HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1885-06-12, Page 5a .11.`wy hiI4, their came ',Med team tan om- I: the seri- tion [the over leame but rher ewith rned. ening road,' acct.% r the aiteh- :week 't ter- De - town. d was his Naith good since,. Mt in ermus under i; In in his fe. be - s the hand 1 a town E con - He on to ge of par y n side trough' novel a pro- m 621 and, - bering Aergy- .ts and d, andi, Mei-pa Nin be ! Wood- ast S; and kugust g. and e ancl keigust he re-- anced, take t city The gar-, tta and ended. of cos- af the Last if this ear of Li, near Orkin e even- gra& of the hn of 'arday. jamsay ame to aove rotifers the lot e of ego he of n ehil- hters- d and h. was an ae- church :1 le cir- many y was being The onths , ay rest ! - thy ef en end terrific Priclay, tent of [ report- • • tact -lug tstweek ps were wind :page to id Vir- Sev- 1.-oeglish empany 4jority. aOwered ,600 for canal. e health r Of an r, owing nropean ssengers 're been Il island. KtoosAs. over the condi-- is State. ices will the Hes- -re 4uNE 12, 188& esian fly and chinch bug. •Many wheat 'fields that up to ten daya. ago promised a half crop are now heading out cheat This is the worst failure in wheat that Kansas ever experienced. The crop is estimated at 13,000,000 to 15,000,000 : 'bushels, or 35,000,000 bushels less than last year. Corn now is tl e only hope for Kansas this year. - TARING R,EVENGE.----- Tie English troops are leaving the Soud rt as quickly es possible, and as the Britilsh retire the -followers of the Ma,hdi °coil y the cap - 'lured positions, -and not un aturally kill all the natives who were fri ndlY to the Enghsh. WEARY OF MATRIMONY. Mary Hart of Wilkesherre, suicided th . other dtLy with Paris green. She lef a note for her husband, saying she haclj never loved him, and was, tired of 1ivinf with him, as she loved another. Th pair had a grand -wedding in February Iiast. FARMERS ALARMED. -Th farmers of northwestern Arkansas re ` greatly alarmed by the appearance of immense swarms of grasshoppers and ocuets. The -damage thus far is slight. - GRAND METEOR. --Last Se, urdaynight a Meteor, apparently as larg as a barrel, , passed over Stierman, Tex Its dis- '1.appeareoce was followed lb a tremen- dous explosion and a percep ible shock. It was als observed at M Kenriey, 35 miles dis et. . Climes 1 A10ES His SEAT. The young Earl Cairo s (Lord Garmo le), of .the celebrated Fortesque-Garm yle breach of premise suit, assumed his place in the House of Lords on Pride as son and sueceasor the title of tihe late Earl Cairns. _ THE P .. MSS A PEACE-MAKER.- kolitical ircles attribute the present peace bet veen Russia and England. to the influe 1 ce of the Prince s of Wales, and it is now rumored th t she is en- deavoring o bring about a - meeting be- tween the zar and .Prince of Wales to promote m ere friendly feelings betw.een the two c• untries. . Monate ous MALADY AFFECTING CAT- TLE. -A ange and fatalenalady has attackedc ttle in some sections of Ala- bama. T • e afflicted animals appear' to be mad an blind„running against trees and fence or - anything in their way. None of th cattle attacked recovered'. . SUBTE ANEAN CONVULSIONS. -Earth- quake' sho les at Serinagur and other vale of Cashmere, in India, t intervals, avereg,ing three ength. Whole villages have ed. and terrible s bterranean eard. The peop e are fran- r. The horrors+f approach - are added to th ther results . of the diea, ter, as many thouaand bushels - of (=rain h ve been swallowed up in the e chasms wtich are constantly opening. Alerge au pply of rice and a considerable ' amount of oney. have been • distributecl throughou the vale to rel eve the dis- tress of th, people. It is estimated that 200 person. have been killed'. ports in th continue hours in. been engul ! noises are tic with fe ing famine t Mother's Joy. • _ , An Otte, a despatch says: Mrs. Ful- ford, moth r of Mrs. Delaney, who was to recentl in the hands of 'Big Bear's tribe, resi es 'in a neatlittle cottage about -five miles from this eity, on 'the • Aylmer R ad. When inforied of the good news or her she seemed to doubt that such thing was posaible, and it was some me after she was told that her daugh er was safe that she could realize it. "1 had given up all hope of ever seeixo, my poor daughter again, and the thoug, t of her having been sub- jected to he terrible treatment ' and torture ef the Indians, as has been re- ported, ma le it so mach haieler for me to theme Oh it is too good to be true. Is !there any ossibility of this report, -like any of tl e others we have received, being wit out any foundation?" When ssured t • at the despatch given to ex, which was a copy of the one read by the M niater of Militia in P.arlia- ent, wa direct from Colonel etraue ") enzie, wh • had seen Mrs.: Delane , she ppeared t e banish all here,doubts as to he safety ,,f her daughter. • Whateyer loubts mi' ht stilt have lingered in the Poor old la y's mind were -removed by the arriva of a telegram direct from Mrs. Dela ey, announcing her escape, • whieh can e in before her visitor left. The tele& m read as follows :,--- &SAT- ENZIE STATION, N. W. T., June 7. To 3t -s. Mars al Fulford, Aylmer Road : „ Arrived sal gy here to -day ; am in good health; leave for hoi e as soon as possible. . MRs. Jolla DEI;ANEY. r It wouh have softened the hardest heart to s e the transformation from. sorrow to joy that was effected in that household vithin a few moments. A simile message has 'been received from Mrs. Gowanlock by. her friends at Parkdale, n ear Toronto. . s' • -,Electi ns imder the Canada - Tem- perance or 'cott Act, will be held in the counties of Haldiniand and Ontario on July 16th. -A cab" is to the e not come I gram received from England cot that the license cases will efore the Privy Columil be- fore Novell ber. -A Mo • treal notary public narn,ed F. Reynard 53 sentenced. in the Supreme Court SD, , rclay to pay the damage caused to widow by the nullification of a will thro gb an illegal clause inserted in. it by Re 'nerd_ -There s a reward of $5,000 offered for I the arrest 1 Scott, the defaulting teller of the Man attan Bank, suOosecl to be Ca,nada. -It is u derstood that the horders of Dominion menses in Ottawa have given up the ide of fighting the Pkovince, and will stop s Ring liquor. Their counsel have advis d them in this ditection. -Fiftee cases of small -pea were re- ported at the Montreal Health office within two clays last week, aid the med- ical author ties declare the d'sease to be epidemici the city. -A larg and enthusiesti Scott Act meeting w s held at Lambah, Middle- sex count3, last Friday ight. The speaker of Ithe evening, Mr. Wm. Bur- gess, of To onto, gave a ver instructive and intere ting lecture. -Oaptaii Clark' of th 90th Bat- talion, owi to therapid i provement of his wou d, has withd.ra n his tele the adju- and. will gram decliahig the offer a Utley of th Wimbledon te proceed wi h it to England. -A war on freight rates is going on between th Grand Trunk !a•n(1 Canada Pacific. Os the opening of navigation, the 0.1. " commenced ma. ing rates to Winnipeg, via steamer, to dover marine risks. Th s was objected to by the Grand Tie k, who Cut t e rates to In retaliation this the C. P. R. no ed the Grand Trunk that - unless the t to Winnipeg eased they Would cut n all local ,rate in Ontario. Winnipeg. 1 • THE OTIRPN:EXPO4rrqt716 This was done . and the Grand 'Trunk is meeting the ent. 'Rates will be further lowered imless some agreement is arrived at. - -A violent attack was made on the Salva.tionl Ariny on St James street; Montreal; last Sunday night at the door of their barracks, when both males and females came in for very rough treat- ment from,it is alleged, a mob of young men who wore green badges, and who are said to have . been in the fete dieu procession. -The remonstrances sent by the settlers in the Vieinitjr of Edmonton to the Department of the Interior, against what they, claim has been unjust dis- crimination in the amounts charged for pre emptions, have induced- the Govern- naeut to 'rescind the former arrangement,: and place ell settlers on the same foot- ing by charging the unifoien price of $1 pr acre, • • -Mary Jane Ross, of Comber; has -coil-tree d proceedings against the Cana ,a ''-'Southern Railroad.: to recover $10,1,11 damages for th loss of her hus- band, who was killed 1 y the cars. The complainant alleges that on November 25th; 1884, Ross was in the act of step- ping over the crosSing at Comber, when the fast express cane along, and he was run over, no warning having been given him of the a.pproach of the train. -Two Kingston scheol trustees ended an argument after the meeting, of the board on Thursday night by a :bout of fisticuffs hi the lobby of the building. -The-Queen has conferred the honor of knighthood on the Hon. A. G. Archi- bald, ex-Lieutenint-Governor :of Nova Scotia. -e-The.Scott Aot campaign work goes on bravely, all I vere‘Middlesex, and many enthus-iastkj nieetings are being held. Laberg, sheriff of Beauharnois, was -robbed of a 'gold watch valued at $300 the other night while sleeping in a room in a hotel in Montreal, the door of which he did not take the precaution to lock. The thieves' in their haste missed .$250 in cash- in the l doctor's- garments. --A horrible affair occurred.inLondon last Friday 'evening. -A drunken, brutal man named Ben. r Simmons quarrelled with his alleged wife, because she re- fused to give him! a . sum of money he demanded from her. - In a rage he drew a knife and stabbed her repeatedly until the blade sank deeply in the bone and was broken in the struggle to withdraw it. The unfortunate woman was re- moved to the hospital, where she died on Sunday afternoon. Simmons was -arrested atnd committed to -jail - -Miss Margaret N. Brown, eldest daughter of the late Hon.George Brown, • won the gold • medal in modern lan- guages at the recent University examin- • ations in Toronto. Another clever • young lady, Miss Balmer, won the Lans- downe gold medal. She also took. the .highest stand for the Blake scholarship, but owing to a technical objection which could not be oyerCome, it was not al- lowed. -The steamer Cheyenne'()wiled by r D. McArthuof Commercial Berate Win- nipeg, valued at $10,000, was wrecked in the Reld. River, 25 miles south of Win; nipeg, on the 4th inst. She hadla, cargo of goods consigned to Winnipeg mer-- chantsenearly all of which was saved. -Mount Allison Methodist College, at Sackville, New , Brunswick, has con- ferred the degree of M. A. on *Miss Hattie Stewart. This is the first time an educational institution in Canada has conferred, such an honor upon a lady. _ -A terrific had storm passed -over, Parkhill and vicinity, about four p..m. on Sunday last. ' Hail stones from one to four inches in diameter were not un- common. Great damage was done in town by . hail breaking windows, eth. Very few houses eacaped &page. • Re- -ports from the surrmindine country say great damage was done to fruit trees. 1 In many places tree e were . uprooted, blown down and, broken, very Ladly. Farmers say the hies in fruit trees will be great Fences were • completely de- molished. Again n the evening about eight o'clock, a -ery severe thunder storm passed over, causing much dam- age. The lightning was very sharp. -Rev. Jas.•Dick,- Presbyterian min- ister of Itichniondl Hill, died on Mon- day, lst inst. M4 Dick has been .a resi- dent in that neighborhood for the last 40 years, and being advanced in .years was superannuated eight years ago. He was widely known and highly respected. -About 12 o'clOck last Friday night the wife of J. Wonch and his four chil- dren were burned to death in bed in their house near Barrie. Mr. Wonch escaped : by jumping out of, the window after a great, but vain effijet to rescue his wife: and children, his shirt being burnt off him in the attemPt. Wonch ie crazy with grief, and eays that when they awoke the whole room seemed to be; on fire. He tried to pull his wife off the bed, but could not /do so, the fire leaping outiof the matrese all round her. He thinks the fire originated in the beck shed, and says there was no sign- of it when he retired at 10:30p. no 1 -During! the slimmer cheap tickets . well be issued froreStratforcl to Wiarton,' PortDover Port Stanley, Goderich and ,Sarnia, to*a'llow the people a holiday the lake without much expenditure. -A second lot Of children from Miss •Macpherson's Home in London arrived at Stratford last week. There was about an equal number of boys and girls, 64 in all. All the girls and most of the boys were - provided with homes within four days after their arrival. One little fellow had his led broken on board the steamship but is doing well: • -Dr. Eby, of Sebringville, who has • been in failing health for some gine, has sold out his practice to Dr. Paul, of Toronto, and mte ds removing to the State of Kansas. --The families f Mesprs. David and Wm. Hill, who haive long been residents of Sebringville, have removed from the village, the former has gone to Toronto, and the latter to Cleveland. . Live Stobk Markets. MONTREAL, Jane 0. -Prices for cattle were decidedly higher all round, or about one-quarter. of a cent per lb. more ithan on last market and more than half a center lb. live weight higher than was paid a few weeks ago. A milkman who keeps a large stock of cows remarked to -day that they are gettingmore for their culls now than they got for their good cows four weeks ago. A few of the best cattle Were sold at He per lb., but some of the best butchers could not.get suitable beeves, and would pay He for such if they could be had. A number of large bulls were bought by shippers at from 4ac to 4/e per lb., and they are paying from 5e to 6c per lb. for oxen and steers. Rough steers! and fat cows sold at from 4/e to 51e, and leanish beasts at from He to 4ac per lb. Calves were not plentiful, and good veals still bring pretty high rates. J. Richard bought ten calves at from $6 to $11 each; 18 sheep at from fl to $6 each, and 29 spring lambs at fro $3 to $4.75 each. numei and lambs very pl fully spring lambs offered sheep are unchanged, but considerably lower, am e of for $2 each. Hoge are h fai unchanged, Or from • 5j to have been several American the cityi oLlate, but very fe brought to the .city for pale high for the American tre. Sheep were fairly ntiful, there being to -day. Prices of ommon Iambs are he 'arrest selling supply and prities ao per lb. • There rse-buyeraaround horses are being nd prices are too THE MAR ETS.. - SNAP:man, June 11th, Fall Wheat per bushel.. Spring Wheat per bushel.- Oats per bushel..., Peas per bushel '. .... . • Barley per bushel Butter, No. 1, loose.... Butter, tub.. ; ... . . Errs • ; F our, per 100 Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs.. .1. Hay per ton .... .... . . Hides per 100 las Sheepskins each Wool. Salt (retail) per barrel..... Salt (wholesale) per barrel.. Potatoes per bushel......... Wood per cord 1885. ... $0 82 o $0 84 ... 0821�0.84 0 32 to, 0.33 - 0 55 to 060 O 40 to 0 60 0 10 to 011 . 0 11 to 012 . 0.11 to 011 ' 2 35 to 250 5 75 8 Od to 10 00 5 00 to 550 . 0 50 to 085 O 17 to 020. 80 to 1 00 a • ... 0 20 te 025 2 50 ta 350 Fall Wbeat per bushel... Spring Wheat per bushel. Oats per bushel Bariey per bushel. .. . .. aoti June llth, .... $0 82 ti•!) $0 84 .. 0 fla tO 084 • . 0 32 to 0 33 . 0:40 to 0 60 Peasper bushel:. .... . . 0 65 tb 0 56 Butter ......... ..... . ....... 0 12 to 0 14 Hay per ten 0 11 to 011 Eggs Potatoes per bushel.... . Apples per barrel Wool., .. . ... PHoidrke.s. .. .. ..... Cordwood., ... : ....... . ToicoNao, Juhe 11. -Fails spring,a30.86 to 80.88; oats; to 85o; barley, 500 to 600; 82000. ;- buttar, 130 to 16e $0.30 to: $0.30 ; eggs, per do hogs, per 100 lbs., $6.00 to • 8 00 to 10 00 . 0 20 t,o 025 2 Q0 to 200 0 17 to 0-20 .. 6 00 to 70 .. 6 75 to 575 .. 250 to -350 eat, $0.85 to 80.86; 80 to 40c; peas64c yaper ten,$10.00 to potatoes, per bag, 130 to 14c; dressed 60. - - LIVEIIIPOOL, June 10. -Sp red winter, is 02d; Califo -Califorrikallo. 2, as 08d; o 6d; peas, 68 07d ; pork, 578 • 1 I Cheese -Ma 1 Weetaapck, June 10. --Tv. ty factories offer- ed 4,380 boxes -of cheese, 1 t alf of May 'make. The market was livPly.. So, e, 700 boxes at He, 300 at He, and 566 at6o; a 2,078 at 7c. The next market day is 20th -of. ne. _ 1 • I- Birth e• wheat 07s 00d; ia No. 1, 07s 00d; 5s 05d; barley, as ; cheese, 37s 00d. ' WRIGHT.-In Seaforth; on the 27th ult., the wife of Mr. Jas R. Wrig t of a son. MACARTHUR.-At Henson on the lst inst., ! the iwife of Mr. John Ma. arthur of Itwins- - son land daughter.HOLMES.,-In Grey, on the rd ult., the wife of ataljas. Holmes of a so McGREGOR.-In Kinloss, e the 28th ult„ the wife of Ma, D. McGrego of a son. YATES-In Seaforth, on th ,16th .ult., the wife of 311r.. Albert Yates of a on. .1 . Marriag s.- ' LOGANI-BRENT.-At the esidence of the bride's brother, Toronto, n the 9th inst., by Rev': Dr. Sutherland,Rob . Logan, Esq., Of Carberry,' Manitoba, to liss Lottie Brent, . second daughter of the late Jame Brent MAIII-RILEY.a-At the resi nce of thei bride's M. D. , - father, on the 3rd inst., b Rev. D. 141. Ram- say, 13. A., Mr. sir. L. M r, of Hulett, to , Mary Ann, daughter of r. W. J. iiIey, cif Londesboro. FLETCHER-FRANCIS.--AtLt)he Method*st pa sonage, Elimville, on the and inst., y Res . W..H. Gana, Mr John E. Fletcher to I nun. third daughter of Henry Francis, pg., all of Usborne. • MACDONALD --MURRAY:-In Exeter, on th, 2nd, inst., by Rev. Mr. Martin, Mr. Oh rlea Maddonald to Agnes, youngest dau ht rcif a Mr. ISainuel Murray, all of Hay. . FORSYTH-HOSSAOK.-At the residence o the bride's sisterallo. 11, Sultan streat, Tor nt , on the 4th inst., by Rer. John Neal 13. A., Mr. James Forsyth, of Eguiondvtlle, to Mis Jane Hossaek, of Cobour , Ontario. 1 Death. -McKAY.-in MaKillop, on the 8th inst., anna Gilpin, wife of Mr. John aleKaa, ed 24 years. •* , HUGILL.--In McKillop, on the 11th ns'i.; Wm, - . Hugill, -aged 55. years. 1 • 3ILTRIatlY.-At Guelph, on the 6th • inst., .corge • ofily son of James altirphy, Esq., ef Seal forth, aged 30 years. , CRICH.-Io Sertfoitha on the 6th hist , Win Crith, aged74 years and 2 months. GORDON.-ain Clinton, on the 5th inst., Annie; daughter. of Mr. Gee. Gordon, aged 1 years and 6 months. . CHALK. -In Stanley, on the.5th inst., al rgaret Heath Chalk, relict of the late Dr. C alk, of - Harpurhey, aged 91 years. SOMERVILLE.-In West Wawanosh, on t4ie 29th Janet Somerville, wife ef Mr. llhos. • Somerville, aged 39 years and 7- roont s. . Local Notices. • EYE EAR THROAT AND Istos.-Dr.: 1,- will e 17th louse, June; ons of 1 Pinudfoot, Occulist and•Aurist of Montre be at the Commercial House,Seaforth,on t 18th and 19th of June. The Commercial Clinton, on the 20th 21st and 22nd of when he can be consulted fop any affect the above organs. 613-2 NE Chea ARRIVALS Casik Store Hoffman Bros., SEAFORTH, Beautiful Ginghams, Lovely Prints,' New Desi'S Muslim, Fa,nCy Para-. • e1 sols, Fashi nable Glo es, Splendid line of hose, th best and ' eheapest C rsets in the' tra e, Sun and Sailor H ts at: cost audi ,der, some lines of Mil ery Goods, w ick we are offering away down. - Every lad* requiring any of the bove enumerate goods, - should not f il to call and examine same and prices jLt the Cheap Cash -Store HOFFMAN BR SEAFORTH. So PRIipE LIST FOR JUNE. rge Goo THORNE'S OLD STAND,. S AFORTH Great 13 rgains in all kinds Hats„ Caps GrOceries, Crocke of Boots, Shoes, and Glassware during thi month. ' Five dm sand paha of Fine ' Boots, • Shoes and Slippers, n w selling at 800 on the ,t1ollar, and Mader: Pa Of the 'establishment ofjohn Garret Cgoi.i.s,t11.:ain iton and Toronte: gead the follow • - LadieVfl e olishoaif buttoned boots,$1.90 per pair, worth 2 50. .1 • Ladies' lin -id slippers for'86o; worth 81.2.5-1 Ladiesqii h cut buttoned Relmorals for $1:00, worth $1.4 , Ladles' hi h cut strong Idather boots for 8711-- • l• adies' all wool cairpet slippers for 56e. •' Ladies' a 1 basrell Frenelt.kld buttanect boots for $3 00, usual price 84.00. * , • Ladies' ne stylish buttoned boots for WOO wOrth .41.25 • Childrens' heavy school boots for' 50o 60e ilk • and $1.00. • Boys' hen -3,, school boots, riveted bottoins ire $1.25 worth $L50. Boys' hear y school boots, pegged bottom $1.15 worth $1.30 • Mens' lon hoots at wholesale prices. A. splendi laced •Balin collection of men's fine hand' sewed rals and low shoes at 89c on • the HAT AND CAPS Another et just received in stiff and Soft felts, new style-. Straw hats in • great variety. Mens' and oys' hats new and cheap. Every hat; is new, riol by and cheap. \ Helmet hats in great variety. • CROCE JES, CROCKERY AND' GLASSWARE. • A t t prices to suit the times. A. full stock of iresb urnip seed. . Agents for t e Kerby Climax cattle feed. Butter and ggs taken in exchange ifor goods. RGE G 0:0 D, EAFORTH. IMPORTANT NOTICES. F?'11aA E. -A second-hand Separator and 1- ors -Power complete, and in good -run- ningord a The Separator will 'be sold with or without the horse -power. Apply to JAMES 1 MI:vRilCil Ilk ep on. lot 3, concessioh 7, Stanley, a YOU.11 STOOK. -The uncle 9rs114gtrfied HUNTE , Winthrop. , half mil ' n orth of Hills Green that well-known thorougl b ed Yorkshire boar lately. owned by Mr. ,Stanb ra- for iservices during the present , season and next spring, he is one of the,best pigs in th county, Terms -81 per sow, with he privile,o of returning if necessary. JOSEPH HUDSON.' • • 914x4- Ti°11; AND LOT IN GREY FOR SALE.- ' F r Sale, a frame house. and one acre of . land on lot No. 2, concession 17, Grey. The house is nearly new; andhas a good stone cellar and well, also a stable on the lot. This place is within a mile of the village of Walton, where there are stores, schools, churches, 'ac. It is a desirable place for a retired farmer and will be sold cheap. Apply to MR. DAVID CAMPBELL on the next Lot, or address the proprietress, Walton P. 0: MRS. JOHN McFADZEAN. • 914x4 COTTON SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY 1N THE TOWNSHIP OF 310- KILLOP IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. -Pur- suant to an order made in a certain 'suit or matter of Grieve vs. Somerville, bearing date the 29th day of May, A. D. 1885, made by Isaac Francis Louis Esquire, Judge of the county court of the county of Huron, there will be offered for sale with the approbation of the real repre- sentative of the county of Huron, on Saturday She 27th day of June, A. 0, 1885, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon', at the Commercial, Hotel in the town of Seaforth in the county of Huron, by J. P. Brine, auctioneer, the following valuable land, namely : Lot number thirty-one in the fourth concession of the township of McKillop in tne county of -Huron and province of Ontario, containing by .adrnectsureme it one. handred acres of land More or less. Th above property is well situated within about five miles of the town of Seaford). There is a fr me hous on the premises and also a first class barn. le farm is well fenced and it a good st te of ei tivation. The soil__ is of the best quality. Terns; -Ten per cent. down at the dm of sale and the •balance ia one month therealt r without, interest, In all other respec4 the con dons of sale will be •the standing conditions I of the chancery division of the High Court of ,austice and will be made known at the time of sale. For further particulars, apply to F. HOLMESTED Barrister, Seaforth; or to CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, • Vendor's Sobel ors. Dated 65h May, A. D. 1886. Isaac P. oms, real repre- sentative. • 914 DRAINING ILE. ID OBERT COLLIE, of the H bbert atearn brick IL and tile yaid, lot 18, e ncession 3, while thanking his old customers fo their liberal pat- ronage in the pasaalesires to s I, licit a continuance of their favors, and also to inf irm them and all others who may be in need of is products that. he has now on hand a good •sapply of DRAINING Tux made from the very best. material and of the choicest quality and make which he will sell at moderate prices. The f llosaing sizes are always on band: 2 inch, 21„ 3, 4, 5 and 6 inch. A fresh supply every week during the summei months Was established in Fullarton in 1873 and rebuilt in Hibbe in 1884. Orders by mail addressed to Dublin . 0., will receive prompt attention. ROBERT COLLIE, Pro- prietor. .- 914x12 LIME! LIMEI LIME! THOMAS CORNISH Has opened his Lime Houses in Hensall and Centrali▪ a! And is now prepared to furnish LIME of the very best qualityto all requiring it, on the most reasonable terms. During the season he will be at Bengali every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, and at Centralia every Y and THURSDAY, to attend to cus- MtoOmNDersA. THOMA -471 CORNISH. • , 905 OiMPBELL & BRIGHT'S FASHIdNABLE CLOTHING HOUSE' lot will find the newest designs in GENTS' SI/WINGS fresh from the market. If y u wish to secure one of the above haindSome fitting Suits, call at °nee and leav your ra' easure. If you want the toniest HAT, call an get one of ours. We get our Hats dire t from the manufacturer, and we can ell them cheap. 1 • If you Want fine SHIRTS, UNDER\ AR, or TIES, COLLARS, GLOVES, or a ything that is requieed for Gents' Fur hings, this is the place. We keep a stock of the BEST COTT ADES' and READY-MADE OVER - AL S in town. A large stock of -Remnan sat half-price. . Let mothers not forget to s cure them for their little boys at half ice . CAMPBELL & BRI HT, SEAFORTE A CO PLET SUCCESS. Te "Sweet Home Oil St nd "New Crown es. No honsekeeper should be without an il Stove doringethe summer months; as all the cooking and ironing can be done e jually as well as on any cook stove; with half the labor a eostof wood. have five different izes, suitable for any sized' fa ily. An guarantee every 'stove to work perfect,. • One great advantage of our *" SWEET HO is- ey can be used SUCCESSFULLY ligh ed.: Be sure to examine them; see oth r. MRS. JOH RDWARE, S OV MAIN STREET, nd do all that is claimed for them. IE" and "NEW CROWN" Stoves *th less - than the number of wicks hein explained before selecting any KIDD, S AND TINWARE, SEAFORTH. THIS SPACE LONGS: TO arleswortla Brownell, 04th. To Busy to Write Advertisement. L OK 06 FOR BIG ANNOUNCEMENT NEXT WEEK: •H.ONN, KE MONEY. ,111(rupt Stock of Boois and Shoes. GREAT CLEARING SALE T7 130 & SITOMS J?hn Mcint Having bought the a :00 the greatest bargains and be convinced. ; IMR• JOHN 1VIcINT as VT CUSTOM re's 01I 014 Stand, Seaforth. ove Goods at a great sacrifice, I am now prepared to in this line ever • tlered Seaforth. Come every:body RE will be in at ndance to.wait on his old custoraers ORK MADE AS USUAL.. Satisfaction guaranteed. JOHN WAY. We Show T is Wee Special Lines in , NEW DRES GOODS, NEW BLACK GOODS, NEW PRINT.NEW MOSLINS, NEW COT -TONS, NEW GLOVES,' j__ NEW BUTTO S, NEW. JERSEYS, NEW EMBR IDERIES, NEW INSERTIONS, NEW CORS • • TS, NEW HOOP SKIRTS, 1..A9IES' AND MISSES' SUI4 HATS, _A SPLEN- DID ASSORTMENT OF NEW G9ODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT VERY, VERY CHEAP AT L. SMITH'S, MAIN -St, SEAFORTH — CALL AND SEE] JUS WHIT ARRIVED,' • PURE • HELEBORE • 1 IDULTERATED PAR S GREEN. GEN TINE DALMATIAN INSE J. S. T P OWN: II, ROBERTS' APO HECARIES' HALL, CARDNO'S BLOOK,, EAFORTH. VARNA. • BOO 8 AND SHOE. The aubscri •ous customer to him since c trust that hex of the same. er begs leave to thank his limner - for the liberaipa,tronage-extended. missend -lig business in Varaz, and • lay be favored with a -continuaace FarniOrs and Other Will save Mency by coming and examining my stock and leaving their -orders as I natend - keeping the best stoak of all kinds and all work guaranteed to.be, first-class, as I intend to build up a good routal business. All who are troubled with corns or unions come right along and get a good fitting pair of boots at a reasonable price. Fine hand sewed hoots a specialty; and a per - feet gaaranteed. Repairing neatly done and promptly a ended to. • Cowie one! Come all! ,SAMUEL WHIDDON. 907x3 mos. Seaforth Monthly Fair $16400 IN PRIZES. A Fair for sale of Fat and Store Stoe'k, will ba heId in -Seaforth, on Thursday, the 18th of June, 1885. Prizes to the amount of $16.00 will be offered as follows: Best Fat Ox or Steer •$1 00 Best Fat Cow or Heifer 4 00 Best pair a year old Store Steers4 00 Best uair year old Store Steers4 00 Seaford} beipg: the eentreof a first-class stock raising district, it is expected a a-aluable lot of Stock will be offered. Farmers and others hay- ing stock -for s le will serve their own interests by, offering t em at this Fair,.A. number of buyere are ex ected to be present from a tance.. • N. B. -All s ck to be on the ground not later than 2 o'clock . AU entries must be 'Made with the Com rittee at John Ward's shop, not later than 1 o' lock. Entrance fe for those eompetbig for prizes, 50 cents meta Committee Alexander Davidson, Joh Ward, D. D. Wilson. Seaforth, Juhe 10th, 1885. .A.1\TC • U. « MAIL STEA31SHIPS Sail from P er 20, North River, New York, Every Saturday, for GLASG W VIA LONDONDERRY. R TES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW,DERRY, BELFAST OR LIVER- - POOL; CA Dr, 860 to 880. -SEMID CABIN, 840. STEERAGE, OUT - WAR $28. PREPAID, $2L . i , - Anchor Line Drafts issued at lowest rates are paid free of c arge in England, Scotland and Ireland. For passage, Cabin Plana Book of Toirs, apply to Hs. DaRSOX BROMERS, 7 );,OWLING, GREEN, NEW or to S. DICKSON, Post Office, Seafort 832 St. Jul an Restaurant... • JA Es BURGESS,: PR> 1-1.Ra= 108 FRUITS,CREa , • REFRIftSHMENTS, T BACCOS, P E'ISC4AA% PIPE MOUNTING& PERSONS WI RING ICE CREAM FOR EVE- NING PARTI S, 13Y LEAVING THEIR ORDER AT THE ST JULIAN, CAN HAVE IT DE- LIVERED AT ANY HOUR. • I JAS. BURGESS/ SEAFORTH. 10E1 IQE1 For Everybody.1 The Subscrl begs to inform the people of Seaforth and viainity that he has stored large quantity of ice iand is now prepared to deliver it daily in any quantity desired. For terms and particulars apply to MR6. JOHN KIDD,1 • "•••—•01t— C WHIT -OR- R. COM DEALER IN EY, ON, ND WOOD. 913-4 AUCTION SALE -OFA-.4 SPLENDID FARM IN MeKILLOP. THE undersigned will offer for Sale by Public •j Auction at the Commercial Hotel, Sea - forth, on Saturday, August 22nd, 1886, at 2 o'clock yi in., Ilaorth half of Lot 30, pa cession 8, McKillop, containing 50 acres equar , nearly all cleared and free from stumps, well -drained and well fenced. There is a good log honse and frame barn and stable. Also a nevea failing spring well. It is within half E mile ofi school and within three quarters of a mile from the vil- lage of Winthtop Whith contains Mills Stores, Cheese Factory, Blacksmith Shops, Post Office &c., and only five miles from the town of see forth. This is one of the ehoicest iota in the ' township. Poa'session given on the 15th October. 1 Terms. -Ten per cent of the urchase money on the day of sale: sufficien of the balance to make up $800 withi thirty days, and the remainder on bane to suit pur- chaser with i terest at 6 per cent payable annually. Fo further particulars apply to MRS,. W. CLUTT0a , Kipperr • ,,si 912 1DULL FOyERVICE.-The undersigned will 11P1 keep du rig the present season on Lot 13, Concession 9, Tuthersmith, a DurhamGrade • Bull. Terins--$1, with fite privilege o return. ing if necessary. SIMON 911%4 •M•••