HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-12-04, Page 7DECEMBER 4 1885 Household Hints. Orange *ilia C000a1114'.-Three peeled a Make alternate layers of e slicesasugar ami grated cocoanut a glass dish js-filled, having grated tiamni.ntlt on top; pour orange juice over the top to run through the layers. F4ed. Meat Cakes --Chop lean raw meat as you would for sausage'any `meat may be used, but beef is best. Season with *salt, pepper and onions, hape into flat cakes, dip the *cakes in gg and bread crumbe, and fry in. drip - Drain on &strainer; have ready a Irish of nicely mashed potatoes, on which pat your meat cakes and serve. Italian Orange Ice Cream. -One pint and a half best cream, twelve ounces of white pulverized sugar, the juice of six oranges, two tea,spoonfuls of oranga ex- tract, thea yolks of eight eggs; and a eh of salt. Mix in a porcelain lined in and stir over the fire until it begins to thicken ; drain through a hair sieve into the freezer and finish. Parmip ,Stew. -Three slices of salt pork, boilt-one hour and a hall; scrape Eve large parsnips, cut in quarters lengthwise, add to the pork, and let boil one-half, hour, then add a few 'pota- toes, and let all boil together until, the potatoes are soft, the fluid in the kettle should be about a cupful when ready to takeoff. Orange Stuffle.-Peel and slice six oranges, put- in a glass dish a. layer of oranges, then one of sugar, and so on until all the oranges are used, and let stand two hours; make a soft-boiled custard of the yellss of three eggs, a • pint of milk, sugar to taste,withgrat- Jag of orange peel for flavor, and pour over the oranges when cool enough not to break the dish. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, sweeten to taste and pear over the top. Serve cold. French Rolls. -One and one-half pints of milk, one-half -pint of yeast, one- quarter of a pint of warm water, one- half ounce of salt, two ounces of butter, flour enough to make a thick batter. Manner of mixing Take the milk and let it get quite warm, but not hot; stir into it the yeast; and add enough flour to make a thick batter. Put it into a pan, covering it over, and. keep it in a warm place. When it has risen as high as it will,add the warm water, but- ter, salt, and enough -lour to make your dough not too stiff. Let it stand for three-quarters of an hour and it will be ready.to make into rolls. Let the rolls a stand awhile covered over with a clean cloth, and then bake in a g:uick oven. - itrate,, is Position, in the sap. powerless y hnowa is married." y, and tlie In are hist en what is .arriagei it if you are [)eet to he, a nice ciresa, FOS., It want., axs, lovely aze, Myrtle st shades, ss and Kid ss we have, e style a.nd rices right. 11 nd see Mantle AT 0 Saa, ILLS. abson t he has come FACTORY, ye-. good Val kRNIEL. Lfld F-ullingi !to. ar as possible, THExt, and as- rorking order' 7anted. ER MILLS.. lON, Proprietor. E;711" '7' CURE, are for that aint, iS preparation, iotice of sever4 xe best obtain - :hearty appro-- SURE.; ttie. aerts rGcusir, et, Seaforth.. .g.NSE0 1•11:OFFICE-i-. :EcnitREO, finish with a big flesh brush. There are very, Nw persons who cannot Ulm such a bath with pleasure as well as profit. One does not need the Atlantic Ocean or even a, river to get the benefit of abath. A wash basin, a broad, flat pan to stand in and two cans or jugs of water,h t and cold will answer every purpose. The effect of the hot followed by t e cold is very curious. I have the pleasure of knowing a lady who found it so good for her ailments, that she tried it on her plants. A fading fern revived at once to vigorous life. Try it for rheumatism and neuralgia. ,Try it for any maladies, you may have. It is good for a local application, but generally treatment is best in a case if you can compass it. Make the whole body more alive, and every part will feel the benefit -besides life flows where it is most needed. A good invigorating bath removes local congestions and distributes as well as increases the forces of health. ---Herald of Health. ' ' -GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. e "By a thorough knowledge of the natural lame which govern the operations of digestion and nu- trition, and by a careful application of the fine properties•of well selected Cocoa? Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with. a delicately -flavored beverage which may save us many doc- tors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such artieles of diet that a constitution may be gradu- ally built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle mala- dies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a ploperly nourish- ed frame." -Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets by grocer, labelled thus-" JAMES EPPS & Co., lIonueopathic Chemists, London England." Sole agent for Canada, (1. E. Col4on, liontreal. 884-52 . Exercise. Gentle exercise only is to be taken. But do not Walk a block or two and then go into the vitiated air of- a store. Shopping is not conducive to shattered. nerves. Driving is an - effective means to those who have horses for helping weak and nervous :persons, but those - who are not so fortuftate as to possess a carriage may find a fair substitute in a street -car ride to any -weIl-kept public park and a saunter in the pleasant paths. The sight of the budding trees and shrubs and the song of the birds will -re- lieve and Cheer the weary body and mind. Be careful not to become fatigued. -So many warrien who wish to overcome their nervousness by the inhalation of fresh air aid by exercise over -do the matter, and their last state is almost worse than: the first. They walk until completely • tired_ out, and return home exhausted, having received, no benefit, and then resolve that exercise is a de- lusion and a snare. A gentlewoman who was suffering from a complication of troubles Which induced extreme ner- vousness, bat which were not of a sort to confine her to her bed, came to the -city for treatment by one of our cele- brated. specialists. She had insomnia; could .only sleep ander the influence of chloral; was unable to take any e3ter- cise in the open air. The patient declar- ed that it :was impossible for her to wal•k. She could scarcely move about the house.. The doctor, hawever, told her she Must go out and walk if it were only one block, but she must not tire • herself. This advice was followed re- luctantly. The first day tato blocks were .accomplished; the second twice the dis- tance.; at the end of a week the patient found no difficulty in walking half a, mile in the park, after riding thither in the horse -cars. The regular exercise soon enabled the sufferer to sleep well, and her general health was re-estab- lished. Christian Heroism. It may be that the too great promin- ence given to the softer sides is one reason why many young men hold. aloof from the cause of Christ It may not be the want of manliness on their part after all -it may be because they have not had sufficiently brought before them the manliness of Christ ancl the supreme need of strength and courage on the part of His followers. Here . is where much of the strength of the "Salvation Army" lies. We may object to their methods; but their spirit is what we all need. We who preach the truth ought to appeal more than we do to the heroic and soldierly and noble spirit of self-saerifice in redeemed human nature; and our peo- ple; our young people especially ,ought to respond. "Ye that are men, • now- -serve him against unnumbered foes." We need not ask our young friends to put on uniform, but we do ask them in Jesus' name to show the same spirit vsthich leads so many in the _Salvation Army to Vrave the scorn of those who despise Christ and mock at all that is holy. We'd° ask them to take their stand as followers of Christ, whatever their companions may say, and however much any craven spirit there may be in them may try to hinder them. We ask them to sacrifice their laziness and love of ease, their selfishness, whatever there may be that hinders them from joining themselves to Him who is the Grandest Hero of all history. Come, and confess Christ, and take a share in the great enterprise of helping in the name • of Jesus to save men, women and children from their sinS !-Rev. J. Munro Gibson, D. D. A Good and Cheap Rem.edy. The aged, the feeble invalids who shrink from cold, the weak -hearted, whose fingers get cold and bloodless after a ccad bath -all these can conquer the enemy by a bit of strategy. Have a basin of hot water as 'well as one of cold. Wash all over with the hot water, as hot as you can bear it. Then, with the whole body in a glow, a quick dash of or plunge into the cold water will be de- lightful. Don't prolong it, but keep up the reaction which sets in imrnedia:tely by a vigorous rubbing from head to foot with a rough towel. It is not lbad to Holloway's Pills are the medicine most in repute for curing the multifarious maladies which beset mankind when dr, sultry weather suddenly gives place to chilly, drenching days. In fact, these Pills offer relief evea if they fail of proving an abso- lute remedy in all the disturbances of digestion, circulation, and nervous tone which occasionally oppress a vast portion of the population. Under the genial, purifying, and strengthening powers exerted by this excellent medicine the tongue be- comes clean, the appetite improves, digestion, is quickened, and assimulation is tendered perfect. These Pills possess the highly estimable proper- ty of cleansing the entire mass of blood; which, in its renovated condition, carries- purity, strength and vigor to every tissue of the body. 912.52w. The Decided beneficial effect of Robinson's Phosphorized Emulsion in the treatment of female weakness, and nervous prostration, has given it a wide- spread reputation, and in every case the story is the same: My health is so - improved since using it." "1 am like a new woman," that we do not hesitate to recommend it to everyone in - need of a health restorer. 891.52. esa • eie Maryland, My Maryland * * * Pretty wives, Lovely daughters and -noble men. My farm lies in a ratherlow and miasmatie situation, and My wife I Who? Was a very pretty blonde! Twenty years ago, became Sallow! Hollow-eyed! Withered and aged Before her time, from Malarial vapors! • Though he made no partionlar complaint, not being of the grumpy kind, yet, causing me great uneasiness. A short time ago I purchased Your remedy • For one of the children,who had a very severe attack of Biliousness! And it occurred to me that the remedy might help my wife, as I found that our little girl mesa recovery had Lost! Her sallowness! And looked as fresh as Well the story. is soon told. My wife, • To -day, has gained her old -tithe beauty with compound interest, and in now as handsome a matron (if 1 de say it myself(as can bs found- in this county, which is noted for pretty women. And I have only ' Hop Bitters to thankfor it. The dear creature just looked over my shoul- der, and says E " can.fiatter equal to the days of our courtship," and that reminds me ..there might be More pretty wives .- If my brother‘farmers would do as I have done. - Hoping you riley long be spared to do good, I thankfully remain. •• C. L. Ja.mes. Beltsvilie,'Prince George Co., Md„ ••• May 26th, 18e3. far None .genuine without a .bunch of green Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with -"Hop" or "Hops" in their name. '.919.52m . • The Stomach is -the grand centi al of the living system, the first organ developed in..anintal life; and the first to suffer from excesses. Regulate its diseased ac- tion by Burdock Blood- Bitters, which restores health to the stomach, bowels, liver, kidneys and blood. 857.52.2w. ‘a new -blown daisy. in ul Spe dyspe the Wlso . - • I - 7 • nee In such sinuous fare, use McGregor's • Cute, a sure and effectual remedy for a; constipation, and all -itffections of mach and liver. Sold by Lumsden & , druggists, Seaferth. Trial bottles free. *se. , McGregor & Parke, of Hat 1lton, Ont., are the manufacturers of the grea st/healing and purlingicompound known for, • res, burns'cuts, scads, halt rheum, frUst bites, tc. It iscalled McGregor & Parke's Car- bolic erate. Be sure and get the genuine Mc - Grego & Parke's Carbolic Cerate gold by Lums- den & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth at 26 cents a box. 912.52w. sre LIat opal Pills are the favotite purgative and tib• lious medicine ; they are mild and thor- ough •857.52m. Wo s often destroy chlldri n, but Freeman's Wee Powders destroY worms and expel them• frdm he system. 857.52m. te Hamilton HaprIenings. ; e • es.. Th re is now being manufactured here an arti- ale fo instantly removing pain of any acute ex- terns nature, and it is certainly the most perfect • cure for neuralgia headache toothache and the ike that has ever been tried. It is called drug sts. 912.52w. "o.iwFluid Lightning from the rapid manner in which it ac s, and is manufactured by McGregor & Park Sold in Seaforth by Luinsden & Wilson, • • Consumption Cured. 4iIoId physician,retired from practice, having hat aced in his hands by an East India mis- eionaty the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for t e speedy and permanent cure of Consump- tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and ung affections, also a positive and radical cure or Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com- , after having tested its wonderful cura- tive t,owers in thousands Of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actu ted by this motive and a desire to relieve humin suffering, I will send free of chargo, to all w o desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for prepaking • and sing. Sent by mail by addressing with stains, naming this paper, W. A. _NOYES, 149 Pow ;r's Block, Rochester, N. Y. 938-25.eow Bronchitis. Bronchitis•comcs from adds and irritations of the throat; hoarseness, cough and sore throat are its characteristics, These troubles may be remedied by a timely use of Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. 857.52.2w. -11"411"-i- • You Invite Disease -ivhen you neglect a regular action of the bowels, and incurable disease may result. Regulate the bowels and the entire system . with Btirdonk Blood Bitters, which acts upon' the bowels, etomach, liver and bleed. 857:5•2.2w.,. • . • Frost Bites or chilblains require similar treatment to a burn. There is no better. remedy for either tban• Hage yard's .Yellow Oil, the well-known • household remedy for pain, rheumatism, and all ithflamme= tOry complaints. 857.52.2w. . Kidney Complaint. Much is blamed upon the kidneys when people are ill and suffer from weak and painfulhack, etc. - If. you regulate the liver and blood with Burdock- Blood Bitters . the. kidneys will soon resume a right action. Burdock Blood Bitters cleanses the .whole system, kidneys ineluded.. 857.52.2w. A Handy Relief for pains, -aches and accidental injuries is an almost universal requirement. Such .a ready remedy is best found in Hagyard's Yellow Oil,' that cares rhemnatism, sore throat, colds, and all pain, lameness and soreness, whether internal or external: 857.52.2w." • • • To Remove Dandruff. -Cleanse" the scalp with Prof. Low -'6 Magic Sulphur Soap. A delightful medicated soap for the toilet. 857.52m.i . • A Crying Evil.,--Ch&lren are often fretful and, ill when worms are the cause. Dr. Low's .Worm Syrup safely expels all worms. 857.52m. - LEGAL. T. . BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, be Office - e) Rooms formerly occupied by Carroll & Die on, Meyer's Block, over Johnson's Hard- ware • Store, Main Street, Seaforth. Goderich Agen CAMERON; HOLT & CAMERON, 870 RROW'& PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Sobel- Vir tors, &c., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. Geenow, WM. ROUDFOOT. 686 "Du J. HAYS, Solicitor) Am. Private Money to De. jlend at lowest rates of interest. Office - Corn r of Square and West Street, Goderich. 774 M. • CAME licito son's "What Say You to a Piece of' Roast Beef' and Mustard?" Well, there is much to be said. The question being asked of the banqueter at the average boarding house, calls up reminiscencesuf close contiguity to the horns, and beefsteak three cuts south thereof. He, of course, will pass, unless it occurs to himthat he needs ahinge for his trunk. Should there be any suffering, the effects of an IERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, olicitors in Chancery, Ste., Goderich, Ont. CAMERON, Q. C., PIMP HOLT, M. G. ON. • • • 506 el E. DANCEY, late with Cameron, olt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, So - Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan. • Ben- d Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 NING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank nston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. , G, JAMES SCOTT. ••781 of Jo Offic Ma. HOLMESTED, successor to the late firm of . • McCaughey & Holmested, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farm -for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Stree Seaforth. • • I per c of re time. Seafo MONEY TO LOAN. NEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 per cent. Interest payable half yearly, or nt. yearly, with the privilege to borrower ying part of the principal money at any Apply to F. 'HOLMESTED, Birister, h. 850 DENTISTRY. MAR, ID. S.'oronto. . All operations T and M. R. C. .D., of • fIe guaranteed. • Anasthe ics of all • -1. - - kinds administered. Siecialties= -Go] 1 Fillitig and Perfect ( Fifth g Plates. Town patients will please make enagments a da or two previous to having the opera. tionerformed. • RH' Remember the place, in the r oms formerly occupied by C. Caitwright, up-st irs in Cady's Block, oppOsite the Co mer - Mal I otel, Seafortha . 874 WATSO, ' DNTIST, Faculty Gold Medallist and College Gold Medallist,Toronto.School of Dentistry. Roca' s over Johnsons' Hardware, MainStreet, Seaforth. a911 MEDICAL Surg .day S. ELLITT & GUN -34T, Bruc field, Licen- tiates Royal College of Plvsicians and ons, Edinburgh. At Seaforth every Satur- fternoon. Office,--litoyal Hot . 930. (.1-anS:liciprgoeiconA,Accoueheur and residence, that lately occupied chison, Auburn. M., Physi- &c. Office T Dr. Hut - 781 T et SCOTT, M. D., &c., Physician'Surgeon, . and Accoucher, Seaforth, Ont. Office and residence South side of Goderich street, Second Door east -of the PreabYterian Church. 842 i• RW. BRUCE SMITH, M. D , C. M., Member e of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, &c., Seaforth, Onterio. Office and residence same as occupied b Dr. Vercoe.. • -848 DR. MACKID, (late of Lucknow) Graduate Of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of, Ontario. Of& e in Cady's Block. R-esidence, John Street, first door east of English Church Parsonage, Seaforth, Ontario'. •- • 894 EYE, EAR AND THROAT. • DR. GEO. S. RYERSON, L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S. E.; Lecturer on the Eye, Earl and Throat, Trinity- Mediaal College, Toron- to, nd Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear In- firn ary. Late Clinical Assistant Royal London Op thalnilic Hospital, Moorfields, and Central Th •at d Ear Hospital. 3i 7 Church Street, Toronto. CONSCIZNTIOU-S • DRUGGISTS,, Aurora Quick Train Watch. 1 The SOL vv Best Yet. ONLY BY OUNTER, SEAF RTH, ONT. This Company m mifactures a complete line of full plate atehes, from ordinary to the finest grades, for 1 classes of watch wearers. They are all made 'th quick train, and are es- pecially adapted fo railroad and all ordinary and severe service. All made dust proof, have the perfect safety pinio , which prevents damage to. parts m case of mai spring breakage, and John- son's patent attach' ent to _regulate pins, which previthts hairsprin from catching; an important improvement contr lled by this Company The stem-winding parts are made strong and durable, guaranteed as safe, more conV,enient and service- able than the key Indere. The extra fine grades are Ina& in stem ind only. Every watch 18 warped by speci 1 certificate, which the pur- chas r receives fro the Company's Agent. The nuthber of Jewels i 'each watch (which is en - gra ed thereon) dicates the quality; pur- ch ets observing is are sure to receive the qua ity they call or, The larger- number of Jewels in the bed r grades also represents the flnl8h, fine adjustm nt, and care in manufacture, whicih produces mo e accurate time and longer se ice. The quali les are divided as follows: 011DENARY.- o grades are made of this quality, -engraved 'Aurora Watch Co., 7 Jeviels." " Auroia Vetch Co., 11 Jewels." DIUMe---Four grades of this. quality are 11(1 e, --two in Gil Finish, engraved: "Aurora Watch Co.; 11 Jew ls, Extra." • Aurora Watch Co., 15 Jewels," an two in Nickel, finely finish, ed engraved ; "A rora Watch Co., 11 Jewels." "Aurora_Voch C , 15 Jeveels." NE. Fi e Gilt Finish a es of this quality,-ene in d one in Nickel, engraved : " urota Watch 0., 15 Jewels, adjusted." XTRA FINE. wo grades of this quality, - one in Fine Gilt an oee in Fine Nickel, engrav- ju ted, Aurora, Illi oies.°"" 16 Ruby -Jewels, ad - ed " Au' ora Wa • Remember Cou Seaforth, is the only pl e in tne Count where these watches .can be -WE W06,13----7 rec mniend for DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION and kin red diseases, the us.e of MALTOPEPSYN. Fo Consumption and all wasting diseases the use of MORSE'S CARBOLATED NORWEGIAN CO LIVER OIL„! For teething infants and per ous troubles, the use of - GLYCEROLE OF CE ERY COMPOUND (containing no opium.) Yorobably ask why we recommend these ten dies ! I is because we know them to be -reliable ren ediea, , endorsed by leading physicians thr u hont the Dominion, for the cure of specific dis asos, and not claiming to cure everything. Als ebecausethey have the exact formula printed on ech bottle label;thereby enabling the pur- ch er to know just what he is taking. he time is rapidly approaching when intern- ge t peciple will refuse to take quack cure-alls, the ingredients of which are kept secret, but will ins st upon knowing just what they are taking.. We would also inform any who may notyet be aw. re by actual trial of the superiority of our " OYAL GLYCERATED BALSAM OF FIR," in 4uring coughs,Colds, Bronchitis, Sore Throat' Incipient !Consumption, &c. &c., that this rell- abl remedy can now b'e procured from every de ler in the County of Huron, and although not ads ertised outside our own County, .entirely ow ng to its own merits, we have already receiv- ed •rders from the most distant partd of Do - mi ion, if afflicted give it a trial, price 50 cents pe bottle wholesale and -retail by LUMSDEN & WILSON, Manufacturers, • Seaforth, Ontario. 925-52 M. R. COUNT/ER, actical Watchmaker and Jeweller. THE 10 MILLS, SE FORTH. The above mills ha e now been thoroughly re- built jon the enmplete _ • UNCARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. - The Mill and S rehouse Buildings have been and new machinery applied HE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS lour Dr irom the best -Ma ufacturing Firms have been put in, and everytl ing necessary added to enable her to turn out flo r .- ISECON n the Dominion. The facilities for NrecEeiving rain from farmer and for elevating and shipping cke extnoitt\vvebiaoeladsotaeddkeeeinnntof roc rnss iav tfarmers'e 1 improved.ytherrate taaecosi Grain00buweighed,sheeaint r hour, by the ork of two men. • LARGE FEED STONE FOR-- ilCUSTO CHOPPING Has been put in, a d the necessary machinery for handling chop and coarse grains. A good shed has been erected, so that wagons can be unloaded a d reloaded under cover. ti eatly enlarged, roughqut. AND- ssing Machines CROSS -CUT SAWS -AND- hopping Axes! Just receiied a large stock of the mproved Champion" and "Lance Toth" Crass -Cot Saws (Shurley & Dietrich make). _Chopping Axes in a variety of pat- terns.. A large stock of Cattle Chains, Rope Halters, Grain. Scoops, Measures, Ma- nure Forks, Hay Knives, Improved Safety Tubular Lanterns, Hardware, Glass, Putty,. Paints and Oils at lowest _ prices. WHEAT EXCHANGES • Promp tly attended to, and FE-1ST-1ASS HOLLER FLOUR- ., GUA ANTEEO. O T3ST IVI M -1M M JJ Chopped satisf acidly and without delay. ROLLER LOUR, BRAN, SHORTS, • A d all kinds of CHOPPED FEED Con ritlyinn hand. HigheSt M rket Price Paid in Cash for any Quantity of Wheat. APPL BARRELS AND- COAR E AD LAO SALT F 0 R SALE. Only first-class to attend bustom farmers and gener nd obliging men will be kept rs. The liberal patronge of trade respectfully solicited. W. OGILVIE & c3, i• • T. 0.!KEIYIP, • PROPRIETORS. anager. STO pp _Am HITNEY'S E HOUSE, AND S E OUR LINES OF OAL HEATERS. ‘TH ROYAL e Leading Rou d• Base Burner in four size's, Dottble Uaters and with Ovens. The Royal Peninsular s the 1iand6omest Square Base Burner made, Doi 't fail to see it. full line of all kinds of VSibod & Coal Cooks, No tree:Me to show them. Come one, Come all, and get Bargains. BARGAINS IN MPS, WIRY. TI1 E, AIVIERICAN% AND CANADIAN COAL OIL ALWAYS ON HAND 931" SEAFORTH AGENCY FOR BUCK' CELEBRATED " R./MEIN T ROME " Single and Double Heater Coal Stoves, with the genuine duplex grate, the • heaviest, handsomest and. finest finished line'of stoves in Canada. Jobbing and Repairing inaTin, Cop- per and Sheet Iron work promptly at- tended to: MRS. JOHN KIDD, MAIN STREET, SE AFORTH. THE SEAFORTH 'WOOLLEN MILLS, The only WOollen Mill in Canada awarded a Medal. at, •the Antwerp Exposition. Also Meda and Diploma at the ,Dominion and Provincial Exhibitions for best assortment of Woollen Goods, over all competitors, 1885. For sale heap Heavy All -Wool Tweeds, Union TWeeds, Fine Tweeds, eavy All,Wool Blankets, Woollen Sheeting, Best Horse Blankets in the market. All -Wool Flannel, Union Flannel, Check and Plain; Underclothing, Hosiery, Yarns, Rolls, Batting, &c. Goods -Made to Order. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Fulling, Dyeing, Pressing, &c. Blankets scoured. A. a. VanEgmond's Sons. L. 0. VANEGMOND. W. D. VANVIMOND St. Julien Restaurant, OYSTERS! OYSTERS! As the Oyster Season is coming in I am.prepared to supply parties wishing Oysters in the Can, Shell or Bulk Oysters, served on the premises in every style. Just arrived a choice lot of American Choco- late and Cream Candy. - All other varieties kept contantly on hand, Oranges, Lemons and Fruits of all varieties in season. CIGARS! CIGARS! You can get at the St. Julien Imported and Do• Mestic Cigars which cannot be surpassed in the Dominion. Pipes and Tobaccos of every variety remember the place opposite Main and 3Iarket-Street. • _JAS. BiTRGES9, Proprietor. 1 IMPORTANT INFORMATION _.A_MthJ R S _• Removed I Removed G - EQ.- M "CST I 2sT1 G-, sEAFoRTH; The Old Established Butcher has removed to new premises immediately oppositei his Old Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, 'where he will be pleased to meet all his old patrons and as many new ones as may see -fit to favor him with their. patronage. - • farRemember the place, between Henderson's Harness Shop, and McIntyre's Shoe Store, Main Street, Seaforth. 898 GEORGE 'EWING. CHRYSTAL & BLACK' PRACTICAL BOILER MAKERS.> MILE Subscribers have bought the Tools and • 0 Boiler business lately carried on by the r Goderich Foundry and Manufacturing Company, and having had an experience of over eight years 0 he that shop, are now prepared to carry on the trade in all its branches. 0 • • Any work entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. First-class work guaranteed. • .All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, also Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Work, &e., at reason - OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! 8eaforih lkstatirant. Now that the season for Oysters has opened, 1 would notify the Public that I can r›erve them with Oysters either in Shell, Cans or Bulk -none but the best Baltimore brand kept. French Bon Bons and the best American and Canadian Confectionery always on hand. The best brands of Tobactos andOigare-also in Stock. Call and 'examine for yourselves. Happy to serve you. Remember the plaee, next Door to Reid and Wilson's Hardware Store, • 1=1... I.. SI4I`TI-1_ PROPRIETOR. able rates. • New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired. on the shortest notice, and at prices that defy com- petition. e ;•'• CHRYSTAL & BLACK. I 6ANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE • HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Paid up Capital, • - - Rest, - PRESIDENT, Ho. Wm. $6„000,040. ' 2,100,000. Mcnasaaa. SEAFORTFI BRA.NCII. . • The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues to receive deposits, on which interest is ,allowed on • the most favorable teOis. - Drafts on all the principal tOwns and ,eities in Canada, on Great Britain,- and on the United States, bought and sold. Office --First door Sourit of the Commercia Hotel. • A. 11. IRELAND, Manager. • F. 110L1IRSTED, Solicitor •, 639 This great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Lite. These famous Pills purify the Blood, and act most powerfnlly, yet soothingly, on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, giving tone, energy and vigor to these great Main Springs of Life. They are con- fidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from what- ever .cause, has become impaired on weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to females of all ages; and as a Gen- eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed. IHOLLOWAY S OINTMEN11 Its Searching and Healing " Properties are known throughout the World. For the cure of- • Bad Legs, 13a4 Breasts Old Wounds Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. ij effectually rubbed on the neck mid chest, as sat i into meat. cnres Sore Throats. Bronchitis, Coughs and • Colds. For Glandillar Swellings aed!Piles it acts like a charm. In Gout and Rheumatism, it never fails to afford relief. Manufactured only at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 78 New Oxford Street (late 583 Oxford Street) London; • andAsold at 1s. 1.10d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d,, 115., 225., and -33s. each Box and Pot. Beware of Am- erican counterfeits,-Pnrchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious 921-52 • As we have turned our attention particularly to the manufacturing of the following imple- ments, the farming community may depend on getting universal satisfaction, whieh is guaran- teed : Pitts' Hoiseptheer, from 2 to 6 horse's power: Strawcutters, reversible gear, very latest . improvements; Chopping 3Lills or Grain ° ers, latest improved pattern,. will grind from 15 , to 30 bushels per hour; also Root Cutters; Pulp- ers and Land Rollers at lowest prices and favor- able terms at the BRUSSELS FOUNDRY. CORRESPONDENCE BY MAIL PROMPTLY A TT EN D E D TO. WM, R. WILSON, PROPRIETOR. 63543 CREDITORS' NOTICE. ' TN the matter of the estate of Wm. Blair, late ▪ of the township of Hay, farmer, deceased. All persons having any claims against the estate of the said Win. Blair, who died on the 24th day of May, A. D., 1885, are on or before the 20th day of January, 1886, to send by post prepaid to either of the undersigned at Kippen P. O.., their christian and surnames, addresses and descrip- tions with full partimilars of their claims, a state- ment of their acedunts and nature of securities (if any) held by them and in default thereof, they will be 'peremptorily excluded from partici- pating in the said estate. And WC hereby 'also give notice to all parties indebted to the said estate, Whether by book account or otherwise to pay the sanie to either of the undersigned on or before the time above mentioned. Dated at Tuckersmith, this 17th day of October, 18a5. Ex 9'36x8 ecu ' A3.:DREW BELL,) JOHN BLAIRthrs. • AUCTIONEERS. TP. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the • . County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the Cou_nty. All orders left at Tun EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly attended to. DELGATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for the 1-1_. County of Huron. Sales of all description promptly attended to on reasonable terms. Ad- dress Brussels P. O., or apply on Lot 4, Con- cession 12, Grey. • 77 • PUBLIC NOTICES CREDITORS' NOTICE. -In the matter Of the estste of Wm. Te6meer, late of the town- ship of Tuckersmith, • firmer, deceased. All persons having any claims against the estate of the said Wm. Tremeer, who died on the 1-3th day of October, A. D., 1886, are on or before the 14th day of January, 1ati6, to scud by poet prepaid to the undersigned at Chiselhurst P. O. their christian and surnames, addresses and de- scriptions with full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and nature of securities (if any) held by them and in default thereof, they will be peremptorily excluded from participating in the aaid estate. And I hereby also give notice to all parties indebted te the said estate, whether by book account or other- wise to pay the same to me on or before the time above mentioned. Dated at Chisellmrst, this 22nd day of October, 1885. JOHN FITZ- GERALD, Executor, ' 932-13 COR -EDITORS' NOTICE. -In the matter of the estate of Francis Lechfield Rands, late of the township of Hullett, farmer, deceased, and also in the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Rands, late of the township of Hullett, widow, deceased. All parties having claims against the estate of the said Francis Lechfidd Rands, who died on the th day of October, 1885, as well as against the estate of the said Elizabeth Rands, wife of -the said Francis Lechfield Rands, who - died on the 14th of October, 1885, are, on or be- fore the 14th day of January, 1886, to send by post prepaid to the ;undersigned at Constance P. 0., their christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, with full particulars of their claims, a statement of their ae-counts and nature of securities (if any) held bythere, and in default thereof, they will be peremptorily _excluded from partioipating in the said estate. And I hereby also give notice to all parties indebted to the -said estate, whether byhook !account or - otherwise, to pay the same to me on or lefore the time above mentioned. • Dated ;at Hullett, this 31st day of October, 1885. JOHN" Me- MILLAN, Executor. ' 934-9 London, Huron and Bruce, GOING NORTH- EXpress. Mail. , Freight. London, depart.. 7.5.5A.11. 4.50P.M. 6.05 a. at. Exeter 9.13 6.08 9.35 Hensall._ 9 24 6,23 • 10.00 Kippen 9.29 6.29 ; 10,09 Brucefield._ 9.36 13.38 , 10.25 Clinton.. „ 9.55 7.05 11.30 Londesboro .. 10.11 7,23 12.00 Blyth.... 10,20 7.32 1 12.20 P. at. Belgrave.... 10,5 7,47 12.50 Wingham, arrive 10.50 8.05 1.20 GOING Souru- Express. Mail. Freight. Wingham, depart 7.20 A.M. 8.i0p..10.20 • Belgrave7.88 3.30 ; 11.23 Myth. .. 7.54 3.46 11.47 Londesboro 3-.55 , 12.00 Clinton .. 8.2,5 4-16 12.45 r. M. Brucefield8,42 4.35 ,) 1.10 Kippen • 8.51 4.43 1.26 Hensall • . .. 8.58 448 ; 1.40 Exeter, . .... 9_13 4.59 ; 2.35 London, arrive.. 10.30 6.00 6.30 Wellington, Grey an.d. Bruce. Goi.-4e soRTH- Accorn. Express. Mixed. Ethel ' 2.35 P. M. 9.1,5 P.M. 9.15 P.m. Brassels., .. ,. .. 2.40 9,29 i 10.00 Bluevale • 3.05 9.45 10.35 Wingham .. .. 3.20 9.56 11.25 GOING SOCTU- ACCOM. ACCiOnl. Mixed Wingham - .. 7.00 A.M. 11.25 A. M. 7,50 p.m. Bluevale .: .. .. .7.10 11.35 ; 8.12 - Brussels. ... a .. , 7,26 11,55 ' 8.50 Ethel-. . ., .... , 7.37 12.10 . 9.15 Train leaving Wingham at 8 p tr.. for Kincar- dine, runs on Mondays, Wednesdaysand Fridays only. CATTLE CHAINS. Largeassortment and good value. Chopping Axes In great variety and of the best makes. Twenty,cases second growth Hickory Axe Handles. Cross -cut Saws, Lancetooth, New improved Champion, AND THE -NEW SILVER STAR, The best Saw in the Dominion, a greatly reduced prices. - Tarred. Building Paper and all other lines in Builders' Hardware JOHNSON BROS, MAIN- STREET, - SEAFORTH. IITTRON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at lowest Rates of Interest. Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on • Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE. -Corner of Market Square and North Street, Goderich. HORACE HORTON, MANAGER. Goderich, August 5th,1885. 922 SEAFORTH FurnitureWarerooms. If you want solid comfort eall at M. Robertson's, And buy one of thoseCelebrated Self Adjustable Easy Chairs, represented by the above cut. He can also supply Invalid Chairs and Carriages. He also sells the most comfortableand durable SiniziTT\TO- 3E3= , That is made. His stock of CAB -IN ET FURN ITURE Is very large and Coreplete. Intending purchas- ers would do well to give him a call before pur- chasing eleewhere. Wareroorns one Door South of Telegraph Office, Main Street, Seaforth. BERTS0 N. ST. JAMES' • HOT.r...-1.1, TORONTO. SHARP & BRIGHAM, • (Formerly of shat*Hotel,Seafortit,) PROPRIETORS. mais Rote; which is situated direttly opposite the Union Station, has recently been refitted and refurnished throughout, and is now one 01 the best and most eomfortable hotels in the tit,. teEvery possible attention paid to guevtlad) charges moderate.