HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-01-22, Page 7J"UARY An oldrTime. Fight seat, saying, I -have al*ays wished to ways:Pilli and Ointment purity the blood, re
move all obstructio"s to its *free circulation
--he followi�g, from Dr. Pierion's re- 94' -a you at my side rather than facing through the lungs, nelieve the overgorged air
me. ` But, con-trarywike, NicoWs com, ymiseences, gi, res the Wa a 1 " Loca tubes, and render respiration, free without re-
ved from offense only ducing the stren h, irritating the nerves, or de -
the pimens were, sa
Prea--her' in, the Southwest tWid bashf�l pressing the spir a. Such are the ready mea . no
No Aout it by their -comedy.. When the 1t,
story of an old contest. of saving suffering' when I afflicted %vith cold . 81
)ssion upon his, audi- scholar was summoned to a company by bronchitis, and other complainis, by
left a deeper irtlpr( coughs,
k than if it hadbeen a Parisian beauty to grace her hospitAl hich so - many. are seriously and permanently
ence, such as it *as, i .
ity, he retired as soon ashe could, cover- afflicted'in most countries. 912.62ir. uttered. in the I Most refined language of an eoluaaW divinie., Last week, my ing his retreat with clouds of � fine ad iJlJ my ii�le I speeches, , in which be informed his Years of experience and successful trial have
brethrill, as w s a -re prove 31eGrow r & Parke's Carbolic Ceitite the
a& w found a, Story aL 6, fight (i. Sam- -. hostess that her .'lovely little eyes gcollip6und for
most conipItte and satisfactor.j It was pairerful interestin, and were -irresistible - butbeing reproached healing Old s6�es, festerin,gs,uleers, cuts, Avounds,
L Outside by kL he burns� frost bit6s or felohs, and for keeping out
I studied it ablic 5t all the week. - rhere fri -who told him _the cold and t6 cleanse. or prevent proud flesh,
armies a-caillpin' un t%Vo MoIun - -had accusedhe lady of what all.her se'x'
WAS t 1. ta-ins, light foren�net each other, an d a thouAt a defect, the ,dismayed scholar arke's S d at 25 cents by Lums-
holler and I ree Lon. some good bottom ieturned abruptly to he company, den & Wilson, druglgis -, Seafo h. 912.52w.
land and a. ine der Lot lyin' between hu m1bly begged pardon for his error, 000- Madam. I never be -
I bad for i-Jears been a in iscrable. sufferer from
la -one of lie arm, iies there was a an(f exclaimed -fine large lips, Stich -fine large dyspepsia. I and tried all kno-wn remedies and the
great b4d f6lIer— hold such big feller—a uth in best iri-ediQ skill of my acquaintance-, but still
So fine allol large a pe
wt h e grew -worse, until tmable to eat anything-vvithout
hands or rson 'd -
and every day h down i,� 9
ether in the wh
6le course of my life. 23 'great suffering, or do any kind of work. 1. began
medder lot and 1looed tip thel hill to e -as no bol)e for m6, and filiat I
to Wink there father cautp and just dared -'em. Iff e: man who was unusually mute
must surely -die; when, like a drowning-nian
Ice wisely find well, bat pleaded a
told �em to, Pick their best nian and OPo catchin), At a -aw, I determined to give Me -
.1 Silence, Greiror's Speedy Cure a trial, I at once iie'
him down 4ad he d fight bi nd the beginning tha his baitua
sead 0 gan to
tted should excuse his deficiencies, a lady* linprove so that in two inonths I was as
he jest stri, unol 8 said to him afterwards. " Sir- I like vell as I had evet: been in in life.—Win. E veils
as, I in his re
y Leamingt9h. Sold by Lunisden & Wilson, drug -
and wa, ited for to ,;ed ontheirman. he the speech of Silent men," winch waA dists, Seafdrth. Free trial bottles. 912.5ii�. And muh. e ose I nevel� he - tell
praise. So said on'e humble d I on afoe. 7-erh d a brass, ca 9, 4rass ',cry 40gant trousers, and a oat made like mail -bags in station to a scholar, When I talk Fluid UribUing is Simply marvellous rheu-
with --you I f orget U ow inoieL than niatic remedy. I was fortwo months a fripple,
where they are 41 irotied and I i "ted yo kii unable to -ret out of'the house froniSciatica.
I do. Whether- to bestow this high
tocrether. Rat the feRers in �j Vother One bottle (rave iiw-instant relief, nd placed Die
C, praise or to earn it was the more admir- , - . eeto,�.,rain. I driven fou camp jest clean flunked. They dare.- on My f rteen wiles
)e le nary one an m . ab may' be cluestidtied. elsh said to -day (sonlething I could -not posssbly have done
ds- n't firght tl 0 'the �ift of appreciation is as divine as were it not for Vfiiid Lif-litning) for the express
Goo ie bim -ey. j.est i ose qf.proeuring another bottle. Sosays
Th away, an d the feller., he Rnt 0e the dignity of being appreciated,. �Thus P 'ananoque. Only 25 eents per
to camp. V1111P Dix�h, p a who ,seern, to idnt q1tit thitr, the hit, feller nlay two sit bottle at Lunisden Wilson'i drut, store, Sea -
and he was 0 tiv u ard sight, far parted. But some forth., 912.52%v.,
He -was, spi-lin' fdt fight , . I down praise is very repu botindt 'Zo have it.' He jest went: Isive, such is iormal in -to the bottom. land, into the meddir PrE6180-, insincere praise, ' conventiona, 'Wornis often enuse serious illness. heure is
B -y mpliment, intemper- Dr. Low's Wolin -S- lot, wiell out- effectually. K -57.52M. iend coase -commendation RO evel ay, znGnnin' d evenia, and matter of course co �,yrulh., It destroys nd expels
'dared 'em and da�ed 'em. I tell you lie teller, reacbea-ttath nd covers. *ith conf usioul
pestemd 'em mightily. - The old For the Coniplexion.—For piniples, blotch -es,
It wore chawed public praise it sI)Sauld be priv- ''tan, and all iteliNg tuniors of the *kill, Use Prof.
quil4iur Soap a.nd ate, and gencral pyaise Avh rein it should -Iowls ic ner �h -n the a gers, 0 '2 The -when he couldna-tan' it no longer, lie, be, particular and discriminating. t vl� y on . eil mple rule is this : Praise shpuld The si,gn, of are Nvell-known, but. the
I eap--4straeban.- ;old the boys if would go-.' One 81 -ell doterinitfed. Free -
Cooney, be firsfi'true, thil is, tdmperate aol loilledy is so %i
ow ffler hed - Inan's Won' Powders will destroy thern 857.
d alid lick, th� big fe give' b gn z�etsv .11-1tiffs aii(l, and a, !riglit sin -art -thance of tbOughtfill and t g n ous, th t i 2 Finest rane of plander. - But they was all so skeered living and warm. It is well not to ven- cy : ttire, on prai8e at the jnom�iit,- for it is a �.rer %-hewh, and that evell that dicjn�t one of 'ein. Consumptioix Cured. d you ought T he Ilig f eller iirerjt and dzi,red 'em and m. atter well worthy -of preparatio. tow l an, retired froin practice, -h -times to -pat prase, in had lilaced - in-- his -hands by an East India 11118-
irl'-s Ca-ps, cheap. pester,ed more'n it mont —40 days, the It is w�ll souie
*61 -re( says. writi . ng, which, elilarges our liberty and sionary the forintyla of aL siniple vegetable reniedy
for the speed.y and permanent ciire of Consunip-
- Zy Cheap Over- I doii:t know wht they'd a done if it yet spares We face ot our friend. Writ-. tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh,Ahthnimand, 01 -throat
hadn't a -been 4' 11 N, I Lunt, agectionN, also. positiveril radical
ew Dress Goods, t1l a, PI -21,17t I i ttle fCller ten wors are like a tender -veil behind' nd
only 25c� had. come down �o canip one (lay, to which we speakomom warmly and like cilire for Nervous Debilityand all orvou -Vm-
feteli onie extra, ktior,ii I to his three -big- the casting down of the eyes which is -tested: its wonderful cura -
.Ale Cloths, ete.r in thQusands of cases. has felt it bic
4 tive poweil
[yremises, Lovely brothers, that theiV old dd ent to eill instinctive when very precious thing duty to make it known to hissufTenng,felloNN-4.
from hoirle., Kind old ptlp he was, and are to be said. Writing n3ay also add Actuated by tbir, motive and a desire to relieve.
human suffering; I will son([ free of lehargo, to
8L16tch-els sharp, too,' for be isent along a bi- pres- elegance and wisdom. Whoin Dr. Bal(,Uy I � C: C al who &sirc it, this recipe, in Gerruan; French
Variety of eat to the boys' cp'n. jest as, (UndN11 not whether the fathe, John, or or English, with'full directions for preparing
the little feller dro've U -n, they ws -all tKe sonj Thomas ; but either it 'nligbt and using. .,5ent by mail by addregsing N%,A h
le. oil, Lo- fi,ht�l be for the father had, the- *isdoni to 11aluln. this paper, IV. A. NOY11,'S, 140
Ties, gwi and -the littl f Power's Block- 116choster,'N. Y. 938-25 eow
11'an.olkeichiefs. left bis traps with the driver, nd burn his sernions, that his son inight be legfed it after iiie�: sogers, and told bis left to his owil. labors, 'and the son.- had, higx il ers hwd'y. aght thar the the wisdom o pr.Qfit- by-'hi� father's a, is- - Good the Yowl: Round.—'National pills are '-'reu, good blood purifie'r, liver reggiflator and wild pur-
are, old bL,, feller can -W out and ditred 'em cretion) once preaclie& from the�. text, 94tive for all 857.52ni. a and they ll. rio skeer'd tliat " All'. wisdom is sorrow, -he. received Oi- The- little these lines from a heaer: �'Swelled Neck. they�!just riiii like mad. �nd then Nvelit back If what you advance', dear Doctor, be true, Mrs. TICIII-1- Hobbs, of Berridalo, Parry Sound,
and hecred all the sogers -That wisoloni. is sorrow, -Itow wrenched are i*proiqpt cure. -of- enlarged glnds of
testifies tO about and what the old the neckand sore throat 1).v the intern'al and ex -
R 0 stp, ild g,ive to have him licked, Pi-aisiii(,-istliegi-ea.,tpi,ivilegeof friend- tornal use of Hqgyard's YelwOil. Yellow oil
guler".1 wol, 0 Is.Q sui-e relief for all ptinfal conditions. 857.
healy of about ship and equally & duty. A privilegC, 52.2w. it all, nd bis big lj)l-athur, he got 'niad because friends stand on that cqual at nd twittell him about keeping ground which liTakes- praising the' Headache. alteep, id him I, rigl�it salart of est pleasure, alid it is also. then a boon you sufter f roni lleallache yon. nim), be sure
Ife s phialcy, but you, see lie to And duty, because the. ti, it v r or blood is at fiult, nd
Ouhall to Stan' 'twas 'his bir helpfulness of praise is so rea that to -be, o the tie -St reiW�(1yisBurdoc`kBlood Bitters,
leaDi are
lilklity inea*n unpraiseful when our f6end has b rotber, 13ig b�,) deserved -h vuees 4a -by regulating the 0 well is as if we slWuld refuse. hitn' our il.Caon (,enpra'lIy-'857.P.2,.2%v.
But the little fes�.er talked a h eap -with hand in hefforts ;, for o pr,%ise him on J to give oarsphess and Loss of Voice.
th ey told otll(,-I. so"ers, -the old lovingly foe what lie has d I e -is
:A L LS11 ginen-d about hin) ad Ile told (,in to him a strono- hand.in -what lie. sha.11 try ersandsingoirs are often di,ztrcss�
'llblic SPM11 tell the little, felle to cone -nd. see brim . to do. What call lie colder, more un- c with hoarseness, and niuch danger is Ba,
er w illig ity pineky, nd lovelike, more disappointing'and uncher- in the bronchial Thc4iUle fe is: a lirompt renim f the irritation, and
he jest tip id to the old Ginc.ral 1aul ishin./than to walic-beside.youeedffirade Ball N, or
ahoU fight llc bi fetter'! The youn years perhap§, Ullinindful to chear �A-or o( these well. ral looked tl tlic hafdson-,lc littl 11 , his noble fforts'' with
Its, has beeo adding Deafness. feller—he was re�l bandome—zand sez your warril prase for the trioment , and and is xiow better rho proprictors of 11agyard's Yeflow'011 have
he, softl ahol with yet ivarmer help growiDg therefroni
bqna. fide certifleates of soibe niost reniarkable
it's too bi(r far the future ? A f riend should- so re- edres of deafness, by - that magical reniedy for
'Yellow Oil also eurcs rhentuatisin, spraills,
you're only, 0, of _a boy, -and (mrol - his friend in his heart fliat- as pain.
lories tLre,,))Iltllties,,iox(,'!tiiroat,.Lt)d all inflaiiiinatorytrou-
Brutus .ays of Ousaii, ."His g ed up ard told th, old that be'd not etenuated wheren lie wits -wortby, 'Uy Daly rill ia t1w, had 'One 1,�'ar fight nd he hall killed thd nor his offences eiifbrced," but kindly Nervousness.- ttar. Ile said the C S nl old n ned into correction. It is one,of . the T�c unbappy and -distressing, con lition called
r# waits for It. a Var got moner .-1-is (ladg rd joys of love tbat the vocabulary of ptaise Ialliseq froin irritation, I)oor
-ehapping 'domi for lor large incasures of it gwine, Or NX ith irculation 61 lood of low 11col-, ul-
.for six ecata per, -tha too, iz � the sy-�t' 11
-10111 and s soon. it- he inet iq) ivith the nia to in - Vy 1,4irdock Mood whic,
rat alwas 04 y it look, al touch lind for oahL 4DId b�ar, he hilil till the bl'ar` ivit4i the greatest privacy iii large -coni- all th 0or" , S to 11 I - blood nd 0 all orfM�ftcticln.
turned on him for a hiig ; but he got one panic.,;. Ill slim, its praising is a libexty, 57.52.2w.. also any qW. hand iii -to the long lia*.r un(Ter the jaw, let it"be itiodest -and. observant; as it is =9 proruptly Won& and he litnimed. lidin, with the -oher tfll a justi�ee, let it be rendered; as it is'a ;Vt t Diseases of the Skin, ,.-rest ta do, sla. Re- - Jcad. Ife'd killed the lion. and privilege let it lie. sought as it is an Aloqt diseasci of the f, in mrise min bad blood
e kno f or art, let it be studied. -ept wheal by
ivar, 'and h d be was ra and lack of the old faller. -rubs or 'llillil-Iles all ON of the blood re curable
EVIN-F. Now.5 Notes. Ihow
Then t4c little fpller tallked real i -ters, which purill:s the
by Burdook 4l000l Bit ligious to the olill You see he'd
—The lakes in Regent's Nrk, Loin - blood. afore attol he knowed don',- havL- -been croivoled -with skii-ters got -if lle during the receii ez LEGAL. the Lortl wot help a f c*t, i fre e. Satu last .1 �t,t into 1), tio lere w, i tinusuad' mber -of was all right ala tit place. week tt -is a. 1111 thv,t tb e T 33arrister, Solicitor, �kc. Office—
'incral I Pei -sons on the icb.:andthe throng was so M BES I
Ile told Lord had lande might- llol, looked. oc6upied by Carol -I ilreat-on-01le of 060 ponds as- to break Dickson, ' ey( - ohiison's Ilard-
V%-Y .r r's ljlo�lc, over
out for. wben.. lie old Ron ar the ice, it lev.8060 woa)en and children 6rain street, Seaforth. Godei"fich
tried to get tlieir into hill -I ware Store, were, given a vary cold itaniion. L6,11, IIOUV 4: 870
he kliowed He,'d eu hini file Thoire was inteirse excitement, but tile r & fight with the IIP W0118 water wa liiill6xv nd nothing serious ARROV, PROUDFOOT, pai pes-terin' to I Gtors, &c.' Godorieb, Onario. J. T. GAmow
E 1appened. A of I -ell' ll :IA 4011 AvIlerl tli, old —When the Princess Louise was vrktl seed lie Av V o lylu.'�ky, R141 re- - r ters,
,,� th Icill -ried to the of Lorne, in 1871, 11OUr & CA. EiRON, Brris
too, lie their .,ol licitor In Chan it.
tj all a 6 C. CAME itr Hovr 11. G.
So Goderich, 0
Ile Uncen ordcre(� Lintinor to C i in a i a 0 told hilil �to ,a te - the dvent. �n-�ted o 606
ael I-ttyvi, fa� 111,R1 the Avork to.-Uppencil of- Mil- 0 Then ti. put his a OFTUIS V,. �DANCEY, late with Cameron,
-Jais, eighton, or 1, rith,a coinpr tively
A, Close thU little felleli, and 0 - L ifolt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, o-
1 nkilown p,%inter. Was seleGted and be, lnvty,
T E r &c. monev to loan. Ben-
wappci(l qonto,him. J'Autthey tor, C ricor,, 1' i at - several -uppa d, Cardno's B 'Set were heap too fii!i, ild lie fol Soli's Old Otric* look, fortl ,7,86.
r* .1d(IVY I)r. off, directly. and 1`11"i, tot it LJ7,ICI-1 ANNING & SCOTT Barristers, Solicitors,.
hnd all ifie p'rincipatl person- iti. the Then be licers, &c.' Solicitors,for the Bank
I gres present at the . ehim & C.,110. MolicY to '1001.
it�lootll as a. little 111,111Y �Sittiilgs to ellalxle bill) to miLke"the Mice—, Dmvipr Llock, Clinton, Ontwio. A. 11 littlb a cr - wh ewe lie crried till te In i tioll NIANNING JAMESIScorr. iurner in four sik* portraits a�uurate alid the compas Lwith his when, 1�e was aAendin' the G.1fective. The ouititlie's of the picture sheep, got bis $Illit fixed all I-TOL31E.�.O 'ED, successor to the late, fli-in of
wereJust coiiiplet('�d;i�lie-i-i-�tiddeiily botli 'F %Iceau,hev & Barristeri So -
hurried up to uteetthe and the pinting (Iiiappear- -ticitor, ConN+-vit6Cer and Solicitor for
Liar lot. � When lie. seed him the inedd 11onev to lend.
omsulv - Od. - The '(1) ueen waite(I two years and Vic Cnit -
PON11 11 I. niad, sent b1lo6k, M Farnis or-sale4� Office in -Scott's aln
-Li, r! cnquiriO to be After w d4 Rase Burner nil d4 awful.. But the lfl�le feller jest long Search, the unfilkishul picture was. ill it The artist has, back &III, kept his ey S'Peolled. I ii e %, er fo 0111 twother -paiii ter iAnd I tT (-I kinds Gt WICIS 111'red to fillisli -tile picture; ana it ia liezol on th 0 1) i fel ter e(vi, I ( In' t w�.- bee i and I ung oit, nd I je., t"ates Ito
al Cook, st I-toyal at,Wildsor. a be'n a f( th (� tittle (;at afteriso6ii officu, Iloyal 11 ate]. 030. dai lie poppedl "FUL—COMFORTING. little i roe ,-it hi�a, I r C, S. IRa get U& tuan. Tlicii the'littlo w. Office
ellerl rushed up a 'd nd rosMence, that lately, by Dr. Hut -
0000A RIq all! okl h anter love to get o it a, h'.1 r chison, Auburv. BREAKFAST. after I 'llot T1 ILI -lie. out Nvith, KW n: Surgeon,
with. siortl . .tid off: SCOTT, A R E - the h I 1v a thor(-w-h 1nowleage of the natural law
hii hev.d. Then i Wkts then, Phi'istive opo-ation!, frf ("Neestioll UU- Ont. lind
t 6i�jo of Ooderichstrect, Second
turit to lie nd !wy and bya careful ,Lp1)lio:ati6JI Of the fille DZr cast of the prosbyterian, Ch�lrch. for t1w bru .1 ; ILIM of Ithcla has -,I -raet e ters be N�['ITII. it. D C. which inay US -01.0c, W. chase�l Oean. t"IL. I'llvillitain'l 111LO I tor�� It i, I;N- the jodicious use of Such RL. Of the a Valley, alul nd ltieles of (Iret tb-L�a c-' bonstitution iiiaN rradu- ally hailt 11" ll til to saillem, -oe, by phil to -IIIII'druds of Subtle J. , . hiround us readY 'to -Attack R �VACKID. Oate c.f. Craduftte. Of
reat lfter, and Auctioncer for t1w and 31onibix of the
4 - buV ito ou t irsl;-114s it -ell College of nl�d Izurgeolls of .Oiltrio.
I onlox� left at-Tuw�. Wne. -I* ri I)I.,oO am,l a jiloperly nourish- (if English Church litut1v attundeoltO- Z� 5old 0 I packets cforth" ontalio., or The AA pr�dsing-. i IIV "I', ol thilZ J.tnFs Ept's ez I Anctioncer . for , ],(in * " - es of., IEYE AR A ,N I
I 11 descrp Ad- L CWW ly oa Lot 4, 11111st "o Jeliomt c- Itild, Cultivation 01 77 GEO, S. RYERSON Inind, thou lit aa.4 nce pe�e�ptioii and Hollov,-,-LY's Ointment and Pills. C. S. I1. LcM mer oil the Eye,
— --------------- IToron.,
the Dernodri! fine was the th 01,C ILI I It �; r0l) 'ICI' thell) VC11 worth.y to, and Stingeon to the lvrver E,. -c andi Ear li:
of tlye (4reat at w st%te o -f Iill all ol zhe lungs." In firniarv; Late Clinical 1110Ucliza the taken interi.ally and Oplith-alrik, Eoliial, Muorfields, and Central
of apupils &W tit III' I -ed -ire' ex( -k Throtand Ear -P - - gelleral from ,the opposite side of is qpden.ie this nie-balf -the ex -PDO
t4c' tvUe aud plac�d him. licilir- the roval. I ,'I , eatint.-tit is vzisicbt, and Airest. I10110- 317' Church Street, Torontq-
ns, uxoderate� A*- .. - . -cond Door FJA n -10de
in �(rd
. MONEY TO LOAN. ONEY TO LOAN.—Stmight loans lit 6 per
cenL Interest payable half yearly, or 6J
DENTISTRY. -Wr-A-rT S 0 I*q-'7:1
DENTIST Faculty Gold Medallist andl. College
Gold Me'dallist,Toronto School of Dentistry -
Room$ over -Johnsons' Hardware, Nad Street;
3eafortb. 911
19., X R. C. and h. q, Of .Ontario. Latest itiprov�
wents in every line. Sati�fictioln
q%guaranteed. OiKe,—Iri Cady's
Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth.
Residence,--2.rhePoplars, John Street. 041 Removpd 1 Rerno�eed 1!
i —
C3- M3 (D-- :M mi C�,17 i -
S EAFORTH, no Old Butcher has rein to
Paiticalar atte ition paid to Custom Plani nt.,
universal satisfaction, hilih is ,uaran-
J 0 111 N JT- '13ROADFI)Ot
4ver.- Strawcutters, reversibh gear, very provernenbs; Choppin,gr Millu Or Grin Grind-
dwelling house in FgmondvWe, recently ocen-
So bushelg-. per hour , lso c at Cutters; 111111).
Land Rollers at lowest and favor-
pied �j Mr. A. Mbstard. A griod stable and all
RU-sh t6 the
Great Clearing S�le
-The finest quality of White Iranite and China Tea Sets sold very cheap, and- bur stock of
Glassware, Fancy Goods and Chi istulas Gifts, will defy competition, ourig. to their very low prices.
In the -grocery department,wact
n't be surpassed. Currants, Raisins, Prunes; Sugars and Coffees
both Salmon,
can belad at alniost any price md to suit rich and poor,' Also Canned Lob-
ster, Finnan Haddie, Maefccrel, i nd all kinds of fruits, -which are of first quality, and as cheap as
the ch6aoest. Our stock of Tetu
comprise Green, Black, Japan, unm1ored. Japan, and are � of the
Black 75q, Japan 250 to 50 1, Green Japan
best grades. -Green Teas from 2
tea dust in. Stck-. Also the Hin:
ic to 75c, 25c to lind
alaymn Tea, direct from India, in green, black and mixed, at 55o
per pound. It has stood the crifical test of the Government analyist,i0io has pronounced it pure,
and iswovth 75c. Also-Labmdoi
- Herrings in half barrels and ba rrels, Lake Silperior Herrings split,
with heads off ; -White Fish and I
N out in half barrels. Canadianand American Coal Oil always in
stock. Dair� Salt and sat by th,, 1,irrel.- Also Oatineal, Granulated Oarucal, Cornmeal and� grani-
lated Corillineal, Rolled Oats,and W,teat, Mour, and all kinds of feed, such is bran, shorts, middlings
oats Al 'Ile t &c. Oais taken in 4 .\change for batlii6al at mill rate. - The highest price paid for
POU113*1 �uiier Eggs. Al. invited to inspect the Goods d6livered free all
and a
re cordially stock-.
over the town.
A. G. AULT, Seaforth,
. MONEY TO LOAN. ONEY TO LOAN.—Stmight loans lit 6 per
cenL Interest payable half yearly, or 6J
DENTISTRY. -Wr-A-rT S 0 I*q-'7:1
DENTIST Faculty Gold Medallist andl. College
Gold Me'dallist,Toronto School of Dentistry -
Room$ over -Johnsons' Hardware, Nad Street;
3eafortb. 911
19., X R. C. and h. q, Of .Ontario. Latest itiprov�
wents in every line. Sati�fictioln
q%guaranteed. OiKe,—Iri Cady's
Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth.
Residence,--2.rhePoplars, John Street. 041 Removpd 1 Rerno�eed 1!
i —
C3- M3 (D-- :M mi C�,17 i -
S EAFORTH, no Old Butcher has rein to
eNv promises iinndiately opposite his via rdi. � in be rented ra term of rand on reasonable terins. ll tbe fall ilowing End, Main Street, Scaforth, ATbere he. will be d . is
Aurora Quick Train Watch. one, nd efght aeres %own to fall wbet, and
ede& to i -k, -bou 'HE B I -F A LLS I ocased to mect� all his old patrons and a; many about se ew ones as nia�y see fit to favor him wit their the b,u of Senforth P.O. 944 SEAFORT1 xtronage. 901tenieni-ber the plare, between E lersson:`s e above inills have ow been tborougehly re- The. Best Yet. Aarness Shop, and 11clatyres Shoe Stor Main HOROUGHBRM built upblir the com lete T ed will keep diiiing the present season on
9treet, Seaforth. Lot 27, Concession 8, Ribbert, the well-known
Thorughbred Bull Lord Wilton, "w1wh ',has
IURGARIAN ROLLER- PROCESS. 898 PEORGE EWING. gooa nd sure stovk proved himself a , etter.
Al. -:o the fineoung Bull, "Sir George GA", -nne," SOLD O."NTLY BY i - Me Mill and Storelibuse Buil 3ings have been T H E' Sired by UOth Duke of Oxford " �4�6205); im- -ably enlarged, and- new ni inery applied I ported'hy Richard Gibson, Ildertz- The dtail -oughout. M. R. 0 OUNT E R, CANADIANAANK OF COMM of this b,,ill and the grand daw oil the Sire%, side of "Sir George Gwynne" ws "Grand Duchess 27th, " the sict�r of was sold 'for I -E LATEST I PROVED. ROLLS1 �T-IM-WIMT-ITIMM, I I HEAD- bl"FICF1, TORONTO. The grand ain n' the othi r Side,was al -o ini- —A'lND— -ported, slioNving this blill to be *f angood blood
SEAFORNH, ONT. as call be found in the countrv. Ferrisi—For lour Dressing. I dachines I Paid up Capital, $6,00),000. "Lord Wilton," ��,2 to bisure; fZir Georg�e Rest, 2� 1001000. payable Ist DAVID :)m the beat 31anufacturin�r F rins have been his Company manufactures a complete line HILL, Proprietor. t in, and everything necessary added to enabJe Tof full plate watches, from ordinary to the PEMSIDENT, HON. NNTV-. 1CLIONW11 ER. r to turnOut flour finest grades, for all classes of watch wearers. They are all nide witli quick train -and aro es- A1131 FOR SALE IN SEPPOIND TO NONE F 1.1-.nbswriber Offers for sale bis farm of 14o
pecially adapted for rai ,oad and allordinarYand SEAPOWfH BRANCH. 41 the Dominion. The fadliti -a for recerving severe service. All mide dust proof, have 'the The Seaforth Branch of this Bank eonti'ues to a'o-res, Situated in the townsbip of on,which interest is a o I? County, Lin from farmers and for elevat ing and shi perfect safety pinion, w iich prevents darnare to rec8ive deposits, 13 c[,ed an. This farin, dmitted by 1p"I'll' - " those wbo have it, is the making of enextensivelyiniprwed. Gv,, r,,,tiiisprin,,,rbi-eakhge,.tiid John- the most favorable terms. ve also de ill C-11 parts in case of t Illest in tli� twnship. The);oil is a
lion's patent attahineni to regulate pins, which Drafts on all the )al towns -and n one of the f w be tali:9 froin farluers'.wtgons, Nv anada, on Grolat eltlyloalli,wid is well dapted toeltbergra=)g Prileiln , 'nito '
I lon6d into cars at the r'ry of 700 [prevents hairspring froin catchin an important Q Brtal and oil the d r hour, by the work of two ine a. . inprovenient controlled b th ghtdnd sold. or grain purpose',;. It is about 8 miles f roul the I is Company The States, bou,
steni-wiriding parts are inade. strong and durable, of.fice—First 'door SOUTH Of U18 COITI ercia. villges of Marlette aiid Brown City, bothouthe Port Huronand Hotel. -1111. nteed as safe, more convenient and service- k'LAIRGE- FEED TO N E ble than the key winders. Theextra flne rades -A. H. IREPND, 31 -p -ager. There is oil this place it young orebard ; about . aremdeinsteni Nvind oly. 0 acres elearo, a ouit 6 acres of which is in y watch is F. HOLITESUD, Solicitor es n
warranted by special cortifliate, which the pur- r bet; an( There were over SO tons of My i the place -this !�eason.
a '101
chaser receives from the Company's Agent. The i number of Jewels in each watch (which is on- o buildbigs Of -.my inoment. Go * od IUSTOM CH PPING gmved thereon) indicates the quality; pur- tire also used as 11 -hies of P . orship. Sufficient green timber for -01 cizeisobserving this are sure to receive the My they call for. The larger. number of tioal the rest of the farin is Ls been put in, and the necei.3sa -y machinery for (Itial, -o, coarse raills Jew�ls in the better,grades also represents the an old burning; have al- 32-5 0. ' tA)' Ink,
qdling chop and which 1 hzi,%-e bound mysoe-If to accept hi AL rood shed has been erected, so that agons finish, fine adjustment, and care in manufacture, er cover. on this farin. P -or furtber paitimlarsapply tA) i be unloaded l)d reloaded ui which produces more accurate time and lon,ger s0vice. Thequalities are'divided as follows: the proprietor, J. A. REDMOND, (3agetown 11. Comity, Michigan, or A. IV. ORDINARY.—Two grp(les are made of this MWND, a HOtte 1� 10. 944 VHEAT EXCHANGES quality, engraved: "Aurora Watch Co., 7 Tromptly attended to, and Jewels." "Aul-oiaWaWliCo.',llje-,VcE;.I ME DIUM.— Four grdes of this quall - -.d tyare NOTIGE. IRST-CLASS 'ROLL R FLOUIR ninde,—twoi Gilt Finish,en-raved- I'urora EXECUTORS
WateliCo.,llJeAvels,Lxtrii;.'I ..Aurom Watch GUARANTEED. Co., 16 Jewels,"and two in Nickel, finely finish- rh 2 cn M Un the Matter of the estate of the Ww
ed, Aurorm Watch Co., 11 Jewels," a < Aurora Watch Co., 16 Jewels." in ndrew Hally. grades- of this qualit W V —one n Fine Gilt Fillis I 0
I And one -in Nickel, -The ereditors'*of Andrew 11ally, Into of the Chopped satisfactorily qnd W delay. Aurorm Wtch Co, 16 Jewels, adju'sted." Town of I-eforth, in tbe'Courf.�'of de- E-XTRA FLNE.—Two grades of this tlulit�',— eewsed, who died oil or before the 4th daY of
one in Fine Gilt and oiqe 11i Fine Nick Augrust, A, 1). ISS5, are hereby notified to ,,,end OLLLR 'FLOUR, ed Au I ora Watch Co, 16 Ruby J ewels, ad. Fj.This great Household Aledicine ranks an�iongst by post,- prepaid, oil or before the 33th of justed, Aurora, Illinois." -uary next, to the undersigned,J"eatt. %Chad- the lel�-aing necessries of Life. These fainous Febi BRAKSHORTSt licnieruber Counter's, Seaforth, is the only pills ROO and actillost polwerflilly, wich, d of the City oi Tor- purity the 131100 And all kinds ol place in tire County where these watches can be ysootbing-ly, on the Liver, Stoniach, Kidneys onto, in the- County of York, at had. and Bowels, . gi�lillg tone, oner,gy nd - vior to Wellington Street East, Solicitors for Jobn 600HO P PED FE' ED these greatMain Sprh)gs of Life. Th&y are con.: 11annab, the Executor under Ole Will of the said fidently reconunended s a never failing remedy Andrew 11 -illy, their christian nd Constantly on hai J. M.R. COUNTER I in all cases where the constitution frow what- and descriptions, and tbe lull I -hd aevounts, and the irature I ever cause, h0l,bec-oine inipaired or weakened. larl: of their clahns a
�jghest Market Ptce Paid in Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller. They are wonderfull efficacious in all of their seeirrity, (if And this J)otk,Q incidental to fellialesof all ages; and asa Gan- n under the provwions of theAlevised - Cash for any Quantity of cral rJ ainily 310 icine are unsurpassed.. 9taetutc-,; of Ontario Chap. 107, ee. S4, ,,aid
Wheat. E xu-utor will not be liable for tbe u�tatc q la a and miwts, oi, -any part thereof to -.in' - lx-rso of
n6ticesball not have beLnj re(%ired R E L at, the t1ine of distribution. APPLE BA D%110N —AND :Datod tbis 2-1th dayof Decernber, A. D., BEATTY, -QUADWICK, I)LACKSTOCK and Its Searchin'l, and Realin- P CALT,.,4olii,.itorsfor.tliol�,x-m�iitor. - 9;2-7 a roporties are aaff AND LAND SAL 1=4 known throughout the World. F or the oure of, For. SAL r--. T wamoompk A OK" I immo Bad Legs, Dad 13reasts, Old Wounds, and Ulcers -it is an nfallible reinedy If effectually A.;\ -'D BRUCE- My first-class and obligring n fi . vdll be kept rubbed on the ricck and chest, as sat into rucat. attend customers. The liberal patronge of POWDE. cures Sore Th -oats. Bronchitis, Cough and Colds. For Qla idular Swellings and Piles t acts mers and generntrade respea bfully solicited. 7 like a N,ai 111 Gout and Illienniatisill, it Loan and, In veshm., ed A. W. OGILVIE - & Co f NE COOK S BEST FRIEND to -a vol relief. onV. . I at�,Professor 11 79. New I 0.�ford Stre e 533 xford Street) Jonden-; PROPRIIE T -011S. a I sold i. U., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., 1115., 2225�11
'a I i CC)M:P-A-W a? � 3.3s. cch t nd Pot. Beware o� A u-, 0. KEMP, or mn counterft its,—Pnrchasers should 19ok to Ii., - tas. -ess' the Label oil the Pots and Rox It the ��idi. U31 not Oxford London, tUy are! VE TERIN-11 spurious - 921-52 This Coi.npany )1n1AJ(;y-0-b Cw DOAN, Veterinary eon duWtc t lowe:A Gr L 4-AF013 -1 P L A' -N, ILL
of Ontario Veterinary 4 .2� Tot -onto, A110NFY WANTED. tario. Calls promptly atten led to night or yine.lichics K-elt constaT;ilv on adi. Office, huron Hotel, Zurich, -Ont. 009. ISAS1121 D0031 AND BLIND FACTORT -Motgages Purchased. —Cornerof EAr,OTUH HORSE INFIRNARY. Robert Willis, M B1X\'C11.
Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next door to the 11r, subscrib,.r belp, leve to thank his 11 Iluer-, BAIN ,,sbyterian Church, Sefortli, Out. All dis- T OUS customers for the liberal patrena I -�f Horses Cattle, Sheep, c r any. of the do-, The People's Shoemaker, Sea- since counnencing 'Cox 3, 4and p�-r Cent.Interest du es I tendel to hiln bliin(gs sticatedaniniaN, Successfully -treated at the I caforth, and tr,bts that he illay be favored with forth, wishes to notify tell tbose ; ccording to Irinary, or �.on the shortest notice. ac-othlicanceo thesaine. arges noderate. - JAME'S W. ELDEH, indebted to him to PAY 'UP parti(s intend to build would do wel) tp give xy Surgeon. P. S.—A large Atock of �eterin- binimmll,rub Nvi 11 continue to Imep oil 4and all Market A T 0NCF.',I as 110 Cannot carry lar6re ztock of all kinds -of Stedicives kept con. ant)), o a blind 0 FFICE1. - - Corner f oil brosiness without money, 4ny and '�:trcet, Goderich. plNj,? LUMBER, IMPORTANT INFO MATION inore than lic, call live without SASHES, DOOR& BLINDS & M' 1-10Riu, JJ01"I'o, 7,
FOR— food. Remember, pay; up qt OULDINK Is, : i . HINGLES, LAT' , U., M �E! --R, S- once, cons :F -A. 1-6 -and chse youi cicilco!I.. Ali-- ist Ub,1865 1:1.12 Re feels 6onfident, of giving Satisfaction to -ith their pat "cafoi -1 h. t!lose who may favor him N% ks we have turned our. tten bion particularly R. WILLIS, i, none but first-elasq worh-111611
R 41t� I 0.6 are employ -,d.
the manufchurin, o 43 AOAJOI%lt)tr 1111plu- 13
fflts, tile fanning collinninity inar -olLpend oil
Paiticalar atte ition paid to Custom Plani nt.,
universal satisfaction, hilih is ,uaran-
J 0 111 N JT- '13ROADFI)Ot
4ver.- Strawcutters, reversibh gear, very provernenbs; Choppin,gr Millu Or Grin Grind-
London 'Huron a rd Bruc e.
'rent, that comfortable and comyrodious
dwelling house in FgmondvWe, recently ocen-
So bushelg-. per hour , lso c at Cutters; 111111).
Land Rollers at lowest and favor-
pied �j Mr. A. Mbstard. A griod stable and all
conveniences in colinection.- Apply to T40AA,s� iuL�,
the ,c tc
C"t=Rersiggned !has any quantity of Cedar
6.23 16.ve
Posts and Ash Heading for fences for sale. Nib.
I Cedar Posts at: ��7 per hundred, and special
located in London, No.
lengths eitt to or4er and Black Ash at 1-10 per
ciintorl., 0. 5 7.05 1 1
30-11 7AN 12M
acre in bulk. JON ROBB, Bruspels P. 0-
30.20 2 121)( p it. 1
ATTE M TO. ttcll toil V i yell to olista"as of the.
OTICE.---Mie -Annual Meeting of the
y th ....
I 1. .17 12
N'Ibornc wnd 10bbert Mutual 14re Nsuance
Collip�ny, will be hold at the Head Office �f the
dkeases of the Throat. Chronic Intliti
Cornpaii,V at Farq0tir o� Monday, the first,day
I Fro'
(?f Februiry, t I o'clo;i, P. w. We lwsinc�s &
the inecting will be the election of a Board of
of the NoFe Cj;Aaj di a. c,
Directors ii)d the �Ldoption of therules,rcgvlat-
ing the of Steam Thresbers,as prepaife'd by
;the Piderwriters Association. X- J. CLARR,
Secret ar�y.
3i. I iljtoI) . 25
11 4.36, 12.4;
n, 5, 31crXillop, containili,
0 R rl"G G". LES S BOUGH4 T. nlatCr Of thr C.Strt(3 Of IVIn.
-w -
Ilay, du
100 eres, O acres cleared, free from
4.43 I-
........... ,'� - ') I S-58 4.48 1.4i
.-tuilipsandin good cultivtion. There is ag,00d
4ed. es
Mck hollso and ftlime oiitbuildings. There isu
AND ON"AAR10 I 11C. -Add Win. Blair, who el -led oil the 24 .
large orchard alid 'Plonty -of water. There is a
Lodon, .31( rn u re M'S.
school. bouseat the corner -of the faria. It is
three miles and threc.qurters of Sea-
PCnd post prel
eNv promises iinndiately opposite his via rdi. � in be rented ra term of rand on reasonable terins. ll tbe fall ilowing End, Main Street, Scaforth, ATbere he. will be d . is
Aurora Quick Train Watch. one, nd efght aeres %own to fall wbet, and
ede& to i -k, -bou 'HE B I -F A LLS I ocased to mect� all his old patrons and a; many about se ew ones as nia�y see fit to favor him wit their the b,u of Senforth P.O. 944 SEAFORT1 xtronage. 901tenieni-ber the plare, between E lersson:`s e above inills have ow been tborougehly re- The. Best Yet. Aarness Shop, and 11clatyres Shoe Stor Main HOROUGHBRM built upblir the com lete T ed will keep diiiing the present season on
9treet, Seaforth. Lot 27, Concession 8, Ribbert, the well-known
Thorughbred Bull Lord Wilton, "w1wh ',has
IURGARIAN ROLLER- PROCESS. 898 PEORGE EWING. gooa nd sure stovk proved himself a , etter.
Al. -:o the fineoung Bull, "Sir George GA", -nne," SOLD O."NTLY BY i - Me Mill and Storelibuse Buil 3ings have been T H E' Sired by UOth Duke of Oxford " �4�6205); im- -ably enlarged, and- new ni inery applied I ported'hy Richard Gibson, Ildertz- The dtail -oughout. M. R. 0 OUNT E R, CANADIANAANK OF COMM of this b,,ill and the grand daw oil the Sire%, side of "Sir George Gwynne" ws "Grand Duchess 27th, " the sict�r of was sold 'for I -E LATEST I PROVED. ROLLS1 �T-IM-WIMT-ITIMM, I I HEAD- bl"FICF1, TORONTO. The grand ain n' the othi r Side,was al -o ini- —A'lND— -ported, slioNving this blill to be *f angood blood
SEAFORNH, ONT. as call be found in the countrv. Ferrisi—For lour Dressing. I dachines I Paid up Capital, $6,00),000. "Lord Wilton," ��,2 to bisure; fZir Georg�e Rest, 2� 1001000. payable Ist DAVID :)m the beat 31anufacturin�r F rins have been his Company manufactures a complete line HILL, Proprietor. t in, and everything necessary added to enabJe Tof full plate watches, from ordinary to the PEMSIDENT, HON. NNTV-. 1CLIONW11 ER. r to turnOut flour finest grades, for all classes of watch wearers. They are all nide witli quick train -and aro es- A1131 FOR SALE IN SEPPOIND TO NONE F 1.1-.nbswriber Offers for sale bis farm of 14o
pecially adapted for rai ,oad and allordinarYand SEAPOWfH BRANCH. 41 the Dominion. The fadliti -a for recerving severe service. All mide dust proof, have 'the The Seaforth Branch of this Bank eonti'ues to a'o-res, Situated in the townsbip of on,which interest is a o I? County, Lin from farmers and for elevat ing and shi perfect safety pinion, w iich prevents darnare to rec8ive deposits, 13 c[,ed an. This farin, dmitted by 1p"I'll' - " those wbo have it, is the making of enextensivelyiniprwed. Gv,, r,,,tiiisprin,,,rbi-eakhge,.tiid John- the most favorable terms. ve also de ill C-11 parts in case of t Illest in tli� twnship. The);oil is a
lion's patent attahineni to regulate pins, which Drafts on all the )al towns -and n one of the f w be tali:9 froin farluers'.wtgons, Nv anada, on Grolat eltlyloalli,wid is well dapted toeltbergra=)g Prileiln , 'nito '
I lon6d into cars at the r'ry of 700 [prevents hairspring froin catchin an important Q Brtal and oil the d r hour, by the work of two ine a. . inprovenient controlled b th ghtdnd sold. or grain purpose',;. It is about 8 miles f roul the I is Company The States, bou,
steni-wiriding parts are inade. strong and durable, of.fice—First 'door SOUTH Of U18 COITI ercia. villges of Marlette aiid Brown City, bothouthe Port Huronand Hotel. -1111. nteed as safe, more convenient and service- k'LAIRGE- FEED TO N E ble than the key winders. Theextra flne rades -A. H. IREPND, 31 -p -ager. There is oil this place it young orebard ; about . aremdeinsteni Nvind oly. 0 acres elearo, a ouit 6 acres of which is in y watch is F. HOLITESUD, Solicitor es n
warranted by special cortifliate, which the pur- r bet; an( There were over SO tons of My i the place -this !�eason.
a '101
chaser receives from the Company's Agent. The i number of Jewels in each watch (which is on- o buildbigs Of -.my inoment. Go * od IUSTOM CH PPING gmved thereon) indicates the quality; pur- tire also used as 11 -hies of P . orship. Sufficient green timber for -01 cizeisobserving this are sure to receive the My they call for. The larger. number of tioal the rest of the farin is Ls been put in, and the necei.3sa -y machinery for (Itial, -o, coarse raills Jew�ls in the better,grades also represents the an old burning; have al- 32-5 0. ' tA)' Ink,
qdling chop and which 1 hzi,%-e bound mysoe-If to accept hi AL rood shed has been erected, so that agons finish, fine adjustment, and care in manufacture, er cover. on this farin. P -or furtber paitimlarsapply tA) i be unloaded l)d reloaded ui which produces more accurate time and lon,ger s0vice. Thequalities are'divided as follows: the proprietor, J. A. REDMOND, (3agetown 11. Comity, Michigan, or A. IV. ORDINARY.—Two grp(les are made of this MWND, a HOtte 1� 10. 944 VHEAT EXCHANGES quality, engraved: "Aurora Watch Co., 7 Tromptly attended to, and Jewels." "Aul-oiaWaWliCo.',llje-,VcE;.I ME DIUM.— Four grdes of this quall - -.d tyare NOTIGE. IRST-CLASS 'ROLL R FLOUIR ninde,—twoi Gilt Finish,en-raved- I'urora EXECUTORS
WateliCo.,llJeAvels,Lxtrii;.'I ..Aurom Watch GUARANTEED. Co., 16 Jewels,"and two in Nickel, finely finish- rh 2 cn M Un the Matter of the estate of the Ww
ed, Aurorm Watch Co., 11 Jewels," a < Aurora Watch Co., 16 Jewels." in ndrew Hally. grades- of this qualit W V —one n Fine Gilt Fillis I 0
I And one -in Nickel, -The ereditors'*of Andrew 11ally, Into of the Chopped satisfactorily qnd W delay. Aurorm Wtch Co, 16 Jewels, adju'sted." Town of I-eforth, in tbe'Courf.�'of de- E-XTRA FLNE.—Two grades of this tlulit�',— eewsed, who died oil or before the 4th daY of
one in Fine Gilt and oiqe 11i Fine Nick Augrust, A, 1). ISS5, are hereby notified to ,,,end OLLLR 'FLOUR, ed Au I ora Watch Co, 16 Ruby J ewels, ad. Fj.This great Household Aledicine ranks an�iongst by post,- prepaid, oil or before the 33th of justed, Aurora, Illinois." -uary next, to the undersigned,J"eatt. %Chad- the lel�-aing necessries of Life. These fainous Febi BRAKSHORTSt licnieruber Counter's, Seaforth, is the only pills ROO and actillost polwerflilly, wich, d of the City oi Tor- purity the 131100 And all kinds ol place in tire County where these watches can be ysootbing-ly, on the Liver, Stoniach, Kidneys onto, in the- County of York, at had. and Bowels, . gi�lillg tone, oner,gy nd - vior to Wellington Street East, Solicitors for Jobn 600HO P PED FE' ED these greatMain Sprh)gs of Life. Th&y are con.: 11annab, the Executor under Ole Will of the said fidently reconunended s a never failing remedy Andrew 11 -illy, their christian nd Constantly on hai J. M.R. COUNTER I in all cases where the constitution frow what- and descriptions, and tbe lull I -hd aevounts, and the irature I ever cause, h0l,bec-oine inipaired or weakened. larl: of their clahns a
�jghest Market Ptce Paid in Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller. They are wonderfull efficacious in all of their seeirrity, (if And this J)otk,Q incidental to fellialesof all ages; and asa Gan- n under the provwions of theAlevised - Cash for any Quantity of cral rJ ainily 310 icine are unsurpassed.. 9taetutc-,; of Ontario Chap. 107, ee. S4, ,,aid
Wheat. E xu-utor will not be liable for tbe u�tatc q la a and miwts, oi, -any part thereof to -.in' - lx-rso of
n6ticesball not have beLnj re(%ired R E L at, the t1ine of distribution. APPLE BA D%110N —AND :Datod tbis 2-1th dayof Decernber, A. D., BEATTY, -QUADWICK, I)LACKSTOCK and Its Searchin'l, and Realin- P CALT,.,4olii,.itorsfor.tliol�,x-m�iitor. - 9;2-7 a roporties are aaff AND LAND SAL 1=4 known throughout the World. F or the oure of, For. SAL r--. T wamoompk A OK" I immo Bad Legs, Dad 13reasts, Old Wounds, and Ulcers -it is an nfallible reinedy If effectually A.;\ -'D BRUCE- My first-class and obligring n fi . vdll be kept rubbed on the ricck and chest, as sat into rucat. attend customers. The liberal patronge of POWDE. cures Sore Th -oats. Bronchitis, Cough and Colds. For Qla idular Swellings and Piles t acts mers and generntrade respea bfully solicited. 7 like a N,ai 111 Gout and Illienniatisill, it Loan and, In veshm., ed A. W. OGILVIE - & Co f NE COOK S BEST FRIEND to -a vol relief. onV. . I at�,Professor 11 79. New I 0.�ford Stre e 533 xford Street) Jonden-; PROPRIIE T -011S. a I sold i. U., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., 1115., 2225�11
'a I i CC)M:P-A-W a? � 3.3s. cch t nd Pot. Beware o� A u-, 0. KEMP, or mn counterft its,—Pnrchasers should 19ok to Ii., - tas. -ess' the Label oil the Pots and Rox It the ��idi. U31 not Oxford London, tUy are! VE TERIN-11 spurious - 921-52 This Coi.npany )1n1AJ(;y-0-b Cw DOAN, Veterinary eon duWtc t lowe:A Gr L 4-AF013 -1 P L A' -N, ILL
of Ontario Veterinary 4 .2� Tot -onto, A110NFY WANTED. tario. Calls promptly atten led to night or yine.lichics K-elt constaT;ilv on adi. Office, huron Hotel, Zurich, -Ont. 009. ISAS1121 D0031 AND BLIND FACTORT -Motgages Purchased. —Cornerof EAr,OTUH HORSE INFIRNARY. Robert Willis, M B1X\'C11.
Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next door to the 11r, subscrib,.r belp, leve to thank his 11 Iluer-, BAIN ,,sbyterian Church, Sefortli, Out. All dis- T OUS customers for the liberal patrena I -�f Horses Cattle, Sheep, c r any. of the do-, The People's Shoemaker, Sea- since counnencing 'Cox 3, 4and p�-r Cent.Interest du es I tendel to hiln bliin(gs sticatedaniniaN, Successfully -treated at the I caforth, and tr,bts that he illay be favored with forth, wishes to notify tell tbose ; ccording to Irinary, or �.on the shortest notice. ac-othlicanceo thesaine. arges noderate. - JAME'S W. ELDEH, indebted to him to PAY 'UP parti(s intend to build would do wel) tp give xy Surgeon. P. S.—A large Atock of �eterin- binimmll,rub Nvi 11 continue to Imep oil 4and all Market A T 0NCF.',I as 110 Cannot carry lar6re ztock of all kinds -of Stedicives kept con. ant)), o a blind 0 FFICE1. - - Corner f oil brosiness without money, 4ny and '�:trcet, Goderich. plNj,? LUMBER, IMPORTANT INFO MATION inore than lic, call live without SASHES, DOOR& BLINDS & M' 1-10Riu, JJ01"I'o, 7,
FOR— food. Remember, pay; up qt OULDINK Is, : i . HINGLES, LAT' , U., M �E! --R, S- once, cons :F -A. 1-6 -and chse youi cicilco!I.. Ali-- ist Ub,1865 1:1.12 Re feels 6onfident, of giving Satisfaction to -ith their pat "cafoi -1 h. t!lose who may favor him N% ks we have turned our. tten bion particularly R. WILLIS, i, none but first-elasq worh-111611
R 41t� I 0.6 are employ -,d.
the manufchurin, o 43 AOAJOI%lt)tr 1111plu- 13
fflts, tile fanning collinninity inar -olLpend oil
Paiticalar atte ition paid to Custom Plani nt.,
universal satisfaction, hilih is ,uaran-
J 0 111 N JT- '13ROADFI)Ot
A: Pitts' Iloisepower, froi 2 to 6 horse's
4ver.- Strawcutters, reversibh gear, very provernenbs; Choppin,gr Millu Or Grin Grind-
London 'Huron a rd Bruc e.
latest iii1proved i% - 11 grind froni I5
So bushelg-. per hour , lso c at Cutters; 111111).
Land Rollers at lowest and favor-
J,ondon, depai t. 4.50 P.M. (5.0) A. 3L,
i and prices
O.Os 0.3 oat
the ,c tc
6.23 16.ve
ippell.. 9.20 G.29 10.09
I-ticefield 0.36 6.38 30..
1�1, i I
located in London, No.
ciintorl., 0. 5 7.05 1 1
30-11 7AN 12M
1ORRESPONDEN-CE rY "ilA L P110-MPTLY it few Doors epa of VoAofflet,
30.20 2 121)( p it. 1
ATTE M TO. ttcll toil V i yell to olista"as of the.
b t
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I 1. .17 12
-rvatiun of
Vic Preso,
R. WILSON, Y-',ir, I inpaired 11 varinX aud
S. 0
dkeases of the Throat. Chronic Intliti
11ma- C Irl,
I Fro'
P 'OPI R thrill heing & frunjuent Of
of the NoFe Cj;Aaj di a. c,
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3i. I iljtoI) . 25
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........... ,'� - ') I S-58 4.48 1.4i
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havin- any the
4ed. es
>. et,:w. . . - - - ') - I 4 -59 5 �t,
arri I O.'�� 0 ff. 00 i t Ware-roo
AND ON"AAR10 I 11C. -Add Win. Blair, who el -led oil the 24 .
J) da.y
Lodon, .31( rn u re M'S.
MENTand Savinf�r IqOcietN I'aN e J), 18,85, are -on or btf6re the
allioulftofillonev-to IwA oil rel Ito b
Grey and Briace
PCnd post prel
aid to
rates of interes. t1le, pl.,N I- 1-1.0.
their Go
Na Aceoin. pesMixCA.
utolhe bormwer of. . N addre:
If �(.0 -C!';;d ct,73L t call at
,v low., to nature of seenriflei el
IhLid by thein and in de -fault thereof,
ents nd the ocicty.
R o b e r t s o. 'S,
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A. N. I 7.00 A.m. 11.25
he to ',III palti�z
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0 Tz; T 7�L. F�, S yf
�,inie to eAher Of tbt ulvi ,z
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,7n;oi) !�-Lation, ha 11; been re
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