HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-09-04, Page 7Adjustable - :a eut tnd durable- 7URE ,ng purehas- nefore purl Door South' forth. .SON AN 3iiver Totel ONE. New. lAY YOU 4DRY, kFORTH.v B7 !Or' this eountyL Plow for thiit, that it lathe , ,RS dtt and doing lERS , 111 last longer .(a,ving. special Can guarantee Oxen to te- tt Grist Mils, - aehines, and short ;laic* Others. lowest ratett.- _ _ Denis of L. Da f= repairs cone NDRY. • a'r''',!•" fr • 127:111•JI Cut7,7 ,-7-LONDutit: 7noved t INT Gi removedto positc his Old - iere he will be is and as IntinY ihim with their si-t Henderson'. hoe Storey Mai& SEPTEMBER 4, 1885. Fact and Rumor. -i( The advertisements of men who avant clerkship," says the Washington correspondent of the Cleveland "Lead. "bean again to appear in the wave -ou may see in the ' Star ' and 4 Post that thia man, or that man will sive $100 or $50 to any one who will ,get him a: place in the departments. Others are offering $10 a month of their salaries to any one who •will procure them places, and. I had a dhat with a young lawyer, of -no great influence, who told me that forty office seekers had .efierecl him five dollars a monthup to .$200 cash if he would get them places as messengers in the various depart- rae-ntsic'c'ording to the testimony of many friends of the late Bishop Jacobson, of- Chester,ibe was never to be caught nap- ping" n social conversation. Once, when in company, after dinner, the clergyman just appointed to a leading pulpit was under discussion. The bishop said nothing, but listened atten- tively to the various expressions of opinion, like or dislike, until a lady ap- led directly to him with " And -what you think, my lord, of the new "I think replied Dr. Jacobson, smiling at his -ow a discrietness, "" that he is a, middle aged man." -A Frenchman has been studying the fate of crowned heads, and his list of the unfortunate rulers of the world is interesting. He reckons that up to the present time 2,540 emperors and kings have governed 64 nations. Of these sovereigns 300 were driyen from their thrones, 64 abdicated, -24 committed suicide, 12 becante insane, 100 felt in battle, 123 were made prisoners, 25 died martyrs, 151 were assassinated, and 108 legally condemned to _ death and ex- ecuted. -A Kansas paper says that a highly patriotic citizen of Vacaville, California, who detests the heathen Chime, recent- ly refused to sell a native of the Celes- tial Empire a lot for one thoysind dol- lars, but sold it to an esteemed Yankee friend for five -hundred dollars. With an eye to business the esteemed Yankee sold it to the heathen and pocketed a profit of five hundred dollars, and the patriotic citizen now has a "Chinese washee " sign floating next door. -The London " Truth " gives the following - original observations on as- tronomy from a sermon of a Welsh curate preaching to an English congre- gation ,_ preserving the pronunciation as far as possible: A start- is bet a lidl dot in the skee. Saw many starrs mek one plannat. Saw many plannats mek a constellesahon. Saw maay Constel; lesshons mek one milkee we. Six milkee wee mek one rorrt °maths. -Bishop Williams, of Connecticut; relates that he and the Rev. T. W. Coit, lately deceased,, were once con- ducting a service together. During a chant before the prayers he turned to Coit and asked: "Has Congress adjourned yet ?" so as to know whether or not to offer the prayer for that body. His gravity was nearly upset by Dr.1 Coit's grim reply: " No ; and •never will !" -A painless method of extracting teeth has been invented by a Swiss surgeon. A thick square of soft tubber is pushed over the the tooth until the root is well enveloPed. The contraction of the rubber gradually lifts the tooth out of its bed, say in four or five days, and neither pain nor hemorrhage attends the process.. It will be a welcome boon -to sufferers. -An order has been issued to the conductors of the Louisville street cars, directing them to assist old women, re- gardless of calor, on and off the cars. This has been done because several con- ductors deelined to assist colored wo- men, one of whom Made a complaint. There is a rumor thzvt the:conductors re - nisei to ()ley, and that a sttike is pos- 1 -sible. -The la rfurne manufacturers of Nice and Cann s crush 154,000 pounds of .orange bio. soma, 13,200 pounds of acacia, flowers, 15 ,000 pounds of rose leaves, 35,200 pou ids of jasmine blossoms, .22,- -000 pound of violent, 8,800 pound t of tuberoses, and a relatively large amount of Spanish lilacs, rosemary, mint, lime and lemon blossoms, every year: -The Christian Advocate" says : "The parr eing of caged birds into the house of tod on Children's Day and other occa. ions has come to be a distrac- tion and a nuisance, and should be stop- ped. Well behaved and happy children singing th praise of God need no help from birds -The b Ilion in the New York Assay Office ha just been examined and weighed. There were $39,000,000 in gold bulli n and $700,000 in silver bul- lion handl al the scales used could be adjusted weigh -anywhere from a hundreth part of an ounce to 5,000 ounces. -An E glish clergyman in London recently niade the following extraordin- ary annon •ement to his congregation: " There w 11 be an amateur concert and ballet um er distinguished patronage'; the ballet will be danced entirely by the children o ladies !" -The ondon Peabody Fund now amounts i $5,086,595. It provides for 10,144 r ores, supplying low-priced homes to 8,453 people. Five thousand six hundr d and seventy dollars paid all last year's expenses for management. -Said religious weekly lately: "To the impar i ial eye of the Judge of all the earth, we, mina doubt that Protestant bigotry s ells as rank as Catholic." " Te our ar," says the witty Dr. Buck- ley, "this looks incorrect." -It s ould be remembered to the everlastin, credit of Nebuchadnezzar that though he cast Shadrach, Meshach, thtd Abeclnego into the fiery furnace, he did not ask them : "18 this hot enough for you ?"4 --[Philadelphia Record. -The 1 tes advertising dodge of a successful En lish paper, made up of seissoring. fr in other papers, is to offer five hunched 1oi1ars to the heirs of any person fo nd ead With a copy of the aforesaid ap r on his person. -At the lk st sitting of the Division Court at Nori, ich,in the comity of Brant, a case waa tri d before his honer Deputy Judge Beard, Which is of considerable interest to te ellen and trustees. The trustees at Se ool Section No. 13 North Norwich emp oyed Mr. A. S. Brown for a year-froni ugust ]8e 1884, at a salary Qf $500 with 4he right of either party to determine th agreement by a month'S notice. he rustees gave notice for the teacher terminate his engagement on the lst of June last. Mr. Brown accept- ed the no ice ncl gave up the school but demanded pa for a proportion of the holidays for he time actually taught. The trustees iefused. to comply with Mr. Brown's ern ncl, whereupon Mr. Brawn brought suit ' to recover $51. 37, the amount withheld, and a further snm of $50.00 for the time after his dismissal until hia claim was itaid. Judgment was reServed and a written judeent given,allowing Mr. Brown's claim in full for the proportiOn of the -holidays and the further sum of $2.45 per day for teachingala,ys from June 1st until his claim is settled in • full,by the trustees. Trustees and teachers will do well, to make a note of the above decision as very often disputes arise out of the question of holidays. - -The barley in the vicinity of Wid- der, has been badly damaged by the heavy rains of last week. The farmers are busy now cutting their spring wheat and oats, the spring wheat is a heavy crop. -Mr. Donald Ross, 12th concession, East Williams, met with an acident which may, prove fatal. While in the act of leading a bull to watee, the animal gat furious and pounced Upon Mr. Ross, severing his ear from hie head, and one of the bull's horns penetrated his spieal column. Grave hopes are entertained for his re- covery. GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA . BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural lawS which govern the.operations of digestion and nu- trition, and by a careful_ application of the fine properties of well selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has prodded our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many doc- tors' bills. It is by the judicious use- of such - articles of diet that a constitution may be gradu- a.liy built up until strong enough to resist every tendency t� disease. Hundreds of subtle mala - (Ilea are floating - around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak pOint. We may escape many a fatal- shaft by keeping .ourselves Well fortified with pure 1iocx1 and a ploperly nourish- ed frame."--eivil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets by grocers, labelled thus -"JAMES EPPS & Co., Hoinceopathic .Chemists, Lcindon, England." • Role avnt for Canada, C. E. Colson, lifnutreal. 884-52. McGregor & 'Parke's Cathdlic Cerate is, invalu- able for wounds, sores, salt rheum, cuts, burns, scalds and festers, as a healing and purifying dressing. Do not be imposed on with other use- less preparations, recommended to be as good. Use only McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Scild by Lumsden & 'Wilson, druggists, Seaforth. 912..52w. ' THE HURc N EXPOS TOR. 7 tism, scrofula, eruptions, catarrh and other com- plaints indicating lurking, blood poison which a few bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters would era- dicate from the system. 867.62.2w. • • If yolif child is stubborn or hard to adminiater tnedietne to, Dr. Low's Pleassint Worm Syrup will be appreciated. 867.62w. • I A Dangerous Condition. One of the most dangerous conditions is a neglected kidney complaint. When you suffer from a weary aching back, weakness and other urinary troubles, apply to the hack a Burdock Porous •Plaster, and take Burdoek Blood Bitters, the best system regulator known for the liver, - kidneys, stomach and bowels 857.52.2W. To the Rescue. When all other remedies fail for bowel com- plaint, colic cramps, dysentery; etc., then Dia- FoWler'e Extract of Wild Strawberry comes to therescue. Thus writes W. H. Croker, drug- gist; Waterdown, and adds that its sales are large and increasing. 857.52.2w. There is no Excuse.. There is no excuse for the many pale, sallow; •weary looking females throughout our land; when Bdrdock Blood Bitters v4111 regulate their tronbles and renew their heal h; strength and vigor at so small a cost. 857.62. w. , A Sure Thing. A, Sure Cure for _Summer Complaints. -Pro cure from your druggist one 37A- cent bottle of Dr. I Fowler's Extract of. Wild Strawberry _and useaccording to directions. It is infallible- for • diarrhcea, cholera morbus, canker of the atomaeh and bowels, and cholera infantum. 857.52,2s. • ' Holloway's Ointment and Pills. Ever useful. The afflicted by illness should look their diseases fully in the face, and at once seek a remedy for them. A shbrt search will convince the most skeptical that these noble medicaments have afforded_ ease, comfort, and oftentimes complete recovery, to the most tor- tured sufferers. The Ointment will cure all descriptions of sores, wounds, bad legs, sprains eruptions,, -erysiip+las, rheumatism, gout, and .skin affeetions. The Pills never fail in correct- ing and strengthening the stomach, and restor- ing a deranged liver to a wholesome conditibn, in rousing torpid kidney•sto increase their secre- tion, and in re-establishing the natural healthy activity of tbe bowels Holloway's are the remedies for complaints of all clasees of society. 912.52w. -.as* • *a The discover:- of the instantaneous process of taking photographs has been quickly followed in the medical world by a perfect and instantane- ous remedy for all acute aches and pains, as neu- ralgia, toothache, rheumatism, etc. This vald- able remedy is called Fluid Lightning, and is sold at 25 qents a bottle by Lunisden druggists, Seaforth., 9I2.52w. Delicate Women, Pitle-faoecl sick)y children, the aged and infirm • alike, are- benefited by the strengthening and blood -making power of Hinington's Quinine Wine and Iron. It stimulates the circialation, improves the appetite, removes all impurities • from the blood. It is the best medicine you can take to give, you lasting strength. See that you get Haningtons, the original and genuine. , 891.52w. • Rev. J. G. Fallis, Dutton, certifies,: "For some Years my wife -has been troubled with dyspepsia, and has tried one thing after another recom- meruled,with but little or no effect till ad-vised to give McGregor's Speedy cure a trial- Since taking the i first bottle I have noticed a decided improvement.. and can with confidence recom- niend it to, be one of, if not the bestniedicine •ox-tanlitveforr cgisi7israt " •This invaluable- medicine r 1ariliindigestion, kidney com- plaint, is purely veptable. Sold at Lunisdiin & Wilson's drugstore, Seaforth. Thal bottles giiven free. 912.52w. . a•-• Worms cause mu that Freeman's Wo 857.52m. h sickness [among Children in Powders will stireb• ,cure. Questions Answered! Ask the most eminent physician Of any school, what is the best thing in the world for allaying all irritation of the nerves, and curing all 'forms of nervous complaints, giving natural, childlike refreshing sleep always? And they will tell you unhesitatingiy Some form of Hops! CHAPTER I. Ask any or all of the most eminent physicians: What is the only remedy that can be relied on to cure all diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs, Bright's diSease, diabetes, retention or inability to retain mine, and all the diseases and ailments peculiar to women - And they will tell you explicitly and emphati- cally Buchu! Ask the same. phySicians What is the moat eliable and surest cure for all liver diseases and dyspepsia, constipation, in- digestion, biliousness, malaria, fever, ague, &c., and they will tell you Mandrake ! or Dandelion! Hence, when these remedies are combined with others equally valuable, . • And compounded into Hop Bitters, such a wonderful and mysterious eurative power is de- veloped, which 48 so varied in its operations that no disease or ill health can possibly exist or re- sist its power, and yet it is Harmless for the .most frail woman, weakest invalid or sniallest child to use. CHAPTER II. " Patients " - "Almost dead or newly dying" For years, and given up by physicians, .of Bright's and other kidney diseases, liver- com- plaints, severe coughs, called consum ton, have been cured. Women gone nearly crazy ! From agony of neuralgia, nervousness, wake- fulness, and various diseases peculiar to women. . People drawn out Of shape from excruciating 'pangs of rheumatism, inflamatory and , chronic, or suffering from scrofula. Erysipelas ! Saltrhemn, bloodpoisoning dyspepsia, indiges- tion, and, in fact, ahnost all diseases frail _ Nature is heir to Have- been cured by Hop Bitters, proof of which can be found in every neighborhood in the known world. None genuine without a bunoh of green Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" in their name. 919.52m , National Pills will cure -constipated bowels and regulate the liver. 85752m. A Fruitful -Season. The fruitfurseason of the year is prolific with many forms of bowel complaints, such as diarr- lima, dysentery, colic, cholera nnarbus, cholem infantuni, &c., as a safe -guard and positive cure for those distressing and often sudden arid dan- gerous attacks nothing can surpass that old and reliable medicine Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry £357.52.2w. •••••• Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap is a cheap and handy form of obtaining the healing virtues of a !Bul- 1 phut bath. 857.52m. Poisoned. Scarcely a family exists but that some member Is suffering with bad blood and poisoned secre- tions from constipation giving rise to rheinna. LEGAL. T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor itc. Office- s) ar. Rooms formerly occupied by Carroll & Dicksbn, Meyer's Block, over Johnson's Hard- ware Store, Main Street, Seaforth. Goderieh Agents-:-Camaaom, Hour & CAMERON. 870 _1 (-1 ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solicir Ur tors", &c., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. GARROW, WM. PRODDPOOT. 686 , • RC. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Private Money to o lend at lowest rates of interest. Office - Corner of.Square and West Street; Goderich. 774 nAMERON,. HOLT St:CAMERON, Barristersi Solicitore in Chancery, to., 9oderick Ont. M. U. CAMERON, Q. C., PHILIP HOLT, M. G. Gammicix. 606 - f 0FTUS E. DANGEY, late with Cameron, 4 I Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister'Sol bettor, Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan. Bow son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 ▪ ANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, _XL Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan: Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. Hi. MANNLNG, JAMES Scorr. 781 11FIOLMESTED, successorto the late firm of . McCaughey & Hohnested, Barrister, Soa licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend4 Farms for 'tale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. 1 - MONEY TO LOAN, ATIATEt TO LOAN. -Straight limns at 6 per I cent. Interest payable half yearly, or. per cent. yearly, with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal Money at any time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister, Seaforth. 850 DENTISTRY: ‘T_ M-1 T -D. S., and M. R. C. D., of f -c J. Toronto. All operations h guaranteed. Anasthetics of all 4 L kinds administered. Specialties - Goll Fill ng and Perfect Fitting Plates. Town patients will please make engagements a day or two previous to 'ravines,' the opera- tion performed. Remember the place, in the rooms formerly occupied by 0. Caitwright, up -stairs in Cady's Block, apposite the Commer- cial Hotel, Seaforth. 874 vs.r.A.fifssc•w, TIIENTIST, Faculty (=Old Medallist and College . Ili Gold Medallist,Toronto Sehodl of Dentistry. Romns' over Johnsons' Hardware; Main Street, Sea:Oran •= 911 1 Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave.Seaforth and Clinton follows Goi-NO WEST-' SEAPoRTIL Express.... .... 2.40 P. m. Express ...... .... 8.58 P. M. Mixed Train.. .. 8 15 A. M. - Goma EAST- Express.... .... 7.45 A. M. Express-....= .. 1.45. P. M. Mixed 'pain.. .... 5.30 P. M. • stations as 1 CLINTON. 3.05 P. M. 9.15 P. m. 9.48 A. 4. 7.25 A. M. 1.05 P, 4.45 v. n 1 Loudon, Huron and Bruce, I GOING NORTH- Mixed. • Mail. London, depart ' : 6.00 A. M. 4.501>. M! Exeter - ..... ..... 8.20 6.10 Hensell 8.45 - 6,24 Kippen 9.00 - 6.29 Bruoefield 9.16 ' 6.88 Clinton 9.55 • • 7.05 Londesboro .. .... 10,18 , 7.20 BlYth. 10.35 7.27 Belgrave. 11.00 7.46 Winghaan, arrive 11.80 8.00 GOING SOOTII- Express. Mixed. , Wingham, depart 7.0o A,m.11.30 A. M. Belgrave 8.40 12:03 e. k Blyth 7.59 12.25 ' Londesboro 8.08 12.37 ; Clinton .. .... ........ 8.35 1.25 Brucefield. 8.51 1.50 Kipp:en . ' 9.00 , 2.05 Mensal'. . .. .. .... ... 4 9.05 ' 2,12 • Exeter 9.31 ' 3.05 London, arrive 10.46 5.30 Wellington, Grey and Bruce. Gorse NORTH- Accom. Expreas. Mixed. 1 Ethel 2.37 r. M. 9.13 P.m 9.15 P.m. Brussels • 2.51 9.27 ,' 10.00 ' Bluevale 3.07 9.43 - 10.35 Wingham .. .. 3.20 9.54 11.30 ,G0iNG Swum- Express. .. Acc:om. Mixed Wingham .... • 7.00 A.M. 11.21 A. so 7.30 P.m. Bluevale .. .. 7.10 11.35 8.07 Brussels ' - 7.25 11.55 8.45 Ethel.... 7.37 12.10 9.13 . Train leaving Wingham at 8 p r. for Kincar- dine, runs on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays only. , ASC�SClTIOU DRUGGISTS, . -WE . WOULD- ' recommend for DYSPEPSIA, INik ESTION and kindred _diseases, the use of MALTOPEPSYN. For Consumption and all wasting, diseases the use of MORSE'E CARBOLATED:NORWEthAN COD LIVER OIL. - For teething Infants and nervous troubles, the use of GLYCEROLE OF CELERY COMPOUND (containing no opium.) You probably .ask why we recommend these remedies !, . It is because we know them to be reliable remedies, , endorsed by leading, physicians throughout the Dominion, for -the cure of specific iseases, and 'not claiming to cure everything Iso becansethey have the exact formula print n eech bottle label,thereby enabling the pu chaser to know just what he is takilg. The time is rapidly approaching when intelli- gent people,will! refuse to take qualck cure -ails, the ingredients bt which are kept se' .ret, brit wIll insist upon 'knowing just what they re baking. , - 'Wewould also inform any who may not yet be aware by actual trial of the super', rity of our -" ROYAL GsLYCERATED BALSAI OF FIR," in curing Coughs,Colds, Bronchitis, ; ore Thrcat` Ineipient Consumption, &c. &c., th t -this reli- able remedy can now be prosured from every dealer in the County of Huron, and although not advertised outside our own County, entirely owing to its own merits, we have already receiv- ed larders from thelooat distant parts of the Do- minion, if afflicted give it a trial; y rice 50 cents per bottle wholesale and retail by • , LUMSDEN & WILSON, . Manufacturers, '1 Seaforth, Ontarid. 925-52 IT, LEAJISALL. No other blood p ng medians is made, or has &ter beefl p pared, which so com- pletely nieets the ta of physicians and the general public. as Ayer's $saparilia. CR kILA aillebllisootdas a t y scientific, prepare- AYER'S gin taint s. If there is a lurk- Sof Scrofula about, you, tift(lefpr a1 dislo ge is and expel 1 fr tem. 8.4.B.SomAPy0A2,1ur ;Art Win Fo cOnstitutional r scrofulous Catarrh, CAT 111H t,s,..14vertira ARBA.PARILLA bi the e dy It has cured number eSs cases -It iii stop the nauseous catar hal dischar es, d remove the sioken- ing o( "or' of the b eath which are indication/ of se ofu_ous ori in. ULC SOR face were SOR be en AYE duce an ad ued t evide of an ment ULOIO 4 s y chii with ulcer() nd Ineck. At t sWollen, mUch fi YES Plosici erful al plb, ed. They n 8 A.ILSAPA.RIL a perceptible i 'ince to your ompleto and co has since app Scrofulowl ten of py der pro pt or fleet urs tru y, Hut the en ,Tex., Sept. 28, 1882. ge of two years o eeoef was ° terribly sill ted running sores o its e same time its eyes flamed, and very ore. es told us that a 03V- erativemedicine itst ding • P Dr. d.Aye & Bold by 111 Druggists; PA • ited in recomme . A few dosespro- provement, whie .by i ections, was co 'tin - permanent cure. No ared of the ecistenc encies; and no trea as ever attended b results. B: F. JOIINSO2i.9 DY o.,Lowel1,1Was 11, six bottles fot I AUCTIO EERS. p.j BAINE, Licens ounty of IIitron. parts of the County. Exeostroa bffice wiff be d Auctioneer for the Sales attended in all 11 orders' left at THE romptly attended to. A DtLdATTY, Licen .Lt.soi ty of I•Oron. prompt.y attended 'to on dress Brusgels P. q., or cession 12, Grey. ! ed Auctioneer for tl1ie Sales of all Tlescripti reasonable terms. r A apply on Lot 4, Co 1;11 rpt .""se• 'S3QN $ 7 ONIIN THE de L. R. S improve POLK Boas.; Tlpi rowed o April 3 Elliott, lil 'n, Co his darn w re. b " King omj" was was bre by Mess county ; Peel, an were al importe were ev r ofered proven by the -e register d in the $1, with the privil GEORG P EW UFI?OLKS ARE signed ha4 now , ient of Stock, olde , 188. , was bred by Mr. W n. nty f Halton. His sire a d th i ported. The second, farrov,ed in April, 1884. e . A. bot . T or se tend anad ge of Oa RI o 'L.t pf'L'jj THE BEST. -The n Lot 21, Concession and will keep for WO TITORODOIIDRED S t, "Granger," was f 0- 2, he Ty. r- • Frank & Sons, of the his sire and his dam ey are as good pigs as ice in Huron as can be pedigrees which are an Herd Book. Terms returning necessary. 891! B tisels Lime Woric TILL AHEAD. To -wag- & SO The si4sc 'bers take this opportunity of re- turning -tharks to the inhabitants of B ueeil: and vicinity for st patronage, and beg • st te that having e several improvements in t kiln and mode of burning, they are no ii a better positibn th n ever before to suppl the Public with first -e ass lime. This beinglthe e eventh season of our b siness dealingain BrusseIs, and havinw given u quali- fied saaiifaction sd far, the public ean rely in re- ceiving good treat ent and a lirst-class rticle from us. First.c1iss Lime at 14 cents at t e kiln and 15 eente deliv red. We alike blirn a o. 1 Lime for plaste ng at 'the same rice. ; Remember the sot, Brussels Lime Wor s. OWN & SO 908 AMERICAN WALL WALL ALL EN WALL WALL WALL LISH • PAPERS. PAPERS. PA -PERS, CANADIAN WALL WALL WALL WALL WALL WALL Bo ders and Cain WINDOW WINDOW WINDOW I T PAPERS. PAPERS. PA PElt-;. P PAPERS. PA PER.. PAPERS. PAPERS. PAPERS. Decorations in great riety. ' 1- BLINDS. - BLINDS. BLINDS. AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES AT Lumsden & Wilson's, Main-st., Seaforth. TEA. TEA. AT THE SEAF Now Has the L holds and 6 POW give all k* Floar Turn: Also ACA TEA: TEA. RTH TEA STORE the Time to Get the Best Val e _Ever Offered in Seaforth for your _Money. st Received a Very Large Consignment of TEAS. He now bolds one of rgest and Best Assorted Stock west of Toronto. In Teas alone he now 175 Packages. Prices from 15c., 20c., 25c., 300., 35c., 40c.'45c., 50c., 55c., c. per pound. This Stock Consists of GREEN, BLACK 4 JAPAN, GUN - E and TEA DUST, and Iwil Guarantee, thexn to e all FRESH and ntiie Satisfaction, or Money B4funded. Also a large St ck of Sugars and ds of Groceries. Flour, OatmealCornmeal, Shorts' ' Bran Buckwheat Oats, Barley, Screenings, Cho Feed, Salt, Cdal Oil, Fish, Apples, Potatoes, s, Carrots, and Cabbage. A 1 rge stock of Cltina, Crockery and Glassware. Large Assortment of Lamps a d Lamp Trinumngs. Oats taken in Exchange for Oatmeal at Mill Rates. 1 11 L SOLICITED FROM ALL 0 GOODS DELIVERED FREE. A. G.- AULT. All W AFORTH WOOLLEN MILLS saer;--.'filenevirearafteettses--eareetsen - TT, a- stSiWelr TiSsi ' 10 •''iitjr--'11f, sairi thi ;' !i til Ra. P).-• "14 •;,5•`.1-:A:i.; t-1:7; eft ler ol Tweeds, Heavy anc L. nion Flannels, Grey and Blankets, the ary a pair t. The Bet atl Wool Fancy Flannel. hecks, Very Cheap. All Wool Btst in the Market. MON SHEETIN or winter, and yo i will never w TRY A PAIR OF They are fine for Summer. Hosiery inade Great V riety. • R member Woollen GOods never this is t e place to get them at FIRST COS give us call, and we -will try Our best to ple old Sta Aril. Mill. for First-classl Work. to SOMETHING 900D, to sleep on cotton sheets in cold weather again. UR UNION HOSE, Order, any size or Color. Knit goods and Yarns in A. G. VAN L. G. V NEGMOND. were cheaper than at the present time, and or anything you want made in 'Woollen Goods se you every tim,, Farmers, Remember this is the I MQND'S. SONS. V. D. VANEGMOND. FA MERS TH 1 ARDINE ESHERS & MILLMEN SE McCOLL'S MACHBE OIL, THE BEST IN THE WORLD. REI?,84 WILSON, Sole Agents ALS.° CYLINDER, EUREK OILS. JAMES A. cuiNE1 & for Seaforth. A, BOLT CUTTINQ AND WOCL - O. Sole Agents for Wingham. S A School thoroughly equipped f9r b 1§. Business Penmanship, Corresponden e taught. WILL RE -OPEN LIE 'D For circular and inforniatioi ad res THE CANADIAN DANK OF COMMERE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Paid _Rest • p Capital, _ ..r -RE WELT, HON. W31. MCA.TASITR. I $6,000,000. 2,000,000. SE t,FORTF1 BRANCH. The eaforth Branch of this Bank continues tc, receive depo4ts, on which intereat is allowed on, the most favOrable terms. Drafts on op the principal towns and citis in Canad on Great Britain, and on the U ited 'States, 'bong t and said. Otheil-Firlt door SOUTH of the Comme ia Hotel. A. H. IRELAND, an4ger F. 1IOMESTED, Solicitor rr 0 P., 0 ..L• rie 0 , ess training. Book-keeping, Arithmetic, horthand and Type Writing practically Y, SEPTEMBER 10,, 1885. • D. O'DEA, ;SecretarY. 925-3 E F. BLACK, Watchmaker, Licensed- Auctioneer, Farm Sales Attended, Charges Moderate, Sale Notes Dis- counted, Money to Lend. P.. 33 Mg _A. 0 IC, WAT014MAKER, WINGH A M. 924 PRIVAT.E CHOOL MisseA Robertson & Bootih will re -open their School on John Street, on Monday, August 31st. Teaching in line with the Public Schosol. FirsteClaSs Lessons on Piano, Organ and Pipe Organ. Terms moderate. C. A. ROBERTSON, 824 A. E. BOOTH. Aurorai Quick Train Watch, T'ke Best Yet. SOLD ONLY BY M. R. OOUNTER, LTM-STT=ILIZ, 7 .0EAFORTH, ONT. This Company manufactures a eomplete line, of full -plate watches, from ordinary- to -the fineit grades, for all'classes of watch wearers. They are all made with quick train, and are es- pecially ada AO Is r railread arel •,1' ord:nary and 13 du severe servi e. All made st proof, have the perfect safet • pinion, which -prevents damage to parts in eas of mainspring breakage, and John- son's patent attachment to regulate pins, which prevents hairspring from catching, an important improvement controlled by this Company The stem-winding parts are made strong and durable, guaranteed as safe, inore convenient and service- able than the key winders. The extra line grades are made in stem wind only. Every watch is warranted by special certifleate, whieh the pur- chaser recei-Ses from the Company's Agent. The number of Jewels in each watch (which is en- graved thereon) indicates the quality; pur- chasers Observing this are sure to receive the quality they call for. The larger number of Jewels in the better grades also represents the finish, fine adjustment, and care in manufacture, which produces more accurate time arid longer service. The qualities are divided as follows: ORDINARY. -Two' grades are made -of this quality, engraved: Aurora Watch Co., 7 Jewels." " ASuroi a Watch Co.'11 Jewels." MEDILTM.H-Four grades of this quality are made, -two in Gilt Finish, engraved.: " Aurora Watch CO., 11 Jewels, Extra." "Aurora Watch Co., 15 Jew0s," and two in Nickel, finely finish- eu, Teigrav ed : " Aurora II ateh Co., 11 JewelS." "Aurora Watch Co. 15 Jewels." FINE. -Two grades of this qnality,-enc in Fine Gilt Fhish and one in Nickel, engraved: "Aurora Watch Co., 15 Jewels, adjusted." EXTRA FINE. -Two grades of this quality, - one in Fthe 4i1t and (me in Fine Nickel, engrav- ed: "An. o a Width Co., 15 Ruby Jewels, ad- justed, Aur ra, Illinois." Remember Counter's, Seaforth, is the only place in tire County where these watches can be had. M. R. COUNTER, Practical Watchmaker and !Jeweller. . This great Household Mesheme ranks amongst :• the leading necessaries of Life: These famous Pills purify be Blood, .and act most xawerfnlly, • yet soothms y, on the Liver, -Stornac „ Kidneys • and Bowels giving tone, energy and vigor to • these great lain springs of Life. They are con- fidently ree mmended as a never falling remedy in all eases ishere tbe eonstitutio», from what- ever cause, las become impaired or weakened. • They are woaderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to females of ull ages ;- and as a Gen- eral zs4; eine are Ins a-is-asset:LI Its Seam ing and Healing Properties are known throtighout the World. For the cure of Bad Legs, BO Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is 'an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as sat ,into meat, cnres Sore Throats, Bronchitis, •Conglis and Colds. For Glandular Swellings and Piles it acts like a Charm. In Gout and Rheumatism, it never failsto afford relief. ,Manufa.etured only at Professor Holloway's Establiehment, 78 New Oxford Street (late 533 Oxford Street) London; and sold at is. WI., 2s, 9d., 4s. -fid,S 115., 225., and 83s. each Box and Pot. stssrs Beware of Am- erican count •rfeitss-sPorehasers shoold look to the Label on the Pots and ttoxes. If the address - is -not 533, Oxford Strut, London,' they are spurious 9' 1-52 sm=ss N 1 TICE BRUSSELS, Begs to apn mice that there will he a. complete change of b siness after OCTOBER 1st, 1885. All accounts must be settled by that time. .No Butter taken- on account after the above date (positively.) GRAND CLEARING SALE Of over ;143,0d0 worth of ready made Clothing before thatitime. Also S19,000 worth .pf choicest DrYGoods in the Village of Brussels. - A. R. SMITH. 924 Adn-'iinistrator's Notice. In the go( ds of Thoreas Sturgenn,,late of the township of Hay, iT1 the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having Claims against the personal estate of the said Thomas StargeOn, to send in their claims to me on or before the 1st day of November, 1885. And at the expiration of that time, I shall forthwith proceed to distri- bute the assets of the said deceased, among the parties entitled thereto, and notice is expressly given that under the provisions of Section .34, Chapter 107, Revised statutes - of Ontario, and amended b 46 Victoria, Chapter 9. I shall not be Jiable fofr the assets or any part thereof, so distributed to any person of whose claim I shall not then ha -e had notice, and I hereby also/give netice to al parties indebted to the Said estate whether b1 book account or otherwise to pay the same to me on or before -the time above men- tioned. AR.Y STUBGEON, Hernial] P. 0., Adi1nistratfrb of the PersonalEstateof Deceased. - Hensail, August 18th, 1865. In rcfereiiee to the above notice we would hereby nal y and request all parties indebted to the fan) kn • wir as Smillie & Sturgeon, (of which Firin we arc the surviving partners) whether by book account or otherwise to make prompt pay- ment to the i said Mary Sturgeon, Adteinistratix of the Hers nal Estate of the late Thomas Stns. geon, whos reciet shall be a full and suffrcient dtr•jhsaairlP. 0, ge...k,1EUEL and BENJAMIN SMILLIE; H Hensall, August 19th, 1885. 02441 MAR IAGE LICENSES MT= A1' THE HU ON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, BE FORTH, ONTARIO. Now TN ESSER RECILIIRFAI