HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-10-09, Page 6•••- .a•M•eaawme••••...1••••"1..... • I• :••44 - THE HU1RLON- Let US PlaYs fingers, the hand lying almost flat d , e should !seem paradoxical to Bey the thumb pointing straight ah d, lay is work, let us watch for an That he wrong. The only proper ,w y one of our children ploy "keepto gran) it is for the hand to catch e iOie," or fort," or do an), o rein just as a cow is milked, the inot'on " build a of the hand in, each case =being simil r. thei undred things that the average boy and girl tend to do during a. daHow The rein passes under the little fin er oftilu, as you fold the dear childin your and tip to the thumb, the fingers i pdrpendieulter line being gripPed lik arms at the close of the clay and kiss down the drooping eyelids, you say: _vice on it. This grip will hold the b d "She is so tired of play.' "She has and most sure of any, and it is next played so hard all day." ' impossible for the leather to slip in o But, dear mother,. she has worked hancia That is the secret 'of the wh hard all clayetherefore let us consieler thmg. A woman feels the. rein thel matter of directing1he children's from herin the old way and she She, of course, then looses her h energies to a certain ex. t, and see if a a st to e's le lip ets the idea that her strength is insuffiennt. theyt will not be better d happier for it. ; I know that many e. mother will say t "Oh, I haven't time Ito play with my children. Only mothers who have plenty of money and plea,' of serSants a do Viet." fore arguing this point, allow me to giv`n a bit of advice as regards toys. Do not buy many, . nor cheap, perishable things, which are quickly disposed of and create a demand for something new from day ta day. For a little girl, bay - household utensils and dolls, for the mother instinct must be satisfied. Give her & tiny broom and_dust-pan, a ,fiat - iron and table, a setof dishes, of course, as well as a miniature laundry set New, having purchased some of these thiegs, for a Christmas or a birthday gift) would it really take much time to sliest just h� w to -use them' Take ten minutes oat of yourday and teach het ho*, to lay a real table, how to lay her little cloth straight, to set mamma's place withthe clip, saueers, etc., and yapa's with the meat dish before him. '0 her some tiny napkins, of paper if need be, anal show her where to pat them; how to arrange the knives, forks ana ,aisthes. Give her sometimes some. " tiny food," and on another day show her how to hold her little broom. Let 'her: Lunt for cebwehs (if you are very buy) telling her that those are to be taken down first. Great will be her delight should the search ,be successful. Par your boy, if you live in the coun- try, get, first of all, garden tools ; a dirniautive wheelbarrow or a cart; as span as he is large enoughto use them. So' many of his best lessons may be tattght from nature's opem book that no th6aehtful father would negleet the tesitehing, Or feel that he had no time to :devote to it. For a boy shut up in. the city, alas, there are fewer healthfel reeources, yet provide ldnn with a box ofitools and a place 'where he may use them, and give him an occasional order for a small box or shelf. Let him have a tiny grocery store, if you can afford it, and, after showing him how to print "uo liquors" over the door, stock it for hint with rice, sugar, coffee, beans, etc., then teach him how to use the delicate scales, haw to do up a-pareelneatly, and when you are busy with your sewing, dear mother, if he asks you the old ques- sti n, which every mother hears so often: Vhat shall I do now ?" order some- tbing from the grocery, and, when it is deposited in your lap, tell the dear little grocer something of the beautiful lands ndsere the spicesgrow. Don't say to him, unless you must: Oh, run away; mamma's busy now." You always will be busy, and so will he. Your child's training is your most important busi- neet, and, unless. you find him something to doe the individual whom Watts sings or lit his "Divine and Morel" will sure - 1Y! do so. .By and by, when Kate and. Susie wield the scepter over their own houses, how much better they will do it for ternem- bering how mother taught them when they were little girls; And how often, as your boy's skilful fingers construct ihe trilime; convenience or adornment for his own home, will his mind 'revert . to the time when he did such things for nether; and, remembering it, his heart will grow tender, and his ma,nhood stronger and better. It wilt take time and patience, and it will often make a litter about the house, b t dear mothers and fathers—let us ph .y,!—Congrega- tionalist. then gets frightened, and finally eit jumps out to break a bone or stays i be crushed. The danger on the r might be greatly dimished if only men would be taught by their busb father, brother, or somebody el brother, and thus acquire a confide presence of mind, and skill that w d, er to ad vo- d, e's ce, uld compensa.te for the lack of strength."— Horseman, in St. Louis Post -Dispatch. • Study a Man. BROTHER GARDNER,- OF THE _LIME CLUB, MAKES' SOME PERTIN,ENT SUGGESTIONS. "It am de easiest thing in de worl make a friend. First, locate your Second, size him up. If he am a v proud man praise his yersonal app ance, his home—his wise, chilPen speech. No man am so poo' an' 1 dat his words of praise won't some' se to an egotist. , "If he am a. cross, surlyout-o'- chap, feeiin' sartin in his own mind, de world wasn't built on correct pr pies, doan' try to argy wicl. him to ILN to an.. in, ELT - an' wly eet o.rts dat nci- on- vince him dat dis airth am all 0 K. from cense to garret. On de con side in wicl him. Growl at de w abuse mankind an' tell him how you am dat heavasa't hen' to ma things about two hundred y'ars B. will be like doin' up -a , sore toe greased rag. "When you meet a man who &m o' sneakiad frew life on de quiet—n; heard of out side of his own naybur —modest, unassumin', an' only wa to be let alone, feed him gum -drops. him you have heard his name mens ed as candidate for Aldiman. Ask what y'ar it wae when he rtm fu ,Legislachur. limiter' when his uext. of poems am to be published. Ax , if he am de Smith who invented de c et. He will cringe and wince; hu will go home an' think it ober a your friend fur life. ' " Dar am cranks to be humored. ane eccentrics to be praised. Da circlin' 'round us day by day a cha. men ant -women, who doan' • know b from broomsticks, but wile musttbe. plimented on deir exquisite taste high Order of intelleck. "As de time allotted to me has' expired, let me say to you, in closin discourse, dat de man. who makes mies am no reader of hu am jist as easy to make rary rld, orry age . It an a sort bber ood tin' Tell un - him de ook im • int he ' be man uatur' ten good fr. as one enemy. Abuse i no man's tics. Slur no man's religion. Hol argyments with a • man who has soured by misfortunes. As fur w —treat all alike by praisin! all. Re ing you my capacious thanks fur 'd biematical indifference you have ex ed throughout the delivery of this brated lecture, I draw myself to a cose." ll —Detroit Free Press. I ar atti of • ans om- an' Catarrb.—a Ne Treatment. ,. ' Perhaps the most eat rdinaryGumless that i has been achieved in m ern medicine has slain attained by the - on treatment for Ca, nit. D Out,of 2,000 patientstree during the pas six months, fully hind per cent, have been o red of thie stubborn Malady. This is none the less startling when it hromombored that no five per cent. of patients preen g themselves to the regular practitioner ar benefitted, while the patent medieines aiid • ther advertised ourcs never record a euro at • II. Starting with the claim now generally beli ved-by the most s len- Mac men that the disease is due to ,the presence of living parasites in th tissue, Mr. Dixon at onc adapted his Cure • their exterininaton— ohs accomplished, he cla ins the Catarrh is prac- tically cured, and the pe eanency is unqueStion- td, s cures effected by Ira four years agi, are oure5still: No one else has ever attemptcd to cur Catarrh in this man ler, and no other trcat ' me t has ever cured Ca rh. The application of the remedy is siinpk, • and can be done at home, and the pr sent 841 .on of the year is the most favorable fo a spee • y and permanent euro, the majority of cascs bei g cured at one. rent - milt. Sufferers hould correspond with Messrs. A. H. .DIXON & SON, 305 King Street, West, Toronto, Canada and enclose s nip for their treatise on Catarth.—Montteal Star, November 1 17, 1882 882-52 out dis ene- It • nds oly- no een men urn- em- ibit- cele- . —The Austrian Government is pur- chasing at advanced prices all the corn and oats in the, market for army pur- poses. —There - have been extensive fires, in Dakota on the prairies about Dickenson, Sanborn, and in the vicinity of Bismarck,, farmers have lost all their crops. The to el of Sanborn has been nearly wiped cut by . fire, supposed to have been star ed by tramps. The hotel, five stores and seven fine residencewere burned. —The hop -pickers employed on the estates of the I Duke of Edin- burgh, in, the county of Kent, fin- ished their work • the other day. The usual price for picking hops is 18d. a basket, and the Duke offered to pay them only is. a basket. This created a great uproar among the workmen, who made serious threats and prepared to carry them out. The Duke became frightened at the demonstration and yielded 'to their demand. —Rebecca Jarrett, Thos. Stead, edi- tor of the Pall Mall Gazette Sampson Jacques, one of the staff of that paper, Mrs. Coombe, Mr. Bramwell Booth, of the Salvation -Army, and Louis Maurey, the defeuda,nts in the abduction case .of Eliza Armstrong have been c.ommitted for trial. Mrs. 'Coombe and Bramwell Booth were freed from the charge of in- decent assault. —Dr, Gardiner has lately received from Australia some very rare specimens which the intends adding to his already extensive collection of curiosities. Besides many rare animals,' birds and reptiles, the list includes two girdles or " dresses" the -only portion of clothing at one time worn by the .natives of the South Sea Islands., He also received a coat or cloak made from a kind �f native cane, and which was worn by the chief of a New Zealand tribe on the occasion ,of the ;great cannibalistic feast on the first Christian missionaries who • landed on that island. - The -articles will be dis- played at the fail show, in Lucknow, on the 8th and 9th October, and will, no doubt, prove a great attraction. —The Boston morning papers publish a five -column article, giving startling disclosures with regard to the use of opium in Boston. Reporters give the addresses of a nurabet of resorts outside the usual Chinese dens,where money has been lavished to fit them up in the most luxurious manner for this purpose. These places -are in the most fashionable thoroughfares, and have been flourishing unsuspected for months under the very shadow of the Statelleuse. The persons who patronize these gilded hells come in carriages, and are recognized as , be- longing to the best circles of society. -I-The great - Socialistic meeting in London, about which so much, as been said and whith the police. threatened to suppress, w s held at -Limehouse ma Sunday, 26t ence on th Women, as D 'vers. . ' We were driving alont the top of a narrow road looking de wn on a very steep ravine, and we had no sooner got up the hill and on th ei narrow track t an we saw a great ' cloud of dust ahead of us. She was driving as usual. 48- the dust lifted I saw it was a run- away team bearing straight down on. us. I thought we were -gone, and I remem- ber to kave [said: "My God we are gene r Bat she was, perfectly calm, &tad her face grew only a trifle whiter. She looked So confident and strong in her coolness that I allowed her to keep the reins. She drove straight ahead toward the oncoming team, and I thought there was n ) hope fer us, but she thought differently, for, finding a Wider spot in the road, she turned sharply across it, and before I- knew it ' backed straight to the edge looking Over the precipice. She had the whip grasped firmly, and just as I thought we would go over the embankment, she hit the horses a cut end they pulled us dp and around, just as I felt the hind wheels going down over the bank. She et -hipped, and we were some on the broad road again, where' we had plenty of rpom to let the runna,ways dash 1y us, Now, did any woman that ever rode a horse to hounds do a grander' thing than that? Never t because in hunting pleasure, nobility doeen't count as it does in the cold doings of business life." "Is this ignorence universal?" Quite so. I've traveled over nearly all the civilized globe, and I find it the tilame everywhere. If a woman chances to have learned to &he it is because he has learned it herself, and not be- tatuse of any attempt to teach her. In city or country it is the i same, and the - awkward country girl Who has driven ceily behind the ploi,v,perchance does her part more gracefully than the city belle, Whose every other motion in life has been set to the reoiremeut of , grace, . teat who strikes the most painful atti- tudes when she attempts to drive. I Ought probt blyato make an exception for a few wom n that in th East, along the ocean driars, have become somewhat expert, lettthey are very few and hard- y have any effect upon the average." "What must a woman learn to be a good driver ?" - "First she nfust lea in how to hold the a -eine, and do you know I am sur- prised to see how manhusbands will sit right alongside their wives who may be &white and never offer to show them ] e how to hold the reins. A boy seeming- ly knows how naturally, but a woman doeenl. She invariably grasps the rein , do that it will pass over the forefinger, aud thee be clatehed by the other MEDICAL. WG. S. MoDIONALD, M. D., C. M., l'hysi- . ciao, Surgeon, Accoucheur, &c. Office and resfdence, tfi t latele occupied by Dr. Hut- chison, Auburn. 781 G. SCOTT, M. D4, eZo4, Physician, Surgeon, . and Aceou er, Seaforth, Ont. Offic e and residence South ide of Goderich street, Second Door eastof the f»resbtcrian Church. 842 -nee W. BRUC SMITH, M. D., C. M.,411 mber Ileof the College of P lysicians and Sur eons, &c., Seaforth, Ontario, Offiee and resi ence same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. , 848 — DR. MACK1D, (late of Lucknow) Graduate Of Toronto Universite, and Mc mber of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office in Cady's Block. Residence, John Street, first door east of Engl sh Church Parsonage, Seaforth, Ontario. 894 EYE, EAR A D !THROAT.. DR. GEO. S. RYERSON, L. R. 0. P., L. It, C. S. E Lecturer on the Eye, to, d. Eye and Ear In- Eartand Throat,, Trinity edical College, Toron- nd Surgeon to the M refirmary. Late Clinical ssistant Royal LOndon Ophthalmic Hospital, to oorfields, and Central Throat and Ear Hospital 317 Churth 5 reet, Toronto - MUS CAL. IVIRPiam0e. Organ. for -graduating at, less th of foreign teaeliing. T dence on George Street Main Street, Seaforth. P, Teacher of Music, dvanced pupils fitted n one-half the eepense rins moderate. Resi- Second Door East of 879 - filiACHER WANTE 1 Section 4, Mbrris, a holding a Second or Duties to commence on plications containing t salary desired to be add ,'ed, Lot 22 Concession SIMON FORSYTHE. .—Wanted, for School ale or Female Teacher, hird Class certificate. st January next. Ap- stimonials and stating ssed to the undersign - 7, Morris, Blussels P. 0. 9284 St. Julien estaurant. OYSTERS! As the Oyster Season is to supply parties evIshi Shell or Bulk Oysters,. every style. - Just arrived a choice late and Cream Candy. All other varieties 'Oranges, Lemons' and season. I I I . .CIGARS.I • nit.,,without the interfer- part of the authorities. Fully 40,000 persens took part in the demonstration. The speakers indulged in violent . denunciations of the present state of society, but no undue excitement was displayed by the immense audience, and the affair passed off in the most peaceful manner. The police kept care- fully out of sight of the meeting. The *policy of the authorities of making no displaY of force had, it is -thought, much to do with the abeence of disorder. You can get at the St, rnestie Cigars Which ca Dominion. Pipes and Tobaccos o the place oppotite Mai JAS. gUltG OYSTER! coming in I am prepared •g Oysters in the Can, erved on the prei ises in lot of American Choco- ept contently on hand, ruits of all varietiee in CIGARS! Julien Imported elnd Do - not be surpassed in the every variety reinereber and Market Street. EGMO ROLLE SS, Prom'etor. DVILLE ID In returning -thanks and patrons or the have recoivhd huring beg t annou de tha season g-rea ly nlarge to our peel and mac than ever prepared t our cbstomeia prem satisfaction to thine. 1 GRISTIN4 Farmers can have • changed .1 Flour,Bra th Constantly on hand, few wad excelled by n -1 lowed pricese-qUalit Having also added WE ARE It GUSTO At any time—winter paid for LOGS del I Brucefield. ' AMPBE xPostot.oP, • 411111.11.1.111111.11•111111.1011.11.- L 84, BRIGHTI DAIRY GOODS. HAVEJUST OP NED PP THE BULK OF THEIR NM -VT to our numerouS friends very liberal supeort we the past three years{ we , having during the Past our mill, and also added inery, we- are now better attend to the wants of •tly, and with the best Special attention t paid to d CHOPPING. ir Wheat ground or ex- ithout delay. and Shorts S'1001C, And would in -trite our nu erous customers to call and see it. Call and see those Fine French anting and &kings, Ladies' . OF THE It ig like the in the market. ALso a fall stook of • ister Cloth and Jackets OBBIEST TVLES. PLEASE GIVE US A CALL. CANIPBtiI SEAFORTH, MONT EAL HOUSE. DUNCAN & 1 UNCAN, SEAFORTH, IMPORTERS OF IiaY GOODS, &c., Would call the attention of pur Goods this season.' We have j relents of Dry GoOds we ever tut of a quality equalled by mill in the Dominion, at considered. • the power of our MIL EPARED TO DOe SAWING Duncan & Duna or summer. Highest price vered at Egmondville or KYLE & MUSTARD, EGMONDVILLE. AavooTioiR, DI1JTEJ S. MA Sail from Pier 20, Every GLASGOW ,RATES TO GLASG W, DE POOL, CABIN, CAB1, 840. WARD, $ Anchor Line Draft paid free of charge Ireland. For passage, Cabi apply to BENDERS GRERw, NEW I YORK Office, Seaforth. L STEAMSHIPS I North River, New York, Satuiday, for LONDONDERRY. OF PASSAGE e ItY, BELFAST OR LIVER - 860 to $80. SECOND STEERAGE, OUT- . PREPAID, 821 hasers to thi extraordinary low price of Dry st received part of one of the largest consign- orted in Seaforth, and lots are -still en route. • Montreal House, Seaforth. OA HALL cLoTHliga AND ENTS' FURNISHING HOUSE. DUNCAN & DUNCAN, eaforth, are still determinedto suit all who are desirous of being suited, and ea safely promise for selection one of the largest stocks of Tweeds in the County, and one of the best selected stocks of Tweeds in the County. Suits turned out on the, shortest notice, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Large Stock of issued at lowest rates are in England, Scotland and Plans, Book of Tours, &c.i, N BROTHERS, 7 .1 nowiash or to S. DICKSON, Pot 832 MARRIA LE LiOENSE8 I SUED AT' THE KROH DOSITOR CFFIC 8EAFOR H, ONTARIO. t•••••••NiMaIMMNO, NO WITNEti.EX REO IRE Fashionable Ha s in the litest London, Paris an New York styles. GENTS' SHIR AND 'RUBBER or Winter wear. Goods Store, Sea At the `S, COLLA COATS. A Don't forget orth. Secl The highest prie& is paid in t Eleven pounds Standard Gra, Teas from 25c p -proportion. before us. • All in went of firsaciess.Daire Goods, will do well to call at S AND CUFFS, UNDERCLOTHING, TIES, ne line of OVERCOATINGS suitable for Fall Oak Hall, next door to Montreal Mammoth Dry O M. Whitney's, And see our Atnerican Iron -clad Milk Cans and Pails, just the thing to stand rough handling. A full stock of Cans, Pails, Pans, Strainers, and everything for the dairy. Golden Star Oil Range - With large tops and stands. NO table or box required to stand it on, and just as cheap as smaller stoves. Every stove guaranteed. In ordering Troughing dont forget to see our Galvanized IrOn Trough in six foot lengths, making lew joints and a better job. A full line of Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, Lamps, American and Canadian Coal Oil, &c., always on hand. • All orders for jobbhig promptly attended to CM. WHITNEY. N. B.—Thre hundred tedar Posts for sale. FARMERS ded Grocery $torer ade for first-class Roll or Tub Butter, or Eggs. ulated Sugar for $1; other grades of Sugar in r pound up to 750. We can sweep everything Duncan, Duncan, Seaforth. -To prio*p THE BEST D.1 HO T 1E FARMERS! p Lao -w- S• LOWS IN THE MARKET. Ha tf now on hand, the well -k need no word of commend Plow of this year's pattern. mould board and coulter. sa.tiefaction;and he can confi he has IT WILL PAY YOU 0 CALL AT Tent -- HURON FOUNDRY —NEAR THE HIGH !SCHOOL, SEAFORTH. And see our stook of Which havebe, en made especially for this county. I have greatly improved my Gang Plow for this seasOn, and feel satisfied in saying that it is the best in the market. Our LAND ROLLERS Are lerge and heavy, running light and _doing goodwork. Our IN CRUSHERS Are made 1 roii HarchIron, and will last longer than any otileL machine made. Having special tools for remitting Rollers, we can guarantee satisfaction.. Special attention given to le- aking Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, Reapers,Mowers, Threshing Machines, and all kindof maahinery repaired on short notice and at reasonable rates. AN SEAFORTH, awn N:os. 3 and 15 General Purpose Plows, which tion. He is also introducing the No. 17, a new Steel It has an adjustable beam, steel shear, skinuner, t has been thoroughly tested, and gives universal ently,recommend it to the public. In Wide Plows --e NZ. Nos. 13 end 16. Purchasers can have trial of any of' these Plows, and if not satisfiedcan retarn them. 'hey will he sold cheap for cash, or on short credit. , General Bla.cksm thing and • HorSeshoeing as Usual. ReMember the place, M 'Naught's tjqd stand, in rear of the Golden Lion Store, Seaforth. D HOGAN. Removed 1 Re oved I o_ SEAFORTH The Old Established Butcher hes removed to new premises imniediately opp site his Old Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, whe e he will be pleased to meet all his did patrons and as many new.ones as may see fit to favor him with their patronage. SOY -Remember the place, betwe n Henderson's Harness Shop, and McIntyre's Sh te Store, Main Street, Seaforth. - GEORGE. ENG. LIME! LIME! LIME! THOMAS CORNISH Has opened his Lime House!, in Hensall and Centralia, To Contractors and Others. Bridge Belts and Castings at lowest rates. Quotations furnished on application. tgrAlso Agent for the Implements of L. D. Sawyer, Hamilton. A full line of repairs con- stantly on hand. THOMAS HENDRY. 9111 AO NNIS And is now prepared to famish LIME of the very best quality to all requiring it, on the most reasonable terms. During the season he will be at Hensall every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, and at Centralia every ' MONDAY and THURSDAY, to attend to cue- torners. = ' THOMAS CORNISH. itas Ro (.4 of) 0 CD CO r4 CD 0 1 'SE3IVI''I �5 zIV narLL L123VS NVIGVN V 0 C// 0 1-1 CD CD c-t- tfl CD 1-45 0 OCTOBER 9, 1885 Well Siadsfied TOBER That is right, cheer up, times are not going te, be so dull after MI; at least we don't think ee for a moment, and why? because we have the goods the people want, and at prices which will scare dull times away at a break -neck pace. We know it, and are more than satisfied; indeed, we are quite elated over the compliments paid us already, and with a host more cheap goods can: ing before the fair, we are bound to make things= hunn Every visitor to the fair is cordially in. vited to call and see us, inspect our stock and compare prices. French Dress Goods in canna cloth, foule cloth, sateene, &c.; Black and Cabe. ed Cashmeres, Black and Colored Merveilleuxs. Silk, Satins, Ottomans, Beautiful Velvets, Rich Plushes, Jerseys, all , in ladies' furnishings, the newest and most fashionable goods to be lead at Ranton Bros EXETER. Gents and men of families, we have .seeured some nice lines in Scotch and Canada Tkeeds, Pantings and Overcoatings. A rare lot of New York Hats, and three times as many Ties as we have ever had before. ..1.,Vool Undershirts and Drawers at startling prices. All Wool Flannels for 25 cents. Comeiand see no when out to the fair. All are welcome. No trorble to show at Ranton B ros., EXETER. ViTROXETER MILLS. Alexander L. Gibson Begs to announeele the public that he has own- menced to operate the W3CXETEil WILE -ii FACTORY And that he will be prepared to give good vat in . FULL CLOTHS, TWEEDS, f UNION TWEEDS, FLANNELS, PLAIDINGS,1 WINCE S And Varieties in STOCKING YARNS* Custom Carding, SPinning and Paint Promptly Attended to, Parties from a distance will, as far as petelbies have.their. ROLLS 'HOME WITH THEM, andav he has pat the Mih into Good Working Ogee' and employs none but Efficient Workmen, =1 I i All Work s Warranted. REMEMBER TOE WROXETER MIUk ALEX. L. GIBSON, Proprietor., HAIR BMA Restores gre, hair to its na- • tural color, re- moves Dandruff, stops the hail from falling out, increases its growth, and «- not soil the skin. As a hair dr sing, it has no superior. Guar anteedhantdess. Prepared by Harkness &Co. London, Ont. Sold by all Druggist and Patent Medicine Dealers. FTIHE SUFFOLKS ARE THE BEST.—The un- dersigned has now on Lot 21, Concession 2, L. R. S., Tuekersmith, and will keep for the improvement of Stock, Two THOROUGHBRED SUF- FOLK BOARS. The oldest, "Granger," was far - 'owed on April 3rd, 1882, was bred by Mr. Wm. Elliott, Milton, County of Halton. His sire and his dam were both imported. The second, "King Tom," was farrowed ia April, 1884. Ile " was bred by Messrs. A. Frank & Sons, of the county of Peel, and both his sirs and his dam were also imported. They are as good, pigs as were ever offered for service in Huron as ean be proven by the extended pedigrees wbich are registesed in the Canadian Herd Book. Terms 111, with the privilege of returning if iseeessary. GEORGE PLEWES. • 891 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMNIE$CE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Paid up Capital, Rest, - KOK 2,10, PRESIDENT, HON. WM. it CMASTER. SE A 'FORTH BRANCH. . The Seaforth Branch of this Ba.nk continues receive deposits, on whichinterest is alloweciat the most favorable terms. Drafts on all the principal towns and cities - Canada, on Great Britain, and on the 1Jiia States, bought and sold. Office—First door Soviet of the Comesdra Hotel. A. 11. IRELAND, Yar F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor RUSINESS- CLLEOi IN CoNNT:CTIONWIT WOODSTOCK COLLECT,' WooDSTocK, Hi The College has been thoronglelyeeo izedeand placed in the hands of a most b staff of Teachers (including two who been Principals ofs.ai ni.ar and SUc.4 institutions), Course most thocouffit practical. Fees very moderate. For full information address— N. WOLVERTON, B.A., Prin Woodstock College. D. 8. CAMPBELL, .-DRoviNcIAL LAND SURVEYOR 1 Engineer. Orders by mail pasts tended to. D. S. CAMPULL, Mitchell trty_Mr. Southern yAaF,er,.behGiseaettez tfsNieiace:ninr:totuWschtk:oyn fle -down the river.. dies and 50,000 loo shiientheeresmaarellnpoo: tirement from the ( tives are nnemploy - bis ance of Mr. John B that the repeal of tilt iss—ueminn tishieneirtiniyintr Friday, With Friends tl- odTfidisagreement leg rLrecee: neBi emrrncii:a: Ellean—thl:grseliselsehstaeaetbloelifcis:litif tfvieal ers practically out of p to the bombardineii • regulation of viee the turf, died at Tr become so great In the norther wbornhilawaohPc—id.otsrhAkdginigbyngratronienad, oBwllantylo!ilitfeel day, and when a pint threw,out the leattIJ, exposed a sponge insil whisky, bottle and while thera'insTnehgsteamnee rwebrreot he refused to take th of the price.. The dently was to teek .FHteddelyin, e 2t05tthile ulutnit; ago, and had travel world. In Md. w and was succeesful Feared before figniv 65 years, died -at Ti eatakei.r.ybackngytgohyears.oouhtgshhe: 0si smahaei-la sbhgnrioiseusstliaekrignalieliiiiii performance by bre the couple. They eoi Sixteen of the party and were fined n$4en.8e5n recently married in S. abLetoaspesolo (a. speuvnenr1, —Whalebone the price h $3.60 onithe arrival 01 pounds at, San Fran the catch has fallen pounds to426,903 01 —The wife of nos Pa., was:stung to dee.' day, 27th ult. She se insects on going to cal was handling the hive stings on her lips and in 45 minItes. Rev. Bishop of St.:Peter's'Washt was; consecrated , was presented with sH his congregation, hal cept it, and 'advised] turdit over to his stic fit of the debt of th be came among them preferred to take n The officers of ti tional Board of 13 lug '..with some con of the epidemic of at Montreal, for ti will yet get beyond e way to the States. peared in different pei States, though the nul not been eutiicieut e s n tDuringyeaihe p ()tl ilr pi leicel the s in Japan, an average every month. T Montreal is due to p —The massacres of chin China, have sent though France. Ba • are published of the sionaries and their lite. in Asmam. Tile Supe -and a whole host se slaughtered. Some the sea with their their back. Some mil. make a tand with e soon defeated. Chin dwellingallustans-w eiswere ed,and b' walk for days without reach a place of refuge is accused by the niiss taken no steps to save sensatiE Shelburne, eat urigrie,Grcy co. • nouncement that II -wife' had levantrA them $2,268 07 in • to the patrons of a Badjeros theese facti numerousrnm odebts nt bu avowed intention of vi Exhibition. For seve he had been makieg Express Office for a accruiug from a ree eSt Ihteeelf15 rat! linedt efiLt"1 -coal give the mone wife when she called I arrived on Tuesday, Ricocalled, Mr. Bello anything wrong, gay,- ing for the same. fix 2,268 67 belonging t the factories at Shelb Mrs. Rice and her thi- dren left by the even y. ge 13. ecletei inc bge No aennmd wasieofuesse zsi7 to be suepected of etn: ght -%.:1-iPthPulstie(slInTfe bein esndfan; possession from -$3,000 rowed ad stolen cash RATEFUL —00 EPPS'S - BREAKF "By a thorough knowl which govern the operation tattion, and by a careful set Properties of well selectee Provided oar breakfast tab Retorted beverage which n tors' bine, It is by the articles of diet that a comet ally lila* up ulaUl strong e