HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-06-19, Page 47-- JUNE i 9� THE HURON EXPOSITOJRM� . ...... ............ that gist or some otlluv'V0�6� In the -Act 'United $tatex Lad Com missioner At in -over �nd atiove his finger ends. 0 poll1w. ofit 1 �6� am for several 48;ys and in M- liberately sets bi 300 of -188.3,.there is a MY1810n,.1 think see- Washington. E. BUTTERICK & GO. -SIP We will take f6r ifistan4 the Farmers Parli ent hicreasq from e to see when the force ttiggist to sell with- THE GENrAL FA 7"G enera;l son's clause.�7- Dr. Colemaxifor instance,- ference to, the ei wheat solibitations inot white n'eiglibor. We wo#ld lik' to 500 ]rich in 1 2, the Premier declar. tion'84,, enabling a for ll kinds of Relia; Ode P Ok atterl i ut I icensic and certificate up to 0, certain Grant is growing weaker and bis a di, OwAis, more- pro"rty than inost of far- only of ;of th6 man, be his Political corivictiA d that it was ii on of many. � I a_ to sell any tion now seems to be one of increasing ladiee, Aliases, BOO' and Children's his 6ppopents but e art of the scillemeAci o -mers, yet his soils oalindt 'Vote, wilile0k ted to what they may, who will say hel consci- proteA the ralichers, They received quantity, eght.ounces, Garmants,"for ale by HoFF,-,jAx BRos., his friends, he aif, length cousent in. He has been re- man on �'a rented farm,' probably not wtity abov the necessary debility, without!a reat favors in t lie W�y bf leases of graz- qui e that with Seaforth. daft'aniendment to his bill entiously believes this is right ot just. g worth 200, can have three or four son§ bring forwar ing ilands,� and hould not be a further' certificate. The int�li4on was - that in moved to aratoga. y -five to vote if- the farm is assessed high excluding the IndianEf of - Manitoba and ople fol police protec- Scott Act counties It � ere should be no Sv j(jD ES —E gilt persons commit- burdlen on the P NE,�, ADV !TS- enough.� AFFAIRS AT OTTAWA. tibn� The dan r was starving and dis- liquor Sold for medic nal,'art or mann- ted suicide in Philadelphia the past is �% . ex( the Northwest roin tile. rig t te drug- year. Han car 'tobe the t�b tf gin app cep y ef t)ie Gov� facturijig purposes e mosHereagain is just where our corres-, iae the Fran , ise under, it. If IQ contented Ind is. Moreov (from Our, own Corre8poitd6d.) be btained. In popular nl�l and riaik the leadig re c1ii, 0 IV The f4nire between the Parenthesig,after pondentisni,,istal%�en,,,%nd�tli6sittiationis d �d crnn�ient hear ad ed with � the - vieAv gist, whel he paper on which John was -in je t and his measure OTTAWA,June 16ih 1885. (me. Blake) that the Vach-line dc�otea the page If t I 1� f adv' ced by town of Gode.riWi there are four cause. exactl the reverse ay froin thatin aain m,- MERCHAN-T the advertisement wilt be'tound. T. n t ose to enfranobisethese India' iit fairly baVe been expected Vlunteer compa aies shotild be� organized -druggists, three of who �,. applied for a. ., FAILI,-ItE, OF DIAXO'.,�J rop 'Or th I- . why v as, i, und e T Rstmy Cattle, --T, h. Gri er . (5) 41lich - he*J places it. - Undee' the On- a� �ests,. th of pop,ulation in the license to sell liquo einper- The failure of the Hat;on Garden firm Fknn for Ross. (5 our orrespondent stigg at after disetissing the Franchise Bill in t.lie centres * 'ioners ref used o - t) C �lllllsp , rebants f r $500,000 has To; Sto k Rai-Rers--W. S. 3ft 2ell. (5) tario, Act the Fiwmer§'� Sons' F ran- U tha lie found it necessary tQ bring n isist the ffoftnied Police ance Act, but n' O' of diamond me only for so many weeks, the members of Northwest, to af I cense to caused a scnli (5) in case of hil - en tergency lly jof 1bein and i-paioic in the London dia. Farm Dou� chise, as tich'is done � ay with and 7been quite immediately to e a il - Cheese'INtecting-Robt. tandsborough. (5) aw an amendment excludig.�fhem. from tie &rlianlent would have ed instead tbr e . ti�vcrii keepers, m on d trade, in whicI I other Serious ull the -with. a great flourish lie i . P egni vs �4 - w looked - for. 'The may- to tu n proceeded to orgal-13ze 4 &!hool TeacberWanted-John Claw. (5) the sons iof al. property owners are able -allies.' The two of whom were the lowest in the failures are Suninier Good exercise of this right.. 'Will our corr rill their. atentio, to other comp no -o placed- upap 'the same footin ; uri4er f Battleford, Pri=6 Albert county. In the vill ge of Dungannon ket in diamonds has fo�- many months, f men o Cheap Boota� &-D—W-. ket�pth'orne & C (8 9 onent, or who. tlifilk - as he dc': subjects'. But --such was not the case.. vourfg (5) It camd fo populationof 00 licenses were been extremely depre'as(d. ention-T. Mel I& rward with with a tb e Dominion' Ad the diAinction be- �'t. Laure' An this question-.? s, the Franchise debate two old I v,erh keepers. In F D Ohio, is, ense Gathering answer er6 given to 11OWERs 0 UsT N*0 sooner wa ve companies. w Great C tdaring satre-4as. 31 1U-1 aoy. (8) . tweenfarmerlssos and sons of other ry poi at crithilsiasill, an( NI -W ehave now answered eve we,e iven to two stiffering froin Showers of white dust -v-ely forl�jed. They as of mell.t :I through than they di'ved succesi enses jCimus Cloming. (5). . 0 I ere the. cla still retaned. n- as-; to its origpi, e air s in propel" _P xvost the License ques- that tavern keepers; in re Barz Tewq, k- C. - LakRaiv & Fairley. (9) ty owners is of importance. raised by. our corres on- into North fialt Indians o anybody else in e No plausible thory. Bar!; W ire -Reid & W, ilson� 1(5) as le wbisky deal- be offered. der the Ontario Act, the -son en to a whol -9 of any dent and we hope. that if ail of o "r tion, the Insurallioe Bill, and other sub- cou !try. They -new the country and giv p lie Hessian By erson who is the owner of 20 acres It it the vei erroneo, werE acaustome(I to the climate. They er ad a to"6vern Cop �-r. In Exe- Tim; HmssiM�,T FLY. jects. When I ?peak of the Francs sIv in ter to a whole -Sal whisky dealer. is doing great damage to growi�g wheat 4W readers en e of land in a township or property to the i eas do not est. They x acted to be u t rp, of, Huron I JO value of $200 in a, town- have a A ruggists in each iga11. it is estimated t lie dama id I -of tl ey W'11 now' debate as being i" thr6ug4," I ns and tr4niendo lifform. Throu (d) out th Coun I rot 'r* which help 0 earn: P: a in the section aTound K llamazo , Mich- aght to� have'grot new and acci*ate light. 0, four or fiv , d will Iby ed, like other olunteers, nd pending ha till n ean that tile. ill. is throu g'h,, 'they town vote, ad under the proposed Doininion the arrival of their and a druggighst i every villag,e,the result in 40,000 bushels being lost. any inealis..-The Government 1 carried Board of License don miss'ioners refused CUT;%JINAL CONDUCIT.--A yachting -o pay a rental of sq, 2. per Af OW, ihade Act tenants wh drilled regulrl' ai rapid pro - SEA ItTH, FEIDA Jitne 19" 1385. AT, the Ontario Premier, AS ingefficiency. Thaunifornis to license,,.. n 3 1 - the measure to a, (ertaiii point and4 then a Single dr ggisi. But on the party of eighteen were run. (low by the year are. given a vote. month or $20 per Scored another victory oie Iiii.s.big �_Id dropped it'for�,tlic time. Since M . nda gress in gain Dis, o e ed two old ta,%­ steam, cr Cblumbis in the Delaware river �Y did not come. %ppoilltment foll'w' d other hand, they liceii he. mtter'whetber they re on the _ ds- versar�,, the D -prehlier. ir t- ern keepers. This is simply an Outrage on Sunday neo Annapolis, Maryland. THEm is U.0t hilig nei, v to note -in the __ -0 night nothing -b a been sqdd -albout it. every promise. The men found tha if sessment roU or not. Our corres eras andtifn- Act colill Pon lent, John claimed that the.,Tip narte rs . tb thwest. What the reason of this is� it would 'Iyeadq ought very little -of in a Scott e Board All were thron into the, water. The position of aftirs iu the Nor be er the steamer kept -on her' our 0 - rig a t thus und se and offered will tbussee that he ah-ould have re- ber in the territory, in :dispute between I I them. They Could * get 110 satisfaction have the 11 bt to his bard to Say.- ere So Mal Ly The enthusiasm died -law, tlit lion. gentlen en ought to aniend 'no assistance. The stutiggling people Bew;,.-Oill. coliti es to elude Ae re good frbm anybody. versed the m zzle of his powerfulx6ea,pon Ontario and the Dominion belong to it and has be aa leading them reasons agralist ikitroducin' the Bill at out, 1 - and with it the companies. the la.)v and confine e salobf intoxicat- were all rescued by po emen Nvho put are- 170t6' iliallided Scot Le a alid directed it the latt d -militia . force of the North-west ing liquors, in t t counties, to tile out from shore i a bo It gainA the Dolllini6nin- er� Ian 9 de lem. U rather 1111ple,-.isant paths. In as all, but Ithe. Prel�ier disregai d tI (if thd Privy Coup- 111gled with red tape. drug ists, where th 13 MAN stead of the Ontario Act, -it is that it, ilie recert decisi I`C are drugg* tS_ VIRGIN sTiiREAT'NED W1THFAX- on imply str Z,g Ithe earlY Part of the 14 ek General ' id all. What his pre�ent cause f hepitaidn )ality; if there were none, I s Of the bord act, if any, which perper-tes the in- 'bil. 'The. I)6minlo'n Go sold 1. a 10 All ibis was Shown by dxtracts.froni the ill the-ninnicil i The in ia )itA, er-. dleto abandoed the Pursuit and re- may be,' is probalbly - unknown, ieven -to rith hardl e there ouldl be no option but counties of South official reports, y a word of Of CoUrS W , I 7west. Virginia are- justices Which he complains of. But- large tra . tiniber-lauds in the Algorpa ; - . r. Blake, It IS on- I M 0 iled with fainin.h. The S'ecti urned 'to, Part t he has resumed the membera of ohis own -party. The Bill comment by I addr to lie Clise soniebOy se. clear tbreate ct".of the most wonderful cong-loineratio, .-o and' black f,lies. P, f district to larae hinibering comp d.- ree rd of ,official neglect, 11 that Suffered heavily fron-i - di ought last year,. - however tha no oile onteniplatei all.y' is, properly speaking,- not-throtigh the mor . i8n all is contained in the following extract : The a ompany proceeded to take poss4s- particulaN I we remember the t the people who woul be licensed to ell While this year - the, heat Crop is sor have beco in, -6 very troublesome an(l Cause I llittee of Ithe )vhole yet'i ior,what is er- uld be tavern . keepers. 'ef, d - d the comi Aaain- the owners cannot vote: - only sio ch a affqr to the tr6ops. All the of these lands .and cut-tim6er ri le� 17.081fl. a of giving rebellion four liquor wo We meagre as to afford little reli h -where they reside. � Dr. �Colemafi, the- knoivn as the *ncy clan I se 'has yet Ce"S Star bf lo alf,,y ill this last race have tavern. keeper in' the town of supply 6f corn is nearly exhausted, or or cl I it would be FL M essrs. STORINT. them. The Ontaio, Government broualit his' tavern away- -�-Anfimber of �ersons 0 t, ed at have bqen NJ Cse, D. A J-4 to -be voted. 1�.' ts b eca prisone -q& r odriab wl o keeps arely possible that f hard to ray am. ling perti a le c at a special officer was from the par b of the town, -so were killed and injured, nd,m, tich, de- where tl Ley are confi-ned. otilers, owl pro in action in the courtato eject tl om-. -no aus' provides lillagme. this I ney all e, (wliith ii individual who t to a drug- veral ridinga,- 6an votw only -in one, pany from their lands, � ad requirfti g th a ries of theirRigh Might' sent %o collet,.tt 1 arms, and tile CQIII- that a W struction.Of property caased by a fui it is SW, that Mr, Christoher' Robin- Se M e l inesses, i on his them to pay for the th h ber't' - +, k off D10, roll'. , 80ou gist to get a pr'escrip 's- ous Storm in Io Ffiday night. A and Dr Colem. an has tenants re Stru wa, on son'. of, �Ioronto, hag bee, i'reta-ined by the hey had cut... the 1-1,evising Officers, as well as for their- pam�s we. -it allts were passenger train iva property in townships, who are ;�siessed a he rebellion. (1reen certificate could not, �f ii s struck by the 4b . or, but th retalliers, the. clerk and constable), may fterl that c me off the en -f for- the prose- so. as to - do The.dealsion of the ebuit, which was overnm the stzittlte P_ untrted, untralliEd men were sent to the prescribed, get his proscription. complet- cyclone and blown Co pletely d - a couple and e -havo- staggered, the', remier a little. owever, en -tion the ��risonera, of doctor pays the! taxes, b � cainat given -a few days -ago, ,as to the 6M at - front to be made targhts for rebel rifle- edi but would have to. travel to the track, the passengers bout putting the Not',that lie hesitated., French Canadian lawyers from Quebec vote under the liew Ontillo Bill for a that tiie tiinber, as well as the lands, 1 �e- xpel doubt, he -nien. Probably blio;We -wbo fought and docks, a mile distant to this tavern 1lonsf All be ing only bruised. people to the e ise, for, no k had formi lio S y escaping w Councillor or Reeve out of Sez&rth ; I to 0- d at Duck- I .1 part of keeper's place -w ells nothing but %�7ijl; ic ak ae d d Riel.. It is not yet "own: yet his tenants 1 an, Ong ntarioj that 'the: 6overmileat had duly consid[ered tbat.before' bring- w le ho ina'not be -$- lbert. liquor. I trust the hon. gentleman will -1,, f Posed of the propert� wrongfully,a] Id ing in the Bill, but because he may have one of the collipaille at Prince A V efficient trah HU 7,h It It trial M-1-1111 conmence. There Worth 50 cents,. shirt, boots and - coat, dis ne ar- Had there beelumi! led make,souie amendment by which out- ron Nc tes. found it necessr to make Sol y barga-i# lit to t le. ind cot Id I�ot longer be 1 I et of any of th e -that the company h9ve no -e- and. this is true, of e troop a b ein,gr into th rig rangenlents with his followers before N oluilteer force at Prince Albert, the I rages of this k Ir. Jas. Dunbar of awanos left that h olads by virtue of their purcb�ase from f ie putting it through. All Quebe hat b Id nro P some Now-, just count bow many ellio'n *o bably never have.: been perpetr�ted. I do na 5 an pose e es Wrdere :ome. -1 - U liani ast we6k oil a trip to Eng - the wealthiest. m6 in Seaforth will be anyth aboi it them, but the heard Of. -Even 4ad Riel. succeeded in knows RM deprived of Vot6s in townships Where lis facts ar ominin, nd are -consequently trd this and the rice they'aire !to get land, going by the Allan Line. en few half -breeds under I e as have St4ed, If my 'Wni. Stirlig, of Goderich -township for their railways (of -.which I shall a., liv a and must give up possession -ad listing a `A seiry t they have to payi taxes; nd how many passe-ir banner, they would.have been scattered inemory Serves me ,right, only two of Englan speak later on) is i io: doul)t inade 1with a haa colt froin his d 1) a eeks ago, we I er' ng taxes in. pay. for the to the -fou -ths 3 Yu blished aA le,tt ving in the - conn tiniber. il�ey* cut. nd ie- r. Winds by the -swift onslaught licensed druat,ists are!a1lo*ed for every -Twel ty, payi view to include in,the,bargain the sup- mare, three weeks old,. which gh. Seaortb, cannot have 8,.ppoint- inetermined men coming upon tb6m be- 4, 000 in ts, yet! in the village of at I 'little * ore,pf the Bleus' lie clause. After 0 alt a say. in -in has th fd :from a. Conservative ' which de th oved. Thus ga P for tl feet 8 inches, alid weigh 220 lbs. I ig the men *bo, levy taxes under will fore they ha thr. e to lay such 'accurate Dungannon, with only'200 people, there wit4 vaipis questionst of Public int tyrant Moxvt" prev Its tile conamittee of the whole: stage, McLaughlin, of the 1.2tit aildd, and the rigb d erest. the Ontario Act." are two men selling Ii' and the hon. —Mr. John come tl a 1 a a colt which and property ie third re (Iiing stage, when the Flails, or dig sual excellent rifle pits as of Grey, 11 in t [le a ),re, A concession aerred to several of Ontari� have been pro- they.:, did. Mr. Blake,, after readin geutlem�n's- own Bo=License Com of t, 9 easured 3 f et 8 inches in height when a Here our co4esponderit perpetrates arnendleuts moved in, commiWe will e sue we tected from. th 0- from1he reriorts this mise'rale piece of le, I raised- by our correspond- e en�roaichmeuts' of D missioners bad to notify these, very tav- 'r the very -grave absUrdity of mixi come up io be'�ormally.. vote& upon �Ive vroose, n V to take up a g up minion I '- Canadian history, ask�d the government ern keepers to whom they had given a. 0116 day old. ent,, anc aggression ted by spite andwben the Cons' —In Goderich the assessment oil eight prvatives.who sup- i the- Olxi6rio Fra' Inhis aw Mu.; I vore, not to accept the d on appeal $10,150. few m - 9 - I . d I and -to explain, whether they. bad altogether license, that. they 1 e., leaders ma have -and maevolence. T'll ag ecision &160 port this uselesia, � unconatitut,ionA hotels was reduce 11 . e ut ve an ' given up the idea of volunteer corps in. certificates of a nicipl law which axe two separat6 nd epensiv ;OP or- Certan do�,or, because ohn meas el will ha In Clinton the same nj6iberf hotels f org, Ditte i, the points ral� ed &Ad also to looks.as if:the boast made'by Sh J the ' Northwest, and if they had, liquor inatead of beina� vended by retail distinct acts. It is. quite true that un- tunity of declarin so in th4z face Wall got only $4,200 taken ofl mal e 01 T remaks, more easy of Ppli that _.�Ino One stick- of.Aii-n-ber nor- one men ad putt leir vle,Ws, on how they expect(d', to,'avoid a almost was being vendedby wbole�ale.. 1knew of ITranchisiel Act, a person 9 r this doctor ertson, of the lor the Ontario Mounted the case of a person whQ'W;e11 —Messrs. J. & D. Rb t, reprodIiice on e, of his State. inde increa3e of - the ioil�we unce. of mineral" from, this 'territa y Before' droppin-cr the Fraehise Bill 13th concessioxx -of Grey, have 30 acres Call); onl i the n Police force, 'as settlement advanced, and to obtain a'pint for 'S- y in medicinal purpose , vote i of fall wheat t1w average length of which d we shA mental, Z CON inence Where 1will ever go Ito Onta4,� is like inally however I sho mention an ii1icident in connec awhich he re-sidesJor a m6niber �f? - the the complidation of the situation in- id lie gave him a, cerfific4e-for a gal- left I ff the -former obeasion.' Ou simila threats not -eased. r likely to be ft tion withdt, which 6reated Ion, and it -was only when the -mail went will be 3 feet 4 inches. We hope this i at deal of'c(minetit at the thne, ci S-laive Assem S' does a gre, Legi bly, but thi -act! dication of wba the Iwads I! to the liquor vendor that he found out a fair in correspc filled. and will no. doubt Create m6r�. A ino- 11ANDLuNG A-MIN13TER WITHOt'T GLOVE8. not in any way iftterfere -with -his -rights lie had the certificate f)'r the laraer be at'harvest. I ID in- erected by tinder the Act Minister of Militi-, quantity.' This allows the ilecessiky, to "Then'the crime Of taking a tion b "i —A fine I;ank barn is te valy le y Mr.' Paterson, respipeting plac- Caron' tb,,- I -which permits 3 1 C) -the people fn- Indian voters oil the list brought up l"zi-bertie 1 of --by apomitiog VOTING Oil the Scott ket took- looko'd at his lea(,er as Mr. Blake sat 11r. Geo. Hutchinson, I,j th concegsion. 4 er minicipalit� he -the drug- confine the sale --isters, yet. see what hbei,- bini.6 vote in. whatev place in I of liquor to isinj � a discussion, which, before it losed down,and when tie Premier nodded, rose JBarr o Ashfiel(L -.N1r. W. G. 'M ardoch - has the the counties of Perth, and Middlesex gists in the- locaity. �Thereds not so much ties� Out Yrio took a,,Vay. They toGic t1fe' owns & occupies st-Aficient property to covered the whole question of '11ndian tore�ly. TliePr4�iiiierwi.,;c-lylt�eptoiitof danger of the law being interfered with ilason work- and Mr. J0 i ,Matheson is Donald Macmaster, a the niuss. Mr.'O ron, no doubt, thought the carpenter. D-wer P1 appoint -all Division C yesterday, but lip to qualify him as a voter. 'The tile hour of going suffrae. Mr. Municipa: 0 , i - a Confined where the vending of liquor 1 to press weWer-e unablb to ge�t the ie- yo 61 ellks in balliffs,.and hoe nsect 'a - ung NIontreal 6wyer, vb� represents lie slaw his clear. His principal —Mr. John Taylor, of the township- law and tl voters at. to the druggists. They. ae generally 'N p inish hen which and ciDm, In, isioners, f porn, the peole. Glengarry, b is native - county, spoke ii e qualficaions for suit. It is the general qinion, owe argument was that the Oppoition woul( of , lorris, has a black mnuicipal electioris havenot been changed defence of the political enfranchisement not �iffve.hirn enoi gli.money t.? --nien of tolerale respectability, and they has a -peculiar habit of la. ymg eggs meas-, Our I rresondent, evidently, misa, pi - the' tem'peratice carry Oil have an interest in keepind up that -re- tilat, tvill s6c ve in the sli at degree, and und of tribal Indiana. Mr. Charlton had*re- the a s- the reasons for obj�e�tilicr "to ghte er I?r.' e militia of the North- -�r the ordi. uring .8 by 61 inches, nd she does it pj_ other victory, and ill�t irs of t1. spectability ; but, if you allo the act will )e, erred incidentally to the atrocities com- west,. that the -w1ble, question was under quite often. Coleman, D. D. Wilson, Mr. Gray, and tavern keepers'to Al liqu the &ppoiatmeat of these Rev ising Bar- mitted by the Indians upon Jesuit nlis- consideration, all I that the Opposition or, as ties, unless e austbned in both 'couh —',NIfr. James NIC-DO'nald, of Grey, is all the reat, now-.mjoy al the privileges nieryy risters. �I o intm sion'ar.ies in- the e�rliest days Of 'Settle- were iinpatriotic. TI;is plea of w.ant of t I. are permitted to do in my awn having his barn enlarged by having an uuc�rtanty occasioned. by the Sena;e they ever did, ai-d can Still vote for nient 111,Cnada. Mr. Macmaster'ought county, 'it is better to repeal the Scott addition of 20 feet placel in the Centre. these off [cers that threatens the liberties aln�.n patriotism is like the plea in a suit oil, a, Act at once and have no liquor licenselaw use an municipa officers,who impose and kec,u- dmeht.s will - cc nepectA d to make it- appear thii, Mr. 1. arlion due bill when stallips were still in right also spoke 0 use. the p �,ple­, fr. John Roddick, -of the'saille town - but the (Itities assigned Ilse at all. Sir Richard CartNv evers ared that be( . t� h Aaxei in as al of public opinion-,. or create i I - bad deal, r "a r After everythin else was alleged the them by 1he Gkovernment and th powers late their. munioipal ..many of th nd said he had received ship, had a fine new fraife, 50 by 'O feet e matter a _e )f cestors� wCre thus Savage, the I dians.' e (C di6renev -and,letharay in the.ranks pl a of stamps' was put ill. � 0 self- ed last week. letters from the county complaining of 'a" municipaities as they haye property to with wil 6h they are inivested. If they of the -preseiit, day should n t be res0ecting supporter of the Government —A.fr. Richard Bakel of Goderich -tho e favorale- to the Act.: e same state of ario, --eltion affars as had been' are nece nd'are no' - If that was ale he ig a speech towil-ship, was under tile necessity of -id - It's theOi I llbi;yetl to v6t�, no ys tbilil a of ninch tb " I t et owed With qua"'fy them illeritioned. He yy 1101V thoug)# th&.re were many -vo 0 -i -s 'o -day hoped the Premier, who sl�ould be disfranchised, vast that ) is atention been call to the Law and not the Munici &.1 La t with and. the -,00d young horse last week ii dangerG z poers at out Putting this. illi hilling a person Object e d VI1379,3 iiitiol-ityptit-iiotliiii(yel-.3eiii. matter, .11.0111,Ll See that the proper reme- ran away and has been, chi aaed. Uiider the Ontari ation of 2 A cut' the coi ds in its legs on appointin to thek ent by the Govern- �X�IE resign Nfr. Glidstolie he saiii, extending one d d�icate' white ill his reply, pointed to tile inister of. the wbiffle-tree, - aii(I a iisdquently had �ginally sio6d, person his collea es has been dy xvas applied. Sir John would not agu bccepted by'the hand to emphasize his W ment. Put Nye ba�re alrea Shown that Law as it ori ords, dy nY Nklilitia as a illa]] sworn to keep his de- to be killed. could voe in, as maxy electo�al distric en,,an d Saisbury the Conser- ancest(Yr- change his Act further than to incorpor- e Qu d Lop a in-the.Hihlands of Scotland 'rtincilt in n ef icient state, put there ale with it the ju(Igin' ie A since Som they areinot neeessarv,because th, workc p short thile one broke as at Ve leadek, b the people for tht pti�po.se, and beld Court. lie. admitted, that stich abuses into the Ebenezer oil the Mait- 11, d- 'were Savages .150 years go." 'If Mr. he bad property in, but u der t1i e V as been alled'upon an ent of the Snpre, th6y a- expected to- do is, no -AV �ffi_ierit_ by a t new he ca, n only vote for Pne cdndi- hu consented to un(tert Macnm�ster bad hi8 t-stors responsible for the 'duties of his office, as those spoicen of by.'Mr. Cameron were land concession, Goderich'townsbip, and the fornia- 3 thin the communion fa licestors, or It Ilia yet this mn, wit I a niajoiity of *t -%Yo to insuffer ly r4nd a ctorilv Perf ed by eKIS were, u6body else's a tore up thearpet wi (late, and th at on. m ust be in the ridin ' tiol, of a Government. ''�'Tliere is & good we,. able. " The reni'arks of the lionor- i2lig offic rs,xvhile the powees, iv -6n th elli 9 e different from the'other people of one at his back; 'a majority that had railinig,'Itc-aringitto shreds andperforin- 91 I Y in which he resides. This, hol'Vev'4,, is deal of kickig a m tILe their d it might h&ve ooked v able nieniber for Huron about the abuses if exercised 8vould be a clear iner&r, oted extrc%vagan es of ever kind, ing other acts of vandalism. Z - 0 I y under this Act," lie have reach- - like a i ere personal referened to some to all enorhio pioneer ence with the rights and liberties of amount, was afrai(I to --Alr. Ar6h. Fisher, e of the quite right and proper, and recoggilizes Conservative leadets, but� they ae all e I in us t d4LS- ask Parliament for money enough to 1) .011 person T whose memory '11 ad ine and have recb,cd my collearrues a principle, -which -Should' hav' business men of Willahaill, With hs the Peole. As the Franchise Bill was 6 been for office, and it. is likely a -Go, �Y forthefirsttinie. Any.stichabuseas lie honor without anybody seri uAy riding unifo I d for fi v e -village OIL Monday last, r n companies of men. family- left that r duced to re 0 But it was intend'( ne Ily to W cognized loD ago. The. revenues of ernment will be form'd, although t1 e fault. ith. but I (to not Parliament those �g e ener More thn that? f ie ppogition, far from states.illust be -dealt for Paisley, wh6re Mr. Fisher intends the Province, un like those for muilicipLl n&nie3 have n mark a distinction, betw6en s.uch Y ien as declaring against suppose it call be dealt with in this Bill. _fficers given the poNver to Say who ot announced. the expenditure, bd OInCr iii -to -the milling purposes, are not. raised by direct a the geeralopinion, however that the sh -Se- Such a total disregard of the spirit of the nce a led- attention to the i r. Mernaster and those who - preceded more than o I never heard before that there could be r. Will. Ha:stie, teacher in S d'%fho should not vote —they txa- i -chool them W 150 years—these the p�nk of tion or by assessments on real and per ew Government must 1je i P e gentleman says ecided to - : 5bbilt li�dd as The houorabl ' had the a -Wer t-9 deprive a m. all.* of his n civilizai�ion, tho' I 1�orthwest cor s nd had as] ad that Act. SectionNo. 4, McKillop, Ilas.d se svages ike !be. In- they should be kcpt in all efficient state. take a medii6al course, Ati. resians his sonal property, but are Aeri' d e d iliat- doctor, not a tavern4ceeper, gve vote he couldossibly have no Wo- ve from it can ot secure Stlfficie�t support in the dians of th ay of the e rly Je u t Mr B k e3linister position as teacher at inidsummer. ay ala e s'denu ciation of th a certificate. 'for a aallon whn a earpss frem th nussionarie piut peal or r eir decision.. Th- license fees, timber du�6§, and interest -on' -bile it� ig e. a, It was hardly to be won- for this failure in his diit�, was enoiigh he be as successful hi the dical as Ile s=House, A �ceedingly dered at that Mr. That - me would CIO for niedicinal purposes various illv'estmeris,- so that. as a ener 660 Campbell, of Renfrew, has been in the teachin prefession, ant in-teflet rule I if ag al riwould -to have c�inpletely snutre(i olit', 111, I as a and flagr illi l must be all allopath and he is re- 9 himself. an old Glengarr� man, should more intelligent or less �ondeited man James Thom the rich Man. does not contribute 'an Tr 6 th position. ri solved not to give hoinw-pathic dose& psc n, of Bayfield -wittlithe f4hAsand liberties of thpeople, . - t � + se, nd, in his native Gaelic rebuke than the let with a very painful ccident there-&' millist r of' lVilitia, but still That is ' ther n intangible promise ili,ore to thi I revehue than 17A, as. our coriespondent admit. These the poor mn., the young lawyer for thus dishonor' ng that gentleman not Jfe few days ago. While descedhigthe are the reason ell' 0 uring ,sought to get out of his difficulty by on the north Side of I he river one To'us� our c rrespolide'litsT%vii illustra�- the memories of men who lived d Arben the grievances are so great. a th appointilient LE Brantford Telegi'm, e lea in � 31ORE 3IONEY FOR THE BLErS. bill 9 one of the proudest periods of cotland's finding fault wit], one Od Mr. Blake'�$ wheel clne. 0; . I � tion, Dr. Colema, D.. D& Wilson d;nd Conservative paperof th The Government has laid on th.6 table was b,"efted to, and. we hold that they! e history. The Premier- has often 'inter- off the ve iicle and 'Mrs. Mr.. Gray, tatemets 0 t on the ground of resolution Th onipson. fell out and h -ad. her leg fac- thou f fac are good-, aind ��ubstaitia reasons. But gh they:* n�ay own pro., report' the, I fered to drag his assi* in favor of increasing the as,ault ca�e stants out of" diffi- accuracy, but w1i en the Minister's own perty in ev-ery municipal in culties into which I ubsidies to the Short Line from Mon- tured. ottr corrisriGn(lent ti-ies to jtis�tify one. ity in -the which OcUrred on -the Indi reierve hey had been betray- report was proLu count t co, ced as the uthot- 'treal, through the State - of Maine, to Notice has been filed of n applica- 'The witnesses ing, but he evidently felt that Mr.I.X '5,000,000 rong b quo -is com Y, may still no ntribute to "near that city, ays: ed by their ignorance and lack 'of feel ity for the ttei lent, Nlr. Caron's dis- al tion for a iieNv Division C ourt at Blyth. i W ting � another. H wore !, � I - lac- Halifax I id. St. John. to P cil eventie t the p 1.0111flture was Complete. He had the ) It will collie lip for action. at the-Deceni- an crorest `,Y�ere all Indians de what Was promised last a towever, does -not hol,d troo, di. the Provin al R ei �ti The good sense to see it, and Was Silent. year, and in favor o increas -ber Sessions of Ahe Pence.—The Fall some'of w' about doub horn could masti-r was beyond his reach. of their t 11. Its, and hence it is but just it 1i exiough as it a ub In takOR-A to tlien-aselves the power -to ap - 11 t speak English, re. matter was bad oing th"e a - td�rihg an intet - food, He 'The Prime Minist too crafty - to sidies to a rival line to the North er was C1 in reach of NfrAllake's between Montreal and Quebec, to $1, - Id only be ted Mr. M&cmaster's Place himself Witt ISShore, and right that _they sholi Assizes for this county be"'held at b, might have, repudia point Dix erks and' reter 'necessarY. They were n t ­ . - I Goderich on October l8th, before r. eqtial contiol'o utterance,'but be -did not choose to 40 SO. sledge hanirner bloAs and renia Tnatice Armour. and hote-1 .�ectors the Ontario Gov- given an ver. what they a orn on the Bibl 500,000. This is shriply the usual itib- e, b by the Gie THE DEFENCE OF THE NORTHWE$T4 n y ax� equ Of have o I l-in-tereat in. lVe are Spirit in hom they believed. ",' Th !e On.Tues day.last the Premier brought sidy to Quebec Province. The - Bleus silent. - The ote was'passed by the III erni;lient,'i'd not in 41ty way interfere ---:-A abild four years of a-ae son peg, sure laiia, forward his motion in favor of chine majority in silence, though not have been kicki for a long time. NIr. J. of fell wiW the� rights of the le. On the at in �vieiv of this eq tion our tridiais -on the Brantf�kd reserve iricreasw man d ndit. 9 red to def( nd 't vil�'a�ree .'ith' us" that ing. the Mounted Police force to about This fixes them untlill year. into the river at the dam, "in Lower a correspo en I W witrary they r6ilovbd the power from am Ong the --most intelligent and THE OF THE ACT. A. B. J. ay nar Wingliam oil Sa.urq- last, and the rights of all ate most 1 100 men. He did so in his usual! style an anthality that was hilo, wayirespon-_ still safe, and tha highly cultured in he Dominion 11. and rowly escaped drownin without a word of comment or explana- Sir John Ma(donald proposed, on Had it not sible to ithe pe no one.has been given an n abeen- for,the courage of another boy ople and placed it in the u due-advan- yet even -these still 'adhere to iheir tion. He knows that the ha ks N1,110 Tuesday h. t. to r ad a second time, the tage over hi�:. neiuhbi)r by the -idge he bae sunk hand,S. O One is, directlyreaponsi- OAthrio support ill thing lie -to -suspend thDse parts of the Do- News'of the Week. hanied Locki :Paga ireligion and. many of them are him w ote for any Bill for the last time. ing' Frnchise Att. ''to propose without asking for ?a 0 arise of interfer choos million Lie Act, which have been un ble to speak- English, and- these, declared it ( s —The news has b received that are any furtlier reasons,beyond "party Itr t vre by the Supreme ment -has condepin ii spondent see-mA to the people who,,1-hrough with thl lib(�rties Of th Agai OIir a re e people the .61r n� ad cholera il)Odul&' Dinican-MeLeod, son of Wm. cLeod T the mediu Court. This Bill, it will -be remember- tion, (if exigencies " and he believes �bat he -has etually secured to them, liber. tliin�k Sir John, - Alacdonald Was succeeded in killing o 'evk formerly of the townshipf Morris, but a ! jok- Sir John Macdonad's Franchise Bill ut, -rything like ed, is founded op a ii�otion by. Mr.. . glltHoil.�JoliiiBright how of Manitoba, is dead a t In riv public se tilent 'in tIfe cou: try The Q. Cameron, early in the session n(I e- i-3 Seriously ill and b is friends fear that in bout 125 acre ag i�g w� hen e admitted in the House will be laced- o' the teirs, list�r, ties of which they had been 'dep ., He ]I d pu P 14 Vo anc ie Bill 9 of a op this spril ed- A for instance, in th& case of that' his F an Opposition leader suggested that the cepted, with. -s§nie r4uctance by the his const: utio is breaking lip. a would 'etend will be, given the right,� vote. It i a X1 House' and it proved nio.re than 11 system could Cowt Clerks and baili ff -ight to vote to -Pound-maker, Big sad, howe er, that in Jer to g' 'op should hear some eas ns for this le mo- SARAH'.S VILL.1 Sarall Stand, as he took sick oil the l8th of Donthe I v 0 Prime Minister. Speaking oll tl - ain tb e Pr osal which involved an, additional tion for a Second reading i If ieron Bernhardt's villa - near Havre has been These ofl �eials xrere arigin d th6 oth.4--triba,l Il' -A - Call ap LdUhs ri'l'uSt -May, and was a corpse or. tie,24til. ll poited Bear an, dians in the -fight to vote, these In Public expenditure of baif million expressed reget ht til I 1 ;.a ie 'Preinier had sold at auction. The furniture brought —Whitfield's posse, "appo Northwest so t dollars- .-a � year. *not stated in th Bill, x0lat inti -,lent and the by the 1, Cottit Judges, wil are sOOk' as fll%t portion of the same property qualification as whi e Sir John Macdonald lie (Mr. $5,000. rose with a weary air, as if a l6th concession, Grey clilli - all have been, lie thought Cameron) could- n A posibly at te. in th PRECAUTIONs.—Chi entirely a epen of the people,while the Donihiqll is ven representation, in in e This also is a fallacy ad the th e cagobealtha-a tak en f roln _�Ithel air Cuit y the confer - e whole thing a terrible bother, and resolution, the po ctioris of the Act wb i h ities are makillf, -to en- ence this year and put alqh nalv the a -Vigor g with Ken- -areappoizedbythe GO"vern- Parliament, land 1,1.e seen?s - to �tbink - us statement is - made to" delude. The '&a if he could not understand e to be suspanded. Some courts sure the safety of the city agai why, any wer ous efforts m eat, ho are directly responsible to Very- dull witted �Wcatise� M�e could hot white'llia must earn Ilis 'qnal 0 =,aing violation of oiltbreak of cholera. list ali fryn, thu's forming a new Circuit. To atioil man could be a asonable as tO ts- held that prosecutions r ific fo P!Dinp f Well perhas for reasons f Act, in a -rourh the In, see he _t. joke. anq must possea� it in bih owi1x- right anJ the P�bH6 ex- at be under the pro' -o Ethel, Roes the. peoi�.e th or inci the Scott mke -up for jthis loss 1; the mat Ot enditure Ie declared thatthe rebel- F OUNDERED. —The steamerpeke Hall appointment aid Union b ve been taken P a ver retkin it. The A oun- froill. Brussels, so that � e I.ttter now I i -I a cyclone in the Gulf of Aden Stands as a station. er el hotel ispectors, the a- it was a jo, if so tit 1 wa Indian o the other hand lion had nothing to do with. th tion -should be 14aced beyond doubt. dered i n S k bttt' I cedure of the LiCE rise Act. That ques- from Liverpool for Bo ibay; lia f po"11�9_ -power wc%s siftlrlY removed �nopportunej,time fo was in e pro r sich joke8, and a hag, his qualification g to him by tb: ed- increase—that it ten&yl There w poin ive� e ere other ts,rnd to some of f r 0, in- one representative b with only one survivor. ody to another. §ubject. was.not at a,11 -il' carr thernhedrewthePremiefs att he Is ot allo- weq t h dact ated Government and y out this scheme before'the rebel- ention in Arm3 were passing f 0 I the fo, Street in Wingbani a f tments-were made to inspire mirth, lion broke out. . What further Foim.erly the aPpoin PRINCESs, BETRICE3,�,WEDDIN-q CAKE. up the illain increase ]lowing brit F and -forcible way :_ ew 'ell olii,evitizeus ae dispose of it,neithei can h be depri ' - —The cake has been ordered for �ricess �everim_ ago, the flar, they were carry - h ve d 'by Ocal municipa councils, now being slanah iqri from their it t tak ini )y the out- "The hon. tlemaII (Sir John) Beatrice's wedding. the terediand dr, of would be made ecessary nor have -ell. fro. hi 9 It will weigh two in rs w av M. a in satl - .,break he. did not say. - The ob ect in authorized a ed in the face of Ir. Will. Mid- pe, de by- the Govern.m.elit homes iu liu,�dr n of' his hon the incrqase in the Bo of -License C millis- hundred and fifty pounds, and will re- leD's . n air they a on making 0 n horse, causiliZ it to r ay. Mr. edL is lao� iie time -w-hen" fa eit deb a.- If -a white' -force was to sioners to enforce the law this year. In pose -on a pedestal of gold. the recommendation of the representa- the chief rul�r otect the border, i ust 9A in to h on when of tile cOuIltry shotld feel m runs in debt. he pr to pre Mullen bad property upon, vent Canadian Huron, which is a Scott Act county DiED.—J. H. Rutter, president of the the horse started. It rar tive of the People. So that, in both Very Mitch 'like rancher)s cattle fro ill W419 passing jokes ;'aixid a wh he qualifies can be - seized ty New' York, Central iail-way is dead at Donalds yard, where it was stopped in, �eing stolen by having adopted ff e Act by a hla�jori into Dr. _Mc - Cases, instead Of the liberties -of the measire whiel .0poses io 'lull Americans and Ita bri-bg to Summar of 1,600, the enf6rce his honle in Irvington. y Boar undertook pr ve the. red sold for that'debt,, but �ho Indian pa, justice raiders from tile Canadian si to Without doing any damag(. people ha,.vinglye de the Act. The hoi I. gentleman laid down MI�DAINIE NII.S.I.')O,%� GAIN -s HEit ACTIO -N. —Mr. en taken aiway or inter- handed -murderers equIl. rights with, run in debt as much -is is permitte I *ho stole'eattle rom. n -le tewart ca;tle buyer, of ae am's do- in the Act of 1878, tlldt ;n counties —Madame, Nilsson has gained her action Will main. The force bad tp be divided up where it fered witlli they have actually been Con- civilized and law abidingi citizens is not to and therop�erty on gham, purchased rece: itly f roin Mr. ich he. qu,,,. -on was ado ed, liquor agaips e served., a suitable subject to jest about, F�hd the fies is could be t her late husband�s relativ a. Peter powler a cured to him by law and ve been ordered to pay her 98, -pair of fat cattle into small parties now, drill Could not sold for certain purposes only, medicinal, who h& Blueval� i -oad, a choice C& I -be kept P, and the whole thm*'% was art and manufacturing, and only on the 400. scales at I whi I VV u turned the beat proof we. caiiaL give hn not be eithei seized or il for'his debith, becoming demoralized. Mr. 810 and 1, 810 11 os. each. Nfr* e aP"i quOtC from Our coirespon- tl�at Sir, Jo, dent -, �, rep n ND 9�ANNT FonrEfT.ED.— SteVart says he nver I f(pe had any to ant what he sahl, Consequently the Franchise'- lied i one of his ablest and sale of liquor caur. was in earnest and me Bill, single a lake certificate of the I roper aiAllority. The Immm,-qE LA �e A 111 in the Dom' on is to be found �in the fact -that af otbe effected -without Am order for forfeiting the bulk of the equal them in weight and juality. 1r. ainta te i's ter out t�isjgnoirant., Pagan IndUn, and b most Iling speeches. He: had evi- . a license obtained from the Board, ail Maxwell land grant, which throws over Fowler is dese f as y -es me right th r*, 1119 0 BM_ k fairer than the Ont rio. th Same proposition. w discussed in giving him these pee dentl prepared : himself with great if iny memory sery d m all credit for- ial PAV ileges, de�- e Board a million 9nd a half acres of land to bringing these cattle care.. an C to Stu & a state of d, bad all the' facts at: his have, the power to li ense either a drug- public entr , bas, been issued by the perf ec, y tiOn. Mr. Stewart likewise pur- e va .1 P 9� la ti t ly 94 e�' 0 nr re i ic r my 0 9 JUNE 19, 1880'. -chased a padr of choice 3vir. Isaac, Wright,- of Tii thergood bree br, tha ' t wi -also three choica steers fror -9th concession of Turnbern, 3 -0, All these choice " ,65 IM Saturday la.,it for foreip,,, m; —The Brussels Post very., remarks -. It a great I . medical mefl, pr,osktiti fe tifi(la . ssion by issnin icej- one asking themannot be 1. severely for We same_� Tht pl.,e of tbLi - unprofessional Wingliam, Seafrirth an,11 SureYy the- -will, this to pass without their _fl,evival meetings ar.- Ix ed in Gorrie, with marked 4A. building, has been crowd<_A heay .largely, attended. who has charge -of the . � Vjue it, ea-viiet an, ai el n ence for go- od -svill long be h 0 a M -Ong the, luenibersbip of but upon all dlloinatiouR —There is (juite a booln'! operations in the- South part.; shiip of Howitk tliem are \I -A. ting Edgar, who are putt up dences as i6also Mr. Adam,4 concessi,on ; -Al.r. Jimes an aditiou. to his houSe7, Jardine, a Comillodious Messrs. D.-Braildock and new bank- barn each. - Jami -sou ,rnew- barn. —The - Morris Corr*esponi Brussels Postsas. Ourgen obt. Arnastrong, Iroes on A P to t9e land holiday tri Over 30 year,; of his life xntiy, where men are part self-made has left, its, friend Armstrong, and, whel ipa his oIA time Con -illous 3 wl they -clear air and free in all the -is country develop, a prett of manhod. At anyrate willing. he -should be reggar& men Canadian brick. TV; 10 voyage and a safe -return. —on weduesday, Juile--z amd farmers" rest WiR onnection with the -� P�vom-cl church at Ashfield, iu th Mr. Deen. Lalke. of I 1 Splendid. programme has b d, of which - a quadrille I es, smeelies and. addresSl gam a part. A nuinber of �cted to be p promix PC, resent ilsteemed antl first resdeir'. Ashfield. - Dinner aaA- 013 Inents will be provided. : Al time- may be looked for. -Wednesday morm.ug -thepeop'le of Brusbel,were 1 rised to hear Of the sut1dei -a, NfeConilell, mother 4. that village, m ade lier lioiile. e ohl I rr Tuesday eN-ening ki- her t apparently, ,on - Wedul Hig, about six wheii -went to her room the vrit fled. She bafl passed awa Struggle lookod as ICGI sleeping. The deceased ww j6ge, and -was remarkably M, age, an. hardlyknew 'what —The Wingbam Times! Scott Act here, altbouah 11 with the rigor it shouldbe,;, success. ' Liquor is undol but not the (j uanfifies fornic Drttilken -men are seen - on our streets, butthvar have no care fok their Every nuniber i- iiia-irified mul reports Circulafed ab to tht� dTumhs" here. It is ext, to eta drink nolv_ana long it -will be ar much Ill -matter than at present, d` men are certainly I)ot so nul ,—The London Advertis-erl maily fricilas of Han' -wood rd-rct to bear Lndo, which cenrred in - T. -last. Deceased born it Erigl=A; and rewve4. t" 183% Since which tiule� shl I -wp mete the vill. -,of Ex . r until It her 11U.-Kild a few year. - which She removed to this t. sinee lived Nvith,her son4n_1 W. Brod�riek. Deceasedv� Christian and ieniber of.th I denoinination and,durilig h, In Londn T_;S a p0guhtr Queen's Avenue Canwliai! church, Tlic remains WerC Exeter floi inter'mi ent. .-A Correspondent at Lo fiela towlsbip, Says: lan, whe has bad cliargef for the of llontlis, lef t on to -attend the meeting of Assemblyat-Montreal-, has-, good dal of earnestnessW Ing hi short sojourn ain. ong-s other institutions he has organized a Sabbath schooll *hich has long been felt in Air. John Armotiong is thA� dent, and is - NNllat Ave nil characterize as - the - righ right plate.", We Predict a brix,ht nd usef ul f tit that,therein Some 'i6wel ed and beightened. for Oe present average ttewtaitv(� h-undred. z I - I —The following is t1w 0U. didates who have ed tion to write at tile- Ilij Schools In � tile �couvty. 4 -ion conlinences ,on the 01: terminates on the Mth. - first-class certificates takes ontoCoillmencing on the l, I-) a -ad OU the 23rd Third. -class ........ 43 Second clasc; ... 15 Second -special ........ I 74 Candidates - are ehar*1 each certificae for half �of this fee is givell to t of each 11i"ll School Rda -other h- alf given to the e& 3 partment, Toronto to Pelises of e &anliii�inglhe difl By this arragement Cliri 't" $89; Goderich, $74; —The other day as Rev." of Sbakespea, co e from the north, TO � -well rounded up, ja drivin-g1ur.1011aly'. o-nle-Ir 1adles' front hub caught