HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-12-25, Page 7*tt anima he p means he never s while he has those fore him -A pulley 34 fee tong in weight has land. The run will hak more than a mile a min grooves for thirty-two 4 gether they will transenia A power. •:--:-New Orleans underr!ray ers. The "Picayune tes "honored and successful," teaq no after a. service of fifteen sears hi.. sit up half the night, sewing for coaered women, to support herself. -When color on a fabric has been accidentally or otherwise destroyed by add, ammonia is applied to neutralize the same, after which an application of chloroform will, in almost all cases, re- store- the original color. The applies - of ammonia is common, but that of etIetroform is but little known. -It is curious to observe that the name of almost all animals, so longas they hal to be tended," cared for and. ' fed, are Saxon, but 's het! firessed and prepared for food bee me Norman, snowing well the relatiela between the races. Thus, ex, steei and co* are Saxon, but beef Nc -mani. Calf is Sax- on, but veal Norman. Sheep, swine, deer and fowl are Saxon, mutton, pork, venison and pullet are Norman.. -Locke was asked how he had con- trived to accumulate a Mine of know- ledge so rich, yet so extensive and deep. He replied that he attributed what lit - 'le he knew to the net having been shamed to ask for information, -and to *-he rule he had laid down of conversing With all descriptions of ' Men on those topics chiefly that formed their own lakrticular profession and, pursuits. The bosta -informed men are undoubtedly those Iftr adept thifs rule s --When the first cargo of ice was I landed in New Orleans, about sixty years ago, a mob drove away the work- men and demolished the building in which the ice was stored. The cargo had to be reshipped ta the West Indies, while the health officers and other phy- sicians came in for sound abuse for abetting a practice cert in to produce disease. -The Bank of Scotia d is to issue a a k note printed in eol rs, brown, yel- e e lowl and blue, instead of the plain black aud white of the Bank of England notes, T14s is to guard against counterfeiting b photography. The color device has been tried in greenbacks, , but we be ieve that the quality of engraving is • n considered the surest test; The late Dean. Buckland is said to hEat been so intimately acquainted with thsperverties of all the geological for- /11040ns, of England -dia.% being one night belated, and not knowing where he was, h Edighted from his horse, took up a cloc of earth, and examined it. Hs immefliately exclaimed, ‘` Ux--*- br..dp !" amid proceeded on. his journey. -file apervisingmechanic of the Waehingtcki Monument says that he has. .. given awa.pat least five tons of chips of. marble to pager relic -seekers, and that the demandis now greater than ever. Persons as t yet* unsupplied may take heart from he assurance that at least three tons of c' Ts remivin about the base of the tan shaft . • - -Botanists li ve evidence that -trees may attain very ong lives. Tlfe age of an elm has been stirnated at 335 years; that of some palms at from 600 to 700 years; that of an olive tree at 700; of a' plane tree at 720; of a cedar at 800, of an oak at 1,500-; of a yew at 2,880; of a taxodiam at 4,000, - 1 If a baobab tree , at 5,000 years. __ , t -There is said : e old colored preacher in Euf;aulk . i. ma, who is 103 years of age. I• . been married Dine times, his niate %vitt; Jeing now _.alive, and he claims to lieve had 117 children. He owus twenty 'acres Of land, which he e cultivates during the , 0 week, preaeldee on Sundays. --1-ett is enagested by the Boston " Lit- erary World" that the Longfellow resi- dence in Cam'aidge might be purchased ae a joint ne morial to Longfellow and as a local habitation' for the Harvard Arelex, under the name,of the " Long- fellow My -aerial College -for Women." -In a competitien fOr 165 places in the British Post -Office Department '2,534 women appeared at 'Clip examinations. Though the pay is net high, the posi- tiens are secure, and advancement cer- tain to competent employees. That is what civil service reform means. • NeWs Notes. -The natives of India use 243 lan- guages and '296 dialects, and the Bible has been 'translated , wholly or in pert into 63 of these tongues: -Wm. E. Cramer, editor of The Mil- waukee Wisconsin, has been deaf since bo hood and is totally blind, yethe is one of the hardest workers in the pro- fessic mm. M. has been an editor nearly 50 yeareeind his office hours are as regu- lar se when he was young. - -'The Burmese sacred white elephant, whit Ii occupied a magnificent palace' near the palace of King Thebaw, is dead. The funeral was attended bymu PtiOf mous crowd. Rev. Mr. Spurgeon,whose condition cat alarm, has,gone to Mentone 'Cr months: er -of dealers hi eggs and -'atterson, New Jersey, were !. other day by a man repro - :elf as Garret- Onderdonk, of county, N. Y.. He sold leiders a lot of fresh conntry markably low figure. The delivered by another man, e dealers refused payment. after 0,nderdonk called for 'Alt was arreeted under an ibit the sale of adulterated leaded.guilty, whereupon he 50 end -costs. This he paid left the city without at- ‘Ileet for the eggs deliver- ed to several dealers that stificial and were mann- firm in Newark, whose to disclose. The shells . dear, trartsparont cora- he shape was perfectly '141-1E xnatoN EX hg the he yolk on. The o scramble was no per - :the real and Joilad they are yolk ind sur- • do not harden 4g8' COMFORTING. COCOA. ,IMAKFAST. .oug• h knoVedge.of the natural laws .n the o eratiohl of digestion and mi- d by a eful application- of the fine is of well siected Co( att, Mr. Epps has .1 our breakfiht tables with a -delicately Al beverage uthich may Save us many doe- _ pills. It is by the )udieious use Of such ales of diet that a constitution may be gradu- 4 built up until strong enough to resist every endeney to disease. Hundreds of subtle mala - •7 dies are • floating aro d us ready to attack wherever there is a weal point. We may escape -many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and, a ptoperly nourish: ed frame." -Civil Service Gazette .1 Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets by grocers, labelled thus-"Jattis Errs 4!z Co., HonmsopathieChemists, London, England." Sole agenifor Canada, V. E. Colson, Mentreat. 884-52 1 • , McGregor & PaAe's Carbolic Cerate is invalu- able for wounds, sores, salt rheum, cuts, burns,' scalds and festers, as a healing and purifying dressing.- Do not be imposed on with other use- less preparations, recommended to be as good. Use only McGregor-& Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Sold by Linsesden & ilson, druggists, Seaforth. 912.52w. ela • eta•, . a The discovery of the instantaneous process of taking photographs has been quickly followed in the medical world by a perfect and instantane- ous remedy for all acute aches and pains, as neu- ralgia, toothache, rheumatism, etc. This valu- able remedy la called Fluid .Lightning, and is sold at 25 cents a bottle by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth. 912.52w. a eta • 1.-- ' Rev. J. G. Fallis,Dutton, certifies : 4.' For some years my wife has been troubled With dyspepsia, and has tried one thing after anotherrecom- mended,with but little or no effect till advised to give McGregor's Speedy Cure a trial. Since taking- the first bottle I have noticed a decided improvement, and can with confidence recom- mend it to be one of, if not the best medicine extant for dyspepsia." This invaluable medicine for liver complaint, indigestion, kidney com- plaint, is -purely vegetable. Sold at• Lumsden & Wilson's drugstore, Seaforth. Trial bottles given. free. 912.62w. , Holloway's Ointment and Pills. Old Sores, Wounds, and Ulcers. -The readi- ness with which Holloway's unguent removes all obstructions in the circulation of the vessels and lymphatics explains their irresistible influeuce in healing old sores, bad wounds, and • indolent ulcers. To insure the desired effect the Skin sur- rounding the diseased part should be fomented, dried and immediatelywell rubbed with the Ointment. This will' give purity to the foul bloodz and strength to the weakened nerves, the only conditions necessary for the cure of all those ulcerations which render fife almost intol- erable. No sooner is this Ointment's protective powers exerted that the destructive process ceases, and the constructive business begins - new healthy growth appears to all pp the lately painful excavated pit. 912-52w. -416-.411-110, Pu.ny, Sickiy, Fretful children are very trying to the patience of all who have the care of them, and in the majority of cases the fretfulness arises froirqa weak and wmaciated condition of the• body, Wised by the drain on the constitution during the period of teething, or the rapid growth of childhood, in such cases give Robinson's Phosphorized Emul- sion according to directions, or the advice of your physician. 891.52w. . • • Regularity is the main spring of life' and regularity of the bowels is one of the mostessential laws of health. Burdock Blood Bitters regulate the bowels in a natural manner, curing constipation and pre- venting serious disease. 857.52.2w. - The Vest _Cough Cure The best remedy for cough and all throat and mug troubles, is one that loosens and dislodges the tough mucous, clears- the bronchial tubes„ and alleys irritation. This is what Hagyard's' • Pectoral Balsam does in every ease. 857.52.2w. - .Impure Blood. Boils. blotches, pimples and festering sores are indications of impure blood that should never be neglected, or ill health and perhaps incurable disease may result. Burdock Blood Bitters purifies the blood by acting on the four cardinal points of health -the stomach, bowels, liver and blood. 857.52.2W. • The Secret of Success. The reason why Hagyard's Yellow Oil is so popular with the people as a household remedy for pains is in -the fact that while many liniments only relieve„Yellow Oil both relieves and, cures rheumatism. • and all aches, pains, soreness and lameness.- 857.52.2w. • . • 9 1 The Canker Worm of the blood is scrofula, that gnaws uPon the vitals and consumes the body. Consumption is but lung scrofula. Burdock Blood ; Bitters is one of the best known combinations to cure scrofula. 857.52.2w. Caution._ Any litlinsent or other medicine that cannot be taken into nay is unsafe. for ordinary use. Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the prompt pain reliever, is safe and reliable for all aches and pains, and can be Swallowed as well as applied. 857.52.1w. Maryland, My Maryland • * Pretty wives, Lovely daughters and noble men. My farm lies in a rather low- and miasmatic situatton, and My wife Who? Was a very iii-etty monde! - Twenty years ago, became Sallow! Hollow-eyed! Withered and aged ! Before her time, from Malarial varors Though she made no particular complaint, hot being of the grumpy kind, yet causing me great A short time ago.purchased Your remedy . ; . For one of the ehlairen, Who had a very severe attack of , --- . . Biliousness ! . . . • And it occurred to me that the remedy might help 'my wife, as I foiled that our little girl upon recovery had ' Lost l , I and • Lung affections, also a positiveandradical cure forNervousDebility and all Nervous Com- plaints, after hafting tested its wonderful cura- tiveui powers in thousands -of -cases, has felt it his duty to make it own to his suffering fellows. Actuated by thismotive and a 'desire to relieve human sulleringe1 will send free of chargo, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sen by mail by addressing with stamp, naming- this paper, W. A. NOYE60 149 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. 938-25 cow National Pills are the favoritepurgative and anti -bilious med.' ine•; they are mild and thor,. ough 857.52m. -Worms often destroy children, but Freeman's -Worm Powders estroy worms, ;and expel them from the system. 857.52m. To Remove Dapdruff.-Cleanse the scalp with Prof. Low's Magic Sulphur Seas . A delightful medicated soap fpr the toilet. 80.52m. Her salloweess ! - And looked as fresh asa new -blown daisy. Well the story is soon told.- My 'wife, • - To -day, has gaindd her old-timaheauty with compound interest, and. is now as handsome a matron (if I do'say -it myself(as can bs found - this county., which . is noted forpretty women.. And I have only . Hop Bittdrs to thank for it. The dear creature just looked over my shoul- der, and say e I " can flatter equal to the days of our courtship," and that reminds me there might be • More pretty wives If my brotherfarmers would do as doitlico.pintr you may long be spared to do good,--i- thankfully thankfully remain. C. Ls Jan- es. rrince George Co., aide May 26th, 18e3. VI'None genuine without a bunch of areen Hops on the white label. Shun all t1W vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" in their. name. 919.62m . • Consumption Cured. An old physiclan,retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India 'Mis- sionary the formula of ii simple yegetableremedy• for the speedy and permanent cure of Consump- tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Aathma, and all throat I have ill when worms are the cause. ,1) A Crying Evil. -Children are o Syrup safely expels all worms. 8 en fretful and . Low's Worm 7.52m. armory. Late Clinical Assietan Royal London daffithalmic Hospital, illoorliel s, and Central Throat and Ear Hospital. 1 817 Church. 'Street Toronto. a V i'llTERINAR Y.- I -T 0] DOAN' 11.-.1 of Ontario intuit). Calls promptly lay. Veterinary lend. 1Office, Huron 1 .. 1 Veterinary' Surgeon, Veterinary attended Plebe -Ines kei Botch: Zu LEGAL. . --;- -,;:j EAFORTH HORS 3 Jarvis and Goderich ?resbyterian Church, uses of Horses, neeticated animals, :nfirmary, or elsewhere, liarges moderate. iyary Surgeon. nJ•3' Medicines kept T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor t) a Rooms formerly occupied Dickson, Meyer's Block, over 1J ware. Store, Main Street, Seafo AgeSts-CAMERON, HOLT & CAME fl ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Ba tors,Of &e., Goderich, Ontario. Wm. Paountrour. . ' ' i &al Mee- by Carroll & ahnson's Hard- h. Goderieh ON. 870 risters, Solici- J. T. GAiutow, _ 686 , - R10 C. RAYS, Solicitor, &c. P vete Money to lend at lowest rates of in • est. Office -- Corner of Square and West Street, Goderich. 774 CAMERON,HOLT & CAMERIIN, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, &c., ' odericta Ont. U. C. CAmEaciii, Q. C., Ptiner Hour, M. G. aesuoto . 506 • . - y CFTC'S E. DANC4Y, late ith Cameron, 1.1 -Holt & Cameron Goderich, Barrister So- icitor, Conveyancer, ie. Money a loan. 'Ben - ion's Old Office, Carduo's Block, S forth. 786 VIANa NG & I Afi Conveyancers, A Johnston, Tisdale Office -Beaver Block, Kee:nil, JAMES SCOTT, Barris ers, Solicitors, 86e. Sono' rs for the Bank & Gale. M aney to loan. Clinton, 0 ntario. A. H. 1SCOTT. ! 781 [ FLI HOLMEST McCaughey licitor, Conveyancer the Canadian Bank Farms for sale. IOffice Street, Seaforth. D, successor to & Holmested, and Notary. of Commerce. in Scdtt' e late firm of Barrister, So- Solicitor for Money to lend. Block, Main , i OF FARM -On Lot 35, ,IgDie..AL. , T -,Rs. -Buiton & GUNN, B LI Cates Royal 'College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. :At Scab o day afternoon. Office,. -Royal ucefield, Limn - l'hysicians and h every Satur- otel. 930. -txT 4. S. McpONALD; M. D., C. M., Physi- V V . rn, Surgeon, Accouch ur, &c. Office and res dence, that lately occup' by Dr. Hut- chison, Auburn. 781 ' I T ' G. SCOTT, M. DI, &c., Ph3sician Surgeon, e.) . and Accouelher,! Seaforth, _Int. 'Office and residence South Side of Goderic street, Second Poor cast of the Presbyterian C urch. 842 Tlia W. BRUCE _Re of the College &c., Seaforth, Ontario, same as occupied TAR. MACKID 1..7 Toronto University, College iof Physicians Office in Cady's first door east Seaforth, Ontar 1 1 I SMITH, M. D , C. M., Member of Physicians and Surgeons, Offies and residence by Dr. Vercoe - 848 --- (late of Luck] ow) Graduate of and Member of the and Surg ons of Ontario. lock. Reside cc, John Street, f English Ch rch Parsonage, o. 894 EYE EAt 1 , . . 1 • DR. GEO. L. R. C. P., L. R, Ear and Throat, 1 AND . HROAT. R,SON, i ret on the Eye, College, Torore S. RY C. S. E., Lect Trinity Medico, armory. Late Clinical Assietan Royal London daffithalmic Hospital, illoorliel s, and Central Throat and Ear Hospital. 1 817 Church. 'Street Toronto. a V i'llTERINAR Y.- I -T 0] DOAN' 11.-.1 of Ontario intuit). Calls promptly lay. Veterinary lend. 1Office, Huron 1 .. 1 Veterinary' Surgeon, Veterinary attended Plebe -Ines kei Botch: Zu . Craduate ,.;'ollege, Toronto, to night or t constantly On ich, Ont. 909 -,;:j EAFORTH HORS 3 Jarvis and Goderich ?resbyterian Church, uses of Horses, neeticated animals, :nfirmary, or elsewhere, liarges moderate. iyary Surgeon. nJ•3' Medicines kept E INFIRM ARY.-Corner of Streets next door to the Seaforth Out. All dis• Cattle, Sheep, al any of the do- successful!) treated at the on the shortest, notice, • JAMES W. ELDER, Veter, P.- S. -A large -took of Veterin, constantly o hand . - I • . .' , 1 . , DIPORTANT NOTICES: ,I 017FFOLK PIG. during the ii.ent of stock, Killop, a Thoro I, with the pri JOHN McMIL TEACHER WIANTED,eeMale er, for Schlool 1880, holding a Please state Salisey. JOSEPH TITR,F.AU, Grand Bend P. - rpo BUILDERS. _IL - separate the 20th des. of and ' completion in Hensel'. P seen and all information dance- of the Budg,erville P. -The undersigned present s'eason, on Lot 31, C ghbred Suffolk 'liege of return aN, Jr. • Section N Second or Third Apply wit SLeretar3 'O. -Scaled T will be receive December; 1885 of 'a brick Pre a -ns - and speci obtained undersign& 0. s' will keel. for the improve. ncessioh 3, Mc, Boar. Terms - ng if necessary, 939x20 or Female teach- .. 12, Stephen, foi Class Certificate - testimonials tc and Treasurer, 939x3 ----- . , nders, whole oi up till noon ol for the erectiot byterien (Shwa, ;cations may be at the resi, WM. ELDER ' 939x4 ilITEESEMAlsEA, U will be received ber, by the Belmore pony, fcir the pOsition facture cheese i More, during tl Directors e ill Fleet December, to c monials should Address tither McDONALD, S - WANTE 'up In t Cheese of Chee 3 their factory e season of 18'0. in Beira: nsider the rip be forwarded - G. BARTON, ,cretary, Belie - . - Applications e 26th of Decem- rid -Butter Corn. maker, to mann situated in Bel The Board lel re, on the 20th ce licatious. Testi- with applications, resident, or D. U. re P. 0. 939-2 • ' TTENSIVE 11 STOCK AND AUCTION _SALE IMPLEMENTS. i OF FARM -On Lot 35, Concession 11,- Efist Wawanosh, our miles from Belginve and six from•Winghams on Wednesday, Decembei 23rd; 1885, commencing at 1) o'clock a.• ma the following value') e property, viz.: Twelve good young horses, al, o the Celebrated Iniported 'Clydesdale Stock Horse, "Honest John ;" also 1 yearling Stallion "Canadian Boy," has four crosses of Clydesdale blood; 1 spring entire colt,- full ialf brother to he above Stallion; . 35 head of Catt e, also a large miner of sheep alki hogs, and lot Of farm Implements. All must he.soldaeithout reserve. as the proprietor has disposed of his farm and s removing away. For fullpartici ars see bills, or proprietor on the prenoses, o the Aucfione ea, E. F. BLACK, Wingham ; C. IHAWLTON,. Ilyth. • THOMAS AGNEW; Prop etora . - 939-2, ' ---- REDITORS' NOTICE. --In the matter of the estate Of John O. smith, la4e of the village of • Exeter, in the•goonty of Hur ra gentleman, de- ceesed.- All persons having any claims against the estate of the said John G..'inith,who died on 27th day of September, -A. Del 5, are on or before the 8th day of 'February, 1886, to send by post • prepaid to the ondersigned at hiselhurst P. 0. -Clair christian and surnames, ddresses and de- scriptions with full particular of their claims, a - Statement of their accoun s and nature of securities (if ani') held by them i and in default thereof, they will be perempto '1y:excluded from - participating in, the said • e.stat . And I • hereby also give notice!" to all parties indebted to the ' said estate, Whether by .book 'ccount or other - 'me to me n or before the same ioned. •Date at Chiselimrst` December, 1 a: . GEO. DOBSON, 640-8 BOOKS - POSITOn. • :MAS MAS PRESENTS. BIBLES! BIBLES-! Family, Pew, Pocket and Teachers' Bibles -the greatest variety eve shown - at the lowest iirices.. Prayer Tiooks and Hymn tooks-a very Jarge ssortment to select from. Annuals -Boy s Own, Leisure 'Hour, Sunday at liom Sunday , Magazine, British Workman, British Workwoman, Illustrated Londdn, ews and Graphic (Xmas parts), and all popular books in fine bindings, as Poeta Birthday Books, Albums, &e. The largest assortment of Children's Books ever shown in Seaforth. Call and see them az LUMSDEN SANTA CLA We ask all intending purchas call and look over our enormous a gin to specify names of articlel, o ,goods suitable for all classes, and. Call and look through, -before & WILSON'S S HEADQUARTERS. _ ers of anything in the line of )m4ts Presents to took for this- season's holidays. We cannot be- ur stock is so varied, but we Ire beautiful guarantee the best value for the refiney. you purchase, at wise to pay the time above me this 16th day of Executor. ,e0gcrt tILNE Lumsden & Wi !son's, Main -s .,Se forth. Rush to the OF OHM THE S-Ft_A_F Great -The finest quality of ;White Gran Glassware, Fancy -Goods and Christm In the grocery departnieht we can't b can be had at almost an31 pride and q ster, Finnan maekerel, and a the cheapest. Dur stock of Teas corn best grades, Green 'Seas from Mc to tea dust in stock. Also the Him alayt per pound. It has stood the critical and is worth 75c. Also Labrador He with heads off; White Fish and Trout stock. Dairy Salt and salt by the bar lated Cornmeal, Rolled Oats and Whe oats, wheat, &c. Oats tatken in exch Poultry, Butter and Egesd. All are co over the _town. Clearing Sale TMAS GOODS 'AT RTH TEA_ STORE. te and China Tea Sets sold very (sheep, and our stock of is Gifts, will defy competition, owing to theit very low prices. surpassed. Currants, Raisins, Prunes, Sugars and Coffees ality, to suit both rich and poor, Also Canned Salmon, Lob - 1 kincle of fruits, which are of first quality, end .as cheap as rise Green, Black, Japan, unesiored Japan, and are of the 75c, Black 25c to 75e, Japan 25c to 50; Green and Japan n Tea, direct from India, in green, black and mixed, at 55c est of the Government analyst, who has pronouiced it pure, ins in half barrels and barrels, Lake Superior Railings split, in half barrels. Canadian and American Coal Oil always in el. Also Oatmeal; Granulated Oatmeal, Cornmeal and grano- t, Flour, and all kinds of feed, such as bran, Shorts, middlings nge for oatmeal at mill rateS. The highest price paid for dially invited to inspect the stock. Goods delivered free all A. G. AULT, Sbaforth, .0 _A. ID A school thoroughly_eauipped for business training. Book-keeping, Business Penmanship, Corresp ndence, Shorthand and Type Writing taught. WILL RE -OPEN MONDAY, JANUARY 4th -, 1884 TibRowir For circular and information address D. O'DEA, Se3r tan, rithmetic, ractically 936-4 THE BIG . MILLS • SEAFORTH. The above mills have now been th-o-oughly re- built upon the. complete HUNOAMAN ROLLER P OCESS. The Mill and. Storehouse Building greatly enlarged, and ,new machin . throughout. THE LATEST IMP3OVED have been ry applied ROLLS Flour Dressing Mathines From the best Manufacturing Firms have been put in, and everything necessary added to enable her to turn out flour SECOND TO NON • In the Dominion. The facilities for receiving grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping have also deen extensively improved. Gram can now be taken from farmers' wagon e weighed, and loaded into cars at the rate of700 bushels M per hour, by the work of two en. A LARGE FEED sTONE.__ -FOR, CUST9M CHOPPING Has been put in, and the necessary machinery -for handling chop and coarse grains. - A good shed has been erecd, so net wagons can be unloaded and reloadedunder cover. ' WHEAT EXCHANGES e Promptly attended to, and FIRST-SLAsS ROLLER .FLOUR . GUARANTEED. CD -81110M 171M1:) Chopped satisfactorily and-withoi; t delay. ROLLER FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS, And all kinds of • CHOPPED FEED Constantly on hand. HIghest Market Price Paid in Cash for any Quantity of Wheat. APPLE' BARRELS FINE, COARSE, AND LAND SALT FOR SALE. Aurora Quick Train Watch. The Best YM. SOLD ONLY BY M. R. COUNTER, J=4 -NV- .SEAFORTII, ONT Thi'' Company manufacturea a. c mplete lint of full plate watches, froth ordinary to the finest grades, for DX classes. (# watch wearers. They are all made with quickrain, and are es- pecially adapted .for railroad amid, all ordinary and severe service. All made dustpro if, have the perfect safety pinion, which preven damage to ,and John. pins, which n important Tally The nd durable, and service. fine grades watch is -h the put- gent.- The hich is en. ality ; pur receive the number of parts in case of mainspring breakag son's patent attachment -to regulate prevents hairspring from catching, Improvement controlled by thie Col stem-winding parts are made strong guaranteed as safe, more conveoient able than the key winders. Tile extr are made in stem wind -only. Eye warranted by spebial 'certificate win chaser receives from the Company's imbiber of Jewelsin each wat ( [graved thereon). indicates the - . chase's observing this. are mule to quality they call for. . The. larger • jewels th the better gradesmite re resents the finish, fine adjustment, and care in n anufacture, which produces more accurate time and longer service. The qualities are diViided as follows: ORDINARY. -Two grades are n ade of this quality, engraved: 'Aurora: Wa ch Co., 7 Jewels." " Ammo. Watch Co., 11 Je 'els." MEDIUM. -Four grades of this quality are made, -two hi Gilt finish, en_ rrave : "Aurora Watch Co., 11 Jewels. Extra." "Aurora Watch Co, 15 Jewels," and, tea) in Nic' -el Anely finish- ed, engraved: "Aurora \VateH Co., 11 Jewels." "Aurora Watch Co., 15 Jewels. • FINE. -Two grades of thisiquahty,-ene in Fine_Gilt Finish and One in Nieke , engraved: "Aurora Watch Co., 15 jewelstadju ted." EXTRA FINE: -Two grades f thi quality: - one in Fine Gilt and one In Finh Sic el, engrav- ed: "Au, ora Watch Co., 15 Bixby Jewels, ad- justed, Aurora, Illinois," Remember Counter's, .Seaforth, s the only piece in tne,County es where th6 wa s can be had. M. R. - COUI(71TER Only tirst-class ard o hging men will be kept to attend customers. The liberal patronge of farmers and general trade respeetfull: solicited. e As WOCILVIE & CO , • T. O. K PltOPRIETORS; Manager. Practical Watchmaker And Jeweller, MONEY TO- Lofkis4. MORTGAGEg- BO TliE, GUELPH AND ONT.A,RI MENT and Saving Society hay --ea anioUnt of money . to lend on r the -very lowest rates of interei4 -wi le e -to the borrower Of repass ieg tl:e prinpipal with payments of bite -v ry low. Apply to Messrs. DEN- GH.T. • INVEST - an onlimit• al estate, at h the privi- portion of est. Charges & HODGE, Barristers, bbtehell, who are th authorized .4gents and Solicitors for the 8oei ty. 935-tt Dated Nov. 5,1885. MOls EY TO LOAN. ATOM'S TO' lvi cent. In per cent. yearly, of repaying part tune. Apply to Seaforth. • AN. -Straight loans at 6 per rest payable half yearly, or ei with the privilege to borrower f the principal money at any F. ii0LMESTED, Barrister, 850 - NTISTRY. _ -ccr zip iv, DENTIST, Fac Thy Gold fedallist and College Gold Medal' st,TorontOI School of Dentistry. Rooms over Joh sons' Har ware, Main Street, Seaforth. 911 Remov d I emoved G- 3' 0.. The Old Establ new premises I Stand, Main Str pleased to meet new ones as may patronage. rorRemember Harness Shop, a Street, Seaforth. 898 CANAC1AN HEAD Paid up Capi Rest, - PRESIDENT, AFO TH shed Butcher . has removed to nncdiatey opposite his Old I; &aim h, where, he will be 1. his old atrons and as many ee fit to favor him with their he place, between Henderson's McIntyre's Shoe Store, Main GEORGE EWING. TBE BANKOF COMMERCE. TORONTO. 1 - $6;000,000. 2,100,000. HON. WM. MCMA`STER. SEASRTH BRANCH. The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues to receive deposits, int which interest is allowed on the most favorable terms. - Drafts on all -tbe principal towns and cities in Canada, on Grealt Britain, and on the United States, bought and sold. Office -First d,00r SOUTH of the Commercia Hotel. A. H. IRELAND, Manager, F. HOLMESTED Solicitor 639 This great Ho Behold Medicine ranks amongst the leading nem, series of Life. These famous Pills purify the Blood, end act most powerfully, yet soothingly, on, the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, giving tone, energy and vigor to these great Main Springs of Life. They are con- fidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all eases where the. constitution, from what- ever cause, hasliecome impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to females of all ages ; and as &Gen- eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed. Its Searching ! and- Healing. Properties are known throughout the World. For the cure of Bad legs, Bad Breasts, Old -Wounds' Sores and i Ulcers, t is an infallible- remedy. Ifeffectually rubbed on the neck dud chest, as sat into meat, cures Sore Threats. Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds. For Glandular Swellings and Piles it -acts like a charm. in Gout and Rheumatism, it never fails to afford- relief. Manufactured only at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 78 New Oxford Street (late 5:;3 Oxford Street),London ; and sold at 18,112d., 2s. tid., 4s. 0d., 116., 225., • and 33s. each Box- and Pot. Vt.. Beware of Am- erican counterfeits,-Pnrchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and fluxes. If the address is not 533, Oxfird §treet, London., they are spurious 921.-5;?, - . . PUBLIC NOTICES. CREDITORS' NOTICE. -In the matter of -the estate of Francis Lechlield Bands, late of the township .off.Buliett, farmer, deceased, and • also in the matter of ts,e estate of Elizabeth -Rands, late of the township of Huilett, widow, deceased. All parties having claims against the estate of the saia Francis Lech -fir Id Rands, who died on the 5th day of October, 1885, as well as • against the estate of the said Elizabeth Rands, wife of the said Francis Lechtield Bands, who died on the 14th f of ffctober, lb -'5, are, on or be- fore the 14th day of January, lbSti, to ,send by post prepaid to :the undersigned at Constance P. O., their clatstian and surnames, addresses • 'i 1 and description.s, with full particulars of -their . claims, a stateme it tithul;i; taip,and in ci•eclotiitaniddefaultnatue of securities (if aey). thereof, they will be peremptorily excluded from participating in the said estate. And I hereby also give notice to all parties indebted to the said estate, whether by book account or otherwise, to paYthe same to toe on -or before the time above Mentioned: Dated at Hullett, this 31st day - of October, 1865. JOHN Mc- MILLAN, Executor. • 934-9 London, Huron and COINS NORTH- Express. Mail London,- depart.. 7.55a. se 4.60 Exeter 9.13 6.08 liensall 0.24 0.23 Kippee .. 9.29 6.29 Briwefield .. 9.30 - .6.38 : 9.55 7.05 Londesboro .. 10.11 7.23 Blyth . 10.20 7.32 . a.. 10.35 ' . 7.47 Winghain, arriVe 10.50 8.05 GOINO SOUTIT- Wingham, depa Belgrave.... , . Blyth Londesboro Bruce, . Freight, - P.M. 6.05 A. M. 9.35 10.00 10,09 10.26 11.30 12.00 12.20 P. N. 12.50 1.20 . Freight. P.Y asst. 11.23 11.47 12,00 12.45 P. M. 1J0 1.25 1.40 2.35 - 5.30 Exprees. Mail t 7.20 A.M. 3.10 .. 7.38 3.30 . 7.54 . 8.02 Clinton .. . 8.25 Brucelleld . . • . 3.42 Kippen , 8.51 'Jensen.. ; 8,58 Exeter.. .... ; . • 9.13 London, arrive ; . 10.30 3.40 3.55 4.16 4.35 4.43 4.46 4.59 6.00 Wellington, Grey and Bruce. offmo Norm- •• ccom. Express. Mixed. Ethel . 2.35 P. n. 9.15 P.M. 9.15 P.m. Brussels 2,49 9.29 10.00 Bluevale. 3.059.45 10.35 Wing's= .. .. . 3.20 9.56 11.25 GOING SOUTH- : Amon:. Accom. Mixed Wingham.... , . r,-.00 £n.-11.25 A. M. 7.50 lase Bluevale .. . 1.10 11.36 8.12 Brussels...... ... 7.25 11.55 8.50 Ethel. ..: a ...t 7.37 12.10 9.15 Train leaving Wingham at 8 p m. for Kincar- dine, runs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. P !E 4 • g - Caveats, Re-issuts and Trade-3farks secured, and all other patent causes in the Patent Office ad before the Courts proLiptly and carefully attend -- ed to. Upon receipt of mioaci or Atte]: of invention, make careful txaininatiftn, and adtise as to patentability Free of eilarge. FEES MODERAT .., and 1 wake NO CHARGE UNLESS PATENT IS SECURED. Information, advice and special re Trenccs sent on application. • J. R. LUTELL, Washington, D. C. Near U. S. Patent Office. 938 MARR1A LICENSES 13 UED THE HURON XPOSITOR OFFICE, BEAFOR H, ONTARIO. • 1 NO WITNESSES, REQUIRED 7 OYSTERS! OYSTERS! (Saforth R staurant ---1- Now that the season for Oysters has opened, I 3 would notify the Public t lat I can serve them with Oysters either in Shell, Cans or Bulk -none but lie best Baltimore brad kept. French Bon Bons and t e best American mkt Canadian Confectionery lways on hand. The best l,ra-nds of Tobaccos and-Ciy,ars also in Stock. Call and examine for yourselves. Happy to serve you. Remember the place, next Door to Reid and Wilson's Hardware Store, . i I-1_ L.. SM=1-1_ PROPR4TOR. ')iOOlaVd CATTLE CHAINS. Large assortment and good value. Chopping .A.x.s In !eat variety and of the best un es. Twenty cases second growth. Iickory Axe. Handle Cross -out Saws, Lancetooth, New Improved Champion, AND THE NEW SILVER H STAR,, The best Saw in the Dominion, a greatly reduced prices. Tarred Building Paper and all-othe lines in Builders Hardware IJOHNSON BRO8, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investrn nt coMT).A_I\T-Y-_ This Company is Loaning Money. on ''arm Security 4 _lowest Rates of• In4rest. Mortgages Purchased, SAVINGS BANK BRA N CH. 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE. -Corner jof Market Square and North Street, Goderich. • HORACE HORTON, MiNAGEB. 922 E_Goderieb, August 5th,1585. SEAF RTH FurnitureWarer9 If you want solid comfort call at MS. Foiti'e-Tison s,' And buy one of those Celebrated Self Adjustable Easy Chairs, represented by -the above cut. He can also supply • Invalid Chairs and Carriages. He also sells the most comfortable and durable sraRal\T ., 13.MID Thetis made: His stock clf CABINET FURN TURE Is very large and Complete lute ding purchas- ers would do Well to givea cal before 1 m: pur- chasing elsewhere. Warer oms one Door South of Telegraph Office, Maio S reet, Seaforth. PL ROBERTSON. ST.. JAMES' HOT"' TORONTO. SHARP & BRIGHAM, - Formerly of Sharp'silotel,Seaforad • PROPRierORS. rilillS Hotel, which issit 1. the Union Station, h and refurnished through° tchhesprbgeeEsstvInaneryodd pis:is:beef:n*4°e ated directly opposite recently been refitted t, and is now one of ble hotels in the city. ton paid to guesktadi a