HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-01-22, Page 8� ...... ... 7 I22; 1886.
THE HDRON of ery active disposition, and hav-, mondville, has been dissolved alte an ever smqe lived.,&- consistent Christian Broadfoot, seconded by.Ge e J. Al c- MSuitob 4 is 48i friends here. etar� Since thi � pasSm oth he woollen'mill by- ,L;;.dwa'rd McFaui
111% been accusomed to an active, existence of over thirt years, r.' life. . He is 43 years of- age, and bal i Kay, that ih6 present ctin secri
WX 11 0- .1 quVoil 0, + - law. Mr. Forsyth has- arrived in town bugy life he could, not endure total -Henry Jackson retir, !Th'e house of seen a dibal of the -world. He wIll re draw up n4tices and have hem posted in I tile with a )artner, Mr. Moffa of Wrox- retirement and must do something . in Mr. Win. Cutis, of rnurhey, was � turn here agrain in March, and we ca�i for tl no iffiation of. trust -,es for, tt, destroyed by f6 on Wed- -safely predOt ihat Cardno's Hall wil I vacan'lji iV3ards of Nos. I and �. —%'J'arried. eter, T:.iey have secured a lot, and will O I Ok
DISTRICT MATTEOS. building as soon s pos e the way of active, physical. labor, and. completely In 1 ing through his k 'n the although he could well -afford to go idle, nesday morning last, and very'little, if be packed to the doors. Move by F. Layton, seconded by Peter commenck bibl stoc 0
Mrs. James
he. fequently preferted lending 'a hel anythb�g. was Saved. e Mayor en- -Dayinan, that this board do no,w adjourn —The ilifant 011 of January,Ioun OFFICE&S. t the p- aught6y of d-th he
or, Tuesd —The hoir ing hand to his old neighbors. fie was tertained. the members the - old -and Walton. to ineet at Brucefield oil Saturday, Feb- Leishmail died on ay- last regular meeting of the )'�Ie%forth J. 3th 0YE ., at 2 -o'clock p� in. —Carried. had yet- vl� engaged in this way when the a�ccident, ne* Council at,An ter upper.at Bur- TEA ATEETIN-m.—A tea meeting wil b , rm ry 1. of the PrIesbyteiian church 'spent an en- e noi Vn,; - l. J - - ning at D. B. McKinnon's on Lodg , A eat Order of Unite k- �'alton on L(" i L which resulted in his &&th occurred.1 'gess restaurant on Mqnd -evening last. held in *DufPs church, N1 Doi-Nus.—Atthe meeting of oyble e rO men, the following officers were �leeted, r party of �oung-people He waA a mail of of mar- evening of Monday, 255th inst.. I (I'l the Tuckersmith council on Monday last ,unblemished character —A bottle containin 'a' n - ber'' �,Vednes ay.-
-'eo. Patterson, Master We �kman 9 wt, 'Wa 6ve ou to Mr. Livingstone's last Fri -
Mi. Win. McCbnnell s reappointed dr, strict rectitude, and honorable in� all his bles wag in -Mr. C.. -�P ps s store f6r will be served from six -to seven o'clo -1k, (V nig 'fe' Andrew Young, Foreman; Wni. Car- dealings to the last de r ; Richard Hicks and .1 t, and spent-& w hours ver �ree. lie -was, some time, and a -prize wl as offeeed for after 'Which addresses will be' delive -ed. cle:rk and treasure A Fe* oo Many noeban, Overseer; M. Pillmall'I'Guid woul most nbiwly guess Vy Ge)rge BAird, j1C., - axidit6rs, - and Jobn ploasantl in da�ncin a order -shaw, -and had been all his life, wtotal ab- the person who d Rev' Messrs. Hartley, Rogets, Alai S9 sin asti ocate the number it con tained. . Mr. a St grave, Sabine, and Dr: Campbell-, of e Young, assessor. - The treasurer -was -in- Receiver,;- Wm. Hend-Urson, Firiancter, p Overeo A. Strong Ree - Win. If a --*I Wnl."Box, Inside Watch,- J. G. of temperance. In politics he was a received, about forty ' guesses, givng forth. Music will be furnished by! 4 strileted to pay� the deputy returning Hibbert. son Outside Watch. Thii lo ' staunch Liberal. He had never been variou's �numbers rank'in'. f O' 100 to efficient choir. Rev..Mr. Ross, of Bru officers the sum of $5 each for their ser- A GOOD McLellan, of tinu- r in 11 6ccup the chair. d tries required the 4th c to Mi. d-ge*ia 4P married, but leaves a; -brother',' several 800. _R6v. Father Shea Wever, came sels, wi j vieps an accounts for sune
growing in po arAy, -4(1- the y ?ncession, recently sold 'the mark, as, � he- guessed .347, ; for election purposes, amounting to John HiL-ks, of .Mitch embership is largely increasm The Sisters and numerous relatiyes and nearest i 1, - ell, a. very fille A Few tan'
of A 'friends to mourn big untimely end. -while the bottle- actually contained 350. 'I $9.10, and the following amount ere excellent and che s instir- pair of h4avy draught mares, for which Too ��,Y 'barity:: Mrs. John Steet, of Egniondville. is a .—TheI Presbyterian Sabbath School con- r giN en in c Mrs. McEwen, Mrs ance which the Or 1 er a . r s c notai GOOD -RORSE I _- he receivod the sum of $W. They were
O'eman Wm. Brewer, E. Comber, sister of his, and Mi. Wm.� Murray, of venti6n at Clinton on.Wednesday last Berry of this place, and' Mr. Owen G lic Jas. half sist rs, well inatched bays and Blanke s, topopularize it with the public.,, I . Harpurhey, a cousin. Heus-a man of was one of tb e most successful' and l. Me8 Mi I.- and* Nic4las Price 5 each, and coming fi e and 0 e of thern was inger,of Hay,have purchased fro sr Ith r Uxes ebaraed to the follow-ig per- r_ M. marvellously robust constitfation, and teresting -yet held. We shall'give fuller S. and B. Smillie, of Tuckersm 4 from -Col uhoun s ighland Chief," Tuz CARN"IVAL,—Thc carniva ait the �4 although he had toiled hard- all big life particulars next week.�Mr. Clarke,, the splendid Imported Cly .8 were remitted - Mrs' Callagbanj the o her from Glencairn." desdale stallid and e ioe rm4k, on Tuesday evening _s the wi . Ile 2; Mrs. tr�wer* $1.10'; Mrs. Me- I - MPROV I MENTS. —Mr
in the bad scarcely ever been a. day ill, and in Boot Black orator, Ls the A " Good (;beer," for *which the Pat A. McLellan any
-most. largely- attended ever he'. y r6n A thq ordinary course of events mig have of Mr. John Beattie while. -in to $2.25. Twhe report of the Reeve, of the 4th concession, hag just complet- Wu- $1,100.- He s one of T the best* horse E I rink. There were a, good of lived twentk years- longer. Thi how- —We regret having to'anounce the in the County '-and is cheap at tb�i re ive. to a foundlih a child whose,s Very fine costran I up' ed a 'S did new bank barn 60 by 46 tle Clot es, and every .'person 8 ii on - the corpor- jj�e fol ever, was not to be. He, like man death of Sir. Alex IvIcLennan, of Eg- money. port and care ha faiTe feet, with an 8 foot stone wall under-- i -seemed to, enjoy themselves. y others, bad ipparently acco ed his mondville, which took 'place on Wed- ationY 'was accepted, and the Reeve was lowing were the successful pri�e win- neath the whole. He has stabling for -Of life's -object in se( uring a competency for nesday After an illnes� of Seven- days Brucefleld. authorized to find suitable care and sup- ,j6 ani mah. We hope be may have it Ilers : Gent's character costume�James old ige wild every -prospect of ease and' pleurisy. He was an olda'nd much res- port for the child. The council ad- A Gow; Come.—Mr. C. E. Mason hat: -well filled every year with golden grain. A(ldison; comic co.stume, A. Cardno; comfort during his remaining years,. pected residentof this vie-inity.—Lots of And a Few Too r. John vrns, of the- 5th conces- fancy skating, olvert Jones;, ladies' purchased a fine young roadster stallion' j?urnc�l to meet at the call of the Reeve.',
.when he was suddenly exit down. ere he snow now and the snow plow'does good" M I Sion is m king preparatir acter 'Minnie, Watson - from . a� gentleman at Donnybrook, for ons to raise his
vhar had much opportunity of enjoying the service in keeping the walks passable. — Chiselhurst. Dian Furs,
comic costume,. Aggie ox1ey. A hat Mr..D . aniel anley�has been Ire -elected which he paid $300. It is coming three barn and I lace -under it capacious stone y carnival will. - be held oil next Tlm,'rsday fruits Of h Nbor. But, such is life. years old, is a jet black, and an excel� --DOTh. —TIVIr. Silas Eyre, m,ho, for some SUM iing. He is, -now laying in the ma- �veliing, at which the ladesfan �. skat- Deputy Reeve. of -, MqKiflqp.�Miss lent -mover. It was sired by "Goderich time past has been visitting friends in Jerial, and -will have the work proceed- 0y. Pro- GOOD TEMi%A-R,s,A. full attendim ce. Sloan, of Blyth, is spendip5_ a few days, Chief. 7, Nissouri,'has returned single handed ed with in the sbring. —Mr. Win. Oliver, leted for. , will �ut itiay be double hearted."�Mr. of the 6th bone6sion, is also busily en- in�g prize will be conl -of the Renibers of Huron Lodgie, Good Tem- visiting at Mr. Robert amieson's.
rammea for the -week's attractions plars, Sonforth, is speciallk requested to t be. at THE BOOT BLACK ORATOR, —The Odd- Lieutenant Lindsay, of the 41vation aturday. -d in * in
out on 8 the weeting on this Friday evening, as %,cry im- fellows of this place have* arranged for a Thomes Wren has purchased from Mr., gage ttinj i material for like im-
portant business will come up for consideration. Army; �ook farewell. of' the .corps- here -e 'tbeja- Blair, of Kippen, the celebrated trotter provements. 11 is going to add to his Any Person wh i 1- .. - + -, 0 Isi
lecture by Mr. John R. Clark B OUTneiday evening and left for another Black Orator, in Ulklon Sir Archie De Rosanlind.:" oot
T'uE J&t.,ay Jis to, be Mons i shed so as to inak-e it 75 feet in length station 6n Wednesda. His departure -,qEv to LoAx.—To lend, in arg -church oil Thursday evening next, the an immene array of talent at th Band e and will put Stine stabling underneath no" needing or shal is much regretted by the soldiers -as h Concert on next T imiday evening. The or small sturs, on note or mortgage, iev6rai 28th inst. Thelectureis I'Toan'dtir thewhoi� - The e.. -6.e, With other improv
hundred doltlars private funds: Apply at Tia cond Zurich. uct while here -,was such 'as to do followim, has been handed us as the E r r) s aoitOffice Seaforth. 946tf in London, and is his best. . Mr. Cla�,ke TnE FIRE C03111ANY.—The ments we qiight mention, ,show that t' e need any- of thegoods
aild 6ag,e, on the MI Mai- I honer to his profession. inter- has no - equal -in'Canada as a lecturer, larmers of Hitbert are. keeping W4 11 OL' Liox.—Received and opened ested. wi val meeting of the members of the D E'N' Lll - ann do mell to -remember the and the Oddfelloly abreast of th times.
cal gas3es ; I'Vliss Caxapb(�ll, 0 s are to be commend- Hay Fire Insurance Compiny -was held
tit first'arrival of. Spring Goods. And can show meeting - of the- Women!s e I me t io, nedabove. will
Miss Downey, accol.upanist; P�ofesor ed for giVing the people -of this district A JOLLY EV16*1 Ryan, tpe rance Union, in thp" usual place, g6od vque in Bleached Cottons, Shirtings, Tempe in this village last week. The directors in a, 9 genial ul r Deputy Reeve Bell Smith, Etocutionist and Pri Denim Gi It A kron Checks, Tickings, at 4 p. in. to -day (Friday.) 'A large at- an opport,iinity of hearing him. The report shows the society to be in a most and pop I artist from I Cotton 1TVnoo1_ ;f,,' eeds, &e,.- Also a nuhi- e I call S�v money y oing
ellrauth College, Updon church should be crowded and 1V pros erous condition. Last year the Hibbert, invited a large number of bl
ber of remnants of Winter Tweeds suitmble for tendimce -is partioularlyl requested.— confidently guarantee Wit no I ne who at- tota, losses amounted tq only the sniall byoung people to his hospitable residepce and Alma College, 'it. Thomas-; Messrs. abd-remnants of DressGoodssuitable for The Re�y. H Rose -of -Blora-, will deliver A. B. Henderson, (1odericb., basso; Mr. Gi�ls, b�th lines cheap. A call Solicited., R. tend'will regret doing go. n Friday evening last. There were direct to a lecture here under the awispieps f the sum- of 5155.31 and durine, the ten John Scott Taller B. r-)'cott, years the coinpany'bas been in existence over thirty present, and they were en
Scott� T. E. Joslyn -and E. B� Hollis, "Wolnen's Christian Temperance Union, tertained in a most hospitable manner ve losses -amounted t Winthrojp. the enti 0 only
Seaforth curlers did 11 the evening of February 2nd. comic also an orchestra and brass il4t th, b� the worthy ]lost and hostess, and, all mee REJ�ORMExs ATTEINT1W tig $3,962 57� It will thus be seen t band. Wh il toF attend not have iileir usual good'* luck in their - - - i .. o . could fa Stich i . -the- McKillop Reform Associa- conipa le night, and be- of
matche ny �. I as enjoyed unprecedented spent a most enjoya
stowel an a
all entertaiument as, this promises to be, - _- I, fore leaving in the early morn they man- sat Li d St. Mary'p I st AT THL HEAi) OF THE LIsT-. good fortd-i. - Durin the same period M c F A U.L 8
ast tion will -be held in the Good Tem.
and especially for such U hLudable object, we -k- AtListowel they pl'ayed''mith week we gave figures taken'fro' ifested their appreciation of Mr. and in the plars' hall ori 'Holiday evening next, the coinfp��y has issied 2,626 policies.
-urernent aff respe table -L .if rms Kincardine for the Ontario Ta'llkard,aud re ort 'of the Minister of Education the proc inp I en d by many- expres-
wh Mrs. Ryan 3 k1c.lilf ness it is hoped there will be a largq Durir)g the past year 332 policies were tha _9 for ouz town 1)and, were defeaed by 8 shots, ln',A.Marys showing the enviable position occupied Mons of Ind good wish�n- for the p attendance as important business is to! issued; coverig an insurance, to the three rinks played a friendly match with by the Seaforth 'blechanics' Institute amotipt of ,459,550. The entire moupt be transacted. future.
Cas�'Dry Goods and
TITAT othe alti-b in that town,and the result was - compared with other�. Institutes in the TIM, Tm MEFT-iN(1'.—The anniversary at rig at the closo of the year was
ura couple, of wee ive noticed calf the same, only more so. The follow- Province. According to th4se figures, serviceainCavau churchherelast Sab- $1,66 78, and this is securecl by uhder- Otanley.
of extraordinzwy proortions, which bc� ing is a score of the. Kineardine-Seaforth the Seaforth hstitute, Millinery I -louse d A Mr. , -in 1,884, stoo ta G000 HoRsiz..—I ool Diehl, of bath were well attended and a most able kin sinounting to 42,961. loug;ed to, Rogersanf that atch; third on the list in 'this Proviuce� We. Stanley, recell so d to Mr. NIcIntosh and interestino discourse was delivered SMETY.—The The figure.5 thengivA, how- &IF;o stated',that the'report.-for 1885, by r. K. a very fine f year old filly which my, of M ilverton. On the annu�l ineeting of the Hay Agricultural ever, were not absolutely corre Mr. would * maket, even a better Showing. weidhed 1,345 Ib and for -whiell 'erson inif a that this calf wheii rry Hurden, W. 0. Reid, Moore, the. itdefati- meeting was held,and despite the stormy lastj i'veek. The following oflice�s aild he obtained'$ 4.5. This animal was Rink No -1. - Since then, Mr. b followim -Honday evening the annual tea Society -was rield here oil Tfiirsday of SEA�- ORTH ONT.
Ira 96 1168. at theend of L. k. litti).yer, J. Weir, Seaforth Iiu'tittite, dto Ife sired by the ii ported - horse Count
gable libralian of the
0 evening there was a crowded house. dir6ptors were appointed: Dr. Bu- and when has banded tis the report of the- Associ Careless." Mr. Diehl still his a very Thoni Watt, D DAWilson
af. weeks it 200lbs. The &air was an entire success in every ellk).111an, preident; Rej C. Tyre, yons's,kip.11 iry Heyrock, covered the debt, and the people went ht imeks ON it 245, lbi . ation of NJechanies' Institu es for 1885 ).
ei fine geldilig from the sane hoi
se whicil RinkN:"o. 2. respect. The refreshments were good vicdwpresident; D. 8. Faust, Secretary-* home ivith lighter pockas and hapier
is an aerarc- 4. af About t, and t ght Urer. Directors—Robt.MeMordie, li-earts. i Janics Donahoe, F.� 11olmsted This report shows that Seaorth Insti- ad in abundance, the speeches were, treals could be bou reasonably. a lf potinds per (Imy, which ii some- ti. Co11,i*,1_ J. 0. Laidla.' tae last year tood at the vdry head Of shorti - pithy and interesting, and the Alex. McEwen, Wm. Buchahan- Robert onJ a Tim NE W COT —The council met
thhq� very rernarkab,le. -This et If hag R. T, Walkur LECTytr-,--0ii -
A. Youn" the list in thig- Province,: Lonilon and music was of the highest order and de- on Monda last and appointed the fol-
�Obert . AV. Itapley, sk[p .... 1,) Henry y
sinc� be�n pttrohased by Mr. R, Coinnion, skip..18 Galt beiii , a few -in advance of it McAllister, Joseph Broderick, last we4k the Rev. 12r. 3' 'all, of London
in he receipts were satis f1i ra - George Stewart, clerk; who- lighted all while t V Ce
tion Seaforth was awav -head' of 'all 2D Cavan church is noted for it-, and'Jobn chnell. The annual report John Rei treasurer; John Tough, as- rebellion deliv6red his celebrated ke.
Winter' of th-18 town, aild was-ahipped to lersbip, while in point of circula- factory. Leipert, Aaron Kereber, John Voelker oi ingo w4s chaplain it, the Xori�,IVQ
B ttftlo on last, and, no dinle, 8,shots. good teameetings, dthisonewasfullY shows that last year there was a mein- sessor ; jAndre Sfi-Dson, care -taker ; tll.r-e Ol
dfAt6t M&kC It, to0thSallto f (J V Some others, Tbis-is'not bad*iota " * - I the who Foughtaila
second -'ealtty nQ rd.,
Kineardne beat Listowed by 11 -shoj;s. in advance of the 6�Zndard. bershi� list of 220. The total receipts' John 1, Geo. Bai sr., audit- What Our'boyA p ''was hey Fought %V -
Yankee It xva.,; bred -h, a twc class town as the Reeve of Clinton' ith in the
t instructed to Thames Road Presbyterian eburch
y0ar old griale' ilayed the M'ingham club a pleased, in his' nominatioii forthe year, including a- balance f roni ors. Th tre:per was
speech, -to- _13 Goderich on Wednesday, and the Gode Hullett. revious year ,is too
the p of ',',62, arnounted to have 1. dited on or before the behalf of the Women's Foreign Mission -
would direct the at- rich club on Thursday for the I dub Seaforth.. We GOOD COLT. wTib Doq s of 27th Of Fbbruai-Y, next. The - clerk was tention of this genial gentleman to the —Mr. Anthony Lawso 8584; and of this amount the sum ary Society. Notwithstanding the.in.
inedal. In these matenes Seaforth beat also instructed t� make enquiries with a Ing horses have beet'l. entered intellectual standing -of hisown town lot 13, concession 6--Hullett, has t,e. S356 was paid in prizes at the fall show. clemen- weather quite a number were
stak to lie ca heWinghttrin by 9 sh6ts and Goderict by 43. best two er old �Colt in the count . The year closed with a balanc-e -of $104 to purchasing cedar for township
mpete(I for on as shown by' the beggarly -158 names y present, but chiefly those who read ThE
purposes. ollowing werei al
Morland Chief
f 11 inthetresury. This is very satisfac- Fa,irview Park thfi; town an ptem- which represent the. membership of its The.colt was sired by The -i VOilli- Jilxroslwolt and knew what a treat they
John and is a fine specimen of hore fies . tory showing, a -act will enable the socie- ed iembersof the Board of Health: would get for coining, The lecture wag
IS COUNCIL Doi_,ms.—Th first meeting Mechanics' Institute. We- �vould also bs-r next - tn " owned 61, e fies
e new council was beld on, Monday direct his'atte-ntion to the post office re- e colt h 8 ty to inaterib11y increase the prize list- John Torranqpj�A-. M. Campb6l], Geo.
C --pbet, Smi1orth . 11 Gairlysla, 1:)y of th He weighs 1,790 po6nds.- '.'Ph Olt indeed iie that only req uired hearing to
last. Mr.. Win. Elliott was re -appoint- turns for been worked all sludmer, and is not ov I r for this year. Steward and J. B. Secord. Dr. Gunn, be appr�ciated, and should Air. Ball pay
Seaforth - f' -'Mo- Clinton-' and Seaforth, and to fat. of Brucefiela, was appointed Medical
-n War 'orth ed clerk at the same salary as last' -the- fadt that.. thos'e 'for Seaforth inanother visit to this part he may-exped
I wk &f," tyy. Joh d, Seo, - year. mu Healtir Officer. After passing Sundry
by Thompon, of A com icaion was read from Mr. variably represent 10 per cent. more —At the Hulle t Exeter. a vei wartner reception. ecounts the Council adjourned until
Thos. Stephens, of the Queen council meeting on Monday �ast all the i Tin; AGRicuLTURAL SOCIETY.—The a M the first -meeting -61
aaking pay for the keep of o bot'l, business � than' do those for i Clinton'. I Saturday, F ebrn' -7 tMICIPAL.—At
officers of. last year were rc annual meeting of the Stephen and- Us-
(1oderich , e by A. ne Richard These two dxamples - afford the best �-appointe(, �ry at one o'clock the 'neN council oil Monday last,'Mr,
The n these as -P viz: Jas. Braithwaite clerk and trea P. in. a his dex that can be given of the b�uine'ns borne Agricultural ociety was' held orney,was elected deputy reee,
Hewitt, who h b en lodged
0 the past three' mon ths, - bein RICULTURAL SOCIET.—The Mr. 'UN -§s. Coates wits appointed trem;
deposit. -urer; Robert Smith, assessor; Thonlap h6ro last week. There was - a good at- have paid th ir h hotel for 9 and intellectual standing of the towns Tin; Ac laid tip with a broken leg, and being in Neilans, ollec 6nd David Jackso� annual meeting of the members of the V
1U.11 is paytvble on i1to I st everything passed over Stanley Branch Agricultural Society wood, 4sessor, salary ?573, an(! Mi
he - taLn( ance, and urer at 4 salar of 75; Mr. Thos. Avy- igell 'Cu ml andw both, the 11 clachan which ' Cam tor', auditors. T GLI stances. The Reeve, ad Jas. p
wituxi. a l�t of those cofti. lyl%_ represents is left a long. way in t bel fie sal,- s4isfactorily and amicably. Thosociety. was held at Morgan's hotel, Bayfield, c6 �X L in thiz -peat ty Reeve and John Pairley were he .1 t -
th the ru q res -Vvdti aries of the assessor' and collector wer I i
rear.- Clinton is no doubt a very respect- hadl a membersbip laist' year of 462. Ballaiit$'ne, collector at the same salary.
into fixed at:$90 each. The iteve, clerk appointed committee to enquire able town, and it has in it some anS I le, gat� receipts at the fall all- Thursday of last eek. - Mr. George It was 11oved by Mr. and see-
the m attar and report at iQ�xt Meeting Ow Castle was re-elebted presid6nt, and Mr.
�o veryy ggoo eo Messrs, Geor. Watt, John Sprung and ai aolated to $882, aDd the total receipts AV -in. Townsend, ded by 11orney, thatUr. James
ut, despite their on
A \,N r.� t� M P' FT1, N —T I i C ,bit it i (.-e,,t-' O C01111(0. The sumof S.'167, being iu- habitii�l Cc I p e� � Thos.�Carbert were appointed the iloard fc r �he year amounted to $1,65-. vice-president. Messr
1p owi'n the - facts and 0 The J S- Fyfe b6 appointed clerk at a salary of
of the of 8outh kuron � terest or, municipal loan ftind.invest- Young 08. Wild, Alex Gianger, Alex. Sparks.
figures prove that in of Health, with- Dt. as inedi; ' $100, in place of N. J.- Clarke, resigned, comparison with dal a ciety commenced the year with a bal- J, rivtitt-,iral was held at 1�rticv- went, was ordere& to be pldbed to the I 'et. All he inembers of t] Parke,
c nee Moorehouse, R. Penliale, John Johnston
Seaforth -in point of buiiness and in-' health ofr ie ce of $257, and closed'with a bala' jr., John John Harrison, T. J- An am dniont to the: effect that G� W.
last. The re- credit of the public School board. t council We're appo ted road commis- ofl $5,53 in the treasury. Holina
of' tho soci ty for the yedr, as� Messrs. Wni. Logan and W. N. IV elligence, it occupies',only a' third or .. ! . I This is a very and G. Elliott were appointed directors, n be derk at the same saIar _e sioners. I q
mt-qon fourth position. - The following figtires, nipe nest egg to commence "next year's moved by Mr. Halls, and seconded by,
by the trelolurer's report werc Were' appointed -atiditors for the and E. Ru M Mr. hier, was carried by the casting
ellrret which ar� taken from the. official. re Staffa. I Operations. with. The s
957, al) -d- 'the year. The Mayor Reeve, De ptity 1-eeve, auditors- M J Armstrong was re-
turns show the standing of the t�lid in prizes at the spring Show. The vote of the Reeve, and Mr. Holinan W"
princl- p alance of dae tho and. Councillors Fairley, Dorsey and LoCA.LITIES. —Another young in following officers' and directors were
pal Meehan ics' Institutes in the province.. ac
an, son appoint(;(l sereretry-treasurer. From cordingly appointed clerk. There were
I -ur, This is accouted for by thlia, fact Smith were appointed a committee to -We omit Toronto nd Gelphi as they of Mr. Geo. Hackndy, of Farquhar, was el e�cted : John Etinter, President; Jas. the annual report we learn- that the '_jZlications for the position. The.
ntab committees for the affairs of the society were' never in a seven a
er �f the. draft the tanding both have free libradies. In -1882, how- laid away " to sleep the sleep that knoi,vs Ballialltine, Vice-Preside'nt. Directors f u 11 report of the proceedings Nvill ap-.
Zes 0frered year, and to define the duties of the at tke how was aking," more sitisfactory condition' Last year
ever, before they adopted -the free no w on 6unday last, in the —John Hunter, jr., John Dalbridge, pear np:�t week. paid tit it d -il library s Staffa ceinetery. Churning - made Alfred Hunkin, Thos. IF,allantyne, John r -.x., Th f was ittees and officeis. The coune thesocietybad 224 lliemi�er andpai le past,year. nieet again this evening.. y ,tem, Seaforth was well up to I zeq hy. tLe for ti consi era y in a vai by Mr. Ito of Crom- Willis out $303 in prizes, and closes �p the Toronto bi. Purdn, .(Hay), S. Hogartb, Thos. Bissett Brussels.
ice of ally, yea
hfor arty, who has the' patent right of that sl. Ribilard Davis and r- with a balance of $8.04 in the
luelph Colquboun.
_G Alex 01 L( churn which is unparalleled, -unequalled Alembers. Books roned. We halve pleasure in congratulat treasury. ULTURAL MEETI_'q(;--The an -
8 -he Th6sq'cietyis also likely to
members of the
-John Gil' old friend, Mr. John Hunter on rounds and buildings
t Poultry, grain, of the 3rd concession IRTgueorkepraetpuitehrl Seaorth. and unsurpassed. ing on' have permanent g nual m(ieting of ithe
0 ......... 346 --The 1�ev.
-11,652 his Grey Briinch
Agricultural Society was
pin ele- shortly. It is intended to 'form a joint dairy prodactq, $7 : fruitq,' has t,)een laid. up for two weeks with a London .397- 41332. preached an excellent sermon 'on vation to the Presidency of so prosperous held in Brussels on Thursda, of loat
vege-ta.bles ',�20; a- severe attackl of diphtheria but is no *Kingston stock. company, -*�ith shareat $10 each y
7 13 w re. 300 0,o50- Sunday last frorn the text, " How call a week. a soci6ty. He is richly deserving of the for- this purpose, and the preliminary The annual report was read by
94; wantifac- covering.—M . John Hannah has rnade Goderich .... 135 2,428, man be born again when be is old," and honor, as no member of the sopiety has r
the Sectetary-Treasirrer - and abowe
418 :11,286 the fruit of his address was the convic- labored longer or mor n n
t and ladies'work, $0. The rrangements to work the Londesbor6 Galt..' proceedings were taken at this meeting d
e ear eatl ' for its that $564.50 had been expended, while
I officer8 were elected for the creamery for next s6 -t y and a large number of shares were taken
This esta- St.- Mary�_. 13f) Ption of one soul—it good repay for the the receipts amounted to 5553.09, .4,200 welfare. 1 inent could not have falexi ihto' het- Clinton....-.' 158' 5 -pains taken. Rev9'. Kestle and D k year: G. E. Cresswel Tucker- ish up by those present. A special meeting,
652 y e Dixort ter hands, and the very successful . . I of all interested in the scheme will be ing a balance due th e treasurer of $11.24.
ie evening of the 18th in preached oil ti man-. Woodstock ....... .356 Blyth. 9,203 rep t was ado -p
Directors ner in which be niana'g'ed the Seaforth Aylmer ...... .... the Methodist Episcopal church here.— held at Bailey's hotel Bayfield, on Wed- The ted. The following
Ax_-�VAL AIEETTN(�.-2.rhe' annual meet- Bat i nesday, 3rd February., for the purpose d o directors were elected-. Pre8l-
llantialt, Tuckersinith ; INVni. oreamery � last year is the best possible boar
r e .......... 320 6,753' The Blake banquet at London is ihe� sole ing of the Morris Branch Agricultural
townaltip NN ui� of perfecting the necessary arrang dent, J a ra- guarantee the patrons of the Londesboro 1�ellcville 160 3,538 a held on the 14th inst. at Alex. S�ewart; Directors, Alm Gard -
topic -of - conversatibu. —Air. S ddler is society was' es Ferguson; Vice -President,
ere lave ia lelir in eres s ia very usi y n age s e. wv�ing Ogg aVill Einiah's hotel. The state of the finances to carry out the schern
55 Q,140 ner, Wn�- Smith, W. H. McCrae'ken, A.
Elora. enough eep ns will be properly looked after. . Besides 206 3,860 is mill running night -was shown to be very satisfactory tinder K. Robe;rtsoi, Thomas MeLauch in, D.
ia Jai . .......... Exeter:- I)onald Mebines., lia Voing the two factories 'will giv'e him a' Ing,pisoll ........... 215 51640 and da .— he Hoskins Brothers, of the circumstances attending the holding Usborne. anMr. great, advantage, in in .. Milne, Yor1rad Alichael, John Hislop,
king sales wbich -Mit.chell. .......... I 7 6 Exe r, bo rt -)n the grist mill here are LITERARY SociETY.—Great improve -
of usbarne, was elec- .3,568 highl of the last show. The receipts and ex- and Charles HiDgStGll ; Auditors, A. will he to the benefit of "the pitrons of Orillia ........ 24.1 4,303 ken of. NIrs. Jas. B611 has penditures were such as'to allow the 11 ment is being made in r46'gard to the Stracharr-and F. 8.,Scott. The question
t .1 the extra Director. Messrs. I Ii. - E'. both creameries.—Mr. and Mrs. John A. Paris. ....... 264 6,063 been ill for some time. We wish her a society to -remove $100 of the mortgage ,
I - young people of this neighborhood, as
Wkson nd W. ap- Wilson rettirned hoilie oll 1i rij,,lay Perth speedy , recovery. —Miss Mary Jane i of disposing of the present fair grounds
night ...... 1-6 -5,167 rest'n� on the gr ty and their minds are being drawn into eban-
ounds of the socie and purchasing a more commodious pro,
I Bthe last and were welcomed on th arrival Smith's Fa Is ...... 2 15 409 to pay $56 interest on the mortgage.
Maudson, is at present attending the nels of usef ulne8s by means of a literary
a vilte , f by Hil, pe.rty was discussed, but final action:W"
0 merous friends and well-wishers. �- Strathroy ........ 306 6:6,35 High School in Mitchell, W16i it is remeed that the weather society., �which Was -. started last fall left for � future meeting.
t wiks to the retiring President, r. L. 'Messrs. Dick -son & ship' ed an- St. Cath p iinnes .... 271 7,057 was Unsuitable for a large gathering of under the presidency of Rev' Colin
COVNC�L -MYXTIN-G. —The new council
ri in the so om of the far 4is tong and faithfu car load. of veryfitie heavy draiialit Tuckeksmith., f hol ]net on )�Onday last and appointed the
ser- other a ners, the condition of the finances of Fletcher,
of the'soelety horses --to La'acaster, Pennsyl�,ania, n To A -,',I) FRO IN- toNDo_-i.—Mr.J. rL FARM -,SO i .—'-Nlrl -James Walker has the show of 1885 is very�. Satisfactory. Thames Road Presbyteriah'church. It LD following cers: F. . 8cott, clerk-;
C1, e celebrate %rlCe, - � t d "Boot -Black- sold Lot,45 on the 2nd co" The society entered 1886 with a m6in-, is what should long .igo' have been C.R. Cooper, assessor; Thoma's Tom
Ttiesday It at. Mr. Dickson a6c6mpani 0
naession,L.R. edth�e_lot'and will remain there until Orator�" � elivered his promised- lecture to his ne' rks for bership of over 100. Messrs. Cunimin tarted, but better late than never. As collector�; Thomas Kelly, treasurer;
last week 4 very he 9 ighbor, Mr James Spa! , ,
disposes Of John M in this'town -on Wednesday eveiiing last. the sum of $6,200. The farill contains -Presi. so Thomas Bradwell pound keeper,*
and Barr are Xrdsident and Vice ine of the members have become quit as 'Ballauthie' Thomas Max�rell.
Alex'. -lillan bs kitully cwlsentL-ti to furnisch Mr. Clark -,s fame as an orator and lee- one hundred acres Nvith a brick house dent, respectively, and Allessrs. Potter at home on the floor, they have this Thom fie d, I us the paper he read at t . e farmers' In - tu' d liim,'fcr despite the and fair"buildings. -Mr. Sparks d Ross take the place i of Messrs. H. week taken up a debate on " Should
n% and Thomas - Pierce, fence viewero.
surviN has gof an r re- stitute here on Glydes( ale horses for 'cheap farm. 'He now owns Ross and L..Tas Riel Have Beeil Hanged." 'It is a sub-
storilly evening there was a -large audi agood aud 1)" tv -POSITOR. Our, en6e, th hall being woll Iled, and we g o e a�nnqal dii�ner is -under ject on which so much has been said, Town wi I the Reeve and clerk - wem
ptiblication in� Tu 'fer as irectors. - The Alex 8 wart .3 H Young all (I Thoino
E nhorse flesh i�ill are Sur t)lat not one present rearetted Stanley. consideration. and many %vishing to hear the discu
bout. 11oati. Mr. Mcbolson readers interested 150 aeres� in-Tuckersmith and 50 acres in holdin f th
pointe-, I a Board of Health and Dr.
W! A.ettrs of age but was youni- u(l, find it a v Lblt; al"Ll interesting -pro- li the storin and- 'wa;ded Sciioo-6-Bo.tp.i).—Tiiekersmith'ScliooI LoV.iLITIE�--At the, council ineeting alon, a large number were present Holmes, edical Health Offlicer,
aving biaved All and listened tothe elaborate exposta-
--tive far 4is ycars,_ I le to duction. I probably appear next throughl the deep s'now to- be present Board in t *at Egniondville on Monday, on Mo�day Squir!e Wilson was appoint- T.
(Alite week.---.Nlr Thomas of is natural bo it Otator and -JaDuai- e lations of the debators. The decision was PEILSO] �AIS. --Thomas Farrow Al. P.,
l8th, 18661 y at I o clock p. in. ed clerk,--Nliss A. G. Sloan is visiting was in tc wn this week. Rum Usbore, to Illitilic, and for two, .1iours or has it
tF, nd -half lie None -of the new members elected put. friends' in given in favor of the nega�iive side of the heisintdresting himseif with the new
MeNillop�—A' number of
w1wre lip worked 46 I & 1V1c2j,aml here tl -one constant Stream of in an a , ppearance except question, bat we don't wonder much at voter'S list. I'Veformers 'should be oil
a I I Hs poure
i dhWer !'ar vea;rli. Ah i%lr. W. $unday School ieachers attended the
out 34 weekavey fine three, year old Lorcl elo(itit�nce.iiltersper�edAvitli;zpr,�i-klinc��i.-it Broadfopt,who took -the declarationof &nv that, as no doubt -it touched the -syrfipa-
lie to 11til-011 took Hmido%%- ( eldincr for which he ention in Clixiton 'on Wednesday the looli-out.—James Hicks returiwd
thy -of the audience to hear of one so home froin the Northwest a f ew ays
la oil d and bull Sallies and h ept hi aildi- office, Owing to r. Sproat's inability Miss Kennedy, of Sarnia, is giving je. ite wvvnetj jt� ��201- It pays alinosts ell 4i xv
to breed etwe sp�ll�obuosuml throurrhout.: He is to atterid on account of- sick' brave being hanged.
1111til re- colts of this kind as tboro bred c tl6.— ness, it was sons in painting, �nd has met with great ago IoAi�g as usual.—S, B. siliale, Who,
it decidedly theiiioste6tertaffiiDg' M_c'Kay, seconded Success. —A missionary meeting was held
—The ann' has beenut Exeter for -.ionic tillie, 110
iversary ser
in the bl ',,Jr. Robert 11orter who: has b un- that has ever app ared before. a.8eafort'l, by L -Waltice act ethodi$'t church oil Tuesdity vices were held in theMet] I iodist church, returned honle and is foll6wi is Wy. fter reutaixting on 11i leCtUrer moved by f;eorge n g
a Jewelry store in- Croderich for udi6nee,the celebrated pi It
g. --A BiblL `;ociety mectin a 11 Elimville, on Sunday andMonday. 'Two former ecuppation, but rumor has it
I lot tillic, hs doterniftle(I to "eave that trect Chuk,ch not excluded. '21-1r. Clarke's it uch tin)6� secretary is �appoint d b 4esbyterian chu on very impressive sermons were delivered
whtl ied the '0)11at (if Bd-nd -I as Secretary ifor this inecting.'and until ovenin
een r J lig to I'Aris e e held in the rch that Sal
htuwn and will unite his ea y years- -were is 90imi, into partnership
eilt ash boot -black permanently.—Carried. by Sam-, Thursday CVelli%
411 il he Vitp.,;t Of tilis towl)._�,, Rev. Mr. McCosh, on Sunday by Dr. Sanderson, of a ma rimortial Oki-
nd.;--Sonje person
'et.)t to. tivc it fir to learn of the .,Rerio' e tire sorry nd iiews--bo*y oil the street f L don. uel Wlhwe, secouded by Oeurge J. agont of the so conference, to went a number of Skating rink 'on ciety, will g* president of the London �'tayl (Itt 1�1 its illness (,)f )Nir. Vilen (lifite a'yourig m.1n he becan.�e a McKy, that Win. Elgie be appointed address.—The, filieral of21-lrs. John Stened with tickets -t at the secretary had to - d in
8proat, of Ttickerstnith, -who hits 1heatre actor. and %c' -large congregations, who Ii rR
L t r1s
been C() I fi I ( t I is I e r ov %Oil a g od position ebairnian for the year 1886. —Carried. Wallace, of Mor was attended by a eager interest to the deep yet plain de- a packing box in the rilah, Ile is going
o I d fo er in that,mpacity. 11is appearance '.�lovi�dby'l,'.L,ti-toii,seconde(I by Jas. lrge number of, people froin Blytli.— 61aration of the Bible truth$. ORMon- t 0 k
We bope ep t1lem . in ar safe place hereafter.
to see him rottiiol a,_,,min in Canda was in Toronto, nd lie teav- FoCsythc, that the secretary -treasu rer The Lbudesboro 1 113depiendent Order of day evening tea was served in the ba$e- sc-11 . OoJ7 be i ular meetimg
soon.- At4he recent concert in 11amil- elied through Canada and the I:nit(,v(l be authorized to have 200 copic-s of the I GoodTemplars visited Blyth Lodge oil ment of the church to a large crowd 1 of tile I1o()1
f 'states in company with that well'�known auditors SCII-C&LIe printed and circulated. Friday*evening. A whomadeway with the greatamount Monday,'wben the new trustees were
toi-1 t which Cai�ipbell 'O Board took- place I&A
tilt, this, town, aniong many oth load of Young people
It troix, an(I a cou.sid, "it inton on Tueddy -evening t6 er proininen't I coinediali, Cool 13 urgress. Twelve —Carried, Moved by (-,eorgeJ. INIcKay, drove to C1 of provision which was provided by the slvoim in., Campbell Nvas the"I years ago was reappoinWl
is company in Oil seconded by W. 0. Broadfoot. that the the skatin,, rink' They should' have k10111pt-4-1.4-y besides I'lid by. onlyoll good ladies of the:cb-tirch. After supper I secretaryttreasurer but refused occupy -
who was honored -with n en- lie i�as captum nolninatiol�.;to till vacancies fo' ve(l i t I, I, 411, r trutees waited for a Stormy ight. —.'L%faggie those present retired up -stairs, It e the statingthat lie had held the
atur- Ke
dand lie soui,�l ��_, -who bs been s ck, is improving AL'rs. -Alex- -11'i son, tit' Saloon and the -worse of in WardsNo.s. i and 'I,be held on'S - w bere position for I I years, and under 17 dif-
den and %Ir. Rob Ily, the object of the services was placed
ert -Jamieson. took liquorl)y -a lady of the " c�usade, who day 30th Jana-ary-, 1886, and if necessary slowly. —11cKinnon & -Mo-Millan are fore them by Rev. W. H. Gane, whi'
Weary of the --hard iticiden ch ferent triistes, and -wa3 always eleeW
�tl to. their departure -for the old countr induced him to Sign tIte t the cary of a f4rat, And About i Y. on elilperance I the election on the following Saturday to d ense business "in dressed was to wipe off the debt on'the parsonage, unanimoqsly, except twifee, last yeo
t yen, aald-join the 1'dethodist church be held at the same p ind under the oing an imm r Thursday morning, - They sail fron N I C, lacei bogs this seas`on.� LastSaturday they and was carried out by Rev. Geo. Turk, and this. i Mr. ointed I's
he it wid ca -ie to re-,Lssik e in York oil .—The old e"- .'He s6`On afterwards cxeban�,od tile -ta-e same M Moss was app
r and r6- fie was, however, turning officers as the municipal shipped a this of Lucknowl E. I lVade Nvas eleeW
liable firm of G.-& H. je "S Cal making- the third to a successful climax as b is stea ok- on, OL Eg- for tile t li)peraiice plaifoorm, and Lai elections. —Carried. Moved y Wrn.G. season.—Mrs. P. Elder, of Brando�, 'the-umonntof $M.80 was raised, hi w afrman�
of .6 i.
0 q
t Man M
t h w
Cheap Clearing 8- ale
city numbered scarcely 57 000 id thus
I 1 7
IT t
g ea
in the past nine years the populati,on, has
t -ha;
are at present in the city 500 1.6vyers-,
life 01
WO 4eters, 720 g-rocery ator6 240
We are now holailig, -A Great -CleaTing
,Sale in every lin of g0eds3l,whi�h are
offring at a great sacrifice. !�hll -and
see the bargains.
The goods are a I -1 n ew, eill b g
for this fall and winter trade.
in Dress -Goo& w6 nevr,bad Och a
w,et i
Choice variety of fabrics.
and Ulster Clotlig.--lall the in
new novelties.
let af
Ladies', Misse' and bhudrei
ets, Boy's Overcoats and Suits.
Ladiee, Gent's,r BOY's and Cb�qdril's
1-9 I",
Underclothing --all in Ifte assor6nents.
tec, I t
or two past, -On being asked how. he
the b
Ladies' and Misses' Fur
Capes, Far Sets and Fur
ing f4z
evtr-a value.
--while drivin oil the Mrbam 11114n his
,N'len's and Boy' -a F ur fCaps, -`Cloth
by th,
Caps, Plush Caps, Knilit Capsi'' ",11i
� xovtl
"llile or tivo 'further on the stfLanger
.41loved Mr. Carroll out of the buggy and
falling upon the hard road he vas.,__Parti�
sue -cel
Tweeds, Flannels, Shirtinggs,,Obttons,
Cantons, retonnes, in fact all kinds of
for b1l
-.goods fully assorted, and all ikill be
regardless of cost.
down the roa.
collie along alidget prices.
'We have a very large line of ��elvets
ad -
'n' �
ItTl d Plushes, which we are, offbr�k OX-.
tra induceinens in.
W �80L
Inspection invited at the
from various merchants and grehell
ting them placed in a be hm Jilat
Chea Oash Sto* re P
ly the
Chattei mor�,gge on thein. He
Tnelrehants that'he bad
y of w which wat in lawyer's �ina that
of tre1
A f!
and she thougllt he was fit." 11 � P
Agents for E. Butterick's RL-liabW1
as 9, Christmas bo4x. 77he Ayr Recorder Of 8 4eek
turle V
may$ : News reached here on 6,nday
—Thepresent populationf 'z)ronto
is M,861, an increase of 5J6 Over
ISS5. In 1:877 the inhabitantsiol the
city numbered scarcely 57 000 id thus
I 1 7
IT t
g ea
in the past nine years the populati,on, has
advanced nearly 1-20 per ,ceut. I.,
are at present in the city 500 1.6vyers-,
of the
WO 4eters, 720 g-rocery ator6 240
butcher shops, 267 hotels and loan
eonlpa nies of newspapers artd rbriodi-
cats there are 5 daifiies I senii-�Ieekly
. I
27 weekli I
es, 8 semi-monthlies, 23 q)ontli-
lies and 2 quarterlies. It cont -&-tis 103
places of . religious worship, 4.1 these
and i�
there are 26 Anglican, 11 Bapt'ist 9
I�Loman Catholic, 19 PresbyterW_b,
Al,ethod-ist,*7:Cor)g,r(�,gatioiiaI and Jew-
let af
ish synagogue.,
—The Kincardine 'Reporter last
,week says; as4 Carroll, of
has been nu. ng a S rsi ore head for i'weck
or two past, -On being asked how. he
tr�y to.
11let witli this misfortune which Aeessi-
tated his wearing a lar*e piece Oi
ing f4z
oil his forehead., he informed til that
--while drivin oil the Mrbam 11114n his
we- fe
,�a home, lie gave a Stranger 4' ride y
eking him up this side of Bery" A
"llile or tivo 'further on the stfLanger
.41loved Mr. Carroll out of the buggy and
falling upon the hard road he vas.,__Parti�
ally'stu ed, and -w in that . ''4
nu hiffe corl- ition
jec- t ir
were stolen from. his p -)eket.,' The
stranger then made off. The hoiiie ran
Xway, but was caught a short d ance
down the roa.
Paul has been rre4ed at
chArged'witli obtainin;;,!goods
under f-Alse pretences. He wntll_;�there
last sl
from Bath and obtained 4r
W �80L
goods, 0�91n, et6.-, to the extent 0'5�
from various merchants and grehell
ting them placed in a be hm Jilat
rented endeavored to -raise
ly the
Chattei mor�,gge on thein. He
Tnelrehants that'he bad
fo r th
y of w which wat in lawyer's �ina that
tile bills would be paid in
I'AnI 24. Jours.
was arrested a year ago J4 N-4-
pallee for swindling, but escapedl pun-
ishIllent. While in Kiiigsto , n fj� be-
'the- P
Big B
capre engaged to a respect -able I iroing
and she thougllt he was fit." 11 � P
tile house for her. The -organ J� gave
to her
oil I
as 9, Christmas bo4x. 77he Ayr Recorder Of 8 4eek
turle V
may$ : News reached here on 6,nday
'If the death in tratf.oraof X614 Cul-
I ell
, 801i Of Mr. Robert Cullen, i4 iilis
Place, ho fell a vitim to t*hoiA
-W the
afid on Tuesday the addliional
uad -newts' came that his wife had died. of
but 1,
hSaIn e - disease. " John Cullelli w8a
inillr for Air. D. Goldie fot-�sorne
thne, and waa� -
generally respee-feed in
will P
th 2�
is neighborhood. He and big brPther-
"-law bad recently rected a fine jbill -of
tilei " Own
T -lit
in Stratford -mud wrv-41 pre�
inen I
parilig to Start it When Aeath 4'.rrica
the -et
(_)ff� Four young childre)�Pi the
a, babe, are thus suddienly left
father or motber.
parents in Ayr have the sympathy of
-The anniversary services of
I encies.
Cli nton, will be held -o� the
�Sabbath in February, the 7tb
it jS expected th4t lte%% NJ 310� Iigan
,)f -old
�'jt- AndTeWS church, To 0 '%�'ill
the pulpit tNvice tb2i. I a, .
anniversary I
was V
entert 1.
ainment on the Afondz�y
Will be terv, 9
ed in the lecture i'loom.
T1 W S Ballbas 1)eea se�urel
�tr)�d iver his
Popular and int6v'i3tjrtg lecture
on Men of wur, how, they
f"19bt dealing with 'MCI of
the late
in the Nlrtg-west. 'thoice mussic will be furnished
Co- ehoir, assisted 1)y Qtll4era.
be cit