The Huron Expositor, 1885-10-30, Page 6- Engineeritt Remedy. My engineer was a grey-haired, thick - !set inan of fifty, quiet and unobtrusive, ! and deeply in love with hi a beautiful 4 machine. He had formerly driven a lo- comotive, and now took a stationary engine because he coald-get no employ- ment on the line, A long talk vrithi the superintendent of the railway i company from ti'ibirch he had been reMoved, re- vealed ]aly one fault in the man 8 past life; he loved strong drink. " He is," said my infortnant, as well acqncdnted with his work as any !plan on the line; he worked up from ;engine-eleaner to Btoker, from stoker to I !driver* - I has rendered us valuable ; ser - 'v -ices, and has saved many lives by his • quickness and bravery; but he cannot let drink alone, and for that reeson we !!have discharged him." In spite of this discouraging report I !engaged the man. During the first week II of his stay I passed through the engine - room malty times a day, in the course of my factory rounds, but never found, aught aniiss. The great. machine ran as !:amoothlyi and quietly as if its bearings were set in velvet; the steel erosa-head, • the crank -shaft, the brass oil cups, re - ,1 fiected the morning sen like mirrors ; no II.peck of dust found lodgment in the 'Ilroom. In the " fireroorn " the same Order and neatness prevailed; the steam -gauge showed even pressure, the • Water-guages were always just right, s and our daily report dieolosed that we !hwere burning less coal than fotmerly. Ole most critical inspection failed to find aniithing about either engine or Ii*idlers which indicated the faintest symptoms of neglect or carelessness. Three weeks passed. The man who livid been recommended as " gcod for five !days work and then two days' drunk," I itad not swerved a hair from ! his duty. The gossips were beginning to notice and comment upon the strange affair. "1 should like to speak With you a ;moment,- sir," said he one morning as I ipard through his sanctum. Well„ John, what nowt" I said, ,Idrawing out my ncite-book. "Cylinder :Ieil all gone?" " It's about myself," he replied. I motioned him to proceed. "Thirty-two years ago I drank my lfirst glass of liquor said the engineer, and for the past ten years, op to the aet mon-them) week hes page eitbeute Itts Saturday -night drinking bout. Dur- ing those years I..was not blind to the Ifact that appetite was getting a fright- - hold upon rae. At times my strug- gles against the longing for stimulants :Were earnest. My employers once 'offered rao twenty pounds if I would not Itouch drink for three months, but I lost it; I tried all sorts of antidotes, and all failed. My wife died praying that I plight be'reseued, yet my promises to her were broken within • two days. I isigned pledges, and joined societies, but appetite Was still any master. My em- ployers reasoned with me, discharged Me forgave me, but all to no object. I` pou'id not stop, and I knew it. I When I dame to work for you I did not expect •to stay a -week, I was—nearly done for; but resv,!"--and tie. old ratt's feet lislited op with an unspeakable joy -- "in this extremity, when I was ready to plunge into hell for a glass Of brandy, I found ‘a sere remedy ! I ara saved from my !appetite !" What is your remedy ?" The engineer took up an open Bible that lay face dawn on the window ledge, and read— • "DIE BLOOD OF JESUS CHMST AIS SON CLEANSETH US FROM ALL SIN." --11. C. P. A Bleak Home. On the map of Thelma(' may be seen a ispeek of eri Weed called Grimshy. It is the most northern., and consequently the • oldest, of the Iceland group. I Eighty- eight people—no more—live °III it. They have tried t& keep a few cows, but the Winters awe too hard for them. Two urges and a few sheep with very coarse eeces are the only animals of the kind ;on the Island. A good miniater, whose name in. Eng- ' lish is Peter Goodmanson, lives M this i.emote plaee. He is a poet and an as- tronomee, and is employed to take ob- tervationefor the Meteorological Insti- tute at Ocipeohagen. Once or twice a year sone of the Islanders visit the Mainland, but the storiny teas, covered with icebergs, make the passage always daneerus. On one side of the island, which is a high precipice, countless birds build 'their nests, and the collection of eggs is One chief means of living for the little tettlemerit. Men are let down over the Vitae of the rocks by ropes: They wear suits thickly wadded with feathers, to save themselves frora being hurt on the sharp rocks. Each man carries a pole to help himself with, and a ladle for scoop- ing up neats that he cannot reach with hLs hand. There is in his frock a great pocket in which he can put 150 eggs. There he works, with the sea roaring beneath him. Many accidents occuaan Many lives are Iost in this business.— Watchman. • On the Race -Course Sixty Years Ago. In the twenties, a well -knot n figure on all the Southern race-cours s was a notorious individual named Bill Canty, who, although he betted with he nobs, Was considered to be the king of the pickpockets. If any one he knew, how- ever, had his watch stolen, he would tindertake to get it back for him. On one occasion the famous Samuel George Ford, the great financier before Pad - wick came out, took down to Ascot with him in his pocket -book £7,000, Which sum he had promised to lend Massey Stanley. He offered it to him before the race began, but the other being Mich engaged asked him to keep -it until it was over. Ford had a horse called Quo Minna which was to run in the stake § e but after seein bhim saddled Ind bridted the crowd hail become so dense that he could net reach the grand Sjtand, and had to take up a position at the rails among the mob. : At the nish his horse ran in head and head with atiother, just then a little boy, seemingly in a great state of excitement, lumped upon hi shoulders and shouted, Quo Minus wins ! Quo Minus wins !" :!' Get`dawn, you young ratcai," cried Peed; but the boy clung mend his neck for a moment sayine, I can't ee down p` here—hurrah, Quo Minus is w'nning !" e then jumped off and disappear d. The oext moment Ford missed his pocket- book. It was gone and the r boy too. 'To complete his discomfiture Quo Minus lost, though only by about half :5. head. !While leoking about for the thief he Met Lord Cheetertield and told him —et what had happened. "Go and find Bill Cauty, hedge with him, and : I'll take odds that you get your pocket -book back," wasinty lord's advice. Ford lost no time it acting upon it, land .soon found the man he sought. "You have been had," said this new Jonathan Wild, before he could. speak. - " Yes ; and Lord Chesterfield told me to come to you;i can you db anything in it ?" in- quired Ford. "Well, you must give up the small whitebait fish, and give five of the long-tailed ones (meaning five one hundred pound notes,) and I will try and collar the remainder for you.," was the answer. Ford thought the black mail rather heavy, but knew it was that or nothing, and struck the bargain. Cauty then told him to go next morning to a certain pile of timbertnd in a , certain place, which he described, he would find his pocket -book. ket-book. Ford did as he was told, and there sure enough he found it with all its contents, minus the £500, just as it had been taken from him. William Cindy, not longafterwards, spite of his cieverness, fell into a trap laid! for him by a bank in St. James' street, was caught . making off with a small cash box loft purposely within his reach, was tried, transported and ended his career at Botany Bay. A Story With a M ral. the head clerk of a larg . firm in Charlestown promised an old. customer one day half a bale of Russian duck, to be on hand at one o'clock, hen the man was to leave town with his goods. The firm was out of duck, and the clerk went over to Boston to buy some. Not finding a trackman, he hired a man to take it over on his wheel -ban -Ow. Fin- ishing other business, on his return to Charlestown tbe clerk found the man not half way over the bridge, his barrow, hall dead with What was to be done? It itting on he heat. as then half -past twelve, and the goods were promised at one. There was not a moment to lose. In Spite-. of the heat, the dust, and fine clothes; the young manseized the wheelbarrow and pushed on. Pretty soon a rich merchant, w om the young man knew very well, ricling on horse -back, over -took him. What," said he, "Mr. Wilder ! turned truck - ma ?" Yes," answered the clerk; " tL goods aro prqmised at one o'clock, and my man has given out; but you see I am 'determined to be as good as my word." "Good, good i" said tiat the gentle- man, and started Calling store where the young man was employ- ed, he told his employer what he had seen: " And I want to tell --him," said the gentleman, "that when he ;goes into business for himself, my name is at his service for $30,000." Reaching the store, which he did in time,the high price set on his conduct .made Amends for the heat, anxiety and fatigue of the job. You would like to knowsperhaps, that this young man became` one of the most eminent merchants of his day, and was known far and wide,both in Europe and this conntry. His name is S. V. S. Wilder) the first President of the Ameriotin Tract Pociety. —Kind Words. News Notes. —Prince Alexander has issueii a sup- plemental note to the Powers, r which he assares them that Bulgaria defers entirely to their advice, and thanks them for thtir kindness in dealng with the questitta at issue. —Cardinal Newman, in an address in London on Friday, said that the Pro- testant church of England was the great bulwark of the country against atheism. dd that he and He saicliphe wished all success to those efendig the church, an his friends would join in defending it. Catclinal Newman's views are important in connection with . the forthcoming eleetioes for members of parliameht,. and they will be likely to influence many votes in favor of the Coneervative candidates. -e-More than a year ago Mrs, Nicholls, a inillionaire lady of Peterborough, -bought a property consisting of several acres of valuable land with a fine man- e li sion upin it. It is located just lwest of the tow on a beautiful site sloping to thea t. Having fitted it tias and furnished it as a hospital, she else en- • dowed it with $10,000; not to !Mention the first cost of about $13,000, and offered it as a free gift to the town and cminty of Peterborough. • It° was pro- poted.to make the hospital epee iils all residents; but its trustees shoeld con- sist of Protestants only. As it ! was to be supported by a general tax, I leading. ItoMan patholics objected to noiarepre- sentatioe on the- Board, and *ins Mrs. Nieholle' scheme could not be : carried out. Another proposal was submitted to the councils, which was accepted by them on the part of the Prptestant population :—That the property Ite , taken in trust by these corporations for the benefit of the Protestant portion of the people who alone shall he tahed for its support. The Local Legialatnre is to be requested to give effect to thit resolu- tion by passing a law enabling the cor- poeations to assess Protestants Only, for its support. The gift is a noble one, and mai y a grateful heart will cherish the me ory of the lady who has done so generou a deed. May it be said to her "1 was sick and ye visited me ri .- Catarrh—a New Treatnlen_t, i PerhapS the most extraordinary euCcess that has been achieved in modern medieine has been attained by the Dixon Treatment for Catarrh. Outt of 2,000 patients treated during the past six months, fully ninety percent, have be n cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the less startling when it is remembered that nn five per cent. of patients presenting- themselves to the regailar practitioner are benefitted, while the patent medicines and other advertised cures never recrd a cure at all. Starting vith the claim noel generally believed by the mo t scien- tifie men that the disease is due to the presence of living parasites in the tissue, Mr. 4 ixon at once adapted his cure to their exterm nation— ehis accomplished, he claims the Catarrl4 is prac- tically cured, and the permanency is un uestion- td, as cures effected by him four year ago are cures still. No one else has ever atte pted to ture Catarrh in this manner, and no oth I. treat • ment has ever cured Catarrh. The apPlication of the remedy is simple, and can be done at home, and the present season of the y ar is the the majority of cases being cured at ole treat - most favorable for a speedy and perman nt cure, mant. Sufferers should correspond with: Messrs. A. H. DIXON & SON, 305 King Street, West, Toronto, Canada, and enclose stamp for their treatise on Catarth.—Montreal Star; N vember 17. 1882 2-52 •11111111111411110111111111.M111:11111121. MARRIAGE LICEN§ES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE BEA.FURTH, ONTARIO. NO WI-MESSER 'RE.OUIREO MEDICAL. 1 THE H 1 TIRS. num & GUNN, Brueefield, Moen - Oates Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh.' At Seaforth every Satur- day afternoon. oince,—That lately 'occupied by Dr. Hanover. 930 TIT G. S. MoDONALD, M. D., C. M., Physi- . clan, Surgeon, Aoconoheur, &o. Office and residence, that lately occupied by Dr. Hut- chison, Auburn. • 781 T G. SCOTT, M.'D.e&c., Physician, Surgeon, pJ , and Accoucher, Seaforth, Ont. Office and residence SoOth side of Grader's:1h street, Second Door east of the Presbyterian Church. 842 '‘ : EON E POSITO OCTOBER 301 1885, D' EM1?,.0 interestng Aninpunc Ms W. BII,UCE SMITH, M. D., C. M., Member Xj. of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, T &c., Seaforth, Ontario. Offiee and residence same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 848 , 1 DR. MACKID, (late of Luoknow) Graduate of Toronto University, and °Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office in Cady's Block. Residence, John Street, first door east of English Church Parsonage, Seaforth, Ontario. • 894 , EYE,' EAR AND THROAT. DR. GEO. S. RYERSON, L. R. C. P., L, R. C. S. E., Lecturer on the Eye, Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toron- to,and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear In- firmary. Late Clinical Assistant Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, Moorfields, and Central Throat and Ear Hospital. , 317 Church Street, Toronto. MUSICAL. "VIRS. C. M. DUNLOP, Teacher b! Music, _111. Piano or Organ. Advanced pupils fitted for graduating at less than one-half the expense of foreign teaehing. Terms moderate. Resi- dence OW Geo* Street, Second Door East of Main Street, Seaforth. . 879 VETERINARY. 11 C. DOAN, Veterinary Szirgeon, Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, Ontario. Calls piomptly attended to night or day. Veterinary me Reines kept constantly on hand. Office, Huron Hotel, Zurich, Ont. 909 — • SEAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY. ---Corner of Jarvis and Goderich Streets, next door to the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All dis- eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep; or any of thdo- Infirmary, or elsewhere on the shortest notice. Charges moderate. JAMES W. ELDER, V ter:. inary Surgeon. P. large stock of Veterin- ary Medicines kept constantly on hand : AUCTION SALES. UCTION SALE OF IMPORTED CLYDES- DALE STALLIONS, "000D CHE R " AND "PUBLIC OPINION."—In consequence of the death of the late Thomas Stu on, a partner in the firm Smillie & Sturgeoit, and manager of the business of the said Cozrpany, the administratrix of his estate and the surviving partnersof the firm have determined to c ose l the business of the said Company. Mr. A. Bis op will sell by Public Auction at the village of ilen- sall, on Tuesday, the lOtif of November. 1881, at 2 o'clock p. m., the two popular 'Stallions, "Good Cheer," No. 1,678, Vol. 4, C. SI B., Sire, Farmer (286); and "Public Opinion," No. 2,362, Vol. 5, C. S. B. Sire, Topsman (886). Terms of Sale.—One Will cash on day of Sale, approv- ed joint notes, bearing interest at 6 per cent. for balance at 12 months. A two year old Stallion bred from " Good'Oheer " will be offered for sale at the same time. S. SMILLIE, BENJAMIN SMILLIE, MRS. MARY STURGEON, adminis- tratrix. 1 932 ! AUCTION SALE , Valuable Farm Property. UNDER and by virtue of the powe of sale. contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of Sale. There will be sold on Saturday, the 14th day of November, A. D., 1885. at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Commercial Hotel, in the town of Seaforth, in the .County of Huron, the following valuable 'farm property 1 All and singular that certain parcel oir tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the township of Trickersmith, in the County of -Huron, and Piovince of Ontario, being compos- ed of lot number eight, in the eighth Concession, H. R. S., of the said -township of Tueltersznith, containing by admeasurement one hundred acres of land be the same more or less. 1 There are good buildings on the premises and the land is under a fair state of cultivation. The property is situated about 12 miles from Seaforth. Terms will be made known at the time of sale. For further particulars apply to GIBSON & CLUTE, Vendors' Solicitors, Napanee, Ontario. Napanee, October 2Oth, 1885'. THE BIG MILLS SEAFORTH. The above mills have now been thoroughly re- built upon the complete ! HUNCARIAN ROLLER PROCESS • The Mill and Storelzouse Buildings have been greatly enlarged, and new machinery applied • -throughout. THE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS Flour Dressing Machines From the best Manufacturing Firms have been put in, and everything necessary added to enable her to turn out flour. SECOND TO NONE In the Dominion. The facilities for receiving grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping have also deen extensively improved. Grain can now be taken from farmers' wagons, weighed, and loaded into cars at the rate of 700 bushels per hour, by the work of two men. - A LARGE FEED STONE —FOR --- CUSTOM CHOPP1ING Has been put in, and the necessary machinery for handling chop and coarse grains. A good shed has been erected, so that !wagons can he unloaded and reloaded under cove. WHEAT EXCHAN ES Promptly; attended to, and FIRST-CLASS ROLLER ROLM GUARANTEED. 01.TSTOM Chopped satisfactorily and without delay. ROLLER FLOUR, -- BRAN, SHORTS, And fill kinds of CHOPPED FEED- ' Constantly- on hand, Highest Market Price Paid in Cash for any Quantity of •Wheat. APPLE BARREITS --AND-- FINE, COARSE AND LAND SALT FOR SALE. - Only first-class and obliging men will be kept to attend customers. The liberal patron,ge of farmers and general trifle respectfully solicited. A. W. OGILVIE & CO, PROPRIETORS. T. 0. KEMP, Manager. —4 KIDD Annotince o the people o Seaforth and surrounding con commence and will, cont.a tie from now until the 1st of Jar. M 0 Of freshl imported reli SEAFORIIH. For the benefit of thos mention the branches we d DRESS GOODS,. FA FURS IND WOOL ORDERf0 CLOTH NSTER SA UM. try, that they have ble goods, at prices BEFORE UNHEARD 01? IN that have ney r ieore one usiness with us we al in, which we have now thoro,u hly assorted. ENERAL PRY GOOD, CY GOODS, MILIIIN I -MANTLES, READYMA E OLOTHINGJP I I NG, GENT FyRNISHINGS, .HATS AND, CAPS,;AN. GROCERIES. GOODS, Brancles that we do n in these dePartments will b t intend remaioing in and the cleared out at SLAUGHTERE , lance of the 'ttock PRICES. BOOTS .AND '5 OES, CHINA ROCKER, AND GL? SWARE. I IN THE IRESSDEPAF MENT - You will and Jersey tar A most stylisl materials— Sd the leading n velties in Cashmeres, erges, Fo le Cloths, Ottciman Cords, Soleils, Cotalines, Berbet. Cloths and Biso 1 ' rst-class Dressmaker on the 'premises, who is n ! I dresses on the shortest notice; Muffle Cloths ilks, Silk Velvet's, Satins, Sealettet, Jeasey, Cords, Corltscrew Worsteds, Naps, Ulstete-Cloths, etc.-. L Suitings3 etc., w turning out the in all the leading ttomati and Soleil dies, y u can have Made to me sure with us first-class tailor made Mantles or Dressy lintles, by our dres makeein exquisite style. MILLINERY DEPiikRTIVI It is well known far and near that we have done the MI of the place for years. We have carried and have on hand I this departriient than all the other houses put together, and 1 i 1 n this department you must have a good assortment to be We have added to our former large staff a, stylish milliner ju we now invite every lady to come in and make a selection fr of goods. They can have their Millinery executed on the Millinery w will nand cannot be undersold. READ MADE MANTLES. - Made E LLINERY TRADE • -day rieere stoek in dies will know that able to get suited. t from the city,' and m our grand stock hortest notice.' In We hare on hand a large, stock, latest cut, nobbiest :thing at very low prices. Furs and W ol Goods well assorted. Some very ow lines in Clouds and Shawls; see them. READY ADE CLOTHING Come a4id see the immense reductions we haVe made in prices, and satisfy yourself that we have the largest assortment, the most relia le goods, and that our prices cannot be equalled elsewhere. We sell a good Tw ed Otercoat, man's size, for $5, worth $7.50. A good Tweed Suit, man's size, or $5:50, worth $8. Boy's Suits and Overcoats—first-class value.! In Ordered Clo hing -we are doing a very large!business. Our tailor is turning out excellent fits in latest New York styles. Every -garment guaranteed, to give perfect satisfaction. On hand the nobbiest th" gs in Scotch,iEnglish and Canadian Tweeds, Worsteds, etc. whet Renjember, that although you buy ALL -WOOL TWEEDS from us for 35 cents pr yard, you cannot- find ONE YARD OF ANYTBING LIKE SHODDY ir the house. Those purchasing Tweeds or Mantle Cloths can have the same cu by our tailor without any charge. GENTS1 'FURNISHINGS. We are ffeeing a )ull fange of Underclothing, Hats and Caps etc. ur prices will b found so kw that we fear no competition. 1 GROCEItHIES.-' 1 . • . - You wil be surprised on learning the prices we sell good tellable TeaseSugare, Coffees, eto. ' Bring us your Butter or your 1 Cash, and -satisfy yourse f that you get FULL WEIGHT AND MEASURE with a higher price for your trade than that offered. y any other' house. ,1 i SALT. SALT. - It will pay those requiring either Table, Dairy, Pine, Coarse or Land Salt, to give us a c11. As we mahufacture the above, we sell it at main ufacturer's prices, and a e have the most 'convenient plane of loading corner Main nd Market Streets. the Public in Qener 1. We make the statement that WE EVER: DID AND NEVER WILL resort to TRICKERY AND SHARPING kN BUSINESS, and the tiroof of itis: WE MARK OUR GOODS .1N PLAIN IGURES, and customer may • rely that if they -dp not buy below e our market price, with a moderate li 'it% profit, hey will never buy above it. THOMAS KIDD Sc SO Corner Main and Marlpt, Streetss-Seafortb.. ,.• St. Julien Restaurant. OYSTERS! OYSTERS 1 As the Oyster Season is coming In I am prepared to supply parties wishing Oysters in the Can, Shell or Bulk Oysters, served on the premises in every style. Just arrived a Choice lot of American Choce,- late and Crown Candy, All other varieties kept contangy on hand, Oranges, Lemons and Fruits of all varieties in season. CIGARS! CIGARS! You can get at the St. Julien Imported and Do- mestio Cigars which cannot be surpassed in the Dominion. Pipes and Tobaccos of every variety, remember the place opposite Main and Market Street. JAS. BURGESS, Proprietor. FARMERS', IT WILL PAY YOU --;FO CALL AT THE—I- HURON FOUNDRY,. —NEAR THE— HIGH SCHOOL", SEAFORTH, And see our stock of 1—J 0 WS, Which have been made especially for 1his county. I have greatly improved my Gang PI w for this season, and feel satisfied in saying that it is the best in the market. Our . LAND ROLLER'S Are large and heavy, running light and' doing good work. Our GRAIN CRUSHERS Are made from Hard Iron, and "last longer than any other machine made. Having special tools for recutting Rollers, we can guarantee satisfaction. Special attention given to w- ing Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, Reapers, Mowers, Threshing Machines, and all kinds of machinery repaired on short notice and at reasonable rates. To Contractors and Others. Bridge Bolts and Castings at lowest rates. Quotations furnished on applic-ation. VirAlso Agent for the Implements of L. D. Sawyer, Hanulten, A full line of repairs con, stantly on hand. , • THOMAS HENDRY. 1 • • TWO-POINT BARB FENCE WIRE AT LOWEST PRICES. TUBULAR LANTERNS, AMERICAN APPLE PAREItS—ALL THE BEST MAKES. Nv oIlI ►aiihv DMA A O 0 CD CD 1-t 0 rn CD 01-4 55a CRA1'BROOK FOR BERKSHIRES.—The first prize Berkshire Boars, Barrington and Barnum. The aboz0 mentioned pure bredBerk- shire boars will be Ifept for the season at Tuck's hotel, Cra-nbrook. Also the pure bred Suffolk boar, Young ChamPion. The above stock are all bred direct from imported sire and dam, and are first class. Hae shown at live fairs this fall, carrying off 25 first 'priies. Terms strictly cash. One dollar at the time of service, with the privi- lege of returning if required. JACOB C. TUCK. • ..932-4 TIIESUFFOLKS ARE THE BEST.—The un- dersigned has •now on Lot 21, Cencession 2, L. R. S., Tueliersmith, and will keep for the improvement of Stoek, Two THOROUGIEBRED SUF- FOLK Beans. The oldest, "Granger," was far- rowed on April 3rd, 1882, was bred by Mr. Wm. Elliott, Milton, County of Halton. His sire and his dam were both imported: The second, "King Tom," was -farrowed in April, 1884. He was bred by Messrs. A. Frank & Sons, of the county of Peel,- and both hia sire and his dam were also imported.' They are as good pigs as were ever offered for service in Huron as can be proven by the extended pedigrees' which are registered in the Canadian Herd Book. Terms 81, with the privilege of returning if necessary. GEORGE PLEWES. - 801, Hurrah, Hurrah MISS MARTIN, (Formerly of Guelph) has been 4eenred by Banton Bros. To take charge of th partment. Dreesma ing de - Jackets, Dohnansl and Uisterabought from us will be cut free of charg4. Dresses, Mantles,!&c., made ut) in the latest style) whetheT bought front Us or not. You should see our MantleCloths, ULsterings, Cloakins, &c. Big line of Overcoats; also OvIwoats to order. Be sure you corne o theleacling Drees Goods, Mantle -And blothnig }lease of Ranton Bros., EXETER. WROXETER MILLS. Alexander L. Gibson Begs to announce te the public that he his cons. meuced to operate the _ • WpXETER WOOLLEN FACTORY, And that he will be prepared to give good val • ii PULL CLOTHS, TWEEDS, UNION TWEEDS, FLANNELS, PLAIDrNGS, WINCEYS, And Varieties in - STOCKIAIG YARNS. Custom Carding, Spinning and Fulling Promptly Attended to, • ! Parties from a distance will, as far as possible, have their ROLLS HOME WITH THEM, ands& he has put the Mill into Good Working Order and employs none but Efficient Workmen, All Work is Warranted. REMEMBER THE WRGXETER was. ALEX. L. GIBSON, Proprietor. HARKNESS NAIR RAW Restores grey hair to its na- tural color, re- moves Dandruff stops the' from falling out, increases it growth, and not soil the As a hair dr sing, it has no superior. Guar anteed harinless. ••••••••••• •War Prepared by - Harkness & Co. London, Ont. Sold by all torugesti and Patent Medicine Dealers. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMENE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Paid up Capital, - $6,000p0. Rest, - 2,100,000. PRESIDENT, How. Wet. McMesrea. I SEAFORTH BRANCH. The Seaforth Branch. of this Bank continues to receive deposits, on which interest is. allowed on the most favorable terms. -Drafts on all the principal towns and cities in Canada, on Great Britain, and on the United' States, bought and sold. Hotel. ! Officer -First door Sturm of the Codimercia A F. HOLMESTED, Solic.itirIRELAND,oiManager. 639 USINESS COLLEG A 'coNN,exrriox WOODSTOCK COLLEGE, the lu lii :Fes tdoi,i.tanin:dioi rapbsliii:0,;er dm(if: V. 0:1 tu 17t1 sl been Principaie or similar and succht essIlli ' practicai. Fees very moderate. staif of Teachers (it el n• ling two Who how? The College has beeui thoroughly co, v12.n- WOLVV:Ttirt -N. B.A., Principal. = 'Woodstock College,. .11••• °MITER Imosimmalemninum• Pert' Win. Ma gem, Mitchell, has ment of veterinari York street car at there next month. —Two fine buil4 itt Fullartoni vilb residence and *Mei Mr. John Goetler's --costing $2,500. —Mr. John Kee removed to Blyth out a general store citizen of Mitchell, upright and esteen —The !annual ph the auspices of the ploughing__ match plaTh ce on ursday, farm of Mr. John west of Staffa. —A couple of ro so obnoxious, at St by indulging in p other evidence of b were summoned fined, which with $11.20 each. —Mr. Jas. Hislo Section No. 6, ilia the trustees have k Thompson, of Moo having faithfully during three year much regretted. —The Mitchell visited, the fine orcl Anderson, of note of eleven.trees loaded to the grou fruit. Of the villa well roi,ght be &set of Emerson, as thel of nature, and thel --On Thursday, Thomas Brooks, on -dents in the towns Avonbaiak, passed the ripe age of four, Ile moved into that more from Dalhous! -wilderness aild had; hardships and pri -upon that time. —The following e Perth at the eight] of the Provincial Temperance Union -Week in London Merry, Mites Millie Marthell; LiStOW4 Mrs-. Aurna, Mrs. I Mrs. G. W. Johnsoi Eaton Mrs. Muir Miss iileriderson, Gill, Mrs. Box, Mii strong. —A carrier pigeo and left at the Rec het Friday by Fi P., of the township eard attached to it : " Liberated f press office, Sunda at li:30 p.m., S. Pa bird had taken s mack's bay loft no seemed quite exha Mr. MeCormaek 1 .instructions from h Hope. The dista to the farm of -Mr. 170 miles. —The Lietowel instant says :—On senseless young tion Army ba began to make as possible, and when eorne,of the &oldie Complaint' was laid and the fellow bed for his bad beha wholesome leesone teach some �f thos Salvation Army nit pose 'of making mis will not be tolerate —Three years Elma, got, by way tato sent him from , as a specimen of fe - raised in that part gave the potato tat graves, on eonditio half of the produ -crop realized about fuls, the seeond y and this yeer abo been grown. This as the "plush," eembles the early ally of a Larger while other va jected to a heavy rotten one been pinshes " which potato of the futur As the steam Bettridge Was p townline between 'shard on Monday, going over the b creek, west of I structure, without gave one crash an with it the e driver, Mr. Leo rolling over and him lit between th He was with diffic perilous position, almost to a jelly. was above water 0 drowned as the The doctor has h The horses escape jury,* There are eroded which nee Worse raay happen. —At the -cheese Thursday 8th in registered 10,417 tember make. A and sellers, the la to 9t and 10. Onl market of 300 at 9 tented were Bin p.; Elmbauk, 35 aud p.; Linwoo 600 c.; Tiverten, wood, 566, p.; 325 c.; Holyro 450 c.; Newry, 525 p.; Kintail, e.; Carthage, bank, 900 p.; Do Wallace, 459 p. Sullivan, salesma against Jas. Shoes for breach of eon tration was chose the regulations of the statement The Board was had been a clear le the part of Mr. 8- a vote of eensur '—The Woods week, vices the f tracts from a pr from the Rev. Di.