HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-07-17, Page 4T -Hr R XP6SIT' HURON- 4 MINNAM ebel
to tile desperate exped"t of T
d is now I ef -am the od
stipei have the affar lion. it. then became the duty of th4
jUT TER[OK COSP actu v redeive 160 acres, as- ull r" t.o.,take steps to idiary magistrates dur Ingi the Mae- the Coom, rule ijithe'rto has )denotbat thorou lily .u�lderstood Senate. I The P
all kenzie - regime, ants R Government tQ,put them down. It, wal
ad af- 't*
mply !nv a igated$ but tho JAiticians were: no cific V ds of belentitl D to a free horrxes� their posit I T axiaO Pa Ae etiough to treat With thOnlaftei
ion, hnd oubt, f�r he was what the C in t is
b -t ild as ac in'' te I gets. given and ChildreWs settler -G ' onscientious man, comm i0a ( with ti) derstaro
If the e in n wo� 8� y had b�en 1.1 kin t - �� doin of the bi th
o Paper Patterns- for a evi �fitlY' much afraid the aristoc The violal d tha,
a" isses ys the� Paies as ),used a good d! dissati un
to avd the: Airty puddle fvrther dis-, the Minister.on 436 �h e nopo 18t L.
its or sale tok 11 -OFF -N AIN BROS., only sha a tithe of liberaHiY to- They the peace sovereign peo
it 0 v faction among thel IlRa The Goveru
Ov e h leould DO
V , of a
Gtirine the
i . in erndr Laird knew all aboftt it; G inpunity.
Sedor ;h. wards tl I volunteers th t they, do'to tuibed an'd. no was tiken. �at the ovo merit s ould, not be broken with i
mills promised to take th b sits expedition to
e in hailr asked that the North
e o a great pient
ContraFtors and po tic -jobbers th absence 'of any iLetion by Parlia- kep rtgage o the al A1JVEJ ENTSL' that from '1878 to U1 4 they only releas ppointoed 1
E in E4 nx m r f th . ortion-of their-Jands, but tha it should west, but it did more. It a -
whp are �ontinually ha around mo�nt, or in the courts a committee of gri&a�nces, !in(
Joggingthe ppeyy e ol. ns acres of those cojiiinission to settle the
'presenting. the a I ati. t g uy several milli� T =betWeen the pare ithesis, after ear sitk would be.mor . e, exinent.',cl6rgymoen, ire ;fals, and calling. for ac, 911 essions which a month befori
them, t1 i i genero gh 14!ter pro made cone
llit the paper on which t&ir clergy, throu L6 11i lands *back, for cash. he
napageo: hi �roeeiated by-tbe countr a'd varlou. denominations' have under' -goniface, and. through One or tw eeded -,so far. they had pooh-poobed as ridiculous) a
the ad -v( ' ement will he found. ghly A act aside as unwort4y of attention,
has not b
1 Il peo e. taken the unsavory Usk of itivesti -as bro ii,t d
gatin f Uf own Valuikbll i Village Property for Sale. 10 wo Id to of some benefit h t e' 9 friepds in the House, unt 11, as the Kel!r oo the Relie uicINDIA, AND WHITE -4.
-John Hoskin. To offer a returned volunteer scrip to theelvidence in order to satisfy the Vub�^ �imagined, Ott&WaLbad grow i' weary 0 it was confidentlYlstatod that c ne�,of its n th6 half
Noti L - JnL & Go. (5): oV!er a . pu -chase of I rovisions would'o But there were others tha
Teache ; anted-0ea, Sproat. (5) th6 amoimt of $W, redeem4bie in land, Ite as to -the reliability of the cbarge� their deputations aid tired
dL L g of their ause4 B it it was a $1.50 breeds unjustly treated by the Govern
Sate in, -sm uxon. (5) e Becon :made by,thoe'Gazettk- In this' w & revived
NotesS len-i-ohuAaen4li) palout 6,000,000 acres!Of land lat
Farni fo: orn -Thomas X is.6imply a groa� insult. y er G.4 Inor an acre, that rukiorl is bein inent, and the case brought forward wa
Store tc r Sale or t6-Ront-Alex. Tho impson. (.5) to'no purpose. Neith Tor. A'06 Peter" 11-ot confined to the Metia. - Mr. M. place thd-, principle upon ii ich the pen- is I "Xpeeted: L their: truthfulness will'b inf �
officials wouldattend to tb(: - The vis now with greateT orce.
Notice I b, Shareholdersi�J- '14. 1090. (6) he injitr,- establii;hed and furtherlx0osure of th Mitchell, who, with � Ron- I.' J- C., ameron, in powerfiil speech, in th,
Wril. Pa tic -ins], D.V� S. (5) s6as, are to be distributed, o. t me'rtia of the. department wasimmova- dealt to some ex
ChristianAsaociation. (a) lay be said to be the represen- ourse deb te
g Men's bey had v6tes, like. white Abb
T ott, n -Of the V6
families -of the dead, is un- guiy will be avoided, ind if the com. ble Had t
% in Excier-llanfmr. ed and t), the- ntort Dr 1 ve I men, or if like the India -is, they bad tat" a of the -Canladiair. Pacific in the ent With the, whole question, but gav,
Speci 41 a tile People -John Way. or oi the p onition of th,
aper, th( ve exit, has
ilio. Oficers and privates should be mittee report in favc Hinkse, outside of the 4pecial attentio to the c
Good been numerous enough io - command ed by publi( 1 a 00 a hn T. DieRson. are all L volunteers, 'beeft t, de thi
treated alike. The, legislature will be fore resp a,we red tape, with, %Ikin g:)od 8 session Indians in the Northweste rbere was
6et and over t thp;
Gi�# Wa d �(j the aion of ran is inore acci- �opinioxx to:take such action as willl e t XcCoy� (9) , listin ?uig out doubt the wh �jofficj abot the folly of having parted with ime when Canadians could boas a eels a, anc would _Lhave revolved' for em ; but the lands of the at Jall. He the absence of Indian war$ in -Our grea
real As a. rule, tb e one parliament of the worst criminals, he
dental alf -breeds, th re put -O has been vigorousl coilte"ding that t estern land was -because of the justic,
being only h ey
tX� 110 t t O� f* suffered sacrificed as much as as will, also in fixturei shield innocent ;o"buy I lie lands lich the Indian
ell with. an. eternal promise nt I patienne h �Z humanity with wl
only. 01!te of tbOt �ere treated. And itwa" proud boast
conse ashoul -led We r6 back again. Thiq is tliel oth(' d wootinen children fro�n the nbrid cepse*d tabe7a virtue. peat agi -h way !.the win(! But it s taken from us under the pres
blood. i, L straws that show whi�
Aone lust of the 85
not stl de, be' treatoid alike. If,. this is Princes 6f the thA the departmenta n to decide ent adminis tion. -It bee c. eviden
UAFO'R�H, FRIDAY', 17'. IS85. which such callous and cru(I 'nneglellct blows. If the.PrFmicr were tra alli
"ustice-will,"Undor btedly,, be in-. 'I'lle disclosures made are disgraceful h bi
t much inj of a -portion of th, �, c, o'llimunit to buy lie lands, 411 hope of proroguing as Mr. Cameron. proceeded wit
the.rights on the force. . 'vNA -trust, - therel'� �nd startling enough, wild they." iyeek would be at ait are ras alities of ffieted.0 give1 was po�sible, was - wrong an( should b Parliament. this. speech that there L c
�id to. the Volunt, )era. r a Tory ii I
bemoanin end. Tbere is hardl� -1 t -le �xceedixxgly grve kind carried oil in con
6tthe Government w 11 yet listen croakers an opi)ortdhitv o rm.(r- -were rel
I'vlacdonald has submitted to fo f but as 'Refo House but -would Vbject. It would be �oectioxx with our dealings -with th,
;hat- they will properly the,degeneracy of the age. T say-thal sponsible for it eqally Wt i Conser tiVeSL how can one con The
f to vason,-.and I hey demin he otliv necessary to buY file French onserva- X thwest Indiaus. fraud by coin
Parliai aent scheme for the L ?urpose er or
ad fairr recognize the services of our de . ite our bo 4�nlightenment the ives all ov a supplies for the In
xewarc in- in some measure Le volt in-. Th.Metis were disgusied--"A� both. t er agqin, and th arrange- tractor furnishint,
not le vain b�ave: volunteer force. peoplera'growing worse, that the�. mei;ts would in%lolve a goo deal of diams in the United tates are we]
teers Nx a were called to do service in '-Thel above was written in �,Ay to Mr einier wer
sup 0 it and the press -en at
k co:, Orary, , e� p and the mi a trouble, unless the e to known and to these have be
A co: posed t be in th 10 r I
-A CO Blake's powerful indict gai.nst t1v t -all they a'ked without, making tributed more than one of the sick
rthwest, as also to provide for n tnt gran the X nfidon e of the Gover urges the and ll'other good no luep ag . e e� Irouble. The pay t of $9,000,000 ing butcheries by Indiana whic]
d in 00 -and Christian those were personally injure Government on its Nqril (at policy, in en art Pacific Would be a kave started ca' a o General Midd for special.. ha been powerless to -stem the wing more fi) th ess horribl
-baittle, and . mak provsi gr?. e one. 'ly fro e Canadi hardly
Im of 'I iv
in which he prov d so c reco�gnitioxx bv Parliment his em i7 tide of immoraity and that all the money, very seribus matper. It is !true the �outcheries of the Indians by the Amer]
the ies, of those who were killed. documents prepared and a mitted to)
services as com inader-in-.chief of which has been expended in educating country would get back the lauds, but can soldiers. The Canadibn Indian
It is P -oposed to, give to ach volunteet nent y r
Pl%rhament-by the Governo' that the the unfortunate fapt vaust not be over- have been gr6wing restive of late ea
tof 320acresto be selected either thoel f in; the Northwest; and - sucl- and -christillizing the people has been afree looked tIlatL it CoSto t e Dominion more anditishardly to 'be wondered at i
gran Governmeixt are solely res Onsible, fo. . ge_ 4e be --given., lump suin: of. worse -than -wasted, and1b. is moral been prac
%,a h a in Mardtoba or the Northwest, Thii t _hope L the.rebellioxi and its de�lor to sell its lands t1lan i gets fbr them. view -of the frauds that have
fifty t 01 -he poh it of vie Th -ro amput �an hop them by -men whom. the
h s�lid dollars. We t w the HindoLo savages are in e only way the 0, e ticed upon
grant, however, is conditional on settle quences, thitt even the Mail forced to y c C, up to a
d not express the views of the advELnce of civilized kinglislimen Of to -show as-urplus, is liar in'LY all the hould have been able to look
oTgan ops nien�� -Each Volunteer 'is given one pi speec
the whole case. It,dar' notdis- expenses to capital ac ount, an(l' beir friends. - r. Mills, iii his b
overn 'flections of this kind do these inent. While we fully recognize co'u, se, if re Owed money, a which to make his selection and G admi rtyin pute one of his statements, Jut plea for4hein out of 11orr Ook up.the case of the white settlerlq
Id pipt 3 go -to swell the' especially those abou
located on hi� the valuebf General Middleton's se vices, peo ?le any, good it wou be a pity to calloil I and t Prince Albert
he mu be permanently in extenuation of the cru I letting all the rec in d we do xxo�lt ink t'hat'under th e- feum.- dep rive thAt of the comfort they thus ob- M annual revenue. The Comptoy could,`- Ae'showed that under the Mackenz).
sL 1, onths thereafter *'an neglect" of its asters, that teir urveys were
staco�g h' I entitled to a;ny- such X4�p- tain. But, its we view i , even suppos-111 in time, realize a reasonable profit oil Government a pughed. on -t
9 required to perform, the �rdi- ents qu neglectful -J. e p 9a is lea er� s ert especially for the purpps
were e ' ally "h J the lands, having far el yiteuk rince Alb tional a -ent. Those who foug& and the aatual�tatedf affairs is a thousnd -tie *Iiati1q. of administmtion but $1.50 he officers o ern
n �e,,ttlement da a. fm -case any 10 f enabling t f the G ov
I as absurd as the edilfessionis ni 'r hi ar d
served m. e ilot professional 'ti h b' epicted . by e, cash, for I 00 000 adrep, woulo� ment to locate each holder of land an,
-vt desire his. iumn a worse �than, -las len volutoer does n to settle on To say that a Go.vernme t 'Which lei t an aer
factory at
dieis ut volunteers, and - hence their the Pall Tylall Gazette, We still have 0 be very sati present. I It is tb so form a basis -for the proof f claimk
be- permitted to Pr Vide a n years ag :can be i I be hoped, for the pakE of the bountry' But almost as sbon as the surveys wer
't n whos claims f, ,special recognition. General ca111�e for hope and encouragement and 'own OE% 'tell
me L e � aim, inu 811 ein eL n th I sit any iiay held re ponsible f6 iwts whic 'and for 0eir a as well,! that the oollipleted, the Mackenzie Governx
I he Middletdn, on the (ither hand is a pro- it is still suseeptible . of � proof that t
Us any was be located If he can not do either of now take place, is surely J ridiculo, Government will not a �ek to to driven from power. The presen
The backward. fessioiial dier work in which'lig d: and. not i xx endic;j ts of the overnment these be is to, be granted scrip to the mar -,h . is onwar for But, even �is "thin" further,the milfionaire came in, found how matter
9- has' recen tly been engaged is his" i6cular The very -fact that these, rev- elations have f Syndicate. ere an(t—left -them. The result wa
value & $80 to, be taken. in payment for excuse is not tenable, alt4ou I the Ma& sfacu011 worry and lo.,
business, and. he has-- not made any createdsucti a feelina of NORTfl 1T DEBAT oub .loathing 'and THE AVE" le, dissati
ty -as the
Governin. cut land at any time or in re- kenzie Government were as- U il to the people for years'.
ecial sal", ifices to midetake it.' dis�g ust in the 11111lds of the - masses,. and. The attack oil the G veruinert hil con;- a. I - 6� .
--tum �017 p ppoe1g_ A 8HOW O)F DBFE.N-OF,.
rent for grazing lands kc. ail tries to make it a .they were, nection with its luana ement Of ffairs Besides. this, he is in recOmpt of a;vey that those exposed are -so anxious to L e a -ii to the wonded and t1pp, The Pr' ier's speech in defence
Th, familles that would, not excuse the cb n tted guilt in the Northwest wa nade complete by emi wa
tb, diminished 6te wbich co rk attaoi
liberal sELlary as 'commander of 'the'
ea, hide eir and disgraced, the debo Moll- eally no defence at all, but an
of the A is to, be apportioxied some- of Sir John Mac4onald'sl G ernment. k
in dan I a f 'lows Ofilleers losing an 'tia and' dditiot" o 'heads is the ver day last an poll- his Opp
Cana fili y Vest evidence tha, can d closed t, vo days I ,Aer. it oxients. 'This is an old, 01,
what eye But, as was shown in the 1H se by 'Macdonald, but b
this wh le he -has been engaged in be. � i6n of- the advance made even with- I was impossible at thi's time of the sea- -ick �ritb, Sir John I
or a or receiv bodily injury Mills,. and as the Mail v 1�asoxi, Of tbel year, to Will -hardly 6
11 knowi bion, and at this a nd fj answer in. this cas(
active se. ,vi 3e he has received he very in the present tentury. It is not so appoint- His first statement wa
considered equivalent t6 such loss, are Mr. Mackeniie a Governme -had coni- go into the whole inatte'r. Th a that Mr. Blak
it vieek en to be graned pensions, on th6 fGII6wi& highest I my, going, while be has -not suf- lon,c ago th, ev more loathsome arty hacks. to offic ere ed lad knowingly prepared a speech hic'
le these gri 1v n ,es as so `11
L nienced to s6tt e Arould be used for the benefit of Rlel a
scale L, enteriant fered eitl ei in,his person or.iiis-busi- thiti i thoseTex posed by thoe* Gazette, - were especially for their benefit, t iscon- Colonel, them, bqt
as they were made know:,, i tent arising from �lie onop 8
-lieu- ess whi le attending to those duties, pradtised publily and openly by men is trial. The- Premier is not such
m. ajor i 800;, captain, $400 and Work was rr tb 11 the injury done by th( high t 7 0
ol as n8t t6 be able -to see that there i
tenat officers - 80 th6t We. do not see where his claims high in office and nothm*g was 080. Non-conamissioned I begun the Government was u�rii:ici f, 11 other importaht point.- , have only been all the difference in the worIA betwee:
In fact tbe revolt- eLl recognition over and above. thot ght of -M -4ttackincr the* Government an tl� power. MackenP4 remain - d and, p4ves to receive pensions on a for ape barely mentioned.' R.it some time d defen
Rail Mr. osal to iner b
ing the'erime, the more honored e on a prop case the M the -crowd
graduall d scale according to the severity� Ilis comrades. in arms comes' in.' 1f, o= ing Riel. But he knows
in I n c6nimenc d
power, or I ad Sir Job
of -hhei- wo4nds and the degree to which how6rer, tl ie Government see fit, to mark crininal, -providing always, of - course, Police force, to 1, 100 in.til, Blake in leads. well enough to know that the
Mr.3daekerizie left offiall 01830, a splend exposed the Vicious- would applaud a remark like this n
where I i4 ipeecli their ay r, va of his. good generalship., th his rank- was sufficiently high to -or brutal it inay N
they are hVectpacitated, from earning a - �s of the Govern in exit's policy in dis- In
grievances would have been. settled ne atte)r how absurd
od or contributing to their own ad his efficient performance:,of. hi's raisi � him above the common populace. u e form - all
years, ago, and all tbe� tro�uble and 11"xig and disb�ndi g the volunteer 'rhe applat4ed, in (1 d tb
ate a es we'do' not suppose any All; illis is7now changed,' and. the liber- i
The very higest amouilttha beii-tim. I ti cqrps of tile Northwe.,Ii , thus leavincy,the Pteillier got a good start. But the ver
SUPP turmoil and bloodshed and . expell aeriou�ly 6bj et. But, -to- tine whether of high orlow pi e
can be given to a private though totally _person wmid' e' estate, has pqO e entirely dep lident on the -�oiice next thing lie did. was to show that h
would '- h' But r -the mainteiiailce of order and the (lid not believe that to accuse the GoN
ave -been averfed. blind or otherwise so, helpless as to re- give. him at Ly- such sum as that proposed,-. to p -Osecute his vile designs in secret John did not. follow up the w rk b preservation of pe4eeL.- In his speech on rnment was to excuse Riel, for lie a
quire he care of another person is 60 Pa it] manago�- nee pr
object would be An injustice t6 -his fell ow f- and if discovered he becomes an bli rep Monday h d It I �1'the inis oceeded to acciise the Goverr
ficers h- by'his predecessor. To. d ch VV,_%S i respoxisi- ent of Mr 'Mackenzie of greater dela
and tiielv'olunteers in gegeral for loa#in(y by all �,egpectable people. ment whi - ti�diatel
cents �er clay, whle the amount given . 0 I 11 Tn -
im Kequests, petitions nd i)lea lings of tie L ble for rousina the rebellion the injus-
to tho�e able to, contribute materially to endured'all the hardships. and. dangers' Tha li there. is still. much * room Jor nd negligence inreference to the hat
people he turned a deaf edr and ref us d tic6 done to the half -breeds. Inniaki4a reed claims than that of which his ao�
their' support is 'the poor pittailce of borne by 1 'It '-would also be 'an provement we do not.dexi , but in view thi� speech Mr. Blake eviden, soll!"i y 10 �t �liinistration had been guilty. If
to move, In the langliage 0 tl Le Mail t lie -hat hao been done the pa! the pi�blioa,. which we are of v A by outrage to iLvoid anything that migb�- ok fik-e an &xcuse for Riel that this Governmer
from-10to23centsaday. Atthisrate. an- were ap l,r teelixxg,�
settlers of the Sashat6liei an eal to popul. or an at-
sare would not be tolerated.. 'Fiv iood d encies in operation preated his -friends badly, it is a valualol
then a1private receiv in g smilar wo"ds, -g "'NAitholit political Influelic and th ir 'tempt to iii-ge aga4ist� the 6overnmei�t
s�tch 4, those entitling an offic sand dol would be an ampk reward, there are the best ons for hope iwd .. Governments wei
er to fromr ch for which %here ivas inot ample '�qually guilty in' this respect The
at deal er vould be a gre neari the encouragement instead of fear and des- petitions were pefinitted to lue-mot Id 6 had ver� ince4tive to do $�80 t, $1,200 will get at the. .Outside ;he Premier read the letters of Mi
prope,r in the pigeon holes." of tli� Governm2t I )rOof - H
th polidency. The'Pall 11all Gazette. has e latter and th re 'would'have bec' to E."Brown -which have c
.1,45 per annuin, even if absolute' g tha fifty thousand. n 3lake
ly ha Aess Nvill only be entitled to 219. hope e ader will, valitiage of tb t4nity oifered. The.
done a good work 4nd its exposures Ottaa, nd we all know tie depI every excuse for him had lie taken &d- I ate been so much commented on in tb
able reaults., We gv�ry.ie Ile,did not read the whole immorality in' -High Places. have z�,beneficial moral influence'. if e 0 or 1
The PE2tlSiOUSt63vid6LWSand-ebildren of lt doe ot I Governme I e.sitat� to shield' Ile correspondence, but the letters h
efully pernse the bove e. act fi-q'm
-car ThePall Mall Gazette' of Lo�dou, simi tar rootig� --were made on this It speaks or i a(- l I id read allowed nothing more
soldiers kiRed in battle are arraaed, On itself by any' in ans,; The I )era laid
Englan et'l b a i created a . terrible exc,ite-� side' of the Atlantic, 6ven mi our own be- the Mail. f' it If' , indre i before* the 1-101181, which aic the only aNIr �Blakc had offe:red to accept infol
a ainuJar being pr6portiouea to the I e condemnation of tl
ment in �ll old world by publishing a loyel Canada, we are -not sure but the CO "Plet (40velln- ones the -(loverlipient -tbiih. bou ation respecting the Northwest froi
Id rt4te of1pay received. 8 of immrai- r'sult would be equall �r beneficial.' hient co by presented " in the interest of the
uld. not be writteli e en n coll- Brown and to refrain from making" hi
gerie bibles exposing. the e e general principal in- With th I are clearly ix�com not gar- paiiie Public. ays 1a; ` Mr. Blab-
? try TN�o d, ter
ties of m en i4i; high places. The e* opponent. It shows that the half-bre a xpos- bled and distorted. III thos pa ought fori -rrdl the wbole�
volved in this sche m e all will beart- pers are r % -porrespo
ade ltI1 A Strang6 Confession. bad just grievances; that,' the ov ares m e of the'.most flarat and , references to other do6umen which o&' -e ence that lie, might be judged 011. ily (3011cfEr. These- 'brave men vol- 11 le have'fi-equeiAly stated tbatthe ment instead of attempting to redr as not laid before thp House, w iicli,as well -he evidence liot oil a single part. - Tfi
shocking' c hiracter, and in many- in-.. 51
-ailtarfly took their lives in their hands half b r*eeds of thd -Northwqst . and the thosegrievncestieated them witil in- as can be j ged,! vould e the case
f stances ed s �etters allowed that Brown � mad
eerfully weat to, the defence o the detail are sufficiently and ell ` mentsimp yerubing. �,Iie ' o repres6nting him. se.
a againstthe GOveFR to 111pst OthE r white settl had serious griev- difference ad contempt, nd -lience as plicit make it apaent A vast mass.. 6f � corres ondence f roill ed armer . from Prill(
their c�uutry in the time of her need. nces which should be considered in e a itation resulted a f
the guilty Ones ae. TNIany 19 their own fficers and otl L8r -persons, k1bert with 0 foitale homes to parties wh practical kno
Many' f them leftcom g 'f extenuation of their participatin in. oi in rebellion. In view 6 tiliese facts, we warning them of I the por n (led rW g )f the
enduro the hrdships, privations and fa- Pro"" t men, both -- politically and r, n polic
ympatliizk among the half-lorpeds, and urging quick mt alix a
g with. the -late rebellion. ask our reders honestly say, who iou to retrieve his shattere
socially re implicated, and the- woA- 11 I I - I - tigues, �o whieli theywieresubiected.while I t!) and ener&etic action is withheld. There !ortunes so far as possible by securing
We have also statoid that the gentlelo iqn drdmost deserving of punis(i others! left lucrative situations and Crood has, appaxently been done without fear, ment, the is no legal proof 1 that such correspon- 'position in the survey-. He, of C0111181
who coripoj�q the Dominion. Government poor, "deluded half-breeds and settlers dence does exist, but it -es salatiells for the miserable pittance Of 0 faor or; d 'eation exb ibited towards ay is as�. certahi as ad a right to tell of his grievalic
d their officials were.milinly responai- Who have thus for so many y, ears been anything ean b*,. that mi i
y who ha.. e been considered, ail ssionaries, lad a right to use his informatio
day - and canupd 0` M cents er ; hard tack ble r the rebellion, in so 'much as their treat minal negle6t, or the V Bay Company offic
in. 0 JO ed. with cri Hudson vs, promr- rfaillst the
than- �his, many of at - cii -c ni4spect . and onorable are - , I beef. i thom i nerit settlers, and'others vita int-erest- Se had the Ti0:,'1A to use that informi
shown. to le erfectinoll n6gl 6ct of the rights of the. people forced (19vernment who refug�d to dress or left th Ar f wililies Very poorly pro7ided sterg and utterly ed in maintaining peac I defeahig ;iol . i without rev . ealin . gthe-sour . cewhenc
nd polluted lo� r vice. Nothing that has ap, them into rebellion. We made these even �ttemp� t. ose griev
ance they receive; machinations, wrote to tell the t caiii(a. Without committing himsel,
statements after a careful- perusal of all ahces. -red fi, C -I;hb public press for yqari has Government wbal� Riel was oloing, and iowever, Mr. Blake had Brown " -lool
from the-Gavernment was not sufficient p e a` -friend, rho aw tl
i the f4cts - obtainable which bear upon the what the results yould be, if lie were al- ed up and- his. S I
to Shield the' dear ones from want dur� stirred the &oplc so thoroughly. The ir shbj,,-ct. ',It- is, tberefore,'gratifyinly to AFFAIRS AT OTT A. lowed to go toofar. Tothiaabs1eutcOrrreS-' gentleman in
inform ation -published, was gathered _question, found that I
ing their absence. �Ve venture to say iliat: the pdsitions we have taken' pon(leiiee,Mr,.131ak�ereferre(liutbecour.se ;ws a 11 tough citizen7 " seeking toial;
tba:t.there are few Df the no4le b from varioug sources by reportiers and (From (Our own Oorre8paizdent.) of his speech, but'for proof Of his cq�l- none out of eitherparty. It is n(y
and ary detectives a,6 ng,,.v backed up and endorsed by so tentios, he le doL y
who h not suffer -d serious ppetin-1 a ecially em, ployed for the OTTAWA, JUly �Sth, IS relie(I %-.,Iiolly on tl u- _11011,11 thatBrownwas brought to 0 -
ave p high an authority as the Toronto Mail. The we IneillbeM of Pailia.11t ineilts before him. Nor did lie atteini)t ' wa, on a pass by a, Government wbij
loss I thel three Tnhs service in the purpose. The d6mand for the -p I
apers to twist those ( 'locuments to suit his John Small, of Toroirth, and wc
containing these disclosures was so great and o In a leading editorial in its issue of - the tbers hose duties have 1�compel led North, argunient,or by e9minebting upon them, i-ndficed in some way to give up M,
west, not to xxiention the personal -in - I ly it. The. them to r ain in Ottawa 4uring this sufferi�gs, , .d hard�shipa they have bad that it v;ja; impossible to supp seek to give his hearers the,country letters. The trick was ui
It has never been dex6d by the Mail long session at last see, IW, t a calm,' worthy of the Premier, and the idea to; eu4ure. It wov Id be a stain upon PTesses �Ic re L-ept- running constantly d - ahea d. a different impression from *ha, that the Metis had good. gtound for careful reading of them, -%youlj convey. usig such an argument as his. to (14
the Wr faille of this cotmtry if such - ser- paper . -on com- The day of --prorogaiion� niu, t come by 'In -fact he read -.t ents them- for days!until..'the supply of' plant. � By the'�assage of the Manito- end. his admi, tration- againat seriot
the end of n Xt week -�t lates and may ell thei I
711ces we're not sidltiably recognized. If hand wa? exhausted, and still the ba Act of 1870,- Old Canada had formally selves, and let them t il own story, -1barges of neglect and delay, leadin i
the right of the possibly be at tb e end -*of this. he usifig his own lan"ll thi would to be th case with those who publicaio, i offier, was besiagged . -night ynd frankly redooized agg, chiefl, hen it -ebellion, bloodshed and enormous los
.� y, w
ild day -by an anxious crowd all haf- breed; of that Province to lier wa specially -asked S to suViniarize matters share t�xr_� was necessary
have beea �are� return to. their in Pren rs worse than ridiculous.
iome -ingto procure a copy . The rush the Indian title; and it followed as a. e �w ia which he ', ould not t 'CE ACT stri%, day, by Mr. lake to'stat I t Tas �Lke time to deal
itnini,ured, inuch more does -inatter of course that if they had rights with at length. he Couser-�.atives com- THE TKMPERAN po r :e several days and nights, iii- t soij of gnitoba, those of them the businj Ike's;speec was lon
it !Lpply to the o f llows. who, Ifii,ve 'was so g eat:for to be done itb e plain: that Mr. BI Thebrewers'and licensdd' victuallel
been maimed and �eudered - -practicaly ..,that the E treets in the vicinity of the dw ling in the �regions beyond had ordei<pa,p-'er, what' business was yet�l to and unixi . -he reag- are here in full -Force, seeking. to Pro
mendments I
niote the wine -and beer a
ri,h -in the soil there. This admitted be'proposed, and when.the sn-wo d nearly all the ti ' ine.- With hi� eloquence, . -useles' far Iife,,,aud'the faindlies of those publication toffice were pack.ed by i mob of ne dispute. It iniust hav6 bee �i " the Scott Act, which have been passe
andwithsucha se lie doul(I have inade. u quite bably be rought to a close. The ve beeil,de-prived of their natur immense arm rstood by Parliament in I IV -he, Za ad 'of peop le'. and an y. of well unde 1870- pro b' all Cnada ring *with h again by the Senate, as stated last weel
.1 �s righteously bit -
head, aud he -who has, - hitherto been policemEp had to be employed to Main- at alf events the Irecoirds allow that the answer given was far -frorin defi, nite. Sir t exiiin, .1of thq- dministration., he friends of temperance are discoir
er d iation
No am 0 "I Government of t1 e day recognized the John Macdonald runs Parliament and of his wa.3 agad. It is -a pity it is so, buf not t1i
their bountift�l provider. person, rd, The authorities threatened He chose rather t?. go Out oil r
poulp, though a seZtlem;nt was not then the country on the. principle that the in order to avoM a4thing that mi. ht less it is, to be feared that it is true. I
e sure L �, r he p i . 9
therefp;re, we will begrudge the to SI th I as an obscene, pub- aske I for. In spite of th4'recognition, whole* thing belongs to hi � and that onsiderixi(f ipp even look like iiii1fairneis is hardly to be wondered at, for the
i to the vount on d to pro cannot 1) ut feel that the.:Government
aid thlat may be give] eers. lisation secutd1he publishers, ho*4 �ver, and of the manifest and unin- any inquiry i ito intention1s is an i - the awful position in ivIlich the minis- ed in a� threat only. The gC sitall le. cause T he o�ly -fault we have with the scheme but it, swer �ble logic of e half-breed case, the -pertinence W', Lich,6nlyhis unfailing od ters d as t1l' th ough their against them. The.Opposition is secre
depa rtment -for ye a an �d yearsateadily nature shouk pr . e'vethim from resent- negligence, - of the but it is'not the less -powerful for tha
of, 'er G over4meut is, that it is not publisher , in fact, set the authorities at 0 . inisery of ie past fe
refused to move M the mattek. It -was ing. Some n eas'u'res such as, file Can- months, I The leader of the Government in 11,
oug�1nlexx wi. agree that
xle�arl�� liberal, pourted. prosecution', as it a i� It Senate, -Sir Alexander Campbell, too;
e1no-11. In the, first pl6ce defiaifee Bud tan&d questi n; 4t would involve than Pacific Railway -Loan Bill, -aad I r. B ke w�s I The train des -
the Und gra t-- b '1: be' give' on- -%voqld, tb opportunity of re- the ap�oixltment o a commission and no others, he . as able to state defini arge o t ie bill after it was amendei
�n a ou n line )uta t�ly pataher 'who neol6etsi his duty and ditiox�aly and., the :xne he guilty parties, end f trouble; §�. Albert and t. La�- would be put through. He '30 1 mits an ac . cidefit Ito, occu.y,;is c oo , all active part in securing
ecipients should be veaiixlgT1"Lee n'laenl sa'uf t. a not thereby per 'I?er::: ed to do h It as they please. rent were far distdnt dependencies with- speak definitely as to sox�ie, while otheirs, -worthy of cens4e, bil't whZ he 'is, - 0`11. ,eiristatement of -tho wine and e
The Gazet;te' repeatedly in its columns oui political influ'ence, it. was a 61aiin such as the Insolvency Bill would lbe trial it is not lieceasf�ixry t denounce unendilients. In. any cue with I . f they lie, to, settle on it well and challenged -the authorities 'to proceed that would be iffoie the worse for blue- dropped. He tacitly adniitte that lie him.. That cannot bring the� (lead- back, uliendmerits -which the -Commons good and if th�y fixid it more profitable againit i It, and boldly stated that if put . lubul ding in. the pigeon-holea. Thiswas' finds it convenient, for some reason, to to life dready agreedto, and with the con
I but it may pillejudice the jury. to; se.111 it andf turn it intacash,they on the, defensive, it would -in open' the ;way in 'Wbich.t.he officials treated keep back Vic Supplementary �stirrfat!, As Mr. Blake pr�ee&4 ivit, i his wea lictions caused by the Dominic
I 31. ands of the Metis, and we and, for tIxab reason, he� could not say. speech, as the Copservatives thought it,
shou& be a11�wed to do.. Ther the jst dem py License Act, the Scott Act. as a pri
e is court, confront princes -of the blood'- Ur
I agre when he expected to allow the nlembe�s he was building a� wall of evi lence about
not one ably, -who is W 'a with brothe" with Mt. Blake that their negli- Abitory meas e� is hardly worth figh-
fort�, p 1kee��ra,','and would sub- gence was gross and'inexcusable, and to go home. It is barel ing for. It is not by, an- y -means in
y possible th�t' the Government I through -which t1ey -
Won to settle pon a, farm in Maxii- peena half the legislaure to prove its pontAbuted- to bring abod the insurree- he is keep' back, the Supplementafy -cannot break, =4 . over which they can- probable that with a house thinned- I
'Pos tion. But,, ad this puts him and his e enforced absence of many membe
toba,�or who can even procure a substi- charges." - The very. -fact that no at- Estimates in rder to ind-ftce House not climb, 'There. is no es�cape.- - The
ease out of couA,,1 Mr.Ma er this * extraordin session, I
tute., To - all silch, the prittaince of an tempt a� prosecution has been- made, i ek-enzie was to make. hah te with the estimates now haf-bieeds pleaded for years by every ary
means in w for equal rights to
$80 I�nd scrip is simply a, in Y. just as much -to blame -as Sir'John Ma C�- under consideration. The probability, th Fieliate's wine aud beer amendments *i
-ocker .,. If the ver� best- evidence that the G tte dona;. d. The Aletis say. that the� beg�' elr Eeewn(graxx ted tb eir f ellows Pass- A. B. Ji.
n however, is tl iat the reasoii isfa far more those that had
pressIngforthe fulfilmentof the 9,0 at all, they should be is inapDsitionto carry Out'its agree- serious one. in Manitoba. - They were treated with' in some and that its charges a' THE C. P. R. WANITA XO�LE, indiffe -no seri-
g that would, U ment im plied if 'not expressed, in th
giveri somethit? re true rence
..and and �ontempt, and —On Wednesday of last week Re,
ense'be so. we' Mani toba-Act as"- far back as 1872 ; that It is well known that, thel Canadian ous effort was made to adjust their W. Smyth, of Brussels, tied the ma -ft
reco on of their seryieea. directed, Th matter e was mooted in they renewed their effbits in 1874- ; Pacifiedoes i dt get all it 'as claims. But they grew tireo�j at last, of nlonial knot - between Hugh Carr ain
k d for by
As It 18, even those who go, to;settle only Parliament and the Ggvernmeiit' l, one of e the Relief Bill, *hich has'already passed petitioning the Government, land resoft- Eliza Itoe, at the residence of il
was that --Mr. Matthew Ry ti L
9 ,e
t t 'e 0 ne V% itoba o.
rtis 0
111 t
atd 'd
0 't h i - at u
d tj
o1v tm
JuLy 17, 1885.
e on the 3rd concession Gr.ey; The bridal eoulplj� werettexided by Mr. W. H�' Roe and Miss Rachel Carl'.
4 1
The happy twain intend removing to week, where they intend- maki g their bome for the future. The
good wishes of a -large circleof accotapay them. It is ' report- ed that this i � not the last wedding that
will ta4e plam in, the saine locality typj
summer. News of the Week. Customs duties liay.e been enorniouily
increased. GRE, AT E.—Bel at, been visited, . oy a terrible conflagration. DISTU:93111, CF, IN NLW Indians' and f ixteen cowboys are report-
ed to have ben killed in a fight C11OLERA all
the cholera d stricts in Spain show that
oil Saturday 533 new cases an 648
deaths were- i eported. Irel it have decided to appo' t ial. in aRoyalcomillissionto exiquireii�zthe depression m trade. Ew new comet was dis.
covered on Tuesday evening by Prof.
Barnard, of Vanderbilt University, Nashville miessee. ' [IL
DEATH OF F A M 0 U8 C I RI U3 Levi J. in his time the most
fainous eircuE rider in the world,,'died
the'othernid atth hoineofhisniece
-in Brooklyn, aged, 71 years.
STRIKEPUS AT R XIM spatch from East Michigan,
states that a the mills and SsIt works oil the river we now idle, ll�ayixlg been closed down by the strikeirs.
Lorts-F. O-,� �AP.N.ELL.—The Marquis of
Lorne in a ,)eech before the Radical Club at Kilb Irn, declaed that if be haid
his own way' he -would put -Mr. Pai%ell
in tlie CabinO t. Ex
. cLu,,31N,,�,—It is tated that neither
the public nor ;, representatives of the �ermitted to be present at
press, the inarria, e I of the Princess. Beatrice
and Prince Texix7 of Battenberg. COLLEG ItURNTED.—The Welsh.Uni- . versity College, at AVergwil, Caer-
marthexishir oo , NTales, was burned to the ground the d -,her mornig. The college was built at �� 6 cost of $400,000. ROBABLE' SETTLEMENT. --The- nego- tiations beti reen -England and Russia oVerthe Afghanquestion,. are said to be
patifactorily, and - that the progressing ieriiis of e be soon made
public. HOTEL BtrwNED.—The, Globe hotel,
St. Louis, Nvas burned the other day;
Thirty-five g aests were asleep when" the
fire started. 1: One wan jumped f rom the third story was instantly killed.' Other gues: besides losing trunks, jewelry au4` clothing, received severe injuries,. briakink leas and arms ift jumping. GREAT DMAGE -DY, LOOT)8.—FI0dZ in Austrii co�ntinixe to caLuse great dam- age. The I�iss by the waterspout in Pesth is estii ' ilated at $250,,000. Dozens of villages axid tens of thousands of a6re of crops are �xxide,r Water in South Hun- ,gary, causiji$ in almost total suspension of harvest* LE FE11A AILWAY Laura Bra ei, treasurer.of the Waynes. "burg, & 117'asfim` ; n O�ad Company, is tile only leiriale raih oad 'official in the
Country. S,' ie is quite young, but bears the reputa Dix- of, being, an excellent
official. - Six passes over the road every
mouth, and I presides over the pav car
urith dignit ! nd proficiency.
PRECAUTI hina continues P -m rat,ons for war onthedoreall
ing preparat fi,outier in view of Russian aggression.
CONCEN'TRI mFTRooPs.—,Events
of importadia are unpendin- in Central Asia, and tropps are lea,6lig various parti
of Russia ly - for ML.iSD PVI�',�HAsE BILL.—At a Cabinet
�meetihfy On nturday flight Right Hion.
E dwarl( GiJ)so1l,. Lord Chancellor Of
Ireland, subinitted a,draft of the Irish
Lan d -Purcll� is6 bill. —Several Paris
papers have been fined 5,000 francs each
for violating and old law by publishing the indict it against Pei, a -poisoner,
before his tq 1, Wi�fiout giving his pleas.
ROW AT JWA.TEni,-oRD.Durirxg the
celebration4f theTwelth onSunayin. Waterford, lreland,-a row took pla�e - : lA soldiers, in-
between th. citiiens. ai
which one o � the foriner was bayonetted
to death. "'hesoldiers -%rere then sto-
ed ' so -violent ly that they had to retreat into barraci:s. 'Monday morninty the
soldiers wer,. transferred, marching t6
the railway station under police pro- tection. It i I 5 believed the . military were to blame., ai#1 the affair Will belmade. the,
subject of IlfLrlimentary. enquiry.
lurcon Notes. The Weg Riding fall .'showOo Nvill. b6
held at Gb&wich on the 28th and 29th
Of SeptembA,-. —M`r. Ths. B411antyne, of Brussels,
is the prou proprie�or of -a duck which
can lay e I measrIng 7 by 9 inches,
Walker, formerly of Hul- lett, who s been visiting friends here- abouts for few weeks, returned to hi's
home at Le -- ars,. Iowa, on T-aesd- ay. � ian games will be held in —Cale � ,
WinglMul 0, L September 10, mi Luck'now on 8eptemb 6r 9, and Brussels n Seo- tember -8.. urner, o ie arr ne,
Stanley, sold bis,farin of 50 acres to
a Mr. St rt, from near usall, for
the all:: al I..;-,2,400 ; it is 6 cheap pro- perty- —Jas. W: 1ker, Esq., Of thll� 2nd con-'
cession, L. is erectiligg a handsome
residence this summer. Mr. F. G"'ood- rich does tb masonurork, and Mr. as4
Sleeth the c irpen�;r part. —Mr. Ge). Forsyth, Reeve of 'Morris,
has, sold ou his farin stock axid crop.�, and
now " de�ir sito.dispose of his farm. Itis said he i. . da leaving this county as soon as he an sell his farm, —Mr. R0. McLennan, of Lochalsli,
Ashfield., b4d the misfortune while re-
tiirning frdm. Kintail on WeduesdaY
evening, C,
t" lose his -pocket-boo coxv
taining twehty-two dollars. —L,etterg! received f roul Judge -Doyle
and sister, o are now sojourning at,
Paris, Fr ; ce, report that gentleniah
mu6h impr ved in.allealth, ind benefitted by the sea voyage, —Mr. A. 1B. McLean,, of Tuckersmth�
near Kippe,, left recently on a trip to
,�J fo
Se 0 the hexiefit of his beilth,�
He took pa, sage by' the Anchor Line
.roxnNew :'.r The anitou Manitoba, Mercury, -Y saFs, -. On !�aturday evening
Lf uly 3rd last Mr. G. Saunders arrived from the, b 11n+XT -Z . 11ron with aarl adf sheep.
olinty of 0
There w 152 sheepand two goats 111 the cargo.] Most of the shep werel,
4 I I
Juix 173, L-eicesters, nd Mr.- joing into shleep mising ley. The animals were I
destination aay -or tw.
rival here. —.Mr. P. -Cutin,of Ae,
k 04% among horsetm
leave n. a few days -for puilme of importin.g a IaV45rite her-ses — th Wm. Houston ne�
,ge La Prairie, fen
86hool 13ection paper �on the practical Pus
reform, at the last toba,-Teaeher's Assocjati�
—On July ist L. X
father to Thos, Xt-1
�djed at the residence 1,ower Wing-hani, at the S2 yms. Mrs. INICCO
weeks ago in Brussels. —The Ethel school had a vey pie'llic in .ftoh� 1et
�omillion Day� Apiong
Of refreshmets it IS plti
washed th dishes. -Aith f
--.says the 11 1i A :
brick work -of divelhng -house is being 1 .
forward, and the -gin
Js est wil beone of the fln 1.
Mr. amuel Love, of
his potsession a goose wh
old this spring. he h-iL-
eggs this suin Mer, woil -wag. suggests that if Si
-chise Bill passes, stle will.
the next electiou —it is stated that 1dur!
f -June, 2-5,000 barrah
shipped from f;.odenieh., -the several manufaeturc
Platt, McEwen & Sco4t
Kidd & Son, and 1
6,5N ba-rels. —The Brussel Post -lefter rom Mr. Da vid 1i
Sas, staing their safe ti
appearance -of crops, Be.,,
John, son of Brussels, bad his thigh 6
a L -ick from a tow on Tan
—Thos. Roberts , 5thl
met with a serious accid
very nearly proving h
haulbig cedar fence posts�l
-took fAght and ran all
upset and fell upon him�
quite sev6rely- —One day last %reek a -
went out into a field to 4cll
but the aninaal liil no
caught, an,& he, threw st
StlU4�k it on the eye, kiioc-�
the socket entirely, an,
-twenty feet away. .—A Stanley correspond
Sabbath comiiinnion servi
ed in the Presbyterian .
Baflld road; more joini
on this o.ccasion than for -some time, there 'N,
bers. This speaks well o,
IV, m. 1,e r -"- s o r--4- a f o r
Colborne 7 anTivi ha's be
Webr;Za for the paii,
:arrived in Goderich oil TJ
y 9thi and repor*
ing Jul good -times there, this yew
on looks as il life n t
with him. - —Cone day la, Aent befel Will. Jardine,,'
xx the new -derrick of Sea'
n. Goderlc'h. He fell a 4
feet alig :
nd was painfully cut alo
and stunned, Fotiluat
wer� brokeh, and no fat�i
prelieuded. —The Jeath. is Jane NVOotls, wife of ol the 3rd Toumship. Decease W�
early settlera, havIhIg 4(N
late Jains Cox. -of 03-auty Tyrone, Irell,
reached the zood alre',()f 41
ID " ". - -
Will" hain Z3
that town purchase(I acoi
short tall, x,erceiriMy f
'Would be greatly betFh
during the summer be *
self what could fk!;
an old horses. taff antl fasl
bob -tail of the cow. A..us
,%vith Pleiltv of tim -'at his.
interistedi'll saia eow, 0iffil
tail everyay and says i
grow on all Alght, and tha
. soon have a crood' -the resulti%i)is I "I
be awaited with by those ixxterest&�d in suel
—The bazaar, under t I li
St. , Paws a
which eommenced on 1)
was continued until Considerixig the (lull tblit
was good, til -Pts U 0 1 - - 0 li D 0 nel I , ri'ece J, I a' -y sons were dineil, and the I
-and falley articles offered RIM r .. ;y
pitcher for the naot w -pal , -.
to a close contest, an�fl the.
was realized on it. M. hi's Opponent, close of the pol-
I 1. to the young lady whe.;
tickets on the ice pitcher .
Aliss �Mlary A. ullen, of I —A man named Tho -s. .known hi :bad been in , or
was run Oer b P. train a
the 923rdJune, as lie wa,
his home in. the evieU1111-1
reached a part of flli�-road .
is a deep -cut, and the xl;D�I
1'ar banks on either III
irapossible to get off, het
Iloticed a train coulingy bell
atarted with all i
TeVhing a certain point w),
niore easily tr,-t A -but aht
about to SW from the trze
and fell, and tile whole
Over him., killing him instag
4 -
ceased was still in be P
being 46 years of age . a -,I
11is paren't-, resid in Mo W. Pet-er rin, of Settlement, died earl'y -c
inorning Julythe4th., "I
the CQ; settlers, 'and by
dustry and good mailageme
to do. He ws certaiinly a.
ed Of great knowledge, ant .
christiau virtues, many V
what was his home show fix
bred Durhani cattle, f Whi
Solne fine animalsl and was;
bee -keeper. He leaves a, -few of us -who remain, eoulli