HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-06-12, Page 8- - - - - - - - - CO e u h adj6 rued and no, I
AN. oTHEP.Pio.,m RGwm —Mrs. Chalk, ness� w trailsacteil. —Mr. Charle�
widow- of the late Dr. Ch ik,,of Har�- son i - e
a t the contract for the erec
p ti&4 and mother. of Mrs. Dr. Cole- of a new residence on his fakm adjoi
ly, man,r'of this town, died on Friday -the, town';'—Messrs. -80'ott Brotheir
Di�'TRICT MATTERS.. last -.A the advanced -age of 01 years. this towm-have One himAred acres so
Man'itol c
with her huiband, in wheat on their farx� in.
The deceased, xxily, Scottish v'
response tow many was .one of - the first settlers in The B.airnsfather fai
-n- art of -the country. Dr. Chalk ists wilt give, a fare -well epter
CIM MIMI& we may st.Ac that the Provi this p, held. i iQar(
Fxlyibition, mill. this, year, be at A", a t one time the - leading. - phy- inent h 0 s. Hall on Thur
don, land w ill c >mmence on the 7th ,�-Iclan in7 this, district, aild - enjoyed a evening,Jume S. Uyers of Scottish in
L ";eptember., -very e-xtensive practice, apd few possess- should attend in force. M. I
an close oil the t2th of L The-, Industrial Ex -1 ibition t Toronto, ed more fully the' respect and 46steem. of �-vvent to Mont.-eilon M6nday last t(
01 -the G eral will open on the 7t] i aiid close oil the his fellolvs. Indeed, many bf : the der tend ive(ting of the en
I.M of 0-xn er.. The f all show of residents still cherish his memory-- -%vith sembly of the Presbyteria�n' church I
ing. a, 6
the outh ti-ron A "Tculturl Society, fteation, andtake pleasure in recount- be, . i -e d i t I t ity. --LTV1r. iind will be held -at Oil 'Monday and ing his many generous deeds and skil- W. H. Grassie leave here for Tll�sday, Septealber ts. Mrs. Arthur to-diy. Their 'hia y frib
l4th and l5th. fill professional achievenien u
haiTe no yet reeeived the dates fix ed Chalk shared in aA einiiient degree the -will wislithern success, ill their new
Iy, other societies. respect shown lierbusband, aad �Itlxou,h lations and lit me.----11T`bare glad to her death was not unexpected, when it that Mrs NoIlle Chiff f
now nearly:
L E U V. -XT.—In the clM9 did take place ii caused a feeling of deep co' erd,.and it is hbped she will.be
Eat�. of , Toranto University, announced regret am.ong many friends. Tho fune- to return [home nei week.—Greti
on I Fridy last,. V *e notice that Me'. ral. t'ok place from the residence of Dr. lia#onslare being made for the
'Id NV8-�, formerly prilicipal of ins
Cole an on, Sunday, and the re -in. vation Alinly Jubil4e to -be beld liere
41 a-ndsubseq,nently . hich were ilLterred in Ha purhey cel-ne- W�dnesdi%y evenini, .next, and the
t1den.t. Of -iber bigh school, -won ter
Z3 followed by a large min diers are looking forward for:a
Y,1were the ailver I inn hysies, nd. besidleg of peop I le, many of whon'll. had, side 1-)y tiuie.�Tbere w%s a heavy frost on A I
obi ainea I -st-& Ass ortors iii locric men- side with the -ne tb "Icissl- have not - he
deceased, boi e.-.%"' day ni - last, but we
tal and 16, zophy ad civil poli- -tudes as well as cinjoyed the'Pleasures of any dapliage being done. —The Gec I
ty. , This is it Very brilliant record. It incident to pioneer life. minstrels iha a go house on Tues
is �what 'is double -first. We evening, &nd tbe,petformance- was 1jr
i1eii � better alld has been made- --LSurgeolis' of the k-Wd. The band. is good.
�bt if TERESTING TO TRE srox.
thi� year. representing Dr. J. D. Kergan, and bis. Medical a . ctors were the genuine Abing and
Council of Detroit, areno�jv making a Ibu t cork to heigli
not -equire lly - rn Mr, Mathew Dorsey, tour through .0mad%, and may bov consulted their couiplexions.—Mr. J. Brownell
br4tllet of .Mr. John Dorsey, of this free of cha�gyc at the ComiDercial Hot6l Seaforth,
on SaturdZ7 June')0th- Patients it-ee requested now getting the material laid down
cGle"wl�io--liasl�ee-ii�aresi(-Ientof Denver, t anaid o report withoU all those � afflicted .a, nc%v- brick re exice which he int,
rad.04, for tl ie� p.- at six y ears, arrived with any chronic disease should reniomber these erectino, illissuilixiier. 'Mr.lAcLaugh
visits are arran&ed for- their benefit and avail her! e Ga Tuesd&V last, after' a themselves of thee d.pportunity. for. p4rson'al con- Repristrar of St. Tlimas� and fahei
journey. of five i ly% on a -.visit to friends, rith these -specialists.wbo have gained sultat�on Mrs. Dr. Smith, wis in- town ove
aaffi, ro�latives. Mat " looks to be i n, so ark:616 success day visiting- friends. great a reputation by the rem diprime of ofi�eitreatnient. 914-i the chimae Of Calm ado, and t1i.-ins that C,%.RD OF TnASrks.—The under-sio-m6d OD EcTuR& —In accofda
its equal is to b fo:.ind no-u-bere on this desires to express his sincere tban�ks to the A Go L citizens of Seafdrth fpr their unifeiiiii kindnesi;-
cal6nent. He has a lucrative position -wiih previoui anxxotlncqYQt,' the R
to hislate son, P. S. Carroll., during! his illnew, on the Union Pacific Railway, and- likes and e�qpecially to NIts. Stephens, of the Queen's H. Rose,-!. of Elora, preached in it very m,7L'LCh He' intends remaining and Airs. Jam ds Walsh, for tho�ir i*iremit- Presbyterian church in this own
here for some thfte, "taking in the tin�� attention to the deceased. PATRiCKCARROT, Sabbah last, both morning and everi
GoUcrIch. 914 of Big hts Our E our ishin g town. ad again on Monday morning.
I -D.
GIRL WANTE —anted, ai good girl, sermons were mos,t able and' logical,
mpable of doing all kinds of house Nvork. To.
positions -of., ly -Writ, and were d
8u`talyle pei;W6ie higheit wages will !be given. thitt it ir. the la pils and - ered in a c ear and forcible..xiiiii
%ation Of the pt
Apply to MRs. M, Y. MGLRAN, Seafo#h. 914 c s of the Hig which. at once secured the andiv .,h School to give a To IRP, -.L\ -T. Two good eligibly situated gn ad gardext p,, 4rty and musical enter- city-lit-fooin houges to rent. Apply at Tnk E.x- attention of the people and onvin
tai ament before the close of the. present- po'-:1TOIL Office. th6n) that Mr. Rose is a preacher of
7fel in Athletic a. arts for both sexes ordinary inert and ability. �-The i:
ha; e been'arranget' for in the afternoon, MIMSTERL&L.. APPOINTMEN S. ---�ghe versal satisfction and a 11miraion'-wh
f3which liberal wizes, will begiven. foll owina clergymen have been a;p pointed ihis Sunday discourses coasioned r -i m iedtion is
Oe betNntif til p � nols. in: conn - to the respective cha.179Ps'ill t1i I -vie-illitY forth all unusually large audience to
i ill then be lookina At the recent colif ere
wit-h-the-schoo' nees of M010- lecture on, Monday- evex�ing. The a
their best aid the, -school will be beu.- dist church Stei,ffii, John M .1 Gil Ject of thJ lecture was! "Egypt,
at rei- Goderich orth tiffilly decorated. The very -be peoplej condition, ax1d probable futu'r
frEshmenta -will be furnished to those Campbell G oderich, Victoria! street,. 'Elie. lectre was well delivere'd, all
r&e F. Salton, John C. Pomeroy, one (if tile most ill -ter -listei
�sent, which wir, form xxa,� the least Geo: ir eating ever
tin -g part of the supernulneraty; Clinton, Raittenbi:
Y to in Sea6rth. The-lectuter c9mmen
he I `o� f the coin- Street Geo.11 Richardson Clnton
Ynder t rectioll b giinglintances of the high state
Y - - 4
Ontario civilization which must have exis
programnie is stre'- Wm. A. Sparling ; Sea-
ared, ar d no pans will be forth , Jame Broley; Imesville.1- among the people thousads of ye
tred rellde Wm. Bir �n by tl�eir temples, r tli e entertainnie at labt ks, iis. T. Seager, ]Bayfield, ago, as sh0AV 113911
pb iasmtf tAd �ble to those attend- Tho. Gee;. arna,. Alfio�d E,� Smith teries, pyeax�dds, &C:.;, w C a ek
0 1 hi h till rance, Arch
.11 Nor Vm. Or
Rensa IN or together *iih the eniliamed remailills
eKibbon-;, ensall South. J h B
Q n all kings,, queens, and- otIller dignit�l
-TXLL.;� AvoTuERI—The pioeer resi- Loiadesboro; John Hough; DulagannoIr, who hadt aled ihoasaiids of e
ale" a alle fast cf. We have John Tni-ner Ed. H. West;. Lther, 0. �1
X - Ago, and which eve'n' now show scar c
-perahated; Aubain, James any signs iot decay, Healsogave -*V,
Or to Chroicle I he demise of another Rice su n
III Hugill of the Caswell; Bex�aiiller, Joseph 1114ekhaill; se-ex-ned the inost feasible reasons
t1le, person of town I-ine lietWeelill Itillett and iviltKillop, John Scott, M. Aw;� Kincar-
the great' retrogrosion of the peol.
-ph w1i.ich.look place at illis resdence on dine�,* Jam es McAllister, Jo e, If. He pictured in'glowing and eloqu
Th tirs( last at t] ie 'age of - 65. yeari. Hilts, superannuated t6rhis the grea fertility of th e valley
-Lberly, Geoige the Wile d tI immense resources
d be eli, in ill healt 11Tm. Baugh ; An I h, ;h fok kiply� we a a�nd emed to be sufferitio, Lounds; eo 'ft. Turks, -referred to the deptseverc L know, G 1he country, and
from a �omplicatiun of diseases. John. 'NATa erafnnuat6d;$ Ash- able state of servitude ad bondage
as ; Brus** 6, John which the working Classes' no are
was &L uo,t,ive of Yoi -Englamol, and hasbeenjaresid(-,lit of Caab6da for oer Keml,edy; D., C., Clappison superan- well as the oppressive exacti in
far ty years. If e way of taxation to -which the ae �s
He ii-st settled in the. nuaed, Toronto Ethel, Ri -d Paul y
coi tnty of Yok hut removed to, Huro' Walto Th Saine th, Join' jectedto b their rul He- fuA
y er§
-11, -the recent -troub
yearslagaand settled on-thefa Ot rfave L - Cho"' traced the ciatises of'
�i;he'r I Edwin
-J. Noble; White- and show � d vividly! how it came ab
M-(Killop where he conti"ed to reside B. D. - Bluevaie T. e nng hiu death,. Like m any Of the churill, Thomas) C.- Sand-ersbi Gorrie, that England beca�xle iniolved in Egy
other ers Of Huroa he slicceeded Jae Belmore mid Wrox- He dVoc
p Charlton ated for Egy t an indep
pione dus#,y ancl Ski 01 e
a 4Y 1 in converting, his eter, Sailluel H. Edwards Fordwim d nt exi tence, overneRy and for
forest fa�iii into a Illac-mificelit,fertile and Win. Attawell.
Egyptians, but under,the -undivi
001 afortable hoillest d.' He -:%vas a good ��pervisionand restrain' g and mod
igent, upright man izing influence -of ng a The I
citmen and, , Lo,"'L B�Xrvs.'—Mr. John Finelii the
an intel La neigh, His bird man " of - plis town,
aw I a kind and abli ture lasted nearl two urs in, the
deqLth be ly "recrretted )y al last 1week- Jent�two 'caaries to Mi. livery and it seemed to increase m int
w4o, knew e leaves a widoiv and Bobert Campbell of Winnieg.—Mr. est asitproceeded4 Attbe conclas
Fralie'is Fowler, of the Huron Road,
'ht of a. fa sons and- four
Mr. Rose was tendoired'a hearty vote
e to-, Hull t, is making preparationg for the thanks and we are -sure'that should,
daughter.+. Thre fit aeral takes, plac d erection of a new brick.residence.on his again visit Seafoftb, lie will be listei
farm.—Mr. Wm. Steet,-who lits been
'to by evena mu'ch laxiger audience t
n ployee of - THF, Exposqor. office Ti�, itmi ST(n it —A win ol, all he had on Mondaybight. over five Year% all and rain so In passed over this' f or l6ft on T :esdav last Sun�ay last about f 'for Pi, vicinity on- cto, where he takes charg� ;f the r -of the mate
'FOOT B �T,L.—The fi st-�
Th early part of the day bad inecharxical 4e, , artment of the Times.
clock. C on the Fait', Ground[s oxf -Saturday,.
3be ely ]lot nd at the hour He is a stdaclyl, clever, reliable,�:youug
'Mitchell High Sell
a, -played bet een, sky bechile suddenly dark- man,land thoroughly underst nds every tean-1 and' a team dhQsen princip,
)ran In of his '01181 -, 'I I ness, and is just one of, -lied Z the wir,
L d rose almost to h e -os�e.
dteops� the ind W119 will mak-efar himself from th Lao�i Club of this to
and here a few heavy —' I -� a This maq)l'was keehly contested, neit
tlie h -ric, - Ham. e and position in life. C, W, g a u
of rain T11, but ane soon pass - shae of a side scorilig a o I ntil near the cl
ed ove�r., IT To tlxe north of this, h wwev er Papst has a curiosity in the when Malcolm of N�Iiteliell, by a III
tho were in t so forturiate. A live alligatori whch he . keeps in Ills' re window .ahot secured one fok his side. This te
Arip about two in width and StO and which is a never s . improving very rkidly in the ga
er -iall
extendin(lfterawest to cast with Kill- ending source of int est.6: the an
boy of the period.. He brokight it with and will, before, long, be a first-elIburn ai(i lVintlirap as the centre seerned team.- The tow- n t1eam P
to receive the full fury of the � Oi i. hini fro in. Florida, and although the altliougf� I
at il Ing avery strong g me, were at the
1herethe wind wits most terrific, -up-- climee is scim ewhat cold for it.,'it seems
advantageF-of not h ving bad any pr(
rooting trees and fences in. all t0thriveand may yet grow toits natural I
ous. practice 09
6, ber.-1 The follow
si e. 0 directions-, while hill ell until in. m any Z' - J I lin N . Knechtel, of Brus- were the 'e .0 aR. Fairl
-red 861s , ! town With Ills
,tees tl el gro, ll -as 1 _ sj6t Stinday last in. playei
ph I --a ii iterally cove 8 D R. McDon ld, Ain ; W. J. Fear,
with ice, the stone! � in- some in stances 0 -fil-law Mr. N. Claff. —Mr- James. Wood J. Livingstone, -A. Scott� J.
hot left here on- Monday fo T,eingg of immense si re, Scarcely a bouse: r cot -
i-11 the (Tistrict escaped without land - He will rem, Ain there. during the Hax�st' e,' J. IrAbnd, D. Hutchins
A. McLean W. McDonald.
ballino, some windows brokein by the sumiler, -and perlislonger. . Wewish while the crops cut off and hiln a pleatiint iisit.—We r'egret to —Perhaps the most interesting in
-Lttc -ouud. Fortun ately of the &ath of Mr. George 14ur- was that between Clinton and the R
fl� -ned to t1te g pby, Only so, of Mr. James Murphy, of School of this town. .: The former te
the 4ee p of (JesulatLon is not very ex -
a fine appeilrance, bein
The m ain ftle,v -of the storin this town, w ook place at G ueph 9 p
Iutte(l axi�,.ly about't(n or fifteen ritinute8' oil Ft iday, Mr.- vfurphy "was a eipilly tall, well Soemed fellows,*
& 1finnin-a were too
a have llot of, any very seriolis promising young man of a -boat 30'years-, their- chances and ;previou�.to his illness w' upon as being -good. On the field tl
In several other as a pros-
part�j, of the ecyuntir3 .we -notice the storin , er m -an in Gait. , His death gar -net and,white Jerseys miade a pl
will b6 a bevere berea�rement to his contrast with the royal and
equally if not more severe, and the 11
l(is.-, Oct oned ll�avier, than in this Micha:e1 Keefe lue of the�'Seaorth teaxii. - The sup
of Rib- ority. of the home : team - was mani
bert is erectin- a new brick' house on
distriet. from the beginning.
his, et� in the South ard west of -During the i
a will be the _t and intends coming to. to ona
tax: k -,I-n half time,. MeD Id, Xilloran
Skin the rel)Urt of tile proceedharni of to reside.—Ir. 'Donld McIntyre has Dewar, of Seaforth, a goal ea
th(.- County Council, we publish let,the contract for the erectio'n of a new and during-tibe secoild Inklf time. Stt
that -body hs resolved to brick house on the 164 immediately op- of Clinton inade A.goal the -only
a in site r A they obtained and' Deve iiiix added'
Governwei,it to ppoi t P0 the eL dence of Mr. D - D, Wil- -
I J -1
ich lie recently purch"ased from' Stuart
for this county., son, �N hi other to the Seaforth score.
nide, to the that gentleman. Mr. John Lyons has e old players
pri �, 0 Corbett,'of Clinton ar
Act by the re not dopted the job.�Dr. Smith is erecting a ne-w haelbst none of �heir old skill.
1Y1 This action of the additioi to bid residefice and is making play of the Seforth boys w-ts team p
Was aknof the exteisive iinprov*ements on the grounds to such ail extent�tbat it would be
Xlr. J., Scott Act 'onnaittee. This p- urroun (ling it —1 S' Porter, whose possible to make special mention- of illness, we mant'ioned last'week, isaain playing of any one., The follo-win or
t, fo,tl boy took pail, i i 0 it, sed 1y tb e On trio sufficieatly recovered to be - able to at- -I i 9 t ii tl e match (It -r an Act p, -
at its I ist authoriz- tend I -to bu iness, alth ough : he had a Hanimil
Higgins, J. Lexilltil
iu�n tlie' t to appoint county pretify Shking up.—jhe many, Livingstone, IV. Prendergast, G.
11 Atice requested to do fr.iends of M]r. Thomas Downey will 1) D a J Killoran, D., McDonld,
-n that, be i� getting on So Illy ihe: 0coulay eilthorities, 9,nd while pleased to teal e D�,erra R. Cr6sswell, C. UcK
in this instance the a-ppoiatment will be splandidly, ild his pIlysicians,na"j- lope Captan. inainly for the, purpose of having for his speedy recovery:—We Iearn'that —Th6 proceedings were closed b
pm.-'ecutialls- andex: the Scott Act tried atiother foot7'ball m, atch bet's�mi the re -1 iiiosit excitin. game between, the -magistrate his duties 'will not tired farmerii of -eaforth and Egniond- Inondville Hopefuls and -the Juniors
the trial of these cases,, 18 eIDg arl Seiafortb, wbich res,ulteA in favor of
be limited to and- ville b ranged f6r ad it is ex- he. can adiudicate upon ainy other that pected to take place on the. Agricultura former by one to none. The attenda
may be brought bel ore him. In fact, his grounds at a)a earl y dar. The last one was veryair b '0'ot as large as mi
po,Nvei:4 a,re inch liore extensive created great interest, and -drewl out a I I ut be expected consMerijg it was the, f
those Of Ali ordinary magi.'itrate, iind Ae large crowd and we may fairly antici- out door sport in town thio season. c�e,
HJURCiN E.XPO! ITPPw rrentsw
s ine etifig' t1le action of t, ie last Siluday. Th rain fell in to. opi�xxioji *I W -tJ ho lias been visiting
)ble Ziiri ch. I ending the .qcctt� -�-Mrs. Scot,
Dotnixition Senate 11 �fn r%linhas returned
nee —1111 these notes last w8( & -the collnt;v OH
Act by'addhig. win( a u i I I
ORR#CT1O3�. ]i and beer 41 . e, in —The Linu me g of the Cale -
am a oupie of names �vere inispr1intei. hoine. Ties In. of James * ess - t.,slioul have i!i Atepi 4n( 1s dollinl Society ill I e held oil Frtolifly
][In. ea( suli, as it woulo"t 00111 Drg6 Ress, a�xd instead: of Re v. of the sm crest cei �� I the town fiall.
be n Gei )eficil (46(ts A
,-nd Pl4ely destroy the bei Jnne 12. h, in jue.9ted, to attend.
-M u roe it, shoind have becri Rev. I,)([ ,113o i All tile 1110,11bers .4rerei I 1,4tt 1)� the.Aclo,alld wo IC( a]
Int, M.. Ala rer. 11-e DadDobson, MI)d f nily leave
Pon and 1�"illr$f.'S next week. - Mr. Dob
X0.114E, TO 11'rang, of t.. fQr I) o b, al 1011
tlis' A -age, and I fr. H. alkdk, who h( ;011111101 a farm there. ('Ood
day -rei ides about two in lea. fr6m, here, have luck go Nvith him., Hills Green'. or 90 lie on, a tripto th(.Fatlier Land,1 Ger- . 4 i
-the fRmURNBD.Mv, and Mrs. Joseph rer ng -at POrt
1111 RY. We wish t lent far *ix�ols, a Id Grange Gat rer us'- pleasaut visit and a 5afe return- 114olson. of this plice recently etruix p Stl , ley. U.8 -wp
—Statute bor has commene- from a. very ple srant Visit t On T da y 0 f last ek, being the -
ion. ed in our to8sni, pathillasters a re county, Michig While tiler r.
former Huronit, eleventh annivers ry of the establish-
ing biisyh.unting-uprtktepayiorstobrinitbc-M Hudson i -net maiy I a, grand ex -
en. , Cc n- and not a- few I r9m the tov6aship of ment of the Grallp e 8o �iety, of wi'to-thd service of their Que ere doing welL He cursion to Port stan":eywas arranged.
wu siderable iniprovem( - ts have been,mlao le Stanley, and all i. severa sections of t1le western
nuell plea �gd with the appef x fron Ine
in the way :of grav, -,11ing streets, layi. ig was so I la and it being a f - day a large
al-. down new I sidewalk,%.repairing old ones, ance of the colintiy that he- purchase(*. a peninsu 9 thC grounds. The nu:m-
homas. This.'farm number met on
ete. —Ctops look %% ell in -this viciui t y, farm for his sOn T aY -We have had a f w 'very cold nigl ts ContEans 8-0 acres, 50 of wbich-are clar-- ber from along thq u- was not 4.5 In proportion as
asic rei �,ently,' but ther was no -frost to lo 'ed, na 40 acres v xidek crop. It is sii bu t tlii� ay be
arr c- ated within four i ilea of Marlett, t lie'. froln along other Ilines, s in
any- harm —Mr. G. Raltzman C ure f rom. the
ecounted for in a me neas
A and a smart and prosper .4. a t the Assopiation posesses a salt
at- toi.., bag a ready e oted ten, buildings county se; go d fact
As- this season,,- And lias others ready. lie town, The farm lso has on it a tba low has a good force,of-f aithfl men employ- frallie house and rnary. Mr. 1.1uds n ivell. at Kineardill , and they want to go
got tbelrm,. cro a team of horses a, id there an d. see their pro P,Brty�', Which they
aed and knows how to handle thim to �do x. wweeks. Shortly
7 ssary for $1,800. "lost lik ely will. afe
ort the best advantagc,.—Dr. Bifebalian is all.the im. me
'pie nece 0 -(at oil t grounds the seniors
c t a � gi. after getting
ids busy.' healing the sick, and -with ro d He consi(ers thai he has g preparing to re-
Wor, ld Occupied themselves in
re- bargain, as a &iiii. lar farm' here beautiful
Mess, Mr. W. Aend[erson and X.r. the
ara Clattonaretudyin under:bis instric- briligbetweenthree and four thousand fresh t1le inner. mar,
-oil being covered with well
re- tioills, and they are faitlif til young inE n. -dollars. His son, Al-.7hornas Hadscli, groan. -i so. * ,ers', and the juiiior5
6ble 11 business, an'd iqts witil his family I -.ft at once and w pread table CO Tlipre's. inoney in th ve occupied themselIvIns h,-,wiiigs merry-
?re- 'Nit' 6 eo Uplies the new farm, Although
910 1119, for it. —T % . Hess placed the Occ ious a. id go -rounds, etc.' The t wrishipl6i I OMfrid
3al- new pipe organ in tl e Lutheran elf-urs'pil are sorry to lose our industr -oales- and four
and still mc re band, composed of sh I -
On a few days, ago.�—hev. Mr. Maurpr is enterprising yourg niany girls,
-0 -v,:,IY boys and
801� aUending a five da�yg.' callip ineetina at. sorry. to see them take lip their re- fernales,all comparati
ers, ip a number of
d all farm lE
dence undee a for ign flag, we wish h in an
00(l Crediton. hout two o'clock
h a new hom6. He' is tunes in good�'sty�le. 1, on- every success in bair on ard Varna. u tile �iud of limin to assist inbilildi ig -14r. E. Cameron tobk ;be- c
at . 11 ( , all d after a few
people of platforin.on the urbil �s
gia RESOLUTioNs. —At d meeting of the. up a, -new, countr and the 0 cess
day .Stanley Branch oftl�e.Hiiron cott Act Saniflc county ar to be congratulat d complimentary words Lpon the sue
and prouress of the on er, lie introduced
Ood A� '80.oatiol� held in the Teniperaice Hall oil this acquisitio to'their sL 0 rhe essrs. 1. Itobirison, S. T. Petit and 11,
or. Monday last, a unanimous -vote of MeMordie (of Tuckers nith) as speakers.
did till anks was pased to. the members of the Tudkersmith. The first said he ha b en so often before
tell Coanty* Council wbo� voted in favor of John Templeton, of them, lie would notlocel tpy theirtilne, with
is recommending the '�appointnient of a the loth concessio a.,' who has been in te aspeech. The see xid dilated briefly on'
for P61ice'Magistrate f this County, &I nds t Of 80 old contry for I arly a year, return -,d the destruction of ie forests, and urged
o those '. �vfio voteil in favor of the home last week. lie accompanied X r. In otion protesting againsi the aniend- and Me Mciblilla a across the Atlant c. their preservation, n I the thirJ, Me
.of MciNfordie, told ho�,,v t ie society became
nants to the.-Scott'Act made by the His sojolarn in lle old land eviclent ly —primarily
an- Senate. had a 9 . bod effect upon him, as lie too Ks engaged in salt inan11i acture
for the purpose of bre,- king -tip the Salt;
as young) fresh x slliart as '.'he did f hey had
Morris. teen yeas ago. Association, and ��e laiined t
Njm B.mx-'.O-�-Mr.' John Clennan, of 1\TEw'B,&i;LN.-1-1r. Jiiines Chesney, of done it, reducing the rice from $1 and
nee n his 1 the 3rd, $1.25 to 50 and "5 ents a barrel, and
ev. tl: e Sth concessio of Moriris, raised concession,, L. R.'S., Tacker- asserted that the 1 Grin ae Associaion
the new frame barn last week. It is 40- byl stilith, is having his barn remodelled a could make salt at a profit at 60 -cents a
on 6( feet, and when :finished it will be. made asgood as n aw. He is having2o barrel Oil the return the train -arrived
oi of the finest in the township'. At feet plated in the. Centre, which wIll. Tw Era.
ng OSenr as 118U8I in Clinton about I lir p. m.—NL
tl e raising sides were ell 58. feet wide. The buildixia-i Che make it ex- T ie respective sides were, led by NHr. will rest oil a 9 � �oot stone wall. T1 is anada.
uth- wo�lle it liv- 11 In. Jackson on the so . i and Mr. ill giv6 accornmodation'Jor ex Samuel Fear on the nortlit After all stabling underne, . for�'all kiridsiA —_Air' Thomas 'Wilson, an old and
ner i wealthy- Montreal in;erebant, died on
ded elelting contest Sam, and his n proved stock. When these improvements are, ced too 'many for the south. �b 1 completdd Mr. -Ch esney will have one A F riday.
no GOOD HORSE t. Hill the most comfortable, and cornmodio a —It is proposed to erect a -nionument
Is -very fine colt, which wa's sireJ by iresof'the'kind in the couutr. on-Parliainient sq-tlaxe 'OttavTa, to 'the
ni- hi a struch I -
ich Highland Meri adzean, Of The stone work i being done' by M r. memory of the Cnadian volu#tepars who
ew G,-,ey, has three very'lialidsome colts, 1111 Thompson, of Bla; ce., and the ca . rpent .r fell in the Northwest.: his of which own their- paternity to Magi- work by �Mr, S. -a'liesnq and N.1r. A , —Hanlan is on b,is way home to Tor-
ub- the- thor6uglxbk�ed Istallion owned r�orythe. onto. Ift rece great many Valli-
b,r Mr. John Campbell, of 8ea-forth. able presents in Au�stralia, and says the
its generosity of the pe�iiple there is not sur-
e.' ey will, no doubt, luake fine steppers St inle'y. vvas a lie day, as they pdssess All the reqdl- passed in the worl& Tim T.—Tbe council iii
ed site piDints.- of r ' " —The niarksmen who have been
on the 30tb ult., as a court reVISIA on
selected for, the 11-iii-ilpledon tearn will
ced Mandiester. at ten d'elock 'a. m. TM r. Spack Ina l$ sail in.the Pari tanzon �the 27th inst.
of' Canada Company Ngent, having ppe I -
ted. AxOTHEA RURONITri, ABROA1I.—AVm;1 essinent of the sa.d —Harry Graham, formerly .& Toronto
"McDonald has received a telegram fro�n ed against the student, has been a r ppointed profe airs . I company, was pre �ent. After a paref it i ssor of
as -s the Gold Diggings, Nbvada, aXing hiln�.o examination of the roll., the collipaI13)a eye and car surgeily. t Tarsus, fir Asia
ist, come and superintend.the sinkin I a \Iillol.
assessment was lowered $500.. Lot 3, g of' of shaft in a iiew gold 'pit. William �r- colicessift 8, . was raised to $1,200; I.All —Burnett Flein 3193 a laborer, was
es rived here some four months 'ago, inr- 13, conc6ssion 10 was fowerei, Ito 80) seriously, injuredatt agersville Thursday
tending to take up his abode, -with is . t �,, , ) . evening by a freig], train. His left le&
Of of lot 3, pon rn
ars east half of east h, cession I
ely b other; but it seems the company was was crashed bet%4-erx the knee and iille
at d(termined to find htm,. as there was i i 6n 8, was rtUsed to 0 1 el oa -ankle, b . esides re6eiv' d several other
east, was lowered to $2,900. The roll for advertisement in the Americawppers is was then declared - to be finally passed le. to his whereabouts. He.coinniencedt ie —James Harris, 1onE of the oldest and and the court closed. The council mat 'lgin County, ejult 10 g journey oil Tuesday. last and ire -nicst prominent citizen of 1,�
i) - again at I o'clock ). in. After passi g
of C.: gratulate him onthe mark of d. several accounts tie following motioi is is dead. It was be w o first gave to the
tilliction that he bears, as being an world the inaminotit cbeese that was ex� Of igg e were passe t -a special grant of d : Th,
operienced, trustworthy gold d er. $10 be given to Sh irp's side road ;� th it hibited throughout ("t'llillada and the
BRiEFS.rWe iare glad "to � see United States I was aftgrwards
in tl� t 86 be errnted to be expended on Al ,
DOnaldTatterson is able to!'be up aga I 0 shipped to ld- p-erhaps did
as dock's sideline ; that �20 be granted o trodude nadian cheese
the �The.Sacranient' of the Lord's Sapp 3r -more to in ub- w It be dispensed im he Presbyt the B.ayfield bo-unJary, providing.. Bi into that market th . all any other similar
er"n field couticil grant an equal rnoul] her cl ch the first Sunday nix, July. —Cro )a The council then adjourned to me t event. ar lea look well in this vicinity.—Tbe raisliff again at the call oi the reeve. —A Citizen of ',Niontreal, narned Ouil-
lette is taking an d '10,000 dam -
Out of Mr. Thompson's barn took place IE at a. � tion f or �,,
Pt. week.—Nlrs. Blair, of Colborn6, start,.A ages against Dr. B0 ssey, the city vaccin-
en- a visit to relatives in Algoma I., at ator, for killing lxi�- twd children with
I a inipure lyinpli. The -doctor says tfie
the Tuesday. For June the Lion has secu special low drive in Ladies'Tape Hats, Flowi rs children died of measles'and has a inedi-
led Clinton. and Lace Trimmings at 50c,oiie-third-.'reguar cl certificte-to that eff�ct. rn- prices. AiF.\ANDFR. voit-SAi..—A 60 inch who el in good of t e traffic of ec. REMOV�ALS.—M Intosh & MeZtgaa rt 'lie return the
re r particulars tq Chris., Dickson, 0
0,01r. Write fo de- nton. have removed the banking office to the Canadian 'Pacific 'Iway, froxii11ay 24th
er-' office in Leckie's block, formery occa to the 31st has just been posted, and is
BRIIKFS.�-Tlie Oi-iginal Georgia Miris- - as6II, ion trelspla edtoa-i - ery fair houseou Wedn6s- pied by the Ontario-- bank. Sernn . . ows - 1885, $214,000; correspond -
Of y Lairdhasopelied uta,sbaving-andbil- 111g'week of 1884,-$18 000) . showing. all
he day niglit. The entertainment wa good en crease of 1000 f tbis-year.
all d would -doubtless hav6 been bettei liard room in th,, pr 'iises they left. — 111 —Prof. J. vl�uol tils, w ho conduct-
ed patronized if people here had ,not been Dr. MeNaugliton ais inoved his office to ,, hout this province
lain the office in Ledkie's block, forinei ly ed concerts throug
so often taken. in by on� horse allows. upied by Me 9. E. Wade. some years ago, w4s ki kled last month in
0 r popular yonng to-wrisuilkil, Fred Oel Kentucky, by a fealoas husband, who
- J. ksoll, it is rumored is about to tae H. Hari -is Xick suspected him of undue intimacy . With
les III to himself a better balf.-7-Tuesday Plaed eircu-8 exhibited in Bruss(ds n his -%vife, who. with Il r sister, died of
vas ni Ylit was an event in the- lives of sorne Thursday, J un e Uh. Th e circus,on t. ne .
21 injuries hifliated. �% the same time.
0011. of our young people who displayed such whole, was fair, but there' was a g,% -ng Of —Rev. T. S. Hardie, a recent. grada-
611Y great. taste in the arrangements of tb eir fakirs along witl-it,whoweretheoist te of Knox College-, I as been inducted
costumes at the canival on the roller tlyat eve'r visited �Iiia place. They we it
into the pastoral charg of Stanley street
er rink. The costumes were not numerous thiough a liumbor of our citizens and church, Ayr. ose awing, without doubt,- to the warnith of country people wi li.their games*, and in -e fac -y in operation at
'lle alo,% toi
Ay th -weather. -Every. 'praise is due changing money early every one- that Oalt, lately received -an order for 2,500
ain th,- management -of the rink for the changed. any inon y got bit more or less, pairs for the NorthweE t. The Victoria
me I
co artesy displayednd the evident desire one party to the tune of $25,.wllic.11 was 11 I or a of the same to ' has re -
w ee w k NVII
ass th every one, should enjoy the'even recovered by Constables Chapniall alld ceived f roi- *all Aineric in firm order
ay- 149 an
-as much as-, *bl The Dobdrty Organ Scott. for the wood-wor."k of 6Wpairs of roller
Iis. —On Thu BE i several pieces in their good Scorr ACT C.A., rsday la at vi- st-le and added materially to the en- tb e cott Act peo le made a raid on t, vo skates. —Air. � W111. hNde, o � Galt, has a live' -
1119 ' ni6nt of the evenin . -T oster Bay- - of our hotels. T e search was in
jo� 9 — ly brood of -49 yolIng d xicks just hatched
ey. IeY, Our popular photograpber'i;, will the Central by onstable Scott,, w 10 out by the patent� I inca)ator process. R have for sale in a few days several vi6v found some beer, pmd on the Revere y —A new industr is about to be start-
C- of our streets and points Of interest in D. Lowry, w y
on lio !found a quantity Of ed in Toronto, tb4t of planing flagstones
thi -. surroiding country. Judgilig from liquors, ale and p rter, all of which w is for sidewalks. those we have seen they promise to be a removed. There were- -also two, mc re --The Rev. Th011ias McGuire, foiinew-
,tell fine collection. charges laid again at the proprietor of t be ly of Ernerson el
has- d lined the call re-
igh-t Revere, �hd 6e more, against the 0- cently addr6ssed to hi n by Churclibill
am Blyth. 1
prietor of Ahe Oentral hotel for se i rin- 'go OXIN-D.—T'lle follow. !iquor, till of whidh came up foi- li . eaing Presbyterian congregaion.
Miss Maggie Barr, 1 liss McNeil, Pro, -
and ing resolutions were read and.adoptedat III the town hall �ast Friday before P. fessor Moon, and -the 'inclair children',
ked a ILrgely attended meeting in.*Blyth on Thomson and -John Beattie, , J� P 'a, have formed a compaivir, and will give
ieir Fr ay evenhig The evidence given bk some of !the wit- Scottish concerts throlilliout Ca;nada and
eas- VI oved by. Rev. A. McLean, seconded nesses *as a surprise to 8everl.1 One the United State 3. aVY by Mr. etcalfe that, Wlwreas, all 'case agaimst, Hall,, of the ReveI-e house
—Rev. T. O'Connell who created such
eri- was diErhiissed, ax�d two reserved', ad
good citizens. are bound to. be Joyal. to. a disturbance in- Londc n a few months
est. constitutional law ; where'as the Scott -ONeal's cases ere adjourned� until
. . I "I
rat A(t has been !carried in this county Monday, Jime -15th. ago that the Bishop was '.compelled to
a remove him from tha, pastorate of a
and laige majority on the principl4is- of c()Il- BRIL, --:-rhe r ext sittin cf . of: the Di -
ch, , tational church, has c'ouinienced to lectur� on
,ti government; and, whereaLs, vision �ourt takes place on Wednesda, " Hell." He is said I o --�be thoroughly
art there are , strong r4sons to believe t1liat Jund 24th. -111. 11. Kerr paid'Omen posted oil the subj ect. one aai d Act is frequently violated in 't fix$ 8ound a 6sit. &st week. —C. Seager, -of —Large (juan6ties f land salt are
an- 'Vi ag4, be it resolved that this meet Ug God-iii-i6b, town last week. i sold.to the faTme,rs about Bright.
and. a I )eing
nily condemns any who may be E. WaAe spent Saturday and Still( —The B,eaveri lacrosse- club 4re about
ind tu ity of any such- violations, :and calls last in the (101114. town. --Robt.- Gr'ab; ill to offer a sih-er cup to e plaed- for be-
rbe pill ;b.11 patriotic men and women to 0611*4 Geo. Howe'are On' the mark.et,'ready tween any clubs in the counties of Xor-
. &Y �a e a decided stand, which - will cai ise to buy all the �vool that comes ii,lonu, folk, Elgin, Middlesex, Oxiford Perth,
t11 C) I
,ir influence to be felt forthe t1iorou g andare Paying the highest price :t -e -n, Lanibt6' E,
the enforcement of the Act." for. —,k. hek - Huro and Kent.
Roe, 0�- the, Queen's hotel, The cup -will be; worth about $75 or $80
ea- T. qoved by M. Young, secollded* by Wii' .1111 .was 1-11 town on. Fri(lay.--R., and has to be won twice from the
'R. Henderson, that this ineetili'a avails W-. Til-ek is going to selthis furniture Beavers b
Z5 1 y one team lefore it becomes
R. itself of this the.carliegt opportunity to by auction next Saturday.—Jas. Jolies their property, A. ex'bress its thanks to t'lle, menibersi of can now'be found' at the Qn.ecilps hotel —The other day a Mr. John H.
D. tho County Council of Huron who 1ave to attend to anything in -his line. -A' Sylvester was about to cross the railway
ay., re(onimeaded the appointment of I a local dei1matic'company fro at of &-atho where there is a
in Wingli in track e
Po ce IS11agistrae for the county for he played, to a small. li%ise in the town ha11 deVp cutting, he,�did not see- the ap-
a pu opose of- enforcing the Canada T(m- on Thursday night last. Their:1111181C hi t i till it c-aille out of the
proac. in, ram
Eg- pe ance Act of 1878 ; and,we are pleased was falin—W. F.,Scot-t- has :been doing cut, and%eing very near to the. track
- of to know that -by' resol ution the said good work '011 the Pacific slope at the the horses got frightered and wheeled
the. Coincil has expressed its disapproval of Caled,nian games held on the 30tb of, ar-oundand threw out a lady a . Mrs.
Jay ce the amendments to said -Act. recen bly 3( 'He 'siron 'even first prizes, One d a very bad out in
P Mason, who receive
Con( ght, passed by the Senate. se And one tbird, in all- $W. --A the, head.
Mr. Sylcster jumped out
rst, I 4oved by R. Adaims, seconded. �y heavy thunder storin, accompanied with and in doing so caughb'his le M e
'lie hail and wind, passed over this place buggy wheel and dislocated le a -ft T. W. Sloan, and Resolved, that in e
t IL
12, Ladies See T e Bargains Jum X I D DS E POR ARE 0"FRING �rs G00111031.1%11 the n0hbled materials, Nuns'ClOtbs, Cords, Soleil. Cords, Dison Suitings, atc. Besides
an immense AsliortMent of blae-k and colored
Cashmeres, 31erin0c#, etc These goods must 1 )e Be 311 to b0'aPPYeclated, Iyuslins, Piques, TA,wns,'etc-, in 9feat variety.
pklnt�and Gingliamg, ov r.300 patterns to elect -
fronl, vou will find col:)rs perfectly fut.and
prices th� lowest. special atteiltion is call d to our Enibroiderleg
nd Laces in blacks and reanis f roin one inch t4 one yard in wid th. See iny flouncing laces, creani and ])lack.
Ei cry lady should ree ir,,,tock of Hosiery a0d Glov6s'. Some 104-lythings in .S� Ik und Ta7l,Aa gloves.
Hosiery, new, tylish- aid durable in cott6ii
wool and Cashniome. :
MILLINERYD PARTMENT. Our full staff ae,workil ig night anday to ge,-1 , t out the work aod cause our. custoo,L_,rs as littlik, delay as possible. Just to hand this wee k se% cral lines of the
latest American shapes in the new braids fully
one half the price of earl� - importations. Purchasers will always find with us the best
.an d most servicable inat�� rials.
The latest,Amefican ayd Old Comitry styles, and our work, you m6t visit Toronto or Abas treal.to see it cqualled� Ladies, you run no rist, every thing is ua:r.an. teed to be of the best. Gentlemen Sed The Bargai s nS KIDD S EMPORIUM
Ready-made clothing a nd ordered clothing.
We are offering for the,,net two monthl�
special inducenients in this dep�ltxuent;
Several lines of sumine r suits clearing at cost.
NVe sell a first class all vool pant at auTetched
low price. Rubber coats in greattrariety.
Our order departmnt 'is In fidl blast. We ae now turning out nmbers of the most stylish
suits in town, just ou ask. 16r prices, and be
convinced that Kidd I s Etn:porium istbeplacetogetyour, t6t. Every departmeni Rept fully ssorted with the
most seasonable gooas. Acallsolicited. '-N-otri)ul)lctoshioir.,-,00ds.
Thom a�,no Ki d d
Corner Main and Streets,
and broke some of th small bones and fracturefl the ligaine tt, which will lay
lifin up for sorne till) 4.
—At the close of file final lesson of
religious instruction at the Toronto
Normal School the variaizs classes gave
expression to their good feelings towards
their respective The Rev.
R. W. E. Greene, t1h, instructor of the
Episcopalian class, �Yas made the're-
Cipient of an artiat's complete outfit.
The Rev. Mr. Fr6emui, Of the Presby-
terian class, rceiVepd five handsoine vol -
nines of poena& The Rev. Mr. Burns,
of the Methodist class, was presented
with a comfortable easy chair. The
gift in each case was accompanied by
an appropriate adrebs. .—A horse belonging to Mr. W. Allin,
of Lucknow, had one, of its hind 1698
taken -off by the traill the other I day.
The anima had to be shot. The -other night wl Len retuning from
the grangers'pienic, �11m. Jennings, -sr.,
of St. Thomas, m ade an attempt to get
off -the train while in motion, but lie fell,
the car wheel )asshiB over his foot. He
was at once Uen to his home. On ex- amination it was foundthat amputation was necessary.. —The death of M,,.-. Benson, . P. Of
South Grenville, has statled the House
of'Parliament. He l-,fthome, on Friday
last, to proceed to New York to meet
his son, who is on his way out from Eng- laud and reported to be in the last stage
of consumption. Mr, Benson was to ill
appearance in the best of health, and beinj of a robust cor stitwtion, his and den ea�th was a stirprise to everyone.-
---Mr. Thomas Campton, allold Bii-tiA
soldier, who has live I inoroutc, ince his discharge in 1842, After serving near-
ly twelve years, has % his possession the -
identical brigade order book of Brigadier
General Fraser, date 1� 1776. The book
gives the orders of t ie (lay, parole, and
countersigns used on- the march froin
Montreal to join the 4orces opposed to
Gen. Washington. Ii is believed by Mr- Campton to be the Oily book of the kind
in existencie and is: '� deed a curious, " In I
velic of the olden tim m The hano1w. rit-
hig is as plain . as copperplate, and
though the paper is tained by time and
the Covers badly worn, not a ` worol is-
wissing or illegible. —A rascally ageit of the Wanzer sewirig.machine coillpally in Montreal has skippe(I out after defrauding the, company of Over �$8,0 � �. He is an Elig- 'lisbinall, nained Thomas Griggs., and ,",as regarded by ' the I irni, -with the great- est confidence, as lit professed to be & very religius-Inall. He had preached
- ev - er shice coming to real to a con�
gregation of Pri-milit ''Methodists at
Point St. Charles, all I officiated on the'
very Sunday before his flight. What
makes hi8hypocrisy ll. the', darker, be- induced a married women to leave her
fam. ily and elope wit [I him. It is also
stated that he was carrying on in-
trigues withthe women connected with - his congregation. He wasa fine-lookilig
man, a very good preacher, and is about- forty years of age. A wife an'd threO children are left behind.
IGeor g4e THORNE$ OIM EA F -0 14
Greatargaiiiis in all Kinds i�
Aurixig this month. Five t1lousand pairs of Fine I
73ow selliub at- &)c '0,
under. Patf the &-Co., 11-aujilon aud Toronto. I)--- list Ladie�'. fine polishcalf bilit,olat"
pair, worth Laaw fine kid slippers for �;5
Ladice bigh cut buttoned worth i�1.4'0. Ladies? bigh eut str4c) 1eatliv
Ladice au wool carpet elipper
Lxaiee NO, I basrell Frene
boots 'for $3.00,usual Prke -`4�0
wiee new st,Msh buttonel
Nvorth and �K-00- Boye beavy school boot-,-r1v4
b w�Drth 1.30. 31ens' long boots A splendid c011ectlOn'Of nItle'
Lwed 'Balmorils -and laW S110(,
HA-fr S- AIN U O -S -a 'kiloth,er lot just receli-ed in i
hau Met -a-lid Boe hafs VeNv auak
11ol)b- GR0CERIES, CROG,
G-LASSWAIR A full stiock at Prices to suit Atrentsfor the Kerby Cfilna".
gotter and eggs tak�n in V.M.
Cheap Ca4
Hoff m an
Xew Desigas in Glove -
of the best ant.1 C
in. the Sun . ost V.1141 ililder, some. Ii
we are
examil.e. siile a .
heap GaSf,
near rith he powers Of a
ly co -equal -wiq
Judge. The will
pata inorq'fu n �ttbi'B as the no
arm has.been largely reinforced a
E d w ard
Counly salary, which
f"t They
June Ist
and af ter buy only I
P rob, ably be abatit $1,000 a year, will
by, the county
have to be Nro
match. will rn ca
Charles .Lowr�e mild Lieutenant A
Firte 8weet
Gras -s Butter.
undexistand that there ae already o'�4 MMat ithis one unless. they E
For which
lie wil't paiy -
100 pplicaits for the posit�ion. " Mr.
11 f t1l
to tbe-Old coil try -liespecia. y or
Jame84 I t :, bf Courtwriq
11110 us wami7
Jolln,B. ttie,was the unan'
—11 . r
in town called
nee o the Scott Act Committee, a�,Zl.he
was oh.Tusday and u,
shoal i receiv e the appointinent. .'He is
many - of his old' friends here. —
-ter Scre, C1
ut I .
o, deri-ch Street.
enlia,ntly qualified in ev6r y. rea�ect foxi
the postion and no other* appointment
Court of Revision met on -Tueq
-night, but'ias none of. the appellant�
defefida a - ut in an anmarance
- - - - - - - - - CO e u h adj6 rued and no, I
AN. oTHEP.Pio.,m RGwm —Mrs. Chalk, ness� w trailsacteil. —Mr. Charle�
widow- of the late Dr. Ch ik,,of Har�- son i - e
a t the contract for the erec
p ti&4 and mother. of Mrs. Dr. Cole- of a new residence on his fakm adjoi
ly, man,r'of this town, died on Friday -the, town';'—Messrs. -80'ott Brotheir
Di�'TRICT MATTERS.. last -.A the advanced -age of 01 years. this towm-have One himAred acres so
Man'itol c
with her huiband, in wheat on their farx� in.
The deceased, xxily, Scottish v'
response tow many was .one of - the first settlers in The B.airnsfather fai
-n- art of -the country. Dr. Chalk ists wilt give, a fare -well epter
CIM MIMI& we may st.Ac that the Provi this p, held. i iQar(
Fxlyibition, mill. this, year, be at A", a t one time the - leading. - phy- inent h 0 s. Hall on Thur
don, land w ill c >mmence on the 7th ,�-Iclan in7 this, district, aild - enjoyed a evening,Jume S. Uyers of Scottish in
L ";eptember., -very e-xtensive practice, apd few possess- should attend in force. M. I
an close oil the t2th of L The-, Industrial Ex -1 ibition t Toronto, ed more fully the' respect and 46steem. of �-vvent to Mont.-eilon M6nday last t(
01 -the G eral will open on the 7t] i aiid close oil the his fellolvs. Indeed, many bf : the der tend ive(ting of the en
I.M of 0-xn er.. The f all show of residents still cherish his memory-- -%vith sembly of the Presbyteria�n' church I
ing. a, 6
the outh ti-ron A "Tculturl Society, fteation, andtake pleasure in recount- be, . i -e d i t I t ity. --LTV1r. iind will be held -at Oil 'Monday and ing his many generous deeds and skil- W. H. Grassie leave here for Tll�sday, Septealber ts. Mrs. Arthur to-diy. Their 'hia y frib
l4th and l5th. fill professional achievenien u
haiTe no yet reeeived the dates fix ed Chalk shared in aA einiiient degree the -will wislithern success, ill their new
Iy, other societies. respect shown lierbusband, aad �Itlxou,h lations and lit me.----11T`bare glad to her death was not unexpected, when it that Mrs NoIlle Chiff f
now nearly:
L E U V. -XT.—In the clM9 did take place ii caused a feeling of deep co' erd,.and it is hbped she will.be
Eat�. of , Toranto University, announced regret am.ong many friends. Tho fune- to return [home nei week.—Greti
on I Fridy last,. V *e notice that Me'. ral. t'ok place from the residence of Dr. lia#onslare being made for the
'Id NV8-�, formerly prilicipal of ins
Cole an on, Sunday, and the re -in. vation Alinly Jubil4e to -be beld liere
41 a-ndsubseq,nently . hich were ilLterred in Ha purhey cel-ne- W�dnesdi%y evenini, .next, and the
t1den.t. Of -iber bigh school, -won ter
Z3 followed by a large min diers are looking forward for:a
Y,1were the ailver I inn hysies, nd. besidleg of peop I le, many of whon'll. had, side 1-)y tiuie.�Tbere w%s a heavy frost on A I
obi ainea I -st-& Ass ortors iii locric men- side with the -ne tb "Icissl- have not - he
deceased, boi e.-.%"' day ni - last, but we
tal and 16, zophy ad civil poli- -tudes as well as cinjoyed the'Pleasures of any dapliage being done. —The Gec I
ty. , This is it Very brilliant record. It incident to pioneer life. minstrels iha a go house on Tues
is �what 'is double -first. We evening, &nd tbe,petformance- was 1jr
i1eii � better alld has been made- --LSurgeolis' of the k-Wd. The band. is good.
�bt if TERESTING TO TRE srox.
thi� year. representing Dr. J. D. Kergan, and bis. Medical a . ctors were the genuine Abing and
Council of Detroit, areno�jv making a Ibu t cork to heigli
not -equire lly - rn Mr, Mathew Dorsey, tour through .0mad%, and may bov consulted their couiplexions.—Mr. J. Brownell
br4tllet of .Mr. John Dorsey, of this free of cha�gyc at the ComiDercial Hot6l Seaforth,
on SaturdZ7 June')0th- Patients it-ee requested now getting the material laid down
cGle"wl�io--liasl�ee-ii�aresi(-Ientof Denver, t anaid o report withoU all those � afflicted .a, nc%v- brick re exice which he int,
rad.04, for tl ie� p.- at six y ears, arrived with any chronic disease should reniomber these erectino, illissuilixiier. 'Mr.lAcLaugh
visits are arran&ed for- their benefit and avail her! e Ga Tuesd&V last, after' a themselves of thee d.pportunity. for. p4rson'al con- Repristrar of St. Tlimas� and fahei
journey. of five i ly% on a -.visit to friends, rith these -specialists.wbo have gained sultat�on Mrs. Dr. Smith, wis in- town ove
aaffi, ro�latives. Mat " looks to be i n, so ark:616 success day visiting- friends. great a reputation by the rem diprime of ofi�eitreatnient. 914-i the chimae Of Calm ado, and t1i.-ins that C,%.RD OF TnASrks.—The under-sio-m6d OD EcTuR& —In accofda
its equal is to b fo:.ind no-u-bere on this desires to express his sincere tban�ks to the A Go L citizens of Seafdrth fpr their unifeiiiii kindnesi;-
cal6nent. He has a lucrative position -wiih previoui anxxotlncqYQt,' the R
to hislate son, P. S. Carroll., during! his illnew, on the Union Pacific Railway, and- likes and e�qpecially to NIts. Stephens, of the Queen's H. Rose,-!. of Elora, preached in it very m,7L'LCh He' intends remaining and Airs. Jam ds Walsh, for tho�ir i*iremit- Presbyterian church in this own
here for some thfte, "taking in the tin�� attention to the deceased. PATRiCKCARROT, Sabbah last, both morning and everi
GoUcrIch. 914 of Big hts Our E our ishin g town. ad again on Monday morning.
I -D.
GIRL WANTE —anted, ai good girl, sermons were mos,t able and' logical,
mpable of doing all kinds of house Nvork. To.
positions -of., ly -Writ, and were d
8u`talyle pei;W6ie higheit wages will !be given. thitt it ir. the la pils and - ered in a c ear and forcible..xiiiii
%ation Of the pt
Apply to MRs. M, Y. MGLRAN, Seafo#h. 914 c s of the Hig which. at once secured the andiv .,h School to give a To IRP, -.L\ -T. Two good eligibly situated gn ad gardext p,, 4rty and musical enter- city-lit-fooin houges to rent. Apply at Tnk E.x- attention of the people and onvin
tai ament before the close of the. present- po'-:1TOIL Office. th6n) that Mr. Rose is a preacher of
7fel in Athletic a. arts for both sexes ordinary inert and ability. �-The i:
ha; e been'arranget' for in the afternoon, MIMSTERL&L.. APPOINTMEN S. ---�ghe versal satisfction and a 11miraion'-wh
f3which liberal wizes, will begiven. foll owina clergymen have been a;p pointed ihis Sunday discourses coasioned r -i m iedtion is
Oe betNntif til p � nols. in: conn - to the respective cha.179Ps'ill t1i I -vie-illitY forth all unusually large audience to
i ill then be lookina At the recent colif ere
wit-h-the-schoo' nees of M010- lecture on, Monday- evex�ing. The a
their best aid the, -school will be beu.- dist church Stei,ffii, John M .1 Gil Ject of thJ lecture was! "Egypt,
at rei- Goderich orth tiffilly decorated. The very -be peoplej condition, ax1d probable futu'r
frEshmenta -will be furnished to those Campbell G oderich, Victoria! street,. 'Elie. lectre was well delivere'd, all
r&e F. Salton, John C. Pomeroy, one (if tile most ill -ter -listei
�sent, which wir, form xxa,� the least Geo: ir eating ever
tin -g part of the supernulneraty; Clinton, Raittenbi:
Y to in Sea6rth. The-lectuter c9mmen
he I `o� f the coin- Street Geo.11 Richardson Clnton
Ynder t rectioll b giinglintances of the high state
Y - - 4
Ontario civilization which must have exis
programnie is stre'- Wm. A. Sparling ; Sea-
ared, ar d no pans will be forth , Jame Broley; Imesville.1- among the people thousads of ye
tred rellde Wm. Bir �n by tl�eir temples, r tli e entertainnie at labt ks, iis. T. Seager, ]Bayfield, ago, as sh0AV 113911
pb iasmtf tAd �ble to those attend- Tho. Gee;. arna,. Alfio�d E,� Smith teries, pyeax�dds, &C:.;, w C a ek
0 1 hi h till rance, Arch
.11 Nor Vm. Or
Rensa IN or together *iih the eniliamed remailills
eKibbon-;, ensall South. J h B
Q n all kings,, queens, and- otIller dignit�l
-TXLL.;� AvoTuERI—The pioeer resi- Loiadesboro; John Hough; DulagannoIr, who hadt aled ihoasaiids of e
ale" a alle fast cf. We have John Tni-ner Ed. H. West;. Lther, 0. �1
X - Ago, and which eve'n' now show scar c
-perahated; Aubain, James any signs iot decay, Healsogave -*V,
Or to Chroicle I he demise of another Rice su n
III Hugill of the Caswell; Bex�aiiller, Joseph 1114ekhaill; se-ex-ned the inost feasible reasons
t1le, person of town I-ine lietWeelill Itillett and iviltKillop, John Scott, M. Aw;� Kincar-
the great' retrogrosion of the peol.
-ph w1i.ich.look place at illis resdence on dine�,* Jam es McAllister, Jo e, If. He pictured in'glowing and eloqu
Th tirs( last at t] ie 'age of - 65. yeari. Hilts, superannuated t6rhis the grea fertility of th e valley
-Lberly, Geoige the Wile d tI immense resources
d be eli, in ill healt 11Tm. Baugh ; An I h, ;h fok kiply� we a a�nd emed to be sufferitio, Lounds; eo 'ft. Turks, -referred to the deptseverc L know, G 1he country, and
from a �omplicatiun of diseases. John. 'NATa erafnnuat6d;$ Ash- able state of servitude ad bondage
as ; Brus** 6, John which the working Classes' no are
was &L uo,t,ive of Yoi -Englamol, and hasbeenjaresid(-,lit of Caab6da for oer Keml,edy; D., C., Clappison superan- well as the oppressive exacti in
far ty years. If e way of taxation to -which the ae �s
He ii-st settled in the. nuaed, Toronto Ethel, Ri -d Paul y
coi tnty of Yok hut removed to, Huro' Walto Th Saine th, Join' jectedto b their rul He- fuA
y er§
-11, -the recent -troub
yearslagaand settled on-thefa Ot rfave L - Cho"' traced the ciatises of'
�i;he'r I Edwin
-J. Noble; White- and show � d vividly! how it came ab
M-(Killop where he conti"ed to reside B. D. - Bluevaie T. e nng hiu death,. Like m any Of the churill, Thomas) C.- Sand-ersbi Gorrie, that England beca�xle iniolved in Egy
other ers Of Huroa he slicceeded Jae Belmore mid Wrox- He dVoc
p Charlton ated for Egy t an indep
pione dus#,y ancl Ski 01 e
a 4Y 1 in converting, his eter, Sailluel H. Edwards Fordwim d nt exi tence, overneRy and for
forest fa�iii into a Illac-mificelit,fertile and Win. Attawell.
Egyptians, but under,the -undivi
001 afortable hoillest d.' He -:%vas a good ��pervisionand restrain' g and mod
igent, upright man izing influence -of ng a The I
citmen and, , Lo,"'L B�Xrvs.'—Mr. John Finelii the
an intel La neigh, His bird man " of - plis town,
aw I a kind and abli ture lasted nearl two urs in, the
deqLth be ly "recrretted )y al last 1week- Jent�two 'caaries to Mi. livery and it seemed to increase m int
w4o, knew e leaves a widoiv and Bobert Campbell of Winnieg.—Mr. est asitproceeded4 Attbe conclas
Fralie'is Fowler, of the Huron Road,
'ht of a. fa sons and- four
Mr. Rose was tendoired'a hearty vote
e to-, Hull t, is making preparationg for the thanks and we are -sure'that should,
daughter.+. Thre fit aeral takes, plac d erection of a new brick.residence.on his again visit Seafoftb, lie will be listei
farm.—Mr. Wm. Steet,-who lits been
'to by evena mu'ch laxiger audience t
n ployee of - THF, Exposqor. office Ti�, itmi ST(n it —A win ol, all he had on Mondaybight. over five Year% all and rain so In passed over this' f or l6ft on T :esdav last Sun�ay last about f 'for Pi, vicinity on- cto, where he takes charg� ;f the r -of the mate
'FOOT B �T,L.—The fi st-�
Th early part of the day bad inecharxical 4e, , artment of the Times.
clock. C on the Fait', Ground[s oxf -Saturday,.
3be ely ]lot nd at the hour He is a stdaclyl, clever, reliable,�:youug
'Mitchell High Sell
a, -played bet een, sky bechile suddenly dark- man,land thoroughly underst nds every tean-1 and' a team dhQsen princip,
)ran In of his '01181 -, 'I I ness, and is just one of, -lied Z the wir,
L d rose almost to h e -os�e.
dteops� the ind W119 will mak-efar himself from th Lao�i Club of this to
and here a few heavy —' I -� a This maq)l'was keehly contested, neit
tlie h -ric, - Ham. e and position in life. C, W, g a u
of rain T11, but ane soon pass - shae of a side scorilig a o I ntil near the cl
ed ove�r., IT To tlxe north of this, h wwev er Papst has a curiosity in the when Malcolm of N�Iiteliell, by a III
tho were in t so forturiate. A live alligatori whch he . keeps in Ills' re window .ahot secured one fok his side. This te
Arip about two in width and StO and which is a never s . improving very rkidly in the ga
er -iall
extendin(lfterawest to cast with Kill- ending source of int est.6: the an
boy of the period.. He brokight it with and will, before, long, be a first-elIburn ai(i lVintlirap as the centre seerned team.- The tow- n t1eam P
to receive the full fury of the � Oi i. hini fro in. Florida, and although the altliougf� I
at il Ing avery strong g me, were at the
1herethe wind wits most terrific, -up-- climee is scim ewhat cold for it.,'it seems
advantageF-of not h ving bad any pr(
rooting trees and fences in. all t0thriveand may yet grow toits natural I
ous. practice 09
6, ber.-1 The follow
si e. 0 directions-, while hill ell until in. m any Z' - J I lin N . Knechtel, of Brus- were the 'e .0 aR. Fairl
-red 861s , ! town With Ills
,tees tl el gro, ll -as 1 _ sj6t Stinday last in. playei
ph I --a ii iterally cove 8 D R. McDon ld, Ain ; W. J. Fear,
with ice, the stone! � in- some in stances 0 -fil-law Mr. N. Claff. —Mr- James. Wood J. Livingstone, -A. Scott� J.
hot left here on- Monday fo T,eingg of immense si re, Scarcely a bouse: r cot -
i-11 the (Tistrict escaped without land - He will rem, Ain there. during the Hax�st' e,' J. IrAbnd, D. Hutchins
A. McLean W. McDonald.
ballino, some windows brokein by the sumiler, -and perlislonger. . Wewish while the crops cut off and hiln a pleatiint iisit.—We r'egret to —Perhaps the most interesting in
-Lttc -ouud. Fortun ately of the &ath of Mr. George 14ur- was that between Clinton and the R
fl� -ned to t1te g pby, Only so, of Mr. James Murphy, of School of this town. .: The former te
the 4ee p of (JesulatLon is not very ex -
a fine appeilrance, bein
The m ain ftle,v -of the storin this town, w ook place at G ueph 9 p
Iutte(l axi�,.ly about't(n or fifteen ritinute8' oil Ft iday, Mr.- vfurphy "was a eipilly tall, well Soemed fellows,*
& 1finnin-a were too
a have llot of, any very seriolis promising young man of a -boat 30'years-, their- chances and ;previou�.to his illness w' upon as being -good. On the field tl
In several other as a pros-
part�j, of the ecyuntir3 .we -notice the storin , er m -an in Gait. , His death gar -net and,white Jerseys miade a pl
will b6 a bevere berea�rement to his contrast with the royal and
equally if not more severe, and the 11
l(is.-, Oct oned ll�avier, than in this Micha:e1 Keefe lue of the�'Seaorth teaxii. - The sup
of Rib- ority. of the home : team - was mani
bert is erectin- a new brick' house on
distriet. from the beginning.
his, et� in the South ard west of -During the i
a will be the _t and intends coming to. to ona
tax: k -,I-n half time,. MeD Id, Xilloran
Skin the rel)Urt of tile proceedharni of to reside.—Ir. 'Donld McIntyre has Dewar, of Seaforth, a goal ea
th(.- County Council, we publish let,the contract for the erectio'n of a new and during-tibe secoild Inklf time. Stt
that -body hs resolved to brick house on the 164 immediately op- of Clinton inade A.goal the -only
a in site r A they obtained and' Deve iiiix added'
Governwei,it to ppoi t P0 the eL dence of Mr. D - D, Wil- -
I J -1
ich lie recently purch"ased from' Stuart
for this county., son, �N hi other to the Seaforth score.
nide, to the that gentleman. Mr. John Lyons has e old players
pri �, 0 Corbett,'of Clinton ar
Act by the re not dopted the job.�Dr. Smith is erecting a ne-w haelbst none of �heir old skill.
1Y1 This action of the additioi to bid residefice and is making play of the Seforth boys w-ts team p
Was aknof the exteisive iinprov*ements on the grounds to such ail extent�tbat it would be
Xlr. J., Scott Act 'onnaittee. This p- urroun (ling it —1 S' Porter, whose possible to make special mention- of illness, we mant'ioned last'week, isaain playing of any one., The follo-win or
t, fo,tl boy took pail, i i 0 it, sed 1y tb e On trio sufficieatly recovered to be - able to at- -I i 9 t ii tl e match (It -r an Act p, -
at its I ist authoriz- tend I -to bu iness, alth ough : he had a Hanimil
Higgins, J. Lexilltil
iu�n tlie' t to appoint county pretify Shking up.—jhe many, Livingstone, IV. Prendergast, G.
11 Atice requested to do fr.iends of M]r. Thomas Downey will 1) D a J Killoran, D., McDonld,
-n that, be i� getting on So Illy ihe: 0coulay eilthorities, 9,nd while pleased to teal e D�,erra R. Cr6sswell, C. UcK
in this instance the a-ppoiatment will be splandidly, ild his pIlysicians,na"j- lope Captan. inainly for the, purpose of having for his speedy recovery:—We Iearn'that —Th6 proceedings were closed b
pm.-'ecutialls- andex: the Scott Act tried atiother foot7'ball m, atch bet's�mi the re -1 iiiosit excitin. game between, the -magistrate his duties 'will not tired farmerii of -eaforth and Egniond- Inondville Hopefuls and -the Juniors
the trial of these cases,, 18 eIDg arl Seiafortb, wbich res,ulteA in favor of
be limited to and- ville b ranged f6r ad it is ex- he. can adiudicate upon ainy other that pected to take place on the. Agricultura former by one to none. The attenda
may be brought bel ore him. In fact, his grounds at a)a earl y dar. The last one was veryair b '0'ot as large as mi
po,Nvei:4 a,re inch liore extensive created great interest, and -drewl out a I I ut be expected consMerijg it was the, f
those Of Ali ordinary magi.'itrate, iind Ae large crowd and we may fairly antici- out door sport in town thio season. c�e,
HJURCiN E.XPO! ITPPw rrentsw
s ine etifig' t1le action of t, ie last Siluday. Th rain fell in to. opi�xxioji *I W -tJ ho lias been visiting
)ble Ziiri ch. I ending the .qcctt� -�-Mrs. Scot,
Dotnixition Senate 11 �fn r%linhas returned
nee —1111 these notes last w8( & -the collnt;v OH
Act by'addhig. win( a u i I I
ORR#CT1O3�. ]i and beer 41 . e, in —The Linu me g of the Cale -
am a oupie of names �vere inispr1intei. hoine. Ties In. of James * ess - t.,slioul have i!i Atepi 4n( 1s dollinl Society ill I e held oil Frtolifly
][In. ea( suli, as it woulo"t 00111 Drg6 Ress, a�xd instead: of Re v. of the sm crest cei �� I the town fiall.
be n Gei )eficil (46(ts A
,-nd Pl4ely destroy the bei Jnne 12. h, in jue.9ted, to attend.
-M u roe it, shoind have becri Rev. I,)([ ,113o i All tile 1110,11bers .4rerei I 1,4tt 1)� the.Aclo,alld wo IC( a]
Int, M.. Ala rer. 11-e DadDobson, MI)d f nily leave
Pon and 1�"illr$f.'S next week. - Mr. Dob
X0.114E, TO 11'rang, of t.. fQr I) o b, al 1011
tlis' A -age, and I fr. H. alkdk, who h( ;011111101 a farm there. ('Ood
day -rei ides about two in lea. fr6m, here, have luck go Nvith him., Hills Green'. or 90 lie on, a tripto th(.Fatlier Land,1 Ger- . 4 i
-the fRmURNBD.Mv, and Mrs. Joseph rer ng -at POrt
1111 RY. We wish t lent far *ix�ols, a Id Grange Gat rer us'- pleasaut visit and a 5afe return- 114olson. of this plice recently etruix p Stl , ley. U.8 -wp
—Statute bor has commene- from a. very ple srant Visit t On T da y 0 f last ek, being the -
ion. ed in our to8sni, pathillasters a re county, Michig While tiler r.
former Huronit, eleventh annivers ry of the establish-
ing biisyh.unting-uprtktepayiorstobrinitbc-M Hudson i -net maiy I a, grand ex -
en. , Cc n- and not a- few I r9m the tov6aship of ment of the Grallp e 8o �iety, of wi'to-thd service of their Que ere doing welL He cursion to Port stan":eywas arranged.
wu siderable iniprovem( - ts have been,mlao le Stanley, and all i. severa sections of t1le western
nuell plea �gd with the appef x fron Ine
in the way :of grav, -,11ing streets, layi. ig was so I la and it being a f - day a large
al-. down new I sidewalk,%.repairing old ones, ance of the colintiy that he- purchase(*. a peninsu 9 thC grounds. The nu:m-
homas. This.'farm number met on
ete. —Ctops look %% ell in -this viciui t y, farm for his sOn T aY -We have had a f w 'very cold nigl ts ContEans 8-0 acres, 50 of wbich-are clar-- ber from along thq u- was not 4.5 In proportion as
asic rei �,ently,' but ther was no -frost to lo 'ed, na 40 acres v xidek crop. It is sii bu t tlii� ay be
arr c- ated within four i ilea of Marlett, t lie'. froln along other Ilines, s in
any- harm —Mr. G. Raltzman C ure f rom. the
ecounted for in a me neas
A and a smart and prosper .4. a t the Assopiation posesses a salt
at- toi.., bag a ready e oted ten, buildings county se; go d fact
As- this season,,- And lias others ready. lie town, The farm lso has on it a tba low has a good force,of-f aithfl men employ- frallie house and rnary. Mr. 1.1uds n ivell. at Kineardill , and they want to go
got tbelrm,. cro a team of horses a, id there an d. see their pro P,Brty�', Which they
aed and knows how to handle thim to �do x. wweeks. Shortly
7 ssary for $1,800. "lost lik ely will. afe
ort the best advantagc,.—Dr. Bifebalian is all.the im. me
'pie nece 0 -(at oil t grounds the seniors
c t a � gi. after getting
ids busy.' healing the sick, and -with ro d He consi(ers thai he has g preparing to re-
Wor, ld Occupied themselves in
re- bargain, as a &iiii. lar farm' here beautiful
Mess, Mr. W. Aend[erson and X.r. the
ara Clattonaretudyin under:bis instric- briligbetweenthree and four thousand fresh t1le inner. mar,
-oil being covered with well
re- tioills, and they are faitlif til young inE n. -dollars. His son, Al-.7hornas Hadscli, groan. -i so. * ,ers', and the juiiior5
6ble 11 business, an'd iqts witil his family I -.ft at once and w pread table CO Tlipre's. inoney in th ve occupied themselIvIns h,-,wiiigs merry-
?re- 'Nit' 6 eo Uplies the new farm, Although
910 1119, for it. —T % . Hess placed the Occ ious a. id go -rounds, etc.' The t wrishipl6i I OMfrid
3al- new pipe organ in tl e Lutheran elf-urs'pil are sorry to lose our industr -oales- and four
and still mc re band, composed of sh I -
On a few days, ago.�—hev. Mr. Maurpr is enterprising yourg niany girls,
-0 -v,:,IY boys and
801� aUending a five da�yg.' callip ineetina at. sorry. to see them take lip their re- fernales,all comparati
ers, ip a number of
d all farm lE
dence undee a for ign flag, we wish h in an
00(l Crediton. hout two o'clock
h a new hom6. He' is tunes in good�'sty�le. 1, on- every success in bair on ard Varna. u tile �iud of limin to assist inbilildi ig -14r. E. Cameron tobk ;be- c
at . 11 ( , all d after a few
people of platforin.on the urbil �s
gia RESOLUTioNs. —At d meeting of the. up a, -new, countr and the 0 cess
day .Stanley Branch oftl�e.Hiiron cott Act Saniflc county ar to be congratulat d complimentary words Lpon the sue
and prouress of the on er, lie introduced
Ood A� '80.oatiol� held in the Teniperaice Hall oil this acquisitio to'their sL 0 rhe essrs. 1. Itobirison, S. T. Petit and 11,
or. Monday last, a unanimous -vote of MeMordie (of Tuckers nith) as speakers.
did till anks was pased to. the members of the Tudkersmith. The first said he ha b en so often before
tell Coanty* Council wbo� voted in favor of John Templeton, of them, lie would notlocel tpy theirtilne, with
is recommending the '�appointnient of a the loth concessio a.,' who has been in te aspeech. The see xid dilated briefly on'
for P61ice'Magistrate f this County, &I nds t Of 80 old contry for I arly a year, return -,d the destruction of ie forests, and urged
o those '. �vfio voteil in favor of the home last week. lie accompanied X r. In otion protesting againsi the aniend- and Me Mciblilla a across the Atlant c. their preservation, n I the thirJ, Me
.of MciNfordie, told ho�,,v t ie society became
nants to the.-Scott'Act made by the His sojolarn in lle old land eviclent ly —primarily
an- Senate. had a 9 . bod effect upon him, as lie too Ks engaged in salt inan11i acture
for the purpose of bre,- king -tip the Salt;
as young) fresh x slliart as '.'he did f hey had
Morris. teen yeas ago. Association, and ��e laiined t
Njm B.mx-'.O-�-Mr.' John Clennan, of 1\TEw'B,&i;LN.-1-1r. Jiiines Chesney, of done it, reducing the rice from $1 and
nee n his 1 the 3rd, $1.25 to 50 and "5 ents a barrel, and
ev. tl: e Sth concessio of Moriris, raised concession,, L. R.'S., Tacker- asserted that the 1 Grin ae Associaion
the new frame barn last week. It is 40- byl stilith, is having his barn remodelled a could make salt at a profit at 60 -cents a
on 6( feet, and when :finished it will be. made asgood as n aw. He is having2o barrel Oil the return the train -arrived
oi of the finest in the township'. At feet plated in the. Centre, which wIll. Tw Era.
ng OSenr as 118U8I in Clinton about I lir p. m.—NL
tl e raising sides were ell 58. feet wide. The buildixia-i Che make it ex- T ie respective sides were, led by NHr. will rest oil a 9 � �oot stone wall. T1 is anada.
uth- wo�lle it liv- 11 In. Jackson on the so . i and Mr. ill giv6 accornmodation'Jor ex Samuel Fear on the nortlit After all stabling underne, . for�'all kiridsiA —_Air' Thomas 'Wilson, an old and
ner i wealthy- Montreal in;erebant, died on
ded elelting contest Sam, and his n proved stock. When these improvements are, ced too 'many for the south. �b 1 completdd Mr. -Ch esney will have one A F riday.
no GOOD HORSE t. Hill the most comfortable, and cornmodio a —It is proposed to erect a -nionument
Is -very fine colt, which wa's sireJ by iresof'the'kind in the couutr. on-Parliainient sq-tlaxe 'OttavTa, to 'the
ni- hi a struch I -
ich Highland Meri adzean, Of The stone work i being done' by M r. memory of the Cnadian volu#tepars who
ew G,-,ey, has three very'lialidsome colts, 1111 Thompson, of Bla; ce., and the ca . rpent .r fell in the Northwest.: his of which own their- paternity to Magi- work by �Mr, S. -a'liesnq and N.1r. A , —Hanlan is on b,is way home to Tor-
ub- the- thor6uglxbk�ed Istallion owned r�orythe. onto. Ift rece great many Valli-
b,r Mr. John Campbell, of 8ea-forth. able presents in Au�stralia, and says the
its generosity of the pe�iiple there is not sur-
e.' ey will, no doubt, luake fine steppers St inle'y. vvas a lie day, as they pdssess All the reqdl- passed in the worl& Tim T.—Tbe council iii
ed site piDints.- of r ' " —The niarksmen who have been
on the 30tb ult., as a court reVISIA on
selected for, the 11-iii-ilpledon tearn will
ced Mandiester. at ten d'elock 'a. m. TM r. Spack Ina l$ sail in.the Pari tanzon �the 27th inst.
of' Canada Company Ngent, having ppe I -
ted. AxOTHEA RURONITri, ABROA1I.—AVm;1 essinent of the sa.d —Harry Graham, formerly .& Toronto
"McDonald has received a telegram fro�n ed against the student, has been a r ppointed profe airs . I company, was pre �ent. After a paref it i ssor of
as -s the Gold Diggings, Nbvada, aXing hiln�.o examination of the roll., the collipaI13)a eye and car surgeily. t Tarsus, fir Asia
ist, come and superintend.the sinkin I a \Iillol.
assessment was lowered $500.. Lot 3, g of' of shaft in a iiew gold 'pit. William �r- colicessift 8, . was raised to $1,200; I.All —Burnett Flein 3193 a laborer, was
es rived here some four months 'ago, inr- 13, conc6ssion 10 was fowerei, Ito 80) seriously, injuredatt agersville Thursday
tending to take up his abode, -with is . t �,, , ) . evening by a freig], train. His left le&
Of of lot 3, pon rn
ars east half of east h, cession I
ely b other; but it seems the company was was crashed bet%4-erx the knee and iille
at d(termined to find htm,. as there was i i 6n 8, was rtUsed to 0 1 el oa -ankle, b . esides re6eiv' d several other
east, was lowered to $2,900. The roll for advertisement in the Americawppers is was then declared - to be finally passed le. to his whereabouts. He.coinniencedt ie —James Harris, 1onE of the oldest and and the court closed. The council mat 'lgin County, ejult 10 g journey oil Tuesday. last and ire -nicst prominent citizen of 1,�
i) - again at I o'clock ). in. After passi g
of C.: gratulate him onthe mark of d. several accounts tie following motioi is is dead. It was be w o first gave to the
tilliction that he bears, as being an world the inaminotit cbeese that was ex� Of igg e were passe t -a special grant of d : Th,
operienced, trustworthy gold d er. $10 be given to Sh irp's side road ;� th it hibited throughout ("t'llillada and the
BRiEFS.rWe iare glad "to � see United States I was aftgrwards
in tl� t 86 be errnted to be expended on Al ,
DOnaldTatterson is able to!'be up aga I 0 shipped to ld- p-erhaps did
as dock's sideline ; that �20 be granted o trodude nadian cheese
the �The.Sacranient' of the Lord's Sapp 3r -more to in ub- w It be dispensed im he Presbyt the B.ayfield bo-unJary, providing.. Bi into that market th . all any other similar
er"n field couticil grant an equal rnoul] her cl ch the first Sunday nix, July. —Cro )a The council then adjourned to me t event. ar lea look well in this vicinity.—Tbe raisliff again at the call oi the reeve. —A Citizen of ',Niontreal, narned Ouil-
lette is taking an d '10,000 dam -
Out of Mr. Thompson's barn took place IE at a. � tion f or �,,
Pt. week.—Nlrs. Blair, of Colborn6, start,.A ages against Dr. B0 ssey, the city vaccin-
en- a visit to relatives in Algoma I., at ator, for killing lxi�- twd children with
I a inipure lyinpli. The -doctor says tfie
the Tuesday. For June the Lion has secu special low drive in Ladies'Tape Hats, Flowi rs children died of measles'and has a inedi-
led Clinton. and Lace Trimmings at 50c,oiie-third-.'reguar cl certificte-to that eff�ct. rn- prices. AiF.\ANDFR. voit-SAi..—A 60 inch who el in good of t e traffic of ec. REMOV�ALS.—M Intosh & MeZtgaa rt 'lie return the
re r particulars tq Chris., Dickson, 0
0,01r. Write fo de- nton. have removed the banking office to the Canadian 'Pacific 'Iway, froxii11ay 24th
er-' office in Leckie's block, formery occa to the 31st has just been posted, and is
BRIIKFS.�-Tlie Oi-iginal Georgia Miris- - as6II, ion trelspla edtoa-i - ery fair houseou Wedn6s- pied by the Ontario-- bank. Sernn . . ows - 1885, $214,000; correspond -
Of y Lairdhasopelied uta,sbaving-andbil- 111g'week of 1884,-$18 000) . showing. all
he day niglit. The entertainment wa good en crease of 1000 f tbis-year.
all d would -doubtless hav6 been bettei liard room in th,, pr 'iises they left. — 111 —Prof. J. vl�uol tils, w ho conduct-
ed patronized if people here had ,not been Dr. MeNaugliton ais inoved his office to ,, hout this province
lain the office in Ledkie's block, forinei ly ed concerts throug
so often taken. in by on� horse allows. upied by Me 9. E. Wade. some years ago, w4s ki kled last month in
0 r popular yonng to-wrisuilkil, Fred Oel Kentucky, by a fealoas husband, who
- J. ksoll, it is rumored is about to tae H. Hari -is Xick suspected him of undue intimacy . With
les III to himself a better balf.-7-Tuesday Plaed eircu-8 exhibited in Bruss(ds n his -%vife, who. with Il r sister, died of
vas ni Ylit was an event in the- lives of sorne Thursday, J un e Uh. Th e circus,on t. ne .
21 injuries hifliated. �% the same time.
0011. of our young people who displayed such whole, was fair, but there' was a g,% -ng Of —Rev. T. S. Hardie, a recent. grada-
611Y great. taste in the arrangements of tb eir fakirs along witl-it,whoweretheoist te of Knox College-, I as been inducted
costumes at the canival on the roller tlyat eve'r visited �Iiia place. They we it
into the pastoral charg of Stanley street
er rink. The costumes were not numerous thiough a liumbor of our citizens and church, Ayr. ose awing, without doubt,- to the warnith of country people wi li.their games*, and in -e fac -y in operation at
'lle alo,% toi
Ay th -weather. -Every. 'praise is due changing money early every one- that Oalt, lately received -an order for 2,500
ain th,- management -of the rink for the changed. any inon y got bit more or less, pairs for the NorthweE t. The Victoria
me I
co artesy displayednd the evident desire one party to the tune of $25,.wllic.11 was 11 I or a of the same to ' has re -
w ee w k NVII
ass th every one, should enjoy the'even recovered by Constables Chapniall alld ceived f roi- *all Aineric in firm order
ay- 149 an
-as much as-, *bl The Dobdrty Organ Scott. for the wood-wor."k of 6Wpairs of roller
Iis. —On Thu BE i several pieces in their good Scorr ACT C.A., rsday la at vi- st-le and added materially to the en- tb e cott Act peo le made a raid on t, vo skates. —Air. � W111. hNde, o � Galt, has a live' -
1119 ' ni6nt of the evenin . -T oster Bay- - of our hotels. T e search was in
jo� 9 — ly brood of -49 yolIng d xicks just hatched
ey. IeY, Our popular photograpber'i;, will the Central by onstable Scott,, w 10 out by the patent� I inca)ator process. R have for sale in a few days several vi6v found some beer, pmd on the Revere y —A new industr is about to be start-
C- of our streets and points Of interest in D. Lowry, w y
on lio !found a quantity Of ed in Toronto, tb4t of planing flagstones
thi -. surroiding country. Judgilig from liquors, ale and p rter, all of which w is for sidewalks. those we have seen they promise to be a removed. There were- -also two, mc re --The Rev. Th011ias McGuire, foiinew-
,tell fine collection. charges laid again at the proprietor of t be ly of Ernerson el
has- d lined the call re-
igh-t Revere, �hd 6e more, against the 0- cently addr6ssed to hi n by Churclibill
am Blyth. 1
prietor of Ahe Oentral hotel for se i rin- 'go OXIN-D.—T'lle follow. !iquor, till of whidh came up foi- li . eaing Presbyterian congregaion.
Miss Maggie Barr, 1 liss McNeil, Pro, -
and ing resolutions were read and.adoptedat III the town hall �ast Friday before P. fessor Moon, and -the 'inclair children',
ked a ILrgely attended meeting in.*Blyth on Thomson and -John Beattie, , J� P 'a, have formed a compaivir, and will give
ieir Fr ay evenhig The evidence given bk some of !the wit- Scottish concerts throlilliout Ca;nada and
eas- VI oved by. Rev. A. McLean, seconded nesses *as a surprise to 8everl.1 One the United State 3. aVY by Mr. etcalfe that, Wlwreas, all 'case agaimst, Hall,, of the ReveI-e house
—Rev. T. O'Connell who created such
eri- was diErhiissed, ax�d two reserved', ad
good citizens. are bound to. be Joyal. to. a disturbance in- Londc n a few months
est. constitutional law ; where'as the Scott -ONeal's cases ere adjourned� until
. . I "I
rat A(t has been !carried in this county Monday, Jime -15th. ago that the Bishop was '.compelled to
a remove him from tha, pastorate of a
and laige majority on the principl4is- of c()Il- BRIL, --:-rhe r ext sittin cf . of: the Di -
ch, , tational church, has c'ouinienced to lectur� on
,ti government; and, whereaLs, vision �ourt takes place on Wednesda, " Hell." He is said I o --�be thoroughly
art there are , strong r4sons to believe t1liat Jund 24th. -111. 11. Kerr paid'Omen posted oil the subj ect. one aai d Act is frequently violated in 't fix$ 8ound a 6sit. &st week. —C. Seager, -of —Large (juan6ties f land salt are
an- 'Vi ag4, be it resolved that this meet Ug God-iii-i6b, town last week. i sold.to the faTme,rs about Bright.
and. a I )eing
nily condemns any who may be E. WaAe spent Saturday and Still( —The B,eaveri lacrosse- club 4re about
ind tu ity of any such- violations, :and calls last in the (101114. town. --Robt.- Gr'ab; ill to offer a sih-er cup to e plaed- for be-
rbe pill ;b.11 patriotic men and women to 0611*4 Geo. Howe'are On' the mark.et,'ready tween any clubs in the counties of Xor-
. &Y �a e a decided stand, which - will cai ise to buy all the �vool that comes ii,lonu, folk, Elgin, Middlesex, Oxiford Perth,
t11 C) I
,ir influence to be felt forthe t1iorou g andare Paying the highest price :t -e -n, Lanibt6' E,
the enforcement of the Act." for. —,k. hek - Huro and Kent.
Roe, 0�- the, Queen's hotel, The cup -will be; worth about $75 or $80
ea- T. qoved by M. Young, secollded* by Wii' .1111 .was 1-11 town on. Fri(lay.--R., and has to be won twice from the
'R. Henderson, that this ineetili'a avails W-. Til-ek is going to selthis furniture Beavers b
Z5 1 y one team lefore it becomes
R. itself of this the.carliegt opportunity to by auction next Saturday.—Jas. Jolies their property, A. ex'bress its thanks to t'lle, menibersi of can now'be found' at the Qn.ecilps hotel —The other day a Mr. John H.
D. tho County Council of Huron who 1ave to attend to anything in -his line. -A' Sylvester was about to cross the railway
ay., re(onimeaded the appointment of I a local dei1matic'company fro at of &-atho where there is a
in Wingli in track e
Po ce IS11agistrae for the county for he played, to a small. li%ise in the town ha11 deVp cutting, he,�did not see- the ap-
a pu opose of- enforcing the Canada T(m- on Thursday night last. Their:1111181C hi t i till it c-aille out of the
proac. in, ram
Eg- pe ance Act of 1878 ; and,we are pleased was falin—W. F.,Scot-t- has :been doing cut, and%eing very near to the. track
- of to know that -by' resol ution the said good work '011 the Pacific slope at the the horses got frightered and wheeled
the. Coincil has expressed its disapproval of Caled,nian games held on the 30tb of, ar-oundand threw out a lady a . Mrs.
Jay ce the amendments to said -Act. recen bly 3( 'He 'siron 'even first prizes, One d a very bad out in
P Mason, who receive
Con( ght, passed by the Senate. se And one tbird, in all- $W. --A the, head.
Mr. Sylcster jumped out
rst, I 4oved by R. Adaims, seconded. �y heavy thunder storin, accompanied with and in doing so caughb'his le M e
'lie hail and wind, passed over this place buggy wheel and dislocated le a -ft T. W. Sloan, and Resolved, that in e
t IL
12, Ladies See T e Bargains Jum X I D DS E POR ARE 0"FRING �rs G00111031.1%11 the n0hbled materials, Nuns'ClOtbs, Cords, Soleil. Cords, Dison Suitings, atc. Besides
an immense AsliortMent of blae-k and colored
Cashmeres, 31erin0c#, etc These goods must 1 )e Be 311 to b0'aPPYeclated, Iyuslins, Piques, TA,wns,'etc-, in 9feat variety.
pklnt�and Gingliamg, ov r.300 patterns to elect -
fronl, vou will find col:)rs perfectly fut.and
prices th� lowest. special atteiltion is call d to our Enibroiderleg
nd Laces in blacks and reanis f roin one inch t4 one yard in wid th. See iny flouncing laces, creani and ])lack.
Ei cry lady should ree ir,,,tock of Hosiery a0d Glov6s'. Some 104-lythings in .S� Ik und Ta7l,Aa gloves.
Hosiery, new, tylish- aid durable in cott6ii
wool and Cashniome. :
MILLINERYD PARTMENT. Our full staff ae,workil ig night anday to ge,-1 , t out the work aod cause our. custoo,L_,rs as littlik, delay as possible. Just to hand this wee k se% cral lines of the
latest American shapes in the new braids fully
one half the price of earl� - importations. Purchasers will always find with us the best
.an d most servicable inat�� rials.
The latest,Amefican ayd Old Comitry styles, and our work, you m6t visit Toronto or Abas treal.to see it cqualled� Ladies, you run no rist, every thing is ua:r.an. teed to be of the best. Gentlemen Sed The Bargai s nS KIDD S EMPORIUM
Ready-made clothing a nd ordered clothing.
We are offering for the,,net two monthl�
special inducenients in this dep�ltxuent;
Several lines of sumine r suits clearing at cost.
NVe sell a first class all vool pant at auTetched
low price. Rubber coats in greattrariety.
Our order departmnt 'is In fidl blast. We ae now turning out nmbers of the most stylish
suits in town, just ou ask. 16r prices, and be
convinced that Kidd I s Etn:porium istbeplacetogetyour, t6t. Every departmeni Rept fully ssorted with the
most seasonable gooas. Acallsolicited. '-N-otri)ul)lctoshioir.,-,00ds.
Thom a�,no Ki d d
Corner Main and Streets,
and broke some of th small bones and fracturefl the ligaine tt, which will lay
lifin up for sorne till) 4.
—At the close of file final lesson of
religious instruction at the Toronto
Normal School the variaizs classes gave
expression to their good feelings towards
their respective The Rev.
R. W. E. Greene, t1h, instructor of the
Episcopalian class, �Yas made the're-
Cipient of an artiat's complete outfit.
The Rev. Mr. Fr6emui, Of the Presby-
terian class, rceiVepd five handsoine vol -
nines of poena& The Rev. Mr. Burns,
of the Methodist class, was presented
with a comfortable easy chair. The
gift in each case was accompanied by
an appropriate adrebs. .—A horse belonging to Mr. W. Allin,
of Lucknow, had one, of its hind 1698
taken -off by the traill the other I day.
The anima had to be shot. The -other night wl Len retuning from
the grangers'pienic, �11m. Jennings, -sr.,
of St. Thomas, m ade an attempt to get
off -the train while in motion, but lie fell,
the car wheel )asshiB over his foot. He
was at once Uen to his home. On ex- amination it was foundthat amputation was necessary.. —The death of M,,.-. Benson, . P. Of
South Grenville, has statled the House
of'Parliament. He l-,fthome, on Friday
last, to proceed to New York to meet
his son, who is on his way out from Eng- laud and reported to be in the last stage
of consumption. Mr, Benson was to ill
appearance in the best of health, and beinj of a robust cor stitwtion, his and den ea�th was a stirprise to everyone.-
---Mr. Thomas Campton, allold Bii-tiA
soldier, who has live I inoroutc, ince his discharge in 1842, After serving near-
ly twelve years, has % his possession the -
identical brigade order book of Brigadier
General Fraser, date 1� 1776. The book
gives the orders of t ie (lay, parole, and
countersigns used on- the march froin
Montreal to join the 4orces opposed to
Gen. Washington. Ii is believed by Mr- Campton to be the Oily book of the kind
in existencie and is: '� deed a curious, " In I
velic of the olden tim m The hano1w. rit-
hig is as plain . as copperplate, and
though the paper is tained by time and
the Covers badly worn, not a ` worol is-
wissing or illegible. —A rascally ageit of the Wanzer sewirig.machine coillpally in Montreal has skippe(I out after defrauding the, company of Over �$8,0 � �. He is an Elig- 'lisbinall, nained Thomas Griggs., and ,",as regarded by ' the I irni, -with the great- est confidence, as lit professed to be & very religius-Inall. He had preached
- ev - er shice coming to real to a con�
gregation of Pri-milit ''Methodists at
Point St. Charles, all I officiated on the'
very Sunday before his flight. What
makes hi8hypocrisy ll. the', darker, be- induced a married women to leave her
fam. ily and elope wit [I him. It is also
stated that he was carrying on in-
trigues withthe women connected with - his congregation. He wasa fine-lookilig
man, a very good preacher, and is about- forty years of age. A wife an'd threO children are left behind.
IGeor g4e THORNE$ OIM EA F -0 14
Greatargaiiiis in all Kinds i�
Aurixig this month. Five t1lousand pairs of Fine I
73ow selliub at- &)c '0,
under. Patf the &-Co., 11-aujilon aud Toronto. I)--- list Ladie�'. fine polishcalf bilit,olat"
pair, worth Laaw fine kid slippers for �;5
Ladice bigh cut buttoned worth i�1.4'0. Ladies? bigh eut str4c) 1eatliv
Ladice au wool carpet elipper
Lxaiee NO, I basrell Frene
boots 'for $3.00,usual Prke -`4�0
wiee new st,Msh buttonel
Nvorth and �K-00- Boye beavy school boot-,-r1v4
b w�Drth 1.30. 31ens' long boots A splendid c011ectlOn'Of nItle'
Lwed 'Balmorils -and laW S110(,
HA-fr S- AIN U O -S -a 'kiloth,er lot just receli-ed in i
hau Met -a-lid Boe hafs VeNv auak
11ol)b- GR0CERIES, CROG,
G-LASSWAIR A full stiock at Prices to suit Atrentsfor the Kerby Cfilna".
gotter and eggs tak�n in V.M.
Cheap Ca4
Hoff m an
Xew Desigas in Glove -
of the best ant.1 C
in. the Sun . ost V.1141 ililder, some. Ii
we are
examil.e. siile a .
heap GaSf,