HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-12-25, Page 44 2'5 THE -HURON, E X POSITORA AL BUTTERICK & 00.S- iheporiionof theDominion Aetwhicli ties in4he future, -it liaot-likely'. that he gle �o prevent it on. the part oilarge ag m, And is ei ed and into so� 6 but is atil a 7igorous iii . um inquest held,' which, many small municipalities that Reliable Paper Patterns for &I1 kinds"of his however, reveale nothing now. C lark- it- fakesearl Ted the control of shop and retail would bentallcitpableof do e active tb n in illy twent. years y all the tAxes collected to I aling with the numbers of both political: parties. Such' �Or, Udie&.�, Mfirse3� junior. then wrote a let r to a Goderich D ruu th6 municipal maellibery but the Boys' and Children's uses *as ultra vires, and that this mimy knot roble ' th a proposal o t'a part P . r, -typ Ins a.tmust neci . 7 c to reputed,imptoper co�hznittce a Garmentsf forale 'bi RoFmAw Bi&os., Mr. Mars all Braithwai e, oif the in which he refe, pointed by the 'House to I ower belongs to the Province, while the isarilybe, solved by a` -Dominion Finance would make P 'Oliti- 14th conce of I fullett, w relations betwee Charlotte Perd 'Q, the aa ito and report on improve, 8"forth� 0 I o recently it 'a rioug s 41 n = mine I lit to grant wholesale -and vessel Minister. Mr. Foster, on the other hand, cal parties. I alienate fro n -him rente "on for a term of years, has plaintiff, who s a servant- at Tri,,k's, reported and if their h, "4,0 uld rm id his Ofla report sea perta oe, Blyth, and Trick him4 -at se is adopted it will iniplify And ins' to the Dominiour. is agoodspeakeral nd a tolerably able man, many of his own followers, W ile it bought f om cheapen rom r. &. Lawrer, and points o ev- N' N -W ADVERTISEMENTS. bh very much, without injuring This de, Do-' andissinply qualified to perforniefficientl Id e ie solid sup ort of the'fraine hous ow tied by hir i', and sit- oral very SpIclo-us eircumstan � matter cision did not satisfy the wou cure him tI au palreutheds after million I Premier, uated just ab t outhern 0 try to the connectioli with' the death, the inian ndo its, efficiency. AW 'The figure between the I position, buthe is the Parnell par and a small sect on of e The Canadian Pa fic pilwa m6h !i c dexiotes the ptge of the paper on which -and he appealed the' the dutiep of his nev village. I "r. - BI ithwaite. tends to in the letter being that the servant girl ci y eon_ the advertisement wiU be found- ;natte'r to the Queen a Privy, Council in & comparatiely now man e House, the C onserv&tiv w i the sprip g. As he was concerned in the deah mis- trg-ct, wbich, was such in th e party, , In the ean- occu' the 1111 a bugbear t i py ,O u,s and. This court, the highest in the as well as to politics, and for some - rea. tinid all parties� seem to be lying utso To, Duilitera and Contractors -i. Burgess, (5) i's a tip-top g90 - fe low, his ilt iihbors in tress, For thig alleged libel CI Otte ad in Ontario, has Dot turned o StXrttin�r Reductionii L. lgmjtb�. (5), uiet, a. in en Chmstmas Greeting -i. V. Fear, (5) ealm, has, rendered its decision ithjn sojior other is not popular witli.o trust in 'hop Hallett will ini 'h b IVII h eaves Perdue sues, and the action be baAly after All, as tbey certainly have, -I son- (5) lf�der- pu�hed the -con* ach 1 other that watching e the Gros&­GutS-%w*-Reid & W*l At the D o Seast as of ille brought down to trialat tile next G structiOn through with Agents xvanted�W. B. e past few days. They sustain the ed by, members of either party. Mr, some one will .11�ave the courage to f ca. On Satfirday a. moti, was en and their rates are not so 16 make Peace the appo nti ent. O following ich assiz Money to Loan_NV,._ a. go -Lean. (5y' ecision of the Supreme Court .of Can- McLelan, being sitqply transferred from a decisive move. will Ilk - re. ntlemen as e unt constab s was con- made ot Osgoode hall, Toronto, to strike �i an,tAs we had a rigilt to �expect con, Blaok Prince-Wni e Bmy. (61) in so far as shop� and retail licenses oneldepartment to,aiiothor, wi grmed: W. R C c g g, G o r e -, C. out the. defencei judgment re- si ering the- power they had in their International Book a-ad'Bible, Com.pany. (s.) III not re- Imain in this po it�ion until tile eting Coo I 0 -a ds, and I think theyre trying to do Seri Girl Wanted -H-. liessett, (a) Ire concerned eve), ell Brum Is; A. Wadd�- 1, Goder- setved-, but on Monday and r sed it in respec, 0 War and Black Ash for Sale t quire t seek re-eledtion, but Mr. Fos- of tho.now Pa I liament. Whatev the ich ni, Wi.gh, and John jilogment, refusilig to strike out tf de- tli� fair thing by us for theirwn sakes A G-%rd-4.ohn Sproat, Jr. (5) wholesale and vess�l licenses,. deelar- ter will,require the sanction. of bis con, fat of parties maybe it seee -Id 'The agi I ) intment of fence as the more Suftolk Grieve. (.5. eod, Bayfie ) I 'th t .9 . ITPs e ident el peol) e a come in here that these also come within the con- stituentsl to his acceptilaice of office. w, Wote (5) that Britain is �11 thip eve of a cardtaker for Bay field few weeks ago refereDc or I Lee raised the- better great aoliti - � Cr p was ad- e as and the in e journed until ne#meeting4f sessioll� made in these olumns to the serio s ill- forl themselves. ol of the Provinces., In fact, aillee. the The oleetioli tak,E;s�place on the 29th 'cal. c*'hanges_�lOca borne rul* cattle ad-Robtr- fo, E19- which. will be I I h January ah McInnes, o the �ter an . �e )f nearly five J. Fe ort of this decisio 5tb, 1886, neha of Mr. Arcbib� I perience n bas,been pdblih. ivist. -R6 is being opposed Itind , I d ' ScOtla4d, churel i dis- at which time electiuns a jurors for Thames Roail, Usborna. We now Ave 8 by Mr. Doni re an aid yetir bavexcome to fhe 'con ho' r :present *establishment, nd -the 'VA)Oliti f 1 1886 will be lej to announce the 4 -cath -ofthis gentl inan t this is a healthy country and that (1, it has been stated'on. good atlti rity vill 19, a former" nleq�lbei of the'' th4 , elusion I 0 that the entire Dominion Aef is illegal, Government. It islikely, bowever, that law -of entail, being Am' I n rjotbjale. One do mrail train on on the 15th nnes had been to work an Pig yt of t4 11 Canadian iv I ing and Ao as well as he tly it must be repea he will be rq-ele'cted., . - : . - t4 and consequeD the Teeswater br 1. a respected resident of Usborne for - over ina�ke a good h re- #*I' I- the eek the iiist�. � Mr. Mel any mail who. is willing L9 P a el i fbilities. led L greater huriiihation than th is 11. John Padific P,.ail%v y vas thro off the 30 years. He was a - nati�,e of Ar yle- I co Id in Ontario or any other country track a'mile ea t o Fordwich, owin% to 'shire, Scotland. He WILs born il, the whpre people make -a livin ST things do sometimes come H b,-;. EDWRD BLAKE and Airs. Blake I . I g by agricul. acdon&Id's most bitter enemies could the breaking of an xle of one of the ox year 1794, and; corsequently, at his tu or stock and with ess bard labor. on SEAr,OUT4q,, :FRIDAY D� 25 about., 'The Toronto Mail in its issne of retuened home 'from.tbe old country on cars. The pwsi eng �rs were c�: n He Iefi the Ani Ottawa farmer went. dDNvn with me c- ot wish for him, and still no pers isiderably death he was i 91st year. y the 10th of Febr-u& shaken up,'but no e were a ih at tile agge of 37, and ry, 1883, said;: uesday last. The le'ader.of the Reform aA4, 'on the that it is not richly deserved. . �i iously iti- land of. his bir to Brandon a few days ago, "The Grit party are. at. jured. Tile mAite r was se�on fire by settled in thd township of Dathmisie, road he could not help The Bracefteld Meeting. fter all the blustering "and blow' pres�llt coil-, party received a most hearty ard en e flames 1k, N% y ars prt Pointing over the 'We would agaiii relia Mg tending for a series df illegalitieg. The -tbusia.stic w' the stove, and th 'IT (re not ex-' county of Lanar , -here for 24� I ) �irle saying, -.4 1 wish I ad lid ]oar readers a- d threatening that he and his friends* The Boundary Award is illegal. The . . elcome from h . is frierds at tinguislied unti it qu �te a Iargq , ,illount of among the rocks'of that district, bi in- kng'wn 20 years ago that all that land every point on his wa �ilionie ard' in Huron of the R,efopm-meetin, ve- indulged i�n for the pi,st two years,." Strea�rh� Bill is illegal. The Cro�ks Act y a. wail matter' hE d been more b! less de- domitable Highland pluck was task d to wa4 lying there ready for the plow to, be held at Briticefield 6n Tuesda Ye Mr. Mo4t asks,' The. people of the country gen rally str6YC(l by fire, its utmost to provide sustenalic for wo�ld not have wo Y t be thus sat upon �by the tribunal -of is. 1 ega;I a sae ping rn myself out chop- ease -and clearing land." A good, net, the inat. We are, Pleased t people.to .sustain him that he ma: main- wili'lle pi —Mr. Robert Murray, Howick, himself and fan�ily. None but� hose trees t ieir own choosing, and to be compelled d to learn ha Mr. lake neat a&d a - bntb er to kill who have livedl there know a;;uy ing mai y have been very nine be to state that Mr. tain these illegal acts." Clifford, e ag h dificouragea '�f- C. Came- t- undo the ivok which they . bad per- : is ve much im roved in' h m'ltb, and is his pigs one (It y - lost wbek. J y At 'night about the liard§llips of tile early so lers by the frost, and some have cursed the ron: Well, the "sane people did sustai of Goderich, and other 1 - in trim -for, his maklngs,�ausage was in that part of i the country. Le in4 co ntry , and left ind- gone to Dakota 9.11 Mr. Mowat,anid the courts -have sust * - formers will be - p esent to address the ain once more in It is indulged in. er vt leading Re�,, f�ct�d with so much sto is indeed., - a 0 contest the usual custo n ol gP shinent which with: the 'beasts at Ephe he settle(,) on the Thames a wbere else, where frost is uni many would noc. like sus. utch b ith' there the people.- The highest 'courtsr! in the him a new ki achi.ne augh- Usborne, wherbj as we have is -n Ontario -thi year, e so said that ir John Macdone Id, in 01 some your meetin& The meetinr wiff t� bear. Had they displayed less hast aid, he kn n. I 8 atone oclock- land -have sustained the Bou'n('lary Award ter was a son lived 'for 30 yea:r�. During his life- ime spr ng wheat is a failure your potatoes and all, botk Reformers in their efforts to humilite company with Messrs. George St. hens Johr, Ontario and -ins Bill'and e I abot I e a Old, feeding what wonderfiilj obangres have k, e n are rotteii; your pigs, have the cholera and Conser i: atives.-, are cordi4ly� invited tile Strea th Croolls Act. inp wi I andl)onald'A. Smith, of the Caradian the ma'Ch grelt Napoleon rose b ve smallpox, and more that annoy' Mi. Mowat, and tested their What about the 11s'bries of illegalitie" ie meat.' Notwith- P14ce. The and yog a g� und before tji- Pacihc Railway will leave England for st&nding a wall ifix to -be car il the ]ad fell, railroads, te�ei and telep one catift t1l,ink of at present, but the ey ventured -to tread 0 Vhobas tiirie.pr�ven t8bo-the Cang seemed quite A 811 ly a Ave d, &lid the proble of peo�ple don't leave tberi with a cure— Our Member Ag Mon the zlow9� 48, al fter h been invent rs., responsible go t hs been atis- they aay� Ontario is all right. Ifthset- resent i1humiliation, ld, NNe ell materially inly roved nianglin erably. t morn- fa6torily sd D most sane on these qiiestio�ns, th o ho Johli has also b 10 -to il�on it) they -would have saved them- da about the- 9th of JAn'uary Sir the' in, c el hine rab.)e( Jobil, finge ves the p g Sit Richard Ca two Nlulnne� was tlers wh6 come- here Would- onlyact ill d livered an- voted to sustain Mr M t o those This, however, is S. �w a ]physically by 4is holiday,and li(, too, lug Dr. Roal o Cl,fford; ba( out one highly respected1by all who kne� lifin. thap way, we would hear; less gru -bo has other -0-f his poerful and I who voted -to sustain ir.. ohn, or two o mbling qgipal ad ti e most inconsequential - . will no doubt b' f th li� off or him. T o sons and'si� daughters o a ar Sim- - I - -t'on 6�0' - 6 well pre -pared ft r the I I , f f nily anj few-er iv-ould leave the cotry for 'dressa at Orillia, in the county of' consiaora, been proven to have -bee! -:-The annu I e'jedtion of (tricers of of thirteen e was b ried one, no better. On spilvilre him. H e n d. i igr coming battle. Yours-trull'u, in. connection witli tile whole a_ffair, as -for a Ingalinvanin" Me, last week. The m ember for South I series of illegalities"; the Win� CalAonian. �oaiety -was in *the Exeter �'ceinetery on Thl'i.1 day I D. " MaXAr(;,,,T- they well deserVe the bumiliating setting f - hold on , �cdu sda e'vening., when the afternoon, . a vqry large numb r of Iffuron is a h&rd hitter an f d each speech a "ey 'have received. ':But while TAE On, r c for the b 'ek- tb ta ure has been followin( rs vere elec ri-ands and nighbors attefidin the qu-' 4C I an inrnishes an a ce of nlental. food A.S are Questi6n a�id Straight calleil. to meet or the despach of busi FrOM . Snowflake, M itoba. bringing disgrace up6,n themseves the current year:' C. Dallas, c ii ef ; J. J.. fulleral. SNOWFLARR Dec, Mth, 1885, ness of Januar next. It i Anderson,* Ist chieftttin; A. Me- for all the Conservative- hnewspaper h v inflicted tur moil, T Answer y EAR EXPo.NJT0R,_As 8 on the, 2 , t �ain A. Morris, A promised' Itrouble and ex- At the conclusion of -his soeech at no be a ver r .-Clymont Qnd hief n Old Fri nd Heard writers in the coi w -try fr s" ral days t likely the a sion will -it r m. I . . Is outl!t" h RAPID CITNI, ISIANITOnA, Dec. 11,-1385. Very P:nse upon -die people. long 3rd -chieftain; ami L chief - after it, The. Domi i - I I you� that you might hear froin me soi DIM Orillia the other day'thd followi TheY caviiA but adA Licezising Act will cost the country,from 119 cOIIO- one, as tb 1 tae this leisure even,ing 'to ere is nothing of a )ecial taiin; Win. R again, o crt on,.4ecre,A�y ; J. A. Dow �onle inire his reat 4; uquy ensued betwe'eii one. of. the aiidience n Morton, treasu ,er Alex. McG�egor and PEAR E_XP0SIToR,—It is ma�6 a few brief sketches on widely dif - o a Ono Onr r t't I at, mallY bundreds of thousands and Sir Richar time since Die way or mome, t' requir the attenti Other they do not like the hltm.t,. d . Cartwright. !It ex.; W Hender I wrotle,you, and as e bear ferglitsAIjects. To be�nin rp on t J bearers with, I will Local Legialat" a a't"thd present time. s an( ard, of; dollars, 'This. money --will have been, plains itgelf, and'we ask our reii James McAlph a d Hugh � Hamilton from - you every Week through; your- telli you what a -fine faft, -and -winter so, valuable paper, ad are thus kept fully far I we have had. The earl straight -forward WAy he hag bf putting 64ers to At the- last session the franchis4 Was marshals. Tb soc ety is in. a � flourish y part of totally thrown aay,, and the � hard- things, it don't -ee -with'them And I peruse it carefully Ve sted in all things 'pertaining to your October we had t h evic Or and ong I ry largely extended. This will lbring ihg condition a d h s a very �arge mein- Po W, _80meWh&t slat kinc� -siffering people "will. ev. Ji B. Armstroug—I want to ask, i town and neighborhood, as'well ; see- ..but� it did not. wo slight falls of no ":ening I into existence at the' next elee 'on a bersbip roll. As -stay long with once more taxed to feed the hungry' for my own-satisfac I I , us, and I ... 11 C tion as well as that in or( ��� 0 a r o ad ys : effeet upon them and 'in I relieve consi'derab —The Clin n i g the numerouo letters- from yo It le n ew Era sa Mr. :%,-I tcroi- the rema�inder of October and -the month ai rapacious camp4ollowers of the Of- -others, A: question which I have b f ditioiIal oiers respo y had y wrig a splendid Algonia Manito a, Dakota,; we beautiful Poitica'sto-machs thE I have to G many bt can W. C ell, of "talle udents in al parts of the c4 of Wove0ber , bright their no doub who havenot I;h ert �y to-*vn on: Mon- e with almost a; daily-'. bee7,e swi f a lbw hira -up with COIUmng -abuse and an er iii-telligently. Is it tile other plqces where the restle from hiso; In order that 'the countr ma day, for which an �rnerican b ayer was 'Iq ies WeNthele" south.. ince Decemb. 01 Vernment and foe i6 lawyers. They Sir chard � Cart er o-enjiDyed the frau_� eam of black h _ e I Lhad ind er has I -have -the satisfaction of knowing, of the Opp.o siftion leader's i� th 0 of the sons of H�ron carr them, � ll�� I com.e. in' we have had barely enukh 5. a eu �11 misrepresentation. Theyare. willing to go Put the ow: ier want- y hot so bad have.a full expression of. the- ele -toral t this, however, as they Uied to be. should be turned out of offi uch as pc ssibi 0 ry f esh - snow OWever, tbat'this is but one more coul- of, Commons thit the present Govern- always notice if illere is any -tall- foraleighin ed $50 more, a d they are --y h eve on -e of the vote and to check' as in' 9, in fact som laulsory . do ment cc be. e in V 8 blownff And nation ma:de to -gratify the cent of it. less .3, Georde Cox, of Wg or good WO)rk done you -will.nmrly lea4ing trails the sni ha Ever since the Tail threir out that cau persdn I canvassing and elector a find thab'some of the pa1ici-. left; ambition 6f -our great but reven se -of the execution. of Louis Riel? Or' a a cor- Detroit, and Sinith abi ped six ay them bare for stretches f half feeler ait, the close of the la if "I eirennist s—the mismanage- ruption, we would A M�Hurorx or Bruce few mile or more, and they si,sesion ol 0 ge were the ance once more a ggest horses on Mo among th�.m being ants came fi remain so at the ent .'frbnl. 1.870 to 1884—suffi6ient to words from yo r old frien(1- railiamemt to ase",iw ff I S ru er. This, no d. ubt, to, spine will be in p r, Riab4rd ple comp hat tile Government submit for the con' - one , bough t o Aj Ir. Jan�es, P.eynolds, will not present date, viz., Dea, 15th. I might ensation -for 'all the loss �us_ justify Louis Riel inigoin intorebellion come amiss. It was not tbe woJ, t Of on was come-atable for 9 H Ilett, at R 00 f Air. Robert menti here that during the 'month of bk . tained and tr' not ofily in 1870 but in 1885 ? a' m asure u 01 e Britain's sons Who came over the November I only stabled my cattle Sir Jb the Ta oube causirough, this sidekiation of the Legislature "Hason, Bas( ine;, 119 10 O' on e� f A. D. and. fie have been mo ardcid. 1padent attempt to Wrest fr Ming for the compul some e gu Sir. Richard Cart-,yright- I have no— prov May- Flower, nor was it the Wo sory atte dance Wiltse, Tueke smilbli, $15 st of three or four nights, they Pot needing th 0 f" h 0 t, y, r ti I Tf n 0, 0 a to n .J�r 7 L ha r 10 r, 01 ( Ili , Of a in C r Put, the Chief, Organ, om' the objection to ans*er the question� put by of, electors at the pdlIa. ur Mr. Campbell, Sta*te, 0 tt-anl from Huron's ssonsvhl, came to open u this shelter, as the nights were so tnild. 'The seeing that its Px',Ovinces powers which properly be`1ong Local I v, -$400 ; Dne from bait did R my reverend friend. I do 'not.c�ndeeijlli . . C1 i vast and w Government have thus far R- 1 Haywood; on at $.t, 50. Two . - fertili North -est. The are mild weather has been very favorable Gt, draw worth a jbn-t is re- tolthe centre them in the Dom- tb6 Gov6rnment.jfor the execuiioll �Of van found first in every enterprise the for ! a tilmipg to its old ways again lind we may. Louis'Rieh Mybndenination ros in the matter f eleotd'ial r year old filly fron K.Crawford, Hul- kinds of work-, ana especially its �n 1, and fett, fo $150 leading men so aS to swell -the prestige and Iler r of' this country. hose ilroading. The Canadian Pacihe Rail - W -1 ways of ti rning an ces of trust, w who exteiision, West from Afanitou, has expect the sma fry a very much broader and deeper them austai h '�(I"a,tei`V patronage of the central .Government. rqOd we would ike t� see. t eir —There are an Who bold the'p ra follow suit aind w� wiR ag i —on the ground of, their mal, a Dis- O� Waeyn ain be treaed CIMI o;od record. Thi�js & -re h' virtually run this c untry are fro the be pushed very rapidly) so_much so ever, be all this as -1t nlgLv OA+Ln r;A20 of *hi- NT,,,4h��-.4- A 9 iform ich is onest penn lid it s6e a that ato, some Of the T-1. r, V JV pullinsilla ar.untorio, and a large. nm_ that the work has y on the Wheel- seven years; the other -question,,` much needed. 'While it mi lit be a brace of indi idu Is in the c unties of exceeded our expec- Tyrant"' comes out on � if I re- 9 ber of them from your c t , The tations. The work of r Mixer and m., uddler - I I '. . the f Oun y. ogio 'While the ship to. co Perth and B ude have adop ed a new adip - Was be - to odlect aright, was wbe�tbet the bard pure, bra �rst te- M,Pel every, elector -vote cing air ntry eems gun abo t th y ellioli in,� 1870 was j U�stifiod. plan. of this coil it al does not give two hin _ff rrectly of p Once more, It 'a not on' Ontario bo These fo mers . sre n wwork- , , e first of. August. and at th�t s'hould be for some particular candidate� to lend them bew energy, and'tbe prsent there is b a grateful to him. and that t such ing up delinquen hi the r latter of etwee 60 an.d 70 miles on -The questi6� is vastness of the -prospect i�r th die- of rails laid. Sir Richard's it devo4s' Rev. Mr.rmstr ' g Owes h. m honor for cons'e-r - I , were practicablie. 8 it is nOt, it Would registering ma ria es, births av d death8, Right a vincr its rights 't Did the mismanagement of the Gov- vel t �h outset of the SeVer articles in,criticis-in of'it and in of the resou'roes o the work to The.penalty is, we believe, 920, half of F+ short distance�west of il,ii 11 d privileges' nevery t froin 18770 inclusive to'1�85 jus- only -be rigl.�t d Ju t . to re uire t each makes -a v an, but every oher Province ernmen I 00II11try spurs their, on to greater eNe.r tile Pembina river htl tt? bQ or4$qt1tr endeavor to refute ill g -i to reb6llion? Id' Nvith' tth6 fral all, which groes to tile informei, These tify Louis Well Oing Ill, person entrust in the Dominion as rell. worthies will,! no doubt, ext(nd their i tions. ca)i amar his Stae Ments. is it a,,p e you parently does Or is the issue oil. which the qO1 ern- Dot PhYsi 11 i citated' to a least We have had thefineststimmer a d fall ne result of tI.11s'd cision of the Privy thent --is to be held at ca y 1pe p -,v missionary feat of ngineering, it would election ' al s into Hii�or as well, a's the banks are take sufficient rest in rkdel that I �eif in -my life�. The e has; 'Olin 100 to 156 feet in heigbt, and f will be tha the retin e r haveeverp to it Own stisfa but if the next om- -iisint,ii have failed in 11, of C to -be general h tile. wel are of and if any of f1 s-whiclh it criti eineat �by the not beena weeksince thesno'xv wen Inipsioners An Government? his country to attend _tb,6 pollin this duti tl,, �, wen away fourtofive mils from bank- to bank. c1ses so, d Inspec6ra. ap booth te better see bo ii that last sl th readers could Pointe at people couldnot work After th peruse Sir RichakdCartwri,gbt--�-Tlieegi)tleni- on eil6ction da an cast his ballo it is perforinec at Twen -a e river is crossed the road runs d cly b L, yinc, y nee. y dollai out in We hd e much less are not so ea�iily under this ill-advised Licensing Law, nation is asked for -on the gr6und of ot hold of tliese.hard tile. &14 a %v 3 W., and both, w e fan -e thley would b ii,p eed tini e. Tile., 8 U_ M in er was goo( n Ot touclicii O certaii the n 'Will hate to be dismissed alt once, and. their general rnisinanagolnent! not SO times. All bir�tli�, �Teatbs and ar no mile s6lith Of Innot. .�wsptii had establish- e8 too hot, but jusf %])out ri n h rii of'tlie Of the drops properly fc�rward' d heJar as lam colicernetl, on aQoo_� 11-uro Notes. should be 'rei h ill, gh t to , ii Wllieb is in Township 3, I'lange 11, an ed its cas,e -gain several Provinces wiII7 resume un- rs 4ed wit r ad a then ber to tile 8011th . and run t the Politician than Mess Scott & Bell, of Avil glia the munieipali�y i'll -w ic they ce r ited control as before. Th e- 0 money 8entence of death being carried into ex in, hi h cc ar. lVe they will i upon simply reading have disposed of their ''saw mill i that --�-Tb e Times of I�st week frost about the 7th of 8--ptember, +,bich mile north of Cr aids-ity. c cution. As to the first rebellion in 1870, wilighamp, stal Cit, tile s s : Mrs. Brock 91 G eq iir -, re- crop, although it acted in a very st range way, formerly of So -nth H11roril After the one, 3n, this respeo,' tne, als 0 paid by dea-16�a for Ii eses under -I'am. not'so well informed oil tha. But town to McLeanii Son. .say di(i a great del'of barm. to the vbeat being founded by Mr. Thomas r1e, -have to be refuiided. to I believe that)the universal turned home the law, will Mr. Duncan i wall, of -t e 2nd f om 11oronto on. I Tuesday manner. One won1d his leaving -'s guilty Of the VOU offence, Whic it 'opinion no,'%Nr s evai iin�a, acco them'. W among those who have exarnined. the cone , , anis direct . hat eii this decision will esion. of Stanley, -has so] hi Brocken- CIT-Stal City tile ro-,vl r Uchard. i -In proof Of - , wheat frozen o claages against Sir I thoroughbred billl to Pau I 1, I that it waa notworth west to Clearwater shire, Mrs. Br wn an W, K tcben. -ell- this we _1 have Upon the operations, of the Scott ma is that the. populition of the -J. -P. Fi�ber shire, of Port Hop rohl, cutting ; tile D,Cx I t- fariner-wotild I arid a istance of - -only sOwwords, wben..it Northwest w -ere badly. treated of Manchose , has ly ill in 1870. ke 1 hire four les f eOm tile e Act it is difficult to sa wld.his grey horse ",'Duke o Per- is not able to s t have his fouchei and it woi when thence it runs weat a,(Jistalle '9!'e -Ver, are not dis- I and was , of six -teen e Oberon," to a gentleman neigh- broiiglit borne on a, ire -woven ed bich he highet - rice, miles to. C Says There is one thing, howevef, -it can not ternisof uniQn conceded to them,, are a in t marketed brin,J t ( P ople, ho Y at. Present. I think that bur own - course , and th up ye ild VOeal �ira lie I r? at,wright, named -after the accept Off -hand the bare - Some gardens r borhood of Toronto., her liusband bad made for lie Pr )ose, interfere with it to its disad�,antsge. sufficient proof of that, But to say that elbaiii-ed green unt I the Great ir Richard, crossin a -tbe Bad crer state that one politician is a liar, if -Mr. H. Plumsteel frosts cut them down in the begi, Ding about o e- alf mile south t' the pres"e`n rebellion isjustified" s a very diffe of Clint n, has and 18be was lust as conifor ab e o the of t t t W1 a: the Domnion Ae rent 1711 h genteel view of -red L-11- thing. A rebellion mAy beexcuse'd'aud roughbred shortbo bull calf, t�ain from Toronto as if sh.ha b n in eause the in-fiabit- A has been.decla sold a tho of Xoveinber, T ell came our gol I rious town site, which will C, the r a vlreR, the * cluses in it . pro parties who goad uixf( John Tain�b yn, ftirei- fall weather: Ilo rain &I) f a year old, to I It of bed at home. As vir as the tjoub e for cool &nts to move that much no-arer the e persons wb o rtuilate, ignorant d t ent of the Scott ,en. into' rebellion. in aY be punished. .5.0. It is a Which she Was' opei ated on is, "nee ned, and alliong them the geial er, or that, th viding for the enforcem flullett for the stim of � $1 nights with hardly any frost al,1141 right Equator,� good animal, as the pri6e ,W a w ent thing from the But that ' inTi'_._a - she is as we, sunny days; no show until ab t De- postmaster, Mr merce-nary, -set' of pl�i Art will not longer b 'holly d ffer 11'as emr, and, bup f r. T.' 8, Meiiarey, whose `1`4 ,ola any particular p, lx: e in f6r6e, and this -i,ev. Mr. Hillyard of - Aubn has recent ki ceinber Ist, and Ot Cnou!rh yet make name will be familiar to so t -C -all can dhey'affedion would be able to 4n which. is Sir responsibility will justify rebellion, ai �d legst of sleigbing. me of Your Richa rd's stae, ment rardin again. revert, to tbe, 1 Undertake to justi y s6ld his property in thai village 0 Mr. be up and aboiit, The patien is weak After leaviDq Car reg the Con. rebellion. in an ffh tivri t tile Governm ent. At � any rae Indian country Goo. F, Youngblut for the sum of $412. and NSry much requee, at Our lm"_est. w is got in witboi drop road runs west by.no e . I ;J press." As to Sir . , w her , as I have zaid -th present of rai n - . id v e got 111 of rthw at ti, i i( h to- .airenorinous.numlie y wcigbing about 60 pounds, plo all C5 Richard's that Government will have o agai Hillyard inteW , ug to i. -ie in time on'l I Iand Oak LiCke. This e)�tension- -svill- The -a view of the Pre:n ier we have o"aly to say- n a- r our countrymeu the eastern part of thhj- goidvince. butshei wed before ify frost came. Then great boon to tile settlers ftloil�(r its P011 -t Comm, issione'rs an and'countr -been ex- P.r ro womelial. uld bave , ut ountrywomeii,% s cbeL:wfn1 4nd hopeful andthe ie th.&-Vha,�' the publi d Inspectors in -Mr. Joh came the thresifiiil—a �1 sliwed, his remarks Posed to all 0 sava�_re n Stewart wh Ii prospects of Ifer 1111timate -rec very are L) ].)out 2,000 busli- who heretofore had -to haill 'their pro- Scott Act tI e b 0 IV s near counties to look After wb "O war if Molosworth, bad the mfsforh�vn:e o -a els, nearly all wheat. Serne of it we da-ets either to Maniton- on that-subJect its readers. would be in ole- at'rebelli 'a "Orl r 3 t et favorable. tI 4 h d of had on shares which left us about I or Brando, At 500 and some that Were farthest aivayliav- d. (Applause.) his hand caught in the Wt. a bre'sh- -At the last me�ting of Ata sale %nd, druggists' liense 1�ev-, Mr A 't a better pogitiGn to ind a, -and -it is r �n i,,, r 19-1 put -these a Oyal ge whether or not. in t we(of d had Orange Lodge X We sold about i,000 ing to to sell or feed -e- y that they aso. will questi es ly. t ifiacliine�one day las" a stance of from 60 to 80, Ilk I arged ons (Hea, he&r.). I- e 0. 1035, the oll wing -builiels for 52 cent,%. Ours was,alightly go a di, his, at&tem be' ell on n 3k fles en'tS Were- imisaported and we have thre fingers taGn* off. officers were electe( for the cur mi an ut them SiIIIP13� to get. right. -myself, rp s getti with the enforcement of the P, t I d not alway ng a rennin - A -re ii di to think they would be con- ScottA�t. -The may friends through ut the !� . and to set Others r' lit; because the W. M.'Bro. W. thwell ; D frozeP nd did inot bring the blighost erative return for theirllior, bnt havincir. vinced that they were wonderfully ShPuld this prove to be the ease, there impression is . a -broad to County of M�. Peter Adamson, ounty Reid ; bhal i Jas- price, as 68 cen;ts to 70 cents -W�S tile to pay the highest prices for limiseboll well -day., and the Mc rt # Mr y , Rec b ighest. A 0. ] hard is not kn supported. As to his, state- Is R. Prorspect that the nece machin- impression is increa'sin -that I the supreme clork, ill regret to learn that 6 lim Secy, John orap e ; F. . t L Beatty It i, Jaecessaries. llifo'wever, it wbe only -ouis Riel, en in Ontrio itice to MY tht.tbe day f Ili -h- asary issuewillibe,the eNecution of L been prostrated with a severe at ack of Treasurer, Ch se Z lia'nrde: cern"19 the CouseTvativePic'ss they are ery for the clue enforcement of the Act. congestion_ of the In $ter;. Ist 1-iloin.- B. picked sa�mples sent down Ando -th,refore I rV, but is ow re- Warwick.. boast prices for dry goods and groceries are abundantly Supported Will be forth6om ing . soon�r - p . . . . glad. that Sir covering, a. a,blished tba Mi put bout ; or the buyers may P and est, most Rich�rd k�e the p-ast, as the following fiornres I , 9110te_ matter right just -The very sudd death is a ino need very choicest loads and send their down will. Bb people e ected. It haVbecomc -.One day last vi;eek iL team of horges of Mrs, George G OW"YU as far 'as they go - In 'by the public ecn.1,1,nts O.f` the Dow,ii.Jon. xP apar.. Dow in pI in E nglish. (Ldud applause.) r or, of the coll- graded No. I hard Manitoba, bat the groceries we get at ,itou. -6 It -of t, to beloiiging to Mr. F. C. Rogers o Brus- cession of %N, est -Wre do upi thnk that o"t to e're,'3' one that he'-Donin' n offi- d 1. W even the Mail e aNvanosh, ii I is. ers had no intentioi sixt Onda- veping (;f 1� 6st h Oc- poor famer does pot get tile bet efit of Muscavado sugar for 1. teas froll.., 3,5 n of even att � P -1 Mr. hogers'galt work the - t .8 I i I I ) . , ,&,k far better' authority than c dni 'tin & THE E is ill() Partlic lax ollange to note eek. it, Brandon has* been a great market ceilt, to 75 (�ents per should a.1, barrels Of -shit, t oue ctirred on lNionday JOad, f roll to w, and if the officers to ett. )g a -00(l this. to enforce the la* eems that the deceased was in 1161 - this eason, as Ii in the position of ppli ical pai in StittiOu at Wussels. The, load eigbe& now on the anch as $1 the 0'.009, , lavin inb;ed article from- 40 cents to 50 elents prei ious atfir - ot�j and been paid out for whea there sory- g be appointed b about 9 tons. ! o days per it Y the Provincial author- Old- Country since,o' last issue.. The and- c6rrespondingly -il ,while eppi� fro the oorw of one this season. INT, lo hitland et in of the t1sinea6 otwithstanding tb B frost tbrougli n dry goods, -The Presbyfery of sbt he grocery line. It' Another Great Vic tory. ics prove as faithful to their trust as .reports which we rb6e ve in this PI' es to tile idewalk, there -is a very large aniount ol good That Little I I country the Presbyterian church, Wingbarn, oi she received an 0 lt 11 Ty�allt TV te'Y f orm- erly weirei when th int�,rnalinillry hichr. -will buy a 19wat " has ---cYwere re- are as co�tradi seem to be as Tuesday of last week -, t to twelve dollars ctory;a d� wbeat in this country, %lid we I lave a ooil rjea$Ona,ble tweed suit; ood ot- spons , anh was argely suited in her. dqatl on the, a ove men- D-tarket now b ' achieved another -t victory Over his for the.enforcement of the unreliabI a were dispatches during attended, but no business of public tioned,date, Alth ugh Only . a for any. kind of Ileat. ton� from 5 cents to 12� cents p"�'er yard, grea as were Vers Of law aind order the recen .ell wheiat,they ship to 0 tario, an4, union fialinels Crooks Act, al -.10 portfince was ransacted... The - resident The froz Jowerfirl anagonis, the Prolnier of the war excitement, so that it 1 next, of VVe�t Wawanos a few year she was to be ground by your mills in fr�m '95 cents per 1) will not I is meeting will be hold -in March 'lii-hly es flour. yar4 and IiPwards-� Boots and shos omilniop� As is &I -ready Well known, hb-ve any. caFtise to regre-t th i b teemed e in'Possi I� for anylpdrsou. at this dis- -all who h A formed The best of the wheat s groun very low, With one xception., that in Pursuance of a threat, change, I'lle Exeter Times of iasil, -week her acquaintance, Ind in. hev-4eath the here, are in ade in a 4nce'fro�n th� scene�, f conAict, to form SMY4 : Nfrs.'Lo ie and Miss bi.x a leave and the flour sent to 3ritain. bein ke a C' shortl Goddrich wh C. u T1g No. 14. amythinggip o e t estbf1late of how ) ut direct .9 hlethodi t congr gation iA IL ckn6w or in some casesl'the Nvbea le apeei de"ve'red inithevillage y for ere - th Y Will, loses FJ t is se of Yorkvill some WE iiadvrtently cm., itted last week matt reside. Miss Dixon has taught -in the w an, earnest and -devout Christian INTe have s Id IS time is drawing near &r tile � 0 4 ak- nuln A reporti was! cur- ker. So highly was Mrs. Greer re- cattle t' 'a fall our surplus sto Ic - asp�ring t two 6f three years to M. e mention f the changes ars really stan public - -school here for -a or to tile old country, m- unicipa�l arena to be entered -by those ago-, Sir J which - renC ber of y C. most o sucli ho, -or ';Racdonald si�cceede' fe 1 spected that when bhe sad new reached ly of our own raighig, also 15 d who ha)" apied positions- for the d in w day agc Q at Mr Gladstone years and will be -are hors"and f those ha,ve recently ta�n place in the Do I pi_ , an e oce, indneinc, the Dom, n,iGn - pgrlia- m- I - atlY miss6� there, tile village of Gotrie the to iner resi- have 34 still -on hand, 15 of w 9� unc .6 standing with: Mr. ell as'i had come to an li -ell we past years to rcei pass. Ine"t to Mon Cabinet. The vacan��y caused by as w ii the Presbyteri elli and dence of Mr. Greeli-and, famil , the bell ve their quota'of a 4W Parnell, and that c o oessions had been Sabbath School. intend killing in a few days. I brk is abu'e for t1heir past iiiisdeeds, if any. ass"'in"ng entire control Of the- retirement of Sir Le'on e 0 ls� church t iere, was very - low, from' $1 to $4.50 per 100 Butlain pleased tobe ableto inforin ffic, and - . 4de on One day last week Mr. Jbhn on the M th di the Equor tr ard Tilley in ,,both sides t e former agre h Otratb, tolled for an hour re p c o itiOn the provinces Of a po 81 � of Finarie' Min' ozen You that o-ur Councilman has stood to VO Is- to give Ireland- locl I home ru e, death is a re afflic- wheat that the only profitable ay ter has, been filled with- a cident. He was in the busIcs iddin tion, and sev c1n 9 of Wbitechurch,met wit seripus ac- departed. Her thus depriving from the the; I Out Of $1 t t the its,, but there has been so inuch fr wer which by by -the appointment. to his post, like a tr illen lOgs-for G'Lunt's Saw mill, 9 ogs ue blue, and it is consent, they had enjoyed since of Mr. in Dublin w-biell would have Mr. �Grcer and farril have the dispose of -it is to feed to t merly Minister when -a pole heartfelt sympathy of thought till Ward ,�ill O& �iu . of the tailtr - the. NO ole com- F or that reason a grea i's r 11, no confederation. This was done �I of local airs under thattlie logs were beitig rolled! up on njunity. ahave VIarine, and Fh4ieries. Mcertain n O Opposition. By the Our councilman, fr. 1 tions sprang up an struck him over t tirei to deprive - MC-Lelan's restric limi - d been raised, and I think 0 andford is Huron bo if 'lot on I owat and als anit a ha" si�ccessor isProe ted i epresqn - ;�e eye, -An interestina libel cas c e up s, s Cale)) E, a in stuilhin,g him Ifficent'pork fOr her own use thi year, Mr. Y., e gener I on mind the Parliarn s -or Foster, of New tation. h and makiiig ai�.ugly gash. before the courts ill Torontda e ays nd Nve certaiilly and'a 8 ' of I Richar Hall In Parliament. This -A team belonging to the Messrs. have eliollfr) b f Exqter, and one 9f tile first pioneers of g ee 5 age W :5 eut of 011tbirio, of the BrunswicL the well-kn - own temperace' it wa's said Par ago, from the to dallip of Go erich, in a tord, of prestige and patron- r dr6w the en�riilouis is selling Inow fo to 50 per tha� section. Tbe electors of this ward -k is P1 tiff and r 85 0 "D which the con- advocate and'spea I had ag eecl to Vansione of Brussels, which Charlotte Perdue t ither 0 1761111bigof this traffiaafforde(Ithem Ivir, eir of these accept as satisfactor amount of 125. barrels of fl 00 lbs. I think urns each Robert Clark defendant, TI e action ellou .?)ade nearly int6id to bring out a candidate for pointm en, ''it now t" we have lnad� Mbwat held that 't h ol b. butter this year ts will add strength w6ighing 216 pounds; td the g 0 up, Wi�rden but bave not as yet made,tbe by to the 011 , OW ver) that s 6 ion the arises Originally from the d(ath of it home demand,, and the pas ia )ly the Act the Dom. innw this GoVernn ca-, at r. Gladstone den ies other day at one l6ad. The barr 8 cheese fact 1, and it is likely they are having in were, Mrs. or ies are fiil;�I sele�tioil. Two years ago our &am- tg the Prok __ de any Trick, a sister of - the &&ndant. up all, ove-rAlli countr),. 117c didate for that Off - lefloated by a all, proposition, and, loaded -on two sleighs epupled gether. This lady was found dead t the foot of one here that turned out first--olass small ina'Jority, but w oJoly temp. ging ruces, of r MrY. _We befi4ve that Mr. tbe roposal was .e'v,' a ice Was a ii and pwe. � which 1�;� thiown out The load e ed abont 13,� to a, and the cellartairs in her own is h p ently have a vei rbspectable man, but by so I has noverw ig equalled by heese this yedir, d from tile Constitution gra4ted them, me person a been h4use e are bound to run d in beha�--'f h4`has i feeler tb,i see how anYt, lug we her neck-, broken. She had fdklen, it Was 'm the uccess this Year if possible. ­Tbere wbe a �never d 1play_�d any special ap which ttend it Ifis year it 181 going meeting oil the 18th inst ofl. out�ria he - knoW of. ed resisted -the law of the t4de for ti- such b6 sic] be received by the -Mr. Thomas David4on of tl e I thought, from the third stbpj from the on on a lar er s6l, - next se' at Crystal �Dominioia. The matter wa refe fibance, and would scarcely be peopi 2th bottom, and had 'in some way been vio, 9 asol. City, of the oppositin� he o ;Wh and as the leader PPOsi on with ich. it concession of McKilloP, has be tr iaking great itT prove- of the opposition' founi Crystal City rred to competent for - th This country, I eas- lently struck on under was urer of the Grange in that distri t e the back o the neck man Ways. Our minicipal we will fia since 170- the Supreme Court of Ca4 Position even me ever, -that ver and kille. After: her' funril, Robert institutions are, aft ar v ery many el anges, claiming from their own housetops, or ada- Tb,,,- the most faoia' hows'elearly ments in court about a year ago, ve to call it a case of p d that ii loca home rul ill not be conced- Clark instituted more particula - inqu�ries- going to be rem � de led into what ble circumstances, and even its establishment, so e ei t years view of the certain ago, and -during all tha time e only %bout th to use financa difficul: l,ed:to- Ire and witho think a desperate stru e matter, and his. susp cions\be- a more common and vulga 9, raised one Meeting. He is 70 ears of will suit us better.. We are at sent h ig aroused, he c the bl' rase, rowing on th" own dung -hill. aused eir -gverned, ad the cou dy to be over ntry ul Re e ei, t that has beenreated in �men V �Quebea and pAj4 eXeeiit'On Of Pliel dX here to, ally great - 'Of men i6f both 6ido, that b deserved ti some inelfile to t6 - Son, -Who acted a va the meetinas 01 slfOuld have s- .. And, Mr, shared byeven -4gg b that the swinging lot ,dians on r.,tb iWit. wil� and will in -tile futur on their propenfsitie� Pale faces. it eots- Year -to feed those ludian'31 And to hom being grateful turn theii benefa;-,tor poorncoara . gement. to supply them with after the manner tho ,Gowanlock and M rs ;suppose that is hardl ,of looking at the Ind after -all the . � mratched ov,gr it s Yet. Middleii . vould solve the proll The Pembina vall "�d south through ti; 'township affordb s fine: nian as it is 111habil ,deer, olves, fox -es I and a numberf siw'a ispen season just 1, immerous. To stand -from the huntmg alinot be led to was unergoing the goina +hp. ]avr in look sei to 011ts. - *1 1 -on vides that no Plerso huntwitbin the pro said persons Own,, VOvince. 04rpr great sportsman as ,and had au eye to , t Act was passed. A ed by Rev. John 4 fme:aeer iausti week. uarY will sto th 'lip lo keepers axe VelT stris NV e had quite as cently, in aid of no` ,different chawters I local talent. Our progressing -under _;f its pastor), Rei Snowflake school h" thirty scholars, lin 4of Ali �Gld Ontario i wilson� I will. 8�y the Eposmon is Visitor and I �c4n� say -political view's dwr 11091TO.'A is always hh Ponent. 1will con 0.11 a merry Christmas Year. Yours truly, plaoe wiasel6sed 'Christmas holi4ays.- Parlor Circus and '1� e-xhibited in the' rol and Saturday eve There was a very g Vdday oveningi, but fmg the Attendane V account of 'the st*r .performance of the 'was gieatly 'ei slao Well trained, taken a let. of patiel -thel -trainer to brin, , - I fection. that he bas, P14nisay and ife, c spend' their Cbri Ing -town, -That celehi Hower D. Hope, will -ment, Drew,.q Tuall o laoxt undr tlw f * Voresters lodge, 'PTY services bt bitei church on last,which. popular axnu-,ewent _vave an R.6ter, on Weduce, under the auspices X)-� inents. At ahout 'i c preeed,ed by the banirl niarketto the w- and pre,.qenting a tau e. iCe ball; wivq Audience well G� J. SUTHERLA lire and Ufa In.,111-a"re Licensc$, ' Offlo very larely iitteod , istma's; tras Ileld i� itil se ,charell on tues.dkl The presenti th'i umerons and �beautif d, on and Varied. ab -It -and thai towards the hers of the Prei brick for the neNv- ehu. in that Afigp llext S� abi-Lit 351D loalls fil all workina with 4 will and we Wnk the. "coul ment aud 'Wernbem a io 11 degree �� of e Lo&L Bnu!iF.�. - had the ffeet of co back ahie to euits. -A very la fowl has been b the past we&t. - qu.bart, our enterpris membants, hae belel late a (mant Old Country has taulit Nrith mme'. the past earin eh of teach i.)ext year ru M. Wilson, of Cartwri.. turned -home this hearty, and intelills here. --The R�V. C, road preacithel: Rod gerville, n Ra. an &'sernion in he' ary cause. -The B er yvife f Strathrqy, V=ditlg their Chrl�s -their many reletve - are Pleased. to see