HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-08-21, Page 5'Weisnd
'Wing oil a
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Heart dis-
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Le storni ran
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It will cost
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of last week
thn Stewart,
Miss Maggie
sre united in
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A. oilleia,ted.t
is Grace M
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I. M. Sinclair
sported the
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IS, &C.. The
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e bride was
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rood wishes,
L pioneer of
the old home
an. illness of
a. Deceased'
isequently in
eft his native
the maritime
led for about
a returned to
r some years.
Young, of
ed to Caned&
iur-On I Ulla.
MI he earried
in oderich,
Ly of the old-
ty-fifth to
n spectacles,
it therris,and
eyes ter _an
of his death
aci the finest
, and he Pan-
ther business
month before
ner, who is
• . -
irlit HU
two montlie his junior, aural:yes him,and
be leaves besides a son, AndresonYoung,
of Colborne, and two daughters—Mrs.
Kirkpatrick, of Wavranosh, and Mrs.
Okl, of Colhorni to mourn his loss.
. Clintonew Era of Iast week
esays : For shoitime .past Mrs. Mc-
Laren, of the Queen's Hetet, has been
- missing small sums • of money ; because
she had no due to the thief `she gate noi
apecial attention to the matter,but when.
she learned last Week that about $53 had
been taken from her rim- na she began, a
anonough nives gateau, and aulpicion
rested on a yoi g woman employed
there. Shwas harged with the rah.
bery, but
denied most emphatically that
she had taken a Single cent, but when
-confronted ,by the Chief of Police, and
threatened with, arrest, she confessed
that she had taken the money. Her
.father, learaing a the affair, returned
some twenty edd dollars,aand promised
to see that the remainder was paid back.
nfr. E Fos er, a boarder in the house, is
also a Iose o the extent of $i,30, but
havin ne p oof as to who took t e same
thouesr tie ha well grounded au Oolong
• that the culprit is the same in both
- &sea.- he must be content to suffer the
loss. Several other boarders ate also
losers for small amountsValuable
rjewellery that was left in different rooms
of the house was untouched, doubtless
ecanse the appropriation of these would
lee givea her away too quick. - It
is needless to say that art soon as the
guilt was established, Mrs. Mc
Laren dispensed with her services.
—On July 24th a notorious traertit
named Charles Smyth, claiming to hail
from Hamilton, was brought before
- James Razlewoocl,-J F, of Lakelet,
charged with committin' g • rape on p.
young girl named Elizabeth Millok,
aged 15 years, a resident of the village
of Clifford, Bruce county. He was ar-
rested by coustable Thomas Beamish, Of
Wellington county, and after examina-
tion the magistrate fully committed
-prisoner for trial, and handed him over
to constable james Hamilton, of Lake -
let, to be taken to Gederich-jail. }learn-
t& knowing Something of the character
of the prisoner specially cautioned both
the Magistrate and Constable Hamilton
to exercise great care or he would
escape. Ifamiftou is said to have taken
the prisoner to his (Hamilton's)- -ouse
• and there removed the handcuffs bout
10 o'clock at oight, with the result that
Smyth esca d and has not since been
heard ofT1is created great in igna-
tion amongst the girl's friends, nd a
t oniplamt wa made by Robert IcIn-
tosh, and Co stable Hamilton wasj tried
before a bene of four J. P'—Robert
Miller, S. P. Dorland, Thorhas 13$aun-
ders and R. oss: at Wroxeter. They
have commi ted him for trial at the
next ecrart, o a charge of allowing a
prisoner to e cape. The delinquent con-
stable has be admitted to bail, 'hut it
• looks very in eh as though . a taiaarrie
age of sustice,has taken place with re-
gard to Smyth. , •
EEunonites in Dakota. .
Garieseuito, Dakota, August 15th, 885.
Eericet,-=-11any readers G THE
EX11081TOR -Win regret to learn f the
death of Mrs. W. Rintoul, whie i sad
event occurred ort Friday, 31st of uly.
Mrs. Rintoul has been iu delicate ealth
for some years. Mr. and Mrs. R tau'
moved here from Wawanosh five years
• ago Th j funeral was the larges ever
seen in Galesburg,—Mr. T. Ashfo d, of
the Willow Far , met with a s riots
aseidertt while cutting barley wi h his
new binder.. He was threadin the
needle when the team started o and
the needle went through his han In
answer to his cries for help his b'other
came and released him from his d: t ger-
°Tie position. If it had not been f r his
presence of inin4 in grasping th lines
with the other hand and thus sto pmg
the team his whole arm would, have
been torn off. As it is he ha lost.
the use of his hand for some time, hich
Will seriously impede his harv sting
Shame and Disg. race Cast pon.
Both Perth and. Huron
MR. EDITOR, -For some years ast it
has been a aven-known fact by very
person that has had occasion to ravel
-on the Hpe
Huron road, especially be ween
Irishtown and Seaforth that
it has been negleeted in a most no rious
manner by the short-sighted Ree res of
• MeKillop and Hibbert. And no an-
-other Most deadly reflection ha been
• •cast upon the above-named c nties
through the penny-wise and pearl( -fool-
ish system of those worthies, b the
reverend bicyclists, who have ha occa-
sion. to pass over that piece of ro d re-
cently, as they pronounced it the worst
they had. struck on their wholetho sand
of miles trip through Canada. Now, -
what are we ratepayers in these a join-
ing townships doing. Have w not
spunk enough about us to get u and
resent such censures east upon s by
those unworthieo.—A R,ATEPAY,ER.
Manitoba'and Northwe t
The farmers -of Neepawa; are com-
plaining of too much rain. They have
difficulty in saving their hay crop
—New potatoes for dinner was t e Way
marty of the Edmoiathn people cele ratecl
the 12th.ef July. Pretty early fir 53
degrees north latitude.
--eMr.....Thomas Watson, of Sten
tried to fire off a nitro-glycerine ea
one day last week and he succeed
it went off too soon and carried aw
thumb and first finger. '
—Dating a thunder storm at Br
on the 7th inst., a horse belonging
H. Greer was struek by lightnie
instantly killeck The porter a
Grand Central hotel was stunned
same flash. '
—Louis Riel's mother, who r
- at St 'Vital, walleed five miles th
the woods to, the Archbishop's pi
her bare feet the' ther day being
cited. aver the sentence of her son. The
poor woman is almost frantic with grief.
--The crops between Porta. e la
Prairie and High Bluff are in rema -ably
=fine condition, tall; heavy, and yen wing
fast. The yield will be except]. 'Jelly
large. - The weather is beautiful f r the -
hay and barley harvest.
—A brother of the Assiniboin chief
Runner, at Indian Head, recent' that
at and mortally wounded another ndian
named Eagle Child. The caus was
jealousy about a woman. The olice
have gone to make his arreit
—The weather at Feet MeLe • d this
summer has been partimelariy , fay ra.ble
for stock of all kinds. The grass ex-
' eellent, and 'water fairly plentif L If
the fall is as favorable as' the sum er has
been. stock will ge through this .. iter
idge femottnting to over $900 on his, $509 extra,
d but sessional allowance, he will be most
y his happy to contribute a handsome portion
of the remainder towazmaking up the
mien loss sustained by the Agricultural Socie-
W. ty of this place through the said failure.
and, Mr. Trow says he will be up in a few'
the days to see his friends here, and will
y the give an account of himself then. He
" must, like theprophetof old, be pos-
sides sassed of sonie mysterious power, if .he
ough is still reeking donations from that $500.
ce in —On Wednesday afternoon last week,
o ex- Miss Edith Babb, in company with a
number'of Mr. Re Babb's family, started
from Mitchell in a two seated rig for
Mr. John , Britton's, Hibbert, and •
when within . about two miles of the
place; some young horses .in an adjoining
field suddenly began to caper, and start-
ed the horse that the company were
driving. At the first jump some pad of
the harness broke and the beast plunged
into the ditch, upsetting the whole party
in a heap. Of the seven in the rig, in -
eluding . an. infant in the arms of Mrs.
M. Worth, from Chicago, Miss Edith
Babb Was the only one seriously hurt.
Her left arm was broken and dislocated
at the elbow. She and some others were
brought to town by Mr. Rodgers, near
whose place the accident ocean ecl, and
her injury was attended to by Dr. Hurl -
even bitter than last. The ehences are
favorable for a good winter.
--Miss Nellie Mills, of Neepa*a, had
a narrow eacepe from a frightful death,
at the residence of her brother David,
a few evening's ago. While in the act of
removing a kerosene lamp-it.exploded
and set fire to her hair and dress. It
was with considerable (Vacuity thit the
flames were extinguishe(1.
—A market gardener named Brigham,
whose place is located near 'Winnipeg,
has been very successful in 'the- cultiva-
tion of strawberries. The present season
from about one acre of eine he sold some-
thing over $420 worth of strawberries,
160 square yards of the area yielding
over $90 of the amount. •
--The Brandon Mail sari Mr. Han-
nah, ex -warden, has a, 25 acre field of
wheat that is so tall that a man 51 feet
high. would be completely concealed in
passing through it. The heads are from
four to six inches long and commeecing
to ripen. It is a marvel, and, if harvest-
ed carefully, will turn out at least forty
bushels to the acre.
—About forty head of cattle have re-
cently died in the neighborhood of
Norquay from an infectious disease.
Mr. Jemei, Barr lost several animals,
and finally.eecured. the services of Dis-
trict Veterinary Surgeon Young, of Pem-
bina Crossing, who prescribed a simple'
.and effective remedy, and the afflicted
cattle speedily recovered. •
—The Winnipeg Free Press of a re-
cent date aays : Slugger McKeown ap-
pears to have been indulging once more
his propensity for mauling other people.
On the train from Grand Forks the other
day he got into trouble with Conductor
Dorsey, and assaulted that functionary
in his usual artistic manner. Mr. Dor-
sey telegra,p,hed to Winnipeg to have the
police in waiting for the slugger, but
MeKeown left the train at Rosenfeldt,
and has not been heard from since. Mr..
Dorsey is a native of Seaforth,in the
county of Huron. _
—The. woollen mill at St: Boniface
was the scene of a -sad accident on.
Saturday afternoon, resulting. in the
death of a little six-year-oldidaughter of
Mr. Hill, riroprietor of the Mills.. She,
along with a number of oth4 children,
ware playing up -stairs in the building.
The deceased child was swinging on the
large belt, which had been disconnected
from the wheel. The poor child did not
observe her clanger as she swung to and
fro. Suddenly the belt came in contact
with the gearing and the child was
drawn into the machinery and crushed
alinoat to a jam. Death_ was instantane-
--A flock of between 600 and 700
sheep arrived in Calgary last week en
route to Captain DeWintOn's ranch.
The flock was brought iii by Mr. Thomp-
son, manager of the ranch, and came
from the Chinook ranch at the. head of
Pincher 'Creek. The journey of 200
Miles was accomplished in three Weeks
to a day, with the loss of only two ani-
mals on the, road. They are all clipped,
the wool having been disposed of to Mr.
Hallam, of Toronto. The number of
sheep on Captain DeWinton's ranch
now conies up to betoveen 1,500 and
—Rev. Mr. W. Nichol', of hloosomin,
met with: an eccident, which providenti-
ally did not prove fatal. . It would ap-
pear that the reverend gentleman was
driving in from his fern] to the ladies'
social held that day by' the Ladies' Aid
Society of the Presbyteriau church,of
which he . is the minister. On nearing
Mr. McCurdy's blacksmithery the horse
he was driving becaine unmanageable,
and turning to the left hand, where some
reapers and self -binders were standing,
threw the reverend' gentleman out, shak-
ing and bruising him very much. Dr.
Redmond was in attendance and, happily
found no bones broken.
. —A stranger in Listowel, giving his
name as Smith, got into trouble with
\ Town Constable bsborne, the night
watchman, a few evenings ago. On
being interrogated as to his destination,
Smith replied in uncivil terms, and after
some little altercation,. tried to establish
his independence by seizing the constable
by the throat. A stroke from the con-
stable's baton summarily settled mat-
ters for -the time being, and after being
confined: in the• cells over night, Smith
was brought before Squire Ciaimbell
-next day, and his experience cost him
$6, which he had to pay forthwith.
-ea-A case of rooster_ stealing has been on
trial for a couple of weeks at Ustowel,
-before Chief Justice Draper and Squire
'Belton. The prosecutor is Mrs. West-
laufer, of -Listowel, and the defendant is
Edward Boyd, of Elm& -The bird was
missing, and after sornk time was cap-
tured on Boyd's premises, but he denies.
all knowledge of how it came there. Up
to Tuesday the case had oceupied six
'sittings of the coOrt. A large number
�f witnesses have. been examined, and
considerable expenses have been incur-
red: The rooster appears regularly in
court in charge of the constable,- and its
repeated ctowing on- the Bench as the
respective counsels are discussing the
merits of the case is a source of artiuse-
ment to the -spectators.
—The Mitchell Recorder of bet tveelc
says: A ;few days ago Mr. S. W. Cull
received. a letter from Mr. Jas. Trow, M.
Ps, ;elative to the 'Agricultural Associa-
tion here,. which lost heavily by the
failure of the Mitchell Banking ,Com-
pany ; and he' said although he had re-
ceived demands from various societies,
Local Notices. • 8eh
Wagon it YOUNG have received a
quantity of extra fine hand painted French Ghtna ,
Tea Se* Which for finality Of goods, style and
finhili; beat any ever shown in Seaforth. Call rit AY
and see them they are worth looking at.
TO Rnier,--Two good eligibly situated e.
;;Ight-room houses to rent. Apply at Tian Ex- $500
rcemeoffice. 9141.
HARVEST.—Reid. & Wilson" have ,still
iu stook a quantity of Pure Binding Twine. 923 FAI
A BARGAIN for everyone during ;this
month. Call and secure it. at J. AlcLouennee s
Stook taking Sale.- Whitney's Bloek,',Seaforth.
• 923 • -
'The Annual
forth, will be
1886, en the
offered or coni
Fume- Ram
GRUAIOLDBY.—In Brussels, on the 31st ult.,
the wife of Mr. Christopher Grumoldby , of a
FQ:gAiNuCelf—..!_Anhtnneentralia, on the 8th inst., the
lafinetleci, Eol32."eire i..the
wife of Mr, Thos. E. Findlay of a son.
WILLS—HILL.—At the residence of the bridd's
' father, St. Catharines, on the 13th inst4
Rev. Mr. Radcliffe, Mr. Samuel Willie, of
'OWnitannriipoe.g, .34anitoba, to Florence S., eldest
daughter -of Mr. R. T. Hill, ofSt. Catharres,
ADAMS=LITTLE.—At St. Thomaschurch, Sea -
forth, on the 11th inst., by Rev. John Rid-
ley, Mr. Thomas Wilson Adams to Miss
Susanna Little, lboth of the township of
STEWART—SINCLAIR.—At the residence of
the bride's eather, Brussels, on the 12th
inst, by Rev. John Ross, B. A:, Mr. John
Stewart, barrister, of Belleville, to Margaret
sSe.is. daughter of Mr. Donald SinclaIl
ir, of iruer
JOHNSTON—JOHNSTON:—At the residence oI
the bride's father, Ashfield, on thol 5th
- inst., by Rev. John McFarlane, Mr. Wm.
Johnston to Miss Margaret Jane Johneton,
PICK— AR the residence of
oAtiell3f 1189100D.—At
the bride, on the 12th inst., by Rev. Mr.
Pascoe, Mr. Jas. Pickard to Mrs. Ann ar-
e wood, both of Exeter.
ROBINSON-nDAVIS.—At St. James' eh role
London South, on the llth inst., by Rev.
Evans Davis, M. A.'Rev. S. F. Robin op,
. -incumbent of Exeter and Hensel], count -of
Huron, to Blanche, eldest daughter of His
Honor Judge Davis. •
MURRAY—KERRse-At the residence of the
bride's mother, on the llth inst., by Rev. R.
Y. Thomson B. Df Mr. John Murray, of
Tuckersmith, to Mize Catherine Kerr, of
MEY RS—YOUNG.—At the parsonage, Varna,
oi the 19th inst., by Rev. A. E. Smith; Mr.
F ederiek. Meyers to Miss Elizabeth Young,
all of Brumfield.
' iSieteoarit, August 20th, 1885.
Fali Wheat per bushel (new) 80 78 to 80 80
Spring Wheat per bushel.... 0 80 to 0 82
Oats per bushel " 0 30 to 0 31
Peas per bushel. ' 0 66 to 0 66
Barley per bushel 0 40 to 0 60
13utter, No. 1, loose.... .. 0 10 to 0. 11
I3utter, -tub-0 to 0 12
Eggs. 010 to 010
Flour, per 100 lbs 2 15 to 2 40
Dressed Hogs, per 100 Is 5 00 to 5 75
Hay Orston • 8 00 to 10 00
Hides per 100 lbs., 500 to 5-50
Sheepskins each 0 50 to 0 85
....... 0.17 to 0 20
Salt (retail) per barrel__ . 80 to 1 00
Salt (wholesale) per barrel.. 0 80
Pota1oes per bushel.... 0 40 to �40
Woo pe cord
- 2 50 to 3 60
Wedeln Augnst 2oth, 1886. -
Fall Wheat per bushel (new) , - 80 78 to 80 80
Spring Wheat per bushel... , „0 80 to 0 82
Oats per bushel. ... . . . 0 30 to o
Barley per bushel .. ... 0 40 to 0 50
F'eae!per bushel • 0 55 to 0 58
Butter 0 12 to 0 14
Eggs 0 10 to 0.10
Hay per ton.... .......... 8 00 to. 10 00
Pota 0es per bushel.............0 40 to 0 40
Applies per barrel, 2 00 to 2-00
Wool. 0 17 to 0 20
Hides per 100 lbs 6 00 to 7 00
Pork ....................5 6 75 to 5. 75
• 2 60 to 8 60
Tottoerro, Aug. 20.—Fall wheat, $6.80 to $0.82
spring, 80.80 to 80.82; oats, 360 to 87b; peas 64e
to 64c; barley, 50e to 69c ; hay, perton, $9.00 to
812.00; I butter, 140 to 180 ; . potatoes, per bbl.
60c to 65c; eggs, per doz., 12c to 13c; dressed
hogs, per 100 lbs., 86.60. •
LIVERPOOL, Aug. 19. --Spring wheat 07s 00d;
red winter, 7s Old; California No. 1, 07a.02d ;
California No. 2, 6s 10d r oats, 4s 044; barley, 5s
Ad ; peas, 5s 074;- pork, 55s 004; cheese, 38s 06d
at Jersey Bull "Young Glamour" coming four
years old, or will exchange for a good. sound
working horse. A. G. VANEGMOND'S SONS,
Woolen Mills, Seaforth. - 923tf
MENDERS.—Tenders will be reeeived lee!the
I undersigned until Tuesday,,the -1st dayy-o-f
September, for moving the dwelling house e a
present occupied by Mr. D. McIntyre. Fill
particulars .can be obtained by applying at 1 in
office The lowest or any tender not necessarily
once ted. Seaforth, August 20, 1885. D. D.
WIL ON. , _ , - • 923-2
CAjUTION.—All persons arebereby cautioned
• against I purchasing or negotiating a prom-
isary note of $115.20, 'dating on or about the 19th
• or 20th of May, 1885, made by Jaime Clokeei, in
favor of one John Mitchell, in .behalf of the Atha,
Life Insurance Company, as no value has been
received for same, and payment will be disputed.
JAMES CLOKEY, Morris. 92313
0 EED WHEAT FOR SALE.—The undersigned
tj has on and a quantity of Martin's Amber
Wheat, which be °flees for sale. This Wheat is
undoubtedly the best Fall Wheat in cultivation,
it was sold two years ago kir $9 per bushei. And
also. a quantity of Bownell Wheat, another new
variety. They both are warranted free of all
foul seeds. IL ett G. BROCKeMill Road, Tucker-
mith. , . 9233(4
AIM FOR SALE.—For sale 100 acres exeel-
lent farm and pasture land. Never failin7g
ream runs through the fain]. Frame barn.and .
houee. Two lime kilns, plenty lime stone and
Wood convenient, and good sale forlime. Good
roads leading to each place. It is 3 miles from
Lueknow, church and school within one 'tile.
eeiente easy and price reasonable. Apply : by
tter to Lucknow P. 0., or personally at Lot'14,
Concession 4, Kinloss township. JOHN c -
HARDY.. 923x
ARM FOR SALE.—Flir Sale Lot 17, Condes-
sion 10, Hay, containing 70 acres; all clear-
ed, well fenced and in a first-class state of culti-
eation. There is a. large fraine house nearly
pew, with stone, cellar underneath. A new beide
barn, two good wells and a large orchard of geod
fruits. It is within three-quarterti of a mile frbm
Zurich, where there are stores, churches; a pest -
office, school, grist mill, &c., also six miles frem
Hensall, and twelve from Exeter. Apply on the
tiremisestbr to Zurich I'. 0. MRS. JAS FANSQN,
Zurich P O. - 9231f
, .. !
. ,
SPLENDID CHANGE.—For sale on easy
terms the east -half of Lot 15,on the 3rd Con-
cession, and the South half of Lot 16, on the 4th
Concession, containing 100 acres, 80 cleared and
Under fence, and 47 acres . in grass, the balance
well timbered. The soil is good and there is
plenty of good water. There is an excellent
frame dwelling hbuse, also frame barn 3606
with other neeessary stables and sheds. • Also
two good bearing- orchards containing the best
grafted fruit. It is four miles from Clinton, and
eeven from Seaforth with good gravel roads lead-
ingto each. If not sold by the 1,10th September,
it will be rented. Apply on the premises or ad
rest Clinton P. 0. WM. MeMILLAN. 922-tf
1 •
COUNTY, MICHIGAN.—The soil it; a rich
lay loam, easily cultivated and well wateredby
numerous living streams, is especially adapted to
the _growth of wheat, yielding from 20 to , 45
bushels per acro, oats, barley, peas, corn, and
root crops, and is unsurpassed for Hay and graz-
ing pnrposes. The climate is temperate, 10-0
below being the coldest inthe last cold winter.
Hence fruft is grown with great success. With
four railroads and lake steamers touching
at her numerous ports, transportation es- the
Cheapest and markets the beet. Schools are
numerous and Church Privileges within easy
, reach. Good turnpike roads teed through all
these lands to market Owns. These lands are
easily cleared, the cost not exceeding from.83 t�
$10 per acre, and can be bought at low pieces and
on ease', terms. Address GEO, A. MAYWOOD,
Bad Axe, Michigan. e 923x4
horse, 860 ; 2n
following horse
George 1 White
gray horse, Br
T. A. 'Igtharp's
Hemet ; John
James , Millar'
Shane'bay ma
Any horse in
the appinval of
horses that ha
19th of August,
2n4; i860; 3rd, e
8100".;. 2tid, 865;
I '
• Ileatinin all r
Racesite be tro
ation Rtles. E
In all cates four
race. All entri
epee with the.e
with the Score
on the 3td of Se
• The COmmit
all or any of th
able weather.
any take will on
Clinton ; Wm.
man, starting J
Admis}3ion, 25
Fall oes,
ept. 4th,' 1885.
vi W PAR
all Rces On Fairiiew ark, Sea-
eld qn Friday, Septe ber 4th,
Iloliowing liberal pure s will be
titi , viz:
Nam d Race, for $ 26, — 1st
, $85' 3rd,.$20; 4th, • On The
' co pete m this ra : Abel's
forth; Grangers marc, line/field ;
ey's Sorrel mire, eaforth ;
bay ono, Seaforth: Turner's
'cede d; Murdoek's ay horse
awk aw's bay mare, Exeter;
so rel horse, Olinin; L.
e, Ble th.
y en er in this race $ bject to
he c mmittee.
Ope to trotting an, pacing
O nev r beaten 2 15 fore the
1885, purse l75;$lst rse, 90;
Free for alt,—Purse, *200; lst,
3rd, 25.
es, b st three in five to harncss.
d nder the National Associ-
tran so fee 10 per cent. o1 purse.
to en er and three to start or no
mu be made in sealed envoi-
tranc fee enclosed, and :lodged
ry.no later than 9 o'clock p.m.,
tem er.
e reserve the right to postpone
meet; in the event of unfavor-
how distancing the field in
y be entitled to first money. '
Dixon, Brumfield ; D. Kennedy, °
olborne, Goderich ; . Cole-
cents; Carriages, 25 cent extra.
Nvomalkv `nadva
W doh HEIN
n to
. Th alway
now showing
Good are e
an,d-1. awe
you. icew D
nels; weeds,
Hats Collars,
to se \them.
chea why
be dovince
trou ld tc she
LL G09,08
ready Come to Hand •
n Bros.,
take' the lead, trnd are
l'xitter value th n ever.
er, styles th latest,
t just what wi 1 please
Goods, 'Wind s, Flan-
nkets, Under lothing,
s, &c. Oh, y u ought
T lk about goo being
Jest c me and
welcome. No
n Bros.,
_ Our purchases this season have exceeded those of
anytr uvinerudssld.E
-velaaiininein,taking goads into consideration, that we canna b91
Bletgk and Colored Cashmeres, Velveteens, Dress Goods,,
Flannel:, Cretonnes, Winceys, Lace Curtains, .aces,
Gloves, c. All Summer Goods aid Re z-
nants' at Cost and Less.
Gents' Furnishings Depakenent
Nobby stock of Hats and Caps. ,Ties, Collars, Braces, Dressed
dressed Shirts and Underwear. NEW TWEEDS—Leave you order f
A fit guaranteed every time. TERMS—Cash or Produce
and Un -
r a Suit.
Has now on hand tlie well-known Nos. 3 and 15 General Puiposc P1 ws, which
need no word of commendation. He is also introducing the No. 17, a new Steel
Plow of this year's pattern. It has an adjustable beam'steel shear, skimmer,
mould board and coulter. It has been thoroughly tested, aid gives universal
satisfaction, and he can confidently recommend it to the publie. Tn* Wide Plows
he has
Nos. 14 and 16. Purcheseis cao have a trial of any of these fPlows, and if not
satisfied, can return them. - They will be scold cheap for cash o on short credit.
General Blacksmithing and Horseshoeiryg as Usual.
Remember the place, McNa,ught's old stapd, in rear of the- 'den Lion Store,
Seaforth. - .
D. 1iOG1kN1
Post Office Tea Ware
A.large consighment. of our famous Teas just to hand—to e best
in this viemity for the money.
er offered.
CHASE AND SANBORN'S Celebrated Coffees a specie, ty—allrides and
prices. A car load of refined and raw Sugars to arrive.
Perm Produce taken at highest prices.
The Very Latest News!
I •
I have noy on hand a peat variety of Ladies't! and Gentle en's F ne Boots
and Shoes fo the summer trade, consisting of the latest styles and bet manu-
facturers. y Ladies' trench Kidifitlove Kid and Calf Kid. Jand se ed But-
ton Boots.• See them, no others have them. I have else on ha d the elebrated
Maltese Cross Bread, and J. & T. Bell's goods in . French - id1 and Polish Calf
goods. A grand assortment of Men's Fine Balmoral Boots, Oxf rd and , ie Shoes
at bottom prices. have Women's French Kid Button i3pot for $2. 0 ; ditto
Polish Calf, $2; ditto Pebble and Buff, 31, Men's Fine eal Canadian Shoes,
31.50; ditto Buff Oxford Ties, $1.50. •
By examining my, immense stock, the greater part of Which was bo ght at, a
low rate on the dollar, you will at once see the great saving you can ma1e in.buy-
ing from me.. Remember the place, McIntyre's old and reliab e boot ind Shoe
Store, Main Street, Seaforth.
- Is the best place to spend yournioney.
Main Street, Seaforth the Peal:he
Has now a better stock than ever of GROCERIES, CROCKE
WARE, Sugars and Teas a specialty; t40 pounds of Sugar for
50 cents. Hams and Bacon, cured id my own packing haste
Honey extracted pure from my own, every, at 15, cents. pe
pounds for $1.
s Grocer,
Y and GLASS -
1. Good Tea for
always on hand.
pound, or eight
1, .
H. 'ROBB Sleafor,th.
Industrial Fair
Agricultural .Exposition
- 1885.. i
. The laegest Prizes, and the ;hest Show of
Horses, Cattle,Sheep, Pigs,Poultrte Agricuituml,
Horticultural and Dairy Prodqte, efsehinery,
Implements and Manufactures of all kinds in the
Dominion of Canada.
Prize Lists and Entry Forms ear; be obtained
-from the Seeretaries of all Agricultural -Societies
and Mechanics' Institutes, or they will be sent
anywhere On applicatdon by post card tothe See-
retary, at Toronto,
Special Attractions
Ate being prepared ber that time, for full partic-
ulars of which see. Special Pregramenes.
ail F
Cheap Bates and Excursions on all . —
ways. The hest time to visit the
City of Toronto7 ;
J. J. WITHROW, IL J, !Hill,
President. Manager and Secretary,
923-4 .. Toronto..
Insurance Agency
Sewing Al achine Depot
General Fire, Marine, Life and Acci-
dent insurance Agent.
Dealer in the WHITE and *RAYMOND Sewing
Machines (family and nfanufacturinee) These
machines have both been in use in this part of
this County for the past ten years, and during
that time have given the best of satisfaction on
all kinds of work. They are easilY kept in order,
and so simple that a child tem use them. All
machines warranted for fiveyeats, and instrue-
tions given free of charge by a, competent oper-
ator. I AM the sole and exclusive denier for Sea -
forth, and this part of theeounty for these Ma-
chines. Also dealer in Needles, Oil and all kinds
of Sewing Machine parts. All kinds of Sewing
Machines repaired promptly- Charges reason-
able. ()Mee,— Second Door -South et weies
Loan and Investment
• C 0 IVII).ALTNTar".
This Company is Loaning Money on
Farm Security -at lowest Rates
Of Interact
Mortgages Purchased.
3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on
Deposits, according to -amount and
time left..
OFFICE.—Corner of Market Square
and North Street, Goderich.
Godeilch, August 5th,1885. • ! 922
All in want of first -class -Dairy oode will do
well to call a
C. M. Whitney's,
And seenur American Iron -clad Milk Gans! and
Pails, just the thing to stand rough handling.
A full stock of Canse Pails, Pans, iStrainer, and
everphing for the dairy,
Golden Star Oil Li?anye
With large tops and stands. No, table er box
required to stand it on, and Just .as cheap as
smaller stoves. Every stove guaranteed. .
In ordering Trougbing don't forget to eee our
Gelvanized Iron Trough in six foot lengths,
making few joints and a better job.
A full line of Stoves, Tinwiire, Cutlery, Lamps, ,
American and Canadian coal always on.
All orders for Jobbing promptly attended to
N. B.—Three-hundred Cedar Poste fer sale. '
1 _ •
In the High Court of Justice .
Chancery Division.
- ,
PURSUANT to a Judgment or (;)rd-er made in
this cause and dated the 23rd day of June,
1885, .there will be sold by and with the appro-
bation of Sutherland MaIceinson• Esq, one a
the Masters of the Supreme Court 1 Judicature
fin. Ontario at Goderich, at Ha -v - eves Hot,e1,
in the Village of Exeter, at three e'elock in the
afternoon of Saturday, the lith day of September,
1885, the following lands, viz : Tire East seventy
acres of Lot number thirty-one, in the Fifth Con-
cession of the Township of Usborne, in the
County of Huron, save and except the extreme
easterly acre thereof. All the said /and itielear-
ed and well fenced, withthe exeeption of about
five acres having good rail timber thereon: The
land is of excellent quality, well watered and has
erected thereon a good fra.me barn 36x54 feet,
and a one and one hall story framahouse nearly
new, with stone cellar irndexneatih. There is.
also an orchard of about one acre itocked with -
choice trees. The said 'lands are verSeonvenient-
ly situated, being about 6 ink fro4i Exeter, and
5 from Hensall, and having a P stet -Hee and.
School House !within tate miles. TERNS OF SALE.
---Ten per tent. down on the day of Sale to the
Plaintiff's Solicitor, and the balance to be paid,
LIAO Court within 30 days thereafter, when
the purchaeer will be entitled to a convey-
ance and posseesiota, but the purchaser will be
allowed to enter on the lands for the purpose of
ploughlng immediately after the present crop is
reaped. The said la.nds will be offered for sale
subteet to a reserved bid. In all other respects
the eenditions of sale will be thettateline eon-
aditicilemt431.1t0h1118NellirkeellFIleor. Er:het:70r Trtioreirnlargto,
e essrs. GA,RROW st PROUDFOOT, Barristers,
Goderieh, or to the undersigned. msoN
Dated at Goderich this 18th day _of Jelly, 1886.
11P9V21a1-.InE5tii'lifflairrSolle.Exiteette. r.
a, !GOCICTIch.
LOW NustA'7
. V.?