HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1886-01-22, Page 4Tt 3
uARY 22
or, inILT'i]V conduct- short, strong bsick, good long quarters
are ut.-sure. that i war, died aisville, Ky., on Mondal tin over shallow as di
E. BUTTERICK CO: tack. At any rate ihe veriest h phen was e
Mr. Ste ipal mat we
ypoo- stage -demonsoatei. 40. Notes.
Kplained. that his low set and -.broad, muscular
very wealthy en he took. holdf the wi�hld W wise to continue a ach after 0. n erm illness.—Alim te ed by farmers. He.e, thighs' for -the t;6 pose Air- th.4 a course
Reliable Paper Patterns, for all kinds risy t railw4 Bayard, at daugh r of the Secretary adi rice to farmers about the thermomo- clean, broad hooks - from the hock Last we e I,- M r' Thomas HI
gres maw _y roject, having-beeii -for unless a few of Mr- Purdue's friends see WaShin
CMiWe champion and defen4er of the volunteers merely sarcasm. In advising the foot the leg should be short,
Missew'. Boyle and t, Of Stat -3 sudden ive hogs fro
many years, aly at the head of th� ly in gton ter was flat, and 3kilssels, purchased I
west. Wh' 'pre 111 fit -to act mdre decian an they,!have 'farmers not to be auspicious of the cleah, with well defined muscls. The 1 township, tl
Garmenta, for Sale by HOFi BJW$0, who served 'in the North -- tly sturday rnoon. the of rey.,
.en -Bank of - Mbnti McIntosh,
ibitta als�i president,[ besides
Seaforth. we consid4ir-that the Miil justified"the havin� largely � vested in the manufac. recently done.' Again e say, a word CRyixG FOR THE WORKHOUSE.—Two chi iese factory men, he said in unioil mare should resemble the - horse, only irpgated 1,928 lbs. I
e ittl longer in the 'hees
huiidreil abl -bodied' men, with their' there is strength. He quoted figures she should be a It )1els"k; , e amd
turing industric a of the Dominion.' He to the wise is sufficient.. I l5odis, .-�:The Peol. �n k, -
Governmentin sendin -the volunteers familie's attkniling! a meeting of the it all( wing the progress made in the c6ese or, as it iscalled, a little more ro y. paid the
T t ja,,Ctory, of ci��siidered a nillionaire, but to what M
to,the Northwest half-clad;land through at Waterford,' 1re- in ustry during the last 20 ye�Ekrs under Such a horse should be a good Mover iden 'of
extent it - wckul& be! mere speculation to Board of Guardians' liolders a divi 20 per enl
NT ref -factory sy' m. lie strongly. advo- with a free, easy a p, should lif
gar The figure b6tweenj the parenti affer the- weary a shore Of' hazard an oplmon.� He has 8; pai A' doia-RESPOli g to our land, the other d demanded admission th Ste te last years,
wild on the liorth ay operatio, W.
each line denotes; the page b(the paper oA whibli, suffeTeduntold resi -in Mo f last Week: on the appointment to !the work house. They said they ci d thecreamery system. feet fairly high, move them straight, Itual con �;entibnof the,
the advertisement will be found. Lake Superior where they de.nee t al, only lately built,! articlg o —The an
i6 itarving, and were uhable to ob- he chairman said that we have'the forward, and set the foot to the ground Sabbeth School Assoi
after the model of he lide W. 4of Huron
H. Van.-' of a Public chool Inspector -for South e qui clean and in, an
Nillop Reformers bar
—Win. Cash. (5.) dships, -When thpy might Just a a well taiii work ural Ire irements for good bu�terw 1i d both mare and borse 'Wilithia year be he
e w -ew, York. - He isi nat in , wing
Blake Creamery—A. Douglas. (5) derbilt's hous i N jauroil, reminds us'th4t Mr. Turnbull, -1
0 rpetuatel y 2401 Febi ne.1
Roberts' Dr—ug Si. S. Roberts. (5) have been sent there properly equipped 4t has n 'heir to pe THE PANAMA CANAL. de Lesseps making, and'there is no reason why we should be health' and free from blein- rd
Good Templais'Xeeting.'(8)
of Cli�ton, on� of the appli nts'nallmed, is � at Panarila. He declares his task Should not excel iii this branch. Th� co- ishes as only a sound animal Tile residen
and by a cromortable, rout4� and that it his name.. e munificent in his bene�i' I I I can pra- ce rly occ-opl,
Xoniy to Loan—Expositor 015w. (8) 1 thete is a fat easier one than was the operative system is the only one where- duce a sound,.liealthy ff9pring. in ul Smith,. ea'the Bru�
-aional. and benevolenf- is not an old man, and
ns to 'edub
olden Lion—R. Jamieson. (8) had not"one word of protest to utter factio that this':si 31r. Ada
0 i �01�1, _waa
Statl t
We Al
inst bonstraction,- of th Suez canal. The by we� can -improve the standard of our buying a, young mare to breed from. do b
Good Cedar for Sale-4ohn Johnston. (5). wheir this same Giblvernmebt rewarded itutious,his l"'t-tontributfon. being not be urged as an obje'et'OR to hi Farm for $ale—John: TorrAnce. (5) ap- P.� canal will be, completed by the bu r. He believeil in - not buy one that has -been highly fed and was purchased b
$59,000 to the Gr-eneral hospital in Mont y Mr. Alex:
this and forced to early maturity, especially tard, for the sum of ; , end of 1888. THE SYSTEM OF SUBMERGING-
-1, whichdmts -all nationalities' and' I . I
these volunteers for their self-sacnificing 'res pointifient. Lest our remarks on
service giving them land: scrip, the creeds to itair benefits. It *as 9 n Point Mal en in sun- -%v das sin",
by some been par value, whic' as they,hav Florida, telegram says it is estimated gel ted a means of accomplishing this. Mr. McMillan spoke of the too by - i have'be derstood PTEcTs or FRosi acksonville, thi: upper portion. of the - cans, and sug- if fed a great de -at of dry grain. _A fe by Mr. Stephen in honor of the late Dr. e e C0111- :-of Rullett, sold a y
of h is about forty-five
I Chief fe
ice of over feedin _A1.W.ay. 'Nla�on's o id
that 50,00.0 toxes of 1 oranges, worth Mr. D. D. Wilson , thought that in mon pract Campbell, the'founderof theinstituti,on' our correspondent, *e ain repeat 9- ot by
dollars, while they- gave- the command- 1 000 000 ye ti throughout the country
bali a century since'. ere destro: d by the recent many locali lea begin to breed with the young
riare surri of $325. A -dr. iteford, of-,
an. -22, ing officer, whose busini�ss it waf th freqze. it would be much better'to establish from the class of animals you i tend to ana,'Washe purchai
IS'81)'L. at I n
SEAFOTH, FRI i to -be 4 our mind this is hot a vaid ob-
-which would improve the 'follow breeding from. fie So
field of viho made no. IN another collumn we publish a letter jectiori, although it has bie i raised, bat THE POOP. CAii —The late severe cre tmeries, gave me
on the B. Switzer. ha�. leased 14ol
The Blake Banquet. from. Mr. Johni Purdue,- the author of not b' us. We ather and nowstorms kwve played staadard of our butter and wiewould valuable hints on the 6ourse to pursue 1 �To
perional sacrifices to be theria. that he know tha; Mr. Turn- we Bayfield concession, toWn
-of aHe referred o the ini- 4tonaistillgf 66 r, fi-om tile Ca
fikv�oc,�vith the cattle on..tbe plains thi -a realize better price while breeding.
Ron. Edwari 'Morris political -muni- bull is lt man �rigor Te�ai A despatch L froul"Waco,. in that, "I Ir. Johii McMillan spoke of 'a butter portance of breeding for a specic pur. omp y. ets # for five year
The banquet given was not already well'paid -for ma ing,, the now famou" ii i i 'the full prit .16 and fie, a
Blake in London last week was One (if cipal ircular. We hae t much to� of life, who in the nai d courf e of
and who did not endure one-tenth of the no St4e on the 13th iDst., 94ys: The loss me -chant who preferred creamery butter pose. In breeding li ht entll --of and taxes.
an anuual rental --of 0
horses theob-
coesSlul I I brilliant affail a the'ruest ad say in re ly to Mr. Purdue. He is pee
harilahips th&t his men had to suffer, a p en-, events should be good!fon twenty or in cattle will be great. In the so'nth- tthat of the eastern to*nsh d hilt with a heavy —'Nlr. George Cr olis f cattle are drifting Mr. Alex-
f borne said, breed like Clyde the object is ttillo Ou
a premises, and weat and west the t timbe
of the kind that hass rer. taken place free gift of twenty thousand 'dollars in tirely astray in hi U the n biLra
COU -1 more years of faithful, �ffldient service
8 He gave figures showing The new b
a4d ar� rapidly t the Submerged call has the adVau- an muscle. r
theProrvince. B eight and nine again t the fences
sequently his conclusions are. equally' in thb irea. hi f tl ol'd The' pen pan, as the cream is bow he cn vill be 54 by hard cash, we arei j
-tilitified in concluding. bposition 6 wh erir ing rom e e oss will tage over tli6o raise' a colt to three years %V1
fnhundred sat down to supper, and there- ]Mg
9 joined -to the o11 ba'11. T.11-4ere WJ
erroneous." In 1fact, jndgin from his'. Moreollrer, rough 6duca nal- In the Northwest, all extracted from the milk and- noxious for $100. The U ited 8 t, market
that - the, Crocodile tears it now sheds he is' a tho ti nusually heavy.. n ta Cis
were present o
ver four. thousand people,! r, e are imos 140 intd to the ist, vo
lette great prairie fires have ccurred, and odc rs are prevented from coming in con- IS ALWAYS OPEN stabling untler
over the'volnteers are being poured basde, ited his-lif-,'tothe'pro
d iti ii estimated '.hilt fully a thousand the attle are (lying by the hundreds tact with the cream.. The matter was to Canadian heavy horses.0 There are --I r. Yo 111-1
forth for an mere opi xith6tsonie one hits been I'stuf- fession;, and has served' in all grades
-a purpose other. th nio I I
failed to gain admittance 'to the h I fron� the cold. No. provision has been very thoroughly discussed, and- it was, two 'kinds of men lvho should llever� Aold his baii(Isoiiie mi-riage tenn,
sympathy. When th6 Mail thinks it fing" bim. .1a.be'first placehesay's from the lowest to the hfghesti and has made for the care of cattle in these bleak ahnost unanimously,,'agreed that the handle young'colts or brood wares. One s jr 'of the
We give our rea eek Mr. Thomas Bis etq
in sup - that only If a few Conservativels met to- been efninently SfUl -,q Of ieb are devoid Of everything creamery. syst in is the only one, by is the. vicious tempere lace, ha-, al�N:o sold lik road
can make a -point zainst a Dolitical . op. succes' nd inan districts,%�h d individual who- - - V
h& sea were
oss -earned to control himself.
plement form, a. fuR report of .-the :pro onent it is quite willing to spring t er in the w n ha" as our mo�t promising young i nen ow� to except grass.- The. loss to the cattle ir�- which the butter stildard can P a not I One These hor
o the gether in the ll," &co, where,
cei tam repoir J dstry on the Pan -Handle will also be be raised, Of the first things is kindness and ers at ll tlie4. fall Ddingst.,inaluding a verba the c!ircular h- . . .4 , winn
defence of tile v'ol neefs, but it is in says the meeting'was the ear, y training which th4 -,y have, re�-
of the; address deliver?d by the.guest- o very, great.. All thii water pools and' Prof. Browft gave some interesting friendly feeling, 'so to speak, betw season,-_
one of. the' Conservative associaion of ceived from h ess which ba cen r
equally bl interests- when thd streams througboiit the heavy cattle facts in connection with tile experim, � mi- the animal and his groom, ainies Deac a, io has R.
Tile r.
the eveniag fithe Reform other Is
and the leader o Morris, I'NrbiCh-wasv_uRy LARGE
Government -which it LY AV a Wnship of t supports treats ttenddd them in later e He gro ig districts of-ithe tate are frozen &I butter. factory at Guelph. He was the. tim id, n ervous individual who sta,314 in the to,
i�nmen this speech to thO years, lj,av�es for party. We co oVe7 rd. The ground is covered with the a called upon by the cairman for an whenever the'auinial moves. Judg nearly thirty
them with contempt and g ED invabers from each sub -di- would 'we believe, �make a inost efficient Mont,
rosA injustice. T E N) � i - 1 – His injuleroils
careful perusal of every re It is' anon in selecting and sticking tone breed next we6k�
mader on the best method of feeding
in depth from two inches to one' add reas�
We have no doubt kit the volunteers vision. Of coil rse both statements can - Inspector, and both by hi's long ser ice.
a e cattle. The address was listened and' ai near as possible one family are that vicinity are an OR!
in truth,, the speech Of a satesm, t -foot This Will completely cover the stoi sorrt to lo
will fully appreciate' the kindness and not be. correct, bilt then,perhaps it is in the Orofession and his- success as trass on the ranges, and as no provisions to with a great deal of interest through- the high roads to success. reliable- a-cl(luain-talle
There is nothing. flippiant.. or, abusive iii ave the death o --It, Theprofessor strongly -urged the Profs. Greenside, and Brown congri
ip. of mqmoryon the part of Mr. teacher�-he is entitled to flist considera- feed 11 every success whiarevi r be ma go
consideration shown them by. th� e Mail only a at' been made for
it. E'very subject is. treated in, a ca rate among th ock 9 cold will pro its and benefi6 Of stall feeding cattle, lated Mr. -McMillan on the ex ell n e f —Tile CO-anty "Clerk. has rece
but, if it is the' best friend they have - Purdue, for' which We will It be tod tion from,the Coun6il, and. Ive are sure 0 at fO1;i
- 1 1. reach frightful prop6rtions, manure -41even applications f )111 0
and dispassionate manner, and with the and entail the principal one beink the pro- this gaper which was thorouhLy di.
they ma well pray to be saved from severe on him, nly when he. undertakes that s4uld they appoint JAni they kvill.
y -T e snow fall ex- our d. -He said that if feeders expected cuss and criticized. --for the position of Coi inty- Engineer,
ti: e loss of millions. e
-airiless. in ct one of spirit of f It is 1
V licants being frolivalillest all friends.. I dy' efflicise the actions wid - ne er h �ve reason to - gr -n a; e aft
the tender mercies of uch to pub i re 4,'jtheir choice. t6ndi as far south as.the 27th parallel, to �et a profit oil the grai nd fodder At th ernoon session Prof. Bro)vll
the best, if not the- best iddress, evei below Loredo,, on the.'Rio Grande. Old con mmed, and another profit oil the beef delf 2"the Province-. Twa 11 Of all those who have yet been m vered an address oil
utterances of otl ers he should try to be en -
Om the-- oeou
6M ere asking too much and XTRI.O. hose appl I fr
deUIvrered -by 1r. Blake, and nothin�' of the7 AlgOT_&� a little mord a66 rate in lis own state- Mexicans, who'cn r; ember 60 or 70 sol. they w` iicil i
The WreGk tioned, �ve believe there are none wllose�
4ndainy othrs beforia years back, say the present snow is un.- -vvoi �ld be disappointed, but if they. 11 his Province, 'he said, bas not ade
approachng it has �ver been listened t(
Our readers will not
yet, have fibri, Monts, and ina,�e 'his stories bang to-' claims are so str6, gas his. _z.Last week- Tlloui�,-, precedented. woi be satisfied with one they any very great advancement in
profit the pro -
in Canada since the p4lmy das of H
ten the w reek of the Canadian Pacific Grey, Sold his hemry co Ad not engage in anything more pro- duction of wool and mut
gether a little lbetter. In the second
George Brown-. This supplement shoul� steamer At toll' It i� P�o� bolt, - King of the Isles to -H. Ale]
gom a o Lake Superior last SIR JOHN MACDOXALD raturn6& to the 'table than stall-feedinj si even at bably -not so well adapted to sbeep-rais-
r. Paodue will take the t Farmers' Institute. fi
place, if M rou I-(.
the present prices. The manure from ing as is blanitOba" and the great North- Aeu, of Bruc6 coulitY,501r A,-LrOOd I"
be laid away for f utute ref erence as -well fall. F or an ocial commis- ble to consult lie records for himself Ottawa on Tuesday.. He -wa3 enthuslas-
some tim
The Fariner�' Institute for . South i is tw and a
King of the Isles
as careully perusQd at fie -present time,. each stall -fed animal wa� worth at least west, Where there is a wide opening for
sion of experts hav� Aid by, e been. engired in' tically received by his friends and pre� H in Cardno's hall,, Se ol, d, -instead of depebading upon the state- twenty-five dollars,- and this, in itself, the person who engages in this pursuit.
uses which led sented *ith e nial0bg of Ono *4
It be-fou-ild of alue as a reference enquiring in -to. th6, ca to ments of otbers�` he' -will find that the addresses of, we. come. He forth' oxi the afternoon of Wednesday of Was a good profit. This Is ail opportune time to under Ages to be tb
on many, occasions, The Reformer,: that ter ibl c last -week. Tile attendance was not
C atastrophy. This com- q, :made a speech in reply, in m hich he re' sheep farming, as it is and has been t horse,-, in tll oiiiltrv-
co mmotion- in the Grit ran ka in 1883 L?VE_1Z!_1Za ery res
very large, but there was, neverthe as, nie T4,v - nd, Von
le Pan nse
A slopes
mission have completed their laors and ted. The hills an
a, -a ha-vp eve y reason to fee] Gren much neglec
of �Can A U the evening session,
was- not occasia'llbd- by an attempt on Lerred to several.. unimportai t inatt rs, a fair attendance of leading farrpers.from. eaugter of -To
propil o their gre na side delivered an address, in which he of the Eastern Provinces
if th haive reported, in substance, as"
f TlickerinitiN
follows: the part'of tb�e Grits to circumv ttb made no reference to. Ii renewa of various sections of the county. The told intending purchasers how they with the sheep-ra districts of Wales ent their t
did no; rally arou-ne bi as: one inall I Agricultural College was represented by ising -the recent entr-fMce We ae, of opinion that theShip was politic, ie Reciprocity or Fishery Treaties. His sho lid examine a horse before'sealittg a and Scotland. n this Province thereis
at oppegents in the county coun-
ld prove themselve unworth n ing her e' Professor Brown. and Dr. -Greensides villy equalled ill inarltb by two oth�li
they wGu lost through overrun stimated bar �ain. He enumerated the -various room for everybody -in th'
eff he seems to suppo"se, bat the -very health has-been much improved by the both of whom reiidered valu'ble service c production 'Of
'd had tile
distance, an- 91 This is all the illore
sons of noble Sires. the officers u poi i its that req that she . it�
that the proceed-, trip, an& conducting the Institute, besides giv- uiie the attention of the -thoroughbred sheep, as at present the ounty. log and lead with which their ship. was reverse. H� Will.&A U is said to look well. 0 mriarkable con
'iliat he can satisfy Mai— emand exceeds -the supplyi not-Alith-
pur haser, so
the Le, of the avei
supplied, they would in all human pro- 'ings which occasibned this I 1 66 in much valuable infor'niation. in: erabl y undet
minotion", -self that the animal he is getting is ex- standing thii stagnation in the Market
Tile Meeting was opened. by a short High School scholar.
Mean babily 11ave been apprised of the danger were instigateda�'nd. drilied out b- e News of the W&k. actly what it is represented t� be. I f6r ordinary muttonand wool- Landis a tra
y th
The Toronto, Mail Saturday last Of their -position in - time,6 have averted address from the Presiderit, Mr. Ale- POULTRY, XYD ITS PRODUCTK. too valuable in this Province for the nd W1
-v6 iVers of the council, MoTHin.Axr) D,�uaTiTEm.—A woman -Qqade,who concluded byeallingupon
thecastrophe. Conservati m Wanted to.get boai-, 1,
made a, grossly unfair etsonal attack on!
production of lrge-quantities of grae
Hr. D. D. Wilson was, called 'upo.n
Captain Moore and M T itb for Uri
r. Hastings who, actuatelI by Ila desire to snatch a died in N6 Nv- Orleans' last Ft id n -?vlr, John Hannah, of - uokeli . I - log obeaply for moiltb d ffig tM
Hon, A., Ross, Pro vificial'Treasuer, sheep for theanarket, biit there is ,� t
bea high-charact at the advainced,-are of 1-2�5, v A PAPER aW BU1rTER-3tAK1_N and -delivered an address oil poultry -1c
ers, ad their conduct lea ing a C. 4nient season. 11,e4idn"t ul
public office used their majority of one
who, is also the hor ored Lieutenant -i and its products. It is �O'f the utm oat room for thoroughbred stock-. . He de -
after the ship struck was both courage- daughtee 86 years of age. Mr. Hannah,'wlio thoroughly under- boardin house, " 113 S,�" so bei
vote. to insult, ly instant dismissal, an imr.ortance, be said, that we should scribed. the Ch t as a very bardy,
Colonel Of the Rur n Battalion. Sol ous ind self-sacrilicing - but we feel that BANK, SUSPANDED. Bok at stai16 butter-iijaking, and has carried Couple of turkeys f )),I official who had serv' ation of the products
avoid any depreci dersized animal, whose outline would -was
no such conduct displayed a; ed them faithfully Devil's Lake, Dakota, the pioneer bank off -%is, Chiaon s arr and ScA
fter 'the oc- lie laurels for this prodLICt at Lon -
hard up is the MM for grounds itpon e of poplitry. Four millions of dollari not please the average Ontario farmer.
eterence*of a catastrophe can'aton6 for for quarter of 4 century. Mr. Purdue here, hai suspended. A e deposlits doh, Toronto, and other exhibitions, jail for r3
which. to base 11U. a,;Li r aggregate about $25,000. woi th. of ego,,s were exported by Ontario Its. wool' is attracting the attention of —Mr.. Thon on, Ross,, the eglect of simple precautions whicl� would also,as6ertIaiii by etusa;l of th I read an extremely exhaustive paper, ese
p many of our breeders. He (lid not tbink
that it, resorts to the discreditable led to it. SNOW.—Snow* storins have prevailed which -1he entitled Hints on butter- last year. After the fowls hve served ig ee
ve zef has beell.5
recor �ty P
ds., that th4s'e sa e members had that if brought to this country tile), jk)lle to (1-0 much ille all-vil for!
tactica.-of garbling a -rd Misquoting his ept t1e:plea that and itnaking. " In commencing lie g
How can we ace incessantly throughout Austria ave such' their purpose for the production of glid retain their peculiar charac
theywill. be of value when placed on WOU liaving reeeiv�
Captain Moore and M' Hastings were afterwards to .0vallow their former ill- Hungary. ad vice at this past two -weeks, li�
words�. 1, t says.
foliowing the cominlo the table. The'Brahmas, Cochins, and ties. The black-fdeed breed of Scott 4mvre knock on"tl+ re n voting to have EV. MR. SPU ONV A LE S 0 E N T. ;
He-, -�ng tie admit thathel la� n practice on the advised, 11 sol.uti6 a RGEOIN C Farmers, don't make butter at home Ply and Ithough. tit has been bi
-kes ; for in,whatever me' by, —Rev. Mr., Spurgeon :is recovering forthe market not i louth Rocks make a good allowing 113 also Unsalted for our requirements
-was wiHi asi this may elss you cannot- send ght A
tb em rep* eaeill', d tbat- they after- an are -ell an lit is
e of swll - d very so 4 S tl
V61untterswere gatNilt and thivt theyl the a stein is n -less dan- a in February. the cream to the dairy, whi m Served on the table.. He sp . Outside of the Merino tlle�e breeds without com-1 - :be true, -y one the' it d d will riesume.his tabour Ok looked on�'very favorably by man
answered the call �f (114 wards uni ec In honoring the man S ' N�-,S I tile importance of keeping fowls. that bri
i gerous, nor is it in accord With what we E, BLE.—The Irish socidies of Bos- Farmers, don't starve your cows at around, aiiaxpects t6l be atwbr �aj
-plant. 'But there his�,enco M 11111118 had to' ra The Lelcesters, whether the old
pa ships Smll egg
on Sb. Patrick's dty. hours per dayat the shady side of a wire
consider the ordinary practice.of skilful whom- only a fevA. weeks before they bad ton, Mass., have decided no;to -rade winter, and leave them exposed eight will produce large eg s. A man ho in a few (Jays.
stop, and-- he found it �.ece air to bit, and careful persons engaged in navigat;. conspired to insult and injure. M �f(fg 7%1 -ill �Oon become well, English or the border, is a remarkable, wi� Ayr. J, 1111 Beall, of t,
Pur� je of - ri. J
that in the Northwesl� -they were 011, �-- ig the waters of the TDomi THE PERSIAN MI-NISTER. Frederick return ill btit unfaouraby known on the Ne breed of sheep. The old English ma- ton, net with apecullar 41
in';iOn of -C fence, and - then expect'a full : . -
Marauding eipedition�,. and that, . `,n- due is evidently tot aware of thelie facts York or Boston inaketi Th tures early, but as an improved breed it 'bl in a� a' ada in like cases. H. Winton, U. S. Minister to Persia,' butter during.the summer. e Hain - 4MYS sillee. S o wal.
else he would not n -the'Grits sailed fro burgs are iii remarkable for the size of cinnot retain its characteristits in this a s -mall 1),i.dr of r-hai Ti J
general thing, they aie inefficient. On Ca I-qoore,s certific:die is order- ow.'accuse om. New York for US post on Frs don't send* your dog, as- Areas pocke
country if it does not receive Vie treat- her ang"eft thild- requi,
Saturday. sisted by the- small boy to " sic'm,'to the eggs
the other 'hand the half-breeds were' ed to b c the they lay, neither do they look- and yo,
e, ancelled for twelve motb of the; Council in causing this com-
brae men. Alan -for man,, he deal. 1 from Decer ALARY BILL to advantage when placed on the table mentof its native land, For- mak irself oil'
ing a
WA, 1885, and. tbe�certifi- mo, ssE-D.—The judicial backfieldto bringback thecowstobe er attnioli, sho thdw he
tion because a* Conservative was
theywereworth more 'as soldiers = Tbe Black Spanish., although not iar_;� fine piece of mutton when -it is youilg it udwith"it when tj ellb
salary bill has been -passed by the United milLked, and then expect 'them to be in
0 arly two hl(�,
our fowls,'produce a good-sized eg Ion-, but un- -ter leg to the depth ofl�ine
te of Hasti,n -first offi6ar for six likely to e is famons. Its wool- is
traied Volunteers.. Why? Be- I months, from tl�� samikilate. be appointed. to tile positi n of 8,tates Senate. It gives all United States that cool, calai condition so iiecessary to 9.
appoin c tain requireuie
Very paiiif�,il woui
County Treajrer. Had the t- Distri t Court judges five thousand dol- thei ng the greatest. quantity.of Lincoln resembles the Leice-
Cau! e Ynore 'use( said ill a
I to prairie' we should estali and ina suited to the - preseut lits. The -1 'a
se they wer A telegram from the Miniser Ma- uffictin-
I.-i-fe'a-n.d4topra-iriefig.hi�.�.g9 Notat -i in'e- and Fisheries was r lars a year, and prohibits the from richr gi in gool reputation for poultry products,
vl vea r rec ived prov- ment been gone. �bout in roper. and aip- �he th ilk. _=ciakllt happil
bu al
-t because the ong, n the ig of tbe decision, but short th ves to oflice in their must dispose and general appearance but it wool is
eni ar I's in open Mr.
aged. i and to do this. we Of er,
ey i pointing their relati me don't set your milk defence from. the onala glits of the Vo- decent inaner dere was not a Grit in
L of tile ca- tai,n's certi Cate, courts. thoi ;e fowls that do 'not produce. large- pr6bably not as fine. The Ainer'
suspens p 'pans in the cellar ed�posed to the foul lea" Exeter, oil Thimsday Of unteers of their righ-ts; their lands, the' Council who W�oud ha�veobjected to erras. market is
three montlis., owing to his previou oo SIR H. D. WOLFF. RU, 0 LL6. —Sir air and odors of vegetabilien Von seems tbat he Avas woilldog t the
-an( resides. Brown -s questions, Ur saw, wl
home%,, recori and having pursued the aual- it, - What they did object to and what Aenry.-rumniond NVplff, British Com- can set it in deep cans' surrounded by anwer to Prof.: FbR THE COTS ien it �canvej, in cont;iLlet
The "owing isi Mr. Ross really- practice in'tiavigating the lakes. missioner to Egypt, has been recaled. Air, lVilson said that some fanciers cross and this ca -11 should be obeyed by us. T he his band,cutt g -off t. 0 f
tfil"ley did protest against was that to se- cold water. ing jw adly W, t
dia say d Farmers, don't buy your wife a ther me cock. with a Brahina or Cochin 'Cotswold is 4t little slow in the mattir d ly cure that appointment, an ol His mission is believed to have been a G%
without rult monieter to test the temperature of the ben, to produce a, good -energetic fowl. compared with the Leicester. The Ox- 1we glatl to say til4a inuhw tij
"'"He thought e dotild pbin.t with Ano er Sir. JosEri-r AncH BAN�Q .�A ])an- cream, as she then would- los6 the happy egg is determined by its ford Down, the latest breed of Encrlalid-,
and bonored Milt of The Council ality of "
The (lu, an medical treatment lie -is
-pride to the record of Our Boys in the The anouncement is no , ir made that� should be insulted and dishonored, given the other night in Lon. kn of knoNvi' etbe temperature by flvour and trnce, which depends has all the size d maturing properties &n(l (piet was an
orthwest. That was no holida. The' Air ac- n
-ell, XT. P. 8TICKI-NG HER THUMB ding. It is nee George Stephen, President of - the don,"in honor Of Joseph Ai largelyou the fee essary of the Leicester, but its wool is much'
corps caRiedout-'for dutv were mostl if Air. Purdue's - s.ense of 'right was not T -be following Ila e' I
y ivho-is't-le first agricultural laborer to in th that poultry shovild-be fed a quantity of coarser. The Hampshire Dow ointed, OfTucers ;11.1411 41irectxj of
Calia'dian , Piwific Railway, has be' 0 e crei; discrediting the . as
mi, thereby n is App
b mae up of blunted by his pr�judices he w'u1da
--gree animal food. � This is reason. why he�vy a piece of muttion as the shrop
fellow&. reared, so to in the lap:��f knighted by Her -Majesty, p6d is elected to parliament-. good old rule so, dear to many farmers Iforti-ilturf 1�03V' with us in saing that they did right in UNITED 8TATk�,--RXPORT.,;,-1'The e-. eggs� are not produced in the winter at -currelltyear: Croiv*
N the rule of thumb. (Laughter Ae, -but it does itiot mature early. Its - ll�
d Ph at exer
motion to try and pre . eir Aent; 1). ilui. r-pre.611
0` raising a." corn ports -of eatile, llogs, beef and dairy It j
Iuxury. ot inurcd to ati, -door life or privileged to prefix I is. o dinaliv 0ban h
hardened- 4 eat )ok upon the main wool is much finer than tbtof the 8, rop- t
habitui ers, don't b m en by 11 Sir." This s called ho n�or.is products from the'United StAcs -for or company who -is run n�ing the cheese or Win. 'Buchanan said that if an shir , bat its frame is coarser. Tile- Anders else,, they were harricd:aff intherigor of 'a ill proceedings. O vent any such di gracef es
fie I tip eggl is, small it is produced much mo feeuyler, -L A, er. with con rret Mr on account 1885 fell off 'about $3,000, owaF compar-. butter factory as your natural e-nein, re market is asking us to produce a sheep
Out the equip- 'ot. t yon O�b cheaply thaii a large one, as the lighter of 160 or 170 pounds live
Cana4iau wint on 8 tephen We fancy, aso, fliat Mr. Purd y I A� .11 . e, Ad iyith 1884. wbo is trying to beat and chea weight, with Janies �1111c,, ment that accompai a he regular sol- of his be'in or at the bead of'' the C
class oi'poultry' is more energetic than short wool, and -,we must take stes to t d Walter 'Scdifit, OmPi aware oe has forgotten that a few 11;E-$CL1IXU NATORK.—The rescu-in party of your hard earned a
9 Zan
dier- Their first eXperience—tedious whiclicarred to com pletibn theconstruic- nontl
is previous and snow ti at work in the mine, near In support of his avingsn-" the breeds, which balve to be fed do this %vithout waiting ten years or -it. Talbot antl J' n to. evenis to first i
t on the -frozen ground. I lVilkesbrre, is now -hourly expecting to quoted market prices during last sea� by I ialid. inore. Tllie'SoutlidowA, one of. the orig- —One day last w4k r. I itile * junction he
bed a blank -e' tiOu Of this ertlkia'.- There can. be which he refe-rs w
a Conservative as
reach tile. fatal chamber in the mine, son for store and creamery butte r'.. Wilson believed that it was a, inal. breeds of Enland, %vill be useful to t They were called tal meet an enemy no O'bjection to ',,vlr. Stephen gettiug his unani�mously appointed.- to tile position r, show Mot, , of (A
-sk, where they re -in hopes of. findil�g the ing a balance of 3& cents per ound in ce to keep any fowls, of whatever the requirements of the 1"rovince. The -ery val-wable illed and expeAenced in the tactics new titl d if it oes hil good it will Of School Inspector, and his appoi ho -were impris ned favor of the �reamery. He g Country is wise in To -op _Ale beast from alld .4o,
.9 an d p
0 breed,.niore t1ja two years, as they
of bush wari praatical huriters,%rbose� nt- twenty-six men w ave the Oking to tl n
ie li
not do any other person any barm. We there five weeks ago. at Mat age ce'se laying to a great ex-_ shire forth e the hrse mentas as reasons why creamery. -butter excels is a e source of the a
riffe- fri yoti-th bad �een. their play� Ite
warmly commended by the verage wool r hom
P) . I) two
d the Grit peppl A GOOD Mo�' .—IThe 'Cbicago,police dairy pro�uct.- He enumerated several tent. C 11 A4
bav�e_tliis to say� bo-wever, that ba uired. I
thing and compan-1 i. Naturally brae, e a�4* pres as by the Conser- and mutton Teq ts wool is second wel. A Idi i e w
I have received orders to see that.the street res -sons why the cow should be� well Carmichael sa-n- with good ". I 1 .1 h I � I
t�uetion of the Canadian cific de- It an
the winter. The m-ceibig Shire ; it -at bab Aead t the stable 4bor. Gas on
and hat n ra- ery oil this occa- C4 vatives. n the t4'id place, ff Mr. Pu'r-,,. dooris leading into the saloons re closed 'cared. for dur Castles in the Aii- and Cie 13 mutton is early b pro
sion. no doubt ed' by the belief -7- penided upon the money piit into the clue will'consult the rec (Otds lie mlili find on Sundays and that the blind"s are fo6d with ' a,j ned. lacks charact p
whether mistakenly held Or not-411at whing
ic I the animal sh6uld d our er for Permanency. How.� 44orn, ach was the su. phse(l cause 4)
wok by Mr. George $tepbell and his. that while- tile' Reformers have drawn. NQ-aitenipt has been 'made" to be manufacturing fat, flesh, or dea they Were fit'l V fo. , 'their libectie's a ma- ever, it is leading the market at present. t)). enforce.this ordinance for u number of milk is burn T lie ttendi -was not so large on be anual statenjent-of the their ands, their onis. He had not Partilers'. the present generation -,%vould :jority in this�cotihty of nearly five bull- ed to keep, her Mr. Dale saido be wa9 proud -to say _T
r. years. am when she * is -not properly the secolid (lay, but the session w %a a that he bad taken the prizes for some- vule Chese and Butiew Compai
as not rcm-d� to do full j. ne -Abe Past Year has just I)een issu(1411
met a, Volimtee, it om th6 Northwest be extinot be -ford Itis -a dred Votes,- th-66CJS almost invariably a ' A FimiN-E APPROACEINL%—An Irish -looked -after. The largest p6ftion of vcrlr interesting on . The first in order Leicester sheep lie owned. Heoncur-
who w, "stice to -svell known act. that Mk. tephert bag Conservative the - County High Sheriff has written td tl'e Lo as n address by Professor Greensj'des red with Prof. Brown that- now is the most satj�',-ifactory the bravery Of the half-bieed. in this ndo.n 'food consumed by an aginial irroes to
Made a great deal more money. out of. Colft.neil. Times that,'pending the is tisgion bf supply beat and energy, hence any yio- on I he' f1me to engage in tile - sheep -raising in- rs Tbe *ycar was�eolnmencefl N1
d riptim Of , wairfare, taken man for He -will also find -that While
ne is _- - ap-
beenterprise than he ha-'putint arliament, a- f6ln lent or unnecessary "exercise will. in- dustry. He, however, did not aggree 4balance on hand of W.06, llil 41
Man, it was no disparag�m politics by ? POINTS AL) ent to the i t t% . municipalities with a Con-
-28 proaching Irolai.d witill-1 wili come crease the am6un e referred to the points that g to with the Professorlwhen be advised thein. yin tbe patrons �,Z) '),J )I- in vl
to say at they -were fully 'and tile 'People of Canad' have had to s t of food consumed to i
a ervative majority are - i epresented by acts of lawlessnee-s he to CUP their sheep three times a y his. equal. In such a Conest, fitted to foot tlic and V40 ence supply that ener'gy, and any'pe ink e up a perfect horse, althou. I Csid , slaries awl Inin& rson -Nvbo call. nd we hal�e no doubt but Reformer' says- men are deteriiii1l R1 not to -no persoil but the novice would 1ticized Nfr. McMillan's paper and !he suill' f 51,$W-03 Ls jea
test the (lu�vlitifts of tiny soi our in the County Council, the -re hasmilkeA cows will know how quickly eX- He or howed th he will bear his b onors. a; deal moce light- starve, and will seize -the j�li�c cc to find, animal without a d :CCt commended the portions that niet Avith 1ko thipir credit. The �eport i3 a
municipalities with OrM ssaries of any exciteiliplit, will affect the �quantity P Volunteers's mselves the eqaal are Ref
of any, ill the ly than the tax -payers will bear the life, even at. the risk -of idoing bodily. df inilk. The averaue cow is very easily of y kind,, The object is to. ge , a, his views. aud ehat.
ell majprities-repres e-woAd. (Cheers.) ted by Ci6nservatives, 'barm to others'. hor, e ith - as few bad points and at Prof. Brown deliered his oil -t lit I
However Nve way regret the rebellion., or -burden imposed on. thein to excited by a dog. -"But, continues
L mar, es as possi
pay the ese fmcts, Mr. Purdue n lie ex- Permanent Pasture, "'which Nvas listen- —The alinual, tea weeting X
condemn the ainsmailagement in- 'Yet, in view of th The- Mr. A, ii y ood On
y-hich all, must say something
terest of the money stink in the Cut Czar's _ukase, order prewed his' disbelief in the, advantages -3 Wa;ton, Nvas li(-'
caused it, Canad has neither regret to er has the assuilance to.-Ussert that the Re- Zi eximlsion IN FAVOit OF THE DOC. ed to with great -interest. tetbodi it
from 4' ussia o t ail# the ellIM1*11
feel for, or faillt tb find with, the. con- prise, for th& cri of ca f all P iiation- or I may be charged with nimosity. clainied by sdni6, of. -a pro.fu
:ying out forniers' or"' Grits,-? s -lie ca. . russiins not ion of hair r. Dale asked Pr6f. -New Y *13
Ila them, Caduct of hicr Volunteers. Our only rersit which Mr. 8tephen has bee' alized� will affect 10,000 liersalls. Em- The horny -handed' son of toil after a oil the extrevilities of heavy e of After 1-14)0(11 tta, 3
ii knight6d. are respons'bl for -the importation of
his -that so maily valtible lives, wore lost, allowed. eight months in trying day's. labor beneath the burning lon The following particulpils-conceru. th ployers ;are b or� ds. In §peakin.cr of the'breeds7he 81nillic waa called to�
so 111any houies grief-stri(;ken by au iii- e poli lea. into itinic. ections, and �Yhicb to quit Russia., n'mer lsun,'returns to his dilxted�'at _1_01 e length �ipon the cbar- on poor ]and. by lwv. .1
Z:> iPal el workmen six' rays of a sui
resses,re oureer of tile newly inade. K-nign-lit we the only pr' its bc wbeks 'LoteriSt, four beav draught The latter could not recoimend it as Smiley, of cafortb, B, lu
surrectioi�,NN.-Iiiati,acco-rO,.i.ng totli (yen- oof he has fo niouthsaud peasai iCS 0 1, e his impudent place of abode, expecting to firi�l tiTe y
take from the To.onto.Alail and �alse ass breeds the Suffolk Punch is might have been avoide'i —STR0-NG eliapel, oil partner of his joys and sororows:a-waithirr fl,"i g I h it is only lieneficial when the land is in -of Winthrop, and 1" V. IL
ertion is a n�ow8paper para- J
llthe 'Clydes 'usid waz slip
ise administration." Sunday, Archbishop Walsh, of . Dublin, with kindly glance and to v'ing words _t, or Shil. t. m.
Like a, areat many Molitrealers, some gry for o.
led-. th by the disorracef ul denounced the English ress f:)rslaiider- w Seaforth -Mr. Dale very person can Of T-Oloin have passed a.N,� elconie and a 0-othe hini after the labors gave several
s6e from the above, ay full- of years ei P . ir pli er Dale to,
ZZ, due's theia of i bf -\Jr. Chris ,iaid that il; is '4%motipted to 1
nd lionours, and others who are still qproc dinas e iacted, by Mr. Pur ing the Irish. people.ill accusi . the (lay. But alas, where lie looks it bad been iiiisuccessfully usefl. te applie
-hat instead. -of refleeting �uiifavorablv - I � 13'y
t beij addicted to cibin. . -1 Ill to et heavy horse with)ut
wn political! friends in , -ti
enjoying life � here, 'tile new"boxonet 0 ie C appealed for Smiles he only sees frowns, an The Chairm-an said that the Professor's age
ouh d oil 1,
unsself-tiltkle in, f.le as CouLiL l h coild nili such looking for the ause he find Ill r on tile I S. iiiethd. of seeding down as descried in' —The i-A!)sult of 'the tintrance exam
In onclus,ion, we would ask sla r3 9 that his - I
them- the very cGi-inpliment lie born i wife lim been churning, and the heat -\I r. J. -11 Millan rea(l a paper on his address, was p lidons �how thai tbe B ,nevalle eai 4
n 8coti his father a Car- Mr. ' I erfection itself,
penter cii o Montrea: made his labors so uncomr yd . 1)(f
possibly callid, w Mail has n out t Purdue a d I is fello bomipirtor's TnL, AND WNIX LA Geo. -wbich-. (11 e horses. lie opoi by reforA lleellred tht- highet naqrl�s of ally' ef-I
ortabie recognized the Importance of sowing ced
Id the ot the - T 0
-Cars a ,,o, at - i ver to -consider. �1�(h ty Hamilton, First Lord of the C I in the coullty. Twolf tIM, C.,11141ith
a -bout thirty at position I 1�ls par overlica-ed`, the crearn andjspoiled to the importan e of sele(i pro)er forpasture withoutany other crop to
rounds for its attack, and in y early J
C., I , and c1l, member of the Cabinal n a speech e horsestobree.1from. Afterspeakin Ducall and WQ1 I lartle t onc-_ into tile dry ('0 wol4d -occupy in the Coi�nty lia N.f uni. luality o tbe"butter. When he re- of obtain tbe nio�Rt desirable - results. la -y
ent- in a. k i been ctuated by Hum of Iiis un(�le,_Afr. cipal Coli cils-of itt Croydon, said t' lov t Ug
he(, eillilientbdde- i ii ember. the brifill of 66 cly(le 1 36 and 40 it -L i iE 'that, be refused to. allow"his e(I answer to Prof. Browji's question be
-this county, if he PC- termined that one 1MV, S 10 de I nh�ml of this bre d
"wi e o sell er creabi o lie ervaniery Ir-
ite nuv], Osg s clerk, in whiel lie subs 'Cluentlybe- permalien, pas. Ure Ava'S re(i
pure clice. r. 11 D rata e4,d On V4,r
fo6n�rs were to pursue -tile same course ted througho-Lit the rocu wide betwem'm lie oil if, -ul Mr. Dale %ion is t/) be
C&nic Kindolli namely, oi- even buy her the crealnery cans, lie a 1) is paxt of the coulit�y�
has hiluself been ter his micle's d.eath' - - ;:31 ) . bi is't
ar M e ber Of the that he liow attempts to justif f Parliarnen rdl, mild eye, sharp point t and of the Quee f
unteer force for t. sOlile Years later, the business WAS sold y on the I the law n eels so inean.that theonly Companion- a ai spoke of the neessity in thii part
yer ana is re- TiiE a )]Wlertraly lomr, rcl. (A of Hi -*-e wore T'Dla tht'. faet
Out) beeallie in- part of the-C011servi'Ltives ? There would bEAl).—Paul Baudry, ship suiwile to his fraille of mind is tbat iron oi some better pasture.
the Prench painter, is dead, aged 58. AMIt Of the Woollcm iiiant' of his faitliftil dog." tLaiialiter,) Spected, and esteeimed �by every -man terestetl in sent un not
fa-'eturing and be in 'a short time a' A heaty vote of ti Nva tc:iitl
es Nichol',1 'CoRaty, I-omaii et
-der his b, Ali in his offici Right The old *sa ing, Man Nvorks frm- full aild tbei shoulder blade etothe Professors,. the Agricultural Coln- -wh9lesle dry goods, which, he conduct- in y ii
unicip", 0 ces in i Anirl 4-W
c� County- -atiole islopofl�ili)i6rei.�alsod(,a(I.—i un tosuil, women's' work is never mi,4sione -One, day lar --t wt(�V, rew
great suceess,, until lie forme(.1 r, and Mr. Dale,after wbitb Vic
caaci, s�a ndhe was eat Shaesperial
That: such has not already bee Rev. H.' N. e (lone," applies- with toomuch a, meeting adjourned.
flillbiole chest to -'rive constittion fie Babylon line,.
the syn e td build what corisid done is hudsail, -th truth to
alno],Eka thic, fiirst� to offer his services as ltapp� s there %vf
due entirelyto th6 forbearall' - of inany Ontario farme'rs. on- 10 as
ered t flutt tilne most fiazardous cc Re_, so iolar, died at - Canibrid, e, klassacliul oreanin, broat(i knee joints wfth -It w* (lecided to bold 'the kitch
e i There is still room for difference liding stitute meeting at Exet 1h it, ail
-ces of it Ion clay age c* Of flat bon6 and the muscles eu, w a
ie Battal, d '21 well as the servi I s tts, on I ea�j.on tile thir
ion he terprise, the Cmiadian Pacific Railway, formes. But, there is a point at which -1,1is. All�na; -,%I - ia:
Commands, for active duty in th- e -North- bat whiuh he %lid -his pa, ar rreene, ie o dest I -opinion s to the r6lative merits of deep out ild Tuesda of March next. i ome Ail
I . Y ien eaur ,
rtners never forbearance ceases to be a vir�iie d lady in Rhode Island, daugli ter in-law I shallow, settin l.L1. FEATTIPkED' thechilm-ne the. qrht
d e I a as a. meana of raising oub' d .%-ould -be ori the contrary a an NVIJ:
-west. il the fami, ein- i rent
reat success, of which1here is nowno althoi TiLL Exi�OSITOR -has I a;' C a s ifamil
9 in the of Gen. N thaniel ('reene, f revola- the cream on milk where ill the condi- with fine, silk3 urling hair pringy —mr. 110bel'.t Duncan, merchant of
these facts it would b e S'eleefed some question,& tionary fai died ili not notice
11 earnestly and. persistently oppo' at %Iiddl�town, on tio teep a large
-is reall- past sed
a tile larae earnings it ns are alike favorable foi each system. I past(rn, ilot short and Mitchell, who bas been very seriously ifl,
to base its Alonday, aged over 102. �teadway and -Isv liu) Sal e VIt
Wni. But th6re is no room for difference of I ro-an I foot open in the heel and not flat is now improving, and there are od
a captain in th; exican opinion as to the superiority of deep A oil
ard Irwin, set- in the sole; r' nd, coinpact barrel - a hopes of his speedy redovery
other subject upon whi; a- zing in what MaY.Ce terted its incipiAht the introduction of Politics into'niiini- Hov g
to afte
t e
t e
af I i h
- --------- -- - -- ----- -