HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-11-06, Page 718 beert sec. ea ..essmaking Flstr bought r. charge. dup. in tits , • from uti or Mantle Clo . Bigthief to order. leading Dress mg House of Gibs n ;that be has po FACTORY, ve good *al ) the :7INCE1S;1 . r AR • and. Led to.. aa far as LH TIIEMJ arid as El Working Orden 4 itrrautedi !FIER NILO. MON, Proprietor. COMMOCE raRoNTa.! m000,poo. 2,:too,000. L MCMASTellt, LiNCH. Bank mean -des to erest is alloWed 011 tOwnS and cliles Ind on the ljnizect of the Co Mir &ELAM), Martagot• 1639 wpm COLLEGE, ITOOK. aoroughly retlegarl-- tads of a- moat able ing two who110* ar and sue() setttI MOrottifi arid derale. Iress- _ :!1.1 8- A Principal, alstock College. ' • • NOMBER 6) : Blood.eardling Description, of Circus 0 apse. A MemOistTenn.; 4iepatch onthe 20th ult.' says:- There is a reign of terrorin the vicinityof St, Francis, Ark., a.yillage 20 nos west of this city, On the Memphis, Springfield & Kansas I City Railroad. The woods are filled with fierce tigera ifous, jaguars, hyental ai .crazy with the taste o - inhabitants of the littlej Tfeaded in their houses; 'big for relief to arrive d .other animals blood, and the village are bar - earnestly pray- - Boa constric- - tors' freed from their cage claw' through the deserted streets anditheliowls of the laughing -hyenas make sleep impossible. The particulars of the eadden changing of the peaceful village into a raging -ed - o lain of savage *tits were received here the other day. A crowd of villagers had assembled on the depot platform await- ing the arrival of the train containing John B. Doris', circus and 'menagerie. The train consisted of twenty ears, and was just - rushing into theyardat a good speed whii the engine ran off the track followed y a dozen cars containing the animals. The big performing elephant, 141 years old, became crazed With fear, and breaking through the side of his ear as if it were but pastebOard; clashed to- wards the :assenibled people trumpeting loudly and. 'Waving this -trunk fraotically in the air. While the people were rush- ing to their homes for shelter, many of the other animals esthpcd from the over- turned -cars, and the streets of the vil- lage were soon filled with them.- The big elephant snatched a ten -year-old sen of John Anson, druggist, from the stoop of his father's residence :and threw the boy a distance of twenty feet. While the child lay groaning the big lion Jupi- ter broke from his cage, followed by the lioness Juno and her two elms. They . quickly tore the boy to 'pieces, and the hyenas and jackals snarled and fought over the bones. The elephant seemed mad with excitement, and placing. his immense head against the ear containing the tigers, he tipped it over and broke open the cages. The smell of blood in furiated the latter animals, and the few men who lad ventured upon the streets were forced to seek safety in flying to their residences. The car containing the -Snakes some of which were over 'fifteen • feet in length, caught fire and 'many of the reptiles were burned to deatla.i Those who eseaped crawled through the streets hissing with passion. The vil- lagers kept up a fusilade c.f revolvers and and shotguns upon the animals, and gradually drove them into the wood -s. 'The big elephant was captured by his keeper and returned to his car, and sev- ere/ of the other animals were eorraled by the circus employees and confined in cages. There are still several blood- thirsty 'animals . roaming : in the Woods near the village, and many of the in- habitants are afraid to venture upon the streets. -The circus continued on its way next morning. I Mr, 'Doris, offers a large rewardfor the capture of the escaped members of his menagerie, and several young men of this city are organizing a rifle club to raise the siege and put an end to the horrors which now afflict the people of St. Francis. . in Egypt. ; Miss Whately, -who for; Years devoted her time and energies to !work in Cairo, in the season of intenseheat used to take a small boat and sail up the Nile, stopping at the villages, where she always gathered & number about her. She speaks of the personal habits of the country women as being far from cleanly. They do not bathe .or comb their hair for days at a time,and itis most difficult to alter theirlideas or standards of clean- liness. The true happiness of an Egyptian woman's life begin§ only with the birth of her first child. . "I never knew what family love meant," said a young mother to Miss Whately, "till my little boy was barn, because I never had any one that belonged to me." The arrival of a •newbaby-and speci- ally of a first baby -is always made a great deal of in Egypt, and the friends and neighbors all crowd to the house to congratulate the mother and grand- mother. After the first greetings have been ex- changed, the visitors are naturally anxi- ous to see the baby,and the little bundle is brought forward:to be looked at; but whether the baby be pretty or ugly, no one dares to say a word of admiration, or to notice "bowlike heis to his mother because a word of praise would bring bad tuck." On the contrary, elle says, "An ugly little. thing ! He is very brown!"puts in al second; while an- other adds, "He isnot in the least nice!" And this, Miss Whately adds, is often trite enough, because, unfortunately, the -- Mohammedan women have an idea, that it is unlucky to wash a ehild before it is a year old, and therefore it is very gen- erally allowed to go dirty I Miss Whately once met a little girl with the awkward sounding name of Urn el Kheyr, that is, "Mother of Good- ness." Egyptian girls usually 'have very pretty, soft names, and.. Ivliss Whately was saying something about this to the child's mother, when the poor woman said : "I know it is 'ugly, but I want her to live." "How will an ugly name make her live ?" asked Miss Whately: "Why you see," answered the mother, Sadly, "I had two sweet girls before her, and called them Fatmeh and Zanuba, and they bath die& so I called this one by the name of Mother -of Goodness, so that God. perhaps will spare her." The tears came into Miss Wlaateiey.'s eyes as she heard this sorrowful story, and she tried to show the poor mother that it was no. a name God cared for and. that if he should take this little one also, it.would be out of love, not anger, and becainie he knew it to be best for the child. Egyptian women, whether they be- lieve in anything else or not, a 1 of them believe1 moat heartily in the. ower of "the evil eye ;" and they are ,s tied and hound by the chain cif this cr el super - titian thoeven those who Iave been taught th) know better ltre ver long be- fore they axe able to free t emselves froth. it They often :use char ns . to de- fend themselves against the ower of "the eye," but Miss Whately says she has never known any of them ray to_be delivered from it. - Sometimes Miss Whately • eets with Cheering proofs that the tea hings • of the mission school reach the hearts of Rome who are outside the sho1. It haffened one day that she ; we t to visit a poor, sick. Coptic woman, t e mother of one of her scholars. After a time Miss WhatelY ffered to • read to her, and learned with pleasure that her daughter Martha read the Bible to her every day. Miss Whately Iproposed that Martha should be the reader, and the girl read a chapter nice- ly and distinctly, stopping now and then to -repeat some of the simple explana- tions she had been taught at the School. Soon after this, the mother was taken away for chane of air; it did her no good, -and she died two months after her -return to Cairo. Miss Whately never saw her again, but she heard from 'Map tha that the close of her life had been it very happy and peataifid one. "I used to read the Gospel to her constantly," she said, "and she loved to ;hear it. We were all with her when she .‘tlied, and she was quite peaceful and glad to go to be with the Lord." AURON EXPOSITOR. GRATEFUL-C4MFORTING. , EPPS'S 4:J000A. BREAKFAST. By a thorokigh knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nu- trition, and by a eareful applicatiou of the fine properties of well s1ected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has, provided our b est- tb1es with a delicately flavored beverage which may save US many doe - torte blils. It is by the )udicious use of such ,article of diet ijhat a -constitution may be gradu- ally built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to (Usiase. Hundreds of subtle mala- dies are itoati g around up ready to attack wherever' there is a weak point., we may escape many a- fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a ptoperly nourish- ed fraiiie"--Ciyfl Service Gazette. Made simply • with boiling water or niilk. Sold only in packets by grocers, lab led-' thus-" JAMES EPPS & CO, Homceopathic Chemists, London;England.1? Rote al/orator anada, C. E. Golsen, Montreal. 884-52 . McGregor Parke, , of Hamilton, Ont, are the manufacturers of the greatest healing and purifying compound known for sores, burn, outs, sealda, salt rheum, frost bites, etc. It is called McGregor & Parke's Car- bolic Cerate. Be sure and get the genuine Mo. Gregor & Parke's CarbolioCerate sold by Lums- clen & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth,- at 25 cents a box. 912.52w. ----we Hamilton Happenings. There is now 1 eing manufactured here an arti- cle for instantly removing pain of auy acute ex- ternal nature, ai d it is certainly the most perfect cure for neural ia, • headache, toothache, and the like that as ever been tried. It is called Fluid Lightning roiii the tepid manner in which it acts, and. is manufactured by McGregor & Parke, Sold in Seaforth by Lumsden & Filson, druggists. 912.5 a . 1 - 1 .. you: a Piece. of f and Mustard?" .. Well, there is much to bo said. The question being asked of the banqueter at the average boarding house, Ils ;up reminiscences of close contiguity to the orna, and beefsteak three cuts H South thereof. , of course, will pass, unless it occurs to him that e needsa hinge for his trunk. Should there be a iy suffering, t e effects of an indulgence in such sinuous fare, use McGregor's Speedy Cine, a sure and effectual remedy for dyspepsia, constipation, and all affections of the stomach and- liver. Sold by Lurnsden` & Wilson, druggists, Seaforths Trial bottles free.. 912.52w. - - -te ----eelleweee Holloway's Pills Enfeebled Existence. --This medicine embraces every attribute required in a general and domes- tic remedy ; it overturns the foundations of dis- ease laid by defective' food and impure air. In obstruetions or congestions of the liver, lungs, bowels, or any otherorgans, thee Pills are eve- • malt; serviceable an eminently successful. They should be kept in readiness in every family, as the3- are a medicine ithout a fault for young per- sons and those of fee le constitutions. They never cause pain, or irritate the -most sensitive nerves Is. Holloway's Pills are the Of the blood, and the best ption and secretion. and re - an d noxious particles from s. 912.52w. "hat Aa Roast Be or most tender bow beat known purifie proinoters of abso move all poisoitou both solids and Ilui • Cl Sirigers and public Phosphoiized Emul them, where there i of the throat or bro irritated rnenibram to the vocal orga vigor to the enfeebl rgyrne,n, peakers will find Robinson's -on-Of the greatest benefit to any tendency to weakness chial tubes, as it soothes the , gives full tone and strength s, and :imparts new life and d constitution. 891.52w. U lc Acid. When the liver az d kidneys fail in their action, this acid in excess i thrown into the bitted, caus- ing rheumatism an other painful conditions of blood poisoning. ou ina,y cure this condition • by a prompt resort to the purifying, regulating remedy, Burdock B ood Bitters. 857.52.2w. Pleurisy_ and Lung Fever Inflammation of the lungs, or the pleura cov- ering them, is the result of sudden colds. Hag - yard's Pectoral Balsam relieves the sore chest, loosens and cures the cough and difficult breath- ing, and allays all irritations arising from colds. 857.52.2w. . -•rib • The Four Cardinal Points ; - of regulating the system are the stomach, the liver, the bowels and the blood. With a healthy action of these organs siekness cannot occur. Burdock Blood Bitters acts promptly upon these organs, nms, .restoring theto a healthy action,. 857. 8 Pain in the Side, - from whatever cause, may he quiekly relieved by Hagyard's Yellow Gil,r6whieh cures all manner of aches and pains, and' all soreness and lameness of the flesh -applied- and taken inwardly. 857. 2.2w. • Liver 9omplaints. A faint, weary, sicjc and listless feeling, with aching back and sho Iders,,arid irregular bowels preclaim a diseased liver. Try Burdock Blood Bitters, which cures all forms of liver complaint. 857.52.2w. The Pain of .Lumbago, aching back and his, with all wea,kness and soreness, will speedlyvanish under the treat- ment of Hagyard s ¥eflow Oil, a remedy which may betaken intern Ily or e.Xternally. It is a pnsitite cure for paiI. 857.52.2w. HOme iteiis and Topics. I your own fault If you remain 4ck when you can Get Hop Bitters that never -Fail. -The weakest woman, smallest child, and sick- est -invalid -can use Hon_Bitters -with safety and great'good.- -Old men tottering around from rhenniatism, kidney. trouble or any weakness will be made al- most new by using Hop Bitters. tn-r My wife and daughter were made healthy - by the use of Hop Bitters and 1 reeommeed them to nay people; -Methodist Clergyman. • Ask any good doctor if Hop Bitters are not the best family medicine ' On earth! - . -Malarial itiv'er, ague and biliousness, will leave eer-y neighborhood as soon as Hop Bitters arrive.„ -MY mother drove the paralysis and neuralgia all out oilier system with Hop Bitters. -Editor Osin H&-4IpABteSieti itphtneeir Bitters elkige dnea1 i_gKo and you need not fear sickne1 ss.. -The vigor of youth for the, aged and htfirm -- eoyfsiihfelthy withHop Bitters nothing equals ) 1 Hop Bitters to allay all troubles incident { ;- I ) Thevto. -The•betkperiodical for ladies to take monthes ly, and from which they will receive the greatest benefit is Hop Bitters. 1 , , -ThOusands die animally from some form of kidney disease that might have PeeM prevented by the timely use ot Hop Bitters. -Indigestion; a eak.stotnach, irregularities of the bowels, Cannot exist when Hop Bitters are used. ', A timely * * * use of Hop Bitters will keep a whole family In robust health a year at a little cost.- , --No produce real awerrairte sleep and Child- like repoee all night, take a little Hop Bitters on retiring. . itZr None genuine without a bunch of green Hops on the white label: Shun all the vile, . 1 . poisonous eta with "„Hop" or "Hops" in their name. 919.52m. Dr. Low's Wow* Syrup will remove all kinds of -worms front children or adults. 857.52m. - tie4 ger . National Pills are unsurpaised as safe, mild, yet thorough, purptive .acting upo the biliary organs promptly and eft&itually. 85.52m. - 11. soothing and cleansing for all erupt ve diseases Prof, Low's Magic Sulphur' /301.-11ealingi of the skin;. Delightful for toilet us�. 857.52m. 4111-Salaa Freeinau's Worm Powders are safe in all mutes. They destroy and remove wOnns it) children or adults._857.5ft. LEoAr,. I M. BEST, Barrieter, Solicitor, &o. Office-- . Roomk s rinerly occupied by Carroll & Dickson. Meyer's Block, over Johndon's Hard- ware Store Main Street, Seaforth. Goderich Agenta-Caiaxaort, 'HOLT & CAMERON. 870 • GARROW & PROliDFOOT, BarriSters; S 11c tors, &c., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. Gaitlawi" , WM. PROLTDroOT 686 "Ds C. RAYS, Solicitor, &o. Private Money to lend at lowest re,teS of interest Office - Corner of Square and West Street, Goderich. 774 CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors In Chancery, &o., Goderichr Ont. M. C. Cemnaon, Q. C., PEUAP HOLT, M. G. CAMERON. * 508 T4OFTUS E. DANCE'Y, late with Cameron, I Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan. Ben- son's Old Office: Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 It TANNING & SC017, Barristers, Solicitors, 1.11 Conveyancers, &c. Solititors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Moneyto loan. Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. II. MANNINO, JABLES SCOTT; 781 HoUIXSTED, successor to the late firm of . McCaukhey & Holmested, Barrister, So - 1 eiter, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for. the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend.' Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. MONEY TO LOAN. 1V/I-ONEY TO LOAN: -Straight loans at . 6 per .111 cent. Interest payable half yearly, or per cent. yearly, With the privilege to borrower i of repaying part of the j principal money at any . time: Apply to F. IIOLMESTED, Barrister, Seaforth. • .850 DENTISTRY. W_ 4i_ ."' T D. Si ;and M. R. C. D” of _LA. Toirofito. - All ' operations guaranteed. Anesthetics: of all kinds adiministered. Specialties -- Goll Filling and - Perfect • Fitting Metes. Town patients will pleaiie make engagements a day or two previous to having the opera- tion performed. JIM' ReMember the place, in the rooms formerly Bloccu ied by C. Caitwright, I) up -stairs in Cady's ock, apposite the Commer- cial Hotel, Seaforth. 874 W.A..T OINT DENTIST, Faculty Go1l Medallist and College Gold Medallistgorouto School of Dentistry ' Rooms over Johnsons' Hardware, Main Street! Seaforth. 911 AUCTIONEERS. .. T P. BRINE, License1 Auctioneer for the 0. County of Huron. Sales attended in all • parts of the County. All orders left at Tint EEPOSiToR Office will be piramptly attended to. . A DELGATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for the Countypf Huron. • 'Sales of all description promptly attended to on reasonable terms. Ad- ; . dress Brussels P. 0., or apply on Lot 4, Con- cession 12, Grey. 77 AS CONSCIIfNTIOUS DRUGQISTS, -WE WOULD- ! recommend for DYSVEPSIA, INDIGESTION and kindred diseases, the use of MALTOPEPSYN. For Consumption and all wasting diseases, the use of MORSE'S CARBOLATED NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL. For teething infants and nervous troubles, the use of GLYCEROLE. OF CELERY COMPOUND (containing no opitnn.) You probably ask why we recommend these remedies! It is because we know them to be reliable remedies, endorsed by leading physicians thioughont the Doinieion, for the cure of specific diseases, and not claiming to cure everything. Also because they have the exact formula printed on eech bottle label,thereby enabling the pur- chaser to know just what he is taking. The time is rapidly approaching when intelli- gent people will refuse to take quack pre-alls, the ingredients of which are kept senret, but will insist upon knowing Just what they are taking. We would also inform any who may not yet be aware by Actual trial of the superiority of our "ROYAL GLYCERATED BALSAM OF FIR," in curing Coughs,Colds, Bronchitis, Sore Throat' Incipient Consumption &c. &c., that this reli- able remedy can now be pro:tired from' every dealer in the County of Huron, and although not . advertised outside our own Connty, entirely owing to its own merits, we have already receiv- ed orders frim the most distant parts of the Do- minion; if afflicted give it a trial, price 50 cents per bottle wholesale and retail by LUMSDEN & WILSON, Manufacturers, 925-52 Seaforth, Ontario. Aurora Quick Train Watch. The Best Yet. SOLD ONLY BY ,M R. COUNTER, o-mwmpi..=Et, SEAFORTH, ONT. rphis Company manufactures a complete lint 1 of full -plate watches, from ordinary to the • fineet.grades, for all .elasses of watch wearers. They are all made with quick train, and are es- pecially adapted for railroad and all ordinary and severe service. All made dust proof, haye the perfect safety pinion, Which prevents damage to parts in case of inainspring breakage, and John- son's patent attachment to regulate pins, which prevents hairspring from catching, an urportant improvement controlled by this Company" The stem-winding parts are made gtrong and dnrable, guaranteed as safe, more convenient and service- able than the key windeii. The extra fine grades are made in stem wind only. Every watch is Warranted by special certificate, which the pur- chaser receives from the Company's Agent.: The number of Jewels in each watch (which is en- graved thereon) indicates the quality; pur- chasms ebserving this are sure to receive the ' quality. they call for. The larger number of Jewels in the better grades also represents the tinish, fine adjustment, and cafe in manufacture, which produces more accurate time and longer - Service- The qualities are divided as follows: ORDINARt-Two grades are made of this quality, engraved: `Aurora Watch Co., 7 Jewels." "Aurora Watch Co. 11 Jewels." " MEDIUM. -Four grades Of this quality are thade,-two in Gilt Finish, engraved: "Aurora Watch Co., 11 Jewels, -Extra." • Aurora Watch Co,, 15 Jewels," and two in Nickel, finely finish- ed, engraved: "Aurora Watch Co., 11 Jewels." '"' Aurora Watch Co. 15 Jewels." FINE. -Two grades of this quality,-ene in Fine Gilt Finish .and one in Niekel, engraved : "Aurora Watch Co. 15 Jewels, adjusted." EXTRA FINE. -Two grades of this quality,- enein Fine Gilt and one in Fine Nick el, engrav- 'ed : " tau, ora Watch 6., .15 Ruby Jewels, ad- = justed, Aurora, Illinois." , Remember Counters, Seaforth, is the only place in tne Count) where these watches can be had. M. R. COUNTER Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller. nerr•-.- 7 W FALL -GOODS' -AT---- McLOUGH LI N'S. Piles of New Goods received and more on the way: cheaper than ever. Special value in ,NEW DRESS MATERIALS, NEW FLANNELS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW Prices away down BLANKETS, NEW COMFORTERS, = Every one Invited to call and Exa Groceries new, fresh and cheap. NEW UNDERCLOTHING. file Stock and Prices. utter and Eggs Wanted.. McLOUGHLIN, ToVh4ney's B1kk, ‘Sea+rth; ofizmArF Post Office Tea Warehouse, SEAFORTH, ONT. • CHARLESWORTH & 1 BROWNELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEA4RS IN TEAS, COFFEES AND GENERAL GROCERIES. A large consignment of oer famous Teas just to hand -the best ever offered in this vicinity forthe money. 1 CHASE AND SANBORN'S Celebrated Coffees a specialty -all grades and prices. A car load of refined and fair Sugars to arrive. . • Farm Produce taken at highest prices. CHARLESWQRTH & BROWNELL. a. • C3- 0 IJ -Di 0 W.- Reeeived this week several lines of very cheap goods. . Amongst them: a lini-of ALL-WOOLTWEEDS AT 45c 'PER YARD. ALL -WOOL DRESS GOODS AT. 25c PER YARD. CANTON FLANIVELS FROM Sc. GOOD VALUE IN TAPESTRY' CARPETS; LARGE STCOK,OF'LACE CURTAINS, COUNTERPANES, BLANKETS, ULSTER CLOTHS, SEALETTES, ASTRACHANS, DIAGONALS, OTTOMANS, f‘ND OTHER MANTLE .CLOTHS IN GREAT VARIETY. A CALL SOLICITED. AsT TNT S N. B. -Just to hand afew very handsome DOGSKIN JACKETS. NEW MILLING, FIRM IN SEAFORTH. • rHE SEAFORTH ROLLER MILLS, LATE THE RED MILL. McBRIDE eic SMITH, from IStrathroy, Having bought the above mills, and refitted them throughout with all the latest and best machinery that could be procured for a GRAPUAL REDUCTION ROLLER MILL, ; And the result attained is, they have one ' of the best mills in the Province. Farmers can now get all their GRISTING and CHOPPING done in Seaforth, nd have it home with them the same day, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. • ; • FLOT.T.B. 2 131.,1314 .A.1\TP SITORT'S ; For sale by the ton or in leis quantities-L-FORCASH. Cash for any quantity of Wheat. MCBRIDE & , 11R. Mills. THOMAS SMITH will :personally superintend the Seaforth Roller THE SEAFORTH GROCERY Is the best place to spend your money. HUGH ROBE3, Main Street, Seaforth, the People's Grocer, Has now a better stock than ever of GROCERIES, CROCKERY and GLASS- WARE, Sugars and Teas a specialty, 29 pounds of Sugar for $1. Good Tea for 50 cents. Hams and Bacon, cuied at .iny own packing house, always on hand. 1 Honey extracted pure from my own apiary, at 15 cents per pound, or eight pounds for $1. I-1. .ROBB, Seaforth. ,. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as follows: - Gone° WESTI- SEAFORIN. Clairrolv. Express.... .... .... 2.401'. M. -8.05?. II. ress . . . .. . .. .... 8.581.. at. 9.15 r. x. , ed Train.. .... .. 85 at.x. 9.48 A. X. GOING EAST - Express. ... .... .... 7.45 I. x. 7.25 A. V. Expreas . - 1,45 P. n. 1.051' ea Mixed Train,. .... s.so r. m. 4.45p m London, Huron and Bruce, 6°LoninGdN'enO,Rdrilep-Mixed. Mail. art. 6.00 A. x. 4.50r. x. Exeter . 8.20 6.10 Henson_ . $.45 6.24 Kippen_ .. . .. 9.00 6.29 Brueefleld.: , . 9.15 6.38 Londesboro Clinton. 190..5185 77..gg Blyth 10.35 7.27 Belgrave.... -; 11.00 7.46 WixiongshoauiTni_ ,ianive.. .. .. . 11.30 8.00 00 • Express. Mixed. ° Winghanntlepart 7.20 a.u.11.30 A. n. BBle31.tghra.7 • • 8,40 12.03 P. Londesboro 782 114 Clinton;. . .... 8,35 125 Brumfield. KiPpen.. . - 98:0051 1.50 Hensall.. „ 9.05 Exeter....;.. 9,31 London, arrit e 10.45 9.05 2.12 3.05 5.30 Wellington, Grey and Bruce. Gooto Nonni- AcCom. Express. Mixed. Ethel......'„ „ 2.37 P. m. 9.13 P.M 9.1e tem, Brussels * 2.51 9.27 10.00 Bluevale- 3.07 9.43 10.35 Winghtim. - , 3.20 9,54 11.30 00ING Sinirti-7 Express. Accom. Mixed Wingham.... 7.00 AOC 1L21 /di 7.30 P.M. Eluevale - 7.1011,35 8.07 Brussels..t. • 7.25 11.55 8.45 Ethel. 7.37 12.10 9.13 • 'Trait leaving Wingham at 8p for Kincar- dine, runs on Mondaye, Wednesdays and Fridays only. This great Household - Medicine ranks anion the leading necessaries of Life. These famous Pills purify the Blood, and act most ,powerfnlly, yet soothingly, on the Liver, Stomach, 'Kidneys and Bowels, giving tone, energy and vigor to. these great Main Springs of Life. They are con; fidently recommended as a never 'oiling remedy in all cases where the constitution, from what- ever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficateous in all ailments incidental to fernalegof ail ages,' and as a Gen- eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed. pinowns OINTMENT Its Searching and Healing Properties are: known throughout the World. For the came of Bad Legs, Bad Breasts Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcer*, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually • rubbed on the neck and chest, as sat into meat, mires Sore Throats. Bronchitis, Conghs and Colds. For Glandular Swellings and Piles -it acts like a charm. In Gout and Rheumatism, it never fails to afford relief. Manufactured only at Professor Holloway'sEstablishment, 78 New Oxford Street flate 5P8 Tr, et) toil -in; and sold at is 114 "e e • • • ett, and 33s. each nox and t. 1 f...1 cf :too erlean counterfeits,-Pnrchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London,. they are spurious 921-52 Removed I Removed I G -M 0_ VT I 1\T C+, SEAFORTH, - The Old Established i3uteher has removed to new premises immediately opposite his Old Stand, Main Street, Seaford), where he will be pleased to meet -all his old patrons and as many new ones as may see Otto favor him with their patronage. IWRemember the place, between Henderson's Harness Skop, and McIntyre's Shoe Store, Main Street, Seaforth. • - 898 GEORGE EWING. ST. JAMES' HOT, TORONTO. SHARP 8d. BRIGHAM, (Formerly of Slutip's Hotel, kleaforth,) PROPRIETORS. m1118 Hotel, which issituated directly opposite the Union Station, has recently been refitted and refurnished throughout, and is now one of the best and most comfortable hotele in the city. M -Every possible attention paid to gueet-nrie charges moderate. i Admini§tr4tor's Notice. In the goods of Thomas Sturgcan, late of the township of Hay, in the. County of Huron and Province of Ontario, deceased, Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the personal estate of the said Thomas Sturgeon, to send in their claims to me on or before the lsb day of November, 1885. And at the expiration of that time, I shall forthwith proceed to distri- bute the assets of the said deceasedtamong the parties entitled thereto, and notice is expressly given that under the provisions of Section 34,, Chapter 107, Revised statutes el Ontario, and amended by 46 Victoria, Chapter 9. I shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof, so distributed to any person of %%hose -Clain) I shall not then have had notice, trid I. hereby also give notice to all parties indebted to the said estaite ,whetber by book account or otherwise to. pay 'the same to me on or before the time above men- tioned. MARY STUBGEON, Hensel' P. 0., A din in i strat !ix of th e Personal Eetate of Deceased. Hensall, August 18th, 1885. referenee to the above notice we would hereby notify and request all parties indebted to the firm knoan as Smillie & Sturgeon, (of 'which' Firm we are the surviving partners) whether by - book accountor otherwise to Make prompt pay- ment to the said Mary Sturgeon, Administratix of the Personal Estate of the late Thomas Stur- geon, whose recipt shall be a full and sufficient discharge. SAMUEL and BENJAMIN SMILLIE, Hensel] P. 0. Hensel], Aust 19the 1885. 924-11 , CHRYSTAL & BLACK/ PRACTICAL BOILER MAKERS._ THE Subsetibers have bought the Tools and Boiler business lately carried on by the Coderich Foundry and Manufactnring Company, arid hating had an experience of over eight years in that shop, are no prepared to carry on the trade in all its branches. Any work entrusted to us will reeilive prompt attention. First-class work guaranteed. MI 'kind of Boilers made and -repaired, alto Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Work, &e., at reason- able rates, Kew Salt Pans made and °Id ones repaired on the shorteet notice, and at prices thattlett petition. ClIDYSTAL BLACK, aSTERS! OYSTERS! Seaforth Restaurant. Now that the season for Oysters has opened, would notify the Public that I can serve them with Oysters either in Shell, Cans or Bulk -none butthe best Baltimore brand kept. tench Bon Bons and the best AnleriCan and I Canadian Confectionery always on hand. The best brands of Tobaccos and Cigars also in Stock. Call and examine for yonrselres„ Happy to serve you. Remember the place, next Door to Reid and Wilson's Hardware Store, MT_ SMIWI-1.. PROPRIETOR. CATTLE C AINS. Large aisortnaent and good value. Chopping Axe's In great variety and -of the best -makes. Twenty eases second growth Hickory Axe Handles. Cross -et Saws, Laneetooth, NR improved Champ' n ANTh. THE NEW SILVER STAR The best Saw. in the Dominion, at greatly reduced-- prices, Tarred Building Paper and all other :lines in Builders' Hardware JOHNSON BROS, MAIN. STREET, - SEAFORTH. HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment ThiA Company is Loaning Aioney Farm. Security at lowest Rates of Interest. Mortgages Purchased. . SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on -- Deposits, according to amount and . time left. OFFICE. -Corner of Market Square - and North Street, IGoderich. HORACE HORTON, MaNaota... aoderich, Augustatth,1985, 922 SEAFORTH FurnitureWarerooms.. a If y on n ant solid comfort call at M. Robertson's, And buy one of thoseCelebtated Self Adjustable East Cleave represented by die above cut. Ile can also supply Invalid Chairs and Carriages.. Ile also sells the most tomfortabie and (hirable sppiiqa-IBMJD -That ie made. His ebeek a - CABINET FURNITURE Is vary large and Complete. Intending perehae- ere would do well to give him a mil before Diu- ehasing elsewhere. Warerooms one Door South 03 -Telegraph 02iee, Main Street, Seaforth. M. ROBERTSON. 1,11-RNITURE BUSINESS FOR SI. -For I' sale or will exchange for a gobtl tarn a good p0.3111:.; furniture or undertaking 1 aquess. Store, WO -storeys high, 117 feet long. A fine I to of furniture, and bc'iye In.)1 the I bk:st stands in the comity, it is achancl- wiereAL Full iniOrinatiOn US tO cif bug. nes-done. Reason for selling ill litalth. Vali ff property, &e, 05 applimt 4ThTfiA TAN, Myth, $1141-1 • A i I