per cen of his
weight a day in food—that is, horse
weighing one thousand pounds should
have twenty pounds of food a d y, half
of which, when at hard work, ay be
grain. This is an abundant' all wance,
.and in idle time should be reduced at
least one-fourth. He should have what
salt he requires, he himself to be the
judge. While I never turn him to pas-
ture, he should have some green food, in
simmer and carrots in winter. Indian
corn, whole or in meal, is unfit food, for
horses; it is heating and fattening.' No
horseman wishes to see a fat horse.
Fatten steers-, sheep or hogs, out not
horses or men. Oats are the bet grain
for horses, and the cheapest in he end;
if we had some means of erusoing or
bruising them they would be worth 25
per cent more to us. If I was a miller
would put in a set of rolls an crus
oats, and in six months I would have ail
the business of my region. o man
that has ever used crushed o ts will
have any other. The best ime to
water a horse is an hour befor or an
hour and a half after eatirg. • uppose
his master takes him to the atering
trough immediately after eatin and his
stomach is full of food, and he rinks a
pail or two pail fulls of wat r. The
consequence is a portion of the food is
forced out of the stomach and s swept
along into the larger intestines without
assimilation. In France I sa» some
horses fed coarse beans, inni ediately
after allowed to drink all the w ter they
would, and then killed and d ssected,
and some of the beans were f und 26
• feet distant -from the stomach in the
—The council of St. Marys
• will consist of a manufacture
merehants, a doctor, a dentist,
man, a stonemason,'a teamste
gentleman of leisure. Religio
council will be composed of thre
' palians, four Presbyterians, a
' 'alethodists.
—On Saturday morning an
1 months old son of Mr. Geo. :Br
I Marys, fell from the chair on
! was sitting, and in falling over -
I teapot placed on the stove..
tea was spilled over the po
scalding him in a terrible mann
! a time it was feared that he a
i recover, but fortunately the inju
1 not so serious as at first expecte
I• —The following statistics are
1 annual report of the Cedar Gro
1 factory in Wallace: Total p
I milk received, 946,155; total
' cheese Made, �l,885; average
milk required to make a
• cheese, 10.29; average price of
of cheese, Sic.; chat of menu
and boxing 100 pounds of che
cost of drawing 1,000 pounds
or 1886
, three
a sales -
and a
isly the
d three
wn, St.
-hich he
urned a
The hot
r child,
r. For
uld not
ies were
• rom the
e cheese
unds of
unds of
unds of
und of
se, 90c.;
of milk,
1 1
Catarrh—a New Treatment. THE TORONTO LICHT BINDER
Perhaps the most extraordinary success that
has been achieved in modern medicine has been
• attained by, the Dixon Treatment for Catarrh..
Out of 2,000 patients treated dulling the past six
months, fully ninety per cent, have been cured
of this stubborn malady. This ' none the less
startling when it is remeinbered that no five per
cent. of patients presenting th:mselves to the
tted while the
• vertised cures
rting with the
the most Bolen -
the presence
, Mr. Dixon at
Catarrh is prae-
y is unquestion-
r years age are
er attempted to
no other treat;
The application
n he done at
the year is the
permanent cure,
d at one treat-
nd with Messrs.
g Street, West,
stamp for their
Star, November
• 882-52
regular practitiotier are ben
patent medicines and other
never record a cure at 471. 8
clahn now generally believed by
talc men that the disease is due
of living parasites in the tissu
once adapted his cure to their
ehis accomplished, he claims th
tically cured, and the pertnanen
td, as cures effected by him fa
cures still. No one else has e
• cure Catarrh in this manner, an
ment has ever cured Catarrh.
of the remedy is simple, and
home, and the present season e
most favorable for a speedy and
the majority of eases being cur
ment. Sufferers should eorresp
A. H. DIXON & SON, 305 Ki
Toronto, Canada, and enclose
treatise on Catarrh.—Montreal
17, iess
recommend for DYSPEPSIA, I
kindred diseases, the use of
For Consumption and all wast'
COD LIVER OIL. Fos teethi
nervous troubles, the use of
You probably ask why l we re
It is because- we know them
remedies, endorsed by lea
throughont the Dominion, for th
diseases, and not claiming to
Also becausethey have the exact
on eech bottle label,thereby• en
ebasento know just what he is
The time is rapidly approachi
gent people will refuse to take
the ingredients of which are kep
insist upon knowing just what t
We would also inform any wh
aware by actual trial of the su
in curing Coughs,Colds, Bronchi
Incipient Consumption, &c. &e.
able remedy can now be preen
dealer in the County of Huron,
advertised outside our own
owing to its own merits, we hav
ed orders from the most distant
minion, it afflicted give it a tri
per bottle wholesale and retail
925-52 • S
g diseases, the
g infants and
ng no ophun.)
ommend these
to i be reliable
ng I -physicians
• au e of specific
re everything.
to iula printed
bling the pur-
g when intelli-
uack cure-alls,
secret, but will
ey are taking.
may not yet be
eriofity of our
s, Sore Throat'
,that this reli-
ed from every
d although not
onntr, entirely
already receiv-
arta of the Do -
1, prieelso cents
aforth, Ontario.
General Insurance Agent
And Dealer in Sewing Machines.
Sole and ExclZ\ive Dealer for the
Raymond and White
The best Manufactured, ranging in prices from
$25. to 875.
Special Bargains during the Holid y Season.
These Machines have been in use in this Sec-
tion for the last twelve years, and during that
time have given the best of satisfaction.
They are guaranteed bY the inanufeeturers'•
for five years, •
For .Simplicity, Durability, Fine Finish and
large range of work are unexcelled by any others '
in the market.
••• Piles of New Goods received and
Also dealer in ,Knitting Machines, Needles, cheaper than ever. Special value in
Oils and all kinds of Sewing Machine' supplies. •
Different from all others in Construction. A well tried
Never fails to pleasthe most Critical; a Record Unblemished.
There are nearly a score of different styles of Binders made in the Dominion, each claiming
special merit over the others, but if you look into the general constructionofmost of them, you
will find little or no practical difference in them with he exception of tile, Toronto, which is as
unlike ether Binders as The Celebrated Toronto Mowet is unlike other Movers. The Toronto has
achieved' the greatest success possible for any =chin and now stands at the head of all grain
Binding Harvesters. The Material used in the constru .ion is of the very finest and best selected.
• Its chief component parts being Malleable Iron, Cold 1 olled Steel and hardwood lumber, and of
these more enter its construction than any of other sty e of Binders- in the Dominion. These Are
facts and should not be overlooked when purchasing a inder.
Our Factory is supplied with special tools f r its Manufacture, ensuring perfeetion
in workmanship and exact duplication of .extra parts. The Toronto has been put to
the most severe tests possible, and it never fails to h ndle grain well in all conditions, no mat-
ter how heavy, how light, how short or how long. It ei s green clover equally as well asalry grain,
and is one of the best harvesters for Clover Seed ever ade. It has been tested with many Ameri-
can and Canadian Binders, and has always proved itself superior to any. For Sale by
Market Square,Exeter,
gent for the County
Is the advice many of o r customers have
received from friends
When Going to Pu chase a Stove,
And they are generally atisfied when they
Is now offered at a gr at reduction from
former lo-vt, prices. Ex ra special induce-
ments to newly married folks at
• —AT
All Kinds of Machines Repaired,
Charges ModeratoH
The only Woollen Mill in Canada awarded a
Medal at the Antwerp Exposition. Also Meda
and Diploma at the Dominion and Provincial
Exhibitions for best assortment of Woollen
Goods, over all competitors, 1885. For sale
Heavy All -Wool Tweeds,
Union Tweeds,
• Fine Tweeds,
Heavy All -Wool Blankets,
Woollen Sheeting,
Best Horse Blankets
in the market.
All -Wool Flannel, Union Flannel, Check and
Plain; Underclothieg, Hosiery, Yarns, Rolls,
Batting, Sec. Goods Made to Order. Carding,
Spinning, Weaving, Fulling, Dyeing, Pressing,
&c. Blankets ecoured.
A. G ilanEgmond's Sons.
W. D.
St. Julien Restatirant..
As the Oyster Season is coming in I au prepared
to supply parties wishing, Ovsters it the Can,
Shell or Bulk Oysters, served on the reinises in
every style.
• Just arrived a choice lot of American Choco-
late and Cream Candy.
All other varieties kept contantly on hand,
Oranges, Lemons and Fruits of all varieties in
You can get at the St. Julien imported and Do-
mestie Cigars which cannotsbe SUrpassed in the
Dominion. •
Pipes and Tobaccos of every varlets remember
the place opposite Main and Market treet.
JAS. BURGESS, Pro rietor.
on the way. Prices away down
• Every one Invited to call and riatnine Sick and Prices.
Groceries new, fresh and cheap. Butter nd Eggs Wanted.
• McLOUGHLIN, Whi ney's Block, Seaforth.
Having bought the above .mills, and refitted t
and best machinery that could be procured fo
And the result attained is, they have one of
Farmers Can now get all their GRISTING
and have it home with them -the same day, a
from Strathroy,
zem throughout With all the latest
ROLLER • 1V114.,
the best mills in the Province.
nd CHOPPING done in Seaforth,
d Satisfaction Guaranteed.
For sale by the ton or in less quantities -40
r4-3-3 SIOITS
CASH. Cash fOr any quantity of
MR. THOMAS SMITH Will ;persona y superintend the Seaforth Roller
Main Street, Seaforth t
• Though times are hard, the Popular Gro
and is offering good fresh goods at rock
specialty. All kinds of Teas from 25c to 75c
brown Sugar at 16 pounds for $1, and all oth
grocery equally cheap. All kinds of Crock
signs, good and cheap. All kinds of Cur
Sausage, Bologna and Pork Cuttings good
Honey from iny own apiary. Hogs.—The h
suitable for packing.
e Peopl s Grocer.
:cry is found to le equal to them,
ottom prices. T as and 'Sugars a
good value. Ai extra nice light
r goods to be fond in a first-class
ry and Glassware of the latest de -
Meats kept constantly on hand.
and cheap. Comb and Extracted
gliest market pripe for dressed hogs
ROBB, eaforth.
Choice Perfumery,!II. air Oils, Pomades,
Bearine, Flavoring Extracts, Es-
• senc s,Carbolic Acid, Glycerine
an Castile' Soaps, Violet
Owders, Puff Boxes,
&c.; &c.
Tooth Nail, Hair, Hat,
01 thes And Bath
From the Best Makers, Always in Stock;
A °full liu of Ivory, Celluloid. Vulcanite and
Horn ressing, Fine and Side Combs, of
• evirry size and style. Prices to
• suit the times.
S. Roberts,
Block, Main Street, Seaforth.
our stock of
W S ,
especially for this county.
my Gang Plow for this
in saying that it is the
Our -
running light and doing
and will last longer
made. Having special
Rollers,- we can guarantee
attention given to le -
Saw and Grist Mills,
Machines, and
repaired on short notice
And see
Which hay been made
I have grea ly improved
season, and feel satisfied
best in the 4narket.
Are large a d heavy,
good work. Our
Are made I m Hard Iron,
than any ot ier machine
tools for r cutting
3atisfaction. Special
pairing Ste in Engines,
Reapers, owers, Threehins
all kinds of iachinery
and at rens; nable rates.
To Contractors and Others.
Bridge B -its and Castings at lowest rates.
Quotations urnished on application.
agrAlso gent for the Implements of L. D.
Sawyer, Hamilton. A full line of repairs con-
itantly on hi nd.
• ' —IN--- .
Low Rat- • and Quick Transportation.
Offer Spec al Inducements to all Dealers
in Forel: n and Domestic Fruits,'Poul-
try, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, and
all kinds of PrOduce.
Goods marked, "keep from frost,": guaranteed
against damage by frost. Special rates quoted
on application to agents, to and from 'New York
City, Portl, nd, Maine ; Buffalo, New York ;
Boston, M, : . , husetts ; Taranto, Ontario; Mon-
treal, Queb•e. Two fast trains daily ; Insure
promptness and despatch in transportation.
Orders to p rehase goods of any kind taken by
this Comp, ny, purchases promptly made and
forwarded, vithout charge except for transport-
ation. 1 -'iv connecting lines at Buffalo, New
York, and hree connecting . lines . at Toronto,
Ontario, coN ering all territory in Eastern States
and,Canada Rates given to all points iv Great
Britainsupo i application, .
. H. CULL, Ager.'
Office, - - Main Street, Seaforth, Ont.
I suer of Marriage Licenses.
988-3 mos eow
Restores grey
hair to - its iia -1
tural color, r
moves Dandruff,'..=
stops the hail
from fal • g out,
increa es its
growth, d --
not soil skin.
As a h dre
sing, it has no
superior. Guar
anteed i , .• es&
Prep ed
Harkn & o.
4 Lomb) 'Ont.-
Sold by alli1
and Paten , If: , s .
r IeT ' —.P. *-
,. .4,:,., • ., \I
.‘,$-, t 4,1
is4- —.;.\.. , ,
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, ....f.,1 Li.iltit.i. i
. (13,3313.'
, i„.
''. ,
,. "Tht
M k
7MN l•
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/ ,,,......:._ .
s s-----...- .---4.•T)41
rpHE Sub cribers have "bought the Tools and
V Boiler business lately carried on by the
Goderich F undry and Manufacturing Company,
and having ad an experience ef over eight yeark
in that sheare now,prepared to carry on the
tgade in all isi branches.
Any wor entrusted to us will receive prompt
attention. First-class work guaranteed.
All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, aisc
Smoke Stac 3; Sheet Iron Work, &c., at reason-
able rates. 7 '
New Salt ans made and old ones repaired on
the shortes notice, and at prices that defy cons
Caveats, Re issues and Trade -Marks secured, and
all other p tent causes in the Patent Office and
before the 1ourtspromptiy and earefullyattend-
ed to.
Upon rec ipt of medel or sketch of invention,
I make ca ful examination, and advise as to
patentabilit • Free of charge.
advice and eial references sent on application.
i. R. LirrELL, Washington, D. C.
Near U. '.Patent Office. 938
JANUARY 29, 1886,
A Merry Christmas
Cheap Dry Goods
For the People Who go to
New Fur Caps very cheap—Astrachan,
Persian Lamb, Seal, Cooney, lze.
Ladies' Fur Capes, Sets, Muffs and
Boas in great variety. Finest range of
Men's Caps we have ever shown and
they are selling well, and you, ought to
see them. Boy's and Girl's Caps cheap.
Tweed Overcoats, Fur Collared Over-
coats, Dress Overcoats, Cheap Over-
coats. Ladies, see our New Dress Goods,
heavy cloth, fine finish, only 25c. Silks,
Satins, Ulsterings, Mantle Cloths, etc.,
cut or made up on the premises.' Lovely
Fascinators, Fine Wool Shawls, Rick
Silk Handkerchiefs, Fancy Satchels,
Ties, Gloves, and an endless variety of
nice goods for holiday trade. Every-
body, don't fail to see our Gent's Ties,
Overcoats, Scarfs, Silk Handkerchiefs
and Gloves.
New Xmas Fruits, Choice Teas,
Iprockery, Glassware, Silverware, etc.,
I at
Noted For Dress Goods.
TOHN MeNEVIN, Proprietor of these wen-
t) known and popular mills, has been adding
More improved nuichinery, and is now bettor -
prepared to turn out an article of
which cannot be excelled by any milt in the -
Gristing done while the 'party waits for it.
Flour exchanged for wheat, chopping done
every day and chopped for six cents per -
bag with water. Fresh oat meal always on
hand and for sale and exchanged for oats.
Flour, shorts and bran always on hand and
sold at the lowest market prices, also any quan-
tity of chops on hand. Orders promptly- attend-
ed to. Those who have not yet given these millsa
trial will find it to their interest to do se. Rs -
member the popular "Bell's Mills."
The Leading Round Base Burner in four sizes,
Double Heaters and with Ovens.
The Royal Peninsular
Is the handsomest Square 13ase Burner made,
Don't fail to see it.
A full Uncut all kinds of
Wood & Coal Cooks,
No trouble to show them.
Come one, Come all, and get Bargains.
4- P. BRINE, Licelised Auctioneer for the
. County of Huron. Sales attended In la
parts of the County. All orders left at Tits
EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly attended to.
A DELGATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for the
1-1_. County of Huron. Sales of all description
promptly attended to on reasonable terms. Ad-
dress Brussels P. 0., or apply on Lot 4, Con-
cession 12, Grey. 77
A'IRaanCco. or M.
LOP, Teacher of X_ tut&
Advanced pupils fttted
for graduating at less than one-half the expenlie
of foreign teaehing. Terms moderate. Real-
(ience on George Street, Second Door East -of
Main Street, Seaforth.
• -iplow!imrami_rimmisi,immi
JANUARY 29, 1886.
ABHE:oEnxiV1p2i01,_,0Ritie JNeaenie;:sgt;
paper some tiinei ago, I noticed
13russels news I that Twas in Cal
for the benefit Of My health, a etai
which 1 wieh 'th correct rcan
about the middle of November, e
the benefit of my health, but
purpose of perfecting myself in n
fession. I am attending the Ne
" Polyclinic,' an institution winel
organized about four years itg
whose work is confined exclusiV
graduates of medicine, It is cowl
by the ablest men of the city, ar
sides having a large dispensary eo
ed with the institution, where fro
to 200 patients e.t.a treated daily, i
connected with Many of the large
tals of New Yerk, where operatic
all kinds are done daily. Every pro
connected with th e institution is :al
_ ist in the subjeat he teaches, and 1
is much better posted than the gl
practitioner couhlever expect to le
teaching is done :with the -patiei
fore the class, where eaeh one
chance of making an examination 1
the instruction. ,of the professor
preseut there are doctors attendinll
all parts of Ameriea. Many who
been through the; ol.-d eountry sel!',
and all admit NeW York to be alit
any of them for ipraeticaI instill
Men who go te thia' old eoentry go
degree, and the inajority of then
themselves up in their reams and
theory until they eau pass the
amination, and then return home
out any further ;knowledge of pra
work than when , they left it. N
gree being issued iby the " Polye,
institution, there ;IS no inducenan
anything but pralieed work and i
as much medical aeerk as passibiC
certainly there ia an a.bundance o
terial in a city tlie sin of New
The enly Cituadiali I have met ei
eimie here was 1). D. Wilson, sel
:saw en the Itaevalted train a few
days after I can* 'and like eN.-ery
dox Preebyterianjhe carried his 111
his hand. Hat* applied in ---
work since I camp I have not
to see many of th+sighte of New
but purpose taleinte*-few days for
seeing before leavine The weathti
been very cold fior the last ws
heavy snow storm having set in a
7th inst., , and there has been ,
sleighing since. !Living is rathe
pensive here, board and lodeing
from 57 per weetatip as high :la be
will admit. 1 Itirpose being
about the ist of April, when 1 W
sume practice in! Brussels. I r.
yours, ' _
Vanderbilt's Young Phyei
A young physician of this vita
had been struggling ailing .in
an uneasy fashions was sulitleuly
ene day, a year or; so ago, by a ea
William IL • Vailderbilt. The
doctor had been 'a elose tuieirt
had won laurels at one -of the eit
pitals for his surgical work-, and
,course of converkation at the
Central depot Mr,; Vanderbilt had
the young man's; praises, and
upon a 'sudden inipuise, as was an -
usual with him, he went directly
his office down to the decter's i
He had been snfierhiar for etnne
from a trouble net many ph su'i3'
high repute had Oveited unsueeete
and now, for the 'whims eake, y h
himself under the' yonng ilector's
He was cured quickiy, and boat:
enthusiastic atHwate of tile
doctor's tkill, , Many of his fi-iendi
sent to the same etliee, and to day;
practice, inehOing pitients laneY
the most fasp)ialble eireles
York, enricheS athe lucky p
whose proepeatie lael lean
gloomy till the • 1 him
rescued him froia ol,seurity.
isrl't the point of the etert. ...%::
became known that he had tat
Vanderbilt frien4ls Cr:Ara-4:d- stasitS
explain hew he az:sr,ht f.f.TOW T i 11 I ,
Vande0)ilt Wile ,erale-tul l,:e.
that had Ix 111 illeeetel, anii 43: 1
would have to Aej se the a: en II
Mil iSperP d ,, Wail b.) ask t he riti:, #-I
for a " point" on the stock narke
then through th use of that yeee,
mart little fonts i \%11d
temptation, fo
been hackwaril in his expre. e
gratitude. lint •ft we lw :Lee A
of these suggel els be am
Rhinelander Pilon, hie persona
as well as a paie 14 and aeleel il
vice. " Send in'yoar ieandar hill',
Mr. Dillon'e ethiesel; '' 1
one cent bigger than you lama!
roar man. Venolertait's tag -wage
he never lets an -one impose ueo
Send in your .regular hill : a -
anything else: taei'll hint tem
'The doctor I:attic(' on thie itdvie
bill he retelered was for a50. The
that the next !nail broueht bite
S1,000. Squttre:: dealing paid.
York 'Times.
Ns• Notes.
—Four distinguished men st7:
mail car at.Listowel, in the coin
Kerry, Ireland, i!ovt:reil the driNt
a revolver midi opened and seam!
mail bags for writs of rejection.
—In an ahlress last Sunday
the Amoican Temperanee Asaee
Joseph Cook, of liosana sail the
of the Unite4 ;States were
drunken race On! the planet.
—A Mitclaill book :seller orei
parcel of echaol, Supplit, by 1,44
from a Torontiz •publieher on Th
evening last week ;it Ow
in Mitche11 thil; following in.irui4
o'clock, This;1.n
have astanieli,tA, idle book
e, a yea.
of ,Mmeale r,e, eieit ou
ber 2n1 t Ltp1! of•'• eurahl
-Brooke, o! 1iz1ijsers fr.' ;,VO4.1%
Ireland, ,!re.,
fashionable 10'PM mu:
the Sinn of j,($if) in a 110.48,,,
brought againiit
physical,of IrTipef•-s sass
Victoria's dauislitcr.i,i tn in/
intense anxieve The bedily
the Prineesa 3' in t n- •t nica.;'11
restored ; lintithere remakes intei
wins ' prostraPlii, wootruting al
to melancholiac which 'ilati
Bias medical *kill, and, it is Mut
its origin in uabappy relations
German hi band • The Prin;*srs,
starting i1imedi4.tely for lIyernm;
she will occupy! the charming
the Duchess of Orafton, overloo
blue waters ofl -the Mediterraneaii
has been plac-ed at her dispol