HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-11-13, Page 4� i , I - .- I .- � . I - - - * , , , � � - � � I � � i . . I � - ­ - 1. . I—. ­! --- 1. I . . . � . : � . - a . . , � . , � . I . � � - - ; I I . I . , � I � . -1 I - �� - -, � ­ - - - - - � - . . . I . I i i . - . .1 ­ , . � � i ­ . � ; . i : � . I � - - f- , ! - . . I � . in-,- I - I I I . " � ! - , - - � I , � - 1� I I . I I . . � I 'I I , , �, . I - . I . I � . I . -1-1 . -.1 , ­ . t . I . . . I I ; - � �--- -1 ­ --�. �, - '! I . � - I - .. - . .� . I . .i . � . ­ I - I . 9" . .. � .1 . ­ � - . . I - � - L,.-, -­­ -11-1- .11--, J.", � ­­­ I - I � , - � -1 . --:� I - ; - . . . � . I . . , . ---_ �"- � - -. 1� ... , - I � . - . . ---- -- . .01-110 gi i. - � - 11 . I 1, � I - . f - - 1. - ,-- 4 .�,i� � � -- - I ­­., . I . . � i I � - f - I I - - � -� I - - - :� ­­ 0, ; I . � . I . .. I . I I I 1 ! . - . . I ­.­ �. -1 I � I i;�� . . i. I I . - . . I . - . --1 -11, I - .-- I -­.�M ­- . � � I � . . I I . . ,� ,- .. , . I . ­ � � f I '? i , . . ..- . I - � . I I ; � - � . , � . I - -11 J - 0 - , � 11 I I , - ; � - � . . I I I 1. i - . i . ! � . I 1. . � I � . I i : . I I . I . - . -- I . I ., . �, � - . � � . . : -- � . ! I " . - . - � -4, � , . 7- -- - I I � I y I � I , I . : � . . .1 , . 1. � �� � . - I . -1 I I i I I - . . ! . . � ?i . 11I . I / I. V q � - . A � - - I . I . .1 ! 1. � I . � I . � ,j - .1 - I � . .1 I! . � . I I i . ir I -1 � I i � . I I .. I . � '. . L I . : � I I : I . . , .. I � .� , . I . : . i . - - .1 -1 ,I L 1� . I . I ! I . � . �, �� . . � � - I . : .. � . -, 1 I - . . . .. . - - I . . - I � . . I � I � . . ` - - 1� - � � . I I I I . I I - - I I �'i � i - - . . ; I . ; r � I . � - l I � , - I I � . , . . . I I i - . I I :! - . i I 4 . . . . I . I I ! . � - I I I.. � I . I 11 . . I - I I . � � . . ­ 1. , , � - . I . I . . I - � - . . I . � . I " - NO -- �. - � , NOTEMBRIA ; . fe � I . . I .. I I : � . . : . I , I ;- I I I .. . I . . . . . ,� A . - ., - , vEmBEn 13 5 - I . - � I I J I - , 188 � -1 i I -f , - I 1P S�TORN I . I I . - I , . . . � � r 4 . - . : �, . . F. [ � I . I . . .. � - � , 4� .. - . I . � ,� '. I I - I , -:, i -'THE HU40M 1:: , I � I -- ­ - .. ;� r �, ----T! i - . I ­- t'. I I . .. 1, I � � I , .1 .- . 11 . V � 4 . - , . .� ­ - : I . � I � . - - I I I ­; ....... t NNNNN� --- . . I . I i ... -- �� 1.-- - I - � -- I I . -- - . � I . . -- - --- i � --- I . I . � - . � . I , - .- .. . � i I I with d*wn ta - � I I . , . , inlet . � F -- I ­�m� - I . : . was Catharine Livingstan and she ,was . . I - ­ � .- - - IV I - �.. I - - I I I . " I goes are n , I I i . ,- : � own a steep ous. The ie c' ot infrequent and .. -1 i I a high load of ,stove -wood, dc from 1,027 feet it 11 , lkrovixice.,have -no canoe for complaint Jacques, and Mrs. I Maurey. A I except - a full cousin of the late D'r. Livingston .. I - - . I )I - � - a.- BUTTERICK & 0048 importunities, as he mutt know that any part of the load fell OJT, the effect - ovill be to. make families sus . � I e . ,! I . � . I I Mr. Booth are held on a cha e of in- I lace, When � I " - I , I our bore, uorthe r- an Pae and ; atituency that would select such. a this year . . t ' Ig him along Wit ' He fell under pielous of, muned goods. - : . against the Canadi ' ific h it. I the celebrated African missionary - - � � � . - -ReUsble, 1�peir Patterns for &R kinds of I I .. . I . �. . I � . � . decent assault. - , * I I ut- 12 o'clock traveller. - She was the Mother of i.0 .. L farther removed I . Consider. -blocks ol wood and sustained - On M % abo I - . .. I resentative - would: de on accoun - I � 14 � - t of fk - h me of 1he . . �. . -1 from the outcmqp I - . Ja&ee, Mimes' Boys' &nil ChildreiVe . as Mr. Davin . I t rateop S"W STORMS AI�D CYCLONZ8 -He&Vy ndiy night : om. eirrht i . y � - f 01 I discovered ising fromthe sons and. one daughter, of wb I flotmatiol I jor sale by HoirrxAx BROS., �ierve' disfiancluise T ' t should be pro- ted fro DakAa, I of the collar bone, which will sifioke w &V � . Garmenti ig t6 ing everything,; w ea � onoW storms are repor � ourvive to mourn lbearing ment.'. Referrit i. . Dn's blvek, in Goderich, I - her loss. we - ; E I L ' ' I M feet, have I I I r. -fiffly - I I . . ondent says: and an examination reveale I I : Seaforth. .� lk White's nominee for the new No. , need flite'n cents per bushel . Minnesota and Nebraska. H vy wind, I for a whi Le. I rear/ of Aches4 d the fact daughter is the wife of Mr. John 3,1or . ,� .� � � . . s and cyclones occurred I da. He thinks i . - .. storm �Irat;lr ,, grave co 7reqp Fullarton. . .. be ure, the Free Press pricks- cheaper'in, Maidt.9ba, - than in Huron. Ise ry ii - .k stable need by Mr. gan, of . i a i - I 1!�y . 4 � I . Wingliam in relat: :1 N. EW - ADVERTISEMENTS. *e`t Leg'sl&t I I I and'Suiaday in Illinois and oth �s I - e cheese I to e9sed f6r the sea that a sit all bric . L � - , . i . .. I . he rear of his- I � * . I - � . I . I t�his wind -bag and.then�'sits on him in If this is the case, i1herefore, the farmers on Their lAst thre e months' make of George ant, just in t L Ii - e it probaj�le, I � . -- - . � . . � . . � - in. the west and south, d we e . I � side. The. . - . ! .1mak � 0 V- - ' I - . AW The figurebetween the parenthesis after . . . . 7 . are ;�in !qually as good a especially destructive in north. klabam , . heese was sold for 1 ) cents . per pound, sh P, was. n a complete blaze in - . L , Teached the maiii . - - . � i � . the following fashion : - .of Ma�itoba . . , s i a good maker, . fire deipar ment was summoned, -but the I . Wingham. I i th :1 I . � P I f mehlinedenoUs epageofthepapor on which I t 1� of . where a number d persons wt �re kilb 1 . hich 'roves Mr. IRA a a p - There is one thing I ., I � in he 'market . . [From The Times ] - . ; the advertNement will be found, .� We are very weary of this gentlemAn. -- -position 'to co: . . . . ial, be engaged next unrolling )f an unnecessary quantity of - , : - i .- - � . I and many -more maimed . and wounde, 11 nd wetrust he n . - , I . ,citizens will not- , ' q His 11 eccentricities 11 have a tendency to the world with their wheat produ , ­ ! . . � High Price -P. 0. Pelly- (8) - � . � � .ct as besides great lose of property. I ear, as the factory will pay better hose cau8i d a long delay 'before water I , � secunag salt, ev n . To, Butter Makei-s-T Kidd& Son. (a) . �iake- any One- tired. By persistent, ' I . . A WZW, Coxin-.-S. Ostrander, of �- I f I I 1, I I a was stat i . . tat ,and their I Estray Calyest--H.ugh W. McKay. 161 are those of ,the banner county of Huron. - - � . another year under I is ma, agement,and steam bad ac- - I'll, - well faiL Sbould � methodical and weli-sustained idiocy he 1 � - . . it as cumulatei to such an extent that after a Tilsonburg, an extensive bout, and shop, - . I I . i I & HedgV. (5�' � - ' there will be more milk given to - I Money to L-6an-Dev . , . ctlirer and - dealer was . � i - has succeeded in attracting to himself,a's ,;And still some of, them are not happy, manufa f . in to . - wediately be takel - - . Boar for Seriqce�-­Wm. Eberbart. (6). , I � .- , Huroi� Notes. ; easing their stock of few minul es pumping the fire had to be VVA . . NV . . � . . 1 - vea Dick. i rOm - i drawn fr4:,n the eingin last weekand has decided to locate his south ef the to I i Estrwy Cal -Thos. . � : editor of a seven by nine frontier week-. and many of then! are . . ' ' ' e to allow more I � 'ftve .' ffoney 1 Cheap Reading -EXPOSITOR. (5) . There 'were $256.45 worth of staml S-- ,"ilch cows., :, I 4doubtexte'nsivie si, J I ly, an amount of attention which 11 Buf -* even- contented. .,. . arnoch water"bei g puniped into the boiler. I business in. Wingham. lie hS.,S leased -1 I I � sunday Foheol F"em-c�, 1i llobinson. (8) 11 .. �� I I . 0 . ) 1. .. -- VANDALISM. -1 I it . falo Bob " or `4 Big:Bear or any of the. . . � sold at, the Exeter post office dqring tge -Th i literVy sot.iety, in M . . I . Booksl-G. B. Robinson. (a). . I . . . i I h* h has b en. under consideration for The 6e 16rtunately did not spread be- the vacant store in,the Royal block, and' - � . . - ic e I . . seeful. occurrene, . r, � - . 11 Wanted -John T-oug . (6) ative nuisances of the. 'west - � month of October., '- , I feet gale i,t is b4ag fitted up for his use, The ' � . other illiter . me time pst has tow been fully or. yond the stable', though a per , ioniele fbi - i ST=04re Lambs -James... 11 loper, (5) - I - THE Toronto Tel�grain which is - sup- -Mr. John Dea,�ring,. of Stephen, who I " rant's ,,horse was up -stairs part will be used for manufac. � � lot to jdb I - . . I I : L (5�­ might envy. AS a representative for an .. ­ �i : J Mr. G � - � I . ' � a Ta � Io on McDonald , on Tu anized. Tile officers are: Rev. J. A. was blowffig. -0 - an . Retired'Faimers . - intelligent community, 4ow,ever,- Mr. posM to be neutral n politics, ably . - � � , in this t wn at ; To . -- but which recently sold his farm, left esday .. turing purposes.� Mrw .Ostrander ex- s � . . - " I ItAm� and Bull"for Sale -David Hill. (1i) - I . nder8on, bo4orary resident; R. Da,l- burned to a cinder, and it was. prob peets to Open out aboLut the let L . nesday mommo � i � � of Jan . tV � - � Cattle -Edward fflncl�ley. (51 Davin is hardly the man; and -we shall has i* last for Michig,vn, intending to purchase . . _ . - - . . FA§tmy L n spite of itsel a strong Toiey lem- - ent; A. H. Plummer, deadbefbre -the fire was discovered - .-11 I I L Z I I tate. arno, pre-sid' an aah nary ; ' r'. who should 'be 111 tpfo�ln&tion for Farmers -Wm. R. Wilson . V 5) . be more than disappohAed if the people -. 44 � . land in ,. . Ace-prosident ; -Win'. Roacb, Unless tf ( � blaze started from ,, and ,% . vill Icarry noihirig but foot . L�� - I i Au6tiod8ale-Win. Murray, (5) . � . . - in Bays : So r. Blake is not. going - ed to rat I in t ... corner of t WeR,17. : � .1 �1. I % . their spite by bre. . I I - I - of the Northwest' have' anything .to do - 91 I 1. - . -Capt. George. �Eemp has re ned to . Miss Dunbar, heap he stable and an . � � - furniti �; eross-c��t Saw$--"drs. j. Kidd., (5) - e from: th Liberal leadership i acond vice-presidel t; . . � - 1 w. ith him, notwithstanding- Mr. White's to retir ' I . Exeter, and will Open a store i Drew's - � . . . Guss FoR Kiwc,Anw�NE, -Last Friday I., . IS. Gracey)s , � L- . � .1 I . ' -ter , .' . . . . . . . � I I I ]ff. Park's jewe I I Bargains -A, Taylor. (9) � . ! I - . . - I B trea'su I exec- adjoining 3rick wall, there is no way of � .. . - e twenty- - block, th pie F -,cretary . Miss one, pounder cannons wel-hing over ----- � lier � . � . � I - I . I . -for its origin. i' - - i . Teacher W, tuitieA-Thoiras Wilson, (5). 1 recommendation. The sooner Mr. N. F. 'after all. : He - sac iffices sorn e premise i formerly oce I d by i tive committee, Misses Baker, Agnew, accourith A � I two 32 ' ��� �.. establishment thiji 1 Bricks forsale-win. Murdoch. (5) .. I I - etfio- 10 tons each,,Vassed through this to,yn . - Davin is shown that mere -literary buf ' hi . I i . ; Teacher Wanted -John Shaw. (6) . . .. five thousand dollars a year, to say no- ,in- Robertson and .Shiel and Messrs. Tyn- -Last Thursday evening as theM - I , . . . � .. , � - were broken, exad - I . - ! Concert -Wm. Moore. (6). . .. foonery does not entitle a re- thing of his. health, . in order to lead -Mr. Win. Stinson, of Bo ,smont, , dall, Baker alud, Beec -6ft. diet min ter, of Ethel, and -his wife on the Wellington, Grey and Bruce .I . - � . - � I . c - - eane'l While two pli - - , � - i . Immense Salt -,-Duncan & Duncan. � sentative distinction, in Canada, the Eet..: . . . . . Dakota, a f6rmerl well-known 'esident . is were se ed down in their usual Railway on their way tO- Kincardine. . . � . � - (5) . -Mr.: A. MbD. Al an, of Goderich .. I I I scoup'leof smalle, :� : . - , - ­-.­­.,­-,- ��-- ter will it be for all concerned -with the his party, and he deo�fined at the hands of Usbo.rne, had his house recen ly . , sp�ci-- quietude, A, number of the members of They wvre s, � 'up e mister of - I . I., - � . . . working like a Trojat in collecting, . . - � P -. � exception of Mr. Da,vin himself. It is of the Imperial authorities a title like stroyed by fire. . I . ii the Methodist church came rushnig into Militial and are represented to be for I - - I... of a show ease i � AL -Ar I . L � � . I �0 . efence. -Itis welithatthig . - �, broken at, Park's. � � Lff r- I & &V ' 0if or but just to remark -A meeiing if. I-tbe West Hurmi !I lens of fru i b for the 'olonial Exb ibi tio the town's d I - � , . F.. a ,, however, that there . L L - " It- 0 4 If unto that-crav�d for with success. b ]j ul London next eaL V Ile has alread the parso age, and gave them a com- , 4- 4 i * L - - � r 0 - 't is.a�,m - -D�vin's.. lunacy. I . y Libdral Conservative Associati n wi . y recautionary measure has been taken I .1 .. baside, the store, � 1:! � ethod in Mr. I � sent to the superinte dent of the work, plete - surprise, and -.no. mistake, but I I J � I - - - ­ -he sidewalk, indic' � - - _ he has made M . b ' Hill, oui: Wed eeda F - _ - or a person cannot tell the t f, - ..--.- L hi self a laugfiing stock all members of the * Dominion Cabinet. e held at. Smith -a ­ F( � moment that ... � L . ­ . - _ . . . . ii __ ___ _, I _ - I . I - r. Win. Saunders, a, very fine coll-ec. several baskets led them to think . - � - . been Wed, and aNs . L NOV -at I o'clock p. in n a row -boat loaded I . � - I � . 13, 188�. over the Dominion, he has secured These are two good points in his favor. Novem. ber 25th, . I I . , � . . I . n, co isting of -31 to the teeth may crOSa'the lake and . I � I 'Intended to play � SEAFORTH, FRIDAY - t varieties of apples, what was up and helped fo bri g about with (6) men armed Lf remuners4Uxe, aecretaryahips time and Even the organ of, the Tory party is con- . --One day last Week, while Air X -kqw . . ... - � - t , . L � . � . . I 4 I Ofp rs and 4 of plums from this their equil %rium. Thomas Simpson, on . L . L -1 - =SeS Land finer I . - � . I - I- . � again. A � � . I Howard, -of -Exeter, was drivin 'from J - seize the town. 'Pirates are likely ; - 9 - f I ' d an exce; - I I .Man MaYL .. behalf of c friends, in a nice , . to ... � -� � d admit tha, he is a man - o a tion, ilent collection of Speech . store I . The Police Magistrate. '. writing alleged poetry, indicative of I . . London. his horse .took sick an , died 6 - Kincardine a wide berth when f: - . Strange to � I , . . �. of their visit at give they ­ . L - zr I . ... - . . - He of ei 2 . ; -po I g sand pears, from the Ridgetown explained the *nature . , k � a 3 le , ormidable-looking cannons ��� - jured ind t Recently a petition containing 2 472 delirium. tremens more th , - the highest characte and that he - when ab6ut half way home. see two - f ,. -1 . .1 - an anything I 11 ,� I - - - � I I . . . . , . �. I ;�.. %% e: libition, contributed bythe lRowarof - that time If night, which was a presen- I I -- . - . iGracey's less - will � I L by means thereof, he. hopes sesses peure � .. ,"'.- . . ' I else, when, talents of , th highest order, so - -Mr. J. E. Coombes has been � L perched the market-squarLe. I I .sign�vtures, addreageol'to the Honorable . I . 19 ranch Agric u Itura,l Society, consisting ta! ion of a, beautiful set of china to Mrs, L - . I I � 0" I _� Mr. Park's -0 :� so to A PitOSPECTrVE, CA-�WID,4,TF.-A well-' � ;; to increase his chances of securing � fat th ' as teacher for the Jainiesto 601, i and - t :� . at altogether,ibe ormers have great' I . Paul and a superb pair - of slippers ; . . � . . *0. " 33 varieties. I.. unfounded s uspiX4 the Attorney General ot Ontarioi asking billet. 'Mr. Nicolas Flood Davin is an the township of Grey, L f yea.). -founded rumor is current to the effect i . I . . reason to be-' "proud of their leader. " - -The, otber day,. i the order of busi- Rev. R. . After. the speech Mrs. I P. for E - ' for the appointment, without salary, of attitudinizing self -advertising nuisance, I . . . L ow, M. ast - �.i �GraCe L I . . - He succeeds R. Stewart, w O a bee: i that Thomas Farr � - ya;aA Park I ' � I . I . . people of the � No' ty leader whom two years in'the adhoofl. - n ass, a $5 bill'wa.5-tibdeived at the Mol- Simpson) in a very -graceful manner . 7 . 1. ,�­ with the recent Scr Mr� JG6 Beattie, of Seaforth, to the whom the rthwest will. It is well to have a I ar . - .- . - , I I - a(lu's Bank, Cli,fiton-bon he back of made the presentation of the china, and Huron, will not .again contest the Rid- ��� - . - IL look upon and trob-at as -they have both Grit and Torey tbilik well -of and. -Mr. Twamleyj of Ashfield has pur � d th . and there is no olm I � Police Maoistrate, was - 'w s � . I ich was .w� -this gushing sen- Mr Cober the, slippers, -therifollowed ing, an , ere is an undercurrent of ­�.. I 11 , ..... 1. � . I FOSitiOn, of -- Aj for L I .. - ' tallion, mh . I I L . Z,-- . were per . dqne, notwithstanaing Mr. ;hi:�.s unite - cbas�d the Canadian', diaught Iq kee 111h� first.yo 7 whose one of thoie teas for which the Ethel speculation in the Conservative fold as - petrateol . . I - 11 .Owat': to_ . . in eulogizing. .Sach a on'e is Hon. ,, 1� T no lady into - warded to the. Hon. Mr. . I from Mr. t4'E , : `IiS successor will be. There is - I - recommendation. � . . � . . Sporting Boy What Care I, to who I ,-. Act, who doubtleris . - . -�-- �. L i ­ - . . his bill fiMs is at' Methodist people are so noted. After - - .� ; . I . Edward Blake. 11 )ry firigers. t liberty to ­ - : - I - � D. McKay, toebAlsh, for the sum . said to be at least one man in Wingh. .- by, using mob vi� � get -her with &rL application. of the Execu- I . L . of Iv`4 -rough fro three ain . -i - - . i . I i 1� �, .. . spo' d With Archibald McAlpine that was� th in two to . I .11 . .. I - - I ­ I L . - . I I tive Committee of the HuronScott Act �HE Mail' declines to comply with - ! - i . . $350. - I I I corre A who is ambitious in this res'pect, and -. suppo.rters.. . The ' I . I - , I aylor. " It is presu med that he bill were spent in real enjoyment, � � . - - -- . . prev : I . . t hours � ... - I I I . ailed I mi diate appoi,nt. "r request to publish THE eighth- annual convention of the . �A unanimous 611 has been e tendei I I who would like, in the not very distant . I I ,, for a ti : Assoeiatiun for' his i me our arti6le of 'last F I � . i Nv as put ,in iairculatioi I some three or four when the rty broke up anti the friends . L . . . I - . "L, Win 'Clegg, M. P.," -_ . , . � Z, e loud. in their . ' . ec Revising Bar Manitoba Sabb'Lth ! 3choOl Association to Rev. Kenneth McDonaid, of Belmont, : � ­ . wer � � ' . , went horn- feeling happy that they had future to write . - i ment. In reply the secretary of the week on the Queb I Haters, years ago when Archie was teaching - Of Some O -�- . I . _Ztp 'rpetrators ; I h I ! L - by the Aslifield Piesbyterian congrega,- ' on the register ­Wa hotel. Ire � of the . . . I , � � is ba i innipe -last week. . rom - tion, -which bas behn vacant for I be past . I I _-j I Urdly Out %. .. Scott Act A,ssoaiation has . just ree-eived because, as it Says, .r 0 sed ,was held -in W i ' F, sebool -t�ere. " As be is still a mournful afforded eir minister and lady some J! � the-, a ti le . . . 7 It his become an open secret among .--. � rage . j L I I . b tchelor',, the'assump ion is that it never real pleasu re. . - I - - � 1� & con munication from 11I6 Atto oni incorreet. -premises, a is, conse.- -the reports presented it -would seein.that 'two years. - The salary promised is � . Mr.'Clegg's friends that he is anxious - ., .-, - -the ,council was ,I . I i . - . rney- 11 I . � .nd . _ . . . � . . . I . : - -The B�yth Advocate makes the fol- � . . . ­-- . . . . . * . � fell into �' I ivory finge ra. " I -1. - I Wednesday af terno I . 1 G'enera,I.L in which he says L: . quently, mi§leadirig. This is just about the Sabbath school ci fuse is prospering in $1,000- , L the ,nomination, . and it is lai I . . - rowing Tefei;ence to the late James W. for P in -- I - . ea - -T loderich Sta r of last week says - . . i. -- I - L .. I . I he'�G . evident to an Outside observer that .-. , u , I 11 , . . . I _An estray ram entered the I remis ' IL he W ' - icourse to p, rsue w . � I - the Prairie Province, and that despite the , ' . . ff At the laStL meeting of tho Council as � we . expected. 1* -The ;Mail takes � Isaac .Leishman� ose death was announced � . . I i" , I , 1wb I -1 . : I . � - Win. Stewart, ,3rd concession J,,)seph !Dale, a Seaforthite, and � LLLLL 1. � ter, when it was,� I I L precious g of Mr. pur- week: The funeral I i ' his cards for .something ... .1 , theGovernihent took -the whole -matter . ood �ar6 it will,not publish. very great 'difficulties encountered a in these columns last 'Daymg big. I - ". I . ward of $ - � � I � . East Wawanosh, On the 24t � wother-in-law, of Har ' I 1%, for ti -1 . . . . - h ult., aril 1� iller, ibis I aking, our Reeje has . into cousiderution and'eame to the cold- . � L I . was conducted. under the rites of the etaphorically. spe . -1 �L-. . . - , ainything* -that 'will, tell against its po- good work is being done, and that - all in a pitch battle with a.ram of -Stewart's h "Y'Vgot i�nto.a aispute over some accounts I * for some time been comparing the size ­�. -conviction Of the gi � . � , . I elusion that it was advisable on the � 7. 1 . . - .1 Orange Orde�, of which society deceased I I'll ­ . � ­ . L- � .1 � t. in succeeded in breaking its neck. a the Q]6een's hotel on Sept. 12th, the - � a left 'by � . - ' - : . ­ . ; aw' -he' 1-1 false pngaged in it are zea[bus and earnes . - standing for � litical ebtief. Now,,4bat are t had been a ember 'in good . of his feet with the footprint � . whole to; ait the action of your County L . . . . . . � o - - . - 11; L - In the suit of L. Hardy against the- o Ltcome, Which. was that, as Miller ... - .- I I Council,. which m eets on the Ist of', premises " I complained' of ? ' We leave their labors. Seventy-three - s4hools re- - rid soyne years. Deceased -wa-s born in the , Mr. Farrow in the sands, and the re- BeIg : ,� - - ' Exeter Salt Well .Company for $100 a ,,6ri, D�le Struck hi in in the face', a I on sult of such comparison seenis to be I-- I .. I ' .. . �wanosb, and workec -s w . I December. Tb� aame course haa lleen our contemporary to speak for itself. - ported at the qo-nven tion, but * a colisid - wages, tried at the ' vision Court last m ith i s�arp instrument of some kind township of V%Ta THE BARGAi�� . - .. I �. taken in- regard to similar a . .Di , bis.father'. f irm until the death of that gratifying-- to him, and, in fact,he has - , pplications 1 lent iii U, I eye out' - Strong .9 1 at Once and secure ehej 1, ly . It says.� "The- article, for 4nstance,. 'erable number additional failed to re- week, Judge Toms gave judgr re his � . Kagistrate par of arrived -at the conclusion that he can fill --- - Iboots, shoes, dress good i: troux several, �-ther counties. . . . . I . 1. . . i . . ' ed Dale ent, wh en he becain6 proprietor . .� . � . . i. - " blames the Pretnibr -for not appointing port. These 7 3 hools have 5,414 favor ot Mr. Hardy for the full.4mound heard the complaint,and dommitt the homestead. This continued to be Mr. Farrow's shoes to his owii.satisfae- - ' '­. ts, .glassware Or cro. . I ­ �! This is Just what we expected. At cc - .. . ­ I � - . . -�-Edward Bruce, eldest son Of Alexi for trial.'; He is nom ip jail and will - ­ � Ming, prices paid to . county Judges as ro,vising Officers- 'in scholars on the roll, Vith an, average at- . - his home until his death, which occurred tiOn at least. . "I ­ I � . i t .. . - . . Bruice, of Brusselsil has been appointed robablY come before Judge -Doyle some . � I the time it was decided to send, in theab- � .. . . CAN-AIDLi.N I�Acipic RAILWAY 13usi- .- � i 9.4 . , . October 2 th, J885� His pastor, Rev. - I Quebec. There 'are no county judges texidance' of 3,759, while the stoiff of - second master in the Ott;awal Modei d y,,tbis'week. . Don. -The road � i I ES.S.-It is pleasing to note that since � ient, we felt ' � ., . . ,; . ` a w 0 was 9 petitiona to, the Governa Sd600l at a lealary of $800. IV e . A. McLe . constant in his N - I no*. -Drawing in I I . . � " in Quebec." '- The -article did not do . teachers and officers - [lumber 584. There , ar� - 4 . . I � � ' . . . . I Mrs" Kahie,,oneof the oldest resi- watchful Care for him saw clearly that the opening -of an agency �ythe Can- I : :' convinced the action was ature, . . ' . 4 ) . pal,work being (10DA I � � . . . - d nts of the townshi ) of Morris, died ked ad,ian Pacihc Railway in this town the � . 11 1, I prern anything of the kind. The article are 8,765 books in the libraries and glad to hear of his success. the end was 'approaching. He tal . -Chas. Proctor is �wo. 1, and that while they would not do a n y� . I . -The firm of Portei-& Sumner,jewel -q t 'week. She died of no particular With him f ly about his -spiritual con- company has been- doing ,a -most gratl­ � I F !�, blamed Sir John Macdonald for not foi- 7,185 weekly pa-pers received.. The - I , . 11 � .. I.. . Clinton, and reeefvf i harm they'coald not, do any good. The -.. l � . . I ' -ut a year ago the j� , � lers, of Goderich, has dissolved )artner, disease, the Sands of ti me had merely run diti I fying business. Abo I � 11 el ? - I .� on, and received fro him the as- i I -1 ,. 104ing the same principle in making his' amount raiied b�,, these schools last -year ship, and the latteir entleman I as gon( ont. a first-class carpej I course the Go,vernment have ken is the . I .� 846 was -the i iother of Captain surance t he -rested upon the flnishe I agency was established with C. R. - - . . . . F I I .Day-wl,ill be genciat - �'. Kaine, lReeve of owick, and Mrs. - Wllli�ms as manager. For -several � I I V em � ' a � . ur�os 81 was $4,491, of which to Wingham, whereTe has a simation.', , . -tee : . P-pointments in Quelled as he did in f or all p e ; .... work of Cl at and that he was patient . . ' . . only one open to h ... . lle Act cleqrly . Mr. Porter will continue -the bur, �ness. - !: Fraser, �f the 2nd concession, at whose I - . 9 1 ths the business transacted was . . . .. there will be set-. ; � . . . Ad 11, �i Ontario. We know as well as the Mo,�l $617 7 were, - - . ey-pe ed o . y aNvaiti ,,z eparb and be with Mon but . It - at the usu - "I 11 � . ' I . � . e qh far b " That- dir IN .; -1 - i Thirt a keep open all I . i. . - taii,ment, on INJonda I . � n Missions - on of Mrs. J-' house sh I died. The funeral,. i Christ, , is I al -hours. I contemplates, iI, and . in f actl states., that - 0 that th * -Master A. J. Sbiel, a in Blue- w et e limited, only $25 to $30 per mont.b. being ; V- ,do a ere are�no -county judges in ,y of. these Ise ool � .11 ' � . . . . than vale'on the 2nd inst., was largely at- disease, c. i uni tion, w. a the cause of reiilized from the; sale of ,tickets. Mr. , these appointments shall ofily be made W. * Sbiel, of Brussels, took no fe er I t � . I t� . - Quebec, but the Mail also. knows, as the year rolund � a d 227 pupils hav . tended, and Was a - i e nine prizes at the annual distrib tion of I . � - i at the request of the County Councils . I � � I tendedi -'numbers being present from death. ras 32 year., and 3 months Williams has been unceasing and un- - I � Voting men of taleir ,�. . I I ,., well as we prizes at the Upper Canada Coll ge, To- Go - ; I ,�� , .. do,: that -there 1we n united with ,the 6hureh during the year. rri,6. ,:,Mrs: Kaine's exact age is a at the time f his d, atb and .leaves a tiring in his efforts in the company's be- I I -Mr. Luki I . . , judges i i . � I . . -e � ;I- � . occupy : The Executi�yve Co mittee in their �re- 0 ild to rhourn his loss. � . -- I , ebee'who - f unce ritain'ty, -but she' was un- wife and o e 9h Caesar is away spi � and that.the appointee shall be salaried, . - precisely similar. I r I rolito, last week. !. I I . in Ater half, with the result of .greatly increased '. . Ista7pee- I . . Had the Government therefore gone be-� Qu I -The Brussels Post says -. ev. D. ; � �', - I doubtedl� considerably past 80 years of Mrs. Leishnian has the sympathy of business. Tbrou h his instrumentality' ' , . �, I I ositions and perform similar duties to port Say-: If Durin the past year Sun- L. McCrae, of'Cobburg, son of J bn Me-- . � . - . - j a farm in the county, ;i yond this and complied with the reque@t. P - , . I agg e. - 1 5 oad e ftn I . i I ' . . many frierils. in. this, ber sad bereave- a stage was- place on tbe-r - b tw -4 the county ju es in Ontario, although ay , . i ! . j - I i (19 d Scbool work t rougbont' the Pro Crea, Morris, preached in Aelville' ; - I . remove his familly V . - ­ U. . enti �d the -idiu.-- to n.uot evqry , . . -:;r - � ' '., 1. we r sz, ' . . ' '.�i - -1 P. Brown, l0th town an - f of th , r -a U"t.y wouid havd � I .. � *. I -1 . ree, ,1,�nc-' 0J - m . i b2 with his Parcitts.--1 . . . � - kno by some other, vince Territories has . ... ett, train, and a goodly portion of the ' ­ I . ; and - church last Sunday evening.. Hs effort- � � - - * they may be wh � . ' been prose . . I concessiop East Wam,anosh, had a nar- -AsMr,11 James W n, Of Hull PaS � ,of the Belgrave br.i � - wl . . � . I . . was very acceptable.. - - pas- - � ;�: exceeded the powers given them by la ) . . .; . ro%% 'linton on Fri- senger as that ' lesignation and it : further knows, cuted patiently,�­' not energetically. r esca0e from being destroyed by fire was dtivin 'home from G traffic h i -been diverted in , and would- be equally as censurabl as ' ;. . � Canaola Bible -Soclieti ! e I . � --- 1 � -Mr. Johii Wynn of. Bru asels, a. . . . - . - . . . . : . 9 i,inful direction. The accommodation on the . . ;i that of these judges seven we're appoint-- Several new schools have been opened, I manufacturer of good waggons, b i la3t Friday evenmV. One.of the- child- day ev;enm last, he met with a pi . Presbyterian thurch. I � - I uggies ! . Canadian - � if they should refuse to make the ar . . . . 4ante fW11 Arbert it exploded accident. . e had a load of apple bar- Pacific Railway is first -clam , ' . � r(n let a ru . . � ed : Revising B*rriiters, showing that a number of !flagging ones have been re-. and cutters, has received an order G a 13th instant* whet , rointment ff asked to do so . � . . . aii id set fire to one o 'the dining room rels, and ji t a and travellers appear to prefer it to the : - , I . � I by the there'was notbin in the way of fol ,and 1�' very f ewi insta'n' top buggy, and a chtter for a gentleman I ­ a he was y assing Church- in I � I - Burson,* of St. Cat . �, County Council,. Th6 Government have I . 9 9 low- -vived, � ces, so far w Udows;' burning theframe totally out ill's, they c ramenced to slip forward on other roads lead- g.into town. T,he mi. - - - - . . , will address the aud I I . : - - 11 - mgi 0 , � can . learn, has the in England. The� are - to be, shipped - -, the hors -s ck. crease in tickei sales is the beat indigs- - � I ident minister, -; � at the same principle as. that as your coTmittee at d damaging the car:)et and some fur e in of the ra . - . . . I I � . � far as they can go when they . . I about the Ist of Januar tb!�Orn the bott I reoi goneas , a - . een a a � �) I � . , 1 Y. , - niture considerably. Mr. Brown was Fearino the team would run away tion of Ahe' growin business. As we . ��, . I I . " . �.. agn�e- to cancel the appointment 'at dopted . for Ontario,. had it - suited Sir work b b 11416111 L i I -, The Presbyterian manse, inii Exeter, . P -9 It �*. taken up in aid of tl I � � . ­ , V - - I - - - I I . - * I I at sent, but through t e exertions of one and he be thereby injured, he dropped have already said, a year ago the sales .1 . . i �:, the request of the County Council. John"9 purposes to do. ,so. Sham e on , - I I - is now completed,', and is one of - the of the employees - of the saw mill the' the' ' lines at A threw himE ell over the side rail from $255 to $30 per month. In attendance is expect - i ' � - . fi .- . . y0u, big brother, ,td quibble . in this way IEL whose � finest residences in the -town ; e Rev, - . Callum is sh"Ving 411 : : The matter rests entirely - ivith the R1 ) . exeJution was , 'to have flames w 'ere extinguisl led. The damage ofthe *aggon rack. He fell on his face August of this year .the sales amounted 1, , 1, � ' I . 111 .. W400 I I . I : Mr. Martin,-paato� of the conglezatio , � ' gra � , apd was pretty bai d to Loii'don�­ ' . to get out of a difficult corner. taken place on Tuesd& ' . last week, and in- at lountsto about $201). on the Jly cut to $300; in September to $325-- and 'r , l be the . . . I - . � y last has been res� moved into it one J 1. P I East JN-Tawanosh, is� . � y . . .. . I � I - I 4ay I . , I - - . I r - . = and also' di ocaied his right wrist.--- As last mouth it hugged close to4". The . ', . . . .' 1� peopWs Own fault ff t pited until -Monday next - the- 16th in,, te -On Thursday ev 29th ult., a Afts. Win. C"sar. � � . he appoint- . nds giVing a parlbr concert shortly. �Dgl . - * - - " on as POP. -X-101 � ' - . 1 :­ ' rge number. of yo thful friend.q and. quick !ie could re(over his self- Dominion Express Company, which L No Room ,- 1 7 THE Ter to News., end a .few other , staint Whetber,i or not, the law will be -A Poultry an& Pet Stock A�ssocia- la . . - 1 !4 ' operates on the lme of the, Canadiaxi- I - . I � , I ment is not made. The members of the - ; I tion has been orga ized ' acquaintances assembled together at. possession ie jerked the dislocated mem- . � Inyour BelvVi'ave n1ol � - I r � I Independent Papers havie recently been a, ed to take its c urse then it is im- . , . in Exe�er, and ber back it to its place', * ted Pacific Railway, also opened an office .1 ­ I Z, � � J ' � I on ession of � I � - i being righ . ,� . ng thems7elves h 1� r 6 ave a poulqy show here, about a. inouth ago with .Mr � ? - I County C�omcil are responsib e directly howli oarse for,the estab low it is intended to � .. ITOhn McV'tt ' the lat cone � stated anion- other a . ' 1� � I - . I possible to prpoi6t.l 'At any rate, the ­ Morris, in orlet r. � to the people. If, therefore, at the De- . I during the coming winter. Exeter is a h , ight's.- With a suip -like a pi tol shot. M. I , � room in this village � l � - . lishment of Deua'ocrati�: institutions in' . i . . .1 . . Watson sti I carries his in in a almi Williams as age:ut, and it is alre;i; I I I : . . I talked of medical commission . g, I I " - � 11 while his I ce looks, as t satisfactory and payin . - I cember Meeting of th? County Council a - has - not good poultry'centrg,- and shouldi get ;up in erriment on the occasion. of moving I shop. Now this is .1 i .� . I . Canada. They pu i forth the . Amorican yet -been issu�ed- :The newspapers -that a very successful Show, and the're is no into his new house. re understand -- 9 § statement if allowel � 1� majority of the members'go back on A; I ; I . . . I . _ ;, - ; I . ­ . System- as the one -grand , ; � tb ose who were aebus �omed ;to dancing Abrough a thresher, but he considers business. Should the railway be ex- ;, --diieted, may be tb� . - � .1 . their motion of last June and refuse to the political e-1 Pkilacea for all ought to- know something about the in- - doubt but it will. .. - ;� had desired satisfaction and 't I I fori ett. ell tended int6 town there is little doubt innoccia parties astr 11 e- Goderich � Signal of last week : " himse 1-uuate in g I � .. .Vils" 'Under which -tentions of the Government are -dum -Th I hose who e did. but that it would do the greater portion I . . �. we . - . � I - b i as h an ara . I ask the- Government to: make an.ap- -1 says: An enormol quantity of apples w 3re notenth usiastic in.that respect bad . II ,y h ess malker. , I I labor. . We dire6t their'i,ttention to tb of our carrying trade. : . � i� J � � e -,and say not a Word. In the meadtime have been shipped rom. Goderich station 01 her ainu3cments. 3dr an4 Mrs. Me- - -A R%J-field correspondent is in- - about commig -here, ! I poiutment, the duty of the temperance � following . . - 1?6 PEIVSO-NAL.-H. Coyne and familyieft -. I . ; .� � . , extract fronl� an article in. -the -excitement,espeeially� intherrovince during the past mo6th. The season has V itty area jovial cou ple,and we believe formed th t vu -Wednes'ay- night of last 11 shop here that 911111e-11� people and those who wish to have a . . i . - I I I '� town this week for Glencoe, where they and the i . I t1eir heart's desire wiw for all to have a Week- an injernal machine, consisting of . villag# is toi � Harper's Magazine, one of the oldest . of been' a good one,J and buyers many. . - � . . Quebeo,seems -to be on the increase. . _ intend to settle.-Giao. .McKibbon, - - � - . I � I Magistrate appointed =4 who desire and moat ab Tbiications in -the United - - I I . Edwards and Whitely . alone have CaDious fruition. - t'%%,o dynanXite cartridges W*ith a clock- - � I I not business enolif �! I . � , �i that the Scott Act be �enforeed and � Sta. . . . already ship . p 0 - - arr gement for I J. P., left on Tuesday for Picton, Ont.1, �� this '"'rhen � . . I work exploding. the I kind. 1 ed W� ut $11,000 worth 1'-Tii'e Goderich Pt blic School Boa . I 11 .- tea. It says: k' -Office seekers, as I � . I - . rd � . where he will viisit for a'montb.-­John ...... I I i rnade effective,, instead,of �eing a far2e, Mu�h - News of the ,Week. - this fall. recently ad vertised. fc r teachers for the . same, endosed in a small .box-., was ; � Vdd by those who ud ;T I' . as they are ridiculed and- dle- - ' . . ices siehool, &� c -step of Mr. John Foster has returned from Muskoka dis- � , .. . that I would starve I . I , ; I I I ' ,� I I . I - DEAD. -Rev. Dr'. William Robinson -At the Annuali Mi Sery nd in respow �e to the advertise- . pla ed on the dooi . I'll, � il is. clea,r- That duty is Po take such * - ( . .9sionary trict, where lie has been engaged build- I . outs,` are the ligiti. held in 114tenbur Str�e-t Iviethodist ment, 150 applications were received, the ..... ,� I nounced by the . ,y Eason, reeve of the village of Bayfield. -but I have now been ;: . Pirie, Crown Principal and Vibe -Chan- - . . I steps, as, wM secure in t ' IT . q e Council of- ' ' t . . Church, Clinton, lalst )0 The appar�tus was disco- ered by a milk- railway bridges all sunimen-31 - 18. . . year- anX I am' go"i - ' mate ftuit of our democratic institu- cellor of th'e University of A�e�deen, is' . . Sunday arid Mon- salaries asked ranging from $200 to $,3( . 11' I , - - r, nextyeara maj�( . t tatives, ' " " � - 1- ' . day evenings the ' 11 ti �nd sub- The following* teach k' boy, who �otified i'vlr' Esson, and the ar- Jolin Gregory and family have returned I - if , your correspond �, , presen dead. , - 1co ec ions � ere. were engaged at. ­ oi I . tions. Dreaui�rs may talk of ' civil � I * a named : Miss A. Hen from Whitehead, near Brandon, Mani- . b maker here . I � .. - I� favoraMe to their views.. ' ' . - DEATH -OF AN ACTOR. -John McCul- scriptions � amountbol to the handsome the salarie rangementl was removed just as tbe urness � F If they fail to - . . . I derson, to . er.- . ft, �o- �conte I - I- , merit alone is to sum 0 i - - . oing w�ell, and $300 -Sharman-,$275; Miss Tbert- - Ua, where they spent the summ I . - do this, then they at' lough f $407. This is (I haminer was about to drop on the cart li fle shop t .� , the actor, died at his residenee _; Miss I - m u blame them I . � 4,M.. � E. Rockey returned this wetik from his � - o beat an ingli . egation mean what son, $250; Miss Marjacl I I I I keep and co, shows that the conir ridge. M . Esson, so we are told, ,- have t . , ;I mma,nd the.patronage of the in Philadelphia on Sunday m orning. - 1, $225 Ise . � ; " selves if a.- Police Magistrate is not ap- Government ; but such utopiaf, in as Bislfop ANDERSON DEAD. - David. they profess. � M. Cook,$225; Miss . Sharman knows no i eason for this attempt to in- farni� near Turtle Mountain, Manitoba, � having spent his ­ � $.200;1 -. )f ,,I, I - . I . . �. . . -Mr I 9 . . , � -conclusio I � pointed, and through this' a ' . is Anderson, .formerly bishop of Rupert's mpson, $200 .; Miss Pirehim. Certain persons in the village and Will remain in Winghain until next in n. r r. �. ,� mean the this is only practicable where the polit- � . . Win. A ik nil of- Turn berry, . has Miss Jossie Tho* John . Xorris ret I . - I � �' Act is nat enforced.. I . . Land and -later Chancellor of St. Paul's disposed of 51D acreh, being south half of Struthers, $225; and Miss Black of have been icard to tnake threats of per- r A' � . arned I . . to thank my man I . SP in . I hoinego-ii �ure"sday, after a three monthle . � , I- leal power . is no V on 1§; to J. Cook for the Mount Forest, $225. -inst I . "I �. � longer with the Cathed-ra;l London lot 15, concessi, sonal injury aga; Mr, Eason, but he around Belgrave for : I I 9 , is dead. i visit among friends in London, Wind- -. I 9 ma sea i iticaIl oppo, , . � J ';�� � � .; - - ;I , THY. - * Free Press is a shrewd � 8 - -' Under our -present organiza- PRorosED LiGHTING COXPMiy.-Ger- sum of $1,200. Mr. Thos. James, of the -On the afternoon of the 28th ult.? bad'no ide�L that a pol nent, or sor, Chatham and other places. �Mrs. . � have given me 4 . uVinifiveg I . . anyone, w ul,d stoop to the performance .. ­ them, and so longw`. I; , sarne township, has rented his farm, lot there was a large gathering of friends �� observer Gf m tion of Government the Qffices, froth the - many proposes an international commis- . . . - � - ,� I - en and Ahings, ind it.. .19, conces Mr. CHttendon, for this kind. A term in the Win. Carter and family leave to -day for ' ; �111 I same, I shall strive It � I . . � - . .1 - i e ap- 1. best,of my ability, a o - t *Muskoka, where Mr. Carter. is in the - , - ha4kthe courage to say what i I . . 8 fficient lighting of all I and relatives of the principals 'at the penitentiaty . foi . theperpetrators of such a . Z usually at i a term of three yeats at a yearly rental residence of Mr. Joseph: Morris, in the brick -making business, and where they . Pr'sident down to the humble. ion to secure tl�b e - sionil, t6 � � . 'il, , the coasts in the world. . . I - : thinks, - rtu-na-tely. for the North- Pli6ant for patronage, are the property' BOYCOTT' ' of $85, witlr.iinpro�,ements. . . � crime wou�d bea mild sentence. , . value for their monq I , . 1, . . . ED CATTLEMEN. -Several of township of Colborne, to witness the. propose living in future, -Rev. 1171111. ..... . ;� ,, � Of �he-electors atthe .polls; and -A large. and ii1fluential meeting Of I � .1 .: west, it has a4iong, i& p- pulation a hte- must � the boycotting Cork 'Cattlemen have re- imarriage*, of his only daughter, -After a al'o' t illness of ten day, Mr I . � , � . . Annie, I r - Davis, . formerly rector of St. Paurs .11 � �� � . -. I . I c, ( -need aM the rate Richard B esley, an old and" .1 I �� -rary �1� "' and "' lick -spittle "' known bebythem distributed as a rule for cOmme Pping by the Cork Steam- .pityers of B).yth was held in the to. Mr. -George Stew e � respected . � �- -- " � tide � .1 I F photographer church, in this town, but now rector ,of ;. � : .� all . Orange Hall on Ffiday night to take .. ' merchant. of Clinton, pass,ed quietly . � I Kin�, � . ip Company. - .of Goderich TI g6oinarnan was Afr' Woodhouse, near Simcoe, was in to"WIT . � � � - :� political servi;es, ca�acity being 'of into con . 6 11� . I V. - i by the euphonious name, of Nicholas I * . - sideration "'the propriety Of Charles Stewart,le ay at the age of 6E years and last week on a 'short visit to his -son, H. RouGn Fen % . . -in. sec6ndar A�N UNLIKELk Rui�ioR.--4t is rumored 4no a loan to Ur. Forsyth, of Rich- of Clinton, brother of aw He was a native of Warwick- D&Vis..� � - , y consideratibfi. 11 I It must 'be in Vienna and: Berlin that England* and gratil 0 � 11 L . Flood Da,v This individual has ppsed I . * the - gro in, and Mis's Kate Reid, of months. --Th.e friends f Mr , In . our I It' f - I L .1 I I- I mond, YVichigan, t6 . O � s- AV. F. I y as issue 0 1 - t evident �to every one that if � th - establish a woolen Carlow, Shire, where his father was a large �' 'n Various. attitudes, since coming ,D . I I I e. legiti- Russia have arranged.. for the Duke of .cousin. -of - tl e bride, attended Brockenshire will regret to learn that - � - . . . article -appeared und I I . . ;� . L ,I i mate fruit of the American Sys Edinbdrgh'to succeed P factoryin Blytb, i6en it was unanim- farmer and with whombe remainedun- - -- I flectine unou t I Canada, and has -used-- the little� ,brain . . .. tem. ,is to -rince Alexander. - - upon her. The cerer iony Was perform- � at years oi she is in quite a critical condition and: � � I �n � I " . - _.: - THE QuE-Biq APPROVES. -The Quee'D, ously resolved that the Corporation loan . ed by Rev. Dr. Ure in an impressive' til be arrived maturity,wheil but faint, hopes are entertained 4 ­ ,cligitre Vxon� NOMA i . fnereas the army of office seek- . � - � i . her I - .1 power. he' possesses to his own best ad . -: 9� . ers, we - . i Mr. Forsyth 83 000 for that purpose. � manner. The wedd ng repast was a � be entered,the Ministry A the Primitive recovery. She has been suffering sorne - - emanated we know ' - 11 I -- . : has approved of the �appo ntment of - � - � doinot need it in Canada and still le ' . - . - . " � ani � I I ­ Otis wards ' I -- 1011 I . � ­ . I . vantage ing upon and - "eker. so Col. King Harman -to be a member of 1 the Methodist � church, . in which work he time from a tumor , which - I : I . R -N, fawn -A cow and � Zler recently died on sumptu affair, After . has c(infined that A only vo2 - K . . I orge Arider - ccessfullyfor'17 years when . i I one individual, and j �, � - rivy.Council of Iriland - son, Oil guests made inerry,with music and . � I her to ber bed this week. -David Camp- I , , , . tb , :1 I ing around the. powers that be, he has sh4uld we hanker after it if it would do .the P . e farm of Mr. dau- labored su . t . ilie Pax line, Stanl y, supposed to have . .. I I . � Way with even the * . SrAIN APOLOGIZEs.-.The' Spani�h. cing, and sociat chat. .owing to � a throat dif iculty he * . .. only "' beating the I . �; succee ded in getting. h,imsel,f into se-verv& � a � pretence of recog I was bell, jr., returned -hem- e on Tuesday - - - - - - .,� 0 ;� , I - . .� ' ' - Government has remo *n poisoned by a me unknown enemy. led 'to retire fro n active work. ­ . ... endeavoring to PI&AM : A ved the embargo -Says the Brussfls Post: F. C. COMPel I after a couple of mentils' 110jour-ii in . I I nxi ' merit in these appointment$ and . - S1119 I I 11 - This makes three b asts poisoned in hi In 1856 be bought out a'arge confe6tion- - light, and in trymig I . ; -soft jobs which.have Secured him, a re- � ort the effects of the British consulate at Is medal *- . Chicago.,Port Huron andotherplaces. I . . I � . . . I . , Rogers has received the silver , . - . 11 I I eatablish.as a principie that .011tical %van- fields, and as he is ighly respected it ery and ba�king business in Broad . playing with us. ?i' i � spectable living at the publi6 expense. p - a, and has i made an apology to is awarded him by the Provincial Show, stairs, He reports business very,dull all Over, � I . I . . I � � - I - I - i "I . service -and log rollin �' not known who to even-auspect of such Kent, where he remidned for nine I I � - . I I . Heriow has control'offa ��� . I . g should be the- We English Government. � . at London for * . I the facts ? Our club ; i " I A I sinutty- I . 14, .,thi9year, . thebest dairy and pu!poses remaull i Wingliam � � � I- I . I I I an act. : I 111 in I'll � ; . - . GRANT S EVIL �� GENIII�S. -Ferdinand 8 after Which he rented a farm in amp-- about six Months 0.21 i I � chief qualification for officifLl position. alt. The medal is about the size of a - - tele&aph - I - � .. looking sheet known as the Re ' � I - over winter and wil leam .. I . -do t �- ,gina _ Ward, paitner of -General Gradit whose -Mr. Thos. WAace, of Westwaiwa- 7, ten, Surrey, but Owing to the igh i . . ;� --monnawkw, I trade dollar. On the one side are the . -n of both Seaforffi ; - ,j I . operating. ' � . p .Leader, which, althoukh it. ha onlybe nosb, returned on!:Saturday last from ; M I � - I � i � Age of villainies led to the financial ruin of words -Dominion of Canada, L valuation placed on the stpek and im- " We agreea to play � " -8 en THE winter rates for the card ondon, . . . m I . � T -4,E SALT WELj..-For a week past , i I I . . Grant's family,has-bee 7 '- Rramosa, where lie purchased a C. ftogen Brussels, pravement een I -slightest ideaen our I I in existence a couple n sentenced to, ten � 1885, F.. a, and the f xilure of crops I., :� I . of years has already gra� in. on the Canadian ,-Pa( ,-ific Railway . Dairy much uneasiness has b felt by those . � i q . . . i - years' hard labor in 'Siiig Sin thorough -bred - shoitborn Durham bull Salt. There ig also 'the- representation throughout England, he determin "I to match such stron w . . � ed to � � . brought to the pockets Of ---- 9. � . interested- in the. salt well project in : � OW111617M,6re froni V anitoba r and cow. They are both registered in 0 Prate, �nd ' tunes in Can- . ?ur team came *6 Eo � ] I I - . � A-iN, WRECKED. -A train on the . lo�rirlg a t vet, and car- emI9 . try his for this town that thestrata, of salt had ... : :11 f an angel h run I - i T � Governin 6ntpap than wouid-bu ou,ttbe- staiionswest of that pqi:nt '-in the Pro- West Shore line was wreck ear erdbook., This sthekindof . a crown of laur'el. and a wand. ., I - � - - - Ing,wUs most, higlAy .. I . ' - ;,. ! 'y i ed n -the new h . i a.da, arriving, here , 1p�ssed and that the w,611 would .. - I -whole establishment ten timei over. v enterprise we like. tD see, and trust Mr. . i� � � . - I . I ork, on Sun . M w. en Mr.'Rogers is . . dence in -to be abandoned. Two weeks ago I the above ,clubs. ' -,N inces'of Quebec and Ontario,,'are as . "Ing q 9 , �ol_ Little Falls, New Y day (This signifies That w. took tip his pernianen t .resi - .. nig carrying on L ZZ ,I But,, Nicholas Flood is ambitiou rht. A wash- Wallace hav- e ,a . � 8 in lows : Fr* nd out was the cause. A� . wiltbe well remunerated for it. through with the salt business he will *Clintoti, a millinery basi- . tor vivuld'have us l . . . � .. k - . . Om Winnipeg a '�ll stations Rochester lady was killed and a number,, -Mr,- John Ca eron, of Greenock 31 be an angel and blow his own horn, ,we * Dees, which has'grown brine was brouglit up at a depth Of � . - , �- ' : more -direGtions- than oue, ; He is" not � west to Morden, 50 cents per '100 lbs. in sever injured. I . county -of Bruce, ano who was for a long � large dimen- about 1,100 feet, and it was exile� -. I I game." Fbitune ha. . � ely . e.) On the sions. - HIBiwas wellin ed on general . ever, in not tomJposi I - . satisfied with ind-itino, mau`dlin poetry t I SUPP68 other - side of the . d would be reached at * L , - � � I . � . , 0 car loads of 36,000 IN.; from Morden PRINCE OF WALES' B1RTHD,A,Y.-The . week : medal is the coat of a 8, a beaver and any mo onent. Since that time an ad* - - . - e leff�� I 0. - time a resident of Stanley, was last ' � topics, a Liberal poli i a ly, but took no Tilaterial as h- $-I ; X e Lady Macdonald, hob-nobblin with the and fo"rty-fourth birthd * visiting his friends in that township. He I two sprays Of mapl a leaves. part in.public, affa-irs; �� was an I . I I I . gi.- all � stations West to Burnside, 51- ay of the Prince of , It is a I . office- ditional I 60 feet has been sunk with no ' . '1�1 Inakes a personal 4111 I I- so-called Lords' of Creatio . ' Wales * was celebrated in London, gn was the guest of -Mlii 'McGregor, and was v holder in I Ontario Str et Method � - T�% players which haa,v W. . . 11, and living. cents ; from Burnside accompanied by' Is daughter Kate.- qFy handsomIe artiale and is justly i8t betteiresults. The brine -is there,but -� .. ; . � ,and Wesi t " . I I � 0 Oak Monday, 9th. inst., by the usual royal church for yeans, and by a1w - Iever. - Durin- the 0 � SumptuGusly as a public patiper, but prized by its o-kner. I ays having not in paying quantities. Things began . � � � � he Lake, .52 coat .,iy chan�es have- tdken place duri ' . he heard TT .. ; t �,` � � s; from Oak Lake and salute and the .trooping of the colors by 0 a kind worfl for those -with whom be ) pr�o . I - Mai - i . . I I � now wanta toJbecome-a. member ,of par, nig� -1-OnNVednead evening of last week, . � to look so blue that a project to forn' a ­ 11 - . . ' Ibsence. I 11 � T� i de Park. His Ro . . -a I e ci I I - a - Hy yal . I f � ee:, a west to Wapella, 53 cents ; fiotri Wa- -the Guards in . his thirteen years'a the family of Mr,115antes Yates, of Gode., came in contact, made himself esteemed joint stocli company �to sink another t -1 liamenit. He aspires 'ta a, seat in th' � . Highness and ,thi6 Princess -At the last q6arterly meeting of . by all. Up to the time he had taken � ----- ­ it 8 . . . . . � i e Pella and west to Indian Of Wales . . T well farther south was at once started, ., ��� have eoaxi'; & I - I tiolious tha� there W. : . r NOW LegiSlatilre6hortly to be established cent . Read 5.4 gave a birtlinighi party at Sandringham. Londesboro Methodist Churcli 96 per rich, took tea at the residence of Mr. ' ' ick be enjoyed good -health generally, and the . Y-1- . I . � �,, He ` - T. 'Acheson., -On the table was a can of .s responve of our citizens was - - . ; �nd from Indian ' ad to Moose- , DAKOTA AS A- STATF,. -:-Dakota _ had been'for six months on d was always to be fou, ad in his place - I Vantage " tiken. - H i . ions, who i� � an � . - .., . ' ' men . salmon, and eight of those present par- very hearty. Councillor Willson bas � . ' t'for- 'a ' brothers in tbo � -1 the phrase �, a I in the N,Qrth-*est and ho� has succeeded jaw, 55 cents. - The rate of freiih profess to know -that it is the intention -trial for member b , were receive by He leaves *three, old* - . I . I . � - . . - pitefu I in inducing the I took of it, During the evening and been in communication With Prof- .� ­ - � Minister of the Interior appropr I � .. . �. wheat from � Seaforth "to Montrea,l ' of the President to recommend the ad iateservices, and welcomed by countly, and besides two sons and ,,_� - ! .9 per -. .1 _ e1w­Vil, Of the I � �, Sir, how spit� can �� I e -is - - a - State, but that the church, pri�cipiillSr as the result of ( e - -' .... Persons who never it 'Who, is, n night seven of the number were taken of Ottawa ` director ow travelling -n th North- - 100 IN. - 20, cents, so t I ill, with - I rVey, - I I � I , i mission of Dakota as laugliters here, has thre' sons in the � � - ; � . � . 1. 7 . . as seriouS13 severe N rth- . - - I west . 8 think that' the Terri- . - I . I I , to recommend him to the people I of this vie hat the farmers he i -inclined to the revival services held last spr dur- more or le . - Geo ogical and Ka,inrai Histoty SU ,each other before, W, � I I . I inity will have * aa advantage toryis large en . ough for �two States. Ing Mrs. , Hall's Visit there. ileleveral votil iting and other sy mptoins - whiell *in- , 0 west'! and on Tuesday he received a letter I Z., --- . ­ - conjecture. Sh � * . --.-- . .. ­ � " - . don g '" . , i +P - M( acture c I fro I Vv him' av . _A �, 41 r I i�i n 11, , I I � I (If9 a " I -i ' a r , r kJh I i , c. - 0 48 ; i ea e 'a sil! I - I I d �if wn n I or h h I �a e ti i p 1, � - , '. .. I- it.11 ;t. *14 , , d 'n _ o h d ) L - I � I-Itg: - 0 ifi 61 , III: .4�c t ir I � . 'White of 30 cents per I . whi ight ajad , I Ould - . i as such- It is Possible thA Mr-- - - 00 lbs., or 15 cents per - -THE ARMSTRONG ABDucTikq more will yet be re eived., dicated poisoning. A doctor had -to he � ch places inatters in a new 11 . I'll, ... � -- tator again -1 � � ,only d"" this in iest,or to get rid of ,x CASE. - .calledin toMr. Aches6n's.family,and ­11rg. DuncatiStewa,it anaged an(! hasencouraged tile council to proce2d .1 we WIS1111 ; . a . V :.- -- hia own signaturle� 0i * - : 19-wriing � bushel, over those who ship from, Win. !n the Armstrong abducti'�-� 'case the -'ivlr. Henry Mo n, of the 10th con- all are now recovered. The qu much respected resident, of FiAlarton with the, work on hand. Among other . - . o. wa . . 1� nuisance wh, 8 haj�ging! . antity . I . . J, if such hi I � I I .0. "'Veg- This is' not - great- deal and jury found a verdict of guilty against cession, Hullett, mdt with what might eaten by.each was necessarily striall, but died last week -1 Deceased was in her things the professor says'that, Judging . I - ball club i I � . . - : AURIN FOOT DALL CLI I &round him and molesting him w . 1-1 Mr.I.Stead and Mrs.. Jarrett, and ae- have been a very s4ious accident a few I the fact that So iiiany * eretakenill proves 86th year and h4d been � resident of the from the fact that in Attrill's deep bor,,: 1. - . - ith his shows that the farmers of the Prairie . quitted Messrs Bramwell 'Booth and 'days ago. He was Holing on the top of I thi�t the can must havq been very d -w � - , .1 ­ . � . . - 'L I 1.1 L. 4 anger. township since 1852. H,4r maiden name ing.At Goderich beds of rock salt -ere ., . - I I I I . . . L I - I �, . .