HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-06-26, Page 7THE 1-11J1tON EXP
Newt Notes. .
-Mrs. Mary McDonald of Nairn, cul-
tivates one acre of garden, from which
by industry and good management, she
realizes as much as many a man does off
50 acre.s.
-Dr. Rosh has. returned to Kincar-
dine, after an absenee of two years, dui--
ing which time he was employed as a
surgeon on the Lake Superior section of
the Canadian Pacific Railway.
-A young lady by the name of Hays,
on the Durhaan line Bruce county, a few
weeks ago, caught -a Herring weighing
167 pounds 10 ounces. Big haul'i We
understand she has salted the Ilierring
for herself..
-Miss Mary Anderson is touring in
the English lake districts. She is at
present sojourning at Lake Windermere,
.and spends her days in riding and climb-
ing the mountains surrounding this
beantiful sheet of water, and her even-
ings in boating.
-The marriage of Prince Beatrice to
Prince Henry of Battenburg will not,
after all, be such fv" quiet " affair as it
was at first intended. Her 'Majesty has
issued orders to largely increase the in-
vitations to the weddiug, and the bridal
•cake, which is to be something quite ex-
traordinary in the confectioners' art,
will weigh 250 pounds. The biz sweet -
piece is to be built up in three tiers and
to repose upon a pedestal of gold. No
member of the royal family of Gerniany
is to be invited to Prince Beatrice's wed-
a -The French Government has decided
to suppress the gaming tables at Monte
John 'Walker, of Londesboro, succeed-
ing him. In 1855 Mr. E. Dinsley (one
of thci oldest residents of Clinton) took
charge of the hotel, and carried it on
for three • years. At this time the
-" Bridgewater Races" were quite a
feature of Huron pioneer life, and every
year a large crowd attended them, the
course being tt partially cleared field
which took in where Mr. Elford's house
now j stands. The last 'gathering
of this nature Was in 1857, and during
the two days of the meet Mr. Dinsley
took in over $300 over the bar. In
those clays game was tolerable abundant,
ancl game -hunters were as plentiful as
land -bunters. • 'Many a,thrilling story
of adyentnre ahd experience was told
while sitting around the large log fire in
the bar -room, and there are still living
in the vicinityl-quite 4 number who were
personally familiar with all the early
incidentaand events of this once -famed
but now obliterated hostelry.
A Hig$kland Sermon.
f -
Sc tch Highlanders have the habit
When talking their English of intersperl
sing the personal prOnoun "he"when,
not -required, such as The King he has
come. Often in consequence a sentence
is rendered extremely ludicrous. A
gentleman says he lately listened to the
Rev. Mr. —, who began hisediscdurse
thus : r My friends, you will find my
text inthe first epistle general of Peter,
fifth chapter and >eighth • verse ---',The
devil he goeth. about like a roaring hon
seeking whom he may devour.' NOW,
my brethren, for our ingtruction I have
Carlo. M. Selneleher, the reporter to. -divided pis,- text into frau' heads. First
the French Senatorial Committee, which ly,,we shall endeavor to ascertain 1%-hb
has been investigating the enth'e subject the devil he as ? Secondly, we shall
of gambling at this famous resort, has endeavor to enquii•e into his geographi-
written a letter to the association form-
ed te break up the games, stating that
the Government- will no longer tolerate
the criminal enterprise carried on at
Monte Carlo, and which disgraces that
fragment of French territory. The
• Prince a Monaco, who owns the gam-
bling establishment at Monte Carlo, de-
clares that the French Government has
no jurisdiction -over- his property, and'
that he will resist its efforts to interfere
with his business.
-Rev. Mango- Fraser, for some tinie
pastor of the Presbyterian Church, St.
Thomas, left that city. on Wednesday,
17t1 inst.,to take charge of Knoxcliiirch
congregation at Hamilton.
-The drowning season has Com-
menced. Last Monday, at Smithviile,
two sons of Lorenzo Putman were
drowned while bathing. -The same day,
at Walkertdn, a number bf the high
school students were swimthing in the.
Sangeen, when one• of their number,
named John Erwin, suddenly cried out
and -sank to rise no More. He was 21
Cal position, namely, where the devil he
was going Thirdly, who the devil he
was seeking ? And fourthly, and lastly,
we shall endeavor to Solve a question
which has never yet been solved, what
the devil was he roaring about."
10 :"kjk./A
. •
By a thorough knowledge of the natural' laws
whieh'govern the -Operations of digestion and nu -
triton, and by a e.hreful application of the fine
properties of well Selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has
provided our breakfast tables with a delicately
flavored beverage which may save us many doc-
tors' bills. It is by the judioious Use of such
articles of diet that a constitution may be gredte.
ally built up untillstrong enough to resist every
tendency to diseade. Hundreds of subtle mala-
dies are floating around us • ready to attack
wherever there is a weak point. 'We may escape
many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves Well
fortifiedd with pure blood and a ploperly nourish-
ed frame."-Civil'Service Gazette. Made simply
l " JAMES Epps & Co.,
with boiling watl or milk. Sold only in packets
by grocers, labeld thus---
Horneeopathic Chemists, London England." 8ole
agent for Canada, C. E. Colson,' 884e52
years old, and an expert swimmer. His
parents live near Wiarton: The body
--Mr. J. Sloan of London, has the
smallest terrier pup in the province, it
is about six and a,half inches long in the
body, with head and legs small in pro-
---Mrs. Clioates, the wife of a Well to }'or all purposes ofa famileemedieine, Hog -
yard's yellow Oil is the head of the list. It is
do and reapected fernier near - Ingersoll,
ly and externally. It cures sore throatebui.ns,
scalds, frost bites ; relieves and often cures
Asthma. 85'7.52.2w.
Wa8 recovered. .
cFood the Year Round.
At fill seasons, 1k -hen the system is foul and the
digestive powers feeble, or the liver ,and kidneys
inactive, Burdoek Blood Bitters are required.
857.52.2w. I ,
• Unprecedented Success.
while laborine under an aberration of
mind, last Sunday deliberately threw
herself across the rail in front of a train
• going at full speed. The train passed
overher body, completely cutting it in
Knox church, St. Marys has given
a call to ReV. Alex, St.,,
of Dufferin.
—Ore Sabbath evening, as Mr. W.
Riddell and -Mr. C. Wettlaufer, • of
• used with unprecedented success, both internal -
• Sure to Conquer.
The most troublesome cough is sure to yield if
timely treated with Ha,gyard's Pectoral Balsam.
P/easant to take arid safe for young or old. 857.
52.2w. •- •
-.44 40
Listen to Your
Shakespeare, were going off foa dnve, The Mancihester Guardian, June 8th, 1883, says
- r
the horse got ugly and begAt one Of the
to demol- •
ish the buggy wk
ith his heels The I
C'D ' Looinenon the, woodland
parties _jumped ancl got same severe with clumps of rhododeedroni, and great
bruises, but the bugg-y got the -worst masses of May flowers ! There was an intereetine
of it. grodp. • „
e„,d_ soone who had been it cotton spinner,
Miehael Quirk, • x an old sittNi:j'acshrly
and highly esteemed resident of the Pavalyzild ! •
township of Downie, died on Wednesday That he could only bear to he in a&Heine.
• - °
of last week, at the advanced env of 74
This. refers
years.. He was a man of strict integrity,
and occupied a seat at the domicil board.
for a number of,years.
to my case. • -
I was attacked twelve years ago with
Loctenoter Ataxy
(A paralytic disease of nerve fibre rarely
ever cured.)e. • - •
and may be used! with confidence. Do not be
misled. Take only McGregor & Parke's Carbolic
.hSolid2a.5t2Lwrsden & Wilson's drug store,
Mrs. Robert Hopper, of Klnloss, county of
Bruce, in a letter, says.: r". I have been troubled
with dyspepsia and liver complaintslor a num-
ber of years, and am glad to say to the public as
well as to friends that McGregor's Speedy Cure
brought me around, and I am now all right,
thanks to McGregor's Speedy Cure." Hundreds
of like testimonials are frequently received, and
are daily proving that this is truly a wonderful
remedy, curing sluggish liver, bilious headache
and costiveness where all else fails. Sold at
Lumsden & Wilson's drug store, Seaforth. Trial
bottles given free. 912.52w.
Those Among Us
Who are suffering with loof the throat or lungs, should not delay, but take
t or weakness
Robinson's Phosphorized ;Emulsion regularly, me-
son s Phosphorized Emulsion, and be sure you
cording to the advice of their physician, or the
directions on the bottle. Always ask for Robin -
it. 89152.2w.
ational Pills will not gripe or sicken, yet are
e thorough cathartic. 851.52n.i.
-While at breakfast the other morn- And t was for several years hardly Able to get
ine; Mrs. Hutson wife (Jf Mr.- A. Hut- about. •
son, Dominion . iieense inspeator, St. And, for the la.st five years 'not able to attend
Thomas, was stricken stone blind._ In
-the afternoon, Mrs. Hutson was able to
• distinguish between light and darkness,
ami next day she recovered her sight.
The physicians ascribe the cause to con-
gestion of the optic nerve.
-A few days ago, Miss Kate Hyder,
while walking along the street in Brant-.
ford swallowed a small phial of carbolic
to my business, although
Many things have beep done for me. ,
The last experiment being tierve stretchiine
• Three years ego twee voted into the
Home for Incurables, near Manchester, he May,
I an no advocete for anything in the shape of
pateht medicines -
And made many ohjectioes to .14 dear wife's
constant urging to try Hop Bitters, but finally to
pacify her -
Consented •
se over me. This was -Saturday,
On Sunday emoriiieg I felt so
my- rtenu companionn "1 was
acid with the intention of commkting had not quite finished the first bottle Who) I
felt a ehenge.cm
November 3rd.
strong 1 asid t
sure I.couid
• Walk! •
So started acress the floor and back.
• I hardly kneW -how- to contain myself. 1 was
all over the houee. - I am gaining strength .each
day, and can .walk quite sate without any
fim now at My own house, and hope' soon to
be able to. earn iny own living again. . I have
been a member Of the Manchester •
• Royal Exehange •
For nearly thirty years,andwas Most heartily
congratulated on going into the room .on, Thurs-
day last. Very. gratefully . yours, Jobe -.Mali-
Mehehester, Eng., Dee., 21, 1883.
Two years later am perfectly well.
tff!None genuine without a bunch Of green
Hope i On the White lebel. Shun all the vile,
poisonous stuff With "Hop" or "Hops" in- their
name, 861.521M •'
suicide. She was iimnediately taken to
a doctor close by and a stomach pump
uied, after whichshe was removed to
the hospital. She is' much better, and
hopes of her recovery are entertained.
The cause of the rash act was unrequited
lave, , Mr. Chas. Buchanan being, as
she says, the unrequiter. •
The statistics of the Toronto Associa-
tion of Baptist churcheS for the _past
year show a most gratifying increase in
nearly all departments of denominational
work. They report 269 baptismals, 236
received by letter from other churches,
63 upon experience, 2 by restoration,
and a net increase of 350, or apward. of
12,1; per cent., during the year new
closed. There are now 29 churches in -
the association, with a total membership'
Of 3,145. The association has nearly
doubled its membership in the ten years
• since the first meeting. The letters
from the churches were exceeclingly- 'en-
couraging in some instances, particular
ly those from Jarvis street and Bloor
• street, Toronto, and Orillia. The total
amount raised for all, purposes by .all
churches during the year is $36,597.59.
An Ancient Land Mark
The Clinton New Era says: One of
the literal " landmarks of this sectibn
has entirely disappeared, and- ziVfen
place to a better order of things. Many
otour readers will -remember a frame
building that stood on the north side of
the Huron road, near Hohnesville and
which was known in the annals of the
county as " The Bridgewater Hotel."
In years gone by a thriving business Was
transacted here but the premises have
been unused for some time, and the
property falling into the lands- of Mr.
Elford, he gradually removed the tim-
bers that formed the construction, until
. a few days since when the last vestige 'FA a
once famous building was removed and
now there is nothing to indicate the ex-
• istence ef " Bridgewater " except the
spot marked by the former buildings.
The hotel was built somewhere about
-fifty years ago, -by a Mr. Ricks, grand-
father of the present Hicks family, of
Mitchell; who carried it on for some
time a Ross Robertson, who had failed
in business in Clinton being his suc-
cessor, Mr. Walkel-, father of the late
It can do no harm try- Freeman's Worm
Powders when your child is ailing, feverish. or
fretful. 857.52m. •
Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap is a delightful toilet
eases. J357.52m. good curative for skin dm -
luxury as well as
. •••..----.--
• As sweet as honey is 1:/r. Low's Pleasant Worm
Syrup, yet sure to delitroy , and expel worms.
857.52in. .
!•' A Humah Baromet_er.
The 'man with rheumatism can tell the ap-
proach of bad weather in his aching joints. Hag -
yard's Yellow•Oil cures rheumatism, aches, pains
and injuries. 857.52.2w. • .. .
T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Office—
') •• Rooms formerly occupied by Carroll &
Dielcson, Meyers Block, over Jamson's Hard-
ware Store, Main Street, Seaforth. Goderieh
ARROW! & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solici-
N"FV . Ptloi ;SI;
n&eoco"eG. °derich, Ontario. J. T. GAAROW,
pi C. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Private Money to -
lend at lowest rates of interest. Office -
Corner of Square ani West Street, Goderich. 774
riAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers,
V _Solicitors in Chancery, &ca Goderich, Ont.
T.OFTUS E. DAN EY, late with Cameron,
1_4 Holt & Cameroe, Goderiche Barrieter, So-
licitor, Conveyancer, kc. Money to loan. Ben-
. son's Old Office, Card o's Block; Seaforth: 786
"ItirANNING & SC TT, Barristers, Solicitors,
Conveyancers, . Solicitors for the Bank
of Johnston, Tisdale •• Gale. Money to loan.
Office -Beaver Block; Clinton, Ontario. A. H.
Meenneo, Jemes Scor.
• 781,
• --
, •
T. HOLMESTED, siiccessor to the late firm of
. McCaughey & Holmested, Bretnster, So-
licitor, Conveyancer tnd Note -Ty. Solicitor for
the Canadian Bank of 0ommerc43, Money to lend.
Farms for sale. Offic in Scott's ' Block, Main
Street, Seaforth.
EYER & DICKIn ON, Barristers, &c. ,Kent's
_ Block, Winghare -Solicitors for the Bank
of Hamilton. Commi sioners fier taking affida-
,vits in Manitoba. Pri rate funds to loan at 6 per
cent. Lucknow Office evereeWednesday. II. W.
C. Meyea, E. L. DIORI- BON: 738
ONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans .at 6 per
cent. Interestpayable half yearly, or 6i•
per cent. yearly, with the Privilege to borrower
of repaying pert of the principal money at any
time. Apply th, F. HOLMESTED, Barrister,
Seaforth. 850
•, ProM..pt Measures.
Proinpt meanS should be used to break nf sud-
den colds, and cure coughs in theirearly stages. .
Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam does this most- speed-
ily and effectually. 857.52.2w.
The History of Hundreds.
Mr. John Morrison, of St. Anns, N..S.,. was so
seriously aflicted with a disease of the kidneys
that dropsy was developing and his life was de-
spaired of. Tees bottles of Bladed( Blood •Bit-
ters cured him after physicians had failed. 852.
Holloway's -Ointment and Pills.
In all outward complaints a desperate effort
should be made tont once remove these'. annoy-
ingintennities, aed of establishing a, cure. The
remarkable remedies discovered by Professor
Hollowaywill satisfactorily. accomplish' this de-
sireble reeult, without any of those dangers or
diatvbacke'which attend the old inethodeof treat-
ing ulcerative inflammations, sorofulous affecs
tions, and •-se rieu•tic 'annoyances. . The most
timid invalide enty use both .the .0intinent and
Pills with the
-.provided a ni
their, accompa
most safety with certain success,
crate . attention be bestowed On
nine directions. • Both the pre-
paratioes soothe, heal and purify. The eine as-
sists the other materially in effecting. • cures and
renewing strength by helping exhaueted -nature
just when she peeds silch succour.. 912.52w,
-0 • or
Fluid Lightning (lees not take a day or aii. hour
to rentove neuralgia, headache, toothache, lum-
bago or rheumatism, but will do it instantly; and
without carrying -your head 'In a poultice for a
day or using greasy liniments. Try 4 25 cent
bottle front Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, Sea;
forth. 912.52w..
The.virtue of carbolic acid for healing; cleans-
ing and purifleinge•ie well known, lsut fromthe
many modes of applying it, the public is uncer-
tain how beat to use it.. To meet that -want, Mc -
'Gregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate is prepared,
T D. M.
. Toronto. AXI IRI o0PerDationosf
guaranteed. Anesthetics of all
kinds administered. Specialties -
Gold Filling and Perfect Fitting Plates.
Town patients will please make engagements
a day or two previous to having the opera-
tion performed.snenet Remember theplace, in
the rooms formerly oecupied by C. Caawright,
up -stairs in Cady's Block, epposite the Commer-
cial Hotel, Seaterth. 874
-Vs.T.Aarr S 0 INT
E7.+.7TIST, Facility Geld Medallist and College
le/ ,Gold Medallist,Toronto School of Dentistry.
Rooms over Johnsons' Hardware, Main Street,
Seaforth. 911
- OF A-
OF BAYLOR univEasrri.
"Independence, Texas, Sept. 26,1883.
Gagtemen: t
Has been 'used in my nouselfold for three
1st To Prevent falling out of the hair.
24. To prevent too rapid change of color.
ad. As a dressing.
- It has given entire satisfaction in every
• instance. • Yours respectfully,
i liVar. CABBY CRANE."
. I
AYER'S 11+IR VIGOR -is entirely free
,from Uncleanly, dangerous, or injurious sub.'
stances. It prevents the hair from turning
• gray, restores` gray hair t� its original color,
prevents baldness, preserves th hair and
promdalnotes its growth, cures druff and
all diseases of the hair and scalp, and is,
at the same I time, a very superior and
desirable 'dressing. •
Dr. J. CA Ayer &Co., Lowell, ttlatz.
Sold by all Druggists.
T P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the
J. County el:fume Sales. attended in all
parts of the Ceunty. All orders left at Tun
EXPOSITOR 9tiice will be promptly attended to..
A DELGATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for the
11_. Couety of Huron. Sales Of all description
promptly attended to on 'reasonable terms. Ad-
dress Brussels P 0., or apply on Lot e, Con-
cession 12, Grey •• 77.
fl'IHE subscriber begs leave to thank his numer-
J_ ous customers for the liberal patronage ex-
tended to him t since commencing business in
Seaforth, and tdusts that he may be favored with
a continuance oI the same.
Parties intending to build would do well to give
him a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a
large stock of all kinds of
He feels confident of giving satisfaction t
-those who may favor Iiim with their patronage
as none but first-class workmen are employed.
Pa Collar attention paid to Custom Planing.
201 • ' JOHN H. 't3ROADFOOT
THE undersigned will offer for Sale by Public
Auction at the Commercial •Hotel, Sea -
forth, on Saturday, August -22nd, 1885, at 2
o'clock p. ne, North half of Lot 30, Concession
8, MeKillop, containing 50 acres square, nearly
all cleared and free from stumps, well drained
and Well fenced. Tliere is agood log house and
finine' barn and stable. Also a never failing
spring Well. It is within half a mile of school,
aud tiathili three quarters of amile from the vil-
lage of Winthrop whichnamtaies Mills, Stores,
-Cheese Factory, Blacksmith Shops, Post Office,
&c., and only five miles 'from the •-town ots-Sea.
. forth. This is one of the choipest lots in the
township. • Posseseion given on the 15th Oetober.
Terms: -Ten per cent. of the purchase
money on the day of sale : sufficient Of the
•.balenee to make up •e800'' within thirty
days, and the -remainder on time. to suit .pur-
°baser with interest at 8 per cent. payable
annually. Forfurther particulars apply to MRS.
W. CLUTTON, Kippene - . •
e is ,herobygiven that the partnership here-
tefore existing between us the undersigned as
Blacksmiths and.: Plow 'Manufacturers, in the
townof Seaforth, under the style and firm of
Munro & Flogan,was this day dissolved by Mutual
consent.. Dated this 18th day of April, A. D.
• 1885: Witness, J. M. BEST, -Barrister, -&e. Sea -
• The undersigned begs to inform the customers
of the late firm and the public in general, that
he will continuethe business of Blacksmith and
Plow Manufacturer in the old stand, lately pe-
e:ivied by Munro & Hogan. He • wishes to ac-
know/edge with thanks the liberal patronage of
his numetous customers in the .past, and trusts
with care, attention and first, 'class work, to
merit the continuance of -such Patronagn in the
future.' Horse shoeing a specialty. D. HOGAN.•
• • N. 13, -All accounts due the late firm must be •
Settled at once. 908
. .
• Ifas opened his fine° liousesin
.Hensall and Centt=alia,
And is now prepared to furnish LIME of the
very best quality to all requiring it, on the most
reasonable terms.
During- the season he will be at. Hensel eery
TUESDAY and FRIDAY, andat•Centralia every
MONDAY and THURSDAY, to attepd to cus-
APRIZE. S• r eecntedi vSei,x1rCee0.1: tsa f ocr„s7yettexanol
goods, which will help all, of either sex, to more
money night away than anything else in this
world. Fortunes await the Workers absolutely
sure. At once address TRUE (S5 c., Augusta,
Maine. 854x52 •
3Hl 10 NOM
ISICA.11T STREiET.Sa4i.POIR/111--1.
Has just opened out the finest and best assortment of Pipes in the country. If.
you want a nobby Meerschaum Pipe or a first-class Brier or Wood Pipe, go to
the Medical Hall, where you can get something that mill please the eye and give
you satisfaction. A splendid assortment of Cloth,"Hair, Tooth, Nail all Shaving
Brushesat all prices, Toilet Soaps assorted -Pear's scented and unscented Soap,
Red Clover Toilet Soap, Albert Honey Toilet- Soap, Princess Louise, Carbolic
Glycerine and Cuticura Toilet Soaps, CoIgate's Cashmere Boquet Soap, Sponges,
Chamios, Bath Towels. Combs -A 'splendid variety of Dressing Combs and
Fhie Combs just opened from the English markets. Purses and Wallets new and
select. We draw your attention to our well -assorted stock of
Pure Drugs, Chemicals ancl- Patent Medicines,
Which is complete in all its branches. We have also for sale the pure juice of
the grape, especially for sacramental purposes, and unfermented. It is highly
recommended by first-class medical men aS a nutriment and beverage drink in
many cases of sickness, &c.
Remember the place, next door to Duncan & Duncan's dry goods store, Main
treet, Seaforth.
will keep on lot 3, concession- 7, Stanley
half mile north of Hills • Green, that well-kno
thoroughbred Yorkshiie boar lately Owned
Mr. Stanbui-y for services during the pres
season and next spring, he is one of tbe b
pigs In the county. Terms --$1 per sow, w
• he privilege of returning if, necessary. -JOSE
IUDSON. 914x
C. DUNCAN, Chemist and Druggist.
Now is the Time to Get the Best Value Ever Offered in Seaforth for your Money.
.A.- C3-- A.T.T111%
Has just Received a Very Large Consignment of TEAS. He now holds one of
the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks west of Toronto. In Teas alone he now
holds 175 Packages. Prices from15c., 20c., 25c., 30c., 350., 40c'
. 45c., 50e., 55c.,
and 60c. per pound. This Stock Consists of GREEN, BLACK, JAPAN, GUN-
POWDER, and TEA DUST, mad will Guarantee them to be all FRESH and.
give Entire Satisfaction, or Money Refunded. Also a large Stock of Sugars and.
all kinds of Groceries. Flour, Oatmeal,' Connneal, Shorts, Bran, Buckwheat
Flour, Oats, Barley, Screenings, Chop Feed, Salt, Cosj Oil, Fish, Apples, Potatoes,
Turnips, Carrots, and Cabbage. A large stock of China, Crockery and Glassware.
Also a Large Assortment of Lamps and Lamp Trimmings.
Oats taken in Exchange for Oatmeal at Mill Rates.
Is the best place to spend your money.
Main Street, Seaforth, the People's Grocer,
The Maxwell Low -Down Binder.
'Read the following testimonials
•Heinen; August 29th, 1884.
ADveinenMSifia."---TLTIeLowParis. -Down Binder I purchas-
ed from you is all that can be desired. I have
cut forty-three aores this season, and it did it
'splendidly. I have cut fall wheat, barley, oats
and spring -wheat, the latter being very heavy
and somewhat lodged. It cuts clean and binds -
a good sheaf. One team ean handle it with ease,
and Lconsider it equals the work of any binder
yet produced, with many advantages in its con-
struction.-YourssITyloyue7P14 iHtitluVsTtliT5OtRhN,
igned,have much pleasure
DAsTz2 llitzt4h 4,11, nPdaerirss.
In retommendieg to our brother farmers the
Maxwell Low -Down Binder, having seen it at
workon the fann of Janes Cumming, Esq. For .
quality of Work, simplicity of construction and -
lightness of draft, it has no equal. We woeld
advise all in need of a binder to see The "'Max-
Welle" Your g truly, Jas. N. Chesney, John Mc-
Murray, J. Brownell, Win. Sproat. John Reinke,
James J. • Elliott, M. Chesney, Peter Moore,
Mathew Nv 7.1 s
tte, 0.1-tat:nes McTavish, Andrew Archi-
bald, W. 8. Mundell, Jellies Cumming, Wm.
• Pears, September 3 -rd, 1884.
Diem SUL-After arranging to get your Binder
this harviet, 1 WaS informed that it wasa failure,
and agents of other firms endeevored, to obtain
my order for their machines, when you informed
me you were willing to pla.ee a machine on my
farm on its merits. I was satisfied, and the re-
sult Into not think can be any more satisfactory
to you than to myself. I never used more than two
horses, and am eatisfied they worked with very
little more (haft than an ordinary Reaper. The
machine was tried on all kinds of grain and
under yarn:J.1re conditions, and the work done
• was somethieg I do not think can be equalled,
and I am positive cannot be excelled. I would
have no other machine, and if your Low -Down
Binder is what your opposition call a !Mime, I
may say that in any farming maehinery I require
I would prefer the failures to the successes. 1
• can cheerfully recommend the machine th any-
one requiring a firSt-elass. Binder. Yours truly,
eireliNinGei'ne'n 'firno'lei ',Ammon.
This harvest I gave Mr. Samuel Woodman per-
• mission to bring a Maxwell Low -Down Binder -ma-
nly preses to give an exhibition el its work.
lie tried it first in epring wheat and next in oats,
a very heavy crop and bad1V blown down and
tangled, and was both damp and rather green.
Had I been going th cut it with my common
reaper I would not have cut it more than one
way, but the binder int all around the piece and
make a first-elass job, better than I -possibly
could have done with my single reaper. The
Binder is a great deal -more convenient to move
than any other Binder I ever saw. It earl be
moned as easy as any common -reaper and one
spate of horses can work it nicely in any kind of
gram. There -were other agents name also and
ask0 permiesion to bring their binder and work
with it d told them they reightrome in, and wel-
conle, but they failed th Put in an appearance.
When the Binder was brought on my premises 1
had not the least idea of purchasing one, but
after cutting 27 aeres of all kinds of grain, it
tgrauvleys,nch good satisfaction that at once made
up my mind to. buy it, and would advise any
• farmer wanting a binder th examine the above
Binder before purchasing any other. Yours
• ROBT, SCOTT, Hulled.
See The Maxwell Before Buyir%.
Has now a better stock than ever of GROCERIES, CROCKERY and -GLASS-
WARE, Sugars and Teas a specialty, 20 pounds of Sugar for $1. Good Tea for
50 cents. Hams and Bacon,.cured. at my OW11 packing house, always on hand.
Honey extracted pure from my own apiary; at 15 cents per pound, or eight
pounds for $1.
6 I -1.i rt'OBB Seaforth.
Ontario Mutual Life Assurance Company,
The Popular Company of the Dominion.
Ii\TatORPOTZ_A_TM3D, 1870-
Activel Local Agents. Wanted
WM. HENDRY, Mjanager, W. S. HODGINS, Gen'rl Agent.
The aboveaeills have now been thoroughly re-.
built upon the complete .
The 31111 and Storehouse Buildings have been
greatly enlarged, and new machinery applied
. •
deraigned has now on Lot 21, Concessith 2,
L. 11. S., ittickersinith, and will keep for he
ii'nwntament of Stock Two THOROUGHBRED .2 UV-
FOLK HOAR& The oldest, "Granger," wan
rowed on APril 3rd, 1882, was bred by Mr.
Elliott, Milton, County of Halton. His sire
his dam were both imported. The sec
" King Tom," was farrowed in April, 1884.
was bred by Messrs. A. Frank & Sons, of
county of Peel, and both his sire and his c
were alto iniported. They are as good pig_
were ever offered for service in Huron as can
proven by the extended pedigrees which
registered in the Canadian Herd. Book. T
81, with the privilege of returning if necess
Flour Dressing Machines
From the best Manufacturing Finns have been
put in and everything necessary added to enable
her to'tun out flour
In the Doininion. The facilities for receiving
grain froini fanners and for elevating and shipping
have also cleen extensively improved. Grain can
now be taken - from farmers' wagons, weighed,
and loaded into ears at the rate of 700 -bushels
per hour, by the work of two men.
•• I • --FOR—
Ras been put in, and the necessary machinery for
handling chop and coarse grains.
A good shed has been erected, so that wagons
can be unloaded and reloaded undencover.
Promptly attended to, and
• Chopped satisfactorily and without delay.
And all kinds of
Constantly on hand.
Highest Market Price Paid:in
Cash for any Quantity of
Wheat. 1
Brussels Lime Works:
11104cCri\T-6z SOW_
the eubseribers take this opportunity of re-
turning,thanks to the inhabitants of , Brussels
and vicinity for past patronage, and beg to state
thatehaving made several improvements in their
kiln and mode of burning, they are now in a
better position than . ever before to 'supply the
Public with first-class
This being the eleventh season of our business
dealings in Brussels, and having given unquali-
fied satiafaetion so far, the public can rely on re-
ceiving good treatment and a first -elms article
from us. First-class Lime at 14 cents at the kiln
and 15 cents delivered.
• We also burn a No. 1 Lime for plastering at
the same price.
Remember the spot, Brussels Lime Works.
1 , —AND --
Only first-class and obliging men will he kelt
to attend customers. The liberal patronge of
farmers and generaltrade respectfully solicited.
T. 0. KEMP, Manager.
Al) in want of first-class Dairy Goodnewill do
well to call at •
C. M. Whitney's,
And see our American Iron -clad Milk Cans and
Pails, just the thing to stand rough handling.
A fell stock of Cans,Pails, Pans, Strainers, and
everything for the dairy.
Golien Star • Oil Range
1311ith large tops and stands. No table or box
required to stand it on, and just as cheap as
smaller stoves. Every stove guaranteed.
In ordering Troughing don't forget to see our
Galvanized Iron Trough in six foot lengths,
making few joints and a better job.
A full line oi Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, Lamps,
American and Canadian Coal Oil, due, always on
All orders for gobbing promptly attended to
N. B. --Three hundred Cedar Posts for sale.
A. M. CAMPB-ELL, Agent,
Aurora Quick Train- Watch.
The Best Yet
(Phis Company Manufactures a eomplete ithe
elf of full plate watches, from ordinary to the
finest grades, for ali ela.sses of watch wearers.
They are all made with quick train, and are es-
peeially adapted for railroad and ordinary and
eeeere service. All made dust prod, have the
perfect safety pinion, whieh prevents dunnage tO •
parts in ease of mainspring breakage, and Jahn -
son's -patent attachment to regulate pins, which
prevents hairspring from catching, an in -portant
improvement controlled by thie Company. The
etean- winding parts are made strong arid sharable,
guaranteed as safe, more convertient and service-
able than the key winders. The extra fine grades
are made hi stem wind only. Every watch is
vvaranted by special certifieate, whiell the pur-
chaser receives from the Company's Agent. The
number of Jewels in cavil watch (which is en-
graved thereon) indicates the -quality; pur-
chase -is observing this are sure to receive the
quality they call fen • The larger eumber of
Jewels in the better grades also represents the
finish, fine adjuennent, and care in mannfa.cture,
which produces more aceurate time and longer
sm. viee. The qualities are divided as follows.:
ORDINARY. -Two grades are made of this
jggivleity.,„Jla wat
areo-eid;"cAbeuroo.72%.jeette,elleSo,., 7
ME1MT.7.31.--Fotir grades of this quality are
made, -two in Gilt Finish, engpixed Aurora:
Watch Co.; 11 Jewels. Extra." Aurom Watch
Co., 15 Jewels," and two in Nickel, finely`finish-
ed, engraved : ." Aurora Watch Co., 11 Jewels."
" urora, Watch Co., 15 Jewels." IV>
FINE.- Two grades of this quality, -one in
Fine Gilt Finish and one in Niekel, engraved
" Anrore Watch Coe, 15 JeWai, adjusted." -
ExTRA FINE. -Two gnades of this quality, -
one in Fine Gilt and one in Fine .Niekel, eugrave,
ed: " Amore Wath Co., 15 Ruby Jewels, ad.?
justed, Aurora, Illinois."
Remember Counter's, Seeforth, is the only
plane in the Count where these watches ean be
had. •
The Seaforth Woollen Mills.
My new mills are now vomplete. Farmers
and otherein want of a first-class quality of goods
would do well to call at my Store in the Mills,
where they will have -the largest and beet assort-
ed Stock of Goods to choose from in' any Mill in
the Domill'on.
Custom ; cork in all its branches a epeeist:Ky.
Also Cash and Trade for Wool as usual.
A. G. VanEgmond.
• 912
Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller.
THE Subscribers have bought the Tools and
Boiler Business lately carried en by the
Ge;derich Foundry and Manufacturing Company,
and having had an experience of enter eight year's
in that shop, ate now prepaied 10 carry on the
trade in all its branches.
- !Any work entrusted th us will- receive prompt
attention. 11)1,4 class work guaranteed.
All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, also
SiOoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Work, &c., at reason-
able rates.
New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired on
the shortest notice, and at prices that defy
e mpetition. •
Farmers and Threshers take
Notice, in Time.
Motivers, Reapers and Threshing
MEL LIS is again on had ae usual for tho
Repairing of Massey &einem with new
Bushiegs, -new Seetions, and all repairing in that
line, Also Threshieg Cylinders spiked and hal-
afeeed to give thebest of satisfaction. • Give me
ideall mid be eominced. Also Cylinder Boxes
flushed, and all repairing done satisfaetorily.
Fanners 'wanting- repairs for the Brantford ;Ma-
chine. also Noxen Brothers; Ingersoll, will get
slat pplied with me..
Farme•rs if you want the genuine Root Seuffier
eall and eee those. T. 3teiIis sells- the best
yet, brought into market very sheep for cash or
of all kindle Plow Caste
'8:11 tfti (}1ilnfiliitetha' k IfOWPslo."Repairing of Plows in all
its branches. You will find Tom always ready
for busmen