The Huron Expositor, 1885-07-31, Page 4L IJ1W 1891W JULY 31; JtTjy 31, O.:
UR )XP SITO�. yea �s ibr ome informaion from int'o the a
the some one el taL New are, Hu rey driy, 6f fflillett, who wards. -young was r husb, d, the lady gave him up for as g�Vniti ber of d,. in he!cOuntY Of an aro Capital4ior the past alarmin r s Leedo,- -her husb Iodged in Regina jail, und- th -it also succeeded in ',o g - � I'S su !!fore loal_'
rge -not eill. a; ngto,it aw for PpOged
w tried hi pionee
and gIng sed, i� de4l and after n. urnin h* Thoulas & COM' itinj for a, job. "- This i nan York, oi4er la rs in inathema- for which county lie some thirty I
S of before court last week for compli six month wa For d ys paA thE e tem- obtaining at-cldss hono er demise fair a timo, was induced to re. the� next witness. Reli&W Paper Patterns for 4611 -kind cities. ars 8, Judice of t1111011 Peace, f OV Ov t gw�,e his'
di ens -Northm -est, Jame it. Macdonald, son- of Dr. ye married most intelligen radies" � &isses', Boys' and Children's inthe.rebelliou., The medical testimony is to sp e-justiop in, the Derature in ashington h been 91:1, ties mb6r of the county en�ter thel tate. It is under- Vingliam, who obtained twenty years a me aw record,, hrn a ly othei Macd=Id.9 of the first 17 tll sband. Is t-0nt*,11t -htf rard manner. the oil and was -
Garments, for sale b 11101MMAN BROS-)- weatto �how. tiiLat the pbor fellow is and is to aid iii making I 1 a foi. egrees,'a hi - er also Lieutenant stood that heard Of t U iW States second-clasi honors- in history and gOo- eun ds mil- to allow ii�atteis to rentain as the he agitation i
ing- as far as his heard that Riel WWI
-Sesforth, h insane,. and lid -was ac,6 rd people. What a, farce this is', and a if city in the linton, who Colonel of the 8th. Battalion Lee Yere
T graphu John 0'ooper, of C in e -of - his before big' arrival, bis- itia, taking part i -the defene r wonder the settlerk-,.of the North al o o tainbd wtond-class honors in f 1837, at . is -concerned, provided his own son and breeds to take -tip arms, ry. . H4 llan.1 ly acquitted by tbe� ju is I I i I - T on e m- N6WA of the 'Weelt. C country during the rebelli o W'11'livo WitilLbinl, Which they arch he received. a k
NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS 'held, by.the� athorities until they ean west are dissatisfied ? Hadth Gove' tory and.g )drapily;'John A. Croll, of daughter of 9 ea taiii. Saying th._. b
retlHarte hasloAt his consul Millie,. of Blyth; aad which time lie was a Jor Crozier, their selection froni among OuT.:—B Clinton; �11n.] t wflliug to dio. the parenthesis after ha�o piaced in,"some suitatle asy- ment made —T4e C a P4oific Railway Steamer are n jW The figure between' Ship -at Glasgow. Samu"el T lot,, f Clinton. anad initting deproflationg) a]
each line #64otes, the pge of the paper on which �sad care. the people. of tile country, and taken a 'or sda,* tested her speed with the His is ve INCIREASING� eneral & don's'me —A son of Bi shoP Ward, "of Brussels,, Athab, bring reinfort4i
the, advqiIisement will be found.. ry , aptaLf
-ake in the coun- -morial fund.has now reach6dS, steame, United Emire on Lake up,�r- Riel's T
peFsowwho has some st 1155. received a bad I dGk from a horse belog- ton. In response C
Housekee —Rav� J. Edmonds. (8) Port Arthur at r t4c,
CleariLng �er WanteX -ntly tr* o iel a sunled at
We__Hoffinan Bros. (1) Wanen Under&raduates. tyy,and has the cohfidence df the people, F.,�TAL COLt.-IMSE.—Fortly-fiv person ihg to Hei ry F ter, last Saturday, The ior rece Both left Th is re forty men Started P) New Diu* store—J, V. Fear. (5) have b�eri- killbd in Colog';n6 b th e fal ud tile horse when 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The- Atha- On T- ies iftg at tch Oclock witness went to Bato(11.
Would d was w king bebi i I T vexed ',question of the co- instead bf 'this adventurer, they I la a qf� C. (5) - 9. Z Its so 3117 C
imlicial S%le—Jdhn Hoskin., .4e mg in , basca, arrived in Sault Ste Marie at 11: 20 and rs of the of a row of bu Iding, kicked striking the boy court foad armed men guartl
Clearing ftle—A. Taylor, (a.) re to meet the wants ' ONT the anima. ailabl V
xes seeing at length have shown a desi * I C AN S T R E! S. - L I S the face ir flic the foll6wilig morning having run 263 ff crossed Over and -3
gouse a744 Lot for sz�le—M-m� John -NieFadzean(5) edu6atio, a of the se A-N�T A= ting ail ugly gash. house we' e opened, �ery ay. e seat
about to) be finally . se-ttled,-,and like andrequirements of the country. But' Moore;anA gric, hast1ll,ken-the firs leg " 'twenty hours and twenty min- ev" As soon I a -b Col. Richard- cusod him of neglectifig I
V oters? L�st_Jehn O'Sullivan. (5), —We a -e ple ised to hear that J. - nli in was olecu
Steel Thr�, (S) t'the PAris C is coadjutorr Mr, HenryLe- 4hing-Machine Tooth fter to be 'afforded no, there. is. a trott me -and finportit- .prize for Sillglpg,a onsery Ronald,-o!th6BrusseIsEngine Works, utes, anverage.of about thirteen miles ing Uqt for people like tb
I it 1)Ieso son Jnd at van ags are here4i as exact-
31ore T elephone F disposed of am atoire. olle � of - his - excellent Ste " an hour. Th �ited Empire w jenne too i their places On the bencl,, wou hmw tX,
The sew, Model. (R) toL -er� young Won en n -on to be'got rid of, and ie is NT I 00 Tb lbehind the Athabasca ? -
� I : - G E fire eginds while a -way at Nov -a cotia ly three hours the dock. O. nie vert
lilbitiou and clev RAL I the prisoi er was placed in
Altus: La.#I�s' college. (,q)L ate hanger B Riel beca
Neither ap)?ea) -- Hill. (5) a'v e heretof ore been open to, you 0. h. .6 Notwitlist w, d-' each emarl-mbly well, aild -Thonuas ng foistedontheN it w- A frol-r L Grant' and part�0y bargained fo� several when she r. ed the Sault. s to be r Apprentice w, nted t h estimates of the receipt. He 0(
wanted -Alex. Poster. (5) Tile, 31Ale Techer at' determined to ing�all the blood and. treasure1ilat I iave book - are pla ed at fro n 8,300,000 t boat was in go f6st ;bat frightened, hunted lo, 3[tis.awar of exterminai
men. Ill they have others. ok
Goo4 Horses for Szde-Jante first To Conti -,bart. (5) 00 000. Athabasca was cr -i on his
:s Dorrance. (5) ippled by having ihe has.
us be! during the —Willia f Wiilg�lanl Wh, ap- -4(-tors-Jas Locl, butQber, o which -eba factorized hiD We -want blood, blood, takO ad nintage, of the privileges th on apent'in thatL� Country Bel 1, Farm for �Aale_W, m. Eberha-rt. (6) -111jS81A W -HOLD OUT. -!-A ends of the four'-flanes of her
-let with what'i aight have been a serious pearance Jr trial. He smiled this morn� but blood will do US. n Vernment, go on afforded them, and that they' are, abun- past six months, 6e Go' broken' d the
Petersburg in ssi i d bowed c
off several inches up, apL
itay or-gan says Ru accident a few dayshgo. While be was ink to tho ie arour ourteoufly Being I iing thlair own as before, and the; result, and that be- wil bla ein oil and to -his seat n the dantly 4 apable of hok I.nevp_r re ounce lie to t cuttill iioat his knife'slipped United well. to the b ok iblb3g at 2 o
i 80111 e I rb On reassell e tool will be anotherout- Zulficar Pass., as before by officers. on
yp-y long -off Empire by- being loaded t4o low dock, gua- ontintled - Riel ac,�
ro with th, .'teinerL r- ulle meat and cut his L i104
44 X11 05 S sex has already. been fore 'froin. L knee so down to enable her to run ess c it, he [iad to get thr ieet.forwar, WhateverL R'ierS f fin before the 0011
ronto break evOin worse an the first ME 4SA (.-I E , �OF OD )IJENCE, cc stitches' latte ell oe
in C -T r was drawing thirte I I g_2 made abandantly pnifest. A:To" badly th, and fourteen -feet aft. both side s. til ! things of N Queen an Pr incess f em by no outwitir(i vhich- lie d tb -Prince and be b betrays
put in it. may WI
f y of* last if is ver 'alert takes a great arnewk act -Q Wales cabled itheir expr sgiow o Col- 217here was a shi �On Thurad, week,.the jolly si y Phillip AFOi-' TH, FRIDY, July 31, IS85. correspo adent - referiing to edficational pinent of butter co cove of lony Colbowie, Mr. Antl S y the fa y of Geller I de from L ni es oro. c of ii terest in -vi As i alread well-known, Sir, dolence with erterl deputy r d ryi�
"latters ays IT] in reainle�y 01 ing that is big down the minutes Of ; -wife celebrated L�onard' 'Tilley, -inance inis of I rant. I . , Alleii, and his excellent
Of mev, who wrote at tile Thursd ;6 said, and watches big aas carefully n, 21 young wo, ay of la,Aveck, consisting of 2Q the 11
The Senate, or Prohibitia I DISAS yy 0 lbs. J. T. Brill, of the 25th anniversary we Inf- VVhich ? recent inarictilatioD. exablinati6n in the Canada, has been' suffering from ill- YLOOD&;-�-Rea ralt s of - their ddi aj his adAmcittes. Carletoll n the !�tth of as r i y [ajorCrozier Toronto, 4ot one wasthealth for some -time. floods in the in terior f Guel ave now Nearly 100 guestswere presen-.7 The time ha:� h as u UOW arriv ed, when nl� - Universi ty: - of During tl� nd dis ti, y or. to P y �READY TO kROCEED. tit one-sLAhf tile Japan are cau 3ing great. ering amol o Godericlil and a more enj oyab plucked " while aVo about 7 pack 4es on hand, and are fr,m out commi
recent- session of Parliament he was stion put by Qoi. peraace� people,raust decide 'Whether theinhabitants, 1 hed for. - -A _n roply to a que failed. 'From-amongs 1,`ii 01bs. per (lay. gathering could not be wis I n t these inakitig out -who was said to be 04 h
young 4 he taken of in the Wichardsoily Mr, . FAZ,�_era said the taken seriously ill, a;nd; so soon a sor Ve�hdh' igb bounteous spread was,par jn-far�clilnts. The %, 14,
tl�ey -t� adhere to their temperance 21, .,and 'from the 'ranks of those who Of Edifi' -Tlifeo xpeures of -the GodeHch H proce ove'red -i;ufflcien -gli, the - writer -on So�o -social chat, games music, defence wa ready to ed with the
principl 9, -=d uaite in insisting on the .. he left for the. old Ic gic d mor d 001 grove, and I passed tl le eiltraince exam, ination in other - rec bill tile current ye�r-are estim;�t scribed the, fight at 1)uet
co, dead. eter" kept everyone trialj able num. country.. It was ardently hoped the philoso ed at $3, 90, ma -de tip of the following and all the Other et e , w[U . me up 4 consider an ear-mition of Carlton. ber of I em COLLIERS. 'ho t was ale students to University OOR ds busy till about 8 o'clock in the evening. I xpected- tha�l great d abd1ition or reconstruction Of the q trip would benefit im, andit was re- Tap, �f items each(. W salariei, $3, .100 ; care- �Ulty by at M 'V ales, aker, 1-0; S iurer-, $40 Before the athering or a-bant temperance, and have tb6, Colle a-l*d 3Q.. colliers thyr Tyd iIJ N are t, dispersed a neat would be Terienced in-selcting a jury, ,011- ge- -probably between 20 � —,Nev4er had a persona
Cr . i - li was ;-nado by Mayor Horton, the- but this *ppfly proved not to be the _d ' - il ported that he was very fuel"81 repairs, $300; contingencies, SPeec $Va:,5 ,
senat� it i& The. issue is now fairly Better occommirto aion,than was ava much impro ved. idle, owing to '.the depres d6n. it trade. Riel. Rel sai'l lie
I., - TREATY. � I 'i Lt $ Sentiments of which Were Ileartily con- case. To the surpris 1 f everyope this able last yeaf- will be prbvided,- anditheir Tin is, - however, nov r tu t is '�s4id tin e o r
rns outto be in NX61ONAL dnioustration against ch
and squarely dravull. The action of the I. I of e6mmerc I ee sent. The presents important part of the proceedings -1 in his the nego- I The rt by ll pre attendance will be reckoned a 6ttor Of correct. . He has returned, and attorr eys' of the Blyih estate cuired ii John Atley surlleV
-e i mrm i a Ion Is- W kilessrs. iccar ly, , om. f riendb were ample- settled in fifteen. minutes. Twelve jurors - Albert, ho was r�l of Senat g t' e last session, on � th& course. The fight ab6ttt co-e&c ti' bet een Spah and the Unit4d Stat Pepler and McCar- for the occasion fr le her and t any roved. - Aftei re- popular- were calb,,A. Five of these were per- Scott Aet, has done this. We-maybere over is not likely t6 be reviv- heath is no are still being carried on a M A d 'tfiy, 11 e taken action against the trus- and valuable, testifying to the ;Said he posted up a P�
--explai tvt - 7) man I en. emptiorily: ch411-enge I
'n we mean by-."' Temperance in a a day or iwo in0ttawa, he left DEATH OFT RE MARDI.--4At siato,,d tees of t) e Blyt h ity of Mr. and T\Vs. AM d b� thefonce, nd r, :to be Pub thronverh
ed... Trouble. is said, h6weve lie school to recover litighborbood ih the one by tlte-.,CrDwn, and the remaining Major Crozier people, illoge who faor tl�e total prohi. threaten mg in another quarter. .:One of. for his home -in New Brunswick, wl,ere, tbat.the Imperial Govep�nent has. To- possession 'of a fe-w square yards of land- . —The'Loclialsh which hef terwards discf�
tile youn g women who have , matiriculat-'. it . i Ii ely, he ceived confit nation 04; the report4d now aRE ged to be fenced in with th township of was thrown ino six -were E�worn n to try the prisoner at tem dw,m Whe witnois�.
hitio al the liquor tialic. There an I is ik c illsecure the seclusion the bar. ed this year is a negro, and -i i death f El Mandi of all ox June intense excitement last week by the The naLies of the jurors are:' t is said Alool gi -ounds. descriptl0nof his caPtub,
bly alf way -course iii that and privacy w-bldh-j is � necessary to Pro- 29th. j. St. Clair sudden disappearance of Catherine 11, J. ' 1.1ainter, . Everett, E. J. not Possi be �an h� if 3h.e 'proposes to attend -I ctures ment by Riel, anil I -ale, e —Veterinary Burgeon, Walker, of M-higham,on.Weduesday this m a ter. The Senate inuat be either' there wdl be troulde of a Social kind. per rest. An Ottawa. 'correspondent Di.-,AiTROU�S'STORNI.—]%.dtawissa 'Val- last. Finlayson.,aliidyupward'sOf fifty, who- Br-Ooks, X. W. 'Nlerryfield,-H. Dean and lease b.y th papers ha's -taken the leyj P tinsylvl4nia, was- visited' subject to melancholy fits. She rein oved, or at hope of One Of the city says :—Sir Leonar I Tilley is grealy -e by a de- successf L illy rei iio ved several large splin - is wa's F. -acknowledged to hint tf
matte M I During.tfid selection of the jur
r lip, apparently a little pren-la- structil,e -wind afid rain, sf6rm Tuesday, ters front the c1est of a mare belbliging taken to the house of rs. . vlcK�n- _y Ri el his- men in the nam f t
securing'Prohibition viust be abandoned.- over, thel e�trictlrediet pres ib- troubled anesdhy. l6th- int. � She left anxiou d the dainage t� crops alcild being $50,- zie qn We I the face of every man turely; I ut th subject is important, E%U i al - to a farn ter in. Cluloss. The wood was isly Watchec fire at Duck
c ttendants. Hels for- 000. A ddeiify as Ile waE selected and sworn, as tho g The Senate has declared itself bitterly, ed by his ine; if the Stlidents of eith6f sex - make fools buried f ur inches deep ill the the ibouse su and Without tletee- 11, as
I I $ not however, Unti
hIDStile WProbibitoy legislation. It of thel-we elves by annoying a -fellow-stu- bidden to ea any fruit, of wich elass SHO* Uiiit A animal's flesh' � 4nd had rentaine7d there* tioll- on the same evening and Wa he could OW their inner thoughts as kaA fired. Riel told hin,
all dent on tecouitt of her color so much the of State,4overin1iment intend lanforcing. Cie for nearly tbree years paA. Seel I by,any'pei-son. Thursday; FridA7. they
di oath. didt be is passibately took
has the power to effee-Wally block foiid,* bee �use another fight witth the SO
Worse for themselves. If, the authorities law re.1-airini row boats- to carry a —The mail N �Tilliam. Anderson, charg- and Saturday passed and. no trace 6f k of the court then iead the better -terms of surrendell
itd�contain isl athou -'h The c1dr such- leg- -ation no. matter - wot6et the aggrieved party, so' of ing -mn�re or less saccha rine bright ght two feet abo-lve the stei ed with larceny and burglary of the her. Onundtuy mokiiing bands of men fail to the jury, after which tilie xiddltqn.
elds in indictinei Lt to
-latter I and sugar is precipitated by the inem-b6 Of the Ho usef Commons, n betvMei suns Hullett I began to scour the woodit and
mch t1a e worse for' the faculty, it,nd one of Benjamin Riley, I
leyery �t and su* ribe. The fi resid ed t Cros and ev eDomini townshi i, was tried before Judge Toins It in tb6 balance of the panel were allow -o go -examined by 3 I
on,werein eventual y for ihe college. In. Universi-* disease which affi ots him.. Sir taon- is $200. quest of her and abotit 4 o'cloc hom e. stont—He told lti& it w.
ery elector in th LARI� —Iri St.. After the examination �mplpy the 1,
ty Qollo� �e which. is on a public founda- ME-�Nl RIATt TO DR. b evening finally cailie across her seated in on Tuesday la, THE CASE FR THEROW. cause to e favorof prohibition and ardently desired ard's"condiiion is rNearded as setious by the
tign and is nianaged- under the public MQthO isis have determ, dd to do.b. itn sses the Cro d to a fence corner on the premises in d it
Of severa I w wh faile the prisoner replie w.-
fr, ds and . colleagues. t 'Os it: Fria this Otit,it will simply be waste la?v Of all hi� persona odpe of the woods'. he was gone four Mr. B..B., sler, Q. C then opened tri Prov'mice, ay citizen, -what- o,the emory.of Dr. Adain Clar'k, the dis Oil a cas., an
make d Andersoli was
or to do so, but that of his i
of time for the Commons th #tempt to ever his corlor, can leg Ily assert his Sir 161in had two hours' inter-�iew -1 vith great mmelitator,bytiecreatibnoffa days and four -nights without food or the case i the crown in a Speech- char -
'Charged. and Peter Rnl
of statement �tnd
fam :by clearnes
right to attend the classes if he com., lat- b6autif il church at Portrusli on tlie —A eculiar accident happened on drink and when found wag almos4 acterized brOxer �estrict the liquor traffic, until Sir- Leonard on the after1loon of the I -plain king corroborated the e
Coleraine circuit. ished for want of water.
fairness. Ile ex ed at* some leng*
e erg plies with usual conditipfis. T"t a the farm of M Miller,.3rd concession of Senate is abolishek; or its memb ter'sAeparture for the seaside,- and it is Su.inAlrERHOTELBURINE D. I TheBorche- flullett, a few days since. The cows —The Goderieb .8tar of last week the nature of the charge gainst the last witness, as did the
d -in candi ate shall have ask thaisuot mier wtts ain in some Way- made amenable to the peo- black aid tilte'Pre P, fullyinipre8sed dal�_ §Vrings hotel, a t, weebeing drifen up from the pasture, says-: Ourreadeis will -remember the prisoner and elucidated the Lash, who was aiso a Pri,
yet been proscribe�l as a 8 rebels. the Felony, i Wt under which'.he was bemg ple. h� Senate, as at pXeTent consti- condi and it is top late to: rescribe ith�the marked change f�r the worse near Concord, - New Itainpahire, was and to Ill irry t hem, along a stone was rescue of the captain aif.d crew of George Ness also burn Thirty-two thfown at i, whiel' on barge Iowa,. in Noveinber. 1883, by tried. ed! Sunday afternoon, He quoted the Imperial Act', iend. they i struck a coi new
-1 poinh
-wn now- in his: old'fr �dence, tut no-
tnted, h6 the power entiicky in its o the house IcKay, now ligbthoVse under wl ich the Dominion was -anther-
uests were rhot of whom the r Captain John 2N g lea, �reak' ng it, and necessitating were brought ,out. her bein -hands 4nd it has shown the peole tha lost ll t bd to make laws f6r the preservation keeper at Lyal Island, assisted by Ur. is IhWe effecte Loss 1$20,0 g kille 1. VU3F Nicely Pidt. I of peace.; Lnd for the good government It bel13 ax *,block PAL McDona�ld of Bayfield. - The it is detellMined to use it to the utter- THE Sobtt Act has bee L MALi GAZETTE LiTEF,ATuP..E. — _p James 4N I iicarried i the 1710. to h s departur6 from Exeter, journed. Some time ago- we referred to'the lintry. He next went over the most. In the very face. of the declared coulittes of Ontari ' and Victoria dii in Se'yeral persons have been arrested' t for the o. d coiffitry, Rev. 14' , J. Robin- rescue was one of extreme difficulty, the of the cO rin cr extrem anxiety manifested. by the. Con- fr.selling pap(rs son Was resented -by the Masons of the crew having been n the rigging for events of the Iast�- three noliths, whifelt THE LIN DL
IOUs notc
wishes of the people's representa- the p'st week by ood majorities. On-' 'Liverpool, takes co*pi are now, he said, closelv. -woven into the
servativb-papers' -concerning the leader- 9 0, ec ional extiacts from' tie v about two days,.. and the bravery and v illage i a very handome- Masonlic il� . - I and since the production
:twice over declared,. and V the ootintry, ild whi,chare go. tives, ze , e. in gallant sailors were un- -history onithe morles r aw
ell, tum to Major Crozie
hip of I he Reform party. - 'The Toronto tario gave- a majority of 1,351 for it, and Ell all tt jeii -companied by a omplinient- ki diiess of oul face also of the, people -Af ter a re-count and THE PARNELLITE.S.—The Parnell to ar� ess. He was also. presented stintillglY ed by the survivors f leeply ir �pressed� up of
General _N ma
'the peopie' of -this opuntry. 14; in the Telegraia., which, although. professedly Victoria 745. d(l., ais e promis-
the :mem-lie-esof Parliament intend to oppose )Nrith ail' (16 the Iowa. F. ton laid the appert
the m. selves. Senators have declared ih scrutin by the Co 1r. NV. Johns
y unty Judge of req, s from the Mechanics' In iers if anything lu
in( open ent, has, like, many of its ilk a the clanse,s 0 -the Land. Pur base Bill. S facts.before the Dominion autliorities ed to sh6tw by evidence that he would OX titute o which he was President hat baWts cast in St. Thomas, the. affi, M1i7 he has A
effect that they vrill not permit probii ',eaning towards the flesh pots, relatinu to th.,;e'chufch s arplus and the a by whom they JA7ere forwoLrded to the produce, Riel not! only aided nd, strong —M I ba Ty, of Port Albert, lnet ing more notiodf tilt
tive!voto has been ponfirnied by a ma- limitation of advances to,X5,0(0 000, c 'd n I era coil -coverment,
tory le.'slation. in this country. They gets off the following ver b6d thing Ae lbss on 1%fouday, by American with the, result abetted 1ia illegal acts ol the rebels, y_ 9 but Jiredt6d theseacts. Mr. Oslr then —The Ru have been given tWs power by the peo- or of 13. In the County of H Idi- TtXING FoREicu-m the breaking ofilie, water wheel of ffs that a present of $20and'a old medal very fair! index of 9 ell which, i Lo doubt is. a produce(*, what ll� Said might be called
G6ver erg,
ninentineditates im&siAg a Poll sawinill. Wtunderstand that he in-- has been given for each of the res Death Of Genen
ple. We have often- pointed "out that it man the Act "a defeated biri,,, a eplacing it with a wheel of much in
'how the wind -is blowing: tax -)f from 1100 to. 20) roubiles upon Riel's ultimatium. This was addressed
is a dangerous power. The action of the _�rity of about 300.' It looks' its if 'by tends r n vices. These llally presented to prisoner, The Conservaive orgams are sayin every foreigner residing- 16iige than a will be forn Messrs. to -,Nlajor Crozier, signed by the General Grant died more sub tantial and superior chara6ter, et,. that Mr, Blake has failed aj a leader tile 11sp of next May a majorit� of the 'HeDonald in 9, few days. and - den ianded the surrender "of Fort Dig last t his sunulle�l
Senate unmistakably proves the corre and in that country. and have tile n till by running order �gain McKay- and that under him thd Liberal pArty- will Carleton and if the 4eman d were com- - iNlunt 'LNIcGreggor. After,.
�d in is rumor- ii -
negis Of our statement. And since the' counties of -Ontario will have d To. RE., I)F, 1.1; IREL'AN We join in the i that they i lay y eclb6r(. I in a wool, or so.' never emerge :from the cold sha plied with the safe escort Of the polie martyrdom to an a"91111
hae se -fit to abuse this power, by Opposit 6n. It is rather odd to se"es Of favor of the Act,. im erfect as it is, It ed that the Duke of ConnaUght has - qr- --Oil c (ay h st week Mr. John Savage long %vear their honorable badges, and
n -P L C�cefully aw
6 Cork - ranged to-resi�e ill Ireland in the It ' r who resi(es iti I o doubt, if occaskoll" again arises fo' to Fort Qu.Appelie was Promised. Riel passed P al
Blyth, and works on the r the will 4 the people, and Aervatives worryibg over Mr. --Blake'- will- then be in order to move fOrwa �-d in Was an eventful one, f rustrat to ca�acilt�y, angeroii� duty, both these gallant was evidently taken by surprise by the t-1119 future iii his riva Dind hi 110 London furon and Bruce 'railway met misfgrtulies, but this is a world of oddi- a solid body for to.tal,prollibition. We way-iterfei-iltig with til giver' ent of 1 0" be found prompt to respond. production 6f this document. He flush- poverty and obscurity t4
placing them at defiance, they should be with a ill St I, ainful accident. He was viole ook TION1111 ail
le often r believe& measure for the. total pro [iLibi in the a t of lifting an iron crowbar f ed to th6 temples and :' - d bonor, aiA aft,
8, ntly sh
tie wo ry about thi the Lord Lk4itenant. The Holinesville correspondent o deprived of it. It is time the questio Peop ngs --that do not cqueern tbeni.,, , Everybody T� -feet, as CLor. r. B t' ST IN COLORAM lie (4oderich says: Those his head. He #en ro, e to his highst military and linable pests—lightning-rod p al�oit to int�rrupt the c 6rful lds� of life ilthe knows that the Conservatives are not bave.been r eiNed of fe; abon ed- oullsol, anti
who is to rule this country, the_people* tion of the'llianufactur6 and sale of in- )---ReP01ts wbeli his mate Nvlio was workilag with a- wbi: pick, stru,k hi in on the back of the'riglit trymen to confer, -*vho own it, ortb�e few decrepid, wom- wildly anxiou's to have Sir John turned liquors would carry in On- ail([ gareat de'tiuctibil 61- property dlers have agaiiii ])coil making their ap- rem.hined standing during the remainder' hand, inflicting a terrible gash. of .t�ie address. ont fossils -who have been a,ppointed ont of office for flie sake of seeing Mr. tari� to-da;yy a over-whelmin in tjor Colorado " riii s by -'a aloudburst oil lieighborhood, aiid as (Aller, documents were vei ses both in fortuncan
--Oiie ( ay bist. week Isaac Wrigligp pearance in our
Blake Uken i1i, and yet tfiey are just as Saturday ii(�,bf. itsual have been resorting to thirfavor- produced, nd amon-st them was a The shadw cast upo to the Senae because they are not fit ity'3'1,ff th people were only given an. lot 17, i3or ccss� oil 6, Turnberry, had 4 lajor Crozier calling u is too b1but le'
111111 owing to h lnuchWDkrie by Mr Blake's f�ilure as -if FU* NERAL 'I F'G RA. T.—GI-11- 'Al, -d on his farm, .95x50 ite -way of making nioney, viz.: by le*r to; -N
-site([ ere for any other public position wbich ca- -in opp6rtanity of making their wish�s eral Grant's remain' straw twindlilig ad fraud. A few days ago d. A beiag, the leader of _tLir op- - i i to ricinove the dead froin the field at wrthy as�ociates pm-selt
ea I SwI1 e,bIried'-with feet wiflistonefonn(134on. Mr.11obt.�, There are many who, v I .n New Wood -%N- farnier* livil iryn ould natioiial ill .Cent na not far from this illage D doah., and lie largely re-
ries witli it a Salary, was -finally settled. Pon ts he Was theleader of them selves.. rat Pirk, kS tie. frainer. Sides were tick Lake. Unless the Senae i's removed or r ort, pro il i- ust 8 essrs. Johif Cuesar nd In Il r hearts theynow that; Mr B14ke, entl us asticall a�. total York, oil I . Presi- chosen wil� i ' y Stipp ur( ay, Adg, isited-b7one of tholse economists ��Inother letter as addressed to the the hearts of ifle t 15 13 us and balf-breeds at Battleford uanimity, with h lj
to they repres'ent hi;� to t -t ' i I abinO wili at- John W. Wilker s -captains of the -ep S b* 'self as India I
is not I he failit or, in.,msttre wb o li�e6 tateto Stip( a dent Clovelaiid and hi of the truth, wbo i re ented im be. ThE ir objdct in �aying he is, a falure ask ng t to revolt. verses alld the atielit
delled, all this ', ad turmoil �11
tend'. The dean of Westmil Lister, has sides. A teri. very exciting race, J. bein- an in the invaluable
of parialandvery'fin erfe ad expense and labor over the Scott Act is p. y to discredit Min i� tN eyes ct measure su, granted the use of Westminister -V big ability I as a' leader- liouse-protector. He, stated that his CROWN WITESSES. which lie aet himself to i
y w. J Prove( . .::
lt�g noll- thelco, itry.- At Ottawa Mr. ae 'cott A tin tered fortunes.
will have gone for nothifig. BI equestionably s-, for a coninie �[norative go. -vice oil tI y and in C11008111 g good men by winning. Inode of doing business was n6t to em- -Ligh Dr. Nvillo by, of Saskatoon, Nvis d , but to put his rods on some look6 Pon by.everybody ai the coming But, b�fore we, can 1have even a cha ce of the funer, ploy agent. Genralrairt Wit
sense tryixur to carry or even enforce the I —Last Fri(lay a Colborne mail named the'first witness *called by the CrowD. f Point Pleasant, Olaia
man. E �e iFA llot forgfiig ah.ead 13Y sp4rts R(MBING PLOT Dis(do —A cu ient house in the nei bborhood at t t prohibition. We- must -hallve he Isaac Fisher, einployed by Mr. W- m. 9 ie prelinlinark t i 0 btit' mi_ inoving1steadily in tb 11), ) Having been sworn, be said thattl and. lived veorgeto
cott Act except as a e direction nivaly contrived plot ro I the 1 Ball, Base Line, was in a wggon in the I ree of charge, as %it adv ertisem ent, and had stated to Iiiiii. that the Fort iroldLition. In fact it,would not have Of the U*easui�j'i� ben eb es and ll eyes are' Old,Sena e remove his parents had rewo
and oxpress ar on the ' bicago and )9L- hay field. T( (ilie -%vaggon was attached to leave a qantity.of rod for sale at the prisioiier
turill tow&rds hini- He andlSir John Garl�y trouble, when Scott. had been I ed tile West Point been carried in bitit few, if any coastit- Paul train as ba ed �y a essenger, a Pat The horses took Sme-place. He asked the farnier to al-
ent lia� li Was nothing to i0iat was going to
Nfa0o, ad represent the rism� - and the HE last grea common enem shot,
0 Y Of Iall- who, liaving big s rivilege *of putting the
liendies but to Show the desire for pro- spicions arlo sed, had low him the P 1839. He ca1-11-e of an ll
setting sulls of Canadian- politics: - All fright at this and started to runway. tok. Plce. He said that the Indfins fa�ffly which has been s(
kin has � done for the Mandi of Egypt. a-bo'Xopenel,-wb amanwel piovided Mr. Fislier fintlikig that he couild, riot ods on his house in this -Way, which re- onI3 w,- 6it generations in
hibitioll. But, it is now aleair we can the! Tbry talk f loroforni, ed for blin to strike the first the 8tat
i witl) arms altid al�6ut Blake,being a wheaLt e f British -arn�y were s� bottl a of control the aninials jumped out of! the luest seemed so reasonable that he gave orc�s of the li
ilot, get prohilii ire i s simplythe beating of f the tom. was iis consent. Then the tfa�rnier was un- blow to join, Iiiiii, that be had the setts, His family tion so long as the Senate failt iound inside. d -Ifereby broke one of his waor tows to dishearten 'the en unable to ace mpii+. T�iis usurp has gon United States -at his back. He seemed been stated, Of Scotch ex�
oceft,pies its -present position, and theke only - rmonALITY DEsMARX, —'A ipro- leg's. The bay I ifter was entirely smashed. '11spectingly iii�liiced to sign his nameto grec
fessor in order for $200 English, having collie ir�
been f( shociimb A last. Reports the -uni 8 the! president vhat Proved to be n Aly excited, and said - "'.It is time, is no h6pe of a chage. in t4at f)ositio or itY, ver y I aasant affar took plaee at )reed to octor that the breeds should assert dety; a most vorth of rod, which. came along in due Hi Hiam U
The Way, it is Dbn�-'_ that e died last'wieek of,a viru. of a- leading scie tifict so6 -the residence of _11icliael Zellar) Esq., or ark, severi Let 1r rig those his applointinolt bi
bee-ause the m ernbers are not in any Way inent auth . of - belim Treasurer of t e Township of Hay, Who 'dine. otbers'take warning. the� Itts, and it will be Wll for �Indt
ih e- recent len� ummer di'seasee No person will em wli6 haN e lived good lives." A party of respaiasible to the t enable to -session of the Do- wealthy merchan S', aiid some meinbe,, —(;eo. Forrest, 'of the l3th conces- UlysseSS. Grant, ana
�s resideslie r 2urich, on tlii� 21st inst. mi ser u., -ly rel et thig result. . He -A as a. of the magistracy in Cbbeilbagen are a' This was n of Grey, who recently had complet- armed men.then drove and Riel said, nipsonaist
public opinlioia. U-nder these.circni- _�iou Parliament. -when -sorn.e matiW gr 1e i narriage of his daughter, 0 'i doptedwithi
01 . ing 4
�rel4linp -to the bra, e, but bad mail, and it is lik03 that cused of _ha;ViA crimiliAd inte'rcour;e r to them, _4 peopl intend He proved a fair inat'
statices, therefore,, tbexe ar Northwes t Ap for Miss Ida- fiellar to r. l dward Hap- a large addition to his barn, gave his ing d the solutiQn e but two Ig stri a i culprits bi w H, f(el hbors and acquaintances an evening's blow for their rights. They. only came out ety-fir
courses open ta temperance pe6. e - Pell, late of niburg
,o aid his eit,th will ren o � the With young T( at pres- P1e dis6assion Sir John Maed n made a his I , and, njo av titioned the Government over been arrest an(I two aVe Tommitt d yineut in the slia,.pe of a dance h Pe on Very portnt admission. In the N Egyp ian problem !very intich e 6si ent cutter an( -fitter in Mr. Steinbach's er. t .1 ednesday and tile Only reply being au 1
Theyniust either abandon their tem- 'Very fail's suicide t last. -Alrs. Forrest had a ar
T e e4posur6 e�ul ed from an t ishilient, Zurich. 1�oth al Oiling IS al the police each thile." He
peratice principles and give up agitatilftg report (of the proceedings of'P, His�: su ecessor has b on selected, it is att 7tolt money, will h was ine ease o ing that oilra,-
empt to Of tit luilting bee diii-ing the day, in whIch arlianient e y 1111�, people are hold in! the 11 that' e settlers 6f Saskatoon were. coolness for u hich lie be4
not at all probable tbat be -Will have the sisted. ipwar
we find: for prohili.itic in ay foni, orelse they hify PQ+.P01 I by all who 'know fliem, ds.of fortv ladies took part,finisb- des rving Of no syfiipathy from the lie was I
U(,r four quilts.. A flag could bi-, seen after days Macdonald, in reply to infl will 'unit '111 0 Sir John ith tb�e masses that El and theirl inany friends 0 to p -e . I pat. iots b6cause' they li�d Offered Bat- iat it was uron Notbs.- wishing ill fair winds and a pleasant barn; float- Hon. dward Blake, Stated tj c furing the day on top of the mtist go earnestly to work !ace tb
�ence - I and ov as a
Senaoia suchaposition thatitsm - M di had., and the -'work of the B -itish. t le tle t to furnish men. to sup --
ell offer- g -ill is 81�11 was promoted to a -eapt
em, true that Micbel Duinas bad be voyage -Awn ffie river of life. n the breeze, put it Iva bers wift be repousible to thoseor wliom, ed ittid had ace tro ps in the East will be made a ere arq 265 duly qualified votel -s & pre s tl ie' anticipated Indian outbreak. h married Miss Julwl
opted a position as assist- Says the Brussels Post: Lat sed, by the frillers, Newsom in thevillage *of Blyth. As i6l put it to assist 1,6tiis, a sister of they offered m- ell oneof 'dea �asier by this event Monday a fter iobn Harry Town I flughes. It is needless to say that the ant! farin. instructor, but preyloiis to tile ed iss
theyresuppo,sed tolegislate. Webe- —Friday, the 7th of,-.1ugust, has been in illiii the breeds.'; The Inclians, he outbr -that James rty was a success -cry particular. He sperit 1853 and is;
lieve that it the tem, peraee people of all e . It was also true7 fixed as the aivic. holiday for �ho town 6 Marth& CFaw. ord to the ailtar of hypien, p, in ei S;�, ha arraiiged their plans, and -when
Isbister had beenoffried a gimilar ap- THE ,volmteefshave now all reti Lrned at the residen m of the bride's par ts eople were therd from far and near. and Oegon with his r
of. politics.unite they can easiy po,intmmt. Tha a,ppo Clinton. here were ladies there from, Brussels,� th.eirst blow Was str4ck they Would be -the latter part of I K)
hitinienf Nv`as not to Thell1hrriage cerrilony was perfo med the r homes froni iii F I Race's are to be jo 11. the Northwest andi —The Wingha '
aeconiplislithis. Every tea-perancere- ents from Walton, and boys all ec theAnierica'n indians. They St Louis- ne-a'
by Rev. W. th. 'Albert River and d 'girls: 'S*
n 0 bt many of them will ere this, hold,on the Driving ark inItbat tow n wo d amation, and assert n I 3f
9 Crailbrook, uparards of sixtyi tivated a Miss ti di T -%�-n filled the posi�16118 of" rOM IS -13 former, be he (Irit -or -Tory in politics? Miclidl Dumas and Jas. Isb t on the Ist. and 2nd. of ',-.�'ebteniber. I ib
jS. er are ha esum�d their �eaceful occitp - m2n, and bridesmaid, r Oouples being in atteii(lance. We Will tha thr ti -me had arrived fok hint to leather business 'with
�tions. t groonis ec esp ive- must positively refuse to vote'for any two of those who went to Montana. and —The w?rk 6n. thE itow lbr.idge 16 rul thA country or perish 'in the at- Illinois. NVIlel
Th y e i�id to e been in e on ly.. Altb 11g] L a great. many people will. #ot attempt to name those who furnish- i Lond ayed by* tb e it- --e Paliame,ntry e-tndidae� no matter brotiglit Louis iesbom, is �del co tempt. He bad a lon,� conxersatioll re-
Riel to -the Northwestand ;?d the music, there being over a dozen I broke. Out lie was 2 not be vei� much Surprised to hear of on, but in a wrote. iedly ting his leg br physically this inarriage, oinpally rat--,
es �c the at (3
ications inay- be, the for iier is now in the United Stat the newly wedded couple 9 let" -
what his other qualif fra�tor C latpre t10 the Governillent about tobe I di* -2f g6t Jkeii' Tf ti Eatilients " Were furnished
0 , in so far as lie Morris and'Grey che lese factoi dilapidated ndi;k establi*ed. I said the ienibers took to,pringfiht, their y n profusion, -Ind the merry da�nce was ey who will not pledge himself to use both with G, el,'Duinont, a fugitive frorn' SoId 300 boves of ;chees t a antyi le can red, however, that th ned' v by Governor Yate
gk 03 *as. concer in an, of them hav- of have thehearby wishes of a large um- Parti6ipated in. -until the 11 wed smW wotld, God-feari 'g 11 en. not lik S asF
his ae and influence in Parliam ent. to just"ce,and as appears�by the documents St-atford i� at 71 clen- 1�s' Pei: lb The e I I ber of frimids for their future hap Mess tho. at- Ottawa. He - pro'luised to and general niiistering �o,
ing uniforms torn� and tattered �ours ayont the twa," when all depart.- th lito seven equa' -or action,w- as not to
forced, -8117 and cheeie was i �d for their houles fully convinced that untry i the Son- efo re Parliam ent, which e- Ist 81 June. P, f
secure at Once such a--chauge in -pade tit divide e co
pached. beyond recognition. 'In each —Stevenson Brothers, �f Clinton,have and prosy erit. r. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest are just the peo-ii por#ong, one of wbicli� was to be tile and he -was a
ate as- --will make it sonsitive to pul..Ylic John't make'the above confession they andI7,cohces§ic1ll2,HuIIe. Alvvill of Clinton, bqd occas-
eye�ald C - -reiitedlotsl6, —Dt. new, -Ireland of the new Northivest. !of the �cities to which the �h- �Ie for fun and amusement. 21st rginient of voluir
a, oin from the M,6ssrs. Moon, fbr a period f ion to 'oderich Towr ship 1�,
sentitacrit and responsil.�Ie to the people. were ;p , ted tothe positions named go Out into He said the rebellion of 1.5 years ago
ments, belonged, aiwell as in *the vari.- eq
-a patch on what W, s would be. Interested-- politicians may say wha th ey after tl Ley had returned with years at an annual r6fital of $5QO. the other (lay, and thought he would , 1 -
Riel to the w not - o reauire furthr t -who were camped —The rbitrtors to
Ong towns throuc, which they I assed —Thursday, the I 8 ;o vigit some ftiends i 3th of August i whom. was re- witness left. shortly afterwards fr
Will, but this niust be the issu, ie for the settlement. Y�t,notwithatanding these authorities diff:& e au- on their way home,; the boys," a,, they be Ailinglia4i's holixd4.. An e along 'the aitland, so lie drove! his ierred the question of settling the de- I e'sCrossing to telegraph th will ontinue -to do so, w
future if effi-ctive measure of Pro- planfacts tlie-t�lail-has-thein-ipuden�ce �uy are �cailed, were hoi iored and feted and QurSion to Port Stanley or th.6 benefit )f horse into tb e water and allowed1the ails involved in, the dissolving of Ay tho#tie6 at Regina, bu be found the of thedeceasd Soldier t
hibitioll is to, be gained, and those Who to-accle �ones the'town band -Will be thd order. thinking - chool ection, conse(luent upon the in. Una Do W
t white settlers like Mr. an* I t k down streani
erg dowil. He then teieg�aphed a genera. his eu
I petted to No filler and others, of being rebels, I orporation of that village met in 'Ayr el Morris commanding 13�,ttle- are not prepared to, face the issue in this Wind �Rev. Mr. Burwasb, ihe -�iewly a)- it was �b,, Ilow all along. All at o46e it hiin. by th& practical U -A
tj hearty r c tion on -the; part p struck a lace where the water is about 'k If
do -a this, ointed 'Methodist minist6r BelraN e, ast wee --� Ir. Cbishohn on beha of ford, iving him full particulars. Biel 'Way may just as well abandon their pro- because.they li�ve the counige to de- task in wblch�. his
recently purchased the 'failed. It was el ineasure, e of t to hibitory Proessions' of th people wotid, iii some real ten feet ( eep, and as its legs were not the residents of the township, Mr. Wm. sai4 bad been furnished with a coPY ff
as theyare �Iecided- nouncE $Uoll 6onduct by tile Government late 0. Andhis,in Win bam, for $1,-& 0. that long it I iad to swim, the bu' Hilborn. on behalf of Ayr, with Mr., of the crushed the rebellion by
CO Ilip, nsate them for the hardships and legrain sent by the Saskatooll
ly of too superficial a nature to be of ay as the are. B-ut it would seeni'tha —The semi-annual fep A of the toi rn partly subme,ged,'floating, along. iThe Tbos. Pearce, County 8chool ln�speetor sett ertto Battleford, offefing to assist they e adured dur praetical value, This is % qu. pri�ations ing the clerk, of Goderich, givul th "kept his seat, alth: Ill Ithe Indians a do�uble to
e Go vernm tnt have not yet le vi I s a doctor brively ough itis the - third arbitraor. After careful to
estion ttpoia th arned I . - L nd breeds ; there levation for a
We ba-va no doubt, boweer. tistics to J is as follow : tinder th' wajer, and in a few iriliutes, f
une 30th VA. consideration 0' all the questions in,, fore' t ey must expect no sympathY 'Which temperance people should con- wisdor by exp diential chair proved VO!
erienc6. At 'the last but! a more substantial recognition', vould krriages, 18-, births, 3 ; deaths, I dry land was. reached, when he dried irolved, the arbitrators decided that Ay fr military man
arir an his cloth ria. succew- H h( a d Shp the Sider- If any Perso-a can see any other Session they had a Bill passe'd empower- —Last week lually ls� uld pay the outgoing portions of have been cc welcome to many wife, Kirkpatrick. —1.iaw Riel abo'A qually adapted for
Way m1t of the diffioulty tha that Ae', ing them, to appoint another stip W. H. Roe all d 1'wUi1o, Grdy, le! f t Ic �rth An �ged couple, says the Blyth� Re. 'former section, S490, and also the costs Nrovem' tru4s. The;
endiary ir )er for the last time. He was record- of tj
It return,with empty pockets, and a ok wh new home' in/ Michigan. T L a of the -arbitration.
havei-suggested, we Shal be glad to hear magistrate for the Northwest, who is 4ey view, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Young, of well aware of the agitation aniong the- Much! to ,detmt from.
fan ily to be provided for. To all such carload of s6ek, impledlits, &c. wi h .—A man who lef t Ottawa som, e 18 reeds. Riel said the Bavarians th8 from them. also to be -a inember of the W6rthw How -ick, are it present in Blyth vi 'tin ost g hero of the Appain the eighty dollars I �land scripprto vided them. their. two sons. The old gentlemanlwas -nia, where hehoped Gerillans, th P la d r the rounded by a swarm
years ago for Califol e 'O U e 8 Hungariao Council. It now turns out —The Clin E o make his f rtune, returned the th sa 0 0 r and Artiericans had pr*mised to assid
that the by �he Government will not afford- 1 very - Ys: At b' n 1798 and rs. Young in 11804. who availed themselves
oven ave ppo recent examinati They er� inarried by the late rev. day to find his wife, to w' a on for junior ma ricit a. him. For this each would be given 11 *A popularity - nd �TIIF, Uliufortunate Young man Jack- G iment h a int6d!to this posi. hom. he -h fittIng 8alauu7n. (. : ti tio, i,'in the University of never written during big 'absence, fairjshare of the Northwest erpe
E011, formerly a- resident of this County, on a dest,,ript lawyer from St. John, I To ix hos. 8 art,� Presbyterian. ministei, at TirritoTP under which to p L
in mp
bi y p
n el
y _[�r,
Gy I uit
e le a
. I
a e
t e
0 who, was said tDh&ve been Riel's secre students from the Clinton High School Brockvi le, bi 1822. Though now aged itarried and living in pe&ceful ignoranc Th 8 we N. B., who has been a waiter'updn Pro llsaid the witness, Struck' bery and peculation
-te of his Still beinj in the land of th ilil-lt!11. as e peculiar. TME HEATED T�iRm.—The exdessiv& wrot4e. Of : these 'six we a re glad to respecti'vely 82 and 87 they are qui discredited Ueneral U
tary, 'a, -Ud- who wag captured at Batoche videnc eal'l- his life and who en ing notice all li' has be- heai iii -the United States'is caus an ave passe( 1. T1 Leir nan Les strong and bid fair to reach 90 and up- ing- It appears that Aer To r. Christopb.4�r Robinson