HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-07-10, Page 7aches -
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JULY 16 • 1
The Fashious Blacksmith.
The Rev. Ralph Erskine, One of the
fathers of the seces$on from the Kirk of
Scotland, on a certain occasion paid a
visit to his venerabl brother, Ebenezer,
at Abernethy. " , man ?" said the
latter, "but ye corn ill a gude ' time, I
have a diet of examination to -day, and
ye waun tak' it, as I have matters o'
life and death to settle at Perth."
"With all my he rt," quoth Ralph.
"Noo, niy billy," sa s Ebenezer, "yell
'find a' my folk easy to examine but ane,
and him I reckon y had better -no med-
dle wi-" He has an ? d fashioned Se'otch
way of answering a question by-put-
tiing another, and naybe he'll affront
ye." "Affront nae ! ' quoth the indig-
nant theologian ; " c o ye think ' he can
foil` me wi' my a n : natural tools ?
"Awed," says his rather, "I'se gie ye
fair warning, yes hat better no' ca him
up." The reeusan: was one Walter
Simpson, the V ulcau of the parish., The
gifted Ralph, indigi ant to the last de-
gree at the bare ide, of such an illiter-
ate clown chopping Iivinity= with ,him,
determined to grave hint at once i itli a
grand unainsweialile question. Accord-
ingly after petting variety of simple
prelin inau y interro' atories to the minor.
clodhoppers, he all at once with a loud
ee, cried out, 1tW alter Simpson !" -
"Here, sir,"says W Iter, "are ye want -
in' me ?" "Atte tion, sir ! ' Now;
Walter, can you tells nue how long Adam -
stood in a state of innocence ?" . (:Ay,
till he got a wife," instantly cried the
anvil hammerer. ""gut can you tell me
hoo long he stood after ?" "Sit coon;
Walter," said the drscomfitted divine.
News otes.
-The Rev. E. P. Roe, of Newburg,
N. Y.,, the novelist ; d well-known au-
thority on fruits, says this season is the
worst for fruit uit and the driest June
known in the Ralson river valley in
'twenty years.
-Miss Ella F. Kidd, a Kentucky
maiden, has just completed a crazy quilt
which consists of 100,00Q pieces and con-
tains; 948,000 stitches, Yet some day
her husband; may have . to sew on his
own buttons.
• -The Montreal Gazette mentions a
striking fact in regard to the late Arch-
bishop Bourget of Quebec. It says of
him ; '" A poor boy, of -thirteen, born of
father and mother Who .could not sign
their own names, he raised himself to
the highest ecclesiastical position .in the
-Perry Davis, the patent medicine
pian, whom a Pittsburg correspondent
located m the Mercer county almshouse,
died in 1862 at his hoe m Rhode
Island. He was widely known through:-
hrough-oat the east, leaving many charitable 1
works as monuments of his philanthropy
and public spirit. .
-Miss Taylor, of W ahpeton,' is the
new . star . of Dakota. She emigrated
there three years ago The first year
she took a preemption and refused an
offer of marriage. The second year she
took a homestead and a tree -claim, and
had four offers to "jive." She has now
a section of land, twenty-seven cows and
innumerable calves. Has taken at the
Bounty fair the first prize for butter and
the last prize for pumpkins. Can ride
horseback; shoot gophers, drink alkali
water, and isn't afraid of mice.
-A Hamilton, ataxia, boy writes
from Cleveland Tl is is b. pretty town,
and it's full of pret y girls,' but they all
have big feet and they all chew gum.
Sat in the theat e an evening and
saw ten girls' in a. r w, each one feeding
heavily on • gum. imes are very hard
here. Money is se rce 'affil the streets
are thror gecl with inen out of work.
One man adrertised for a junior office
hand, and 147 men applied
although the salary was only $2.8 a
month. .
Manitoba. Notes.
-The crops in the vicinity of White-
wood are looking fine, :and farmers are
said to be in the best of spirits.: Plenty
of the spring wheat in the vicinity
measures over 36 inches in length..
-While. a Winnieeta lady was - doing
some shopping in a Main street store a
few nights ago, a young lad named
Chas.. Hall entered the store and .pick-
ing up- her purse from the counter, skip-
ped- off with its and a $5, bill which it
contained. He was arrested shortly
afterwards, but had spent a pcirtion of
the spoils. 1
-A Whitewood correspondent says:
Oar town has now three general stores,
and a fourth one istalked of starting..
Business is good, and building is going
on rapidly. The Presbyterians have let
the contract for the erectionof a church
to John C. Callen, Esq. He commences
work at once, and intends to have it
completed in July.Mr. Fraser, our
popular pastor, is doing excellent work,
-and his meetings are well attended.
-Canada Pacific Railway Land Cana--
naissioner McTavish has received from
Walsh, Aorthwest. Territory, 627 chiles
west of Winnipeg, a sample of Real Fife
wheat, showing the grain to be fully
headed out. The seed was sown on the
15th ef Marcs , and is . expected to be
ready to cut. by July 15th. The cr p
reports from all over the western cat n -
try are very; promising. Potatoes n
the Welsh farm, planted an the 7th, of
April, will soon be ready for the tab e,
being- already about the size of he 's
eggs. This will beat last year's re:co d,
when the earliest dish of potatoes was.
produced from the Glechen farm the
4th of July.
with buckles, and put on in many ways
only known to the fair sex. ; Gig a her a
large enough room, three or four gas
lamps, and a large mirror and plenty of
time, and she can find nearly all the
pins, strings, hooks -and -eyes, ;buckles,
etc., and what she can't find she can,
breakat night and tie up in the i morn-
ing ; but place herin a small berth in
the dark, with ony one or two eyes to
watch all'the holes in the curtain to see
if anybody is looking, ..and only two
small hands to find things to unfasten,
and she is in a ;bad box.
German Bu11s..-
Some : German bulls are quite as
amusing as their more famous Irish
rivals.' Here are a few collected by a.
German paper "After- the door was
closed, a soft female foot slipped into
the'room and with her own hand ex-
tinguished the taper."-" The chariot"of.
revolution is rolling onward, and gnash-.
ung its teeth as it rolls," is what a Ber:,
lin revolutionist told- ` the students in.
1848 iii a speech.-". The Ladies' Benefit
Association has distributed .20 pairs • of
shoes among the poor, which will dry
up many a tear." -J-1' Ism sitting at the
table enjoying a cup of coffee, when a
gentle voice tapped me on the shoulder.
T leaked around and saw my old friend
onus more, _ .
A Good Mother.
`jOne good mother is worth a hundred
school -masters. In the home - she is a
loa 'stone to all hearts and a loadstar to
all yes.'! In-itle face of bad example,
the best precepts are of but little avail.
The example iS f ollowed,uiot the precepts.
Indeed,precept a1 variance ,with practice
is worse than , 4iseless, inasmuch as it
onlyserves to teach that most cowardly
of vices -hypocrisy. Even _children
soon become 'judges' of hypocrisy, and
theilessons of the parent who says one
thing and does the opposite are quickly
seen through; The teaching of the friar
was' not worth much who preached the
virtue of honesty' with a stolen goose in
his 'sleeve.
.' BREAKFAST. .. •
"By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws
which govern the operations of digestion and nu-
trition, and bevy a careful application of the fine
properties of wel selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has
kfaet tables with a delicately,
which may save us many .doe -
provided our bre
flavored beverage
tors' bills. It is ! by the judicious use of such
articles of diet that a constitution may be gradu-
ally built up until strong enough to. resist every
tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle mala-
dies are floating around us ready toy attack
wherever there is a weak point. We may escape
many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well
fortified with pure blood and a properly nourish-
ed frame." -Civil Service Gazette. Made simply,'
with boiling water or milk, !Sold only in .packets'
by grocers, labelled thus--" JAmss EPPS & Co.,
HSmceopathic Chemists, London, England." Sole'
aa;nt for Cancula, .G. E. Colson, fnutreal. 884-52
Remarkable Restoration..
Mrs. Adelaide O'Brien, of Buffalo- N. Y., was•
given up to die by her physicians, as incurable.
with consumption, it proved liver complaint,
and was cured with Burdock Blood Bitters.
857.5;2.2w.- .
A Wise - Conclusion.
If .you have vainly tried many remedies for
rheumatism, it will be a wise conclusion to try=
Ha ;yard's `S:ellow. oil. It clues all painful dis-
eases when other medicines fail. -857.52.2w•.
e I
All Well Pleased. -The children like Dr. Low's
Pleasant worm Syrup- and parents rejoice over
its virtues. 857:52im,•
A Perfect- Beauty
Perfect beauty is only attained by pure blood'
-mid goad health. These acquirement§ give the
possessor a plea salt expression, a fair, clear skin,
'and the rosy bloom of health. Burdock iliood
Bitters purify the -blood and tone the entr c sj-s-
tens to a healthy- action. 857.52.2w. e
A Donble 'Purpose.
The popular remedy, Hagyard's Yellow Gil, is.
used beth internally- and externally, for aches,`
pai!is, colas, croup, rheumatism,. deafness .and
diseases of a:i iaiflaiiuu tory nature. S57.e2 2w.
ems. ..
A Safe investment.
Investing t eenty-five cents for a bottle ef
Ila yard'sI'ectCoral Balsam the best throat and
lung healer ktlown. Cures coughs, bronchitis,;
asthma and all pulmonary complaints. 557.52..
ear 1
For nettle rash,- uuii ler heat, eruptionsand
general toilet pi iposcis use Lows Sulphur Soap.
ISer iously I11.
- A person su ening; with pain and hest over the
small of the beet", with a weak, weary feeling
and frequent heathieh.es, is seriously i11 and
• should look out for kidney disease. Burdock
Blood Bitters regulate the kidneys blood and
Iiver,•as well es. the sumach and bowels- ,857
5e.?w. '
Arouse the liver • when torpid With National
Pills, a good anti -bilious cathartic; sugar-coatedf1t
Sri 7 . i2ni. f
A Light: Supper..
A -woman at Cape Girardeau who had
suffered from a Husband's neglect, traced
him to a bar -room where he was playing
cards with several companions. Setting
a covered dish she held in her hands
down upon the table, she' said : " Pre-
suming, husband, that you were too
busy to come home .to supper, 1 have
brought you yours 1." and departed.
With a forced laugh he invited` his
friends to dine with him, but on rei ov-
ing the cover from the dish found only
a slip of paper, on which was written :
I hope you will enjoy your meal ; it is
the same your family have at home."
Wlomen in Sleeping Cars..
A man can get into a berth and make
himself very comfortable. He can stand
on his knees anal duck his head and take
off some of his clothes, and then be can
lie down on his shoulders or the back of
his neck and kick off other articles' of
wearing apparel, because when the but-
tons are unbuttoned his clothes are as
liable to come off in the dark as s . ur the
light. But it is different with a woman.
Her cloths: are pinned-oh,with all kinds
of pins,from: the safety -pin to the darn-
ing -needle, tied on riith strrngs,. hooked
-on with hooks -and -eyes, buckled on
Holoway's Ointment and Pills
will be found the best. friend to persons afflicted
with ulcerations,- bad legs, sores, .abscesses,
fistulas, and other painful and complicated come
'Paints. Printed and very. plain directions for
the application of. the Ointment are wrapped
round e each pot, Holloway's alterative Pills
should be taken throughout the progress of the
cure, to rmaintain the,blood in astate of perfect
purity, and to prevent the health of the whole
body being jeopardised by the local ailneents ;
bad legs, old alga's great grievances, are 'thus
readily cured, leithont Confining the patient to
bed, or withdrawing from hini or her the nutted -
ems diet and . generous support so imperatively
demanded, whet' weakening diseases attack ads
vaneed years t}r constitutions evincing previa:
ture decrepitude.- 912.52w:
Eruptive ']Diseases, -
Such as pimples; boils, blotches, ringworm, salt
:rheum, tetter, &e., yield readily to a persistent
rise of Haning;•ton's quinine Wine and Iron, and
Temin Dinner :fills, which by Dairying the
blood remove these unsightly esadences of . in-
ward disorder. See that, you get " Haningtori',�'
s -
the oei in'ii and reneir e. 891.52w.-
Years of experience and successful trial have
proved McGregor 0, Parkes Carbolic Cerete the
most_ complete and setistactor-y compound for
beelike old sores, feeterin ;s•ulcers, cuts, wounds,
burns, frost bites or felons, and. for keepitig Dirt
the cold '-and to cleanse -or prevent proud flesh,
sloughing or decay. Insist on having McGregor ee
Parlee's Carbolic Cerate, sold at 25 cents ht Luteee
den & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth. 912.52w.
Fluid Lightning is simply a marvellous cher =
uratic remedy. I. was for two months a'• cripple,
unable to. get out of the house from Sciatica.
One bottle gave me instant relief, and leaced-me
-en me- feet again. 1 have driven fourteen aril s
to -day (something I could not posssbly have dote
Were it not for Fluid Lightning) for the express
purpose sof procuring another bottle. So saes
Wui. Dixon, Ganenoeue. Only 25 cents Per
bottle at Luiiasdeu S_ Wilson's drug store, Set-
forth. 912 52w. .f
I had fol' y eers'oeen a miserable sufferer froin
dyspepsia, and trice all known remedies and the
best medical sk.il1 of niy acquaintance, but stip•
grew worse, until unable to eat anything wi.thoti
great suffering, or do any kind of Work. I beg•en
to think ' there was no hope for me, and that1
must surely die ; when,. like a drowning in n
catching at -a straw, I determined to give . ,c-
Gregor's Speedy Cure a trial, I at once began to
ilnproyese rapidly that in two months I was as
well as I' had ever been.in my life. -Wm. Vete,
Leamington Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, drug-
dists, Seaforth. Free trial bottles. 912.53w.
J1t BESBarrister, Solicitor, &o. Office
. oom formerly occupied by Carroll &
Dicks °n, Meyer's Block, over Johnson's Hard-
ware; tore, Main Street, Seaforth. Goder eh
Agen Cel ERON, HOLT & CAMERON. 870
A OW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solid1-
d7f ,
lt'rt.. Tkors, &o., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. GARR( )17,ouDFbor. ` • . 68j$ .
Tel C HA S, Solicitor, &c. Private Money
lend t lowest rates of interest, Office
Come" of .Sq are and West Street, Goderich. 7 4
CAMEROT�T , HOLT_& CAMERON, Barriste>!s,
j $elicitors in Chancery, &o,,. Goderich, Ont.
M. C i CAiEaol , Q. C., I'iiIuP HOLT, M. G.
CAMtROi. 506
TOFTUS E. DANCEY, late with Camero ,
Holt &; Cameron, Goderich, Barrister, o-
licitor Conveyancer, &c. Money. to loan. Be
son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 7.6
it /TANN NG & SCOTT, Barristers, Sobel
Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the B r ink
of Johnston,: Tisdale & Gale. Money to lo
Office -Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. I.
MANNING, JAnes Scow. i 78
T,1 OLMESTED, successor to the' late_ firm of
1 , ,ieCapghey & IJolniested, Barrister, ',o-
licitor,i _Condeyancer and Notary. Solicitor . r
the Cahadian Bank of Commerce. Money to le .
Farms for sale. Office in Scott's Block, els n
. Street' Seaforth.
/f EYER C DICKINSON, Barristers, &c.,Ken 's
'Bloc, Wingham. Solicitors for the Ba ' k
of Hamilton Commissioners for taking affi.'a-
v=its in liana oba. -Private funds to loan at 6 per
cent. I Lucknow Office every Wednesday. H. W.
Q. MEEK, E. L. DlcrcirsoN. 736
/fONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans at 6 per
11'1 cent.. Interest payable half yearly, or :6
per c it. yearly, with the privilege to borrow er
of rep y ing part of the principal money at any
tine. Apply to. F. HOLMESTED., Barrister;
Seaforth. • 1 850
D. S., and M. R. C. D., of
1J. Toronto. All operati• ns
guaranteed.. Anesthetics of 11
• e kinds administered. Specialtie
Gobi Filling and . Perfect Fitting Planes.
Teen: patients will please make engagenter is
a da . or two previous to having the ope a -
tion performed. la' Remember the place, in
the ro ins formerly occupied by C. Cattwrig t,
up-stti rs in .Cady's block, apposite the Comm r-
cial Betel, Seaforth. 87
, A-TSO1\T, •
DE1ITIST, Faculty Gold Medallist and Coll .ge
Gold Medallist,Toronto School of Dentist ,y.
• Roome.over Johnsons'• Hardware, Main Stre t,
Seaforth. .!.i 91J
Grand Trunk Railway,
Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as
Express.. .... 2.40 P. nt.
Express .. .... 8.58 P. M.
Mixed Trt�in........ 8 15 A. M.
7.45 A. et.
.... 1.45 e, M.
in:.....:. 5,30 P. At,
Lond n, Huron and Bruce,
Goren NOR li- Mixed. Mail.
9.00 6.29
9.15 6.38
9.55 7.05
10.35 7.27
11.op 7.46
11.30 8.00
, arrive
Express.. Mixed.'
8.51 1.50
9.00 2.05
9.05 2.12
- Wine -ham
Winghato, depart
Hei sail.
London, arrive 10.45
Wing -ham .
Gouge SOUTti-t.
Brussels °
Accom... Express. Mixed
3.20 9.54 11.30
Express. Amore. • Mixe
dine, runsonefonclays, Wednesdays and Ind
Ilt undersigned will 'offer for Sale by Pu lic
Auctien at the Commercial Hotel, ea -
forth on !Saturday, Atigust • 22nd; 1885, 2
cede lei). M., North half of Lot 30, Conces ion
8, 'elaiillop, eontaining 50 acres square, nearly
all &bared end free from stempsewell draiped
and Well fenced. There is a good log house end
kramb ham and stable. Also a never failing
sprinlgewell. It is within half a " mile of scheol,
and within three quarters of muffle from the _yil-
lage bf Winthrop which contains Mills, Stores,
eCheeee Factory, Bhielcsmith Shops, Poet Office,
' &c., end .only five miles froth the .town of Sea -
fertile This is one_ of the choicest lots in the
townshep. :Poseession given on the 15th October.
Terms. ---I Tee per cent. of the. purchase
money en the. day of sale : sufficient of the
balm ce - to Make hp 8800 within thirty
days . and therema,inder on time to suit. pun
chaser with interest at 6 per cent; payible
annually. !For further particulars apply to MRS.
is- hereby given that the parteership here-
tofore existing between - us the undersigned as
Blacksmiths and Plow Manufacturers, in ,the
town of Seeforth, under the style, and firm! of
Munro & Hogap,was this day dissolved by Mutual
conserit. Dated this 18th day of April, A. D. •
1885. Witness, J. M. BEST, Barrister, &c. Sea -
The undersiened begs to inform the customers
, of the late firm and the public in general, that
he will c.ontinue the bueiness of Blacksmith ri,nd
Plow efarnefacturer in the old stand, lately oc-
cupied by Munro & Hogan. He wishes to: ac- .
knoWledg;e with thanks the liberal patronage of
his pumerous customere in the poet, and tenets.
with care attention and first °hies work to
merit t'he centinuance of such :patronage in the
N. 13.-411 accountaue the late fine: Must- be
10E1 10E1 ICE!
For Everybody.
T e Subscriber begs to inform the people oi
Sea, orth and vicinity that he has stored a arge
quantity of ice and is now prepared tol deli\ er it
&tile in any quantity desired. I '
For tepee and particulars apply to
01 goldiees
." Calvert, Texas,
Nay 41882.
to expr as my appreciation of the -
Ay rs,Clerry.Pectoral
as a co, gh re4dyr
the b tle of Vic burg, I contracted a se-
" with' Crillre army, just before
I foind o relief till on our match
e to a co try store, where, on asking
e remedy, was urged to try ANEWS
id so,_and as rapidly eared. Since
have kept. t e PEcToRAL constantly by
familYuse and .1 have found it to be
luable re pdy for throat and lung
ea. J. it WHITLEY:2
for so
then I
me, fo
an in
est c
sands 'of testimonials certify to the
t cure of all bronchial and lung
ions, by the use of AYER% CHERRY
Rae. very palatable, the youtg-
dren tike it readily.
Dr ie. Ayer&C6., Lowell Mans
Sbld by all Druggistl,
T BRINE, L censed Auctioneer for the
County of }It ron. Sales attended in all
parts of the oun y. .All orders lett at The
Exeosreoft Offi e will be promptly attended to.
ent.. County of Huron. Sales of all description
premptly attended to on reasonable terms. Ad-
drese Brussels P. O., or apply on Lot. 4, Con-
cession 12, GreY. • 77
us custo uers,for the .liberal patronage ex-
tend d to him since 'commencing business in
Seafo th, and t us0 that he may be fevered with
• Patties intending. to build would do well to give
him a call, as lie wi 1 continue to keep on hand a
large stock of- 11 ki ids of .,
- He feels colident: .ef giving satisfaction to
tbose who may fay r him with their patronage,
• ciPa Mettler attenti n paid to Custoin Planing.
t ---4
171 wi
.will keel) on lot 3, concession 7; Stanley, a
half neile noith of Hills Green, that well-known
elr. Stanbuty for services during- the present
Iseeson and riext spring, he is one ,of he best
!pigs In the bounty. Terms -81 per Klee, with
he privilege of returning if necessary. tIOSEPI-I
HUDSON. 914x4
Bankrupt Siock of Boots and Shoes.
John McIntyre's Old Stand, Seafiorth.
Having bought the above Gdods at a ,great sacrifice, I am now prepared to
offer the greatest bargains in this line ever offered in Seaforth. Come everybody
and be convinced.
MR. -JOHN McINTYRE will be in attendance to wait on his old customers
as usual. far CUSTOM WORK MADE AS USUAL. Satisfaction guaranteed.
dersigned hes now on Lot 21, Concession 2,
imerevement of . tock, Two eenottatelthe-en e'er --
L. A. S., Thckeismith, and will keep for the
FOLK BOARs., The oldest, "Granger," was far-
rowed on APril '3rd, 1882, was bred by -Mr. Wm.
Elliott, Milton, County of Halton. His eke and
-dam were both imported. The second,
ing Tom " wee farrowed in April, 1884. He
bred' by Metiers. A. Frank & Sone, of the
nty of Peel; ahd both his sire and his dam
e also imported. They are as good pigs as
e ever offered for -service in Huron as cap be
ven hy the !extended pedigrees which are
'stered in the Canadian Herd Book. Terms
with the privilege of returning if necessary.
Now is the Time
to Get the Best Value Ever Offered in Seaforth for your Money.
Has Just Received a Ver6r Large Consignment of TEAS. Ile now holds one of
the Largest and Best Assbrted Stocks west of Toronto. In Teis alone he now
holds 175 Packages. Pri
and 60c.oper poimd. Th
give Entire Satisfaction,
all kinds of Groceries.
Flour, Oats, Barley, Scr
Turnips, Carrots and Ca
Also a Large Assortment
Oats taken in
s Stock Consists of GREEN, BLACK, JAPAN, GUN -
UST, and will Guarantee them to be all FRESH and
r Money Refunded. Also a large Stock of Sugars and
Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Shorts, Bran Buckwheat
nings, Chop Feed, Salt, Coal Oil, Fish, Apples, Potatoes,
bage. A large stock of China, Crockery and Glassware.
of Lamps and Lamp Trimmings.
Exchange for Oatmeal at Mill Rates. •
1LSON, Sole Agents for Seaforth.
Ontario 'Mutual
Life Assurance, Company,
The F'shRul r Company of the *Dominion.
IMILTOsolzZt"CaR,A2TM33, 18701
Active Local Agents Wanted.
WM. HENDRY, anager, W. S. HODGINS, Gen ri Agent.
iviiLLs, 1 Brussels Lime \i/orks.
The above mills have now b ennplettheoroughly re-
built upon the co
The Mill and Storehouse lildings have been
greatly eularged, and new machinery applied
Flour Dressing IVIA.chines
From the best Manniacturing Firms have been
put in, and everythint,,e necess, ry added to enable
her to turn mit flour
In ,the Dominion. The fectities for receiving
grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping
have also deen exteneively improved. Grain can i
now be taken from fanners' wagons, weighed,
TOW -1\T au Spl\Tr.
The eubscribers take this opportunity of re-
turning. thanks *to the iehabitante of Brussels
and vicinity for past patronage, and beg_to state
that having made several improvements In their
kiln and mode of bUrningethey are now in a
better position than ever before to supply the
Public with first-class lime.
This being the eleventh seaeon of elle business
dealings in Brussels, and having given unquali-
fied satisfaction so far; the public can rely on re-
ceiving good treatment and a first-class article
from vs. First-elass Lime at 14 cents at the kiln
and 15 cents delivered.
We also burn a No. 1 Lime for plastering at
the same price.
Remembeithe spot, Brussels Lime Works.
and loaded into care at the rate of 700 bUsbels
per hour, by the work of two nen. •
Has been pain, and the nece sary machinery for
handling chop and coarse gra ns.
- A good shed has been erect d, so , that wagons
can be unloa.dece and reloaded undee cover.
. Promptly attended to, and
Chopped satiefactorily and without delay.
And all kin s of
Constantly on hand.
Highest Market Price Paid in
Cash for any Quantity of
-ANDi ,
All in want of first-claes Dairy Goods, will do
well to call at
C. M. Whitney's
The Maxwell `Low -Down Binde
Read the followinzletstriTh7Anniaguist 21h, 3.884.
ed from you Lean that Can be dedeed. hare
cut forty-three acres this season, and it did et
splendidly. I have eut fan wheat, berley, oats
and spring wheat, the latter being very heavy
and somewhat lodged. It cuts clean, aed binde
a good sheaf. One team can handle it with ease,
and I consider it equals the work of any bindee
yet producedj with many advantages in its cone
struction,-I own
ijkli'llg.NuVeTtillarth 71.884.
Sue -We, the undersigned,bave mueh pleasure
in recommending to our brother farmers the
Maxwell Low -Down Binder, having seen it at
work on the farm of James Curnimrige,Esq. For
quality of work, simplicity of coeetrection and
rhtness of dean; it has no equal. We would .
a vise all in need of a binder to eee the " Max-
well." Yours 'truly, Jas. N. Cheeney. Johe Me -
Murray, J. Brewed], Wm. Sproat. John Reinke,
James J. Elliott, M. Chesney, Peter efeere,
:vSnCLotst_e, Jtati.ees McTavish, Andrew Archi-
DEAR $1R.- fter arranging to get your Bieder
int1h113id,sohaidele.nel-etsste,11 was intormed Ifit it was a failure,
ter t thee firms endeavored to obtain
me you were wielliiinignato(41p117alect awIriennac3I7nuMinforri
farm on les merits. I was eatisfied, and the re -
sun I do not t can be any more satisfactory
• to you than to 'myself. I never used more than two
horses, and am eatisfied they worked with very
little more theft than an ordinary Reaper, The
machine was tried on all kinds of grain and
under venous conditions, and `the work done
wan something I do not think can be equalled,
and I am positive cannot be excelled. I would
have no other machine, and if your LoW-Down
Binder is what your opposition eall a failure, I
may say that in any farming machinery I require
I would prefer the failures to the succesbes. I
can cheerfullei recommend the machine to dny-
one requiring a first-claes Binder. Yours truly,
ThiB harvest I gave Mr. Samuel Woodman per-
mission to bring a Maxwell Low -Down Binder on
ley premises to give an exhibition of its work.
He tried it &akin springwheat and next in oats,
a very heavy crop and badly blown down and
tangled, and was both damp and rather green.
Had I been going to cut it with my -common
reaper I would not have cut it more than one
way, but the binder cut all around the piece and
make a first-class job, better limn I possibly
could have done with my single reaper. The
Binder is a edreat deal more -convenient to mere
than any °then/tinder I ever saw. It can be
moved as easy tis any common feaper and one
span of horses can work it picely in any kind of
grain. There were other agents came also and
asked permission to bring their binder and work
with it. I told them they might come in, and wel-
come, but they failed -to put in an appearance.
When the Bineler was brought on my premises I
had not the least idea. of Durchasing one, but
after cutting I27 acres of an kinds of gram it
gtruaeley,snch geed satisfaction that I at once ma"de
up my mind to buy it, and would advise any
farmer wanting a binder to examine the above
Binder before purchasing any other. - Yours
And see our American Iron -clad Milk Cans -end.
Pails, just tbe thing to stand rongh handling.
A full stock of Cans,. Pails, Pans, Strainers, and
everything for the dairy.
Golden Star .0 l Range
•With large tops and stands, No table or box
required to stand it on, and just as cheap as
smaller stoves. Every etove gearanteed.
en ordering Troughing don't forget to see our
Galvanized Iron Trough in sin foot lengths,
making few joints and a better job.
A full line of Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, Lamps,
American and Canadian Coal Oil, eze., always on
All orders for Jobbing prompter ettended to
,N. B.-Thrce hundred Cedar Peste for sele.
The Seafortil7Woollen
My new mills are naa emep e e.
, 1 and othersin want of a filet -cease quality of goods
1. FOR S L g- : would do well to call at my Store in the Mills,
1 . , where they will have the largest and best assort-
! Only firet-class end obliging men will be kept ;
do attend customers. The liberal patronge of , ed Stock of oods to choose freer :31 any Mill .113
iarmers and general trade respectfully solicited.
Custom work in all its branches a specialty.
Also Cull and Trade for Wool as usual.
A. G. VanEgmond.
1 912
See The Maxwell BefOre Buying.
A. M. CAMPBELL, Agent,
Aurora Quick Train Watch.
The Best Yet.
1 of full plate watches, from ordinate- to the.
finest grades, for all clkeses of watch wearers.
They are all made with eukk train, and are es-
pecially adapted for railroad and all ordinary and
eevere service. AH 'Made dust proof, have the
perfect eafety pinion, which prevents damage to
parts in case of mainspring breaka.ge, end John-
son's patent attachment to reeniate pine. which
improvement tontrolled by thin Compaue . The
etcm-winding parts are ma.de strong and durable,
guaranteed as safe, more convenient and eerviee-
able than the key winders. The extra fine grades
are made in stem wind only.. Every wateh is
warranted by special certificate, wheel tl,e pur-
-chaser receives from the Company's Age. et. The
number of Jewels in each watch (whieh is en-
eraved thereon) indicates the quality ; pur-
(7.haseis observing this are sure to receive the
quality they call for. The larger mine -her of
Jewels in the better grades also represoite the
finish, fine adjustment, and care manufaeture,
which produces more accurate time and longer
eervice. The qualities are divided as follows:
ORDINARy.- -Two gradee are made of this
quality, engraved: 4Aurrom Watch Co., 7
eewels." " Aimee Watch Co. 11 jewels."
'MEDIU-AL-Four grades cif this quality are
made, -two in Gilt Finieh, engraved : Aurora
Watch Co., 11 Jewels, Extra." Aurora Watch
Co., 15 Jewels,"- and two in Nkkel, finely finish-
ed, eegraved : " Aurora Watch Co., 11 Jewels."
PINE. -Two grades of this quality, --one in
Fine Get Finish and one in Nkkel, -engraved ;
" Aurora Watch Co.; 15 Jewels, adjusted."
EXTRA FINE. -Two grades of Iles qieditee -
one in Fine Gilt and (me in Fine Nickele enema
ed ; " Amore Watch Co., 15 Ruby JeWels, ad-
justed, Aurgra, Illinois,"
Reit:611Mo Counter's, Seaforth, is the only
place in the County where these watche can be
Praciical Watchmaker and Jeweller.
rriliE Subscribers have bought the Tools and
_L Boiler Business lately earried on by the
Goderich Fonndry and Manufacturing Company,
and having had an experience ofover eight yearS
in that shop, am now prepated to carry, en the
trade in all its branches.
Any work entrusted to us will receive prompt
attention. First-class work guaranteed.
- All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, also
Smoke Sta.chs, Sheet Iron Work, &c., at reeson-
able rates.
New Salt Pans made and old Ones reraired on
the shortest notice, and aLpriejes_7_ely
Farmers and Threshers- take
Notice in Time.
Mowers, Reapers arid Threshing
ry1 MEWS is again on hand as usual fer the
L Repairing of Massey Reapers With new
Buehings, hew Sections, and all repairing- in that
line. Also Threshing Cylinders epiked and bah
anced to give the best of satisfaction. GI% me
-a call and .be convinced. Also Cylinder. Boxes
Bushed, dnd repairieg done satisfactorily.
Fanneae wanting repairs for the Brantley' Ma-
chine, also Noxen Brothers, lugereoll, mill get
supplied with me.
Farmers if you want the gemeue Root Scuffier
call and see those. T. Mellis sells the hest
yet, brought into market very cheap for cash or
short time.
A full stoek of Plows of all kinds, Ilow °Atte
legs to fit all Plowe. Repairing of None
its branches. You will find Tom always ready
ter Imeiness.
THOS. MEWS, Kippeil.