HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-06-12, Page 7iand iSth et• •and, ne en goo& getting can be hwhont le rYcber., is Com mg Sae itles are opeee4 aid thee . Tiller at aundi eieople of rged her itted her haml. the hest Cotrntyr. tlinany I • INorth of Street. "MTH. vedl. oved to. hi Oki he will he- : i as many - with their lenderson'a ore, Mam WING. kY YOU :7011TH, S this county. low for fade at it is the ; and doing a -RS last longer -ring special A gnarantee iven to ee- ' Grist Mills, ebiaes, and `short notice Ithers.. kawest rates. ints of L. D. repairs con - PRY. KERS, OST. toR.-T1-1 Eade in Mant. atintreal.: ted on deposit. oest rates. L DAN. tte d to COn• 'Mg money on honses, &ee F; MILL FAGTORY- Lank his INEITtelci t. patronage ex- businese te favored with deweIlto goys teep on hand a - LATH, &e. i satisfaction to heir patronage* , te employed. itori Hamm* k.OADFOGT. gitt. iYOR and Chit ll promptly- attcteL - JUNE --The Lo formed that arrived in favorable op nefarious des —Hon. M General, and of Jamaica, t Royal Comm other day. T Government eiprocity be island. —A d'vei1iig house in Listowel owned , by Mr-. keter Lthco, .and occupied by a family nam d. Helling, caught 'fire the other 1 ight some tine before the occupan were aware • of the fact, and but b r their being aroused from sleep w en the sinc•ke was bursting into their ro m, they in all probability would have perished in the flames. . They had. a arrow. escape with their ' lives and los nearly all that was in the house. —On the naming of the 27th int. Mr. Joseph Iredale, of Downie, who sustained se ere injuries by an accident at his saw in 11 on the 15th inst., passed ' over to' join the great majority. The doctors wli attended him had every hope of his iltimate recovery from the shock 'riffle d to his nervous system by the terrible mntilution of his arms by the circular a*, but on Saturday even- ing lock-jawset in, resulting in death on Wednesday morning. Deceased was an old settler i the locality and was an-in- duStrious ni n. He was in his 58th year. —The Be. con says every day there is . an increase in the number of tramps seen about the railway premises. On Wednesday o less than nine were seen on the stat'on platform at Stratford, waiting a c mace for a free ride. One— s tough loo ing customer—was hauled out of a box car on an immigrant train, where he ha 1 concealed himelf, and sent to the cals. Two managed to get an the train in pite of the vigilance of the officials, an the others left for the west by a cheap conveyance of their own, ihoe-Ieather to_wit. _,. ._ —The sto in of Sunday_24th ult.., will long be ren embered as the most severe that ever p ssed over the township of ilogan. It , . ✓ ni. poured O "e would h agine thatthe very windows of heaven w re thrown wide open. The thunder ro red and shook the ground like an -ear -hquake, 'and the, lightnings flashed' aln • st witho.ut intermission for fUlly half a hour. , On the 7-th conces- sion, Mr. ohn Thompson's new bank barn was st nal( and 'Burned, With all its Cimtents, a cl. a man who was in it at the time ---NN as killed. Deceased, who was just 21 years of age, and who Mr. Thompson t ok from the orphan's home ten years a', with Mr. Thompson and two of his s tiis, were lying in a mow an top of a lot f hay. The lightninglenter- ed the barn through a sky -light and`set tiae hay on 1 re. Mr. Thompson jumped p and °ail d to the man to help him to e tingtiishi he flames, but the boys said e was .dea . Mr Thompson thell, as he 'thought, sn othered the fire, and imme- diately look d after the man, who was still living, ut unconscious. He earried . him to the house where he died in a few minutes. Looking out he noticed that the fire had again started, and the barn Was in flames: Its contents, including hay and gr in, with a horse,, five cah es And seven pies, were destroyed. The total loss is eseimatal at $4,000, insured ler $1600. - 188& • • THE • HUR014 EXPOSITOR. Ws Notes. - d n police have been in- wodynamitards have gland and only await a ortunity to carry but their gns. ssrs. Hocking,. Attorn,ey- Gillard, ColLctor-General, vo members of the Jamaica ssion,a,rrived in Ottawathe eir object is to interview the n regard to a treaty of re- -een Canada and their own "Well, then, since yoti insist, I should like to buy one of your glossy ringlets." The young lady seized a pair of scissors, clipped one, and handed it to the young man, saying, " One hundred dollars ?” He paid; but it saddened hiin, and he was seen at the fair no mo/e.—Provi- donee Press. GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the.natural laWe Which govern the operations of digestion and nu- trition, and by a careful, application of the flee _properties of well selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many dee- tors' bills. It is by .the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradu- ally built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle mala- dies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many alatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with Imre blood and a ploperfy nourish- ed fraine."—Civil Service Gazette, Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets by grocers, labelled thus—" Jews Errs & Co., Homoeopathic Chemists, London, England." SOU arjent for Canada, 0. E. Colson, Montreal. 884-52 - I Holloway's Ointment and Pill. Coughs, Influenza.—The soothing properties Of these medicaments render them well worthy of trial in diseases of thexespiratory org•aes. In common ccilda and influenza the Pills, taken in- ternally, and the Ointment rubbed over the eheet and throat, are exceedingly efficacious. When influenza. is epidemic, this treatment is the mei- est, safest and urest. .Holloway's Pilla purify the blood, remove all.obstacles to its free circu- lation through the lungs, relieve the over -gorged air tubes, and render respiration free, without reducinr, the strength, irritating the nerves, or depressing the spirits ; such are the ready means of eaving sufferingtwhen anyone is afflicted with colds, coughs, bronchitis, and other chest cent - plaints, by which so many persons are seriousfer and permanently afflicted in most countries. 912.52w. McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate is invalu- able for wounds, Nres, salt rheum, Cuts; buena seal& and- festers, as a healing and purifying dressing. Do not be impoeed on with other use- less: preparations, recommended to be as good. Use only McGregor Sr. Parke' s Carbolic Cerate. -Sold by Lumsdentt; Wilson, druggists, Seaforth. 910.52ava The chi -coy -ere- of the instantaneous process of taking photographs has been quickly followed in the medical -world by 0. perfect and instruffane- ous remedy for. all acute aches and pains, as neu- ralgia, toothache, rheumatism, etc. This valu- able remedy ;is called Fluid Lightning, and is sold at 25 cents a bottle by Lumsden & Wilson, anae On suddenly, and the drug.gists, Seaforth. 912.52w. downin such torrents that' ' Roma= of an Ear of Corn. It has ah -ay's &en thought that ears of corn ha. -e an even number af rows,, and that on withan odd number of rows would be impossibility. In slavery times this question was discussed, and a ' negrain K ntucky claimed that. he had seen ears of that kind. His master told him he WOU Id, give him his—the negro's 1—freedom or an ear with an odd. num- . her of rovi.s. This was in the early spring, but in the fall, during corn -gath- ering time, he negroeame with thirteen rows. He rot his free papers. A long time a-ftem rds the old negro said that in roasting eax' time he took a sharp knife, cut out the one row of grains, bound the .ar together, and knew, just where to 'nd it when gathering time -came. The M n Who Obeyed His' Wife. A native of. Kettle, in Fife, while he nuptial kn t ‘was being tied, was d- monished t love and honor his w e. Thinking t e clergyman (a stranger)*as forgetful— e reminded'hirn of a suppOs- ed omissia —" Ay, an."obey honor, anc obey, ye ken ! The hit, however, as not taken, and he see ed. seriously iscomposed in conseque ce. Some year after, while the same mnis - ter was rid ng through the village, the man who d been so determined to be I henpecked stopped him, addressing bit in the fol owing remarkable words f— "D'ye mi d, sir, yon 'day when ye married m, and when I wad insist upon vowing t obey my wife? Weel, ye may now e that I was in the richt. Whether 3 e wad or no, I hae obeyed my wife; nd, behold, I am now the only man hat has a two-story housei in the hale t ?" Secon Thoughts are Best.. Campbe watching his house "Maggie worked i ders," sai you no' w ' tune -whil minister, it," and tune to the "-Dead March in Saul," • planing worthy . minutes " &uncle till ye. day's wor - or -by the job ?" " The d s our agreeing? minis the whole, Saunders; I t weel gae back to whis 1, the dominie, was one ay arpenter making repairs in The ca,rpenter -vv-his led ander as he laboured, nd time to the tune. " S n - the dominie presently, " an istle a mair solemn and go • y ye're at work ?" "Ay, w el, f it be your will P11q!eia do ie inunediately changed he till he me say the LiyS r." ink n tune to the music. ominie looked on for s n silence, and` then s s, 1 ha'e anither word to id the gruidwifehire ye by wark w " Then o ye may a 'Bonnie 41aggie Lauder.'" The de at the Charity F A rich oung man of the dude order of dress and impertinence attended a I charity f At one of the tables w -s a Piing la y noted for her beauty. tFhc . dude h ing around " the beauty'sta le, : but bong it nothing. At last the young lady ask d, " will ynn buy ?"n- trrtunsale.ate” y, what I wish to buy is not "What is it ?" "1 dare not "-Y." ." Whatever it is, you may b y 1.1 Rev. J. G. Fallis, Dutton, certifies: "For some years my wife has been troubled with dyspepsia, and has tried one thing after another recom- mended with but little :or rue effect till advised to give McGregor'ete'Speedy Cure a trial. Since taking the first bottle I have noticed a decided improvement, and can with confidence recom- mend it to be one of, if not the best medicine extant for dyspepsia."- This invaluable medieine for liver eemplaint, indigestion, kidney •corn- plaintais purely vegetable. Sold at Lumsden & Wilson's drugstore, Seaforth. Trial bottles given free. 912.52w. Clergymen, Singers and public speakers Will find Robinson's Phosphorized Emulsion of the greatest benefit to' them, where there is any tendency to weaknees of 'the throat or bronchial tubes, as it soothes the initated membrane, gives full tone - and strength to the -vocal organs and imparts new life and vigor to the enfeebled constitution. 891.52.2w. - A Fourfold:Work: • Biirdeck Blood •Bitters act at the Same time' upon the liver, the bowels, the kidneys and the skin, relieving. or cueing in :every case. War- ranted • satisfactory or. money refund -ed. 857. 52.2w.- Better. than 'Gold.. - A good name, good. health, a good companion and a bottle of .Hagyard's Yellow Oit are among. the first requisites for human happiness. Yellow Oil cures rheumatism, sprains, lameness; bruises, burns, frost : bites, croup, sore throat, and all. pain and inflammation. 857.52.2,w. —11;o;n in , The wife Of Mr. J. Kennedy, Dixie P. 0., was cured of a eitronic cough by Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. The beat throat aial lung heeler known. 857.52.2w. • • The Best 'Best Yet. The best blood cleanser known to medical science is Burdock Blbod Bitters. It purifies the blood of all -foul humors and gives strength to the weak. 857.52.2w. all • 01. - National Pills -will not gripe or Sieken, Yet are a thorough cathartic. 857.52m. -,�•,�--_ - It . can do. no harm to try Freeman's Worm Powders wh,eri your 'child is ailing, -feverish or fretful.' 857-52m. Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap is a delightful toilet luxury as well as a good curative for skiaelis, eases. 857.52m. As sweet is honey is Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, yet sur to destroy and expel worms. 857.52m. of his legs, which baffled all attempts to heal until he used Burdock Blood Bitters which- • speedily worked a perfect cure. 867.52.6. MONEY TO LOAN. - 1‘4'0XEY TO LOAN. ---Straight loans at 6 per cent!. Interest payable half yearly, or si per cent. yearly, with the privilege to borrower of repaying -part lot the principal money at any time. Apply, to F. HOLMESTED, Barrister, Seaforth. • 850 AUCTION ERS. TP. BRINE, Licensed 1 Auctioneer for the . County of Huron. ales attended in all parte of the County. All orders left at Mg ExPosie0a Office willte promptly attended t . A tDE TATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Sales of all demi') ion promptly attended to on reasonable terms. _Ad- , dress Brussels P. 0., or apply on Lot 4, J on- ce,sion 12, Grey. 77 LEGA.L: T M. BEST, 'Barrister, Solicitor, tc. Offi . Rooms formerly occupied by Caerol 1 & Dickson, Meyers Block, over Johnson's 'Hard- ware Store, Main Street, Seaforth. God4rich Agents—Cammtox, HOLT CAMERON. 70 GARROW & PROUDFOOTe Barristers, S tors, &c., Goderich, Ontario. 3. T. GAR -WM. PROUDFOOT. • Iiei- Ow, 86 litt C. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Private Mon y to lend at.lowest rates of interest. 0•Corner of Square and West Street, Goderich1 774 CriAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barri Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, M. C. CAMERON, Q. C., PHILIP HOLT, A CAMERON. OFTUS E. DANCEY; late with Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barriste , So- licitor, ConVeyancer, &c: Money to loan. Ben- son's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforth. 786 tore, Ont. . G. 06 • 1JFANbING & SCOTT, Barnsters, Soli itors, Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Office—Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. . H. • IlLeasteio, JAMES SCOTT. 781 IIOLMESTED, successor to the late . McCaughey & Hohnested, Barriste Helton Conveyancer and Notary. Solicit the Canadia.nBank of Commerce.' Money Farina for sale. Office in Scott's Block Street, Seaforth. rrn of , So - r for lend. Main 1jTEYER & DICKINSON, Barristers, &c., ent's 1.11 Block, Wingham. 'Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Commissioners for taking flida- vits in Manitoba. Private funds to loan a 6 per cent. Lucknow Office every Wednesday. W. C. MEYER, E. L. DICKINSON. 738 • A', True Statement. • ., Kind words can neverdie," and there are none. but kind words spoken regarding Hagyard's Yea, low Oil, thateld reliable reniedy for external and internal use. It cures rheumatism, deafness,• croup, sore throat, and all soreness and weunds of the flesh. '857.52.2w...... • Listen to Your Wife. t • The Manchester Guardian, June 8th, 1883, says: At one of -the • 'Windows Looking on the woodland Ways!. - With clumps of rhododendrons,: and great masses of May Rowers ! There was aninteresting group. It included:one who had been a cotton -spinner; but was now so • Paralyzed! • That he could only bear to lie in a reclining position, . This refers to my case. . I .was attacked twelve years ego With Locomoter Ataxy • - (A paralytic disease of nerve fibre rarely, , ever cured.) And was • for several ;years :hardly able to get about. And for. the last five yars not able to attend to -my business, although , Many things have been done for me, . . The last experiment being nerve stretching. - Three years ago I was voted into the Home for Incurables, near Manchester, in May, 1882. I am no De vocate for anything in the shape ofe patent medi ines 9 , And made eany Objections to my dear . wifee constant urging to try Ilop Bitters, but finally to pacify her— • ; Consented ! • ;•I had not quite 'finished the first bottle when I felt a change come over nee. This was Saturday, November 3rd..- On • Sunday -twilling I felt se strong I asid to my ream companions, 1,` I was sure I could Walk • . • Soaitarted across the floor and hada 1 hardly knew twee to contain myself. I was all oVer the house. I am gaining . strength each day, and can walk quite safe without any .• S'taacice now - Iow at thy own house, and hope soon to • be able to' earn My own -living again. I have • been a' member of the Manchester Royal Exchange ; For nearly thirty yearseand was most heartily coneratulated on going -into the room on Thane day° last. • Very gratefully yours, John Black burn. • Manchester., Eng., Dec., ,24,1883. .Twe yeara later am perfectly well. Saff"None genuine without .a bunch of greeel Hops on the white label. Shun allthe poieonous stuff with " Hop" or." Hops". hi theta name. 864.52m. • _ A Successful Result, Mr, Bloomer, of Hamilton, Ont., suffered. far many years with a painful: running sore upon one ' DENTISTRY. ,. TD. S" ana M. R. C. , of Torento, Ali opertions guaranteed. Anesthetics bf .all kinds administered. Specie ties— Gold Filling and Perfect Fitting lates. Town patients will please make• engage nents a day or two previous to having the petit - tion erformed. VT Remember the pia e, the r oms formerly occupied by C. Celts right, up -stirs in Cady's Block, opposite the Col enter - cud 1otel, Seaforth. 874 NV1321'801\1-, DENTIST, Faculty -Geld Medallist and • liege Gold Mcdallist,Toronto School of Den istry. Rooms over Johnsons' Hardware, Main treet, Seaforth. 911 • I • , r• 0 = —4-- -00 *. 0 r 111 3 05 -13 .4 "11 I Pr --4 r 0 cc rn C -41.11 P°'tri 2 0 m -407igo *0 „ 3 - aiO 30. m 2 0 2 m 10 2.! cin w. m. r m r r• 11 xi m 0- rri ni 4-15* 2 r m ,1:51 13 0 pi -I Co (0o1) In -IT en I-1 ):0 m zwat72 m 0 1--g 0 Sn m w x moOrl < C z m m up r Yo CD r O -b p e -t X r -2 In < cirt- 1.:3-s • * p • Z fff Z M I THE CANADIAN. BANK -Of COMM ROE. HEAD* FFICE, TORON O. Paid up Cars 1 $6,000. 2 ,000. Rest, PRESIDENT, HON. WM. MOMA TETI. SEAFORTH BRANCH. The Seaforth Branch of thio Bank con inu s to receive -deposits, on which interest is al owe on the most favorable terms. , Drafts on all the principal Itowns and eiti 'in Canada, on Great Britain, and th U ited States, bought and sold. I Office—First door &nem 101 the Co me cial Hotel. A. H. IRELAND, Mana F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor.. • • 6 HALM 7151113 ai Renewer. ,Seldom dpsa popular remedy win such a strong hold tipon the public confidence as has - RALL's FAN RENEWER. The cases in which coLi it has acemopliished a complete restoration of : reraiiabdle. vig°ro health to the' ailopr,toare thinne b .. )Old people like it for its w hderful power to color and beau. restore to the whitening lo ks their original keeps dandr ents them f m getting bald, it because it pre y. Middle -a ed people like as a dressing be strong. Yo g ladies like it away, and makes the hair grow thick, an tiful glossY lus use it give th hair a beali-b e, and enabl t em to dress it in whatever f ' ral they wis . rhus it is the • favorite of all, 'dit has b come so simply because itjcSsap ants no on . 1 er. BUCKI GI -IA FOR um .WH DYE I KERS Has become one of the mos lar toilet article for gentle the beard is -gr y or natur sirable shade, INKING TOMedy. REPARBIr Co.,N Sol by all Dr important popu- en's use. When lly of an unclo- g; Drsis tie • situa,N.11. THE SUFFOLKS ARE THE BEST.—The, dersig,ned has now 'on Lot;. Coneessio 2,• L. R. S., Tuckersinith, and will keep for the improvement of Stock, Two THOROUGIIIIRED SUF- FOLK Itaeas. The oldest, "Granger," was far- rowed on April 3rd, 1882, was )red. by Mr. Wm.. Elliott, Milton, County of Halton.; His sire and his dam were :both imported.- The second, - " King Tore," wee farrowed in .April, 1884. He was bred by 'Messrs. A. Fran t & Sons, of the county of Peel, and both his sire and his dam were also imported. They are as good pigs as were ever offered for service in Huron as can be proven by • the- extended pedigrees which are registered in the Canadian Heril Book. • Terme 81, with the privilege of returning if necessary. GEORGE PLE ES. ' 891- V TERINAII, TI C. DOAN, 11 of Onta Ontario. Calls day. Veterinar, hand Office, Veterinary'Surgeon, Graduate! o Veterinary College, Toronto, iromptly attended to night or medicines kept constantly on uron Hotel, Zurich, Ont. 909 EAFORTH Jarvis ang Presbyterian • C eases of Horses, mesticated anin *Infirmary, or. el. Charges mod er haul' Surgeon. ary Medicines k ORSE INFIRNIARY.—Corner of oderichStree s next door to the urch, Seaforth, Ont. All dis- Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do, ids, successfully treated at the ewhere, on the shortest potiee. e. JAMES W. ELDER, V-eter- P. S.—Aelarge stock of Neterin- pt constantly on hand THE BIG MILLS SEAFOBT . The above mills have now been thoroughly re- . builteupon the complete 111 UNCABIAWROLLERIDROCESS. The Mill and, Storehouse Buil ings have beeri greatly enlarged, and new in hinery applied threughout. THE LATE T IMPROVED 1101,11S- -AND Flour pressings lylachines From the best Manufacturing Firms • have: been put in, and everything necessary added to enable her to turn out flour SEG ND TO 4ONZ In the Domin on. The facilities for receiving grain from fan iers and for elevating and shipping have also deen extensively improved. Grain can new be taken from farmers' wagons, weighed, and loaded in o cars at the rate of 700 bushels per hour, by t • e work of tivo mos. A LAROE FEED STONE M CHOPPING Has -been put i , and the necessary machinery for handling' chop and coarse grains.' A good shed has been erected, o that wagons can be unload d and reloaded un er cover. -WHEA EXCHANQES Pr mptly attended tc4, and FIRST-CLASS ROLLER FLOUR GUARANTEED. ctrsrQM M -1M]:) • Chopped sLtisfactori1y and without delay. ROLLEFi FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS; • And all kinds of CHOPPED - FEED Constantly on hand. Highest ,Market Price Paid in Cash for any Quantity of Wheat. APPLE BARRELS —AND FINE, COARSE AND LAND SALT FOR SALE. (Only first-class and obliging men will be kept to attend customers. The liberal patronge of farmers and general trade respectfully solicited. • . A. W. OGILVIE & CO,, 15R0i)RIET01US. T. O. KEMP, Manager. THE rylEDIOAL HALL, _CINT BM FORTH, Has jus opened out the fine. you wa t a nobbylMerschat the Me idol Hall, where yo you satiefaction. A splendi Brushes at all prices. Toile Red Clairer Toilet Sc; p, Al Glycerine and Cuticu a Toil Chami Bath Tow Is. Fine Corpbs just opene fro select. We draw you • atte 5 ENTRANCE EXVIINATIPN. TTIHE examination of candidates for admission to High, chools, will be held in Seaforth, Clinton and ingham, on Thursday'and Friday. the second anU third days of July netxtcom- mencing proriptly at 9 o'clock, a. nie in the Public school iouse in each place. .Those who intend to *ite in Seaforth will send "names and addresses, *ot later than the 1st day of June, to J. C. Ha ne B. A., Principal of the High School in tilat place, those in Clinton to James Turnbull B441, Principal of Clinton High School, and those hi ingham to E. Groves; Principal of the Public Sc!tool. D. M. MALLOCH, inspector of Public Scb4ols for East Huron. 911-4 t and best as ortment lof Pi es in the country. If, m Pipe or a rst-class' Brierj or Wood Pipe, go to can get some ling that will jflease the eye and give assortment a Cloth, -Hair, ooth, Nail and Shaving Soaps assort d—Pear's seen ed and unscented Soap, ert Honey oilet Soap, P incess Louise, Carbolfa t Soaps ; Col ate's Cashmel Boquet Soap, Sponges, ombe—A spl ndid variety •f Dressing Combs and the English markets. Pur es and Wallets new and tion to our w 11 -assorted sto k of .P re Drugs, C emicals and ate t Medicines, Which is complete in a 1 its ranches. W have also for sale the pure juice of the gra e, especially fo saclramental pur oses, and un ermented. It is highly recomm nded by first -o ass r4iedical men a a nutriment and beverage drink in many ertses of sickness, &c. Remember the pia ,e, nelxt door to Du can & Duncan's dry goods store, Main treet, eaforth. UNCA Chemist and Druggist. -TT o .111•11111•1 P ING'TOO Ti COIYIPLETE. 7,arge Assortment to C400se Froin. POPLJAI PRICE! R LE LOWEI THAN EVER THIS SEASON. EyerythhLg New, Frgsh and Handsome. .A.. I P S 1N•Tt SPPOEITE-1 TEA. T A. TE Now is TEA. AT THE EAFOR H 4-E STORE. the Time to 4et th Best Value Ever Offelied in Seaforth for your Money. - Hag Jii t Received a Very Large Consignment of TEA) i. He now holds one of the Largest and Best Assm ted Stocks west of Tolionto. In Teas alone he now holds li75 Packages. Pric s from 15c., 20c., 25c.,130c., 35c., 40c.'45c., 50c., 550., and 60c. per ponnd. This Stock Consists of GREEN, LACK, JAPAN, GUN- POWDER, and TEA D 1 ST, and will Guarantee t em to be all FRESH and give Entire Satisfaction, or Money Refunded. Also a iarge Stock of Sugars and all kinds of Gioceries. 1 lour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal Shorts, Bran Buckwheat Flour Oats, Barley,' Scree 1 ings, Chop Feed, Salt, Coal il, Fish, Apples, Potatoes, Turnips', Carrots, and Cobb ge, A large stock of Chin , Crockery and Glassware. Also a E.,a,rge Assortment ol Lamps and Lamp TriMinings. i Oats taken in : )(change for Oatmeal at Mill §ates. A CALL• SOLICITD FI OM ALL 1 GOODS DELIVERED FREE. t A. G. A U1,;T. E FORTH CiROC.ERY Is the best m1acetosphdyourmoney. H H ROB, Main Street, Seaforth, the P Has nciw a better stock th n ever of GROCERIES, C OCKERY and GLASS- WARE, Sugars and Teas a specialty; 20 pounds of 5 gar for $1. Good. Tea for 50 cents. Hams and Baco , cured at my own packin house, always on hand. Honey extracted pure fro my own apiary, at 15 ents per pound, or eight pounds for $1. ople's Grocer, H. Ii-OBB, Seaforth. On ario Muttul Life AsOranoe Company. Ttie P9pular Companr?'f tFe Dominion. ' i4 TDIZPOTZ.A.111MID 1870_ ,A tlye Local Akents anted. WM HENDRY, Manager; W. S. HODIGINS, Gen'rl Agent. WATERLOO, ONT. STRATFORD, ONT. • IRY GOODS. All 14 want of first-class Dair • Goods, will do well -to Icail at And se Pails, A full everyt M. Whi ney's, our America.n Iron-ela .Milk Cans and 'list the thing to stand rough handling. tock of Cans, Pails, Fax s, Strainers,And ing for the dairy. Golden "Star Oi Range With large tops and stands. o table or box requireid to stand it on, and Sust as cheap as smile - In:or GalVan makin stoves. Every stove gu dering Troughing don't zed Iron Trough in s few joints and abetter • A fu I line of Stoves, Tinware Ameri en and Canadian Col hand. ranteed. orget to see our x foot lengths, ob. Cutlery, Lamps, ff, &c., always on Ali ders for Jobbing promp ly attended to C. ii. W ITNEY. N. B.—Three hundred Cedar Posts for sale. rilssels Lime Works. STILL AHEAD. TcbW:iNT SCDINT_ The s bserib turning plank and vicinity fo that hay' gnu kiln and nod better pd ition leublic we h fir This being t dealings in B fled satisfactio ceiving grd t from us. Firs and 15 ce ts d We als bu the rierct Aurora Quick Train Watch The SOL M. R. Best Yet. ONLY BY .- 0 UNTERi SEA ORTH, ONT. This Company n anufaetures . a eomplete- line. of :full plate "attics from ordinary to the finest grades, for II classes of watch wearers. They are all made with -quick trail), and are -es- Peciedly adapted f r railroad and all ordinary and severe service.' A I made dust proof, have the perfect safety pini n, which prevents damage to , parts in ease of ue inspring breakage, and Jaime son's patent attae inent to regulate .pins, which prevents aairspri g from catchingean hrportant improvement con rolled by this :Company. . The stem-winding parts are made stronga.nd durable guaranteed as-saf more convenient and service- able than the ke3 winders. The -extra fine grades are made in stem wind only. Every wateh is - warranted by sp dal eartificate, which the put- tha.ser receives her the Company's Agent. The . number of Jewel • in :each watch •(which is en- graved thereon indicates the quality ; pur- chasms observin this. are sure to receive the quality they call for. The larger number uf Jewels in the better grades els° represtuts the finish„ fine adjue meet, and care in manufacture, • which predeces t»ore .accurate time and longer serviee. .The q &titles are -divided as follows: ORDINARY. Two grades are •made of this quality, engmv d: 'Aurora Watch Co., 7 Jewels." " AM ea, Watch Co., 31:Jewels." MEDII7A1.—Pour grades of this ;quality RTC . matte,—two in Gilt Finish, engraved.: "Aurora Watch :Co., 11 .1. wels, Extra." " Aurora Watch . Co., 15 Jewels," and two in Itiekel, finely tnishe ed ,engraved:: "Aurora Watch Co., 11. Jewels." " Aurora Watch CO; 15jewels:" - F1NE.--2Two raties of this quality,—one in Flint Gilt Finish and eneain Nick•el, engraved: " Aurora Watch Co., 15 -Jewels, adjusted."' EXTRA FIN .—Two grades of this •-quality,-- one in Fine Gilt nd :one in Fine Nickel, envier - ed : "Amara W tch Co. 15 Ruby Jewels, ad- justed, Aurora, Ilinois." - . . - ldl:th emernber C- unter's, Seaforth, is the only place in e -Con ty where these watches •ean be ha n.s take this opportunity of re - to the inhabitants of Brussels past patronage, and beg to state de several improvements in their of burning, they are now in a than ever before to supply the -class lime. e eleventh season of our business ssels, and having given unquali- so far, the public can rely on 're- eatment and a first-class article class Lime at 14 cents at the kilw livered. a No. 1 Lime for plastering at e spot, Brussels Lime Works. TOWN & SON,. 905 ••'. The ea orth Woollen Mills. My ne w m lis are now complete. Farmers andathersin s -ant of a. first-c)ass quality of goods would do well to eall at ray Store in the Mills, where they w 11 have the largest and best assort- ed Stoek of G ods to choose from in any Mill in the Dorinion Custeen w� k in all its branches a specialty. Also Cash and Trade for Wool as usual. A. G. VanEgrnond. 912 M. R. COUNTER, Practical W tchmaker and Jeweller, • • ,"•,j, G ON And Mrs. L out scarcely rea Mrs B—. thoughtful loo Oh, nothing onl RANT E CRAZY., . mused to herself as she passed ehing the Street when she inet hy, Mrs. L—. you are quite what has come over you • you see I've just been ill tO N BROTHERS here, I wanted 4. nice piece of Mack Silk and I heard so mane speaking about their Silks I must go and. see and I tell you if you wan cheap silks go Rant 0 but what 1 was -such a pile of c 9c -for melt, ano and 25e, and Laces, &ce &e. must have be those --why th you think they so, see what a I are all around are coming to -RANT for their dresse after all, -just e and then we'll were sho wn P. Shirtings, See: little common line of Dress delighted and; been Shown t sending us to more money w' get it. n Brothers hinking about was. They have lored Muslims at 10c a yard or her lot 13e, others again at 20 'le after pile of white Muslin; I thought to myself, Well they n crazy when they bought all a' have hundreds of yards. DO vill ever sell them; Oh, I guess t of girls and young ladies there he country and a host of them N BROTHERS . I dont think they are eo -crazy me in with me, I ean going there to home together. And as they rasols, Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, both were satisfied that we had a sense left. But when that new •ods at 15e was shown they were aid, often no better goods had em for 25e. And so instead ef he asylum they purpose spending th us than ever. Dont you for - Ran on Bros. Is the EXETER, )10-ce for Cool Dress. OHRY BOIL THE SubSe Boiler B Goderich Fou and having h in that shop, trade in all it Any work attention. All kinds n Smoke Stack able rates. New Salt P the shortest competition. A PRI goods, whi money righ world. For sure. Al Maine. TAL & BLACK, PRACTICIAL R MAKERS. hers have .boilght the Toole and siness lately carried on by the dry and Manufacturing Company, an experience of over eight years te now prepmed to carry on the branches. ! ntrested to. us will receive prompt rsteela.ss work guaranteed. Boilers made and repaired, malso ;Sheet Iron Work, &c., at reason - ns made and old ones repaired en notice, and at prices that defy CHRYSTAL & BLACK.1, *44 ESend SIX Cents for Postage and receive, free,. a cestly laex of will help all, of mther sex, to more away than anything else in this unes await the Workers absolutely ace address Tars 4z Ca Augusta , .854a52 4 -A F