HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-08-14, Page 74444 r OMSe 1f A ,t;ustabie move cut. He= me and durable &TRE .riding purchas. X11 before Anna Frye Door South Seaforth.. :. :T ON 0 U .AN I Silver STORE, 'RE }[oteL. Y- DONE. Running New - PAY YD EIE IDRY,. ►EAFQRTHr k of y tor this county. xng Plow for this: Ina that it lathe ..ERS light and dein; E HERS will last longer Having special e can guarantee n given to re and Grist Mil11,. 3fachines, and on shortnotice d Others. at lowest rates. tion: leniennt% of L. 3)-- e e of repairs con- €EDRY. r moved I iNT G= rHr, has rerroyed tet` opposite his Off' `where he will: be tons and as try 'or hint with their itween Henderson's s Shoe Store, GE E INGe At1GUST 1.41 188 Fact and Rumor. Dr. Horsey of ttawa, who served -with the Midland Atattalioil, attracted ..eon8klerable attenti n while visiting his patientamounted on : prairie pony owned and riden by Big a r during the -recent. -recent aampitige. Whereve the Doctor alight - ea large crowds g hered to ..examine the steed, the cu ously !constructed saddle and other t , : pings. 1 The throne of the tnpreas of Russia completely cover .d with plites of aohl, and .contains 1,500 rubies • and 6,000 turquoises , r : sides many other rare and costly gem+ :. The ` throne of the Czar is known as he diamond throne. Russia possesses in re precious stones than any other na ion, a majority of which were procu = at the• expense of .blood. The jewels + the Cathedral of .Moscow alone,are va ed at $12,000,000. A new way to ins e money has been .discovered by the E + _ fish lady who ad- vertises : "London ason. A lady of good positioir, withot children, offers to .take charge of a yo ng lady of good family, and present + • r to a wide circle .of the very best soeie y this season, from June ist to July 31s Exceptional ad- -vantages offered. f erms, £600. All communications con ential. Address, ,etc." Just how high wav s "mountain high" are,may be learned fr in the observations of Dr. Scoresby, who :: ys that in a very Heavy gale in the Atl atm the waves are from twenty-four to 1rirty-six feet -high,. or from twelve to eigl teen feet above and; below the mean level f the sea. During a raging storm they 1 ave been forty-five feet (twenty-two an a half feet above and below). The "Pall 1•Iaii Ga ette" learns by the last Japanese mail t at a law has been passed that Japane a officials of all classes must give up their native dress. and adopt the Euro an when engaged , in their official wor ,andas the latter is beyond the means - of those -who get only small salaries, snit of European clothing is to be fu nished to each of thenr at the cost of t e State. —The ten finest buile ings in this country, according t time majority vote given in the " Ameri an Architect," are 1inity Church., Bort n ; the Capitol at Washington ; W. K. 'anderbilt's house. Trinity Church, id the Jefferson Market Court -House New York ; the City Hall, Hartforc City Hall and State Capitol, Alb. ny ; Sever Hall, Cambridge ; and T s nal Hall, North Easton. = —The General Ass: mbly of Scotland had the question of i instrumental music up again at its recent sessions, and by a majority of a hundre it was determined that the churches sho 11d be at liberty to introduce instrument of music into the service of praise v -he 'ever a large major- ity of the congregatio so voted. How many are necessary tc make a " large " majority is not states . —Vienna has a ew. Sunday law, called into existence by the extent to which manufactures nd trade are - car- ried on. It was enae ecl in the interests of rest for the workin man on one clay in the week,rather than of religious observ- ance of Sunday. It is calculated that at least 50,000 eoplare by it released from the necessity of working on Sun- day. —Frank Il<ueklanc ' biographer re- cords that when the c at naturalist lay dying, "God is so go s d," he said, so very good to the littl: !fishes, I do not believe he would let :heir inspector suf- fer -shipwreck at la -t. I am going a long journey, where think I shall see a great many midi us animals. This journey I innst go al-ne." —The report of t ie housing of the poor states that the inglie--roomsystem for families is spread ng in central Lon- don, where, notwi ehftanding eighty- eight per cent, of ti e poor pay more than one-fifth of their income in rent, twelve persons of di erent families were in some cases found i i one room. . Sunst oke. Sunstroke is causes y excessive heat, and especially whe i the weather is "muggy." It is mo:e apt to occur on. - the second, third, o fourth day, of a heated tern than on he first. Loss of sleep, worry, excites emit, close sleeping . rooms, debility, al. use of stimulants, predispose to it I is more apt to attack those workin.' in the sun, .and . •especially between tllle hours of 11 • .o'clock in the morning and four o'clock in the afternoon. 11 ve as cool sleeping rooms as possible. void loss of sleep .and all unnecessary fatigue. If work- ing indoors, and whe e there is artificial beat, laundries, etc., see that the room -is well ventilated. f working : in the sun, wear a light hat (not black, as it absorbs the neat,) stI aw, etc., and put inside of it, on the h: a 1, a wet cloth or' a large -green leaf ; f -equeutly lift the hat from the head nd see that the eloth is wet. -Do n check perspira- tion, but drink what e Yater you need to keep it up, as perspii a ion prevents the body from being of e heated. Have, `whenever possible, a additional shade, .as a thin umbrella w walking, a can - •sass or board cover nhen working in 0 the sun. ' When mites fatigued do not go to work, but be e c,used from work, especially after 11 o' 1pck in the morn- ing on very hot daysf the -work is in the sun. If a feeling of fatigue, dizzi- ness, headache and xhaustion occurs, cease work imnmediat • y, lie down in a shady, cool place ; a ) ivy cold cloths to -and pour cold water rv-er the head and -neck. If anyone is overcome by the heat send for the n • E .rest good physi- cian. While waitint rfor the physician, " give the person cool 1•inks of water, or • cold black tea, or col coffee, if able to swallow If theski is hot and dry, sponge with and. pour cold water over the body and limbs, nd apply ` to the head pounded ice wr ped in a towel or other Cloth. If ther is no ice at hand, .keep: a cold cloth on . ie head, and pour cold water on it as x ell .as on the body. If.the person is pal • very, faint, and pulse feeble, let him inhale ammonia for a few seconds, or gix him a teaspoon- ful of aromatic spii: of ammonia in two tablespoonfuls o water with a little sugar.—American C ltivator. A Huge The Salt Lake, of the 10th ult., say .Kanosh, yesterday e to a fleece which heaviest ever dlippe weight being 67 p from which it was 'Merino ram, three previous to being Ile had only been s and the marvelous from him is. of 23 m is a twin, and Mr Fleece. tah Evening News Chas. Crane, -of lied our attention e claims to be the from a sheep, the unds. The animal taken is a French ears old, weighing heared 322 pounds. eared once before, fleece lately taken. nths' growth. He Crane also has his 44, mate in his possession. Their sire cost $1,000. He imported them from Cali- fornia when quite young, so that the fleece is grown here, which goea to sup- port what Mr. Crane °claims--.tliat Utah is the finest country in the world for sheep. He left a sample of the wool with us, and it certainly is wonderful both ` for the fineness and length of its fibre. Mr. Crane expresses his inten- tion to start east in about a month with a view to purchasing sheep, from which to breed, in Vermont and Missouri." Mr. Crane is a Canadian, and is a son of Mr. John Crane, of Galt. • GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. "By a thorough 'knowledge of -the natural laws which govern the Operations of digestion and nu- trition, and by a car ful application of the fine properties of well selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many doc- tors' bills.- It is by the )udieious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradu- ally built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of. subtle mala- dies are fioatijlg around •us ready to attack wherever there is a Weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft , by keeping ourselves- well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourish- ed frame."—Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water Or milk. Sold only in packets by grocers, labelled thus—" JAMES Ems & Co., Homc©opathio Chemists, London, England." Sole„ ag.mt for Canada, C. E. Colson, llfontreal. 884-52 McGregor & Parke, of Hamilton Ont., are the manufacturers of the greatest healing and purifying compound known for sores, burns, cute, scalds, salt rheum, frost bites, etc. It is called McGregor & Parke's Car- bolic Cerate. Be sure and get, the genuine 31c - Gregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate sold by Lums- den & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth, at 25 cents a box. 912.52w. Hamilton Happenings. . There is now being.inttnufactured here an arti- cle for instantly removing pain of any acute ex- ternal nature, and itis certainly the most perfect etre for neuralgia, headache, toothache, and the like that has ever been tried. It is called Fluid Lightning frons the rapid manner in which it acts, and is manufactured by McGregor & Parke, Sold in Seaforth by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists. 912.52w. it woe— "What re"What Say You to a Piece of Roast Beef and -Mustard 7' Weil, there is mush to be said. The question being asked of the banqueter at the average boarding house, calls .up reminispences of close contiguity to the horns, and beefsteak three cuts south thereof. He, of course, will pass,.unless it occurs to him that he needs a hinge for his trunk. Should there be any suffering, the effects of an indulgence in such sinuous fare, use McGregor's Speedy Cuie, a sure • and ' effectual remedy for dyspepsia, constipation, and all affections of the stomach and liver. Sold, by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth. Trial bottles free. 912.52w. • weI.e... • Hollowa' js Pills. The change of temper tune and weather fre- quently upset persons wh are most cautious of their health, and most;pa icular i their diets. These corrective, purifying, and gentle aperient Pills are the best remedy for all defective actions of the digestive organs; they augment the appe- tite, strengthen the stomach, correct biliousness, and carry off all that is noxious from the system. Holloway's Pills are composed of rare balsams, unmixed with baser matter, and on that account are peculiarly well adapted for the young, deli- cate and aged. As this peerless medicine has 'gained fame in the past, so will it preserve it in the future by its rei'Aovating and invigorating qualities, and its' incapacity for . doing harm. 912.52w. ' gees If You Have to work early and late+ and get little or no exer- cise, take Haningten's-Quinine Wine and Iron to give you strength. See that you get Hanington's, the original and genuine: 891.52w. • A Wise Precaution. During the summer and fall people are liable to sudden attacks of bowel_ complaints, and with. no prompt remedy or medical.aid at hand, life may be in danger. Those whose . experience has given; them wisdom, .always keep Dr... Fowler's Extract of !Wild Strawberry at hand for prompt relief; and a physician is seldom required. 857. 52 tit-; • es•es • . Always required.-A=good, cathartic medicine. National Pills will not "disppoint you. 857.52w. . On the 'Rise. ." Leaves have their time to fall," says the poet, -but wild strawberry leaves are on the rise just now; being utilized in such enormous quan- tities: in making Dr. ' Fowler's Extract of Wild ,Strawberry—the infallible remedy for cholera morbus, diarrhoea and;other summer complaints. 857.52.2w. ' . —410-* Low's Sulphur Soup should be found with every: toilet. It is cleansing and healing. 857.52rrm. A Hearty Endorsement. The people, the press .land the profession all heartily endorse the .merits of Burdock Blood Bitters as the best bleed and liver regulator and purifying tonic now iiiuse.l 857.5.2.2w. • Dr. Low's Pleasant Worth Syrup is a safe and reliable worm remedj- for all worms affecting children or adults. 867.52m. Adverting Cheats! It has become so cdthmon to begin an article, in an elegant, interesting style, Then run it into seine advertisement, that we avoid all such, And simplycall attention to the merits of Hop Bitters in as plain, hdrjest-terns as possible, To•induce people To give therm one tfrial, which so proves their value that they will river use anything else. The semedy so favorably noticed in all the papers. . . Religious and secular, is Haring a large sale, and is supplanting all other medicines. There is no denying the virtues of the hop plant, and the proliietors of Hop Bitters have shown great shrewdness and ability r ' In conmpounding a hiedieine whose virtues are so palpable to every otie's observation. Did She Die ? No } She lingered and s}iffered along, pining away all the time for years.'; The doctors, doing her no good And at last was cunei by this Hop Bitters the papers say so such -about; Indeed ! I nd.eed ! r • . How thankful we should be for that-medi- eine. . A;Daughter's Misery. Eleven years our daughter suffered on a bed of misery. ' From a complication of kidney, liver, rheu- matic trouble and nertous debility, _ Under the care of the best physicians, Who gave her diseassevarious names, But no relief, i And now, she is restored to us in good health by as simple a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we had shunned for yearsibefore using it. I : 1 The Parents. Nongenuine j e vithout a bunch' of green Hops on the. white ilabel. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with ",lop or " Hops" in their name. 919.52m. I • 4.a Freeman's Worm Powders are safe, sure` and speedy to remove wiorrs froth children and adults. 857.52in. a 4.�.— A National Evil. There is no:question by that dyspepsia is the national disease of out country, and when com- plicated with diseasesjof the liver and kidneys is the cause of untold m>,sery. Burdock Blood Bit- ters will almost invthiably cure the worst case known. 857.52.2w. 1 A Radical Change. The best . eradicator of foul humors of the blood is Burdock Blood Bitters. A few bottles produce((a .radical change for the better in health and beauty.' It'removes the blood taint of Scro- fula, th t terrible disease so common in this country 857.52.2w. None Better. There is no more wholesome or delicious fruit on earl than the wild strawberry, and there is no more effectual remedy for cholera, dysentery, cram pps d other summer complaints of infants or soul , than Dr. Fo3vler's Extract of Wild Sura berry. 857.52.2w. - Ij LEGAL. JM. BEST, Barrister,, Solicitor, &0, Office— . Rooms formerly occupied 'by Carroll & Dickson; Meyer's Block, over Johnson's Hard- ware Store; Main Street, Seaforth. Goderich. Agents I Cesteeox, HOLT & CAMERON. 870 GARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solliei- tors, &e., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. GARRoiv, W. I`ROUDFOOT. 686 • 13 —1. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Private Money to 1 end at lowest rates of interest... Office - Corner .ilf Square and West Street, Goderich. 774 AMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, k_e Solicitors in Chancery, &c„ Goderich, Ont. M. C. -CAMERON, Q. C., PHILIP HOLT, M. G. CAMERON'. 1 506 TOFTliTS -E. DANCEY, late with Cameron, J Hq t & Cameron, Goderich; Barrister, So- licitor, Conveyancer; &c. Money to loan. Ben- son's Olt' 0ffic€, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 iT AN*ING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. ' Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale. & Gale. Money to loan. Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. MA nave, James SCOTT. • 781 FIIO ,MESTED, successor to the late firm of McCaughey & Holmested, Barrister, So- licitor; Conveyancer and Notary.,Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. oney to lend.' Farms for sale. Office: in. Scott's 'Block, Main Street,•S_eaforth. • -MONEY -TO LOAN. ONEY TO LOAN.—Straight loans at 6 per au: cent. Interest payable half yearly, or 6 - per cent. yearly, with the privilege to borrower of repaying part of the principal mimes, at any time: Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister, Seaforth. 850 DENTISTRY. LT H1MAPs orei.;r , , D. S., and M. R. C. D., of pets J f T. Toronto. All operations -- guaranteed. ds adrn nistered.t Specialties— Goll• Finall ing and Perfect Fitting ° Plates. Town p tients will please make engagements a day r two previous to having the opera- tion performed. rw.Rem6mber the place, in the rooms formerly occupied by C. Caitwright, up -stairs in Cady'sBlock, apposite the Commer- cial Hotel, Seaferth. 874 WJ TSO 3 IENTIST, Faculty Gold Medallist and College - Gold Medallist,Toronto School . f Dentistry. Rooms over Johnsons' Hardware, Main Street, Seaforth: f• 911 Grand Trunk Railway, Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as follows :• ' GOING. WEST— Express........ Expres .... .. .... 8.58 r. at. Mixed Train........ 8 15 A_ M. GOING ETT— Expres .. Mixed Train. • London, Huron and Bruce, Gorso Tea-- - Londe , depart Mixed. • Mail. Exeter 8.20 • 6.10 Hensel. '8.45 6.24 Belgraee, . 11.00 7.46 _ Whig -I -tient, arrive 11.30 8.00 Genets Sarum— • Expeess. Mixed. Wieginini, depart 7.20 A,M.11.30 A. N. Londeeboro 8.08 12.37 London, arrive 10.45 . 5.30 gton, Goixo. NORTH— Ethel Brussels Wingliana GOING SOUTII Wingham Blitevale Brussels Grey and Bruce. Acearn. Express. Mixed. • 2.511 0.21 10.00 3.20 9.54 11.30 7.25 11.55 8.45 dine, rUns on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays , AUCTION SALE SPLEND,ID FARM IN McKILLOP. rpHE undersikned will offer. for Sale by• Public 4. Auction • at the Commercial Hotel, Sea-. forte, on Saturday, Auguat 22nd; 1885, at 2 o'clock p. in., North half of Lot 30, Concession • 8, McKillop, containing 50 acres square, nearly all cleared and free from , stunips, Well drained and Well fenced. There is a good tog house and I frame barn and stable. Also it never failing' spring ivell. It is within half a mile of school, and within three quarters of a mile from the vil- lage of Winthrop which contains Mills, Stores, Cheese, Factory, Blacken -Oh Shops, Post Office; &c., and iMly five Miles Dom the tbwp of Sea. forth. i This is one of the choicest lots in the townshiii. Possession given on the 15th October. Terins.—Ten per cent. of the • purchase money' on the day of sale : sufficient of the balance to make up $800 within thirty days, and the remeinder on time to suit pur- cha,ser' with interest at 6 per cent. payable annually. For farther particulars apply to MRS. W. CLUTTON, Kippen• 912 1.7. S. MAIL STEAMSHIPS Sail froni Pier 20, North River, New York, , Every Satin day, for , RATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW, DERB.Y„IBELFAST OR LIVER- POOL, CABIN, $60 to a80. SECOND ABIN, 540. STEERAGE, OUT- Anehor Line Drafts issued at lowest rates are paid :f ee of charge in England, Scotland and For aSsage, Cebin Plans, Book of Tours, &c., Gams I New YORK, or to S. DICKSON, Post PRACTICAL ILER MAKERS. rrli Subscribers have bought the Tools and Business lately carried on by the -Goderich Foupdry and Manufacturing Company, and having had an experience of over eight years in that shopease now prepated to carry on the trade in all its branches. Any work entrusted to us will receive prompt atten ion. First-class work guaranteed. All ends of Boilers made and repaired, also Smok Stacks, Sheet Iron Work, &c., et reason. Ne Salt Pans made and old ones repaired on the s ortest notice, and at prices that defy eon* titian, po-vi-ravrilowys CLIMAX " AND " PERFEC (ALL CAST IRON) OT AIR FITRINACES, he most healthy, econornical and best known 3--;iethod of hea ing, fron the c ttage to the largest public building, made in\ me Sizes. for Brick Setting, anti Seven Sizes in 1-4ortable Form, with or :without Ash Sifting ChainbeF. Parties building, Ch ch Committees, School Trustees, and all_ others inter- n w in stock. Boynton.FUrnaces and attachments are set up mid r supervmion, a d fully guaranteed by the manufacturers. Estimates, descrip ive catalOgne. alad all information cheerf 11Y given. I HARDWARE STOVES AND TINWAE MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. TEA. TEA. TEA. TEA. AT THE ZEAFORTH TEA STORE. Now is the Time Get the Best I.Talue Ever Offered in Seaforth fo your Money. Has Just Received a Ve Large Consignment of TEAS. He now the Largest and Best Ass rted Stocks west of Toronto. In Teas and 60c. per pound. Thi Stock Consists of GREEN, BLACK, ,J POWDER and TEA UST, and will Guarantee them to be a give Entire Satisfaction, dr Money Refunded. AlsO a large Stock all kinds of Groceries. Fleur, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Shorts Br Flour, Oats, Barley, Scr4nings, Chop Feed, Salt, Coal Oil, psi:, Ap Turnips, Carrots, and Cabbage. A large stock of China, Crockery Also a Large Assortment of Lamps and Lamp Trinunings.• Oats taken in Exchange for Oatmear at Mill A CALL SOLICITED F OM ALL GOODS DELIV holds one of lone he 'now PAN, GUN -- FRESH and n, Buckwheat les, Potatoes, nd Glassware. RED FREE. AULT. EAFORT T\i-TOOLL EN ILLS. Wool Tweeds, Heawy an'd Light. The Best all Wool Fancy Flannel. Union Flannels, prey and, Checks, Very Cheap. An Wool, . Bla kets, the Best in 'the Market. , UNION S EETINGS SOMETHING GO D,. • Try a pair fel- winter, and yo will »ever want to sleep on cotton eheets .cold imeather again. 'TRY A PAIR OF OUR UNION HOSE, _ They are fine for Summer. liosiery made to Order, any size or Coior. Knit gobds aed Yarns in G -eat Variety. Remember Woollen 0i)ods never were cheaper than at the pres nt time, and this ie the place to get them 'at FIRST COST. For anythina you want made in Weollen Goods g VC us a Call, and we will try nur•beet to pleese you every time. Fanners, Remit her this is the old Standard Mill for First-class Week. A. G. VANEGMOND'S SONS • _D. VessEosioen. FARMERS, THRESHERS & M1LLMEN USE McCOLL'S LARDD_s E . 4'11E BEST IN; THE WORLD. , REID A WILSON, Sole Agents for IL, SeafIrt ALSO CYLINDERi EUREKA, BOLT CUTTING AND W JAIVIE A. CLINE & Sole Agents for Vin, ham. Ontario Alut.141 Life Assurance The Popular Company of the Do I1NTOC*1=)01R,_APT=113, 187 Active Local Agents Wante russets Lime War' ks.1 STILL AH.EAD. CANADIAN BANK OF 0.MM HEAD OFFICE, TLONT The subscribers take this pportunity of re - a d vicinity for past patrosia. e and beg to state t at, haying made several imp avements in their kiln and mode of burningethl y are now in a etter position than ever bet re to supply the ublie with first-class This being the eleventh se on of our business ed satisfaction so far, the public can rely on re. eiving good treatment and a first-class article om us. First-class Lime at 4 cents at the kiln nd 15 cents delivered. - We also burn a No. 1 Liind for plastering at e Same price. Remember the spot, Brussels Lime Works. 908 Paid up Capital, SEAFORTH The Seaforth Branch of this receive deposits, on which Mc the most favorable terms. Drafts on all the principal t Canada, on Great Britain, al States, bonght and sold. Office—First door SOUTII o F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor $6,000,000. 2,000,000. NCH. ank continues to :est is all wed on wits and cities in d on the United the Commercia LAND, Manager. I 639 Aurora Quick Train Watch. The Best Yet. SOLD ONLY 13Y M R. COUNTER, EAFORT1r, ONT. I: 'of full plate watches, from ordinary to the finest grades, for all classes of watch wearers. They are all made with quick train, and are es- ppeeeercrefiaercleltyeseadar;:i ted for railroad and all ordinaryand . All made dust proof, have the son's patent attachment to regulate pins, which prevents ludirspring from catching, an haportant improvement controlled by this Company The stem-winding parts are made strongand durable, guaranteed is safe, more convenient and service- able than the key winders. The extra fine grades are made in ',stem wind only. Every watch is warranted by special certificate, which the pur- chaser receiyes from the Company's Agent. The number of Jewels in each watch (which is en- graved thereon) indicates the quality ; par- chmseis ebserving this are sure to receive the quality they call for: The larger number of Jewels ip the better grades also represents the IThish,fine adjustment, and care in manufacture, which produces more accurate time and longer service. The qualities are divided as fellows: ORDINARY.—Two grades are made of this quality, eng'raved: "Aurora Watch Co., 7 Jewels." "Auroia Watch Co. 11 Jewels." MEDIUM.—Four grades Of this seaality are Watch Co., 11 Jewels, Extra." Aurora Watch Co., 15 Jewels," and two in Nickelefinely fattish - ed; engraved " Aurora. Watch Co, 11 Jewels." "Aurora Wateh Co., 15 Jewels." FINE.—Two 'grades of this quality,—ene in Fine Gilt Finish and one in Nickel, e»graved " Aurora Watch Co., 15 Jewels, adjusted." EXTRA FINE.—Two gyades of this -quality,— one in Fine Gilt and ome in Fine Nickel, engrav- ed : "Amon, Watch Co., 15 Ruby Jewele, ad- justed, Aurora, Illinois!' Remember Counter's, Seaforth, is the may , la.de.e in tne County where these watches can be Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller - This great Household Medicine ramkaamongst the leading accessaries of Life. These famous Pills purify the Blood; and act most powerfnlly, yet soothinglIee on the Liver, Stomach,: Kidneys -and Bowelseinving tone, energy and 'vigor to these great Main Springs of Lite. They are eon- fldently recommended as aoever failing remedy in all easeS Where the constitution, from what- ever cause, has become impaired ..or weakened. They are wonderfully tfficaeious hi -all :ailments incidental to females -of all ages ; and as -a Gen- eral Family Medicine a.re =surpassed., _ HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT Its Searching and Healing Properties are known throughout the World. Por the cure of Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and - Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed DII th neck and chest, as sat intomeat. • Colds. For ( landular Swellings and Piles it aets like a charm. In Gout and Rhemeatism, it never fails to afferd relief. Manufactured onljr at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 7S New Oxford Street (late 5:k3 Oxford Street) London ; an• d 33s. eaehillox and Pot. VI, Beware of Am- erican counterfeits,—Pnrehasers should look to the Label on -the Pots and _Boxes. If the address is not 533, OFcford Street, London, they are SppliCells 921.52 THP 813 MILLS, SEAFORTH. The above mins have now been thoroughly r upon the complete HUNDARiAN ROLLER PRIIMESS. The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have been greatly enla.reed, and new maehinery applied - throughout. THE LAT ST IMP2OVED ROILS —AND— From the besti lifanufacturing- Firms have been put in, and •eyerything necessary .addedto enable her to turn ant flour SECOND TO NONE In the Dominion. The facilities for receiving grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping have also deem extensively.improved, eau now be taken from farmets' wagons, weighed, and loaded into ears at the rate of 70 bushels per hour, by the work of two men. A LARGE FEED STONE —FOR OUSTOM CHOPPING HAS been put in, and the necessary machinery for handling chop and coarse grains. Asgood shed has been erected, se that wagons can be unloaded and reloaded' under coYe.r. WHEAT EXCHANGES PromPtly attended to, and FIRST-CLASS MUER FLOUR Chopped satisfactorily and withoute clay. ROLLER FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS, And all kinds of CHOPPED FEED Constantly on hand. Highest Market Price Paid in Cash for an Quantity of eat. APPLE BAFAELS —AND— FINE, COARSE AND LAND SALT FOR Sd‘LE. Only first-class and obliging men will be kes t to attend customers. The liberal patronge farmers and generaltrade respectfully solicited. ::......,..„. Surewe'rs m fo ill find the *Ito ovement rora th s of CI Bilious and b . 3.'" Bold by all HEADACH elicf 14 .11-'1 and of the brain, nr-,stive Headache, . keeping Dr the use cf produce a r bowels. By and relieve and Nen and- the bowels Iller 1 to. S gu- 'eh' and' ous ick ree, :1/4 to stimulat lar daily the b‘lood cure a11 Aleadache Headache , A D:-.1e.i.yor.64.Co.,Lower,r.: AUCTIONEERS. T P. BRI 0 . Count parts ot th , Licensed of Huron. County Auctioneer Sal , All ct for' the s attended it all rders left at THE A DELG .11,.. Coun promptly att dress Brussel cession 12, 0 Y, Licensed y of ;Huron. nded to P. 0., ey. Sales on reasonable or appl Auctioneer for of all description terms. on Lot 4, 77 the Ad- on - SEAF tended to hi Seaforth, an. Parties int• him a call, large stock o He feels c bhose who m es pone but Pa ticular I RTII 1' LAN NG MILL busines& y be favored -with uld do well to to keep on hafid satisfaction their patronage, employed, Custom Planing. in give a to n since trusts tl nding to he will all kind. nfident y favor rst-class ttention commeecing at he m build w ontinue of, of giving im with vorkmencare paid to C2 GO Ca • WASHBURN & MOEN STEEL TWO -BARB FENCE WIRE. PLAIN GALVANIZED WIRE FOR STRAIGHT rAIL FENCES. SPADES, SHOVELS AIYQ DRAINING -T OLS TL. oES « AKES AT THE LOWEST PR -I -DEB. - N A L tr- A-R-B-VY�R-E A COMPLETE STOCK OF PREPARED PAINTS, READY FOR USE, IN ALL SHADES. • J_ dersig-ned FOLK BOARS. rowed on Elliott; his dam "King Tom, was bred county of were also were ever proven registered $1, with GEORGE di. iliffin` s o pigs cah term in 2, far. in. nd d, He the tur at In 'are ry 1 was Mr. His sire The 1884. Sons, -his as which if neeestia has now The o A iril 3rd, Mil on, Coun ,y w re bot ' was fa by Messrs. P:•I, and i i ported. 01 ered for by the ext i the Cat the privireg • P EWES. on Lot 21, Concessie dest, "Granger," 882, was bred by of lEfaiton. 'imported. rowed in April, A. Frank & oth his Sire and They are as good service in Huron nded pedigrees adian Herd Book. of returning tended to. D. S. C. MPBELL, Mitchell. po-vi-ravrilowys CLIMAX " AND " PERFEC (ALL CAST IRON) OT AIR FITRINACES, he most healthy, econornical and best known 3--;iethod of hea ing, fron the c ttage to the largest public building, made in\ me Sizes. for Brick Setting, anti Seven Sizes in 1-4ortable Form, with or :without Ash Sifting ChainbeF. Parties building, Ch ch Committees, School Trustees, and all_ others inter- n w in stock. Boynton.FUrnaces and attachments are set up mid r supervmion, a d fully guaranteed by the manufacturers. Estimates, descrip ive catalOgne. alad all information cheerf 11Y given. I HARDWARE STOVES AND TINWAE MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. TEA. TEA. TEA. TEA. AT THE ZEAFORTH TEA STORE. Now is the Time Get the Best I.Talue Ever Offered in Seaforth fo your Money. Has Just Received a Ve Large Consignment of TEAS. He now the Largest and Best Ass rted Stocks west of Toronto. In Teas and 60c. per pound. Thi Stock Consists of GREEN, BLACK, ,J POWDER and TEA UST, and will Guarantee them to be a give Entire Satisfaction, dr Money Refunded. AlsO a large Stock all kinds of Groceries. Fleur, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Shorts Br Flour, Oats, Barley, Scr4nings, Chop Feed, Salt, Coal Oil, psi:, Ap Turnips, Carrots, and Cabbage. A large stock of China, Crockery Also a Large Assortment of Lamps and Lamp Trinunings.• Oats taken in Exchange for Oatmear at Mill A CALL SOLICITED F OM ALL GOODS DELIV holds one of lone he 'now PAN, GUN -- FRESH and n, Buckwheat les, Potatoes, nd Glassware. RED FREE. AULT. EAFORT T\i-TOOLL EN ILLS. Wool Tweeds, Heawy an'd Light. The Best all Wool Fancy Flannel. Union Flannels, prey and, Checks, Very Cheap. An Wool, . Bla kets, the Best in 'the Market. , UNION S EETINGS SOMETHING GO D,. • Try a pair fel- winter, and yo will »ever want to sleep on cotton eheets .cold imeather again. 'TRY A PAIR OF OUR UNION HOSE, _ They are fine for Summer. liosiery made to Order, any size or Coior. Knit gobds aed Yarns in G -eat Variety. Remember Woollen 0i)ods never were cheaper than at the pres nt time, and this ie the place to get them 'at FIRST COST. For anythina you want made in Weollen Goods g VC us a Call, and we will try nur•beet to pleese you every time. Fanners, Remit her this is the old Standard Mill for First-class Week. A. G. VANEGMOND'S SONS • _D. VessEosioen. FARMERS, THRESHERS & M1LLMEN USE McCOLL'S LARDD_s E . 4'11E BEST IN; THE WORLD. , REID A WILSON, Sole Agents for IL, SeafIrt ALSO CYLINDERi EUREKA, BOLT CUTTING AND W JAIVIE A. CLINE & Sole Agents for Vin, ham. Ontario Alut.141 Life Assurance The Popular Company of the Do I1NTOC*1=)01R,_APT=113, 187 Active Local Agents Wante russets Lime War' ks.1 STILL AH.EAD. CANADIAN BANK OF 0.MM HEAD OFFICE, TLONT The subscribers take this pportunity of re - a d vicinity for past patrosia. e and beg to state t at, haying made several imp avements in their kiln and mode of burningethl y are now in a etter position than ever bet re to supply the ublie with first-class This being the eleventh se on of our business ed satisfaction so far, the public can rely on re. eiving good treatment and a first-class article om us. First-class Lime at 4 cents at the kiln nd 15 cents delivered. - We also burn a No. 1 Liind for plastering at e Same price. Remember the spot, Brussels Lime Works. 908 Paid up Capital, SEAFORTH The Seaforth Branch of this receive deposits, on which Mc the most favorable terms. Drafts on all the principal t Canada, on Great Britain, al States, bonght and sold. Office—First door SOUTII o F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor $6,000,000. 2,000,000. NCH. ank continues to :est is all wed on wits and cities in d on the United the Commercia LAND, Manager. I 639 Aurora Quick Train Watch. The Best Yet. SOLD ONLY 13Y M R. COUNTER, EAFORT1r, ONT. I: 'of full plate watches, from ordinary to the finest grades, for all classes of watch wearers. They are all made with quick train, and are es- ppeeeercrefiaercleltyeseadar;:i ted for railroad and all ordinaryand . All made dust proof, have the son's patent attachment to regulate pins, which prevents ludirspring from catching, an haportant improvement controlled by this Company The stem-winding parts are made strongand durable, guaranteed is safe, more convenient and service- able than the key winders. The extra fine grades are made in ',stem wind only. Every watch is warranted by special certificate, which the pur- chaser receiyes from the Company's Agent. The number of Jewels in each watch (which is en- graved thereon) indicates the quality ; par- chmseis ebserving this are sure to receive the quality they call for: The larger number of Jewels ip the better grades also represents the IThish,fine adjustment, and care in manufacture, which produces more accurate time and longer service. The qualities are divided as fellows: ORDINARY.—Two grades are made of this quality, eng'raved: "Aurora Watch Co., 7 Jewels." "Auroia Watch Co. 11 Jewels." MEDIUM.—Four grades Of this seaality are Watch Co., 11 Jewels, Extra." Aurora Watch Co., 15 Jewels," and two in Nickelefinely fattish - ed; engraved " Aurora. Watch Co, 11 Jewels." "Aurora Wateh Co., 15 Jewels." FINE.—Two 'grades of this quality,—ene in Fine Gilt Finish and one in Nickel, e»graved " Aurora Watch Co., 15 Jewels, adjusted." EXTRA FINE.—Two gyades of this -quality,— one in Fine Gilt and ome in Fine Nickel, engrav- ed : "Amon, Watch Co., 15 Ruby Jewele, ad- justed, Aurora, Illinois!' Remember Counter's, Seaforth, is the may , la.de.e in tne County where these watches can be Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller - This great Household Medicine ramkaamongst the leading accessaries of Life. These famous Pills purify the Blood; and act most powerfnlly, yet soothinglIee on the Liver, Stomach,: Kidneys -and Bowelseinving tone, energy and 'vigor to these great Main Springs of Lite. They are eon- fldently recommended as aoever failing remedy in all easeS Where the constitution, from what- ever cause, has become impaired ..or weakened. They are wonderfully tfficaeious hi -all :ailments incidental to females -of all ages ; and as -a Gen- eral Family Medicine a.re =surpassed., _ HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT Its Searching and Healing Properties are known throughout the World. Por the cure of Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and - Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed DII th neck and chest, as sat intomeat. • Colds. For ( landular Swellings and Piles it aets like a charm. In Gout and Rhemeatism, it never fails to afferd relief. Manufactured onljr at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 7S New Oxford Street (late 5:k3 Oxford Street) London ; an• d 33s. eaehillox and Pot. VI, Beware of Am- erican counterfeits,—Pnrehasers should look to the Label on -the Pots and _Boxes. If the address is not 533, OFcford Street, London, they are SppliCells 921.52 THP 813 MILLS, SEAFORTH. The above mins have now been thoroughly r upon the complete HUNDARiAN ROLLER PRIIMESS. The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have been greatly enla.reed, and new maehinery applied - throughout. THE LAT ST IMP2OVED ROILS —AND— From the besti lifanufacturing- Firms have been put in, and •eyerything necessary .addedto enable her to turn ant flour SECOND TO NONE In the Dominion. The facilities for receiving grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping have also deem extensively.improved, eau now be taken from farmets' wagons, weighed, and loaded into ears at the rate of 70 bushels per hour, by the work of two men. A LARGE FEED STONE —FOR OUSTOM CHOPPING HAS been put in, and the necessary machinery for handling chop and coarse grains. Asgood shed has been erected, se that wagons can be unloaded and reloaded' under coYe.r. WHEAT EXCHANGES PromPtly attended to, and FIRST-CLASS MUER FLOUR Chopped satisfactorily and withoute clay. ROLLER FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS, And all kinds of CHOPPED FEED Constantly on hand. Highest Market Price Paid in Cash for an Quantity of eat. APPLE BAFAELS —AND— FINE, COARSE AND LAND SALT FOR Sd‘LE. Only first-class and obliging men will be kes t to attend customers. The liberal patronge farmers and generaltrade respectfully solicited.