HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-09-11, Page 71flSO ACTOR good gees ere -CEYS, and open - :and Fancy I, Silks and 1 InedseLace Veivet Ee smallest 58e e light our -.outha' and rice allowed. )ws aws, which s new Steel , skimmer, e universal Vide Plows. Al if not eredtt. !sual. Lion Store,. FsEttE of the on the most evern- entreat' enerl; tend to ewe >RNISH. 965 SEPTEMBER 11, 1885. THE HURON EXPOSITC)R. Beware of Horse -Racing. But we do not think that the beauty or speed of the horse should be cultured .at the expense of human degradation. - Rorse races in olden times were under the ban of Christian people, and in our day the same institution has dome up un- der fictitious names. And it is called a 14summer meeting," almost suggestive of positive religious exercises. And it is called an " agricultural fair," sugges- tive of everything that is improving in the art cd farrning.I But Juicier these deceptive titles are the same cheating, and the same betting, and the same drunkenness, and. the same vagabond - age, and the &eine abominations that were to be found under the old horse- racing system. I never knew a man yet who could give himself to the pleasures of the turf for a long reach of time and not be battered in morals. They hook up the"ii- spanking team and put on their eporting cap, and light their cigar and take the reins and dash down the road to perdition. The great . day at Saratoga, and Long Branch, and Cape May and nearly all the other watering, places is the day of the races. The hotels are thronged, nearly every kind of equipage is taken upa_t_ an almost fabulous puce, and there are many respectable people min- ,ghpg with jockeys, and gamblers, and libertines, and foul-mouthed men and fieihy women. The bartender stirs- up .014 brandy -smash. The bets run high. I The greenhorns, supposing all is fair, -put in their money, soon enough to lose 'it Three weeks before the race takes - place the struggle, is• decided, and the men in the se et kuow on hich steed te bet their money. The two men on the horses riding around long before ar- ranged who shall beat. Leaning from the stand or from the earl -lege are men and women so absorbed in the struggle of -bone and muscle and mettle that they make a grand harvest for the pick- poekets, who carry off the pocketbooks and portemonnaies. Men looking •on see only two horses with two riders fly- ing around the ring; but there is many a seam on that stand Whose honor and -domestic happiness and ,fortune -white mane wh'ite foot, white flank -are in the ringg, racing with inebriety, and with fraud, and With profanity, and with ruin -black neck, Mack foot, black flank. Mak and neck they go in that mnral Epsom. White horse of honor; black horse of ruin. Death says "1 will bet an the black horse." Spectator says: " will beton the white horse." The 4_ white horse of -honor a little way ahead. The black horse ruin, Satan mounted all the time, gaining on him. Spectator breathless. Put on the lash. Dig in the spurs. , There They are past the stand. Sure. Just as I expected it. The black- horse of ruin has won the rasie, and all the galleries of darkness cry " Huzza ! husze !" and the devils come in to pick up their wagers. Ah. my friends, have nothing to do with horse -racing dissipations this summer. Long ago the -English government got through looking to the turf for the .dra- goon and light cavalry horse. They 'found the turf depreciates the stock, and it is yet worse for men.- Thomas Hughes, the member of parliament, and the author known all the world over, hearing that a new turf enterprise was being started in this country, wrote -a Fetter, in which he said : `• Heaven help you, then; for of all the cankers of our civilization, there is nothing in this coUntry approachinesein unblushing mean- ness, in rascality hohling its head high, to this belauded institutiOn- of the British turf." Another famous sports- man writes; "How many fine domains have been shared among these- hosts of rapacious sharks during the last two hundred years ! And, unless the system resulted in the selection of queen's park instead of Carling's farm, hy a majority of 726 votes. I -M. Mowry, an official in the Rouen Treasury Department, having been de- tected embezzling public money to make good gambling losses, committed suicide. GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. 1 EPPS'S COCO , BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of•the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nu- tiition, and by a careful application 'of the fine properties ef well selected Cocoa? Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us Many doc- tors' bills. It es by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a.constitution may be gradu- ally built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease.''. Hundreds of subtle mala- dies are floating around ns ready to attack w erever there is a weak point. We may escape ni y a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pioperly nourish- ed frame." -Civil Service Gazette.- Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only it' packets by graces, labelled thus-" JAMES BITS & Co., Homoeopathic Chemists, Londoh, England." 8ole ag net for Canada, 0. E. Colson, A/entreat. 884-52 Don't be. Deceived; - Beware of any druggist who will try to induce you to take anything- in place Of McGregor .St. Parke's Carbolic °orate. It is a ;marvel of 'heal- ing for sores, cuts, burns, etc. Naiamily should be without .it. it has no equal. Get MAregor & Parke's, and have no other. OnIy25 cents per box at Lumsden & Wilson's. drugstore, Seaforth. 912.52w. . • - A Sensation., An unparalleled sensation is being created all over ontario by the wonderful and unequalled inaliner in velneh neuralgias toothache, rheuma- tism. bac-kache; headache, is removed by but one application of Fluid Lightning, offensive, disgusting drugs need to - be estaken for days. It is an -instant :came. Try' a; 25' cent_ bottle from Lumsden 4 Wilson,. druentriOs, Seaforth. • 912.52W. . • ..• McGreg. Oes.Speedyl Cure. Itis popularly admitted every where that Mc- Gregoe's Speedy Cure is the safest, most reliable and by far the cheapest remedy foncenstipatio_n, liver nomplaint, indigestion, impure blood, loss of appetite, and all similar troubles.. It is not necessary to take a great quantity before any re- sult is produced. • A few doses will convince you of its merits. Trial bottle given free at Lumsden & Wilson's drugstore, Seaforth, 912.82w. • e-----etent sloe - • Holloway's Pills-- . . are the medicinemost in repute for curing the multifarious maladies which attack humanity, when wet arid -cold weather gives place to more genial temperatures. In short these. Pills afford relief, if they failofbeing an absolute remedy in all the disturbances' of circulation, digestion, and nervous • energy,' which at times oppress a Vast portion of the population.. Under the wholesome, purifying, and strengthening powers exerted by these excellent Pills, the tongue.. becomes dean, the appetite improves, digestion- is quickened, and assimilation rendered perfect. Holloway's medicine possesses the highly estimable property of cleansing tlie. yen* .mass of blOod, which, in its renovated condition, .carries purity, strength,. and vigor toevery tissue of the body. 912.02w. Hanington's Quinine Wine and. iron; and Tonic- Dim* Pills, cleanse and enrich the blood, and may e1wa3-s be.relied upon to cure all eruptive diseases-. Beware of imitations. _ See that you get Haningtons, the .original and genuine. For sale by all druggists and general dealers in Canada. 891.52w. _ - - +nos** Worm§ 'cause . much • sickness a:mong children that Freeman's Worm Powders will Surely cure. 857.52m. • , Questions 'Answered !. A, k the moSt eminent physician Of any school, what- is the best thing in the world for allaying all ie itation of the nerves, and curl: ig all forms .of. n nvous complaints, giving nat ral, childlike refre hing sleep always? • And they will tell ydi unhesitatingly -se me form of Hops! CHAPTER I. Ask any or all of the most eminent physicians: Whet is -the only remedy that Can be relied on to cure alt diseases of the kidneys and urinary be altered, how many more are doomed organs, Bright's :disease, diabetes, retention or "fall int° the same -galf-1” - The Duke . Mobility to retain urine, and all the diseases and ailments peculiar to women - of Hamilton, thrOugh his horse -racing And they will tell you explieitly arid enneltati: • ..preitaities„ in three years got through cane Buchu' - hit entire fortune of -€.70,000, and 1 wiZ Ask the -same PhYsiPlans What is for say that some of you -are- being Under- •all the most liver diseases andreliable and ds:'spepsia, constsurestcure ipatice, in- digestion,. biliouseess, malaria, fever, &c., and they will tell you •- band-ra,ke ! or-Dandeiion ! • • Hence, when these remedies are comhined with others equally minable, - And compounded MO Hop Bittern such a; wonderful and mysterious curative power is de- veloped; which is so vaned. in its operations that, no disease or ill health can possibly exist. or .re- Sist its power, and yet it is M • • Harmless for the Most frail woman, weakest invalid or 'sniallest.child to use. . CHAPTER II. reeled by . ith the bull fights §f Spin and the bear-baitings . of the pit, may the Lord God annihilate the info, - mous and accursed horse -racing of Eng - keel and America. -Talmage. -410- Medicinal Use of Tan Tar is highly useful to various details in sheep management, as in some kinds of topical shelter, and as an application. to cuts from clipping and to parts affect- ed by the fly. It serves either alone or in combination with some fatty sub- stance to protect the .sore or diseased feet of cattle from being further injured by wet or abrasion, g and when spread upon'coarse cloth, it is a prime, covering for dio broken horns, and. makes an }ex- cellent application to various kinds of wounds ad punctures in cattle. A mixture of equal parts of tar and tallow, by the use of heat _makes a- good stop- ing for diseased feet ; and a mixture of equal parts of tar and lard oil is an ex- cellent dressing for hoofs. A liniment, oOMposed of two parts of tar, two of cocoanut oil, and one of yellow wax, is -a good dreseing for mange and an effi- cient detergent in most kinds of scabby, eruptive, skin affections in the horse.; but requires to be rubbed in with a piece of hair -cloth or with a rather stiff brush. The rectified oil�ftar, popularly called the spirit of tar, mixed with twice its bulk of fish oil, when well rubbed with brush every night, on both - crust and sake is an eminently good application for hardness and brittleness in the horse's feet. -Prairie Fanner. She Could Stand Up. "Will you please let this young lady liace your seat 9" asked a young man of- & hard-w6rking laborer in a crowded street car the other day. "1 don't think I will, sor. I see she's got a pair of skates wid her, an' is going to the rink, an' if she's stoat enough to skate several hours she ought to be able 1,0 shtand up here: in the car a few' min - ides until she gits there," was the nrerept and appropriate reply. , News Notes. Moonlight outrages are on the in- crease in county of Kerry, Ireland. -It is probable the Italian Govern- ment will enact legislation to prevent civil servants acting as journalists. It would be well if the Dominion Govern- ment would follow suit. - - -London detectives are busily engag- ed searching for thieves, who recently stele :E80,110 worth of Belgian railway bonds in Brussels. _ . . _ --Prince Henry of Battenburg, hns- ' To the Rescue. band of the Princess Beatrice, has, by -a When all other remedies fail for bowel cone the 1;eas - appointed a 1 plaint, colic, cramps, dysentery, etc., then Dr. Queen's order, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry comes to commander in the British navy-. , the rescue. Thus writes W. H. Crokers drug- -The election on Wednesday in the I gist;-Waterflown, and adds that its sales arolarge Forest City for a. site for neW i fair grounds and ncreasing; 857.52.2w. I "Patients" "Almost dead or neatly dying" For yearn- and given up by physicians, of Bright's and other kidney diseases, liver com- plaints, severe coughs, called consumption, have been cured, . e, Women gene nearly crazy! - From agony of neuralgia, nervousness, wake- fulness, andyarieus d sepses peculiar to women. People drawn out of shape from excruciating pangs of rheumatism, infiamatory and chronic, or suffering frontscrof fla. Erysipelas I . - Saltrheum, blood po soning dyspepsia, indiges- tion, and, in fact, atm st all disease§ frail Nature is heir to Ht Have been cured y Hop Bitters, proof of 1 which cen be found in every neighborhood in the known world. " , • , 228 -None genuine N'ithout a .buneh of green label. Shun all the vile, op" or "Hops" in their .. OOP, National VMS will et re constrpated bowels and regialate the liver. 85-.52m. A Frui#ul Season. The fruitful season of the year is prolific with manylorms of bowel complaints, such as diner- hcea, dysentery, colic cholera morbus, cholera infantum, &c., as a safe -guard and positive cure for those distressing; and often sudden and dan- gerous attacks nothing can surpass that old and reliable Medieineeeres Fouger's Extract of Wild Strawberry 857.52.2w. Hops on the white poisonous stuff with" nate; 919.52m --elk•-40---ne-n-st- . . - Prof. Low's Sulphur ova; is a cheap and handy form, of obtaining th . healing prtuesnf a, sul- phur bath. 857:52111. i-. ..._. ---.11F- 011ikt-7-2-7- • ' Poisoned. ' Scarcely'a family exists but that some member is Sintering- .with had blood and poisoned secre- tions from coustipatiOn giving rise to rheuma. scrofula,:ereptions, catarrh and other coie- -plaints indicating lurking 'bfood poison which a few bottles of Burdock :Blood Bitters -would era- dicate from the systann 857.52,2w. '--- It.your child is-stubbOrn or hard to_administer medicine. to, Dr.' Lows Pleasant Worm.Syrup wili be appreciated. 857.52w. • A Dangerous Condition. -- One of the most - dangerous conditions is.- a neglected kidney "complaint. Wheh you suffer from a weary aching back, weakness and other - urinary troubles, apply to the back a Burdock Porous Plaster, and take Burdock Blood Bitters, the best. system regulator known for the liver, kidneys, -stomach and bowels. 857.52.2w. • There is no Excuse. . There is no excuse for the many pale, sallow, weary looking females throughout our land, when Burdock Blood Bitters -it 111 regulate their .tresubles and renew their health, strength and vigor at so small a cost. 857.52.2w. • A Sure Thing. Sure Cure for Summer Complaints. -Pro - 0 re from your druggist one 37t cent bottle of 'Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry and use according to directions. It is infallible' for. diarrhosa, cholera morbunccanker of the stomach and bowels, and cholera infantuni. 857.52.2w. LEGAL. T M. BEST, Bairister, Solicitor, ize. Office -I • 0 'Rooms formerly occupied by Carroll •& •DicIrson, Meyer's Block,- over Johnson's Hard- ware;.Sre, Main Street, Seaforth. !Goderich Agents-CA.1.1mm, HOLT &I, CAmeaon. 870 GARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solid - tors, &c.-, Goderich, Ontario. J. T. GAMOW, WM. PRoUDFOOT. 686 • c. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Private Money to - lend at lowest rates of interest.' Office-. Corner of Square and West Street, Goderich. 774 elAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, kn Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. M. 0. CAmERON, Q. IC., PHILIP HOLT, M. G. CAMBRON. 606 1 • Lorrts E. DANCEY, late with Cameroni Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, 804 licitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money tit loan. Beni son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 JV iANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, - _L Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale &isle. Money to loan. Office -Beaver Block, lintoen Ontario. A. H. MANNING, JAMBS SCOW. ' 1 781 HOLMESTED; successor to the late Jinn of 12 kleCatteshey & Holmested, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farina for bale. Office in Scott's Elock, Main Street, Seaforth. MONEY TO LOAN. . • ONTLOAN.-Straightloansat dp 1. . Interest aablf3earfyorg per cent. yearly, with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal money at any time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister, Seaforth. 860 DENTISTRY. 4. Toronto. Ail operations 'T D. S., and M. R. C. I), of guaranteed. Anesthetics of all • -- • kinds administered. Specialties - 0011 Filling and Perfect. Fitting Plates. Town patients will please make engagements a day or two previous to having the opera- tiori performed. tear Remember the place, in the rooms formerly occupied by C. Csatwright, up -stairs in Cady's Block, opposite the Commer- cial Hotel, Seaferth. 874 . Vsr-A2118401\T, J TENTIST, Faculty Gold Medallist and College 1 Gold Metiallist,Toronto School of Dentistry.i Rooms over Johnsons' Hardware, Main street, Seaforth. - AUCTIONEERS. T P. BRINE, • Licensed Auctioneer for the . County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All °niers left at TILE EXPOsiTOR Office will be promptly attended to. DELGATTY, Licensed Auptioneer for the IL, County of Huron. Sales of all description prennptly attended to on reasonable -terms. Ad- dreSs- Brussels P. O., or apply on Lot 4, Con- cession 12; Grey. 77 Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as follows :- GoinU WEST-. S1AFORTh. Express......... .... 2 40 r. i. Eispress ...... 8 58 P. M. Mixed Train.. .... 8 15 A. M. Gene) EAST - Express......... Express ...... . Mixed Train.. .. .. 7 46 A. In .. 1.45 r. M. .. 5.30 r. M. CLINTON. 3.05 P. M. 9.15 P. M. 9.48 A. M. 7.25 s. M. 1.05 r 4.45 r. At .London, Huron and Bruce, Mixed. Mail. . 6.00 A. M. 4.50r. M. 8.20 6.10 8.45 6.24 • GOING NoRTII- London, depart '' . Elexeenisea,r11. .1'. • Il . -Kippen ..; .. .. . ........ .. 9.00 - 6.29 " Brucefield. ._ 9.15 6.38 - Chilton.. .. .. . : .....: : 9.55 7.05 LOndesboro .. .... 10.18 7.20 Blyth. 10.35 7.27 Belgrave. 11.00 7.46 -- Wingham, arrive 11.30 8.00 GOING SOUTII- Express. M-ixed. Belgrave 8.40 7.20 Ann11.30 A, M. ", 31' Wiegham, d.epa,xt . .7.59 12.25 .12.03 F. 11,d 3eilhesbore 8.08 12.37 Clinton .S .... ........ 8.35 . 1.2 Brucefield - .. ......'.... 8.51 1.50' Kippen .. .. ,. .... 9.00 • 2.05 lidnall.. .. .. .... . .. : 9.05' 2.12 Ender . 9.313.05 Lendon, arrive 10.45 5.30 • Wellington, Grey and Bruce. GOIXO NORTH- Accorn. Express. Mixed. Ethel • 2.87 r.M.. 9.13 P.M. 9.15 inn. 13r:um:ids 2.51 9.27 10.100 Bluevale 3.07 9.43 10:35,9 . Wing -ham.. 3.20 • 9.54 11.30 Gorse SOUTH-- Express. Accom. Mixed Wingham , . 7.00 A.M. 11.21 A. M. 7.30 P.M. 13luevale 7.10 11.35 8.07 B-russels7.25 11.55 8.46 . • Ethel s... , 7.37 12.10 • 9.13 Train leaving Wingham at 8 p m. for Kincar- dine; runs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only: AS CON SC IENT IOU S D R U -G G I S -t S , -WE WO•oLD--- recommehd for DYSTEPSIA,INDIGESTION and! kindred diseases, the use. of MALTOPEPSYN. For Consumption and . all wasting diseases, thc. ese of MORSE'E CARBOLATED NORWEGIAN COD. LIVER OIL. For teething. infants and . nervus troubles, the use of GLYCEROLE OF CELERY COMPOUND (containing no opium.). -- You Ptobally ask! why we recominend these remedie.s ! 1 1 It is because we know them to be reliable remedies, endorsed by leading • physicians throughout the Dominion, for the cure of specific diseases, and not claiming to cure. everything. Aliso be_canse they havethe exact formula printed on eech bottle label,thereby enabling the pur- chaser to know just what he is taking. . The thne is rapidly approaching when intelli- gent people will refuse to take quack cure-alls, the ingredients of which are kept seeret, butsw111 insist upon knowing just what they -are takieg. We would also inform any who maynot yet be aware by actual trial of the superiority of our ROYAL GLYCERAT-ED BALSAM OF FIR," in curing Coughs,Colds, Bronchitis, Sore Throat` Incipient Consumption, &c. &c., that this reli- able remedy can now he procured front every dealer in the County of Huron, and although not advertised outside our own Cennty, entirely owing to its own merits, we have already receiv- ed or' ers from the most -distant parts of the Do- mini n- if afflicted give it a trial, Price 50 -cents per bptUe wholesale and retail by - UMSDEN & WILSOXT, Manufacturers, s 9§S-52 • Seaforth, Ontario. i-A-1\1-02--TORDIITE U. S. MAIL STEAMSHIPS Sail from Pier 20, North River, New York, ' Every Satutday, for GLASGOW VIA LONDONDERRY. RATES OF PASSAGE TO. GLASGOW, DERRY, BELFAST OR LIVER- lsooLt CABIN, $60 to $80. SECOND CA IN, $40. STEERAGE, OUT- ! ARD, $28. PREPAID, $21. Anchor Drafts issued* lowest rates are 1 , paid free of c.harge in England, Scotland and Ireland. • , . For' passage, Cabin Plans, Book of Tours, &c., apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, 7 BOWLING GREENWBW YORK; Or to S. DICKSON, Post Office, '.Seaforth. 832 1 STALL WALL - ALL WALL WALL WALL WALL ALL WALL *ALL WALL .WALL Bortiers: - 4nd WIND *IND "WIND Lurnsden AMERICAN EN J &PERS. JAPERS. PAPERS. •APERS APERS. -)APERS.1 CANADIAN 113APERS. PAPERS. APERS. GILT , APERS. PAPERS. APERS. Ceilin Deboration in gr v riety. )W T ROCK BOTTOM & Wirso tLINDS. 1_,INDS. LINDS. i PRICES, AT 's; Main-st. Seaforth. TEA. AT Now js the Tillie 1 Has - Just Receive the Largest and holds 175 Packag and 60e., per pert POWDER; and give Entire Satisf all kinds of Gr Flour, Oats, Bari Turnips,, Carrots, Also a Large Ass • Oats ta A CALL SOLIC TEA. HE LEAF - TEA, RTH- TEA STORE. csGet the, Best Va1t0 Ever Offered in Scafo th for yOur Mone A.- GI-- .ATTI.27, • a Very Large Con ignment of TEAS. He now holds one of est Assorted Stocks,west'of Toronto, In- Teas alone he now s. Prices from 15e. 20c., 25e., 30c., 35c., 40e.'45c., 50c., 55c., d. This Stock Con ists of GREEN, BLAC , JAPAN, AIN - TEA DUST, and ill Guarantee them tp be all FRES and ction, or Money Re unded. . Also a large Stock of Sugar and ceries. Flour:, Oa meal, Cornmeal Shor s, Bran, Buck cheat 7, Screenings, Chop Feed, Salt, Coal Oil, Fi h, Apples, Po toes, nd Cabbage. A large stock of China, Crockery and Glas ware. rtment of Lamps and Lamit Trimmings. en in Exchange for Oatmeal at Mill Rates. TED FROM ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE. • A: G AULT. SEA_F- RTH AVOOlietEl\i MILLS. •AH Woc1,1 Twee s, Heavy and gl.e. ht. The; Best .all-Wool.Fancy Flannel. . Fl nnels, Grey and Checks, Very Cheap. All Wool Blankets, the Best in tl-e• Market. UNION SHElETIN S SOMETHING GOOD, ry a pair for wintt r, and yo 1 will never tt ant to sleep oh cotton sheets in cold weather again. Theyare finelor S G Tat Variety. .Remhinber tiis is the place- to g gre us a Call, and w old Standard Mill fo . A G. VANHOMOND.. TRY A PAIR 0 Hosiery made OUR UNION HOSE, to Order, ant! size or Color. Knit goods and Yarn S 14 t , oollen Goods never Were cheeper than at the present time; an " t them. at FIRST COS . - For anything you want made in Woollen Goode will try our best to pie se nou every time. Farmers, Remember this is th/ First-class Work. G VANE MONO SON$. W. D. VANEentanni: ARMER THR 8:HERS & IVIILLMEN 'USE .McCOLL'S LARMNE OIL, THE BEST IN THE WORLD.. RE o t....soN 9 Sole Agent for Seaforth, ALSO OYU OILS. I JAMES A CLINu. & DER, EUREK , BOLT CUTTING AND WO CS., Sole Agents for Wiagham. ' .1i . .441.11 14.51 A Schocil thorong Business. Penman taught. WIL For eireulat TO. ly equiPped for business training. Book -k ;eping, Arithmetic, hip, Correspondence, Shorthand and Type riting practically , RE -OPEN TUESDi Y, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1885. d information addre s D. O'DEA; Se retary. 925-3 1_1 1\T CANADliN BA THEA HE K OF COMMERCE. CE, TOR:ONTO. Paid up Clpitaly -Rest, ° - PRESIbINT, Ho SEAFOR' The Seafoith Bmnc receive deposits, on w the most favearable te Drafts on all the pri Canada, on Great B States, bought and so Office -First door Hotel. F. HOLMESTED, So S6,000,000. g 2,000,000. .' WM. MOMASTEE. H BRANCH. of this Bank continues ich interest is allowed on ts. cipal towns and eitiee 'tam, and on the Unit d. °urn of the 'Commercial _ I k. H. IRELAND, Maeager icitot .639 ROYAL MAIL TEAMSHIPS. A. ST1IONG, Sea orth, Agent. GREAT 11I.EDITCTION INj PASSAGE RATES. Cabin tates from Halifax donderry!, $50, 863, and $73, of statereem. Children un .under 1, free. Servants in mediate, .$35; Steerage, $13 Londond rry to Halifax: C $94.50; I iterniediate; &35; turn Tickets from Halifax Liverpool and back to Hali and $143 p Intermediate, VI o Liverpool and. Lon - according to position er 12years, half fate; Cabin, $50. Inter - Front . Liverpool or bin, $63, $78.75 and Steerage, 813. Re - to Londonderry or ax: Cabin, $100, $126 ; Steerage, $26. Money, Loaned and Rea1 Estate Bought and Sold a UsuaL INSURANCE. I represent several of the best Ineurance Com- panies in the world. : ilOTOffice-Market Street, Senforth, 862 A. STRONG. - -e Aurora Quick Train Watch. The Best Yet SOLD ONLY BY M. - 00UNTER, SEAFORTH, ONT. This Company manufactures a comp ete of full plate watelies, from ordinary to .the finest grades; for classes of watch wetiiers. They are all made with quick traie, and are es, pecially adapted for railroad and all ordi Jars- and severe service. All inade dust proof, 1 ave the perfect safety pillion, whieh prevents damage to parts in case of e:ainspring amain:nee adl eohn- son's patent attachment to regulate pies, which prevents hairspring from catching, an bepoitant improvement controlled by this Complex y • TilC stem-winding parts are niade strong atid durable, Intamnteed as safe, more convenient and:service- able than the key winders. The extra fine grades are made in stem wind only. Essay watch is warranted by special certificate, which the pur- chaser receives from the Company's Ageet. The number of Jewels in each watch (which is en- graved thereon) indicates the qualitY ; pun chasm observing this are sure to receive the quality the Y call for. The larger number of Jewele in the better grades also represents the -finish, fine adjustment,and care in manufacture, which produces more accurate time and longer service. Thie qualities are divided as follows: ORDINARY. -Two grades are made of this quality, engtaned : Aurora Watch Co, 7 Jewels." " Auroia Watch Co., 11 Jewels." MEDIUM. -Four • grades -of this quality are. made, -two in Gilt Finish, engraved "Aurora Watch Con 11 Jewels, Extra." " Aurora Watch Co., 15 Jewels," and two in Nickel, finely finish- ed, eng-raned: "Aurora Watch Co., 11 jewels." "Aurora Wateh Co. 15 Jewels." FINE.--TWo grades -of this quelity,-none Flee Gilt Finish arid one in Nickej, engraved ; "Aurora Watch Co., 15 Jewels, adjusted." EXTRA FINE. -Two grades of this ntiality„- oec in l'Ine Clit and oee in Flee t :egret. ed: " Amore Watch Co., 15 Ruby Jewels, ad- justed, Aurora, Illinois." , Remember Counter's, Seaforth, is the .only Place in tne County where these watches can be had. M. R. COUNTER ▪ I Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller. 1 This great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Lite. These famous Pills purify the Blood, and act most potterfnlly, - yet Soothingly, on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, giving tone, energy and Vigor to these great Main Springe of Life. They are con- fidently recommended ana never failing remedy in -all eases where the constitution, from what- ever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all enments incidental to females of all anese and ap a Gen- eral Family Medicine are nneurpansed. Its Seanching and Healing Properties are known throughout the World. For the eure' of Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as sat into meat. cants Sore Throats. Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds. For Glandular Swellings and Piles it acts like a charm. In Gout and Rheumatism, it never fails to afford relief. Manufactured only at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 78 New Oxford Street (late 533 Oxford Street) London; and sold at is. Ude 'Is. 9d., 4s. 6d., 115.' . 225., and 338. each I3ox and "Pot. nn Beware ofAnt- enna]) counterfeits,-Pnrehasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. if the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are sptirioue 921-52 BITSIT\TMSS NOTICE! A. IR,. SMITT-±, BRUSSELS, -Begs to announCe that there will be a c mplete change of business after . OCTOBER lst, 185. All accounts must be settled by that tin. • s I . No Butter' taken on account after the above I : , date (positivWy.) . I ' . : : GRAND CLEARIN9 SALE Of Over $3,40 worth of ready made Clothing before that time. Also *9,000 worth of choicest Dry Good's in the Village of Brussels. A.. R. SMITH. 024 Administrator's Notic6. In the (roods Of Thomas Sturgeon, late of the township of Hay, in the County of Huron and Province qf Ontario, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the personal estate of the said Thomas Sturgeon'to send in their claims to. inc on or before the ist day of .Novernber, 1885. And at the expiration of that time, 1 shall forthwith proceed to distri- bute the assets of the said deceased, among the parties entitled thereto, and notice is expressly given that sunder the provisions of Section 84, Chapter 107, Revised statutes of Ontario, and amerided by 46 Victoria, Chapter 9, I shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof, so distilbuted to any person of whose claim I - shall not ithen have had notice, and I hereby also give notice to all parties indebted to the said estate whether by book account or otherwise to pay the same to me on or before the time above men- tioned. 3LeItY STUBGEON, Hensall P. 0. Administratrix of the Personal Estateof Decea-sed. Hensall, August 18th, 1885. In reference to the abeve notice we would hereby notify and request all parties indebted to the firm known as Smillie & Sturgeon, (of which Firm we are the surviving partners) whether by book account or otherwise to make prompt pay- ment to the said Mary Sturgeon, Adminietratix of the Personal Estate of the late Thomas Stur- geon. whose recipt shali be a full and sufficient discharge. SAMUEL and BENJAMIN MILLIE, Hensall P. 0. Hensel!, August 19th, 1885. . 924-11 *MARRIAGE' LICENSES • ISISifED „THE RUBOR EXPOSITOR OFFICI SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSER REOUIRiED THE SEAFORTH Insurance Agency -AND- SekifingMachine Depot W N. WATSON, Main Street, Seaforth. Gene ,-al Fire, Marine, Life and Ava- nt Insurance Agent. Deal( r in the WHITE and RAYMOND Sewing Machines family and manulatturing.) These niaehmles aye both been in Me in this part of this Count: for the past ten years, and during that tithe eve toven the best of satisfaction .on all kinds a work. They are easily kept in order, and so simple that a ehild ean use thein. All machines warranted for five years, and instrUt7,- tion8 given free ef tharge by a coropetent oper- ator. I ani the sole mid exclusive deekr fin' Sea - forth, and this part of the County for these Ma- chines. Ano dealer in Needles, -011 and all kinds of Sewing Mac hine parts. All kinds of Setting Machines epaired promptly. Charnes reason- able. Office,- Second Door South of Weir's •N WATSON Hotel. W. SEAFORTH. 0 S3O1C3 JO NDIS 3 MIP d 1TaLSV' d WT KTIO'7:V O a O orpivo .) zc'Izi KilarldiA100 xozsu�s�v c-) e>'.1 0-14 •1 P-14 .`*el Pet fr rj) '74.4 - 4 1SEAFORTH Furni ureWarerooms. If you wanp solid comfort call at M Robertson's, And buy one :Of thoseCdebrated Self Anstable Easy Chairs, irepresented by the &bole eut. He can also supply 1 • Invalid chairs andrarriages. He also sells the most cbMfortable slid durable SPIRsil\TC+ 33ED That in made His stock of ••• CAB -1 ET FURNITURE Is very large nd Complete. Intending purchas- ers would do well to give him a call before pur- chasing elsewhere. Warerooms one Door .nouth of Telegraph 0f1ce, main Street, Seaforth. ROBERTSON. ST. JAMES' HOTEL, :TORONTO. SHARP & BRiGHANII, (Formerly sf Shafp's Hotel, Seaforth,) FROPRIETORS. Tsis Hote , which issituated directly oppo.site the Unicln Station, has recently been refitted and refurnis ed throughout, and is now one of the best and most comfortable hotels in the city. 101 -Every possible attention paid to nueste tad charges nod crate. a