HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-07-24, Page 7,rchaa- purs South N. • 11 FIE NE: -- :ct New - la [MTH? county. w for this t it is the !Zit and, doing • ast longer. Pg Veda" -: guarantee n to re- nd Mills, es, an& art notice hers. , - -est rateee - of L. Dr.: pairs con- ' DRY. rs. - asuance of tutes ofOns ;it. Ontario, ens hatin k Sarsfiel [rth, in th° ts who- died ay last paste ad by p,Pst- -aforyatrick it lain Tand r before the Ms- and ad - ;heir claima iir accounts, 5,v) held by _ of Auguste te the aseefo te„e eatitled is of which rve require& able, for the Pergot of • haveegz". IL June, 1885- 4.8eaferthe rem Executor. EL .i1SH kraliale 41fEofth!* on the mcou fensall every iatralin everf tend to cut- )FIMSI4. 965 - I e JULY •2 1885. 4 : . • 1 ° •44, - HE HUR k P6SITOR. ; 47; 1 The Hom: of the Jerseys. The Island If Jersey contains less than forty-six uare• miles, 'or about 29,000 acres, ani yet, according to the eensini report, i supports - over 12,000 bead of cattle, s • -ides some 60,000 peo- ple, There are initially exported. from the Island over ,000 head. Thus the island supports two persons to every acre, and one co to every two acres, and exports 0 animal to eVery ten acres, and as II r. Eugene J.1 Arnold just says, in Be I's Messenger,. the sys- tem that will en ble. Jersey to do this must be worth considering by the pees - le of other cou4tries. 1 -Te thinks the ersey cow has, last much to do in ena- bling these favm able results to be ac- ,eomplished. Sh is not bred to be eat -- en ; she is too vs luable as a butter ma- chine. Then w • y should she be larger' Where 12,000 attle are kept on six miles square, an I. where •rent averages over $43 per tier • where the farms are stnaller than a tywhere else in the world, every far ter works with his OWIl hands, and ins d of the IslandTheing eaten upwith co vs andthe farmers beg- gars, the whole sland is !a, little garden, thickly strewn -Ali comfortable, well-- to-do houses and homesteads ; ease and comfort are ev rywhesre, poverty and want unknown. He does not claim this is U the produc of the cows ; but the farmers who harso elose a fight and are successful ust understand their b guess and do a keep 12,000 cows at • oss. All the def for the people is ported from. F -ance and Spain. With 12,000 cattle, th y do not rear a 'single bullock nor m ke a single pound of • cheese. The co s are reared and sed for the produeti n of butter, and tlhat alone. The Je y will yield more lut- ter in proportim to her size and the amount of foo consumed than any other breed wha soever. She rarely ex- • ceeds 800 pound and scarcely averages 700, and yet pie ty of caws are to be - fermd that yearl: make more than half their weight in b rtter. She comes ifito milk early, rarel past two years ; often 'before ; gives rie er milk, makes hi di- er-flavored-butte , is docile and ea ily managed even b children; and lastly, she is equally at home in hot or cold weather. He sa s the Jerseyman would be hard-pressed o get gong without his 'coiv, and challenees the world to pro- duce her eqnal. There fi no doubt that raUeh of the pr sperity of Jersey for several years ha been largely due to the demand in o her countries for t4 surplus cows af t ie Island, and the :telly high, prices tha have been \paid for these 2,000 head exported every yea .- R al New Yorker. ••• • 1 One of a Great Multitude. D4ar Sir have read with great interest and no small degree of pr • fit your various articles on the labor que tion, and I thought a feW lines from on of the -Common people might be of inter st to your readers. I an enaployed in a esta,blishment in New York at a saIaxy f $10 a Week, on which four persons-I,n y wife and two children -lire compelled. to exist, supplemented lay some embreid aas • Which "Christian" ladies give my -t% ife and which enables her to earn, by varking all her spare, .tire when not s ccapied at household duties, from 4$ t $5 a month. I do not drink ; not fro my conviction that using wine or bee is wrong, but because I Cannot afford i . Ten cents a month covers my expen iture for tobacco, and. three cents a we k for a Sunday news- paper. Your jou nalI read in the LI lion for Christian Wo -k reading -roams, wiliere 1 sometimes drop in for a half holm „ _ . gy hildren attend a Methodist,Sun- lialy-sc ool, and on rare oecasions my wifed I attend chch the ea -ening. lirin Itis ii ,possible_for me to pay pew rent, ail,d, e en if I could, I do not think practi. al modem, Christianity is Christ - like. Take the head of the concern in which 1 am employed, for instance. He iS a man -with an income of over S100,000 a i, ear from his business, besides a large ra• -vate income, and a contributor to his se t in religion and to the hospitals to the extent of eight or ten thousand 'dol- lars a year. But he says "businesS is' business,- 'and pays n4 man a dollar, mere than the law of Nupply and demand juptifies, although two or three thousand dollars a year would make fifteen or twenty families free from the grinding care inseparable from small wages. • ' ears nk, the sort lope the pir- it! of unrest is abroad. and behe -mg Gdd's hand in it. I wonder sometim s if it Lever occurs to rieh men that G- d is ant avenger, and that the cry of the op- pressed is heard by him. -Christian Onion. AV. F. i -The Clinton New Era says that Messrs. Craig & Hearne, cattle dealers of that town, made a shipment of cattle laSt week, of _which 33 hadbeen pur- chased from Mr. James Fair of Clinton. M. Fair's cattle woUld average nearly 1,500 lbs. "each, while gn ox among the • number turned the scales at 2,400 Its. Far this lot of cattle Mr. Fair received nearly $2,000, and for the lot he sold at Easter some i,;:2,700, which, with other animals sold to the same buyers, would make about $5,000 paid by them to Mr. Fair, since the 1st of January. ---Considera,ble excitement was ea, ised. in the township of Goderierh hest 1,' -eek by} the loss of a, little boy aged abo it 6 years, son of Mr. Wm.. Currie of th Sth concession. The little fellow left to ',v,isit a neighbor, but lost his 1 -ay, stilayed off, and not returning whe he should have done, a number of pe pie turned:out and spent nearly the W loie nig,t,t in searching for him, and he was / found at the house of Mr. Chas. III- ; Hams on the Maitland concession, ame. , 1 six; miles from home. This gentle nan hal found him straying away the pre - vial's night, and. kindly took charee of n. • . 1 - .It is stated that last year Mr. in. MOLean, cattle dealer of Gode 'eh, • botight and shipped about 4,500 h ad, 1 haralling' over $360,000. This Season , paamises th exceed all previous records in the seventeen years since he began • bushiess. He has now' well on to :4,,000 an4na1s shipped, his purchases exthnd- ing as far east as Guelph and from Mid- dlesex north to.Bruce. A lot sal' ped lest Ni, -eek, of his own feeding, aver eed consi eribly over 1500 lbs., of the nest • amm is in the Province, and an ther •shipment from the same herds wi I be ready in a few days. Probably ,000 Here I am, a man of forty-five 3 Of !age, with $400 in the savings b which I have Saved by practising strictest economy, whieli is -only a, r hi case of Sickness or death, and no of anything better. SO I am one o dissatisfied class, rejoicing that the animals at least will be handled by My. IVIeLean this y . •I • GRATE • OMFOR G. • _EPPS' . BRE "By a thorclugh k which govern the op trition, and by a ca properties of well sel provided our breakf flavored beverage wh tors' bills. It is by articles of diet that ally built up Until St tendency to disease. dies are. floating a wherever there is a many a fatal shaft fortified with kture b ed fraane."-Cwil Se with boiling water o by grocers, labelled Honneopathic Chem KFIAST.- ful application f the fine rations of digestion and nu- owledge of ?the 3atural laws. sated Cocoa Mr. Epps has t tables with a delicately eh may Saxe ute many doo- the judiciods itse • of such constitution nuia be gradu- ong enough to -eesist every Hundreds of subtle mala- und us ready, to • attack eak point. We may escape y keeping ourselves well ood and a pioperly nourish - 'co Gazette. Made simply milk. Sold only in packets hUS--PJAMES EPPS & CO., StS, London England." Rote agInt for Canrula, C. E. Oollioth Ikon eat. 884-62 All Well Pleased. --The children like Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup and parents rejoice over its virtues. 857.52m. McGregor & Park's Carbolic Cerati is invalu- able for wounds, sores, salt rheum, cuts, burne scalds and festers, as a „healing and purifying dressing. Do mit be imposed on witI other use- less preparations, recommended to e as good. Use only McGregor & Parke's Carb lie Cerate. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, druggist, Seaforth. 912.52w. estates Dangerous fits are often caused by worms Freeman's Worm Powders destroys worms. 857.52in. Rev. J., G. Fallis, uttoe, certifies: "For some years my wife has een troubled with dyspepsia, and hes tried on thing afternatiother reconsmendedwith but li tie or no effect till advised to we McGregor's &peedy. Cure a tile'. Since taking the first bottle I have noticed a decided improvement, and can with 'Confide ce recom- mend it to be o e of, if not the be4t medicine extant for desspee a." This inaaluab e medicine for liver conin t, indigestion, ki iney plaint, is purely v getable. Sold at Lumsden & Wilson's clrugstore Seaforth. Trial bottles given free. 912.52w. - Arouse the liver when torpid with National Pills, a good anti -b lious-cathartic, sugar-coated. 857.52m. The discovery- Of the instantaneous process of taking photographs has been quickly followed in the medical world by a perfect and insta.ntane- ous remedy for all kcute aches and pains, as neu- ralgia, toothache, rheumatism, etc. This valu- able remedy is called Fluid Lightning, and is sold at 25 cents bottle. by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth'. 912.52w. • I Holloway's intment and Pills. Outward infinnit es. -Before the discovery of these remedies, nulny ease& of sores, -ulcers, &c.-, were pronounced to be hopelessly incurable, be- cause the treatment pursued tended to destroy the strength it wasancompetent to piaserve, and, to exasperate the s rniptenns it was inadequate to remove. Hollowa,°s Pills exert the most whole-- some powers over: he unhealthy flesh or skin, without debarring the patient from fresh -air and exercise, and tint . the constitutional vigor is husbanded while t ie meat malignant: ulcers, ab- scesses, and skin iseases are in process of cure. Both Ointment an Pills make the blood richer and purer, instea of permitting it to fall into that poor and w teioryoetiwate so fatal to - many laboring under chonic ulcerations: 912.52w.i. I . Hanington's Quinine Wine 0,nd . - Iron, • taken according to directions, produces buoy:: army of spirits, vigor of wind and gives lasting strength to the whole system. See that you get Harlington's, the original and geninue. 871.52w: • --aa 0-41.- , : He Acted Wisely. - -I am so. a c I can hardly move, all run down with a chr nic eummer complaint," said one gentleman to another on our streetthe other day. "Now, t• ke my , advice," replied his friend, "go to yo ii drnggist and get a bottle of 'Dr. Fowler's Ex tact of Wild &materna I neer have knee n it . to fail in curing any kind of summer complaints." • 857.52.2w, . , A FreqUent Annoyance,- . Many People suffer from distressing sick head- aches and bilious attacks of frequent occurrence which a bottle or two of Burdock Blood Bitters would entirely remove. It regulates . the 'stem- a.ch, liver,'bowels and blood to a healthy action. 657.52.27. . •. ' -remm--- s----- ---- --. - Unknown. - . ' • ,.: There is mi remedy known to medical sc;ende that eari excel pr. Fowler's Extract of %TIM Strawberry as it, et• re foreholera morbus, Ciarr- hum, dysentery, ofr' any feria of .eummer aom- plain t aMicting children or adults. 657.52.i-hv. . •-1 ' ______ - A d-ood Filter. - Pure Water is indispensable to health, the least impueigaeshould be removed by a good filter. Ju re blood Is able indispensable a there can be • PO Perfect health without it. • The liver filters the blood. . Regulate the liver • with Burdock Blood .Batters and.make puee blood 857.42,w. : , m . : The Best:Yet.... s- their confidence More, or There is no prepartion before the 'people -- to- day that comman meets with a better sale than does Dr. Fowler's Extrakt Of Wild Strawberry -the infallible reine- dy for all forms of simmer complaints. 857. 52.2w. - •-• • I. AnTrvisib1e Foe. The poisonous geinis of disease are hu•king in the air We breath and in the water we drink. The s,ystein should le gept carefullt- purified and all the organs tonedi to proper action. This can test be done by th regulating, -purifyingand tonic pot% ers of Burdock Blood Bitters. $57. e2.2w. • • Take All in:All -Take all, the ker •kidney and liv Medicints. • -Takeafi the blOod purifierst ' -Take an the dyepepsia•and mdigestion't -Take all the ague,- fever and bilious - - , specifics. . -Take all the brain and 'nerve force• - • - revivers. -Take all the great health restorers. In short, take all the best -qualities of all these and the • - -best, ---,Qualities of all the blest medicines in -the world, and you will find dila ' . Bitters Have the best euri.tivej qualities and powers 91-a1A1 And !that they will cure Nehen any: or all of -co eenteated their, these, singly or -combined. Fail !' - -A thorough trial will give positive Preof of this. • •_ • Hardened • Liver. • . ' Five ,years ago I brake down with kidney and liver complaint and rheumatism. - Since then I have beenunable to be about at all. My liver became hard like wood.; my limbs were puffed ep and ailed with water. • All the .best physiciehe agreedthat nothing could cure me. -I -resolved to try Hop Bitters; / have 'used seven botdes; the' hardness has all gone from my liver, the swelling from my limbs, and it las worked a miracle in my case; Other, wise I ilrould .have been now in My -grave. - J. W.- MoRma. Raft o, Oct. 1, 1881. • • • . Poverty 'end Suffering. "1 was dragged down with debt, poverty and suffering for years; caused by akick family and ifireo bills for doctoring. , f was completely discouraged until one year ago, by the advice of • my'pastor com•menced using -Hop Bitters,:and in one montil ye wete q1 ers for less well, and none of US have seen a sick day since, etli and I want to saytopoor men, yo i 'can 'keep your families well a year withHopBitj than one doctor's visit will cost.. I know it." , . A Workingman; • • tfa' None genuine without a bunch of green Hops son the- white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with." Hop" or "Hops" in their name. 91.52111. • T M. BEST, Barrieter, Solicitor, &c. -• • ffice- : . Rooms formerly occupied by Ca oll & • Dickson, Meyer's Block, over Johnson's Hard- ware Store, Mahe Street, &Worth. Go erich agents-cianotos, Hour & 'CAMERON. ,870 IN ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, °lad - Ur. tors, Goderich, Ontario. J. T. G aaoW, Wm. PROUDFOOT. • 686 TIM C. HAYS, -Solicitor, &c. - Private Mo 110. lend atlowest rates of interest. 0 Corner of Square and West Street; Gioderic • ee, to ce- . 774 CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Bar isters, Solicitors in Chancery, &o., Gesderich Ont. M. C. CAMERON, C.•, Puma HOLT, . G. CAMERON.• 506 Tanus E. DANCEY, late with Carieron, JHolt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrist a So- licitor, Conveyancer, &e. Money to loan. Ben- son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 ANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Soli Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for th of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to Office -Beaver Block,. Clinton, Ontario. MANNINO, JAMES SCOTT, itors, Bank loan. A. H. 781 FHOLMESTED, successor to the late nu of . McCaughey .& Hohnested, Barris a. So- licitdr; Conveyancer and Notary; Solici sr for the C median Bank of Commerce. Money lend. Ferns for sale. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. hYER do DICKINSON, Barristers, &c., ent's .iNia Block, Wingham. Solicitors for the Bank of HilarOlton. . Commissioners for taking affida- vits in Idanitoba. Private funds to loan a 6 per cent, Lucknow Office every Wednesday. H. W. • C. MEYER, E. L. DICKINSON. 738 -• MONEY TO LOAN. lt,F0NEYT0 LOAN. -;Straight loans at6 per cent. Interest payable half yearly, or 6t,- , i per cent. yearly, with the privilege to bo rower of repaying part of the principal money at any time. Apply to ;F. HOLAIESTED, BaOister, Seaforth. . 1 •850 DENTISTRY. - j_ T , k -t•- Toronto. All opeeations 41I guaranteed. Anesthetics of all kinds administered. Specialties - Cola Filling and Perfect Fitting . Plates. Town patients will please make engagements a day or two previous to having the !opera- tion performed. gar Remember the place, in the rooms formerly occupied by C. Caitwright, up -stairs in Cady's Block, opposite the Comma, dal Hotel, Seaforth. • • a 874 • -'797iA2Tscii\T7 DEN TIST, Facility Gold Medallist and -College .Go.killedallist-,Toronto School of Dentistry. Roodis over Johnsons' Hardware, Main Street, Seaforth. • • 911 - Grand Trunk Railway. " • • Train's ILve Seaforth and Clinton stations as follmas : GOING WEST- SEAFORTH. • - CLINTON. Express 6' 2.40 r. m. 3.05 P. 71. Express. ... . . 8.58 l'. n. 9.15 P. x. aliked Train ........8 15 A. M. 9.48 st. M. 00INtl EAST-, Ex Ex Mi ress.... .... 7.45 A. se loss 1.45y. et. el Train .... 5.30 r. 7.25 A. M. • 1.05.r. m 4.45 r. m I.jo don, Huron .and Bruce, Gotta} -darn- • • Mixed. Mail. • Loa on, depart • 6.00 A. 31. 4.50r. M. EllxSit 1' 8.45 6.24 8.20 6.10 Kitt n.. . . ... . 9.00: 6.29 Brae -field , . ... 9.14 • 6.38 Clan n 9.55 7.05 • Loh esboro 10.18, 7.20 13.1ft 10.35 • 7.27 Itelg ave. 11.00 • 7.46 Wire ham, arrive 11:30 8.00 Gomel /seem- •Express. Mixed. Whitten', depart ...... 7.20 A.71i.11.30 A. se Bali. aye 8.40 12.03 r. Eijtl 7:59 12.25 Lon esboro 8.08 12.37 Olin •n.. .. ..... 8.35 1.25 Brim field. 8.51 1.60 Kiim n 9.00 2.05 Hen, all . 9.05 Exet r 9.31 Loh on, arrive 10.45 2.12 3.05 5.80 " Wel ington; Grey and Bruce. 'defile- Accom. Expresi. Mixed. ..i..... . : .. 21 P. 3I. 9,13 am. 9.15 P.I. Bre - -ele •• 2.51 9.27 10.00 . Bluevale ... 3.07 9.43 -• 10.35 Winahaiii. a.. 3.20 . fi.54 .11.30 ' i Goat} • 'went- Express. Aecom. Mixed Wire hale .... -.. ' 7.00 A.M. 11,21 A. m. 7.30 P.M. 11.35 . 8.07 Blue -ale e. .. 7.10 lh•hs 'els • . Ethe ... _ ....... 77.'3275 1121.'1505 i 8.45 Trab leaving Wingham at 8 p ne hr Kincar- dine, runs On 3Ionditys, Wednesdays and Fridays (mita . ! : Genets Ethe 9.13 • - AUCTION SALE -OF A- S 15 I_ENDID FARM McKILLOP. HE mdersigned will offer for Sale by Public A mtion at the Commercial Hotel, Sea- : forth, n !Saturday, August 22nd, 1885, at 2 o'clock liana; North half of Lot 30, Concession 8, MeIC' lop, containing 50 acres square, nearly all el •a fed and free -from stumps, well drained and '-e 1 fenced. There is a good log- house and fraan inUn and stable. Also a never failing spriar Veil. It is within half a mite, of school, and vi 1 in three quarters of a mile from the vil- lage • f Winthrop which contains Mills, Stores, Chee e Factory,. Blacksmith Shops, Post Office, • only five miles from the town of Sea - forth his is one of the Choicest lots in the towneh Possession given on the 15th October. • Ten al -Ten . per cent. of the purchase 110C4' •n the day of sale: sufficient of the alanb to make up .$800 within thirty days, a id the remainder on time to suit pur- cha,sen. aith interest at 6 per cent. payable annuall For further particulars apply to MRS. W. CL TTON, Kippen• 912 PUBLIC NOTIOE.. f DI- 9 LUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. -Notice is hereby given that, the partnershiphere toford exittirighetween us the undersigned as Black miths and .Plow Manufactuters, in- the town bf Setiforth, underthe style and firm of 31anre & Hogan ,was this day dissolved by Mutual cense it. Dated this 18th day of April, A. D. 1885. ,Witness, J. M. BEST, Barrister, arc. Sea - forth.. , .- 31A1c.our 31UNRO- • DENIS HOGAN. • The undersigned begs to inform the customers of the, late arm and the public in general, that • • he alp continue the.business of Blacblcsmith and . .-PloW Manufacturer in the old stand, lately oc-- cupiedisy Munro & Hogan.. - He wishes' to ace_ Istiowledge with thanks the liberal patronage of his numerous customers in the past, and trusts .. with bate, attention and first class work, to' Merit the continuance of. such patronage in the • future. . Horse shoeing a specialty.. -D. HOGAN. N. B. -All accounts due the late firre must be settled at onee. 908 . 10E1 ICE! ICE! For Everybody. • The Subscriber begs to inforni the peoPle of Seaforth and viciaity that he has stored a large - quantity of ice and is dew prepared to deliver it: . daily in any quantity desired. • . For terms and particulars apply to - MRS. 'JOHN .KIDD, 0. WHITNEY WHITNEY; •• •' -OR-- . •:• R...COMMON„ DEALER IN ICE AND WOOD. • • 913-4 ETAT= ZILLAH, Hair Eenewer Seldoni does a p pular retnedy win such 1101 Strong lidld epon the public clonlidence as Ilea HALa's 1-1AM REftIEWER. T e cases in which It has acComidished a complc (treater:a ion of color to tie hair, aud vigorois health to thd scalp, aro intumeeitble. Old people like 4 for its wo idcrful power t restore to their watceing loc -•;s the;r &n'igivaJI color and beauty. Middle-aged pcope like 4 • because it prevents them from getting bald, keeps dandria away, and inakes the hair • grow thick and strong. Young ladies like it as a dressing because it gives the hair a.beau tiful glossy. Astro; and duables them to dress 'it in Whatever fortn they wish. Thus it is the favorite of ail, and it .has become so simply beettuse it diaappla • no onei • BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Pr.ttig. WHISKERS. Has liecome One of the most important popa- nar toilet artieles for gentlemen's use. 'Mein the beard is gra Y or naturally of an %Ind *able' shade, Btausaumu's Di 13 remedy. - , . ,. ' PREPARED BY 11. P. Hail 4 Co., Nashua, IT. : --- Sold by all Druggists. . • AUCTIONEERS. . JP. - BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for e County bf Hirron. Sales attended in parts of the County. All orders left at EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly attended to he all IHII A DELGA TY, licensed Auctioneer for 11. Counts,' of Huron... Sales of all descript promPtly attehded to on reasonable terms. dress Brussels P. 0., or 'apply on Lot 4, : Core cession' 12, Grey,. : - 77 the cm Ad- . . - • SEAF0RT4 PLANING MILL . SASH, COR AND BLIND FACTORY ex- in 'th a . c. to ge, . TlIE- subscriber begs leave to thank hisnum,len ous customers for the liberal patronage tended to ihiir siitee commencing business Seaforth, and trust a that he may be favored a rt contimianc'e of the same. 1 Parties intending to build would dowell to glve him a- call; as he will continue to keep on ha* large stock of all lads of ' DRY PINE LUMBER, . • SAS. ES; DOORS,• . . ..BLINDS & MOULDINGS . 3 ' SHINGLES, LATH, * He feels eohfklerit of giving satisfaction those who may favor him with their patron is none but fitst-class workmpn are employed . Pa ticular attentibn paid to Custom Planin • 201 • JOHN II. BROADFO6T. . , . • - .0., ....--77-7...."n MIMI 'Ai, • = ,, ; :_;.. s 01 ... .__ 0 j'P:54 C./.2 0 °S.10f434 -1,1 J-HDIVeLLS ri 2 ri 5, 211 • r73 .0 111 0 2 n o m sfi i z, • r, - <I 0 0 DNINEVtia arivi • I.IIITOVE YOUR STOCK. -The undersigned . will kebp;on lot 3, concession 7, Stanley, - half milenerth of.laills Green, that well-known thoroughbred Yorkshire boar lately owned by • Mr. Stanbdrea for services during the , present 'season and next spring, he is one of the best pigs In • the cOunty. Terms -81 per sow, with he privilege df reterning if necessary. JOSEPH HUDSON.914x4 : , • , .flIHE SUFFOLES itilE THE BEST. -The un- dersigned has ow on Lot 21, Concession 2, L. R. S., Tuekersinith, and will keep for the imptovement SA Stock, Two THOROUGHBRED SUF- FOLK BOARS. The eldest, "Granger," was. far- • rowed on Apiil 3r4, 1882, was bred by Mr. Wm. Elliott, Millet), Coentyaf Halton. His sire and • his dam tte -both imported. The second, "King Tonea Was farrowed in April, 1884. He -was bred by Mess. la Frank & Sees, of the county of Peel, and both his sire and his dein were also imitorted. They are as good pigs as were ever offered for service in Huron as can be proven by the extended pedigrees which are regietered in the Canadian Herd Book. Terms al, with the tirivileg,e. of returning if necessary. GEORGE PLEWES. • o-sz-wrilowys " OLIM4*" ANb, " PERFECT" (ALL CAST IRON) ; OT AIR FURNACES, The most healthy, economical and best known method of heating, from the cottage to the.largest public building, made Nine' Size for Brick Setting,.and Seven .Sizes 1.n Portable Form, with or - without Ash Sifting Chamber. The Maxvkell Low -Down Binder Read the following testimonials: MULLETT, August 29th, 1284. DAVID MAxweees, Paris. DEAR SIR. -The Lo Down Binder 1 purchas- ed from you is all that CAD be desired. I have cut forty-three acres this season, and it did it -splendidly. I have cut fall wheat, barley, oats and spring e heat, the later being very heavy and some hat lodged. It cuts clean., and binds a good sheaf, One team can handle it with ease, and I consider it equals the work of any binder yet produced, with many -advantages in its con- struction.. -Yours truly, P. HAWTHORN. Ss:Amain, August 1 -5th, 1884. • DAVID 31Axweee, Paris. SIR, -We, the undersigned,have much pleasure in reconunending to our brother framers the Maxwell Low -Down Binder, having, seen it at work on the farm of James Cumming, Esq. For quality of work, simplicity of construction and lightness of cl'aft, it has no equal. We would advise all in iSeed of a binder to see the "• Max- well." Yours truly, Jas. N. Chesney, John • Murray, J. Btownell, Wm. Sproat. John- Reinke, - James J. Elliott, Id. Chesney, Peter Moore, Mathew Scot James McTavish, Andrew Archie Parties building, Chum Committees, School Trustaes, and all ethers inter- ested, are respectiully invi d to an examination of these furnaces. Samples now in stock. Boynton Fu naces and attaehments are set up under supervision, and fully guarante0d by t e ,manufacturers. Estimates,descriptive: catalogue. and. all information eheerfully given. . MRS. JOHN KIDD, ! HARDWARE, STOVES.AND-TINWARE • , MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. • TEA. ., AT T Now is the Time t 1TA-. TEA. TEA EEAFORTH TEA STORE, • Get the Best Value Ever Offered in Seaforth for your Money.. G- _A:U-12T , ., Has Just,Received a ery Large Consignment of TEAS. He now holds (km ef the Largest and Blest Assored Stocks west of Toronto. In Teas alone he now holds 175 Packag . rice S from 15e.,. 20e., 25c., 30c., 35c., 40c' . 45c., 50c., 55c., and 60eper pun l This Stock Consists of GREEN, BLACK, JAPAN, GUN- POWDER, and 'EA D ST, and will Guarantee them to be all FRESH and give Entire Satisfaction, or Money Refunded. Also a large Stock. of Sugars and; all, kinds of Groceries. Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Shorts, Bran Buckwheat Flour, bats, Barley, Sereen gs, Chop Feed, Salt, Coal Oil, Fish, Apples, Potatoes,. TU 'nips, Carrots, /1,nd Cabb4.ge. A large stock of China, Crockery ancl Glassware_ Al o a Large Assortment of Lamps and Lamp Trimmings. Oats taklen in Exchange for Oatmeal at Mill Ratei.! . A ALL SOLICI ED FROM ALL ' . GOODS DELIVERED FREE. , . A. G. AUL. ', ; I ' FARMERS, THRESHERS • & MILLMEN USE McCOLL'A LAR INE MACHINE OIL, THE ,BEST IN. THE WORLD. - • ; x Eii, 84 WILSON, Sole A.gents for Seajohlt. 7 , ALSO OYLINDErti .OILS. * A bald, W. S. Mundell, James Cumming; Wm. Allan, Wm,' Srett. DAVID MAXWELL.. DEAR Sia. -.-After arranging to get your Binder this harvest, I .was in -Mimed that it was a failure, and agents of other firms -endeavored to obtain my ordel for their machines, when you informed nie you were willing to place a . Machine on toy farm on its Merits. 1 was satisfied, and the re- sult I do not think PAD be anymore satisfactory toyo than te myself. I never used mere than two bones, and am satisfied they worked with .very Rale ni6re that than an ,ordinary Reaper. The .machine was tried, on all kinds of „grain and under various cenditions, aed, the. Work dope was something I do not think ean be i:eqiudied. and I ara positive :vaimot be exeelled. ' I would have no other machine, and if your Lew -Down Binder ia what your opposition call a failure, I may say that in ,any ferining machinery 'require -- I would the failures to the soecesseS. I prefer.. :can ehcuh13 reconunend the machine to ally - one requiring a• first-class Binder,. YoUrs truly, JAMES CUMMING. EXTR -4,17 FROM THE TIVRON EXP6SITOR. This harvest I gave Mr. Samuel Woodman per- mission to bning,a Maxwell Low -Down Binder on my prem.ises tagive an exhibition of RS work. He tried it f1t in spring wheat and next in nate, a 'Very heave mop and badly blown -down and ! • angled, and 11vas both. -damp and iuther green. . lad I been r oing to' -cut it • with my lcommon .eaper I Welt d not have cut it more than one .vay, but the binder cut all .areend the piece and nake a first- lass job, better than I possibly could have done with my single reaper. The Binder is a great deal more -eourenielit to move than any -other Binder I eve r saw. It can • be moved as as;' as any •comr on reaper and one :Opan of horses -can work it nicely in any kind of pain. There were ether agents :mine -also and aelted permission to bring their binder and work *ith it. I told -them they might come in, and wel- tome, lint they failed to put in an e.ppearanee. When theBinder was brought on my premises I had not the least idea of purchasing,' one, but • Otter cutting i 27 aeres of all kinds cif. grain, • it .gai-,e such- good satisfaction that I at once lde op inyullnd to buy it, and would advise •any farmer 'wanting a binder to --examine the Above Binder • before purchasing any other: Yours - truly, ROBT. SCOTT, Thallett. • PARIS, September 3rd, 1884. See The Maxwell Before Buying. A. M. CAMPBELL, Agent, SEAFORTH. Aurora Quick Train Watch. TheBest Yet, ; , SOLD ONLY BY UREKA, BOLTCUTTING AND WOOL M. R, -COUNTER, Ontario' Mutual' Life Assurance Company, The Popular Company of the Dominion. 'WOO 1870_ Active Local Agents Wanted. - vvm.'HENDRY, Manager, W. S. HODGINS, Genirl Agent. WATERLOO,, ONT, •STRATFORD, ONT. • THE B13 MILLS, SEA FORTH. - The abeve mills have now been thoroughly re- • built upon the complete HUHARIMI RULER PtCSS. The 3 ill and Storehouse Buildi greatly enlarged, and new, macl througiput. . THE LATEST !EMU -AND Flonr Dressing Machines ngs have been inery applied D ROLLS From the best Manufacturing Fin is have been put in, and everything necessary a ded to enable , her to turn out flour C.ECOND TO ONE In the Dominion. The facilities for receivieg grain from fanners and for elevatin r and shipping have also deen extensively improved. Grain can now be taken from farmers' \vegans, weighed, and loaded into cars at the rate of 700 b;ushels per hour, by the work of two men. , A LARGE FEED STONE; CUSTOM CHOPPING :Has been put in, and the necessary machinery for handling chop and coarse grains. A good shed has been erected, so that wagons can be unloaded and reloaded under cover. ' WHEAT EXCHANGES Promptly attended to, and FIRST-CLASS ROLLER FLOUR • GUARANTEED. CITSTOM FMI) M Chopped satisfactorily and withoutdelay.- :• ROLLER 'FLOUR, ° I BRAN, SalORTS, 1.• And all kinde of CHOPPED; FEED Constantly on hand. i Highest Market Price -Paid in • Cash for any Quantity of • • • Wheat. , APPLE BARRELS -AND-- FINE, C.OARSE AND LAND SALT FOR SALE Only first-class and obliging men ,will be kept to attend customers. The liberal patronge of farthers and general traderespeetfully solicited. A. W. OCILYIE &C, PROPRIETORS. T. O. KEMP, Manager, ;Brussels Lime Works. itre made in s -cm wind only. Every watiteh 11`arranted b 18 H EAFORTH, ONT. This Company wannfactures a :complete line • finest grades,. for all classes of watch wearer. They are all made with quick train, and are -es- pecially adapted for railroad and all ordinary and severe servite. All made dust proof, have the - perfect safety pinion, which prevents danlage to • parts in case f mainepring breakage, and John - eon's patent a ,tachmeet to regulate pins, which prevents hale ming from catellinge an important improvement controlled by this Company. Tile ; stem -•winding parts are made strongend dinublo,- •gnaranteed a.4 safe, more conVeilient and service- able than the kcy winders. The extra line grades • y special certifivate, which ther pur- STILL AHEAD. of fall plate watchee, from ordinary to the TOW& saiv_ The sabseribers take this opportunity of re- turning thinks to the inhabitants of Brussels and vicinity for past patronag,e,- and beg to state that having made several improvements in their kiln and mode of burning, they are noW - better position than ever before to supply the Public with first-class lime. - This being the eleventh season of our business dealings M Brussels, and having glepn unquali- fied satiefaction so far, the public ean rely OD re- ceiving good treatment and a first-class article from us. First-elaes Lime -at 14 cents at the kiln and 13 cents delivered. We also burn a No.'1, 'Llme for plastering, at the same price. Remember the spot, Brussels Lime Works. • TOWN .& SON. 908 DAIRY GOODS. • A41 in went ef first-eless Dairy Goods, will do well to eai: at • 0. M. ,Whitney's, And see our American Iron -clad Milk Cans and Pails, just the thing to stand' rough handling. A ftal stock of Cans, Palle, Pans, Strainers, and everything fqr the dairy. • • Golden. Star- Oil Range Withlerge tope. and etands. No table or box required to stand .18 on, and just as cheap as smaller stoves. D., ery stove guaranteed. In ofderir'iti Troughing don't forget to see our Galvanized Iron Troteah in six foot lengths, making- few joints and abetter job. • A full line of Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, Lamps, American ad Canadian CoabOil, &c., always on -hand. • AB ordtrs for Jellying promptly attended to 0. M. WHITNEY. N. B. -Three hunt:nal Cedar Posts for sale. ST. • JAMES' -HOTEL, !TORONTO. SHARP & EtIRIOHAM, - (Formerly of San,paliate/, Seaforth,) PROPRIETORS. hIS Hate:, which is el Mated directly opposite the 1711i0D Station, has recently been refitted and refurnished throughout, and is now one of the best and most tomfortable hotels in the city, taa'Evary possible attention paid to guests and chance: moderate. • - R. L. PlisaRP, Propriettna. 845 JNO.. BRIGHAM, 3 chaser receir s from the Company's Agent. -,, The iatunber of Jervis in each watch (which •is en - &raved thereen) - incheate4 the quality ; pu ti, - ehasthe °beer ing this are sure to receive the quality they cail for, - The larger number of Jewels in the better -grades also represents the knish, fine adjustment, and care in manufacture, Which produe s more accurate time and longer service. The qualities are divided as .follows r. - 1 0RDINAR1 .-Two gradem s; are ade of' tinequality, :ova ved : "Aurora Watch Co., 7 -Jewele." "Atirma Watch Co. 11 Jewele." MEDIUM. --Tour grades :c:f this quality are made, -two in Gilt Finish, engraved: " Aurora Watch Co., 11 Jewels, Extra," " Aurora Watch Co:, 15 Jewel," and two in Nickel, finely -finish- ed, engraved :i "Aurora Wateh Co., 11 Jewels," - "Aurora Wath Co., 15 Jewels." - I FINES -Two grades of this quality,-ene in ' Firm Gilt Finilib and. ene in • Nickel, engraved: •- " Aurora Wateh Co., "15 Jewels, adjusted." EXTRA FIXE, -Two grades of this quoAity,--•• ene in Fine Gpt and mit in Fine :Kid; el, ,engrar. dd • "-AM ora iWatch Co., 15 Ruby Jewel, ad- - , justed, Aurora, Illinois." .: Ilein onher 'Counter's, Seaford), is the only -Place iT tile C'untj where these -watches eat be : t had. • • is . Pil.R. 'COUNTER, - •'„, • Practical Viatchmaker and jeweller, 1 - , , YS`TAL &BLACK, •T'R.A.OTIOAL ELJI LER MAKERS. TIIEiSubser hers tave bought the Tools and Beller Besiness lately carried on by the Goderieh F011 dry and 'Manufacturing Company, and having had an experience of over eight years in that shop, ale now prep:led to tarry on the trade in all its branches. Any work et trusted to us will receive prompt attention. Fi •st-elass work guaranteed: Ail kids of Boilers made and repaired, al.ke Smoke tacks,Sheet Iron Work, &e., at reason- ab,Neme 1 era- 'sit I'ans Made and old ones repaired on the slic,,rtest hotice, and at prices that defy competition. CHRYSTAL & BLACK. Fa:rrierand Threshers take N tice in Time. Mowers, Reapers and Threshing Machines. TMELL1S is again on hand as usual for the. Repaid] g of Massey Reapers with new Blishiegs, new &t on'. and all repairing in tha line. Alse Tlereebing Celinders spiked and bal- anced to give the hest of satisfaction. Give nit a eall and be tonvineed. .A3so Cylinder Boxes Bushed and all repahing done satisfactorily. Farincia wantiag repairs for the Brantford Ma- chine, also Noaen & Brothers, Ingersoll, wili ertt supplied with Me. ROOT SOUFFLERS. Faamers if )(al want the genuine Root Stuffier fall end see those. T, Mellis sells the Lest yet, brtaight into Market very cheap for cash or short brie, A full stock cif Plows of all kieds. Plow Cast - begs to fit all Moira. Repairing of Plows in all its branehes. Yeti 'will Bud Toni alma -a ready for bueposes. THOS. MEWS, Kipp/111 i ••• • s