HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-10-23, Page 4OCTOBEI . 23,t 1885 Wv 0 Expost-4, T.14 E HURON. 0 the-, morning proclaimed io eent levelopments Mr. Clark of quantity 0 hay sto this w-,ek for Holmesville, where, we small hours of red therein. Jas A "mbro, bownship of West Z( 'the .AE, BUTTEMCK A too. 8 ard the truth of y9ur arguments. and the eat out f sven. A am not wedded to i eight barrels of unden tand, he h-4 Purchased. a farm. time to depart.. The bride'agresent-s )rra, bro - r but I desire to Cline & Cc.. lose $60L Or P4per Patterns for a 1.1 kinds of ,jubtice of your cause.. any partidular niethod, .Oil; Whitbey &L Duffield $45 on Six bar- ­L68t Satur 6 night Mrs. Edward were numerous and costly. uch of of Mrs. Trick, has been led to doubt THE YOUNG LIBERALS. call attention to, hat t great many men an illness the en' t 8 owing 0 the efficient that the -death of his sister was aeci. Misses", Bos' and Qhildren s It is for that reasoii that. I heartily w l- have said - to we What is the use of els which they -liad'stored in t!) btlil& Varcoo died at ..' esels, after Joymen. wa of - se ver . al webh lagement-6f Mr. John Shute -who dental, and the fact that Airs. Trickand tedt of in- .8. She had been man Garments, -for sale by ROFFM m,f BROS., The fire 'was undoub coined the action of the Young Liberals our making a trer, nendous effort to turn ing. e -emonles- The her hu and did not live. on the best 3taforth. Ut ? V . turned him out in, ' endiary brigin, and * w a troubled with he art disease some time acted as dir etor of Cer Sir -John o C e Understan of Canada. I hailed it as a good omen.. . ties nexpected. happy couple -have our beat wishes for terms st rengthened his suspicions of foul le accordingly. wrote to the I was glad to see their convention, 1 1873.; Mr. 'Macken'zie and Mr. Blake a clue to 0e guilty par has been ob- and her death w s not U' 1.1 R, -.ference , v as last week made to their future yrosper'L Y. 'a i I p y -General ne EIIENTS. wa glad to learn thai they. Are f6rniing came In -and put an end to.extravaganed tai led. Attorne 7 annou in the disappearance of the youngest son of —Messrs. as. Townsend and James b g his . con- clas. - I Advise them, to Continue in and corruption ; and then the Tories re, vietion I but his sister had een the parepthesis after their I good work. If the Liberal cause turned and ro6ted by your leaders' eek. Mr. T_-Mountah of Hullett. He has Walters, of Tuckrsmitli, have returned Polsoned en- fioni. Mi hi Wethey went with the and er neck en. The A&I"The gLe, between X of the afterwards brok pach line d iotes the page of the paper on. wbioh _01 intents -and purposes thd The tu.-ned up all rigil , having taken an 11 ic lizani niach! has been forwarded to s to make converts, the accessions must work." To THE WIT, I&AT CROP OF FF.ANCF,,— intention 1h ad. ifient will be found. 'fromthe ranks of theyoungand re'sult of the great wave- of indignatioli on one of the boats running or taking land if th ey liked the 9to Professor 10 I of France thisl year gagempnt an. Ellis N assA n6uncement—T. Kidd.& Son. (5). come wlitat ore ggre- etweqn Detroito P Id Cleveland, country ; they are better satisfied th ' I ' I hig Lunisden & Wilsom (6) intelligent. I, am bound- to tell. you that 4wept over the minds of the people 859' 0,000 qbintals;f a little lose it tl ih Ontario since their*return; —On ririday evening of last Still Spr _T#e ca re n y extended by the ever wit week, Golde U4n R. Jamieson. (5) s' ears Sir John return, than in 18 4. Congregational - 6 arob, Wingbam, to they also report times very dull in the about fifty of the ladies of the Rattqn. 9). this, that it is a pretty hard. thing. to re wa ' that in L five Y; Ready Mo#ey Sales—E. McFaill. construct a gentlemen who At forty ed- t9 find his use swept and garniib­ 'CARDINAL MCCLOSKRT' .WEALTII.- 7m. Moore. (8) Bla:c j rovin3e lumber camps.. Messrs. an Prawing Class—M years of age is either. a Reformer or Before any true regress. is aehie Rev. R. K. of Granby;,P (4eo. i 4 John tniry street Methodist Church Cl n,tolip v' Cardinal M'c(Aoskey left only a $10,WO 9 Wotice to Debt-ors—JamesUcIntosh. (5) of Quebec, has b nd several from other riches. of the -en accepted, and the Chesney, of Tucker8mith; who went to a —Gibson and Clute Conservative, that whenL a man has ed You must destroy tle power of venal life insura ce policy. town We of Farm Pmpertv reverend gentletnan entered upon the Manitoba lai g, have retu Berkqhlres for Servic;—J._ C. Tucit'. (5) 'vo'tes,. and give true representation to all .4 sprin rned and gathered at the house of 'Mr L Reformer or' I 'BiLLINGs DEAD. H. W. Shaw - reached that age either as -a JOSH .1 Farm for Sale—V. 4jerster. (5) ht. For myself (josil Billibgs) died suddenly of apoplexy discharge of his U ties on Sunday.last. are now williog to Content themselves in -Ho Imes and presented Mrs. HDImes (Who A to stay s men Girl W-anted—Mirs, _kUlt. (8) a Conservative lie is very al, o. oil the floor of Parlia -The property L of the late Andrew Ontario; their crops were ritilied with b: been for years associated with the Fixmiers' Attentioo—A. W. Ogilvie & & (91) The natural assistance to the Liberal I Am.neither purist nor puritan. I do Wednesda§, 14th int., pt Montery, Wanted—John Richmond. (5) party comes from' 'tile young, who are not pretend to belong to the Class of California,, whither he had 'gone, for his Moir, consisting'(d 200 acres, lots 29 the frost. lidies of that I church n hurch _wADrk,) !Burgular Proof Safe-s—Purvis &Nfilks (8) f yet untraminelled by party associations, goody. goody politicians. Politics iswari health. and 30, oil the, 3rd coneedsion of Us- —The Howick fall show was held at With a Costly Silver sugar bowl, Cream -n Sak of Stallions--. Smillio. (5) Auctio I gs are necessary in war born6, was purchased, on Friday last, Gorrie on Monday and Tuesday last. pitcher and butter dish accompaniedby RheumatiAni Curt and are willing to look a, y a c 'L 13 , dress to hich 2, f irl. n can nd many thin Di, ctvram.—Aii. In. er a' complimentary ---4. S. Roberts. (5) f by Mr. John Dow, of Usborne, for The display! the hall . was ratb dCreditavi'Netice—J. Fitzgerald. (5) didly at the facts of the cAse. And which are not fiecessary in times Of extensive.gelieme for thp colonizatioll 0 Boy wanted—ExposiTOR Office. (s) therefore I say to my older friends of e . ace. . I should, not go into hysterics tram'ps for* election purposes, in which a $12,500. meagre. This no doubt was on account suitable reply was made. AftLT the Willinery—Mrs. Alexander. (8) every age and degree, w6'11 welcome number of 1roponsible politicians areim- - Z: Margaret Linfield, an elftrly %,Oman of the disagreeable weather, which dress had been read, tea was served,and Cause my fri4fids are not all political Iffousa-to-Rent—H. L. Smith. (5) Collimitted. to Go ich gaol some time would prevent many at distance. from all enjoyed themselves -until a late hour. lunatic, its. But I 6o- belleve th t when I plicated, h6s beeirdiscover6d in the city Strayed Colt.—Janies Robeiton. (5)1 these young men, even if -Ih y hould saints. a ation Was ago as tution b their Tile present d ed ip that insti ringing in hitt:31ded exhib made by Airs Public Auction Sale—Wm. Doi,bie. (5) st v a little over the bounds. Let them am brought face -to face, with a great of New'York. was espec last week. It is a; shanie that such un- The scarcenes of fruit iallY Rolmesifriends as a tribute of res ect discuss what sible to MILITATCY EXPEDiTidN.—A combined do it; let them is Upper evil= -when it is almost- impos fortunates should, be forced to live and noticeable, and the quality very inferior aD d - este m prior to her depar Worn in their inin&. - Canada has noth- grapple with the -i -problems before us un- 'Most laval nd,fililitary expMitibn of 10,000 where as did in the common. gf6l, with the exce tion of a nice plate of Clinton to reside in Toronto, as ing, to dread' from free discussion. less by removing hat evil—I do believe- men is bding fitted out at Calcutta to tr - s on the iF. alread known Mr. Holmes has ae- r W I — - grapes. Somd good Stuck wa y a to dread -elin -operate a0inat Upper Buemab, should Mt. Robt. Elliott, of t1l e 8th conces iS 6 Ilh in calling theattention of the people to W4&t Canada ha f t) d, not only in lie r lt -, and cattle, cepted the position of Assistant Pro,- pro 3sand debauched constitu6neies. I it, and advising them how I believe that King The6w prove obdurate to British Sion, Goderich township, oil ' e 0 ie groun -and pigs. vincial Librar come the Young Liberals als the for- difficu o. I want our earliest settlers -in the -township, (lied on but also in'sheep we_ representations.' FSEAFORTH, FRIDAY Oct' 23,- 1885. lor i hope, or rather as what .B ron calls friends, and especially our Young Liberal KILLED By A. BE, Am —A Bismarck, Saturdi0y' evening, after a short ill- —A large a d very heavy pli nk fell r Dakota,. Wlegrani says Joseph Ri ness he was widtly known and highly from the inside of the courthouse tower, all As t ie full of hope misnaned foil6rn, " by friends, to ponder 'ovier this question. 998, The F sizes. esteem d. at Goderich, oil Monday of last week, wh oil every commander Who has con- -You will observe that the - policy which who with a. party of lridnds was hunting C, The Police Magis - trate. dub ed a Su,c6essful 6 ll s made his- I ad in the'"'Ro:' ki —'Dtincan 'ReL.Lighlin, of Grey, a and crashed through the ceiling of th The,fall assizes for -this county -sie vocate isbile of thorough es,, was killed in an en- were One of the principal reasons urged well known breeder of good horses, lost court room. It fell just near -,w.here the fnce, into the citadel—l'timst they ROOT AND BRANCH REFORM., colinter with grizzly bear on Friday held at Goderich 14-st week, Chief Ju. a valu6ble brood.1 mare' last Monday deplity-sheriff sits during court, and -foll e to prosper. end the Senate, last. Ri -'s. stabbed /the bear in the ti Armour piesiding. The ilist.the apointmentL of a Police will go on and. dontinu I want. not. only, to 'am lowin aga gg .. ornin Inflam ation was the cause would have killed that gentleman or any gentlemen were sworn in- as Gtall *agistrate for this county, is tha I tL the FAIR EXPRESENITATIONI but to amend the representation of the" heart, but not until he had been disem- r ell- of lie ath, The mare was a. ood one passing limb of the law bad it struck But behind all this lies. that most Rouge 'of Commons, and I want to bw 9 rors ed. 0ppointment being a permanent- one, the problem which has perplexed al- amend it on groubdo, and raled some `e eellent stock him. Those who looked at the hole ,*in 917 which I am sure RAILWA1k0oLLIsioN.—A coal train on ohn Acheson, W. H.. Ridley, ,' fficial could not be removed, in the me hi —Of e day last. week while a young the ceiling4ndh6 dent in- the' floor of 1J t en Who desired the ad- will commend themselves . to all good the Le' oad collided d u I f Mr ot waydRathwell, John Scobi, Code. all Satesm Valley Raill a 0 O j 9 0, f liberty. or Re- in onday morning With a freight n Jam4s Swe , of Exeter the coqrt house, are better satisfied that F Iient of the Act not being again adD t- van c:ement o -At the last men, whether Conservatives g a fog M was gathering beedli-nuts in'& bush just the accident -occur -red on Monday, than rivh ; 'Win. Baker, Thomas -vNrillig gen ral election 'the Liberals obtained f orm ers. t. Vack .Cre'ek Junction, -and 40 train a Stephen; Thos. Carling, Exeter.; lilex. .6d after th6 expiration of tl e present.: it th outside; the villagej, the limb of the tree on any othelf day that week. thousand Do''vidson, M-cKillop;-Wm-. J. Hay of as man)r votes. ocomotive of - the coal trai den cars and th. a: I in u]pon *Ihich he ww stan Ing gave way, __J 4erm, and that he would eir opponents rovi d' ohn Autberford, who - has been t31 sThe Revii3ing Barristers. 'were completely demolished. be I a, burden in the P ' nee. of OU allowi I the lad to fall a distance of eTnployed in Win. Elliott's store in Ashfield; F.. McDonagh, C91borne, ;%nd an expense Upon the county ng 0 rio. Ther Barristers under the TERRIBLE. BUTCHERY. 00 —Seven t efore, a change . of 1,5 vising tbir ieet, but he only sustained a few Wingliam, tot the pait-"ten molItIlLS ) Chas. McLaughlin, Howick; Andre 10 g The Re 'ter his services -'were required. e vo s would have given two-thirds -of ty Ff sand Chris ians have been inassacred i L)ougall ; Hullett; Emanuel Oliver, v new Dominion Franchise Act hve been il, Co, I Chin in bruisesi previous t6 which. he was with Scott & Mel I .1 oxe glad to, learn that the Ont ario G the seats to the" Reformers. : Why is it Annai China. Among the vie-, HOIM4, wenty- Bell for three years, left tbat town last Xiorris ; John Slemmon, Jas. trachan that Mr. MO-Wat has a hma- appointed for Ontario. In most in- —Mr. I who. for t Tuckersmith! ernment, appre tims were M. Chatelot, mi . 8sionary, . an d go,% ind him in Toronto I nces ve been ap- fen native ' i, sts. on Nicholas Sheir, UBborne; James Wylie, clatinethe diffi,culties of jLority b6h while Mr. sta the couity judges h, pr e eight years has bf-en. conductor on this week with his family for G'las Scot- Grey; George Sproat, the situation have determined to re- -Blake is in a minority in the same 'IJATNs. —One hundred ectiontof the Gra (I Trunk, will here- land. It is Mr. Rutherford's intenti Tarnberry ; J. W- ashington, NN" pointed. On the strength of this the VIENVINIGTHE RL after rura between' 'tratford and Buffalo to 'settle in that neighborhood. and go wanoh, 'movethia difficulty, and to Province, though both elected by thousand *rsons sought kdmission'to place the are out only - and will ta e lip his abode in into business in his native shire. Dur - the self -same bodyof electors, only dif- Conservative papers are pointing ft. -PatlieWs Cathedral, New York- on His Lordship's charge was brief and. '*hole matter within the control of the His familiar face will be miss- Ing his residence in Wingliam he has simply explanatory of the jury's duties, ferently divided; In one case the Con- the. gyoundlessness of the fears of the Wednesday to view the remains of Buffalo6 i blic up this way. won many warm friends, - who will The first case tried was Steph County Council. This removes the last -Over 5,000 were ed by the travellink pu ens vs; CLOID stitaen6y has been L fairly and IlLoliestly Reforillers that these official.s would'be 'Cardinal MPCIoskey. - H me Dale,'an action for not endorsing- plain- *estip o an L excuse the oil have distributed -=in Mr. Blak,e's -case- it has is trkin is now run by Mr. Lynn regret his depqture and at the sa turned awa When the doors were closed 0 id bell- Crawford. time wish him good luck in his un- tiffl-s notes in pursuance of an allege men who would n t -make fai at dd ered. -Gen- %t night. Abir declining to act in the ln tter and been shamefully ge"Trymand i - I I contract. His Lordship struck out the -ore, that tlemen, What is the real -truth a's - to at est lists, but woAld prepare them in such ARRi 13TED FoR BoycoTTiwG. —In pur- —Mssrs. Swendrtou, Livingstone & dertaking. 'it j -this case, and after hear. W -e hope, theref on, the first day 16ast 60 out of - our 9q constituencies ? a mailner as wotl'ld be unjust to the—ple- Green thteshed for -Mr. C66per Forest, —While a funeral was in progress ury notice in suance of ibe. Government plain for thi mber li-ieeting; 'of the Dece win - Are the suppressio of be of the Parr Li, e, - r 7th el neession of -"the Clinton cemetery on Sunday, a f, - e, I' their new separ- couple of ladies had a narrow. escape eilterd y not, I ask you bon stly, at the form, )g,, 200 respecta net the Warden without aa- merey of tmo or. three hundrqd venal' pa ty, They also. embrace the op- i t Cottil, Hay t6waship, wilt' don and after the fifth Of tu t Michaelmas SittiligS diSm,isSing Otr further I We inbi ts oistradbally, county of 060 bushels of oats ih tile short 'from what might have been a serious ae t i )or y eul6gise Sir John Macdo- ator, nex qg or, humugging, to forward votes, which can be purchased in the ueens, Ireland, have- been arrested. open mark6t? 'Do I say anything un- aid :f6r his 'fair -and honest dealin time a three hour' and forty minutes, cident. Mrs. Geo. Elliott, with another aqtion with -costs, and the counter -claim 'the necessary recommendation t6 the. - gs in IT, liasn LEAOT-E CONIVENTTON.—The en- lady and children in the rig, was care- ith costs. true when I say* that. out of these 92 th. The feMing was done by Wilson Sw e matter, This is all very good. SO far. tional convb1lition of the Irl&Natioiial [Gavernment at once.. The follo i erton d Roberi )Livingstone and the fully driving behind seyeral other car- ne ly there are not I Taylr vs. McCullough—Anactionfoi asit es. The appointments that have League of Arnerica will be held in Chi- etterfro the ProvInoialSed-etary-Lt.0 less than 60mi which any mi ;Could go go- Was by James, Green. riages in the cemetery when the wbeel an engine ell ultin trespass in assa been. made so far' are such that no person 01 on the 20th of Januar Mr' Par- g plaintiff. Thefol- and by expen ding a few thousand dol- ago y —One morning ilast. week as,Ndr. Hf of the buggy caught the hub of another l6win were impanelld us the jury to *he County Clerk explains itse f Of Lth ' Ivish nell and a Aroug deputation e Pao ing ap tiy t lars control the elec in any way h W. Cook, of Clinton, was I ' ki and threw it over on its side. For a mo TQRONTO, October 1885. tions e can j.-tistly ta I ke exception to them, and Parliamentary party, including 'Mr. T. -tfieldstatioil, his hors; ment the crowd stood almost breathles his case: Joseph Dalton, Patrick P es,m car atB114( pleases ? I fear that is the sad and if thq', succeeding ones are of a similar 11' L rd Mayor of Dublin, -will Wells, A, R. Morris,, Stephen Yates -1 understand that there is some apz, iob4 -truth, ad it is a state I thi being ed in a d close by; something expecting6 see the horses of both car- ings Trueman Smith, Charles Dum.in Arthur en that if a u 1v7onventi sb" ee king away from its riages make a smash, but fortunately 911aw. -preh sion salari.( a Police which nature we will JO wifn our Conserva- attend the Ion. ali L startle it, and John Menzies ,Joseph I Griffin, is appointed for the county, I CO-.\'-TFST SEATIS. —The Loy sts in- MUST BE MET tive ie I fastenbigs it soon conveited a top- they remained perfectly quiet, and no o&sepb. Steph the Appointment .may be continued -contempora s in Congratulating ten I to col test every parliamentary seat injury was done. en, Robt. FEL;rrishl Charles buggyinto emblanc e occasion d so as'to give the Parnellites to he Is ---wThe p ion though th I , .Ir I( cc' one that had no res Sputlicott. Thi's cas d at and Cured 'in som e way or other. A Sir John in hav f acted honorably and e commence check was given to corruptio'D when the I a buggy except that the four C laway. In or o1er that the tion ma fairly f6r 0 Ce, altho h -we still hold greater tr ble and expense. 1 3 '11 was concluded at 6.20 -p. for it i nay pass in reloand, e eople of the 6th oncessi of O p.m and trial of election peti from Ulg C, hung t6crether. Goderich township were, somewhat sur- Theiju ibe disposed of by the counci ' without tions was taken Ou -i. LeMater, e, . . Lry returnd at 7 o'clock with I - C Crambrbok, in the prised on Wednesday last when it was the Committees of the House of Com- thA the e is no necessity for the change Poftiru Tuck. :of reference to, unnecessary cons -i lerations, Paris, says Portugal has' seized two towns] ip of Gre aiverdict for plaintiff for $150 dainages, mons and handed'over to the Courts of from tb preseni.:'systetyi. But. it, is hica h'as begn sweeping said that Mr David Cox was to be mar- Mr. Garrow moved- for certificate for e 'ulf of Gu' 4a The report proved to 11' beg to stat in behaf of th( Govern- Frelieli SILL. tions on the G hat c —that reform was effect6d by the st ed- that the 1 wilv Premier has not Urges L L 7 things his year with his ali6w of swine. ried oil t flill costs. His Lordship deferred judg- Law at foreirril Af- He too 6 prizes at Brussels fair; 3 at- be true, for o the said da be was .1 nd the 'Mini,ster of But now the evil- is re I 't UL hient that ia case the councili e ees fit to Liberal party. a U en ntU the morning, when he lirect- t6pprove Of an appontML-emt bei made, yet completdLd his scheme, and that con- airs to act energetically. turning in a worse form. - There is no Seafor h 6 at N6wry and 5 at Bel United in th,%,rbdn(Is of -holy matrimony I e(ill appr4ntment. of asalarie(l A agistrate -won to sound biti Vnitpd q6tws ConQnI At, to be entered for plaintiff seqUeutly it' is. too rEIVU. Mr. Tuck -has gone to -a goo( to Mrs. sister-biA T, dainacres and bill costs of suit. use in ndyibg tou itmch oil the Courts. .1 9 (1), L r _J t be discontinued by order i council ng report on the believe the law might be - considerably praises. It is said that each of th at Sydney as sent le deal of expense and the proof that -h Gee. The cere erf rmed at Graham vs. Vanstone et at—An action Ill case of the Scott Act ce to, oper- amended, but at beat the procedure is Australian copper in nes, whNII he says, has struck good siock is evident by th the Methdolist parsonage, Bayfield, by f '6te in the county if the 'CQUIl evising Barristers is to have a clerk or or non acceptance of quantity of y should Y,, an - neertaiii. are among ffie mos.-- the world. Kesult then desire the d costly, dilator d u If we I f the fall sh6s. Rev. T. Gee. - LTh took the train at w)leat. y consent of both parties this isconti—nuan e of the 0 be'appointed by TnF,.j LATE FIGHT IN THh SOUDAN. — 0 ey had the clearest proof that out of the 92 an assisstant wh 'Will —Thle Brown biothers,of 4rey,recen Brucefield fok . ndon- -where they in­ eL case was adjourned until the spring a hoi4or t lappointment. I bave the GovernmenLt nd Upon whom the An account of the 'battle betwe n the ly thre hed out a barn 4Ox6O feet id tend spending their honeymo3on. it constituencies in Ontario 52 had been the We tiligs of the court, the costs of the da;y Y8811ilanS. a nd the Ara.b says: Ras one day we r AitTiyrit 8, HA-P-T)Y, Se6retary. Air.- your obedient servant, carried by the grossest corrution, rk of prepaA g the' lists will de- Ab with "their steamer, on the 14th wish them all jy and happiness i th eal. we In et and postponement tb be paid by te in' cominander, at , conces on. On onh decasion during tli4 married life. would be practicaly powerless to resist Alonia, the Abyss ian To the Clerk, county- of 'Huron, it. The utm, ve.. If this bei the case, and if un- --tacked 10,000 Arabs. The battle lasted rno)n the mac e bad to e stopped —The annual show of the Ashfield and d6fendnb in any event of the suit. afte. ost thitwe could do would The gmud. jury came into court With iGoder, ich, Ontario. ser - ulous partiialls ire appointed to 12 hours. After the death bf Osman in ord to extri ttne' a man that -yet Wawaiiosh Branch Agricultural Society be to punish a few flagrant. offenders. 'UP e. a true bill against ichal Awadden for Either you must get a great iva-ve of these positio & it will be nearly'as bad 'Diina. the -rebels seatiered, lilit continu- i buried ap, in the traw mow. it was was held in Dungannon on Wednesday, saguinst James Harilliton, perjur, the Lucknow DemonAratio:n. 6olLtofi,ght-bravely. SeveialAbyssiniani acknowledged to-lbe the best day's October' 7th. - The day was favorable, popular. excitement to sweep clown all as if improp r appointments were madd for neili ent ese pe of a prisoner in his these atificial barriers of corruption, or generals ware slain. Tbe Italian Gov- threshi:ig ever don on the line. i nd the show on the whole was' a good A union political lemostlaion 'for in the'first place, and all the evils feared t b, received ad In a k one and up to that of ally previous year. yon must wait until the conduct of the, priiiiient b vices confirining —The Wing Times of last wee 'arrlig,.qi rand jury presented bills as ol- Government has bi colne o -Reformeis may still beperpe-. the report (if the death of Oman Digna. says Wor, - a Truit and vegetables were of excellent i'llaron and Bruce, was li U a Lucknow by il d k t 4e salt well has been I v ult occasion- s airocious I -1 .. - . J m. I I Four huno red Abyssihians who were . I - Johnston, assa lon Friday last. ecd iny, nice uring the past week-, quality, although the number o -entries There wa;s a.. large at- and the state of the country to ruinous, trated;-, These clerks, in preparing the no L w 0 a f ing actual bodily harm —no bill; Jaines desert wounded inr e camped near proc that t1feir-own supporters wili the light ar and deptl o a trifle over 1,000 was not large. The ladies' departinent Hamilton, negligent escape by a. con. -endance. of ratepayers from., the sr- lis 6 put'on the*naines of Conserva- feet ha been a6 ed. There detive, some re nii them. This.is a thing wh.ioV rarely' Ahmara. The march of the Abyssinians re is- every was % ry attr ally ad. ra- sta'ble—truo_ bill. Trounding country- - Speeches were de- happens, and when it does happen it is tiv s' who ll ve no right to be put on, to Kassala ias been chebked. indicati n of gal Itlie contents. of the ble specimens of fancy work -b in' t ; B i ible vs. Zimmerman. —An action for usually only -when the country has got and can -IKERS kin sand p imp havi 'ter taste, and in. iihie liom of horses 0 ,livered by Sir Richard Car ightf i leave off the names of Reformers LAIPf CAH. RE STr, .--!the stri a, bi, erl g nu as up t r- the aid of a saw inill. This ease' arose Hon.A. ?V1. Ross into such a Stae that it takes geLnera- who should be on, and if the Reformers mill o-)eratives in Lancaghire have agree the proi ipects are tlAat a bed of salt may mer ye rs. .'fliere 'was a good exhibit a .1 $ . out of, the affairs of th well-knwn D. tions to repair the mischief Vh ques- five perec"lit. reduction in be'stru(k at an At all events it of bugg es, si gle*and double, one single Cliishol accept m, of Hamilton W, . b c nd. anies SGm-erville, M P fir Soutb do 7not incur the ex ensd of looking !'to - Y tion upon which I speak is one hich r off. buggy shourn by R. 1. IMcMath, of Luck - wages, wit. another.similar reduction in is ot f. ruce, James So5mervlle," A.. P., for -has engaged -the of Closely after them. and appealing, these —Mr,' E. Elliott ; of _G,od6rich town- now, and ii-molp forr Chas. Girvin, Reeve edi, the mill being situated at Saugeen. attention, great three montlis if by tfiat time trade has inc i orrect lists will -be rece Ived and rati- o was thre Judgment reserved. !Xorth Brant and Mr. A. H. ;L &nnmg of thinkers., and What I am about to sug- not improved. If this concession.is ile- ship, who was thre hing with Mr. Robt. aff West Wa-w&-nosh, being a particularly Queen s. Bailey—The celebrated bal- n do ere an rs, 27,000 op a 'Clinton. - Mr. Manni xest; has been suggested already by Mr. fled by the- Reviging Ba risters.* This cepted by t ie mill owne er' - Elliott, came n'ear osing one of his arms handsome onei es will resum r -bile he was -The following paragrap lot box cue connected with the Scott- John Stnart Mill, and Air. 131ake hall beilIg the" case, it last waek. It a ars that w h is taken lable alid eloquent address in d ien would be well for all tiv ewo, k. Act elLection. Oil appli-cation. of Jfr, called attention to it. If the reat bulk RF --ix oiling the main I aft which runs the from the Winnipeg Free Prees, and the TI AT AGA ST BOYCOtTING.—The Lqunt' Q. C.. this case was traversed 'the.platform adopted by. th e patties to guspend judgment until they re ed to w ny ofthe*eleGtbrs were venal. alif corrupt, English -Government ar6 taking extraor. machine his arn, ot caught in theL gentleman as for ma I . n1ext usizes, owin ulltil. g tothe absence Uberals at their late convent on. The there would be but little hopd for us. see from what kind of material Sir Johh 4ina-ry measures to suppress boycottin driving belt, drawing it around the years a prosp e vil- 9 lage of Brusse s: In the horse ring the of I a Material witness. Prisoner's bai seeoh Of the day; ho But I protest against an -such-assertion. selects' 1is 'Revising Barristers' clerks, in Ireland. They have -threatened to pulley and. bruising it %,cry severely. It weven was made y was renewed at $100 for himself and gr prize ammali ivere holding a little show The ' et bulk of the electors in revive.the White -in -a ally and bo -w hie plays upon this other string two sureties of $2,50each. Wm. Hawk- Dythe -ember for Sauth Buron.. It boyAdt, which inflicts was very fortuuat4 that lie did ot get constituency ar his arm completely torn off, -well-mean- :a sentence of seven! penal servi- of their own. i Among the foremost in honest and e - ears WAs one of his most able eflbrts. which hehas to his bow. In any event, wa Shaw Jind Henry Martin w re a epW He ing mem­ Tha is what I believe as' re, tude on any, person 6tilid guilty of con - —' r, John. Hatstings, of Goderich procession .observed the handsome as lth sureties. [Preferred a most powerful indictment gards the a-reat bulk the -ra Ink and file. however,, even -supposing the appoint- s township, was aegident of Toronto -in two-year old Clydesdale stallion belong- piriug agai st the -peace or property of 6 et Al vs. Randall t al—An M* Ty n, en again -A the Present Govern t and Bnt I say what I belie 'Irish loyalists 1845, ))Ut has not visited that city since ing to 1J. E :Smith thd* en =1 'm my Con- nients be All that the most critical could ve' to "Bing terpleadr issue. By consent, a verdict s depict cience to be true, when I say that un- HORRIBL ' D 'VERY. —A ghastly dis- that time; he thinksit has changed so stock raiser oil;Beresiord, south of Bran- ing ed their miamanagelnLeni of pablic, desFe, the'new sysiem. will be at best, was accepted f or'plaintiffs without try in the most- co fortunately in the great majority of the. covery was Umla$dcoe at Dyersville, near much. since then''that he.would hardly don. 4e is the get of old Lord Had- unt" case. ald tellincr expensive, Intricate, coinfusing and cum- Dubuque, owa,l on, Saturday. So Utation. constituencies the election is deter. me know it, and be i bbout right. While do, a hdrs e with a provincial rep Acheson vs. Mitchell—This was &suit manner, while his remarks, -v6re calm, mined by "e lid dragged up a- living there he as offered a farm of This colt has taken numerous first barsome, and W' I hot in any respect be Children fishing lin a po amayes rough the malic a piz th' jous. libel deliberate a_'nd gentlem anly, an(I he it A FEW VEN-AL VOTzXS, of nine 100 acres, near the, barr eks', for $500. at the I Tor Industrial fair and. so satisfactory as that now in existence. bpx which Contained th6 remaini by Mitchell as editor of the .backed up and proved his D.nd the problem is how to prevent these ematu rely' borii babes. The box had The, same property is worth to -day an others throll out western Ontario, both. Wingha -in Vidette.. By onsen of 31r. In, this county Judge Toms has, been r vEeen.air-tig t-aiid ba# contained alcohol, i"I'llense, SUM. as a yearling ol a two-year-old. lie public documents and e voters from controlling... the elde- 119i It for defendant A verdict of -one shil- :incon! i ointed Revisin and had been onstantly washed by a s awarded flrst, and is a valuable ac- tions. -Now, 1 say tbat our existing APP -Batriter for South" —At the Winkhain School Board wa statistics. Afterpourtr ing the Iiiig damages and full cpstg of action was ay representative- systein.works very badly uron, and Junior Jud ' Doyle for East spying whi6h fuihislied all the Dydrs_* M'eetino, Tuesday §veni-ng, Miss Duncan quisitioil to th horse stock of that sec- .ge ettered, in Mr. Achieson's fa-vor. this- respect, that it : isilder Which we labor, -be propounded in Ville water supply. Suspicion -points -to tendere herkesignation as teacher in tion of Countr3. puts -a premium and North -Huron. With these appoint- W Qu4en vs. Charles Herbert rape—A e venal voters, and. gives an i Nebraska two thesixt I de lit, a -place ds, —A short ti ue since.a family named IT SorryL upon th doctor wh relnovod to tJ partm ud hei his remedy for those evils jur 1 as sworn in on this case', and are mem ments n;' ault Can po§sibly be found, t1w ­ _ that space forbids our gi s ears ago eputbtion was sorde- ei C i offering no evidence RisLordship O'W 5e advatage to the party which ba- filled y the a pofiltment of Miss R Ad, ho ha' resided in Goderich for C, Y M t at the money to uy thAm.- -4,hat sh y 111'9 any excepi. the imp?sing of these new ai whose r Catley, of Parlihill. During Miss Dun- a number of y moved to Lucknow. am, going -to direct d the jury to. acquit the prisoner. thing like a, report of his meech, but. suggest one remedy. We h vb solved and additional old -ties. upon th can s c linection.wjth the'school she has On SatArday t ie sacl i tell' The m ursued with re- m I ence was re a e judges taug ived that on -. of the'nui er, a young ame course was p lit #'ith gre t fereno'e to Frederick Soole. w e quote below the m an-laer which he the problem to a v an Cc erY gre t extent in when they now have'. more work th Huron Notes. the House of I I proved herself an fficient teacher and man'liatned. David, aged about 20 years pro -poses to elect the m itch di sired and The re, al- Onithe charge against Wm. Hunter h! though w they can attend to is ;lot judicious. mplished schoir, and many will -re- had met With J iis death, by falling from. e tand 70 to 140, we get upon Dr. Roser is leaving Londesboro and acco is re; -s on the sr e case, the same jurywas calledo needed Change, aa -d- to hi k r, the committees perfect representation -in -But, aside from this., we have every con- doing to Belgrave. gret to learn of hek resignation. a churo steep e while pai4 ton who appeared for the in t'no 'it, It Mr. I W. Johns _ ost 1, lay he was engage this point we ask e ul at- proportion to our numbes--there is no fidence that in so far as Judges Toms —k1r. M rtin, 13. A. of Usborne, has —On rhursday 6vening last, as young appears that o I Fric . :1 Air. Hilicks, of Goderich township, was in 'n . objected to Stephen Yates) prlsoner, 'tention of every reader. It wil t this work, a d while pullin hi If I no - do real difficulty inherent in the case'that een engago as-Prilicipal of the Wat- imse: and Doyle are conderned the duties will and his place was supplied by Arthur any person e e at is wanted I driving,down tbe-8ayfield road,'he met up by la Y, at a height of about 70 Shaw. The jury then consisted of h w calinot easily solve. NVh: ord schools at 'a sal ry of $600,a year. arm. to read what b sf ys be fairly and impattially performed, but with an *di By some means the ro Pill' is the will to deal with it. The real —Mr. Aah Arnistroug,.of Rodger- ant. feet . m the ground. the rope parted, Arth? ha W-, Henry Perkins, Thom". .Nvhether _G not he believes in his f L - I., I accl n, all cell- question is to ensure or e; ly, shown, the treatment v"illd, has rented a -,two -hundred acre -T--es EMU ar 'n is prepared to --adopt his 0 MCL ughlin, John Whitely, James Etch party a. as we have alrea( harness t d the animal and be fell to the ground, sustaining I far representation on, the floor of, Par- which run away, throwing Mr. such injuries that he only lived for -two la arm near and tatted tgo Will be ..ni4ed to the Reformers f will move 8 nol, W. L. VahEginond If. P. auggestions. He said: liament in proportion to its nuilibers. I t iere shortly Hincks lind his two - sisters out of the hours after the accident, being unco - I - Andr' ws, Sam Brockenshire J under -.the Act will depend largely -upon `sCI e I oseph I have stated what I belie -ire, to be the am. quite aware that some pegplewill. i --Mr. AsE Mair give' u hii chool on rig, hut beyond -a good,shaking they -all ous &III the time. In his descent he Stephens, Samuel Wise, John Menzies, P Iss Say those, who are appointed to assist them. now n Wallis clutched at a, scantling, which tore the Trueman Smith. evils of our present condition This is a desirable thilig'but it is e 2nd concession of Hullett at the end escaped uninjured. Mr. Joh COM —There are two made we qf urposes following the kindly lent them w buggy to go home, as flesh clean from his ]land. Rebecca Bates was the first witness e to the remedy, simply theoretical. BuL it is aues- Until these appointments are the year.' He p the shafts of their own were smashed up. tion which must be solve(I if we h mbdi —The annual meeting of the Goderich calle 6mment. things to be done; we should do a11 in ope to withhold further'c' tudy of cine.. obtain p' ol, but her inind had completelylost ure and honest gov —The youn est daughter of T -Our PoWer to ensure an irnmediae de- ernment. —Mr] G. Cox shipped a carload of -11 curling1club, was,held on the evening of recolloctio of anytIlL 9 th -a ing connected with Ill eil, of s st di horses from ins ant e 'overnment which A -fay ug e tioi have been B us els,,broke her arm la splen e 9tl t when th followAig the outrage, from the time s Go iverance from the G s is ade, bdt Clintoti last week he left on the wh —On Wedutesda 9f last week, Mrs. the contry—that is our Clear, ole I favor this mode as being ly ek by falling from a.ehaiir.: The little embraci ag the following: Team of mares officeis were elected for the ens rich- f9r St. Thomas, until her ppear=Ce the best adapted to our circumstances. Elijah Martin!, of Godei h, while at- ing is getting aloniall right. from Mr. A Tiplady' flullett, at $390; year: A. McD. Allin, president; our our pressin inary P g duy, that tempting t . e ve pipe, slipped I $ eVr before the magistrate at the parelimina-Ty is the duty Of the hotir rld the moment. Let. our constituencies be &ouped, and o r'a6'ilie-sto' I --Mrs. J61in Collini b as sold her farm. team of rom mares f J. Cornish, Hullett, Adams* n, vice-preetident ; C. A. Huni- examipation, and of this she knew almost $ion $426. Pearso'n,,Stanley, mare, $200; ber, secr tary-Are - er; Hon. A. -N 1. nothing. The only additional testimony behooves L; a i n 'from a be oi - a chair and fell to the 9 0 acres, being lot 26, 3rd conces e asur But there is a second duty-; it f to each group five or seven mem e- given 1w all inigbt vo-te. e O Hullett, near Clinton, to Mr. Ben. teanic all true friiends of freedom to take be or whom each elector 'floor, breaking` one of th' small bones of if Igeldings-from B. Churchill, Hul- Ross aild Thos. Gibson, 1. P. P. r6pr as by Herbert and Soole, who the preeittious they can, to see that if I do not say that this system would cure the hand below tl 6 wrist. 94rebill, for the suni of -,$4,00.0. lett,$400 R.. Mason , God erich town'shi sentatiie members; Rev. Dr. Ure, appeaQ as Pi witnesses for tbCrown.' vils Of elections and produce —Early last Sunday mornin he Liberal party goes into power all the e a fire I Last Su clay night burglars entqed mare, $2'50; C.4r. Mair, Hullett, gelding, Chapla A. C. Cameren NJ. P., His Lordship charged the jury very e- is arfectpu ity. CoUM Iintr Ut in a 8table, Belgrave again, pe 9 -these oBntleuielisi pow r of d1ohirr m' - oduce such brokei.- o in Wingbaim, tl ei rail*Wy station office *nd $180; Hugh McDclnald, Tuckersmith-l' patron _mlrs. M. C. Caincron,patroness; strongly., but fairly against the prisoner. a system as- that I should, think tile near the Baptist 6hureb, belonging to all I)e ser -_ chief A ously checked.0 b oke' into the cash drawer, scatte ed niare, $200. J A. Dickson, E. artin, The jury retired at 2.40 p. in., an'd re- I I M. Hu cheson respeo Now 111illenniuly, could not be fa off. But i * George Pett piece, and in which 19 t e papers around and car e Wit" t to the first, the force against t ri d off $201 in —The Exeter Rellector of last week 7 and P. Ada'inson, committee of mallage- turned at 4 o'clock of dash. lls n, E. R. W A. you to A v4ry e me willdo much. It ill enable barrels of. OKI oil were stored. Am L with a verdict ed Tays: nj oyable social gath IS Malcoi 0 atson, guilty Of attempt to commit rape. st Us a have fairly equal -constituenci larm , was iinmediaely sounded, the —.Mr. XVm. Dane, who p Chas the Ing took place the other . A' D.'jaan, IV. G. Berr hirelu'ig press, gerrymandered colistitu- es from one a Ur evening. t C y and Captaiii Queen *s. James Hamilton—N eligent 'encies, parti eild of the Domiuion to th firemen were.proniptly on hand and in ;orrieniillslfromStinson' Br6s.2 is escape of a Prisoner.- By -the advice san returning -officers con- 6 other. It G I - re- theresidence of,Mr. Sainuel anders McGregor, ri4k committee; Jas. will take away "the temptation toresort the short space of six minutes from the paring the dam and parts of the mill. concession 4, e Dunsfor Mr. Garrow, his counsel prisoner plead- fxovern -meat, and whom th Can Coil'- villainous practice -o first sound e m water' Tie expects to h iiii ey #actors' who are in the hands of the to the unjust and , tow sllip of Stephen. Th Findlay, W. Miller, C. R. ey f aire ti s in' thorough occasion was the. inarriage of his econd and T. jJ. oo ehouse, honorary inein- edL guilty and threw hift'iself on the mer gerrymandering was playing upon the flames. Tel 'to cotribute m oiley towards the the constituencies; it Every order e'er lofig. daughter, Annie b U as one to, Mr. Wm. Fisher,' bers; Nym. Elliott, caretaker of rink. of t e co rt. Thi w accepted by the will take away the' tem tation to pasg of the. new firemen vas at his electioas. Wehavetomeet subsidized FQle —Mr. C. ifumphrey, of Cr 'hi p 6diton, has of Usborne. Upwards of one hundred —The following paragraph which ap- Crown, and His L missed 86 Bills; Ol.-dship dis 11nanfacturers, though many Of these it will post and orl; ed With tellingleffect, and this season towm an onion which meas invited guests witnessi3d the ceremony, ers may be of prisoner without penalty, after giVing notwithstanding the combustible which S e ser- him a caution regarding his duties in thO 44re beginning to -finLd out that they EANOWNTOUSLY LESSE-S, na, res sixteeninches and a quarter in cir CORRU PTIO N, took place about five o'clock. local interest: iOn July 7th la t tb of theb beeq better off illider the because you willearcely find' uilding'o contents they succeeded cum iWould have- and ference, and weighs one pound and The Rev. Mr. Pascoe, of- Exeter, offici- vant: in he emkloy of Mrs. Trick, whQse future. men will- in kee ing the flamos under control p a quarter. ated. Afterpartaking of the bounties husband is a mill owner in the township .Iinoderaite a -ad reasonable tariff of the i,ng to bribe all the v Queen. vs. Edward Hall—The and r 'V os spreadin i, O a . OiniDg frame build- s rent _.M'. N Blair ba ed Mrs. *of "Minehost those present engaged of G oderich, ll ar Clinton, reported that jury returned a true ill for embe e IMackenzieGovernment. Theonly-things large constituency return ilftgeven mem. ings.. Mr. Pett piece sustaned a loss" Cop I d' f -in vario, ve to oppose to all these Oftuences bers, f oi the Chan De of 'Lraining a single ou ha e an s arm in Goderich township. us innocent amusements, -which her mistress h9d fallen down the cellar ment as a trustee, and on application, Of about $i5o on the building and a- M' 11 1 the former lessee'L I erri eaves quickly wiled away the ti e till the stairs and broken her neck. k ,onl of the Crown, His Lordship or ered A, d hin ei 11tri te in k e lag. asin t b It oTomit bench warraur to Via; nail. IdeCutebeon s. Ieader non -Jury, st Lordship ent-ered guts as to all he arl those in selie icertified. copy of pli plaintiff as to thoie. nju ip directed vigm -fiff for the suni of suit, On requent of the. Queen vs. Edward. a trustee, was Queen vs. 0. bank note . Cam, erfl -for Prisoner. The f in as the jury to try Thfis. Nott, Bolt, _Andrew- Jos Ball, Ift- 31el.,ean, JO.% Ste -phi, Chas. I)Urnin. Thel was similar to that -trial. The judges iliab C) snd beavi i inst JUX-y. returned a absence, of.ilot guilt, Wm. Ruioter, con. itoommi. rape for entence. He w" _ye,ws in te, CentraV. Sanderson vs. Me] have plaiitiff declan of north half of lot township of Howi] Mr. Garrow askeil lead the statute of I statemen Lordship alowed Ilil meut reserved. -, beth respective authorific: iCobourg. Bell—A N -011 -Jury case. J1 aefendant forthwith E Iiintiff the romilf-s( y him against Wim' further pay over to t of $231.96, tbevalueo in his hands belogill- aurl. that judgment h therefor for the plab) fendant with full cos, Adams vs. McKre a inceliani case. Judgment Hamilton vs. coti ne ntiff I ydne pla, NMS a r in v for -the plaintiff for C, with full eosts of sull -Farran VS. cover money on t4e s, -machine. Judgment amount of cla-dut. i against the lai,(6 xr This closed the bill A largely thorouitly- represeati ti-,mperanco work-ers-1 -was held in the town" -Thursday, October 11i,. 10 a. -111., and tontfjA tian Temperance t-illptin"-, t -of tile Convcuton b Ainner and tim, free delegates accepted th tion, and were loud he dlica-cies prov,ob The Convention ope, ve­ -ises led by xerc RV I- X. Campbell, J. Holil R. S. Rupert. The I mess to be brougght 1* was -prepared by a ep for that purpose. T1 mittee of the, scota tendered tbeir resign. -officers, and asked to Rosition which. thgy h :first forniation Of the tion ; bton motion -of Londesbor, secoo Danby,of Varaa,-thie -was re-apponited, Reporths of the 41, var)fit us mull-lelpa Concerning At -be worl Act, inade very evid many hotel-k eper,- 1 Act, and the Exeet statement of the di i)a obtaining inaist, Scott Act eases, adennit the presqing ni Magistrate. The E were authorid to which they deemed SA' information of violati( tio*proseeute - I r pledging its Support in the work. In regard to the- Pt esol4tion was move( Stevenson, -of Cliilto4 T. M. Campliell,of mously carriei, to Ontirlo Government appoint a Police Al salar- ,y. Anotherrese -by NPIT Appleton E smith, seconded by Stanleyll- that forth, be the choice for Poliee.Magistrate, eirtive Commi e have hi m appointed Government." Thi 4dopted. by a unanum aluch indguktion the inactivity of one appointed Under the ' the following rsoluti J. `C. 'Morrison, of seconded by Mt. Ed -- Clinton,, was unaninic " Whereas it has 6 this convention assei Cases of violation of f been brougjit to the ji inspectors under the this County -, and , 5 Some of theseases him; and where-ais h ed andrefuse to p and whreas it is rep( divulged the formation. NIOIV-, fl Peranee, workers of I tin assembled, wnk of the public in thecr zeglftt refusad to Part of the inspector, Sure such officer, and 'ne ct anti gle breach f P-Lecutive of the $Cot a once I)rougj t to th-A Government Inent be asked to havi forthwith dl$lnissed I' Pointed who will do b A lengthy discussio, 'What action should be Perance party at the