HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-08-21, Page 7eeee - poms it AdjeiStable ave cut, He •rtages. and durable. !M13. TURE ding purchaie before pur- e Door South eitorth. OPL ORE iTITartcr New AY YOU c VDRY, AFORTHe s, torthis county. r now for this. that it la the ;,-ht and doing IERS ill last longer flaviag special can guarantee given to ld Grist Mills, fachines, and short notice Others. lowest ratea. nerds of L. D. of repairs con- < NDRY. tiov6c11 Q•ae: removed tct' rosite his Old ere he will be s and as many hint with their -3 en Henderson4 roe Store, Main Miff St :21,-1885, Webster and his Read'. Webster used to drive in his gig from • Boston, and sometimes from Hingham, aver the road to Marshfield. On such occasions troops of children would come decking out tind follow after him, so • , great & fascination did he have for them. And I have seen somewhere how a little child, on entering the room where Web- ster was seated, and,- looking up into his great soft eyeseran instinctively in o his arms, as if yearning `to get as ne r as possible to his great tender heart. s an infant he is described as a crying o aby who worried his parents consider bly. ,He grew up to boyhood pale, weak and 'sickly ; as he himself told me,h.e wa the 'slimmest in the family. And yet It do - a boy's work on ,his father's far ,by indulging a propensity for out oor 'aports,by leading a temperate and f igal Ife,he succeeded in building up a ro ust constitution. It was an iron frame,1 rge and stately, with a great mountain of a head upon it. _ . • When Thorwaldsen, the Danish s oulp- tor, saw his head in Powers' studi Rome, he exclaimed : " Ah I a design for,Jupiter, 1 see.' He would not believe that it Was liv- ing American. Since Socrates ther has !seldom been a head so massively h. ige. The coal heavers and porters of Le don_ looked on him as one of the great f ces .of the globe. They recognized in hi a so native king. Carlyle called him "a ag- nificent specimen, whom.as a logic fe I cer of par1iainentary Hercules, , one w uld incline to back at sight against all the world." And Sydney Sinith said he Was g'4a living lie," because no man on earth could be as greet as he looked."- he Century. ihat is Certain -knows the Scriptur s- ‘"..Tailet " and, her MiniSter , Janet is a queer body. I have n ver et been able to find out with perfec as- nrance whether Janet is, or is not, illy eligious. She is remarkably sagaci us, and attends moat regularly on the ` o di - names of aeligiOn. But then, on the ether hand, Janet's voice is loud wh n a proclamation has been. made over her . head; nor are her commentaries al aye made in perfect charity. To yo lig -preachers or stibblers, as she calls th elle is quite ferocious, cutting them at the kirkstyle, and,indeed, all way home to her hut in the clachan, no allowance, aaid occasionally, if I rightly informed, taking a very se and protracted nap, evenain the v midst of my very warmest addres For this I veitturad, one day lately, challenge Janet, contrasting her v lance and attention,Iwhen a young n had officiated, with her supineness inattention under 111$ own ministrati m, up he at alp nd ry es. to gi- aai nd us. ‘i And, d'ye no ken the reason o' sir?" I immediately acknowledged ely ignorance. "Tro-th. sir," proceeded -ny instructor, "when it's yerser. t1at delivers and expounds the oracles,' lwe can a' tale a nap wi' safety, for we 1en bra.Wly in 'ha's halm' they are. when a young birkie like yon chiel op us and tries to explain the sacred word, it tak's us a' to loek sharp after him." * Fact and Rumor. -A proclamation issued to the f- ghans in 1882 by the Ameer of Afgh n- istan has just been printed. It clai s that the Afghans are descended frim the lost ten tribes of Israel. It tra es their descent'from Adam through Jac b, their subjection in Egypt, their deity r- anee therefrom by Moses, their wand r- ings in the desert, their settlement in Syriaaundef the Arueership of Saul a d Solomon, their Babylonian ca.ptivi their release, their wanderings on t e hins of Ghour, and their final sett e- ment i.n . 'Afghanistan, It concludes y exhortine the Afghans to trust in G d, who wilf preserve them from their t re rible enemy, Russia, who is waiting to devour them. • Charles Powell, Secretary of the Church of England Workingme Society, lately made the folldwing e marks in an address the schoolroom of the Church of the Holy Comforter, es reported in the " Sun : " You have 't any slums in America -none' at all. I went down to your Bowery saloons d -smoked cigars -down to your Pi -e Points -to your Chntlese quarters, a d to what I was given to understand -w: s your lowest lodging -house. -Mir they're hothine to T.ondon --slums. n fact, I found &ern too respecta,ble." -Says the "Sunday School Timed What is wanted in many of the S day Selnxxl conventions now being he d over the -country is less telling what and more telling how. When a Similar School worker has succeeded itt gett" g sufficient leisure to permit him to. o several .miles, 'or several hundredsf to attend a convention he oug t not to be expected to listen patiently o addresses on the importance of Sun Schools, the necessity Of discipline, the urgent need to win the schol attention." -A wine merchant, or rather mane - lecturer, was recently condemned. to a h avy fine for adulteration. After tIie sejtenee he asked the chemist how e could have been so positive that e wine was a fahridation. "Because it did not contain an atom of bitartrate of potash, which is to be found in all n tural wines," replied gie man of sciene "Thanks for the information' " return d the tradesman, "the nexttime y u aualyze my wines you will find some! -The following admonitory e was recently pUblished by a Frenoh paper: "The wine merchant who la t week soldme a bottle of lemonaa e flavored with vitriol for a bottle f champagne is requested to send m Within. twenty-four haurs, a bottle genuine champagne, failing which s uarne and address will be made publi The remit was that lie received almo unlimited contributions of first-cla s wine. - An Authoress Dying. Mrs. Reim Slat Jackson, t e well-known authoresa's and ! contribut . r to the Centery 'Magazine, is lying a Sat Fratieisco at the point of cleat Mrs. Jackson was Iappointed Sped 1 Tadian Commissioner by 'Presiclerit 1ner bite. She came • te San Francisco rthur, and Was also engaged by the entury Company to write- a series elf., rticles on Southern California, Oregeh d Washington Territory. While sta3t- g at Los Angelos she fell and brol4e about four months ago for treatment. Smee her arrival she was attacked with slow fever, and gradoally grew wors ller stomach became so weak as to Je unable ta retain any kind of food, and for the last two months she has subsist- ed entirely on frozen cream. Her hue - bend, who is a banker at Denver, Colo - rado;arrived at her bedside about a week two. The d actors say her death is hut agues - tion of a few days, through the inability of the stomach to receive and re- tain hourishment. Mrs. Jackson is in possession of her full intelligence, and conscious of her rapidly approaching end. I Since the above was in type news of her death has been received. GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. EPPS'S -*COCOA BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nu- trition, and by a careful applicatien of the, fine roperties of well selected Cocoa; .Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately awned, beverage which may save us many doe - bus. It is by the judicious use of -such articleof diet that a constitution may be vertu - ally built up. until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle mala- dies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point.. We may escape many al fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with tiure blood and a poperly nourish- ed frante."---Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets by grocers, labelled. thus-" JAMES EPPS & CO., Honiceopathic Chemists, London, England." 8ole agnttftfr Canada, C. E. Colson, )(anti:sal. 884-62 Always required. -A good cathartic medicine. National Pills will not disppoint you. 857.52. - Loae'ti Sulphur Soap should be feund with every toilet. , It is cleansing and healing. 857.52m. I Ow -- Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup is a safe and reliable worm remedy for 'all Worms affecting chilclien or adults., 857.52m. . Advertising Cheats! It htu4 becOme so common to begin an article, in an elegant, interesting style, Then run it into some advertisement, that'we avoidall such, - And simply call attention to the merits of Hop titters id as plain, honest terms as possible, To induce people To ,giye :them one trial, which so proves their value that they will never ute anything else. The semedy so favorably noticed in allethe papers. ; , Religious and secular,- is • Having a large sale, and is supplanting all other medicines. - There is no denying. the virtues of the hop plant, and the propietors of Hop Bitters have shown great shrewdness and ability * * -In compoending a medicine whose virtues are so palpable to every- one's observation. Did She Die?' She lingered and suffered along, pining away all the time for years.q, The doctors doing her no good; And at last Was cured by this Hop Bitters the papers say so much about. Indeed! Indeed! How "thanktril we should be for that medi- cine. . A aughter's Misery. • • Eleve4 yeare our daughter suffered on a bed of misery. ; - • From 'a complication of kidney, liyer, matic trouble and nervous debility, . IUnder"' the care gf the best physicians, Who gave her disease.various names, But me relief, And now, she is restored to usin good health by as simple a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we had shunned for years before tieing it. • I The Parents. SR* None genuine without a lamch of green Hops on the white )abel. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" or " Hops" in their name.919.52m1. i I : 1 -- ve, FreeMan's Worm Powders. are safe, sure and speedy th remove' worms from I children and adults. 857.52m. 1 • . esp • ese. Years of experience and successful trial have proved McGregor & Parkes Carbolic Cerate the most complete and eatisfactory compound for healing old sores, festenngs ulcers, cuts, wounds, burns, frost bites or felons, and for keeping out the cold and to cleanse dr prevent proud flesh, sloughing or decay. Insist on having McGregor & Park.e's Carbolic Cerate, sold at 25 cents by Luins- den & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth. • 912.52w.. 1 ; .----.0.-wo.-A Quadruple, Force. The reeson why disease is so soon expelled from thesystem by Burdock Blood Bitters is be- cause that excellent remedy acts in a four -fold manner --that is to say, upon the bowele, the her theibleod and the kidneys, driving- out all bad humor, and regulatiug every; organic fence tion. 857.52.2w, . - I had for yeert been a miserable eufferet from dyspepsia, and tried all known remedies arid the best medical: skill of -My acquaintance, but still grew worse, until ,unable to eat anythingewithout great suffering, of do any kind of work. 1 began to think 'there was no hope for me, and that! mutt 'eurely die; when, like a drowning mare catching at a straw, I determined to give Mc- Gregor's Speedy Cure a trial, I at once began to improve se rapidly that in two menthe I was as well as Thad ever been in .m3• life. -Win. Evers, Leamington. Sold by Luritsden & Wilson, drug - (lists, Seaforth. • Free trial bottles.- 912.53w. • -4 --seeoreos--- ' Fluid Lightning is simply a marvellous rheu- matic remedy. I was for two months a cripple, unable to get out .of thehouse from Sciatica. One bottle gave Ine. instant relief, and- placed me on my feet again. I have driven fourteen miles to -day (something I could not possebly have done were it not for Fluid Lightning). for the express purpose . of proetiring another bottle. So says Wm. Dixon, Gananoquee Only 25 . cents per bottle at Lumsden & Wilson's drug stores Sea - forth. 912.52w. ; -ase • sate Jug Ahe- Thing. • W. J. CaPpy, '.druggist, • of Newbury writes: "Dr. Fowler's Wild Strawberry is just the thing for summer sickness. I sold out My stock three times last summer.There-was a good .demand for it." Dr. Fowlet's Extract of Wad Strawberry is -invaluable for dysentery,colicesicle stop:10,0h and bowel 857.52,2w - - Known -by These Signs. . . • Dyspensia may be known by heartburn', sour eructions. of, foodaaind belching, weight at the stomach., :variable appetite, costive bowels, etc. Bur:dock Blood Bitters positively 'cure dys- pepsia., although in its worst chronic form. 857.- 52,2w. • Do Not Delay. -• • De not ''delcie, if suffering any form Of bowel complaint, howeaer mild apparently may be the attack, but use Dr.. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. It is the cild reliable cure .for all forms of summer complahrte that require proMpt treatment. Ask our druggist and all dealers in patent medicines. - 8.57.522w.. Is It Acting Right? effs you are troubled wit1inactive liver, yemr coniplexion -will be sallow frequent sick head- ache, aching shoulders, • dizziness, weariness, irregular bowels, and man: other serious com- plaints. Burdock. Blood -Bitters regulate. the liver and all the secretions to a healthy action. 857.52.2w. , ---ea • OW Ladies who feel that they are growing .old before their time should use Hanington's •Quinive Wine and Iron. Beware ,of imitations. See that you get Hanington's, the original and genuine. Fdr sale by all druggists and general dealers in Canada. 8911-2w. • 46 • op It Never Fails.- . Dr. Few er's Extract of Wild Strawberry will never fail you when taken to cure dysentery colic, side stomao or any form of summer com- plaint. Relief is almost instantaneous; a few doses mire when other remedies fail. 857.52.2w • Holloway's Ointment and Pills. Ritseas-el of the Bowels. -A remedy, which has been tested and-pved in a thousand different ways, cagable oferadicating poisonous taints from ulcers and healing them up, merits a trial of its capapity for extracting the Internal corrup- tions from the boevels.On rubbing Holloway's ywwfffmmsmfasomommmmi • Ointment repeatedly on theetbdomereEdthi a rash ap- pears, and as it thickens the y e rritability subsides. Acting aka derivative, this Ointment draws to the surface, releases the tender intes- tines from all acrid matters, and preventsinfidm- mation, dysentery and piles, for which blistering was the old-fashioned, though succesaful treat- ment now from its painfulness fallen into disuse, the discovery of this Ointment having proclaim. ed a remedy possessing ecprally derivative, yet perfectly painless, powers. 912.52w. aenera....a' LEGAL ..' 1 T M. BEST, 'Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Office - e !) Rooms fornierly occupied by Carroll & Dic:Icson, Meyee's Block, • over Johnson's Hard- ware Store, Main Street, Seaforth. Goderich Agents-Cammune. Holm & CAMERON. 87 ei ARROW & PROUDFOOT,°Barristers, Solici- Uf tors, &c., Goderich, Ontario. I. T. GARROW, WhI.RPROUDFOOT. 689 -Ea C. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Private Money to _tete lend at lowest rates of interest. Office - Corner of Square and West Street, Goderich. 774 clAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, lj• Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. M. C. CAMERON, Q. C., PHILIP HOLT, M. 11, Ceetznox. -. 506 L._. L-OFTUS E. DANGEY,. late with Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer, &c, Money to loan. Ben - eon's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seatorth. 786 • ATANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, _VI Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. ,Money to loan. Office -Beaver Block; Clinton, Ontario. A. IL MANNING, JAMES Scorr. 781 V HOLMESTED, successor to the late firm, of . McCaughey & Holmested, Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farms tot sale. Office in Scott's. Black, Main Street, Seaforth. ' MONEY TO LOAN. ONEY TO LOA -N. -Straight loans at &Per ±11 cent. Interest payable half yearly, or per cent. yearly, wtth the privilege to borrower of repayieg part of the principal money at any time. Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister, Seafortle. 850 DENTISTRY'. 1 1-D.4 S.,.and M. R. C. D., f - . Toronto. All operations guaranteed. Anesthetics of all kinds administered. -Specialties- Gol 1 Filling and Perfect Fitting Plates. 'Town patients will _please make engagements a day or two previous to having the opera- tiqn performed. SOF Remember the place, in the, rooms formerly occupied by C. Cartwright, up -stairs in Cady's Block, opposite the Conuner- • cial Hotel, Seaferth. 874. -STaT-A-TSOil•Te . DENTIST, Faculty Gold Medalliet and College Geld Medallist,Toronto School of Dentistry. Rooms Over Johnsons' Hardware, .Main Street, Seaforth a 911 • Grand Trunk Railway. Traihs leave Seaforth and Clinton follows: GOING WEST-SEAFORTII. . Express.. .... 2.40 re Express .... . . .... 8.58 P. m. Mixed Train.........8 15 A. M. GOING EAST-- . Express.... , 7.45 A. ma Expaess - 1,45 P. M. Mixed Train•.... 5.30 r. xi. •IP stations as CLINTON. 3.05 P. M. 9.15 r. re. 9.48 A. M. 7.25 A. hi. 1.05 P 111• 4.45 P. ;31 "London, Huron and Bruce, I Gouge Normal-- Mixed: 'atoll. London, depart 6,00 A. 31. 4.50 rs 31. Exeter -8.20 6.10 Herisall.:8.45 6.24 ..... . ' 9.00 6.29 Brucefield. 9.15 6.38 Clinton_ . 9.55 s/ 7.05 Londeshoro . . 10.18 7.20 • Blyth. 10.35 7.27 Belgrave. " 11.00 '7.46 Winghani, arriee ..... . 11.30 8.00 Gone Bovril-Exprees. Mixed. Wingharn, depart • 7.20 eared -1.30 A. M. • Belgrave • 8.40 12.03 a, ei Elyth. 7.59 12.25 Londesboro ... .. 8.08 12.37 ` Clinton .. ..... 8.35 1.25 13rucefield . 8.51 1.50 Rippen, 9.00 2.05 Hensel]. 9.05 2.12 Exeter 0.311 3.05 London, arrive ----------10.45 5.30 • Wellington, Grey and Bruce. Goixo Norten- Aecona Express. Mixed. • Ethel 2.37 P. M. 9.13 P.M 9.15 P.M. 13tusse1s 2.51 9.27 •• 10.00 .. 3.07 99..5443 ' 1110..3305 Winghtim. 3 00 Goo &Men-- xprcss. Accom. Mixed Winghain . , 7.00 A.M. 11.21 A. m. 7.30 P.31. • Illuevale 7.10 11.35 8.07 ' Bressels., 7.25 :11.55 8.45 . Ethel, .... 7.37 12.10- • 9.1a Train leaving Wingha,m at 8 p• in. fer ICincar- Cline, runs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. selesseemeeanes • AUCTION SALE -OF A- 'SPL.ENDI"D-FARM IN McKILLOP. THEndersigned will offer for Sale by Public Auction - E nat the Commercial Hotel, Sea - forth, on Saturday, August 22nd, 1885, at 2 o'clock p. rn., North half of Lot 30, Concession 8, McKillop, containing 50 acres square, nearly all altered and free from stumps, well drained and well fenced. There is re good log house and frame barn and stable. Also a never failing spring well. It is within half a mile of school, and within three quarters of amile from the vile lege of Winthrop which contains Mills, Stores Cheese Factory, Blacksmith Shops, Post Office, &c., and only five miles from the Own of Sea; forth. This is one of the choicest' lots in the townshtp. Possession given on the 15th0ctob.ein Term. -Ten per cent. of the purchasei money. on the clay of sale: sufficient of the balance to make .up $800 within thirty days, and the -remainder on time to suit pure cbaset with interest at 6 per cent. payable annually. For further particulars apply to MRS: W. GLUTTON, Kippen• • 912 As CONSCIENTIOUS' DRUGGISTS, we 'would recommend for DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION and kindred diseases,. the use of MALTOPEPSYN. For -Consumption and all wasting diseases, the use of MORSE'E CARBOLATED NORWEGIAN, COD LIVER OIL. For teething infants and nervous troubles, the use of GLYCEROLE OF CELERY -COMPOUND (containing no opium.) • You prbbably ask why we recommend these remedies !. It. is because we know them to be reliable remedies, endorseby leading physicians; througliont the Dear -don, for the cure of specific! diseases, and not claimin,tt to cure everything.! Also becausethey have the exact formula, printall on eech bottle label,thereby enabling the purl chaser to know. just what he is taking-. The time is rapidly approaching when intellij gent peopleiwill • refuse -to take quack cure-allsa the ingredients of which are kept secret, but will insiet upon 'blowing just what they are taking. • We would also inform any who may not yet be aware by actual trial of the superiority of our ." ROYAL GLYCERATED BALSAM OF- FIR," in curing poughs,Colds, Bronchitis, Sore Throat': Incipient • Consumption &c. &c.'that this RH- -able reinedy can now be proettred from eve - dealer in the County of Huron, and although not advertised outside our own : Comity, entirely owing to its own merits, we have already receiv- ed orders from the most distant parts:of the 1)0 - minion, if afflicted give it a trial, price 50 cent.s per bottle wlsolesale and retail- by LUMSDEN & WILON, 928-62 •' ManufaCturers, Seaforth, Ontario.:' MARRI,tAGE LICENSES. ISSUED AT? THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE,1 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REIDUIREE. ' RE HURO EXPOS rgapari la or tying Iodide o rotas - the safest, rdll- il blood-puri i er that bly expels blood renew power. otitis rfaIP- tches, tions caused pted, tism, neral Is a highly concentrated e 8arsatarilla and othir blood -p 'roots,' combined wit alum d I.roi, and is able d mOat e onoird can bei used. I invarli poison from the system, enriches an the bl • • • and icstores to vitalizin It is t e best 1nown r medy for 8 and Scroft4oua Complaints, °lass, czeina! Bin corm, Bl Sores, Boils, , Timor and E of th Skin, as also for all disorder by a , and mpove hed, - or co condi 'nof th1ood,su4hasEiae Neura gins B eumatiie Debili and Scrofulbus .Ca • • n mmato Rheumatism Curd. • 1011 n's ,SA.R A.PABILids has cure me of the L1itthunma ry ' Rheumatism with which have s ered for many year. 1 • 11 W. U. Mo BE." • Durham, Ia. arche2, p82. P .A.REp BY Dr.J.O.Aye &Col' -Lowell, 1 l Bold b all Dru .ts; $ , six bottles or $5., ass. At TION 'ERS. JP. RINE, icensed Auctioneer or the . Co nty of H ron. Sales attended in all parts of the Cou ty. Al; orders left t TUB EXPOSITOR Office wi I be prorptly attende to. A DELGATTY, It.' • Cgtfiety of prompt13 attended dress Bressels cession. 12, Grey. icensedJ Auctioneer for the uron. ales of all desertion o on reasonable terms Ad- ., or apply on Lot 4 Con - 77 SEAPO T SASH, COO PLANING MIL -ND BLIND FAC THE -subscriber egs leave to thank his n ous customers for the liberal patron tehded to him sin Seaforth, and trust a continuance of th Parties intending him a cal , as he w large stock of all DRY ,FINE L SASHES; BLI S Ile feels •confiden those who may favo as none but first -el Pa_ticie arattenti 201 JO DRY imer- e ex - e commencing busin; ss in that he may be favored with same. o build would dowell o give contimie to keep on hand a dsof BER, DOORS, S & MOULDINwS, INGLES, LATII of. giving satisfacti him with their par r s workmen are emploe e n paid to Custom Plan! n to age,. • rge N H. "l3ROADFOOT. 03 (/) .._. (DI Z r p' 0 1-43 ci- 0 „ z m n 2 (0) o 2 a3ZINVA1VO NIVi HE SUF dersig L. R. S.,• eipro vein e FOLK BOARS.: rowed on A Elliott, Milt his dam - "King -Tom was bred by county of P el, and b were also in ported. were ever o ered for proven by tthe exbe registered the Can $1, with the GEORGE P OLES A E THE BET, -Th tin- ed has n w on Lot 21, Concessi p 2, ckersmi h, and will keep for the of Stec , Two Tihntocousasn Sur. The el est; "Granger," was far- ril 3rd, 1 2;was bred by Mr. Wm. in, Count of Halton. His sire and re both imported. The second, "was far owed in April, 104. He Messrs. Frank & Sons, of the th his sire and his dam hey are as good pigs as ervice in Huron as can be ded pedigrees which are dian Herd Book. Terms rivilege of returning if necessary. E91 EWES. • D. S. OAMPBELL, novni tiL. LAND. SURvEYOR and: Vivi Je Engin a Orders by mail promptlyl at- tended to. D: S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell. • pc=ivizioi\i-78 " CLIMAX " AND "PERE (ALL CAST IRON) HOT AIR FURNAC The most healthy, economical and best.known method of heating, cottage to the largest public building, made in - Nine Sizes for Brick Setting, a d even . Sizes in Portable Form, w thr • r -without Ash Sifting Cham ser. 91 S./ rom the Pairties building, Church Committees, School Trustees, and all others inter- ested, a,re respectiully invited to an examination of these fu maces. Samples now in stock. Boynton Furnaces and attachments are set up u der supervision, and fully guaranteed by the manufacturers. Estimates, cescr ptive ci.ta1ogue. and alPinformation cheerfully given. MRS. JOAN KIDi, HARDWARE STOVES AND TINWARE MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH1 TE Now is A TEA. TEA. T THE SEAFORTH TEA ST ie Time to Get the Best Value Ever Offered in Seaforth C31 , , -- A."[TIJ'T, . Received a Very Large Consignment of TEAS. Ben est anchliest Assorted Stocks west of TorontoIn Te Packages. Prices from 15c., ., 20c25c., 30c., 35c., 40c. per pound. This Stock Consists GREEN, BLACK, Rand TEA DUSTand will Guarantee them to b e Satisfaction, or Money Refunded. Also a large Stoc of Groceries. Flour, OatmealCornmealShorts, tsBarleyScreeningsChop FeedSaltCoal OilFiSh Carrots, and Cabbage. A large stock of China, Crocker TEA RE. or your Money: Has Jus w holds one of the Lar . alone he now holds 17 45c., 50c., 55c., and 60c. APAN, GUN- POWD , , all FRESH and give En of Sugars and all 'kind ran Buckwheat , , , , , , , e Flour, 0 ppla, potatoeS, Turnips, and Glassware. Also a L rge Assortment of Lamps and Lamp Trinnnings. 0 ts taken in Exchange for Oatmeal at Mil Rates. A QALL SOLICITED FROM ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE. A. G. AULT. SE FORTH WOOLLEN MILLS. !,!•!T.11,1.0r21?&T!M-INt-n -•!!*2.0.01:!.r. Ali Wool' Tweeds, Heavy and Light' The Best all Wool Uni n Flannels, Grey and Checks, Very Cheap. . Blankets, the Best in the Market. incy F II WoDt lannel. NION 'SHEETINGS SOMETHING G -OD, . Try a padr for winter, and yo I will never want to sleep -On cotton sheets ir cold \teethe again. - TRY A PAIR OF OUR UNION HOS, • They are Great Varlet ne for Summer. Hosiery made to Oiler, any size or Color.- knit , Reme la& Woollen Goods never were cheaper than at - thie 7 this is the a ace to get them at FIRST COST, For anything you want made give us a C 1, and we will try our best to please you every time. Farmers, Reu old Standar Mill for First-class Work. • I A G. VANEGMOND'S SON L. G. VANEG WO. roods and Yarns in sent time, and. n Woollen Goods mber this is the V. D. VetiEomose. FAR ERS, THRESF:ERS1 & MILLMEN REI USE McCOLL'S TWINE MACHINE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. & WILSON Sole Agents to? ALSO CYLINDER, EUREKA, BOLT CUTTING AIND ‘400L pIL - JA-;$ A. CLINE & CO. Sole Agents for Winghain. WM. H o Mutual. Life Assurance Cpmpqny, Popular Company of the Dominion. - 1870,. .] Active Local Agents -Wanted. NbRY, Manager, W. S. HODGINS,'G n'rl Agent. WATERLOO, ONT. - STRA70 1 D, 01N. Bruss s The subseti turning than and vicihity f that having n kiln and 'mod better positio Public with fl This being dealings in B fled satisfacti ceiving good from urn Fir and 15 cents We also bu the same pric Reurember Is Lime Works., ILL AHEAD. -1\T& SOI\T_ ers take this opportunity of re-. -s to the inhabitants of Brussels r vast patronage, and beg to state ade several improvements in their of burning, they are now in a than ever before to supply the t-elase lime.' he eleventh season of our business ussels, and having given unquali- n so far, the public can rely on re- reatment and a first-class article; telass Lime at 14 cents at the kiln. elivered. a No. 1 Lime for plastering at he spot, Brussels Lime Works. TOWN & SON. 908 TE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMICE. HEAD 0PPIC1, TORONTO. 'Paid up Capital, - Rest, - - $6,000,000. 2,000,000. PPESIDENT, HON. Wel. MCMASTER. -SEAFORTH BRANCH. The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continueto receive deposits, on which intexest is allowed on the Most favorable terms. Dnafts on all the principal towns and cities in Canada, on Great Britain, read on the United Statas, bought and sad. Office -First door Souen of the Conimercia A. E. IV:LAND, Manager. F. NOLMESTED, Solicitor 7 Aurora Quick Train Watch. -The Best Yet. SOLD ONLY By m, COUNTER, SEAFORTH, ONT. • I rrthiq Company manufactures a ciornplete lino of full plate watches, from ordinary te the finest grades, for all classes of watch wearers. They are all made with quick train, and are es- pecially adapted for railroad and all ordinary and • severe service. All made dust proof, have the perfect safety pinion, which prevents damage to parts in case of mainspring breakage, and John- son's patent attachment to regulate pins, which prevents hairspring from catchingean important nnprovement controlled by this Ceanpany Tbe stem-winding parts are made strong: and durable, guaranteed as safe, more convenien4 and service- able than the key winders. The extla fine grades are made th stem wind only. Every watch is warranted by special certificate, which the pure chaser receives from the Company'ssAgent The number cf jewels in each watch (vhich is en- gravtd thereon) indicates the quality; pur- chasers observing this are sure tol receive the quality they call for. The larger number of Jewels ii the better grades also represents the Bnigh, Ane adjustment, and carein txanufaeture, which produces more accurate time and longer service. The qualities are divided; as follows: ORDINARY. -Two grades are Ina& of this quality, engraved: 'Aurora Watch Co:, 7 Jewels," "Aurora Watch Co. 11 Jewels." MEDIUM. -Four grades eh thi quality are mades-etwo rn Gilt Firnsh, engeav4c1 "Aurora Watca Co., 11 Jewels, Extra." " Aerora Watch •Co., 15 Jewele," and two in Nickel lady finish- ed, engraved : Aurora Watch -Coa 11 Jewels." Aurora Watch to. 15 Jewels," Mt. -Tees grades of this qua itee-011e rn Fine Gilt Finish and one in Nick 4, engraved : “Aurora Wathh Co., 15 Jewels, adj sted,' EXTRA FINE. -Two grades of this _quality,- ene in Fine Gilt and one in Fine Nickel, engrav- ed : "Amon, Watch Co., 15 Ruby Jewels, ad- justed, Aurora, Illinois." Remember Counter's, Seaforth, is the only hsSaladc.e in tree County where these watches can be M. R COUNTER Practical Watchma.ker and J ewe Ile r. • This greet Household MeMeme ranks aniongst the leading necessaries of Life. These famous PIN purify the Blood, and act most I powerfnlly, . yet soothirigly, on the Liver, Stonnteh, -Kidneys and Bowels, giving tone, energy and vigor to these great Main Springs of Life. They are con- fidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all eases -where the constitution, :from what- ever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in rill ailmints incidental to females of all ages; anki as a Gen- eral Family Meditine are unsprpaesea, Its Searching and Healing Pro, erties are known throughout the World. For the cure of Bad LegS, Bad Breasts Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallide rerned' 1 effectually rubbed on the neck and c -hest, as sat into meat, enres Sore Throats. Bronchitis, :Conghs and Colds. For Glandular Swellings and Piles it aets like a charm. In Gout and Rheumatism, it never fails to afford relief. Manufactured only at Professor Holloway's Eetablishment, 78 New Oxford Street (late 533 Oxford Street) London, and sold at Is. VA, 2s. 9d., 4s. ed., iLi., 225., and 38s. each Box and Pot. V.1 Beware of Am- erican counterfeits,-Pnrchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London they are spurious 921-52 THE BIG MILS, SEAFORTH.1 The above mins have now been thoroughly re- built upon the complete HUNGARIAN ROLLER Ply3CESS. The Mill and Storehouse 1iadii%1 have been greatlY enlarged, and new mann ry applied throughout. . THE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS -AND- Flour Dressing Machines From the best Manufacturing Firms have been put in, and everything mammy added to enable her to turn o flour • SECO TO NNE In the Dominion, T grain from farmersand f have also deen extensivel_ now be taken from farm and loaded into ears at facilities foe reeeising elevating mid shipping improved. - Grain VIM wagons weighed, Le rate oi DO bushel per hour, by the work of two men. A -LARGE FEED S ONE -FOR- CUSTOM CHOP -PING Has been put in, and the necessary niaehinery lb r handling chop and coarse grains. A good shed has been erected, so that wagons can be unloaded and reloaded under eCv.er. WHEAT EXCHANGES Promptly attended to, and FIRST-CLASS ROLLER FOUR GUARANTEED. CITSTOVI PMMID Chopped satisfactorily and withoutdelays ROLLER FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS, And all Mods of CHOPPED FEED Constantly on hand. Highest Market Price,.Paid. in - Cash for an Quantity of eat, APPLE Ii3.riis.Rf?Ek8 - FINE; COARSE MID LAND SALT FOR SALE. Only first-class and obliging men will be kept to attend customers. The liberal patron* of farmers and general trade respeettuily solicited. A. w. OGILVIE & CO., PROPRIETORS, T. 0. KEMP Manager.