HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-12-18, Page 7'ate position,. the sup- owerIess Imows is and the are lust _ - what is d rriage, if you are to- ba, e dress, ant. Iavely lyrtle, shades, and Kid we have, tyle and right. i'nd see ntIe hese well - 'en adding xow better R, 111 in the Lits for ping done cents per always on i for °at8. hand and any Wau. tly attend- heserninita la so, Re- , VDT. 933 fouresizee, neer made, rgains. KADIAN • eer for the- :nded in al left at Ti :ended to. ieer for the 1 description - terms. Lot 4, 1, Con - 77 r of Music, pupils fitted the expense Tate. Resi- oor East of 879 DECEMBER.' 182 1885 tomnimmeeemesee News Notes. -Kitty Moore, who was born in Ire- land in 1779, and settled in what is now Ottawa, in 1837, died in the hospital in that city on Saturday, 5th inst., aged 1.06 years. -St. Andrew's Society of Toronto celebrated its forty-ninth anniversary Monday night, 7th inat., by a banquet at which there waa a large and distinguish- ed attendance. -A government inspector at Chicago -- Illinois, on Monday seized one of Ra phaers original paintings, "The Virgin and the Books," valued at $40,000, on the ground that the duty had not been paid. The painting was imported fr.)in Yarn. -Miss &inn Morse, a daughter of Samuel F. B. Morse, inventor of the telegraph, while en route for Havana on the Spanish mail steamer, disappeared shortly before the arival of the vessel.' It is supposed she threw herself into the sea in a temporary fit of mental. aberra- tion. -The Baroness Burdett -Coutts' pet charity is a soup kitchen where the poor can go and obtain au excellent plate of soup (one pint) for a halfpenny (one cent). The soup is said to be of excel- lent quality -much better than anything to be found in the average run of Eng- lish restaurants. The Baroness has a plate and spoon of her own, and often goes to the kitchen, where she takes her " ha'porth of soup " with the rest, but does not, as some of the little urchins do,:proceed to divide it into four equal parts with her friends. -The Rev. C. S. Eby, in preaching the annual missionary Sermon of the Sherbourne street Methodist church, - Toronto, on Sabbath, December 6th, said that in Japan there were 37,000,000 people, and they were the only gateway to hundreds of millions beyond. Three hundred years ago the Jesuits made a footing on the island, but through their avarice lost it after having converted 2,000,000 to the Christian faith, and it was not until 25 years ago that the Christians had a chance of again preach- ing the Gospel in that land. There are 36, religions followed in Japan, and in the year 1890 all the religions, including the Christian, will be free in the eyes of the law. The Christian 'religion is fostered by the men of authority in Japan: -On S'aturday night, 5th inst., a young man who said he came from Bris- tol, England, called on the Government police officer, R. Rush, at Sault Ste. Marie, and stated that he wished to give himself up to the authorities for having, • •on May 27, 1884, at the door of 49 Old Market street, Bristol, stabbed with a sailor's knife a young woman na,med. Ada Jones, from the effects of which she died next morning. The prisoner was taken before Wm. Turner, J. P., and by him commited to jail until delivered by .due course of law. The prisoner states that immediately after the stabbing he ran and hid himself away on a Russian boat which was then leaving port for Barbadoes. Afterwards he sailed from the East Indies to. Montreal. He has since:sailed on the Shickluna, and made several trips on the Canadian Pacific Railway steamer Alberta. -Mrs. H. G. Venner has consented to ferward for exhibition at the Inter - Colonial, London, the magnificent col- lection of eagles, hawks, awls, and other Canadian birds formed by her late hus- band. This being one of the best in the Dominion will naturally form an attractive exhibit in the Natural History Department. - The Entomo- logical SOciety of Ontario are mak- ing a valuable display of native insects of all kinds. - Cornwall Manufac- turing Company, Cornwall, have en- tered for ehibition fancy tweeds, blan- kets, homespuns, coatings, and a gener- al asaortment of woollen goods. --E. B. Eddy, Hull; will show an assortment ef wooden ware, pails, matchea, etc. -Convocation hall at University Col- lege, Toronto, was crowded Friday on the occasion of -the one hundred and thirty-fifth publidebate of the Literary and Scientific Society. The chair was -occupied by G. W. Ross, Minister of Education, whose entrance was the sig - 'nal for an outb.urst of loud applause by the students. The subject of debate was '••L That it would be to the advantage of Ciinada to substitute for responsible government a system similar to that of the United States." The chairman de- cided that the affirmative had advanced the strongest. argument, and gave his -decision in their favor. -A shocking story comes from the county of Huntingdon. A few days ago -John Napier, a farmer residing at Covey Hill, got on the spree with some friends and got rather elevated. His friends saw him home and deposited him in his farm yard, supposing he would go in- side his house. Unfortunately, how, ever, he went to sleep in the yard, and his pigs being loose proceeded to make a supper of his nose and fingers, eomplete-, ly eating them off. When he awoke in the morning he presented a horrible ap- pearance. Medical assistance was pro- cured, and he is now progressing favor- ably. 1 -Three brothers named Goheen were arrested and brought to Cobourg on Monday, charged With brutally assault, in,,a with intent to kill, John Knox, and robbing him of the sum of $40,000. Knox is a brother-in-law of the Gobeens. Nine Years ago he left his wife and chil- dren to go to the Western States. His wife dieq., shortly after he deserted her. Knox appeared in the- neighborhood where the Goheen family live, and -while walking on the road was pounced on by the three yisoners, who pounded him insensible with a club and dragged him to the roadside. When he regained con: sciousness he found that the money he had, which he claims was $40,000 made in his speoulations in, the West, with which he intended to buy a farm in Can- ada, was gone. He managed to find shelter in the house of a neighbor near by. The case was reported to the Crown Attorney and the prisoners arrested. It seems that the Goheens had vowed to kiN Knox if he ever appeared in the gauntry again, for his treatment of their sister. 1 The Green Gage CorapanY.. " Pears or green gages ?" the ihciitess asked graciously, as she presided at the. head of her tea -table. It was noticeable that -there was a generous disb_of the pears and • only a tiny one of the -green gages. 11etween the company --which was composed for the most part of young people --,there arose a tacit understand- ing ; without a ward being spoken a vil- lainous plot was hatcad. "Gages, please," replied guest number one. - I prefer the gages," murmured number ' - r THE HU ON EXPOSI'TOR. 7 two, and so itgoes down the whole 1 our courtship," and that reininds me there length oa the table. The mile graduldly might be Y If my brother, farmers w,ld do as Ib ave forsakes the hostess' lips ; the scant More pretty wives lonely. "These p:sarrs are delicious ; Ho?fitirou may hang ha epated to do BOW. alloWance of gages begins to look ver done. • did them myself, ' she protests finally• than y remain. "Thank you," answers the eighth and -Beltsville, Prince George Co., Md„ ; ji C. L. James. last guest, ' `Abut I'd rather have the May 26th, 1883. ) gars. .1' My dear, pears or _gages ?" y dear" has beenvery busy e last th tgrNone genuine without hunch ot green few nunutefl chatting with his fair neigh- Hops on the white meithhun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" or " Hops" in their of disturbance.. " Gages, please, dear ber, andhasnot noticed the little wave mune. 919.62m- ; he answers, without looking up. There t . was a torrent of pent-up wrath in the Vonsuraption bured. erntasis, though the tone was smooth' haAdnp olaeldedphyinsicio,n,retired trot practice, tion was flashed across the table as the an Sweet, and such a look of indigna- lady exclaimed, "No, illy love, you'll take pears." "My love" 'took the pears, and never knew until he got up -stairs that night what a brute he had made of himself, and what a detestable, rude set of people he had been entertaining in his house that evening. • GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA • BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the natiial laws which govern the operations of digestion and nu- trition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has piovided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us litany doc- tors' bills. It is by. the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradu- ally built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle mala- dies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point.. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pioperly nourish- ed frame." -Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets by,grocers, labelled thus-"Jieezs EPPS & Co., Hciniceopathic Chemists, London, England." Rote agent for Canada, C. E. Colson, Montreal. 884-52 Holloway!s Ointment and Pills. Female Complaints. -On the mothers of Eng- land devolves much and serious responsibility in seturing for their daughters robust health; fre- quently, alas! thoughtlessly sacrificed by °Wpm. bIe bashfulness at a particular period of life, when all important changes take place in the female constitution, upon the management of which depends future happiness or misery. Holloway's Pills, especially if aided with the Ointment, have the happiest effectin establish- ing those functions, upon the due performance of which health and even life itself depends. Mother and daughter mafsafely use these pow- erful deobstruent remedies •without consulting any one. Universally adopted as the one grand remedy for female complaints these Pills never fail, never weaken the system, and always bring about the -desired result. 912.52w - To the Aged and Infirm,. the nourishing and invorating properties of Robinson's Phosphorized Emulsion give renewed strength and buoyancy of spirits. Always ask for Robineon's Phosphorized Emulsion, and be sure you get it. 891.52w. Regularity is the main spring of life' and regularity of the bowels is one of the mostessential laws of health. Burdock Blood Bitters regulate the bowels in a natural manner, curing constipation and pre- venting serious disease. 857.52.2w. The Best Cough Cure The best remedy for cough and ail throat .and lung troubles, is one that -loosens and dislodges the tough mucous, clears the bronchial tubes, and allays irritation. This is what Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam does in every ease. 857.52.2w. •••••: Impure -Blood. Boils, blotches, pimples and festering sores are indications of impure blood that should never be neglected, or- ill health and perhaps incurable disease may result. Burdock Blood Bitters perifies the blood by acting on the four cardinal points of health -the stomach, bowels, liver and blood. 857.0.2*.' -00 The Secret of Success. The reason why Hagya,rd's Yellow Oil is so popular with the people as a, household remedy for pain, is in the fact that while many liniments only relieve, Yellow Oil both relieves and cures rheumatism and all aches, peins, eereness and lameness. 857.52.2w. oft • The Canker Worm of the blood is scrofula, that gnaws upon the vitals and consunies the body. Consumption 18 but lung scrofula. Burdock Blood Bitters is one of the best known combinations to cure scrofula. 857.52.2w. Caution. Any lieimerit or other medicine that cannot be taken inteinally is unsafe for ordinary use. Hagyard's Yellow OH, the prompt pain reliever, issafe and reliable for all aches and pains, and can be swallowed as well as applied. 857 52.1w. - Horsemen, Attention.! When your horse is galled, scratched or cut, or has an ugly sore, bathe twice daily, and apply McGregor & Parke's Carbolic 'Cerate. It is un- dOulatedly the finest healing and cleansing appli- cation for it. Be sure you get McGregor & Parke's. Sold for 25c. per box at Lumeden &Wilson's drug store, Seaforth. 912.52w. Fluid Lightning. - All sufferers 'from that terrible thrinent,Neural- -gia, can be made happy in one moment by asin- gleapplication of Fluid Lightning briskly rubbed on painful parts; and Without using any disgust- ing medicine day after day with little or no re - 8u1 -t. Fluid Lightning. also. cures as effectually toothache, lumba.go, theumatism7,: headache, and is only 25 cents per bottle at Luinkien & Wilson's dreg store, Seaforth. 912.52w.- . Cholera Preventive. • In order to withstand choler& and such like •epidentics a pellect purity of blood, and the pro- per action of ;the stomach are required. To in- sure that end) in the .cheapest,' -most available and coMplete ;manner, use . McGregor's Speedy .Cure for dyspepsia and impure -1)1°0. There is no-purer,m safer or more reliable re iremedy in exist- ence for ndigesticni, dyspepsia, restiveness, etc. Ask your neighbor or any person who has -used it, Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, Seaforth. Trial bottle- given free. 912.52w, . Maryland; My Maryland ,t Pretty wivee, Lovely daughters and noble men. My .fann has in. a rather low and miasmatie; situation, and My wife ! Who? • • Was a very pretty blonde! Twenty years ago, became. Sallow! Hollow-eyed ! Withered and aged! Before her time, .from Malarial vapors! • o Though she made no particular complaint, not being of the grumpy kind, yet causing me great uneasiness. _ his hands by n East Ind ming a inis- si nary the formula of a simple vegetable r medy if fo m the speedy and peranent ewe of Co stimp- ti n, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Aet Ina and all throat and Lung affedione, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility nnd all Nervous Com- pl into, after having tested its wonderful eura- ti e powers in thousands of oeSes, has fele it his d ty to make it known to his Suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of eh who desire it, this recipe, in German, o English, with full directiens for pr a d using. Sent by nTail by. addressin st mp, naming . this paper, W. • A. NOY P wer's Block, Rochester, N. A . 938-21 eow a rgo, to renal paring - with S, 149 a ot fr +III- • 4/- ational Pills are the favorite purgat ve and ti -bilious medicine ; they Te mild d thor- gh 857.52m. I eie • a. orms often destroy children, but Fr eman's men Powders destroy worms, and exp 1 thene o Remove Dandruff. -Cleanse the scalp vvith of. Low's Magi o Sulphur Soap. A delightful dicated soap for the toilet. 851.52m. le* Crying EviL-Ohildren, are often 'fretful and when Worms arls the cause. Dr. Letv'e Worm nip safely expel all worms. 85712m. in the system. 857.52in. LEGAL. 4- M. BEST, Barrister, Solieitor, &a. • ffice- D ason, lileyer's Block, over Johnson' Hard- • Rooms , formerly occupied be Cl oll & ; w re Store, Main Street, Seaforth.: Goderieh A ents-Cemeaosi, HoLi & CAMERON. 870 ; A short time ago I purchased - Your reniedy For one of the children, who had a very severe attack of Biliousness ! And it occurred to me that the remedy aught help my wife, as I found that our little girl upon recovery had Lost! • Her sallowness! • • And looked as. fresh as a new -blown daisy. Wen the story is soon told. My wife, % • , . To -day, has -gained her old-time beauty with compound interest, and is now as handeome a illation (if I do say it myself(as can bs found In this county, whiehis noted for pretty women. And I have only Hop Bitters:to thank for it. The dear creature just looked over mY shoul- d and says I "can flatter equal to the day e of ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristsrs Solid- ' tors, &d., Goderich, Ontario. J:; T. GIARROW, M. PROODFOOT. 686 C. HAYS, Solicitor, &e. Private Ifleney to • lend at lowest rates of interest. Office - C rner of Square and West Street, Goderch. 774 AMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, itc., Goderich, Ont. C. CAMERON, Q. C., PHILIP HOLT, M. G. ERON. r • 506 OFTUS E. DANCEY, late with Cameron, 1 Holt & Cameron,. Goderieh, Barrister, So- li itor, Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan.; Ben- . s • n's Old Offite, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 1.1 ANNING & SC017, Barristers, Sticitors, Conveyancers, &e. Solicitors for t e Bank o Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. 'Money to loan. 0 ce-Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario.. A. H. Amuse, JAMES SCOTT. I 781 11 HOLMESTED, successor to the late firm of . McCaughey & Hohnested, Barrister, So- itor, Conveyancer and Ndary. Soliciitor for e Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. rms for sale. Office in Seott's BlocI , Main reet, Seaforth. MEDICAL. IRS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brumfield, Licen- / tiates Royal College of Physicians and urgeons, Edinburgh. At Seaforth every Satur- ay afternoon. Office, -Royal Hotel. 930. G. S. McDONALD, M. D., C. M. Physi- cian, Surgeon, Accoucheur'&ce Office d resfdence, that lately occupied by Dr. Hut- ison, Auburn. •; 781 G. SCOTT, M. D., &e., Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucher, Seaforth, Ont. Office and sIdence South side of Goderich street, Second oor east of the Presbyterian Church. 842 W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D , C. M., 111ember .1 te. of the College of Physicians and S rgeons, c., -Seaforth, Ontario. Office and . r ;vsidence s me as oceu.pied by Dr. Vercoe. 848 R. MACKID, (late of Lucknow) Gra uate of Toronto University, and Member of the °liege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Nice in Cady's Block... Residence, Johr Street, rst door east of English Church Pa sonage, eaforth, Ontario. 894 YE, .EAR AND THR AT. DR. GEO. S. RYERSO , • R. o. P., L. R.' C. S. E., Lecturer on the Eye, ar and Throat, Trinity M ical College, Toron- rand Surgeon to the Mere r Eye and Ear In- nnary. Late Clinical Assi tant Royal London phthalmic Hospital, MooHlelds, and Central hroat and Ear Hospital. 317 'Church StrEiet-, Toronto. VETERINARY. II,C: DOAN, Veterinary Surgeon, G aduate of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, -Ontario. Calls promptly atteeded to night or day. Veterinary me Baines je`ipt constahtly on hand. Office, Huron Hotel', Zurich, Ont 909 - _ , • CEAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY. -Corner of 0 Jarvis and Goderich Streets next door to the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All dis- eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do- mesticated animals, successfully treated at the Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest notice. Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER Veter- inary Surgeon. P. S. -A large stock of °tonn- a*, Medicines kept constantly on hand IMPORTANT NOTICES.1 - SUFFOLK :PIG. -The undersigned wi I keep during the present season for the Trove- . ment of stock, on Lot 31, doncession 3, Me- lt -1110p, a horoughbred Suffolk Boar.Terme- 51, with t e privilege of returning if nre essary. JOHN M MILLAN, Jr. • 9 9x26 EACH .R WANTED, -Male or Femal teach- . .er, f r School Section No. 12, Stepl en,: for 1886, hold ng a Second or Third Class Ce ificate. Please state Salary.Apply with testiino ials to JOSEPH TITREAU, Secretary and Tr, asurer, Grand Bend P. 0. 39x3 , 0 RC ILDERS.-Sealed Tenders, -w ole or eepa ate, will be received up till loon of t e 26th d y of .December, 1885, for the erection •nd com .letion of a brick Presbyterian Church Hensa I. Plante and specifications nay be een, and 11- information obtained at the resi. eneeof the undersigned. Wil. ELDER, odgervil e P. 0: 39x4- }ES: MAKER - WANTED. -Appli ations will be received up to the 26th of ecem- er, by t e Belmore Cheese and Butte Com- pany; for i he position of Cheesemaker, to mann- ctnre ch ese in their factory, situated n Bel - 1 lore; dur ng the season of 1886.. The 13 ard of. irectors ifl meet in Belmore, on the„.)6th a ecember to consider the applicatious. Testi- ionials s ould be forwarded with applications. ddress t.i her G. BARTON-, President, o D. II cDONA D„ Secretary, Behnore P. 0. 39-2 A school thoro Business Penm taught. • Vor Circula .4. TQIpNTO.. ghly equipped for buiineSs training.. Book-keeping, Arithmetie„ nship, Correspondence, ShOrthand and Type Writing practically • ILL RE -OPEN, MONDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1886. and information address D. 0'7 A.‘, Secretary. 9364 MON Y TO LOAN. it ONEY TO L cent. Lute per cent. yearly, Ns of repaying part o time. Apply to Seaforth. AN. -Straight loans at 6 per . est -payable hal y r y, or th the privilege- to borrower the principal money at anY F. HOLMESTED,Banister, 1 850 NTISTRY. I gun Gol 1 Filling a, , ToWn patients wi ' a day or two p timi performed. the rooms termer' up -Stairs in Cady's cial Hotel, Seafert XTEN) IVE AUCTION SALE OF IFABM STO .1( AND IMPLEMENTS. -On Lot 35, oncessioi 11, East Wawanosh, four mile from &grave a d six from Wingham, on Wed esday, ecembei 23rd, 1885, commencingat 9 4fcoe1c in., th following valuable propert,_ , viz.: welve go d young horses, also the Cele rated mported Clydesdale Stock Horse, "Honest ohn ;" als 1 yearling Stallicin, " Canadian 13oy," las four c oases of Clydesdale blood; 1 pring ntire colt, full hale brother to the above St Ilion; 5 head of attic, also a large number of sheep d hop, nd it lot of farm Implements. All I lust he s Id Without reserve, as the proprietor as (lisps d.of his farm and is retnoving away. or full p eticelare see bills, or proprietor on e premis s; or the Auctioneers, E. F. BIIACK, ingham ; C. HAMILTON, Blyth: TH MAS GNEW, oprietor. 9t392 - M L&E, D. S., and M. B. C. D., of Toronto. All operations nteed. Anesthetics el all Is administered. Specialties -- d Perfect • Fitting Plates. LI please Make engagements evious to having the opera - tar Remember the place in occupied by C. Cattwright, Block, opposite the Commer- ' 874 Special Bargains during the Holiday Season. W. N. WATSON, , General Insurance Agent And Dealer in, Sewing Machines. Sole and Exelusive Dealer for the Raymond and White • SEWING -MACHINES, The best Magufactured, ranging in prices from - $25 to $75. Nerer -TAENT1ST, Faci. If Gold Medalli Rooms over John Seaforth. TS01\T lty Gold Medallist and College kToronto School of -Dentistry. ons' Hardware, 'Main Street,. 911 Aurora Quick Train The, Beet Yet. These Machines have been in use in this Sec- • tion for the last twelve years, and during -that ; time have given the best of satisfaction. , They' are guaranteed by the manufacturers' Watch. for five years. SOLD ONLY BY R. COUNTER kTM w SEAFORTH, ONT. This Company manufactures a complete line of full plate watches, from ,ordinary to the finest grades, for all classes of watch wearers,. They are all made with quick train, and are es- pecially adapted f r railroad and all ordinary and severe service. ./i I made dust proof, have the perfect safety pin on, which prevents damage to parts in case of m inspring breakege, and John- son's patent eau ment to regulate pins, which ptevents hairspring from catching, an important irnprovement corn -rolled by this Company • The stem-winding pans are made strong and durable, guaranteed as safe, more convenient end service- able than the key vihdeni. The extra fine grades are made in stem wind only. Every watch is Nearrented by special certificate, which the pur chaser receives from the Company's Agent. The number of Jewels in each watch '(which is en- graved thereon) indicates the quality; pur- chase's observing this are sure to receive the quality they call for. The larger number et Jewels in the better grades also represents the finish, fine adjustment, and Care in manufacture) Which produces more accurate time and longer service. The qualities are divided ,as follows: : ORDINARY. -Two grades are made of this qbality, engrave 1 : "Aurora Watch Co., 7 Jewels." " Auroi a, Watch Co., 11 Jewels." ;MEDIUM -F0 ir trades of this quality are I • ade,-two in Gilt Fimsh, engraved: " Aurora Watch Co., 11 Jewels, Extra." 1 _Aurora Watch Co., 15 Jewels," nd two in Nickli, finely finish- ed, engraved: " Aurora, Watch Co., ?.1 Jewels." ' Aurora Watch Co., 15 Jewels." FINE. -Two g-ades of this quality, -one in Fline Gilt Finish and one in Nickel, engraved: "Aurora Watch Co., 15 Jewels, adjusted." EXTRA FINE. -Two grades of this quality, - o e in Pine Gilt and one in Fine Nickel, engrav- k : " Autora Watch Co, 15 Ruby Jewels,•a.d- j sted, Aurora, Illinois." I Remember Counter's, Seaforth, is the only E ace in tne Cour ty where these watches can be M. R. COUNTER Practical WA chniaker and jeweller. THE E3IGI MILLS .SEAFORTH.: The above mills have now been thoroughly re, • built upon the, complete • HUNCAPIAN. ROLLER PROCESS. The Mill and Storehouse •Buildings have been greatly enlarged, and !new machinery applied throughout. THE LATEST IMPRINED ROLLS • -AND- Flour Dressing Machines From the best Manufacturing Finns have been put in, and everything necessary added to enable her to turn out flour , ! SECOND TO NONE In the Domini° . The facilities for receiving grain from fanne s and for elevating and shipping have also deen e. tensively improved. Grain can now be taken from farmers' wagons, weighed, and loaded into cars at the rate of 700 bushels • per hour, by the work of two men. A LARGE FEED STONE OUSTOM ICHOPPINO Has been put in, end the neeessary machinery for handling chop an;d coarse e -rains. IA good shed has been erected, so that wagOns can be unloaded and reloaded under cover. WHEAT EXCHANGES 1 PrOmptly attended to, and • ''IRST41LASS Rill.LER FLOR U For Simplicity, Durability, Fine Finish and large range of work are unexcelled by any others ,in the market. Also dealer in Knitting -Machines, Needles, Oils and all kinds of Sewing Machine supplies. All Kinds of Machines Repaired, Charges Moderate. 1\T_ WA_TS01\T„ MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that after the ex- piration of twenty days from the date of the first publication of this notice in the linaotz Ex- rosiroa. I intend to apply to the Judge ,of the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, to be. appointed guardian of the person and estate of 'Minnie Eddie Cecil Hicks, an infant under the age of twenty-one years, the only child of Edward John Hicks, lateof the town of Mitchell, in the County of Perth, Hotelkeeper, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of July, 1882. Dated at Seaforth, this 3rd day of December, 1885. EMMA HICKS by F. HOLMESTED her Solicitor. 938-8 GUARANTEED.. . T_TS1101/ I. , , • Chopped sati factorily and withoutdelay. - ROLLER JFLOiiR, BRAb1,- '11ORTS, And all kinds of OHOP Highest _ Cash fo PED FEcD stantly cni hand. • . arIcet1Price Paid in any Otpantity of Wheat:• I • APPL BARRELS . , FINE, -COA SE AND LAO SALl. FOR SALE. " Only first-class andobliging men will be kept to attend canto fanners and ge A. W OCILV!L .& CO, - rtOPRIETORS. T. 0. KEMP, Manager. tars. The liberal patronge of ail trade respeethilly soheited. • THE SEAFORTH WOOLLEN MILLS. The o' nly Woollen Mill in Canada awarded a Medal at the Antwerp Exposition. Also Meda and Diploma at the Dominion and Provincial Exhibitions for best assortnient of Woollen Goods, over an competitors, 1885. For sale cheap Heavy All -Wool Tweeds, Union Tweeds, Fine Tweeds, Heavy All -Wool Blankets, Woollen Sheeting, Best Horse Blankets in the market. All -Wool Flannel, Union Flannel, Check and Plain; Underclothing, Hosiery, Yarns, Rolle, Batting, 8:c. Goods Made to Order. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Fulling, Dyeing, Pressing, &c. Blankets scoured. A. G. VanEgmond's Sons. L. G. VANEGMOND. W. D. VANEGMOND St, Julien Restaurant, OYSTERS! OYSTERS 1. As the Oyster Season is coming in I am prepared to supply parties wishing Oysters in the Can, Shell or Bulk Oysters, served on the premises in every style. Just arrived a choice lot of American Choco- lath an ream . • All other Varieties kept contently on hand, . Oranges, Leinons and Fruits of all varieties .in season. • 1 CIGARS! CIGARS! - You can get at the St. Julien Imported and Do: , mestic Cigars which cannot be surpassed in the Dominion. ! 7- i i Pipesand Tobaccos crf every variety remember the place opposite Main all 'Market'Street. - JAS: BURGESSProp'rietOr. , Removed c+ SEA The Old Established new premises imm Stand, Main St eet, S • pleased to meet all his new ones as ma sceti patronage. IWItememb r the p Harness Skop, nd M Street, Seafort . 898 Dairymen's Association of Western Ontario. The annual Convention of the Dairymen's As- sociation of Western Outario, will be held at the . Town Hall, Woodstock, on the 134h, leth and - 15th of January next. Arrangements have been wade with the Grand Trunk and Canadian PaCifiC Railways, for the usual reduction of fares on presentation of the certificate of menibership required at the station from which they start, but no reduction wi11 be allowcd unsss the member has an Official Railway Certificate, to be obtained only from the Secretary at Ingersoll, d on applying for the same, the parties Must state upon which road they wish to proceed. - By order, Secretary's Office, C. E. CHADWICK', Ingersoll, Dec, 5, 1885. . - Secretary. .PATENT?, Caveats, Re -issues and Trarle=Maxlcs secured, and all other patent causes in the Patent Office and before the Courts promptly and carefullyattend- ed to. Upon receipt of model or sketch of invention, I make careful examination, and advise as to patentability Free of charge. FEIN MODERATE, aed I make NO CHARGE UNLESS PATENT IS SECIMD. heron -nation, advice and special references sent on application. J. R. LITTELL, Washington, D. C. = Near U. S. Pateiat Office. - 938 Removed 1 INT Nrsr G-, ORTH, Butcher has, removed to lately opposite his Old aforth, where he will be old patrons and as many to favor him with. their -H ace, between enderson% Intyres Shoe Store, Main EORGE OHRY BOIL rpHE Subscri Boiler bi Goderich Foun and haying ha in that shop, a trade in all its Any work en attention, Fi All kinds of Smoke Stacks, able rates. New Salt ra the shortest n petition. TA RA & BLAGIQ TICAL MAKERS. ers ha *e bought the Tools -and siness ately carried on by the try andi Manufacturing Company, an exp nence of over eight years erannocavb s.repared to carry on. the rutseds to us will receive prompt t work guaranteed. Boilers, made and repaired, also Sheet Fron Work, &c., at reason- !, s mad and old on repaired on ice, anI at prices that defy corn- ! HRYSTAL & BLACK. CANAIA HEAD Paid up Ca Rest, - PRESIDEN SEA The Seaforth receive deposit the most favor Drafts on all Canada, on G States, bought Office -First Hotel. F. HOLMEST ' H E BANK OF COMMERCE. OFF CE, TORONTO. - - $6,000,000. - 2,100,000. Wm. McMasTER. ORTp BRANCH. Branc of this Bank continues to , on vvilich interest is allowed on ble terins. the principal towns and cities in eat Britain, and on the United and sol . door otrrn of the Commercia H. IRELAND, Manager. D, Solicitor 639 1)1111',1100,, 121;---• _ •A "440 - __--- • _ This great the leading n Pills purify th yet soothingly and Bowels, these great M fidently recom in all eases wh ever cause, h They are won erfully incidental th males eml Family M dicine useho ceased Blood on th ring in Spn d biedieme ranks amongst s ot Life. These famous and act most powerfnlly, Liver, Stomach, Kidneys! ne, energy and vigor to gs of Life. They are con- neniled as a never failing remedy re th4 constitution, from what- beco e impaired or weakened. efficacious in all ailments •f all ages; and as a Gen- re unsurpassed. ! Its Searchi g an known throu,g out th Bad Legs, Bad Breas Ulcers, it is a infalli rubbed on the neck a enres Sore T roats. Colds. For 01 ndnla like a charm In never fails to fford at Professor I Bowe. Oxford Street late 5' and sold nt is. 11d and 33s. each lox an erican counter eits, the Label on t e Pot is not 533, xford spurious 921- )2 Healing Properties are World. For the cure of s, Old Wounds, Sores and le lfmedy. If effectually ul chest, as at into meat, -Bronchitis, Coughs and • Swellings and Piles it acts lout and Rheumatism it •elief. Mtumfaetured oitly ''s Establishment, 78 New 3 Oxford Street) London; , 2s. ltd., 4s. 6d., 115. 225., Pot. tm, Beware of Ain- 'nrchasers should look to and Boxes. If the address Street, London, they are BLI NOTICES. OREDITOR.„' NOT CE. -In the matter of the estste of 'Wm. Tremeer, late of the _town- ship of Tuc ersmi , farmer, deceased. All persons havin r any c Jahns against the estate =of the said Wm. Tremder, who died on the 13th day of Octobe , A. D., 1885, are on ea before the 141h day of JaUll y, 1bb6, to selkl by post prepaid to the uncter •igned at Chisellmrst P. 0. their christian and s rnames, addresses and de- Scriptions wit full ljarticularS of their chums, a statement • f the r accounts and nature of eecurities if a: y) hel I by them and in default thereof, they N ilt be eremptorily excluded from participating i 1 the s id estate. And I hereby also give notic to a 1 parties indebted to the Said estate, w ether. hy book account or other - Wise to pay th stun to me on ' or before the time above in mtion .d. Dated at Chiselimrst, this 22nd day of 0 tober, 3.885. JOHN FITZ- GERALD, 'Exe utor. 932-13 CREDITOR, ' NOT [CE. ---In 0)1.1 matter of the estate of Francis Lechfield! Bands, late of, the township of 11 llett, farmer', deceased, and also in the m, tter f the estate of Elizabeth Rands, latd of the t wnship of If ullett, widow, deceased. Al parti is having claims against the estate of the aid F ands Leehfu Id Rands, who died on the 84 day f October,11b85, as well as .against the esti te of • tile said Elizabeth Rands, wife of the sal Fr , de Lechneld Rands, who died on the 14 h of ctober, 1885, are on or be- fore the 14th d y of January, 18/34, to send by post prepaid t the undersigned • at Constance P. 0., their c rietia i and surn Ines, addresses and descriptio s, wit 1 full parti -Wars of their claims, a state ient of their tacemeo jtatItIsdardneattatz of securities Of ny) I eld by h thereof, they will ie peremptorily xcluded from partieipa ing i 1 the said estate.= And I hereby also giv noti m to all parties indebted to the said cstz te, whether by bopk ae 'mint or otherwise, to p y the same to nt1. 6 On o before the time- above mentioned. Dat -ti at ,Hullett, this 31st day of October, 18b5. JOHN Me- MILIAN, Exec 'dor. l• 034-9 -London GOING NORTH London, depa Exeter. Hensall.. Kippen Brucefield Clinten - Londesboro Blyth.... Beigrave.. Wingba.ni, ar GOING SOMI- Wingharn, de Bclgrave -. . , Londesboro Clinton Bruceficld Kippen , I -Jensen.. _ Exeter.. ..., Landon, arriv Wellingto Goixe Nuarn-- Ethel 1 1 Huron and Bruce. Express. MI. Freight. .. 7.55m A.. 4.5 P.M. 0.0 M 5 A. I. - . .. 9.13 6.08 9.35 .- 9.24 6.. 2. 9 10.00 9.29 6.29 10,09 9.36 4.3 19.25 .. 9.55 7.1 11.30 .. 10,11 7.2: 12.00 .. 30.20 7.31. 1.420 P. M. ... 10.35 7.47 12.50 've 10.50 b.01 ; 420 Express. 3Ia 1. Freight. art 7.20 A.M. 3.1 P.M.420 A.M. 7.38 3.3 : 1423 3.4 , 1447 3.5: 121.00 4,1 i 1445 r. n. 4,3. 410 4.4: 425 4.4. 11.40 4.5. 7.64 8.02 8.26 8.42 $.51 8.58 9.13 10.30 A Brussels: . • .. piniegvhaal .. . .. G(nNo Sou'rn- A Winghazn . • evaiC ' .. • .. on l BBy lrnu. • • - din e, runs on Monde Train leaving Win 6. 2r5 5130 Grey a,ncl. Bruce •cotn. Express. Mixed. .35 r. n. 9.14 P.m 90.5 ,49 • 9.29 ifoo .05 9,45 10.35 .29 9.56 11.25 cont. Aceryn. Mixed .00 A.M. 11.2. AL ti -.-.o tem, 7.10 113 8.12 7.25 11.55 8.50 .37 12.10 9.15 gham at 8 p rr., for Kinear- .s, Wednesdays and Fridays OYSTERS OYSTERS! Seaforth Restaurant. Now that the season foi Oysters has opened. r would notify the Public that I can serve them with Oysters either in Shell, Cans or Bulk --none but the best 13althnore brand kept French Ron 13ons and the hest American and Canadian Confectionery always on hand,. The best brands of Tobaccos andCigars also in Stook. Call and examine for your -selves. Happy to serve you. Remember the place, next Door to Reid and Wilson's Hardware Store, MM. D.. SIVTIT1-1.. PROPRIETOR. 1)1001aVd CATTLE .CHAINS. Large assortment and good value. Chopping Axes In great variety and of the best makes. Twenty cases second growth Hickory Axe Handles. Cross -out Saws, Lancetooth, New Improved Champion, AND THE NEW SILVER STAR, The best .Saw in the Dominion, a greatly reduced prices. Tarred Building Paper and all othe lines in Builders' Hardware ,jaH NPN BROS.. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. • HURON AND BRUCE Loan_ and Investment colV11=1.A.14-Y-._ This Company is Loaning :Money on Farm Security itt kwest Rates of Interest, Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE. --Corner of Market Square and North Street, Goderich, HORACE HORTON, MANAGER, Gederieb, Any,ust 5tb,1885, 922 SEAFORTH FurnitureWarerooms. If you want solid comfort call at M. Robertson's, And Irdy one of tire Celebrated Self Adjustable Easy Chairs, represented by the above cut. He can also supply Invalid Chairs and Carriages. • Ile also sells the most comfortable and durable SPaRal\TC+ E 3 That is made. His -stock of CABINET FURNITURE Is very large and Complete. Intending purchas- ers would do well togive him a call before pur- chasing elsewhere. Waxerooms one Door Sepik of Telegraph .Office, main Street, Seaforth. M. ROBERTSON. ST. JAMES' HOTEL, TORONTO. SHARP A. BRIGHAIVit (Fornisrfe of Shafp's Hotel, Seaforthd PROPRIETORS. map itotei, which iesitueted directlyoppoidte 1 Ce Unien Station, has tecently been refitted and refurnished throughout, and is now one irf tise ben and 3nost comfortable hotels in -the rity,, OritY ory poseime attention paid to gueetrade tunes moderate.