HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-06-19, Page 7and isth Qt e and a on gond t,ion, can getting ettn th whom. >se up a„ 017 hee- ds Com - ting Sot, Cities are- ,' Oneneen Paid. thin enter • Of -Winding Detior pie or ,ed heti ed her' baud, the best County; lad in any, North of in Street., ved •emoved to his Old he will be as moan with their fenderso" tea :tore, Main WING. Yeti D Y, s, this.eomity. new for thia at it is the t - and doing race iat ruao ionaer lug speclak nuarantee 'CU to Grist Mills, nines, and ort notice, 'hers. west rates. its of L. D- 'epairs: arm - 'DRY. HatiSt. C� ERS, 4.°V T ORTH a de in in Mani. treal. on deposiL rates, 1. LOCAN. d to Con- n- money on s, houses, &c. 11 tit C NTO- 2,000,000. 'MasTalt. CIL continues ter is allowed on and .eities In the United ! e Comnletniat ND nlanager. QV. •; .**4, JUNE 19, 1885. Iowa Preaching. the Gospel in - Dakota. I am row in the fourth year of work ast a Western Home Missionary field. For two years e of the time I was the -only Christian minister in a territory twice as large as the State of Rhode -Tataeele The scattered population was .5,000- or more. Reports showing that there are auch fields- in the West stir -the Home Mission zeal of our Eastern .churches. ....Many think that such fields best represent the country Mission work needing onr attention. But let us see. The circumstances in the above-raer tioned field are now greatly changed. -There are twenty church organizations - in the . same region of country to -day. -In the lit -tie village of 500 people where have worked four years, most of the- tinie alone, four Protestant and one Cathelie church orgauizations has -e: a foothol& and another denomination has an occasional preaching appeintment. Already the complaint is heard,- "Too mauy churches." As the pastor - of the first church organized in the place,' I might complain of the crowding, but have thought I would wait till I felt it. I said, "New for a look into the country around, to see if there is any religious work needing attention." I have given. up some of my serviees to make room for theirs, using the time and strength for outside work.. I preach -three times a Sabbath, where before I did but twice. :At one point, twenty-four miles away, I have congregation of 150; no other religions service -there. I go to three country schoolhouses from sevento-ten miles out, where no other religious see - vices are ever held. At each Ihaye a fun house and a • -Sabbath-scheol., None in these congregations go to church any- where Vise. The other day a woman - died in another neighborhood six miles from town. The people wished a funeral service in the village, church. - They came, and I_ saw nearly every seat filled by an audience of whom 1 had never seen one at any previous service in the four years of my 'ministry here. Eight miles in another -direction a Scandinavian lay inembee of my church, armed by •inc .with tracts and papers, went - to have a :religions service among his couutrymen. He had -a eongregation of 120, not one of whom I, or any One elseehad.ever reach. ed. Had the time aiiid strength • for' the work, J or the helpers in it, I could find half a dozen other neighborhoods as needy and interestine e.s these, all within reach of this village, where, - as some suppose, there are "too many churches." The trouble is thatfour or five denOmin- •ations try to live and work among as ..many hundred people in the village, while the _great work; in the outlying country is neglecte(l. But my fellow -worker in some country village *the States of the East br older West, say, "That is a new region, and therefore; exceptionally destitute." No doubt, bUtI dare to ..say there is some- thing like it near you. . I have worked in two fields in the .best -settled part of Illinois, -within, seventy miles of Chicago in a region where itisa C6111M011 com- plaint, "We have too many qhurches." Witlamany other sfields iri that region I am acquainted; I do not know of one in which, if we. include a circuit of country about the village or town, half way to the next one, it is not true, as Dr. Pier- son Says it is of Philadelphia., that, "Should a common impulse bring' the peePle to church on any Lord's Day, Our evangelical churches would not hold half our adult population." continue to rub, and do not give up for an hour or more if there is the least reason to hope. Do not be discouraged if animation is not immediately percep- tible, but continue the effort for even two hours. - —Messrs. Jardine & Co., a welt -known wholesale house ' in St. Jahn, New Bannswick, are showing a photographic portrait of a customer of theirs who had dealt with the house for 53 consecutive years, or ever since the year 1832. Another customer has done his entire grocery business with that firm for 48 years. —The English Minister, at Athens has been sent on a mission to paris in con- nection with .the Newfoundland shore dispute. Prior to the fall of the Ferry Ministry an agreement was nearly con - chided with ferry, by which one of the Leeward islands wt§ to be ceded to France in exchange for a complete sur- render by France of- her claims on, New - fou n dland. GRATEFUL—COM-FORTING. • . _ EPPS'S COCOA. FAST BREAK "By a. thorough knowidge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nu- trition, and by a, careful application , of the fine- • properties of well seleeted• Cocoa, Mt. Epps has provided our breakfast tableswith a delicately' flavored beverage ,which may save us many doc- tors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution. may be grado, any built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. dundreds of subtle mala- dies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft hY • keeping ourselves well. fortified with pure blood and a ploPerly nourish- ed frame."—Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with non* water or milk. Sold only in packets, bY grocers, labelled thus "JAMES Errs it moe00-.1 (r Hoopathic. Chemists, -ondon, England." Sole agent for .Canada, C. E. -tason, Montreal. 884-52 71 Coikghs and Colds That . we so fl'equently I neglect, and which se - often prove the seeds sown for a' harvest of con- sumption, should have immediate and thorough treatment. A tea:gin:lentil]. of. Robinson's Phos- phorized Emulsion taken whenever the Cough is troublesome, will relieve the patient, and per- severed in, will -effect a cure in the most obsti- nate cases. 891.52.2w. ----se:**-- Don't be Deceived. - , Beware of any druggist who will try to induce i you to take anything in place of 'MeGrenot & , Parke's Carbolic Cerate.. It is a marvel of heal- ing for sores, cuts, butns, etc. No family ehould be without it. It has no equal.' Get 'McGregor _ box at Lumsden & Wilson's drUg-store, Seaforth. Sa Parke's: ...„_and h____wave no other. Only 25 cents per' 012,52w. - 1 A Sensation. An unparalleled sensation is beim, -created all over Ontario by• the .wonderful and unequalled manner in which nenralght, toothache, rheuma- tism, backache, headache, is removed by but one application of Fluid. Lightning. - No offensive; ditegiosting drugs need to : be taken for days. rt t IS an instant cure. 1 Trs- a .26 cent, bottle free» Lumsden &,' Wilson, - druggists, Seaforth. 912.52w. _ - McGregor's.Speedy Cure) -. It is popularly admitted every where - that Mc- Gregor s Speedy Cure is the safest, 'nest reliable andby far the cheapest remedy for constipation, liver complaint, indigestion, impure blood, loss of appetite, and all similar tronbles. It is not necessary -to take a -great quantity before any re - snit is produced. A fese doses will convince you on its merit. Trial bottle given free at Lirmsden &-eWilson's drugstore, Seaforth. 912.82w.. . H Good the -Year Round. At all seasons, whenthe system is foulandthe . digestive powers feeble, or the liver and kidneys inactive, Burdock Blood Bitters are required. 85'.52.2w. , . Let any country pastor go out frOM four to ten. Miles and inquire. He will find, many families ._hat never go to chive's from year's- end to year's end. The children are growing up, without moral, not to say religious, culture. The Sabbath brings not one whit -of spiritual profit to the majority. In busy - seasons, it is to many_ a work -day like the rest. At best it is a day • of stupid resting and. eating; for visiting and talk- ing 0: farm topics.. Often it is put to far:worse uses, espeelp.11y by 'the yonng. was brought • up On sueh a country farm, and do not mean to slander /the farming population, to which I am proud. to Wont,. There are .many neighbor- hoods:, f know, to which the above de- scription does not apply. • In some there__ are Country churches, or preaching ap- pointments,. or Sabbath-schoOls, more or less irregular. In some a majority go to church, even though they must drive severe-1110es to do se. But after allow - hag for all these exceptioas„ in large sections of the country the means of • grace are unknown, and. the young are ,groing up in home -heathenism.: I have never yet felt that 1 and the elmech of which I was pastor did half the w4rk -which God laid before our door. I have never yet seen- the village pastor fwho had so fully worked his field . that h might truly claim to have out- grown lit and be ready for a, larger: work. If yei think you are doing -more than half of your work, my brother; sit down and, ieake a map of your field.. Ttrke - the ! territory around your church half way ou all sides, to the next town or church outside of your village. _Find out NV many of the people in it are memb. rs of any - evangelical church. Find how many are regular attendants in any congreeation. Find, if you can, how meny practically belong,.nowheee, rus+shere to . church. See if in any part of the territory there is a neighbor- hood too remote to to the Gospel in the village, but -which, if the Gospel e,.were brought to them lsy a service among :the they would attend. A like com- putation two previons fields .we ll sup 'lied with churches " astonishes me, as y :a may be sure, by the .showing of the figures'. In one 1,200 people, two chu, ches, 400 ch,uroh sittings, 110- rest- Aeri ehurch members. -In the. other 1,50 inhabitants in the field, three aT4chinches) 600 sittings, 200 - resident th members. - 1 neither case sit- . ting for half ,of the people. In both case but a smali per cent. church, mem, • bees, and of those a considerable num- ber merely nominal inemberS„ giving no. satisfactory evidence of spiritual. life. The average Sabbath attendancein. no case -more than one-fourth of the popu- lation. Haw is it in your field, . Dakota. W. G. D. Unprecedented Success. - For all purposes of a family medicine, Hag- yord's Yellow Oil is the head of the list. It is used with unprecedented success, both internal- ly -and exteroally. It cures '' sore thro6t, burns, scalds, 'frost bites; relienes and often cures Asthma. 857.52.2w. . Sure to Conquer. Directions for Restoring Per- sons Apparently Drowned. Convey the body to the nearest house or shelter, with the head raised—strip and rub it dry. Wrap in warm blan- kets. Inflate the lungs by closing the nostrils with thumb and finger, while you bIow- forcibly into the mouth, and then press on the chest with the hand; again blow into the mouth and again press, and so oft for ten minutes or until the patient breathes naturally. Kee'p the body warm and the extremities also; The most_troublesome cough is sure to yield if timely treated with Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. Pleasant to -take and sale for young or old. 8n7. 52.2W.' • LiSten to Your Wife. The Manchoster Guardian, June 8th, 1883, says • At one ofthe WindoWs1 . , Looking- On the woodland ways ! With elhoips of rhododendrons, and great • masses of May floWers ! There was an, interesting • _ group. It included -one who had been a eaten spinner, but wasnoWno Paralyzed ! -That he could only bear to Ile in a reclining • position. This refers to nit. case. - • I was attacked twelve years ago with Locomotet Ataxy (A paralytic disease of nerve fibre rarely , ever cured.) And Waa fon several years bardls about. . • - And for. the last five years not an to my httsincss, although 1 Many things haw been done for m, The last eXperiment being nerve stretching. Three yeas ago I was voted into the Home for Incurables, near Manchester, in May, 184 Lam no advocate for anything in the shape of patent medicines? 1 And made many objections to my -.dear wife's constant urging to try Hop Bitters, but finally to pacify her • In young femalea and delicate persons who are naturally weak, Or who front some cause have become so. 912.52w. _ National Pills will not gripe or sfoken, yet are a thorough cathartic. 857.52m. It -can de ,no harm to try Enemata Worm Powers when your child is ailing, feverish or fretful. -857.52m. ' Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap is a delightful toilet luxury as well as a good curative for Sitio dis- eases. 867.62m. As aweet as honey is Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, yet sure to destroy ind expel worms. 857.52m. . • .4 Human BarOmeter. The man with rheurnatisnl coo tell the ap- proach of bad weather in his aching joints. Hag - yard's Yellow Oil mires rhettmatism, aches, pains and injuries. 857.52.2w. MONEY TO LOAN. "If ONEY TO L0AN.—Strai NI cent 'Interest payab e . • • • per cent. nearly, with the -ptis of repaying part of the princit time. Apply to F. HOLML Sea -forth. , " • ' ht loans at 6 per half yearly, or 611 lege to borrower al Money at. any STED, Barrister, 850 ' AUCTIONEERS. T P. BRINE; Licensed Auctioneer for 1,110 . Comity of Huron. Saleattended. in all parts of the ounty. All orders left 'at THE EXpositOa Of4qc will be promptly attended to. • A DELGATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for the , County of Huron. 'Sales of 'all description promptlyetttended to on reasonable terms. Ad- dress Brussels P. O. or apply on Lot 4., Con: cession 12, Grey. 77 • M , BEST, Be Roems fom DicIrson, Meyer's Ware Store, Main Agents—CA-Almon, LEGAL. ster, Soli6itor, &c. Office—• erly occupied by :Carroll & lock, over Johnson's Hard - Street, Seaforth. Goderich IOLT & CAMERON. 870 ARROW & PR tors &c., God Wm. PROODFooT. UDFOOT; Barristers, Solid - rich, Ontario. J. T. Gertitow, (386 T) C. JAYS, Soli itor, 4. Private Mon kne lend at lowest rates Of interest, .0 Corner of Square n -West "treet, Goderic y to ce— . 774 'CIAMERON; HOL & CAMERON, Bar4ters, C'° Solicitors in Chancery; &c., Goderich, Ont. M. C. CAMERON, Q. C., PHILIP HOLT, M. G. CAMERON., , 606 able to get e to attend Consent I had no felt a. chan d !' quite finished the first b re come over. me. This w ttle when I s Saturday; November ard.' On- Sunday 'norm) g I felt so Strong I asid to . my room comnani ns, " I was sure I coul:d Walk! - So started across the floor and been. I hardly knew how to contain mYself. I was all over.. the house. I an gaining strength each davya,nd can walk quite safe without any 'Stick ! • . I am non, at my own house, and hope soon to be ablelto earn my own living again. L have • been 6 meinber of the Manchester Royal ,Exchange For nearly thirty :(ears, and was most heartily eongratuNted On going into the room on Thurs- day last. Very gratefully yours, John Black- burn. . Manchuster,'Eng., Dec., 24, 1883. Two years later Lun perfectly well. ga'None genuine without a bunch of green Hops on ,the whitelabel. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with " Hop" or "Hops-" in their name. 864.52in. • Prompt Measures: Prompt means should be used to break up sud- den colds, and cure coughs in their early stages. 11-age-ard's Pectoral Balsam does thismost speed- ily and effectually. 857.52.2w. I . -s• • iss 'The History of Hundreds. Mr. John Morrison, of StnArins, N. S„ was so seriously afficted with a disease of the kidneys that dropsy was developing ande-his life was de- spaired of. Two bottles of Burdock Blood Bit- ters cured MI» after.physicians had failed. 852. • Holloway's, Pills. • LOYTUIS E. itAriuEy, Holt & Cameron, licitor, Cdoveyancer, Ron's Old Office, Car I • /MO MLR l..litiierwt, Goderich, Barrister, . So- &c. Money to lean. ' Ben- Ino's.Block, Seaforth. 786 ANNING & S CO,hveyancer. Df Johnston, Tisdal Dffice—Beaver Bloc, MANNING, JAM s SO OTT, .Barristers, ,Ike. & Gale. -, Clinton, Tr. Solisitors, Solinitors for th z Bank • Money to loan. Ontario. A. 781 . - -0 HOLME'TED, It . McCaughey licitor, Cnveyanceit the Canadian -Bank 41f Farms for sale. Office Street, Seaforth. succeseor HoIntested, and Notary. Cormlierce. in to the late no of Barrist r, So. Solici or for Money to lend. 'Scott's Block, Main MEYER & DICKINSON Block, Wing of Hamilton. Com vits in Manitoba. cent. Lucknow 0 C. MEYER, E. L. Di am. nissiop rivate ce eve KINS,ON Barristers, In*Ilientn olieitors for th rs for taking funds to loan • r Wednesday. Bann affida- t 6 pei H. W. 738 • D I NTIS 'TRY. -NAT J. asem....motdin. ° ir- M' D. S.. D.. 0 EJ and M. R. C. J. Toro to. All operations nua•anteed Anasthetica of all - kin s admi listered. Spec alties— Gold Filling al d Pei feet. Fitting Plates. Town patients w 11 pleas make engagements a day dr two evious to . having the opera- tion perfOrmed. g Re nember._ the place, in the rooms forrnerl oecu ied by C. Cantwright, up-stairain Cady' Block, opposite the Commer- cial Hotel, Seafer h. 874 THE HURON E XP SIT611. IT LEADS A1.4 No other blood -purifying medicine is !Rads, or has over been prepared, which se I com- pletegleynemralpubeetstro warn& of physielana and ue 4 Ayer% Sarsaparilla. It leads the list as a truly seientille prepara- tion for all blood diseases. If there is &lurk- COFg tatt Scrofula about ycSRULA Rslv1 dislodge it and expel it from your system. For constitutional or scrofulous Catarrh, CATARRH AyER'S SARSAPARILLA is the true remedy. It has cured numberless cases. It will stop the nauseoul catarrhal discharges, and remove the sicken- ing odor of the breath, which are indication,' of scrofulous origin. S7TOf• , • ENTIST, Fac lty Gol!l Medallist and College • JJ Gelid MedaWst,TorOlito School of Dentistry. Rooms dver jonnsons' Hardware, Main Street, Seaforth e 911 3H1 10 EMS The Great Need.—The blood is the lite, and on its purity depends our health, if not our exist- ence. These Pills thoroughly cleanse this vital -fluid from all contaminations, and by that power strengthen and invigorate the whole system, healthily stimulate sluggish organs, repress-oner- excited oaken and establish order of circulation and secretion throughout every part of the body. The balsamic nature of Holloway's Pills com- mends them to the favor of debilitated and ner- vous constitutions, which they soon resuscitate. They dislodge all obstructions, both in the bowels and elsewhere, and are, on that account, much sought after for promoting regularity of action -Rto C.) sa sOrtitA. 0 1-1.3 ic4-1 CD 1-10 1554 tmt P th • Ij tf.11 0 P-1 CO CD CD - CD 1-41 0 1-1 574 111.CEROli "Hutto, Tex., Sept. 28,1882. "At the age of two years one of SORES winhtledrereon was terrus gibslLeasfeoinctads face and neck. At the same time its eyes wore swollen, much infiamedA and very sore. SORE EYES jact ta:rsatvi-e metdlicaitnea muswi be employed. They united in recommending AYER'S SARSAPARILLA. A few doses pre- duced a perceptible improvement, which, by an adherence to your directions, was contin- ued to a complete and permanent cure. No evidence has since appeared of the existence of any scrofulous tendencies; and no treat- ment. of any disorder was ever attended by more prompt or effectual results. . Yours truly, B. F. JOHMON."' 4,4 PREPARED BY ,>••• Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell,Mass.1 sad by all Druggists; $1, six bottlesil for $5. IMPRoVE YOUR STOCK.—The 'undersigned - keep on lot 3, conceseion 7, Stanley, a, half mile -north of Hine Green, that well-knonn thoroughbred Yoekshire boar lately owned ha Stanbury for services duriog the present season and next spring, he is one of the best pigs In the COUllty. TLITMS-4 per sow, with 111tN he privilege ofenternine neee8Fary, :JOSEPH 1, 914x4 • THE SUFFOLK:8 ABE THE BET.—The un- dersigned has new on Lot 21, Concession 2, L. R. S., Tuckersmith, and Will keep for the improvement of Stock, Two T1101WVGIIMItED:Sue- FOLK BOAns. The °Icest, "Granger," was far- rowed on April 3rd, 1882, was bred by. Mr. Wro. Elliott, Milton, County of Halton. His sire' and his dam were both imported. The second; " King Tom," was farrowed in April, 1884, He was bred_ by Messrs. A. Frank & Sons, of the county of 'Peel, and - both his sire and his dam were also imported. 'They are as good pigs as - were ever offered, for service in Huron as can be proven by the _extended pedigrees which are registered in the Canadian Herd Book. Terms $1, with the Privilege Of returning if necessary. GEORGE PLEWES.•- ' • $91 THE BIG MILLS, E.'sForH. -The above mills have bow been thoroughly 're- built upon the complete HUNCVIAli RULER PROCESS. • The Mill and Storehouse Windings have been greatly enlarged, and new machinery applied - throughout. • THE LPiTiST IMPAVED ROLLS —AND-- , Flour Preqsing Machines From the best Manufacturing Firms have been put in, and everything necessary added to enable her to turn out flour • • sEcoNo Ti? NONE In the Dominion. • • The Ifacilities for receiving grain from' farmers and fer elevating and shipping have also deen extensively improved. Grain oan now be taken from fanners' wagons, weighed, and loaded bite cars at • the rate of bushels perhour, by the work of two mein A LAncs. FEED f3TCINIE 'CU ITC.) rtA •C /-1 C P Pnen i Has bee rpot in, ttnd the necessary machinery for handlie - chop and coarse grins. n f i Hns In A good shed has been erected, so that vagons can be unloaded and reloaded under cover. • Es IX 8. CAMPBELL, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail promptly at- tended to. D. S. CAMP ELL, Mitchell. WHEAT EXCHAN . Promptly attended to, and FITZT-1:LAss ROLLER FLOUR GOARAWTEED. CITS"To'm Chopped satisfactorily and without delay. ROLLER FLOUR, - BRA -14, SHCRTE3, And all kinds of - CHOPPED FEED Constantly on hand. THE MEDICAL HALL, .A.11\T STR,IE3T3 SMA.P012/11.1--, 11 las just opened out the finest and best assortment of Pipes in the country. If am want a nobby Meerschaum Pipe or a first-class Brier or Wood Pipe, go to he Medical Hall, where you can get something that will please the eye and give ou satisfaction. A splendid assortment of Cloth, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shaving irushes at all prices. Toilet Soaps assorted—Pear's scented and unscented Soap, led Clover Toilet Soap, Albert Honey Toilet Soap, Princess Louise, Carbolic llycerine and Cuticura Toilet Soaps'; Colgate's Cashmere Boquet Soap, Sponges, hamios, Bath Towels. Combs—A splendide variety of Dressing Combs and :Pine Combs just opened from the English markets. Purses and Wallets new and select. We draw your attention to our well -assorted stock of Pure Drugs, Chemicals and. Patent Medicines, Which is complete in all its branches.- We have also for sale the pure juice of he grape, especially for sacraMental purposes, and unfermented. It is highly •ecommended by first-class medical men as a nutriment and. beverage drink in nany cases of sickness, &c. •Highest Market _Price. Paid in Cash for any Quantity of Wheat. APPLE -BARRELS FINE, COARSE AND LAND SALT t, FOR SALE. - Remember the place, next door to Duncan & Duncan's dry goods store, Main treat, Seaforth. _ C. DUNCAN, Chemist and Druggist. Only first-class and obliging men will be kept to attend customers. The liberal patronge of farmers and general trade respectfully solicited. A.W. OC.ILVIE & -CO • - PROPRIETORS. T. 0. KEMP, Manager, SEAFORTH PLANING MILL SASH, VOOR AND BLIND FACTOBV THE subscriber begs leave to thank his numer- ous custothers for the liberal patronage ex- tended to him since commencing business in sSeaforth, and taiusts that he May be favored with a continuance of the same. - Parties intending to build would do well to give him a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a .11arge stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, - SASHES, DOORS, - BLINDS & MOULDINGS; SHINGLES, LATH, &a, He feels confident of 'giving satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage as none but first-class workmen are employed. Pa. ticular attention paid to Custom planing. 201 JOHN H. "l3R0ADF00T LIME -I LIME! LIMEI T 11 E3 -- 0- 0 L D BJ 1\T—T__J 0l'•••-.- Et, 1 { 01 SPRING STOCK COMPLETE. Large 'Assortment to Choose From. POPULAR PRICES RULE LOWER THAN EVER THIS SEASON. Everything New, Fresh and Handsome. R. .1* A. 1\011 E 8 0 11, A..r!i" 0 it rr 1-1 TEA. i TEA. TEA. TEA. AT TFI. SEAFORTH TEA STORE. Now is the Time to Get the Best I.Talue Ever Offered in Seaforth for your Money. Has Just Received a Very Large Consignment of TEAS. He now holds one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks west of Toronto. In Teas alone he now holds 175 Packages. Prices from 15c., 20e., 25c., 30c., 35c., 40c., 45c., 50;, 55c., and 60c. per pound. This Stock Consists of GREEN, BLACK, JAPAN, GUN- POWDER, and TEA DUST, and will Guarantee them to be all FRESH and. give 'Entire Satisfaction, or Money Refunded. Also a large Stock of Sugars and all kinds of Groceries. Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Shorts, Bran Buckwheat Flour, Oats, Barley, Screenings, Chop Feed, Salt, Coal Oil, Fish, Apples, Potatoes, Turnips, Carrots, and Cabbage. A large stock of China, Crockery and G-lassware. Also a Large Assortment of Lamps and Lamp Trimmings. Oats taken in Exchange for Oatmeal at Mill Rates. A CALL SOLICITED FROM ALL - GOODS DELIVERED FREE. A. G. AULT. THOMAS. CORNISH, Has opened his Lime Houses in Hensa1.1 and Centralia? And is now prepared to furnish LIME of ' the very -best quality to all requiring it, on the meet reasonable terms. During the season he will be at Henson, every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, and at Centralia every MONDAY and THURSDAY, to attend to cus- tomer. • -THOMAS CORNISH. 005 THE SEAFORTH GROCERY Is the best place to spend your money. HUGH ROBB,, Main Street, Seaforth, the People's Grocer, 7 uick Train Watch. Best Y t. SOLD ONLY BY M. R. CO UNTE t.T= SE FORTH, ONT. 1' ibis -Compan nutnnfaetures a eomplete liner L of full pla o •watehes, from ,ordinary to 'the Iniest grates, fi r ali classes of watch wearers. They areall ma e with quick train, and arc es- pecially adapte for railroad and allerdinary and severe senviee. All made dust proof, have the perfect safety p Mon, which prevents damage to parts in can of `mainspring breakage, and Johns son's patent att chment to regulate pins, which prevents hairs ring from catching, an in,portant - 'improvement e -ntrolled by this •Company. The stem -•winding , , arts are made strongand,durable, guaranteed as . afe more convenient and service- able than the k winders. The -extra fine grades are made in at m wind -only. Every watch is warranted by eecial cert-ificate, which the pur- chaser receives from the Company's Agent. The number of Jew As in eaeh - Watch (Minh is en- 'g-rav.ed thereo i) indivates the quality; me- diums observing this are sure to receive the 4pality they tall for. The larger number of Jewels in tlie nit -ter grades also represents the finish, fine adjintment, and care in manufacture, which produce more accurate time and longer service. Theualities, are divided as follows: - ORDINARY ---21'wo grades are made of this quality, engr, yed "Aurota Watch Co., 7 ' Jewels." "Au ma, Watch Co., 11 Jewels." MEDIUM.—n'our grades of this equality are made,—two in Gilt Finish, engraved: "Aurora • Watch Co., 11 Jewels, Extra." "Aurora Watch Co., 15 Jewels " and two in Niekel, finely -- ed, engraved: " Aurora Watch Co-, 11 Jewels." "A wore Vat h Coe, 15 Jewels." FINE.—Two erodes of this eroalitv„--one in Fine Gilt Finnh and one in Nickel, engraved: " Aurora Wat h Co., 15 Jewels, adjusted." EXTRA FL 11 --Two grades of this quality,— one in Fine Gil t and :one in -Fine Nickel, engrav- ed " Amora Vetch Co., 15 Ruby Jewel% ad- justed, Auror , Illinois." - Remember °mites, Seaforth, is -the only hpaladc.e tne C linty where these 'watches can be Has now a better stock than ever of GROCERIES, CROCKERY and GLASS- WARE., Sugars and. Teas a specialty; 20 pounds of Sugar for 81. Good Tea for 50 cents. Hams and Bacon, cured at my own- packing house, always on hand. Honey extracted pure from my own apiary, at 15 cents per pound, or eights pouuds for $1. H. ROBB, Seaforth. Ontario Mutual Life Assurance Company, The Popular Oomparly of the Dominion. 11\T co Epo1,..,621'1_13:3, 187 O_ Active Local Akents Wanted. WM Hy\1DRY, -Manager, lis;+1. S. HODGINS, Gen'rl Agent. WATERLOO, ONT. ' STRATFORD, ONT. • DAIRY GOODS. Brussels Lime Works. STILL AHEAD. All in want of first-class Dairy Goods, Will do well to 111 at. • • C. M. Whitney's, 1 And see our American Iron -clad Milk Cans and Pails, just the thing to stand rough handling. A full stock of Cans, Pails, Pans, Strainers, and 'everything for the dairy. Golden Star Oil Range With large tops and stands. No table or box required to stand it on, and just as cheap as smaller stoves. Every stove guaranteed., In ordering Troughing don't forget to see our GalvaniZed Iron Trough in six foot lengths, making few joints and a better job. - A full line of Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, Lamps, Americajn and Canadian Coal Oil, &c., always en hand. All o ers for Jobbing promptly attended to C. M. WHITNEY. N. B. -:Three hundred Cedar Posts for sale. M. R. COUNTER, Practical atchmaker and Jeweller.. TOWT\T 6,z SOW_ The subscribers take this opportunity of re- turningthanks to the inhabitants of Brussels ond vicinity for past patronage, and beg to state that having made several improvemi ents n their kiln and mode of burning, they are now in a better position than ever before to supply the Public with first-class lime. This being the eleventh season of out business dealings in Brussels, and having given unqualis 'fled satisfaction so far, the public Can rely on re- ceiving good treatment and a first-class article from us. First-class Lime at 14 cents at the kiln and 15 cents deliyered. We also burn a No. 1 Lime for plannterints at the same price. Remember the spot, Brussels Lillie Works. TOWN & SON. 908 • -- -nneenern,ennes,,n.-' nsneree,„„... [.,• \%,8.1.1" ‘ti GO ECRAZY. And 31 -re. . mused to herself as she passed - out scarcely r aching the street when she met Mrs. B—. My, Mrs.• you are quite thoughtful lo king, what has come over you Oli, nothing o ily you see l'ne just been in to The Seaforth Woollen Mills. My new mills arc now complete. Farmers and others in want of a first:does quality of goods would do well to call at my Store in the Mills, where they will have the larg-est and best assort- ed Stock of Goods to choose from in any Mill in the Dominion. Custom work hr all its branches a specialty, Also Cash and Trade for Wool as usual. A. G. VanEgmond. 912 RANTSN BROTHERS here, I wante beard So ma must go tiM, cheap silks e * a nice piece of Blaek Silk and I iy speaking about their Silks I SCO and I tell you if you wan to Ran on Brothers but what I w. s thinking about was. They have such a pile of colored Muslins at 10c a yard or 9c for cash, a lother lot 13e, others again at 20 and 25e, and pile after pile of white Muslins, Laces, &c. &c 1 thought to myself, well they must ,hae een crazy when they bought all those—why hes- have hundreds of yards. Do you think th y will ever sell them. Oh; I gness se, see what lot of girls and young ladies there the countr and a hest of them are a aroun are coming t RANTON BROTHERS for their dres after all, jus and then we' were sho wn Shirtings, & little commo line of Dress delighted an been shown sending us t more mon es get it. - Ra isilt es. I dont think they are so <lazy come in with me, I am going there Igo hoine together. And as they arasols, Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, -., bee; were satiefled that we had a sense left. _But when that new - ood$ at 15c was shown they were said, often no better goods had lion for 25c. And so instead of the asylum they purpose spending vith us than ever. Dont you for - ton Bros., EXETER, place for Cool Dress. CHRYSTAL & BLACK, PRACTICAL BOI ER MAKERS. THE Subs Boiler Goderieh Fo and having in that shop ribers have bought the Tools and usiness lately carried on by the ndry and Manufacturing Company, ad an experience of over eight Years ate now prepaied to carry on the trade in all i s branches. Any work ntrusted to us will receive prompt ,attention. Tirst-class work guaranteed. All kinds «f Boilers made and repaired, also Smoke Stec n, Sheet Iron Work, &e., at reason- able rates. New Salt 'ans made and old *nes repaired on the shortes notice, and at prices that defy competition CHRYSTAL-& BLACK. A PRI (roods, whic 7, -money rig world. Fo sure. At Maine, C Send Six Cents for Postage and L. receive, free, a cestly box of will help all, of either sex, to more t away than anything else in this unes await the Workers absolutely once address TRU -4 C., Augusta, n54x52