HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-10-30, Page 7OM= 801 1885. • aecureel g de - bought the rn US or e Cloths, iine of der. g Dress. use of 1Json - has, cones TORY, eood val NS. Fulling- " possible* aL and as Order erre • , ted.- , _ Trietor. 1E3CE. ro. wo,000. too,000. eSTER. ttirmes to Rowed on r (jOffjfl ,e Unite& Ounercia Manager. :rs rits jzJ ist Ir., e. t. airier baeo, ccesal al etele aud etrici lege. ; - Perth Items. -Mr. Wm. Meehan, Veterinary sur- geon, Mitchell, has received the appoint- ment of veterinary surgeon to the New York street car stables. ' He leaves for there next Month. : -Two fine buildings ae being erected Fullarton* village -Dr. Day's new residence and office, costni,g $1,800, and Mr. John Goetler's fine brick residence costing $2,500. -Mr. John Keeler of Allitchell, has removed, tolBlyth where he has opened Out a general store. He was a valued citizen of Mitchell, stead*'industrious, upright and esteemed by everybody. -The annual ploughing match under the auspices of the Usborne and Hibbert ploughing match association will take place on Thursday, the 29th inst., on the farm of Mr. John Drake, half a mile west of Staffa. -A couple of roughs made themselves so obnoxious, at Sta,ffa on the fair day by indulging in profane language and other evidence of brute nature, that they -were summoned before a magistrate and fined, which with boats amounted s to $11.20 each, -Mr. Jae. Hislop, teacher in: School Section No 6, Hibbert, having resigned,_ the trustees have engaged Mr. W. W. Thompson, of Mooresville. Mr. Hislop having faithfully diScharged his duty during three years, his resignation is much regretted. -The Mitchell Recordbr man lately visited the fine orchard belonging to Mr. Jas. Anderson, of Motherwell, and took note of eleveratrees of TOhnan sweets, loaded to the ground with this luscious fruit. -Of the village he ays : Mother- well might be described in the language of Emerson, as the easy, Peaceful throne of nature, and the home of comfort. --On Thursday, 9th instant, Mr. Thomas Brooks, one of the oldest resi- -dents in the township of Downie, near Avonbank, passed away, having reached the ripe ag of four score and five years. Ile moved i to that towndhip with a few more from Daihousie when it was but a wilderness d had to undergo all the hardships 4nd privations consequent Ilpon that time. =e -The following delegates represented Perth at the eighth annual convention -of the Provincial Women's Christian Temperance Union, which met last week in, London: Stratford, Mrs. , Merry, Miss Millie Mowat, Mrs. 4. W. Marshall; Listowel, Mrs. Freeman, Mrs. Annie, Mrs. Kirk, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. G. W. Johnson; St. Marys, Mrs. Eaton Mrs. Muir, Mrs. Henderson, Miss ilenderson, Miss , Moscrip, Miss Gill, Mrs. Box, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Arm- strong. -A carrier pigeon waS brought into and left at the Recorder office, Mitchell, last Friday by Finlay McCormack, J. P., of the township of Hibbert, with a card attached to it on which was writ- . ten : "Liberated from Port Hope Ex- press office, Suoday, October 11, 1885, at 1:30 p.m., S. Patterson, agent." The bird had taken shelter in Mr. McCor- mack's hay loft on Monday night, and seemed quite exhausted when, captured. Mr. McCormack left it here awaiting instructions from Mr. Patterson, of Port Hope. The distance from Port Hope to the farm of Mr. McCormack is about 170 miles, -The Lietowel Banner of the 16th instant says :-One day last week, a senseless young man went to the Salva- tion Army barrackeand while there THE HURON _ .•••-,•1•0_,0•00, _ EXPOSITOR. 4111MMIRMINNOW - _ -LI Last Sabbath on the eaat coast 1500 worshipped the true God. Not one bap tiaed left our, Lord and Master during the trying times. • • God will punish the French hi His own time. ' ' They nearly AO me, then took me blind- folded over mountain and valley, and kept me a prisoner all night on board a man of ware A -Hoa is of immense help to me. • • The Jaaniesons are study ing the language. • Students will go with me to the country. • • Will not open the college until later -on. • All well. .We never forget Woodstock and good old Oxford. ' GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. EPPS'S. COCOA. BREAKFAST: "By a thorough 'knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nu- trition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may Bade is many doc- torsbills. It ie by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradu- ally built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle mala- dies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pioperly nourish- ed frame." -Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets by grocers, labelled, thus-" JAMES EPPS & Co., Hornceopitthic Chemists, London', England." 8ole agset for CarKirin, C. E. Colson, Montreal. 884-52 The virtue of carbolic acid for healing; cleans- ing and purifying is well known, but from the many modes of applying it, the publia- is uncer- tain how best to use it. To meet that want, Mc- Gregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate is prepared, and may be Usedwith confidence. . Do not be misled. Take =la McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Sold at Lumsden & Wilson's drug store, Seaforth. 912.62w. No Lady Who Delights in Flowers and likes to see them do well and bloom abun- dseetjy, should be without Hanington's Food for Flowers. Ordinary packages 30 cents -sufficient for 20 plants for one year: 891.52w. • - 1 , Fluid Lighthing does not take a day or an hour to removnneuralgia, headache, toothache, lum- bago or rheumatism,- but will do it instantly, arid without carrying' your head an a poultice for a day or using greasy liniments. Try a 25 cent bottle from lannsden a Wilson, druggists, Sea - forth. 912.52W. Biliousness. When the Iver does not act promptly the bile accumo ulates excess in the blood, causing yel- low eyes,- sallow skin, sick stomach, diarrhoea, etc., and the aufferer is termed bilious. Burdock Blood Bitters regulates the liver, stomach, bowels and__blood, _....curing...___biliousness. 857.52.2w: - Mrs. Robert Hooper, of Klnloss, county of Bruce, in a letter, says: "1 have been troubled with dyspepsia and liver complaint for a num- ber of years, and am glad to say to the public as well as to friends that McGregor's Speedy Cure brought me around, and I ain. now all right, thanks to McGregor's- Speedy Cure." -Hundreds of like testimoriials are frequently received, and are daily 'proving that this is truly a wonderful remedy, curing sluggish liver, bilious headache and costiveness where all else fails. Sold at Lumsden es -Wilson's drug store, Seaforth. - Trial bottles given -free. 912.52w. • . • aiese4.--• Holloway's Ointment. • 410.--- Sores, wounds, ulcerations, and other diseases affecting the skin, are menable by this cooling and healingunguent. It has called forth the loudest praise from -persons who have suffered for years from bad legs, abscesses, and chronic eacers, after every hope of cure has long passed avkay. Nene but those who have expenenced the soothing effect of this Ointment can form an idea of the comfort it bestows, by restraining in- flammation and allaying pain. Whenever this Oint- ment has been once used, it has established its began to make as unsch disturbanee as 4:f)owr,n mwtohrteee,,Ineastalasand aseaafeinst rteeniene:yaloerrtLpoutlgeart . possible, and when reproved, threatened ous complaints. In neuralgia, rheumatism, and some of the soldiers with bodily harmgout, the game application, poperly used, gives Complaint was laid_ before the Mayor, wonderful roief, 912.52w. and the fellow had to pay a fine` of .57 for his bad behavior. A few rn'ore wholesome lessons of this kind - would teach some -of those who frequent the Salvation ArrnyerneetingS, for the pur- pose of making mischief, that rowdyism' will not be tolerated. --Three years ago, Ja6b Bray, of Elma, got, by way of a present, a po- tato sent him from the Western States, as a specimen of a new 4' kind " being raised in that part of the world. He gave the potato to his sister, Mrs. Har- graves, on condition that he -would get half of the product. The first year's crop realized about one and a half pail- fuls, the second year about two barrels, and this year about 120 bushels have been grawn. This new variety is known , as the plush," and in seine respects re- sembles the early rose-, though gener- ally of a larger size. So far this year, while other varieties have been sub- jected to a heavy rot, there • has not a rotten one been seen amongst the " plushes " which promise to become the potato of the future. -As the' steam thresliCr of Mr. James Bettridge was proceeding along the townline between Downie and Blair - shard on Monday, last week, and while going over the bridge crossing Trout creek, west of Iredale's mill, the whole structure, without a moment's Warning, gave one crash and went down,, taking with it the engine, horses, and the driver, Mr. Leopold Fox, the engine, rolling over and comPletely wedging , him in between the boiler and tinibers. He was -with difficulty released from his perilous position, his arm being crushed almost to a jelly. Fortunately his head was above water or he wauld have been drowned as the water is quite deep. The doctor has hopes of his recovery. The horses escaped without much in- jury.' There are more shaky structures around. which need looking after or else worse may happen. -At the cheese fair in Listowel on Thursday 8th instant twenty factories registered 10,417 boxes,August and Sep-, tember make. Margin between buyers and sellers, the latter holding for from 9 to 91 and 10. Only one sale at close of market of 300 at 9. The factories repre- sented were Bluevale, 690 p.; Elma, 660 p.; Elmbank, 350 p.; Monkton, '400 c. and p.; Linwood, 700 cl; Pine River, 600 c.; Tiverton, 1,000 c. andp.; Under- wood, 568 p.; Huron, 275 c.•'Bervie, 325 c.; Holyrood, 325 c.; Molesworth, 450 c.; Newry, 330 p.; Cedar Grove, 525 p.; Kintail, 485 c.; Malcolm, 375 c-; Carthage, 600 c. and p.; Spring - bank, 900p.; Donegal, 400 c. and p.; Wallace, 459 p. On complaint of D. Sullivan,' salesman of Malcolm factory, 'against Jas. Simester, buyer, Stratford, for breach of contract, a board of arbi- tration was choseis in accordance with the regulations of the . association, and the statement of both patties heard. The Board i was unanimous that there - had been al clear breach of contract on the part ofiMr. Simester, and registered a vote of censure against him. ismommessembis" •---The Woodstock Sentinel, of last week, gives the following interesting ex- tracts from a private letter just received - from the Rev. Dr. McKay of Formosa: Home Items and :Topics. All your own fault If yeti remain sick when you can GetHop Bitters that never -Fail. . -The weakest woman, smallest child, and sick- est invalid can use Hop Bitters with safety and • great good. -Old nen tottering around from rheumatism; kidney treuble or any weakness will be made al- inout new by using Hop Bitters. rear My wife ,and daughter were Made healthy by the use of Hop Bittereand I recommend them to my people. ----Methodist Clergyman. Ask any good doctor if Hop Bitters are not the best family medicine - On earth ! -Malarial fever, act= and biliousness, wilr leave everyeneighbortiood as soon as Hop Bitters arrive. - -My _mother &dye the paralysis and neuralgia all out of her system with Hop Bitters. -Editor Oswego Sun. • lege Keep the kidneys healthy with flop Bitters and you need net fear sickness. -The vigor of youth for the aged and infirm in Hop Bitters! (--Atsthe change of life nothing equals ) -1, Hop Bitters to allay all troubles incident t Thereto. -The best periodical for ladies to take month- ly, and _from which they will receive the greatest. benefit is Hop Bitters. -Thousands die annually ftom some forni of kidney disease that might have been prevented by the timely use of Hop Bitters. -Indigestionta eak stonrach, irregularities of the bowels, cannot exist when Hop Bitters are used. A timely1 use of Hop Bitters will Icep a whole family In robust health a year at a little cost. --To produce real genuine sleep and child-, like repose all night, take a little Hop litters on retiring. L r None genuine without a bunch of green Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" in their name. 919.52m. . • Dr. Low's Worm Syrup will removeall kinds of - worms from chil,drenilowririplIts. 857.52m. ; . National Pills are unsurpassed as a safe, mild, yet thorough, purgative, acting upon the biliary organs promptly and effectually. . 857.52m. , • Pref. Low's Magic Sulphur Soap. -Healing, soothing and eleansing for all 'eruptive diseases of the skin. Delightful for toilet nee. 857.52m. aie ese ' Freetnau's Wenn Powders -axe safe in all cases. They destrny and remove wornis in children or adults. 857.52m. A Victory Scored. Every time when Hagyard's Yellow Oil, is used for rheumatism, .neufalgia, aches and pains, sore throat or deafness, frost bites or burns, a certain victory is the natural result. 857.52.2w. Constipation. This evil neglected, brings a multitude of mis- eries, and is the source of much illness. Bur- dock Blood Bitters cures constipation by toning and regulating the -bowels to a natural action. 857.52.2w. Ragyard's Pectoral Balsam Cures throaty bronchial and lung diseases that lead to coneuifiption ; breaks up coughs and 1 colds; cures hoarseness and sorer throat, by loosening th cough, allaying irritation and re- moving the cause of distrese, 867.52.2w. see 4. -0, ---- Distress After Eating, a feeling of Nveight in the stomach -often painful -gnawing, b ming sensations, belching of wind, sour eructati ns of food, variable appetites, etc.', indicate dys epsia, which :Burdock Blood Bit- ! I terse taken in time, will relieve and cure: 857. 52.1w. Sore Throat. To euro this oft -occurring trouble use Hag. yard's Yellow 011 internally and externally. Yel- low Oil cures croup, asthma, pain in the side, rheumatism, neuralgia, ear ache; deafness and all sore and painful complaints. 857.52.2w. - . LEGAL. T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &e. Office - eel. Rooms formerly occupied by Carroll & Dickson, Meyer's Block, over Johnson's Hard- ware Store, Main Street, Seaforth. Goderich AgentS-CAMBRON, HOLT & CAMERON. - 870 CI ARROW & P,ROITDFOOT, Barristers, Solicit- .., tors, be, Goderich, Ontario. J. T. GARROW, WM. PROUDFOOT. 686 RTial C. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Private Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. Office - Corner of Square and West Street, Gclderich. 774 (IAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, ki Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. M. C. CAMERON, Q. C., PHILIP HOLT, M. G. CAMERON. 506 TOFTUS E. DANCEY, late with Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderieh, Barrister'So- licitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan. Ben- son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 ANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, IVI Conveyancers, aze. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money, to loan. Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. ealANNINO, JAMES SCOTT. 781 -L1 •HOLMESTED, successor to the late ffien of 11. McCaughey &• Hohnested, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicit r for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money t lend. Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. MONEY TO LOAN. alirONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 31 cent. Interest payable half yearly, per cent. yearly, with the privilege to bo of repaying part of the principal money time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Bar Seaforth. 6 per or tla rower t any -ster, 850 DENTISTRY. TAT_ T A D. s'' and M. R. C. p., of Toronto. All operations guaranteed. Anesthetics of all kind e administered. Speciaties- Goll Filling and Perfect Fitting plates. Town patients will please make engagements a day or two previous to having the opera- tion performed. age- Remember the place, in the rooms formerly occupied by C. Caitwright, up -stairs in Cady's Block, opposite the Commer- cial Hotel, Seaferth. 874 NNTAT'S 0 1\T/ , DENTIST, Faculty Gold Medallist and College Gold Medallist,Toronto School of Dentistry. Rooms over Johnsons' Hardware, Main Street, Seaforth. 911 AUCTIONEERS. JP. 'BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the - County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. 'All orders left at THE EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly attended to. ADELGATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for the .1 County of Huron. Sales of all desotiption promptly attended to on reasonable terms. Ad- dress Brussels P. 0., or apply on Lot 4, Con- cession 12, Grey. 77 AS CONSCIENTIOUS DRUGGISTS, -WE WOULD - reeommend for DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION and kiridred diseases, the use of -MALTOPEPSYN. For Coesumption and all wasting diseases the Ilse of MORSE'S CARBOLATED NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL. For teething infants and nervous troubles, the use of GLYCEROLE OF CELERY COMPOUe.ID (containing no *inn)._ . YOU probably ask why we recommend these remedies ! It is because we know them to be r liable remedies, endorsed by 'leading phyhicians throughont the Dominion, fOr the cure of spedific diseases, and not claiming to cure every thing. Also becausethey havethe eXact formula printed on eech bottle labeathereby . enabling the pur- - chaser to know just what he is taking. The time is rapidly approaching when intelli- gent people will refuse to take quack cure-alls, the ingredients of which are kept secret, but will insist upon knowing just what they are taking. ,We would also inform any who may not yet be aware by actual trial of the superiority of our " ROYAL GLYCERATED BALSAM OF FIR," in curing Coughs,bolds, Bronchitis, Sore Throat' Incipient Consumption'&c. &c., that thia reli- able remedy can now be, pro .:Itred from every • dealer in the County of Huron, and although not a.dvereised, outside our own Connty, entirely owing t� its own merits, we have already receiv= ed orders froin the most distanaparte of the Do - :Minion, if afflicted give it- a' trial, price 50 cents per bottle wholesale and retail- by LUMSDEN & WILSON, I 9e5-52 Seeforth, Ontario. Ma,nufacturers, ;Aurora Quick Train Watch. _ The Best Yet: SOLD ONLY BY R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH, ONT. • This Company manufactures a complete line of full plate watches, from ordinary to the finest grades, for all classes of watch wearers. They are all made with quick train, and are es- pecially adapted for railroad and all ordinary and severe service. AlHnade dust proof, have the perfect safety pinion, which prevents damage to parts- iri case of mainspring breakage, and. John- son's patent attachment to regulate Piles, which prevents hairspring from catching, en important improvement controlled by this Cotimany The stem-winding parts are made strong and durable, guaranteed as safe, more convenient and service -- able than the key:winders. The extra hne grades are made in stem wind only. Every' -watch is warranted by special certificate, which the pur- echaeer receives from the Company's Agent. The number of Jewels in each watch (which is en- graved thereon) indicates the quality; pur- chasers observing this are sure to receive the quality they call for. The larger number of Jewels in the better grades also repreeents the finish, fine adjustment, and care in manufacture, which produces more accurate time and longer eervice. The qualities are divided as follows: ORDINARY. -Two grades are made of this quality, engraved : 'Aurora, Watch Co., 7 Jewels." " Au roi a Watch Co., 11 Jewels." MEDIUM. -Four grades of this quality are ,made, -two in Gilt Finish, engraved: "Aurora Watch Co., 11 Jewels, Extra." "Aurora Watch Co., 15 Jewels," and two in Nickelefinely finish- ed, engraved " Aurora Watch Co., 11 Jewels." " Aurera Watch Co. 15 Jewels." FINE. -Two grades of: this nuality,-ene in Fine Gilt Finish and one in ,Nickel, engraved: "Aurora Watch Co., 15 Jewels, adjusted." EXTRA FINE. -Two grades ,of this quality, - one in Fine Gilt and ome in Fine Nickel, engrav- ed: " Au:ore Watch Co., 15, Ruby Jewels, ad- justed, Aurora, Illinois." Remember Counter's, Seaforth, is the only place in tne County where these watches can be had. M. R. COUNTER, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller. _ NEW FALL -AT J. McLOUG GOODS H LI N 'S. Piles of New Goods received and more on the way. Prices away down cheaper than ever. Special value in NEW DRESS MATERIALS, NEWFLANNELS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW BLANKETS, NEW COMFORTERS, NEW UNDERCLOTHING. Every one Invited to call and Examine Stoc t and Prices. Groceries new, fresh 'and cheap. Butter and Eggs Wanted. McLOU4HLIN, Whitnby's Block, Seaforth. Post Office Tea Warehouse, • SEAFORTH, ONT. CHARLESWORTH & BROWNELL WHOLIESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN TAS, COFFEES AND GENZRAL GROCERIES., • • IA large consignment of our famous Teas jirst to hand -the best ever offered in this vicinity for the rrney. CHASE AND SANBORN'S Celebrated Coffees a specialty -all grades and prices. A car load of refined and raw Sugars to arrive. Fatm Produce taker at highest prices. CH4RLESWORTH Eli. BROWNELL. SEAFOR11-1 WOOtLEN MILLS. , L • .41.141, isittli;▪ *"" All Wool Tweeds, Heavy -and Light. The Best all Wool Fancy Flannel. 'Union Flannels, Grey arid Checks, Very Cheap. All Wool i Blankets, the Best in the Market. _t UNIOP SHEETINGS SO ETHING GOOD, a pailfor wintealand yo i.will never want to sleep n cotton sheets in cold weather again. RY flPAIR OF OUR U ION HOSE, They are fine for Stu uner. Hosiery euide to Order, aril size or Color. Knit goods and Yarns in Great .Variety. _Remember W e ellen Goods never were cheaper than at the present time, afid this is the place to get them at FIRST COST. For•anything you want made in Woollen Gocids give lis a Call, and wo vill try our best to -please you every 'time. Farmers, Remember this is the alld Standard Mill -for irsteclass Work. A G. VANEGMONp'S SONS. L. G. VANEGMOND. W. D. VANEGMOND. NEW MILLING FIRM IN SEAFORTH. THE SEAFOATH ROLLERMILLS, LATE 1IHE RED MILL. McBRIDE & S Ail IT 1i , from Strathroy, Having bought the above mills, an refitted theni throughout with all the latest and best machinery that could be p ocured for a GRADUAL REDy0TION fiOLLER MILL, . And the result attained is, they haste one of tIle best mills in the Province. Fanners can now get all their GRISTING and CHOPPING done in Seaforth, and have it home with them the seine day, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 33-R..A.1\T SI-101R,TS For Cale by the too. or in less quant ties -FOR CASH. Cash for any quantity of Wheat. McBRID-E & SMITH. •••• . MR., THOMAS Mill. • TEL SA.1116RTH GROCERY • Is the best plac to spe d your money. HUGI1 R 0 B B , Main S-reet, Seafoith, th' People's Grocet, Has now a better stock than ever (lof GROCER ES, CROCKERY and GLASS- WARE, Sugars and Teas a specialty; 20 pounds of Sugar for p. Good Tea for 50 cents. Hams and 2eacon', cured at my own packing house, always fp hand. Honey extracted pure from my own apiary, t 15 cents per pound, or lilt pounds for $1. MITI' w 11:personally superintend the Seaforth Roller H. OBB, Seaforth. 1Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as follows: Gonzo WEST- • SIAPORTH. CLINTON. Exprese.... .... .. .. 2.401'. m. 3.05 r. m. Express 8.58 r. x. 9.15 re M. Mixed Train.. .... .. 8 15 A. m. 9.48 Gonro EAST - Express ... . .... .... 7.45 A. M. , 7.25 A. M. Express. ,... .. .... 1.45 P. et.' 1.05 P. M Mixed Tr'eln.. .. .... 5.30 r. se' 4,45 P. II i • London, Huron anci Bruce, GOING NORTH- Mixed. Mail. London, depart 8.004. M. 4.50P. M.. Exeter 8.20 6.10 Hensall.. .. .. ... ... 8.45 6.24 Kippen. .9.00 6.29 Brueefield • '9.15 0.38 Clinton 9.55 7.05 Londesboro , 10,18 7.20 Blyth . 10.35 7.27 Belgrave. 11.06 7.46 Wingham, arrive 11.30 8.00 Gout° Sotrrn- Express. Mixed. Wingham, depart 7.20 a.m.11.30 A. x. Belgrave 8.40 12.03 P. m Blyth 7.59 12.25 Londesboro , 8.08 12.37 Clinton.. .. ,. . , .... s .. 8.35 1.25 Brucefield 8.51 1.50 Kippen.. .. .. .... ...... 9.00 2.05 Hensall. 9.05 2.12 Exeter 9.31 3.05 London, arrie 0 10.45 5.30 • Wellington, Grey and Bruce. GOING NORTH- Mem. Express. Mixed. Ethel . 2.37 P. i. 9.13 P.M 9.15P.M. Brussels 2.51 9.27 10.00 Bluevale. .......3.07 • 9.43 10.35 Wingham.. .. 3.20 9.54 11.30 Goma &um- Express. Accom. Mixed .. 7.00 A.M. 11.21 A. M. 7.30 rat. Blueva.le .. 7.10 11.35 8.07 ' Brussels • 7.25 . 11.55 8.45 Ethel.... 7.37 12.10 9.13 7:Train leaving Wingham at 8 p m. for Kincar- dine, runs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. This great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life. These famous Pills purify the Blood, and act mest powerfnlly, yet soothingly, on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, giving tone, energy and vigor to these great Main Springs of Life. They are con- fidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whet - ever cause, has Become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to females of all ages; and as a Gen- eral Family Medicine are onsurpeased. 00110WAYS OINTMENT Its Searching and Healing Propetties are known throughout the World. For the cure of Bad Legs, Bad Breasts Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effecteally rubbed on the neck and chest, as sat into meat, cnres Sore Throats. 13ronchitis Coughs and Colds. For Glandular Swellings Piles it acts like a charm. In Gout and Rheumatism, it never fails to afford relief. Manufactured only at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 78. New Oxford Street (late 533 Oxford Street) Loudon; and sold at Is. 10., 2s. 9d., 48. 6d,, 115. 225., and 33s. each Box and Pot. Va Beware of Am- erican counterfeits,-Pnrchasers should "look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford- Street, Loridon,' they are spurious 921-52 Removed 1 RotOoved I CD El -vicr i 1\1" G-_, SEAFORTH, The Old Established i-aitcher hes removed to new premises immediately opposite' his Old Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, where he. will be pleased to -meet all his old patrous and as many new ones as may see fit to favor him with their patronage. M'Remember the piece, between Henderson's Harness Skop, and McIntyre's Shoe Store, Main Street, Seaforth, • 898 GEORGE EWING. ST. JAMES' HOTEL., TORONTO. SHARP & BRIGHAM (Fornter/y of Shappie Hotel, Seaforth,) • PROPRIETORS. el-111IS Hotel, which is situated directly opposite the Union Station, has recently been refitted and refurnished throughout, and is now one of the best and most comfortable hotels in the city. la"Every possible attention paid to gueat7nd4 charges moderate, Administrator's Notice. In the goods of Thomas Sturgeon, late of the township of Hay, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the personal estate of the said Thomas Sturgeon to send in their claims to me on or before the Sturgeon, day of November, 1885. And at the expiration of that time, I shall forthwith proceed to distri- bute the assets of the said deceased, among the parties entitled thereto, and notice is expressly given that- under the provisions of Section 34, Chapter 167, Bevised statutes of Ontario, and amended -by 46 -Victoria, Chapter 9. I shall not be liable for tfic assets or any part thereof, so distributed to any person of whose Claim I ;shall not then have had notice, and I hereby also give notice to all parties indebted to the said estate whether by book account or otherwise to pay the same to me on or before the time above men- tioned. MARY STUBGEON, Hensall P. O.,. Administratrix• of the Personal Estate of Deceased. Hensel], August 18th, 1885. In reference to the above notiee we would hereby notify and request all parties indebted to the firm known as Smillie a Sturgeon, (of which Firm we are the surviving partners) whether by book account or otherwise to make prompt pay- ment to the said Mary Sturgeon, Administratix of the Personal Estate of the late Thomas Stur- geon. whose recipt ehali be a full and sInficient discharge. SAMUEL and BENJAMIN SMILLIE, Hensall P. O. Hensall, August 19th, 1885. 024-11 ...e.a\TC1-101R. u. S. MAIL STEAMSHIPS Sail from Pier 20, North River, New York, Every Satuida,y, for GLASGOW VIA LONDONDERRY. RATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW, DERRY, BELFAST OR LIVER- POOL, CABIN, so to.5.;0. SECOND CAI3IN, $40. STEERAGE, OUT- WARD, 528. PREPAID, 521. Anchor Line Drafts issued at lowest rates are pai4 free of charge in England, Scotland and Ireland. For passage, Cabin Plans, Book of Tours, &c., apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, 7 BOWLING GREEN, NEW YORK, or to S. DICKSON, Post Office, Seaforth. .832 mrsE ,c)*mar- ROBERTS' RHEUMATIC & GOUT CURE, A certain preventative and cure for that most distressing complaint, RHEUMATISM. _ •The proecription from Whieh this preparation is made has been brought to the notiee of several physicians as regards its being the best obtain- able for the purpose, and their hearty appro- bation has been given it. ITS EFFECTS ARE SURE. Price, 75 cents per bottle. J. S. Roberts, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, , APOTIpCARIES' HALL, Cardno's Block, Main Street, Seaforth CII C. M. WHITNEY'S STORE HOUSE, AND SEE .OUR LINES OF COAL HEATERS. THE ROYAL The Leading Round Base Burner in four sizes, Double Heaters and with Ovens. The Royal Peninsular Is the handsomest Square Base Burner made, Don't fail to see it. A full line of all kinds of Wood & Coal Cooks, No trouble to show them. Come one,. Come all, and get Bargains, BARGAINS IN LAMPS CUTLERY. TINWARE, &C AMERICAN AND CANADIAN COAL OIL ALWAYS ON HAND. 931 IlLEON AND BRUCE Loan and investment This Company is Loaning Money, on: Farm Security at lowest Rates interest. Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE. -Cerner of Market Square and North Street, Goderich. HORACE HORTON, MANAGER. EGoderich, August 5th,1885. 922 OYSTERS! OYST-ER- S I Seaforth Restaurant Now that the season for Oysters has opened, I would notify the Public that I can serve them with Oysters either in Shell, Cans er Bulk -none but the best Baltimdre brand kept. French Bon Bons and the best American mal Canadian Confectionery always on band. 'The best brands of Tobaccos and Cigars also in Stook. Call and examine for yourselves. Happy to serye you. Remember the place, next Door to Reid and Wilson's Hardware Store, PROPRIETOR. SEAFORTH FurnitUreWarerooms. If you want solid comfort call at M. Robertson's, And buy one of Ulm Celebrated Self Adjustable Easy Chairs, represented by the above cut. He can also supply Invalid Chairs and Carriages. Be aleo sells the most comfortable and durable SPRIWG- M That is made. His stock of CABINET FURNITURE Is very large and Complete. Intending purehnz- ers would do well to give him a call before pur- chasing easewhere. aVarerooms one Door Scuth of Telegraph Office, Main Street, Scafortb. Me ROBERTSON.