HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-10-23, Page 5cora sere PIsoiie raker'. The o Professoi •t v or Rolm d with el' arch :work ere empaniedbY _ to which Lfter the s served, a /ate hou ebyJj of respect' arture fro where; es has ace1t.; ,tant Pr es. ounty we Chief Le folio as Gran L. „ Ridley, abie, GodeL ma WM.1.11 ester Ale*, J. Ilaydeift; Gpilsornall; k; Andre Olive Strachana ckersmith soles Wyli awa,noshe bri‘ef an ey's dutieS.! tephens Ming plairi4 E an aLIegej k out t , after hearlt it lodgment ifth day of missing th* muter clairo, a,cion fo Thefo4 ;he lory *F- en, Patriciti then Yaterei rnhaArthat eph Griffin' 1sh, Cheri menced 1 at G:20 p+, a'clock wjtl daraagee rtificate f 1'erred jud sa he direct For piaintij Sts of su actio anantity of parties thisS seniog - the da aid by th a suit. !court witli1 gadclert f01 t', flamilt41 !oiler In - I 1 ills as folif occasion41 bill ; jam y a cone, - tt• n action for, , ease aros0; [-known D14 . ho abscondi it Sairgeen' rated balH the Scott Ton of Mr1,1,1 traversed, he _absencel goner's bale - 'sin:mall am!' VnHawk accepte enrf a verdict hont trying1 1 15 was mem icious libel itor of thie:, ent of Mr: .of one shili action wave1 , rape—AC and tleei J3ordship e prisone a with re-' • r. Hunter ifl was calleall Veered fori hen Yates,! lby Artluitt 'Oneisted of 1 Thomai 'tay, ja,mes vond, IL F. re, Joseph - SI Menzies, irst witness. pletely hist iected with. Le left Gode- appearance, reliminary inew almost , kltestimowl Soole who 'the Crown. Joey veer e prisoner.. ancl re -1r -3 verdict Ofl sit rape. advice cif loner plead-. tbe mercy Rted by the r dismissed fter giving uties in the' : -The grand, fr embezzIee application ordered at ol OGiToBER 232.188t., , bench warrant to issue for the arrest of Balk Weide eon ys. Benny et al—Inter- eader. non -jury suit. By consent His rdship entered Ai verdict for defend - iota MI to 411 the articles in the issue ex- cept those in schedule annexed to the certified copy of pleadings, and for the plaintiff as to those. ,.,.. Jenkins vs. Hogg.—Was an action for negligently setting_out a fire. His Lord - „ship directed judgment in favor of plain- tiff for the 'sum ot $200 with full coats of emit - On request of the Crown the case of Queen vs. Edward Hall, embezzl9ment ea a trustee, was traversed until next -assizes. .4. O. G. Martin—Forgery of a • bank note., Cameron, Holt & Cameron - for prisoner. The following were sworn in as the jury to try this case: Thomas I Bolt, Thos. Nott, Sam. Brockenshire, ,Andrew John, Norman Buchanan, Jos. .Smith, J05.1 Ball, Henry 0. Taylor, Wm. McLean, Jos. Stephens,Henry Perkins, Chas. Mamie. The evidence in this case was similar to that given on the previous fad. The judges charge was very clear, and heavily against the prisoner, but the. jury returned a verdict, after one hour's absence'of not guilty. • Wm. Hunter, convicted of an attempt to commit rape, WAS brought into court for sentence. He was sentenced to two - years in the Central Prison at Toronto. ' Sanderson vs. McKercher—Action to have plaintiff declared the actual owner of north half of lot 20, concession C., township of Rowick. Non -jury case. Mr. Garrow asked to be allowed to plead the statute of frauds in answerto defendants statement of defence. His Lordship aliowed him to do so. Judg- ment reserved; both sides to send their respective uthorities to his Lordship at Cobourg. Deyell vs. Bell—Action for account. Non -jury ease.- Judgment directing defendant forthwith to transfer to the plaintiff the promissory notes WM held by him against Wm. A. rarri. and to further pay over to the plaintiff the sum of $231.96, he value of the trust moneys in his hands belonging to the plaintiff, and that judgment be forthwith entered therefor for the plaintiff against the de- fendant with full costs of suit. Adams vs. Melireth, et al—Action to enforce a mechanics' lien. Non -jury ease. Judginent reserved. Hamilton vs. Scott—Action to recover money due plaintiff by defendant, Irho was a banker in Wingham. Judgment for the plaintiff for the sum of $1,599.80, with full costs of suit. - Ferran vs. "McNabb—Action to re- -eover money on the sale of a threshing machine.adgment for plaintiff on full ,I amount- of claim, and lien granted against the ands for that amount. This closed the business of the court. Temperance Convention. ., A largely attended, enthusiastic and thoroughly representative convention of teraperance workers of Huron county was held in the town hall, Clinton, on Thursday, October 15th, commencing at 10 a. m., and continuiuet'throughout the day. a The ladies of the Women's Chris- tian Temperance Union, of Clinton, spread a tempting table in the council chamla 1, a e ti I rev: ted al l the delegates of the consTeution to partake of- both elinaer and tea, free of charge. The delegates accepted the generous invita- tion, and were loud in their praises of the delicacies provided. • The convention opened with devotional -- exercises led by Revs. A. Y. Hartley, T. M. Campbeli, J. Hough, W. Birks and E. S. Rupert. The programme of busi- ness to be brought before the convention was prepared by a committee appointed for that pumose. The Executive Com- mittee of the Scott Act Association tendered their resignation as executive *officers, and asked to be relieved of the sition which they bad held since the first formation of the Scott Act Associa- tion, but on motion of Rev. J. Hough, of Landesboeo, seconded by Rev. Mr. Denby, of Varna, the present executive sc was re-appoul ted. Reports f the delegates from the various municipalities of the county, concerning •the working of the Scott Act, made -'ery evident the fact that many hotelekeeperg are violating the Act, and the Executive Committee's statement of the difficulties experienced • in obtaining ,magistrates willing to act in Scott Act ceses, rendered equally evi- dent the pressing necessity of a Police • Magistrate. The Executive Committee were authoriz` ed to adopt any _means which they deemed advisable to obtain information of violations of the Act, and to' prosecute offenders, the convention pledging its support to the Executive in the work. • In regard to the Police Magistracy a, resolution was moved by Mr. J. C.• Stevenson, of Clinton, seconded by Rev.. T. M. Gampbell,of Goderich, and unani- • mously carried, to the effect that the Ontario GoVernment be requested to appoint a police Magistrete without _Wary. Another resolution was moved by Mr. Apileton Elcoat, of Tucker - smith, seconded by Mr Jas Wanless,ef Stanley, that Mr. John Beattie, of Sea - forth, be thei-ehoice of the convention for Police M gistrate, and that the Exe- cutive Com ittee do their utmost to have him ap ointed such by the Ontario -Governrdent. This resolution was also adopted by al unanimous Vote. Much hull gnatien was -expressed at the iiiactivitr of on of the inspectors appointed under the McCarthy Act, and the following resolution, moved by Mr. J. C. Mor ison, of McKillop, and seconded by Mr. Edmund Corbett, of Clinton, was unanimously adopted: "Whereas it has been represented to this convent on assembled, that many,. cases of vial- tion of the Scott Act have been brough to the notice of one of the inspectors u der the McCarthy Act in this. county • and -whereas, his fees in seine of thes cases were guaranteed to him; and wh reas. he has failed, neglect- •, ed. and refus d to prosecute these cases; and whereas it is reported that he has divulged the names of parties giving in- formation. Now, therefore, the tem- perance workers of Huron, in conven- tion assembled, would call the attention • of the public in the county to the failure, neglect and refusal to do duty, on the Part of the ii speetor, and strongly cen- sure such ofieer, and. that such acts o neglect and lireachof duty_ be, by the E.xecutive of the Scott Act Association, at once broil lit to the notice of the Do- * minion Goverruneot ; and the Governa /tient be asked to have the said inspector forthwith dismissed, and a party ap- pointed who will do his duty.' A lengthy discussion took place as to what action should be taken by the tem- perance party at the approaching muni- ; 1 .THE HURONI EXPOSITOR. cipal elections, which resulte• d in the adoption of t resolution moved by ev. T. M. Campbell, of Goderich, and seconded by Mr. Andre* Govenloc , of • McKillop, recommending that an lec- tern' union be organized in each inutii- cipality, to select men who will support temperance principles as candidates in educational, municipal and parlia len- tary elections. ' Mr, F. S. Spence, of Toronto, secre- tary of the Ontario branch of the Do- minion -Alliance, was in attendance at the convention, and delighted the audi- ence for upwards of an hour in an able and eloquent address upon the pre'sent aspect of the temperance question. I Rev. T. M. Campbell moved,seconded by Mr. Hugh McQuarrie, “ that we, the memberof this convention, desire here- by to. express • our deep and heartfelt sympathy with our beloved .President, De D. Wilson, Esq., of SeafOrth, blithe sorrowthrough which he is now passing by the loss of his companion, and to assure him of our prayers that God may sustain him and continue to him Wisdom and strength for his responsible isosi- tion.” This resolution was carried as was also a vote of thanks tol Mr. F. S. Spence for his interesting address, and to the ladies for their kindness in pro- viding such an excellent dinner and, tea for the delegates ; „and the meeting ad- journed. --New Era. Mr. 'Jas. Hopwood, of -Ribbed has sold his farm and is about to leave far the Northwest. —The by-law to close up the cows wee defeated at the last meeting of the Mit- chell council. . 1 L ---Hog cholera has reached the vieini- ty of Mitchell. Mr. -John Way lost a fine hog a few days ago,from the disease. Knights ef- Labor" society has been formed in Stratford, and promises to become strong and popular. ._ —The other day in Stratford, Mr. W. B. Wilson broke his leg by jumping fron a ladder on which he was standing. —Fred Schuler, of Tavistock, was last week fined $20 and costs for selling liquor without the ' necessary legal permit. - Dunsmore, of Stratford, former- ly of Mitchell, was married on Tuesday evening last week to a Miss Edith Rai- ford. - 1 Local Notices. BOY WANTED.—Wanted, a boy about 17 years of age to learn the carriage painting business. -Apply to Jas. Wrimeers, Seaforth. 930 e COAL , COAL !—Prices for thismouth, (October,) best quality coal delivered in any part of the town, - Chestnut, 050;$stove, C6.75; No: 4, 87 per ton of 2,000 lbs. 'Leave your eeders at once and Isecure low prices. Quality of all coal guarateetl. REID & WILLSON. 931 GENTLEeIEN.—If you -want a stylish fitting Overcoat or Suit, do not forget to leave your measure witlethe fashionable Tailor of Sea - forth. C. STEWART, over Kidd'siStore. 931-2 • LEOTTTRE.—The Rev. 14e Wild, Will deliver a lecture in Hodgin's hall, Mensall,` on Wednesday evening, October 21st. Subject, "Jeremiah's Nish to Old Ireland." Lecture to commence at 8 o'clock. , Admission, 26 lilts, children hilt price. 931 To THE lateties'.—The Misses Wright have commenced Dress Making in the Rooms in Scott's Block,I Seaforth, lately occupied bylies 1 Laird. A trial is respectfully solicited, and every effoat will be made to give entire sati1fac- tion. Remember the place, Scott's Block,t ver Wilson & Young's Store. ' ' •9 I me aoarsassesimeaatesearatroaire THE MARKETS. ' . • SEAFORTII, Oct. 22th, 1885. Fall Wheat per bushel (new)..... $0 84 to 89 88 Spring Wheat per bushel... 0 75 to 0 88 Oats per bushel • • , 6 25 to 0 30 Peas per bushel.' . 0 65 to 0 58 Barley per. bushel • ' • 0 45 to 0 60 Butter, No. 1, loose.... .. 0 12 to 0 13 Butter, tub ..... . . . , 0 13 to 0 16 E ; 0 14 to 014 • 2 26 to 250 Flour, per 100 lbs 5 Dressed Hogs, per 1.001bs• 5 00 to 76. Hay per ton •8 00 to 8 Eal Hides per 100 Ms 5 00 to 5 50 Sheepskins each.. ,:.. .... . .. .. .0 50 to 0 85 Wool . 017 to, 020 Salt(retail) per barrel .... .. 80 to 1 00 Salt (wholesale) per -barrel.. • 0 80 Potatoes per bushel. : .. .. .. ...1 0 20 to 0 25 Wood per cord 1. •2 50 to 50 e CLINTON,. Oct. 22, 1885. Fall Wheat per bushel (new)..... , 80 84 to 80 88_ SPring.Wheat per bushel ... . .:.. 0 76 to 0 88 Oats perJeushel •0 28 to 0 30 Barley per bushel........-.... .... ' 0 45to Peas per bushel0 55 to 0 58 Butter ••. OE12 to. 015 Eggs... ... . . . .. .... .... .. 0 14 to 014 • 8 00 to 9 00 Hay per ton Potatoes per bushel...a .... .... ' 0 20 to 025 Apples per barrel2 00 to 200 Wool . 0 17 to )20 - Hides per 100 lbs 6 00 to 7- 09 Pork 6 75 to 4 75 Cordwood........ .. .. ... . .. . . ... 2 60 to 60 . ea-,---- • Torioerro, Oct. 22.—Fall wheat, $0.8380,89 ; NI spring, $0.83 to 80.89; oats, 33c to 40e ap 60o to 60c ; barley, 55c to 820; hay, pertone$10. 0 to 816.00; butter, 140 to 22c; potatoes, iper bag, 750 to 85c; eggs, per doz., 200 to 22c; dreasecl hogs, per 100 lbs., $6.50 to $7.00. t ' 1 • e. 1 Live/mom, Oct... 21.—Spring• wheat ON 04d; red winter, is 04d; California No. 1, 07s 05d; California No. 2, 78 :02d; oats, 5ir lld ; barley, 5s 6d ; peas, 5s 09d ; pork, 51s 60d; cheese, 45s 00d. - * Live Stick Markets. TORONTO, Oct. 21.—Average`export cattle sold yesterday at 4c to 4IC per lb., and -inferior at 31e. Really choice would beive brought more. The demand for stockers is good .heavy ones will bring 3c to 34c, and inferior 20 to 2ic per the Bulls sell at 3c :to 4c, and mach cows at $35 W 850 a head. Butchers' cattle would bring Re to 4c, but ordinary, lots sold at ne to 3kc, and in- ferior at 2ic to Be. Sheep in poor demand and choice 3c to 3ic, and inferior and rams 23-c. Lambs, the best sold at $2.80 to 83 a head, and inferior at 82 to 82.50. Hogs, choice light fat 401 at 44-c to 4.ge, and heavy at 40 to stac. Calves 83 to 810 a head, accordingto size and quality. LIVERI,00L.—At Liveypool on Monday the offer- ings were large and the demand slow, with buy- ers indifferent. Prime Canadian steers were at 11c, while in London a shade more was made. In Liverpool fair to choice grades were at laic, poor to medium at 91,e, and inferior and bulls at 7c to 8e. .The _sheep trade has remained Un- changed. Best sheep at Liverpool on Monday were at 13c; secondaryqualities at 1.1c to 12c; Merinos, at 1011,c to 110, and inferior and rars at 8c to 9A -c. • - AUCTIO.N SALES. • On Tuesday,. November 3rd, at 1.2 o'clock, noon, on Lot 28, Concession 14, McKillop, Farm" Stock and Implements. Isaac Townsend, proprietor ; George Kirkby, auctioneer. , 1 • a 1 • On Friday,November6th,at 12 o'clock neon, on Lot 10, Concession 9, Hullett, Farm Stock and Implements. Mrs. J. Warwick, proprietor; J. , P. Brine, auctioneer. - •1 On Tuesday, October 27, at 1 o'eloek p. M., on Lot 16, Concession 2, Tucker - smith, Farin Stock and- Implement - John Hannah, proprietor ; J. P. Brier, auctioneer. On Monday, October 26, at 12 o'clock noon, on Lot 11, Concession 4, H. R. S. Tuckersniith, Farm Stock and. Implee -ments. John McMurray, proprietoe; • J. P. Brine, auctioneer. •I On Friday, October 30, at 1 o'clock p. m. on. Lot 11, Concession 9, Kippen Road, Tuckersmith, Farm Stock and Implements. -Wm. Dobbie, proprietor ; C ill auctioneer. 1 P. De a t on, STILL PRtADING-. LITMSDE & WILSON' Royal Glycer ted Balsam' of THE GREAT COUGH REMEDY. SUCCESS UNPRECEDENTED. Showing without 04 doubt tli claimed for it ie an eminent degre It is now sold all avtler the ver TWO HUNDRED1b-ottlese.011 • • • No medicine in the snarket ea known men of nquestinable char Buy no other Cough Medicine dealer for it, and take no other.. . . . Lumsden Wils at this medicine really possesses the virtues _ try. We sold in our own store, la • st week show so many genuine testimonials fiom well- cter, ill you have given this a trial. Ask your rice, pc. per bottle- •I - • n, Sole Manufacturers, SEAFOR H, ONTARIO. Recei ed this w ek several .lines of very - cheap goods!. Amongst them a line ALL -WOOL TWEEDS A 450 PER YAI,,13. AL4..-WOOL. DRS GO DS AT 25c PER: YARD. CANTON F OM 8c. GOOD VA UE IN TAPEiTRY pARPETS. LARGE ST OK.'OF LACE CURTAINS; COUNTER ANEpt BLA SEALETT S, ASTRACH AND OTH 1.1 MANTLE i• A CALL SOLIOITED. .A. I N. B. —Jus to hand a few ver KETS; ULSTER' CLOTHS, NS, DIAGONALS, OTTOMANS, LOTHS IN.GREAT ifARIETY. ./...%1 2 S C.) Ft 'T 11 y handsome DOGSKIN JACKETS. tirths. AUCTION SALE —OF— Apr I • , BARKWELL.—In shfield, op the 1st inst, the wife of Mr. Joh Barkwell of a son.. ALTON.—In Belies , on the t 9th inst., th wife of Mr. Henry A tonof .a don. PEPPER.—In Grey on' the 12th inst., th wife , of Mr. Thos. Pe per of -a son: CARDIFF.—In Mo rise on the 12th ins •, the . wife of Mr. Mar. Cardiff of a son. MARTIN.—In Morris, on the5thinst., th wife , • of Mr. Jas. Martin of a son. KRAPT.-4n Dashwood, on the 2nd ins the • . wife of Mr. Henry Kraft df a son. , 1HAW INS.—In Hay, on the `8th inst,, th wife of r. Richard Hawkins of a son. FISHE .—In Mullett, on the'17th ipst., th wife ,;,., of Mr. H. Fisher of a dauehter. , i , Marriages. . _ 1 -EDGAR--FORRES11--At "Creek Grove F rin," Enna, at the res;dence of the bride's f ther, on the 7th inst., y Rev. A. Renders n, M. •. A., of Atwood, 3Ir James Alex. Edg r, of " Craig Hill Fern," Howick, to M ggie, i daughter of Robt. Forrest, Esq., Elma. • DAWSON—ELLIOTT.—At the residence the bride's father, on the 14th inst., by Re . W. Rock, Mr. Philip Dawson to Elizabeth, ldest B - daughter of Mr, Jas. Elliott of Turnber . FISHER—SANDERS.—At the residence 1 the bride's father, on the 14th, inst., by Re . Mr. Pascoe, Mr. Wm. Fisher, of Usborne, Miss Annie, second daughter ot Mr. Samue San- ders, of Stephen. ' 1• MUNN—EACILETT.At the manse, ames . - • Road, on the 7th inst„ hy Rev. Cohn Flet- cher, Mr.. Peter Mum], of , Usborne, to Eliza Jane, daughter of rcharcl Eacrett, E , of I Hay. . I - McLEOD—FARROW.— t Manchester, o the 7th inst., -by 'Rev. Jas i Caswell, Mr. McLeod, of Londeshoro, to Miss Is Farrow, of Manchester.• - ARMSTRONG—CROWE.,t--At ' Guelph, o 6th inst., by Rev.T. Swann, bother- , of the bride, Mr. F. Armstrong, prin , Annie, youngest daughter of Mr. .f Crowe, all of Gue)ph. HAMILTON—LEES.—At the residence o ' bride's parents, on the 9th inst., by Re e W. H. Reid, Mr. Jas. Hamilton, of lElowa, d, to Miss Maggie Lees, . eldest daughter o Mr. Andrew Lees, of Howard, Kansas, fon ierly • of Morris. ' . WYATT--TASKER.—At Londesboro, on th 21st Anat., by Rev. John Haugh, Mr. A hur . Wyatt; of McKillop, to Miss Eliz beth a_.‘ Tasker, of Mullett. HARVEY—PERKINS.—At -the residence o the . brideiiather, Exeter, on the 14th inst, by Rev. W. S. Pascoe, Mr. Thos. Harvey, Us - borne, to Miss M. Perkins, daughter o Mr. • Chas. Perkins, of Exeter. ' , . - Deaths.. - 11 Valuable Farm Prolierty. JJDER and by virtue of the power of wile U contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of Sale. There will be sold on Saturday, the lith day of November, A. D., 1885. at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Commercial Hotel, in the town of Seaforth, I in the County of Huron, the following valuable farm property: All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the township of Tnckersmith, in the County of Huron, and Pi ovinee of Ontario, being • compos- ed of lot number eight, in the eighth Concession, H. R. Se of the said township of Tuckersmith, containing by admeasurement one hundred acres of land be the sante more or lees. - There are good buildings on the pre the land is under a fair state of =Hive The property is situated about 12 n Seaforth. ' Ternis be -made known at the th Fdr further particelars apply to G CLUTE,-Vendors' Solicitors, Napanee, Napanee, October 20th, 1885. ises and ion. • 'les from e of sale. BS0.14 & ntario. IMPORTANT NOTICE . • • ANTED. —Teachers wanted for School Section No. 1, Morris, a male and female Teadher, holding a Se ond or Third el: ss certifi- catei • Apply to JOH.. RICH310ND, Blyth P. 0. 932-4 • 1 • aniel NTOTICE TO DEBTORS`.—All parties indebted belle 11 to the late Thonlas Nash. -either by note or • otherwise are hereby notified to pay the same to the the undersigned at once, otherwise they will be -law put in court for collection- JAMES 3IcINTOSH. r, to • 932-4 •bert QTRAYED SHEEP.—Strayed from Lot 2,, the La• Huron Road, Teckersmith about 20th of • GOTTESCHALCK.- -In Seaforth,atthe residL, nee of her brother-in-law, Mr. Robt. Winter, on the 21.st inst., Annie ; E. Gotteschalcl, of ' Hay, aged 25 years and 8 months. WEIR.—In Seaforth, on the 20th insteMarg ret, • youngest daughter of Sr. Jas. Weir, ag d 10 months and 11 days. 4 LUCAS.—In Grey, on the 2nd inst., Margret • Jane Lucas, aged 17 years. " MOFFAT.—In- Molesworth, on the 7th i st., • Robert D. Moffatt, awed 19 years aid 7 • , months. KENNEDY.—In Lower Wingham, en the 12th •inst„ Daniel' W. Kennedy, aged 61 yea s, 2 • months and 16 days. McKELLAR.—In East Wawanosh, on the 3th - inst., John McKellar, aged 67 years, 8 nie ths , and 6 days. REID.-e-In Lucknow, on the 9th inst., D vid Reid, son of Mr. Jamieson Reid, bricklaiyer, - aged 19 years and 17 days., ........§..m. nitANBROOK FOR BERKSHIRES.—The first U prize Berkshire Boars,Barrington and mum. The above mentr nad pure bredB ric P sh re boars will be kept for he season at Tii k's hotel, Cranbrook. Also th pure bred Su olk boar, Young Champion. ie above stock are all bred direct from import *ire and dam, nd are first class. Have shown 'at five fairs this all, catrying off 25 first prizes. Teims strictly cash. One dollar at the thne of service, with the privi- lege of returning -if required. JACOB C. TUCKi 93274 .. I. • ARM FOR SALE.—Lot. 20, Concession 12,, Township of Grey, containing 1(12 acres,60 or -65 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; the balance is well timbered. There is on ithe premises a good frame house, logliarn and frame stables, also a good bearing orchard. It is two miles from Ethel station on the Greet Weitern Railway, one mile from the village of Cranbrook and -k6 miles from Brussels, For terms and • further particulars apply, to VALENTINE FOERSTER, Cranbrook P. O., Ont., or A. RAY - MANN 932-12 August, a number of1 Sheep and Lambs and some aged Rams, some marked and some not. Any one giving snch information as will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. M, and J. HEFFERNAN, Seaforth. 931-tf TO RENT.—To rent, for a term of five _V years, Lot 12, Concession 2, Morris,• con- taining 100 acres, 85 qf which are cleared and he • a good state of cultivation. There are 12 acres of fall wheat. For fuither particulars apply on the premises; or address the undersigned, Blue - vale P. 0. ROBERT KING. - 930-4 . _ T__T OUSE TO RENT.—To rent in Seaforth, a' ; commodious dwelling house containing eleven rooms, with cellar stable and neces- sary conveniences, and pleasantly situated. Ap- ply at 'SMITH'S RESTAURANT. 932 STRAYED.—Strayed from Mr. Thomas Living- • stone's, -Lot 6, Concession 2, Mullett, on Monday evening, 19th inst., a bay colt, 3 months old; Any person giving such informaiion as will lead to the recoveryof the same will be suitably rewarded by leaving Word with ,MR. JAS. ROB- ERTON, Harpurhey. -I 932-2 151ARM IN BULLET FOR SALE.—For Sale, _r Lot 7, Concession 8Allullett, containing 100 acres, 90 of which are ele4xed, free from stumps, well underdrained,well fenced and in a high state of etiltivation. There are 26 acres in fall wheat,. 35 litres seeded down. The balance is well timber- ed With hardwood. There is a, good brick house, gored barns, stables and other outbuildings, and a splendid orchard. There are three good spring wells. It is within amile and a half of the vil- lage Of Kinburn, where there are stores, schools, churches, &c., and 8 miles from Seaforth, and the same from Clinton, Apply on the :premises, or to Constance P. 0. . HENRY TAYLOR. 930x12 CREDITORS' NOTICE.—In the matter of the estste of Wm. Tremeer, late of the town- ship of Tuckersmith, farmer,' deceased. All persona having eny claims against the estate of the -:said Wm. Tremeer, who died en the 13th day of October, A. D., 1885, are on or before the 14th day of • January, 1886,,to send by post prepaid to the undersigned at Chiselhurst P. 0. their chestier) and surnames, addresses and de- scriptions with full- particulars of their claims, et statement of their accounts and nature of securities (if any) held by them and in default thereof, they will be peremptorily excluded from participating in the 'said estate. And I hereby also give notice to all parties indebted to the said estate; whether by book account or other- wise to pay the same to me on or before the time above .mentioned. Dated at Chiselhurst, this 22nd day of October, 1885. JOHN FITZ- GERALD, Executor. • 932-13 KIDD'S EMPORIUM. Irtterestin Announcement, -T1-101.1-AS • Announce to the people of Seaforth, and surrounding oountry, that they have commenced and will continue feom no until the 1st of January, 1 A MONSTER SALE f freshly importad reliable goods, 4 at prices' BEFORE UNHEARD OF IN EAFORTR. - For the benefit of those that have,1 never belore done business with us, we 1 mention the branches we deal in, which we have now thoroughly assorted. •DRESS GOODS, GENERAL DRY GOODS, _7 _ FANCY GO1ODs5 MILLINERY; MANTLES. aRS AND WOOL GOODS, READYMADE CL9THINgs RDEI4E0 CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, . HATS AND CAPS, AND GROCERIES. Branches that we do not intend remaining in, and the balance of the stock 1 .11. these departments will be elared out at SLAUGHTERED PRICES. 1 BOOTS -AND SHOES, • CHINA CROOK RY, AND GLASSWARE. 1 - • • IN THE DRESS DEPARTMENT 1 , . Youvill find the leading novelties in Cash-meres, Serges, Poole Clot s, Ottoman andJersey Cords, Soleils, CotaAines, BLrber Cloths and Bison Suiting, etc. 1 • 1 t- • A first-class Dressmaker on thelpremises, who is now turning out the Most styliSli dresses on the sho test nistice. Mantle Cloths in all the leading - I materials—Silks; Silk Velvets, Satins, Sealettes, Jersey; Ottoman and Soleil I . Cords,, Corkscrew Worsteds, NapsiUlster Cloths, etc. Ladies, you can have I made to 'measure with us first-class tailor made Mantles or Dressy Mantles, made _ k by onr dressmaker in exquisite style. • MILLINER DEPARTMENT. •It is well known far andmearthat we have done the MILLINERY TRADE • of the place for years.. We have carried and have on hand to -day more stock in .• this departinent than all the other houses put together, and ladies well know that n this department you must have a good assortment to be able to get suited. We have added to our former large staff a stylish milliner just from the city,,and we now invite every lady to come in and rnake a selection from our grand stock of goods. They can have thtir iffinery executed on the shortest notice. In Millinery we will not and cannot be undersold. REApYMADE MANTLES.— , We have on hand a large stock, latest cut, nobbiest things atevery low prices. Furs and Wool Goods -well assorted. Some very low lines in Clouds arid Shawls; eee them. - 1 READYMADE CLOTHING.. • — Cothe and see the immense reductions we have made in prices, and satisfy yourself that we have the largest assortment, the most reliable goods, and that our prices cannot be equalled elseWhere. We sell a gooa Tweed Overcoat, man's size, for $5, worth $7.50. A good Tweed Suit, man's size, for $5,50, worth 88. Boy's Suits and Overcoats—first-clasa value. In Ordered Clothing we are doing a very large business. Our tailorturning out excellent fits in latest1New York styles. Every garment guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. 0n1 hand the nobbiest things hi Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, Worsteds, ete. Remember'that although you buy ALL -WOOL TWEEDS frem us for 35 cents per yard, you cannot find ONE YARD OF ANYTHING LIKE SHODDY in the house. Those purchasing Tweeds or Mantle Cloths can have the same cut by our tailor without any charge. • ( GENTS' FUR,N 1 We are offering a full range of Underclothing; Rats and Caps,'etc. Our priOs will be foiled so low that wel fear no competition. GROCERIES.— i •YousWill be surprised on learning the prices we sell good reliable Teas, Sugars, Coffees, etc. Bring us your Butter or your Cash, and satisfy yourself' that you get FULL WEIGHT AND MEASURE with a higher price for your trade than that offered by any other house,1 SALT. • SALT.— It will pay those requiring either Table, Dairy, Fine, Coarse or Land Salt, to give us a call. As we manufacture the _above, we sell it at 'manufacturer's -prices, and we have the most conveaient place of loading corner Main and Market Streets. . To the Publit in General. We make the statement that WE NEVER DID AND NEVER WILL resort to TRICKERY AND SHARPING IN BUSINESS, and the proof of it is _WE MARK OUR poops IN PLAIN FIGURES, and customers may rely that if they do not hily bylow our hey will never buy above it. ar'ket price, with a moderate living profit, • THOMAS KIDD & 80N, !Corner Main and aiket Streets, Seaforth. albsTh"r • ROBERTS RHEUMATIC & GOUT CURE, A certain preventative and cure for that most tiiitressing complaint, RHEUMATISM. The prescription from which this preparation is made has been brought to the noticeof several physicians ee regards its being the best obtain- able for the- purpose, and their hearty appro- bation has been given it, ITS EFFECTS ARE SURE. • Price, 75 cents per bottle. J. S. Roberts CHEMIST & DRUGGIST,' APOTHECARIES' HALL, Cardno's Block, Main Street, Seaforth, C.A.I.JI.1 _AM C. M. WHITNEY'S STORE HOUSE, AND SEE -OUR LINO OF 09AL HEATERS. • THE _ROYAL The aiding Round Base Burner in four sizes, Double Heaters and with Ovens. The Royal Peninsular Is the liandSomest Square Base Bin-ner made, 1 Don't fail to see it. A full line of all kinds of . ' Wood & Coal Cooks, No trouble to show them, Come one, Come alT, and get Bargains. BARGAINS IN _ LAMPS CUTLERY TINWARE,&C AMERICAN AND CANADIAN 1 I COAL OIL ALWAYS ON HAND. 931 i AUCTION SALES. A UCTION SALE OF IMPORTED CLYDE -S- i -1 DALE STALLIONS, '000D CI1EER" AND " PUBLIC OPINION."—In consequence of the death of the late Thomas Sturgeon, a partner , in the firm Sinillie & Sturgeon, and manager of the business of the said Company, the administratriX of his estate and the surviving partners of the firm have determined to -close the business of the said Company. Mr. A. Bishop will sell by Public Auction at the village of Hen- 1 sel], on Tuesday, the 10th of November, 1885, at 2 o'clock p. na, the two popular Stallions, "Good Cheer," No. 1,678, YoL 4, C. S, B., Sire, Fanner (286); and "Public Opinion," No. 2,262, Vol. 5, C. S. B., Sire, Topsman (886). Terms of Sale.—One half cash on day of Sale, approv- ed joint notes, bearing interest at (3 per Omit. for balance at 12 months. A two year old, Stallion bred from "Good Cheer" will be offered for sale at the same tine. S. SMILLIE, BENJA3IIN SMILLIE, MRS. 31.ARY STURGEON, adminis- tmtrix. - 932 , T-IUBLIC AUCTION Atl.,E OF FARM STOCK 1- AND IMPLEMENTS.—Mr. I?. DeCantillon has been lestrueted by Mr, Wm. Debbie, to sell by Public Auction, on Lot' 11, Concession 9, Kippen Road, Tnekerionith, on Friday, October 30th, 1885, at I o'elock p. following valu- able property, viz.: Stook —One mare 7 years old in foal to "North Star;" near° 4 yearso)d, sired by " Old Enterprise ;".1 foal got by "North Star," 3 cows supposed to be in calf, 1 faeroea cow, 4 steers rising three, 2 heifers rising two, 3 spring calves. -6 well bred ewes. Implements,Ste, —One luraber wagon, 1 new set of double team harpess, one-half acre of turnips, and the same of carrots and niangolds, 1 pair bobsleighs, 1 new Maxwell reaper, 1 mowing machine, 1 hay .rake and broadcast seeder combined, 1 set of plow harness, 1 thistle cutter plow, 1 sod plow, 1 gang plow, 1 potato moulder, 1 seuffier, 1 set of har- rows, 1 hey rack, 1 - land roller, cradles, neck - yokes, whifiletrees, watertank, milk cans, and host of other articles to numerous to mention, As the proprietor has sold his favor the whole of the above will positively be sold without re- serve. Terms of sale.—All sums of 85 and under, cast', over that amount 13 months' eiedit will be given on furnishing approved endorsed notes. WM. DOBBIE, Proprietor, P. DeCANTILLON, Auctioneer. • 9324 A COTTON SALE OF FARM STOCK.—Mr, J. IA_ P. Brine has received instruction from W. S. Mundell, to sell by public Auction, on Lot T, Concesaion 8, 11. R. S., Tuckersrnith, on Thurs- day, October 29th, 1885, at 12 (*lock, noon, the following valuable property, viz.: One span of matched general 'purpose horses, one five years and the other eight; 1 gelding 3 years old, 'sired by " aVeloome 1 one year old filly, sired by- " North Star;" 1 sucking foal sired by huported "Sampson ;". S cows in calf, 1 thoroughbred Durham cow, supposed to be in calf; 1 farrow cow, 1 fat cow, 4 heifers two years old, supposed to be in calf ; 1 heifer two ye -ars old, 3 steers on e 3 ear old, 4 heifersbne year old, 2 thorowhbreel bull calves, with pedigree ; 5 Cotswold Iffieding ewes, I Cotswold ram, 3. thoroughbred Berkshire boar, 1 Sulky hay rake, 1 cutter. All of the above will be sold without reserve, as the pro- prietor is overstocked. SUMS of $6 and wider, cash ; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved en- dorsed notes. A discount of 7,„ cents on the dollar will be allowed for cash on ereditamounts. W. S. MUNDELL, Proprietor; J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer, ' 931-2 A 'UCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM Lla STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS.—J, Ea Brine has been instructed by Messrs, John Hannah and James Johnston, to sell by Public Auction, on the loam of Mr. Hannah, Lot 143,0oncession 2, Tuckeremith, on Tuesday, Ober 27, at 1 o'clock, sharp, the following -valuable property, viz.: Horses.—One ‘-` Welhngton " mare eight years old, supposed to be in foal to "lanton Jock ;" 1 "Wellington" mare 3 years old, sup- posed to be in foal to "Renton Jock ;" 1 brood mare 11 years old, 1 -driving mare 13 years old, supposed to be in foal to - Tontine 1' <known ale the Thorne marc), 1 general p4pose mare, 0 , years old; 1 three year old gelding, sired by ' " Just in Time ;" span of driving horses, 6 and 7 years old ; 1 mare foal from Forsythe & Jehn- stoles imported mare, sired by " Ratiton Jock," 1 mare foal, sired by " Borland Chief ;," 1 horse foal, sired by "Tontine,' -one two yea r old geldieg, sired by "Baron Rothschild." Cattle. --Four cows supposed to e in ealf to 4 thoroughbred bull, 2 steers risin four, 9 steer s rising three, 6 heifers rising three, 5 steers rising two, and 3 spring ealves. Sheep,—Three South- down ram lambs and 6 Southdown ewes. Piga-- Cue pure bred Berkshire boar. Poultry,—Twen- ty pairs Pekin duets bred from Mr, J. P. Brine's prize-winning steck, and a number of pure bred White Leghorn and ,Piymouth rock -chickens. • linplernents„--One lumber wagon nearly new, 1 pair diamond barrows, 1 root-eutter, Gardinee's . pattern ; 1 Teeswater -gang plow, 1 farm -cart with harness. Terms —All sums of $,f5 land un- der, cash, 'over that amount 14 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes: a discount of 8 cents on the dollar will be allow- ed for eash on all credit amounts. JAME JOHNSTON and JOHN IIAN,NAH, Proprietors, J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer,. 913-2