HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-10-16, Page 7• Perth Items. There ill be telephone ctimection between S atforil and Liatowel in a few weeks' • e. -The S uart flouring mills, in Mit. ehell, hav just been rehtted with rifler m ac h _MinisserY ena Ford, of St. -Marys, has been ppoi tPc1 assistant organist in, St. raters, la° don. ' _St. Ma 8 press speak highlyof Roy. Dr.larnes m a .deep thinker, a sound rea•Pnert aRd an eloquent speaker. 4 -After paying all expenses $60 was *-the sum realized from the harveat-home festival in connection with the .First Presbyterian church, St. Marys. ' --The Young ' People's Literary Soelety,in connection with Knox church, Stistford, ia about. to be re -organized . for the winter term. -On the afternoon of the 24th ;ult., the dwelling house of Elijah- Ellis,of the i 3rd line, allege, was totally destroyed ' by fire. Insurance $600. - -A Chicago, detective was in Strat- ford, last weekain search of a Buffalo crook who skipped across the lines with _ $15,000. 110 did not find him. , 2 ----Report of the prevalence of potato rot oolue ,oin all parts of the county. If there is such a thing RS a rot -proof variety of potato it would find ready sale among farraers just now. - Ir. Win. Grayson, barrister, of Moose Jaw Northwest Territory, for- rly of London, was married last week to Miss- Ellie, third daughter of Mr, hernias Babb, of Sydney, _Manitoba, formerly of Miteb.ell. . . -A short time ago a little dog belong- ing to Mr. N . Bell, of Shakespeare, had 1 her pups drowned. The kindly canine then went to the barnyard and carried ciff a small chicken to her nest. ' That *as also taken from her; when she then -took possession of a kitten and has nursed it ev r since, the kitten followcn,g its foster in ther all round the place like a other dog -Mr. Alec. Ilamilten, son of Rei. R. as a minister of the gospel, at Mother-- • amilton, of Motherwell; was ordained Well chureh on Tuesday last week. Reverends Turnbull, Scott, Cochrane, of Brantford, and Pr. James were present and took part in the ordination services. The young clergyman purposes entering , the mission work in the Northwest. -St. James (Episcopal) church, Sra.tford, has been re -opened after a thorough renovating of the building and grounds. At the opening services the Bishop of Heron preached extemporan- eckusly, with the zeal and fervor of a cru- der, thereby giving a degree of direct- ness and force to his -words which they would not have otherwise possessed, from the 7thIchapter of the Epistle of ' Paul to the Hebrews -25th and 26th HE HURON EXPOSIT t going , rft think so •=' we have the asesavhich win bek paee. We 4; indeed,. we hents paid -us. 411 Pods COM, make things a cordially in._ Air stock and talsjfl canvaa Lick and Color- ', Merveilleuxi Velvets, Rich ;rnishings, :the to be had at ros., have secure.,d :.anada Tweeds, re lot of Xevr any Ties as wo. aderatirts and' ,Wool flannels ien out to the ,ble to show. at eat he haa iiv FACTORY, good val LNCEYS, EARNS• and !inning tto* far as possihIe , and att - Working Order orkinen, rranted. TER MILLI. ;SON, Proprietor. DOMPERCE. MONTO. moomoo. %mow,. - Atc-MasTEB. ca "ank continueS tO ;est is allowed on wits and cities kr. FI on the United• the Commereig. , D Maus' 6 FNerris 'n,ILEGEr ONI" toughly re"gaf; as of a -most -ftb , L two who him!, _ and success/8i therolig4 -ate. ss - took college, BELL, VEYOR and av iail prorsrat , mitnbisa. v rses. -The 12th annual provincial conven- tipn of the Sunday School Association of Canada will be held in Stratford on Optober 20th, 21st and 22nd. The pro- nime is a. good one, the most notable features being two addresses by the Rev. D. G. Sutherland, of Guelph, on "The nation 'pf the future in -the Sab- bath Schoold f to day," and "Christianr character of e teacher, and discussion on "The sup rintenclent, his duties a difficulties," by Rev. II. D. Hunter. The music will be conducted by the , White brothers. Y -The NoNo LadWho De l _ ath British Agriculturist, -- ' ' published in' Edinburgh, says: The Flowers, 1ights in 1 Messrs. White Brothers, of St. Marys, and likes to see them do 1 avell and bloom abun- dantly, should be without HaniFood . kr Ontario, Canada, have purchased at a Flowers. Ordinary piteke;ges 30nce tn's sufficient long price . *e well breeding for 20 plants for one yeata` 891 519 r " .45tRATEFIX-CiThq'ORTING. pps's COCOA . • BREAKFAST. - By a thorough hnoWledge of the natufal leave which govern the °Orations ot digestion and nu- trition, and by a osrfu1 applicatton of the fine properties Of well selected.0a, Mr. lapilli his ptevided Our breakfast tables With a delicately flavored 'leverage which may save us many doc- tors' bMs. It is by the judicious 'ink of such airtieles of diet that a constitution maaa be sraflu any built up until strong enough to rapt every tendency to disease, Hutidre6 Of subtle mala- dies are floating around us ready to attach Wherever there ars weak point.- We May (*tape manyat fatal. shaft by keeping °Unclose well fortified with pore blood and a pioperly nourish. ed frame." ---Cavil Service Gazette. Made simply With boiling water or milk. Sold only in packeta by grocers, labelled thus -aa jean EPPS st Co., Hommopathic Chemists, London, England.' dale kontfor clanada, C. E. Colson, Montreal. 884-52 7 • Remarkable'Restoration. Mrs. Adelaide &Brim, of Buffet°, N. Y, was given up to die by her physicians, as incurable with consuinptioni, it proved liver complaint,. and was cured with Burdock Blood Bitters. 857.52.2aa. - • • A Wise Conclusion. - If you have vainly tried many remedies for rheumatism, it will be a wise conolusion to try Hagyard's Yellow On. It cures all painful dis- eases when other medicines fail. 857.52.2w. • - A Perfect Beauty. Perfect beauty is only attained by pure blood and good health. These acquirements give the possessor a pleasant expression, a fair, clear skin, and the rosy. bloom of health. Burdook'Blood Bitters purify the blood and tone the entire sys- tem to a healthy action. 85702.2w. se• •o• • A Double Purpose. The popular remedy, Ha,gyard's Yellow Oil, is used both internally and externally, for aches, pains, colds, croup, rheumatism, deafness and diseases of an inflammatory nature. 857.52.2w. A Safe investment. Investing twenty-five cents for a bottle of Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, the best throat and lung healer known. Cures coughs, bronchitis, asthma and all pulmonary complaints. 857.52. Seriously Ill. A person suffering with pain and heat over the snmll of the back; with a week,weary feeling and frequent headaches, is seriously ill and . should look out for kidney disease. Burdock Blood Bitters regulate the •kidneys blood and liver, as well as the stomach and bowels. 857 52.2w. • so• • 111.• McGregor & Parke'S Carbolic crate is invalu- able for wounds, sores, salt rheum, cuts, burns, scalds and festers, as 'a healing and purifying dressing. Do not be imposed on with other use- less preparations, recommended to be as good. Dee only McGregor & Parkes Carbolic Cerate. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth. 912.5.2w The discover- of the instantaneous process of, • taking photographs has been quickly followed in the medical world by a perfect and instantane- ous remedy for all acute aches and pains, as neu- ralgiaNtothache, rheomatism, etc. This valu- able •remedy is called Fluid Lightning, and is druggists, Seaforth. 912.52w. sold at 25 cents a bottle by Luirsclen & Wilson, Rev. J. G. Fallis,Dutton, eerti es : a For some years my wife has been troubled with dyspepsia, and has tried one thing after another recom- mendedavith but little or no effect till advised to give MeGreger'e Speedy Cure 1 a trial. Since taking the first bottle I have -noticed a decided improvement, and can with confidence recom- mend it to be one of, if not tae best medicine extant for dyspepsia." This invaluable medicine for liver complaint, indigestion, kidney ' com- plaint, insurely vegetable. Sold at Lumsden & Wilson's drugstore, Seaforth. Tial bottles given free. 912.52w. • horse Laird (3Ene (1722y, .from Mr. - Alex. MeRob le, Aberdedn. "Laird 0' ' Holloway's Ointment and Pills Thie " was s red by "Prince Charlie " (628), dam ' Concede " .(,6K) abtey,, ubL by ae a Are the best, the cheapest, and the most papa nleir rnetmanedies. At all seasons and . under all cir-- ‘: Earl " (8G), g. -dam gcegsotcl,die.v nLai.i; tg Used with the certainty ' _ T.,oehend Champton " (448). He. gain- of doin andnildec.,. scriptions a skin disePasensnn;orreass hunarati ed the' folloNvina premiums and prizeL: bniirns are airesently benefiteal and ultimately in 1880 fourth° prize at the Glasgova ed bythese healing, soothing, and purifying summer slio-w in the Derby sweepstakes innerdica e Oinntemennyttnrilrbbedrupon the or one year old colts, in a class , of 39. abdomen; checks all te d ii rite ion nonfite.hr: els: and evert dyseetery and other-dis _ c also gained first prize at the Royal .::bifoowtnhgeointestiknes. , Pimeles, blotches, inflamina- . Northern Show at Aberdeen in 188 tons, fantade esnlanr,gnerilialanid• pales, neuralgic Wee - first Iprize at same society's show as a be _ effectively overcome by using Hcgalowasy'scarnet iedies accord - tat) year old. 'it 1882, at the Glasg9w ing to the inetructions a.‘ mom anying each Stallion Show, he was awarded the West packet. 9,12 52w -Cumberland Agricultural Society'a pre- --------•-•‘ ' ' 4.--------, mium: of glop, and the first prize and Mrs. Mary Thompson, of Toronto, was afflicted silver medal tat the Royal Northern with tape worm, eight feet of which•was remov- ed hi one bottle of Dr. low's orni Syrup. Agricultural. 'Society's Show at Aber- W deen in the class for three year old stal- lions. In 183 he was selected at the Glasgow Stal1 ion Show y the Athole and Strathtay Society, and awarded the premium of £60. In 1884 he was select- ed by the Spey, Avon, and Fiddochside Farmers' Club, and awarded the pre- mium of £50: He als ,o1 gained the first prize_ at the Royal Northern autumn show last year; and the first prize of £80 at the same society's spring show this year, and also the third prize at the Highland Agricultural Society's fall thew, Aberdeen, in 1885. Mr. White also purchased. from, Mr. Andrew Me - Await, Stranraer, a two year old colt, "Glendale," sired by "Belted Knight " (1395), dam. " Jean ' (1563), sire of dam "Scottish Chief " (763). a Horees of shch excellent merit and breeding -ahould go a long way in improving the breed of horses in Ontario. All success to them and their enterKising owners beyond the seas! News Notes. -Notwithstanding the overcrowding of the East End poor and the squallor of their dwellings, London is the healthiest city in the world. Last week the death rate was only 13 8 in the thousand per year, the lowest figure ever reached. -Lord Shaftesbury's last moments ere peaceful. Immediately before death e dictated two letters for his daughters conversed cheerfully with several embers of his family, bidding them all are ell shortly before the dying strug- le. He was, conscious and preserved IS mental faculties until the last. -Last-auturrin'bPokselIer named Meyer, of Ronaeburg, ti4 a water -proof label under the wing of a swallow which had occupied -a. nest at his house, and had become comparatively familiar.- On . It he -wrote a query in German to the effect that he wished to knew where the swallow would pass the winter. The bird returned to its foratier_nest. bearing an exchange label siniilarly fastened, saying. in German also, "in Florence, at Castelfari's house, and I bear many salutations." • -Hon. Fred Hassaurek, principal owner of the Cincinnati Volksblatt, died in Paris' France Saturday morning. Mt. Hassanrek we; born in Austria in 1832. When a boy of 16 he identified himself with the German revolution of 1848, and subsequently fled to America. President Lincolirappointed him Minis- ter to Ecuador,. He was an accomplish- ed linguist and the author of The Heart of the Andes." 857.52m. Prof. Low's Magic Sulphur Soap is highly re- commended for all humors and skin diseases,. 857.52m. Freeman's Worm Peivelers are agreeable to take, and expel all kinds of weenie from children or adults. 857,52m. National Pills are a milc purgative, acting on the stomach, liver and bowels, removing an ob- structions. 857.52m. One Experience of Many.: Having Having experienced a great deal of "Trouble !" . From indigestion, so niuch so thEr I came near losing my• Life!• My trouble always qoming aft r eating any food - However light • And digeetible, For two or three hours at a time I had te go through the most • Excruciating pains, , • And the only way I ever got Relief! • Was by throwing up all my stomach -contain- edt !• • No one eat eonceive the pain that I had to go thiough; unil At last ? • 1 was taken 1 Se ill that for three Weeks I lay in bed_and Could eat nothing! • .3ly sufferings were so that I called two doctors to give me something that Would Stop the paha Their efforts were no good to me. At last I heard a good deal About yeur Hop Bitters! And determined to try them. Got a bettle-in four hours I took the contents of • One ! ; Neat day I was out of bedaand have not seen a Sick! Hour,. from the same cause, since. I have reeornmended it to hundreds of ,otherre You have no subh Advocate as .I am. George Kendall, Allston,. Boston, Mass. Downright Cruelty. To permit yourself and family to Suffer! With sickness when it qan be prevented and cured so easily Ja With Hop Bttters ! Or None genuine without a bunch :Of green Hops on the . white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff With "Hop' or " Hops" in their name. 919.521n. AUCTIONEERS. T la BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer ' for the e.) Cpunty,of Huron. • Sales atte ded in all i parts of the County. All orders , eft at TIM ExPosPrOli Office"will be promptly attended to. A DELGATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for the 1.1. County 'of Huron. Sales of all description promptly attended to on reasonable terms. Ad- dress -Brussels P.' 0, or apply on Lot 4, Cop- . cession 12, Grey.. •. 77 , MMENS11 BA.B Having decided to throw ourl monster stock of go ds on the market; from now uintil January east, pri es, now is the time for all Our old friendk-and as m an see for themselves'that What we state will be carried ne er had each department so nicely assorted. In the LEGAL. M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &a. OM a Rooms formerly occupied by Carroll ickson, Mayer's Block, over Johnson's Hardt, are Store Mein Street, Seaforth. Goderich ents--atztant, HOLT it CAmintos. 870 .ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solid- _ tors, &c., Goderieh, Ontario. J. T. GARROW, 11. PaoUnPOoT. • 686 C. HAYS, Solicitor, &o. Private Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. Office- orner of Square mid West Street, Goderich. 774 DRESS DEPART ILL BE FOUND THE FOLLOWING LEAD ENOH WOOL SERGESs ENOH FOULE CLOTHS, I reshly iinportect reliable t! 886, at greatly reduced ny new ones, to visit us, •out to the letter. We . I ENT aliO NOVELTIES.: 1 OTTOMAN AND JOSEY CORDS, - SOLEIL CORDS, OOTA LIN E CLOTHS. •'CRAPE FOU LE oLO SATIN BISON SUITIN HSI Ss ETC. ETC. *CASHMERES AND MERINOES FROM 15 -CENTS YARD UR • A S WE Blac PLENDIP WIDE ALL=WOOL -COLOR FOR 40 'OENTS PER YARD. KEEP ALL KINDS OF LOW-PRICED FROM I2 CENTS PR YARD UP,). • IN SILKS WE ARE 0 ! - PER CASH E RESS STUFFS FERING SPE4iAL ALUE' IN k Gras Grains, Colored Gros arai Mervilleux, Colpred Satin Mervi s, Black Satin leux. A Special Line of Black Broads aind Otto- _• mans, Suitable for Mantles, Dresses, . aid Dressleombinalione, marke of BL PLUS ,new A ments, We also show the best On. Dollar ,COLO ED ; the best One Dollar BLA4 SATIN MERVILL CK AND COLORED VELVETEENS, from 38 cei4 per yard up. LUSH VELVETEENS -4a novelty at a very low fi he widest, cheapest and best Tvalue in LAC AND COLORED • I ES, only $1.75 per yard. All the latest noaelties in Trimmings. The TGOLA LACES -leading shaaes. Fringe, °Passame tries, Mantle Orlia- Braids, Buttons, etc. REG'S SILK in the ; the best range To Wedding and Mourning We off -r special advantages. Doing so largely in Millinery, Dresam king department beirig under the care af° You ca ustomers i • nd bur Mantle and have all your orders completed en the premises on the s 'Ort:est notice, and -do e in first-class city style. MI any exh larger a In last twe agemen for the nicest w LINERY AND gAN LE (5HOW ROOM. his department the display far eurpa bition we have ever before made'an d better selection than that kept by his branch of our business we have ty years, so that We know alli about Of two competent young ladies„ who st three and four years, and Who ha rk that left our house. 1 ses in size; 'comp eteness and novelty ,:you will find frith us a very much ny other lionise. one a most _successful trade for . the it. It is at present under the aman- ave been ;asiiistants of Miss Higgins e for the last fer seasons done the 33-17111TIL Hai ing made arrangements to fill 4a large butter edntract, we are determined to do it, and are now giving the very hlighest price, and will continue through the season. Do not dispose a your butter! withoUt asking Oar prices. , l . e in and look at our stock, it Iwill p7 you. We do not offer you these nts of such large redactions at the e d of the season When you are not • a goods, or on the balance of the stoc1 When it has been culled. , • Co indncem requir .Q.)/48.• ,SL -SON, Corner Main and. Market Stree - s, Seaforth.. AILERON, IIOLT4 CAMERON, Barristers,' Solicitors in Chancery, &c.. Goderich, Ont: C. CAMERoN,. Q. 0., 1111LiP HOLT, M. 1134 AmBRON. 5061, 1 OFTUS E. DANCEY, late with Catneroka -Bolt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, So- itor, Conveyancer, &e. Money to loan. Ben - 8 n's Old Office, Canino's Block, Seaforth. 78e ANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &o. Solicitors for the Bank o -Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. - Money to kart. 0 iiee---Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. II. Matiourai, James Soo= . 781 1G1 HOLMESTED, successor to the late 'firm of 12 . McCaughey & Holmested, I3arrister, -So- licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Fanns for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Mein Street, Seaforth. MON] y TO LOAN. at TONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 per 11'1 cent. Interest payable half yearly, or 6a per cent. yearly, with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at any time. Apply to F. HOLMRSTED, Barrister; Seaforth. 850 • DENTISTRY. T D. S., and M. It. C. p., of 1.4, Toronto. All operationi guaranteed. A.nastheties of all kinds administered. Specialties -1 - Gal 1 Filling and Perfect Fitting Plates, Town patients will please make .engagements a day or two previous to having the opera. tion performed. Oar Remembet the place, in the rooms formerly- occupied , by C. Camtwtight, up •stairs in Cady's Block, epoosite the,Coimner- °Jai Hotel, Seaferth. 874 WATSON' ),ENTIST, Faculty Gold Medellist and College • Gold.Medallist,Tarohto School of Dentistry: Rooms over Johnsons' Hardware, Main Street, Seaforth. • - 911 AS CONSCIeri I LOU'S DRUGGISTS, re kin Fo 115 CO ner CE Yo ren HI Yen thr dis Als on eh -WE WOULD- nanehd for DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION and • red diseases, the use -of MALTOPEPSYNa Consumption and all wasting aliseases, the: of MORSE'S CARBOLATED NORWEGIAN LIVER OIL. For teething infants and 'sus teoubles, the use of GLYCEROLE OF - ERY COMPOUND (containing no opium.) probably cask why we recommend these edies I is because we know them to be reliable, edies, endorsed by leading physician ughont th4 Dominion, for the pure of specific ases, and not claiming to cure everything. , becausethey have the exact formula printed cell' bottle labeathereby enabling the puri er to know just what he is taking. • e time is rapidly approaching 'when intern, . gen people will refuse to take- quack the ingredients of which are kept secret, but wllal insi t upon knowing just what they are taking. . e would also inform any who may not yet be, aw re by actual trial of the superiority of our. " Ri YAL GLYCERATED ',BALSAM OF in ring Coughs,Colds, Bronchitis, Sore Throat. Inc pient Consumpticoi &c. &c., that this reli-1 abl remedy can now be pro :ured from every! dea er in the County of Huron,' and although not adv rased outside our own County, entirely, owl eg to its own merits, we have already receiv- ed rders from the most distant parto of the De- rain on, if afflicted give it a trial, price 50 cents per uottic wholesale and retail by LUMSDEN & WILSON, - • Manufacturers, 925-52 Seaforth, Ontario , Aiirora Qtlick Train Watch, The Best Yet. SOLD ONLY JLW R. .040UNTER; SEAFORTII, ONT. is Company manufactures a complete lint of full plate watches, from ordinary to _the fine t grades, for all classes of watch wearers The ate all made with quick train, and are esl• peci lly adapted for railroad and all ordinary and seve e service. All made dust proof, have the perf ct safety pinion; which prevents damage to part in case of mainspring breakage., and John- son' patent attachment to regulate pins, whicl prey nts hairspring from catching, an inTortani imp cerement controlled by this Company Th sten -winding parts are made strong and durable guaro nteed as safe, more convenient and service able han the key winders. The extra fine grade are i ade in stem wind only. Fiery watch i wan nted bY special. eertificate, which the pur- chas r receives from the Company's Agent; The, num er Of Jesvels.in ea,ch watch (which is en -i grav d thereon) indicates the quality; par- ches is observing this are sure to receive. the *coal ty they call for. The larger ;lumbar of Jew s in the better grades also represents the .finis , ane adjustment, and care in inanufaeturea ethic produces more accurate time and longea • eery' e. The qualities are divided _ as follows • 0 DINARY.-Two grades are made of this quali y, engraved: "Aurora Watch Co., 7 Jew s." " Auroia Watch Co., 11 Jewels." M DWI/I.-Four grades of this quality are mad -two in Gilt Finish, engraved: "Aurora Wa h Co., 11 Jewels. Extra." Aurora Watch Co., 5 Jewels," and two in Nickel, finely finish, ed, e graved " Surto& Watch Co., 11. .Jewels." • " An ora Watch Co, 15Jewels." Fl 7E. -Two grades of this . quality,-ene Fine ilt Finish and one in :Nickel, engraved : "AU ora Watch Co, 15 Jewels, adjusted." EX RA FINE. -Wo grades of this quality, - One i Fine Gilt and one in Fine Nickel, engrav- ed : ! An ora Watch Co., 16 Ruby Jewels, ad. - justei, Aurora, Illinois." Rei ember Counter's, Seaforth, is the only place in tne County where these watches can be had. R. COUNTER, Pra s tical Watchmaker ad Jeweller. Br ssels Limei Works. STILL AHEAD. ow-I\T - The subscribers take this opportunity of re- turnin thanks to the inhabitants of Brussels and vi inity for past patronage, and beg to state that h ving made several huprovements in their kiln a d mode .of burning, they are now in a better position than ever before to supply the Ruth with first-class lime. Thi being the eleventh season of our business dealin n3 in Brussels, and having given unquali- fied sa isfaction so far, the publie can rely on re- eeivin good treatment and a first-class article from i • 1 First-cliu3s Limg. at 14 Itents at the kiln and elas delivered. We lso'burn a No..1 Lime for plastering at the nee ne price. R emberthe spot, Brussela Lime Workt. • TOWN or. SON. 908 I., Grand Trunk Railway, Treble leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as follows: Goma Wzsr- SISAPORTH. ammo. Express.... .... ..- 2.40 POL. 8.06 P. if. Express. ... .. .... 8.58r. x. 915?. x. Mixed Tr.ain.. .... .. s 15 A. lt.I 9.48a. x. GOING EAST- ,... . Express.... ....-. .... 7.45 A. X. Express. .. -...........1.45 e. m. 1.-05 P. It . Mixed Train .. .. .... 5.30 p. M. 4.45 r. at London, Huron and Bruce, Mixed. • Mail. 600. It. 4.50p. M. .. 8.20 6.10 8.45 624 9.00 6.29 9.15 6.38 • 9.55 7.05 10.18 7.20 • 10.35 •7.27 Belgrave.. 11.00 7.46 a Wingham, arrive 11.30 8.00 Gout° Soots- Express. Mixed. Wingham, deart,- 7.20 a.m.11.30 A. 8. Belgmve., ---------------8.40 . 12.03 e. u. Blyth.....: 7.59; 12.25 • Londesboro . 8.08 1t87 8.35 ; „ • 1.25 • 8.51; 1-50 9.001 2.05 dOING NORM - London, depart Exeter .. ... . Henna. Kippen a • • Brucefield • Clinton .... . Londesboro Clinton . - ; Brucefield ppen , , Hensall„ .. . .. . 9.051 2.12" Exeter • London, arrive 109..4351 I 58..3005 Wellitt-Iton, Grey and Bruce. , Garcia NORM-- Accom. Express. Mixed. Ethel . 2.37 P. AL 9.13 Pat 9.15P.M. . 2.51. 9.27 0 10,00 3,07 ,9.43 10.35 Wingbani:. 3.20 9.54 /1.30 Goma Sourn- Express. Accom. 3,fixed Wiegbain c. 7.00 A.M. 11 21 A M 7.30 ta Bluevale .. 7.10 1L35 8.07 • Brussels: .. 7.25 11.55 8.45 Ethel.... .. .... 7.37 12.10 9.13 Trath leaving-Wingham at 8 p -m. for Kincar- dine, runs onMondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. • Thai great Household Mecheme ranks amongst the leading necessities of Life. These famous Pills vilify the Bleed, and act meet powerfnlly, yet soothingly, on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, giving tone, energy and vigor to these great Main Springs of Life. They are con- fidently recornmended-as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from what- ever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to females of all ages; and as aGen- eral Family Medicine, are unsurpassed. HOLLOWS OINTMENT1 Its Searching and Healing Properties are known throughout the World. For the cure of Bad Legs,' Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as sat into -meat. cures Sore Throats. Bronchitis, Conghs and Colds. For Glandu)ar Swellings and Piles it acts like a charm. In Gout and 'Rheumatism, it never fails to afford relief. Manufactured only at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 78 New Oxford Street (late 533 Oxford Street) London, and sold at is 11d., tip.. Pd., 4s. Bd., 115., 225., and 33s. each I3ox and Pot. tal. Beware of Am- erican counterfeits,-Pnrchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious 921-52 ]3T..TS11\TMSS N O'TI QE 1. BRUSSELS, tit Begs to announce that there will be a, complete change of business after • OCTOBER lst, 11885. All accounts -must be settled by that time. No Rutter taken on account after the abov date (positively) 'GRAND CLEARING SALE ;of over 88,000 worth of ready made Clotbing !before that tune. Also 89,000 worth of ehoicest ;Dry Goods in the Village of Brussels. • A. R. SMITH 924 Administrator's Notice. • In the goods of 'noires Sturgean'late of the township of Hay, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the personal estate of the said Thomas Sturgeon, to send in their claims to Inc on or before the 1st day of November, 1885. And at the expiration of that time, I shall fotthwith proceed to distri- bute the assets of the said deceased, among the parties entitled thereto, and notice is expressly given that under the provisions of Section 34, Chapter 107, Revised statutes of Ontario and amended by 46 Victoria, Chapter 9. I shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof, so distributed to any person of whose claim I shall not then bave bad notice, and I hereby ale° give • notice to all parties indebted to the said estate -whether by book account or otherwise to pay the same to me on or before the time above men- tioned. MARY STUBGEON, Hensel! P. 0., Administratrix of the PersonalEstate of Deceased. Hansen, August 18th, 1885. . • In reference to the above notice we would hereby notify and request all parties indebted to the firm knomoi as Snaillie & Sturgeon, (of which Firm o -e are the surviving partners) whether by hock secomit or otherwise to make prompt pay- ment to the said Mary Sturgeon, Administratix of the Personal Estate of the late Ths4nas Stur- geon, viliose recipt shall be a full 'and sufficient discharge: SAMUEL and BENJAMIN aMILLIE, Henson P. O. Henson, August 19th, 1885. 924-11 T.aXl\TM • f3OYAL MML . STEAMSHIPS. A. STRONG, Seaforth, "Agent.-; GREAT raDucnozi IN PASSAGE -RATES. Cabin rates from Halifax to Liverpool an Len- clondeery, $50, $63, and $73, according to position of stateroom. Children under 12yearsahalf hue; under 1, free. Servants in Cabin, 850. Inter- mediate, $35; Steerage, $13. From Liverpool or Londonderry to Halifax: Cabin, $63, $78.75 and 4.50; Intermediate, 535; Steerage, $1.3. Re- turn Tickets from Halifax to Londonderry or Liverpool and back to Halifax: Cabin, aloe, $126 and $143; Intennediater370 ; Steerage, 536, I Koney Loaned ,and Real Estate Bought and Sold as Usual. ' - INSURANCE: 1 represent several of the best Iniurapee Co panies in the world. OTOffice--Market.Street, Stafortta 862 *A. STRONG • - LIME I LIME 1 LIME! THOMAS CORNISH Has opened his Lime Housee in Hensall and Centralia, And is now prepared to furnish LIME of the 'very. best qtudity to an requiring it, op the most reasonable terms. lenring the season he win be at 'Munn every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, and at Centralia every. MONDAY and THURSDAY, to attend to ous- tomers. THOMAS CORNISH. 9aa Removed I Removed 1 M I SEAFORTHI Th Old Establisbed Butcher bas removed to new Epremises immediately opposite his Ohl Stand., Main Street, Seafotth, .where he -sill he pleased to Meet all his old:patrons and as many new ones as may see fit to favor him with their patrOnage. taBaRemember the place, between Ilenderson's liernsis Skop, and MeIntyre's Shoe Store, Main Stre4, Seafortia. 8918 GEORGE EWING. 0 0 td at' 0 1-3 P"it • t-1 capt4 _ •#-.3 -it }-2.4 +-•-• GVC 1C1V3 All.rumb VtliX3 AMERICAN W4TE.E.LIMEs eae fs.4 -L-4 'F1-1 Cr, r Cf.2 1:B - ,s Iacrna u?. Fur SEAFORTH itureWarerooms. If you want solid comfort call at M. R 0 be rtson's, And buy dne of those Celebrated -Self Adiustable Easy Chairs, represented byi the above (int. He can also siipply Invalid Chairs and Carriages. Be also sells the most comfortable mid durable SPIZII\TG- 33.M ID That is rot4e. His stock of - CABIN ET FURNITURE Is very large and Complete. Intencling purchas- ers would do well to give him a can before pur- chasing elsewhere. Warerooms one Door South of Telegraph Office, MainStreet, Seafortba? M. ROBERTSON. ST. AMES' HOTZL, TORONTO. : - SHARP & BRIGHA M (Forli4erly of BliaWs.ftetel,Seaferti$,) lh PROPRIETORS. 1.•••••••••gmas ritHIS R tel, which issituated directly opposite the 13' on Station, has recently been refitted and return ed throughout, and is now one of the best and most comfortable kotele iu the city. IrEvat possible attention paid to guems. charges inqderate. _