HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-07-31, Page 8-11 _1_1__'_1___1__-_?__=_- ---'I- - - - , - . . _. � I
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� . . - mm"M a_— - � I � I E 11 ted.—Large
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: .
� . : - I .1 -- — I . i �- . I I . - . . .. - . I . . � -now ,ot 1v1i(jl&nd, Nitchigan, 'was same being tastefifflY Pain KIDD S ry UX
. I . . I . . 'I f lace, mpberries, f resh .. - .
I resic qw, o ,
- � . .- . I -14is orginization has Jas Its ,Members Hally, wlio, is lying ill at thl � i I .,Of Ilis gantities of wild r . .
; . , � din a : Part -
' -
I � I 4 . His suff . . I 9 al �s - 9 the far fained " Dixie " patch, are - . I I
. I" 1, I �
k . 1 _ I � LerWgs weie at times very great,! I � -in L� : [[ erF sister. -Our .Oln - . .
, mquyjbf the young enql. the town, a id a friend'there and we re ,,et to �e *u, [.
i , , _h on Tt ing was,& . � ai liouncouient . � N-isit, ng his A_ .-
, and his deat Lesday mo.rh . and 016 . ays et.—A -
� . ; � . rgiacipal object - -amins to . y- - is very low, . ... . � , . - on their being daily brought to 1li&rK .
. .� Ton txFootor+ ease. - A'widow and fibiq its p . - . be rowd illiners have golle . aivay ily -
I � � it I � happy' .'rel -all( post6f the depre- of his death may be re6eived - h e er . —
I . . j�,ldlc 111iiian is home brane of til Salvation Ari -of Excb � #
. * I - children are left to moum the loss of an ism. and mitchief , I I i ime�—There was a lirge attend- lioli*-�—Miss th's, hall i
� .
: a and discroditable act's commit- at any t � Sler- hold special services ill Coxwdr - -
� :_ .
i . I husba;ud and f ather. xho� dation _ * ' ' g her Imlidttys,- Mr. W. � '
, . DISTRICT MATTERS, affection4t � � d are, rightly oT,wrougly,- credited to - ance at the Sunday evening .meeting in $Pendin�g Ill nger.4oll, are on Sabbath last.—Mrs. Dr. McLeod, 6f
� I . I 0 'on Thiuurs* te � i4ce and dauglit I of 1. q) - . 11
f , funeral to place at Toronto . .10 Christian Assocliation. . W i - Sale
. - is society. In - AII , arnestness -we the Young Men's. . . . . " V& 1A number .of I)p'ti-oit is the guest of Mrs. J. h Midsummer It,
.1 i . f ot -
) being w; till - e -enin —Mi -1 ng, at F. 81 11�--% I , 'illglva) , - . I
I . - LI ' day aftern. , nerment Id advise -the members of this- socie-' . 1-tooms on last Sabbath .' v . ,sith lebration of of 'llay..,-Miss 1. Nicol, of AA
ne.X10. -Tile Sa,bbath Schools of the St.Janiescemetery. Dr.V,er.coe*as--a - wOu of: catt .and sheep )ur citizens atten(jed the, ce i.4 apellil4lIg a, fc�,kv weeks with re1ti es . .
. I com.pa: . mon, and the V to disband at once. It is no v,-redit to immense number. I I r Ila ord as a city, I I . . .
Metho&4 coad Preal),kteriaa Sabbath true friendt a, geni'll - I : i dur, � 511c, 1,11'augl - tion df Strat]
_. I � � I aby yo � un man to, belong to such a have been shipped fr in thi stat I - here. . I — -_ � .
- - a Union. Pic- I . i- Case i�nd got home ali�iit 3 It. ii. next morn _0_ .
- .
Schools h&v- e'arrang.ed for . very soul o boApy, and -possessed muc4 ' k. The essrs.� I � I . .
. It * * in the past week. . . -
� . I e to Goderich Ili gn' the contrary, i is a.( a gone for his � McKillop. I I
Bic t;tl% place from. her more than ordina - ability and __ W I . I g ev.-, were ng -L-Rev. S. ,tones Ila
� - a reproach not only to himE 'eillock andlVint � I
life and health- en . grace and - , I and Messrs.�x,,ov . , . '- - Ted . ! . - r
, next., The faiie'.for the gence, a ---- --- �a .be . . . 1. 1, —M % . HarAtorle) iiiiii er .vacation —J. t law atteno: Mr. Patrick I &,n -deta luined to treat my custom. I
I on . Ay been placed at. 'the very ubtedly,buve held but -to his relatives and friends, - ,v nd the principa : shippeTs. e eption to e volui Lteers at Toronm ELvxF,.Nni LiN.YE NOTE.S.— I - I .
-round t . spared, he *oiild undo I W I- -
I ., Tip has -e county -of �
. -, - for adults, besides if will lead him -hito evil hal its heaJ master �f the ,SQaforth I High Relidol, ;h c L hies is back from th .
I )I-( � %vq
�1 N1
rn xi� 'I
11 t
moaorate� price of 35 cents 0 country as he aer- - I I � �, I week. . . � � . and all intending -
� 31 as high rarik in !amily, are spend[ing tbeir 4olidays, ;o la t. . Shaw has returned H y had a era purchascra, -to a t
. I ll ctj ta,,Lly, - a a ,profession, had now which will- be -a serious detri nt and f - I I been, taking lingtofi.-�-Mr. Francis McKa ) .
ex�e a eRIOVe' - a . , . _T -oin Toronto . I I � .
. and 20 ce�its for childr I hi . . lund Port he; �etuirn f, :),,A,,h rebe ias
h ' ;eek- it. The new . . - t� I at School, having .good logging bee the other (lay, wb en
ed that a steamer. will ' � e red a of his to him in.after life. Any boy or yot ng in and arc = CO,4rse in th( orift . -
. � __ _F_ _. . ,� -- and wis' - tch between the � ee teams logged ten'geres, and f n- *
. ta I , , feelings ( man whb values his future, . 1, ies ma 'tifi
. *-e the excur-SIOn'15 fOra death will be reebi'ved with he )assed with hoi ors, and � lad his eel - - thr .0
� � Godericht,o . - able niiin ton cricket clubswill, be j)layed 4n the I ' -work in good time.—Mess .,s. ; -
I flu " - ' to become a useful and honor . . - � . I * - ished th6- ine Sal,
I - The- ivileacaof tbaox- is - numerous *ol I a Alsom. Recreation q, . , ,t - rade.— Reai G el ,
I ten cent r, t)ie deepest regret by h, .A.. M. Taylor is I enu
I pt .,, � .-oundhil lierl, ,on Monday oate. raised a - Jos. Morrison bwe
. I . n -and
� . to the Sabbath T ,e,,all of -whom. should withdraw from this A'40mi k lie� . 6�1 lays. j achic looks as Tbos. Mdrray I � I
I .
: � are not confined I -friends he, . - next, commencing A liklf-past Iten.— onle for his -h' '( � . ,sh- I
, ..
. 0111:810a - , an, patr6s i tw" tA Once _ . i 11 e,
. .3 1 But those who . . � +"A�Aln �; ,ureb fulerl a new Clinton Climax Thr 4 . �
: . will. iom wi un us m expre; - ass- I . . I . irk T Coil 0 .. . 4 .
. - all are cirdi , y we aMe sure .- . _V rph .M,v nr has betn busi1v 01 d f he require I �1 . nn'1-1w&k* . -
I fqi-hftols.� liat c Bill LIMW L" %, M J CL r sit 11av 11
� I . . -
. . � . drim kards. an ,VOW a, U J to pa is the oxminua- er, and tneY 1111,en - 5 .
: . I . � Arating in malier� f very hard lat .
r . f th since .est sy mpAthy to MrE .' sire to grow up
_ , '
: . participate. I sions of th r'l i - rly all w6ek alzb . - . - eason.—A disturb- 'Goo Is in �ever'
; 1heir loss, no e�- &lid who -wish, to be a reproach An a neai
: - I.! I . . � ' ie always does, during the coming 8 .1 I - I .
: h f
� Vercoe and family. i . t the 'Sailva. . tion, �. which he ' id� as .1% i I ts .
_ . -tp- . I grief to their parents and all connemed oispute between members of Ing wo ati a I
(w —Rev. C. M. Thou . I - . ies' ho were -ell . w rite B. C. L. to ance occurred few '" rts '
4 � . I SOAN�G, SEP= I ' � 1 0 . entit I ,d to . Teduc I to nake 1700111 for Jall impo
�_ . land city, 'Michigan, will caa estim 4e- - . i I itir,them, should continue on in ,he tion.Army a�id the part' and * now entitl r 4 between two ,
L �of, Mid � I I . - I w . ard's party'in the ii,pighborhood, I . . I .
. � son � — � � . 1, . - hip 4ailies —A child of 3ishop IVN, I � . I
� - a . nG'S hall, I I .going. We- �Ihi)pe g&ge,di,n,the,1n(1m,Pus4O'n Saturday night. ,d aboutthiair . . . .
a ; I
z. - give a song sermon in Caid� I , on as wa,y they are now .. - bad kick ods who disagree We will comm. ence -in the
i , t> ,NVVA.... , �.—A rhiddle aged womap . , AIT sevoral of the. parties �tboa� four yea,s-ololf A a yoiinly ")10 41
; - I . . .
. .
� Sand � , � I . th .f tvsix . these 1.10, belong to this society e rst ii I I 0 Tbey shou . .
sy �venj-n_g next, at S:30, under Housek boys* W c 0 1 ihe he girl. ld bear ill. 11110d, t"On's �
�. . � � . , ily o I a widower wi r. rom� a hors d, fracturing a best
Z eQper in e On I
� . I
� i auspices of the Youn:g Men's -'Christ- nth.: Al),PkY to AIR- the'i,ec ent have be'�rn fined. �-A L. L. 'McFaul, 'as h in, the sea: as I
, , the . I . children. W Lges, ,4111 a mo and who hav6 been engaged in I I . , I �- kul' '*'The h6rse was are - good fis . . I
I . ' Public School, *isbav- part 'f the a run- that there
� . . , Iftickniaker, Dul 6 may I �� 9
� 1. . L' oil. Subjeat, -The: Prodi- �O 1EY, . . -1; - Principal of our I "le I new -esidence' on I - iiJiinons and belonged to ever came out of . ,
Ain, or to it, --�-There is a bundle - .
EDM, )NDS, Sea-fortli . . I . � X ing'on tb I -
gal Son,'� The sertrion consista'of divid- Rev. J- I ib Oown grade to ruin and . ink I . . . , , He hopes . . The d -keepers I _E? -2- '
ia,n Asso�iati JACOB ST _ 921 disturbances, pks well as 6thers wh e co: � .
I � f . I be on the san . iis haildw . 11 ' by- I of. bed clothes and a trunk in- a fence MIT -1 EJ I MT :E - a .
, - .pou
. ing the p&rabl-e -into, sections and making. ALMA LJwiE,,4'. COLLEG9, St..Thomas, Goderich street co,4 eted, ' . ', 11. Yoster. . cession, which it, is .
I - . I ' - � a worthless ma"ood, will *read what . 0 C' f all, aiv ' ould be ei db avoid corner on this con . I
I a I .� also ontario,had4naver eatteiidauceofU2duri 1* . . - rced a ad. thus . . .4 .
7 . � 'te ,. - pon each , il. we have said and will take time � to. re- to lia-ve it ready f6r upalcy thif; � Mposed ha .
- . --- is84 and m - ch .accidents. - � .
- . .
spprwirio , remarks u 18M. 11; luigji faculty of 18 teacherd ' I ve, been left by some 91PSI-es - . . -BY- * i
, �
. - . in. suitable to each section. - . . sui ng. and when finished� it ill 1, e 6ne of the . I all for the - . I
Xingping. a,.!hym fle Ane Arts and Commercial flect,-on' the course they are pur . If: the -owners do not soon c . 4
. I I lAterature, MuE . , . I . . . ____#_ -_ - ' . �
. 11 .. . � I , housl3es in tc wn. -Special I . . i in - I
... Someof slm.g, as solos- Tkainiiig. e b ild" and furnishings are the " re we ,,handsomesb . - .. 5 they -will likely be missi g is - �
L ry I -a are If they will on] do so we are su . axticl6i . .
L _ ..V - u , nj�s Canada. Rate * 'o"F: - will hi future he r less of these distur- thanksgiving S( , umley. 01111 .
I . � I 0 th p )rvices will )e held in St.
t_ , in finest foir ,�e urg;e in -
with a f h�rus_ Thebestsinaers, "-�' I Mr. Thomas O'Hara has a smile'
Re,opens Se ember Loth, i,s85. For announce � �ENT 4 -BING V UT
. � the ch; ' of the town, cliurches r' - F llmnc�s which h wn Thomas Church, -next Sun lay, for the - B�TEF M i fi.-Mr Thomas Cud- C L E ,
� Z wiU as nient address Princil al Austin, B. D. 921-1 . . .. re disgraced our to . up- . genial couiitenance;_caus�,, another girl I .- �
.. . -er will si at sol& Mr. I . - safe return of the troops, and the a mord has arrivec back from his ttip to . .; . - . I
.- . a AiSt, - speak 11.9 � .: * IE FACILITIES.—The of late., # . Tlebellion. It I ich ho a been iii1ach 111� the family. � . I . . �
q%-- iw^ pression of the Northwest' 16nd, with -
Thoiinnp�szo has given & course of song - MORE TFLEF 1. . . .
� .1 I
'P - I
. -
.. . * 11, shing oii-,%vith its n6v . - FAMILY PION --.�A very inter ast- eafoiltA Company FI-DIgigy itcd.�--Mr ., . -last . � everything. at a SIACRIFICE, Ve
- - iststiv, I
- on,a i4i Brantfoij-1 oli,6rio and MLiol. tell Compauv,il pu A 1C. is expected that the ,� . hos Glenn raised,
� - - Berm I I 1, I rd&e of � t day, an . . . Zurich. -
� . ; betkng Was' .of Volunteers will be se t. An ap- -&, Ao the ,,lid of his barn, I I . I
. ,lines at the thlA� miles a
I � - -�, to Overflowing houses ipleted withii t1le last few dkys the Br e ing-and pleasant family gat �ce an oldith n ,
. � � . co:m
laud" _Mi6hh-a - has cor 0 � � -
I Art are �� �d to -attend, enjoy the from Trenton to Pic n taking in also Bloom- held i by. the family of Mr. Jbial N. propriate and -patriot - a mon will be nder .which h, hits pt t a foundation,, W11E,AT.----:F0,11 Wheat -cutting - . miislDiave room, and are detei-m)ined to . .
1. i I . field, Welling . ' Peter McDo - .
I . 115Un an the Lake Sh 'btel, of Brussels, Ili the oh-ve, of e several us season ugall, Of menced hereabout a few (lays ago, the .
A d help the iYoung ][lot l t Knee preached by the Rte r. - -Th, .-N r. t
aetvice ore el - t,
. weVvice . 1'1�"' point. 1wellan hasbeen connected ,vvi � Mr. bonald Stewart, of that ila"'ce,'-dil. . lodges in this county, c nection. with.. e Thames R( �d, has ell ted the farm .yield is very -good, aind all other QPs makeswee�ing reductions in everyde.
Christi - aoejAjc,n. QoIlection t� e West . Ca rines, an(f., the line is no.v . . . . - - . er. � -i � 11 -
. -As I I I Thorold and St Ca . )i! , . . .
- - . d to Havililton, uffal' . - seventeen the Ancien . ' : .
. taken. . i . brin- Bi o, Wednesday.. , There were . t Ordek of nitf d Workmen, of James Armstting for the sum of'$310 n endid * appearance.
. - . . . . rapidly finisl � � . . . . Brus . a d. ak - .
I Po��Fcolbo children and twelve ,randchildren. pres- wi .1', - partment t� clear out the stock.
__0_ iag ra Falls and other connec- bilr Arinstron� intends going elf -binders are coming in f at an t' . ...
. I nio,,N* � g 11 have a grand union - a year. S .
�,. : 1, e officers ei,L--,hb ihood %% ill also be complete en.t, �f whom Mrs. Noble Chiff, of: Lhis . I I
. I - t ' gthe places of the old reaper. I I
- - - Ciff A-�; C E ar 0 P�IcEw Of tions in thart't sels, on Tuesday, the 11th :)f August. I largely into the' horse business'. -Mr. in
I I have. been in a few weeks; Mo treal will be in cotiminuita. . I Mr. Knecbiel is 62 I?dge in the I has lbegu� Aax .
the% Salvation Army, W110 le, th Xi pton i nd all towns an the wki- �n to'%Vn, WAS. one. . 'is expected ;that, every Henry Horney hD,,s also rented the north FLAX. -Mr. H. HapPel . - � .& call solicited. No trouble to. f,how �
- ,ft tion,%vi � ' .
atatjone(�.r here for sevexalmonths, A a fe,N-v days a ser-ei,11 other llneii are in course. years of -ag'e and Mrs. Kneclitel h 56 county will be largely representeil', and hundred acres b(longmg to Mr. George pullilag aii(I will employ every man, . � -
I . . . T I . . I .
� - d St- to take of copstruotiem. 91 . . I : , years, anol'the : are both hale and -active, all will enjo� a pleasant outing. - Henry Armstrov for the same money. ' wil- - - .
. . y �erday morning for ,&-throy, . .. � � i I . y - I i brc,�ght to a woman and child,whois able and . goodso I I
(.. �f the corps at that place. . * I - live, to eel- , . . be ... ling to work at it. The gang leaves � I
carge � At THE NEW M X&L. -Last wee -k, Mr.' and to all appearaftee niak I - � I - -HaYingy .has i I w . �
I . . . 1.
. n Wdolnesday I - i . c . brate the / I hey ,. - . 8 t ; I .
. the fare well. . meeting 0 ir - golden . wedding. i �J h b fair, in fac every morning At .a& o' ' ck, and there
. Lewis Smift, of B � oc 1 e, who brought th . Wioketen cloi,e: the y el As en CIO
I the bairracks was f first NaIl. Thresher * . ere married in Egrnondville 39 yamrs . . is quite an
ev 1 , ffled - with . o Canada from Rochester, - - "_ beyph - Fall at South comees .
. en ng , ' d what i anticipated. excitement
Idi _ . -11--.Fs. -Several 3f our'citizen' %9
I so era 4nd friends, whout the close.of in 1839, paid, his an lial visit to the .Joseph Hill LOCAL BR - , a h . �Thf,,%mas� 11id,dj -
. � . cs a I . . I go, and ha,%T�e lived 1 in Brussels 28 1 whoat barvesiin � as. i ow b6come the to see the start. The" fla�c crop never . A - � - - � I
. I'll, � Machine. WorR t 0 hawa. A few days alter Mr. were down , at Toronto tending th; 'there is oivery . . I . � I
the iervi - drawded I'll, 1, 14 ol, the officers -E. W. Sh i ' ited a -Hill ea�s. It is seldom that parents can , or* of - ,the di Ay, and wi�s better. I I I . .
I rfect hewil eldon, of banty, who impo e *enjoy th . I . volunteer Weeption last week. M -a 1� .
I I '31 pro4pectof alarcr(c ield. - -Theturnip crop - ' --- .
.. i - Ll' -
� with a. . derment of good- Machine in 1840, . ts in town on the sain 6 society of � -so mawof tieir I I at �resen a CO d Market Streets, C4th. .
.... Robt. Paulin! of Winghaill, is Ti,tE GF.18T MiLL.-The grist mill I
� . . . , . . Mer Main an
11 _ , 1-1 - W-1 ,ese gentleman contfiined to - hope &At I . - �� I
. � es ki shes. and God -speeds, On rhiss,ion. B ..... of t e time, and we presents a very"u favorable appearance, doing a splendid business, orders come .
r __T_ . r
. day .Captain Coolie :,was presente Y Aildren�7 at on � visiting with fr1ends here, -'.Mr. Gavin . .
. . 'C& � th late N, � ,. Hall, at Rochester, until,. I � , . . -
-, . d deal with e Mr. ancV, Mrs. Knechtel may be -spw. ,ed, Gibbs, -rec . . he exception, for flour -from all directi6ns, which T��__- . - — ;
I he opened a branch I iere, in 1858, -and they hai . :en#y -of. this place, paidus a, a good looking, .iece is t -
with a se of money, contributed., by � . . ., . Machine � unbro' en, -. He is at presell I . , speaks well for -uled out : some of I vqnfle com . .... L
I .
, ,
I Thlis ever since r rescnt� d the Joseph Hall I .1 . flying visit I t week laot; th6 rule -� Thos. Russell, of the �. .
� - and their family circle remain . X11 .the quality of the artOb ha, iis ju
. .
- . m a here. w orks in the �r re�pe� tive localities. Mr. Jonathan, to have many 1. more such ple a;nt . . . 'Road ' �im . � . I
� __ kis com ades, and frien,11 a Lonolon cl a as' sol . �
� 4� . ught a Hall aged as 70 _JT0e ,his �orted made. - Car loads are shipped to Hali- panions imn line -to save his life.
- �_ was a wE 11 -deserved tribifte to the Cap� Yorke,. ot St, Thonim, who. also, bo e_ Flig. aveller, for oth 1� I q � -of St. Marys -
L I . � , . family reunlops, � The�...`weather waE �d - bu W' ' ill, of Fullartont fol� fax every week, also quantities sent to -six pu ils ',Collegiate
. - taill, as during the -fi ..... months of his Threshei in 1840, is xpected here soon. A#hile I , ing firm. -Mrs.. W. M. Robinson lef Mr. .
. . . - I .nt and a6tive lightful, and-Ithe p4rty spe�nt A most . the- handsome a m. of $300. Parkhill, Exeter' Bayfield and Hensall, Institute p sed the full- matriculation . - -
, these geiiitlei ien fi been consta . ; * . : � I
- - t has been that ad-VOcates fz r the H 611 -Machine, and have iased I , . I -the fore paA of this week for Orillia, 9—.1 . 1. 'eing entirely supplied exam niversity, aii4i -
residence here his condue � enjoyable day. : .' : - �, . the latter place b inatio at Toronto U
. i . I .
- - - � sea .i . �
I an- emplary Christian gentleniaa, more threshb ig mac iines themselves thin any I : . where she purpo visiting i �
, � 1 .6 I - - , w th. friends I .
C& . I I . . . . F&I-quhax. : from here. obtained an aggregate of tlArteen hon-
� . IrJurl o,n, coiatepus to all, honorable in three' men living in Canada, they all uniteinde- 'for a, few weeks. I . . . . -
. kind an � I I ic in , claring'that t he. NeNN Model is ver, Dnritovix THErp. OPPORT-UNITI14.— .. � ED.=Weaireplea sW to see that ' i�TEN-"BY A Doc,. -A very serious JbTTUN�G.9.The new residence being ors. The names of the suacessful candi-
business, and- zeii1ous; and. eneraet .. . y greatly in ad -. G RETURN .
1. ; 0 vance of in I ict, as i v, perfect griaih saver, thresh- The Stratford Herald says: The crowd. - soon be dates are:--,H,,orace 0. Wright, Robert ;.-
- I � our young -friend, Mr. Tbo . W. Gibson, ace (lent liappenqd to the child. of Mr. built by Dr. Buchanan will
tbe nable cause4o which'he has devoted ' and ' wcomActely distances all 6ther I - 'for th montlis has been, Jo n ker o . .J. F R. Knox
I , er clean, that ered on' the complet;d, anX will then be occupied by Gill, , Armstrong, Robert
� er nea,rlx- halt a ,gath ,!,platform 'of' , the- who - e past four last week. . I .. . ,, - I
..! . , I
. his life. The �C,v officemE are expeCtOd grain thr6shing ma(hm,es. Aft ! eveniil� Of serving in e raik f the Queen's Own Th 0,,,,).,_f Farquhar, - Hiniarol
I . � . century of p actical, experience they q,h6i,dd �e .railway ,stationj on ; the 'th 1 i a o� dtlluele' c 6wled out of the house our respected teacher, Mr. F. Cress Ada B. Clark, Carrie L. . I
to, arrivel to,-daY. ,I . . � - - . .. 1: trustees - -
I , . -ect opinion.-Ofttaxio Re- Inaugqra,tion day was something terl ible - r 1 as feeding. The ani- weller, who is now aw4y on his wedding -From. six applications, the
� , . .1 .) returned home to 1 V. lere the do
I ! I - . . � . able to form a con Rifies in the Northwest, . 11w . .
. former, Oshawa, July 14th. 921-3 :
I .
I . ; � . th�usanda I - ie little girl, inflicting - tHp, visiting Toronto iind other places. of ListowelTublic School, havespte
. of people rushing foi- their , pted
- l ,but -there *ere some -there ery success. -Mr. as teachers for vacancies i4 the behooI - . .
. 'TIC . - . e and sound and looking well, �ma.. - limped at til
I TAUX ,PAL - 11, S�-As we learn.. � , again saf . I
I -E - TE1 , . . -
from the v I list o - STEEL*T�RESIMI_xG M_A.cui.,, T11. - trains � that except that be has got a g:)O'd sunning. two P agly gashe i a the, forehead with its We wish Frank ev ' J
aterEl f the township of . gL I .
-The cylind�r and � 2oneave t� h f a- thyeshin�. -were not looking for tram -a gat arrived' home from a Miss C�jie,' .
T uckersiliith f 6r this year there are in ij 0 - I % 9 If Without doubt' -be has g,A an ainple tee;l,. Medical aid was at once sent for H. Walper ..( of Mount Forest, and -Misi .
. -re a very I mportant , ture. - if they I - visit to the "fad' and " Gerniall. p- 11 he: r era a salary of'
w per 'fled io " it then pickpocketsj , and ,they' had a very . I erl $250i
. t h 1_� t ship- 702' sons quali chine a share of. that.. , . I . . . an� . the wounds's �wed up and no serious Y, DBe ,t fom t .
I I � 11 . I I aremadeof soft iron they soonvwear ot , zood. harvest too. The Ma:.yor of Brant- . ! . . I lew days ago, in good health and the latter at $3.00 per week on the 1
vote aV both municipal ' elections ` and the gram' is qot all I aken'froni the straw; if too, 6 . � I I . � - - _� . . results are anti il ated. . a f . �
I . I I . .
� - . exppn' i - . .. I � __ ___4__________ and spirits. He *as a a, s . similar vacancy
election, to the Legislative Asse m bly, har cause delay and se. ford lost A: valuable.-kold w%tch that . . . Lccom�anied on half d . tem, For a'
d; they b eak, an I � . Stanley. I M�
� � . - . . in St J ags, i
. I - -
Norwa,y and,LQWM r iron have been usect for was presented to him oa. the da y of . I yth. ,' the journey out by about half a dozen . here were .five applica.
i I and 47 � Who are qualified to vote at and I . Mr. j dex TnE FALL'SH10w.-It ha been decid- . . ' .. �l brass kettles. TH -
. . this- purpose, but -Av ifle tough - strong Boo" Brantford's Inailguration. . � " -' r. S. Rannie had his tions, and'Aiss Susan Wright 'was en- -
] � re ro-unA4 t the p hitii. - The Hall Worl � ed to hold the fall show of the Stanley I A I JT "S he young in ys
municip�l elections Only, and of these w. c4have' - LOCALITIES. eu and bo '
. � . � . . Williamson, of A OrOnto - fbkm6rlv of arm broken by a -ft accident last week, ragged at $61,25 per anniiiii.
. 42 are - aoilies. , There are 117 tenants. been . ei!!! exiting for years to get a strong� and I , . Branch Agricliltural Society this year at played a ina h, of base bqII here on. . g - I
�, I hard tooth; they ersted Wanykinds of iboth stratford,.niet with a n�pst unfortunate I e -Mr. 1V�elson Vroman, 'formerly a ,
an. d_ _,�, Bayfield oil: Thursday and Friday the Monday last,'which .resulted in favor of �i�t is now able to .be out, carrying th
. pants, and 90 farmers' sons' American an , Eng.] ing fol .I- . . in in
I as �s sh steel but until this year affair. Whitehe.-was wait his - lid five Juked member i a sling. * - resident of Mitchell, now of Maiaitou,
and 393 who are eligible to serve I )Rai�ing what was re-. Sth and 9th of October. I tll( boys by on innings to spare a,
. 0 , never -have I in ( . train, he discovered. a hand in his I)ock-- .- - . QUARTERT.I.- MEETIN-G.-The Evangeli- Manitoba, was burnt out recently. E[e- �
I iurors. J . quisite for . �ass tooth -one that would ACCIDENT. -A.'sbort -tim,- ago a little xtii,lis ahead. 1� d bit of -money ex- ' I
. I w lship Of thresh stone shoes and.hay forks without. et, and seizing it called for assistance. . eal Association held quarterly lifeeting was keepir, a furniture store and living I I -
-Froin tb:e list of the to girl belonging to Mr. Jas. Co'-A'ie, of thP- eh;4in ed hands, Efooboys being discount- I
. I ro? !
. breaking. an Sam e tims have a har I 'wear , imed NDrth- last Saturday, in Salem church, Oosh 6 overhead, � and ever .... .
IkI(Xillo leam that there are in that . - I . -. A St. ,Maa-ys constable n Sauble Line, met with a sad accident. ed u til Dear tl e �14st, when they arose � en in the i ything
.. : we ey have secured a brand of steel I �� .
: .-jualified tO Vote . ing, surface. Th . graves, came to. his aid, m hen -Mi W � . 'qr. Oeorge Stewart is Line, whicli'vi-as continued on Sabbath, in the dvk1ling apartment, all. their - ",
. townshi�:) 691 persons ( . that fully nic ets t i demand, of which theS- have . � . * * She land her -6rother. were laying* with to'a �remiuim.-_ j . ��
I . . en . ibrary were- �
- �
a -&-ad ions just received a full, car load of nearly t*elve: felt that' he had'be stable'd. , N C)rth- in Mr. A. England's z grove. Ri6v- J. clothing,�anol a valuable h
at bothmunicipal elections elect an axe- *hen by some mea ls he cut off tti ' tone o ut, under
I �
6 *-a . lative . tons - made speci y for Ihe.m - r1l for: es who had the thief )y the dollar I ge i
to the Legi Ass�inibly; of these , . ade speci �11 gray is g a ap, S�s. Umbach. pro�ached'in the forenoon to a burnt. This is the thil!d. time that Mr.
� a three Lf the fingers * of hf r right hand. .h �arn.M Whiteman & Gos- 1
7'. ' . . 75,000 teeth,, Thes steel teeth ha,relthree ifines, of the coat, felt a thrust, ad in Ali in- . - audience from Revelations 5th Vroman has'lost nearly all be possessed .
� -XO3 are farmers.' sons land 90 tenants. , Under -Dr. Nichol's care she is doing in al to run their threshin ,large I .
,�6 , I the tensile reng-th of the best ir6n, and, can n are goin , ..
I staut the" thief had dis*peared. lea,v- '' . ai his I 9 - g up again with
� I Id w4hout, in the least degree, . . . ap I 1 'i . t � chapter and first four ' verses. The dis by fire, but he is buildin
k, T here a e 33 w ho are quialified to vote at be dgubled do , 'well. .. , I � in ct�ine ai year. They have it cour .
5 ,-n mly and olf these 22 even cra�bkink the � iin of the steel. We 1havc ing his coat in. thAt offidier's ands. ta, lid. $600 that,hel recovered as insurance. -
��i - ., h, se was able a eArnest and was
mmma,'unicip elections (i �, , Gbob CATTLt.-!A few days'ago Mr. od and no doubt.will I .
. I I .not 9everely hurt �
- -ere are 522 eligible to � N.* li ns 11 is', no ,in a . . I ly. Tbe - a gan, met
� seen somt� specimen 3 of the teeth bent cold in all Mr. A it al: 0 g ey are listened to attentive fternoon -41r. Charles Rock, of Lo -
F. are lad s. Th I a . Alex. Sparks; 8f the 13 concession, in k a d rim - this year, as th - -
� . shapes; which, to i1s, seem, most reniarkable. and we aie- glad to hear. is now at bend- 0 was devoted to the Sabbath School with a sad affliction recently.. Ov Frii- .
serve .. jurors. While there are 42 They ar� sild at 1 ihe same price, .as ,:iron.; delivered at . Brucefield, nine I head of ) Ii good haw Is 1with a machine, -being . �
, - I , A� it - . .
I I �. female cersin. ith, there are TheJoseph falilSla,�hib.eWorkErba,.,ejit8ti,-,stied� ing tQ his -duties. .,A�, Smit ,was r iev of wl i -ch the buyer, bo children, and in the eveiling Rev. J. day 17th inst., his eldest son, who was
-i i ters in Tuck . , , I m- of three year .old� steeirs, . olo: and experienked.-Mr. W. Milne is . '
[ - an lllustiate4 Machine Tooth Circular containing ed of a gold � wat6h,", A& .. Hary , . Umbach, of 'New Hamburg; again vergmig on nineteen years, succumbed,
I- only 22- MoKillop. I - Mr. Case, of Seaforth, i nay wen be I p an �dcfition to his house. It - i
�1 � . . fall sized cuts of aWteeth used in their machines R. a slim Of money,'whi h he i
: I
�_ 1�� .� - all applicants.-Refo' the -G. T.;_� ' pro he nine averaged 1, 00 .11g I preached to a large'assembly. after -a few 4,ay's illness,, to inflaminition . I �
� . � which is iient free ti) I nner, ie. ud.- Four,of t 5 W, t1ti be quite a4 .improvement -%,,lien - I 4 I
I .. . did hot think safe to' lei �ve. at. Ion' I . . � - __ -
Z. %i GOIN. Too FA14M.-NV e notice that the Oshawa, ��� 24th., 99-1-3 ., . � - , lbs., each, and the nine - w aighed 12,330 fl. ished. . I . of the bowels. -Next day his wife, aged -
� - � I I � I
. I . . I clerk Of the township of Me- , - - Other cases: are reported but are from - I I . � .- thirty .
T1rqV1T',",T^ � . I -nine years died also from inflam- .
, lannic i # . . . lbs. This record is hard W beat. They - . Perth Items. I
" . : th leves I I - . �
I Killolp, iki7'a good deal more advanced - - ver dis, - people living at 4 distance. i The . . � matioxf, loaai7ingg a la�-ge family, -the--
� T
I A - W, a IN I SE_Csox. ' e" from well- .
, � . : . - . were. not stall' fed, but wel
, , ill h -� ... as thail, are the members of Our graceful -i In i' . are supposed to be ev gang! oi sharpers I T C Listawel's civic holiday -will. be on
-is �ance occurred -ttle ' ' . .� � - � ,at of w1hrch is only a, few days .
'we obsery istur . . -which 1�roail stock. , NEW BAtRN.]-Mr. Win. Cooper, of Thursday, August 6th. younge . �
d Atroit old. Death is alway a �
Iiiolier legislative bodies, as -e, ,Saiv ibn rmy barracks in this town on' from Port- Huron an I P
[ � - i a4d.1 1. . TliE CROP.s.-Haying *in this .section, the Mill Road", Tuckersmith, has just -The people of Atwood say there is a I .
tCo.t by','.. the* v9t repared by Sat r ven last. It seems iiiat a. qUietlY I ,their Wkns. in t �Ie .day tiln . .
. ers' lists p I h" h od " ig now about I made doubly, so and bea 'rending in
. I . 9 - I - I
- . 11, I � —. r . . d
, �
I . ZZ ,. - a to ladies -the num . men were pr . - I . W 10 . was a go crop, completed a fine new bank barn with good. opening there for another doctor. ;
� w uni . Most of it has been saved *in ex- I .
- . 1iinl year, he accord yo esent, wb�q over. this case, an Mr. Rock hasthe deep
capacious and comfortable stonestabling -1i opened out a I
rJaht to -ote for a candi .--Our old friend, Mr. I , Ii., John Kersch has 8 I 11
�, date to the Legis- were making a lioise and 'disturbing the LOCAL BRIEFS! ' the weather being so kolerneath ympathy of all who know�him. . I
0 . 0 - I cellent condition, ook well ill . brick yard at Milverton, and is doilig A atiner regrets to �
I lative Assembly. We always had a in -,eetink. The bfficers - repeatedly -told. Head, of - Ble, grows good favorable. 'Crops generally I . WELL Do In' the report of the good business. - I
� Egniondvi --The Listowel B
- -
. . . 6'rewd suspicion 04'r esteemed friend them',to Idesist, but the noise was icon- gooseberries as well as ma rAmoth Peas- Harvesting has commenced.- Mr. Alex. entrance ex ation , we notice the ��Mr. N. M. Livingston I e, late of learn of the sudden ,.deith of Mrs. �
'or the � . . - . ife of James ardie, of the Ist
- - hwl a soft side f ladies, and now tinued3,. en all, attenipt ivas made to. He has shown iis- a samp e of w fin' Sparks took the lead, 'having cut the names of Mis , Intosh and Miss Bell Mitchell Hardie, w 11
1, fortunately for . mE� of the offe,uders. , This was. a ,e have - seen t as seas n.- first o e n . - , has §ettleil in Ilarquette, concession of Elma, an reAt which took
-ire arei. sure of 'iL Un ej ect a . berries a w 1i th 22nd i at. Mr, John Tough, ' I
I �
i - the ladies, however, his powers are not :resisted, and a general- squabble engued. Fall wheat- hdirvest . has low become . . riresting a 20 from Section Xo.� 3, among the success' Michigan, as a broker. place on Tuesday last� � , eceased had ' , � .
� I . I I - . assessor, is Also busy hE ful ones. This is a 'percentage of 67, -I'lle st�ck of Mr.'Jerry Robinson of 11
I cD-qrdinate with his good intentions, One young mati struck the Capt�'mia, general in these; parts. T ie. cro`p is a. acre -field of fall wheat, which is bard to I been in her usual ,state lof ealth up to �
' . I . . and shows :eII1 for the com, etency of Birandbn, formerly of Mitchell, -W as .
- An . I - � t
. I - I I I . i now -
- teen slightly iu- A. . � ' uring that -
iChat the ladies of �severe blow on the mouth; d -others * ood one, althoiigh in som( places � as. beat. - -It at � ds on aa a veragb of over the teacher, Mr. !Jag. I b- though no
I xad hence. we fancy an t h p Sabbath 19th instant, i bu
I � ,
- who axe authority, b -io, -injured and roughly ste We learn also fi -uncom- . reland. sold a few days ago, at 40 cents on' the , ;
-11�p i). . �
[__ McKi . . give4 y were ri rle or less .1 ve feet high, and What is rather . . I feeling well d b a the follow ,
., - &e gallant clerk to vote at a parlia- handled. Constables Lusby and- Lee that the rust' has strucl: the spring mon this year, h i I �ry equally. HYMENTEA .-The following notice was dollar. . ing days no t6ugfifs of serious results ,
�- � as ripened Y4 . I .
- .
�r_ Eaentark -election, would be sadly dis- : ultimately put, in. aii appearance arid wheat in - some - -Miss Kate I I I . I .. I forwarded u by a Wellwood correspon- -�--Alr. Wni. Burgess, of Toronto. Were auticipated till Tueso� ay afternoon, .
, I - . I I places. . 1. . - , r, . I
. - 4 .
� � is
, i: been sp(hding few , , . I Cv _� when medi I aid was aggai i sought, but
appointed should 'they gpl � to the polls quell,el' the digturbance,' and escorted Brine whq has dent, and th parties referred to are all known as a leading Scott Act orato
I p . -, - , BeIg-rave. well known this township : �11 A wed- at present filling the Coligre,gational ,-,Ic IS' :
and tender their ballots. The muni-ci- ,the tain, oil the Army.to his resi. weeks -with friend� here, returned to ; without ava I to save her I.fe-. he was
� - � pat lav� ext(Tds to unmarried womeii dence,to rotect him from his assailants. Winnipeg on W edn�`sday. - -Mr., W. M. T�w. Spot Fop. BARdAiNi-s.- Great - ding of more than' usual interest took pulpit in Lislowel. i � in the 57th ear of her a0re and leaves a ,
-ho, possess the requisite % . I 1. I . �. Clearing S�le o� Summer Good , Straw Goods at place at Wellwobd, Manitoba, on IlTed- - Tfie last -half of the Julie cheese was , fal.nil I
[ . - ai�md wi4lau Not . . . I - � t b . . cos�.. Leading prices -paid for Produce y Is- . on t I �
[I -, p ,TV qualiAcation the right to vote . in . nesday., the 8th I inst The contracting. shi�pped from Avonba,nk factory i at- - .
. ye 1. , I ' the' ; a, n mber of t e pa,itie4" im.- .weeks) left, on j Thursday for At ... nta, counts for cash during Augui it lit A. TSYLOR'S . . . - . Saturday, the ,, 7tI 1justant., as a .
. lavm -ore, BelKra,ve'. .921 1 ed. Switzer, . -
we are not plicate bled on the corner ' ' take St parties we - '
I � arm�7 .re Mp. Tbos. McGregor, of urday, 18th instant, The price pai.
� ic pal �electiona, but asem, at Geo ia, I ni a. -s tuation in �a - ; man in the employ of r.
- I I I ' ):I- - � e . I _ 9 . I - 1;vas 8J cents per pound. : Oil 0 -
_ - that gives the fr - Forbe ery r pose of - 54le dry goods house in ' h - , Wellwood, d .1 -Ima, named
� I aware ,of any,! law I am Jtable fo ' the'pur ' 11 Ole., t at I Aliss Mary Jane New I I Listowel gr wel ro 'd - 1E
� freen sells faster now )
� - . .... ; I
� . BRiBFS.-Parifi G il, q-2 . � "I �
. dhise to, women at par'lia-mentaxy elec- wayl, i and. assaulting two young ity -Mr - 1 ex -Reeve Rog rs, of Brus- than ,, &nti,Scott ton daugh er J,f W J. Newton, Es -some fiend is making a businesa Of Pollard . I ..
. I � .c Act. '-People in � was. going o4h the barn.
, - I -friend seems to m en sel . - . I I , - in Mitoliell -_ ' 1. ,. .
1- a, Reeve of Os 3re Miss Em-na Edwards poisoning valuable dogs
I tions, �Ith6ugh our who belalig to .the Armyl whea.. who claims to be the 11 boss " salt gelieVal were, 'astonishe . the commulli I y _ yard he w 'attack y a vicious ba .
.- . I- am. a I I
- ' '
. . Mn It would be well for. the on th .6ine. Here Again another. of Ontario was in to- wn on Wed- - and Mr. Da iiel Aikenhead lent valuable 4 , , Several citizens mourn, the! loss -
. � - . t I I - he I Pry," and several . . him hi tlie air to the
, clerk " ha . 7
, thi k ti I . , eIr way h who first sed
, i
1p A cation signed 'I Pau
1 1-7 ve his lists disgrab.ehil ro*' 6nalled, which aroused nesday ,' see The hol 0 favorite canines from this cause.
114 qui P-ttion to. vo er# 4-4k I I . - the elaphant.- different parties are accusild of . writing assistance on the occasion. y . height of a, ut tweilve fe ., then 'rolled*
1- a!�f y -A - - I
� i ,Ole neiihborho rites were parformla& at 3.30 p. m,, by fter arecent storm ,quite a laum. him over. . �
cOrrected bi- r0morving the nem es 4,f the . the od-, Blows ;'were Methodist Presb te iall. Sabbath. - out who the � - 9 veral times 0 the ground.
! - I it, but it will yet leak I
;_ ,faffieg fri* the first part and having. � again cchangeA, and the 'most obscene ,Schools are to- unite In a picnic to 3rode- the Rev. INJr. ampbell, of Neepawa, ber of the farmer's around-A,volibank I �
`- ' � ... , I I author is, and lid will be paid back in and at last! Ot down on 'hi's prostrate - � ; -
I .
� - "he second part, else, and i us,ting languagewas . inoijilg6d, rich next Thur�day. Mr. James Scott - .Court, Sixty had. . uildings clad with lightning form
7, . them inaeAed in t . I assisted bythe ev. Mr their b . this juncture � -
� : e
:1 I I eve � I se
:� . I __ . es aa - y . .
5 w . - - nolig the f rry, I �
- 11 be, the new lists are pre I - pearaiiee.
- I
, fake place , befoV freq��.* . And rowdyism � is growing so with -lot' of horses -44 goes to -1 . screamed 'orheilp; diis-4ttracted the
ill, t6i nt of ,An election- - which may in. disturbances are becoming so leaves to- day for Mainitobl,. He takes his - own com. - The Doctor has - more. I couples �resent, guests having rods, which at least improves their ap- with 1. Z, knees'. At,
. . � warm -friends than enemi w I he wag seel L b - the ,,, erk-Ant girl, who - - ' '
X . been invite in Winnipeg,� CLarbe '
� I him a � a , Scoti.Act workers,'and th�-y say there is
. . I I
� -): �' h ' CAV-il-. bet places. The even- I
;,� pared t e t*wilship wmild. in a.0 proba- r � � , -in odr town, thiA unless the take off his - ciop..-Mr. . John. M Neepewa and ol . -The editor of the Mitchell Recorder brute's at , lition
�, I I many of the statements.- - - for a m4ent, and he
�F I - anchise& no truth in . ing was.spent in dancing, and ab egg by a6tual �
. - But, as there :: 0 *ea at once ta,ke decided steps to liams, a graduate of the S eaf6rth High: 'The hajing is about over. It has' been . I pt up to 1�1 ok around, then Pollard with
f ulity be 44, . � - out 12 has a lien tbat lays an
� - : I I -9
�� 1. -
�, . . xTe son!ie politicians who are more inter- checkit,- bloodshed will certainly be the School, and a 1 student of K11OX'A-- Col--, 0 clock 'a' more bha,n ui;�ally sut�ptuous measurement, 64 6 inches, and he wants T
Z .
w I . I .
� an excellent crop and wel. saved. Fall I . i 6 what life h! 3 had rollel.tilider. the barn, .
� . - ambitious eno gb which save� I him) f ron 1 fitrther gon
; ' I
. � I eated in thia matter than we are, no , resuli� The.only:way in which this ckn lege, Toronto;" preached iii tha Presby -7 wheat will be. cut this 'ii eek. -Cholera, repast -was , served. Never before, in to know wh�se hen is � u 119.
� - . � -
� . � I �
�1. and this m i hb hood, was th to go up higher. * !
doubt, .-,heyl will attend t6 it.� . be doAe is to severely punish those w'ho. terianclivirdh last Sund - ei h- .Pig - ere so much - . �id� was procu�ed� and the- . �
21 , . . __ � . 4 mornin . ry _gevaleftt il, this n g I Medical .
, . f 0 � . . 1 17� auty assembled o - -The Listowel Board - of Works are � '
p - I 4 , create' the disttirbance.. No. lQeney evening. Mr: MeWillh ims r pre %ched youthful be, n one occa
I i
� - I I ' - . i - borhood.-F. - Websi er, , tailor, is � - works system in patient ia,c .oing as well as r-olild be ex- �
:_ Tux L,kT,F� DR. VErwoR f � . * The fair � bride was made the extending the water .
� . .-We have thi o s oom- two exQellent,siermons which mark )iini on. :
T. I . talkingofleavingrBelgra . Hemaygo pected. r I
L I r �y I
Z . week to announce the death, after sev- mence�ment of the 'disturbance in -the as a voung,man of much promis( who 'y �ecipient 0 ma, costly and plegant that town. Under the bridge on Main . . i ;� .
i. I I fartbei and fare worse.-. ohn H. Law- - . I I I -
I is I I
'hall, it. probable that there was *India- Will jet be -an 46rnam ent 'to. the profes- I .. . - v . rtuary st;atis c
; - eral months of patient suffering, Of ' Dr. presents. . � . street the pipes are laid about three feet -The ti a for the dif-
r . . . . I I I - . I f Al a, spent a f aw -clays here � I - i I ferent .I In
. I below the bed of the river i �
s � I , Renry Liddell Vercoe.', The deceased, dretion and fault -on.both sides, but it is sion of his'ehoice.-Mr. ge . i
Z or,' * hi'om � , Elensall. -The aimual report of �he Trafalgar
E . . Oxeor i Ament, am .� i's relatives last weqh-.-T'V1i$s . of Canada during June have.
. . was well and fa,v*orably known in Sea- certai that neither the*officers norme.m- Of Ypsilanti, Michigan, and elde ,t son Mar, . . �een publii bed. The. numbei of deaths,
I- � I r Parker, of Newark, U. S., is visit- is te -
. . �
. f6rth 'and Vicinity, where for ab6ut ; bers of the Army wiU interfere with any of Mr. J. G. Ament,,of this town,' is at - BRTEi.,_,.- The employees of the Grand street '.LNlethod t Church Mi he
I., I Its in the varilbus cities -wero� as follows: .
i � ing i elatives here and at Sunshine. -A.
. .
. r-eventeen years he- enjoyed a large and one if let ulone,,-and.'it is equall ell- Trunk Railway, of ,this place, accom- shows a membership on the roll of �202. A
!, � y w -present here' visiting the " folks at � . Montreal,.�52; Toronto, 117; Quebec, �
� . - - ' ' Tay: or is doing a good'bu sless at home
; - Dr. Vercoe was know. i that- ailumber of you' J lanied by eir families .
� tucrz�tivc practice.. ng nien. coil - home. "-7.LMl�. Thomas `Soolo�, of Toronto and friends, en- Amount raised for ininisterial s4POrt 144 ; Hamilton, 63 ; Halif i,xI. 71 - Win- - �
. _. . - . . � a d tbroad. May success attend- him. - j yed a che excursion to Port Starile and paid to the pastor -ring the �year nipeg, 14; 'Ottawa, 60; 's
; I n
? -hora in England in 1840 and was a greg � . -eew,tingsfor the express is spending his holidays i town, Toin- - . ,du �
; at the ,in .. - . Walter Allison has returned from the I y � i fi) " li. John, N,B.) -
� .
� I noe and as mie has responsible, position in Grip . , es ay. eing �fine, an I
; Of Mrill. -Liddell, a distinguished purp � , a; disturba a , n Wedn The day b past $922, 43 . K
� se of making .P I Ain
Z *. I old country, looking ell and with . i * .. I n, 23 ; St. Thomas, 12;,
. ,)3 0 . injoya e1r 11
. . 1,
� =of the Royal College.of 8 argeous they call it having a� "good tin'l and . printing establishment at d -is doing well. .1 * .. e e7 was. spent. -..Xessrs. -Mr. James Galloway, a broth' of Cha'rlottet)wn I 14; Guelph, '
. . - . . . 1. i P. E. .,
t � plenty of news to interest those whoask *
. mid' a6. autheat of some repute hi the these gentlemen (?) - are so exe I . ekson Bros., general merchants, have Mv�. James Sills, Mitebell who ha(l not 9 ; Bellevi I
� , . - � a I - . . �1� 0nt., II;.
� I dingly .-The members of Raff's -church , .
� Me- him Ilestions', and have me to chat. , -
. -
� medic4, world. The family =no- to- sell ;'- ive that if anyihing. is said o them Killop, intend having their hiirch . ' 1 loved into the : iew block which they been heard of by tht family and friends Sherbrook,-, 11; Pete'rbofo), 7; d- , -:
� I
. --- - Jo C.'Campbell cut all drew in fall - Fre
r I
� ' -thc up
. 4 Gan,%Oa when the children were young by th officer%.they at once g - i ecently reii ted � 'rom Mr. J. P. Marsh- for 19 years, recently turned .J -
y r et ..then- iroughly over -hauled I at, re, aired ericton- N:' B 1 - St. Hyacinthe, 33;.
s - ir whe -last wee -'Sever Of 6e villa- I I 0) y
. I . ' I k. , ell, The He had spent the, 16 : in- Galt,
! I astor - . . 9. -Toronto stands well accordiag.
; mid selttled in the County -of EI The dignP -,y and show fight. We ar a, sorry du:riipg the absence ofl Ve . 'block is one, which for- ap- Mitchell. ,�
� . I .
. gers purchased property belonging .to i
; deceas'ed commienced the study Vf;nedi- to say, too, that many of these are young -for his holidays. -Rel . Mr.' Mc- P�arance,col v6nience andfinislithrough- tervening- years on the Pacific coa , .
. I I � , to population, but unless �here has been
I IV the! i state of the late Jai ne; Thompson .
: . �
. I
. � . eine at Magill College, and graduated'at m en I rorn who .in better conduct ahould Donald I d Ma McDonald, are . -it, will coo-ipa e favorably with that of -The first actual purchaser of i - some defect in registratioil, tile people -
Z I 1
7 . -
. . . of 1M Orris. -There will be special. ser' 01 11 . Olin of
I -pected - If the object ant ys-1 # Kincard Winnip
. I thut institution in 1.865, bemLy awarded be o F - these. spending tI eir Qri& e.-. ,any city. he iwest store, or. side of - where Stratford no-%v,is was Mr. *
i xanxinatioli par a, - and, till'ose -who * elicoux- We obsexy, by the statement of old ) . enj ed e ceptionally goo(l health
: � - vices in Trinity Church X y, .block contihis groceries and di - rted a . blacksniith and Frederic6n must have
_. . . the prize for the best final e� . tacitly -, � throughout the diocese morning a I n rugs, and I Sharman, who sta is I I oy . lk
. . � also d I .
E .,.t the conclusion of his academic course'. age I . is td bring. the Army into disre- resident,in the Stratford I Herald this . hi the east. 3tore, dry goods in all its shop and (lid a thriving business.. iTh ontreal
C I Y . . X ,evering, as a thanksgiving for the com- . 36 of the deatli� are ascribed
i I ,
i - . - D
� _'
: He settled atI�parta, near the home of PIA6 nd root i __ . . 11wanches.-Mr. Thomas Dick, ,of this was in 1834, his son Henr
t out; they are go in,g tile weeki, that Col. VanE gi-hond fat of . y being, the to diarrho al affections antJ[ 22 to small- � ,
; I I I inteers
� paratively safe return of our volii I .
� his fam ily, where lie practised for about wron way. aBodt it. The ma -e they t1he Vessni; VanEgmond Iwas at on 'time i I village, sail:3d for'the old country ihis first white child born, -within the qity's pox. �
� - , I
t - - . .
I I - . . -*---- . I . I I
. I . �
. week, be is accompanied by Mr. Cud, present limits.
. two, years, and ati the death of Dr. Fitz- distw�b the inbetings,and beat ai: (I abuse owildr of the lotson which the City of -The erlin News of a recent (late
� .
T - . Brussels.
. __ - -the o :bers, the nicresym- Stratiford and the Town . 0 ' -.L\Iuir, ' A-voilbank, has say 11 a. George Cleinens, the 4 I old- -
? I
; I . shaullons, he ren,loved to. Eginandville. ficers and melil � of Mitche 1 now i � . more, of Kippen, who is taking', across -AMr. Jas. of � s: -M
: . .
� I . . I .
P During the doctor's residence at : path3 - do they. area -to, for the Ari, iy - and stand, an( .a -1 -,o the B�IEFS'.-TheBrn�sels Post ha -z bid large num e.- sold his threshin machine and h r.ge- est inha ' wit " of this coi L- .
. - ) tb the traded them . 9 aty thed yet-
� I . I . I
t, .1 an .
. . Rgm,widvilleand Seatorth .his profes- the more fl ri-aly do they' establi h it in Canada C . pany .fol: his Egmondville a flitting, d this Nveek�s issue will be iln J. G. Hackney, of St.-Thoinas, for- power to Mr. J.'Lamb, Of Muskoka Who terday at ibe residence4of her daughter, ' "
; .
: � �_
: � . . sional attainments, and gentleamnly our- lixidst, and they. at the -same Afnie property. .Mr. Hugh Robb, jr., has had sent out from the newp remiaes. '13, of this villap, is here visiting his shipped it for that place last week, *
: . . - May met
: � . � . at Centreville, at the ad�jlanced age a �
: I
V., . manner, earned for him the well -merited cover.' themselves with disgade, an hiany frieulds.-Mr. James Ingrain of and -intends following in a few*days him-
. � d his cottag olr G dderi ooh. street raia �(i up, it prosper hi the new a,s it has in the : . 3 . 93, all bu. , seven years of which w6re -
% If -
4 � In brin rn into isrepute.' I .-kyliller, isl also spen ' . i
; �.. & eateem of a harge circle, of friends. q, our tou a We - -and is havil g a cellar, and stone feunda- old.�The return match of cricket be- (ling a few weeks self. te county of .Waterloo. she
. - ' - ,
; .. -.'ivlr `tt is tw6en, the Grits and Tories wa - 'N
� , February, of last year, Dr. Vercoe, fear- cautipil. these young -,lien, in a 9 -Lir. W. A. -The cricket club, of ustow
Z �� I ` el, i'E tend was the s4c..d wife,of .Xf r, Clemeiis,-,60 - .
. a irit of tion placed under it. . Belin - TlaYed ,vith friend� and relative. - .
; 1. . � .
I ing the inclemency of a Canadianvinter, the sincerest friendship, that a Itho It erecting a � aeat little house on Goo terich last 'week, and agrain vletory crowned Wallull, merebant, pqrchased this week taking a week amongst the principal died about 22 years ago. , Her first bus- * .
� . . . u . . 0
; , -_
;A - .. * * t enio-ved to, Texas. The mild �limate of they may for. a time escape. the lash P .street- next' to the residence ol Mr. the- Grits -by.52 runs. A .atchwasalso t couple (f fine parrots, one of which' clubs of theTrovince. They startea on band was a Reastand Mr. George .
; �.
I .. . )
. *4 to
- 4a',State-at first seemed most agree- the law, if they persist in their d i9order- James Uraves.'-Many of our citizens played between the eleve 1 and twe rtunat dy died. -Foot ball is the the 28th instant, with the intention of Heastan& near German "lls,beingaile - -
a .
it.- I - - - � � an( ' ey wil ' - the 286, - .
. .
� �, �'�� able, btit the sudden chancres from : ly I I'disgraceful conduct, id .�� 14 - �
�,.1', , � 0 - I are havin Ab " ences. -pain I h of the eleven -avorite a usement or pastime With our -playing Guel-ph club on
oo� ..
k Ic V,t t
. ,,;e two, and resul ed in Javo, . Galt of 'her 7ns., t0Syblj,e ined all her
. . -
_ � � extteme hea,t to cold, together with the certainly go from bad t _10178 , until of them 1 by a score of 108 to 46. -A. Y eal has joys and young men.-,_Nliss Robin- on the 29th, Hamilton on the,.30th, and � I er t -
: - 0 wors n e w c 6 1 o rl, - meid'r arlel a . t mental r e last,.' and literally .
; ' -
. �� - aracter of the counti y, com-� I theycommit SoMe . offence or (rinie so pretty. -Dr. Smith, of'this t;bwn, I went sold out his furnit4re )usiness to R. wn, of -Tralad Bend, was i ' the, Toronto on the 31st. . "7
-1 I "U'larious ch (It m i died of o ... a without iany apparent �
�., .
. �
. . .
: �. ering. �
� :S . palled the doctor to return to Canada, iii serious that it. can not be cove �,od i , to Toronto, on Thu ;&Y Malcolm who Avas form rly f6renian in village this week visiting friends.- -A- little son of James Arinst�ong, pain or - 'ThAt ' T 1
. %:, .
_., . P 1. , r . . NN a, histol
� �p De0einber last- He located in Toronto, nor winked Eki,nor treated ten I . �
,, . . ientl y by the tative of the United Work lien, at-. Bennett's factory.-Robt Tait, formerly rf lie trustees Of the Hensall South Di- grocer, Listowel, about 3 years of I age, over eig years in t1iis I-ocality ! When n �
. - I . but his, -health, which had been gradual- officers of th6 law. it has ever -� een so,: tend the funeral of the late Dr. Ver.,oe.- mercharlt of this town, died oil the 920th :vision of the Methodist church have had a narrow escape froin being dr?wn- . � �
I �
_.. .1 ty failing, did not U�Lprove, and his and their case ?will be no;ex3eption. , at � . she cam : here with her parents-thO.- .
� I
Mr. W. 0. Reid-r6turned home f,-om a Oil city, PeTIMSylvania*.-Rer. C. ',Nf. lately improved the appearanceof the ed one day lately. 'Re fell into au� old .B 6tchels J believe -there Was not A '
- . � � ) Wt -
4-4-sease, arising from an internal cancer- There is an organization in towil, known . trip east, oil Thursday last. Wh Ile in Thom�son and -svife, fo rinerly of the - parsonage property k,� erecting a very 'Unused cistern while playing nearif,and ' ' - .
q'is grouth, wka regarde4 as hopeless. by the euphonious name I � Fro7 . . I I , half do n families this side of the -
.e : .
. - . 1 Toes." *Toronto, I e called to ,see Mr. A idrew Epi4, al 'Methoclist cliurch of this neat d substantial � picket fence, tfie after getting a severe ducking, J,waa Beverly. wamp'. .
� � _L . I .1 . .. � I . i � 'Op �, . . an . � � 0, �
I I i . i . .
. ! - � , . . i
� . I , , � �' i I
� I I . : . I I i- I 1, I . � I
I 1. . - . . I . I. I I .
. . I .1 I : , I . I . 1� i � I I P I
_. * I . . � . , .1 �
I - : I . � 1. .
� I � . . i . . . �
� I I . - � . - -
� . . ! - . . j! � .
� - . , I . I I . � �
� . - I � � i I . . I .
; 11 . .. -1 ! - . , - I
� . I , I i , . . . � - I . . li . . IV . f , � I I I - I � . . I ;I - -_ I
. i I I I I
I .. . . . .. �7 I I I -_
� , � I I i . I
ok ely
, N -A
illou r.
all ire
I i . 1E
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I '10 11
I � . n
a n t1i
01 e t
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I ,
�es �
pe 1��, (
- f,
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I in
, �r liy1s:
I � i
- I liel- 1�
I � 1' -I
�h; ��
'n 0��e_a
,j ,,;er E �
f s
:trst- r
, hal
, at thl � �13111
� I i ! . . ; I - I � . . -
. .
! � � . I - . i ; . . : I I - 11 - V.
i I - . . I . I 1: . _ . I I . � �' Y, I
I . I . I � I I
� - I i . I � : . i . . . I '. I . - t -- -_
I . - . i - . �! I � � - : � 1.
. I . . i - � 'I 7 -
. i . . : : � i I ; i ; � I
� ; � :* . . -
. . i i '_ � . . � I I 1. �* �
� I . ; � 1) . i . . I . . I -_ . �
i I _. - . ! . ? I I � .1 I I I � .
� ! . : : i . i � i il - .
. I :
I ! . . .- i . . � .� � I . 'I -
I . . . : , . , - �
I , I
� . __ . I . . I - , � f I �
� . I . Q: .
- L . ! : . �,
: . . . . _. � � I - : I I �. i. - �, _. . : . . � . � _-_1 I I � ---. � -_ 1111� -.-1_-._-. . , __
- - . L _, ___ � ---.11- --,.,-t 1, - -1 1- _ __ � - �__ - - ---t_ -
� -1 - i - - - - , - .' - ___ __ - __ - . I _ J- -.1 _..______ �__ ___ i L__ mom
11� order to vommenc* vad
jr1th an entirely new ASAX'k of I
. . he pmit �
- our custom ,during t
annual . leleaTing sale, Tyi-Wom,
<&:11St0m,W,e are now *ffezilug f
� "
'first-class stock of mqtf- =A:
Caps at very grmtly re"- ced I
. .
make Toom for -our- manimeth �.
�,00ds thor-ily to arrive. The 0
?� ;.
assorted, comprising almost t
to the trade, froul the very #
� erican Frelich Kid Boots an�
. hea7viest -and �-,trong�ebt 3-1U4*$ 151
- i
In 11ats aud G" we W1101va,
!,sWk in the eountY, cOln-4stibX
. WooarDw& Sons fqr Wt flex.
Stiff Rats. jmd Amer;can AT
,,bit,, _0.r Rim is to make .
- -
wearing sale an establLihed -
- , .
paA�01011_rbllffliheM SOtbW
,nounc4e our semi-annual clex-ril,
. - kv
can r�qiy on getting big bar* -
,1.re advertise Nvil[l be sold Mmr�
CASH. For ins . -
.tanm, wip Alle �
- 4
- lection Of Boots, Shoes and S
you your eiioice of the lot fox
much better �olleqitiofi ' for 75k
M-11,get J�adiej? Solid Leat -her D
-.vith ri-vited bottOMS, worth 14
I .
Hea%T Buckle Plow Boots, nt
jq, -wortb ,52. A big 0011ectio,
Kid and P4DUSh jCalf Buttoned.
- ,ed buttonholes, for ',U-85 Per
. ,the .cheapest gdods we have OV4
- — _1
Estate of John Gai
� �
1. . i
IVe bs-,,,e sMs - Vig lot 61 the.
to the e�tate, bOught at aUCU
- I
in'r 011t at 89C On the dollar- .
M� I .
I.. Long Boots Cleating out at X
,,nd Bcv,s Fine Hand,sdwed,Q-,'
I .
� at cost,price4 . j
- .
Woodrow & Sons and tIrw
Fur #ats at cost price, and no:
will be refused for Men!s and I
NV,,e have iWill a few fine 3ftailh.
- -Pepartment ba,
I . t-)ur -Grocery
xg,ain this week with ,ev--*-U
In a first-class groczr)- stom i
- .
- times, � .
; �
! �
. . i
<M.1 - I
i . �,
� __ FR EE 01F.U.1
. .#"V ,
a , 1-�
G E On. lkx I
. �
Noted for Choice I
- . J� I .
G 6317 u,"In e Cl
. .1
_. .
� Cheap
—OF -11
H off, man
. I
. Every article and All
L place Will be solla rev
XV,e hold this sale b
. .
rooin for NEW F-A_LL t
� t-Onfound this sale wit
luleariug a -ales generally a
d,r* exa,ctly what we. say
� quire to do is to call at �
Store and. be con'%inoe,
Come all. No trouble I
- �
�, Wv-want everybody to..
. awl -prices,,and �exteand �
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I eollict toall., Remenilber: