The Huron Expositor, 1885-07-24, Page 4IIII7 JuLy 24, 1885. JuLy 24
,188 -UR THE H 4j� EXPQ SITORN .41 noon. Their destruction, it is said, it oulil probla Harvest here colich i
-ea h,
made, i
say a eneral sioners and Inspectors zheir. duty. claimed. There was one.. other important osh grant were than two- catly a;dvance- the price of ll plaster- July. Please accept my drev61 hom we venture to e —o t
TE R I . . UT OK & 00 -St ho ii gr
g, unrul uiapatriotic an u- w lie to in- blir be found that not more Of Paris On tile Atlantic coast. Loggs, 19. y Bill. mentioned in the Speech woul(i take' it, the - space occupied in your Va.
ki d- - tionar r crowd these Grits ;. coin�� Out Mid& Id -ask or c xpect - from sy and coi cis of the men about $260 000. I Leto's equald inevery respect� left ',-This is all we cou uplete thir Youn Respe ;
Paper Patterns for a R in a of Governmein ti.,j lable - troduce the cheap, 'ev in the North-:- It6h -the 1, nd It. The rest we must CIO ,rring to settle
oys more InesS, 9 -at the call . 7 - Chjldren�s from among them and return*_'onc'e heiir ordinary bus' Torrens System of land transfer in the Others prefe ladiee,., * Misseall B In 'the first plac� the'Coun- est. But tbi6 does not appear west on 320 acres of free land. The ourselves. Xorthw uld be about T.,iFF,.—Tbe British steamer, Wellin -Garmeots for sale by HoFi m AN BR.os.,r t4 yo, ir first love. We know that you of th6ir country, marchea through water washing,ton, A c,, Jul -i
Clerk, in*l,compliance among the es Bills passed. The pr � sure cash cost the country wo Capt. D ieswhich sailed from 0 'ra
Seafor�h. and, �41ush around the north shore of y Warden and much as Was 'have �iven us some pretty 'bard knocks, 275,000 or about Nv�
islation, inten e totally wr�x.
Superior d then "footed" it w e received of bad 1, nat ff Cape GuardafuL The -What a Canadian.-,
initructions 'the did only to suit 43P e and May 30, for Boston, wagr
'e have'trie'd to return them, but Lake party en98, was 130 great that this good iven to- e members Of the I d-Nne 21, o and w e 'in' the e Ivere
NEW A ITS. County 'C6uncil in June Ous of Commons by way of adtlitiona
we, are willing to forget and forgilv6 if from Qu'Appelld t� Battleford and Ed- fro measure was "crowded out. In its wftl say the money Captain and part of the creiv Has isal
last, must tit 'once petiti n the On- place a law was passed which was op- indemnity. Who The mate End three sailors, To t7w Milor of the Ijuron
ypit'll'only come over and help us to monton, !�-nd bravbd the - same dangers ice as mileb, rowned. gar The figure between e fliuspent would not do Mr. each lino' denotes the page of the er on which fight t1io e'r Aid:, and they are only iario Government. to appont a Police ' sed even by so raiik a Tory as have arrived at Dibsbery., Snt,—Believing that yo�
the advertisement will be found. se horrid Grits, -who would only th command Kohn, White, of Hastings—the law to jqod ? X01tT HAVEST. Fu3iff DuTIMS.—The first British fish. sufficient inte -t i r o1j"re scrip to- the aptual -value of Magistrate bef6r6. whom ii fractions Of I)TSA10UNG TITY, res it f.
Choice Good"corg.e Good. (1) be tooi glad to 6t rid of you. W e, have disarm the people in; the Northwest at v mericall port their American relativs;
Woollen Mi I M—A. G. VanE4-,rpnond'% n's. (5). the Act can be tried,-, if- the� have not Bill to disarm the people of the i�g easel to - reach an A no ." tatted calf " to offerybu just now' ab6u, i1orty do] 6ra The volunteers the discretion of GoveroF Dewdney. The since the termination of the Washin to perusal to ny
Ialread ve
i . , passed. Th 0
Girl WW ited-31r. N. Cluff - (S) - I I - y done go. * ti the socond place The Supply ill amounts to almost -orthwest bs e first f eelin It )ucester Ma 0111 ve to their proer
Vaated—W� R-Wils but then may have great expecta- ed. 6Y4 th day, and bad
T-eacherjIV I � on. (,` - yo'ti. who s�crifi ything I and -who Without: e Rebellion- f the people of Canada will no doubt treaty arrived at GI( I 88 � j
'Voters! rAst 1885—Nvnl. Mcconnel rfi) the Central. -Scott. A cfAsso�iatlon must $37,000,000. Grand B&nks on Satur ir a
Great Clea Sal an tions,—fiexttoSi.i!J,6bnyotiikn' and really bore the brunt of the burden and e about '4,000,000, or to pay a duti- & Di i1a can. (5) be, one of regret. But it will be follow- the pects in the land -of the
2ng e—Dune -costs, it would b .of fifty cents a bundred to state that many of t
Seaforthr Restau it—H. L. Sinith (5) sly render the. necessary. vdd, t6 the Corn- :)ng feeling of . indignation Toilet Biushes, ral (5) he caift live forMr. Verily Si�, WchT gk,%�e their services almOSt gratuitdu about $11,000,000 more than it was on h�r cargo of fifty thousand not 80 &-c.—J. S. Roberts, '. . I - Northwest -pounds much from cho' missioners and Insp elctor iln the- per- iinder a Reform Adminis6ation. Charge ;hat the people of the if, to him ent of FORTY dollars; indignity do of halibut. ard s having his. revenge, and are given a pres, si-ligled out for poun of ircumstanes. Had ti
formance of their diiiies) and must also the Government with the"Rebellion, and �ho d thus be HANT 811,o r the ad "'irevenge is sweet,','this morsel inu'st be the General who in e no sacrifice, and-, $15,000,000 h t put up. they are spending this year c -as-is 1101 . oil, British subjects REMACTOF-Y ELEP T.—At get justice- unat. that these functionaries �o faithfully t in unfortunate Ireland, Keene, New Hditipshire, on 1onday, ' they would ha-,
see -ernment
ing who 4ave his -services only in return for' where excep
pleasaiit as, well as amus", lnt,
OV4, - . : . . more than Mr. Mackenzie's Government y It!" aIre . Barnum's refractory elepl < AlbeiIt, continue under the gag
t of such indignity as the people of the given a presn IA liberi perform the duties fdr Avbi h they cut, i ti last year of its reign. The We are not the least suiprised, how-, d. salary iu in ie by vilich killed Kee -per Sweeney, oll father$. But justice '04)U
Vroin; the explan&m tt116 d *8tates are protected aainst ever, that Sir 'John should be re, TWEXTY'T so liberally paid. 3e that the of wa,,g shot dead by a volley b populatidn
DomiRs. It is a p . . Saturday, uji,der the reginie of Sir 2.4, ISS& idy to overnment it seems country has biordased. The whole popu ii) very constitation itself. The %EAF(�'RTH, FRIDAY, Ju ti in� made by the POPII- .35 members of the'Keene Light Guarz 1, and the
shame it is morej it is a' disgrace to 0 ssed, provides, that the al, _y thught as,
and eitt any amount of, easum as pM bury the hatchet -an slt to the -tha!t,they depend -nVOn the omly'lission- lation of Manitoba and the Northwest my dis- at fifteen paces. T116 beast was valued peoplel that it was bett
PI Jul thp, country -an. in u overnment ]nay hqm e pie votild he thereby secure the 8 not Claimed to be over a q arte of a His remain i were donated allegiance than to rei W. h- at's Up' MI. fd I ree.; orict lamed at U.tirp volunteer ers and Inspectors to -dn ce t � e 'law and in any district so proc
service's of suwh'an able and experienced e, million. -Supposeal the people'went e in his possess- to the Smithsonian Institute at Wash-_ J?erhap there, may be. t
lilar lofficers did in in the last seven years,, then add 1h NV -ha political crime has V. ie m ember the same as. the c io mail sball arry or h v
-wbat- p, even in his own on co sill as Sir- Richard Cartwright u "Th6 being the increase iii;tbe other Provinces, house, any more ef- ingt011- say they"twere not true pat.
for Smith Hu ninilitt -that he state a" nder the Crooks Ac R-BvENrF,.—Recen ,
Aledly is, to assistim o Another I IF �cb ive fire arm tha, lombing Foousu tlY - he would have coinued to h
undo at of the 6del arm. l4 be, and judgA5 if the increase t a a mu�zzlo wealthy, bilt But e-;
sholild, lbecerne the subject of' fulsome� for this is that w
ever it n ife of Abe Denser, a
case it becomes thes� 'offic �sjo be up 43titutional way. t f e hot gun. The plea i cable maze in which he now finds In the Silppleindlitiiry estimates sub- is in proportion 'to the increase o Plaudit inex-tr . - tric farmer, at Bloomington, llh� proved that the Canadia
1�y the Toronto I. For years Thus far ib�y have done it, the Northwest eceen
bimsel". ever during his long political mitted 6- Parlianihilt -a f.7 days 'before and oing. penditure. A large number of bonuses ere is disaffeation. ued Denser for di-lvorce,' and had same stubborn, unrea�.oiaal
the Mail has not ceased to ab a se Sir Ik .J. 4rODl the COM- of variou's kinds have- been granted d danger of another rising. The 11018, 8
theassi e Oose of tb, p6c ically nothing. r i ut the Canadian him enjoined from disposing of his pro- inulish animal that he alw,
C artwri-ht. Rich as is its v6dabular career as henpeded stanc.elof able, th- e setsi6n,4asi an it�m - of , . we do not' pe6t much. We under Bills passed this session. Ani6ng �vonderful thing abo, ym i t in miss oners ex_ has . been tha ty This so incensed hiiii that he listen to reason is en ir. -his Cabinet so badly 4s now,.and $�0,000 for, the LatabUshmen ihe I - these is the -new Canadian Pacific-Bonlis t even in the er . f o r e i
-ding horses, billingsgitteit has fre li beedat *a ihave a right, howev I Bill* There is comparatively little artliestdistaiit.-settlell-lents aiid NrOve all his stock, inclu an, no argument Otort c
rha he been surrounded by such _Nfodel-Farm. Sir Joliii worth 820 000 into his barn,and setting the, part f the suffering
loss for lepitho-ts sufficiently bad to hivl nove . s -Dominion. of a the Inspector will aithfully and vig'- reii,4 cash involved in this measure. It hools have marked the progress of the d 9 to the L Iii thia connection�
e til he was a 1 Pack. �f incompetent noodles. Since Macdonald explal d that it is intende du e wild lawlessness of the fire to it burned tIe whole thin
at him! According to the o�ou� ily discharge the tie for the per- provides, pnong other things, that the eople. Th S., 8 anil is W_ e loss -of life and ii
1 missingi. c e Doiftinion, shall give the ad ground. he is Osey p ' hed in the p lore th he lost Sir Charles Tupper ir to purchase., pro'k'rty and erect the f West has been absolutely un- ,ty the very iticitruation of, fi-lic in orm),nee of whi h It Call iah Ani(ericn lieved to have purp eris
act c 0 Y on the wheel," a mixer. eonal ey. as ecome, pra, c neceps ary di ut ie wasmo, pre Pany ai, . e Owas a !" R �i�d t is the 'duty of ille cIintral comi- In ern civ, za- Sir p chequer Billg—prti tically Vd- give the disabled, with the -exception o tay wh re the farm would be e of the marvels of mo N-EFITS FOR THE PO4R.—
& - PnorosET) BE. not been an evil without park, ar to MlttA te,to see that- he, does and and a testiniony to the solid good
traitor to, b i., 7'and - 14 . s9' ff he 'Dominion's note forthe sum—and these Oil . improve satng considerations.. It
Hector Langevin, -lie has nat a man in A bill to the housing of the 6 located.. He'-:-dxpected. the experiment of law, which
and fa�ls, to report his failure to Ithe Govern- securities are ito be negotiated by the onse and God-fearing tone
cilsis c I of London, prepar Mar "rebel to h his ca;inet iiho can make a decn w- uld be an exp'ensive one, but he hoped ed by the down-trodAen bite set e the proudest pogsessions of the poor
the '-J�nit!' of the Reform, F w:ty! ow,- meni. The Inspector for thIs county,. is,� Company, and the amount of the loan for the con- nq
are, quis of Salisbury, provide to violatio Of the tau
the simplest act of his depart- a year. eoLple of the older Provincesi who fence a tl�e results would be �efy advantageous returned to the (�ov ernment within struction of - working mens o in ttge
nored The orga I w I dg' charge of treason fixAf
It o e -1, this is cha e b Plieve Mr. H. 11T. BaIll of God- There is soine hope -Of this $5,0"W,1900 er all, tke principal settlers of that vei 0, ment. Never in the history of Canada to the -f d suburbar Ired new lig -ad it arming community. In one sense n London 'an and at least some of their bas. rec ht a has sud- erich. It is now time 11 was at work. being repaid-, for, if it were not repaid, region. But in all the lawlessness of houses i pulsory denly . mde the discot that Sir� ha� . S there been'a Governinent coni.pos6d this resoive� on the part of the Dominion and earnin his salary.. " W t io Sit b outrageous rural sanitary districts. A com conceded by whatever Gov
8 9 He !should give it would make matters exceedingly iiii- ;lieAnieriban- es i c conditin is that in leasing unfnrni8heid power, ancl surely so -me at�
a bad sout of fellow of � so i namy hicapable figurd heads a G�vei liment must, be very gratifying to pleasant for the.Government at the next ilieasure as this has been- deemed neces Richar' is not such up. h a puddling and hahl s0tting about on utee ll - iven- that iers, w
0. - me of all that is - - houses a guara dugh-faced Reforn -1
that - hich rules at Ota-wa t6�day, and general election. �ary. 111thollia -reas
di -ng I o the Mail, those, who have & years defended- the. Blu Ribbon'Bee e- the dwellings shall be placed in reason -
after all. He is . accor I 1: - A e r and d 6'yoto his I atten- THE VICTORIOU8 VOtUNITEERS. -it vated and drawn into tlie'l
the re It is pa-infully manife9t ble and faiT, why then should it be r 6 "Aissatlisfied with the pr6mt-conduct Oil every - Ohtario Ag'ricultuial College aainst the tion bo.tbe more dellet te ably fit condition for hum all habitation. th representations- of tho
erious! substances Sunday last the comrades of poor sOr d to with such a people as tbe,Cana On contemplates the removal -of the X. P., must have ,een hand. The fab,t is, that -while, the assault� of ConserVaive poli- The bill
I . m6st bitter "I's of the North-west.
f the �eforn party he is I he " only such as whisky and str ir John Macdo a ti! OQ1 beer. So Osgoode and Rogers, who werd mem- ays. As -to sin -It
damp of Si ad. is thre t Millbank, Pentonville and Coldath- thei -man oil. the Refo, side of clans and"journalists, as it is an endor- as these ae �Ioldj bers of the little colpi'of, sharpshooters -ld prisons and the devotion Of th, oir fossils of the fry, ened b,r eenlies from wiihin las�well as ong alyl in many the fie sent frow hqe to. the Northwest Iand Notwithstanding &11 the fears to use who has n n ol placgls almost openly, the a It 0 I the ho a. defini!Bre ahn in satio' of the 0 tafio p icy by the Dom- truction of workmen -s to yi�ld an adoration t.;
foesfrom. without, the old Chieftain has *le of Blue "try, ti wine and beer sites to the COus who were killed in the battle 6f Cut 0011t of inion autb6rities, who re bout to RiblJon beer is a ver tMin� consider- K-nife, Creek, turned out with bout mendments b Act were not view he is a loyal Su p Porter I � et n'%, te.� o t t dw;Ilijigs. 11acdonald, which they i
y ig not- a man on his�slde Ivbo is..capable.'to- able MaF, NEw Bnuisji cotd to the Kh�,- of follow in Dominion &Airs tl' example ation. -If he will but- ex*nd his iIe, half the city,to bear their remains to tl�e British 0onnection'" and -I"i blut by no le iassed. There can be no reas6n lords, were l -to appear
stand up in.,it free figlit and -ward off the followin Is a statement of -the aes of
-set tI)em. - by the Ontario Legislature in doubt th
we at tile brewers believed they' means lost, had be6i L aibiti- searches'to the town. df S�mforth, he. grave. To day, at -the Prorogation,
he not �ers soil in person. ut, thanh-
blows - ovIlich fitll upon - him. Hitherto had the promise of the Government that the mein of the new Salisbuy all Cauad4an staesmen art
had one of the battalions returning fro ous and tou-cb y " he would h L ill proba- Proviaial 'aff, -It was ever thus, will find, somethin a a oodl, deal more the North this Cab, inet, 16 in number, in order Of
the amendments -would be inde law
he ba's i-ept the hip from sinking by- west, the9th battalion Que- :--Viscount -Cranbro bility h4-ve been the hope of 1k Ontario ho'wever,. as this is -not by any means seniority ok, 71 pers of Baal, nor vre all V
injurious, to' the human s. stein to ellffaffe bec Voltigeurs. The regiment. present- session. The jaet*result of the whol -mat- e
ing after r, however -Chat the Bill tQ d
ay7 his attention, than Blue ed a fine' .appearance, the men being Conse, �,s't occasion upon wl ich the preten is amen
brib and buyin those who—would, tl�e f Duke of Richmond and Gordon, 6 nalists either Aultib ,d�op
es to -d gir John ib4m Beer. nesses, and the leaven of ur
have sci itled it, biit.nbiv that the treasury Earl of Iddesleigh (Sir talfford. North- Ilows. E very -
strong; athletic -looking fe arliament �ave followed Thus far, we must say lie �Act has not trinatipg h6 wasses. It!
Mcdon4ld. G,reat JuPiter, and all �om�ion P he cott Act, upon which the: wine and, is nearl y run dry ced to, procure. where they went to -day they were re- ote), 66 ; Lord John Manners, 66 ; Sir iendments were tacked has been c he. is for icer an C ee such ichairpions OQlgk
this fro#i the Toronto Mail, the organ l� e lead of the unpr6ten#ous Local LP -918- been enfor ed as - well - a i should be. st Richard Cross, 62 ; Lord Halsbury. (the asm: n coining dropped and th Ott J 11 some other means of defense or lay down ceivea with , entliusi e Se Act stands -iogressive and useful legisla- While we know that sonle hotel keepers from the railw before- Its operation ard. Cartwright, A
in chlef lof Sir John L What I 'ture n p is Lord Chancellor),i 61 ; .W. H.. ay station the' here it was his arm and- yield up to the 'enemy. y . were as- t 60; the Marquis of Salisbury (Premier), Hon. David Laid aua, c
has beclOme of Sir Charles "upper, Sir n. ttoll the experience we have gain- ha Ve honorably adhered tb tl provisions sellibled on' Parliament square ner h.ampered by the Dominion License Ac
Iiving their testimeny., Under these circumstances is -it passed rwo years agp, but yet itis not en- 05 the 'Earl of IlArromrby, 4 the 9 hesitation in of the law, and h wed intoxi- C ave!no artier's-stittue, ad- Opposition genrally h3vt
wonder that the old warrior 'should -ely killed itwould havebeen badthe arl of Carnarvon, 54 ; Edward Gibson, eonard Tilley, illeter Mitcb(ll and Dal- any e n. On#%rio, -we ave not alio as
arthy p9or, T e I s :that a Model'F&nf, with an eating liquor of ail dressed by th6 Ho. A. P. Caron, .Mh i- ir -IN-licliael Hicks -Beach, 47; battled with their
ton Alefil alid y i descrivtion leithe I I to be,
desire to have I ranged on I ister of _Nlilitia; the commanding officet I rwers bad their way. IN r brew- What wW they think kf a' : Ins side a Agricultural. Cc Edward Stanhope, 44; Colonel F. A. anti Perth have just caus
C 11 -1 tis But, Ileke colilnected with it, old about their pr 0-rs nor temperan ce men will be satisfied. exiiisd, agd, are bon- of the reLr,iQlelit,QoIoue1 Ai-ayot responld- champi of Sir- Richard's po-, - and' I,Vag Statiley. 44- Lord George Ha-milton, of their Reform champions
lest-sarileGf our readers maydou'bton,r ff pi�orerly and ec*mica.11y conducted, estly trying to coud!ct the ing for his men. When the Governor '�ut the object of the 0r.overninent ir hotels on le ie n �Ot to satisfy eit r -to secure a 39; and Lord Randolph Churchill, aged rally to support when,
'fancy he will need to may h of benefit to the Dominion, )ut temp'erance principles, ise also know 1 7 f But, we. her party 0 give the salien L'I Points Of General can�' out of tl* se'Atechanib'er
tion ,come round. You ni
be a' mhch Older as well as a much. afte1q)r0roguin,, Parliament lie also ad- good I&Iv but to give the brewers to .36, - It will thus be seen that Viscount
the article, in the Mail in fill], that they we ma tain that t lis is a species of en- there are others who lia,Iie -as flag Cranbrook is theldest mniber of the ar indifferent to vour istri
grantly dressed the i bis * c, -ria understand hat if tbeywantaliyebange -better It aM& than 11�e is, I - - I � I inlon fron gre.. lie before he can cannot be so. , llavi�kq 11
may rea4 for themselves. I:i a leac. ing tei-prile. which coul be" very oll l0t- and ppi-sisitently Viblate'd the law, and expressed pleasure that the hi torie city l6ade they must stand solid,and the- Cabinet, and Lord landolph Churchill mu 8 t of such Y�ears aied you. ill fight4
I fempeirance men to a a in headed .- the beRefi Ad- the youngest. ed _.Wednesday's iss; ii ter ca, ril olit by the Provinces, id no attempt has as t be� ade to Of (2licbee. had been represented by a 11 pe tb t the f your -count1w, Ive ye n in aid, inao atter bo -boneyed the Words it with such a history as the ministration will not -do them. much 4( Rjohard Cartwright e read: shouldbeleft'totheni.- vIoreover,s ch check or punisr-Aliem. 111hile this is ferent, even tbough may be which are sed to ecret that Richard b -guile him an institu (They were A. 13. J. Letter from Washington, D.C. to s Bu4- our itenst is
sil an open s fioti can �ot be established tnd bringing the law into t1isrepute,'it is coniniand in the fnionsictory of Chat- too lot here. to eultivew i
e iiijustice eauguay in i ' To the Faditor of. Cartwri,1,s,ht is not satisfied wih the pr'es-- Rid, iard 'is elite a Ibir d t O -b e - Our
maintElin d by th� Dominioh. wi out aso doing a great the law- the warof 1812-13.) Rethank- New9 of the Webk. 7�he Harin Erpo-,iitor. ent nuanacrement of the Rof-Or Party. caught any such snare. I . I. - I DD; In order to ave trouble in sketchin Aght the villainous C - their WORSE- THAN THE- -
inflicti a oss.� 1pjusttice on Onta io. abiding hotel- keepers and W' ht is more ed irbein in the Queen's name for & Being an experienced pol an, he associations and illonopoliael;
tservices and assured thein that-, though despatch from Madrid, says letters for so many, I pass you the iol_
doubtlesa, sees-- that the ob! t mationist -Onta has �stabli ed, equipped, nd important preventir' the kind and develop our i
9 good they had not taken an active pat in the t at every� one of the forty-seven nuns lowing fok publication in the widely eir- tactics Pursued by 'Mr.. Mils and the Th 'C sources. This the Canailial
e 3 rant Gen n. tly ill ain d ,'her own college,. .,resq1ts,which woqld othei-wi e flow from ITOR. My first visitation
ley had sho their readi-
t6 Middleto campaign, tl wn 0 were iv noculated by Dr. F errall, has culated EXPO.
other liente-nalis da session doing in a -way that. des t1i
We. it ade ii--ientio' n last week- -of the aid the coqts -of' which ire paid -entirely froni the operation 6 f' the Act, roin being ness to answer to the call of duty and - s' to Ruffalo, population 210,000.
nee died of cholera. here -�as just clos.'�d have, -not elev i I tilem -in The 'mosquito is beinor I
u resprce, The cos edtli6 right to be-rliked aitiong RF,-L1.NFORC1_N(, Tili,. NWY.—The Lord It is a great manufacturig and commer-
the opini on of the paz'Ulic. I Blke's which f. ie Government intend lie O", s t has been accomplished. T 11 a far the�-e bas.beell eam, litted by the amount I
giving the the lierocs'of the day. The crowd ap� 11, yor of London headed- a deputation cial centre. Part -of' Buffalo Ivas nce hi Northwest. some excuse for t1his 14xnbss in enforcing M. bility to fraine a policy nwit also volu nteers wilo ser very 6onsi erable but 'the benefits ved in thel and brolz_�n. In this vicirlft�
plauded - his -excellency's * -%yords tud to Lord (1corge Hamilton, 1�riday, ask- strike, pitinfully, "fe1liows If the recognition C covered by the watersf Lake Erie. I of grain rwinr I' ,mealt derivable from sch an institution h4ve tl e A t on ccount of the I'llicertainty when lie lad concluded, the Voltigeurs lit to New York via Roebster ' d
-wbich Parli. ing that the British a vy- be strength-: we' ait is to 1, Re-, weH hoiv W possible take into --considtratlon ti
iyl sated for the outlay. in cr to the adtidn of witli behilets raised aloft on swords and cited. Albany. The scenery alo, hae consented t ' give the voUiliteers amP 1. cOulpen which attended if owl no the 11 lidson 0 f OrrAFrs or any other set of mea . by mere The Steps River is indeed magnifiee rifles ave him three histy -'ehe:era. 01-T AN�iRclusNi.--, forentic eloqunce; there %ast be a for thei brave services is meagre gid. Thd sister Provinces seeing the benefits 'the Senate, as -f the. win6'a-Ad beer 9 ilt. New York,;
ns'. (;overnment ha,�e the metropolis
of Montreal passed deeTii-by the Swi. America, and 4th 0 XOAV have I 00 to 2(Y.) acres IJI
fficient, the same cannot be said -of -being iexped by the teple of Ontai clauses had been. enactbd, Ino persf,),11 tbro the capital early this tilorni-11'r d1nost entirely cleared the Republic -.of largest c - in the world, bas popul-a- cause of soine sart. behind the leader, 613th Battlion or
ity I btherwis6 ke bUt becvts the air. Can -wbo pl6ttiijg It is a -Of those "'riniled their t:
the aer in IOlich they have dee'lided, from tbeir college deAre to hav-e for would. have tho ight it' worth whil' ou tile Is ay lionie. They- Ivere receiv ol aliarebisti %,grainst tion of one auld a-lialf have no reat Mason to babits of industry in I uro
to deal Arith Goloral 2\14ldleton. Before tliems�lves similar �beneiits, hilt inste'ad Maki any attempt to -clifor6e the Act. 11) a deputation from the .city council other leuropt.-an powers.' very bandilbale, convenient, and. com- Eiahard. He hit%, lyalt t heill Brute, while i f doing aid jiro�c.ntcd with all ddress, but IN-j)m.-�:-Tbe recent patt city. Its nuincrous elevated E ail- Go'vernment 0 as Ontario did, securing one for This nn'certainty'lioweverj n o w pas they did ot W, suni,e ba d kaoOks since lie ft :od 'his ths closc of Pailillient the sex and ot.hur L,t Over to t ke prt in e tliqnal�e shock iii'l.,engal resulted in roads greatly' facilitate tran.�Jprtation back 11. on thera, nd in stri n ' back r 9 ade a proposition which. �il�las Jim 9,13i_ themselves t their own expense,theyap- and- it therefore belloves tl e Central ects I nve bettt,
the day's fcstivitivs� and p, rious 10,4;s of life. Fifty deathre re- and travellin in the cit .- I pdianiti� opu!ar Pe- t prl)sp they hav�,e na doubt, ilp sore- y season prove favorable fle, mously -. ceepted by Parl ------ I!,ive peal to the-Domini6n, and : their appeal ported. There ivas lso inuch ter to Bellevile College Ishall have all ablit?i
Hospital. There are ^00 patients under
But we axe f ree to admi t that he cott, Act Assoc4tion -flow,keupand cept�oii Ni,as therefore finpossible OP estinty vfidt y prw%inent man oil It t side -General '11iddleto a grant' of twenty Iis. to -be favorably r�.sponded to. Thus show *tb itt -thoy are prepared to secure MUTS AND to Vroperty, i-�,; the oil Tbe vit-wa,expressed by Tu 1x1,()s1 Tim Gali- surgical, and,500 ander medicl treat-- =3rd Of July I N. definiti: re alm, in g �f wiileat� ats and of- the H. 11se who has a thousaft(A dollars. This wi'lf seem to Ontario will have to bear the entire ex- for the Act a least fair trial, by doip! . I il �, - . . on respecting the grants- of lid to tile bpr c.itiniates that it will require at iiient. Some of the doctors adnurses
He'is-alaiwst the only e_�res i: ordinary p' lege, and will iid farnis of pple, Ivlio have to work or penso- of her own col their §'wn duty pe, sedding to it that old � ?13 VGlunteers, id the ponsions-Ito those least 6,000,000 to ref),dr and equip the -very kindly sh e through file
e in
tative left �a parliament of t] Lc avy in it manner ijecess and Aleander their money, aridiculously lsrrre suni, dition havoto pay three4ourths of the others do theirs also. Ldt them display wounded or the reprcsejltative�- of those ar . to wards nd eplained the ,=-,es very f or m- traditi na, V, hich re #tl, d ea to erly from Kippen. out the c6un Iling ecuriDg the obser- killed,' will no doubt, be found to be' try, lie and, in onipari expense of estiblis and maintaning the. same energy'in 8 illahe it fil-A-class. clerly. There are 12,000saloons,excla- h ouqh son with the niisera,44 oats mesured 4 wt,21 ill
0: ---The in1mbers of sive of hotels, i Ne York it is far
is a free�prld who, believes i. defray- pittance .Iybicb the volunteers t -d' 'a college for the�benefit of. the other _vanc6 of the Act that they did iif*secur-' (ILiite in accord with the public views- oil 111 w barley 4 feet 6 Ithe-question. The more the matter is (W verliment, Mid those- from being the mo -it moral city on the
-nent by This i� jus -t the old, old ing its passage; and thdrg is little fear
theani 1 cost of Goverlit receive, it it little short of &A"outrage, liscus-sed, and the biore fully the atten- on If. I Ivere asked to III be a air critezion to cr� mprising the p, -e.-,' t Ministry, and continent. -a i(n, deeming that acbeaper -by, but they ,certin1v slift,
direct ta.x allie the a �1, . itild all insolt, to theim. If General' iddle-,-, story iepeated. O�tkrib is gain made but its good results wift soon be so dnt circumstances are linderstood� the ( . Lord Wolseld . have received itivi- most moral cUy for its s in le id metho . thaii the y ize with my and mor praides Of Da are iirh
systeril 61 lk-V ritio, -upon articl. ton is t 1 e inan we lip the,niilcb cow wbo-se 'rich udder must manifest that even the itilb ieving will More Clearly the PeO Ivill se thatthe t%tions to attend Vic inarriar, er kota
�c of coul, take hillitwbe pie ge of Princess raiige of exp ience, I Nvoll.ij .1n1l.esitat-, Matter. The Government have fbled to �rasp the ingly name Toronto. I next visited
at f urnish sustenace forthe other famish- be convinced of the merce lfk- el f revenue and )rotection. Vill refli 5e to accept-itly such grant WiAdoin of 'their eason over 200 acres ill C174
mening of the situtioll. 'file �Iloriljou,s Brsy- wlp.Fs. --At ilie ilia -in office Of Philadelphia, the Qu.'aker city, --popula-
And h6isl al supporter of' British t14 expense of the --brave nd gallant ed illeinbers of --the! Conf�ileracy- Oil- action. dir 3 io brokeia 100 acres more, vvb
-rences in p I t' . 11 blij- the Westem U it o - Telegraph Company ton one million. It has a greater area' no tock. id tli7e fads ensions s 01 0
t I . I i , soi)s, Henry. Dulleall aut
id oulous in iii Now York 3,275 messages -were than NeIv York, and isvery bandsonle- -11 Blake has i wastod so much m en wb e him'.- t&ri6 has ty cers ail d men are .%imply i
D s ved undey We can een thr�f and eMnoinical,
lak-i n lig extellsive
o, and has ai abunda, ce,; the other Pro- AFFAIRS AT OTT�,WA. the Case of-' uel, it voluntee, forceas handled. oil ]NIond- of last- This lylaidout. The city hall, crecte-of two ly =0 nut for, snob a proposition pass- -in Cavalier County 0
-urs. The effectiveness of t e force Io is i 'said to be the 1, rgest day'4 business white marble, at a cost of �13,000,000, cardinal i pain ts, la PiJobiti d's a, spel, tain, our other Canadian I
ing mi0lallenged by tile fact that it was vinces have been pr�digaly extravagant, 0 � (From Oar own rr st-iron disciplifie, o ree
'eG., a rown Co to be found, uot in c, Ord. i4 the finest structure of tb e kind. on thf. its deliv to him by G XT y was the conti I Ivalk-ed once aro., 11 as a result tl�ley are in poverty. Last Frid, going ahead iii the -Aime inade alid hurried thronah w1ring-tube and as in regular armies,- but in the intelli- " V llr�_%T. ' k enzie, ; and ho b ng them O�TAWA, Aily.26th,, IBM. lient. t, Id it be- e Do u York. fore breakfast, tr eb of the men of all ranks. Evety- hottest dv for fo year" in son, th bies. very la hours of T, Like all things human, even such ses- r> which I comdder good Ze Caf
he finds it (Tiffi-cult to co -al erate with he session, wlien: But, instead of meekly s ffering the con- erons, Curries, Ca th should be done to encourage lien It was 99' In th� hade at 3:30 p�ni. mrning appetizer. I next visited Bal-
iniences of theiT,j thriftlessness and sions of Parliani6lit as that of 1885 list (J. K.), Browns 16 �s ail
the a(I v anced Libenrtls " w idare run -m- oat of e Opposition members had left, 4eqi of classes to join the volunteers Eiht ning af t6v ��o listroke occirred in timore, the byster ity, population 400,- gre- In hort Sir p-rilillent prodigality, theyt seek to profit haive an end. This, the 16ngpst and, in To treat the rnknd files if they were* -and : 811171,01111 0 Ives wit
-nl and -Wheilt only those'of the Gov I in 13rooklyn. The Goo. Like New York and 'Philadelphia,
O,ut of pla in p
arty colliff nt-*
sapporters were present N,,-Iio' are paid b ' On ts cury stood of Prosperity and
ario's frugiality, and instead I n es a st important ses- lacKe4 e was or y na y r pect the mo amustonied to live 6n lialf the -waLies of mor 84 in the latt., it is a great n) anufacturing . ii. o in er- daS
to-d&y its Mr. _N a d c n i
July -%Va$ the hottest will of their of ecoi�orrllsing to a laboring is t
-Mr. wonld have be x, , Whitt for re isterino, the o discourL�ge all place. It furnisbes Canada with on of Dominion Parlianlent was plosed eial centre. so
ake up for past. ex- si' .,others froni joining except as officers, —Fordinand the reter po rtion of the 'oysters it con- ason. The mercury ran u.
vagances,Abey �eep. right oil and de. 0 course lie intm, (Is to puratile, W �� CIO not, illastes. Twenty thousand dollars is b� tr, to&ay. The basinessn the Commons stood 02 in the aild thus a class distinction is at once ha,� bepii clected b a major- sines.
of kno.w. He- t b: ap e t o 1). C,., is the
no meaw an hisiniffloilt suni. Tho pend upon raids on the Ontario treas y the atillospliere Woul suplim t Mr. Wake iii tile lea, Ic rhi-p, for uury Practically wound up n Friday. establislied whiob cannot but be injuri- 14y oi 973 to Pal-liiiient from AyIes- grandest city on. the continent, popilla-
-business nien ni to re enish.
ands of farmers nd.' their elliansted exchequers, There was a sitting of ten iiiwites oil olis tothe force ,it large. Elittliegraii .9 to fill the vacaticy- tion264,000"situated olithe Potolnu i � PI t -tt Nvotild still be oil and �bl.ury, nor r The Ull was hot of 320 acres of land is not illor6mtisfac- c6nse(l by the eleiiation to the peerage of River. Alanufactories are not allo-,wed.
iti it f or hii-a to ret urn! to the Cajllada, with abilities fully qual .*to and the Do'11111lion (�i'overnment and Par- SatiTday, and to --da t of wind to iinlilmte y the .Ho ise, met a Conseritiveranks. We�haiva no'fatted- Middleton,, work from a tory The grant i -s acconipailid(l. with7a, Nathan R'othsLhild. The city is clean and handsome. rhe Ii nlent alwqs sta. d ready to aid them Ilwelve, and that lime -till - two frm what poips the whitI.
clf an liand, for-SirRichard. condition, of settleillelit, either by the EXTENDING THE1101,11-ii TRADE.7-The, streets- and avenues are more 1han' twice refre hig rain set in ,durk
sundown for years, and do not succeed, in. their robbery. ilowimuch longer are o'clock hen the Ge'litlenivit of th or his substitute. ,disb, ry, for Eliglnd nd as broad as in �t S
Rait'whatever the f I' w But ny mail .N.Tarquis of ordinary cities. T Was U -e may and continued t intervah a settler 'the Mrquis Tseig, for China, have laid out in I 800 for the cpitill: It is
kave in store for this min, his ill I im,, by one hadfibis amount, an&. -the paient- ad loh� -su! fiering ?eOPIe of Black R�d summoned,th 'en i
ay e in lbers to can now take up I(Weg 9 riling inctiblery of ettreer i.4 cloquent with the inor,%l that yet� the Parliainent- of Canada, - with -Ontario gping to submit to this treat- t he IS free, and call, homestead' I 60 acres more I'si tied the new- opium treaty between the focus of the-gove day, which vra
enate Chamber to take' their part a e men among the ring rains and our
in a politiciaa is a fatitl so at 2 at, acre. There ar China and (-'reat Britain, by the terms 60,000,000 people. The to"apiluol, 'Navy,
areelymmoment's hesitation I vote this Mont iii the ceremony of p'ribrogation, running, while th hay I
c6niplint. Far had Sir Rich" rd been th o Manitoba volunteers who have al .e. o' which the interior of the Empire, is Treasury' Patent Office, (-enral Post ad:f tile not immense slim of the good.- Mally: of o a iness as
able to curb his ambition, had. he people's in�!ney t Commons attended to sich bus' taken up 320 acr�s ill this Ivy. When opcne�l up f reely ic opium tra(le. Offie'sinithsonian Pension Offitia Wbite that teams cannot pass GV4
he S66tt 'Act. it was -pro � osed IRON- ii.—The Keystone Rose, &c., are of
�T that lie was a lyigger man than public Of] cer absolutely for noting. We the Senate bad prep�re(!_for them. Th p ._to grant thbin their wl ite marble in
I f 4 its usual pre-emptioa free, the (loverliment re- Brid(rc Compauy,!at Pittsburg, Pa., has the latest styl of modern architectue, a Mower, Unless 41 ry, IVeatliv
�;ir Francis Ifineks, and sulked when in- sa�y! or no thing, because while theGeneral After all the ills t cott Act is jus't Upper House, having f0116we IUpland bayan b
f orme d was not, he c) i i I (1, in all fused to accede to the _reqijest. A man collipleted the ino�tprodigiousiron-beam On visiting the Army 'aluseiiiii, amon', ct
%I couducting, the campaian in'tbe as it wai opening of Parlia- c,purse of doing little or n6thi4g during thus situated, in, grass is sometbin-, erh
WE probitbikit�r, have been the lope of the. %y get whab he call for ever turned ont iii thi,s country. It is other things I saw from 00 to 400
INortl iwe he was doing only thc%twhiGh- nient. Thanks to the irresponsible S Our inimicipal rulers
to -day, after ir en- the former part of' the, seqdion continued his volunteers' claim of .320. acres, and to fonn portion'of the structural work Indian 8kele-tous obtained fron) tile
John Nvad his b usiness -and for which -.'b' its usual course by paiiing in a great -use it toward paying for the pre-emption lo I f the Bartholdi �ionunient, and weighs niounds of the Mississippi The alive to the nece,-sity of ut
e was ate, tb i e temperatic. people were baulked and several of the 134)a-rds o
I hurry the Bills which had been* delayed he occupies, or lie may take the ,",,80 o :170,000 i
This m. ake f anny r ading if . otherwise liberally pad. Tlieref�re to hi procuriq the Amendments and im.- of I. Wasshington itionuinent is 55 feet squre, have purchased Hr.
in the Commons,whicli wdre not sent up scrip rnted to those who prefer it to a Trwoik.—Advices from 40 feet Eelow the surface of the earth, be used on the roads.- and
placed in juxtit-positioll with soine of give hi m in addition to his'- liberal �itl- piIovenieuts ill it NIhich' they.flesired to a I un�il` within the last few days. most 320 acre cliin,
the forui. . er articles on tbe sanic ary gra and apply it-towrd pay- !Zanzibiir state that the Goinian Vilu ex- and 565 feet above it. It i b, iilt of Nvlio wish to min, "it ta uity of -twenty- tbousand. dol- make it more workable, and, thInks, to satisfactory thing that can be IM about ing the debt of 320 lie owes the Gov- 'pedition came into collision with Zanzi- white inarble, and is said to be the Iii( use them. kes six the sesAion of '1885 ia'that -it is over. ertinient on his pre-emption. A
S in ould be sufficient�to the healthy. publil sentithent ex9rclsed hot ere e-.,-- est structure in the. world. ttentye(l rnacbin,, but it IS NvarrantAl-
ect, Or Ivith the speech deli vered by lars, it u which sh. The rea- bar soldiers, and 80 8 8 % I a all inte est in son given by the Premier for refusing to changed. There is no doubt the Sul- CleveLand's tri -weekly reception t -the The public had'lost nearly
the S waster alid, mentor last Ivinter manfain, hina in comfortable -indepen- through the repr6jentatiVe Cohimons, it n and level I Manitoba volunteer th 000 cubic yanh,
were sick forgive the , is -tan's troops- have invaded German. terri- White House, and bad a shake liands awl the testiniony, of tit), Jancy the dence -for, the reinainder of his days, - is file brewers and distillers were. prevent- and tired of their wo k beifor� the miserable debt of $320, is that it ivoul(i tory. We can ea.,41 ago.. The eingers with thd President. I was in the Poto- hthat wou ( en: -I the lip of all act -which we believe can not be ed from emasculat:ing it and making it mer began, and in'thq' 1, mild place that volunteer in a better position PooR H.k Rv jr,sm,; Ex i,r,CTED. -Russian mac Depot where Garfild - received tlio will pay itself in a ok close') sum
�4-r upon read ing ke above froi-n justified. It is al9b, all the more'outrage- worthless. But, just as U -is, it is c incts *the business of legial tioA has been than woul(I be occupied by anotlier who harvest prospects continue discouraging. fatal bullets from iiserable ("itean. 1 $1,000, oil ali
apa- anything but a pleasure f8r t e paA two had not taken up land. 'Just its if any ,The reapill" of winter wheat in the also viewed the place in his old and nio,;t bitt enerAy, and it Ous and inexclisab-le in 'comparison ble of producing� Intich benefit to the the bord,desire by Im
months. Mail Would G1 ject to his c )erii P' ti)
ouirades' good Sontl barely a inid- House, where Booth, all a tor oil the
0 . e cent. interest -on the ullpa'
niust certttiuly be some satisfaction to with the her eircumstitices connected �eople if it is only �-n6derat�ly well enforc- AN U.YPLEASAXT RETROSMUr. luck, or the people would feel that ay dling return. The preeDt outlook is stage, pierced President Lincoln with I!xitx�itol�ovetliecoiifes..,iiGnof �Iaenemy� with Principal pai.1 in i�istaln
the, -a aign. GenerlMiddleton ed. CoAtiary to gone�ai )f -Bills assented waste had taken- place. Nloreover the that.the drops'will, everywhere two bulletai proving fatal in 4 will prove of great servielci
P expectation, the Lookin' over the list A Pullman Dominion Goveril'illent hataken tha thel hard knocks hav a home,, Ivent to the N o to by the Governor-Generkl 01 -day, one (4'overnment refuses to the alter- witbinQ the Eillp r�, yield poor bar-. President Cleveland is doing good so rtli-iVeft in the y cannot but be struck with, the' fact hat native grant in cash instead of scrip. vests. ice in his :new' tr as tile roade call v and ex"altd office, ditches inaile to early off.
and that they have at lengh bi ought his car, there rode on his charger necessary steps -to doin', their share there has been no impoirtdilt legislation The men from the city, most of whom JX DAK OTA. —A Grand The only that is being done water at the saille t1ille.
old foe criiiging to his, feet. FDr it doer, and enjoyed all the, comforts it wa ow its enforcement. They have this year which has aracter- will take the scrip,will be Obliged th Forks (Dak-ota) tel grain says: A hail- ellianates- from any other cli )er6- the Democratic Party ill W S I
not require a very brilliant ir tellect to sble to have undei: the circumstances EL eed to p make' it importiiat than its fore to submit to a shave of from. 25, to storm crossed five .of the best wheat- frien-d ermit the �Bnes collected istic to gr I consequence of the Presidnt not pMesent. 50 per. cent, the balance going to enrich growilig towns ifin C V 0 _e e Lis ar injury IT. I The iis vicinity, Tuesday hustling out more of the'.old offi ials I
o interest sA�-ed at h6ine during under it to go for."the.purpose of maiw- ip r ad b6tween the lin A of tl ticle and n )us effect on the ebun
IFranchise Bill !Ivas'the, only m6asure some speculator. It is' too bad that night, 14th inst., i oving south-east and obtaind their bertha untler file old 414 to discern the object for which it is his asenc-e; it was short 6, sort of a taining, a'portion 6f the-maebinery for aking a giant to the noble -fel- destroyin ff crop i i a pathway four ublicin Governinenvw�ich swayed the Alira, Pe)1)bi11& Coulity, July tot
mentioned in the Speech from the even in ni, Ieasure for him re and th have secured from Throne at the opening of the session, lows -who have suffered so written. It say, S in'effeet tol w: It is p ad.must have euf6 ng it, 4 much to, pre- nifles. :wide. The loss is -estimated
at sceptre of authority uninterruptedly for well kilaurn you are uncon ifortable in been a relief from his ordinary inaIctive -Parliament a lar e grant 6f money to bi Which has a wide and erve' the Northwest to Canada, the 1 F_ gej�eriil applica- s . ps are
9 .110,000 acresr 200 000 bushels. earsi CIO pod in general, ai-
a he receives twenty n ts hiay r, Your Present position, and n D wonder' life but, nevertheles' tio . Whatever benefi be claim- everlasting speculator who has 1)6�n the PLANTFA-L 011,,-ED.—The exten- tho uh wh the —On the morningof t1l
-usedin supplementing these fines so as, eat is a behind of Ki in e. countiry,and who (lid much �!sive plaste mills, at&, Agriculture in these ttes -ever thousand dollar' in aAdition to his to make ;any deficiency, and they ing of general satisfaction,knd the allay- 'bould be itirialiton. Long Island, were' de- is nearly ou a par with -that of H wife and infantchild re
you are entirely too good, too el edag-arisingfro this me4sure, the giv- curse of th r of 11'ari, New average. Mr. Robinson, f Ki
reg- and too' to bring about the Rebellion, s uron. wPatriotic to mix up wfth such a ular pay The volunteers many, of have promised to see that their Commis- ing of parti bitterness 6an hardly'be allowed still to int-tude himself. If W-oyed by fire oil uilday after- .1 Fruit and �oots are -501/ 00-/ tt r, Marys and when. CL a, to 1, 0 C p"su
J0 Ir
n I
tTil f W;
I b, 0
h id Is �s I
e b t