HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-10-23, Page 7eaured US or Cloth, liue of g Dress use of has com- ;TORY, cOd val t N 8. Fulling possible, c's'11,. and as ing Order ten. ted. MILLS. eprietor. CE. ,000,000. .100,000. STiL 1. iitinues ta allowed on 'r cities in he United roinmercia. LManager. - ! 63g F - and eh' tartly At, ES. OGTORER :a, 1885. Satred by a, Mathli " Keep a; sharp lookout While' on the run ?" echbed an engineer. if Should say we did The man that triei to run - las engine without keepine his eyes peeled get left sooner oil later, I've heard abolit fellows out West that would start out on a run 1th a board Teaching across from the dr vers seat to the firemanth„ and a deck o . ear s, but I aever tried thatJust to sh w you. bow necessary it is for a man i his eye on t4re rails ahead. 0 hi let me tell you a rtttle story. - . I as alining along one night in Ohio -some ye rs ago. It was a blowy,. rainy, nasty aig a, and • times like that a man is doubly watch- ful. For hems I never took y eyes front the wet -ghstening rails al lead of me, except of course; when I we ,stopped atstation& All at °nee I saw in front a me -how far ahead 1 coiSdn't tell_a glimmer of light. It was jest a spark. Tharely saw it before it disappeared. Was it a lightning -bug' f hadiet seen , any that night.. What was it? That I *couldn't anSwer, but ray instinct told me to stop the train, and stop I did. It was mighty i lucky I looked at it that way, for that glimmer of light WaS MIS - ea in the oddest way you ever saw. You couldn't guess M a week. A farmer seas walking along the track, when he tliscovered a short bridge so badly wash-. ed out by the freshet that to rim upon it with a train meant• a . wreck. He tried to start a fire with paper and his clothing, bat he couldn't do it. Ile had one match left. He kept that 'until I got.- close to him., his pian. being to strike that Match, hold it hi his hat, wave it aerose the track as he had seen the brakeman do when they wanted to signal. stop. It was his hope that I would see the blaze before it was blown out. ae no sooner etruele the match than out went the blaze. It was 'needy a flash, but I saw it, and the farmer had saved the train. What if I hadn't made it a rule to l'seep my eyes peeled along the rails every minute n'hile running ?' -Chicago Herald. i 1 • vs Holstein Cows. Would like to give the readers of the Transcript a little history of three young Holstein heifers I bought in the fall of 1883;at a steck farm in Haverhill, N.H. ' Two were calves, one a yearling ; all by the celebrated bell Banjo, who captured - the first premium at the New Hampshire and New II -Inland Fairs last year and year before, 'and 'whoa° weight .is 2,600 pounds. This stock was delivered to ine• last November. The two younger ones, when delivered, weighed 620 and 650 pounds -this at seventeen months old. Since NoveMber 1st1 I have fed them entirely on ensilage, with two quarts of shorts and "ground oats, half and half t‘Wice a day. Uuder this feed they did splendidly until Mar chi st when the large r of the WO WitS taken sick. She died March - Sth ; her weight at this time mast have .., been between 800 and 900 pounds. The other one is all right and: says she in-. tends to live Many years and nake her nark in the world. I think she means what she says, as she consunies sixty pounds of easilage every day. She. is simply a. big beauty and worta looking at. A word now about the yearling. She dropped her calf one year', ago last March at Hz vef :All. She has sinee been in milk. A$ I had other - cows and did not need the milk, I let .11-. H. Knapp have it, and by Mrs. H. Knapp her but- ter record was made in January last. It aha: From four quarts of milkstwelve ounces of nice yellow butter; and the beauty of it was, it was butter in less than one minute after churning was begun IN..ir. Knapp churned from her several times with z -„s good results as the above test. ' This cow _I- sold to B. J. Dargin, of l‘ilton, and he has made the - following teets : First test, fro m four quarts of milk, twelve ounces of butter ; second test, exactly seven quarts made twenty ounces, or one and one-fourth pounds of :better. -Now if Brother W: F., or any other Mall or woman, in this, or any other town in New .Hampshire, Can produce, a cow that will make as good a butter test, 1, fpr one would like to see the cow, large or small, old or young. -B. M. Prestott, in Peterbero Transcript.' News Notes. • . -Thos. Sexton, M. P., suggests that the Irish . question be referred to the Pope. -Captain FI. P. Nelson:, of New York city, went to sea eight year ago.. His wife went to live with his son-in-law, whose wife died in his absence. On his return be finda his wife to have) married his son-in-law. _ When he re- turned he was welcomed with a bottle of vitriol. , -Cardinal Newman, though now on the shady side of 80, is a brilliant player on, the violin. The other day he was challenged by a Baptist minister:in Bir- mingham tize controversy on religion. His eminence replied that he was not a 'skilled controversialist,bat that be would play the fiddle with the minister, if that would do as Well. -It is rep rted. in Vienna that there is a warm ttachment between Prince Alexander aid the second daughter of the German 4rown PrinceItis said the latter and his wife favor a marriage, bat that ranee Birmarek stongly ob- jects. . -The steamship Mentmore is report- ed from Liverpool -as having lost her deck load; !he sailed fro -in Baltimore on the 18th ibt. Sheis one of the Johne sea Line, an4I, besides an averted cargo, took out i5I cattle, which were housed en deck. The cattle belonged to differ- ent shippers and were insured in Mon- treal and Bo. -ton companies. 1 -In the Post Office Department in Washington` there is, it is stated, over $2,000,000 which has been taken from registered fetters, and also money oeders. Neither the persons to -whom the letters Were addressed nor the send- ers could be Maud. - Cardinal 3.feCloskey died in New York at 12.50 'o'Clook Saturday night, 10th inst., peacefelly and surrounded by relae tives and clehgyinen. The'deceased pre- late had beeiji in failing health for several months. Ht was 74 years old. The Cardinal wae a native of Brooklyn. He became a priest 52 years ago. He was the first cardinal appointed in the West- ern world. -At Plymouth church on Sendar, Ilth inst., *ea. Henry Ward Beeelier closed a sermon on the resurrection, with these 'emarks, referring to the i al late Car& McC.16skey. : "That •akar old man that has gone_ up from am -on those who laved him leaves beh. ad him his cardinal' s throne, the i.urp1c of his robes,' and his tiara. It wa well enough that he ahouM have them and the other symbolof his 11 • ATJRON EXPOSITOR. 7 authority, but the moment that he emerged into that other life, he stood alone in his spiritual entirety, where his temple was his Lord. When he lifts his venerable head there he will be Seaung- young in the presence of his God, and he will remain with those he loved and .with those whom he has consigned to - destruction, for we will be there too. •r rejoice in his transtaission'-a's I do of all the saints." GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA. . BREAKFAST; - "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern thdoperations of digestion and nu; trition, and by a Careful application of the fine properties of well selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps his provided our breakfast tables, with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many doc- tors' bills. It Is by the judicious use of sqbh articles of diet that a. constitution may he gradu- ally built -up until strorie enough to resist every tendency, to disease. Hundreds of subtle mala. dies are floating around us- ready to attack wherever there is a weak point We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves - well fortified with pure blood.and a.•properly nourish- ed frame."-Ciail Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets by, grocers, labelled thus-" JAMES EPPS LE CO., HOMIODOpahile Chemists, London, ;England." Role (tient...for Canada, C. E. Colson, Montreal. 884-52 • • N'o' Lady Who Delightin Flowers, • and likes to see them do well and bloein abun- dantly, should be without Hanington's-Food for Flowers. Ordinary -packages 30 cental -sufficient for 20 plants for one year, 891.52w. - Don't be Deceived: , Beware of aaiy-- druggist who illtev to induce you., to - take anything -in place of McGregor & Parka's Carbolic Comte. It ilia. !marvel a heal- ing for sores, cuts, burns, etc. No family should be Without it. It has no equal. Get McGregor & Parkes, and have no Other. Only 25 cents per box at Lumsden &Wions driatstore, Sceorth. 91t.?.52w. -....• • A Sensation. Artamparalleled sensation is being created' all over Ontario by the Wanderful andamequalled manner in which neuralgia, toothache, rhemea- tism, hatkache, headache, is removed by but one application of Fluid Lightning: tie .offenase, disgiretingdrugs need to be -taken for days. It is an instant cure. Try a 25 cent bottle from Linusden -& Wilson,- druggists, Seaforth, 912.52. •••• - McGregor'S Speedy Cure. . It lako.pulerly admitted every where that MD- Greaet's Speedy Cure is the safest, most reliable and.by farthe cheapest ,reuredys for constipation, liver .,complaint, indigestion.,- impure blood, loss of appetite, and all similar troubles. It is not necesaary to take a great quantity before any re- sult is produced. A few -doses wiIi convince you.. of its Merits... _Trial bottle given free at Lumsden & Wilions drugstore, Seaforth. 912.82w. • - . Holloway's Pills -- . Sleeplessness, flatulency, acidity, nausea, and all dyspeptic indications may be Speedily relieved by these famous Pills, of e•hiCh large quantities are .shipped toall parts of the world. The con- stantly -increasing demand for Holloway's medi- cine proves its power over disease, and -its esti- mationby the public. In weakness of thc stem -- act, itt diseases of the liver, and in disorders of the ystem caused by cold or e shig•gish eircula- tion, no medicine is so efficacious, no remedy so rapid as these Pills, which are altogether incapa- ble- of doing mischief. By quickening digestion; they give refeshing sleep, sharpen, the appetite, impart tone to the. digestive organs, purify and enrich the- blood, regulate the secretions, and strengthen the whsleiephytica1 frame. 912.52w. • Biliousneso. a When the liver does not act promptly the •bile accumulates to excess in the Woo& causing yel- low eyes, sallow skin, sick stomach, diarrixce, etc., and the sufferer istermed bilious. Burdock Blood Bitters regulates the liver, stomach, bowels and Need, curing biliousness. 857.52.2w; . I - • A Victory Scored. . Every time When Hagyarde Yellow Oil, ,is used for rheumatism, netiaalgia, aches and Tains, sore throat or deafness, frost bites or burns, a certain 'victory is the natural result!.. Constipation. This evil negleeted, brings a multitude:of mis- eries, and -is the source of much illness. Bur- -dock P.lood Bitters cures constipation by toning and regulating the bowels te a natural aeon. 857.52.2w. _ - • 110.. Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam Cures throat; bronchial and lung diseases that lead to -consumption ; breaks up coughs and colds; cures hoarseness and sore throat, :by loosening the coughaallaying irritation and re- moving the.eause Of distress, 857.52.2w. • Distress After Eating, a feeling of weight intim stomach -often painter -gnawing, bundles sensations, belching of wind, sour eructations or food, variable appetites, etc., indicate dyspepsia, .whteh • Burdock Blood Bit- ters, taken in time, will relieve end cure 857, Sore Throat. To chre this oft occurring trouble use Hag. yard Yellow Oil internally and externally. Yel- low Oil cures croup, asthma, pain in the side, rheumatism, neuralgia, ear aelre, •deafness and all sore and painful complaints. ; 857.52.2w. Mrs. Mary:Thompson:el Toronto,' was afflicted with tape worm, eight feet of which was remov- ed by one ,bottle of Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. 857,52m. • • Prof. Low's Magic Sulphur Soap is highly re- commended-- for all humors and skin diseases. 857.52m, Freeman's Worm Powders are agreeabletto take, mid expel. all kinds of worms from childree or adults. -.857.521a. One Experience of Many. Haiing experienced a great deal of • "Trouble !" From indigestion, so much so hat I came near losing my . - Life! . My trouble always coming e ter eating any food- IIewever light And digestible _ For two or three hours at a t through the most Excruciating pains, And the enly way- I ever got Relief I - Was by throwing up tall my sIomaeh. contain- ed!! No one can eonceive the pain hat I had to go through, until At last ? 1 was taken 1 So ill that for tl ree Weeks I lay in bed and ' Could eat:nothing ! sufferings were so that I ca ed two doc/ors mm to give e something. that would • Stop the pain. Their efforts were no good to n e. At last 1 heard a good deal, • About your Ilop Bitters! And determined to try them. . Got a bottles -in four hours I took the cdnte ts inc I had to go . - of pee ! • - Next day 1 was'out of bed, and have not seep' a .• !Ads! Hoar, from the same cause, since. • . -I have recommended it to hundreds of eth •rs. You have no such Advocate as I am; . •George Kendal , • 'Allston, Boston, Mal. Downright CrUeltr. To permit yourself and family to • - Suffer! With sicknees when it can be prevented and cure4 so easily , With Hop Bitters! Air None genuine without a !bunch- of green Hops on the white label. Shim all the vile, poisoribus strIff with." Hop" or "Hops" is their. iia.Me. 919,52m. LEGAI.J. .T M. BEST, Banister, Splicitor, &c." Office - 0. Rooms formerly occupied by Carroll & Dickson, Meyer's Block, _over Johnson's Hard - Ware Store,- Main Street, Seaforth. Goderich Agente-CAateaoe, Hour & CAMERON. 870 -ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solici- tors, Goderioh, Ontario. J. T. (*ARROW, • Wit. PROM/FOOT. t 686 IA)C. RAYS, Solicitor, &v. Private Money tO . lend at lowest rates of interest Office - Corner of Squareasnd West Street, Goderich. 774 CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, dna, Goderich, Ont. H: C. CAMERON, Q. 0., PHILIP HOLT, M. G. CAMERON. 506 -T QFTUS E. DANCEY, late with CaMeron; _ Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan. , Ben- son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 ANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, *al: Conveyancers, Sto. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. IL HANNING, JAMES &OM 781 Tffil dIOLMESTED, succeSsoc to the late firm of 12. McCaughey & Holmested, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Conunerce. Money to lend. Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. , • MONEY TO LOAN. J ONgY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 per cent. Interest payable half yearly, or 60 - •per cent. yearly, with the privilege to borrower time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, 13arriste , of repaying part of the prineipal money at anif Seaforth. 850 DENTISTRY. a., T D. S., and M. R. C. ;i3., of I 1. Toronto. AII operatiOne guaranteed. Anesthetics of all kinds administered.. Specia1ties-4- Gol 1 Filling and Perfect. Fitting Plates. Town patients will please make. engagements a 'day or two previous to having the opera- tion performed. SW Remember the pace, in the rooms formerly occupied by C. Cartwright, ,up -stairs in Cady's Block, epppsite the Coruner- Oral Hotel, Seaforth. 874 : -V.7"..A.TS01\T ._ , j , DENTIST, Faculty Gold Medallist and °liege -• Gold .1sedallist,Toronto School of Dentistry. Rooms over Johnsons' HardWare, Main Street, Seaforth„ 911.1 k AUCTIONEERS. T • h. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer fa' the sa f . . Connts, of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County, All orders left a TIIE EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly attended to. A - DELoalurv, Licensed Auctioneer for the st-1County of Hniain. Sales Call description promptly.attended to on reasombleterms. Ad- dress Brussels P. 0., .or apply on Lot 4,1 Con- cession -12, Grey. 77 ! AS CONSCIENTIOUS DRUGGI§TS, -'WE" . . rbcommerid for DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION and kindred diseases, the use • of MALTOPEPSYN. For Consumption and all wasting diseases the use of MORSE'S CARBOLATED NORWEGVN COD LIVER OIL For teething infants and nervous troubles, the use of GLYCEROLE OF CELERY COMPOUND (containing no opium.) You probably ask why we recommend these remedieS ! .1t is became we know thein to be reliable remedies, endorsed by leading physicians throughout the Dominionjor the euro of specific diseases, arid not claiming to cure everything. - A 'so because they have the exact- formula; printed on eeoh bottle label,thereby enabling the .pur- chaser to know just what he is taking. ' The,thne is rapidly approaching when intelli- - gent people will refuse to take - quack cure -alis, the ingredients of which are kept secret, but will insist 1,4)011 knowiTigAuSt what they are taking. We would also inform. any who may net yet be aware lby actual -trial of 'the superioritY. of our "ROYAL GLYCERATED BALSAM 0 ` FIR,". ih mint Conghs,Colds, Brenchitis, Sore Throat' Incipien Consumption, &c. &c:, that this: reli- able remedy can now be pro :tired from' every dealer in the County of Huron, and although not advertised outside our own bounty, 'entirely owing to its own merits, we have already 'receiv- ed order -s frem the most distant partj of the Do- ininioa, if afflicted give it Al trial, price 50Dents per bottlewholesale and retail by • L.UMSDEN & WILSON, Manufaeturers, 92552 Seaforth, Ontario. Aurlora Quick Train Watch. The Best Yet.' SOLD ONLY ,BY R. COUNTER, iTM"STsT DIJE i, SEAFORTH, ONT. his Company manufactures a complete line. of full plate watches, from ordinary to the nest grades, for all cla,sses of watch wOxers. They are all made aith quick train, and are es. pecially adapted for railroad Dad ell ordinary and severe service. All made dust proof, have -the ' perfect Safety pinion, which prevents damage to parts itt son's patent attachment to regulate pins, Vhich case of mainspring breakage, arid ;John- preveri s hairspring from catching, a,n important dinpros ement controlled by this Company , The stem-winding parts are mede strong and durable, guaranteed as safe, more convenient and service- able thiui the key winders. The extra, fine grades , are na3le in stem wind only. Every watch is wernuo ed by special certificate, which the pur- chaser Ireceives from the Company's Agent. The number of Jewels in., each watch (which ' is en- graved thereon) indicates the .qualitY ; pur- chaseis observing this are sure to receive the qbality they call for. The lerger number of Jewels in the better .grades also represents the finish, tine adjustment, and care in manufacture, which] reduces more accurate, time and l'onges serviee The qualities are diVided as .follows : ORD NARY. -Two grades are madeof this quality, engraved : "Aurora Watch -Co., . 7 Jewels. ' " Auror a Watch il Jewels." , MEDIUM. -Four gredes Co:,Oft this quality are made, -two in Gilt Finish, enkra,ved : " Aurora Watch Co., 11 Jewels, Extra." " Aurora Watch Co., 15 Jewels," and two in Nidkel, finelyfinish- ed, engraved : " Aurora Watch Co., 11 JeWels." FINE. -Two evades of this quality, -1 in Aurora Watch Co. 15 Jewels." Fine Qat Finish° and One in Nickel, engr ved-: t " Aurdra; Watch Co., 15 JeWels, litijusted." - - EITRA FINE. -Two grades of this qual ty,- one in Fine Gilt and one in Fine .Nick el, engrav- ed : " An' ora Watch Co., 15 Ruby .Jewelk, ad- justed, Aurora, Iffiratis." • -Remember Counter's, Seaforth, is the, only place in tne County where these watches alai be had. . M.. R'. QOU. NTER ,. Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller. Al\T0T-ICD1R, U. S. MAIL STEAMSHIPS • Sail from Pier 20, North River, New Yo k, Every Saturday, for . GLASGOW VIA LONDONDERRY. RATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW, DERRY, BELFAST OR LIVER- POOL, CABIN, 560 to 580. SECOND . CABIN, 540. STEERAGE, OUT- _ WA -RD, VS. PREPAID, $2L Anchor Line Drafts issued at lowest rates are paid free of charge in Eng,lahd, Scotian and Ireland. For passage, Cabin Plans, Bonk el Tours, &c., apply to HEN'PERSON BR0TII1iR8, 7 BOWLING GREEN, New" YORK, or to St DICKSON, Post Office, Seaforth. sae THE RIGHT SPOT FOR CHEAP RELIABLE GOODS, IS AT 3. Lir SMITH'S, SEAFORTH. Ofir purchases this season have exceeded those of any previous one, and we claim taking goods into consideration, that we ca,nnot bo andersold. Extra value 1» Blaek and Colored Cashmeres, Velveteens, Dress Goods, Flannels, Cretonnes, Winceys, Lace Curtains, Laces, Gloves, c., All Summer Goods and Rem- nants at Cost and Less.. • JO Gents' Furnishings Department. Nbbby stock of Hats and Caps. Ties, Collars, Braces, Dressed and Uri- , dressed Shirts and Underwear. NEW TWEEDS--sLeave your order for a • Suit. A fit guaranteed every time. TERMS -Cash or Produce. J. Li. SMITH, SEAFORTH. 1•1•11•1 C3-1Ro.Los211 Post Office Tea Warehouse, SEAFORTH, ONT. CHARLESWOTI-I & BROWNELL, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS -IN • TEAS COFFEES AND GENERAL GROCERIES ; A large consignment of Our famous Teas just to hand -the best ever offered in this vicinity for the money. CHASE AND SANBORN'S Celebrated Coffees a specialty -all grades and prices. A car load of refined and raw .Sugars to arrive. Farm Produce taken at highest prices. CHARLESWORTH 8z. BF?OWNELL. SEAFORTH WOOLLEN MILLS. All Wool Tweeds, Heavy and Light. The Best all Wool -Fancy Flannel. Union Flannels, Grey and Checks, Very Cheap. All Wool Blankets, the Best in the Market. I. . •UNION SHEETINGS SOMETHING GOOD, . • Try a peir for winter, and yo 1 will never want to sleep Oil cotton sheets hi cold weather again. TRY A PAIR OF OUR UNION HOSE, I They are fine for Summer. Hosiery made to Order, any sizeers Color. Knit goods .and Yarns ili Great Variety. Remember Woollen Goods never were cheaper than at the preeenttime, and this is the place to get them at FIRST COST. • For anything yoe wanMW t Made in Oolleo Goods sive us a Call, and we will try our -best to please you every time. Farmers, Remember • this is the- e, old. Standard 'Mill for First-class Work. A. G. VANEGMOND'S SONS. L. G. V.AxEdmoxe. W. D. VANEOMOND. NEW MILLING FIRM IN SEAFORTH, . T H E SEAVORTH ROLLER MILLS, LATE THE RED MILL. McBRIDE St SMITH, from Strathroy, Having bought the above mills, and refitted them, throughout with all the latest and best machinery that could be procured for a ° GRADUAL REDVOTION ROLLER MILL: And the result attained is, theylhave one of the best mills in the Province. Farmers can now get all their pRISTING and CHOPPING done in Seaforth, and have it home With them the sane day, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Pal 4_1\T SITCYRTS For sale by the ton or in less quantities -FOR CASH. Cash for any quantity of Wheat. McBR1DE 8/. SMITH. THOMAS SMITH will- -personally superintend the Seaforth Rolier TAB SEAFORTH GROCERY Is the best place to spends your money. HUGH ROBB Maiii Street, Seaforth, the People's Grocer, Has now a better stock than ever. of .GROCERIES, CROCKERY aird :GLASS- WARE, Sugars and Teas a specialty ; 20 Pounds of Sugar for $1. Good Tea for 50 cents. Rams and Baooa, cured at my own packing house, always on hand. Honey extracted pure from my own apiary, at 15 cents per pound, or eight palm& for $L H. 14.013B, Seaforth. Grand Trunk Rail -way, Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as follows: • Goma Wan- SEABORTIL CLINTON. Express--; ..... .... 2,40 r. 3L 3.05 r. Id. . Express__ .. .... 8.58 re M. 9.15 r. a'. Mixed Train.. ..... .. 8 15 A. M. 9.48 A. s. GOING EAST - Express. ... .... .; .. 745 A. M. 7.25 A. W. Express , . 1.45 r. se 1.05 P, re Mixed Train. i .. .... 5.30 r. a. 4.45 P. M London, Huron and Bruce, GOING NOIVIIP--- Mixed. Mail. ' London., depart 6.001. al. 4.50rM. kxeter, .. .. 8.20 6.10 • 6.24 Kippen _ a . .. , .. ,. . 9.00 6.29 - Brumfield_ 9.15 6.38 Clinton.. ._ . ...... - 9.55 7.05 Londesboro . . 10.13 7.20 Blyth. 10.35 7.27 Belgrave. 11.00' 7. Wingham, arrive. - 11.30 8.00 GOING S01,7111- Express. Mixed. Wingham, depart 7.20 assi.11,30: A. n. Belgrave 8.40 12,03 P. M. Blyth , . . 7.59 19.95 Londesboro • 8.08 12.37 Clinton.. .... . ..... . 8.35 1.25 Brueefield. 8.51 1,50 Kipper) .. „ - ..... . 9.00 2.05 Hensall.... .. 9.05 2.12 Exeter 9.31 3.05 London, as ris e 10.45 5.30 Hensall.. .Wellington, Grey and Bruce. GOING NOIrr11- _Seems Express. Mixed. Filt"inele9.37 r. st. 9.13 r.m 9.15P.M. isshs 9.51 9.27 10,00 . NiliBViliegia Nailen;;3.07 9.43 . .. 3.20 - 9.54 10:3 1305 GOING SOUTH -a Express. Ace,om. Mixed Winglimn.. - 7.00 A.M. 111.2: A. n. 7.30 P.M. Bluevale .. .. -7.10 , 11.35 8.07 Brussels. .. . . . 7.25 11.55 Ethel._ .. 7.37 2.1 98:4135 7...,Train leaving Wingham at 8 p na for Kincar- dine, runs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. ' L, This great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries -of Life. These famous Pills purify the Blood, and act mOst powerfnlly, yet soothing's-, on the Liver, Sternach, Kidneys and Boi'els, aPo'hing tone, energy and vigor to these great Main Springs of Life. They are con- fidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the eonstitutiOn, from what- ever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious hi all ailments incidental to females of all ages s and as a Gen- eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT Its Searching and • Healing Properties are known throughout the World. For the cure of Bad Legs, Bad Breasts. Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy.If effeetually -- rubbed on the hook and chest, as Sat into meat. cores Sore Throats. Bronchitis, Conglis and Colds. For Glandular Swellings mid Piles it acts like a charm. In Gout and. Rheumatism, it never fails to afford relief. Manufactured only at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 78 New Oxford Street (late 13a3 Oxford Street) London; and sold st Is. ltd., 2a ed.. 4s- dd., 115. 2•15., and 33s. cavil Box and Pet Tea Beware of, Am- erican counterfeits,-Pnrclaasers'should look to the Label on the Pots and. Boxes. . If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious 921-52 Removed I- -Removed .1 1\17 C47; SEAFORTH,. The 'Old Established But -char has removed to new premises . immediately opposite his Old -Stamd,-Main •Street. .Seaforth, where he will be pleeeed to meet all his old patrons and as many new ones as may sue lit to favor. him with their patronage. .eaerRemember the place, between Henderson's Harness Shop, and McIntyre's Shoe Striae, Main Street, Seaiorth. 898 GEORGE EWING. ST. JAMES' 1107' TORONTO. SHARP a. e: Fr I 43 11-1 A.1 nit, Forioerly ofShasp's Hotel, Seaforthd PROPRIETORS. !THIS Hotel, whieh is situated directly opposite the Union Station, has recently been refitted and refurnished throughout, and is now one of the best and most comfortable hotels in the city. VI -Every possibleattention paid to guest,ada cliarges moderate. Administrator's Notice. . In the goods of Thomas Sturgeon'late of the township of Hay, In .the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, deeeased. Notiee is hereby given- to all persoes having claims against the personal estate of the said Thomas Sturgeon, to send in their Oa iln8 to me on or before -the „1st day of November, 1885. And at -the expiration of that time, I shall forthwith proceed to distil - bete the assets of the said deceased, among the parties entitled thereto) and notiee is expressly given that tinder the provisionsof Section 34, - Chapter 107, Revised statutes of Ontario, and amended by 46 Victoria, Chapter 9. I shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof, so distriboted to any person of whose claim I shall not theh have had notice, and I herebyalso give notice to all parties indebted to the said estate whether by hook account- or otherwise to pay the same to me rm or be!ore the time abovesnen- tioned. MARY STITBGEON, Hensel! P. 0., Adininistratrix atilt: Personal Estate of Deceased. Hensall, August 18th, 1885. In reference to the above notice we would hereby octify and rermest, all parties 'indebted to the firm known as Smil lie & -Sturgeon, Of which Firm we are the surviving partnere) whether by book account or otherwise te make prompt pap _ merit to the eaid Mary Sturgeon), AdMinistratix • of the Personal Estate :of the late Thomas Sam, geon. whose recipt shall be a full and seffleient discharge. SAMUEL and BENJAMIN SM9214L-LniE, P Ilensall . 0. Hensel], August 19th, 18851. ALLAI\T LTI\TM ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS A. STRONG, Seaforth, Agent. GREAT TIEDUCTIO-N IN P,AESAGE RATES, Cabin rates from Halifax to Liverpool and Lon- donderry, a'50, 563, and 573, according to position of stateroom. • Children under 12 years half fare; under 1, free. Servants in Cabin, 556. Inter- mediate, 835; Steerage, $13. S'roni Liverpool or Londonderry to Halifax : Cabin, $63, 578.75 and 4::")4:1; Intermediate) 835; Steerage 813. Re- turn Tickets from Halifax to Londonderry or Liverpool and back to Halifax : Cabin, $100, 8120 and 8143; Intermediate; 570; Steerage, 520. ssoney Loaned &nd Real Estate Bought and Bold as -Usual. IN SU RANCE. I represent several of thebest Insurance Com- panies; im the world.- ireOffice-Market Street, Seaforth. 862 A.. STRONG. HURON AD BRUCE Loan and Investment 031/11D_A_INT-Y1 This Companyis Loaning Money on _Farm Security at lowest Rates of Interest. Mortgages Purchased. sAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per -Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and - time reft OFFICE. -Corner of Market Square and North Street, Goderich. HORACE HORTON, MANAGER. ; Goderich, August 5th,1885: 922 OYSTERS! OYSTEiSI-- Seaforth Restaurant, Now that the season for Oyaters has opened, I would notify the Public that I ftn serve them with Oysters either in Shell, Cans or Bulk -none but the best Baltimore brand kept. French Bon Bons and the best American and Canadian Confectionery always on hand. The best brands of Tobaccos and Cigars also in Stock,. Call and examine for yourselves. Ham to serve you. Remember the plan, next Door to Reid and Wilson's Hardware store, S1VITTIT- PROPRIETOR. woiavd N30100 JO NOM '. c. 0 3 r) 'F Hitt 04 V3S. `.3. 3t31S •IIIISVrid ` ffiN IOrIV D 0 rn 111-) 'T3 ,LS )J'1.,.1 y , S N 1 C1 a .A3M M z 4=0 SEAFORTH FurnitureVVarerooms. If you want solid ,conal rt eall at M. Robertson's, And buy one of thoseCelebrated Self Adjostable Easy Chairs, represented -4 the above euta He cae also supply Invaiid Chairs and Carriages. He also sells the most comfortable and durable ;81:11Zil\TO- jaliaj That is made. His stock of CABINET FURNITURE ‘--erv lease and Complete. Intending sairehas- ers would do well to give him aeall before pur- ebasing elsewheie. Warerooms one Doer South qf Telegraph Offiee, Main Street, Seaferth: M. ROBERTSON