HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-07-31, Page 7tenable te He ges.; fgrabli, rms.. a par- ffuth, 1 eve • kTist 4 eountsa for this IS the doing longer • "special karitee- to te- Mille, and notice rate& f L. nee of - of On- nt•ario, having arsfleld ift the died t past; y post trick ifl and tre the rid ad - claims -vounts, eld by epeeist, assete ntitTed wizieh attired, the Lam of had I8an. orth, 'eeutoret Itan of ; the e iaost fl every' ia. et -ers- te 90.4 4 ttair 31, Hints for Vacation. 1 woiiid like to say a few words to Our young people particularly "our ,girI4," .was, expect to visit their country cousit1s and friends during the approaching 1a cation. Inthe first place rememl r that your friends nee earlier than y u have been in the habit of doing, a d tlia they do not keep as many scrvai ts , as you do in your city hone. Now, if you are late in getting up you *eith r I oblige yottr hostess to wai for you to take breakfast with the fat ily, or to get your meal „separately whe you make your appearante, In eit er case you throw the domeetic arrang merits awry, and annoy both mistres - and mail. Before you go to bed the n ght of yo ir arrival inquire the family breakf t hour, and then compel yourselves to e ready for it ; you will soon be repaid f r -the effort, I assure you. Then, befo -e youstart off on any pl asure jaunt, put your rootfl. in order, nd. see that you have not left any of your belong ings around the parlor or hall ; take caie of yourself and your Olathe', and nev r require any one to wait f r you after -the appointed hour for st.Jrtiiig op. n -excursion. There are many little things. such as preparing fruit for the table, etd., 1 which you can do to help • our friends and it certainly will not lessen your own pleasure. If the weather k eps you in doors for a day or two, lo not shit yourself up with a book to read to e . tertain yourself alone ; ren ember it is \ your duty to give as well a to receive enjoyment from you]; visit have some prettsapiece of fancy wor to employ your fingers, which when you have cora- pieted you can leave with your friends as a naemento of your stay with thein; talk, and if you can sing, slag ; in short, make yourselves agreeable, girls ; ha -e a good time, and let your entertaine a see that you have enjoyed your visit -aid :they will regret your departure, and hope for yonr return.- hristian at Work. - The Prince and thel PaUpers. The Mince of Wales' 16dt to the - workmen's homes built by a Dubl n compiny seems to have been rather • teresting. Leaving the escort of horse soldiers behind, Ws Royal Highness, accompanied by his son, Prince Albert Victar, and Mr. Richard Martin, the chairman, and a fe waf the direCtors oithe company, drove through one part of this slum, which I have attempted toed - scribe (says a London Telegraph corres- pondent), and, after climbing up_ the rickety stairs of one of the worst of the old houses, eventually reached the four short .streets of neat, red -brick, tale- • story cottages, running in the -form of cross, from a centre where stands a handsome drinking fountain, a drinking •trough for horses and dogs, several seats, and some patches of garden planted with shrubs. The fountain, circular in shape, of large and handsome proportions, is roofed in with a cupola painted chocb- late color, picked out with • gold, and embellished with elegantly designed castings of cranes and Marls. •All the four short road, the ends of which abpt upon the filthy, aqutilid slum, are sub- stantially asphalted. It is an oasis of comfort and cleanliness iri a desert of dirt and decay. The Prince was waim- ly received by the poor people along the .ronte, and. at the Coombe itself, having thoroughly inspected the settlement, he was about to re-enter his caniage, when a buxom, gipsy-looking woman stepped forwaed, and, evidently led_ away the exitement of the moment, caned ot Shur, my lord, an' won't yet. do some- thing for the poor creatures of Ireland that's so poor, and for the ,w,erkingthen that's out of workar There was some- thing unaffectedly pathetic in the N,v 0- niaaA manner and in her -impromp u speech, and the 'Prince,witheut inca merit's hesitation, replied, "That I my - poor woman. I - will do alt in 11 y newer." Afterwards I spoke with t ie woman, who told me she was a wid w with four children, and got her Ho' ig hawking small wares about the cit She looked on the model dwelling a -a great improvement, but said they w re too expensive for the likes of her.. The average weekly rent of a single room in the imreelaimed portion of he neighber- hood was but two shillings, whereas apartment 'could be obtained in t LC artizans' dwellings under four shihii gs and sixpence a week, "Sure, a er honor, an' long may ye live," said s e, " thim houses is for tradesmen. 1 ie poor laborer, och . Y t, The Yankee in Cuba. Genuine Yankees, such as are p r- trayed on the stage, are growing -v ry scarce. Most persons have never si en • one, and believe that the quaint angu ar • figures, drawling nasal tones, and o ld conceit ascribed to them, are the p ducts of the brains of novelists and pl y- wrights. Nevertheless they do exit, and .the writer met one in Santiago ide Cuba the other day. The city is a v ry strange one. The houses amtl stores so built that the walls •can be alm st .eatirely thrown open, while the in e - riot's have courts that are unroofed aid unobstructed to the sky. The rnoneyj of the country is net familiar to an Ani4 a can. The Yankee had jutt 'landed when he spoke as follows: " Somehow I ea % taiga -hen I'm indoors and when Pm o I've got a room, or somethin', in a ho el here, and I've been into it, quandaryi g around, but I could not tell- when I as in the parlor or when I was in the it - then or back yard, so I'm standin' &beet here in •the park not to make any n is -- take. I started down the street a m - ute ago, but I got afraid. I might mak a mistake and git arrested for being fo d in somebody's back parlor. 'I've go a lot of the money of the place, but I ea make heads or tails of it. I took so ne of it back tv-he.re I got it, and.pa,s ed it over the same counter -so I recon t's genuine. I could write the history of < the place already. All I need is he dates. It was evidently built the y ar after the flood ;i it's been shook down by an earthquake, burned up by a volca 10, resettled, and left just as twits fou d. The whole country is best whar it's b en let alone. Wherever the people h ve touched it they've made a mess of it." Fact and Runior. -Fresh proposals have been recei ed. -lay the British Government concern. no the Afghan frontier. -The irisi Land Purchase bill las passed the committee stage in the Ho Ise of Lords without amendments. -There was a preacher in our cou ty who married a couple a few days a0.. This is the marriage fee: 12 duck esgs, .50 cents eaah, $6; promise of two ducks, • THE 1-1PR0N EXPQ* ITOR. 111111111111r 4Cttsar $2 each, $4, making a total of $10. A big day's work, considering he had to ride only fifteen miles, and stop his plow at that.. -Butler, Ga., Herald. ,, , .--In the aehools of Long Island City,' penny savings banks have been intro- duced by Ms Thiry, a school commis -l" sioner, who IS an enthusiast in educa- tional matters,' arid has seen the excellent -working of these banks in France. In - one ward $120, wassaved by 400 pupils in five weeks. ' I ----The Sacred Congregation of Rites at Rome has passed an edict to the effect that the electric light and the baskets of flowers suspended from the arches, as was done for the recent Centenary of St. Damascus, are in nowise suitable to the sanctity of Christi n temples. -In Germany the workingthen are agitating to have a bill passed forbidding Sunday work. In a debate lately Prince Bismarck said, in his opinion, the ques- tion of regular working days was more important Though he himself was not in favor of a law forbidding work on Sunday, if he thought workingmen really wished it he would advocate the measure. . • GRATEFUL-a-COMFORTIG. EPPS'S • COCOA 1 "By a thorough kilo 'ledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nu- trition, and,by a careful application ot the fine, properties of well selected Cocoa, Mr. 1E08 haa provided our breakfast tables with a !delicately flavored beverage which may save us many doc- tors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution May t begradu- ally built up until -strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundrids of subtle mala- dies are floating around u ready to attack wherever there is a week poiiit. We may escape many a fatal shaft by eeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood And a pioperly nourish- ed frame." -Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with.boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets by grocers, labelled thus --"JAMES Eris, & Co., Homceopathie Chemists, London, England." Role firma for Canada, C. E. Colson, 1102 tret2. 884-52 Dont be Deceived. . Beware of any druggist who will tryto induce you to take anythin t -in place of nleGregor & arke's Carbolie Cerate. It is a marvel of heal- ing for sores, cuts, burns,. etc. No family ehould be without it: It has ho equal. Get 31cGregor & Parke's, and haveno other. Only 25 cents per box at Lumsden & Wilson's drugstore, Seaforth. 912.52w. - All Well Pleased. -The children like Dr. Low's . Pleasant Worm Syrup and Parents tejoice over its virtues. 857.52m Ai • emt ' • A Se • . An unparalleled sem. • °ter Ontario by . the wonderful and unequalled manner in which neuralgia, toothache, rheuma- tism, backache Made application of Fluid disgusting drugs ne It is an instant cid .- from Lumsden & Wilson, druggists. 912.52w. --e---e---eit-•iie , Dangerous fits are often cansed 1 by worms Freeman's Worm* Pawders destro .8 worms. 857.52m. . , 1 ! -46•41k110--- • I McGregor' 4 Speedy Cure. It is popularly admitted every where that Mc- Gregor's Speedy Cure is the safest, most reliable and by larthe cheapeat remedy for constipation, liver complaint, indigestion, impure blood, lose of appetite, and all Similartroubles. It is not uecessary to take a great quantity be ore any re- sent is produced. A few doses will co ivince you of its merits. Trial bottle ;tit en free A Lumsden & Wilson's drugstore, Seafortn. 912. '2w. e•-• ,Arouse the liver wihen t rpid eel h National Pills, a good anti-biiioiis eath rtic, suear-coeted. le 857.52m. • sation. ation is being created all he, is removed by bucone Lightning. No offensive, .to be taker for days. . Try a 25 cent bottle Seaforth. Hollow 3r' s Pills. 1 - Th Indigestion and Liv r .Complaints. e diges- tion cannot be long or seriously disor lered with- out the derangementil being "'creep ible on the eountenence. These Pi lsarevent both unpleasant •• consequences ; they improve tne op ietite, and with the increase • of ' desire forfood, they aug- Ment-the powers of digestibir and assi ailation in the stomach. Holloway's Pills deal most, satis- torily with deranged or !diseased conditions of the many organs engaged in extreetieg nourisha inent for our bodies from our varioltis diets -as boWels, over all of .whieh the liver, stoniaell 0,0 they exercise the niost salutary contiol. Lay re - :entitle at an early stake of this ina1acly to rhese • L, Pills the d espeptie is pip -dying- and laxati speedily restored to health mid strength, and hts sallowness gradually % wishes:- 912,52we ' • 1 Weakness of Mind t ... or body, palpitation n -the hjaet and depression of spirits are quickly reliet ea by Hanington's Quinine Wine vent hon. See that you get lien- ington'se the original and gehuine. 891.52w. -eaa•-•.--- :Unknown. There is no remedy known to medical sci nee that can excel Dr. Fowler's Extract of Vild Strawberry as a cure for cholera morbus, or adults. S57.52.v.diarr- pfflicting childr ii 2 hea, dysehtery, or any form of summer bin- laint aate__ i! ' 1 A Good Filter. - Pure water is indispensable to health, the east. impurity should be larnoved by a good filter. . Pure blood Is also ii dispenea,ble : 'there ca.i be tio perfect health without it. The liver fi ters the blood. Regulate the liver with Bur oek Blood Bitters and make pure blood. 857.5..2W. -464, The Best Yet. There is no preparation b4tre the -people that to- dayt at commands theht confidence iner , or meets with a better sale then! does Dr. Pow ern Extrast of Wild gtraerberiatt--tthe infallible re ne- dy for all forms of aummer complaints,. t57. 52.2.1 -• •-eset-- .t w. .. .1 , • -I' I, 1 An Invisible Foe. ,. • Thepoisono.us germii of disease are lurking' in the air we breathe end it water we drink. The system should be yept carefully purified. and all the organs toned to proper action. Thisan best be done by the tegulating, purifying and tonic powers of Bur ock , Motel Bitters. 867. 62.2w: Take 411 in. All. ' -Take all the kidnely and liver . , ---Take all the blood purifiers, -Take all the d3-sp4peia and:indigestion cures; -Take all theague, fever and bilious specifics, ; -Take all thebrain and nerve force! ., " • ' revivers.: '-Take all the great health. restorers In short, take all th best qualities I all these and the Medicines.. -Qualities of all t e best inedichle: binesttlee 1 World, and, you will fil d that • . -Hull Bitters Have the best curative - qualities lid powers • -cone ntrated fp Miele,' ! -And that they Wii cure when anyt or all of ' these, singly or . 1 - ombinech Fail I ' th7cs,.:A VI°rough trial ill gii, e positive proof of of all . t . - : Harde sed °Liver. . Five years ago I br • ke down with k dneyand Ever complaint end r ! eamati -zu. . .Sincetheo I have b en una. le to be about at . all. 313-7 liver became hard like %rood ; my limbs Were puffed-up and fil ed withwater. Alla the best phyeicians agreed that nothing could care nie. I resolved to try Hop Bitters '; I have used eeven bottles; t e hardness has all gone from my liver, the swelling from .mylitubs, and it has worked a Miracle ii my case ; other- wise I would have beeln now 1II my grave. I.. J. W. :MOREY.: Buffalo, Oct. 1, 1881..: 'Poyertrancl al_neffering. • - . . " I wee dragged down with debt, poverty . and , suffering for years, caused by a sick family and large bills for 'doctoring. , - .. was! completely discouraged Until one year ago, by the advice of n y pastor, commenced using Hop Bitters, and in ene month we were all well, aird'ncine of us havnSeen a sick day since, and 1 want to say to all poor mere you can keep your ftuullewell a year ithHopBitters toeless than on doetor's vialt,will cost. ' I know it." ' -A Workingman. -VT Nbne genuine without a bunch of green Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile,' PVire.19 n°98":5uff2mrth "Hop" or "Hops" in their n He Acted: Wisely, ai i so weak I can hardly MONT1 all run down n ith a chronic sin uner complaint," said one ;gentleman to another on our street the other -day. " Now, • take my advice," replied his friend, Itgo toyour drnergist and get a bottle of Dr. Feltner's Extract of Wild Strawberry. I never have known -it-to failin curine any kind of sumn er complaints." d57.52.2w. Frequent rnnoyanCe. Msiny peoplesuffer fron ,distressing sick head- aches rii d bilious attacks of frequent occurrence which a, bottle or two of Burdock Blood Bitters would entirely retimee. It regulates the stom- ach, liver, bowls and blood to a healthy action. 857.52.2. •J. • R Dickson ware • S LEGAL. 31. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Office - anis formerly occupied by Carroll & Meyer's Block, over Johnson's Hard - re, Main Street, Seaforth. Goderich ,.kgelltS 'CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON. 870 - AltROW & PROUDPOOT, BarriStersaSolici- tors, &c.eGoderich,'Ontario. J. T. GARROW, WM. EROUDFOOT. - 686 RC. HAYS, Solicitor, to. Private Money to . lend at lowest rates of interest. Office - Corner of Square and Wes Street, Gxiderich. 774 riAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitorain phancer &e., Godericht Ont. M. Q. QAao, Q. C., PHILIP HOLT, M. G. CAniteee. 506 Tt OFTDS E. DANCEY, late with , Cameron, J Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister'So- licitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan. Ben- sons Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 1iFANING:NG. & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, JYI Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Office -Beaver Block, 011 iton, Ontarite A. H. IffAxsuse, Jemes Scone 781 .HOLMESTED, successor to the late fine of • . McCaughey &- Honnested„ Barrister, SO- lieitor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank -of Coin nerce. 31one3• to lend. Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street; Seaforth. EYER & DICKINSO.31 IS Block, Wingham. of Hamilton. Commissim ivits in Manitoba. Private icent. Lueknow Office eve C. 3lesea, E. L. Dleiesox , Barristers, &c., Kent's olicitors for the Bank ers for taking affida- funds to loan at 6 per Wedilesday.. H. Vt. 738 MONEY T I) LOAN. t6p1AOlyTO LOAN- cSggttoans:a feA. Interestp3tiail3eaiiyor6 per cent. yearly, with thee rivilege to borrower l of rePaying part of the principal money !at any time. Apply to F. 110 MESTED, Barrister, Seaforth., • • ! 850 • DENTIS RY. T4118" . Toro ./ 'guaranteed. kinds admii Goll Filling and Per • Town patients will pleas a day or two previous tion performed. agraRet the rooms formerly occup up -stairs in.Cady's Block, cial Hotel, Sea -teeth, M Ite nd M. R. C. D., of to. All. operations -Anesthetics of all !stared. Specialties- ect Fitting Plates. make engagements to having the opera- iember the place, in al by C. Caitwright, pposite the Commer- 874 "WA!'" D ENTIST, Faulty Gol Gold Medallist,Toran Remus over Johnsons' 11 Seaforth. 01\T, • Medallist and College o School of Dentistry. rdware, Main Street, 911 Grand Trun Railway, ., Trains leave Seaforth a d Clinton stations as follows:: ' Gintsci Wear, •S _AFORTIL • CLINTON. 2.40 r. et. . 3.05 P. M. ExpreSs . . .. 8.58 P. M. 9.15 r. n. Mtxed.Train.. ....:-.. 5 A. n. 9.48 A. M. GOING EAST - Express .. .... 7. 5A. n. 7.26 A. tie Express .... .. 1.46 r. m, 1.05 P M Mixed Train.. .. .... 5.30 r. n. 4.46 P. n London, Huro and Bruce, GOING NORTH -- London,. depart . • Mixed. - Mail. ! 6.00 A. M.' 4.501'. 11.Exetet 8.90- 6.10 . Hensel] 1 ' 8.45 ' Iiippen.. .. ,, .. ........ 9.00- • 6.29 - Bluefield ! 9.15 .6.38 Clinton. ' ' cata Londesboral.: .... ... 10.18 . ,7.20 Blyth. , 10.35 :7.27 Belgrave.... „ ..... . ... 11,00 . 7.46 Wingliam, arrive 11:30' 8.00 Express. Mixed. Whigham, delimit 1. Belgrave .;.. 8.40 12,03 P. . M - 7.20 a.m.11.30 A. N. - Blyth ! . 7.59 12.25 . Londisboro 8.68 12.37 Clinton.. . .. .. ..... 8:35 1.25 Bruce ' field. • 8.51 . '1.50 Kippen , . .. .. .. , . t Hensel]. , 9.05 2.12 - -Exeter. , 0.31 3,05 10.45 5.30 . Gone Soren -'- TiOati DRUGGIST TESTIFI-ES Popularity' hothe is not a ways the best test of merit,..1,tlt we point proudly to the fact that no otheI medicine has , won for Itself such univers I approbation in its own city, state, and co tryiiand among all people, as London, arrive ... . • Wellington, Gr GOING :NORTH- A6COM Ethel , ' ' .7.37 r Brussels 0.51 Bluevale. • 3.07 Wingham.., .. 3.20 GOING SOPTII- Expres , Wingham 7.00 A Bluevele 7.10, Brussels ... 1.25 Ethel .. 7.37 y and Bruce. Express. Mixed. .m. 9.13 P.M. 9.15 res. 9.27 10.00 9.43 10.35 9.54 11.30_ . Accom. Mixed 25.11.21 A. m. 7.30 P.M. 11.35 3.07 11.55 8.45 12.10 9.13 Train !leaving Wingham at 8 p m. for Kincar- dine, mils on Mondays, dnesdays.and Fridays only. , !-AUCTIP SALE D FA.9 M IN McKI LOP. 1 THE Ondersigned will o lia entieforcrSialeilobtle- 1,Ppsbelak.: Auction at the Col forth, on Saturda,31 Augistto2t0, io 22nd, el8b8n5e,esas) at tt o'clock p. m., North lhalf f 8, tfcKillop, conteinhig 5 acres struate, nearly stum s„ well drained all. cleared and free from and welt fenced. There is a good log house and frame barn and stable. Also a never failing. spring well. It is. within 1 alf a mile of school, and within three quarters f a mile front the vil- lage of Winthrop which obtains Mills, Stores, Cheese Factory, Blaeksmi h Shops, Post Office, &c:, and only Eve miles fr in the town of Sete forth. This is one of the choicest. lots in the townshine Possession give on the 15th.Octobert .Terme.-Ten per eei t. of the -purchase money on the day of s le: sufficient of the balance to make- up $800 within thirty days; an.d - the remainder n time to suit pur- chaser With interest at 6 per pent. • payable annua1131. ForIurther particulars apply to MRS. W. CLUIfTONaRippen• - 912 i • . ..„07 S P E AO I Aa\TCTIO U. S. MAIL ST AMSHIPS Sail from Pier 20, Norti River; New York, - Every Satin ta.y, for • GLASGOW VIA L NDONDERRY. RATES OF ASSAGE TO GLASGOW, DERRY,J ELFAST Olt LIVER- POOL, CABIN, $60 o $80. SECOND • CABIN, 840. ST ERAGE; • OUT- • WARD, $28. P EPAID, $21: Anchor Line Drafts issu paid free of charge in Ireland. For passage, 'cabin Plan apply to HENDERSON B GREEN, ;NEW YORK, or Office, Seaforth. d at loweSt rates are gland, Scotland and , Book of Toprs, tee., OTHERS, 7 BOWLING 0 S. D/CKSON, Post , 832 Ayer' Sarsap arilla. The fo11owig letter from one of our best- known Mass husetts Druggists should be of Interest to every suiferer ISM"Eight years ago I had an attack of I Rheumatism, so se- vere that I co ild not move from the bed, or dress, withou hell). I tried several reme- dies witliout nueh if any rail, until I took Av Ert's San. arAniars-A, by he use of two bottles of w ich X was completely cured. - Have sold. la •ge qnantities of your SARSA- PARILLA, an it still retains; its wonderful popularity. 'he many notable cures it has • effected in t ilsvicinity convince me that it is the best blckjcI Medicine ever offered to the ptiblic. Elver St., Bnekland, DIti.Ess.,./i1FiHARy13, 18R1882." . SALT R was for over 4rent years before his removal 11 ' oversee in the Lowell I8II; CaGriEte°titGECoArp"orREatiWongi, to Lowell . ili,etedl with Salt Rhourn in Its worst form. Its ulcerations a tually covered more than h if the surface of his body and limbs. He as entirely cured by AYER'S BAR$APARL18, L .83llSee certiate In Aye?* Ainiapa0 - PBXPABED Blr )er4Co.,Lowell,Mass.• inggist,s; 41, six bottles for U. RHEUMA • Dr.j.0 Sold by all VCTIONEE S. JP. BRIN a Licensed Auctioneer for the . County f yuron. Sales attended in all parts of the -County. All or era left at Tim EXPOSITOR Offi 6 will be prompt y -attended to. AeiDELGA .Y, Licensed AUctioneer for tlie Con- cession 12, Gr y. ed to on reasonable terms. Ad- dress Brussel: O., or apply on Lot 4, Coil- S • 77 attof all descriptien roe3 f Huron. Sale s promptly Count SEAFORTI PLANING MILL SASH, CO R AND BLIND FACTORY TMITE subsei ber beg.s. leave to thank his numer- _.1._ ous cus Iners tor the liberal patronage ex- tended to hin since commencing- business in Seaforth, and rusts that he may be favored with a continuance of the same. Parties inte iding to build would do well to give him a call, as e will continue to keep on hand a large stock of all kinds.of DRY PIN LUMBER, SAS ES, !DOORS; • LINOS & MOULDINGS, SIUNGLES? LATH, &c, He feels co &lent of giving, satisfaction to those Who ma r favor him with their patronage, as none -but first-class workmen are employed. Paiticular attentio,n paid to Custom Planing. 201 •JOHN H. *-BROADFOOT. Ci3 ,sc 3H1 10 NOM •-qqaoyeas `mss I1V NI '35n UO 1. HE STIFF 1. dersign L., R. !S., Tu improteement FOLK BOARS. rowed, on Ap Elliott, Milt° his dam We "King Tom,' was liked by county of Pe • were also im were ever off !proven by registered in esa, with the GEORGE P D. TDROVINC Engine tended to. LKS -ARE - TII EST The un - d has ri. w on,* 21, Concession 2, kersin'th, and I will keep for . the of Stock, Two ri itousa BRED SOF- The o (lest*: " ''rii ger, ' was fall- il 3rd, .1882, was brqd by Mr. Wm: :, County of Halton His sire and .e. both imported. The second., was fa rowed in A ril, 1 1884. He lessrs. A. Frank & S ns of the I, and . oth his , sire an1 his dam orted. They are as geed pigs as red .for service in H ron as can be he ext ndedp&tigr es jwhich are the Ca iadian Iterd Book. Terms riAlesg.sti of returning if necessary. E . 891 _ s. oAMPBEL AL LAND SL r. Orders by . S. C4MPBEL VEY nal r,311 and Civi. mptly at- • PCY'117-1\TTOS COMAX AND "PERFECT' • (ALL CAST IRON) CFrOT AIR FURNACES The 'most' healthy, economical and best known method of -heating, from the co tage to the largest public building, made in Nine Sizes for Brick Setting and Seven Sizes in Portable Form, with ..-or without Ash Sifting Chamber. • . Parties building, Church Committees, School Trustees: and all others inter ested, are respectiully invited to an examination of these furnaces. Sample now in stock. Boynton Furnaces and attachments are set up under Supervision an I fully gutuanteed by the manufacturers. Estimates, descriptive catalogue an 1 all information cheerfully given. MRS. JO 1\1- KIDD, HARDWARE, STOVES AND.TINWARE MAIN STREET, GEAFORTH. TEA. TEA. - TEA. TEA, 7 - AT THE SEAFORTH TEA STORE. Now is the Time to Get the Best Value Ever Offered in Seaforth for 'your Money 0-- .A.TTIJIT Has Just Received a Very Large Consignment of TEAS. Ile now holds one o the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks west of Toronto. In Teas alone he now holds 175 Packages. Prices from 15c., 20e, 25c., 30e., 35c., 40e.'45c., 50c., 55e. and 60c. per pound. This Stock Consists ofGREEN, BLACK, JAPAN, GUN POWDER, and TEA DUST, and will Guarantee them to be all FRESH am. give Entire Satisfaction, or Money Refunded.. Also a large Stock of Sugars ana all kindsf Groceries. Flour, Oatnieal, Cornmeal, Shorts, Bran Buckwheat Flour, Oat, Barley, Screenings, Chop Feed, 'Salt, Coal Oil, Fish, Apples, Potatoes Tiirnips, C rrots, and Cabbage. A large -stock of China, Crockery and Glassware Also a Large Assortment of Lan and Lamp Trimmings. Oats taken in Exchan e.for Oatmeal at Mill Rates. A CALL ;SOLICITED FROM ALL *GOODS DELIVERED FREE 1 - ! A. G. AULT. FARMERS, THRESHERS & MILLM.EN USE McCOLL'S LARDINE MA_CHII\ E OIL, THE BEST IN THE WORLD. E ID & WI LSON, Sole Agents for Seaforth LSO CYLINDER, EUREKA, BOLT CUTTING AND WOO OILS. JAMES A. CLINE & CO., Sole Agents for Winghann ntario Mutual 'Assurance Company. The *Popular Company of the Dominion. Il\TCORPOTIMID, 187 a_ Active Local Agents Wanted. M. HENDRY, Manager, W. S. HODGINS, Gen'rl Agent WATERLOO, ONT. STRATFORD, ONT. HE BIG . MILLS Brussels Lime Works SEAFORTH. TIle above mills have now been thoroughly re- ' built upon the coMplete. UNCAblAN -ROLLER PROCESS. e Mill nd Storehouse Buildings have been grat1y eni rged, and new machinery applied th oughout. , T E- LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS Fr lour Dressing Machines m the b st Manufacturing Firms have been in, and verything necessary added to enable • to turn ut flour SECOND era NONE Di the Don *niOn. The facilities for receiving gr in from farrners and for elevating and shipping ha -e also deen ext nsively improved. Grain can lotided ,into c rs the rate of 700 bushels DAIRY GOODS. no,v be taken froi fanners' wagons, weighed, pe hour, by the w rk of two men. STILL AHEAD.. • TOWN Sz SOW_ The subscribers take- this opportunity of re turning thanks to the inhabitants of Brussel- and vicinity for past patronage, and beg to sta that having made several improvements in thei kiln and mode of burning, they are now in . ! better position than ever before to supply th Public with first-class lime. This being the eleventh season of our busines dealings in Brussels, and having given unqnali fied satesfattion so far, the public can rely on re ceiying good treatment and a first-class articl from -use First-class Lime atl14 cents at the kil and 15 cents delivered. • . We also burn a No. 1 Lime for plastering a the same price. Remember the spot, Brussels Lime Worke..- , -TOWN & SON. 908 11 LARGE: FEED STONE USTOM CHOPPING s been put in; 'aiafthe necessary machinery for ndling chop and coarse grains. good shed has been erected; so that wagons be unloaded and reloaded under cover. HEAT EXCHANGES Premptly attended to, and IRST-CLASS ROLLER FLOUR • GUAANT'EED. T_T,ST 0 M PM M JD Chopped satisfactorily and without delay. OLLER LOUR, . • BRAN, SHORTS, And all kinds of HOP co ighest Cash fo PED FEED stantly on hand. arket Price Paid in any Quantity of Wheat. APPL BARRELS AND -- F HE, CUR E AND LAND SALT R. SALE. • Only first-class nd obliging men will be kept attend custom rs. The liberal Patronge. of rmers and gener ltrade respectfully solicited. A. -W OGILVIE & CO , PROPRIETORS. O. KEMP, lanawr. . All in want of tirtaelass Dairy Goods, will d well to call at 0. M. Whitney's, And ette otir American hoe -clad Milk Cans an Palls, just the thieg to stand rough handling A full stock of Cana Pails, Pans, Strainers, an everything for the dairy. Galen Star Oil Rang. e With large top's and stands. No table or ho required to stand it on, and just as eheap smaller stotes. ,• Ecry stove guaranteed. In orderine Troughing don't forget to see ou Galvanized Iron Trough in six -foot lengths making few joints and abetter job. A fan Inc of atovee, Tinware, Cutlery, Lamps American and Canadian Coal Oil, &c., always oa hand. All oak], fet -lobbing promptly attended to C. M. WHITNEY. :.\--,,a-Thrce•himilied Cedar Posts for sale. ST. JAMES' HOTEL TORONTO. SHARP & BRIGHAM (FOrmPrZy of Sharp's Rotel, Seaforth,) PROPRIETORS. " rpHIS Had, whieh issituateddirectly opposite the Union Station, has recently been refit and refuraished throughout,7 and is now one f the best and most comfortable hotels in the itt. SH'Every possible attention paid to guests an chargee moderate. R. L. SHARP, Proietor 845 • JNO. BRIGHAM; j nr The Maxwell Low -Down Binder Read -the followingixrr estiti:okiaois August DAvm MAxweee, Paris. :t 29th, 1884. DIfaut. 81R. ---The Low Down Binder I punnets- , ed from you is all that can be desired. I have cut forty-three acres this season., and it did it splendidly. I home cut fall wheat, barley, oats and spring wheat, the latter being very beau' and somewhat lodged. Iteuts clean, and binds , a geodeheat One team can handle it with ease, and 1 consider it equals the work of any binder yet produced, with many advantages in its ton.; saructione-Yours truly, P., HAWTHORN. SEAFORTII, AllgUSt 15th, 1884. Devin MAXWV.1,/,, POriS. SM, -We, the undersigned,have much pleasure 3i ntsiraurx lee cle38..eo, ITT.ThieendLow-Downi ngto Binder, r, brother having fesreneine lei t theat work On the farm of Jamas Cuniming, Esq. For (leant; of work, simplicity of eonetruction and lightness of draft, it has no equal. We would advise all in need of a hinder to see- the " Max- well." Yours truly, Jas. N. Chesney, -John 3Ie- Murray, J. Brownell, Wm. Sproat John Reinke, James J. Elliott, M. Chesney, Peter Moore, 3A-IIaitahne21.kv- Sne.Losttc,:tta.mes McTavish, Andrew Arch'. 1:Alvdi,DW:11.AxSw. tlu.ndell, James Cumming, Wm., PATUS, September Srd, 3.&74i TAMIL SM. -After arranging to get your Binder this harvest, 1 was informed that it was a failure, and agents of other firms endeavored to obtain my ordei for their nutebines, when you informed me you were willing to place a machine on my farm on its merits. I was satisfied, and the re- sult I do not think eaa he any more eatisfactery - to you than to myself. 1 never used more than two ' horses, and an -satisfied they worked with %Try little more shaft than an ordinary Reaper. The machine was tried on all kinds of grain and, . under various conditions, and tbe work done was something I do not think can be equalled, and I am positive cannot be excelled. I wodid have no,other machine, and if your Low -Down Binder is what your opposition call a failure, I may say that in any fanning machinery 1 requite 1 would prefer the failurestothe successes. I -can cheerfully recommend the meanie to any- one requiring a first-class Binder. Yours telly, JAMES CUMMING. }D,NRACI FROM T1113. IirroiN mxposiToo. This harvest 7 gave Mr. Sanniel Woodman per- mission to bring a Maxwell Low -Down Binder on m3- premisesto give an exhibition of it work. . He tied it first in springwheat and next in oats,, a very heavy crop and badly blown down and tangled, and 11*.as both damp and rather green. Had I been going to cut it with my common reaper I would not have eut it more than one way, but the bilider cut all arouiad the piece and make a first-class job, better than I possibly could have done with my single reaper. 'The Binder is a great deal more eonveinent to mote than any other Bider 1 eve r saw. It ran be moved as easy as any come on reaper and one span of horses can work it nicely in any kind- of grain. There were other agents came also and asked permission to bring their binder and work with it. I told them they miteht come in, and wel- come, but they failed to put in an appearance. When the Binder was brought On my premises I had not the least idea. of !purchasing one, but after cutting -27 acres of all kinds of grein, it gave sneh good satisfaction that I at once made up my mind to buy it, and would advise any farmer wanting a binder to examine the above Binder before prirchasing any other. Yours ROBT. SCOTT, Hullett. Maxwell Before Buying. A. M. CAMPBELL, Agent, SEAFOFH. Aurora Quick Train Watch. ,Iv,• The Best Yet. . SOLD ONLY BY R. COUNTER, LI.JE sE:AifojzTH, ONT. TTIhis Company manufactures a complete line 11., of full plate watches, from ordinary to the finest grades, for all classes of watch weave* • They are all made with quick train, and are en- pecially adapted for railroad and all ordinate and severe service. ,All made dust proof, have the perfect safety pinion, which prevents damage to parts in case of inainspring- breakage, and John - sun's patent Attachment to regulate pins, which prevents hairspring from eatehber, aD important improvement controlled by this Oompany. The stem-wieding parts are made strong and -durable, guaranteed as safe, more convenient and service- able than the key winders. The extra flee grades are made in stem wind only. Every watch is warranted by sputa" certificate, which the pur- (+peer receive* from the Company's Agent. The number of Jewels in next watch (which is en- graved thereon) indicates the quality ; chasm observing this ate sure to reateive the quality they earn for., The larger number of Jewels in the better grades also represents the finish, fine adjustment, and eare in manufaeturte, which produces more accurate time and longer service. The qualities sit divided as follows: ORDINARY.- -Two grades are made of this quality, engraved "Aurora Watch Co., 7 Jewels." " Auroi a Watch Co' . 11 Jewels." 11EDII:31.-Four grades of this quality are made, -two in Gilt Finish, engraved: "Aunties Watch Co., 11 Jewels, Extra." 44Aurora Watth Co., 15 Jewels," and two in ;Mae), finely finish- ed, engraved " Aurora Watch Co., 11 Jewels." "Aurora, Wats+ Co., 15 Jewels." Is grades of this cpiality,-one in Fine Gilt Finish and one in Niekel, engrat•ed e "Aurora Watch -Co„ 15 Jewels, adjusted." EXTRA FINE. --Two grades of this quality,- oae in Fine Gilt and ome in Fine Nickel, engrav- ed: " stia ora, Watch Co., 15 Ruby Jewels, ad- justed, Aurora, Illinois." Remember Counter's, Seaforth, is the only place in tne Count where these watches earl be. had. M. R. O'OUNTER, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller. CHRYSTAL & BLACK, *PRACTICAL BOILER MAKERS. THE Subscribers have bought the Tools and , Boiler Business Lately earned on by the Goderich Foundry and Manufacturing Company, and having had an experience of over eight YeaT8 02 -that shop, ai e now preps.' ed to terry on the trade in all its branches. Any work entrusted to us will receive • prompt attention. First-class work guaranteed, " All kinds of Boilers made and -repaired, alto Smoke Stack's, Sheet Iron Work, &e., at reason- able rates. , New Salt Pans madiind old ones repaired on the shortest notice, and at prices that defy c-ompetition, CHRYSTAL & BLACK. 44. Farmers and Threshers take Notice in Time. Mowers, Reapers and Threshing . Machines, MF,LLIS is again On hand as usual for the • Repairing of Massey Reapers with new Bushings, new Sections, and all repairing in that line. Also Threshing Cylinders spiked and bal- anced to give the beet of satisfaction, Give me mall and be e-ominced. Also Cylinder Boxes Bushed, and all repairing done satisfactorily, Farmers wanting repairs for the Brantford Ma- chine, also Noxell & Brothers, Ingersoll, will get supplied with me. ROOT SCUFFLERS. Farmers if you want the genuine Root Scuffier call and see those. T. Mellis sells thepest yet, brought into market very cheap for cah or ings to fit Noe's. RePairtrig of Plows in short time. A full stock of Plows of kinds. Plow Cast- aB its branches. You will find Tom always ready for businesst HOS. MELL1S, Kipper). 03L • • •