HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-10-09, Page 3TITS D A be beaten. ris of Dye iaaid. WILL ;market for ;Dysentery ats. ierts, (ALL t, Seafort a iota E„ New • HO SE. arstreal. doi depoeit est rates. .1.0CAL end to Con - 6' money on F, houses, &c. Ltrant. All! eertisement, :ifterease hia Oyster Par - est place rate paxIors V- Fruits, 1)0- �:c. 03-sters Reasoll, and enters, 1 n -M tto„ '• satis- Cream in terms, and m in town. esed & aforth. L arteto r. CE I • peeple ef red a large o deliver t- V00-1). 913-4. MILL h.miner- troaage ea- otteinese &I'Ored wira are/ to give Ft 63. 11W•id 41t gNG8, &e. ,siostion to patronage, apIetyed. Plaiting. OCTOBB 9) 188t.. MOMINIIMPe — t THE HURON EXPOSITOR, tot a •. 3 •' The Seaforth Show. -. The following is the prize list of the Tuckersinith Branch Agricultural So- ciety's Show, held at Seaforth, on Thursday and Friday last ; tinavy DRAUGHT. HORSES. -Brood mare accompanied by foal, .Robt. Mar - title F. Clalernan, Jas. G. McMichael, foal, Robt. Martin, Wire Cauesaiig, Jas. - Sproat; three-year-old gelding, R. Mc- Nee ; three-year-old filly, John Mao. lax; two yetsr-old gelding, Jos. Atkin- son, P. Norris; two-year-old filly, F. Coleman, not known; one -year-old geld- ing, John McGregor, Robert Charters; one -year-old Mly, F. Coleman, John Mc- Millan, jos. Storey ; draught team, Mrs. HOry Chesney; special prize for -best eolts sired by Ranton Jock, Wm. Fotheringham, Wm. ItcKtty, J. Sproat, AGRICULTURAL OR GENERAL PURPOSE HonsEs.-Brood mare accompanied by foal, W. Ger--"Broadfoot, John McKay, Geo. -Ste henson ; foal, Geo. Stephen- son, W. IcCloy, John McKay; three- year-old lly, Thos. Shipley, two-year- old geldi g, John Kemp.; two-year-old filly, Jos, Cumming, John McGregor, W. R. enderson ; two-year-old •geld- ing, Robe tCharters ; one year-old filly, Joln M Kay, John McGregor, John Kemp; r eneral purpose team, Wm. -Chesney, Johni Elisha. Mc- . Maloney, Vittie. , Cannast E HORSES. -Brood mare with foal, 4. orbes, John McNevin, Jas. Horton; foal, D. • D. Wilson, L. Meyer, obt. Newell ; two-year-old gelding, . D. Wilson, Andrew Scott, A. Charlesworth; two year-old filly, Robt. Beacom, A. Davidson, Andrew Scott; one -year-old gelding, Dougalcl Strachin, ist and 2nd; one -year-old filly, Robt. Brock, John McConnell, John McKay, three-year-old gelding, Thos. Shipley, three-year-old filly, Jos. Ward;.pair carriage horses, John Hawkshaw, T. C. - Docherty, Thos. Bissett, sr.; single driver, Alex. Forsyth, Jas Johnston, Wm. Pieltard. Three-year-old filly. by Thos Hill brought on the ground too late to compete in her class, was highly commended by judges. THOROUGHBRED DURHAM CATTLE. — COW must have calved -since last show, 1st and 2d Thos. Russell, Geo. Sproat, two year old heifer, Thos. Russell, A. Elcoat, D. Milne • on. year old. heifer, Thos. Russell. A. Elcoat, D. Milne, heifer calf, ist and. 2nd H. shell & Sons, D. Milne; bull calf,D. Afilne,A. Elcoat, D. Alilner- herd consisting of -4 females and a bull, Thos. Rnssell, D. Milne, A. Elcoat ; special for herd consisting of four females and a bull, Thos: Russell. GRADE CATTLE. -Cow ninst have calved since last show, Wm. Dale; Wm. Carnochah, John Cameron; two year 7, old heifer Wm. Carnochan, Wm. Dale, J.Reinki€'; one year oldheifer, Jos. At- kinson, N't m. Carnochan,Jos. Atkinson ; 1 heifer cal ,A. Elcoat ; two year old steer, Thos. Go, enlock; 2nd and 3rd J. Rein- Ide ; one year old steeteJohn Modeland, 2nd and 3rd Wm. Chapman; fat ox or steer,Thos. Govenlock,Geo. Sproat, Thos. Govenlock; fat 6 -ow or heifer, T. Russell, T. Govenlock, Geo. •Sproat ; best herd five shippirg steers, Tt...nomes Govenlock. -• A LESHIRES.--Best caw, A. Calder; two year old, heifer, Wm. Grieve, Thos. Hill. ._ LEICES ER SHEEP. -Aged ram, J. '& G. Penha e,H, Snell & Sons,R. Charters; ihearling 'am, J. & G. Penhale, R Char- ters, Tho . Goiniey ; ram lamb, J. & G. Penhale, . Charters, H. Snell & Sons; pair ewes having raised lambs in 1885, H. Snell t Sons, J. & G. Penhale, Thos. Gourley, pair of shearlings, 11. -Snell & Sons, J. i G. Penhale,H. Snell & Sons; pair. ewe I mbs, Thos. Gourley, H. Snell de Sons, J. & G. Penhale. - Conwo s. -Aged ram, L. Tasker; ram lamb, •L. Tasker, . pair ewes, having. raised la bs in 1885,David Hill, Jst and 2nd L. Ta ker ; pair sheadings lat and 2ral L. Ta sker ; pair ewe lambs, L. Too- • ker. SOUTHD wNs.-Aged ram, lst and 2nd G. E. Cr sswell, John Hewitt, shear - ling ram, st and 2nd G. E. Cresswell ; ram lamb, lat, 2nd and 3rd G. E. Cress- well; pair ewes having raised lambs in 1885, Da id Hill, G. E. Cresswell, shearlings 1st and 2nd G. E. Creswell; ewe lamb , ist and 2nd G. R Cresswell, • David Hili; fat sheep, Thos.Govenlock, Wm. Grieve, D. D. Wilson; special for the best pair of cross -bred sheep ,sired by a pure bred Southdown ram, 1st and 2nd G. E. Cresswell. . : SIIROPSHIRES.-Aged ram, , lat and 2nd D. D. Wilson, Jas. Cooper ; shear - ling ram, 1. Snell & Sons, Wm. Cooper, D. D. Wil on; ram lamb, Wm. Cooper, C. Hingst n Win. Cooper, pair ewes, ha mg re:Bed Iambs in 1885, Snell & Sons, W . Cooper, D. D. Wilson; shearling wes, Wm. Cooper, 2nd and 3rd D. D. Wilson; ewe lambs, D. D. ' Wilson, Wm. Cooper, 11. Snell & Sons. SUFFOLK' Pics.-Aged boar'John Lionhardt, Geo. Plewes, Robt. Adams; • boar littered in 1885, Roht. Adams, Peter Decoursey ; aged sow, . Jacob Tuck, 2nd and 3rd Geo. Plewes ; sow littered in11-885, Peter Deeoursey, 2nd and 3rd Geo. Plewes. BERKS-HIRE Figs. -Aged boar, Jacob Tuck, Stephen Grey; boar littered in 1885, Jacob Tuck, Wm. Bray, Stephen Grey; aged saw, &esti:len Grey; sow -littered in 1885, Jacob Tuck, St Grey,Jr- & G. Penhale. POCLTRY. -Light Brahman, Wm. Fol- low]; John Beattie; Dark Brahmas, 1st and 2nd 0. C. Willson; Buff Cochin's, John Beattie, John Dorrance ; any ether variety - of Cochins, O. C. Willson, C. M. Forbes; Lanshams, C. M. Forbes, John Beattie; Plymouth Rocks, Henry Kalbfleisch, John Beattie; Dorkings, any variety, John Beattie, Henry Kalb- . fleisch ; black breasted red game„ 1st and 2ud Henry Kalbileisch ; any /other • variety games, John 'Beattie, H. Kalb- fleisch s golden or silver. spangled Hom- burgs, tk-rio. Folland, 0. 0: Willson; gottlen or silver pencilled Homburgs, Wm. Grieve, Pickard & Spicer; black Homburgs, 1st and- 2nd G' • & H. Jack- son ; Hoadans, John Warc1, He Kalb- fleische white crested blaek Polands, Thos. Hendry, John Beattie ; .any other variety Polands, 1st and 2nd 0..0. Will- son; white Leghorns, Wm. Follow], Parvis & Milks; brown Leghorns, Pick- ard & Spicer, Wm. Grieve; black Span- ish, John Beattie, C. M. Forbes; Ameri- can. seabrights, Pickard & Spicer; any Other variety of fowls, John Beattie, Pickard & Spicer; any variety turkeys, Thos. Carter, John Beattie; any variety geese, John Beattie, Wm. Grieve ; Pekin ducks, 1st and 2nd Jos. P. Brine; Rouen. d ticks. John Beattie, Aylesbury ducks; (:. E. Creswell, H. Kallafleisch ; any other variety ducks, John Beattie, C. -.It Forbes; any- variety bantams, ld • and 2nd John Beattie; collection pigeons, st and 2nd John Beattie. IMPLEMENTS. -Double top buggy, P.. W, Hayward, John Leslie; double open buggY, P. W. Hayward; single top buggy, T. Tippling, P. -W. Hayward,; single open buggy, P. W. Hayward ; iron beam plow, Da Hogan, 1st and 2nd ; stubble plow, D. Hogan; Thos. Hendry & sons; horse hoc, A. Campbell; gang plow, Thos. Hendry & sons; iron har- row, .T. Tippling, Alex. Stewart; turnip .seed drill, Molheron & Co.; turnip gutter, Mulhcron & Co.; fanning mill, MeMurchie & *Co.; single mower, Mulheron & Co.;- self -binder, Watson Manufacturing Company, McPherson & Lindsay; churn'Joseph Robinson; wooden pump, Noble Cluff, 1st and,2uds set horse shoes D. Hogan, Jones & Johnston. . GRAM AND SEEDS. -fall wheat, Robt. Govenlock, Andrew Johnston, Alex. Granger ; spring wheat, W. Fother- inghanr, Andrew Johnston, Wm. Ittide Soli; 6 rowed barley, Geo, Flews, Robt. Charters; 2 retired barley, Win. Cariio- chan ; large , oats, Andrew Johnstoo; Robt. Leathedand ; common oats, David Milne, Andrew Johnston;small peas, Robt..Leatherland, Thos. Carter; finis othy Seed, Andrew Johnston, Alex. Mc - E -wen; flak seed, Alex. Gray, James Wright; special for the best Champion oats., Thos. Carter; shelled Corn, Jamel Wright; white, beans, James Wright; Alex. McEwen. : HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS-:-APPLESI -.-Four varieties 'winter apples, Mrs ' Black, Chas. Routledge; four varietiei fall apples, Chas. Routledge, G. Elt Cresswell; collection of apples, John. Hannah, John T. Dickson; Rhode Island greenings, G. E. Cresswell,-Robt Charters ;-- Northern Spies, Robt Charters, Robt. McLean; Roxboro Russets; John S.Brown Robt. McLeani, Spitzenhurgs, Hugh Chesney, John T. Dickson ; Baldwins, Chas. Routledge; Hugh Chesney; Wedfield's Seek -no- further, G. E. Cresswell, Robt. McLean; snow apples, Win. Chesney, A. Calder; Gravensteins, Chas. Routledge, John Hannah ; fall Pippins, Wm. Ireland; Jas. Cameron; red Astrachaiis, Mrs: Black ; King of Tompkins, Peter Cameron, Robt. Charters; Alexanders D. ' D. Wilson, Robt. Charters; Dutchess ' of Oldenburg,- Robt. Goven- lock; Chas. Routledge ; Ben Davis; Chas. Routledge ; Wagner, • John T. Dickson, Chas. ' Routledge ; Golden -Russet, Jas. Scott, Jas. Cameron ; St. Lawrence, Chas. Routledge, Jas. Scott; Maiden's Blush, John T. Dickson,Ilugh Chesney. I ' P*.ans.-Winter pears, John ' G; Wilson ; fall pears, Robt. Goverdock, John G. Wilson; Flemish Beauty, Mrs: Black, John G. Wilson, Duchess Augoulerne,' John G. Wilson e Grey Doyenne, John G-. Wilson; collection of pears, John G. Wilson. GRAPES, &c. --Delaware grapes, James Scat, John Thompson; Hartford Pro- lific, John Walker, Robt. Govenlock; Concord, John Thompson, -Dr. Coleman; Rodgers' No. 19, John Walker; Rogers' No. 4, John Walker, John Thonipson; any other variety grapes, John Thompson, •,- r•h I) IN roaer ; oua-ntitss of grapes, not less than four quarts, John Walker; John Thonipson ; .any variety crab ap- ples, Thos. Carter,•Edward Spading; Crawford peaches, Alex. Johnston; Royal George peaches, Alex. Johnston ; collection of Canned fruits, W. 11. Mc-. Cracken, Samuel Barton. • e ' * FINE ARTS. -Painting in oil, F. Case, Dr.. Coleman; crayon sketchimg, Mrs.' T. Jeslin, hiss Case; water color, Net - tic Ewing, John McConnell ; collection of photographs, W. Wade, E. E. Hallett, painting in oil, Maggie Wilson. , Feowans.-L-Ten weeks stock, Mrs. Thos. Lingard, Jahn Beattie; odors; Mrs. Thos. Lingard, Jas. Scott; phloxes,. John. Walker;.- Mrs. Thomas Lingard; verbenas, Mrs: Thomas Lingard, John Walker; petunias, Mrs. Thos. Lingard, John \Volker; fuchsias,- D. D.. Wilson, Dr. Coleman; gladiolas, .Mrs. Thomas Lingard, John McDowell; pansies, John McDowell, John Walker; dahlias, Mrs. Thos. Lingard, John Beattie; collection of annuals, Mrs. Thos. Lingard, John Beattie; verbenas, Mrs. Thos. Lingard, D. D. Wilson; variety of foliage plants, Mrs. Thomas Lingard, A. Calder; be- gonias in flower, Mrs. Thomas Lingard; Dr. Coleman; geraniums in flower, D. D. Wilson, Mrs. Thos. Lingard ; flower design, James Snell ; coxcomb,. John Walker; collection cut flowers, Mrs. Thos. Lingard ; table 'bouquet, Airs. T. Lingard ; hand bouquet, Mrs. .Thomati Lingard; red currants, John Thompson. LADIES WORK. --Patched quilt hand made, Miss McEwen, Miss J. E. Reid; knitted. quilt, Thos. Carter, Solomon Shannon ; raised quilt, Mrs. Lingard ; log cabin quilt, Geo. Nott, John Turner,- jr.; rag mat, Miss McEwen, Jane Hol- liday ; gent's fine shirt hand :made, un- washed, Miss McEwen, Geo. Nott ; woollen socks, W. II. McCracken, Mrs. Lingaild ; - woollen stockings, W.-, H. McCracken, . Mrs. .Lingard--; woollen 'mitts, Geo. Nott, Miss MeEwan ; wool- len gloves, W. H.- McCracken, Andrew Johnston; darning in .stockings, Alex Gray, Thos. Dodds. ' 1 DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. -Domestic cloth, A. Jiihnston, Thos. Dodds; flan- nel, all. wool, Geo. Nott, A. Johnston; limey 'woolaey, John Thompson, Miss McEwen; eatinett, Andrew Johniton, Thos. Carter ; woven home-made quilt1 Robt. McLean, Neil Brown; hoe l made -blankets, Miss Metwen, Andrew Johnston; woollen yarn, -Mist McEwen, W. 11. McCracken; factory made quilt; Geo.- Nett, Jas. C. McLean; factory tweeds, A,- G. VanEgmond's Sons, 1st and 2nd ; factory flannel, A. O. Van- Egrnond's Sons, ltat and 2nd ; factory blankets, A.. G. VanEgmond's Sons,Geo, Nett': set single homes, G. A. Shar- man ; double teen' liaeness, G. A. Shar- man ; ladies' boots, Robt. W. illis ; gent's boats, Robt. Willis, harness leather; GI & II. Jackson; self skin leather; 13. Willis, G. & II. Jackson e set of parlor furniture,. Broadfoot• & Box, 1st and k& liloi ; collection of musical instru- ments. Seat 13rothers ; sewing machine, Singer Manufacturing Company, .Jas. Watson ; knitting machine, Jas. Wat- son ; . panel door. J. H. Broadfoot ; i fine salt not ground, Grey, YoUng. & Spar t ling, 1st and 2nd ; salt for packing pur- pose, Grey, Yeamg & Sparling : i'erl. chant's flour, McBride & Smith, T- 0; Kemp; bricks, John Carter; tiles, Robt Collie, John Carter; case of stuff-, ea birds, .A. G. VanEgniond's Sons; sheep skin mat, G. & H. Jackson, 1st and 2nd ; dogskin gauntlets, G. & He Jackson, 1st and 2nd. 1 GARDEN' VEGETABLES,- Pot:1.0M- Mammoth Pearl,David Milne; Beauty of Hebron, David Milne, J. Snell; Early Roie potatoes, J. S. Brown, S. Carnochan, White Elephant, J. H. McDougall, Wm. _hurray ; . Late Rose potatoes, Robt. McLean, Wm. Murray.; four varieties,. early, Wm. Murray; sugar cane, Wm. Armstrong; .winter cabbage, W. tl. McCracken, D.D. Wilson '. blood beets-, Robt. McLean, • W. 11. Mc- Cracken ; , long mangolds, W. H. Mc- Cracken, R. Common; globe mangolds, •W. H. McCracken, Robt. Charters ; .Swede turnips, D. D. Wilson, David Milne;• horn carrots, Win. Murray, W. H. McCracken • orange or red carrots, .11. Mcdracken, R. Common, • Belgian carrots, D. D. Wilson, .W. H. McCracken; Indian , cern, Robt. Fanson, A. Davidson; water melons, Andrew Johnston, Thos, Dodds; musk melons, W. II. McCracken, Andrew Johnston ; red. onions; John Thompson, W. H. McCracken; white or yellow • onions, Robt. Fanson, W. II. . Mc- Cracken; tematoes, John Thompson, Edward Sparling.; celery, W. H. Mc- Cracken; citrons, Robt. McLean, John Hannah; parsnips, W. H. McCraeken, Jas. Scott; collection of vegetables, W. H. McCracken; mammoth purniskin, • special, 0. C. Willson; squash, special, 0. C. Willson.. ' I ' DAIRY 'PRODUCE, •-..- Tub home- made butter, John S. Brown, Wm. Murray.. butter, sufficiently salted,John McDowell, Wm. Murray; butter fit .for table use; 'Jas. Cooper, ' Wm. Fowler ; cheese, factory made, J. R. Murray, 'S. Barton ; cheese, private made, john Burdge, Geo. Sproat; cured side of ham, Hugh Robb; home-made bread, Wm. Carnochan, Ed. Spading; baker's :bread, G. E. Pierson, A. Cardno ;_honey • in. comb, Hugh Robb ; honey in jar, • Andrew Johnston, Hugh Robb; &Alec- tian of home-made wines, W. H., Mc- Cracken, A. Johnston; special prie for best '20 lbs. of' butter for table use, Jas. C. McLean. *LADIES' WORN. -Embroidery, in silk, velvet • or satin, Miss McEwen; em- btoiderrin muslin, Miss McEwen, Mrs. Lingard; embroidery., in cotton, Mrs. •Lingard ; embroidery on flannel, Joseph. P.. Brine, A. Cardno ; tatting, George Nott, Hugh Robb; Crochet , work, Geo. Nett, Robt Collie; braiding, Geo. Nott, Miss McEwen; fancy knitting, George Nott, Mrs. Lingard; lace honiton4 An- drew Johnston, Robt. Fanson; guipure work, J. P. Brine; Berlin wool Work, • Robt. Calder; era,zy patchwork, Ilugh Robb, Mrs. Thos. Joslin '• painting on silk or satin, water colors, Mrs. Thomas Joslin ; painting on silk orisatin, oils, Mrs. Thos.' Joslin ; shell work, Alex. McEwen, -Robert - Fanson; ornamental leather work, W. H. MeCra-cken, Geo. Nott; crewel work, Miss McEwen, • Robt.-Fanson ; fancy netting, Mrs, Lin- gard, J. P. Brine; wa,x'fruit, Geo: Nott; bead work, Mrs. Lingard ; wax rowers,. R. Jamieson; hair flowers, A. G. Van- Egniond & Sons, Win. •Cooper ; Berlin wool worls, flat, Robert Fanson, J. P. Brine. e ••. . EiTRAS.-Crocbet work ,cover, Mrs. Lingard; oil painting on plush, . Mrs. Joslin ; lustre painting, Mrs. -Jeslin ; arrisene, Mrs. • Joann; braiding in tin- . sel, O. C._ Willson; oil painting on glass, Mrs. Joilin ; .painting on rolling, Miss Case ; painting on china, Miss Case; rag carpet, 3*. S. Brown, Mrs: Alex. Granger; collection wall paper, C. W Papst ; crochet quilt, A. Nichol, Robt. Fanson; collection of coins, E. E. Hal- lett; assortment of fancy goods, C. W. Papst ;Tniniature house, D. Stephenson; fancy goods, Lumsden & Wilson. I JUDGES. 1 Heavy Horses. -A. T. McDonald, Mullet; Thos. Green, Logan; IX Mc- Lanchlin • Light ilorsGrey. esee- hos. Bell, Wingham; , 1 Thos. Tippling, Clinton; Leonard Hun- ter, Usbornes Jas Bailey, Goderieh. Cattle. -Wm. Fowler, Seaforth; John Cumming, Hullett ; Wm. Colquhoun, Ribbert. Sheep. -Alex. Telfer, Paris; • John Cowan, John Mc'Iillop ; Wm. Pridham, Mitchell. 1 Pigs. -David Walker, Tuckersniith ; John Govier, Hullett. Poultry.-4ohn Finch and diodes Aitzel, Seaforth. . Implements. -Peter Scott, Brussels; J. A. Wilton, Blyth'Jas. Dow, Exeter._ • - Grain and Seeds. -John McMillan, • Hullett •'Robt. Graham, Brussels; Alex. Mustard, Egmondville. Horticultural Products. -A. McD. Allen, Goderich ; Wm. Dorrence, Sea - forth ; Alex.- Robertson Brussels. • Ladies Work. - dm. Warwick, Hallett ; Mr. J. Beck, Hensall ;, Mrs. R. Dennie, Seaforth. .Domestic Alan ofOctures. -Mrs. James Lowrie, Seaforth; Miss Aloore,Fgmond- vine ; John McMillan, Hullett ; Wm. McCo'nnell, Twice smith. Garden Veaeta, les.-Robt. • Graham, Brussels-; Alex. obertson, BruLsels Alex. Mustard, E mondville. • Dairy Produce. M. McDertnici, Sea- • forth ; Geo. Mur ay, Hensall ; J. C. Laidlaw, Seaforth. Poult Notes. Farmers shoukl o what they can to have eggs sold by • eight, and all ipoul- try drawn before sending to market. These are two needed reforms. I In winter, to fee fowls, or a sheaf o hang it up so that reach it. Hang it freely and the 1). It all aids to keep and that is invert to get into misc ment of some sort. • Hay is good f r poultry 'when the ground is covere with snow, but it must not be throw to 'them whale, as elle. would to a, calf or •sheep. Soft rowen can be fed hole, but full-grown hay should be ch pped up short in a cutter. It is an provement to turn on scalding wa and sprinkle with cern meal And heat bran in pqual. parts. Not all ki ds of hay are desir- able. Coors tim thy and other rank - growing gra ses re not adapted fi,F poultry feed. Us a fine growth, such as is -suitable for in ch cows. Some poultry w iters make cleanliness a great point as to feed and drink; but fowls left to thems Ives consume ateareat deal of unhealthy ood as well as drink filthy water.: Wh n a poultry e peri - put station is established we shall doubtless hose some experiments o this matter of cleOnliness, just to see how detrimental -if tt 'all-nastines is about a hen -yard. As a matter of fact, it.looks as if it didn't make much dif- ference to the fowl what they eat, pro- vided they like it. d a cabbage head to • rye, oats, or Wheat, the biddies can just so that it can swing ds circle arourid it. the fowls employed, nt, for they aret sure ief without employ- -Mr. Parnell ill shortly hol first conventiem for the selection of Rule candidates. He requires new men, in addtion to the p members seeking r -election. cl his ome sixty esent .:IMPORTANT NOTICES. TERSEY BULL FOR SALE CHEAP. -The • Jersey Bull " Young Glamour" coming four y rs old, or will exchange for a geed sound working horse. k. G. VANEGMOND'S SONS, Woolen 31111s, Sea orth. 923tf 1OR SALE.—A second-hand Separator and .1 Horse - Power complete, and in good run - nig order. The , eparator will he sold with or without the hor e-power.•Apple to JAMES. HUNTER, Witith la . I • 914tf PROPERTY FO SALE.—A desirable lot with comfortable ouse oontaining eight rooms' pantry atal cellar, hard and soft seater, on the premises. For artietilars applf to W. N. WikTSON, Insure ce Agent, Seaforth. 922tf • ftiHRESHING • 1 second-hand power, -with cloy • in good running o ° paiticulars apply MOQUEEN, Luml LACHINE FO SALE.—A linton separate and horse - •r attachment c inplete, and der. Will te so1 cheap. For to ROBERT M IR or JOHN P. O. 9284 - URSE.FOUN —A purse 4ont ining a sum Seiof money w s left in .A. G. Ault's store, sforth, alpout the 11th Septe ber. The os nor can have t e same on pro‘ ing property tatIlUtiLry ng char es by. appls ing to A. G. tf SIIROPSHIRE OWNS.—The subscriber has a number o thorough -bred Shropshire DligtniD.ew nes.ran,1hiel SON.Iewill sell t reasonable • 929 PPRENTICE • ANTED.e-eWan ed immedi- • ately an app entice to the peinting busi- ne s. Apply to J. R. WILLMAN'S, leatorth. 929. OTICE. All p goons claiming tq be creditors fnekersmith will I lease send 'partioi1ars of their of Jo n Ca eron, late of th Mill Road; claims to the indersigried forthwith, E'. HOLMESTER, Sol alter for Mrs. Cal ieron. 929-2 - - --- ----- AM FOR SALE. two shears Sout to the undereig , near Hensel'. • S°0 VN • thorou IThred Price $10. pply Road, Tuck remit BALL. OUSE A 'la L —The Subsc pe ty 1 Wal on. containsseve roon one-quarter f an stableen the prem cheap- for C h. R For sale, a dowe Ram. ed, London WILLIAM 929x4. T FOR. SALE I 'bar offers for s he house is nea s and pantry. Th re. •Theis is ses and hard wat CHARD II Ail WALTON. le his pre- y new, and lot contains Iso a good r. Terms.— T,Seaforth. 926-8x4 CTORE H USE Wareho e, El brick dwelli g in will be rente on e Apply to JO D o RENT.—To r vator attached, he town of Wing sy terms to a car CKSON, Nyinghai nt a Grain Iso a large am. Both . ful person. P. O. 924 TRAYED -Str undersigned Steers, Red and the others'one of the rest. Ai y inf recovery of bee set JAMES D. SHU Mopes, Brussels P yed from the pre tises of the bout June 1st, fo r year-old hite spotted, two lager than he largest is dark r Red than motion that will lead to the le will be suitabls rewarded. RIE, Lot 23, 00 icession 5, 0. 924x13 • GREAT BA Jk 140 am es of chiefly maple, sem failing strea n th Allanford station, of Bruce. Apply POSITOR Office. G09D. H signed Breeding M Whiteley's B .sired by Bien by Viceroy. Fife. Apply JAMES DO nA.Tng s ises of 8, Morris, on cattle, descri old, one red steers and on 1 a red mule gniy in color 1 grayish col in to their r by the und toil P. 0. • RSE •has f re, s od ark. One on L RAN RA he u or ab ed and • he GAIN.— Will be sold cheap •ood land heavily • timbered, Hemlock and Cedar, never ough it. Three Miles • from township. of Amabel, County o box 284, Stratfbrd, or Ex - 89341 • FOR SALE.— r sale: One Genek pposed to . be in prse. One -two -ye One -year-old hors pring Colt, got t 34, Concession 5 E. he under - 1 Purpote foal to G. r -old Marc, colt, sired Pride of McKillop, 921tf ED --Strayed iron the prem- idersigned Lot 22, Concession ot July 15th, eig t head of follows: 'Two steers, 3 years bite', and ! the other red; 3 er 2 years Old st•er is red, a line back e and the heifer is ; 1 y .arling- steer lined backed, and fed eifer. Any infonriation lead - coy ry will be thankfully received rsign d. JOHN CLENNAN, Wal . I 927x4 CTION SALE 0M IMPLEENTS. instructed by Mrs tion, on Lot 21,0 iith, on Wednesda k p. the follo LEARIN FARM STOCK Mr. P. De- Cahtillon h Carter, to sell by Publi • ncession 4, L. R. S. Tu October 14;1885, at 1 eng valu- able propert , viz.: One mare 7 year old, sup. pded to /be i foal to "-Royal ,Topman," the-pur- - chaser of th ma to pay for the h rse if she peeves in fo 1; 1 driving horse 9 y ars old, 1 brood mare year old, supposed to b in foal to " Renton J� r 1 mare 12 years ol , supposed to be in foal te " Renton Jock '•" 1 et eking colt sieed by imperte horse "Welcome," 2 'lunch co 's supposed to be in calt to a th reughbred , 2 calves, ljr new, 1 hay rake, Teeswater time mill, , 1 wagon hoe. and spring• thm, and a -host &small art cles too numerous• mention. Teltms or Sem.— 11 sunie of $5. and in der, cash ; over that amount 2 'months' credit will he given en furnishing app oved endorsed notes. A dis- count of six cent on the dollar will be allowed off ' for !cash cr dit amounts. M . C. CAR- TER, Proarietres DeCANTILL N. Auc- Colleen' A AN been Au kersi dole te bull, 1 yearling he r, 3 yearling stee 1 lumber wagon, single bnggy nea Malssey Harvester nearly new 1 hors 1 slit diamond ha rows nearly new, 1 pldw, 1 broadcast seeder, 1 new fan 1 hay rack, 1 ne pair of hohsleigh at chains forks se • 928x3 REAT SALE OF FARM STOO ,—W. R Davis has re :eived instructions om John McConnell, Lot 30 Concession 7, Hibb rt, to sell by Public Auction on Menday, Octob r 5th, the whole of the foll u ing stock, Viz.: orses.-1 blood mare, got by Baron Rothchild, a d in foal to'Whiteley's imp tied Carlisle ;1 ye ring filly, froin the sante n are, by Campaell's imported Magician; 1 sprin colt from the e one horse and mare; 1 gelding, years old; 1 yearn g gelding, got by the heavy llydesdale, Glengar ; 2 spring eolts, one got by onest Donald and the other by Sampson; 1 • s an of geldings, 3 gars old, sired by Black Do glas. Cattle -4 co s in calf; 2! dowse newly cal 'ed; 1 coW, near c him; ; 10 steers, two years old; 2 steers, 1 y ar old; 5 yearling heifers; 1 thoroughbred h ifer calf, with pedigree; 1 grade calf; 6 ewe lambs; .1 aged ram; 20 tont of first -claps hay 1 barn at Dublin, and 3 stacks of hay; on farm; 1 cutter and 1 wagon. The. stock is 'all goo and well k p. m., der cash; I be given per cent. urchases. bred. Sale to commence at.1.! o'cl sharp. Teeets.--All sums of $10 and u over that amount 13 months' prediely' by fureishing approved joint notes ; 8 will be allowed for cash on credit JOHN McCONNELL, Proprietor; W. :DAVIS, Aubtioneer.i . 1 928-2 1r)1113L10 AUCTION SALE OFFARM STOCK. - .1_ ME J. P. Brine has been instructed by Mr. Robert Govenlock to sell by Public Auction, on Let 25, Concession 4, McKillop, o Tuesday, October 13th, 1885, at 12 o'cleck no n, the fel- lowieg valuable property, viz.: One aged mare, supposed to be in f ()el to "Scotland's Farewell ;" 1 driving horse; 1 Grit colt, rising two years old; 1 heavy draveht fills , from impo ted horse; 1 Stallion Canadian bred; 11 brood uarc, sup- posed to be in foal to " Welechne;" 1 pring colt, from -Father's imported !` Black ' Law ;" 4 co thoroughbred cow and 4 grade 'co vs, all sup- posed to be in calf to a thorough red bull • 3. steers, coming three years old ; 4 ste rs, coming two years old ; 5 11 eifersecoming tw f years old; 4 heifer calves; 2 fat cows; 5 ste rs aiming three years old ; 4 milch cows • 3 h ifers, rising three years old; 12 Leicester Ekteep lind a lot of poultry: a double 'carriage and double cutter; 1 pair bobsleighs. All will be sold without reserve, as.the proprietor hes rented his farm, TERNS OF Sallea-aAll semi of $5 and under, cash ; over that - amount 12 months" credit will ie given on fur- niahing approved eodorsed mites. A discount of 7 &hits on the dollar will be allowed off for cash on credit amount. ROBERT °GUNLOCK, Peoprietor ; J. P. BRINE, Audience . 929-2 i ARM' FOR SALE IN THE TOM ;SHIP OF •. GREY, county of Huron, being Lot 10, C ticesSion 11. Tile farm contains 100 acres -80 el tired, the remailder in good hard- vood bush. Tile farm is well fencedewell Water d and in a fir °t-elass state of cultivation. - It is beautifully situated on the t anks of the Mai land river, three and a half miles from Brussels, station. on th 3 Wellington, Grey and Bruce railway, at wl ich there is alrays - a good Mark t for every ki d of farm produce; it is also one d a quar- te miles , from Cranbrook, ! where 1 there are storeschurches, -shops, Sm. There !is a stone h st fa ie pe ti ti Hcr ei scrim on the farm, and most of the f done. - us, e, with first-class cellar ; two barns, with bling, •and three excellent orcha/ds on the 1 n. It is one of the mostdesimble properties, the township. -This is a good cha oe for any Son wanting a farm, as the owner has to re - e on aqconnt of ill -health. For f rther par- ulars apply to the proprietor, 1 THOMAS WKSHAW, Cranbrook. P. S. There is hteen and a half acres of fall what already' 11 plowing 929-4.: • THE RIGHT SPO FO1? CHEAP .10:LIABLE GOODS, IS AT • J. L. SMITH'S, SEAFORTH Our purchases this season have exceeded these of any previ claim, taking goods into consideration, that we cannot ba value in • Black and Colored Cashmeres, Velveteens, • Flannels, Qetonnes,. Winceys, Lace Curial, Gloves, c. All Simpler Goods an • ?tants at Cost and Less. Gents' Furnishings Depart Nobby stock of lE(Ats and Caps. Ties, Collars, Braces, dressed Shirts and Underwear. NEW TWEEDS -Leave your A fit guaranteed every time. TERMS -6,sh or Produce. us one, and we ndersold. Extra nes Goods, s, Laces, Beni- ent. •essed and Un- rder for •a Suit. J. L. SMITH, SEAFORTH. HE NEW DRUG S (C.. DUNCAN'S OLD STAN DON'T FOR ET TO CALL AND SEE U ARE FIXING. UP IN EXCELLENT STYLE, AN PLY YOU WITH THE PURET AND BEST AND PATENT MEDICINES,_ DYE STUFFS SUNDRIES. - OUR STOCK OF BRUSHES CLOTH—CANNOT BE, EQUALLED FOR Q PRICE IN SEAFORTH, AS THEY ARE SHIP FROM LONDON, ENGLAND. • FOR WE CAN SUP - OF' DRUGS AND DRUG HAIR AND ALITY AND ED DIRECT I. V. FE R,, DISPENSING CHEMIST, SEA ORTH. Post Office Tea Ware • SEAFORTH,. ONT.— HARLESWORTH & BRO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS TEAS, COFFEES AND GENERAL GR large consignment of our famous Teas just to hand-th in this vicinity for the money. ouse, NELL CERIES, best ever offered CHASE AND SANBORN'S Celebrated Coffees a specialt --Loll grades and prides. A car load of refined and ravr Sugars to arriVe. • • Farm Produce taken at highest prices. . CHARLESWORTH & BR VVNELL. • rEMPSIMINIMMONameirilll REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. TjUILDING LOTS FOR SALE.—The under 1,) signed has a number of fine building Lots on teoderich and James Streets fer ,sale, at low prices. For particulaxs apply to D. IL_WILSON. 908 TelARM FOR SALE. --One hundred acres being J2 the siouth-half of Lot 9, ill the 9th Comes- seotoof Morris, County of Huron. It is well situ- etedeued good for grain or pasture being m ell watered. it will be sold cheap as the owner is giving up farming. For particulate apply to CHAS. MeCLELLAND, Belgrave. 922x8t1 TOTS FOR SALE. Three hundred and j I seventy-five acres of land; beim& composed of Lots 32, 33, 34, 35 and part of 31, m tbe 8th Concession of McKillop. They mill be bold cheep, as the owner wiehes to dispose of the property. Apply to W. C. GOWNL0M, Warsaw New York. 888 75 AfotRE FARMFOBnorth SALE.—North half e 130, cl thof north half of Lot 31, Concession 9, McKillop. ° Most of this land is seeded, and in excellent condition for meadow or pasture. For further particulars apply to ANDREW GOVENLOCK, Winthrop P. 0. • 819 'LIAM FOR SALE IN MORRIS.—For sale 12 • lot 22, in tue 3rd Concession of Morris, containing 100 acres; 80 acres clea ed, all •well drained and fenced, with good dwelling and bank barn, and two and oee-half aeres orchard. For further particulars, terms. elm, apply tO THOMAS NIXON, Blum -ale. 919-8 TURK FOR SALE,—For !salo! a am valuable JU Farm, Lot 11, Coneeseion 12, township of Stanley. There are 100 acres of land, a !large brick dwelling, two frame barns., sheds, Ierea, excellent !orchard. Immediate possession. 'Terms easy, Apply to JOHN BROWN or - 40 JOHN ESSON, Bayfield P 0,, Huron County. 924xS FARM FOR SALE.—Being the South half of the South half of Lot 42 in the 5th Conms- sion of East Wawanosh in the county of Huron, containing 50 acres; all cleared ; good soil and in good state of cultivation; 75 beating apple - trees; 3 miles from Blyth on gravel road. Pur- chaser can buy adjoining 50 acres also. Must be soldthis fall. Apply on. premises. J. W. LEISH- MAN. Blyth P. 0. •928-3 leaUILDING LOTS FOR SALE:—The under - LI signed has a number of very eligible build- ing lots fcfr sale cheap. - These lots contain quarter of an acre each, are pleasantly situated and convenient to the business part of the village, and are well adapted for the residence of nand farmers, or others desiring a pleasant and quiet place of residence. DANIEL CLARK, Egraond vine. 877 ' 'LIAM FOR SALE.—For Sale Lot 37, Conces' 12 sion 4, East Wawanosh, County of Huron - containing 200 acres, about 140 acres cleared. This property will be sold this summer in order to close the affairs of the estate of the late JAS. W. AULD. For particulars apply to Executors' GEORGE HOWATT, Westfield O., or to ROIIIT:B. CURRIE, Wing -ham P. 0. 910 TIARM IN TUCKERSMITH FOR SALE, - 12 Containing 100 acres being Lot No. 11, Con- cession 4, II. R. S., Tuckersmith; all cleared oid in aigood state of -cultivation. There are on the premises two good frame dwelling bouses, -one small barn and one bank barn with stone stab- ling, two never failing springs and good orehard. The farm is situated on the Kippen gravel road one and one-half miles south of Seaforth; and adjoining • the village of Fasmondeille. Terms easy., Apply on the premises or 40 Egmondville P. 0. JOHN MalUBRAY. 92441 -LIAM FOR SALE.—For sale Lot 10, Conees- J2 gen 2, Hullett; containieg 100 acres, 80 of which are cleared, well under -drained, nearly all free from stumps. The balance is well tim- bered. There is a geod brick house with splen- did fraane outbuildings. There is an abundance of good water, and one of the best orchards in the County. .A school within a. mile and one- quarter. Is within six. miles of Seaforth and four miles to Clinton, with good gravel roads leading 46 each place. This is one of the best fame in the township, and will be told cheap as the proprietor wishes to retire. .Apply on the premises or to Clinton P. 0. 92441 JAMES 311ILHOLLAND. (MO HUNDRED ACRE' FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot No. 11, on the 14-th and 15th Concessions of Grey, containing 200 aeres, 150 of which are cleared and in a good state ot cultivation. The renminder is good hardwood bush. There is a never failing Creek running through the farm.. There is a. good frame barn 40 by 60 feet, good log house and good bearing orehard. It is six miles from Brussels, and tbree from Walton, with good gravel road leading to each place. There is a school on the next Lot. Price, $7,100. For farther particulars apply to the propietor en the premises or to Walton P.O. ADAM DOUGLAS. 915 EtARM FOR SALE.—For -sale, 150 acres of j2 first class land, being Lot 12 and the east half of Lot 13• Concession 9, McKillop, ;130 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation; the remainder good hardwood bush. The land is well underdrained, well fenced, two wells and a never failing spring creek ; frame barn and stable and log barn, two comfortable log houses, and two orehards. It is convenient' to schools and churchesis eight Miles from Seaforth and - eight from Walton. For further particulars ap- ply on the premises or to IL Ge ROSS, Winthrep •O. • 915 esSelja ACRE FARM FOR SALE.—Lot 20, Con- e klikj cession 2, East Wasvanosh ; 120 acres well improved the balance well timbered, with cedar enough for fencing and well watered: Frame barn and stabling, log house and frame kitchen, and a young bearing orchard of 100 choice fruit trees. Two miles fi•oui Auburn where there are Churches, Stores, Postoffice onci other Shope, Mills, &tolalso six mice from Rail- • _road Station and market, gto ood roads leading THE sEAFoRTH.GRoaERyi*tch place. Purelmser may pay one-third or More down and the balance can i•emain on mot -O- .( gage, Apply to W31. E. BROWN, Auburn P, 0, • s928-12 - la OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.—For Sale camper of St. John and Sperling Streets, Seaforth, being Lot le, Sparliag's Survey. This desirable property being a. corner lot near the Is the best place tospend your oney., HUGH ROBB Math. Street, Seaforth, the People s Grocer, Has new a better stock than ever of :GROCERIES, CROCKE WARE, Sugars and Teas a specia,ltY ; 20 pounds of Sugar for 50 cents. Hams and Bacon,cured at my own packing house, Honey extracted pure froth my own apiary, at 15 cents per pounds for $1. Y and GLASS - 1. Good Tea for lways on hand. pound, or eight H. ROBB S aforth. 01_1.1J1\7" We have much pleas re in intimating that our Fall Stock i having received the lad s ipuient of London goods, ex -Etruria Our stock this season is very large, and prices are lower than ev In Dress Goods we sh w a very fine range, embracing all th Extra value in Black and Colored caAheneres, Silks in. black a Merveilleux in black and colored, Black Brocades, Ottoman Fancy Silk -Cords for Man les. Beautiful goods in Black and C Black Silk Velvet, Colored Silk Flushes, Sealettes, Astrachans Cloths, Tweeds, Worsted iioatings, Pantings, Overcoatings. Fii clothing from the cheapest Canadian to the finest Scotch. A call respectfully solicited. aT .A. 31E I SON, SM.A.P — now eoinplete, from Liverpool. r before. • new novelties. id colored, Satin ilk for Mantles, ored Velveteens, d Fancy Jacket 1 stock of Under - 1=t, residence of 31r. Wm. M. Gray, suitable for a small family, can be purchased on application to Mir. Armitage in Commercial Banks buildings, Seatorth,the house contains six rooms with sum- mer kitchen, hard and soft water, eoal house and other outbuildings the lot is well stocked with fruit, Plum, Cherries, Crab Apples, Currents, Grapes, am, and is well fenced with new picket fence, .0. F. PASHLEY. 910 • MIARM FOR SALE.— For sale the East half of J2 Lot 12, Concession 17, Grey, -containing 50 acres, about 40 acres cleared, nearly free from stumps, well fenced and in a good state of eulti- vaition and partly underdrained. The balance Is good hardwood bush. There is a bank barn 50 feet square with stabling underneath, a small frame house and a good well, also a good bearing orchead. This farm is within three miles of the village of Walton, eight from Brussels, and thir- teen from Seaforth, witb good gravel roads lead- ing to each place. This farm will be eold cheap ae the proprietor wishes to retire. Apply to the Proprietor on the premises or to Walton P. 0. NEIL DUNCANSON. 917x4t1 QOOD FARM FOR. SALE.—Io order to close the affairs of the estate of the late W. G. Ilingeton, the executors offer the follewinrr vary valuable lands for sale. First—North half of Lot 30, Concession 5, township of Morris, con- taining 90 acres. On this lot is erected a good frame barn with stone foundation, good orchard, well and pump. Nearly all cleared, and is on the gravel road closely adjoiuing • the village of Brussels This farm is a valuable one, is well fenced and in a good state of eultivation. For prices and terms apply to THOS, KELLY, Brus- sels P. 0., ilF.NILY JENNINGS, Victoria Square P.0, or J'AMES Seine Maple Lodge P. 0., MiddlesexCounty. 268 • • • • TIARM FOR SALE.—One hundred acres a ex - 12 farm land in the townebip.of Arran, County of Bruce, being Lot :30, half mile, Sttip COIICOSSiOD, Can be purchased on reasonable terine. Ninety acres cleared, 50 without stumps or stones, eight acres of Good ha.rdwoed bush, two acres of first-class cedar, a field of fall wheat sown. River Sauble runs through corner of the farm. There is a cheese factory -Owned by a Joint Stock Company in full operation on the farm. The bnildings consist of atwostorey, new frame heuse, with a Stone Cellar full Si7,e, two large frame barns and frame sheds, a large bear- ing orchard. The farm is only three-quarters el a mile from Allenford Station, on the Georgian Bay; and Lake Erie Branch of the Grand Trunk Raihvay. One and one-quarter miles from the thriving village tf Allenford, having Schools, Churches and an conveniences desirable. Price, 10,0e0, one-half cash, the balance to snit the pur- chaser, title indisputable. Possetedon given this fall. The farm is one of the meet desirable in the township. Apply to the owner DAVID , BROADFOOT on the premises, or by letter tee Allenford P. O.- • 927-8x2